tower of london research

7/28/2019 Tower of London Research 1/14 Ammek & Elvis The Tower Of London built in 1078 by William the conqueror and was finished by King Edward I after a lot of rebuilding and repairing. The Tower Of London The Tower of London is built near the the River Thames. The Crown Jewels are in the tower of london and are one of the most important things inside.  Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard were both executed in The Tower of London Yeoman Warders and guards protect the Tower and they also give tours.They can be found outside and inside the tower. There are 6 ravens.There are rumours that all of them fly away the tower would fall and bad things will happen to the country. In the evening at 9: 53pm there is a ceremony to lock the castle everyday

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Ammek & Elvis

The Tower Of London built in 1078 by William theconqueror and was finished by King Edward I after alot of rebuilding and repairing.

The Tower 

Of London

The Tower of London isbuilt near the the River Thames.

The Crown Jewels arein the tower of londonand are one of the mostimportant things inside.

 Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howardwere both executed in The Tower of London

Yeoman Warders and guardsprotect the Tower and they alsogive tours.They can be found

outside and inside the tower.

There are 6 ravens.There are rumours thatall of them fly away the tower would fall andbad things will happen to the country.

In the evening at 9:53pm there is aceremony to lock thecastle everyday

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Brandon and Rhea

The Crown Jewels are kept in the

tower of londonand are in a separate building. It has

the most breathtaking Jewels you

will ever see.

William the conqueror was

responsible for building the

tower of london.He started in

1080 [which was a very long

time ago]. There was nothinglike it at the time so everyone

thought it was a bit strange.

After getting their head around it

the Monarchs pitch in to help.Henry VIII had the power to prison

anybody he liked such as sir Thomas more, Sir walter Raleigh ,

Bishop fisher of Rochester and

even his two wives Anne Boleyn

also Catherine Howard.

If you ever went to the tower you

would find guards and yeoman

wards; they protect it.Yeomanwards give tours and they wear 

red and black dresses. The other 

guards stay there and watch out

for any criminals.

Legends say that that if 6 raven

 birds leave the tower it will

collapse and injure everyone

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Mckayla and Fabiana

This is the crown of jeewil

this from the tudor times.

 Anne Boleyn was beheadedat the Tower of London, in1536.

When you go to the Tower of Londonyou will see yeomans and the queensoldiers.

a lot of people were beheaded in thetower so they call it bloody tower but for now is the tower of london

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 TOWER OF LONDONWilliam the conqura began to

build a stone building in centerallondon.

Crown jewels

 The crown jewls belonged to the monarchy in londonin the tower of london.


 there has been loads of executions at the tower of london.

Beefeaters /yemenwarder 

 The beefeaters gaurd the the tower of londonlike normal guards whogaurd the out side

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Simran & Shayan

Building History:

In the early 1080, William the conqueror started to build a hugestone wall in the center of London.


Lots of the prisoners werebeheaded in the Tower of Londonbut most of them were executed

outside the wall so the publicto see.

The Ravens:

Legend says that if all six of theRavens fly away the Tower willcollapse. They are very


Crown Jewels:

The Crown Jewels is regularly visited by theQueen and is part of the Royal Collection. She

doesn't usually wear a crown except on aspecial occasion such as 'The opening of theParliament'.

Tower Guards:

The guards of the Tower have a job to

guard it. They stand completely stillunless they think someone is going to dosomething bad, they then react to it.People come from all over the world justto see them and take pictures with them.They usually wear a red jacket and a hatmade out of bear hairs.

 Yeoman Warders:

The Yeoman Warders are people fromthe Army, the Navy and the Air force. Theare commonly known as 'Beefeaters'. Inorder to be one you have to be in one of these jobs for t least 22 years! When theQueen visits the Tower they have to wear traditional dress' that were worn in theTudor times.

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Even some people was Executed in there. Anne Boleyn was Executed in there andKatherine Howard Anas

The crown jewels were kept in this place near 

the middle of The tower.

The tower of London was kept and Built in1078 and was kept by William the conqueror.

The tower of 


There use to be a Mot and they had nofood to eat so they made two walls to stop

all the water flowing through.

Sir Walter Raleigh was Imprisonedthere and he had his head Choppedoff there

The tower of London have hadyeoman since the Tudor Periodstarted. Even now the yeomanand The QUEEN

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Fahiza and Ellis


when the tower of londonwas built? Who built the tower of london?what is the reason for thetower of london and why

it was built?

E x e c u t i o n s  2  O f   H e n r  y ' s  w i v e s  g o t 

b e h e a d e d  a n d  s o  d i d  

s i r   w a l t e r  R a l e i g h .

 D o n ' t  f  o r g e t  a b o u t  

R i c h a r d  t h e  I I  o f   

E n g l a n d . H e n r  y  2  w i v e s  

t h a t  g o t  e x e c u t e d  w e r e  

A n n e  B o l e  y n  a n d  

K  a t h e r i n e  h o w a r d . Crown jewelsThe Crown Jewels are pricelessthey are kept in the tower of london . They are surrounded bythe queens guards.The crownare covered in expensivediamonds and part of the royalcollection.

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The Crown Jewels

● The Crown Jewels are quite modernalthough the tradition of Coronation is very

old.● In 1649 the Crown Jewels were destroyed y

the Parliament as they said the gold shouldbe used on coins and money

● The Crown Jewels were originally made forCharles II coronation but they are now usedfor many different things.

Anne Boleyn

● On the 19th May, Anne Boleyn wasexecuted

● She was arrested because of adulteryand incest

● Anne was granted to have her headchopped off by a expert Frenchswordsman

● She is now buried in the chapel of St. Peter

The Princes of the Tow er

Two sons of King Edward VI were sent to theBloody tower by the Duke of Gloucester. SinceJuly 1483 they were declared illegitimate and theDuke was crowned King Richard III. The two boyswere then left in the Bloody Tower.

We don't know if they were murdered by themain suspect was the Duke.

In later years, Two skeletons were found in theWhite building when it was demolished in 1674.they were later examined and found out theywere the bodies of a 10 and 12 year old

The Tower of London-Jaipreet & Sanisha

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Riya & Josh

When was the Tower of 

London built ?In 1080s William theConqueror started to build themassive Tower.

Who was executed in theTower?These are some of the peoplewho were executed in the Tower, Anne Boleyn,Catherine Howardand Sir Walter Raleigh.

Facts about crown jewels.● The crown jewels are

passed to different Kings or Queens in London .

● They cost lots of moneyalso they are guarded by

special people calledYeomen Warders.

● The delicate jewels werecalled crowns,sceptres,orbs,swords,rings and other  jewels too.

What is special about theTower of London?The Tower is really popular inLondon and one of the oldest.

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Issa and Mohammad

● 19 May 1536 Anne Boleyn was

executed her because she hada daughter.

● The crown jewels 1000 yearsold.

● After that they made new jewelsin 1660 because the old oneswere destroyed 1649

● Ever since the Tudor times allthe kings expanded the tower of London.

● King Charles I thought that theTower of London

● Edward and his brother Richardwas sent to the tower with their uncle then Richard was king.



 Yeoman warders are the real name for

 the beefeaters and The guards have tostay still so they do not get distracted.

 There are 73 Yeoman of the guard

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Debora and Ibeer  

The Crown Jewels belongs tothe Kings and Queen . 

The Tower of London

The Crown Jewelsis part of the Royal Collection.

The Queen still use TheCrown Jewels .

The Crown Jewels havethe most extraordinary andexperience diamonds . 

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Najma and Jamie-lee

 Yeoman Warders

Entertaining; just don’t call

them ‘Beefeaters!.

The great hallEngland's last and greatest halls

and one of Britain's oldesttheatres!!

The royal kitchensQueen Charlotte's death in 1818,you can now explore the RoyalKitchens for the very first time.

The 18th century Orangery

restaurant is a the best place for 

breakfast, morning coffee, a light

lunch or afternoon tea.The grizzly ghost

Legend has it a huge

ghostly bear appearedby the Martin Tower 

The place where a king was killed.....

The moniker given to a ghostly figure

who appeared on a palace CCTVcamera in 2003

Legend says that the kingdom and the Tower willfall if the six ravens ever leave the Tower. The

ravens have become one of the Tower's mostfamous sights.

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Rajveer and Arshiyan

The crown jewelsThe crown jewels had the mostamazing diamonds ever in theworld the queen still uses them.Edwards crown was the mostheaviest crown weighing 2.23kg so 2023gs.

Information about Tower of LondonThe tower of London started when WilliamConqueror in 1078.The Tower of London is 930years old and its still staying up.Outside of theTower of London use to be a moat but now there isa big field


 Tower of london was built in 1066 and 

 the man who built it was William the

conquer .

 And Anne boleyn was executed In the

 Tower of london.

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akshita hardeep

coins and kings

edward and groat 1279

 In the 1279 king edward was

 the crisis england coin in theworld.

Building the tower of london

In early 1080s william startedmake the tower of londonwith massive stone.