tourism review online magazine - worlds attractions: the biggest and smallest

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  • 8/6/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Worlds Attractions: The Biggest and Smallest


    great aracons lre crowds

    of tourists. However, even the

    less nown and smaller shts

    are worth seeing. Explore the

    smallest hose n Brtan, the

    biggest champagne glass, thelongest swamp lane and much


  • 8/6/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Worlds Attractions: The Biggest and Smallest



    HERITAGE World Aracion: the Bigge and smalle

    June, 2011

    The city of Liepaja is located in the south-west-ern part of Lata on a narrow stretch of landbetween the Balc Sea and Lepaa Lae. Peo-ple hae been ln there for more than 750years and hae chaned Lepaa from a smallllae nto the thrd larest cty n the contrywth the poplaon of 85,000 people.

    The people of Lepaa hae always beenery prod. Many ne shts can be seen

    n Lepaa and ts srrondns too. Shts,sonds and experences ne n Lataand the Balc, n Erope and all arond theworld...

    the lArgest orgAn

    Lepaa s home to the larest mechancalorgan in the world; it is located in the Cathe-dral of the Holy Trnty. The oran has morethan 7,000 ppes. it was blt by one of the

    best master oran blders H.A. Cons. Thefondaon stone of the Cathedral was lad n1742. Both the nteror and the exteror of theCathedral are late Baroe wth elements ofClassicism.

    The interior of the Cathedral surprises thevisitors with the grandeur of Rococo. The com-memorae plae dedcated to the Fnnshsolders who ae the oath of loyalty to thegovernment of the new independent Finland

    n 1918 s located nsde the Cathedral. vstors

    liepAJA: full of surprising

    And unique sightscan enoy a wonderfl ew oer the cty fromthe tower of the Cathedral.

    the lArgest militAry territory

    vstors nterested n hstory shold not mssther chance to explore the Lepaa Fortress andkarosta (Naal Port); toether they form thelarest hstorcal mltary terrtory n the Balc.The structures of Karosta were built at the turn

    of the 19th and 20th centres as a naal baseof Rssan Empre. Today, karosta occpes onethrd of Lepaa cty. it s a spectaclar, paradox-cal and ne ste not only n Lata bt alson the worlds hstory and archtectre. its en-ronment reects the nteracon of Tsarst Rs-sa mltary eleance and Soet era hertae.

    Wind fArm

    Lepaa s also nown throhot Lata as

    "The cty where the wnd s always blown",possbly becase of the constant sea breeze.For ths ery reason one of the best wndfarms n Lata and the Balc (33 wnd tr-bnes) was constrcted nearby the cty. it sone of the northernmost points of Europe,where the wind turbines are installed.

    the longest sWAmp trAil

    Dny swamp tral s wth ts 6 m the lon-

    est swamp tral n Erope. it s located n

  • 8/6/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Worlds Attractions: The Biggest and Smallest



    HERITAGE World Aracion: the Bigge and smalle

    June, 2011

    Dna Natre Resere. The only hornbeam

    monocltre stand n Lata can be seen there,too. This place is a recommended spot for lov-ers of slence and tranllty becase storscan enoy the northodox, prmeal scenery: amarsh wth pools, lle laes and small slands.

    the lArgest herd of KiAngs

    The confned area n kalene Zoo Crhdes the larest herd of ans n the world.

    Tourists can observe different species of

    wild animals such as brown bears, wolver-nes, woles, lynxes, wld boars as well asdomestic animals. The owls and diurnalwld brds are ept n the wld brd complex.The Zoo is a great place for families withchildren.

    By Liepaja Tourism Board


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  • 8/6/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Worlds Attractions: The Biggest and Smallest



    HERITAGE World Aracion: the Bigge and smalle

    June, 2011

    A ny house n the pctrese medeal townof Conwy, Wales, nown as the qay Hose sbeleed to be the smallest hose n Brtan.The 3.05 meter by 1.8 meter (10 feet by 6 feet)structure was used as a residence from the16th centry nl 1900.

    the lAst tenAnt

    Loon at the hoses n the street t seemsthat house building started at both ends of thestreet, and when the worers reached the md-dle there was a small ap whch was lled wtha small house.

    The last tenant, Mr Robert Jones, who was6 3 nch tall (1.9 meters), led n the hosefor een years. The rooms were too small forhm to stand p n flly and snce there was noroom for a toilet within the walls he was even-

    tally forced to moe ot when the concldeclared the hose nt for hman habtaonn 1900. The hose s sll owned by hs descen-dants. Some me later the hoses nmbered1-9 (to the le of the smallest hose) weredemolished.

    Today the red hose nearby the ConwyCastle walls s a poplar torsm araconthat deseres ts place n the gnness Booof Records. A ery pleasant lady n tradonal

    Welsh costume welcomes the visitors and pro-

    the smAllest house in BritAin

    mind your heAd!

  • 8/6/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Worlds Attractions: The Biggest and Smallest



    HERITAGE World Aracion: the Bigge and smalle

    June, 2011

    des all nformaon abot the hose. Thereare also some mementos and ery nteresnde boos abot the hose and Conwy forsale.

    The upstairs is so minute that there is roomonly for one bed and a bedsde cabnet. vs-tors can't wal abot on the 2nd oor, bt canew t from the step ladder. There s st abotenough room for one stove, a water tap, a bed-side cabinet and a bed.

    trAveling to conWy

    if yo are traelln by tran, t s mportantto now that Conwy s a reest stop. it s nec-essary to nform the ard on the tran thatyo want to et o at Conwy staon. if yoare catchn a tran at Conwy, yo wll need torase yor arm to et the drers aenon.

    Conwy s stated on the bans of the Rer

    Conwy n Conwy Conty, North Wales. Themancent Edwardan Castle and town wallsof Conwy are a World Hertae Ste and aer ast to the town yo wll nderstand why theyhave been chosen for this award. The castleitself is one of the most impressive examplesof medaeal mltary archtectre and oersspectaclar ews of both the estary and themontans of Snowdona. vstors can also

    wal alon the town walls between upperateStreet and Berry Street. The crct of walls,oer three arters of a mle lon and ardedby no less than 22 towers, s one of the nestin the World.



    Address: Quay House, Quayside,Conwy LL30 2YFWales, UK

    Phone: +44 (0)1492 593429
  • 8/6/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Worlds Attractions: The Biggest and Smallest



    HERITAGE World Aracion: the Bigge and smalle

    June, 2011

    Situated in the Champagne-Ardenne region,the Marne area, 140 m from Pars, s consd-ered as the brth place of champane, the nof wnes and the wne of ns.

    Many ns of France drn ther coronaonin Reims would taste the local wine.

    Champane was called at ths me le n ddable (dels wne) or n sate-bochon(explodn wne) as the slht zz to the wnewas not nderstood at the me, nor was thefact that the boles had a tendency to explodein the cellars.

    Today, champane s one of the most mpor-tant industries of Marne. Champagne sales

    (abot 320 mllons of boles prodced n2010 the hhest sales for French wne) con-trbte to the prosperty of Champane areaand constte an mportant part of the Frenchtrade balance.

    For torsm, the mystery of champane canbe discovered on a visit to a local champagneprodcer, a champane cooperae or one ofthe presos champane hoses that haemade champagne famous and glamorous theworld over.

    Biggest chAmpAgne glAss

    Some croses can be noced sch as thebest champane lass stated n Perrynear Epernay, the captal of Champane,part of the collecon of Champane vncentdAstres. Restered n the gnness Boo ofRecords, the glass is 2.13 m high and weighs18 (empty!). it cold contan 160 boles ofchampane. To complete t, the worlds bestchampane cor can be seen n ChampaneBeamont n Mardel. The company also pos-sess the worlds best champane bole

    (1.76 m hh wth a crcmference of 1.66 m).it s made of real lass and s also restered nthe gnness Boo of Records.

    the richest Avenue

    in Epernay, the Aene de Champane,recently restored and lned wth presoschampane hoses aboe rond and 100 mof cellars below, s nown as the local ChampsElyses. Own to the 200 mllon boles t

    The world champagne is the second best

    known French word all over the world.

    m ia

    Marne tourist area: 03 26 68 37 52,

    The biggest glass of champagne: Cham-

    pagne Vincent dAstres 1, rue Carnot

    Pierry; 03 26 54 03 23,

    The biggest cork and bottle of champagne:

    Champagne Beaumont des crayres 64 rue

    de la libert Mardeuil; 03 26 55 29 40,

    chAmpAgne the mArne

    of superlAtives

    H. Guillaume - CDT Marne

  • 8/6/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Worlds Attractions: The Biggest and Smallest

    7/10 10

    HERITAGE World Aracion: the Bigge and smalle

    June, 2011

    contans, ths aene s ben consdered byuNESCO for a possble ftre s also nown as the rchest aene n theworld.

    the longest villAge

    Champane s not the Marnes only arac-onmany other croses can be fond nthis area. For example the longest village of

    France (7 m lon!) s Corsols near Chlons-en-Champagne and the longest village names also from the Marne and arbted toSant-Remy-en-Bozemont-Sant-genest-en-isson (38 leers)

    La Champane, la Marne ntes stors todscoer the dersty of the areas aracons,and also these sperlaes!


    J. F. Mallet - CDT Marne X. Lavictoire - CDT Marne
  • 8/6/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Worlds Attractions: The Biggest and Smallest



    HERITAGE World Aracion: the Bigge and smalle

    June, 2011

    A large hourglass which contains grains of sandof nnte shapes and colors: ths s the italanpronce of vercell, a terrtory wth nsalborders that embraces the enre corse ofthe Sesa Rer from the Monte Rosa to thePo Rer and encloses an ncredble arety oflandscapes and natural environments but alsothose wth hstorcal and arsc elements andthose with numerous and amazing culturalspots. it s st for ths ery reason that the

    enre area has so mch to oer and fascnates

    eery type of torst ncldn the most cr-ous ones, the most daring ones as well as thegourmets.

    the lArgest And oldest: the

    sAcred mount of vArAllo

    The monmental complex of the SacredMont rses on a rocy pea whch domnatesvarallo and oers ery atmospherc lmpses

    of the town below and of the enre valsesa

    district and Monte Rosa. Tourists can reachthe top of the montan by a cable car. Themont s an nterated part of a Specal NatralResere and s the oldest of the Sacred Montsn italy.

    The arsc-relos complex comprses 44

    chapels, solated or set nto more arclatearchtectral complexes, 800 wood and ml-colored terracoa lfe-sze states and 400frescoed res hhly expresse.

    The sacred representaon was conceedby the Francscan mon Bernardno Cam andblt n 1491. The mon, pon retrnn froma orney to Palesne, wanted to reprodcethe places he had seen and reoe the Lfe andPasson of Chrst n varallo. A New jersalem

    was blt n the heart of the valsesa dstrct.Famos arsts, and not st of local orn,wored on the proect: the most mportantwas gadenzo Ferrar, a panter, sclptor andarchtect from valsesa.

    Sacro Monte s also a beafl exampleof par ardens, oransed accordn to themodel of the italan arden, wth hedes, pathsand wooded areas, but also of the ideal town

    wth ts two hstorcal sares. Snce 2003 the

    Sacred Mont of varallo has been nscrbed onthe uNESCOs World Hertae Lst.

    unique And less KnoWn sights

    in the region

    WAlser museum

    The Walser Msem follows the fascnanand adentros hstory of the Walsers, thepeople of germanc orn who between the

    13th and 16th centres colonzed the Alps.

    province of vercelli:

    Big And smAll AttrActions

  • 8/6/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Worlds Attractions: The Biggest and Smallest



    HERITAGE World Aracion: the Bigge and smalle

    June, 2011

    Stron, determned people who learnt to le

    nder the seere condons n the montans.They also nented nenos solons tomproe the ln condons n hh altdes.

    in Alana, the most famos Walser sele-ment n valsesa, there s the Msem thatbears wtness to the ornalty of the cltreand tradons of ths poplaon. Stated nthe hamlet of Pedemonte, t has been set p na hose dan bac to 1682, altered oer thecenturies but restored to its original form for

    this purpose.

    Blt on three leels (anmal shed leel, roomleel and barn leel), the constrcon s madeof tree trns, staced on top of one anotherand nterloced at the corners, and s sr-ronded by the wde porches charactersc ofWalser architecture.

    The Walser Museum houses furniture,

    obects, frnshns and prodcts from theperod, formn an athenc hstorcal com-plex and an nstrment for reconstrcn thesociological and anthropological aspects of theWalser culture.

    BAsilicA di sAntAndreA

    St. Andrews Baslca n vercell s the symbolof the town, a beafl example of the pas-sae from the Lombard-Emlan Romanese

    style to the French gothc archtectre. it was

    Special Natural Reserve of the Sacred

    Mount of Varallo

    Piazza della BasilicaCasa Valgrana, Local-it Sacro Monte 13019 Varallo (VC)Tel. 0039 0163.53938

    Fax 0039 0163.54.047Email: [email protected]:

    Walser MuseumHamlet of Pedemonte 13021 AlagnaValsesia (VC)Ph. 0039 347 1377404Fax 0039 0163 922805Email: [email protected]:

    Basilica di SantAndreaPiazza Roma 13100 VercelliTel. 0039 0161.1850019 Tel. 0039 0161.502460St. Christophers ChurchVia San Cristoforo 13100 VercelliTel. 0161.258000

    built between 1219 and 1227 at the commis-

    son of Cardnal gala Bccher of vercell, one

    of the most nenal members of the RomanCuria, a leading protagonist of the events that

    mared the hstory of Enland drn the hard

    mes of john Laclands sccesson to the


    The cabn-shaped faade, bordered byslender, elegant towers, is embellished with

    refined lunettes on the three portals. The

    central one, representn St. Andrews mar-

    tyrdom, s ascrbed to Benedetto Antelam.What is interesting is that the chapter-

    hose, one of the fnest n italy, and the rect-

    angular cloister, with full centered arches,

    bear relees, brcwor and pantns dat-

    n from the early 16th centry (now nearly

    dsappeared). in front of the Baslca s the

  • 8/6/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Worlds Attractions: The Biggest and Smallest



    HERITAGE World Aracion: the Bigge and smalle

    June, 2011

    Salone Dentesco, the remans of an ancientPlrms Hosptal.

    st. christophers church

    Within the historical centre of the town ofvercell theres a lle chrch whch s safe-ardn a patrmony of panns from the1500s of nesmable ale and mmense cl-tral nterest: St. Chrstophers Chrch. Thebuilding has maintained the original 16th cen-try strctre, wth the nae, two asles andtransept.

    The nteror s characterzed by a alt smp-tosly trompe doel frescoed: the presbyterys closed by a sperb balstrade of polychro-mac marbles desned by Flppo jarra. The

    chor, the plpt, the confessonals, the sacrstyfurniture are made of a valuable wood. On themain altar there is a precious wooden cross.The most nteresn obect here s an extraor-dnary seres of frescoes by gadenzo Ferrar,llmnan the chapels of the transept at theend of the aisles.
