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Post on 01-Jun-2015



Health & Medicine

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Page 1: Toxicity



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TOXICITY The property of being poisonous or causing an adverse effect on a living organism.

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POISONAny substance that can result in a detrimental effect when the concentration is increase

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Mixture of a substance and or a chemical at a site, and its releases was controlled or unregulated.

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AREAS OF TOXICOLOGY organ system chemicals(substance) discipline

*toxicology is an area that borrows from other basic fields of science such as chemistry, physics, biology and mathematics

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TOXIC SUBSTANCE Any chemical that may present

an unreasonable risk of injury to ones health or the environment

TOXIC WASTE A waste that can produce injury

upon contact with or by accumulation in or on the body of a living organism.

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TOXICANT A substance that is toxic to


LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Method used to determine the

amount of a hazardous substance which will leach from a solid when the solid is subjected to water.

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TOXIN A poisonous material that can

cause damage to biological tissue following physical contact or absorption.

DOSAGE A specific quantity of a

substance applied to a unit quantity of liquid to obtain a desired effect.


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DOSE-RESPONSE RELATIONSHIP presents the relationship between the

magnitude of exposure and adverse effects.In toxicity there exists an increased response to a chemical with the chemical’s increasing concentration. In general, it can be said that every chemical has a dose response effect.

RESPONSE is any repeatable indicator or measurement

that is used to evaluate the response of an organism to the chemical.

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LETHAL DOSE50 (LD50) this is a value where 50% of the

organisms die at the given concentration, assuming that the mean and median values are equal, as in a normal curve, although used in more studies to refer to the median concentration). Obviously the LD 50 is not useful in setting occupational-exposure limits, but provides a relative comparison for different chemicals

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over a 24-hour period that results in a measurable effect.

SUBACUTE TOXICITY is exposure that occurs over about a 1-

month time period and in this case s generally lower in concentration, and the effect requires a longer period of time to occur in comparison to a true acute exposure

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CHRONIC TOXICOLOGY is defined as an effect resulting

from an exposure that occurs over a long period of time, like years. Certainly the time period of measurement also depends on the length of an organism’s life history as well.

SUBCHRONIC As compared to chronic, is of

shorter duration with a higher concentration and can be considered to occur within a time period of 1 to 3 months for people.

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CANCER disease characterized by

uncotrolled growth of cells. An abnormal groeth process which cells begin a phase of uncontrolled growth and spread

CARCINOGEN a cancer producing substance.

Carcinogenesis or tumor genesis is literally the creation of cancer.

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An oncogene is a gene that has the potential to cause cancer.

Most normal cells undergo a programmed form of death (apoptosis). Activated oncogenes can cause those cells that ought to die to survive and proliferate instead. Most oncogenes require an additional step, such as mutations in another gene, or environmental factors, such as viral infection, to cause cancer.

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Metastasis, or metastatic disease, is the spread of a cancer from one organ or part to another non-adjacent organ or part.

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is an abnormal mass of tissue as a result of neoplasia. Neoplasia is the abnormal growth or division of cells.

A neoplasm can be benign, potentially malignant (pre-cancer), or malignant (cancer)

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is a hazard associated with some chemical substances, that they will interfere in some way with normal reproduction. It includes adverse effects on sexual function and fertility in adult males and females, as well as developmental toxicity in the offspring.

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describes the property of chemical agents that damages the genetic information within a cell causing mutations, which may lead to cancer.

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MUTAGENESIS Is a process by which the genetic

information of an organism is changed in a stable manner, resulting in a mutation.

INITIATOR A chemical that starts the change in a

cell that ireversively converts the cell into a cancerous state.

PROMOTER A chemical that increase the incidence

to a previous carcinogen exposure

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CARCINOMA is the medical term for the most

common type of cancer occurring in humans.

LEUKEMIA is a type of cancer of the blood

or bone marrow characterized by an abnormal increase of immature white blood cells called "blasts"

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LYMPHOMAS is a type of blood cancer

that occurs when B or T lymphocytes, the white blood cells that form a part of the immune system and help protect the body from infection and disease, divide faster than normal cells or live longer than they are supposed to. Lymphoma may develop in the lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, blood or other organs and eventually they form a tumor. Typically, lymphoma presents as a solid tumor of lymphoid cells

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Cancer of mesodermal tissue such as fat and muscles.