tmc november tracking poll toplines final

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  • 7/27/2019 TMC November Tracking Poll Toplines Final


    The Morning ConsultNational Healthcare Tracking Poll:

    November 2013

    Topline Results

    Methodology:This Morning Consult National Healthcare Tracking Poll was conducted from November 14-17,2013, among a national sample of 2,008 registered voters. The interviews were conducted onlineby Survey Sampling International, Inc. The data were weighted to approximate a target sampleof registered voters based on age, race/ethnicity, gender, educational attainment, region, annualhousehold income, home ownership status and marital status. Results from the full survey havea margin of error of plus or minus two percentage points. In addition to sampling error, there

    are many common sources of error and bias such as variation in question order, question wording,respondent attentiveness and survey attrition that may influence the overall results.

  • 7/27/2019 TMC November Tracking Poll Toplines Final


    1: Do you approve or disapprove of the health care legislation passed by Barack Obama and Congress in 2010?





    DontKnow /

    No opinion


    Registered Voters 17 24 14 39 6 2008Republicans 8 7 13 69 3 514

    Democrats 31 37 11 13 7 721Independents 7 21 19 44 8 570Males 17 24 15 40 4 935Females 16 25 14 38 7 1073Hispanic 20 26 20 25 9 179African American 32 39 9 9 11 258White 14 22 15 45 4 1635Age: 18-29 17 33 23 21 6 308Age: 30-44 18 27 14 35 6 510Age 45-64 19 21 14 41 5 760Age: 65+ 10 21 10 54 6 431Health - Excellent /V Good 20 24 14 37 5 1044Health: Good 12 25 15 41 6 654

    Health: Fair/Poor 16 22 13 41 8 311Insurance: Uninsured 18 22 20 33 8 270Insurance: Purchased on Own 16 30 14 39 2 157Insurance: Employer-based 17 25 15 39 4 853Insurance: Govt Plan 16 22 11 44 8 633ACA will make things better 48 43 5 1 3 477ACA will have no effect 14 36 18 22 10 692ACA will make things worse 1 4 17 75 3 839Cancel Notice-know someone 12 13 14 60 2 384Cancel Notice-do not 18 27 15 34 6 1625State-based exchanges 20 26 15 34 5 671Federally managed exchanges 15 23 15 41 6 1281

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  • 7/27/2019 TMC November Tracking Poll Toplines Final


    2: How do you think the healthcare law will affect you and your family? Will it make things...

    A lotbetter

    A littlebetter

    Have noeffect

    A littleworse

    A lotworse


    Registered Voters 9 15 34 20 22 2008Republicans 5 6 25 24 40 514Democrats 17 22 42 13 6 721

    Independents 3 11 38 24 24 570Males 10 17 31 20 23 935Females 8 13 38 20 21 1073Hispanic 9 18 40 19 15 179African American 22 25 36 13 4 258White 7 13 34 21 25 1635Age: 18-29 13 26 27 22 13 308Age: 30-44 12 17 30 21 20 510Age 45-64 8 14 33 20 25 760Age: 65+ 4 5 47 17 26 431Health - Excellent /V Good 12 15 33 19 21 1044Health: Good 6 14 38 22 21 654Health: Fair/Poor 7 16 33 16 29 311

    Insurance: Uninsured 14 21 20 15 30 270Insurance: Purchased on Own 10 23 27 23 18 157Insurance: Employer-based 8 14 35 23 21 853Insurance: Govt Plan 9 9 43 17 22 633ACA will make things better 38 62 0 0 0 477ACA will have no effect 0 0 100 0 0 692ACA will make things worse 0 0 0 47 53 839Cancel Notice-know someone 8 12 14 21 44 384Cancel Notice-do not 9 15 39 20 17 1625State-based exchanges 9 17 37 17 20 671Federally managed exchanges 9 14 33 21 23 1281

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    3: In the long run, how do you think the 2010 health care law will affect how much you pay in total healthcare costs,such as appointment co-payments, monthly premiums, deductibles and drug co-payments? Will it make health care





    About thesame



    Much lessexpensive


    Registered Voters 29 32 27 8 3 2008

    Republicans 47 36 14 2 0 514Democrats 12 31 38 13 6 721Independents 34 29 27 7 2 570Males 29 33 26 9 4 935Females 29 32 29 7 3 1073Hispanic 23 34 32 10 1 179African American 12 22 43 16 7 258White 32 34 25 7 3 1635Age: 18-29 19 36 30 12 3 308Age: 30-44 31 28 28 9 4 510Age 45-64 28 35 24 9 4 760Age: 65+ 33 30 31 3 2 431Health - Excellent /V Good 28 31 27 10 4 1044

    Health: Good 28 35 28 7 3 654Health: Fair/Poor 33 32 26 6 3 311Insurance: Uninsured 36 22 25 10 6 270Insurance: Purchased on Own 30 30 22 13 5 157Insurance: Employer-based 28 37 25 7 3 853Insurance: Govt Plan 28 30 33 6 3 633ACA will make things better 10 27 30 22 11 477ACA will have no effect 9 31 51 8 1 692ACA will make things worse 56 36 6 1 1 839Cancel Notice-know someone 51 30 14 3 1 384Cancel Notice-do not 23 33 31 9 4 1625State-based exchanges 22 34 32 9 3 671Federally managed exchanges 32 31 26 8 3 1281

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  • 7/27/2019 TMC November Tracking Poll Toplines Final


    4: In the long run, how do you think the 2010 health care law will affect the availability of medical benefits you receivefrom your health insurance, such as doctors appointments, medical treatments and prescription drugs? Will it makehealth care





    About thesame



    Much lessavailable


    Registered Voters 8 14 40 20 18 2008Republicans 5 8 24 30 33 514Democrats 12 20 51 13 4 721Independents 4 10 42 22 21 570Males 9 15 37 20 19 935Females 7 13 42 21 17 1073Hispanic 11 24 36 17 12 179African American 15 27 43 12 4 258White 7 11 40 22 20 1635Age: 18-29 10 26 37 17 9 308Age: 30-44 12 17 37 15 18 510Age 45-64 8 12 40 21 19 760Age: 65+ 2 5 44 28 22 431

    Health - Excellent /V Good 11 16 38 19 17 1044Health: Good 5 12 43 22 18 654Health: Fair/Poor 7 11 38 21 22 311Insurance: Uninsured 14 21 28 16 21 270Insurance: Purchased on Own 13 15 34 27 12 157Insurance: Employer-based 7 13 42 18 19 853Insurance: Govt Plan 6 9 44 24 17 633ACA will make things better 28 32 32 6 2 477ACA will have no effect 2 13 67 13 4 692ACA will make things worse 1 4 21 35 38 839Cancel Notice-know someone 8 13 17 23 39 384Cancel Notice-do not 8 14 45 20 13 1625State-based exchanges 9 16 42 17 15 671

    Federally managed exchanges 8 13 39 22 19 1281

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    5: In the long run, how do you think the 2010 health care law will affect the quality of the medical care you receive?Will it make health care



    About thesame






    Registered Voters 7 13 43 21 16 2008

    Republicans 4 5 28 32 32 514Democrats 10 22 53 12 3 721Independents 4 8 44 26 19 570Males 8 13 40 21 18 935Females 6 13 45 22 15 1073Hispanic 7 19 41 20 14 179African American 15 26 46 10 2 258White 5 10 43 23 19 1635Age: 18-29 11 22 39 17 10 308Age: 30-44 9 16 41 18 15 510Age 45-64 6 11 44 23 17 760Age: 65+ 2 6 46 25 21 431Health - Excellent /V Good 9 14 41 21 15 1044

    Health: Good 4 12 46 20 18 654Health: Fair/Poor 4 12 41 24 19 311Insurance: Uninsured 11 16 36 15 21 270Insurance: Purchased on Own 9 13 42 26 10 157Insurance: Employer-based 5 14 43 22 16 853Insurance: Govt Plan 6 8 47 23 17 633ACA will make things better 24 33 36 7 0 477ACA will have no effect 2 12 67 16 3 692ACA will make things worse 1 2 27 34 36 839Cancel Notice-know someone 6 13 19 29 32 384Cancel Notice-do not 7 13 48 19 13 1625State-based exchanges 8 15 44 21 13 671Federally managed exchanges 6 12 42 22 17 1281

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    6: What would you like to see Congress do when it comes to the health care law?

    Congressshouldexpandthe law

    Congressshould let

    the lawtake effect


    changes toimprove

    the law


    delay anddefund the



    repeal thelaw


    Registered Voters 11 18 32 6 33 2008Republicans 4 6 21 8 61 514Democrats 18 32 36 4 9 721Independents 6 11 38 5 39 570Males 12 19 31 5 34 935Females 10 18 33 6 32 1073Hispanic 17 17 40 3 23 179African American 19 32 42 2 5 258White 9 15 31 6 39 1635Age: 18-29 13 22 42 3 20 308Age: 30-44 17 19 30 5 29 510Age 45-64 9 19 31 5 35 760

    Age: 65+ 6 13 28 9 44 431Health - Excellent /V Good 14 19 30 5 32 1044Health: Good 8 18 34 6 35 654Health: Fair/Poor 9 16 35 6 34 311Insurance: Uninsured 14 17 35 6 29 270Insurance: Purchased on Own 11 22 26 4 37 157Insurance: Employer-based 12 19 31 6 32 853Insurance: Govt Plan 9 16 32 6 37 633ACA will make things better 33 40 24 1 1 477ACA will have no effect 8 22 48 5 17 692ACA will make things worse 1 2 23 9 65 839Cancel Notice-know someone 11 10 16 6 57 384Cancel Notice-do not 11 20 36 5 28 1625

    State-based exchanges 13 20 34 5 29 671Federally managed exchanges 10 17 32 6 35 1281

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    7: Now thinking about Medicare, the government health insurance program for seniors, do you think Medicare willrequire major changes or minor changes? If you think Medicare is fine the way it is and does not require any changesat all, please say so.

    Major changes Minor changes No changes NRegistered Voters 30 43 27 2008Republicans 33 37 30 514

    Democrats 25 49 26 721Independents 30 43 27 570Males 32 42 26 935Females 28 44 27 1073Hispanic 39 39 21 179African American 27 49 24 258White 30 43 27 1635Age: 18-29 37 41 22 308Age: 30-44 41 40 19 510Age 45-64 27 47 25 760Age: 65+ 16 43 42 431Health - Excellent /V Good 31 42 27 1044Health: Good 28 46 27 654

    Health: Fair/Poor 30 44 26 311Insurance: Uninsured 33 38 29 270Insurance: Purchased on Own 34 40 26 157Insurance: Employer-based 34 45 20 853Insurance: Govt Plan 22 44 34 633ACA will make things better 33 48 18 477ACA will have no effect 20 45 35 692ACA will make things worse 36 39 24 839Cancel Notice-know someone 44 36 20 384Cancel Notice-do not 27 45 28 1625State-based exchanges 28 45 27 671Federally managed exchanges 30 43 27 1281

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    8: When it comes to handling healthcare, which political party do you trust more?

    Democratic Party Republican Party NRegistered Voters 52 48 2008Republicans 7 93 514Democrats 92 8 721Independents 42 58 570

    Males 49 51 935Females 56 44 1073Hispanic 66 34 179African American 88 12 258White 46 54 1635Age: 18-29 61 39 308Age: 30-44 58 42 510Age 45-64 50 50 760Age: 65+ 44 56 431Health - Excellent /V Good 52 48 1044Health: Good 52 48 654Health: Fair/Poor 54 46 311Insurance: Uninsured 56 44 270

    Insurance: Purchased on Own 50 50 157Insurance: Employer-based 53 47 853Insurance: Govt Plan 48 52 633ACA will make things better 83 17 477ACA will have no effect 68 32 692ACA will make things worse 22 78 839Cancel Notice-know someone 26 74 384Cancel Notice-do not 59 41 1625State-based exchanges 54 46 671Federally managed exchanges 52 48 1281

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    9: In recent months, key provisions of the 2010 health care law have taken effect. Has the governments implementationof the 2010 health care law thus far made you more confident in the governments ability to address problems in thehealth care sector, less confident, or has it had no effect either way?

    More confident Less confident No effect eitherway


    Registered Voters 16 60 24 2008

    Republicans 9 82 8 514Democrats 26 40 34 721Independents 8 68 24 570Males 17 61 22 935Females 15 60 25 1073Hispanic 21 53 26 179African American 33 29 38 258White 12 66 22 1635Age: 18-29 26 46 28 308Age: 30-44 21 53 26 510Age 45-64 14 62 24 760Age: 65+ 6 76 18 431Health - Excellent /V Good 19 56 25 1044

    Health: Good 12 64 24 654Health: Fair/Poor 13 67 20 311Insurance: Uninsured 18 52 30 270Insurance: Purchased on Own 21 54 25 157Insurance: Employer-based 17 60 24 853Insurance: Govt Plan 12 67 21 633ACA will make things better 46 24 30 477ACA will have no effect 11 49 40 692ACA will make things worse 3 90 7 839Cancel Notice-know someone 18 75 7 384Cancel Notice-do not 15 57 28 1625State-based exchanges 18 56 25 671Federally managed exchanges 15 62 23 1281

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    10: Has the governments implementation of the 2010 health care law thus far made you more likely to say PresidentObama is a strong leader, less likely to say he is a strong leader, or has it had no effect either way?

    More likely Less likely No effect eitherway


    Registered Voters 21 52 26 990Republicans 5 84 11 239

    Democrats 39 28 33 354Independents 11 56 33 296Males 21 57 22 449Females 22 48 30 541Hispanic 22 45 33 90African American 46 19 35 127White 17 59 25 808Age: 18-29 27 48 25 156Age: 30-44 31 45 24 252Age 45-64 18 53 29 373Age: 65+ 11 64 24 210Health - Excellent /V Good 26 50 24 512Health: Good 18 52 29 330

    Health: Fair/Poor 11 59 30 149Insurance: Uninsured 32 46 22 138Insurance: Purchased on Own 29 56 15 86Insurance: Employer-based 20 51 29 417Insurance: Govt Plan 15 58 28 302ACA will make things better 51 24 24 239ACA will have no effect 19 37 44 367ACA will make things worse 5 84 11 385Cancel Notice-know someone 15 76 9 176Cancel Notice-do not 23 47 30 814State-based exchanges 23 49 28 309Federally managed exchanges 21 54 26 652

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    11: Has the governments implementation of the 2010 health care law thus far made you more likely to say you trustPresident Obama, less likely to say you trust President Obama, or has it had no effect either way?

    More likely Less likely No effect eitherway


    Registered Voters 18 54 28 1018Republicans 11 86 4 275

    Democrats 32 23 45 367Independents 8 64 27 274Males 19 54 28 486Females 17 54 29 532Hispanic 24 53 23 89African American 43 13 45 132White 13 61 26 827Age: 18-29 26 44 29 152Age: 30-44 24 44 32 258Age 45-64 17 53 30 386Age: 65+ 7 72 20 221Health - Excellent /V Good 21 52 28 532Health: Good 14 58 28 324

    Health: Fair/Poor 18 52 30 162Insurance: Uninsured 19 50 31 132Insurance: Employer-based 17 53 30 435Insurance: Govt Plan 18 58 25 331ACA will make things better 50 14 36 238ACA will have no effect 16 37 47 325ACA will make things worse 3 87 11 455Cancel Notice-know someone 18 74 8 207Cancel Notice-do not 18 48 33 810State-based exchanges 23 49 28 361Federally managed exchanges 16 55 29 629

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    12: As you may have heard, many Americans who purchase their own health insurance have received notices fromhealth insurers that their policies may be cancelled. Some say these cancellations will improve individual healthinsurance policies because they require health plans to meet the minimum standards of the 2010 health care law.Others say these cancellations show the President has broken his promise that Americans can keep their current healthinsurance if they like it.With whom do you agree more?

    Cancellation notices

    will improveindividual healthinsurance

    Cancellation notices

    show PresidentObama has brokenhis promise to



    Registered Voters 35 65 2008Republicans 10 90 514Democrats 58 42 721Independents 28 72 570Males 35 65 935Females 35 65 1073Hispanic 43 57 179African American 64 36 258White 30 70 1635

    Age: 18-29 41 59 308Age: 30-44 38 62 510Age 45-64 36 64 760Age: 65+ 26 74 431Health - Excellent /V Good 39 61 1044Health: Good 32 68 654Health: Fair/Poor 29 71 311Insurance: Uninsured 38 62 270Insurance: Purchased on Own 34 66 157Insurance: Employer-based 36 64 853Insurance: Govt Plan 31 69 633ACA will make things better 68 32 477ACA will have no effect 45 55 692

    ACA will make things worse 8 92 839Cancel Notice-know someone 16 84 384Cancel Notice-do not 39 61 1625State-based exchanges 38 62 671Federally managed exchanges 33 67 1281

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    13: Have you or someone you know personally received a cancellation notice?

    Yes No NRegistered Voters 19 81 2008Republicans 28 72 514Democrats 10 90 721Independents 21 79 570

    Males 21 79 935Females 17 83 1073Hispanic 25 75 179African American 9 91 258White 21 79 1635Age: 18-29 21 79 308Age: 30-44 21 79 510Age 45-64 17 83 760Age: 65+ 18 82 431Health - Excellent /V Good 20 80 1044Health: Good 19 81 654Health: Fair/Poor 16 84 311Insurance: Uninsured 11 89 270

    Insurance: Purchased on Own 32 68 157Insurance: Employer-based 21 79 853Insurance: Govt Plan 17 83 633ACA will make things better 17 83 477ACA will have no effect 8 92 692ACA will make things worse 30 70 839Cancel Notice-know someone 100 0 384Cancel Notice-do not 0 100 1625State-based exchanges 23 77 671Federally managed exchanges 17 83 1281

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    14: How much, if at all, would you blame President Obama and his administration for these health insurance cancel-lations?

    None Some A lot NRegistered Voters 17 33 50 2008Republicans 3 18 80 514Democrats 33 45 22 721

    Independents 11 30 59 570Males 15 34 51 935Females 19 33 48 1073Hispanic 20 40 40 179African American 35 50 16 258White 14 30 56 1635Age: 18-29 20 44 37 308Age: 30-44 19 35 46 510Age 45-64 18 31 51 760Age: 65+ 11 27 62 431Health - Excellent /V Good 20 34 47 1044Health: Good 14 33 52 654Health: Fair/Poor 14 31 54 311

    Insurance: Uninsured 23 32 46 270Insurance: Purchased on Own 17 34 50 157Insurance: Employer-based 18 33 49 853Insurance: Govt Plan 13 33 54 633ACA will make things better 37 47 16 477ACA will have no effect 21 46 33 692ACA will make things worse 3 15 82 839Cancel Notice-know someone 5 20 74 384Cancel Notice-do not 20 36 44 1625State-based exchanges 18 36 46 671Federally managed exchanges 17 32 51 1281

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    15: How much, if at all, would you blame Republicans in Congress for these health insurance cancellations?

    None Some A lot NRegistered Voters 28 43 29 2008Republicans 47 40 13 514Democrats 16 42 42 721Independents 25 48 27 570

    Males 35 40 25 935Females 23 45 32 1073Hispanic 25 49 26 179African American 19 36 45 258White 30 43 26 1635Age: 18-29 25 46 29 308Age: 30-44 31 39 30 510Age 45-64 27 45 28 760Age: 65+ 31 41 28 431Health - Excellent /V Good 31 42 27 1044Health: Good 25 46 29 654Health: Fair/Poor 28 36 36 311Insurance: Uninsured 31 41 28 270

    Insurance: Purchased on Own 28 41 31 157Insurance: Employer-based 28 43 29 853Insurance: Govt Plan 29 42 29 633ACA will make things better 21 37 42 477ACA will have no effect 23 45 32 692ACA will make things worse 37 44 19 839Cancel Notice-know someone 40 40 20 384Cancel Notice-do not 26 43 31 1625State-based exchanges 28 46 26 671Federally managed exchanges 28 41 30 1281

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    16: How much, if at all, would you blame Democrats in Congress for these health insurance cancellations?

    None Some A lot NRegistered Voters 21 41 38 2008Republicans 5 31 63 514Democrats 37 50 14 721Independents 15 41 44 570

    Males 21 38 41 935Females 20 44 35 1073Hispanic 20 53 26 179African American 37 48 15 258White 18 40 42 1635Age: 18-29 24 48 29 308Age: 30-44 23 41 36 510Age 45-64 20 41 39 760Age: 65+ 17 39 44 431Health - Excellent /V Good 21 43 36 1044Health: Good 23 37 40 654Health: Fair/Poor 15 46 39 311Insurance: Uninsured 27 41 32 270

    Insurance: Purchased on Own 20 38 42 157Insurance: Employer-based 20 41 39 853Insurance: Govt Plan 19 42 39 633ACA will make things better 40 47 14 477ACA will have no effect 26 48 25 692ACA will make things worse 5 33 62 839Cancel Notice-know someone 6 30 64 384Cancel Notice-do not 24 44 32 1625State-based exchanges 21 45 34 671Federally managed exchanges 20 40 39 1281

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    17: How much, if at all, would you blame health insurance companies for these health insurance cancellations?

    None Some A lot NRegistered Voters 21 46 33 2008Republicans 26 58 16 514Democrats 13 42 45 721Independents 24 42 34 570

    Males 22 45 33 935Females 19 47 33 1073Hispanic 21 47 32 179African American 18 44 38 258White 21 46 33 1635Age: 18-29 24 49 27 308Age: 30-44 23 44 33 510Age 45-64 20 44 36 760Age: 65+ 17 50 33 431Health - Excellent /V Good 23 44 33 1044Health: Good 19 50 31 654Health: Fair/Poor 16 44 40 311Insurance: Uninsured 25 42 33 270

    Insurance: Purchased on Own 28 45 27 157Insurance: Employer-based 19 45 36 853Insurance: Govt Plan 18 49 33 633ACA will make things better 11 38 50 477ACA will have no effect 18 48 34 692ACA will make things worse 28 49 23 839Cancel Notice-know someone 28 48 23 384Cancel Notice-do not 19 45 36 1625State-based exchanges 21 46 33 671Federally managed exchanges 21 45 34 1281

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  • 7/27/2019 TMC November Tracking Poll Toplines Final


    18: How important of an issue will these cancellation notices be in your vote in the upcoming 2014 midterm elections?

    The singlemost


    Not tooimportant of

    an issue

    Not animportantissue at all

    One of themost



    Registered Voters 12 21 9 57 2008

    Republicans 14 11 2 74 514Democrats 9 30 16 46 721Independents 14 18 8 60 570Males 14 23 10 53 935Females 11 19 8 61 1073Hispanic 14 21 7 57 179African American 13 26 12 49 258White 12 20 9 59 1635Age: 18-29 16 24 8 53 308Age: 30-44 17 20 8 55 510Age 45-64 9 23 10 58 760Age: 65+ 11 18 10 62 431Health - Excellent /V Good 15 21 11 54 1044

    Health: Good 9 24 6 61 654Health: Fair/Poor 13 18 10 60 311Insurance: Uninsured 18 17 10 56 270Insurance: Purchased on Own 13 17 11 59 157Insurance: Employer-based 12 23 9 56 853Insurance: Govt Plan 11 20 9 60 633ACA will make things better 18 28 15 39 477ACA will have no effect 5 30 13 52 692ACA will make things worse 16 10 2 72 839Cancel Notice-know someone 25 8 2 65 384Cancel Notice-do not 10 24 11 55 1625State-based exchanges 10 22 12 56 671Federally managed exchanges 14 20 8 58 1281

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    19: This week, President Obama announced, as a result of the cancellation notices, that insurance companies couldcontinue for another year to offer plans that do not meet minimum standards for benefits set under the 2010 healthcare law. Do you believe this is a sign that Obamais willing to improve a flawed provision of the law, or do you believethis is a sign the broader law is flawed?

    Sign Obama is willingto improve a flawed


    Sign the broader lawis flawed


    Registered Voters 47 53 2006Republicans 21 79 514Democrats 74 26 720Independents 38 62 569Males 43 57 935Females 50 50 1072Hispanic 53 47 179African American 78 22 257White 42 58 1635Age: 18-29 46 54 307Age: 30-44 50 50 510Age 45-64 50 50 760

    Age: 65+ 40 60 429Health - Excellent /V Good 47 53 1042Health: Good 47 53 654Health: Fair/Poor 47 53 311Insurance: Uninsured 48 52 269Insurance: Purchased on Own 48 52 157Insurance: Employer-based 46 54 853Insurance: Govt Plan 48 52 632ACA will make things better 78 22 477ACA will have no effect 62 38 690ACA will make things worse 18 82 839Cancel Notice-know someone 22 78 384Cancel Notice-do not 53 47 1623

    State-based exchanges 49 51 671Federally managed exchanges 46 54 1279

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    20: The health care law has established insurance exchanges where people can shop for insurance and compareprices online.In these exchanges, eligible individuals and families will be eligible to receive federal money to purchaseinsurance. How likely are you to consider purchasing insurance through a health insurance exchange?

    Almostcertain topurchase

    Very likely About50-50

    Not toolikely

    Not at alllikely


    Registered Voters 6 10 24 22 38 2008Republicans 4 7 14 21 53 514Democrats 10 15 28 21 27 721Independents 4 6 25 22 43 570Males 7 10 24 20 39 935Females 6 11 24 23 37 1073Hispanic 7 16 39 18 20 179African American 11 21 35 16 17 258White 5 8 21 23 42 1635Age: 18-29 8 18 41 17 16 308Age: 30-44 9 13 29 21 28 510Age 45-64 7 9 22 24 38 760Age: 65+ 2 1 9 22 66 431

    Health - Excellent /V Good 9 12 24 19 36 1044Health: Good 4 9 25 23 39 654Health: Fair/Poor 4 7 20 26 44 311Insurance: Uninsured 15 20 32 13 21 270Insurance: Purchased on Own 13 16 32 13 25 157Insurance: Employer-based 4 10 23 26 37 853Insurance: Govt Plan 5 5 16 21 53 633ACA will make things better 23 29 28 11 10 477ACA will have no effect 1 5 25 26 43 692ACA will make things worse 1 4 20 24 51 839Cancel Notice-know someone 7 13 18 18 45 384Cancel Notice-do not 6 9 25 22 37 1625State-based exchanges 7 10 23 21 39 671

    Federally managed exchanges 6 10 25 22 37 1281

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    21: Have you visited a state or federal online health insurance exchange, such as, where you can shopfor health insurance and compare plans?

    Yes No NRegistered Voters 19 81 2007Republicans 17 83 514Democrats 23 77 721

    Independents 13 87 569Males 21 79 934Females 17 83 1073Hispanic 26 74 179African American 28 72 257White 17 83 1635Age: 18-29 21 79 308Age: 30-44 31 69 510Age 45-64 16 84 759Age: 65+ 9 91 431Health - Excellent /V Good 23 77 1043Health: Good 15 85 654Health: Fair/Poor 13 87 311

    Insurance: Uninsured 29 71 270Insurance: Purchased on Own 35 65 157Insurance: Employer-based 18 82 853Insurance: Govt Plan 13 87 632ACA will make things better 40 60 476ACA will have no effect 9 91 692ACA will make things worse 16 84 839Cancel Notice-know someone 33 67 384Cancel Notice-do not 16 84 1624State-based exchanges 20 80 671Federally managed exchanges 19 81 1280

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    22: Did you go to the exchanges to look at purchasing health insurance options for you and your family? (amongrespondents who visited an exchange)

    Yes No NRegistered Voters 75 25 375Republicans 74 26 86Democrats 74 26 164

    Males 73 27 195Females 76 24 181White 74 26 274Age: 30-44 76 24 156Age 45-64 79 21 119Health - Excellent /V Good 77 23 239Health: Good 74 26 99Insurance: Uninsured 81 19 79Insurance: Employer-based 78 22 154Insurance: Govt Plan 65 35 77ACA will make things better 81 19 186ACA will make things worse 71 29 131Cancel Notice-know someone 81 19 124

    Cancel Notice-do not 72 28 251State-based exchanges 77 23 131Federally managed exchanges 73 27 235

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    23: How would you rate your overall experience when you visited an online health insurance exchange? (amongrespondents who visited an exchange)

    Very positive Somewhatpositive




    Registered Voters 21 31 21 28 378Republicans 24 10 24 42 86

    Democrats 23 46 19 12 164Males 22 28 18 31 196Females 19 33 23 25 182White 21 25 22 32 276Age: 30-44 22 26 20 32 156Age 45-64 21 33 18 28 119Health - Excellent /V Good 27 31 17 26 240Health: Good 11 34 27 28 99Insurance: Uninsured 6 29 25 39 79Insurance: Employer-based 26 34 13 27 154Insurance: Govt Plan 30 21 25 24 79ACA will make things better 35 44 13 8 189ACA will make things worse 5 7 28 60 131

    Cancel Notice-know someone 21 29 14 37 124Cancel Notice-do not 20 32 24 24 254State-based exchanges 27 38 18 17 132Federally managed exchanges 17 27 22 33 237

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    24: Did you experience technical difficulties on the state or federal health insurance web site? (among respondentswho visited an exchange)

    Yes No NRegistered Voters 62 38 378Republicans 64 36 86Democrats 56 44 164

    Males 62 38 195Females 62 38 182White 61 39 276Age: 30-44 69 31 156Age 45-64 55 45 121Health - Excellent /V Good 63 37 240Health: Good 58 42 99Insurance: Uninsured 65 35 79Insurance: Employer-based 63 37 153Insurance: Govt Plan 52 48 79ACA will make things better 57 43 189ACA will make things worse 74 26 131Cancel Notice-know someone 79 21 123

    Cancel Notice-do not 54 46 254State-based exchanges 47 53 132Federally managed exchanges 69 31 237

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    25: Have you already purchased insurance from an online health insurance exchange? (among respondents who visitedan exchange)

    Yes No NRegistered Voters 21 79 378Republicans 30 70 86Democrats 22 78 164

    Males 25 75 195Females 18 82 183White 22 78 276Age: 30-44 18 82 156Age 45-64 27 73 121Health - Excellent /V Good 26 74 239Health: Good 16 84 100Insurance: Uninsured 2 98 79Insurance: Employer-based 25 75 154Insurance: Govt Plan 32 68 79ACA will make things better 36 64 189ACA will make things worse 4 96 131Cancel Notice-know someone 39 61 124

    Cancel Notice-do not 13 87 254State-based exchanges 34 66 132Federally managed exchanges 14 86 237

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    26: Are you going to visit one of these state or federal online insurance exchanges again in the next few months, ornot? (among respondents who visited an exchange)

    Yes No NRegistered Voters 65 35 371Republicans 49 51 82Democrats 74 26 165

    Males 63 37 194Females 66 34 177White 60 40 269Age: 30-44 57 43 151Age 45-64 77 23 121Health - Excellent /V Good 69 31 239Health: Good 62 38 96Insurance: Uninsured 62 38 79Insurance: Employer-based 64 36 153ACA will make things better 85 15 186ACA will make things worse 37 63 127Cancel Notice-know someone 63 37 121Cancel Notice-do not 65 35 250

    State-based exchanges 70 30 131Federally managed exchanges 62 38 231

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    27: Are you going to visit one of these state or federal online insurance exchanges in the next few months, or not?(among respondents who have not visited an exchange)

    Yes No NRegistered Voters 24 76 1612Republicans 16 84 420Democrats 30 70 551

    Independents 21 79 494Males 26 74 732Females 23 77 880Hispanic 32 68 131African American 42 58 183White 21 79 1345Age: 18-29 35 65 239Age: 30-44 32 68 350Age 45-64 27 73 634Age: 65+ 7 93 389Health - Excellent /V Good 25 75 794Health: Good 24 76 547Health: Fair/Poor 22 78 271

    Insurance: Uninsured 49 51 190Insurance: Purchased on Own 52 48 100Insurance: Employer-based 21 79 693Insurance: Govt Plan 14 86 551ACA will make things better 49 51 282ACA will have no effect 16 84 627ACA will make things worse 22 78 702Cancel Notice-know someone 22 78 253Cancel Notice-do not 25 75 1359State-based exchanges 22 78 532Federally managed exchanges 26 74 1032

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    28: As you may know, the health insurance exchanges opened for enrollment on October 1. Just your impression, howwell have the online health insurance exchanges been working?


    Very well Fairly well Not toowell

    Not wellat all


    Registered Voters 4 6 19 28 44 2008Republicans 4 5 11 15 66 514

    Democrats 5 8 26 39 22 721Independents 3 3 14 28 53 570Males 4 6 19 26 45 935Females 3 6 18 30 43 1073Hispanic 5 15 24 26 30 179African American 7 14 33 34 13 258White 3 4 16 27 50 1635Age: 18-29 6 15 34 24 22 308Age: 30-44 7 8 18 31 36 510Age 45-64 3 3 17 27 51 760Age: 65+ 1 2 12 30 55 431Health - Excellent /V Good 6 8 19 26 41 1044Health: Good 1 4 21 29 45 654

    Health: Fair/Poor 1 2 13 32 52 311Insurance: Uninsured 5 8 24 27 36 270Insurance: Purchased on Own 4 11 25 19 41 157Insurance: Employer-based 4 4 17 29 45 853Insurance: Govt Plan 3 4 14 28 50 633ACA will make things better 14 16 23 33 13 477ACA will have no effect 1 4 26 37 32 692ACA will make things worse 1 1 9 18 71 839Cancel Notice-know someone 7 9 12 13 60 384Cancel Notice-do not 3 5 20 32 40 1625State-based exchanges 4 6 21 27 41 671Federally managed exchanges 4 6 17 28 45 1281

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    29: How much, if at all, would you blame Republicans in Congress for the performance of the online health insuranceexchanges? (among respondents who said exchanges have been working not too well or not well at all)

    None Some A lot NRegistered Voters 43 39 19 1419Republicans 61 32 6 404Democrats 26 46 28 433

    Independents 39 40 22 453Males 50 35 15 637Females 37 42 22 782Hispanic 42 43 15 101African American 34 39 27 119White 44 39 17 1236Age: 18-29 53 32 15 138Age: 30-44 44 37 19 339Age 45-64 42 41 17 584Age: 65+ 39 40 22 357Health - Excellent /V Good 45 38 17 694Health: Good 41 39 20 468Health: Fair/Poor 40 40 20 257

    Insurance: Uninsured 48 32 20 168Insurance: Purchased on Own 45 37 18 94Insurance: Employer-based 43 40 17 624Insurance: Govt Plan 39 40 21 484ACA will make things better 35 42 23 218ACA will have no effect 34 42 24 465ACA will make things worse 51 35 14 735Cancel Notice-know someone 59 32 10 271Cancel Notice-do not 39 40 21 1148State-based exchanges 40 42 18 451Federally managed exchanges 44 37 20 931

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    30: How much, if at all, would you blame the Obama administration for the performance of the online health insuranceexchanges? (among respondents who said exchanges have been working not too well or not well at all)

    None Some A lot NRegistered Voters 11 29 60 1430Republicans 1 10 88 414Democrats 23 49 28 431

    Independents 6 27 67 456Males 9 25 66 646Females 12 33 56 784Hispanic 11 34 55 101African American 28 48 25 121White 9 27 64 1246Age: 18-29 15 42 44 138Age: 30-44 14 32 54 339Age 45-64 9 28 63 587Age: 65+ 9 23 68 365Health - Excellent /V Good 12 27 61 692Health: Good 10 29 61 481Health: Fair/Poor 8 34 58 257

    Insurance: Uninsured 18 21 61 169Insurance: Purchased on Own 10 23 66 94Insurance: Employer-based 10 32 58 625Insurance: Govt Plan 9 27 64 494ACA will make things better 28 52 20 219ACA will have no effect 16 41 43 470ACA will make things worse 2 14 83 741Cancel Notice-know someone 1 12 87 276Cancel Notice-do not 13 33 54 1154State-based exchanges 10 29 61 452Federally managed exchanges 11 29 60 937

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    31: How much, if at all, would you blame Democrats in Congress for the performance of the online health insuranceexchanges? (among respondents who said exchanges have been working not too well or not well at all)

    None Some A lot NRegistered Voters 22 41 36 1429Republicans 10 36 54 412Democrats 35 52 14 431

    Independents 20 38 41 458Males 25 34 41 648Females 21 47 33 781Hispanic 30 44 27 101African American 42 42 17 120White 21 41 39 1246Age: 18-29 38 41 21 138Age: 30-44 27 39 34 336Age 45-64 19 44 37 590Age: 65+ 17 40 43 364Health - Excellent /V Good 27 38 35 695Health: Good 18 42 41 477Health: Fair/Poor 19 49 32 257

    Insurance: Uninsured 29 38 32 168Insurance: Purchased on Own 25 35 40 94Insurance: Employer-based 23 40 37 626Insurance: Govt Plan 18 45 37 492ACA will make things better 45 46 10 217ACA will have no effect 29 49 22 471ACA will make things worse 12 35 53 741Cancel Notice-know someone 10 28 62 276Cancel Notice-do not 25 44 30 1153State-based exchanges 20 44 36 450Federally managed exchanges 23 40 37 937

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    32: How much, if at all, would you blame private technology firms that built the web site for the performance of theonline health insurance exchanges? (among respondents who said exchanges have been working not too well or notwell at all)

    None Some A lot NRegistered Voters 6 29 65 1418Republicans 6 30 64 401

    Democrats 4 29 66 434Independents 5 28 66 455Males 7 33 61 635Females 5 27 68 783Hispanic 2 30 68 100African American 7 26 67 122White 6 30 65 1233Age: 18-29 10 36 54 139Age: 30-44 8 29 63 340Age 45-64 4 33 64 584Age: 65+ 5 23 73 355Health - Excellent /V Good 5 30 65 696Health: Good 7 27 66 469

    Health: Fair/Poor 6 32 62 253Insurance: Uninsured 8 37 55 169Insurance: Purchased on Own 3 23 74 94Insurance: Employer-based 5 30 65 624Insurance: Govt Plan 6 27 68 482ACA will make things better 2 25 73 219ACA will have no effect 3 29 68 466ACA will make things worse 8 31 60 733Cancel Notice-know someone 7 27 66 272Cancel Notice-do not 5 30 65 1146State-based exchanges 7 34 59 452Federally managed exchanges 5 28 67 930

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    33: The Obama administration has said the health insurance exchanges will be running smoothly for the vast majorityof users by November 30. How confident are you that these exchanges will be running smoothly for the vast majorityof users by then?




    Not tooconfident

    Not at allconfident


    Registered Voters 6 11 27 25 31 2008

    Republicans 4 5 10 25 56 514Democrats 9 20 39 23 9 721Independents 4 4 26 29 37 570Males 7 11 26 23 34 935Females 5 11 27 27 29 1073Hispanic 7 24 31 21 17 179African American 12 22 44 16 6 258White 5 9 23 27 36 1635Age: 18-29 7 17 37 24 14 308Age: 30-44 10 13 28 23 25 510Age 45-64 5 10 26 25 34 760Age: 65+ 2 4 20 28 46 431Health - Excellent /V Good 9 13 27 22 29 1044

    Health: Good 3 10 27 28 32 654Health: Fair/Poor 2 6 27 29 36 311Insurance: Uninsured 8 13 27 23 29 270Insurance: Purchased on Own 7 15 28 24 27 157Insurance: Employer-based 6 11 28 25 31 853Insurance: Govt Plan 5 8 24 26 37 633ACA will make things better 22 28 34 11 5 477ACA will have no effect 2 11 41 29 18 692ACA will make things worse 0 1 11 30 57 839Cancel Notice-know someone 8 10 10 20 52 384Cancel Notice-do not 5 11 31 26 26 1625State-based exchanges 6 12 29 27 26 671Federally managed exchanges 6 10 26 24 33 1281

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    34: Do you believe that state and federal health insurance exchanges will protect your data and your privacy?

    Yes No NRegistered Voters 42 58 2008Republicans 23 77 514Democrats 63 37 721Independents 30 70 570

    Males 40 60 935Females 44 56 1073Hispanic 50 50 179African American 66 34 258White 38 62 1635Age: 18-29 55 45 308Age: 30-44 45 55 510Age 45-64 41 59 760Age: 65+ 32 68 431Health - Excellent /V Good 47 53 1044Health: Good 39 61 654Health: Fair/Poor 35 65 311Insurance: Uninsured 39 61 270

    Insurance: Purchased on Own 51 49 157Insurance: Employer-based 45 55 853Insurance: Govt Plan 36 64 633ACA will make things better 77 23 477ACA will have no effect 48 52 692ACA will make things worse 18 82 839Cancel Notice-know someone 28 72 384Cancel Notice-do not 46 54 1625State-based exchanges 46 54 671Federally managed exchanges 40 60 1281

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    35: How might data security or privacy issues affect your participation in the health insurance exchanges?

    It will make memuch less likely

    to participate

    It will make mesomewhat less

    likely toparticipate

    It will have noeffect on myparticipation


    Registered Voters 31 29 40 2008

    Republicans 44 27 28 514Democrats 17 28 55 721Independents 38 29 33 570Males 32 28 40 935Females 30 30 40 1073Hispanic 27 33 40 179African American 21 32 47 258White 32 28 40 1635Age: 18-29 24 46 30 308Age: 30-44 31 30 38 510Age 45-64 31 25 45 760Age: 65+ 37 21 43 431Health - Excellent /V Good 31 29 40 1044

    Health: Good 29 29 42 654Health: Fair/Poor 36 26 38 311Insurance: Uninsured 35 29 36 270Insurance: Purchased on Own 26 40 33 157Insurance: Employer-based 30 28 41 853Insurance: Govt Plan 32 23 45 633ACA will make things better 16 26 58 477ACA will have no effect 19 27 54 692ACA will make things worse 49 31 20 839Cancel Notice-know someone 54 27 19 384Cancel Notice-do not 26 29 45 1625State-based exchanges 27 27 45 671Federally managed exchanges 33 30 38 1281

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