today s readings - cathedral of st. matthew the apostle

CATHEDRAL OF SAINT MATTHEW THE APOSTLE, WASHINGTON, D.C. JUNE 18, 2017 Today’s Readings am the living bread. (John 6:51) Every time Mass is celebrated, a miracle is performed right before our eyes. The host is transformed into real flesh and the wine into real blood. While faith in what we do not see is essential, sometimes we need a little help. So here are some stories that might do just that. One Sunday in 1263, a German priest, Peter of Prague, was celebrating Mass above the tomb of St. Christina in the town of Bolsena, Italy. When he raised the host, blood started to trickle over his hands and onto the altar. A year later, after investigation and authentication, the miracle was confirmed, and it moved Pope Urban IV to institute the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. The white, blood-stained linen corporal cloth can still be seen in the Orvieto Cathedral north of Rome. Five hundred years earlier, while a priest was celebrating Mass in Lanciano, Italy, the host changed shape and began to look like real flesh, and the wine took on the attributes of real blood. After repeated and thorough investigations, the Church concluded that the transformed substances were indeed human flesh and human blood. Later scientific studies have revealed that the flesh consists of muscular tissue from a human heart, and the blood has the same type—AB—as the blood on the Shroud of Turin. What’s more, the blood contains proteins in the same normal proportions that are found in “fresh” human blood. Even though this miracle occurred 1300 years ago, you can still see the flesh in a monstrance and the blood in a glass chalice every day at the Sanctuary of the Eucharistic Miracle in Lanciano. Today, as we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi, let’s thank Jesus for this great and wonderful gift—his Body and his Blood. Let’s keep our eyes and our hearts open as we witness the Eucharistic miracle take place on the altar of our own churches! “Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of your Body and Blood!” Taken from The Word Among Us, June 2017 Vol. 36, Number 6: Used with permission. This Week’s Readings Sunday 18 Dt 8:2-3,14b-16a / 1 Cor 10:16-17 / The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Jn 6:51-58 Monday 19 2 Cor 6:1-10 / Mt 5:38-42 St. Romuald Tuesday 20 2 Cor 8:1-9 / Mt 5:43-48 Wednesday 21 2 Cor 9:6-11 / Mt 6:1-6,16-18 St. Aloysius Gonzaga Thursday 22 2 Cor 11:1-11 / Mt 6:7-15 St. Paulinus of Nola and Sts. John Fisher and Thomas More Friday 23 Dt 7:6-11 / 1 Jn 4:7-16 / Mt 11:25-30 The Most Sacred heart of Jesus Saturday 24 Is 49:1-6 / Acts 13:22-26 / Lk 1:57-66,80 The Nativity of John the Baptist Sunday 25 Jer 20:10-13 / Rom 5:12-15 / Mt 10:26-33 I Follow your Cathedral Parish on Facebook for the latest news & events!

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Today’s Readings

am the living bread. (John 6:51) Every time Mass is celebrated, a miracle is performed right before our eyes. The host is transformed into real flesh and the

wine into real blood. While faith in what we do not see is essential, sometimes we need a little help. So here are some stories that might do just that.

One Sunday in 1263, a German priest, Peter of Prague, was celebrating Mass above the tomb of St. Christina in the town of Bolsena, Italy. When he raised the host, blood started to trickle over his hands and onto the altar. A year later, after investigation and authentication, the miracle was confirmed, and it moved Pope Urban IV to institute the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. The white, blood-stained linen corporal cloth can still be seen in the Orvieto Cathedral north of Rome.

Five hundred years earlier, while a priest was celebrating Mass in Lanciano, Italy, the host changed shape and began to look like real flesh, and the wine took on the attributes of real blood. After repeated and thorough investigations, the Church concluded that the transformed substances were indeed human flesh and human blood.

Later scientific studies have revealed that the flesh consists of muscular tissue from a human heart, and the blood has the same type—AB—as the blood on the Shroud of Turin. What’s more, the blood contains proteins in the same normal proportions that are found in “fresh” human blood. Even though this miracle occurred 1300 years ago, you can still see the flesh in a monstrance and the blood in a glass chalice every day at the Sanctuary of the Eucharistic Miracle in Lanciano.

Today, as we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi, let’s thank Jesus for this great and wonderful gift—his Body and his Blood. Let’s keep our eyes and our hearts open as we witness the Eucharistic miracle take place on the altar of our own churches!

“Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of your Body and Blood!” Taken from The Word Among Us, June 2017 Vol. 36, Number 6: Used with permission.

This Week’s Readings

Sunday 18 Dt 8:2-3,14b-16a / 1 Cor 10:16-17 / The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Jn 6:51-58 Monday 19 2 Cor 6:1-10 / Mt 5:38-42 St. Romuald Tuesday 20 2 Cor 8:1-9 / Mt 5:43-48 Wednesday 21 2 Cor 9:6-11 / Mt 6:1-6,16-18 St. Aloysius Gonzaga Thursday 22 2 Cor 11:1-11 / Mt 6:7-15 St. Paulinus of Nola and Sts. John Fisher and Thomas More Friday 23 Dt 7:6-11 / 1 Jn 4:7-16 / Mt 11:25-30 The Most Sacred heart of Jesus Saturday 24 Is 49:1-6 / Acts 13:22-26 / Lk 1:57-66,80 The Nativity of John the Baptist Sunday 25 Jer 20:10-13 / Rom 5:12-15 / Mt 10:26-33


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Page 2: Today s Readings - Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle


Parish Calendar June 18 – 25

Sunday 18—The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

A blessing of fathers is given at all Masses.

Los niños de la comunidad hispana recibirán la Primera Comunión durante la misa de español a la 1 de la tarde.

The Corpus Christi Eucharistic procession is held after the 1pm Mass. The Schola Cantorum gives a Father’s Day Concert in the Great Hall at 3pm.

Monday 19—The Rectory offices close early—at 4:30pm. Tuesday 20—The Faith Formation

Committee meets at 6:45pm in the East Conference Room. El grupo de Oración se reúne a las 7 de la tarde en el salón de conferencias del Oeste.

Wednesday 21—RCIA meets in the North Conference Room at 7pm.

Thursday 22—A Catholic Business Network breakfast is held in the Great Hall at 8am.

Saturday 24—A Rosary for Life is prayed at 8:30am in the Cathedral.

A presentation on end-of-life issues is given in the North Conference Room at 10am, with a simultaneous presentation in Spanish in the West Conference Room.

Sunday 25—A second collection to benefit the works of the Holy Father is taken at all Masses. Padre Rafael tendrá las confesiones después de la misa de 1 de la tarde.

News and Notes

Schola Summer Hiatus – Sunday, June 18 is the last Sunday of the season for the Schola Cantorum. Schola members strive to bring about the finest sacred music within the liturgical setting and rituals for

which they were conceived. We are grateful for their service and look forward to their return on September 10 at the 10 and 11:30am Masses. Stay tuned for news on their exciting fall season! Catholic Business Network Breakfast – Please join the Catholic Business Network of Washington D.C. for a breakfast reception on Thursday, June 22 from 8 to 9:30am in the Great Hall of St. Matthew’s Cathedral. To register, visit or contact Justin Silvers at 202-957-5188 or [email protected].

Peter's Pence Collection – Next weekend, June 24 – 25, our second collection will

be for Peter’s Pence, which provides Pope Francis with the funds he needs to carry out his charitable works around the world. The proceeds benefit our brothers and sisters on the margins of society, including victims of war, oppression, and disasters. Please be generous. For more information, visit

2017 Run for Vocations – Run for Vocations registration is open! The Marine Corps 10K will be held

on October 22. Register at for the 10K and Run for Vocations. For more information, visit or email [email protected]. All proceeds benefit seminarians of the Archdiocese of Washington.

Hospitality: Summer Break is Here! . . . But First, Farewell Receptions for Fr. Rafael and Fr. Mel! – Join us after Masses on July 1 – 2 as we gather to thank and say goodbye to Fr. Rafael Barbieri and Fr. Mel Ayala. Join us in the Great Hall following all Masses, even as the Hospitality Committee eases into summer break. Hospitality Sundays will resume on September 17 for the feast of out patron saint!

Volunteer Opportunities

Choral Openings – The Schola Cantorum has openings for tenor and bass voice parts. Prospective singers must have significant choral experience, good sight-reading skills, and a pleasant, agile voice. The time commitment is significant, particularly at Christmas and during Holy Week. Rehearsals are Wednesdays, 7 – 9pm. Contact: Tom Stehle, Director of Music Ministries, at [email protected]

Children’s Faith Formation – Our Sunday Children’s Faith Formation needs catechists, cocatechists, substitutes, and assistants to unlock and lock doors. Volunteers must complete the Archdiocesan Child Protection Policy requirements. Contact: Theresa Prymuszewski at 202-587-5139 or [email protected] Spread the Good News – Join St. Matthew's Communications Committee! Build professional skills in public outreach, social media, and marketing while spreading the joy of St. Matthew's. The committee meets monthly by conference call. The next meetings are on Wednes-days, June 21 and July 19. Contact: Carmen Iezzi at [email protected]

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Faith Formation

Faith Formation Committee – Join the Faith Formation Committee in its study of “Reading, Praying, Living Pope Francis’ The Joy of Love Faith Formation Guide” during its monthly gathering on Tuesday, June 20 at 6:45pm in the East Conference Room. Cathedral Book Club – On Monday, July 10 the Cathedral Book Club will meet from 6:45 to 8pm in the West Conference Room to discuss The Use and Abuse of the Bible by Benedictine scripture scholar Henry Wansbrough. The author is the former Chair of the Oxford Theology Faculty and also served on the Pontifical Biblical Commission. This brief history of Biblical interpretation is described as “an enchanting and wonderfully wide-ranging account” of how the Bible has been read through the ages. Click here for summer reading suggestions from Cardinal Wuerl. Opportunity at St. Matthew’s for Protecting God’s Children Training – Protecting God’s Children is the mandatory child protection training for all Archdiocese of Washington employees and volunteers who have substantial contact with children. St. Matthew’s will offer this training on Sunday, August 27 at 3pm in the North Conference Room. Register online at Registration is required, and classes fill up quickly. Please share this information with anyone who may need or want this training. RCIA – Do you know anyone who might be interested in learning more about our Catholic Faith? The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is an ongoing process for adults who would like to explore our Catholic faith. Contact: Theresa Prymuszewski at 202-587-5139 or [email protected]


Summer English & Spanish Classes for Adults When? June 13 – July 27 (7 weeks), Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 6:30 to 8:30pm Where? St. Matthew’s Education Center 1726 N Street, NW How much? ESL: $20 & SSL: $40 Students must register in person on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings at St. Matthew’s Education Center. For more information, visit http:// outreach/clases-de-ingles-english-language-classes or contact Molly Egilsrud at [email protected].


Ordination to the Priesthood – We congratulate and offer our prayers for Fr. Andrew Wakefield, who was ordained to the priesthood on Saturday, June 17 and celebrated his First Mass of Thanksgiving at St. Matthew’s that evening at the 5:30pm

Vigil. Read more about our new priest in the recent Catholic Standard profile. Ordination Anniversaries – Let us pray for all our beloved St. Matthew’s rectory priests as they celebrate their anniversaries of ordination to the priesthood.

Msgr. Ron Jameson – May 18, 1968 Fr. Jack Hurley – May 29, 1982

Fr. Rafael Barbieri – June 15, 2013 Fr. Mel Ayala – June 19, 2010


Couples who are interested in celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage at the Cathedral are encouraged to visit the parish website to review our guidelines for weddings. The next step is to call the Rectory at 202-347-3215 and ask for the priest of your choice or the priest on duty, who can speak to you about marriage preparation and the possibility of scheduling your wedding at the Cathedral. Couples are expected to contact us at least nine (9) months in advance of the date on which they hope to celebrate their wedding.


Parents who wish to have their child baptized at the Cathedral should contact the Baptismal Coordinator at 202-347-3215 x555 or baptism@ Parents are encouraged to

contact us at least six (6) months in advance of a desired baptismal date, and may ask for the priest of their choice to perform the Baptism. Early contact allows parents to be scheduled for the necessary sacramental formation session and godparents to obtain letters from their pastor. If you are a registered parishioner at St. Matthew’s and need a letter of good standing in order to be a godparent for a baptism to be celebrated at another parish, please call the Cathedral rectory at 202-347-3215 to ask about obtaining a letter.

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Lecturas de Hoy

l Beato Papa Pablo VI hizo en 1968 la siguiente profesión de fe: “Nosotros creemos firmemente que, como el pan y el vino consagrados por el Señor en la Última Cena se convirtieron en

su Cuerpo y su Sangre, así también el pan y el vino consagrados por el sacerdote se convierten en el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo; y creemos que la presencia misteriosa del Señor, bajo la apariencia de aquellas cosas, que continúan apareciendo a nuestros sentidos de la misma manera que antes, es verdadera, real y sustancial.

“En este sacramento, Cristo no puede hacerse presente de otra manera que por la conversión de toda la sustancia del pan en su Cuerpo y la conversión de toda la sustancia del vino en su Sangre, permaneciendo solamente íntegras las propiedades del pan y del vino, que percibimos con nuestros sentidos. La cual conversión misteriosa es llamada por la Santa Iglesia conveniente y propiamente ‘transubstanciación’.

“El pan y el vino, realizada la consagración, han dejado de existir, de modo que, el adorable Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo, después de ella, están verdaderamente presentes delante de nosotros bajo las especies sacramentales del pan y del vino, como el mismo Señor quiso, para dársenos en alimento y unirnos en la unidad de su Cuerpo místico.

“La única e indivisible existencia de Cristo no se multiplica, pero por el sacramento se hace presente en los varios lugares del orbe, donde se realiza el sacrificio eucarístico. La misma existencia, después de celebrado el sacrificio, permanece presente en el Santísimo Sacramento, el cual, en el tabernáculo del altar, es como el corazón vivo de nuestros templos.

“Por lo cual estamos obligados a honrar y adorar, en la Hostia Santa que nuestros ojos ven, al mismo Verbo encarnado que ellos no pueden ver, y que, sin embargo, se ha hecho presente delante de nosotros sin haber dejado los cielos.”

“Oh, Jesucristo, Señor y Redentor mío, creo firmemente que estás plenamente presente en todas las Hostias válidamente consagradas en todo el mundo de un modo inefable en toda tu divinidad y tu humanidad.”Escogida con el permiso de la Palabra Entre Nosotros. Vol 36, Numero 6; junio 2017

Lecturas de la Semana

Domingo 18 Deu 8:2-3,14-16 / 1 Cor 10:16-17 / Jn 6:51-58 El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo Lunes 19 2 Cor 6:1-10 / Mt 5:38-42 San Romualdo Martes 20 2 Cor 8:1-9 / Mt 5:43-48 Miércoles 21 2 Cor 9:6-11 / Mt 6:1-6,16-18 San Luis Gonzaga Jueves 22 2 Cor 11:1-11 / Mt 6:7-15 San Juan Fisher y San Tomás Moro Viernes 23 Deu 7:6-11 / 1 Jn 4:7-16 / Mt 11:25-30 El Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Sábado 24 Is 49:1-6 / He 13:22-26 / Lc 1:57-66,80 La Natividad de san Juan Bautista Domingo 25 Jer 20:10-13 / Rom 5:12-15 / Mt 10:26-33

Intenciones de Misas Mass Intentions

June 18 – 25

Sunday, June 18 5:30pm Vigil (June 17) – Somarsingh

Family (living) 7am – Fr. Alejandro Diaz (living) 8:30am – Greg Park 10am – Arthur G. Hanley 11:30am – All Parishioners 1pm – Jacinto Mendes 5:30pm – Renato Que Marzan

Monday, June 19 7am – Louise Smith (living) 8am – Leonard J. Zelonis 12:10pm – Rosario Villasin 5:30pm – Harry Stokes, Sr.

Tuesday, June 20 7am – JoAnn Coules (living) 8am – Belen Pejoro 12:10pm – Rita T. Zelonis 5:30pm – Christina J.P. de Gance (living)

Wednesday, June 21 7am – Fausto & Ricardina Rios 8am – Angelica De León 12:10pm – Maria Maciel 5:30pm – Nidia Flores (living)

Thursday, June 22 7am – Motie Family 8am – Daniel Lukehart (living) 12:10pm – Nazario Regino 5:30pm – Pauline Latka Getek

Friday, June 23 7am – Matthew De Gance (living) 8am – Caroline Gray (living) 12:10pm – Sam Elbers 5:30pm – Mary E. Strojek

Saturday, June 24 8am – Clint Roberts 12:10pm – Lyman Wright 5:30pm – All Parishioners

Sunday, June 25 7am – Edward J. McBride 8:30am – Robert Schumm 10am – James Curran 11:30am – Barry King Simpson 1pm – Gabriela Sotelo 5:30pm – Sue Culbertson

Se les recuerda a todas las personas que deseen ofrecer misas por sus difuntos, que tienen que reservarlas por lo menos con tres meses de antelación debido a que solo tenemos una misa en español


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Noticias de la Parroquia

Primera Comunión – El domingo 18 de junio, los niños de nuestra comunidad hispana recibirán su Primera Comunión, durante la misa de 1 de la tarde. ¡Oremos por ellos, para que continúen en su camino de fe como miembros de la Iglesia Católica y por sus padres también! Noticias de la Oficina de Música – El domingo 18 de junio es el último de la temporada para el coro Schola Cantorum. El coro regresará el domingo 10 de septiembre con su horario regular. Estén pendientes de los nuevos eventos musicales para este otoño. Colecta Peter’s Pence – La colecta Peter’s Pence del Santo Padre se recogerá en la Arquidiócesis de Washington el próximo fin de semana 24-25 de junio. La colecta Peter’s Pence del Santo Padre nos une en solidaridad a la Santa Sede y sus obras de caridad por los necesitados. Por favor sean generosos como les sea posible. Grupo de Oración – El grupo de oración se reúne los martes a la 7:00 de la tarde en el salón de conferencias del Oeste. El objetivo es profundizar nuestra fe por medio de las Sagradas Escrituras. El grupo de Oración tendrá charlas programadas a través del año. Las charlas están basadas en la encíclica del Papa Francisco Amoris Laetitia (La Alegría del Amor). La próxima Charla: # 9 – Espiritualidad Matrimonial y Familiar, será el martes 27 de junio, padre Rafael inpartira la charla. Hospitalidad: ¡Han llegado las vacaciones de verano! . . . Pero primero, disfrutemos de las recepciones de despedida del padre Rafael y el padre Mel – Por favor únase a su familia parroquial el fin de semana del 1 y 2 de julio para agradecer y despedir al padre Rafael Barbieri y al padre Mel Ayala. Únase a nosotros en el Great Hall de la rectoría después de todas las misas de ese fin de semana, aunque el comité de Hospitalidad esté de vacaciones de verano y no tengamos los domingos de hospitalidad habituales. Sin embargo, no hay que preocuparse, ¡los domingos de hospitalidad estarán de vuelta el 17 de septiembre, cuando celebremos la fiesta de nuestro santo patrón! Clases de Verano de Inglés para Adultos – ¿Cuándo? 13 de junio – 27 de julio, los martes y miércoles de 6:30 a 8:30 de la noche ¿Dónde? Centro de Educación de San Mateo (St. Matthew’s Education Center) 1726 N Street, NW ¿Cuánto? $20 Los estudiantes deben matricularse en persona los martes y miércoles en la tarde entre las 6:00 y las 8:00 de la noche en el Centro de Educación. Para más información, por favor visite http://

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The Recital will include selections by

Brahms,Brahms,Brahms,Brahms, Verdi, Lasso, Verdi, Lasso, Verdi, Lasso, Verdi, Lasso, Bach, Schubert and LisztBach, Schubert and LisztBach, Schubert and LisztBach, Schubert and Liszt

Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle 1725 Rhode Island Ave NW WDC 20036

Celebrating over 175 Years of Spreading the Joy

and Mercy of the Gospel in the Nation’s Capital.

Page 7: Today s Readings - Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle

The One who has Hope

Lives Differently

Saturday, June 24

10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle 1725 Rhode Island Avenue, NW

North Conference Room (Entrance through garage)

(Simultaneous Spanish presentation in the West Conference Room)

Arranged through the Archdiocese of Washington Department of Life Issues.

Questions? Contact Teresa Yao at (301) 853-4555 or [email protected].

Moral guidelines for medical treatment decision-making

What is proportionate care? Advance directives and health

care proxies Preparing for death with hope

in Christ Physician assisted suicide

Page 8: Today s Readings - Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle

Quien tiene esperanza, vive de otra manera

Guía de la Iglesia sobre la toma de decisiones al final de la vida

Sábado, 24 de junio

10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Catedral de San Mateo Apóstol 1725 Avenida Rhode Island, NW

el Salón de Conferencias del Oeste (Entrada por el callejón) (Habrá una charla en inglés al mismo tiempo en el Salón de Conferencias del Norte)

Organizado por la Arquidiócesis de Washington Departamento de Asuntos Sobre la Vida.

¿Preguntas? Póngase en contacto con Norma a [email protected] o

llame a la rectoría al 202-347-3215.

Conversación sobre cómo tomar buenas decisiones a la luz de la fe Católica, a la hora de la enfermedad o cuando la vida se aproxima a su fin, sabiendo que Dios nos ama y camina con nosotros en los momentos de mayor dificultad.

Page 9: Today s Readings - Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle

Looking for a convenient way to support our parish offertory?

Faith Direct is the innovative solution that allows you to support our parish using electronic funds transfer from either a credit card or bank account. It is a hassle-free, simple solution for today’s busy families. Sign up using the enrollment form on the other side or go online to and use our parish code DC284 to enroll today!

How does Faith Direct work?

Faith Direct is a secure system that works directly with your bank or credit card–much the same as other direct payments you may have set up for utility bills or mortgage payments.

When do transactions take place? Transactions take place once per month on the 4th or the next business day. The total amount of your gifts for that current month (both offertory & second/special collections) will be debited in one monthly total. The Cathedral will receive the funds 4 business days later.

Can I stop, increase, or decrease my payment at any time? Yes, by calling Faith Direct at 1-866-507-8757 (toll free) by emailing [email protected], or by logging in to your account through

How does the Cathedral benefit from my participation with Faith Direct?

The Cathedral will see a substantial increase in net revenue, a decrease in administrative costs, and a clearer picture of cash flow for their needs.

If you have any questions about the Faith Direct program, please call 1-866-507-8757 {toll free} or send an email to [email protected],

or contact Pam Erwin at the Rectory at 202-347-3215 x537 or [email protected].

Page 10: Today s Readings - Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle

Enrollment Form

Faith Direct . Attention: Enrollment . P.O. Box 7101 . Merrifield, VA 22116-7101 . 1-866-507-8757 {toll free} .

Name(s): (please print)

Street Address:

City/State/Zip Code:

Telephone: E-mail:

❑ Name as I/we would like it to appear on Offertory Cards:❑ I do not wish to receive Offertory Cards to place in the collection basket as a sign of my electronic giving.

If you choose to enroll by mail, you can contact Faith Direct at 1-866-507-8757 {toll-free} to set up online access to your account.

Signature: X Date:

I would like to enroll in the Faith Direct program. I understand that my total monthly contribution amount will be transferreddirectly from my bank account or credit/debit card as stated above, a record of my gifts will appear on my bank or card statement,and my transfers will begin next month. I understand that I can increase, decrease or suspend my giving by contacting FaithDirect toll free at 1-866-507-8757. {All gifts provided to your Church originating as Automated Clearing House transactions comply with U.S. law.}

For Bank Account Debit: Please return this completed form and a voided check to Faith Direct Enrollment.

For Credit/Debit Card: Please complete the following… ❑ VISA ❑ MasterCard ❑ American Express ❑ Discover

Credit/Debit Card #: Expiration Date:

Church Envelope #:

To enroll online, use code

below or scan here:

If you have any questions about the Faith Direct program, please contact us at 1-866-507-8757 {toll free} or [email protected].



Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle

1725 Rhode Island Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20036

Weekly Offertory Gift: $____________

“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace.” (Peter 4:10)

You may also choose to give to the following second and special collections as part of the regular monthly transaction.


q Cathedral Maintenance

q Music Ministry

q Poor Box/Outreach

q Solemnity of Mary

q Church Missions within the US/

Archdiocese of Military Services

q Churches in the Developing World

q Ash Wednesday

q Catholic Relief Services

q Holy Thursday

q Holy Land

q Easter Flowers

q Easter Sunday

(In addition to regular Sunday gift)


$________ Monthly

$________ Monthly

$________ Monthly

$________ January

$________ January

$________ February

$________ March

$________ March

$________ March/April

$________ March/April

$________ March/April

$________ March/April


q Dome at National Shrine

q Holy Father

q Catholic Communications &

Human Development

q Assumption

q Catholic University

q Propagation of the Faith/

World Missions

q All Saints Day

q All Souls Day *

q Archdiocesan Priests' Retirement

q Retirement Fund for Religious

q Immaculate Conception

q Christmas Flowers

q Christmas


$________ May

$________ June

$________ August

$________ August

$________ September

$________ October

$________ November

$________ November

$________ November

$________ December

$________ December

$________ December

$________ December

* Please call the church at 202-347-3215 with the names of your intentions for this collection.

I would like to enroll in the Faith Direct program for the benefit of the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle. I understand that my total monthly

contribution amount will be transferred directly from my checking account or credit card as stated above, a record of my gifts will appear on my bank

or credit card statement, and my transfers will begin on the 4th or next business day of the month following my enrollment. I understand that I can

increase, decrease, or suspend my giving by contacting Faith Direct toll free at 1-866-507-8757. {All gifts provided to your Church originating as Automated Clearing House transactions comply with US law.}

Process my gifts on the: q 4th or q 15th of the month (please check only one box)

(Note: The total amount will be determined by the number of

Sundays in the month. Some months have 5 Sundays.)