toddler growth and development

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OUTLINE1. Physical Growth2.Developmental ilestones



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 years $rom a%o"t 1 to & years o$a!e. Dramatic advances occ"r in

lan!"a!e' interpersonal s(ills'and a)ective' motor' co!nitiveand physical !rowth. *)ective

development is hi!hli!hted %ythe toddler+s strivin! $or

a"tonomy and independence'

attachment to $amily' and thedevelopment o$ imp"lse control.

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Growth, -"antitative andmeas"ra%le

Development, -"alitativechan!es where%y mat"ration'

$"nction and s(ills areenhanced or increased.

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Genetic factors: physique and traits

Prenatal factors: maternal illness,abnormal uterine conditions, actinicrays, immunologic factors, drugs,maternal condition.

Postnatal factors: family values,social deprivation, poverty

actors a)ectin! Growth andDevelopment

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Muscles: growth in muscle massfollows chronologically themaximal growth in height.Strength doubles between ! and" years old.

#ervous System: myelini$ationcompleted by " % ! months andin some nerves up to ! months.

&rain grows rapidly during the

Or!an Development

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Pain: hyposthesia in the st wee), *+months can locali$e pain, at ! +"

months shoves the painful stimulusaway

-isual sensation: clear vision at "

wee)s old and !/! vision at * yearsold.

0uditory system functional at birth and

locali$ation of sound occurs at "months.

 1aste: acute taste discrimination occursat ( months

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2ymphatic system: pee) increasein mass of lymphoid tissue at age

"+* years old.3igestive system: gastriccontents, bacterial 4ora, stool

5espiratory System: 5espiratoryrate, obligate nasal breathers up

to months, abdominalbreathing

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5enal system: mature renalfunction is achieved at 6+" yearsold.

S)eletal system: 7 concavities8cervical, thoracic, lumbar,

sacral9Genital rgans: ; descendedtestes, witch mil), bloody vaginal


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Physical development

&irth weight doubles by 6th month < triples by year=eight increases by 6;>!.6cm/month for st " months>.!6 cm/month !nd " monthsPatterns of body functionstabili$e w/ more stable sleep,elimination and feeding routines?solid food begins @ >" months

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/"man Growth #"rve

Airst Phase: the rapid and rapidlydecelerating growth of the 'rst three yearsof life due to diBerent factors.

Second Phase: the steady and slowlydecelerating growth in middle childhoodwhich is predominantly growth hormone


 1hird Phase: the pubertal growth spurt.

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Growth 0ate and Physical

*ppearance0fter the rapid growth of infancy, the rate of

growth slows in the toddler years. 0fter age !,toddlers gain about 6 lb in weight and !.6 inches

in height each year. =ead circumference onlyincreases by about inch from ! to ! years.

Growth of the lower extremities often is

accompanied by tibia torsion and physiologicbowing of the legs, which usually corrects by age( years. 1he percentage of body fat decreasesfrom !!; at age .

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2ength : or recumbent height. 1a)en

by ! person using a movable uprightboard against the soles of the feet.

=eight : measured with the child

standing and the occiput, upperbody, buttoc)s and heels against thevertical upright ruler.

Cpper midarmS)infold thic)ness test

Deight :

=ead circumference

Ta(in! eas"rements

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Physical DevelopmentPhysiological function stabili$es?

=eart rate drops to resting rate of >E+ by yr.? &lood Pressure >/6

5espiratory rate > !7+( at rest

Posterior fontanel closes by !nd month andanterior !+E months

Motor development proceeds steadily in acephalocaudal direction

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Gross otor (ills

 Fomplex gross motor patterns

rapidly develop, and balance andcoordination improve.

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Gross otor Development

Month (: 2ifts head to

Sits w/ supportMonth ":5olls overGood head control in

sitting positionFrawls on abdomen

w/ arms

Month :Sits self up

Freeps on 7extremitiesPulls self to standing

Month !:

Dal)s holding ontofurniture

Stands alone 1a)es +! steps

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 Gross otor Development 

1 onths

H Dal)ing fast, seldom falling

H 5unning stiIy

H Dal)ing up stairs with one hand held

H Seating self in a small chair

H Flimbing into an adult chair

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Gross otor Development

23 onths

H 5unning well without falling

H Dal)ing up and down stairs alone

H Jic)ing a large ball &4 onths

H Dal)ing up stairs by alternating feet

H Dal)ing well on toes

H Pedaling a tricycle

H Kumping from a step

H =opping two or three times

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ine otor (ills

Aine motor development duringtoddlerhood consists of re'nements in

reaching, grasping, and manipulating.

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ine otor Development

Month (:Grasps < brie4y

holds obLects 1a)es obLects to


Month ":

Cses palm grasp 1ransfers obLects

between hands

Month :Frude thumb+'nger

pincer grasp&angs hand+held

obLects together

Month !:

Places tiny obLectsinto containersMa)es mar)s w/


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Aine Motor 3evelopment

1 onthsH Ma)ing a tower of four cubes

H 5eleasing cubes into a cup

H Scribbling spontaneously

H mitating a vertically drawn line

23 onths

H &uilding a seven cube tower

H 0ligning two or more cubes to form a train

H mitating a hori$ontally drawn line

H &eginning circular stro)es

H nserting a square bloc) into a square hole

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(" Months

H Fopying a circle

H Fopying bridges with cubesH &uilding a tower of to bloc)s

H 3rawing a personNs head

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#o!nitive development

Piaget: Osensorimotor 8till (yrs9nteracts w/ world via sensesQtouching,

holding, seeingStimulation needed according to age,

temperament, < energy

2anguage proceeds from crying, cooing, <babbling to imitating sounds, tounderstanding simple commands toma)ing their own one+syllable words

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&4 onths

H Csing four to 've word sentences

H 1elling stories

H Csing pluralsH 5ecogni$ing and naming most common


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#o!nitive DevelopmentIntellect"al *%ilities

1 onths

H Pointing to named body parts

H Cnderstanding of obLect permanence

H &eginning to understand cause andeBect

23 onths

H Aorming mental images of obLectsH Solving problems by trial and error

H Cnderstanding simple time concepts

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&4 onths

H 0s)ing RwhyR questions

H Cnderstanding daily routine

H 0ppreciating special events, such asbirthdays

H 5emembering and reciting nurseryrhymes

H 5epeating three digits

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*"tonomy andIndependence&ecause of improved motor s)ills, the

transition from infancy to toddlerhood is

mar)ed increased autonomy andindependence. 1he child can move easilyaway from the parent and begins to testboundaries and limits.

 1he toddler may refuse to eat unless allowedto feed himself, and the child may no longermay be willing to try new foods.

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ocial *nd Emotional (ills

ri)son: 1rust vs. mistrust % develop trust,can trust the worldTFonsistent care giving, able to let caregiver out

of sight, need for warmth, love, security, food


Play: the work of childhood 

xploratory play predominates at 'rstnvolves own bodies < immediate obLects of

interestManipulative play is added in second six


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ocial *nd Emotional (ills

25& months: respond with smiles

45 months: can diBerentiate strangers<experience stranger anxiety

6 months: play simple social games,e.g. patty+ca)e or pee)+a+boo

1 onths

H 5emoving a garment

H Aeeding self and spilling food

H =ugging a doll

H Pulling a toy

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ocial *nd Emotional (ills

23 onthsH Csing a spoon? spilling little food

H -erbali$ing toileting needs

H Pulling on a simple garment

H -erbali$ing immediate experiencesH 5eferring to self by name

&4 onths

H Showing concern about the actions of others

H Playing cooperatively in small groups

H 3eveloping the beginnings of true friendships

H Playing with imaginary friends

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