town centre montessori private schools r · amarillo and milliken campuses information bulletin...

Download TOWN CENTRE MONTESSORI PRIVATE SCHOOLS R · AMARILLO AND MILLIKEN CAMPUSES INFORMATION BULLETIN NOVEMBER 2013 Open House - November 16, 2013 Our first Open House for the current school

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  • Terry Fox School Run

    Our 8th annual Terry Fox School Run was a tremendous suc-

    cess. Students and staff from the Pre-School, Elementary and

    High School divisions ran, jogged or walked to support the

    Marathon of Hope. With the combined efforts of all divisions,

    Remembrance Day

    Remembrance Day is a time to reflect on the sacrifices made by mem-

    bers of the Canadian armed forces and civilians at large during times

    of war. It is traditionally commemorated on November 11th to mark

    the end of World War I in 1918. All students will receive a red poppy

    and a donation envelope. These poppies are worn to honour our men and women in uniform and those

    who died in service protecting our country. Your donation to the Markham District Veterans Association

    is completely voluntary. We thank you in advance for your support!




    Open House - November 16, 2013

    Our first Open House for the current school year is on Saturday, November 16th from 11:00 a.m. to

    3:00 p.m. and all visitors are welcome to attend. This is a great opportunity to bring friends and

    family and see firsthand all the students’ work from the Pre-School, Elementary and High School


    We would like to extend a special invitation to our parents of senior preparatory and grade 1 stu-

    dents to attend this Open House. Parents will have an opportunity to meet with the teachers and

    view the students’ work. Our friendly and courteous staff will be on hand to answer any questions

    you may have. We look forward to seeing you at the Open House!

    Dates to Remember

    November 11

    Remembrance Day Observances

    November 16

    Open House

    November 26

    Milliken Campus Parent Teacher Interview Day

    November 27

    Amarillo Campus Parent Teacher Interview Day

    Montessori Pre-School, Private Elementary School, & Private High School, Three Distinct Programs - One Unique School

    Town Centre Montessori Private Schools donated $14,687.88 to the Terry Fox Founda-

    tion which brings our grand total to $133,609.19 to date.

    On behalf of the Terry Fox Foundation, we would like to extend a very special thank you

    to students and parents for your generous support.

    Facts on Remembrance Day — The first Remembrance Day was conducted in 1919 throughout the Com-

    monwealth. Originally called Armistice Day, it commemorated the end of the First World War on Monday,

    November 11, 1918, at 11 a.m.: the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.

  • Page 2

    Intramural Sports Day for Grades 1 to 5

    On Thursday, November 21st our grade 1 students will participate in an Intramural

    Sports Day. This fun filled sports day will allow students to earn points for their

    House League teams: the Red Rockets, the Blue Bombers, the Green Hornets and the

    Yellow Stingers. These types of activities contribute to school spirit, create healthy

    competition and the students have lots of fun. On November 21st, students are asked

    to dress in their House League team colour. All students must have a pair of running

    shoes in order to participate in this fun filled day. Go TEAMS Go!

    Parent Teacher Interview Days

    Milliken Campus: Tuesday, November 26, 2013

    Amarillo Campus: Wednesday, November 27, 2013

    The first term of the school year is nearing completion culminating in the report cards

    and parent teacher interviews. Report cards for students at the Milliken Campus

    report cards will be sent home on Monday, November 25th. Interview sign up

    sheets will be posted on the door of your child’s class at both campuses on Monday,

    November 11th. Please sign up for interviews with your child’s classroom teacher and

    the subject teachers. Sign up sheets for subject teachers will be posted in the main hall-

    way. Please note that Parent Teacher Interview Day is a non-school day for stu-

    dents. We look forward to meeting and speaking with you.

    Parking and Leaving Children Unattended In Cars

    Thank you to the parents who are exercising caution and following the school rules re-

    garding parking. Please drive safely; pay attention to your surroundings at all times as

    the safety of our students is our number one priority.

    We also ask parents not to leave children unattended in cars. The school is not responsi-

    ble for children left unattended in cars while on school property. Should you have any

    questions regarding this please come to the Office.


    Welcome to our

    Parent Teacher Interview

    If parents and guardians have any questions or concerns

    please feel free to stop by the office or call us at

    (905) 474 3434


    TCMPS Toy Drive

    It is time again for our annual Toy Drive event in support of the Markham Fire De-

    partment. Students are welcome to bring new, unwrapped toys beginning Monday,

    November 25th. All toy contributions are completely voluntary and are to be dropped

    off in the donation box located near the Office. With the efforts of the students, staff

    and families of TCMPS, we are sure to make a significant contribution to the lives of

    children associated with this charity.

    Please Keep Sick Students at Home

    Parents are reminded that sick students should remain at home. If students are unwell

    they should not be brought to school. If students become ill while at school, parents

    will be contacted and asked to pick up the student as soon as possible. For the benefit

    of the recovering students, they should not return to school until they feel well enough

    to participate fully in all aspects of the curriculum including physical education and

    outdoor recess (exceptions will be made with a doctor’s note).

    Our staff have reviewed with our students some basic hygiene protocols including

    how to wash their hands properly, and how to cough into their sleeves. Most experts

    agree that proper and frequent hand washing is the single most effective way to pre-

    vent illness. As well, the school’s cleaning and maintenance staff will continue to

    clean common surfaces with increased frequency.

    For the safety of the student, parents who provide medication for the student to take

    while at school should complete the classroom medical log or provide a written note

    detailing the following: the current date, name of the student, name of the medication,

    dosage and time the medication must be given, and a signature authorizing the teach-

    ers to administer medication. Please provide the medication in the original container.

    Students with a fever, cold or flu should not be brought to school. Parents are ad-

    vised not to administer medication for fever to their child and have them attend

    school. Students who develop a fever while at school must be picked up immedi-

    ately. Students who have been ill should be fever free for 24 hours before return-

    ing to school.

    When sick students are at home, they should rest in order to feel better. Please do not

    ask teachers to provide missed class work for students while they are away. Students

    should make up the missed work after they have returned to school and have received

    proper instruction from the teachers.