tk li^ a irl^force .le jets^lanc in t haila b olster d...

m Weather ' Cloudy, W indy ..... ^ ' .'x J w l BiCK M o rw y 80Lvn:us uUh i 4«n >bo«fd >n »lrpl«ne m tliey »trB i )eGaulle’s G )n Issue of PARIS, May 16 (/P)-PfL'shient y on thc i»suc of Europcnn unio ipnlBr-Republican-imrly-Hbruptl e government formed just n mc idowcd difficulticfl for Pompid lembera oppo.HO th e new emier becjiuHC he is not _ A _ -, member of the ussemijty. /=\^,| Tbo« who rcalRntd »tre J Rfftt pnm in. liie pnrty's itit~ tlooil chnlrman and n .mlnlsKr l_9 I «1u u In charge or coopcrnlloii J j I »ua tiie Afrlcnn stntfcV miniiter tfikpte Maurice Sclmmnnn; ^ i, Bittrt Buron. m lntsitr of pub: k forka nnd tronjport; Pbu| l- Bun, Inbor, and Joseph Foiw hull, I tistt. public health. chiirr *i«rty caucus dcclded on thc rcplaci mKutlon Tuesday nlRhl alter IiiOiuile at a ne«-« coftfercnee •" ‘"'• MBiWd hla oppoaltlon lo t)ie to r fo waaUonaUnimework for Eu. this I em unity atrongly favored by ---------- CWer such a aupranatlonal Ti-k| ntoa. mot^C dcdalona In a £u- J (aa union would be tAken by ^ » ' iWty vole ‘of Wib member I I f aeni. But Dc OftuUe told Ihc n conference Europe'* pre- iSy hatlonaJlaUc aiAtca should SA f ra to llve lOftcUier In a ilcduaUon and later, ilducn unlt« flto^rsanlrjitlon. j A Jolnl slntcment from the renervo kUaOc mlnistcn laiia: ‘ ‘ -ischrduu •Yesterdny* new* conference'coulpme traled eaaenllal differences be-1 of Armf tiiea the conccpla of Gen. de Atxiiei Oitile on the orientation and proclaln tiaot European policy and (lie Wnj- by Utu to which we arc nliached. yenr's Tttiedltfcrcncea will not perroli Pcncc." m o rewaltt-ln the Bovernmenl.' Tiie e —ifltiurprtoe-iiiuvt-wna a.aevut iiciQ. ui <li»slDe aaulle. il^ame ontlie parking m of a apeaklng tour Dank a t^ s h central France scheduled display br the prealdent. howitrn --------------------------- Mil toi Preparations S m ! 1 guard e Proceed for ^ Elliott. . Space-Shot—tS'1 CAPE CANAVERAU FlB . May drrMn"' II blnat-off time for hli warrcn ‘•'Will iilBtit nearj". istronaui nf [he I “*knlm Scott Carpenter H re- W fd Knlni! about tlie binliifM ®erve '• pffpnrnllon with Ihr' thor. ' . wihnr.M of a lest pilot esitr to t'T . a . new plane. Hf‘ culm ft.< John H. (ll'un. w «M Ii, Uie daya before his w flUhl. a Project .Mercury official rocket Into space beUeeo *rniy ri ’•M Sill, and 12:30 p.m, Salur.- guard h J*y. Tlic lliRht l\ Intended t> equlpme louov snme ihrce-orbli t.-all Tcgan i "'“ fd l)v Olenn 2n ----------- *nfn hi- i>pcamr. Uie first Aiiicfi* f tn wbit the Klotw. I llf l 0(licb|,_„^, .K--epl..K.s »nry sh< W’frj- arcM ot the central snn FILEI «*'frnAtluntlc. mountai “«l ►xpcrt.i .uy the weatlier be held K nol .«rlou» nt UiLi lime Flier. r« ^ ll'-il they expect condltlona gin, Bul « bf favorable by Saturday. uarold r'-*'P"iiier-and-hls-bactvD-pi» -nnt^aj P-*a iiij [jij numerous experU rcJil^^i!!iL«bM2Latlonii_Carptni ''H ilo mnke in anare iHtermO ------- -----------—* aoclatloi U.S. Files Suit On N egro V oting frrtrnvl cnurt nere IMily Bibb couniy, Oa, Tl'* If, ^^~fat rwtralned~ from us- on-FVidi Nf»r« counting white and '9* *'I»rately. _ I ot the ’t "'lr P''"- R'>‘>ert-P, Ken. A spe the Wn\hlnnioii that day sUo hrouth. . *«r which If ■"'U eh,,,}' •'"''.federal govern- aftemoo iciVmi UJ'"® -«««re««tJw Jn ol ace * * Phyiicol conduct of In these bt a««i er indy •.'lE E - 1 1 The M; - - ~ s aW ■ C .x .w a H '> v t:us *;th rl«ff and Umlllet are I U I they were erieualed from northern I Laiiit l> ’s Government of European i •iVesiJcHl CJj/irJes do UwuJle’.s uovenu 'PCftn union n.s all five cabinet member y-nbruptly-remji nGd.-Thc-walkouL-\v;i just n month ago by Premier GeorKe; ir Pompidou in the national ns.Homb I Apathy-Blan] i Blood Donor Only 55 persons donated blood ' aui Red CroH.H bloodmobile visit at tl 311- hull, reports Wesley Dobbs, Twin cli^irmun. Of tho 55 pint.s of bloi rei>lacements. Tho (juota was 150 nj" jj) tJic hour.>} iind i3«U* for tj)e blood tile tor for the hick of donoi'.s. Howev iu- this lo be the main reason,” Dol by — ------------------------------------------ apathy Joint Display rah I by f7 - , fo*"- ^1“ £ 0 t Equipment — s Set By Units =11 Unit* of-the-Idalio-amiy-nti- >lhlch_l; Uonal guard and the.U. S. army •*" the reserve In Twin- Kails have “y -!Rcnrduica“ a"Jolnt“ flL-Tlay-of ice'coulpment Friday In oU^ervance '*■> '<» l)(. of Armed Forces day. t S. de Atxned Forces day has been « md proclaimed the third Saturday In ;lie Jifaj- by President Kennedy. TlUs Si ed, yenr's theme Is "Power for ,V nit Peace." oiiould it,- Tlie equipment display will be Twin' Fa) llie parking lot of the Tain Falla ‘T " )ur Dank aud .Trust company. On led display will' be lOS-mllllmeter howltier. 15S-mlUhneier hottllKr, • Mil tank, flvc-ton maintenance U-uck, kitchen truck morUr ‘>''“7 ^ '' ; and oUier reserve and national guard equipment, ndreshmenu ^ | will be served. f* “ ' RepresenUng Col. EUwiird O. Elliott, commander or thp llOth armored.CKValry, Idalio-natlonal-*^ guard, will be M/Snt. Henry D. ” j;®' Van Patten. Sgt, l/cl. A, E, An- ;“V drrsen will represent, Ueul, Col, warrcn A. Tcagan. commander ‘“I or the lourUi howitzer bnttallon. second artillery. U,S, army re- ‘ were Me . .-•'Jn.vlew.Df the.fact, thnl pr.r- ivpoRrat hnpi the most Important Armed jimrch. j Forces dny observance In many company, years will y*“'’ Idoho Po because of world ccmditlaiw. pco- , 1,1 ci,u, pie In all walks of life are coil- d,urch. I cenu-d vlUi all nspecu of ihe i^ in Fal CO *rniy reserve and the- national salvallon ir- guard have planned a display ot ^mbly ol t> equipment." Colonels Elliott and Altcndl all Tcgan aald In a Joint awtemrnt, (i-«inii>i 2(1........................................ ............. ------------------- " Intermountain Qui LlB Show Set at Filer ]V nn FILER. Moy 10 — Tlie Inter- winners t mountain Quiiricrhorse show will Tliose ei ler be held on M.ny 28 and :7 at are not rt ne Flier, reporta F. C. (Biid.i 1li>d-.q\inrterho 'na Rln, Buhl, manager ot the show, gnide stt Harold Peterson. Fll.'r, h aMlst-l dolnct lliL -atitTnanag*n=^------------ :*■ lrcMu'rer^an"j°olin Conrail, Kltn-1 *] berly.-ts supervisor of stalls n' Laurel Brown, prc.Maent ot the inci,ni, - mtermcrantaln-Quarterhorw-aa-^jjjjr-rvo- soclatlon. Jortlrn. Ut.ih. wm sen-e aa announcer of the-^mw. Jurtnes will be Jav Parsons, C«i>, ^ „,^ rn | g wyo.. and Hav Chubb. , tuttlns. < Tlie ahow Is sponsored Jol‘» ‘> others. Ti J iv - th e . BasociaUon.-r>nd by IM ^ ~ iSi'ln FWIs County M<»’' “ ™ 'so n , fificrlffii.po^«._____ ______ Entries Tlie show will RCt under w:.y .^ded Mr 1 ,'i on-Prldayi'MayM, wtma-barM/ tome.fron •eur-Tehlch-wlll-be-awed-by-Ut -fjevada,— Iri Elk-s lodge, beglnnlna at S P-»«- wyomlne at the ’ralnrrounds. for entrj ^ "A"sp^dSrf?5i^ire“or-the two- blanks m. at day show will be a youUi evert Hn? Mrs. er which Is scheduled for Bhlucday A quar n- afternoon. Young riders. IB years M w in cl ase and under, may compctc c«k ot In these 'eventa and ribbon* wl» p, bi awarded to ail tntrlts BmlUi. P The Mai;ic Vnlley Newspaper Dcdirale " ■_ tw in ' k7 t I Lxn» la YlenOanr. laatUa tna{i% «fre touti 1 La IIH liy eiimmunM.led troopiL (Al* wlrejihc ent Splits Mort in Union i liovcniwL-nl .split iipiivl .lo- ■lH members froni the Catholic Algiers JkouL-was-Lho-firat-break-iu mortar slu r GeorKe.i Pompidou. It fore- i"*"' assembly, many of whose - .......... ~ M0.1IC11H el lamed-foi-i^^^ bnh. lhe cn nor Lack :d blood Tuesday durinjf tlie Iiik V io'' iosit at the American Legion The loca bs, Twin Falls county, blood .s of blood doniited, 30 were Tnrdintely c was 150 pints. ‘‘The chnnKO street at the blood drjnvinjr was a fjic- of JO pers. However, I do 'not believe ‘.‘' f ' ” ion,” Dobb.s stated. "Public kin^d a jathy lo thc Red Cross ood p ro R ram in Twin was a prl« Falls i.s thc main reason European ' for. thc drawing not beinir ^ *“*4lils li, and has been. tl« r<>ui_ielatl' number one problem In trying to tojsed at a have Twin Falls clUsena meet front of th tile blood quota set for them, station. Th . wjilch.Li^only, one-halt ot the clal perml* f toUl amount ot blood actually Nobody wt t used by Twin FalLi cltlr.ens, army wano f _.;;i-rcnjlnd you that the. ones Algeria.___ 5 who beneflL by this blood pro- , ^ I n Aus.B°nd the*lack 0^^^^ S h IaI } tlclpatlon could result In this , service being suspended for thp U ,, ' Twin Falla nrea." Dobbs said. J D llI C '•6hould lliU -service be lost to f Twin-FalLMhe people It will hurt -Twin-Falls.------------------------------------------ ----- , "I wish to thank all lhe people PARIS, ? - who hnve donated thelr time and «aoul Salat work to setting up this blood decoraied 1 : drawing, and I know thLs con- fnltted at h ' unued effort will re.iult In blood ‘hH- he Is c , dranlniy Jn iJiU community be- sccret army Ing .succe.wful every time as soon violently op oa the individual eltlr-en takr.s Pendenee. hts rc.ipoailblllty seriously before "My re«i U Is too Inte." plete." So ,i_J\io.Rallon ploa-wcrc-pruciUr ,cUppeji_voic ed U) Robert Dnllou. France* Ej- a high mi • beri and Mr.r Homer B. Wnlkup. powered to One-KBllon pins were presented sentence. ; to Ralph Nlehol.sUter M.Marlel, "i nm not CeorRe Crow.ier. Mrs. John Pa-s- but a Pre • toflr ntid'Orant W. OlllcUe. ' semirtg' tfie Organltallons donnUng blood not the van were MethodUt church, seven; ,jj_, ' iVpoRraphlcal. union, six; LDS u,an.a»cori ' clmrch. six; Sears, Roebucic and aefjn*g „„„ eompany. five; Masons, two; version and Idaho Power company, two; Dap- . wltn • tlst church, two; M aaarene jfn„ ^e Lal ; church, two: Moose lodge, one: ow of the ; Twin Falls clinic, one: Lutheran ^,j,o jiPd m Salvallon Army, one, -and As- ^ sembly ot one. gj.nwM nn , ' --------------- ------------------ -------army organi 1 Q u a rte rh o rs e H ouse iM a y 26:27-Wartl • winners recelvlnic trophlM. Tlte I I Tliose entering the youth events mittee toda; ; nre not required to rii; rc::l.slered send a new ',q\inrterhorvs ,im1 nny enler on bill to the h . gnide stock. Tlie auioemtion is hoped It w ' •1dolnct tliLi to create more imerest rupture bet .;iii_tlit:jouUi.cvctil.ana_al!qJts .»tid Jlie IsU , I members felt that mnny young • The bill, w ,jrit'.?r.i who would llKe lo enler. lie payment lia n o t afford .to buy a'rttfistered In old'wsr d. • Philippines, J ^o..ifTn-tnt-ffl:w i\n iicirwm-^ecic-in an- be Inchided durmrr the evenU of /"liir-rwtranTx-intltiflrTos-cer- ‘ rnllnit. chariot raclnr, flat mc- ‘he White li ' inR, roping, reining, barrel rscinff. ' western pleasure, n o v ic e con duced It In , ciittlns. open cow cutting, and I’’™ " , others. Trophies will be awsrfird Pro>*l Kxla) I In cadi cli!a..atat?d,Mt:..Ecier- __________ , “ L w e s are,:comln^ m •dded Mrs. Petcrron. and Include f i ~ tome, from Oregon. Idalio. UUiJi. .jjevftda^-iaonlaoar-CaJUomla. _QENEVA_ Wyoming and Colorado. Dendhne Ambauador , for entries is Friday. Entry turned today blanks mav be obtained I7 writ- In the n-n •Ins Mrs, Peterson a; Filer. confi-mre . 1 A quartcrhone cslebrtv who wlUj Preslder w-ni be at the show Is 'Sweetit atat« departo Poo," champjon workln» anrt hat- Dean told 1 ter guarferhoraa owned by Pa( uea u be .01 BmlUi. Payetta. . Gca«Ta taUca. T Dcdicaled to Scrying and I’rnmnlinR TWIN kX lL S, IDAHO, W i;nxi-Wl»A^ '■ Jieiiiands't sllll wed |i< «erc routed iis( Week-e»<J In }’i<>>l --«i<n}C (A f wlrephnlol____________ I phdlli- bills Mortar Hits Moslem Home Y i l a complete si In Algeria ALGIERS, May 10 '-P — SU ii'ercinry, Rn mortar slitlls hit JL_M!»lcni "f. lhc_dep.-v home in .the Casbah toflny anil trol, prlce-si the .secrcl army orRanlraUon's sloriRe prog Ktmmen renewed attncks on E.’tes wa» 0 Mo.sleins el.sewhere In the area' opcriitors in of thr cnpltnl. I’-toriine. T Iie “ .^he1lliii» biuu(»hl' tiuoyi.i ^*1^Klny,'-ilie And iKillce strenkhiR to thc Cas- tluiu subcoinr bnh. the crowded home of BO .OOO Rciir Its probe Moslem.i. It wns learned at kast a buslnc:^ em three Mo.'lems. Including a child, fnrm progrnni were killed. This brouRht the pny later'* cr. dny's toll of secret army slny- Sen, John hiRS to 10. Ark, ciialnni The locaUon of the niortnr. mlttec, dlscU pcrhajM on one of Algiers' Utou- poenaed Esti s.mds‘of rooftops, was not Im- about allege mediately determined, wjU, govemn Street attacks took the lives He also a Of 20 persons; all but-two of Uirowlng ’‘a < them Mwlems. Nine perunis. In- gntors. mayb cluilhiR two Moslem women, widening mve were killed. The senate One of thu alaln Europeans begin heurlni was a priest. Abbe Baude'u A Estes hns b> Europcnn woman wns shot to eral and sUt4 Oenth in her shop. rclaUomhlps A concussion Rrenade. noljy bera and gore iiui_ielatlve1y liarmlea. . was under acrutU tojsed at a tine of Europeans In alonal Invest: front of the Bab et Oued poJfce fw r ffrand . suUon. They wero -seeklnR offl- dared hhnsel clal permlsalon toJeave^AlRcrla. _ m ip h . 30.-1 Nobody wm li'urt. Die secret farm boy. Is' army wants EuropeatLS to jiay In ture departir Algeria._____ •. ........ ..................... ,flrc(J In ,th# --------------------------- . resigned. — Salan Bears lltlcally chart Bui-den for .S” Friday -after .T pi-i-nf A cts arrT?.,'; _____ _ _ _ ., EalC-s. PARIS, May l«. i^'-Ex-Gen. n*tph has 1 Ilaoul Salan, once France's most i^aUon by Uie decoraied soldier, proudly, ad- (irai cropped muted at his treason trial today Texa.s aboul I that he is chief of the European Bovemt secret army orRnnlMllon. which m ip h denic violently oppose* Algerian Inde- gj ,nqu[ Pendenee. any clothing 1 ‘■My responsibility Is com- denied that I plete." S a la n declared In a invora from t c^p^d voice as he stood befor* partment. A high niilirhry' tribunal em- - - — rS.'° Physic! •'I am not the chief of tRang. A ll/I A P but a French Renersl rcpre- .nL.iTlX\ Al senting' the vicforJoiM Amy nnd X not the vanquished army." X 0111 V HLs allorney* summoned more WASHINOT tlian-a score of wlincjscj for >'U group ot phya ilefens# aRalnst charRc.s of aub- Kennedy plan version and armed insurrection, the aged pro - The witnesses Included Mrs. American M' Jean de Lattre dr Ta.«lgny. wid- publications h ow of lhe mar.Minl of France gppi »n • »dv who died In 18S2. doctora 10 sup “ Several riRliUSTTnfTi^bTn-or —TnBTeramn the n a t i o n a l as.iembly abo the AMA alOR allowed up to testify tor Uie Dr. Caldwell E cold, brilliant chief of the secrel a sLMement 1 army orRantiatlon, - ence, --------------------------- He U cltalrm House Approves W areiaim s-B ill-“,jH i: mittee today voted 15 lo < to 5^ send a new Philippines claims Journal or AN bill to the house floor. Sponsor* o, » hoped It would heal a major | rupture between this country O and the Island republic, I q I'H n I ~ T n r b ilir S H I e ir * ’oT51d"aun.orT - A d-Vl*aii lie payment ot 73 million dollars WASHINOT In old'wsr domag# claims in {he The chalrm ^ Philippines, was defeated Iasi culture commi sugar prograr -Ju.apon*>e-urgmg.-Ol slobaL.QUQlA.t the White House and'the state might elve to departmrnt. promptly relntro- Ruaia and Ci duced It In slightly different Rep. Harold form and won committee ap- contended tha proval today. “IS per eent 0 ------- -- -------~ supply and i D ean O p tim istic O n G eneva T allis -.QENEVA^ VmbaMador Arthur H. Dean re- — I l f l l l H wmed today to resume his seat n the n-naUon disarmament 1 :onfiTeire eiter cowu'.UUohs vim President Kennedy and the > Ut« depwtmenu Dean told reporters he cbnlln- '1962. .......... lea (o be .opifmtttfo about the leoeTatalka. 1961 ............ I’romnlinB the Cniwih of Nine Irrisalct*AV, MAY lfl, inr.-j lI^Airl^ In Thaila Defenses I:a.\CKOK, Thailand. May li; .,r^_A .1 iii'w r. s. Sinitbi'asi Asian CMiiimaiid thl' .-\uf| .Sttpi.f Sabre.* lanili'il, \\ S. mil Second Governi As Texan Subpc .W A.S11IN(;T0.\, .May Ifi oVj—Thc sci K,iliiiii (if till- cr:icklinK_Hillic Sul Kslc.-» i ibiiiii's A, Knl|ih—\va,-i fireil-fur his nniiH Sccrcijiry of AKriciilture Orville 1,.. Frei tlfinands thal he resi{;n, di.smix.scd Half O lll w ed that Estes had —^ mill .sumc of JLilpb'.9 tele- )h(ini- .bills. . Lonvei »;>ipli, n Kennedy admlnls- . •»• rntlDii nppolniee siepix'd down \\/|f-U !• nM I cbiuary as sn a.«lstnnt ii-crriary of BRrlculture to train >x sn nsrlculture stuche In I a |{ a ii he rnmppmes. lie i:ii,i his fir- nu wiis uiijuiilfled snd came aa p„ii, ro ;r"Tr'‘ .loriRe programs, Estes wa* one of Texs.V biggest ipcriilors In cotton and grain ^ advised hi UiriiKt recommendation -.1^«leivHl.e--ftei»«te-lnve.!lRa--?ii2aJslJ>5jt>J^ lorn subcoinmiitee pul Into high ;ciir Its probe of Eites, who bulll , builncis empire on Rovcrnment ^ PWiCut. nrm progrnms nnd on "buy now. Mrs. O’Donne my later'* credit. Tuesday aftcrno Sen, John L, . McClellan, D., Probiie Judge 2 Irk, dialirnan of Uie subccm- “>'4 a prellmln; nlltee, disclosed he hid sub- for 10 a jn .. wenaed Estcn for questioning PwreU’ with her ibout alleged influence deala Denolt, and pos vlUj government officials. Richard O’Doi He also announced he was Pn, younger bro hrowlng ’*8 do«n more invesil- 0. .O’Donnell. :ators. maybe more," Into tlie wns at the arra: rldenlni invesURaUon. a Tlmes-News The senate group expects to his nioUier, Mrs legln heurlngs late this month, had talked wltii Estca has bew Inflicted on fid- Uie coioner’a Jr rral atld sUte fraud ctiarges, Ifts that tho case nc •elaUomhlps with congress mem- O'Donnell aal wra and gOTcmment OfflclaU aro i„ty been mder acrutln; by two congre- q[ ,,,),„t ]ei lonai tnvestlRaUng groups and #nd how It hap cur crand Juries. He haa de- ODonne lared hhnself bankrupt. ‘ known Twin F JU lp h . 30.- a former Tennfcssce jou^d dca arm boy. Is' the second agrlcul- g ure department official to be ' ________ |rc(J In th# Eitea casc, A third fi y > esigncd. ----------------- llrp 'c K • The highest ranking official to ® ^ <e hit by the (ast-movlng, po- . 1 itlcally charged storm waa As- l-.tVP4 I Isunt Secretary ot Ubor Jcny -■ Holleman.'who resigned fas', r t Z"’ 1 “riday-after dlsclwhiR he had / |',ailn cccpted a gift of'M.OOO from :llow Texan and Democrat Ry The A*»e .............................. L Ralph haa been under InvesU- president Dwlgli aUon by Uie FBI since his name *cored runaway ' rat cropped up In testimony m for Republica: 'exa.s about Estes' glfta of cloth- nominations In 1 iR to Rovernment otfldaU, Nebm.ska while ] Ralph denied before Uie Texas ocratlc Oov, J, M juri of Inquiry that he recelvxJ winning a Ugh; ny clothing from E.stes. He also nomination, enled that Estes received any The Elsenhon ivors from the agriculture de- mary victor* we artment. __ ScrantM Jn , '' Pred~A. Seatonr Physicians Say S" iMA Refuses to i’rint Notices . WASHINOTON, May l« l ^ A rated a verr « •oup ot physlclani backing the former state < ennedy plan ef health care for hnnded Baltim le aged protested today thot Oeorge Mahon: merlcan Medical association straight defeat t jbllcatlons have retu-sed lo ac- In popular votes, pt an ' advertisement asking Maryland Rer >ctora 10 support Ui# plan, former Rep, Fra TnBTeromnrlneonslstenrwlttv Ttmttrst*Tawe*-it e AMA alogen of free cliolce, Scranton. <1, ei r. Caldwell B. Euelttyn said m sylvanla race utt sLitement ai a news confer- r fellow Pcnn.iyl' ICC, known he would He U clialrman ot the Commit- for "young and ^ n tor Health Care for Uie Aiied Hr had the pa irougti Social Security, formed backioR but Stati arch 71. it# aald his group Ji Collins McSp bmltlW“ rire—advertisement: that-Seranton- :ilch would have cost about copy Democrat." .300. but Uie AMA declined to ous campaign. £e iblUh It elUter in Uie AMA a v i marRin. lumal or AMA News. -------------- ----- -------------------- VOTE fiCI lugar Program s-Challenged ___ SSK-Si! WASHINOTON. Mav 10 lfl — nounced today, ne chairman of ths hause agrl- r~ r TT iltiire cominittM challenged Ihc m i ' •'I igar program today. sajHng a A llclilO obaL.QUoUt.aiilem.loLlmP?.''}* ./rt _______ j_ Ight give too much power to l-rVPQT usala tnd Cuba. AJXV<*v Rep. Harold D. Cooley. D , N.C,. The A»o intended thore countries control . :pS;s" 1 'S':s.=s‘~ ~ ................... rnake frlendllneaj 3iaffi^£ath$-;;£s^ .1 weU Magie The monsoon 1 Vollty Idaho month and befor ' Jn September w, 1962. .............. 11............... 68 aomoBOtoW-to 0/ » eountJ7 • Is 1961 ................16 ...... —...67 «ut« oX-CalUomb e 1rri;;a1ed Id.iho Counties Force .le iland to ] es Agains K; .,r^_A flou'ii i:. s. air I'luvc id.s lit CMnmiamlliihHiul.'lVnil Tlmilan.l l.niii. , r , S. m ilitai'y .-Mui i'i-s. ropnrinl lli;ii I ernment Aide F ibpoenaed by Se )—The senate |>uin|H'ti mun- .juire inlu Mil Kslc.-» case tiiihiv as aiiulher K"'i'i iii - his n.iinectiou,-*' willi thi* Ir-'i'-wlu'eiin lie 1,.. F r e e m a n , hiiiisdf bumliai'di'd by ixsed Ralp ll 'I’uc.sday, .saying an FBI i oiiversatioii 7ith Family ! Reported will Fnlls county Pra^ecutlng jrney JomeS'Miiy muI Tues- evenhiR. after voluntary I islauKhter churRcs were filed I liui Mrs. FWtJi O'Donnell In ^ . «eath-of her'iiusbnnd. that hnd Ulked eiirllrr uitlt her ^ . band's f.imlly and that Uicy ' advised him they no ■nimendatlon nbout w iut he uid do In Uie case, but Uia; ________ far as they were concf.ned f fell there wns 110 need for >be projceuled. :rs. O’Donnell was arraglned sday afternoon betore county Date Judge Zoe Ann Warberg a preliminary hearing vas for 10 ajn. Juna 10, She op- JAMES T. red’with tier attorney, Harry . . . former askli lOlt, and posted $1,000 bond, of afrleultnre, w: Ichard O'Donnen,* Pittsburgh, day by, Seertlary younger brother of Raymond Orv«le Freeman .O'Donnell. Uie victhil, also with rift-flvln* ot the arraignment. He toU Texas tlnsneler : Imes-News reporter he and te*. (AP wlrephn moUier, Mrs. May O'DOnn-11,------------------------- lAlktd wllit May’Frlday n t-r -pv , I • O coioner'a Inquest nnd asK-td U f]t{>u ^ t tho case nol bc prosecutetl. - Xtonnell aald Uiey told May I- had been uid Uie cnUro 111(10116$ y ot what led up to the dcaUi ■rl’‘’o T 3 o n S "3 S . a well- 111 IllV a S Wn "Twin Falls occountnnt found dead at Ills iiom t HOLLANDIA, Di ,,'g n e n.'M a y 1C HTH- __________________units, today capiur a, . 1 > _ of 20 armed In ve’s' Backing- K.™; TS 1 military lieadqunrt ives Edge to Candidates ncilan paratroopc Br The AsseoelsteJ rrc»» . dropped near m indldBWJ.bacaea .uj-.joruier mi ^ ildent Dwight D, Elsenhower -piie Jlague tc cd runaway victories TuMday pn^iroopers ''hav< Republican Rubcrnatorial utabilshlng an et ilnatlons In Penn.suWonla and, gnln pe m.ska while Maryland's Dem- of >-nk Fak harbor i\ng°r'tfghTr c?7o; 're“ •”>* ««« Inatlon. Indonetlan pat le Elsenhowcr-iidorsetl pri- y victor* were Rep. William nton In Penmylvanla and Que l"ued here m PA. Seatonrsccrclary oflhe ' rlor In the Elsenhower ad- AuUiorliles here ^traUon. In Nebraska. roneou* report w'aa iwes overcame nUegatlons ot fusion over the ty onoge peddling to win nom- u.sed by the Indt lon for a .-eeortd term by a Uoopers, They sale margin m what had been slo*^’ 1 a verr close raee. The U-S.-bulIt B25 bo ler slate comptroller. 68. mlsuken for t led Baltimore ■■contraelor iDC3) tntnspi •ge Mahoniy his seventh "ni# communlqu Rht detent by a 3*2 margin Dulch forces com oputar votes. Adm. L«nden Re iryland Rcpulillcani picked ^ndonesiaiw captur ler Rep, Prank SmaU, Jt>, to lempted landing 1 ranton. <4, entered Che Penn- and.hand-grenadcs inia race utter EUenhnwer- ----------------- stranded' young and visoriius ' tickeUv ^ ^ had the party lendiTf.hips S t a f f e F C O IhR but su te OraiiTe Ms*tcr OUlns McSparrnn. chnrclng MOSCOW, May 1 -8eranton-waa-fc~carboa.4lx_stmnded_Amt Democrat." waseJ a vlRor- staged a 90-mlnu ^ftmpnlRn. Ecrnnton rolled up strike outside Ambu 1 lyn 'niompion's ofl --------------------------- Tlie Amerlcatu. 1 VOTE KCIIKDUJ.K1) , In their 70s. are on ,RIS, May 10 The ret- world tour and hr Hum vote In AtgerU on the in the Soviet Unlor tory's political future will be wlU since Saturday -July-l,-Ui«.coveraoicnt.*nr do-iioUuve_vlsiu, iced today.______________ un. their’next sU>t featRain Fprestsr By The Aawtlated Prew Tb# main attrai lerlcan marines landing In “"I r«re»ilon. of ■ lond today will find a coun- ‘he sophlsUcal^ e 3f goldea-tcinple_bella..clc-- 5.»5?kok bu^R- lU. great rain foreau of tenk roMwood. and a people wbo Pl» . frlendllAea, * naUonat way pagoda, roofa., [, ------ frighten- Uie evit- »h> klng^rrn' Klent Slam. Soon It wUl be »P>™rTO»«in e Bangkok la a cll; e monsoon rUn* bejln t^ili Sw Jl and b«for« they are over metabtea and flow eptember win bara aWUed ^ ^ 60 to W-tochea o w much M)untJ7 JafFer tbaa tha Uia are* of t of-CaUfomU.. aloix (ha Makoi^ - > ......... - --- . ----------■ ' - --- - ^ Final 9?-' Edition ______ ^ * __ tk; Jets^Lanc 0 Bolster inst Reds uvc il't.s ilew inlu lJaiii:kuL t-il.iv .■ Ui- • ilan.l li'Min. anv rHiiinuini.-l Diru -: ii 'Inl tli;U l.a()liaii lnM>i» liaii |-.. , de Fired ly Senate .luiiv inlu ils iiivi-Mi- ler KiiviTiirnent a id e - i'.'v-wluTiiiii^ finam-iiT. .„u,"ph " m iliai'di'd bv Keiitililicaii ,,i v j.,“;',‘,i I’h'- : ail Fill iiivi-stij:.ition:.u.l imriii-,v.-.t t * -r •¥ V iin-.iily i«o unl;- X” ' >h> i-rn ^ ciiiK ; wnnjcd tlini I U, S, mnrjnt'> in 'II 1 r istllute mllitnry Iniri « ! ab.M>luti-iv cnnnoi br ■» _ j M .i The wnniUiR I.w< H . • /^W ;*einblcd that l..iurj Ik * iChinn intervennl 01 V ^ 'Korean wnr. Pcipl; ^ i I i In* voiced wnriiliv:* ) ^ connection with Sou fl nnil Soutlieaht Asi,i . — ”^7 M Inu setlon, f. ' AUuut 300 Ljta'.iin fled acravi the .Meki to Tliallnnd, movei k . Jlourl SnI ond sn i ■k . perimeter miles, |^lH .U .S .S ee .iZTJuS';;;™..,, T o k e n F frieultnre, was fired Tue*- in by Secretary of Atrlculture |-< P O IT I AM llle Freeman In eonnecUon ^ 1 rlft-flTlng by Inrtleted WASiiiNO'TON, >• tlnsncler mille Sel E.- American offlClaLs st lAP wlrephnie) United'3iaie.s has n.i — Ijj Southeast A*la at , I .0 ^^flclflc to Join It In I iiteh beize I land, BrlUiln. Pnkls (ioiiesiaus ••con.slder the dlspai T forces to lake their Invasion aidey.S.j«nd.«a. being flown into Ui LUNDIA, Dutch New Gul- the border of Laos." May 1C lOT-Dutch'naval —M ojr'or-ihc-rr today capturod a boatload here of the count: ) armed Indone.slans at- were said tn have n ;lnR a landlrig hear Fok Fak' Vdrabty to the reque ;>tern New Culnea.'Dutch officials declined t< .ry headquarters announced, reaeUon on a countr lie the seaborne Invaders being thwarted, Uie com- „ 3"*, , iue said, Duic/t troops Jbo forcas um pu allackinR-a band ot Indo- amUa.ssador8 and oil I oarairooDcr* who were “ “ Ves of the five ci ed n e a r ^ ^ F a k yeficrYa?! Avcrc dcfcn«-mlnUiry-*inl^ciit'5J^^,|^;;^‘;",^[^,, le Jlague today said the jiRrriman Rave t: roopers ''have aucccedeJ In jhe reasons for Pre Ishlnii an embo'o bridge- ^ecLslon to on onln penla^ula. north ,o„cs Into -nialhuid k Fak harbor,") jjers Laos, and ask Kafft/e said yesterday fiial «)JIm consider .sendJ idonetlan paratrooper* hsd ihelr own troops, dropped In two places In -------------------- 3ulnea, But the,communl- !• ' .sued here mentioned only ijO O C llll^ ’Pilots"Ev li'a t'n 'S .l OOODINO. MW 1 rs. They said'thc Indone- manager of W lumped fran WorW war fl unt B25 bombera wh'ch Msuken for the bigger U,.- communique ttsued bj mofninR He stated forces commander Rear arriving L«nden Recser aald U»e .t b . m tslaiw captured in the at- department of ** “ " '’" ‘‘'"I' ' and.grenadcf." wring this ---------------------------- Prises will be given anded Yanks courtesy in the air. g . . tesy, traffic pattern ge Protest - r 'i ; . i ”„V'JuS! 5C0W, May 10 CR-Twenty- btcaUast. _5rhe_brealfoat_wlll a 90-mlnute "sit-down" by membet* of troop outside AmluiasadorLIewel- national guard, unde lompion's office today. tion ot Carry LLsenb Amerlcatu. most ot Uiem Delsner. Ir 70s. are on a round-the- Residents of Oood tour and have been held rounding towns golni Soviet Union aRaln-st Uielr port lo see U\e planet nee Saturday because Uiey to park by the west Lluve_vliaa,tor_AIghBDlt 6lrport_a.s_th^^ lelr’next aU)p. planea will be parkei estsrFriendly Peoj main attraction 'for rest with endangered Lac xreaiion. of course, will U Ij' different region ki iphlsUcaled capital city uf Korat plateau where :ok, butting wiUi acUvlty of_ThallM)d-a_ai_mJ ighi'Ufe, Its ancient lem- Uvt- ave long golden spikes en The plateau 'U' di »goda.roofa, more.Mian^O.lncfiw m-UIB evil-spirits «war.-Te*r.-Md-tts-peopl II bells-attached , to the Therralse icr*wny h ekok is a cllv of c4atrajts Bangkok-and. In fO( tr boaU that brine fr;-h . >^rthB-TOrth'»l« ay. - . Bre bit tree*, area of tbo northeast ^rasi. and areaa of (ba Makoi^ rln r border tMkwood. --- ....... ■--- ......... - ......... ?'inal * . I dition— — Jll«t 4;, _ TKN^CENli ^ ■( m d^ i' :er id s i U ivM ...,;;n.l' ir lii-u-.; ,i..„. I.,... ul r.:. n;u-l. Ihl", ,ii,,uiiluiiL'il Kn.l;,> ii,:i„,V ;• ,0111- J' .-I uff-'n-lM-, ' •riiMll .-,•■.1!,. 11,r i^C ['Cljjlim^ I’liJjiii’V ciilv. B h ■mllitnry'liilrr'lauirr a'sl ffl Ifiy cnnn.n br ovrrlockcl." ' | IIR ;d thnt l..iurJ Uelori' Ilnl intervemd opnily in tl.e '* n war. Pcipl;i::, however, , '• Iced wnriilu'ts t>r'viou>ly in :timi with South Vlit .S’nm S ouihefta As.1,1 wiihoiii tak- ^1 :tlon, ^ at 300 Liioilin troops who the .Mrkoni river lii- lalland, moved b.ick Into SnI ond sri up a defensr l||l|i fier'l miles'.outside III#' r 4 S. Seeldng I iken Force 'ij| om Allies 1 SiilNO-TON, Mny' 16 (ITO- ijiy :nn offlClaLs said today llie I H I ’Siaie.s has a-sked Its allies Hy itheast Asln and Uie South liil } to loin It In sending mill- ot^s Inio Thailand. ' Jlf r aald Auatralla. New Zea« fill Brluiln. Pakistan and Oia ‘ v*' Dines had been asked-to V > iler the dUpatch of snail ' , to lake their place along- .: . S. lond, sen and alr*iorcc,s j i' flown into Uie area near •• rdcr of Laos." 11 r'or-lhc-rrprtsentatlrea ---------rr of the countrle.s Involved :ald tn have rc.^patided In- i Illi y to the r^uest. But tT.'S. ' i I I Is declined to give their . i III in on a country-by-country ' IjU U. S. tor token at- J j >rces u‘o.s pul before ih s ' Bl)j sadora and other represen- |]{ of the five countries yes- III by W, Averell Hanlman, BM uteni«ffaira,-----------------------ijyj Iman gave the diplomats B asons for President Ken- H decision to send U. 8. M Into Tlialland. which bor-> • ■ I Jios. and asked that th# . > H consider .sending some ol | HJ loding Sets iltl lots Event iDINO. May Ift-Jlm Wll- jyt nanager of Westem Air- J* . rports that approxJ/naieJj* ({jJ f; Ola and other vLsltora ar# j|j|' -d tor the first Air break- |||il 1062. which .i f ‘i OoodlnR airport Sunday ' . IR, He awted that piloU Uh.; suri arriving at the air- . 11 department of aeronautics llJj leraUnp with the Ooodlng ; IL ier-«t-Oommeree-lrMT»n--------- ^ this breafcfiut. ,|||| s will be Riven pilots hav- B le best performance for |IB y In the air. ground coui^ {■ rattle pattern flying, sptt , !■ t and the pilot traveling . ]■ irthest dlsUnce to - the ' IB “ I- '1 1 1 brealfoat-wULbe.jirtpared___ Ui' nben of troop I. Ooodlne in II guard, under the dlrtc- III Carry LLsenbee and Karl lents of Ooodlng or sur- ll] ig towns going to the air- {IB see U\e planes arradvlseU {M t by the west end of the | { _^a.s_lhat Ls where tha |j c will b e 'p ^ e d r | j; T People---- j ndangered Laos Is a fast- :rent region known as Uie plateau where nine mllUoti illan<l'«_ai_mUllQn_PCQPlc------ plateau '•U' dry. wim no ; it»n ^0-Inches of_r»In_per___ uid- tts-pwle-arfr^poi'r— pf •Ise icr*wny herds « '« * ['- - I )k-and. In *004 yeara, a« { syuMalVK.. WTwrth-alocj-the Me-------- 3e cooatry abarpljr diffan he Sorat ptaU^ nera and areaa ot tb»,prlsd ' I .1 ....... — '-J

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Page 1: tk lI^ A irl^Force .le Jets^Lanc In T haila B olster D · tn wbit the Klotw. I l l f l 0(licb|,_„^, .K--epl..K.s

m W e a th e r■ ' C l o u d y , W i n d y

..... ^ '

. ' x J w l

BiCK M o r w y 8 0 L v n :u s uUh i 4«n >bo«fd >n »lrpl«ne m tliey »trB i

) e G a u l l e ’s G )n I s s u e o fPARIS, May 16 (/P)-PfL'shient y on th c i»suc o f E u ro p cn n un io ipn lB r-R epub lican -im rly -H brup tl e g o v e rn m e n t fo rm e d j u s t n mc idowcd d if f ic u lt ic f l fo r P o m p id

lembera oppo.HO th e new emier becjiuHC h e is no t _ A _ - , member o f t h e u ssem ijty . /= \^ ,| Tbo« who rcalRntd »tre • J

Rfftt p n m in . liie pnrty's itit~ tlooil chnlrman and n .mlnlsKr l _ 9 I «1 u u In charge or coopcrnlloii J j I »ua tiie Afrlcnn stntfcV miniiter tfikpte Maurice Sclmmnnn; ^ i, Bittrt Buron. m ln tsitr of pub: k forka nnd tronjport; Pbu| l- Bun, Inbor, and Joseph Foiw hull, I tistt. public health. ■ • c h i i r r *i«rty caucus dcclded on thc rcp laci

mKutlon Tuesday nlRhl alter „ IiiOiuile a t a ne«-« coftfercnee •" ‘" '• MBiWd hla oppoaltlon lo t)ie to r fo waaUonaUnimework for Eu. th i s I em unity atrongly favored by ----------

CWer such a aupranatlonal T i - k | ntoa. mot C dcdalona In a £u- J (aa union would be tAken by ^ » ' iWty vole ‘of Wib member I I faeni. But Dc OftuUe told Ihc ■ n conference Europe'* pre-iSy hatlonaJlaUc aiAtca should S A f ra to llve lOftcUier In a loo.ieilcduaUon and la te r , ilducn unlt«flto^rsanlrjitlon. j A Jolnl slntcm ent from the renervo kUaOc m lnistcn laiia: ‘ ‘ -ischrduu •Yesterdny* new* conference'coulpme traled eaaenllal differences be-1 of Armf

tiiea the conccpla of Gen. de AtxiieiOitile on the orientation and proclalnt ia o t European policy and (lie Wnj- byUtu to which we a rc nliached. yenr'sTttiedltfcrcncea will not perroli Pcncc."m o rewaltt-ln the Bovernmenl.' Tiie e —ifltiurprtoe-iiiuvt-wna a .aevut iiciQ. u i<li»slDe aaulle. i l^ a m e ontlie parkingm of a apeaklng tour Dank at ^ s h central France scheduled displaybr the prealdent. howitrn

--------------------------- • M il toi

Preparations S m!1 guard e

Proceed for^ Elliott. .

Space-Shot—tS'1CAPE CANAVERAU FlB . May drrMn"'

II blnat-off time for hli w arrcn‘•'Will iilBtit nearj". istronaui nf [he I “ *knlm Scott Carpenter H re- W fd Knlni! about tlie binliifM ®erve '• pffpnrnllon with Ihr' thor. ' . wihnr.M of a lest pilot e s itr to t'T . a . new plane.

Hf‘ culm ft.< John H. (ll'un. w «M Ii, Uie daya before his w au .ie

flUhl. a Project .Mercury official „

rocket Into space beUeeo *rniy ri ’•M Sill, and 12:30 p.m, Salur.- guard h J*y. Tlic lliRht l\ Intended t> equlpme louov snme ihrce-orbli t.-all Tcgan i"'“ fd l)v Olenn 2 n -----------*nfn hi- i>pcamr. Uie first Aiiicfi* f

tn w bit the Klotw. I l l f l0 (licb |,_„^ , .K--epl..K.s »nry

sh<W’frj- arcM ot the central snn FILEI «*'frnAtluntlc. mountai

“«l ►xpcrt.i .uy the weatlier be heldK nol .«rlou» n t UiLi lime Flier. r«

^ ll'-il they expect condltlona gin, Bul « bf favorable by Saturday. uarold r'-* 'P"iiier-and-hls-bactvD-pi» - n n t^ a j

P-*a i i i j [jij numerous experU rcJil^^i!!iL«bM2Latlonii_Carptni ' 'H i lo mnke in anare iHtermO ------------------—* aoclatloi

U.S. Files Suit O n N e g r o V o t i n g

frrtrnvl cnurt nere IMilyBibb couniy, O a, Tl'*

If, ^^~fat rwtralned~ from us- on-FVidi

Nf»r« counting white and '9* *'I»rately. _ I o t t h e ’t

" 'l r P ''" - R'>‘>ert-P, Ken. A spe the Wn\hlnnioii that day sUohrouth. . * « r which If■"'U eh,,,}' • '" ''.federal govern- aftemoo

iciVmi UJ'"® -«««re««tJw Jn o l ace * * Phyiicol conduct of In these

b t a««i

eri n d y • . ' l E E - 1 1

T he M; - - ~

sa W

■ C . x . w a H '> v

t:us * ;th r l« ff and U m lllet a re I U I they were erieualed from northern I Laiiit l>

’s G o v e r n m e n t

o f E u r o p e a n i•iV esiJcH l C Jj/irJes d o UwuJle’.s u o v e n u 'PCftn u n io n n.s a ll f iv e c a b in e t m e m b e r y -n b ru p t ly - r e m ji nG d .-T h c -w a lk o u L -\v ;i j u s t n m o n th a g o b y P r e m ie r G eorK e; ir P o m p id o u in th e n a tio n a l ns.Homb

I A p a th y - B l a n ]

i B lo o d D o n o rO nly 55 p e rs o n s d o n a te d b lo o d '

aui R ed CroH.H b lo o d m o b ile v i s i t a t tl 311- hull, r e p o r ts W esle y D o b b s , T w in

c li^ irm u n . O f th o 55 p in t.s o f b loi re i> lacem ents. T h o ( ju o ta w a s 150

nj" jj) tJic hour.>} iin d i3«U* f o r tj)e blood tile to r f o r th e h ick o f donoi'.s. H ow ev iu- th is lo be th e m a in r e a s o n ,” Dol by — ------------------------------------------ a p a th y

Joint Display rah Iby f 7 - • , fo*"- ^1“£ 0 t Equipment — s Set By Units =11

Unit* o f-the-Idalio -am iy-n ti- >lhlch_l; Uonal guard and the.U. S. army •*"

the reserve In Twin- Kails have “y -!Rcnrduica“ a " J o ln t“ flL-Tlay-of

ice'coulpm ent Friday In oU^ervance '*■>'<» l)(. of Armed Forces day. Atxned Forces day has been «

md proclaimed the third Saturday In ;lie Jifaj- by President Kennedy. TlUs S i ed, yenr's theme Is "Power for ,Vnit Peace." oiiouldit,- Tlie equipment display will be Twin' Fa)

llie parking lot of the T ain Falla ‘T ")ur Dank aud .Trust company. On ‘ led display will' be lOS-mllllmeter

howltier. 15S-mlUhneier hottllKr,• M il tank, flvc-ton maintenance

U-uck, kitchen truck morUr ‘>''“7 ^ ' ' ; and oUier reserve and national

guard equipment, nd reshm enu ^ |will be served. f* “ '

RepresenUng Col. EUwiird O.Elliott, commander or thp llOth armored.CKValry, Ida lio -natlonal-*^ guard, will be M/Snt. Henry D. ” j;®' Van Patten. Sgt, l/cl. A, E, An-

;“V drrsen will represent, Ueul, Col, w arrcn A. Tcagan. commander

‘“ I or the lourUi howitzer bnttallon. second artillery. U,S, army re- ‘

were Me. .-•'Jn.vlew.Df the .fact, thnl pr.r- ivpoR rat ‘ hnpi the most Important Armed jim rch . j

Forces dny observance In many company, years will y*“'’ Idoho Pobecause of world ccmditlaiw. pco- , 1,1 ci,u, pie In all walks of life are coil- d ,u rch . I cenu-d vlUi all nspecu of ihe i ^ i n Fal

CO *rniy reserve and the- national salvallonir- guard have planned a display ot ^ m b ly ol t> equipment." Colonels Elliott and Altcndlall Tcgan aald In a Joint awtemrnt, (i-«inii>i2(1........................................ ............. -------------------

" Intermountain Qui LlB Show Set at F iler ]Vnn FILER. Moy 10 — Tlie Inter- winners t

mountain Quiiricrhorse show will Tliose ei ler be held on M.ny 28 and :7 a t are no t rt ne Flier, reporta F. C. (Biid.i 1li>d-.q\inrterho 'na Rln, Buhl, manager ot the show, gnide stt

Harold Peterson. Fll.'r, h aMlst-l dolnct lliL -atitT nanag*n= ^------------

:*■ lrcMu'rer^an"j°olin Conrail, K ltn-1 *]berly.-ts supervisor of stalls

n ' Laurel Brown, prc.Maent ot the inci,ni,- m term crantaln-Q uarterhorw -aa-^jjjjr-rvo-

soclatlon. Jortlrn . Ut.ih. wmsen-e aa announcer of the-^mw.Jurtnes will be Jav Parsons, C«i>, ^ „ ,^ r n |

g wyo.. and Hav Chubb. , tu tt ln s . <Tlie ahow Is sponsored Jol‘» ‘> others. Ti

J iv - th e . BasociaUon.-r>nd by IM ^~ iSi'ln FWIs County M<»’' “ ™ 'son,

fificrlffii.po^«._____ ______ EntriesTlie show will RCt under w:.y .^ded Mr

1,'i on-Prldayi'M ayM , w tm a-barM / tome.fron•eur-Tehlch-wlll-be-aw ed-by-U t -fjevada,—

Iri Elk-s lodge, beglnnlna at S P-»«- wyomlne a t the ’ralnrrounds. for entrj

^ "A "sp^dS rf?5 i^ ire“ or-the two- blanks m. a t day show will be a youUi evert Hn? Mrs. er which Is scheduled for Bhlucday A quar n- afternoon. Young riders. IB years M w in c l ase and under, may compctc c«k ot In these 'eventa and ribbon* wl» p ,

b i awarded to a il tn trlts BmlUi. P

T he M ai;ic Vnlley N ew sp a p er D cd ira le

" ■_ t w i n ' k7

t I Lxn» la YlenOanr. laatU a tna{i% « fre touti 1 La IIH liy eiimmunM.led troopiL (Al* wlrejihc

e n t S p l i t s Mort

i n U n io ni liovcniwL-nl .split iipiivl .lo- ■ lH

m e m b e rs fro n i th e C a th o lic Al g ie r s Jk o u L -w a s -L h o - f ir a t-b re a k - iu mortar slur G eorK e.i P om pidou . I t fo re - i"*" '

a s se m b ly , m a n y o f w h o se- .......... ~ M0.1IC11H el

l a m e d - f o i - i ^ ^ ^bnh. lhe cn

n o r L a c k:d b lo o d T u e s d a y d u r in jf t l i e IiikV io' ' io.°s i t a t th e A m e ric an L eg io n The loca b s , T w in F a lls county , blood.s o f blood d o n iited , 3 0 w ere Tnrdintely cw a s 150 p in ts . ‘‘T he chnnKO street att h e b lood d rjn v in jr w as a fjic - of JO pers.

H o w ev e r, I do 'n o t b e liev e ‘.‘' f '”io n ,” Dobb.s s ta te d . " P u b lic kin^d

aj a th y lo th c Red C ro sso o d p r o R r a m in T w in was a prl«

F a l l s i.s th c m a in r e a so n European ' f o r . t h c d r a w in g n o t be in ir

^ *“*4lils li, and has been. t l« r<>ui_ielatl'num ber one problem In trying to tojsed a t ahave Twin Falls clUsena meet front o f thtile blood quota set for them, station. Th

. w jilch.Li^only, one-halt ot the clal perml*f toU l amount ot blood actually Nobody wtt used by Twin FalLi cltlr.ens, army wanof _ .;;i-rcn jlnd you that th e . ones Algeria.___5 who beneflL by this blood pro- •

, ^ I n Aus.B°nd the*lack 0^ ^ S h I a I } tlclpatlon could result In this , service being suspended for thp U , , '

Twin Falla nrea." Dobbs said. J D l l I C '•6hould lliU -service be lost to

f Twin-FalLMhe people It will hurt

-Twin-Falls.------------------------------------------ -----, "I wish to thank all lhe people PARIS, ? ■- who hnve donated thelr time and «aoul Salat

work to setting up this blood decoraied 1 : drawing, and I know thLs con- fnltted at h ' unued effort will re.iult In blood ‘hH- he Is c , d ran ln iy Jn iJiU community be- sccret army

Ing .succe.wful every time as soon violently op oa the individual eltlr-en takr.s Pendenee. hts rc.ipoailblllty seriously before "My re«i

■ U Is too Inte." plete." S o ,i_ J \ io .R a llo n ploa-wcrc-pruciUr ,cUppeji_voic

ed U) Robert Dnllou. France* E j- a high mi• beri and Mr.r Homer B. Wnlkup. powered to

One-KBllon pins were presented sentence.; to Ralph Nlehol.sUter M.Marlel, "i nm not

CeorRe Crow.ier. Mrs. John Pa-s- bu t a Pre• toflr n tid 'O rant W. OlllcUe. ' semirtg' tfie

Organltallons donnUng blood not the vanwere MethodUt church, seven; ,jj_,

' iVpoRraphlcal. union, six; LDS u,an .a»cori' clmrch. six; Sears, Roebucic and aefjn*g „„„

eompany. five; Masons, two; version and■ Idaho Power company, two; Dap- . wltn• tlst church, two; M a a a r e n e j f n „ ^e Lal ; church, two: Moose lodge, one: ow of the; Twin Falls clinic, one: Lutheran ^,j,o jiPd m

Salvallon Army, one, -and As- ^■ sembly ot one. gj.nwM nn

, ' --------------- ------------------ -------army organi

1 Q u a r t e r h o r s e H o u s e

i M a y 2 6 : 2 7 - W artl• winners recelvlnic trophlM. Tlte I I Tliose entering the youth events mittee toda; ; nre no t required to r i i ; rc::l.slered send a new ',q \in rterhorvs ,im1 nny enler on bill to the h . gnide stock. Tlie auioemtion is hoped It w'• 1 dolnct tliLi to create more imerest rupture bet .;ii i_ tlit:jouU i.cvctil.ana_al!qJts .»tid J l ie IsU , I members felt th a t mnny young • The bill, w ,jrit'.?r.i who would llKe lo enler. lie payment l i a n o t afford .to buy a 'rttfistered In old'wsr d. • ■ Philippines,J ^ o .. i f Tn-tn t- f f l:w i \ n i ici r wm -^ecic-in an-

be Inchided durmrr the evenU of /"liir-rw tranT x-in tltif lrT os-cer-‘ rnllnit. chariot raclnr, flat mc- ‘he White li ' inR, roping, reining, barrel rscinff.' western pleasure, n o v ic e con duced It In, ciittlns. open cow cutting, and I’’™ ", others. Trophies will be awsrfird Pro>*l Kxla)I In c ad i cli!a..atat?d,M t:..Ecier- __________ ,

“ L w e s are,:com ln^ m •dded Mrs. Petcrron. and Include f i ~ tome, from Oregon. Idalio. UUiJi. .jjevftda^-iaonlaoar-CaJU om la. _Q E N E V A _ Wyoming and Colorado. Dendhne A mbauador , for entries is Friday. Entry turned today blanks mav be obtained I7 writ- In the n - n •Ins Mrs, Peterson a ; Filer. confi-m re . 1

A quartcrhone cslebrtv who wlUj Preslder w-ni be at the show Is 'Sw eetit atat« departo Poo," champjon workln» anrt hat- Dean told 1 ter guarferhoraa owned by Pa( uea u be .01 BmlUi. Payetta. . ■ Gca«Ta taUca.

T D cd ica led to S c ry in g a n d I’rnm n linR

T W IN k X l L S , ID A H O , W i;n x i-W l» A ^

■ ■ '■ J ie iiia n d s 'ts l l l l w e d

|i< «erc routed iis ( Week-e»<J In }’i<>>l --«i<n}C (A f wlrephnlol____________ I phdlli- bills

Mortar Hits Moslem HomeY i l • a complete siIn Algeria

ALGIERS, May 10 '-P — SU ii'ercinry, Rn mortar slitlls h it JL_M!»lcni " f . lhc_dep.-v home in .th e Casbah toflny anil trol, prlce-si the .secrcl army orRanlraUon's sloriRe prog Ktmmen renewed attncks on E.’tes wa» 0 Mo.sleins el.sewhere In the a re a ' opcriitors in of th r cnpltnl. I’-toriine.

TIie“ .^he1lliii» biuu(»hl' tiuoyi.i ^*1^Klny,'-ilie And iKillce strenkhiR to thc Cas- tluiu subcoinr bnh. the crowded home of BO.OOO Rciir Its probe Moslem.i. I t wns learned a t k a s t a buslnc:^ em three Mo.'lems. Including a child, fnrm progrnni were killed. This brouRht the pny later'* cr. dny's toll of secret army s ln y - Sen, John hiRS to 10. A rk, ciialnni

The locaUon of the niortnr. m lttec, dlscU pcrhajM on one of Algiers' Utou- poenaed Esti s.m ds‘of rooftops, was not Im- about allege mediately determined, wjU, govemn

Street attacks took the lives He also a Of 20 persons; all but-tw o of Uirowlng ’‘a < them Mwlems. Nine perunis. In- gntors. mayb cluilhiR two Moslem women, widening mve were killed. The senate

One of thu alaln Europeans begin heurlni was a priest. Abbe Baude'u A Estes hns b> Europcnn woman wns shot to eral and sUt4 Oenth in her shop. rclaUomhlps

A concussion Rrenade. noljy bera and gore iiu i_ ielatlve1y lia rm lea. . was under acrutU tojsed a t a tine of Europeans In alonal Invest: front o f th e Bab et Oued poJfce f w r ffrand . suU on. They wero -seeklnR offl- dared hhnsel clal permlsalon toJeave^AlRcrla. _m iph . 30.-1 Nobody wm li'urt. Die secret farm boy. Is' army wants EuropeatLS to jia y In ture departirAlgeria._____ •......... ..................... ,flrc(J In ,th#

• --------------------------- . resigned. —

Salan Bearslltlcally chart

Bui-den for “ .S”Friday -after

. T p i - i - n f A c t s a r r T ? . , ' ;_____ _ _ _ . , EalC-s.PARIS, May l«. i^'-Ex-G en. n*tph has 1

Ilaoul Salan, once France's most i^aUon by Uie decoraied soldier, proudly, ad- (irai cropped muted at his treason trial today Texa.s aboul I th a t he is chief of the European Bovemtsecret army orRnnlMllon. which m ip h denic violently oppose* Algerian Inde- g j ,nqu[ Pendenee. any clothing 1

‘■My responsibility Is com- denied tha t I plete." S a l a n declared In a invora from t c ^ p ^ d voice as he stood befor* partm ent.A high niilirhry' tribunal em- - - —

r S . ' ° Physic!•'I am not the chief of tR ang . A l l / I A P

bu t a French Renersl rcpre- .nL .iT lX \ A l senting' the vicforJoiM A m y nnd Xnot the vanquished army." X 0 1 1 1 V

HLs allorney* summoned more WASHINOT tlian-a score of wlincjscj for >'U group o t phya ilefens# aRalnst charRc.s of aub- Kennedy plan version and armed insurrection, the aged pro - The witnesses Included Mrs. American M'

Jean de Lattre dr Ta.«lgny. wid- publications h ow of lhe mar.Minl of France gppi »n • »dv who died In 18S2. doctora 10 sup

“ Several riRliUSTTnfTi^bTn-or — TnBTeramn the n a t i o n a l as.iembly abo th e AMA alOR allowed up to testify tor Uie Dr. Caldwell E cold, brilliant chief of the secrel a sLMement 1 army orRantiatlon, - ence,

--------------------------- He U cltalrm

House Approves W a r e i a i m s - B i l l - “ , j H i :

mittee today voted 15 lo < to 5^send a new Philippines claims Journal or AN bill to the house floor. Sponsor* o , »hoped It would heal a major |rupture between this country O and the Island republic, I q I ' H n I~ T n rb ilirS H Ie ir* ’oT51d"aun.orT - A d - V l * a i i lie payment ot 73 million dollars WASHINOT In old'wsr domag# claims in {he T he c h a lrm ^ Philippines, was defeated Iasi culture commi sugar prograr -Ju.apon*>e-urgmg.-Ol slobaL.QUQlA.t the White House a n d 'th e state might elve to departmrnt. promptly relntro- R u a ia and Ci duced It In slightly different Rep. Harold form and won committee ap- contended th a proval today. “IS per eent 0

------- -- -------— ~ supply and i

D e a n O p t i m i s t i c

O n G e n e v a T a l l i s —- .Q E N E V A ^ a y _ lfl_ tn :-U .ls .VmbaMador Arthur H. Dean re- — I l f l l l H wmed today to resume his seat n the n-naU on disarmament 1:onfiTeire eiter cowu'.UUohs vim President Kennedy and the >U t« depwtmenuDean told reporters he cbnlln- '1 9 6 2 . ..........

lea (o be .opifmtttfo about the leoeTatalka. 1 9 6 1 ............

I’ro m n lin B th e C n iw ih o f N in e I r r i s a l c t

n x i-:.s i* A V , M AY lfl, inr.-j

l I ^ A i r l ^I n T h a i l aD e f e n s e s

I :a . \C K O K , T h a ila n d . M ay li; . , r ^ _ A .1 iii'w r . s. S in itb i 'a s i A s ia n CMiiimaiid

th l' .- \u f | .Sttpi.f Sabre.* lan ili'il, \ \ S . m il

S e c o n d G o v e r n i A s T e x a n S u b p c

.W A .S 1 1 IN (;T 0 .\, .May Ifi oVj— T h c sci K,iliiiii (if till- c r:icklinK _H illic Sul Kslc.-» i ibiiiii's A, K n l|ih — \va,-i f i r e il- fu r h is nn iiH S c c rc ijiry o f A K ric iiltu re O rv ille 1,.. F re i tlf in a n d s t h a l h e resi{;n , di.smix.scd H alf O ll l w e d th a t E s te s h a d — ^ “ mill .sumc o f JL ilpb '.9 te le-)h(ini- .bills. . Lonvei

»;>ipli, n Kennedy admlnls- . •»•rntlDii nppolniee siepix'd down \ \ / | f - U !• nM I cbiuary as sn a.«lstnnt ii-crriary of BRrlculture to train >x sn nsrlculture s tu ch e In I a | { a i i he rnmppmes. lie i:ii,i his fir- nu wiis uiijuiilfled snd came aa p„ii, ro

; r " T r '‘

.loriRe programs, '«Estes wa* one of Texs.V biggest

ipcriilors In cotton and grain ^ advised hiUiriiKt recommendation -.1^«leivHl.e--ftei»«te-lnve.!lRa--?ii2aJslJ>5jt>J^ lorn subcoinmiitee pul Into high ;ciir Its probe of Eites, who bulll, builncis empire on Rovcrnment ^ PWiCut.nrm progrnms nnd on "buy now. Mrs. O’Donnemy later'* credit. Tuesday aftcrno

Sen, John L, . McClellan, D., Probiie Judge 2I rk , dia lirnan of Uie subccm- “>'4 a prellmln;nlltee, disclosed he h id sub- for 10 a j n . .wenaed Estcn for questioning PwreU’ with her ibout alleged influence deala Denolt, and posvlUj government officials. Richard O’Doi

He also announced he was Pn, younger bro hrowlng ’*8 do« n more invesil- 0 . .O’Donnell.:ators. maybe more," Into tlie wns a t the arra:rldenlni invesURaUon. a Tlmes-News

The senate group expects to his nioUier, Mrs legln heurlngs late this month, had talked wltii

Estca has bew Inflicted on fid - Uie coioner’a Jr rral atld sU te fraud ctiarges, Ifts that tho case nc •elaUomhlps with congress mem- O'Donnell aalwra and gOTcmment OfflclaU aro i„ ty beenmder acru tln ; by two congre- q[ ,,,),„t ]ei lonai tnvestlRaUng groups and #nd how It hapcur crand Juries. He haa de- ODonnelared hhnself bankrupt. ‘ known Twin FJU lp h . 30.- a former Tennfcssce jou^d dcaarm boy. Is' the second agrlcul- gure department official to be '________|rc(J In th# Eitea casc, A third f i y >e s ig n c d .----------------- l l r p ' c K• The highest ranking official to ® ^<e h it by the (ast-movlng, po- . 1itlcally charged storm waa As- l-.tVP4 II su n t Secretary ot U bor Jcny -■

H olleman.'who resigned fas', r t Z"’ 1“riday -a fte r dlsclwhiR he had / | ' , a i l ncccpted a gift of'M.OOO from V i u a . a u:llow Texan and Democrat Ry The A*»e

..............................L CandldBttJ.bfRalph haa been under InvesU- president Dwlgli

aUon by Uie FBI since his name *cored runaway 'rat cropped up In testimony m f o r Republica:'exa.s about Estes' glfta of cloth- nominations In 1iR to Rovernment otfldaU, Nebm.ska while ]Ralph denied before Uie Texas ocratlc Oov, J, M

ju ri of Inquiry that he recelvxJ winning a Ugh;ny clothing from E.stes. He also nomination,enled tha t Estes received any The Elsenhonivors from the agriculture de- mary victor* weartm ent. • __ScrantM Jn P»

, ' ' Pred~A. SeatonrPhysicians Say S " iM A Refuses to i’rint Notices .WASHINOTON, May l« l ^ A rated a verr « •oup o t physlclani backing the former state < ennedy plan ef health care for hnnded Baltim le aged protested today thot Oeorge Mahon: merlcan Medical association straight defeat t jbllcatlons have retu-sed lo ac- In popular votes, p t an ' advertisement asking Maryland Rer >ctora 10 support Ui# plan, former Rep, Fra TnBTerom nrlneonslstenrwlttv Ttmttrst*Tawe*-it e AMA alogen of free cliolce, Scranton. <1, ei r. Caldwell B. Euelttyn said m sylvanla race utt sLitement a i a news confer- r fellow Pcnn.iyl'

ICC, known he wouldHe U clialrman ot the Commit- for "young and n tor Health Care for Uie Aiied Hr had the pa irougti Social Security, formed backioR but Stati arch 71. it# aald his group J i Collins McSp bm ltlW “ r i r e —advertisement: th a t-S e ra n to n - :ilch would have cost about copy Democrat." .300. bu t Uie AMA declined to ous campaign. £e iblUh It elUter in Uie AMA a v i marRin.lumal or AMA News. --------------

----- -------------------- VOTE fiCI

lugar Program s-Challenged___ S S K -S i!WASHINOTON. Mav 10 lfl — nounced today, ne chairm an of ths hause agrl- r ~ r TTiltiire cominittM challenged Ihc m i ' • 'I

igar program today. sajHng a A l l c l i l OobaL.QUoUt.aiilem.loLlmP?.''}* . / r t _______ j _Ight give too much power to l - r V P Q T usala tn d Cuba. A J X V < * vRep. Harold D. Cooley. D , N.C,. The A»ointended thore countries control .

:pS;s" 1 ' S ' : s . = s ‘ ~

~ ................... ■ rnake frlendllneaj

3 i a f f i ^ £ a t h $ - ; ; £ s ^■ . 1 weU

M ag ie The monsoon 1V o llty Id ah o month and befor

' Jn September w,1 9 6 2 ...............11 ...............6 8 aom oB O toW -to

0/ » eountJ7 • Is 19 6 1 ................1 6 ......—. ..6 7 «u t« oX-CalUomb

e 1rri;;a1ed Id .ih o C o u n tie s

F o r c e .le i l a n d to ]e s A g a in sK; . , r ^ _ A f lo u 'i i i : . s . a i r I'luvc id .s l i t C M n m ia m lliih H iu l. 'lV n il T lm ilan .l l.n iii. , r , S . m il ita i 'y .-Mui i'i-s. ro p n r in l lli;ii I

e r n m e n t A id e F i b p o e n a e d b y S e)— T h e s e n a t e |>uin|H'ti m un- .juire in lu Mil Kslc.-» c a s e tiiih iv a s a i iu lh e r K " 'i 'i iii - h is n .iinectiou,-* ' w illi thi* Ir- 'i '-w lu 'e iin lie 1,.. F r e e m a n , h i i i i s d f bum liai'd i'd by ixsed R a lp ll 'I’uc .sday , .say ing a n F B I i

oiiversatioii 7ith Family ! Reportedwill Fnlls county Pra^ecutlng jrney JomeS'Miiy m u I Tues-

evenhiR. after voluntary I islauKhter churRcs were filed I liu i Mrs. FWtJi O'Donnell In ^ .«eath-of her'iiusbnnd . tha t

hnd Ulked eiirllrr u itlt her ^ .band's f.imlly and th a t Uicy '

advised him they no ■nimendatlon nbout w iu t heuid do In Uie case, but Uia; ________far as they were concf.ned

f fell there wns 110 need for > be projceuled.:rs. O’Donnell was arraglned sday afternoon betore county Date Judge Zoe Ann Warberg

a preliminary hearing vas for 10 a jn . Juna 10, She op- JAMES’with tier attorney, H arry . . . former askli lOlt, and posted $1,000 bond, of afrleultnre, w: Ichard O'Donnen,* Pittsburgh, day by, Seertlary younger brother of Raymond Orv«le Freeman

.O'Donnell. Uie victhil, also with r ift-flv ln* o t the arraignment. He toU Texas tlnsneler :

Imes-News reporter he and te*. (AP wlrephnmoUier, Mrs. May O'DOnn-11,-------------------------lAlktd wllit May’Frlday n t - r -pv , I • O coioner'a Inquest nnd asK-td U f ] t { > u ^

t tho case no l bc prosecutetl. -Xtonnell aald Uiey told MayI- had been uid Uie cnUro 1 1 1 ( 1 0 1 1 6 $y ot what led up to the dcaUi

■rl’‘’o T 3 o n S " 3 S . a well- 1 1 1 I l l V a S Wn "Twin Falls occountnnt

found dead a t Ills iio m t HOLLANDIA, Di ,,'g nen.'M ay 1C HTH-

__________________units, today capiura, . 1 > _ of 20 armed In

ve’s' Backing- K.™;■ T S 1 military lieadqunrtives Edge to Candidates

ncilan paratroopc Br The AsseoelsteJ rrc»» . dropped near m indldBWJ.bacaea .u ru ier mi ^ildent Dwight D, Elsenhower -piie Jlague tc cd runaway victories TuMday pn^iroopers ''hav<

Republican Rubcrnatorial utabilshlng an et ilnatlons In Penn.suWonla and, gn ln pem.ska while Maryland's Dem- of >-nk Fak harbor

i \ n g ° r ' t f g h T r c ? 7 o ; 're“ •” >* « « « ■Inatlon. Indonetlan patle Elsenhowcr-iidorsetl pri- y victor* were Rep. William nton In Penmylvanla and Que l" u ed here m PA. Seatonrsccrclary o f lh e 'rlor In the Elsenhower ad- AuUiorliles here ^traUon. In Nebraska. roneou* report w'aaiwes overcame nUegatlons ot fusion over the ty onoge peddling to win nom- u.sed by the Indt lon for a .-eeortd term by a Uoopers, They sale

margin m w hat had been slo* ’1 a verr close raee. The U-S.-bulIt B25 bo ler slate comptroller. 68. mlsuken for t led Baltimore ■■contraelor iDC3) tntnspi •ge Mahoniy his seventh "ni# communlqu Rht detent by a 3*2 margin Dulch forces com oputar votes. Adm. L «nden Reiryland Rcpulillcani picked ^ndonesiaiw captur ler Rep, Prank SmaU, Jt>, to lempted landing 1

ranton. <4, entered Che Penn- and.hand-grenadcs inia race utter E U enhnw er- -----------------

stranded'young and visoriius ' tickeUv ^ ^had the party lendiTf.hips S t a f f e F C O IhR but s u t e OraiiTe Ms*tcrOUlns McSparrnn. chnrclng MOSCOW, May 1-8eran ton -w aa-fc~ carboa.4 lx_s tm nded_A m t

Democrat." w aseJ a vlRor- staged a 90-mlnu ^ftmpnlRn. Ecrnnton rolled up strike outside Ambu 1 lyn 'niompion's ofl

--------------------------- Tlie Amerlcatu. 1VOTE KCIIKDUJ.K1) , In their 70s. are on

,RIS, May 10 The re t- world tour and hr Hum vote In AtgerU on the in the Soviet Unlor tory's political future will be wlU since Saturday -July-l,-Ui«.coveraoicnt.*nr do-iioU uve_vlsiu, iced today.______________ u n . their’next sU>t

featRain FprestsrBy The Aawtlated Prew Tb# main attrailerlcan marines landing In “" I r«re»ilon. of ■lond today will find a coun- ‘he sophlsUcal^ e3f goldea-tcinple_bella..clc-- 5.»5?kok b u ^ R - lU. great rain foreau of tenkroMwood. and a people wbo P l». frlendllAea, * naUonat way pagoda, roofa.,[, ------ frighten- Uie evit-

»h> klng^rrn'Klent Slam. Soon It wUl be »P>™rTO»«in e

Bangkok la a cll; e monsoon rUn* bejln t^ili SwJl and b«for« they are over m etabtea and flow eptember win b a ra aWUed ^ ^60 to W-tochea o w much „M)untJ7 JafFer tbaa tha U ia are* of t

of-CaUfomU.. a loix (ha Makoi^

- > ......... - - - - .----------■' - - - - -

^ Final9?-' Edition

______ ^ * __ tk;

J e ts ^ L a n c0 B o l s t e r i n s t R e d suvc il't.s i le w in lu lJaiii:kuL t- il.iv .■ U i- • ilan.l li'Min. a n v rH iiinu in i.-l D iru -: i i 'In l tli;U l .a () lia ii lnM>i» liaii |-.. ,

d e F i r e d

ly S e n a t e.luiiv in lu i l s iiivi-Mi- le r K iiviT iirnent a i d e - i'.'v-wluTiiiii^ fin am -iiT . .„ u ,"p h " m iliai'di'd bv K eiitililicaii ,,i v j . , “;',‘, i I’h'- : a il F i l l ii iv i-s tij: .i t io n :.u .l imriii-,v.-.t t

* -r •¥ V iin-.iily i«o u n l;-X” ' >h>i-rn


; wnnjcd tlini I U, S, mnrjnt'> in 'I I1

■ r istllute mllitnry Iniri« ! ab.M>luti-iv cnnnoi br

■ » _ j M .i The wnniUiR I.w<H ■ . • / ^ W ;*einblcd that l..iurj I k * iChinn intervennl 01▼ V ^ 'K orean wnr. Pcipl;

^ i I i In* voiced wnriiliv:*) ^ ■ connection with Sou

f l nnil Soutlieaht Asi,i . — ” ^ 7 M Inu setlon, f . ' AUuut 300 Ljta'.iin

fled acravi the .Meki to Tliallnnd, movei

k . Jlourl SnI ond s n i■ k . perimeter m ile s ,

| ^ l H . U . S . S e e

.iZTJuS';;;™..,, T o k e n Ffrieultnre, was fired Tue*- i nby Secretary of Atrlculture |-< P O I T I A Mllle Freeman In eonnecUon ^1 rlf t-f lT lng by Inrtleted WASiiiNO'TON,>• tlnsncler mille Sel E.- American offlClaLs stlAP wlrephnie) United'3iaie.s has n.i

— Ijj Southeast A*la at, I . 0 • • ^^flclflc to Join It In I

iiteh b e iz eI • land, BrlUiln. Pnkls(ioiiesiaus ••con.slder the dlspai T • forces to lake theirInvasion a id e y .S . j« n d .« a .

being flown in to Ui LUNDIA, Dutch New Gul- the border of Laos." May 1C lO T -D utch 'naval —M o j r 'o r - i h c - r r today capturod a boatload here of the count:

) armed Indone.slans a t- were said tn have n ;lnR a landlrig hear Fok Fak' Vdrabty to the reque ;>tern New C ulnea .'D utch officials declined t< .ry headquarters announced, reaeUon on a countr lie the seaborne Invaders being thwarted, Uie com- „ 3"*, ,iue said, Duic/t troops Jbo forcas u m pu allackinR-a band ot Indo- amUa.ssador8 and oilI oarairooDcr* who were “ “ Ves of the five ci ed n e a r ^ ^ F a k yeficrYa?! Avcrc dcfcn«-mlnUiry-*inl ciit'5J ,| ;; ‘;", [ ,, le Jlague today said the jiRrriman Rave t: roopers ''have aucccedeJ In jhe reasons for Pre Ishlnii an embo'o bridge- ^ecLslon to on on ln penla^ula. north ,o „ cs Into -nialhuid k Fak harbor,") jjers Laos, and askKafft/e said yesterday fiial «)JIm consider .sendJ

idonetlan paratrooper* hsd ihelr own troops,dropped In two places In --------------------3ulnea, But the,comm unl- ! • '.sued here mentioned only i j O O C l l l l ^

’P ilo ts "E vl i ' a t ' n ' S . l OOODINO. MW 1rs. They sa id 'th c Indone- manager of W lumped f ra n WorW war fl unt B25 bombera wh'ch Msuken for the bigger U,.-

communique ttsued bj mofninR He sta tedforces commander Rear arriving

L «nden Recser aald U»e . t b . mtslaiw captured in the a t- department of

** “ " '’" ‘ ‘'" I ' 'and.grenadcf." wring this ---------------------------- Prises will be given

anded Yanks courtesy in the a ir. g. . tesy, traffic pattern

ge P ro te st - r ' i ; . i ”„V'JuS!5C0W, May 10 CR-Twenty- btcaUast. _5rhe_brealfoat_wlll

a 90-mlnute "sit-down" by membet* of troop outside AmluiasadorLIewel- national guard, unde lompion's office today. tion ot Carry LLsenb Amerlcatu. most ot Uiem Delsner.

Ir 70s. are on a round-the- Residents of Oood tour and have been held rounding towns golni Soviet Union aRaln-st Uielr port lo see U\e planet nee Saturday because Uiey to park by the west Lluve_vliaa,tor_A IghBDlt 6 l r p o r t_ a . s _ t h ^ ^ lelr’next aU)p. planea will be parkei

estsrFriendly Peojmain attraction 'for rest with endangered Lac

xreaiion. of course, will U Ij' different region ki iphlsUcaled capital city uf Korat plateau where :ok, butting wiUi acUvlty of_ThallM)d-a_ai_mJ ighi'Ufe, I ts ancient lem- Uvt- ave long golden spikes en The plateau 'U' di »goda.roofa, more.Mian^O.lncfiw m-UIB evil-spirits «w ar .-T e * r .-M d -tts -p e o p lII bells-attached , to the T h erra ls e icr*wny h

ekok is a cllv of c4atrajts Bangkok-and. In fO(

t r boaU th a t brine fr;-h . >^ rthB -T O rth '» l«

ay. - . Bre b it tree*,area o f tbo northeast ^rasi. and areaa of

(ba M akoi^ r l n r border tMkwood.

- - - ....... ■ -- -......... - .........

?'inal * . Idition— — Jll«t


_ TK N ^C EN li ■(

m d ^ i '

:e ri d s i

U iv M . . . , ; ; n . l ' i r lii-u-.; , i . .„ . I . , . . . ul r.:. n;u-l.

Ihl", ,ii,,uiiluiiL'ilKn.l;,> ii,:i„,V ;• ,0111- J '.-I uff- 'n-lM -, '•riiMll .-,•■.1!,. 11,r

i C ['Cljjlim I’liJjiii’V ciilv. B h

■ m llitnry 'liilrr'lauirr a 's l f f l Ifiy cnnn.n br ovrrlockcl." ' | IIR;d thnt l..iurJ Uelori' Ilnl

intervemd opnily in tl.e '*n war. Pcipl;i::, however, , '• Iced wnriilu'ts t>r'viou>ly in :timi with South Vlit .S’nm S ouihefta As.1,1 wiihoiii tak- 1:tlon, ^at 300 Liioilin troops who the .Mrkoni river lii- lalland, moved b.ick Into SnI ond sri up a defensr l | | l | i

f i e r ' l miles'.outside III#'

r 4S. Seeldng Iiken Force 'ij|om Allies 1SiilNO-TON, Mny' 16 (ITO- ijiy:nn offlClaLs said today llie I HI ’Siaie.s has a-sked Its allies H y itheast Asln and Uie South l i i l } to loin I t In sending mill-o t^ s Inio Thailand. ' • J lfr aald Auatralla. New Zea« fillBrluiln. Pakistan and Oia ‘ v*'Dines had been asked-to V >iler the dUpatch of snail ' ,to lake the ir place along- .:

. S. lond, sen and alr*iorcc,s j i'flown in to Uie area near ••rdcr of Laos." 11r 'o r - lh c - r r p r ts e n ta t l re a ---------r rof the countrle.s Involved:ald tn have rc.^patided In- i I lliy to the r^u est. But tT.'S. ' i I IIs declined to give their . i IIIin on a country-by-country ' IjU

U. S. tor token at- J j>rces u‘o.s pul before i h s ' Bl)jsadora and other represen- |]{of the five countries yes- IIIby W, Averell Hanlman, BM

u ten i« ffa ira ,-----------------------ijyjIman gave the diplomats Basons for President Ken- H

decision to send U. 8. MInto Tlialland. which bor-> • ■ IJios. and asked that th# . > Hconsider .sending some o l | H J

loding Sets iltl lots EventiDINO. May Ift-Jlm Wll- jy tnanager of Westem Air- J * .rports th a t approxJ/naieJj* ({jJ f;Ola and other vLsltora ar# j | j | '-d tor the first Air break- | | | i l

1062. which . i f ‘iOoodlnR airport Sunday ' .

IR, He aw ted that piloU Uh.;s u r i arriving a t the air- . 11

department of aeronautics l l J jleraUnp with the Ooodlng ; ILier-«t-Oommeree-lrMT»n--------- ^this breafcfiut. , | | | |s will be Riven pilots hav- Ble best performance for | I By In the a ir. ground coui^ { ■rattle pattern flying, sptt , ! ■t and the pilot traveling . ] ■irthest dlsUnce to - the ' I B“ I- ' 1 1 1brealfoat-wULbe.jirtpared___ U i 'n ben of troop I. Ooodlne i nII guard, under the dlrtc- I I I Carry LLsenbee and Karl

lents of Ooodlng or sur- ll]ig towns going to the air- {IBsee U\e planes arradvlseU {M

t by the west end of the | {_^a.s_lhat Ls where tha |j cwill b e 'p ^ e d r | j ; T

People---- jndangered Laos Is a fast- :rent region known as Uie plateau where nine mllUoti illan<l'«_ai_mUllQn_PCQPlc------

plateau '•U' dry. wim no ;it»n ^0- Inches of_r»In_per___ •u id- tts -p w le -a r f r^ p o i 'r— p f •Ise icr*wny herds « '« * [ '- - I

)k-and. In *004 yeara, a« { sy u M a lV K ..W T w rth -a lo c j- th e Me--------3e cooatry abarpljr diffan he S o ra t p t a U ^ n e r a

and areaa o t tb » ,p r lsd ' I>± . 1

....... — '-J

Page 2: tk lI^ A irl^Force .le Jets^Lanc In T haila B olster D · tn wbit the Klotw. I l l f l 0(licb|,_„^, .K--epl..K.s

_jestin jo_n y Is Continued in Robbery

BURLEV. M«y llt-F loyd lUs* gin*, Burlfjf policeman, w u t<»-

, t lfy ln j on Ineldenti of the op-___ PrthensJon _©/_j»a_jren chtrsed

' w ith robbinc iHe elderiy w re- _____tn tc r o f Oie P i u lodge u Ihelr

c u ir lc i cuuri jQi7 'trlu*TTceueif for lunch V/ednesday noon.

K lssln 's testimony wm to con- Untle th is af(em oon. lie b ex* peeted to be lhe last wltneu*(or the s ta te ftnd w ltaesus for the defense were lo testify thU sfl*

t ’• em oon.judRe Edwftrd Heap b I ir ir-

Ing th e trtftl of Donald E. Holt- Jngs nnd Oiit7 W. Baitrr. boUi 21, Burley, charged wiih rob­bing and beaUng Oeorge 8tcd« m an, 82. la » Peb. 19. The Jury

---------VHA fhf«fn.h\> p mif ie r &0 persons were Impaneled

/ during the opening day.Ju ro rs Include Mrs. Maxine

'Wallace, Darrell Harper. De- w .ine Toupln. . Henry stoker. lUJpfj P ouJkw , Wm . T3i<Jmr Eexton. Delano Yost. Wayne

. Lewis. Newel Dayley. Glen Bes- slre. M rs. Qadle McMurray and Leslie E . Child.

A la o testifying Wednesday m orning were Dick PuJlman, bartender a l the Elks club and the n igh t clerk a t Uie National hotel, who said the two men were registered thei;e Feb. J9 w hen the beating occurred. Three pcrcaiu testified for the sta te Tuesday.

Mrs. P a t WelU IcvtlJJert In distric t court Tuesdny Uiat one of two men charge:! w l'h robbing Uie cJderJy coreUikrr adjnJIted the crim e to her.

She sold DonaM Eugene Bol- llnga cam e to her home the day a fle r th e robbery and said he had broleen Into the Etks lodge "bccause he needed the money.”

Mrs. Wells also IrsUIled she had seen Ilolllngs and Baker, In fron t o f a bar near the Elks club th e night of the Ineldent. filedm an lestlfli'd th a t two men took ' l&O, some clSarelies. his w atch and ring. In addition to beating him. He u id It was dark and h e could no l Identity his a ttackers.

•aw B aker and "anolher m an” In fro n t of the bar Peb. 19. and h a d told them to go home becauso -Uiey were "acUog up.'!

Officers Ai-e Installed «t B P W Session

HAILEV, May IS -O ffla-rs ot tho SuA Valley Business and Pro- ieaiionnl Women's club were In­stalled Monday evening a l the

, Redwood room In Bun Valley lodge foUowlng % bonquit WT(ed nearly M members and guc4ts.

Mrs. Frankie AlworUt, • TwUi Palls, p u t «Ut« president, wa* InsU lllng officer, assisted oy Mrs. W ard Beck, past president of Uje

---------Sun Valley club.Luclle Pricdman. w ith M n.

• S a n K n ieh t as proxy, waa In- - ^ — staU ed-na prtslden t: Mrs, r tcd -

crlck Povey, llrs t vice, prwldcnl; M n . Theodore Trowbridge, scc-

! ond vice president; Mrs. Uuyd E.I Sm ith, secretary, and Mri. Ben I Cutler, treasurer.' .'T he '‘Oftrden of Flower*" cer­

emony waa used by Mra. Alwoi th.A trlhut« wa* paid Mrs; Ruth

_____ waa liiliea iii In midtermbeen unable to perform 'h 'er.ou- Ues since, and ll was announced he r p a s t president's pin given h e r a t a later dale. N>rs. Leo Berry, first vice president wbo haa officiated as pr'-siaent alnc« Mrs. Bergln's lllnciJ. woa presented with her post prcil- den t'sp ln .

U was announced Mis* Prled-----------m sn-w iH -attend-the-iiU l#I venUon to bo held In Moscow ' and «nU U ve plans were njade

lo r delegates lo attend._____ _ M rs. Bcrry.lniroduced Mr*. Al-

w orth and Rolla Zoerb, Rupert, soulh central district director, and M arlon Uingdon, Twin Falls, t

- first, v ice-d is tr ic t. direelor, and 1 I presented Uiem with corsages, i

She also . inUoduced Maude ] Benward, Rupert: Mrs, Agnes A. *

i H urst. Jerome, and Mra. Ernest } ,1 Marlow, Twin FalU. presidents of '

their respective clubs, who In---------- tunrtntroduced-olhers-frwn-thslr- -

clubs attending.o u te rs attendm g from Jerome

were EllrabcUt B. W hite, Char- lolto Roberson, Lois Jepson and Jewel Depcw, OUiers attending from .Rupert, were Borlha Ren* , fro. Anna Dunn, 'Ttinl -Dalsog- ‘ Us. Evelyn Hendrick. Dora John- F son. Mnry Bell. M argaret Jolm - ‘ non, Irene V, Coons. Hnnna Vo- satka. R ita Orondel, Jennie Saw- ' yer and Jnne Klebe. ,

Mrs. Keith Bird w m a guesl J from Hftllc}'. .

Mrs. Edith Ellis Hyde King two numbers. accompanj'lnK h rr- self on the piano.

----------The-Juj)e-ii)«UJiff-ttlll.Ue.lield Ia t Uie InchausU dlnlns room *n f

------- jnuioy.-w lth-jrtasQ U t-rt»l lo be, 3served. ______ -_______ ' i *

j Tonight’s • ! -Events 't , . K " r . v ”. r , >

dur b»tor» 4B ^

8 p in .. Amcrlctm Lesion hnll. • meeUnc<?{.Amnicnn l/^ lw -po it. •« and; auxiliary_________________ J

a u te r s um ple meetuig,--------- I

7:30 pjn„ S h o s h o n e LDS cchurch, _MIA meeting. c

• , 8 p jn „ home or Mr*. Woodrow r • -H arrU . S h o s h o n e . Methodist v . W oman's Society of Christian I

Service meeilng. s

W e d n e s d a y , M o y . 1 6 , 1 9 6 22 T w in P o lls T lm e t-N e w t«s> N bw i I Weather, Te

MAGIC VALLEY AND CAMAS _ T aftcmecB and tonight wlih « per V I S aaiotinl* generally IcH Uian ef

to t t mile* per b e a r .wlUi oecailo. J • - U hlnr toolfhi, ba i Increasing s !Cl 1 1 1 enasiog eloadlneu Thursday. A

_ and Thiittday. High Tnesdsy « !

•Ployd Hig- - TEMPERA'nJRIm. was tes- Twin FalU and vicinity. North of the ap- Camas P ra lrle-H igh today lowerlen charged Ttiuraday-tipiwr-SW.' ' ______deriy ta re - -------Ige M ‘heir fIVE-DAV FOnECAST, T iiun j lU TTccssnr T isurrlH rperlodrflriliow erneU rtt f noon. Temperatures areraglng three lo wa* to con- tmprovlng weather generally with

He Is ex- olng aboul Sunday.wltneas-for ____

for the WEATHER 1fy this aft- Partly cloudy to cloudy iJcles co

the lower Malheur valley today wl - ‘ifV,’ "» • Showers a te confined I

lid E. ^ 1 • rising over southern Idaho. Ih iakrr, boUi u f forming over souUiern Neva

..........................). The Jury AORICULTURAm, Tiif.vlBy: Impaneled cool wet wenlher of this week ha; “ y- much of southern Idaho ii eonrs, Maxme forecast to conunue for the nexi arper. p e - p r« ju re systems making their way

win continue on ^ e below normt

“n i lures can l>e e*[>ecled about SundsOlen Bes- temperatures-arc expccted to remal

iurray and (ecUve cloud cover. However, anj... . ' ^ carefully watched as temperaturei

clouditu'-vi.t^ /im an, »outhcenlral Idnho the plantli

s club and jp fin^ ^^aln virtually ce

**lwo m m! la.ll Feb. Avernge'soll depths for Sl-hou{ occurred. rM'ln'Palls experJmeni suiUon,ea lor the « ; wendell, M. Eight-inch depth a

evllfled _____IDA ilOTEM P

i n robbing Ki>ii„n jiUi. siin I'rp iir sdJnJIted UfUr ------------------- «« . Tn j

agcne Rol- JJ « • ;ne the day F»ir«*T si .m iId said he ------------- ” •!: ;Etks lodge 1J.K.. y.ii.~____ ei 40 H* 'ie money." --------lUfled ahe N OR'ni IDAHO—Varlablg cloudl I Baker, In In the mountalns-CMay. Scattered ' the Elks days 65-C3. Low tonlghl 30-43.e Incident. --------t two m tn 8UU..II W»«. Mir.. IVp, Jrelies, his 1 ----------- sa « >iddltloh to All«nl>___________ »« «• »t Was dark V'"'"'* j ................... - ‘i i ‘. •** \lentlty hi* '.!„?*■'* -------- ------i , i*

Peb. 19, D,n«r , .« j i I> go home Moin« ------------ m :i 1

u p " F . i £ n k r T i z : z z ss s t - li

b e IK.WM ciir -----------»0 11 H

«t !i .«?iion s—

Magic Vallejig*ai* U)t M o g i c V a l l e y M e m o r i a liin Valley AdmlltedUlt iCTfcd Charles VanEaton. Mrs.Id gueita. joaeph.’ Bush, j f t Mrs. Rodney a r th , ' Twin Tegan, Mrs. Gordon Mwisrave, dent, wa* ChrlsUne Saflcnberg. Jeasc Davis, ed oy Mrs. Mrs. Merlo P a rro tt and Leland p en t of Uie Forester, all Tw in Falls: Mrs. c

Tommy Lowe, Richfield: Mra. k n'th MrT LajTrBniney.“Jictpot."N ev.: MM, ” , was Jn- Charle* Dana, Roy Roberts and Jrs r tc d - Clarence FUher, aU Buhl: Mra: - prtildcnl: Ronald-N ostle-and Sonya-Luu, •Idge see- Filer; Mr*. K erm lt Dougla.1, Hax- «. Uuyd E. elton: Mrs. Antonio Beltla, Sho- r Mrs. Ben *hone: Jam es Pox. Burley; Mrs. V

K enneth B laekbunt and John H»ser. Kimberly, and M n. Ray-

Mrs Lee Dixon, n ed llelde. g

I, Thomas L a s a l l e r and[r. . . i iV ^ daughter and Mrs, Max Croth- J in w l l l .^ era. all Twin Falls: Mrs, Jack

OuUer- Kimberly: M n. Dallas Pence and son, S tanford, Calif,: „

pr-sW en. william Hoffman and son. t , n ^ . Jerome: Roy Tverdy and Rob- ti aat prcil- Q,e,j_ quj„_ „ r , . ^en* ^

ncUi Howells, Jerome.Us Fried- nirUis ilnle —8ons-wcr»-l>orn-W«liifuiday-to , I Moscow Kcrmli Dougina, t , ere njade HBr,eUon, and to Mr. and Mrs. ”

Tommy L o w e . Rlchflcld, A I Mrs, Al- daughter was born Wednesday to “ 3, Rupert, Mr. slid M n r Ronald ' '

director, n ie r . Tuesday births lnclude *on.n win Falls, lo Mr. nnd Mra. Oeorge Needles, clor, and Burley: Mr. and Mrs.- Joseph corsages. B u sh .T w ln 'P a tts .-n n d Mr. and ,• d Maude Wesley FuUcr. Buhl. Daugh- V Aimw A. ‘’''fn “> Mr. and Mr.v ^

ra. Ernest Aa.«ndrup. Filer, and to sldenis of Charles Dana. Buhl,

who In ---------------------------- J;

W U . . I T r]\ia™-VaHeT^'n Jerome p •'

F u n e ra ls jBU RLEY -Funeral services for

Alonw Sevems will be held a t 2 1irn Jo h n . Thursday a t the McCul- |11^ jn K ^ funeral home with Melvin jn n n fv“ U s t - r l lw I

*■'» ^ conducted* a t the Paul • m ie saw Priends may call at the

, McCuJJoch funeral h w ie Wed- ««nc.Aday evening and 'Thursday t°

U . M,ns "ij'lng h rr- -------- • , ,

SHOSHONE - orave-ilde serv- i!ll-Ue-lield IcciJor-M ix-Florcncc.M cM ahon. *, : room *n former rcsldrnt. will be held nllical to be,3. Pr-)U.-Frlday a t Ih f .BhtMliniie --

£ rm .,.r \ ' « A:I . ____ Lj

^ Men ol’ Grange " Serve Dinner m

.<•. .hcl I... SHOSHONE.'May lO-A pot- ° Vowx •iiijluck dinner wa.i held by men of »■ t'^«“o 'WTO'ercmjrdriin«-sati tx

urdny nlRht In honor of moiherr. mon hnll Kelley, m astrr." wa.i m ®tion-poit. .cl^wgf _ 0f. th t,.h u s ln rj« meel-

■- — lng-whlch-fol!o>v«l-il>e-dlmwr.-------------- He pre»ente<l-ettTH4.(ioiia-{o-aJ{ » :

P^.thinn women present. _ ^E, Mrs, K elley-'reportcd’ on uie ‘

FTA banqoet served bv me n e LDS Orange women, siaim g proceeds

of jc e a i were re.MlzeO.Tliere will l> fnrilicr diicu»- sin

Woodrow Rion regarding acccpiins the m - 'p o Methodl.'.t vllallon to spoiLsor a txwih s t ' ( Christian Ult July 4 cclpi)railoii at a h ''- 'a l

shone. |cei

f, T e m p e r a tu r e s Vs o CA5IAS PRAIRIE-M ostly tlaady Ulli A with « per eeni probability oi ibawers, but r x . than ef an Inch. Winds lacfessfng to 10. _ rlUi oecsilonal gtisU (hU aftm iM a dlmln- 1^ , Kreasing again Tboradsy attemcoD. Be. X ' bursday. A UtUe warmer ttali afternoon me«tsy 4S: low U st nitbt, U : I s jb . iJ ;) p tr teoU Barometer: PretlpHaOom

■ — — -------------- gl-H

PERATURE FORECAST " . I tnity. North Side. Burley-Rupert area and oday lower Ms, low tonight upper MU. High

- :— =-------------.'...................... la g -ST, TilUnSDAV THItOliCH MO.SDAY,- ow *rnetlv«r-w lO nnoft'to t»b ';l« -t» je taehrP“ f‘ Ig thrre lo six degrees below normal, but ‘J ' eralljr witb rising temperaiure trend begin. JUOfi

_______ andefEATHEIl HYNOPSIfl ' *1"‘'idy ftkles continue over southern Idaho snd cy today with a few widely scattered show, led mos'.ly to the mountain areas. Prewurrj No h Idaho, however .a nev lo* preMuro ccn- JUuK' lUiern Nevada where our la-'t storm system

:nnd“ • _____ ^ JudgiICULTURAL SUMMARY-TalHj. f«Al iL.fiiibfr nt IQ the Very Cor*la week haa been quite dramatic as far »-i m »ho Is concerned. •'Tlie wct cool spell U prccl or the nexl few days due tu Pacific tow Judg( g their way crbui this rccloii. Temperatures Juds' elow normal aide with frtquent perlod.i of and ' an'imtlfgVJng'tTflia tfllJI u^iiJg^ n npgnr* [ f ibout Sunday. The air 1« cool but minimum field :ed to remain above freczins due to the pro* lor , owever, any nU hltlm e clearing should be noldJ emperatures will drop shsrpty with loss of Coun

HexI the planting of poutocs and com l.i under .Mr.v virtually completed. The rain of Uils week Die I and improve spring snd winter grain elude

tur Jlfor 24-luiur period for four-inch depths Mrs.

m l aiaUon, S3 desrecs; Dulil. &4; Castleford. judgi nch depth a t Twin Falb rxpertment station coop

and— ' I’ol

iHO TEMPERA'TURES alH |Mln. l-fp,|Sl.U..n, Ma>. iUn, IVo.« ■ "*15 U-'lTl* n 1 ' _ " »I ( ' tOrlUST .« M.1.I1 . ------- tl » Tr, Rlvel” lill r,'.c“.u*Io'’ t t U Tr.41 .1: .S»tmi>n_____ ____ ts 41 .14 Richs» .JS TWIN PALIJI_____tt Jl .11 Grar40 A t WrmWI . J i . .11

tabi# cloudlnea.1 with a tew flhowcral’mostly \ Scattered showers Thursday. High both . 30-43. e«"P

Mln. JVp. SUitiphl......... ........... tl I t elrs iSA .01 UUmI . . . -------- rf :4 CM.4t Mllw>ukM . . a t <0 .,S( >llnn»poll|..St. r>uU HI II ,<D41 .4t O . l c n . ---------IJ . t t ,01 point4S .Oi Nrw Yotl .. ------ It M Inj ^t l V)Vi:!:..n,. cu, .1 :» 'JJ Omih» . H :n W, L

- n ---------[•hii.*.|phii-. • — i« t.t jptit,Si I!Tl I'ciriUnci. 0>t. <'iTS ll«plcl Cllr ----------«• « .«l THTO ' ni’'hm*‘‘'T ' ’ ............. >T to l i l<4: ,4f m. ' * I — »t 11Tl .10 H>l( U k. Cllr _____ tl 41 Tpv,SJ H.l> l)|«n --------- tl 11 .0} I I-4: s,** **•" _____ t* M I - ' ­II ^ 8ri.lll. __________ IJ <t .01i l -. — .......‘J »’ •ot EaiM tVMhiV«t»n'7"1___I n t: .F*’'?u w<«i __ _ t t m .Tt an 2i

--------------------------------- ;------------------------- a hc(

a l le y H o s p i t a l s ' r ;m o r i a l G o o d i n ? M e m o r i a l « » r ':

Admittedon. Mrs. L arry Masonholder and Rich.

Rodney ard Sartor, both Ooodlng. • ®ittjitrave, DIsmlased deoniue Davis, Catherine 'Dwycr and Ollbert He w 1 Leland pierson, both OotWlng, and Mr*. Amer 1^: Mrs. Olenn McCltary and daughter, and

Ihl-*Mn; — M i n i d o k a M e m o r i a l ,l y a - L u u , . - jw n i t i r t_________ _ ig J , ,Jl?' M n , Andrtw McRoberti, Mrs. Emm

D an Slavln ;and Mn. Dorothy broUi

„ i ‘T DInnlssed 'D«»i" • Mrs, Allen Tuma and daughter, l*Wei

Elaine Howard, Mrs, "rreno Com- A 1/ tA. O ibrlel M enda Willard

-Roberta, alHtuperL

'c r o lh - S t . B e n e d i c t ’s , J e r o m e . ."'r^^!‘u'^ Admitted I T ,i ? , D»>e Duffee and Mrs. l l < l1, uaiK,. ocorKo P»weH, boUi WendelJ; O l .

Ralph King. Richfield, and U n . T l«. S;

Dismissed exerc Irvin Robenon.M n, Vem CouU gradi

•iiWau fn Mrs. Wayne Lelnlnger and evenl ^ U D r^ a iiJ-Shnyne-Iniram rail Je* sthoo i.a Mr«' Wanda Tankeroloy ^ Inc

. and Mra. Charles Hsiiscn, buUi thal lesday to Shoshone. Wen ■No.%lK.-- ........ ..............................................

udeson.1 C a s s i a M e m o r ia lJ w p h ABMITTED Chrl*

Mr -and • J^V-Wake, Ray Lewis and Mrs, Dylnf Dauch- ^ Morris, all Burley, and Mrs, aid {

md J.US Neddo, Malta. . Dcctaand to niSMISKEI) bara

ta.Buhl, Mrs, Eber Carbon ahd Mrs. Hobei— Lynn Brad-ihnw. both Rupert; ThonI Oscar Peterson. Burley;' Mrs, P a ll '

■' lim TffS man.A daughter wn.i born to Mr, Phen

G and Mrs. Richard 8- Slmnltt, 0*^3’Burley. Robei

vices for ------------ ---------------

t s , : H. Thomason R' Passes In Oregon S

II at the WENDELL. May 18—Funeral valle; e Wed- servlce.s were ronduc.ed Tue.iday j,( »- hunday for Harmon Youns Thomawn.l wuh

Wendell, a t the M oriu-I^ iim ary nl Portlnnd. Mr, Thom.ision,! <]cput

, ■ ,70. re.ildent of the Wcndrll nrra I him rM*hnn ‘‘’e P^V 15 yf»p, died May 0 it

hoslinne . --IJejvM.bqm.March 13. IM M n eil lo and marrlM l.enoni'w1lh i Lackey In Ooodlng, Mr, T liom -;wlth i

----------- ii.vnrn n .1 liti.iplca llred lii Pui'tl.uij ' bt a reg g In January. ! from— ;----------- Survlvors-lncludo—four—

Marvlii Young Tlioinss3!i,Ornnde. Ore,; Jasper Thonia.von.i

-A pot- ficvnda: Lawrence Orant Tiiom-[ m men of nron and Chnrle* c . Th'min'OR,; hui1(0

iW S a ti O ath-W mtteHr-rnnr-ttturtitcrrr: noihrrr C- P. Braun. Poril.tnd: Ciir- ' 51

in Tl'omaion. San D.rin, Calif.; muniBi n I Mf*- Leonard Jon'nn, Wciidfll. , aam

L " ‘f, * and Mrs. W/sle-y Trtfrv. I'aiil;-dimwr. no-Bfairathlldrnranrroii? irM t= ^ ^ t3 n‘ Brandchiia,-

Woman Diesproceeds SHOSHO.VE, May 19 - Mr.v

Florence Mc.Vtahon. former Sho- Giicu»- shiine rcAldcm, died Tuesday In' the in-| Pocatelln.

Mih s t : Cravr.^ldr lervlce.i Hill be held tt a h ''- a t 3 p m, Frld.ty a t the Shohone , r . . , ,,

Icemeiery, |

es Voting Aides T ’ Are. Reported uSr

}~£ For Lincoln E„E“ " " J " SHOSHONE, May 19-T ha 1B03 **epha

elecUon Judges were appointed

il- l u i f u . s-------- -For-.p recinct onf receiving, , . n . Judges are Wally Burkell, senior 1

? judge. M n, M arie C. Burton und ' “■ Mrs. Mary PcUtlck, while coun*-

lag —JutigtA a rc U ra.. Roxlc ..J a m ,AV iOauKheriy. Mrs, Alice Webb and street. ^^.•;; '|M rs. no rence a a g e . and ■

hui l'> preclncl two r e c e l v l n g 'i'WUr K.,in Judses are M n . Harry Turnbull, Roberl

* * wnior judge; Mrs, Mary Alex- miles ; ander and Mra. Ruby Bancroft, way 9' while the counting judges ire Ricli

ho snd snnford Connell. Mra, Helen enlli i I . 1,0-., Love jind Elaine Stoddard. and c -euurrs NorUi Shoshone r e c e i v i n g mcrlU rs ccn. iudKc-' M n . Je« !e Danner, ilne i system snilor Judse, Mrs, D. G. MlUnrll of Tw]

fnnd Mrs. Louise Braun. Counting Edw Judges Include Mrs. Earl Vln. Twin

. sant, Mrr, C;ay Bum um and Mrt, cosu hi» v>rv Cor*!n feilva. by Jui| j r ».i— In Uio Kimiiiim gic»,'ilngle-Stmatfl

ipell U precinct, there are Juat ihe Uiree county flc low judgti, Mrs.. O uy MlUer. senior ^ubH ratutfs judge,- and Mrs, Wusley SloUer nnpd- lod.1 of and Mrx, Edna Nelbaur..

nlmum field arc Mrs, Eva Sorensen, sen- puyj. tie pro. lor Judge. Mra. Dorothy Rey- „ tuld be nold* and Mrs. WalUir Stubbs. loss of Counting 'judgi'S Include Mrs. ^

Itcx Flavcl, Mrs. Berl Akins and Xucsdo 1 under .Mr.v Carl flllcy. Thjrds week Dlcirlch's rccclvIng Judgu In- nonj,^

grnln elude Mrs. Carolyn Wulker, sen.lor judge. Mrs. Olen Nelson and -j-. ,

depths Mrs. Delma Gage, while counUng I I I ] tlcford. Judges Include Mrs, Llndcll station Cooper, Mrs, W aller Rinehart f k

and Mrs. Annu L iuer. ” I ' l * ,Polling places lor Ulc elccUon

will include th c Masonic hall for -h-v 1?' ' 'Si preclncl one; the Lincoln audl- M p t< torlum for prtfclnel Ih’o; Wood <1 Tr, River Center Orange, preclncl . DEC *.{ _ three;. Rlchflcld Oronge for were s <1 .14 Richfield preclncl: D l e i r l c h to ii >1 .11 Grange for D ietrich preclncl ond dents i ‘ - -M ihf.w«sl»y-SUillcr_resldcncfl_Li hcld.Ji

Klmama area. siudemI S ih Tlie bid from ConUnenial 011 year c>

company of »22.S0 per gallon lu Dccio : gas used In county-owned vehl Dnvld

>• clrs was accepted by commission- sen.74 ClassI? Mrs, W aller R inehart was ap- nounceIt !m pointed lo Uie lo ir board, replac- for the li ling Mrs, William Towne. Jr. Uie yoi !! •''' The Justice of peace report ol “crlf

W, L. Alxstln ahowed 1508.70 col- Cheryl iKted In fines and feta_ltiBj)as:

3II ■“ Earl G. Smith a p :1 ■" Dies on Coast ^ 5;» lot Earl G, Smllh'. 70, former Twin compai

. Falls re.ildenl. died April » at «ml ai0 .T, an JtiKlewood. C alif, hospllsl of ‘ - a heart attack. ? i,"

He was bom May 3. IB81, a l Cwolii BaUiurst. New Brun.iwlck. Can* Clyde ada, and moved u> "Twin Falls in P 1808. He was a veteran ot World Pioma

ia i war X and In 1IJ« he moved CoCalifornia, where he wa* married t^no J' In 1D30

He retired In IfiM a fte r 32 yean P™>'' ot servlco w ith Ute Lo* Angeles Hash 11 deportment of water and powcr. oeriain.

Ollbert H , » member of Inglewood d M n. American Legion post No, 183 W p , UBhter, and Aqueduct post No. 343. He I»______served as hospital chairman and i

c liiln S ^ rn e e n o r-tn e -V e te ra n s - f l l - l ' . j ^ l of World war I, barracks No. 082,

, Inglewood. •-------- - Surviving ore hi* widow.-Ma.I, Mrs. Emma S m i t h , Inglewood: * Monda' ‘orothy brother. Perclval B. Smith,. Og-

den. and ihree atslen, Mrs, A. M •‘p'“ (Della) Lyda, Mm. Dee (Adc- Ported

iishter lAldei U h u e and Mrs. Ralph1 Com^ ‘Ru'>y> Amo,v all "fwln Falls, *"* vmard Funeral services .were held May ^ucsdu Hacker * Ctiurch of ttv »H1*. Forest Addll

____ _ Hugll-Morgan, pastor, ot Ingle- nt Burwood F ln t ChHi'tlan cliurch. -Ol nt ■

ome.. _ ---------------- -SS >1 „„ Hailey Exercises “ rj:;; Planned May 23

HAILEV. Moy lO-Oraduatlng - exerct.ies for th e 21 eltthth grade t

1 CouU graduates will be held Wcdiie.iday -I • -I :r and evening, XIny 23. nl th* hlqh sit J e . school auditorium.Lc.UcrRobcrl.i, ceroloy ^Inclpal of IhV ■'srhuOI. stntes , buUi that to date the proBmm has not.ijraniet

Wen planned. I (,p ..........Those who will rreelvc ‘'IplO'iTnectins

Dodenhofer. ■ Rae Aim Broc.ii, jo l, Christine Lynn Drown. Darryl p j |„ „

id Mrs, DylngUin. Dnvld'Bylntslon. Ron- d Mrs. aid Castle. A nita Davl.t, Robert , ^mni

Dcctord, Mary Dietrich. Bar- * bara Elllnger, Maurice Ell.iworlh,

I Mrs Robert B. Orace, Fred J. Grny. Jj®'', ' :uperi: Thomns R. G r^nlr-r, Jane llaycs, _

MM, Pal Howe*. Ja lrcd Ivle. LlndB lv-

N i a X n , s " c .0 Mr phen Patter.ion. David Robert.ion.Imnltt Steven.v Alec Stewart und All 1/

■ M b ,r t W ,1,1,1. - " 7 ^ ;

R em ains‘Good’O nry‘Let MlHer.2fi.TwlnPa11«, p ^ . -

r A n rem alned-h i -•'eJodl,.com11tlon.' Wri'iiefd.'tv mornln;: 'n i Made /> unrral valley Memorial ho-.oital. wtirre jf.iday jj( tt-n.1 lakrn Mondnv evonJns nawn.lM-iih a bullet wound lecclvrd . ^ lortu- *iifn .leven police and rheriffs V n.ison,! deputies' attem pted to Mibdue __ _1 nrra I him,Mayo It was reported Millrr

f,Bd-resisted-arr«l-flt*if-(hreeteit-------------M M n eil to shoot_ 'l ie pol^p ntflccrs.enora'w llh' a W oliaih’ He w-nn cHBrirJ -tliom-; with re.tlsling sn o'flcer and ivill rthmj -be mraln iM -w hm he-h dl. ml.ued:

I from lhe hospllal. ' : . - -*uiu..r .i ;--------------....................................................

riiom*!I'l'^OR,: MuKcoic jclfrovu msmkil, .util m d>io>ciniiro rfttcrv rewfirKiwiof nw f tm im t

Clir- 'wrmil arow w i thiv CMitoo'.Mf" tuccenlul in in» iitiitnfni ei to in»ni .■nllf.; mui1ioi« teii-roils I'e now beini tcv«n i nen i««i*{

World Famous Spears HtSho. ArtfStch *t Sp(rjf( Hoi0ilsi hit lutlhtf sucira la IV in ' »'•“ ’«'* •"•C ' «" C''pp;fr. Set rou- imsi eh,c ' “ * lil»'»lui» «n MS »na oincf problrm 0.»P11M.

•'ei^ SPEARS CHIROPRACTIC H''’'’' '^ jE j itlO lh A ja r se y S ti. DE3-.lbBl Ocnv

!s Twin Falls NewQ/^1. Camp En-Ar.EI. D au sh ten of [ hold « r p u Utah Pioneers, wllt m eet a l J l i o S p j r

pm . Tliuraday a : 0>e home o! y , .I Mn. P..B, Johnsio!!, Mr* Jam es .I Denning *111 pr.ivida th e white •

. t o l u n l t f t .

Women's auxilliry of the P in t motel, '° ^ ^ * ^Onlt«d pentecosUl chureJi wUl Borth . 7

g G alley TrafficRoxlc . . Jam es..£ . ' Klfmer,— WOi'EJm A «ort 3 and street, was fined *20 and cost* flccn." a

and assigned 30 (icmerti* by by M n. r r n T T W W ni Ju su re u t- th e -P ra ce Goodin* nbull, Robert E Pence fer speeding six T hird i Alex- miles south of Holllsler on high- crossing icroft, way 83. ' stmcfc bI are Richard E. Mad.-uick, 737 Sev- M lu H Helen enlli avenue norUi, was fined i7 souUi or

and colts and nssKned 2S de- front ei V1 n g merits by Judce Pcnce for a solid J'ord wa inner, ilne riom ion one m ile norUi rear fer Unrll of Twin .FalU on I'ltthwav 83. . jn’mM Jitlng Edwin M, H-wper, route I, field, w vm . Twin Falls, was fined $5 and wid ossl

1 Mrt. costs and assigned 25 demerits uce ju i by Judge Pence for a *l0p *lgn running

Unglr Ttoiuiluii al the'inlen>o«Cl0ii-o#-.* the Intei three county-road. and hU hw ay 71.. tn d Sec ifnlor Woods. Ooodlng. wa* Omer

fined- 113 by-G ooding- PoUce ton. wa Judge Phillip Becker for a slop- by Mr*.

■ Phyllis P- Hell, 10, 283 Addl- signed I son avenue, was d ie d for fall- *ign- viol

■ub'M. ,0 yield right of way a lien ,-homi M” ' ft u o .c a r accident a t 3:4a pm , j,

1 and Tuesday at Uie intersection of wediiest Third avenue and T h ird street

' before 7I and - r v . " T 7 '*•S Diplomas Are ir T;eharl tw . , 1 • DeKeuPresented m H Declo Chapelx lnci , DECLO, May 18 — Diplomas clerk at

for were presented Sundoy evening rcsled Inr i c h to 11 seminary graduate stu- avenue le n d dents during, speclnl services U nda c flj il held. In the LD3 cltapd,- t^akts b

studenis linve~7fn£shcif a 'th r e e nhd cosII 011 year course In sem inary a t Uie merlt.i I n tu Declo high .«hool. T tachcra are speeding vehl Dnvld Salisbury and J a n Han- Msit, ,v iston- sen. —

Class president. Rex F r ltv an* ^ , . ., BP- nounced the program. T he Uieme I 4 1 1 |3plac- for the progmm waa •'Dc.illny of

Uie youth of thc church." --TTirt ol Scripture reading was given by M o e) col- Cheryl O.tterhoul nnd Linda X A a i . j m : Jfbwi, CJsrcnce phllllpa. Jr., Jay

• Darrlngton, Dennis O slerhoul r iL U i and Florence R ichardson spoke. ^

Jan Hansen, sem inary teach- day proi • n er. presented tho U) Bishop morning

Norman Hurav who presented I^Roy i diplomas, Ij’S- Men

I C I Special musical number* were day schc a solo by Mra, Don Jacobs, ac- them gai

Twin companled by Mrs. Bruce Turner er*.29 »t ®nd an ensemble by Nona Ja - . oorrioi jij nf cobs, Lello Jo JacoUs, Lee Ja - speaker

cobs nnd Jutta Bywnier, with eluded h .1 ftt Carolyn Wlilpple a* accompanist, Bingham Can. Clyde Anton was graduated llj in from Primary nnd received a dt- .w Vorld Ploma from Bishop H urst. Con- . _ ■d to mgalJojial singing waa led by rried Lello Jo. Jacobs w l^ L inda Jib-

son as aaompanLst. .^counselor

H S ^ n r L a v l d jV Lenay

Weather Ofeara :i”« After-Rainstormi S S

Clearing w eather apparently " ' _ I had returned to MnRlc Valley

, T ^ W ednfsdarafterTT-neneral-raln ■ S h n C• Monday night and Tuesday. U 1 IU 3

. M Four liichcs of snow were re- l l A n i • d f, ported al Galena sum m it with

two Inchrs a t G alena store but SHOSH I, 11 W0S melting oft the rond Uons wen May Tue«l“y attendedoresl ^AddlUonn l^ 'of 'a ' " c h mciunle. «^“i^rJcy?^^lz~^r~7Sn7r71«7ffr V— -.Oi-nt Je rom r“ .!9-nt-Fnlrfleld: —

iO at Hailey: .32 n t Buhl; 26 *l o"Castleford nnd .11 n l Wendell, 'J’.*"*hers

6 S Rupert received ,03 of an Inch

3 Tuesday night for a lo u i of .23 ,durmg the storm. cletv of

itlng “ ^cnted Dl

3" T -F-L aw yer to ;S Spe.ik in F iler r ;5 1

FIL E R r-M ay-ltt - Douglftii i ' ' “' ‘ .K ramer.Tw in Fnlls ntlorney. wlllj

Ibe gUPJl spenkrr a l the Mny 21' |P*°';Tnei;tlnK of the Amerienn Legion

. * nnd auxiliary, nnnouncitl Clifford Ed Johmon. commnnder of Uie Filer post.

ibcri Krnmcr lia* reccnUy returned- ----- --n „ from a tour of Europe. Including /, '

Woitt Germany nnd-behind lhe If- I ,...' IRSn curtain Into Berlin.

' He 1» n pnst Idaho department r*commander Ol Uic American A’

' Legion and Li prescnUy allernale V„7 ^ ^ t 1anat-fCTCutTle commltlceman- ------^\\-*

for Idnho, ' , NNAll Legion mmibers and vet- \

erans me urced to a ttend, lo hear Kramer sprak. stated John-'

r ----------------------

Uo',' B r i n { r i r m r ~ r a d i o l 6 i ^ . j

t r o u b l e s t o . . ^ ’ y

S C L Y D E 'S ^ Z R A D IA T O R

in diwcinnfo lunclionmi 01 in* mutcxvnimrcmlmlei1-ihjr*n»TTnoniexrt tmrr*-- —............i this. CMI.OO'SCI.C »n*.vor« 16 do^ind *n4re»lc*i»wiiil«, *™"’

IS Spears■tihtf soiiKi 10 lh* etleciivenfit ol Chirn.■ rou' locsi ChircDXCIOr (no wni* lor Itct

IPRACTIC HOSPITAL ' ** - 11., -.IbBl Oenvci 20, Co/o. D ept. M 5 . '

News in Brief U.S.oft liold « nrnimage sale from 9 a in . T p i - o

• *! U S p jn . Friday and salurday a t ''

InBiMagle Valley tlotareyeie club

WlU meet at 8 p jn . today a t Pick’s I ConUi In t motel. Blue U kcs boulevard town, auth rill Bonh. The public U JniJtftJ. The fln t --------- ---------------------- - r S a b ra w.w

affic Courts S f iilm AeeOfUicg-lo.lnve*UnUAg-of. ists fleers.- a 1858-Chevrolet,-driTfn by by M n. UlUan Esterbrook. i i .

ace G oodlnft-w a»-he«dlnt-w »l-«n slx T hird avenue norUt and was hard w l^ . :h - crossing the Intersection when bomla..

stnjcfc by a 1954 Ford, driven by They wc ev- MUS Hell, which was going dawn Thui 47 sfluUion.Thlrd street jiorUj..The MSTWedm

de- front end and radiator ot the marine* t« >lld J'ord wa* damaged and Uie right naval base rUi rear fender of- Uie Chevrolet, from units

• JamM O, Hclderm*n;75. Itleh- fleet in the 1 field, wss fined $10 and Mlliury

ir.d and oasigned 25 demerits by Po- Uansport p ra* Uce Judge Dale Adamson for Into Bangk

S t th r ^ n te r s e e H o ^ * ” ' 'and Second street. wesL.. Laos..

''*» Elmer C. Montgomery, Hazel- "rhe Pen ton. was- fined $I5-and -coau Washington

»P* by Mr*. Wesley lUimsn, Eden troops wou

signed^ J i demeifu*7or^a s^op I.OOO armyJl* sign- vIoIaUon. here after

Thomsi V.- DeKeuster, 38, euven. the;Utah, wss arrtaled about I a.m. American fWednesday morniag and charged l»n<l'» le f 'with drunk driving. He appean-d mrn.before Twin Falls Police Judge The marlDale J. Adamson and was re- off Thallan

a leased on his own recognlrance are expect*to a Twin Falls aitomey. them Tlmr«

DeKeuster, who was scheduled base s t Satlo appear again Wednesday aft- TIte Inltljernoon In police court; apparently menl repor

I attempted to drive his car out of 4$ jets In aI Ihe driveway of the El Rancho fire nuclea

motel. Police were noUfled by a ton sourcestna clcrk a t thc motel and he waa nr- mtely In thiIng rested In Uie 400 block of Addison Americanlu- avenue west, ^cre no places U nda K. Amon, 17. 713 Blue troops Int.ese i.akes boulevard, was fmed JO But the Keree iind cosls and as.tlgned 20 dc- clearly hopi^ e merits by Judge Adamson for up here wo» e speeding In Uie 400 block of communist■n- Main avenue north. -ovcrrunnint

i Filer Church ,S; Has Program' ; 5 ^ .lul FILER. May IB-John ningham lo f « ke. was in charge of the MoUier's uP " "euii

day program prrwnted Sundny 'o '! lOp morning a l the filer LD3 church, / ^ 'e UnlU ;cd LcRoy Maughii gave t in greet- !

lng. Memben of the Junior Sun- In Wnsblng ;re day school aang aad several of ,c- them gave rcadln.w about moth- PoUUcal ler er*. ^ e annouJla- • Gordon Storrs wss youth '»■ speaker nnd o th tr .sren iers In- “Ilh eluded Mrs. Howard Tcgan cud

Bingham. concludlnT speaker,” Blahop James Page prfM'nted „^_,je,fife n

the evenlnir meellhg. Mrs. Tegan recent e waa 1n.-rtalled as president of Even befo

K* Primary wlUi Mm. WJlham , 1, .Buncc and Mrs, Mickey .Quigley, Thai PremI

,lj counselori. , • there were 1n- LeRay Stringer was InsUlled in northwesl

as president of the YMMIA with to pull back Arthur Teeke as counselor. der.

A youUt talk was given by Gary The Royal Allen. Delesa Allen u n u a lolo, »ald In a «

. Concluding speaken were Mr?, tntlano thn l_ Woj'Dc Hurd nnd.Delmar Bylng- tallons had

“ Shoshone-Ghurch Honors Mothers

ut SHOSHONE. Mny lO -Cam n- „ve days:Id lions were presenttd mother I who ___ _

attended the Mcihodlr.i church - n , , service Sunday mornln'!. M»lh- J r r O f f

odist men's elue m»de the prcs-

i;. _ T h c _ n e v ._ Woodrow Harels spoke on,the topic. Cnrol-cW r members sane a loechl number, „{{ernoon L

.. directed by Mrs. Hntrli. here.■‘I Mrs. John Tliomnv presldrnl Bi,hop g it

of the .Methodist W'omeii's So- rator Specia ciety of Christian Service, pre- ^d by Mr- or ^cnted DIbles lo senior gradu.xtia Karma who belong lo ihe church, 'lliey fee Marilyr were Nancy Royce, Donna Royce, if, E, King. Douslns Pendleton. Clair Sever-,by Jack Er son nnd David Thomss, 1 Lloyd.


; Is)/

Consul! e u r «xport

- lingerie pep l. fo r P erfect Fif

U.S. Air Force Seen ; Jets AiTive ■ bSL™'t - - merce office

I n B a n f f k o k mvin^i^ S, O , Helnsohn n il11 ConUnned from Page I fully lo get l:town. authorltaU ve-w urtcj :a 'd . stuck from d(

The f ln t OB. FlOO Jel Suiwr Mlichacl in• Sabres wWch a rr i« d were Irum flee . . . Emi

the IStli' a ir foree sqiiardrOn‘in ryin^—packat the Philippine*. They can fly 1.000 forUicoming mile* an hour and pack * leUtal Maury Roth load ot exploalvc*.

; : iE j ip ^ e d li iu r_ « re .c ,3 n : more PlOO* and a squadron-of A4D

’ Skjbawki, slower but able to hit ; hard w IlS T lbaa cf*B.-CCO-pOUndJ e o n v S T ^I of bombs.. „ i , |n g

They were to b t tjUowed «{ front 0/ pollc; dawn Thur*day (about j pm „ overheard: “1. M ^W edne*day> by i,SOO combat soaks It all h■ marine* i« be landeil'a t * That wardJ."; naval base .soulli of Bangkok ■ .

from units of lh e U S, SevtnUi T > 1 ^ ^ 1 . fleet in the GulfA>f Slam. O l O O C l 1 M lliury sources said C130

Uansport planes would be flown _• Into Bangkok's Don Muan? air- ' , port to^alrllf_l^the marines to■ -2^i*ll*iid.».aotiheiiUiQrde£jaUi in d C

"me PenUgon announced In M2^'*Bolton' . Washington thallJO O oU ier army M i»,-LuUier'

tro o ^ would -iX *CTt to •real- K enneth GIvi

■ 1,000 army combat men already y / here after recent SEATO man* Nur*es aids

, euven. they will bring the total Mr*. (American force bolst^rln.T 'n ial- ^ rs . Howard

I land's defenses lo about 5,000 prnctlcnl nu: mrn. Scoit. Grace

The marines wero *al:ini: Jw l William Bake off Thailand'* coast. Heilcoplen SUiff aids w

r are expected lo be^ln Inndlng kel. Mrs, Heb them TliurM'jy a t the Tlial nnvnl Mr*. Leo Can

: biute s t SaUhcep. ' ' Mr*. GlriJn J■ Tlie initial UB. a b reinforce- Jone*. Mrs' menl reportedly will toUil about Mrs, E lv n B ’ 45 Jet* In all. Althouch thev ean « « - W. J.I fire nuclear weapons. Wnshlm:- L>>e SchnHke > loo source* Indicated ihls Is \m- Working a■ likely In the present sltustlon. « I American oftlcU'.s snld there J «• WUllam

were no plans r.n fnr lo srn.l U 5, Mrs. • . Jam™ r troops InU) red-lnfMtcd Uios.I But the Kennedy ndmlnlstratlon M” l»- °*MoIa

clearly hoped tftf mJJH.iry M id - ; *up here wouW dls*uade the pro- communist Pa'*iet Lso frpm , overrunning the rest of the king-

u .. . Ill vu.,},ine((m lumbihed by . thnl the Sovlel Union would creamery, brins pre^^ure -'n the PaUiet Lao -chlclUiln. Print? Souphanou- I j i i r i p p f vong. to abandon his-mllllarj- « U p C l I drive and return to negotiations f r „ | K Q * ./c r a pollHcnl srlllem rnt seUlng i o i n o Uup a neulrn) coalition govern* RICHFIELD menl for Laav. . <lom for gnu

Tlie United S U l« and lhe So- b<nrds" was t vlel Union announced agreement Uev,. Raymond In Wasblngton for lhe need of an ta laurta lc sen tffecllve ceilse-fire and a pe.KC frndM ics Sur ful political »etllemenl In Laos, Uie high schoo The announcement, following a The Ruperl meetlnit of Seer-lary of State admonished U Dean Ru.ik and Soviet Ambswa- *tamuin courn i>oT Anatoly Dobr.vnln. did not »Won through specify whether Laotian pro-red Bishop Qm. f5rce.^>ould return to the old Uie Invocation line In e ff r« before »eld the be the recent communUt s^eep. f . 'V

Even before announcement ot (he US. fandJnw requested by f ? " '" ,Thai Premier S a rtt Thanamt, ‘ha r'leS’ T“f there were alens the Palhel U o in northwest Laos wa* beginning ^ 'to pull back from Thailand's bor- ^ ^ l i ^ u m . U

" r a , RW L . . t l y

S a i " i w ” U - L M . V m m Mtallon* had wlUidrawn fr>m the m ig r a borf.-imranirm md-noiiM Sal to- - ,.n r!rT rn r r w«rrf fhe Chlne-w frontJrr. M o«T han 4 |

DemornllMd R o v a l LaoUan Iroofia-continusd-XleeIng acrflsa u iU v M rio wc

bordtr a l Booil 3«I. even though no commiintit fore- 1 , es have been seeti In Uie cam Icr _________

Program HeldALMO. May 10 - A p r o g r a m ^ ^ ^ ^ B |[ | j | |

ot .U ic „ A a r o n lc _ p r1 f * th o o d _ w u jH F _ ^ '^ presented during the S u n d a y s ' afternoon LDS sacrament serv- F nnUKinj; Icfcs here. I'

Bishop Elbert Durfee was nnr- raw r. Special music wn* present- ed by Mr- and Mrs, Lee Darrins-1 ton. Karma Durfee, Unda D ur* |l - .fee, Marilyn Durfee and M r ,v | \ !*"■H. E, King. Prayers were glvcnl \ B u im e i by Jack Erickson and Michael Lloyd. . . . . . .. I

P e r m a ' l l f t g iv e s

P n (A Joy^^'td OiJew I t h ' L y c r a ’ B r a s a n d C

i n L i n g e r i e - m a t c h e d C o

r f j Whal 15 liflhler than Lyct.i?/ • Why. siJCh Ihinfls ns butlcrlly v/ing-

I •:.- / ' ’•'hi'l 12 'norp conlrollino U'*'" Lycrr[—/ —_______ Kol'jipg t^al man or n jlu ra ever co

.- \'.'hy.arc,pai .|iiu.yciajir.tlccjai>, r,odillcrcnt?Bccauso of bins wlih f

------ :--------------ln ;eW h<il- .iBratiH‘frJ»4ling-upUlLif-lanic 0/arPan[[c {(>al CANT R/0{

-------------------EVCR!-Pcrns^i:inurt3:hion«}iff,-etli.irmalcl) your hnricfie with Sfiun In L1I.1: . Carnntion. Tc.i Rose. Blue I

— VVhilo.CaxJcitio. S'iick O'ci'id, Few

B | ^ Bra“ 3.'9T Glrcil« S iaO O T P ii

■ 'M ilYrM

Seen TodavEarl Faulknrr

bu*lneai in ChamiKt 0' I?”-' morce office and •■•nnw,. . . E i McKinley di',.-..., : diving actlviticA ‘ ;* Helnsohn nltcmpii„i:' fully U> get conmnr-stuck from d c p mu'll ‘ “r ,Mltchacl in local 'f^,e ■' • •r y in f -p a c k a c u - . r - r - f i^ ^ * " -forthcomlng chfllr m-lrf Maury Roth and C,'Bo.s*ard chntlinj.- 1,,Uoyd Webb g/r.i(n>t co->^ -vlaltor-.^^-U rry C a i l S ^<iulck wash Job . , . .Mr.s

convention . . . Llnda"^"’!* getting Into m ur. front a t police station

Blood DonorsConUnued from P « ,

P. Poaser. Dr. Havard C i ..l Dr. Charles Shabaktr. D- n . ' A. McClusky. Dr. c . n \ ° u . '

n m iu m a u r. C e o rg r ii . ,., Refl*tertd nurses s r # • Mary Bolton. Mrs. nav U f»,-L uU ier Thomp-.nn iit Kenneth Given. Mrs a t wi:.

Mr*. W. Haaklni!............. .Nur*es aids were Mm. uicW-

Clark. Mra, Gladys Caurtlf"..' Mr*. Howard Oltlciic ii- ,,* practtcnl nur.vs urrp e. ,v Scoit. Grace Reevrs and >,k William Baker,

Smff aids were Mrs. D.iif Kur kel. Mra, Hcber LouKhmillcr i-'i Mrs. Leo Campcau- ■ JpL lA tr - Mrs. GlriJn Nelson. .Mrs yy.'. Jone*. Mrs Eugene Grilf Mrs, Ebon Bnsom. ncguirafcr Mrs. W. J. U ntrnij ana mm Lyle Schnliker.

Working a t thc Juice were ftfra, Wllllun. itoopo ,« M n. Wljllam Munacr, c«m«- Mrs.- Jam rs' Lftncn.»i(.T, 4[,T Lester Josllri and Mr*. Hnij.i Mills. DcMoIay boys helplnj »,r, Bruce Hnll. Scott Wllli.-im, ,y Dan Loonc;'. nefreshmcnUwerplurnhiiPdttthe Hollister Qrnnce. luice «t Young'* Dairy and iiiltic m furnished by Jerome Cooprti;ii, creamery,

Rupert Minister,, Talks to Seniors

RICHFIELD. Mny I6--V,'j. dom for gnvduntes nnd grc)^ b<nrds" was the subject ol ti; Rev, Raymond Tliomp-ioii’s b t i ' cnlaiirtatc sermon for Richlleli'i grndUBEcs Sunday nf(er/ioon i; Ult high school nudllorlum..

The Rupen Mclhodlst minbiK Bdmonlslied the students to u» itamlna. courage, endurance, I.-4 vision throughout their I1«u.

Bishop Elmo Pattcrsfln iiii Uie Invocation and Odell Clu:- Held the benediction. Marlljs Crowther played Uie proceuioml and reces-slonal. William Kaau. senior. cla.vs adviser, conducW :he rllts, Tony Jansen played t Slano selccUon,

Commencement wllt be held I IX m fT hunday a t ihe lilgh school uidltorium. Lee Woods. Unirei- lity of Idaho extension senk* llrector, Boise, and former facul- ;y member, will be the speaker,

MIGRANTS TOIL M E X IC O Cl'rY,- May-lS lf l- «ore than 41,000 Rfexlcan m« inve gone lo the United Ststn h is year to work aa migrant lleW vorkers, reports the Interior mta- stry.______________

r nnUKinj S<K«il l«*ll~ \ • Jl

C**"* Uy^

t g iv e s

3 r a s a n d G i r d l e s

n t c h e d C o l o r s

Lyct.i?butlcrlly v/ings,ilino U'S" Lycra? , ^n jlu rccvgf co/;coe!cd.'ycfs iindgf’ia'^hions______B of bins wiih Matfc '

----------- -al CANTR/OE U P -

cfic with Sfiiinti colon,C.1 Rose. Blue Bonncl,k O'ciiid, Fern C'eppj...........

I $ro;OOTPinri#T$10-”

y f a ib J.

Page 3: tk lI^ A irl^Force .le Jets^Lanc In T haila B olster D · tn wbit the Klotw. I l l f l 0(licb|,_„^, .K--epl..K.s

jjngeirnian Youth; 1T r ip to U .N .L y A rc

J S f i J r s t s . s s i R .

«hlch WM H e'd'Friday evcnlnE, in ; W ’ S

''^S|f3S«»i3"«re'judW 'l 0" * |i2nol»>tlc ae)i>cvci»cnt ^

pll<rlniaRe »’lll leave i Menu June SO. Tlicy

u>fe SD°e Bbuui a :

”^'utr(U U » «ophomore of ( lie :^^knnl «ticre

«hM l b w K S r c r l ^ ^ H*ni] Um been cUcicil ,„ . .of •J.e I .W .---------■’‘’.*;-

S S Jtudenl body tor 10<«- l . . ,

■ ^ W b ^ n . m m l T r o I u , c ! M « t h t

i » - “ Xr.runSrThemT /hT m l MtUiOtllil Cliurcll. l HAO^:K^

h7 u *n EflKle Seoul n .u l' Siok. n « »-i -mfd the Ood nnd Couniiyj Milii :^crvl

II Hie Hngemian Mrih-., «liooi ui

______________ Duim Olln

Grange Notes D k e c tM a il, , , • • the liivociuAdvertising

= ; HS r« kWu ." reporw Willlum 4 " ,

CemBUte secretary - maiiaKcr. “ °5 Uut the only obllRailon ' u 10 »llo»- » Mlesmun to dLuvts. LEGAL Allifl; prop*tn m deUli: -------•,

OrtBie citpil nuincrou.1 In- j, ,,tf»o£t*»here local honic-owiici.i „,

^uBftee» locn' conlracuir wouldhittbVl tor the 8»me Job. when ai„ ii 5, r .r;drtUni*lll> ‘V ;;’

rjnt operuwr*." „r",M.i!lirr.'.|( lh(se r ir iM are dnlnx nn t.., .i,irh )>.■

vjatji bmlncAfl, they wlli liave .cthihi-T-i BO (iblKllon 10 your .comparliia J ; , '; ll.,(nilliy matcrlAl and contracl ,i.„rn 'ia cf (Ui ilth Ihal of ft local con- .n.i i.m. ttrtf." Mid Grange. , -iil.i.i

'It Ihey can'l Mand tlie llRhl iiiiut- « o .i d I llltle mve-illRallns. Hint 1* T'V'^wT'''' I jrrlir tood clue to do no biul- Jtta »«h Ihem." OrnnRC nddetl. ^ _ _ _ _ Ktiflt lh»l In one caae a local' t\!at tild tor ft Job. llie old ^( ^ - c u removed frocn the , p T F toK. ind the crcwa ineveri F ‘1 - 1 i ^ u p again lo replace tlie| ■(Iiit I

Bt limed Ihnt ftll conlrftct^ brthtj larite aums of money ilMijbe checkcd.UiarouRhly by temmcM or a loeni atiorney ,Wen t ew iraet U alRned.

Church a t Carey Honors Mothers- i ' V ^CARET. May 18 — A dpeclnl

pnpia-tft.l>onQc_moU)cra wa».,____tlna during fiunO.\y iiehool. attd a d Bother wa.< pre.wnted a enr- T a S M tiUan In honor ol the occ.ulon. l ) nTtie proiram was announced by U jiBobDiy. Sdnday school ttip rr- nttealent. H

Speikerx wsre Ronald Peck. IUn. Voel P ra it and Dallas O r-

ben 6{ Ihe Junior Sunday school; T L ZWbj-niiDilOA Toone a n d - n r - ; ------Boiptnlfd by Amy Pyrnll. n « I - | ^ L ' J liUwti wrre riven by Kay Ad^m-j I f i e Ulnti. Holly Peck, JoAnn Den-, j *on. illclty Petertnn. Mildred O /IO f,tTctthlnclon. PeRity Murdock ,06 Cirolyi) Spnrkv S D r/n C Wa Lucy UQtt-nrd was named r S

'Ix oM»t moiher In the v/nrd.; fO O l Un,nito Orchard. Ihe yoimR«l. md-Mn—risv d -n u d o lp h the- - -- aeihfr wllh the larspst lamlly.^>»en were pr?«ntc»l «o a ll _______!i«Uien by Cleyone Orchard.^ 81mpv>n, Mary Ann Uen-WfT, Decky D.iy. Mary 'M n r- * ^ 3!«k. Miry U e! Barton. MerlaSollli tnd Clurlkne Tooiie....._C«i[tcs:atlonal alnalnR.waa (Ur «tedbyM ri[rttonTrct-«na-nc* ooptnled by M trRarel Pyrah. M i S M l^ f r « u offered by Verd Mur-^ E l C f l


—^ M iisk e y is -- .Delicious...w J i e n l r ^ ' -

“ C a l^ ^ e f rR e s M e*THE M jo t/7 .f , ni-!,\li;,UOL'n

n / r / / ri.M sciti:

T w in F oils T lm cs-N cw s 3

Jtli; 15, Given y Area Lodge

! __ JOKI. CAL1)WKI.L ■ ^ ~

fM trtherVBaj^s----------E^Theme for Meet L T1 HAOKKM'an, Mny 10—Morris Siokcn «iix III clmriii- iif the wor- ANN

iMilli jcrvicr fur thc church Jvcliooi UI the nc’oraaiilied LDS ^church Snnday niurnhiR. Mrn. ■Diina Ollmore read Iwo pocnii Jdcilicaled lo Hie jnollien'. Carol Ann O lhnorr »poke. U s ln R '"MolhiT.'" us h r r Iheme.'Till- Jl »:ni. M'n'ice wns con-

dueled by Pastor Hiile Olaiiner.EldiT Albert Slmrji. Boise, jtave the Invocitlinn. i’rir.ii Dana Oil- mure iiiive tlic Mothrr'.i day ser- mun. P u to r G law n e r pro- nuunceii Ihe ' bcncdlclloii. Mrs.Morrl.t Sloki'S-wiui nccompanl.^l.

In llic evcnliiK. Olauner pre- .vninl Hie Ie.-L'on laken from '•Knllh for New non tic ri." Ifi- vociiilon WH.' Klven by Win Con- dlt and Sieve Wlnegar (t»ve ihe bcncdlcllon.LEGAL A D V E R T IS E M E im

^ ^NOTlilK T(>'<|I.AIh’aNT«

A[>l-.ll Jlliclar .€!••• Ih. Ill«hllnr

I ffOi

' ' twin k au^ h'!i"|Ji| ’AV insTK'rCT


.— Tfcey'/Llifing._- ___the dew y beaviy n,and fragrance of Ijnspring into every ^

room in yoor \■ tiome!



F - - ' ” ^_ — C a l v t d --------------

e rv e | M

(IfiCM.HOUStOfaiYtllUOUCTULXl _____ ___

— Bi i i c T-------f i ' / , 1 F tenc r

S y . v '. Cookeryn l 'c •' i - r r ^ N

A N N M a c G R E G O R C O O K B O O K ' ' F O R F R O Z E N F O O D S '

J U S T F O R C O M I N G I N !


M m

_________ | | I HO.

\ ij ^ _ g s s i» :s » = * ^ * * f i io D U I

^ Holds up to 18% more f o o d - y e f i f s m and there is no skim ping on Insulation

^ Zero wall construction, surrounds food

^ Adjustablo baskets and dividers for'Id

• Floating action lid w ith full four corni

— J^ -T firo fl great models to s u it you----------


r “ P :A N B E Y<

______________ P O W N P A V r


J M A L KS i P i i B i p i ^ PH u W J u v u i i i l i jV U iWmmmmmmmmM

K B O O K ' \ ' C O M E

r yT O D A Y

I B "

^ .......‘ Del


^ — - T H E - M O S T —

' , ' f a m o u s ' n a m i

^ ^ 2 ^ IN C H E S T - ■

. T Y P E 1



/ ^ e e p f r e e z ^I HOME FREEZER J

d - y e t ' i f s no bigger on the oulside in In su la tion .'

rounds food in 3 blanket o f cold

viders for'Ideal food storage

ill four corner illumination

you--------------- .- ..............

---------------- ^• t r a d e - i n I

B E : Y O y R —

I P A Y M E N T I ' = W

M E W S i

________. 4 5 3 M o i n A v e n i


U K E R l l L A I ^

' O M EI 'l c c z e r o r I ‘i('C zcr*p/trs-E

n m ri tm c k lo n d snlc m a k t

O D A Y I y o u . P r ic c s n D tlle rm s il

i f A m a n aI F R E E -O ’-P R O S T

i|i f r e e z e r -p /u i-r e f r i o e r a :M;

j 1 • No f»05t ever in refrigerator or freezer sei

, • Exc1uiiverrostMsgneli;pP5tjost before II I • Contact'F leeting up lo ? 1 2 times fast' I , , oilier melhodsi



^ W O R L D ’ S M O S T T R I U M P H^ f r e e z e r '


Ol • Exclusive Frost'Msgnel slops frost before I

' • Maintains even zero degree Umperatures food safer, fresher, fongerf

• Deluxe door holds ■ month of meals tlont

H O S T ------------------------------------------



j 4 m a i »

l A P P Un A v e n u r E a s t r i r r ; . :


^ P P L I A f ^ E &

iU R rcn t o p i> o r liin ity -< /ir r c d a y s o t i l y - l

z c r -p / t is - E c f r i j ; i 'ra lo r n t th e io w w l pricc?

sn lc m a k e s po.'s '.iblc rea l sa v in i;s tlin l ni

)fl le rm s i J ia t o n ly (d e a le r jw m e ) cou ld c

» ; w MR I O E R A T O R V

or freezer seclion! ______

.fjostbefoiellslarti! ^

3 times faster than



: frost before It startsi

Umperatures-keeps ’

)f meals alonef ■

....... ^ \ l ^ s

/ ---------------------------n


f E ' , i

s t i

U ‘ ^

m a n a - 2 0 0 S E R I E S R O O M - i

— --------- r ' -------- -----------fM, — <


-----------• Ouat-c


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b » » f b u

L I A M C E7 3 3 - 3 8 3 9 - - -----------

^ D A Y S | | r ^ O N L Y . ■U N O R - S Hr N E------ m

"------------------i j a w p a i V V i ^ ^ ^

3 l i ^ iJ__ L_ -

E & TV _lys o n / y - i o Kf*! H'f’ f in e s t A tn n n a

iw w l priccs. T h is A m a iin F i c ‘0 / i t -

MI’S tlin l a rc pas.sccl d i r e c t ly o n to

n e ) cou ld oJIerJ

» M 1 | M

AmanaNEW LOW, LOW PRICES ON AGENIUNEAMANAILook a t whmt y o u g tU• Contact freezing up to 2-1 /2 tlmai fajter lh»n ordinary methodsl • Ev­ery shell i prima freezing turfacel• Safa even lero degrao tempera* ~ turax thioughoutl.

T H E B E S T B U YO F T H E S A L E t

-------j M A u j a

r R O O M - A I R - C O N D i r i O N K R ------------

M U L T I-R O O M C Q O L IN O C A P A C i T Y l ’ -

_ ■ •Certintd coding e tp te lty i

— • OuaI<OTtfol-alr tlreuUHon!------------ ---------■ • QuIatetropantionwllhwctusfvtSllenU-, -- ' Aire turbinal

. • 4-way protection s p l s t rusU ~

b n t b u y I n a t r e o n d H l o n l n g i

C E & T V

f I

inn n a

.‘O /IT-

o n to




? '

^ 1 ---------------


\MANAI I2- l / 2 tlm ai ■ thodsi • Ev- ■ ing turfacel B 10 tempera* — ■ ------

S A L E t I


i e r ------------- - —

.C I T Y l * -

hrtSllenU- - - - • -

W o n f n g / ,


Page 4: tk lI^ A irl^Force .le Jets^Lanc In T haila B olster D · tn wbit the Klotw. I l l f l 0(licb|,_„^, .K--epl..K.s

W e d ^ , ^ ; M a y \ 6 , 1 9 ^ 24 _ - T W l n F o i l s T i m n - N e w a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_____ ; £ S . ^ % . - i - „ - » K U K a t

j W S T S J S f if iS S ii ' S i

|»,]0I Id*b* CadtT^*****^ *M «'»wiaM t-|* -

— OfftUl Cll, t u Cou,., 5

R e d H o t Issu e JB iM o “‘! o ^ '? . , “ ' ' ° ? «< *•ouuG^ 001 c ,s te s hafi B kvroclfp tprf fnfA «

f o ? T t o i “ t ' ’■■“‘’“ ' ’V w in continue ^ A . MVeral m o n th s and longer. S

w m b ^ a l o 'n V l S ' . t o M ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S

bSfh nn „ “ “ W P o 'W tian ., *i■ i f i v h *? '“ 1 "? ' “™l. «™

n s th e tan g jtd flnnncM a rc unwound. . . r , p f S S & S tI ia c to u rM In con- W

S ™ h . ? *1“ In ree ra m j o f S

| r 4 o ' ’r r f t o " h S s i j ^ - f f

“ "S' Sol B , t a caae If addfl u p to a ppime vehicle fo r o lf-y ea r « f i l l * R cpubH cans a re n 't go-in g l to jrlve tho D em ocratic adminliitPfl. f l tfo n m uch rest.a a th ey w rin g cach b it o f S

a d w n u g f l o u t o t th e cM e. In S - p redom inan tly D em ocratic Texan, m nnygewocrat/c fingers will be burned on the

c a « - And E s te s , a p S n U y a f f ran k , m ade no m,b onea abou t J)em g a K ennedy m an e n d

n /if aw ay a t . •O rville F reem an, s e c re ta ry b f agricul- t ^ r e . A lready , th e y h a v e ca)Ied on S ec- ^

b u t F re e , ch n n n s ba^STO und d o e sn 't t a g him a« a

one. Thc only Chance th e secre ta ry w ill leave h is o f- . I ico lies in potential p re ssu re ag a in s t th e K ennedy adm in ia tra tion because o t th e '•*

* e n n ^ y might be urged -to "accept" de W p ™ ? ’ r ia l jn a t io n , m ak- •tag Freeman the scapegoat.'

S i ; ■“ PPo'-t- p .w SO i t wil] ta k e a Jo t m ore pressu re th a n ap p a ren t r ig h t now . BosldM , jhou ld |“

— ^ a - E ^ e o t a c c e p t - i i K u n a i i i j c a i g n a . , ta t io n . I t would pose a n o th e r se rious p rob- Y(

___ adm in istra tion . W ho would ‘t•fllf ^ c e m n n T sh o e n T -T h e re 'f l n o -e sc a ^ r «h In g th e unpopularity o f th e office of a e c re ta ry o f ag ricu ltu re . I t 's a position •with no p resen t and no fu tu re .

. j i b o u t th e only good t h a t could re su lt f ro m th e case of BIlHe Sol E s te s Is th c , iw asib i ty I t m ig h t fo cu s o tten tlo n on

— —we,natXojvg aenflclow; f a rm p rog ram . I t j■would be aflSlng too wuch to'gct enough.a tte n tio n to re su lt in m arlced changes,b u t i t does ra ise th e hope. ™!

T hen ^there a re some p o litica l ex p erts miu 2 clmm the E ates case w ill ra n k a long :

. w ith th e Teapot Dome scanda l before I t s over. One th in g ia c e r ta in — th eM m o o f Blllle Sol E atca w ill b e th e b ea t- ^k n ow n nam e in th e n a tio n u n til a f te r nwelections In Novem ber. uii

---------------------------• - Na- - - - - . — T I M E - ^ F A C B -IT — ........ J

. M any drivers who f ig h t ru s h - h o u r L i . t r a f f ic in Twin Kails w ill welcom e th e th, new s th a t th e city com m ission is ta lk ing . ' a b o u t installing tr a f f ic l ig h ts a t p artic - jlB T ly -b u sr- ln te M e c tlo n s-f tn d -f lta r tin g - -tm fou r-lan e tra ffic on B lu e L ak es boule- *•» v a rd n o rth . T here a rc o th e r tr a f f ic p rob- < lem a th a t m ay come b e fo re th e commla- s io n in fu tu re m eetings. ^

___ ^ _W hcn U. S. h ighw ay 30 tr a f f ic w aa midivrae^nhrSQftlrthrtlity-wltfninirtboaTid- *0a n d w estbound t ra ff ic on sep a ra te , one- w ay s tre e ts , i t w as th e b ig g e s t single ch an g e f o r Jocal t ra f f ic in m a n y -ycnr^. cor

-• B u t w hereas tho "M ain av en u e” t ra ff ic »it- ., . h a a been given a tte n tio n , l i t t le consid- - e ra tio n haa been given to grow th o f „ ‘

t r a f f ic in some o th e r p a r ts o f th e c ity .___ ^jFor^inatance, m ost d r iv e rs on th e

B treeta d u ring ’ ru sh p e r io a s 'a r c aw hre ~ t o f in creasin g congeation a lo n g Shoshone B treeta nd rth and eaat. T he congeslion Ha b e w m e so severe th a t n n o th e r tra ff ic l ig h t w as i n s t a l l e d on Shoshone a t f J

^ f o u rth nvenue some m onths: ago. A l- h « ^ n o u g h i t p c r m l tn r iv e r a ir"cK nnce''t(r T«ii 'c ro s s Shoahoner-the new tr a f f ic .s ig n a l T h a a n o t -solved Shoshone a tre e t congea- X?'

------ t i o n Tf nnytihinfr. i t h a a .c o m p lic a te d t.hi» «hi,problem.' ' — --------r

T h ere -h av e-b ecn flUgge.«itions in th e p a a t fo r a system of one-way stree ts to

. re liev e tra ff ic on p rincipal avenuM n n d u « au c h proposals m igh t m e r it consldera- re»j tio n now . B»: : City, commlaslon discussions indicate

a n a w ^ c s s o f a g row ing problem th a t ___ sh o u ld g o t a tten tion befo re i t g e ts o u t___ o t l i a n d —If- th c -so lu tio n -tirth c -p ro b lem 'v

.fcyoivea" o n e -w ay streelfl— fdur--]nric d . 8 tre e t8 ,-n e w tra ffic l ig h ts ; o v -b a n s 'o n

. p ^ l d a g ^ o n g ccrts in s t r e e ts o r a com- b in a tio n o f such f a c to r a ^ th e n i f * tim e J S t o fa c e u p to the problem . S I

T h e re ’s no reason to allow th e situn-^ t o ^ m e w o r .. befo re do ing .o n .0- ^


■ W H I R L I G I G 55 * b t b At t c c k c b •

WASHDJOTON, M url# — Tlie periodical, po- * »!>• uuccMscoaomic cootioTtny orer ibe «eo*r»pmc*l ■ub> fiiftxtim of defcoH c o n tra ^*

b u hU K new p n k of b itte r r l- _ c S n t r r VDonc eancrecdoul ebam -

th d r rcfpecUve W M . ' J g New. York and CalUomU poU- ^

■ S n i ^ H U e U n t . m pected o( pro-N lxon « pro-RoeketeUer leanlnsa. ar«

H k ^ ^ H tbe chief combatanUi over tbU, ^ I ^ l ^ ^ l . q u e a l l ^ . . . .. ___ : ..n • r >>>« ^II b« eaaor, Hmry U fiUouon. D«-

'□ ■ ^ ■ ■ ■ ■ r e w e ~ B e 'c r e r a 'r > 'T J e J f a m a r a ' iPffldi nianT hoiir»la__<lay_ln

iMch »ootJilnj Capltol bill com plain- oanU a sa ln i t allestd dlierlmliutlra is a ln a t the ir InduUrlal coniiltuenti. - . .

------ The congreuloiMl oonUnfenU are ( | t e d cm by —atmoel dallj- de lti«loni from iheir local C ham - “= b e n or Comraerce.and builneumen. T b er d o no l ceem to oppoH torenunept Intcrferenca w itb prl-

o f vat« eotcrprlM nben It operatct to their p rofit.

° n DEMANDS FOR rO R K ^T he lituaU on b a i “ “ b»en aBsraviKd by revoluUonary cbangea In l\

modem warf»re. l ue i m the eznphaaU o n nu - Cil 'Wy* dca(~W(!i(>0iu~uiiii"the 'dKUuiiiK pruuucuun u t ■- ICW 'm anned airpUnei. The blllioni noir betns apen t

on re#e»rcft #nd outer »ptee craft repreaent an- . other new prlte for the conleitant*. . »,o e . XVea# which cnee benefited from toe ou tpu t J

O iU . of coavan»Bn»l-»wpon>-H>fUHeryr-<maH-»rTnar ^ r r r n Iy ouuroded warBhlpi, eten icnti. pennona a n d old- \ \ r ,_ p . fashioned unlfom u-are tmonj the ebter » l:- , ^

tlm i. Moat of th ru tuppUert ara located tn th i East and Middle Wtil. /

a r - Politics n well u mlllUry economics ia In* / ^ cd volved In the hot dtipute. Members of con treas /

Bovemon faclni reelectlon are constan t and f angry vlaltor* to SecrtUry McNamara's office. ^

a rc The fundam enui problem, u the defense sec- n to n retary and his idvlMri tee it, Is w hether prep- \

araUona for ■ pouible World wsr n i should be J plsred on a pork b»rrel bu ls or on the n a tio n ’s \ securlly needs and requlremtnu. He has Blven K

n»k prlorliy to the latter considtraUons in tbesa a r- I o f gvments and sltocstloni. |

v e r . . . ---------[Bt. STATE FAVORITISM ClIAnCED - WlUIam ,{i M. Allen, president of Uie BwlnR company of

W ashington su te , defined the dilemma precisely ^ In a recent addreu. Ills firm h u been a n d sUll l-

lise Is the beneficiary of msny nillllons in defenss X fjar awards.(TA. • « fsnillUr," he sold, "with th e O t

pressures and public stalemenu of certain o f our ^ I- r a - jffUlator* dejlcnfd to infJuence tbe placing a t o f business on the need for employment o r Reo- I n cnipblcal distribution."

Curiously enoQRh. he spoke on the sam e d ty ' ■■ th a t Sen. Kenneih' D. Kestlnic of New Y ork, r R

.n e backer of Oov. Nelton A. Rocktfeller’s p reslden- Denr S a tl&l am bitions for IM4. deplored the award of .so Like

n o m uiy contract! to California firms. forwonn j According to Senator Keattns. ihe defense de- ^ hen tl

parunent's space syiicm Tllvl«lon has Blven I J . . . t ., per eent of lu work to California contractors ,u . , between Ia«i July and lu l February. The ballistic “ "f"

n y system dlvUlon. he laments, has spent 48 per n | . cent of Its funds In Uie tame slate. circunu. 1. By contrast, he adds, less Uian 6 per c e n t year tl y baa been apcni In New York. The allocation of ju st an

Ul- funds by other Pentagon units, he Insists, shows Ftom ec- a “aubsUntlal imbalance.” Other congresamen '^ n UC. charge th a t peculiarly, favored areas have been , . Vice President John.ion’s Ttlcai and Oeorsla. the ' “ home of Rep. Carl Vinson, chairman of lha pow - ™ rh t erful house armed'ucrvlces commlliee. missed.

o f- CANDIDATES FAVORED — Naturally, Sen. h e Thomas H. Kuchel of California, who facea re- 1, . elecUon next fal], roponded lo Ute K eallng b la st- - K1TT ''® H «'sald: Wa I i n t “No m atter who ilts In Ui* White House, lh a )t'* defense deparUneni makes lu decisions on w here t• If. a missile complex 1* located on the aole basis ‘

o f w hat is b u l for the security of the A tnerlcaa people." - -

>n- Senator Kuchel’s reference to'presldenUail Im- r t - parUatliy negates Uie sunettlon of certain N ixon ire supporters tha t the alleged favoritism to O al- pu ,«J Uomla Is.deslgnod to aid Oov. Edmund O. Brow n **“ In bis contest with the former vice president. »la - . -eenator Ke*tlnic'»-erltlcUm-«f-U»*-neal»ot-«f-New- >b- York m ight be interprtUd as an Insinuation th a t •Id I t Is aimed a t Governor nockefeller'a reelectlon nomcs. in T ohanoes-next fall and-hls-prcaldentlal p rospects Lnbrod ‘P : In IfiM. Father o f ----------------------------------- :— Also hj


Several days ago we commented on clly m a n - . o n a je r Rovemment. ” , ,®I t since thc editorial anpeared. we have received

rrh an lnqulr>- or two atjouVihe plan. Here a re aome na Of the points upon which quesUons often are

raised:1. The pinn alm.i lo bring expert manaRemenl F

r t s Into municipal government. .n g 3. Ideally, It also seeks to glrs some conUnully ^ || (f,,

to government — aMumlng. ot course, th a t a .l .„ , ^ manager will aUy on the lob long enouBb to ,,, y

carry out long-range programs, "J"S t- a. A good city manager probably would com - :e r m and a fairly high salary — undouticedly more

thnn th e $7,31X1 now received by the m ayor of Nampa, for example..

4. Voters would cortlnue to elect a city coun- — cll.- The council would hire the manaser, s c L b ls .

u r sa lao ' and decide‘policies to be carricd o u t by h e tbe ’mBnoKcr.

The plan Isn’t an answer to all municipal prob- . ® lema by any meaiu. Ils aim Is efficiency and

conllnully. Hundreds of communlllfci m ust like InS" tK rV Iah ' bccause'lieTllvc'undeir ll."Olher p liC U — ( v n le - wanl noUilng to do with It. In a

City mnnngershlp probably would be unpopular gid u^r 5 w ith fol^s who like to ran to city hall for ape- church

clal.fnvors..They're the ones who dislike being handso treated ibo same as all oUicr clUicns — ao th ey burnlni

a a run to the mayor or councilmcn to ask for s tr e e t n im is i nd ' w orkr-rem oral-of-ahnibbefyr-ehanfing-of-eurb- to Ik —

lines or olher favors thal might not agree w ith P o r }• esublished policy. , D J l l a

[le Undoubtedly some folks In this area have h a d Uon co rs . contact with city manager government. W e In- th a t t 'ic vlte your written commcpts on the plan. T hey a p e n c

m ight be helpful to Nampans who have been i s yeai . doing some serloiu thinking about problems of Ufe in '

0* municipal govemmenL-Nampa Pree-Preas D J I---------------------------------------- YUROSlf

h e __________ AN ULTIMATE PEFEN.SF. ___munlsirve "fhe world U 'terribly concerned wIUj th a bl* ne anna, race — where nobody Kcms to be ahead . * “

HappUy, we have discovered aa arm s race in- '.• m inor.key th a t appears to have been settled.

Tho electrical Industry for many yeara h a s ”a t faced two formidable otfenslve weapons in th e ’'" “P * kl- hands of amall boys: BD pellets and rocka p ro - * " “* *jiT -pelled-ln-the-dlrectlon-of-strett-lampff-------- - ^ i„ i Now engineers a t Oeneral Electric hava de- . * “ * -reloped the-\iUimate defense. T h eyhav# lam p r e - , S- fmctors o f plasUc which are vlrtuaJly unbreok- i e able. Rocka and BB pellets bounce off Uiem. f™™ " ---------1ft A K U u m i nee, ui w u m r c i rB n B i: iw ys1C. l» *«kintJt.mor{jcr»eT(ui offcn»ivc_wcnpz.']■ on. In thU case, fortunaUly. community o rd tn - ’t® ances In m ost a re u will serje as a Ud ag a in s t td use of more powerJul reuaialory weapoan: m ost a - residential areas prohllilt Uie flrlngr of Uiat u lll -

m ale offensive weapon. Uie 23 rlHe.We wish world affaln wfce this simple.—D en-

i ; - ■ > . h' i m 'J t • .rt=PEDIMTI0 N8 R ^ A K D S_______ of^theam ■'W h a te v e r '. . diaU ngu!A es'^w efn_■' dedf- slavla'sie caled w orker'and the on"e wh'o t r ie s 'to 's c t by 'moM lilt

-wim as-llttle-etfoi'l-as-poaM le. It would be a - B u i l twonderful achievement if tt'Could be isolated a aeriesand made a 'co n c re tt part of our educational gcsicd I

le system. N o fb n ly would ll make this world a no longbcttar-placo ln which to tire, but I t would b ring Xlnal r

- untold. satUfa'cUon and contentment to the In- had beedividual, regartless of the relaUve Imporumce or e m thoi

c- unimportance of his work,-Nantucket. M aas., th e BrltInquirer and Mirror For U

I .

“D illon C ertaij

f ti _ i j i -—j r . - , —

P ll- — - “ 1— . ^fit. • *-

h aa , g ,

' < di m r — ' 3 -'

■*!>■ I V , . • W h

n HOs P o t J I ^ p ] s S H O T ^ feo- 6teeci boc


e n - D tsT S lr- . ' . . taM BST’ so Like many olher cUittn.i. jt look

forward each yenr to the dny y o u ^ c« de- when Uve poslman jlellvera a let- nian,"

■'* te r from the sovcnunenl wilh This m lhat old tax refund check. Uie work

l l ' Lasl year I didn't ge l one. bu l John BU circunutances were such this clety. wl

en t year thnl 1 did gel one and it o t Ju rt arrived. ^

3ws „ From personal experience, .1 other cli can any there are few things so MtWylciR a a jicttinR an income on

i i ! lax refund or being ahot a t ?nd <iogged c missed. I n e t In

Agln« V«l m il thal. ..

L'C- ' K ltT S m FOB KIDS DEI-T. “We have Iwo cute and well-

lh a roanncrtd kittens that would likegood homes. Anyone interested ,

^ m ay ____ . and hepfwM 73M W rience to

[m . (Twlo Falls) in Munlcson • • • Usa rise.Jal- PUPS TOR KIDS O E P X The ye >wn (WHf> KMani) craU anii ' i . Dea r Pot ShoU:_______________ .o y tta lL

‘Three cule male pups need is comini homes. The mollicr i.i small blnck ubllshroo

•icto L ob rador-end-is-fiood hunter. In thrir^ Father is n second story man.AUo hnve four cute lame kitten.'!. Ptwo yellow and two gray. Excel- lent pels. Owner movin* lo c lly ^ ..jt and can't Uke-them along. We jo^n live two mile* north, three east plot

*"■ and ooe and fivfrclghths north Ted of Jerome. g ii n nJme (Um m el '

thc ccnl ^KtAbllshu

iCnt FAMOUS U S T tiH B Yorl». . . Ntw w i'r i going to h « * Harvard

■■ItT a ll th* April ihowtrs w* didn t tional mi ^ *' hav* In April u th* rAay 'nowtrs win no l \

^ will bloem along about in July Rore bul aom.tlm*." !«*

OSMTt-lfAAH tM TH6 To««* • ‘" f FOURTH ROW

u n - ' —

“V World ConliC U D JItS C tV .- l,- -

like BY PHIL NEWSOM ot his tXET — rxnTTW«tpi-Newr^BaJy*l>— -posWonsr

In a courtroom located In an m • JB! lia r old Uiree-slorj' building beside a u,e heav p e - chwTth In cotcvro\inl.a BtlRrRdc. a burt^utrs Ing handsome, graying man' with ,]av prog tiey b u rn ln reyes is playing whal for that 1 TCI h im U a famUlar ha lf susp

of Ufe^ln prison. followed,

m i ^ l n ' s g r e a t ^ ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^ l communU^ -d Is s e n t* > rw h M e ^ -‘ " " ' more yeai

w r i t t e n crili. r a i l s . - . . - When \®, • clama o t YugosUv and Sovlel fcom Srei

communism iiave made him a in Januarmore familiar figure to the Weat refrain f

, c f Than when he served aa M ar- would briah al Tito's closest friend and with lhe i

_ _vlce-preildent-QLXugiMlavU------ as-roult-c^ The latesl charges against him arrested a“ ■ have been dt«ttb«d onty -In lhe sed only »

'%-o'giieal‘of terms'bul th e > 's p r in g T o a wfrom hts new book. "Conrersa- prl-wn imi

The Yugwlav party newspaper "Do whi ^ -Borba-ttT-whlcti-Djilas-onc^-wTote n ia v e - to

as a trwted translator ot com- Content , m untst theory, actvjstd him ot wWth wit

wrIUne lhe book with the Intent United S and purpate of being one of lhe revealed o Instrum entiin 'thecold war." ly Yugosli

For the dedicated DJUas It U promise t an old: story. of Tlio w:

In 1JS3 hk was regarded a.'* one narrow pt ot-lbe mo»i‘ouUiandlnB ol VuRo- Union arrf

df- slavlft's young leaders and lha Tha lasl by moBt likely heir to Tito. life have ia - -B u tla tb aV S « « 'C » 'h f'fc 'tQ lft In'UUs Id

ed a aeries of arUcles which sug- yo'ulh ser\ lal Be»i«d lha l Uie communisl party revoluUom

a no longer w u essenlial U> the Tor commi ng fina l victory of socialism. He all he now n - had become influenced by weat- DJUas's o r e m thought, particularly tha l of tbe right i 14.. th e BtlU ih lfct»r p u iy . In the c

Fot tb a i's ln , ha was stripped cardinal si

i e r t a i n l y H a s G o n e N j

R iWSMt%Q u K t . n r i ^ i J 2 I ^ pii, \ V Y i r r "

1 "h o w t h i n g s appe’/ P E G L E R ’S '* I .» m ll» o t ? “ “ ■ » ; ;

u . c o n k l M o n . - y ^ J g ^ K "p l. 'S o

K ? « ,i a s m

Wl John Bitch ao-clety. which is . ^ ^ R W g l called the .

“ t T o d e » ‘i ' ' 5 ^ i S i i ^ M f r i ;

^ omw** cities* of WMikn^ heart to I w lha Texas plains. T ne.w ear and o(( work at ne o r s i r c h people calls Jor feed lh nd dogged courage. T h e only om prcw l» d

I mei in Pecos who w c^d ad- „ « n of Ui m il tha t he wns a member said jhe turns t

aw l h lS -»«B ^- ?u sed by abusive phone c*lli er. and wh

S e h t and day and o e i r a c ^ by, lo atu «Mla«v and In Jnialntsa. B ul «cUon into

fijnlly hava tightened Ihelr belU, boys,b# h as a Vwgh «'■ Her fatbiand he compared tbe ir * W - » h o f t

I rience to lh a t of a Jewiah tamllyLjexlcaa bc In Munich w b ta R lU tt w»a jaUaa rise. * ha (tot back

The ycllow-dog Texas Demo- and .

S l i n S n r ln

S ' r n o E a C r S ^ S o ^ r v!Srey?'‘y M l they consunuy deplcV [Uat he wi V« S Job^^ V c c lv people as fas- q u in IMS ist clsU plotting terror. to vlslL I^ I t wero futile t* speculate rejolnrt thi

on married d i, mtir'tirr fhr-ft -» » m , ,117 1171. thn moon in th la u I eould.

the- conscrvaUves agauu i Umea buesubllahmeni, wh en u», and ei

Yo:k m ‘ 1 . * of We'veV* Harvard and m uch ot the na- p

Tower, a Republican. W the senate from Texas.

- 1 and Aher^ >,« . a * a a g g - e r « a u - . i ..............

~ who a te *dC o r n e r s . ■ j™ .';y ti^ t;e v e i« m a3 5 = e :.- - ." - ' - ' ■ - 7 Jiandiea^'fr

I of hla government and party d la ^ of ai

he declared that MarJ's re

- n ie revoluuon room. One 0means lhe btKlnnluR of __lhe end ^ „of communUm generally. hlm -JS mil

A three-year prison sentenw 1ioUowed, b u l in t b t v e jj ol callle la t U r came 'T h e New C a .y whlct^ ew ntinued DjUaa' In.dlcliTKnl ^ tmto m m n la t n - a n d - a d d e d ^ e n - ^ j j - jy ^ j

n arrested again under a Uw p*s-| -Oreai ha ^ onlr a m onth before. tween the

- i n » u-nrolna th a t te iu m to pasiuitmtfl.'

■■ r r“ you «UL I wtlie * ^ 1 Now,«>e g

;; sss. m rW VUKMlavla feara II «l!' corn

is promise the delicate operations J iof Tlio who au m p la to t-MS a ,

e narrow path between the Soviet A C^ union and-neuirallsn^. _^l / \ \, ..The la st e igh t,y*a»_^*t:D ^aa » _

life have marked - v | - -sL*:-e In'U iU IdcalUUe m an w ^ M . a / |. yomn ser^'cd a Ly revoluUonary and who ' e tor communlam aa determinedly - •t ah be now crW cttea It. .- n jiis s 's in Is th a t he demands the t*

, J S . . « ■ » ' « ' “/ i j T ’i .In the cMntnunlst book, l l is a a uua i» •

1 cardinal ^ , “ '*•

>ne N a tive !” COVE

Z !' f I a f c SC V V ^ v W \ V specific acU

Vl ^ ' t W v negoUaUoa .K / ) l t \

v \ / A l ' real policiesM y - ' y S ------- 1\ - ------ » ‘fd --nonii

St V\v w easel f *

commerce m W 'P r l l ' / . !ng hereJ E J V \ / I concenlratetS fH . U J about

c \ V was anothe- policy whlcl

“T j * * ^ unU on. •- r - The Prea

lha l hU ecI / policy, was b/ wage and

_______________ I__________ providing f<~~— ^ > t~. Increasea T?

emiiaUon producUvlty.

■» ThU wout

T A hope lh a t t

\ I *™r

} paragraph ti\ ' ' \ v to It* wkrioi

dent declare

"has nol---------------------------------------------- - Tafl-Hartley

APPEAR EI^M “T J .Sr s V I E W ■ .tinuing oppo

I think John B irch Is bigger week, or an; than 11 secDu. I have never 40-hour wee praised the society except to ad- -onemire Ita principles, while re- /-alherbeddl; JecUng lU leaderahlp, bul for i l “r " ^ b l o erery kind word 1 Ret hundreds " j and hundreds of le tte rs from wheUipeople who either profess to be n ,,,o n a i mi, members or d o n 't have to. S,V ^[i^ed.''

Tba person I adm ire most in T hat Is ab< Pecoa Is Mrs. W. £ .. Carpenter, statem ent lh Uie aociely editor, photographer, crack down historian and O unga O in of the viands go a conservaUve bl-weckly poper increased pr called the Independent and En­terprise. M ra Carpenter is known K iCi'ir/n". as MarJ, a friendly Tunlllarlty . ^which readily springs Irom the 'heart lo Lhe lips. S he knocks Joff work a t noon to hu rry home and feed the chlldreru W hen the press is clanking in the . back room of the one*atory building, " » Jou do abe turns lo O scar-O rlK ln . Uie unreasonably editor, Alan Propp, Uie publish- are, going to er, and whoever else Is handy- we are bei by, lo stuff th e lilUe second doctor* of. ni section Into lhe f irs t secUon and lets about ; lOBS Uie bundles lo the carrier business a boys, ' you should.

Her father was a New York ?kid who found him self .on the Mexican border In 1019 and in Prance in 1917 and '18. When ha got back he lit ou t fo r Texas again and M arj was bom down

- fu .IK. J « t B u « . , Jr.. U l. « ,n ol

S ' - jJeff Junior, who is now run- hy.iicrlcal as

nlng * cc'op-dusling business her cudwlUi. his own planea down In lump in m'Uie valley, recently wrote me year,. If I lothal be was discharged a t Ft. j aiee„ iDlx in IMS, '1 d idn 't even stop w hen one dto vlslL I got on a tra in and hyaierlcal, Irejoined the lltlle T exan I had |^n in tu it anmarried during a aojoum a l ou t frora_bf:o in iT n i r m i n n n ju t u nuiiniy I S u ia lK p hU I could, w e've h a d i t rough my-hand-lo-'at Umes but we've had l l good. itoo, and enjoyed every minute , ,of ll. We've got two awcei kids. * t(Jeff and Patti, 14 and 13. and ,*1“I look like hell, gray nnd losing tilled ShlfUihair, but my little T exan Is Ricohollcs t<•till sharp a i 3S." .hollow sound

. . . ex*alcoholle,MarJ C arpenu r writes fine

PI.C.I U » u l « ioo lln i» , h in it ia i . and Aher social evenu oul of [the m anory of Pecoa neighbors ________who are gelling, along-now. S h e ......................It fixing to run a story on' a flceji far awi ma-wacre of white people by the government : poor, bedeviled, dlspoascued Co- unfarmlng manchea from the handnTlttcn brown soil, diary of an old lady who was j u j i ouUld'n n r ----------- ----------------------------- arP K O K -thr

MarJ'a recent atory on page gida mviiatloi one with an old phoiograpl) of ot« cafe. H cowboys a l a- chuck wagon re­called th a t the catllers went to crxZTzar." war with "foreign" corporalions _which bought up mllcj of range ___I J q T |and len ccd lh e rcaidcot cowmen v f C T v iout of the water holes and belly-high grass. The pioneers craved - e a a n B a iroom. One of them pulled oul be- PLAYcause k nester was crowding ,h lm -J8 mile. away. T h e stock-men were furious a t th e sight . t , ' „ .of cattle lacerated by lhe barbs. “h ,n iHaving no experience w ith barb- w Jed wire, the poor brutes would-run-fu irilll-aS 5IH 5i-ihe“fencei: ^

Texas law allowed a m an sev* • en square mlle.i of school land J under certain condlUons a n d ■ ,some operators go t 'th e ir cow- * boys to lAke seven sections each < and. In Ume, controlled whole < .tOHntiM,_______________________ W M T

“Oreal hatred sprang up be* A Q 10119 twetn the free gra/w and th* V 7 S putuicm en."Every election was' 4 J 9 0 i " a rrled or lost on th a t Issue,"

N ow,rte.Bra-MJa.down_to.nubi _bint or plowed under and col- iton tllckcrs In air-cooled of- •

/ ag aiw t *tbV*fr South studle

*draw trumps.

Tbefe a n a lot o f c a r tf rte king of clubj pe»ple I n ‘ the world. A i long spade loaen a ^ tb l a n ar* fre« tbey don't cluba a n d ei aan. . Itrick lo the a


WASHINOTON. May IS «NEA) be made._ I t Is going to take more th a n Tbe testa - words: tl is going to take some will come sooi ipedfic acUons on pending wage a presidenegoUaUon cases U> clarify Pres- board has recIdent Kennedy's InflaUonarylireal policies to- j wage increasew ard-’' n o n i n n a - - l | | U ~ ^ U train .ra ilw ayUonary" pay railroads - tavcreases for Is- S S t B / w j ^ K them 80 millbor. necesslta

Nearly all the " brotherhood*eooimenl on b o u r Increaae

speech to the v j e M l , employes are T J r i lW a t 'a tV s ■"Otherprrsrc

Commerce meel-”^ ' feeling workl!ng here w u . '• ••• the 300.000 enconcentrated on whal he had to men tiave cusisay about butliiesa. But there wage increauw u another .aegmenl in labor granted off-tipolicy which deserved equal a t- T healum lhi

^^e '**Presldent first declared ?enew*'a*com lha l hU economic tUblUxatlon 3J. jn general poUcy. w u biied-on-boldUicJjtith rtm irv f

^ W d f f f w ‘ i p o ^ ^ ^ a jd

ThU wouid set a celling over ^ ’nrodurtlon in the

hope th a t Uils would not only lower prlcea to eonsum«ra bu t r

The President Uien made clear , lh a t he w u not Jusl applying unU ed Aulo > this celling U) butinesi. He had. In A tlantic ( and would continue to apply 11 aome backl^rac to labor. Breaking up this key be might hol<

r agraph to itlve full emphasis down.Its various polnla, the 'P rea l- 'T h is adml

dent declared; undertaken ai"I add a t this point th a t when take lo fix p

an adm lnlslratlon- • a peacetime ,"has nol hesilaled lo seek « e can w g

Tafl-H artley ln)uncllons for na- Uonal em ergeneljs- * ■ ,‘L*

- h u aulflclenlly urged moder- industry. aUon on Uie steel workers and "We possess oUier un ion*- " a of compul

" h u expressed a firm rtnd con- primarily on tinuing oppoiiUon U> the JS hour forU of labor week or anyUilni less than lhe and their sen! To” h V r w eek- alblllty td mal

-h as gone on record against fealherbeddlng and racketeering T h a t Is a 11 and road blocks lo automation— the em phu is

- I t surely does not need to be Commerce sp Mked whether 11 will Invoke the why It may national Inlerest whenever 11 Is actions by thj threatened.''

T hat la aboulJis unequivocal a vcrsy lh a t oei statem ent lhal the President will obscure the bi crack down on'U bor If lU d i- baalc respon: mand* go above "the limits of President ao n increased produclivity' as could hU chamber 1

T h e D o c t o r S jr .'WTnrr'^tJ ' E ’^-

“If you don't stop wrIUng auch for them am unreasonably mean arUclea, you w anl you lo k; are going to convince us of w hat feel toward yo w e ' are beginning to suapect *doctoraof, namely, th a t you know Q- 1 am 31leas about your 'business t h a n pregnant Iyou should. Nocan x n te r could ^ ^

t r ! i k "iira n d ! n d m » mabout h is lob u A—The-fe am a r t y " I f t S H pregnancy. Tl wrote Uiat the ^ ‘ ir purwoman wlUi the come blancheil ^ p - i n - h e r - ^ ^ g H j j -

hysterical. Well,I am a widow and about a s .Q-^My moUi hy.iicrlcal as an old cow chew- l u t year a l t Ing her cud. But I have hnd a waa paralyted lump In my throat for eight and unable to, yeara. If I lay on my back when bu l ahe recove I aleep. I wake up choking, of the bospita When one dwtor U)ld me I w u Now.-afler a y hyaierlcal, I told him thn t waa to see. She wa an insult and if he would come sU rea Into ap m \ from-&?hln O la J ; l g _ d f f i a fle p re w d aim would alap hU face. The back of a.<i good u ev my hand-loyou.-'— A.-Prlend. - after- a-atrokc

. . . nothing bc do- I w anl to blew and applaud V

you for your forceful article e n - “ " 1?^ “ f medi Utied -ShlfUng responsibility for ° Sighalcoholics to wives creatr.i a ‘" f ' . ^ o hollow sound.' AS Uie wife of an ° hex-alcoholle, I could not agree ' ° ’ " ' * o U b with you more, Your arUcle m w l have broughl eomforl to ihoua- f*®, ands of women and famlllt^ who may no l write to tell you ao. So J

buy "SUokes,rices far away are fleecing the «nd W hal Ca tovem m ent for legal boodle for Them " by a gr jn farm lng gre^l apreads of ed doctora. In w iw n soil. Page. Mlchae:

Ju s l ouUlde Pyole, a llllle eaat Howard A. I Jn > K 0»,~thtTfl-trrMrdlBtT0ad- ch ap te r— in— ilda inviiatlon which reads: "Py- lllailra ted inat Jto cafe. Hurlble fude." Jb llluU on.

- O s w d d - J a c o b y , - !■ . .. I j ...... .

PLAY HAS USES H e reallres I• The hold up pUy Is designed l^ i ! * ^ ? V i i l ° i o cut the enemy's lines of com- ^ nunlcaUon. The play usually is “ “ , nade when Uie contract la n o - ’rum p but on occasion il should „ “ w made-when-Uiere Is a 'lrum p . 'Because flnei

• ■ 1’ wofk. sou th a NOKTH 1( f l i i l ^ d e . If '

■ A tT 6 foCr spades theV A I 8 do\ no good. 1

. « .6 1 v / i t i alarled w4> A Q J0S Soulb lakes

W M T ■ , d raw a.trum psj A Q 1 0 IS 3 A K XV 7 J V « 8 J done w llbw t J

------------- “ •K Q J 1 Q 4 ----------- S T dIam ondi-«X k o bU contract.* 1 0 1 7 CAEB

. Both TutoeraWaSeU k W**t NatUi Easi , Q - l b a WWI t -P u. 2 * . P w V M M1 ¥ P u . 2 » P . » . t * P “< * P u . r . a r u f , | j * .

- . - 0 p « la ,U a d - 4 3 -----------

W en -o p ra i-tn m T e -o r » p id e ^ - * w S » ’S ^gainst Uie four-heart conlract. A » *f— « u tb aiudles Uie hand and btea th a t U -everytbing-goea(ell he can take Uiat spade W ck, TODATSraw . trumps, flneaae for th e X n i t a a d 'eing of clubs, discard hU two n ad « t,H o rtb bMde losera on dummy's long w h a ld e je U *luba a n d eventually lose o n t • ' x,-ick lo the aca of diaaonda. Answer K


p e te sts-fo r ihu ,u wwill come soon.

A prcsldentui f.ri n board h u recommfmi.ii InfiaUonaryli . . I C - c e n u .^ wage Increase tor l r ^ . r a l iw « y -:mB;oi„''?,«!•- railroads-say ih„Uiem 80 mllllan ilol|,ri . and necessitate a u i , I * ’r-‘ brotherhood* mn „ ^ hou r Increaae. >•

The rallrofld., employes are nill

feeling workin* c o r e s ’? - the 300.000 en»incm-n ifnj men iiave custoni.i.-iiy i>»fn r wage Increaws i!mi:ir ',o i^ l granted o ff-trjin empioyt^

T he aluminum influsiry »ir i. gin nei:otiallQn.» in m 'd.u„ renew a contract rxpirin, j.? 31. In general, the aluminum 4 dustry folT'>x fi ^'sic 1 tern sel In thp ster] in d u i^—la-a lrcrafM nd-m W tit-niQ rwage_negolUtlon« in come u J Inlcm ailonal Asvxiaii.m , f i i ' ch lnlau and United auio wot* ers are aaklng for a -nonia.'-.!tie n arr« -3 » -p e r-n -n r-v i£ riircrease. T h a t wauld u.iii ua ■: the average national inctfma productivity.

B ul in Kenncdy’. jperch to ti, U nited Aulo Workers' convfti!® In A tlantic City, tie ripmu' aome backtracking on low b« he might hold th t line or enck down.

"This admlnlstraUoii hii ra undertaken and will not unAn. take to fix pricei and wi(>i j. a peacetime cconomv." he n i '•We can ayggest pilritlinM i* the economy—bul we car.not Ci a single pnltern for every jUa and industry. '

"We possess and'seek no p»i. era of compulsion, and m ui ri!j primarily on the volimtrtr «. forts of labor and mina;enRt, and their sense of public tnpia. alblllty td make certain Ihtl lb national Jn terist (» prrsemt'

T h a t la a little different Irta the em phula 'n the Clt"mb?ttt Commerce speech. And IhU j why It mny take .tome tpetlt actions by the adminLMratim u 'penetrate the dust of n>nt|v vcrsy th a t occasloufilly a ilM ^ }bscure the basic luufs and a l>aaie responslblliti.'s." a* lii President ao neatly phrastd Its lU chamber apeech. ^

;o r S a y sror them and many Dthett I a-anl you lo know how gratetell tcel toward you." — Mrt. A. K.

Q—1 am 31 years old and bin always been slim. When I t* jregnanl. I gained about 9 jounds. After my baby w u boa I had deep purple sears on bj ilomach. hips and breul. Cu anythin* be done to reocm iiese?

A -T h e .« are tbe marks d jregnancy. They will gradiaO :oae Uielr purple color and bt- :ome blanched. Nothlnr can a ihould-be-done-U i-rem avtJl« lor they are honorable InsltnU.

^ M y mother auttereda'ilHiij u t year a l the age of 47. » vaa paralyted on Uie right itt ind unable to speak tor I 'odip, ju l ahe recovered and walked o) )f Uie hcaplUl two weeU Ul»r 'Jow,-after a year, the is paU)»a « see. She wants to die. tiu lai lUrea Into apace and U tenrea.wt

If ter- a-atrokc..llfe U,oytr,,Ctt lothlng bc done for her? •

A - l f you are certain thal tw inforlunato atlllude 1* not tM •eault of medicalion the Is Ul- ng. you might first direci i*r ilteniion to lhe amailnj it; lovery made by many vlcUwji ilrokes, noubly Genera lower. And aecond, to obta in^ a lls for m enu l and phyticaj 1 ubllllaU on of the patient IU suffered a airoke.,uy "SUokes, How They ^ md W hal c a n Be Wne Alrf rhcm" by a group of d l a i b ^ d doctors. Including Irvin* tt >age. Michael d« low ard A. Ru*k. Dr,h a p te r r - ln — p a rU ea la f_ J«lla iu a ied inalructiona 00 rtU lilluUon.--------------

)b y ^ B rid g e _III ..................... .......H e reallrea too that lb* g

nease may no t work, n ^ u e E u l will Uke his k in |i»i S back a apad* w h e r t^10 defense » ‘‘‘ * , X vo spadea, and the ae* ot

o r t. sou th should d u a ^ aoade. If West tU rtrf ^

J r s lT d e s the hold u p p W ^ o\ no good, but In WU r i t t alarled wlUi five, . South take* the eecood

m e without lha he'd lere la a ,dUferen«; w Lkea hU king of cluM_l» •“ a way ^’“dlamondTTnd-bold-Souili--is conttaeU _


<«rlh Eaa*

it asI * , . - D o u b l i- , . t . i_______i.

A Bsw r N eil'laiM

Page 5: tk lI^ A irl^Force .le Jets^Lanc In T haila B olster D · tn wbit the Klotw. I l l f l 0(licb|,_„^, .K--epl..K.s

j r a i Special Sell ’ Ladies" Waicii

Values to 8.9YOUR 4 ) CH OICE... t i

One Group_ M E N T

S U I T•Reg.. Shorts. Longs ^

Sizes 35 to -I'l; f

B il l B o x e J ! ■

i f s inO v ,


P ricei U R S .

Selectionof I

falch Bandss to 8.95

3 . 3 5 ^


;EFrs ^ Q I I T S Pn

IJq s |* ¥ > 1 Rec

12 T ransistor n ,


— ' * “ 0 s ™ i

5 .9 8 <='"MldflU lirtd . . . I'uili lf .Jp»«li«r . . . D:tl<»l<on-htt A IImiliigl Itivilt VOU In # \ l

I large Selection | ]

SOCKS J ! 'E 3 f l ^ i E^-O flonS/—A crylici,—BlendJ._

Orlon-Rayon-Nylon - Ban- • Lons, N y lon j-M any lo se-

lect from. N ovelty Pa»om» flf^d Solid Colors.___________

n Town

T W IvW n I;es Eff(. & FR

Wise. Group BOYS' and

S H O E :SIZES 12</i. t o 3 j mSIZES 2 Y i to 6 X ISIZ E S 6 V i to n 1

^ / M r M i *

Professional FIELDER C

C o m c , s c c | '

R egular4.98 ... ^

Portable TypewS m i t h C o r o n a

' C l a s s i c " . . . . . I v

“ a d d in g MACHV ic to r E lcctrie 1 W o i 2 1 9 .5 0 .................................................. I

- Uitb AD^lHoiMA^iwiyiwiwm

RUN¥NG'S Office

RECORD SALInl'up Oock of

New Records a 25% lo 50W |


W arner Music <131 S h o jh o n t St. N, .

yrn.^. II? 0 7 P a r k

IN ifectiv<■ R ir o iS' and MEN'S I

» E SU se o s ie

4 . 9 9. SPECI,

iOES ^

-Spi^j:DER GIOVE? variety of pvofc.**- ^ nnl size ficldcr'.s |ivcT lF T tun ly ^ther. Tan or black, me, sec! .


4 -3 3 P>»

t j i e w r i t e r ^

1 0 9 -5 0ric e n o m e l i

~ '__________ t h a t w ill Itl

ACHINE....... 187f.?iiittitiiIiia'fU«Niiu»t- - - - - 'B " n r r > ^ v

\ o ffice Supplies t A j V l i /

IH T S ^T IL - 9 j . ^ 7 "

jsic Co. V f l733 .7083

M i M

rk h ig Spi

l A l lw mv eINLYI



U se o s ie p o ro te foblc o r pu t to g e th e r tro c tiv e c o ffee to b lc 16” x 1 2 1 4 " . •

1 9 .95 V a l u e f l S P E C IA L . . _ _ ____ ^



SpfingCoals^R e g u l a r t o 49.95

!1 8 ? L i•h e

PARIS'A ll M e t a l W in d o w

AWNINGStu rd y m c to l f ra m e and b rac e i, w ith b a k ed - ic e n o m e l c n llu t tc d roof. Lovely d a rk g re h a t w ill s ta y b r ig h t ond f re ih fo r y e a r t .

8 " S iz e Complete C kT O N L Y ............... .......................................... J

O th e r l i z e i ond tty le i to c h o o se frc

W W ®— ^----- , ^ 1 : __ S U M M I

f u I G L O V I— f > ............S tre tch la c e b ack ,

. • ^ 7 t - , nylon fa b r ic p a li

;-----------------W H ITE - BLACK-■ A - - SS T Y LE S

' k - jjWft T H U R S .-F R I. I

i f f f l f t a


)o w n to9paegs!~


★ Over A Do: To Buy Sho

★ -Over 16 Sl I Sporting C(J Greater Sei

D E R h ^ ' T a S S m y '


to g e th e r into. 0 >- '

A 9 5WAT<

------------------------------------M a n y ^ s ty le s a rfc o lu rc s fo r eve



® ■ F

' i rSi>01iShort sleeve collars and I


S J S fndow G O L F


I th b a k c d -o n p lo i- • 12" BALLIT d a rk g ree n co lor • STURDY,o r y e a n . * KNEE-AC:

^ ____________ • UNCOt^D

.... 5 .99 l i m i ic h o o se from .

R e g u la r............. 3 9 .9 5 . . . i ...............

M i l A UJ M M E R _ _ _ _ _ _ — C n p fJL O V E Sla c e b a c k , s tr c tc h - - ■a b r ic p a lm s . Q | | 0

T-ShirR S .-F R I .O H L Y • . *

1 8 * pr. V alues f<


h e w n !

er A Dozen Stores In Which Buy Shoes er 16 Stores Selling irting Goods Mean r- - :ater Selections!


M en's and Ladies'BATCHES by Time;^ s ty l e s a n d _________ _____ _ "T. Q * \ -Ifcs fo r e v e ry n e e d .................... /



MRT-SHiRTSrt sleeve aiid long sleeve. Regu ars and button downs. Reg. 2.98

2 .6 9 each

2 <or * 5

RflgElKtG O L F E R 'S . . . L O O i d r '



..... 2 2 .gGALLEY ^Special Purchase

ne la r g e Group of Summer■Shirts o i f t l ^ilu esfo


---------------------------- ^

j_____ ________ JJl


Vhich I


RADUATE 'dies'Timex 7 . 9 5 ^ -



IRTS-eve. Regulor Reg. 2.98—


5 —

D O K i r — -


flT Y i


hase-----SummerHouses “

H =a m m m "■

Page 6: tk lI^ A irl^Force .le Jets^Lanc In T haila B olster D · tn wbit the Klotw. I l l f l 0(licb|,_„^, .K--epl..K.s

7 News AI » 0 I8E , M*y U m - a

I « T . M « n a . r t» u " a . MTTte*. Wcbter, wbo ta V

■-----------«-^------ -to -H o a a ttta -M

■ MOSCOW, M*y le («h igh Kbool ior 16 y e m ,

-----------M -th e .c sd oi Uie JchcolX X M li O ld »-Wcc«*er w o u t f I t would b« totntoo

'4 ' 1'., .M08C0W,.iUj_l«. Vlh. 1 b e w u d r a m d u d f n t i

m u i w d * w e a ' (iiree a n u a u t d of fobt

----------- v e s f i ke r w »tnm tn U. 8e u re a t O uv*r, Jt,M nd A ta to aafe OepMlt t»b>U Ib S ecodir bMBk. A bom .W J in nea-ocfolUble bondi. t b t tioer tt< U)« to&k,

I 1 • POOATHXO. May' 18 tII {uuR«d U Ul« Id ibo tdv iiI......... on elvn rlgJiUrBe u m *----- • the-body.-ffjfene-v. P rl«

c f ths to tuden o( tbe Po

BOIBR W»y 11 (ffV-CoT

B a r ira ' wlpflU (he rtcmn JJtU e er Bainett. Tha te n

• IDAHO T A liS . May I ' ehftrsM Wllb f ln t dtsree • n attorney. C. T. Tnomfc » charge of murfltr m thi HaU lodiw) Klri. DerUia B a lph B ulthin* »»W Thoti

. ( ’ tb e ef/ect thff *hooiJnB oec 11 b u t tha t It VM ucldentaJ.

BOIBE. M iy'1« WV-Deir*w »» 'lr W»» » h « d of nor »rricD](are rtperitd t<w«r. w a n t and dry April p e n m a liis r op for dtJay» e»» tb a o aTOraie we»ih«r ou

jsT.,s:ar"“"‘ ““iD A /ro r A t u , Rfay i f i

4 a l« lo r audnoT lov T ueaajy iitfb t tha t llie li

'Bovernment u id em phuls o c t aUie fund* a t the dWpo.

, l>ortanca and mfiutnpe of

i ■ NAMPA. May M; ' • proposed »550«I0 bond : ' W the elty M ter *y»t<ro. Tl

b u t the tM\j« wiMlrtd a t»

[■ BLACKPOOT. May Jfi Wv-!' remodellnE projeot a t tbe 1

noted FtJday when tbe atn I Uie public. Vfork on Uie p r ti f - -------- «ndTW» -Rfflipietfd laat-we..'i t l l n j of tbe cafe, addition.©:jj' olfleei and rt-arrangem ent

f BUCKFOOT. JU y 16 WV •cboot dUtriet 55 M eaday

r aotlsa lo rtferenet to filllDiI - gnUl wbleh Un* a fo m a l «

I eandldato, O u lh D extet. h»■ waa cleoted a i a wrile*ln ta

'/ -ETea Ihoirh p ex ttr ha* flh t U r e t l n la r th t podUon. ia tha b w i of tm ilee f,- •


8NAKE IVIVEB, May Ifl tl 3 and 3, Bnake rlTer-*choi

' ' tendent Z«reme U anrum <■, open from 1 p.m. to 8 P-m.

1^' UcOALL, May 18 ID -O lllj. . h ealth department opened «

a meeUns of the Idaho pubi---------- ^urd»y..JaclLfltenedL.dlte«m

ctAM beaJth deparlmeflt. **!■ T' tn-service training te u lo n . i;

I y e a r ., _________ __

Man, Wife H u r

In A u t o Mishai

KINO inU*. May 18—A : •ponll&e driven by Jacob E. H

!' ‘ aler, OrovllU. Calif., went • o r ' cdiilwl

..........try lUUon h w Tue*dayu n u h e d imo uie borrow M r. Kualer and bU wife, t «Uo « u In the car, were u : to Uie MoiujUJn Home bojpl K eu lefa rtjh t h a n d ^ a a tiro:

| a - —......tnd-M w .- g eMter .nMtftfnecUI II inJurlu.* '• fitttft P a t r o J m a n « «k 'l S a m u . who Investlented. iI I jL .. KcagJer Jippm ntly dozed r

wenUufly and wai m » b le 1' ' regain control of the car «m.

Wet highway. Considerable Ua age waa doae'lo tbe r ig h t a qC e.utacnoli(le.

i . Mr. and Mra. K ca le r w i y ~ ~ - • r o TPutg-tt-gnbi ' - —

I'. N O W

-------------------- No 'fusa



I ----I .

f t T w tn FqU% n n * i

ws Around IdahoV U m -^A*ri#anie»i of A. J. Webber u aaal ‘ttoalft for w&lcfihedt was annosBced ywtcrdi u . atala ofttuerTatloBUt^tor the aoU eoaaerr ET, wbo k M a c tnu u fen ed rro a the Salt Lake l - w o o S « . J}e«(taLa Bole, wbo U belar Mutff' M ■ iifa« n t.«utt.jO M erT »aw j«t lor

May l« 4 f t - m n d * Kontal, p rtncJpal'at MoV 16 year*, haa submitted hU resignation etie tbe K bocl jtMT. School Supertnundcnt A. B. W cctteor will be named »on . Board memben-iI be tomeone no t now teaching a t the high ac:

U aj_l« If^-C larenca 'sn ilih , « . UaUfted yeaU !d aad foK )^ imder threat of death (« aecomi aad a w o ta u to Culdesae Ust lammcr where i»ed of robbtor « teak . SaiKh beeatse the got otos ta V. 8 . diatrfet ««art a t the UUI of hlauelf r, 2$, and AUeo Bit*, all of Spokane. TWerea b ■It TaotU la lhe Cnldcaae braoeh of (be Idaho 1 Abo9t gU M ia easb waa stolra and some.

kbit bond!. Papers and recorda w trt t t t tw n %< ebaak .

>. May' 18 iJTh-Di. David W. McCormick h u t Idaho tdrU orr eom m itue to the 0 . 8 . commit ~:8e'li|'tbe aecond Pocatello man to be ai90lnte< me-V.-Prloo-waa-named culler. McCormick ts a o( tbe PocaUllo commltUe o t CItH rfgbU.

I I in -C o* ', Eobert E. S » jH t baa appo 'ln ja T

I (he racancy « w U d ^ Ibe deiUj ef Aadien !tt. Tha t e r » ruaa nntU Jan. 1.!»««. .

L s. May 10 onwA ai-ycu*old Idaho P a lb tr I n t dtsree murder, has aaked tor time lo con . T. Thomaa waa arralRoed Tnesday afternoon urfltr in th e ehoollnR-death-oX-a 10-ytw -old.I ri. Bertha MamoJhoup. kas Saturday n ljh t . J s said Thom as’ had slsncd a lengthy lUUmcnl iiooilnic oeciured In a shack a t the rear of a ho ■ accidental. _______

'18 (ifV-Despite a late sUr<. rdaho's-farci w head cf normal by May 1, the 0 . 9. departxaent irted today. Tbe aiencr *»M to s t a eoaspataUi

Aorll perm itted Ileldoork to |o abead rspli dtJays earlier becatjso of wet weaiber. Wart

weather d tir ln r April faw o d frowlh of fon irunent aald. b u t eool nlgbU reUrded ro w th

A Rfay 19 M>-Aldr*d P. Ames;-Ilepubllcan can auditor told Idaho Palls clvUlan club memb tha t tlie inercMing complexity of modem s t emphasis on accountability of the growing amat

it the disposal of *taie omclals lncren«s tha li ifiuence o f the sUte auditor.

M Iin-R ^sldenu ot T^ampn defeated Tuesday K) bond issue InUnded to finance Improvemei r ayslero. The vou wm 8W In favor to 390 agali ijulred a two-thirds favorable majority.

May Ifi (A-Completlon of a MO,009 addit/on & tot o t tbe Blackloot livestock commission will ten tbe a tracture will be «>ea for Inspection : on the project.began the last week In Decemb ted laat-week, included In..the plana were remo , addition of a aalea lobby, consirucUon of aever Tengemeiit of aome other offlcca.

May 18 m -M etnbera of (he board of tniileea 15 Monday n l«h t passed a rtaolutlon deferrli ice lo (IlllDg (he potlUon of (ruitte of sane (br I a form al written aUUment ot (be Intent of tl > Beater, h as been recrlved by tbe board. De<(. wrile*ln tandldaU in tbe truitee 'elNllon May

a t« r haa f ire n a letter to Che ne n p ap e r aayJi I t position, he has no t glren a w rlttm atatemei tnslees,'* aald 1. T . Btodiard, taperin(oi)dent

t, May Ifl W —An elecUon of txuitees from ton rlTcr.echoot district, will be May a i. aupcrli M arcum announnd Wednesday. Polls will I

. to 8 p jn .

18 m -O lln ie a l social vorken from th e lUi ) t opened at twcKlay conference today, precedli Idaho pubUo heallh'usociaUon Prldity and Ba uJL.dlreclou>f conmunlty mental health for tt xUneat. aald 19 soclal'TD rkentrB 'attendlnir't^ g session, the aecond o( Ita kind to he held th

e H urt _Mishap E c o n o m ylay 18—A 1SS6 . 4Jacob E. K es.

j ; « n t OTt p p n P F 5 < ; ) n K

BUDGET ;■bU wife, who

DRY CLEANHome ho tp tu ).m r< aa broken P rofessionoi C lconinc ,au.-tta lnett r ib j _ a p o tt in g ^ ______p

m a n ««fo2d - S O c M itsUgated. aaldi s l BABBEltba r ig h t aide ^ ,

124 3 rd Sf. Sc.Kcaaler wert

w £ 5 Y E A R__ _______A T N O I f i c m

d e B o u n

GR ^W.-D . . . . FAMOUS

mtiMT tflgtiei M im r . u notf » n n ust.

• • - - --

T lm e s-N e w sW e d n esd o y . M oy 16 , T

lahobcf U MaUUnt Xd yesterday by

> gait L a e Clir «lac transferred • IlawaU.-___

Ip al'a t Moscffw

i^ r« S r. p f ? T r i ? r ®utled yeautday, ts aeeODpaaf - f f S h f ■ i ' :m e r where (ho . 2 ^a t the g o ftm - . 4 rI of hlauelf a ^ B B S Z ^ B d __. T U erea btolte(be Idaho F ln l - r* ^t d s « m « . t » ^ E ^ S ^ K W ''/s flttw fl aboot / -

-mlck has been

fte a ivo lnud to CormtcK one'It

\'ppitBUfii T. B.

ho Palls man, ime to consult r aftemoan oa i-ynr*old_Port !fiy night- S f t./ to

ft home.

TWO YOIINO ASPIRANTS >V • U rm work itroet«rA i in ihi« »lrw « ihe i dcDartaent of tnarine force waa to isnd wei «>moa«Utely WtU b e w et M the aoMoon^ral

shead rspldJy. — :-----------------------

i s X i i i G a n n e tt Boy A ssis tin g at

H S ' ” S c o u t P a rleyeMfs tha lm - h a jL E Y May 16—Billy L>nn

Knorpp. son of Mr. a n i Idrx. Billy KnorPP. G a n n e t t , left

ed Tuesday a Tuesday for Twin Pnlls where improvements ^e m et Richard Beat, council to 390 against executive of the- Snake River ;lty. Boy Scout council, and will ac»

company him to Portland to addition a n d » o rk in the nentlce corps of the

iltslon will be j}nd annual meetlntt of the Na- lospecUon by yo n a l council of Boy ScouU of In December America. I

_were:ronod- :i.j£i,_fpp .i# -one of-lworEftBle lon or several, chw cn from the sixth

distric t o r-the council lo attend » n l *»'■» They win act as

P '“ hers and errand boys,of w ne I b ^ Some 530 councils am a,i U « inlTntVf S o h«t>'>n * '» ^ represented at , « i d D w w t« c mcetlnff. w uh such noWWes

a.t Henry rord.-Leoaard ItoRcrjS r « y J «« ^ ( e m « t w ny- Tiiomos WaUion, Jr-, pres-

Went o f '1110 IBM corporaUon rh itn d e n t o i ^ K tm tag tr-Jnattendance.

i from tones Knofpt> wUl »tay *5 tlw home 21. aupcrln- of nnother Eft«le Scout while

Soils will M in PorUand.EoRie Sccmta for thU *ork are

cho-ien for their appearance, at- m th e tl« t« Utude a n d acholuUc standlnK. ly. precedlns K nor^^ will return bom« with w r and S a t- B eat on Saturday, ealth for th e ___ _________ . _

T C Y -nM ia-N C T IB W M n-.K iaFO R FA S T -S E m N O RlgPLTO

lomy Gleaning

LEANING ■C le a n in g , s te o f n in g a n d gcnerol

^ ^ N o - j ^ r c 5 s i n g _ Q L j i n i ^ n 3 .________

< 5 0 c M in im u m O rd er ) - I


Se. - P k o i i . 733 -22S »


J R B O N '' r t B f J . W - ' ’ *


tn HIT, (a., u w iia g itn . i«d

' ■ ■ / f t / ,

ASPIRANTS (0 Buddblst pHoatbood walii anoi view of the rooBd* of tbe w * J U w plo la Bat to l i n i Wedntsday. U wOl b t . b o t I n th e kla monaoon^ralai are dna thla tnon th . (A P wlrejtt

Boy J) CooperationT o l - W W 'ifO R S t, M ay 18m « l Seven 'giggling ballerinaa — .

- a jcd « to e -b « » e tl tnCo al T > l o V t« > « ln lem ip t«d Qov.i r i C y Nelscfl A. Rockefeller Ju st U

i he told an audience. “T h is ts~ H Melting evidence."

He stopped In m ld-#cn-fSlls whrre t*" '*- *<> *

i . . « r»ed the leotard-clad vis-mver » « « P«nc*»

^ tbelr dancinff teacher ihow rdPortland to ' ‘P “*eorp jof the Oaas In a nearby room.(t of the Na- Resuming his apeech n t th a 'oy BcouU of opejjtoj Tuewlny of a coun-

ir tlng and job rcplnccm entf in-o'Eanie _cenur Rockefeller oulppcd; •n lhe 's ix th "W h a flw a a lso ln B to a o ycll lo attend ccwiierallonwill act as and-thls ts cooperation a t JU

3oys, lowe»t level.- ,] atTGM U^t S _ircsented a t •— — ------------ — ------- .

nctAWes ^ B | M g taard .R oserj ______________ ilubber com- J

pres- Mcorporation m

c o w r - . .

a t tJie home Scout While

his wtffk are I«annce. at- lc aundlng. home with

WANT-ADfl.............. : ' ---------

n " J

enerol T l

NG ___C ' ^■2351


i - ^HI Save By Th jjn Earn From 1

2 2 0 S h o s h o n e S tre e t E — rf O F F lC E S JN B O JS i

i S o a M ;)(




d w alk am onr gUnt laurea aod apecUenlar g; Bplo ta B M fk A ThalUnd. irhere a B. —

in th e klncdom of ancient 61am. Soon I t H tA P wlrephjito)_________________________

Italy Abolishes Ads for Tobacco

•rtnaa - HOME, May 1# ttt-AdverW ji-I tnco a In f of tabacco In any form wt»* d o o v . be binned Utfwagbwi Ita ly , u n -r Ju st *<• der a Uw el/ectlve today.•TT^ls is pints for vlolatloiw will r a n je _

from « a 10 tm . -Tn td -w n - AH posUra, advntU cm enw a n d Iihie and movie reels aim ed 'at selUnS to - ■la d via- toacca are forbidden. ■l u u n til ~ ^ = = n I• thott-«f r — 1bnc* 10 AlWAYS BUY

r l ? C olon ia l I ■nccm ent I I

r 'K y I C o n c r e t e VThan ORDINARY Concrolo I

M R T> U P L I

l A P Vi S W I K



i r MUI: / C

^ / . • .. VOU(^ ' / ---------------. ^------------ran

y The 20 th v« o m T h e ls t! l :

S tree t East TwinN BOJSE, PO CATELLO , IP A H (

m u S choo l B o a r d ^ m J J s ts B id on ^

W ate r System -r ^ B BUHU M a y .i^ M c ta b e n of

f g a g ? th e bW from C. L. Ctamw^ Jr , ^ 1 g l j T y , - Buhl, for Ibo Im n ed lau instfUa- .

; Uon Ift M rp riak u n j ayjtcm for t tho pew elementary a c h o o l ,pounds when they mal'Moodayn U h l . ................... : \■ The b ld 'In U le a ro o u n t Of —

, ' ' 185 Include* th e apringUng sya-7 « ^ T - lem'-Hvltb-^a-iulHHUapr-burted

matn line and two U ter hne* to . . .cover the achool froundsTil. ilM (wa* reported tb e ground a t tba , scbool a lu Is being prepared forJm m odUte-grau MCdlns. f

In other acUon trustees signed a 30-year Uaa« w ith the city ofQuhl for 30 shares of waUr stock Iji

i m In the Twin Palls Canal com- tUpany. .TTie contract alao included »a U -year option to renew lhe k t

^ ■ 1 lease for the 30 share* or any porUon thereof. -

M<^ James WblUIy' wa> hired irM lW o l -nurae -for -the »IP«3- - 1 63 Urm,

Trustee* accepted tbe bid frn n • Cltltepa Building Supply for t»T

P P H windows of the U ncoln Mhool. In

V, ' ■ y If you p lan t If o r Food U n ^

I • THE GLOBE g j------------H ~ S n D '& -F E £ l> -C 0 .~ -4 -jlttdkik g Tfvek Lano. Twin Fill*, 8 ,

u ™ u r I ______»


"TW O RODE kdvcrtls- TOGETHER" _S S Stew art, Richardy. ■ W ijm ork , Shirley Jone>If ranee

and U ns to -


l l \ "PA RRISH "j Troy D onahua, Connlo

f" I ■ Slovens, DionoMcDsin,I Sharon Hufluony

* $1.00 p « r car oncro ia I M on.,T uB a.& W 8d.

LE!• P Y ' 1________ _____

P I K l -“ l i K *TOET p:


■ 1 / f ^ _

J Jf t ................................- .............. # --------/ \ ' •

Bonui C tr li f iu lta iO • Earn 5 ? i , 9

'| | M SiTidrf cotrp^eJ H i p p y V 1

2 ^ 1 to u p le i Tbey changed lo ^

" W s Idaho Saving* and loan . ^ . £■

| _ J j Como in toon r.nd open •

Vouf account a t the Mapp^

JTsis HratJjpTsrJCTT— ~ ^ R c “

like to know you, to serve

y ou, an d to w elcome you

to our g row ing family of



Tw in F oils, td o h o p u


t other action m em bera-authorlte^landme third paym ent to Reynulaa Be

- Comtructjon company. T w in mer r tih . for IHM.185J0. amd also a rell payment of *5.000 to th e arth l- Barb ik u ira l fln n of W ayU od. Cune Thattem ——:----- --

nber* of . •iceepted C - t C - ------------------:------------m a ^ ir - 9 K C • 0 • . .ln»Ulla- - ------------------- ---------- ■ —Item for th i n tori* th» t i |

'!>• ■ ■ ■. : h i ttv n * .

ia^Si' '^A lU o o f-irarted = -T O U H D » » O A D - = : ^ f c = | j it o a to . . . - , ■ ■ ■

n i alio NtMf In lh * lo p U M p

LSSIho nation!

aU gn td

1 ■ •M i W iu « the McMimBuMMMitior any

u hired STARTS - •

’ FRIDAri -lid fnxnfor IJ41 •^ T n n r c o . H i r --------- ------------------—

U S__ g r a i[,! m iicm G , MMi

- - - / 4 GWL STO

' l ^ P is s s

TroyDonahue-Afiiie FmanoBw -imw

iT O ic n tsre ra in

U W|iMM.-TeCKNlCOLM«.^e » in ________________ 7>«

-ROMe-__________ 8^00 ONIY PAUL A

I 'WINDOW-______ to. IS OM'"


• ' ★ M O TO I

- -

Of* tH e u b v e .o A M

I f g Tbiy T iids

" i ^ S 3 % 6: ^ m \

, i \

'MKRUSCHEN ■ InOVER- - t M only:.-'•RE5£l-_________ 10,00 ONtY . -A oum ______ 74« ADMISSION '


i th o n te^ and Kchmuli bo'.,*. leynulo'a Board mnnbeft spprorw

T w in meracjwol ippUwuta^ d *1*0 a rell Barber, j r , ^ e arch l. Barbara Nov«ek »r,Q o- ’ >d. Q ine ‘nKunisi

p ^ i.li5 ® H S 8 k

s . . nhund.r

H U ilen lo lil t 'Bollfld o f T hunder RcwJ'

t w mGRAND-VU *

W6, R O H C -A N T K !



p B r o w

e-Angie DjWnm '-imnBPlesfietlf« ' [ 1 0 I V I EI f E N T U R E ' .;(ICO'UUlMNICOLM* WARNCA CKOS. I f«s PIUS ,



r f i k ' ^ i ^ ^ f i e r p b v f N S ^ ' ’-- - U bV E-aA M Er ■.

JR a iid a ll- <— V ............ -»■■

• \ M t •u "p iiio /rT a r ;

2:' V Pftynulu ;» i r c J t i l !

- 7— -»p«—/ V • :

f i

Page 7: tk lI^ A irl^Force .le Jets^Lanc In T haila B olster D · tn wbit the Klotw. I l l f l 0(licb|,_„^, .K--epl..K.s

g ^ r v i c c s W e l d

I n S h o s h o u c S i i ”m m , . . - Ti,> »;lio.l .

p * “» ' " T X J

‘0 s ' A r " ‘~ ^

on tnoiliera wm r*- / ^ K t l r f n RandJ. A mlln M i ^ EmlUi. CMinIe Jen- ■ I^ jS r i lo d lD C lt Wld John ■ 1

Mra7Do\iK!l5 H n tu fn ’

'* V « ^ lh»'church »en’lce.'^ « W I ! « ' c r . p r c « n W d , ■

•, u l,o , fi M aelns Ihe old- / '

p:c.«ni, and Mr*,. f r t rT h o "iM *ho hnd U .r ^

' E

Almo Ward Holds j Mother’s Event J

ul A''”*’ sundny,S o l »IUi Wttlty Wee conducl-

^ J»nle Wake’s iiid Mra. * “ «rt Tr*c)'» M«K. «c-!S>»nle<l by Murclle Tracy.S B c ^ WArf led > IliiRer; wit wm the younaer children.i —

«e« Kimi 'b r Mr.y. jS T»ylor-i c lw . Mnrcitt »cvfUia pUyed » pl«no solo. I • t ‘^ , „ , j ) v e n b y M « . W f t l . ; ,,ba TKlor *nd Oiu Erickson, j MT Tiilor B»ve » “Tflbule l o , • fc

E. K In, p l.,-1 . , , Cn ortin «olo ind U a Onr> i ,;

S S « . »>l». M». II. E I I- m t pliyed me prelude * n d ; , jj fflUuie music. I5 « . Alice Rice k m honored 0f c f oMul mother, She U 8S. <

mother was presented » jiattnehlef from 8und»y whool fc'Iltiri m yers were Riven by fljbtrt Wird and Wllllnm Jonea.

■ h h I b i b


^ g . 8 8

I n c l u d i n g F R E E V I B



For The Girl C

LANE ICEDAR CHESTS ^TATK’S have a InrKe «elec- j f i ‘on in Hiylfcs and flnl-shcs - J t i \

Awny Now! ‘ b g

? ' _ 4 - 9 s 9 5 _ s y

- - - - - Father's f i r- - - - - - - — D a y - : - ^

J Special! ^f w Reg. 11 .95 M

~ \ . m ? 3

Ij 6.88 p

Shoshone Notes Dj I Special Program^ 6rtOSHONE. Mny lo -A spe-.*» *‘«ld V

clul prosram wna i>iT.«?jncd d u r - :Ins the oprtitim rxnc^M ol U;e A.'.'cmtjiy of Ood c.iurcli Sunday ' King |

Hf,»chool .md tnoUigrA_«rrt p fo-iheld ,Ju i; )S'»c!iiea cor.iai;(;.i. Brr.n ii( I h - t - M*imbcrA oj the BtblrTlutnnrs^MoKKJHH { f t t iiumWr.‘dodicoi«l lo moLhrrs'Sunday :

;and Kelvin Low plund nn n.;eor<!lon w ,ia ; ; — ,1-1 Durinic lli r^ o r illH { worship’ ' Of:: n .'S rryicr, -Auiir>- Huywr u n g a : BUSH. .1. nm tlirr., (Jnv Mns, Lco DrauniMeOee. L iC.liP?*'' ' ‘‘f *ii'P<iri,ince of Uie' ho touch,

fhe-inQivitiuai,-— --------- irn r-sir.m

„;jTR_Y nM ES-N EW S W Afir ADS MlnnrJ.*'l,

“ ★ SM O O T H TOP ----i r MEDIUM FIRM

Easily a


sfRfA ro ih «NMivreMRr Of ll• E lc c ir ic a lly ta m p ere d c o il-o v o f i

fon.»iruc«;yn.• E x lra h'irm C om fori.• B cau iil'u tly q u ilted in M irn lh .

F o a m lop and bottom .

• S pcc ia l d c c o ra io ry lype co v er only o n h ighest p w c d hcdding.

0 " i y 5 4 9 5 5

* -■■' '

The right m attress for H


» 8 8 f i y

lE E V I B R A T O R !



iirl G raduate

^ . A I7 J0 VALUE FREE with • rl.y-Or"!' W___Cedar Chest «l ««»>'/•

~ |» N°:t' Linoleuni j

► Jerom e-E A 4-2831I • 141 WEST MAIN ..


Dates.'N'oted 'Sears Electi(

v o. imurf coiiiiiv «•!! r, ' ' 'Sjx-cial' -'■ Kmc H*ll <-H (MI,,., mil '■>.jh e ld ,Ju i;e 111 chiusp 01;Brr.n m ihp L 'ln i. './y ,i( lu,,),,,. niul coiiiii.wi

..nounccd, '; -------------- Ihc upcralin

>• ■ G fT S n il.l .invm iij- . ‘" o n i a l t o :

11 McGeruii'I‘'Y. lm, u.-:.h o tench,•lA.u'LUii;.. «ir o r ^ m i i i in

She will V . ; . r - 'sn n a u .. Mm „;;pon>. ‘„f Vl;

l 7 0 t h A N N IV E R


• Tcm pcicil c tiil-ovcr-iiii! coi I ■ • I ull s (,/. |) c c .if ;i io r S tr

- •-Sen,) S i:ind .i;d L 'phoK icn-----------— — •-MuWhing-lt.**, Sprm ^x.aviu

'■ iii|'|'"rl « i th coniliiri.^ or fu ll » iio . M tlch in

Springs s»m o lew pH


1 M ira lh a n e

le c o v er found

I ^tllluc^^... plu'al time lo» piiK. I

IS for Healthfol sleep. Fully gu

E R S BUY If o r f a l l

5 5 m B 2 0 %* h a s :•


FOLDING ALUIWINUM CHAI w ill Hava lha LARGEST m h ■.ECTION e f ium m «r fur- | i | 1

ure-for-O uM ootJivIna i n _ Z Z T * * * 3.GICVAOEV. - - P n n iET US SHOW O W IJ ro u BEFORE ■ ■ ^ YOU BUY! g f

'ompore Qualify ^and Price andLO W EST PR IC E! BE ST Q U

^ \ m i u l . / 1 \{Hutttts///jOVk Aj /■m i-■ gi' j L ' I \

— A t T o » e 'f

- j g - j j i j

T a t e 'i h av e o com - p le tep l . ,S ,o u r d l . y . l ^

• rl.y-Or"!' • Hi*» • Cllmbine T«w.r» • M.fTy-0*- »(uihy. hin<l>Bnii pity gymi wllh tturdy Ug lccli*» th

w I«r* «r* «»•

u m J F O J G S ^ ^ ^ ^

S a m e l A

t w in f/

DELIVERY - P o rk E osy - EAS'^

-2 8 3 n I Twin Fdlls-73I I K t K IM R E iaV Rl


Sears Executive 'Election Noted t-v■ NEW YORK c r r v ; May IB f'Sjx-ciali — Arthur M. Wi>k1 Jl- L j I

b,T!i rlccXfd Xlce prr»nlnir fUl chaJ-Rp of the Rocliuilt \ _ Smid coiii;iAny. Pacific CosM if.-- ' I A 'V iuSTv— -wliicli -limuBCS .-lllU T \V<v,;cni ^;ale.v He will dlii'ct Ihc upcraliniis of 9 i retail nbrr.s, . t«o malt order platiw n«d l- i / ^ \ t;*uio.; * jlc i ofllce.i. / / ■ j \

AVVkmI - « h n iolDud / / . ■ k \ . /.ucc',-,1* AuMin T, Cu ;l• H . ^ ^ \

xnan.-_wlio.Tvaa clected fhairiraii;III t;(.,ird und chlci c^cv- u :n p olfu-rr nl ilie coiiipftiiy* bo.iiil of ihretlors,


H — B i - I —

— __________, DRESS-NIVERSARY TUFTltSS■vcr-iuil consiruclion. ^.■<if;iinr Stripe.l'p li..K lc fvC uvcr. VY|„, ,„ j

i p t r n f . j i i u i c l i m , ------------------

im lo rl . A A 5 ', i t>ce. Malchinn Boxmo lew p i4 p / j m M

% = ^ : i

J l lFully guaranteed. UiU Y N O W ! _ Lfor Father's Day

20% OFF “ «ON ALL

• HASSOCKS Hood• LAMPS• PICTURES 1 ^• MIRRORS ------• Occasionol ,

TABLES I'l pcrtonc fitS S S S S S S S ! S S ! ^ ^ S U.L. a p p ro

IM CHAIR. . 4.88 ‘f " ‘p;'plalo grilll


. a n d u p ^ j

■ST QUALITY! | I *y=a— Fun For— ; ^ —A

/ | \ K ID D I E S l l i ^ -I S«« Ih* p>nl>

J m i , y ^ ttm n gibtfdliSmm \ ' FJ j f K F ^ Wllil, b>ck ilW / / I ’» lllm. trim lewJ5 ^ j | comtofti

A t T o t e 'f O n ly . t ^

r#-“ :5 YtAI OUAfANTHI • 1 ^ 1l*B lccli*» thli itiy tl(hl lod I B |• _(•p^Mliiy-it lb*.btii.frktli_ . ________

2 !! 5 .8 8 1 ___I

ie ValuesTH STORES [n n FALLS ia E R Q M E rz ;

6 t o T i

~EASY TERMS"• - »lim-»tylol-ills-733-2772ifR E iaV ROAD i^ S IT S T SIDAY EVENINGS , / S - f J i i s

P e n n e y s


YOUNO HEARTED- - - - - - - --_ D R g s -u p p u M P

4.99 2 ,VVIi 'c Iind black pflfcnt, .(et

-!> e e-.-p erfM l-n ii;n g r-S .ze 5 - -b,6*n,-cultti ttii A A 5 '. ' t o 8 . B'J 4 '/j to eVj. ,untlo-.r.r


W 'f / n Qunlliy and sffjill tht.1 Penney

m lf *»— ^ loiincel StuiI m frnme. lniier«i

I t V tic covers. 73


H ooded GRILL m

X 7 M L llo o k w h a t you g e l . . ,cop- SAVEp c rto n c fin ished BBQ w ith ux. .p p m v c d m otor 3 .p o . sit.on sp it m ount, chrom e

p la le g rilll ered. TlieyTe


^ ankie-pankJ ---------^

k - 1.99 -ThoVIhl ^pinU *)iit Hilly (il iJ ^ e i .

Ptftti ^nVI* pint. ? . ? high rll* Ul your oifU'likWllil, bick ilpp*«(d icctnii n*w prini pullevtr to;illm. trim looVI Vtnttd ligi let ilpp«d >oHd (hercomtofti «HY tool

B o V s ' ea3 y - c * r e e o Y ? ' ' C O T T O N S U C K S ! “ O X ER I

" I l « « r 3 t " 8 -

*ennfw istxoM D ft-in-lhenew - ;lim - ity lo l- M achine w ash , ouch u p iron i- wuhi


A d v ^ i a a d W«d.,>May 16, to Psnney farm o n p a r t ic ip a f in th e ta trem e n d cu t tavir

SPECIA L BU Y ! DEEP- 'S A V E ! 2 7 ” x 4

2 ,„,»5 2........ S...II I„ r „ , .

Igi . . . O' Iliocklng pmV. ,rd6*n.-CUlttl-ttlUI.-t«fq«,,- I-

thln« w.ili.l)l. i., lum iD A Y A N D S A T U R D A Y , M A

Innerspring Chaise VcLinlliy and aavlnRs are yours with 1L1 Penney 4 - position clinlse ' iinRel Sturdy aluminum lube i\me. IniierKiirlnR pads with pUs- I; covers, 73 x 24".

SAVE! URETHANE FOicse stay aoft nnd thapely, won't mal,np. flatleni Non*allerRenle, mnde ao ▼)1 n lr e lrculausi IT’ x 35"; cotlon cov- ^;d. Tliey're even hand washable. ■


1.88 ;•“»youf oifi* Ilk* iumm*r *iiy In Almoit h*f iwrimtflll pullevtr topi ov*r i l i d ild* Ttllwid wilit, ili*lMd lolld iherit. Michln* with p*r*d, pocktttd II tool ' iilichfd e rtiit. Colo

' boyI ' c b r r o N t o w n c r aBOXER L pN G IE S l SP O R T SH IR T S

boy* '--^— L _ L _ ^ C 1 - -M en '* - I tM i 'I iK g ,- 3 -^ -8 -----------------? L |_ . s - M - L ---------- X

»n ilickil Ct>*ck th* ilpp*r (ly, d trktl Slytcd wllh 1 1*M. imp tltuurtil MicWft* B*«» potk«t «mbl*ml fll thin* wiiKibl*.

.. .. .........- -••• A ^ » ^ U » .lU s.'

.'FRIDAYandH 8 & 19 ' i i i iannoy farm cu ilo m e rt •( ! • ’ «! -Hj ndou t t iv in o i . --L‘ 11 '

i i l' SPECI AX! A lry"l

« ! 2 7 " . « " C o H o n r a t o N ME:

.E SCATTER R U GS____________________

2 , . , » 5S«.nm„ l;gl,l ,„d ., Ir- f:,, ,.,r< 5,J». lera- ,(.,ov3(t qu .tl« .f n.r! I D JtC P ''.'. l-r->.ikf((, i„5| Und„ 2%..,l,,inV ........ luk.«.,m wi-.r. i„„.p,i„d,

D A Y !^ Y , M A Y 1 8 - 1 9

" #lise V alue

2 4 “ /if f lT M



..............‘2s l E F O A M Y ^ “‘'y " i c r v M / v \ * .

nau M M ■ 5®'*"'*so A A gow ns, in combec

■ y. W b a tiste and dac-d'


,4 1 .4 4 5 0 c V.thtr lunrnfrllm* unlFertnl Piit*li «nd whll*t. U'0<

d Wlllt. ilMkly lid* tip- or b*ll*r |iwil>y. a opo(ktt(d fo r plvnd*c, ilngl* of'inullhiifand. E>

1 e rtiit. Colo'i. miKh.

S l i i

NCRAFT® WORKGLOT _ i _ c i « k j s « , P,I J u e i - A - — - » o x rC i i r r« « .v .

«fWrt fSty(«d wllh iJwf •l«*v*», , ,, L . V , 'xk*t -fiNbleml P.iNlil M*- SP'“ 8 « l " * n ------- ;,.ih*bi*. O o a H k l t i ---------


p ili: iA X !-A i? T E y T rIb n '' ~ ~


I V ' 1 p o n d

llfll.l .,.d ..r qu .tl« .f i,.r! Uf, .rm.l..

.d« il.-

.•d. ISO.

r s



1 1 ______Dolls, W alti go w n s ,•ngfh pajafnaj, full

gow ns and short ;, in com bed -colton r and dac-dyl-cotton


e o c h p lu * l i e Federfll ta x _

md whliti. U>o* MlwthM (f |»wil»y. Oioow from t- irtullhiifand. Eiolngi te


RK GLOVESK k J h f l ie Prlce»___ _ __J r im - n = - i - p i ^ i i O O -------c i n V i f - i n r s i J K i n i - ~

K lu lc in _______ 2 MI I I 2. 79

Page 8: tk lI^ A irl^Force .le Jets^Lanc In T haila B olster D · tn wbit the Klotw. I l l f l 0(licb|,_„^, .K--epl..K.s

8 T w in Polls T l m e s » N ^ \

IIVNGER.RIDDEN nErUOEEl to tbm t coontrjr a(K r b«lnc roum pM rtf'C loilicd ftnd tmettocUd, '•

, to d j fo r retnra btck ■cfoi» the

H ired Killer Breaks Cook County Jail ;

CHICAOO. May 18 m - T h rc o * prlsonen , Inctudlns h lrrd Run-

• m an WUUun Triplett, held In th e am buih staying of a union leader, owfpcrwered tftreo naards to te m v t todnr:<«w a «p«eUJ . f i r th noor ]»11 (lUArttn, ,

T hey wer* being held In a eec- , tion o f tha Cook county ndraln- ] J*t« it1on building re«nred for , tU te 'a atomey's w ltneues when , th e break oecurred. j

Pollee tald one of the Itlo tuk- i ed fo r a glu* of w ater and when i a w a r d brought It. they atU cked. i ■ tripped-the guard of keyi to i • wAll vault contalnlni? guns a n d jo d e down an eler&tor to ea- i cape anned w ith five loaded .SS ; ca liber revolver*. '

_______ T hft-th ite -g rlw nera fled !n a Joew c a r owned b r one of the • p ia rd a . Authorllles throughout U llnoU. Wisconsin, Indiana and M ichigan were nlterted afler the eacape. anrt Oeela of iKjuart car* prowled the city, watching main firteries out of the city for the

H ear* a tte r th e escape, there w aa no Indication by police ot any trace of the p rl»nfr* or the

— - ■ n -a tfd m o o - to J lH p le tt ..JE e :

M Jchael A. Huntington. 19. Chl- a tso . heW In connection with th e recent bombing of a North Bide ajTiagogue. and Paul Mtih- lla . 10. ChlesBO. held for viola­tio n o f tho M ann act.

- - - - - - - - - S h o w 8 - F i l m s —SPRWODALE, May 16 -L atry

Baunder*. liOs Angelc*. re ttim rf m issionary from New Zealand, iihowed fJJms o f hU wonr there a t tl fireside meeting .held In the S cout room a t the LDS ward chape l Sunday nU ht.

A companion, I j n n Johnaon. n a rra te d the flhn*. Pmyeni were

--------- « ffe rtd by-Dorotby-ZaUlngetJUidK lchard-B ow cn. .M r*.'. Johnaon a n d Sharon a n d Steven Johtvwn aert-ed refrtahm onu.____________

I'f Bedron

j --------------

— -1 *1— .— l = a p § e s M

i| i3 th e Intermc

' i' j OVER 50 SETS ’r AND DUE TO vc

WE 0

— P ---------lN-10


l e s - N ^ W e d n e s d a y , M a y 1 6 . 1 9 6 2

nErUOEER f ro n 'c o m n a n tt t China face th being r«und(d up by DrlU ih aalboriUea tn trefooted. 'c r« pJetored e a r lie r Ihla nonU i afi ■crow the border. (AF wlrcpholo)

l e r Group’s History E . - u Noted at-Carey

CAHEY. May 19-T he reatorft- t

a Uon of the Aoronlc priesthood - waa the theme of the program | p raxn ted sundsy evening du r- I

m -nircB LOS aervlcea. T he meellng ■ ^ 7 was conducted by O arth Cook ,

.? <wd Uie Invocation was offered ; . i in n ^ Milford sporka. *L The program was carried out^ *• auggeaied by the presiding a «pee.a.l j,uhoprlc In S a lt Lake City, and .. [*, traced the m ajor events In Uie\ ? *f®* prleaUiood’a "hUtory from earll*

<>«■» W U'e present. I t was u i narrated by Mr*. Loube Price

ues wnen g^niui and musical back­ground were provided by mcm-

i ttlo ask- bera of the seminary class. The and when music was directed by -Mrs. Ver- ' atU cked. non Woodbury and accompanUl •- r keys to » j« M argaret Pyrah. ling guns Advoncetneht In Ujb Aarbnlo j vtor lo ea- prlcaUiood wns approved for loaded .SS Harry OCrowley and E d d ie

Green. Releajcs were given lo fled !n a Mrs. Oolden BarJow, Mrs, SlU

i e ’ o f th e ■— ------ Throughout >:liana and ■ ■. afler the v - r * •quad cars I V \ ling main ■ I • — ' •

for the V I

ape. Uirre K B t . ' ' ' 1p o llc e^ t ^ ■

Ti' ed s . ' jw ith ^ H 3 | | H l l B | A | l ^ p 7 ; r . | |

a Northaul Muh- ^ ■ r r n x L H ^ ^ P for viola*

l&-LaTTV . returned

Zealand. ■■t there a t

lyers were STRAIGHTinge tju id _ K E fm /C K r.B O U R B O M .Johnaon AGED 6 YEARS

I Johnaon »> »>»>■ .•im.U .m mo>


iro o m Se tsg e s t ^ S e l e G ^ Q n - 4 R ^ . _ itermountairrATea““ ^

s o s e t s 'T O CHOOSE FROMI I T O V O LU M E BU Y IN G . . .



N - 1 0 Y E A R S — “ -


;_______ -_________________________ ■ I -


- tlnal

B 3 L Ll

— {hr-

Quo-.- 'J l '"


. spor slnc<

' culc: to


Is ll

^ offii f t M itT ^"i MT1


B l i K l l R 3 n B 9 B @ ! s c ^

na (ace the prMpeet ef being returned iQriUea tn llong Kong. M any. of them , I I n o n lii afin- th ry wera Uken Into cua-

!------------------------------------ ----------------------- W^ Moiyneux. and Mrs-Harold Whit-1D r y by. who were Prim ary teachers. ■

Tho benediction was given by _ e y Leonard Klrklan(|. Q

reatora- t o y TIMES-NBW3 WANT ADS _'leathood .—. - -programi)g dur-meellngLh Cook I - "


rled out : ■ ■ .iresJdIng ; . ' ,;ity. and [___________ _____ ,___ _ ______1 ll) Uie .n earn* •. I t was te Price al back-

usa. T he ' . .tra. Ver- •, , ‘ .. i , ,• .)mpanlsl - ,* J ia d i

Aarbnlo 'red for ~E d d i e ’

liven to 'Ira. SlU


WlU D M ^ t ' ' ' ' '

R I G H T N O W i s a n

o p e n y o u r s a v i n g s ;

F e d e r a l . . . a l l s a v in g

2 0 t h , e a r n f u l l d iv id e i

S — --------- F i r s t - F e d e r a l - c u r r e n t


Coker Talks “ f- To Educators ,,‘i

In Twin Falls ^Tracy Coker. Republican eao- ‘

T ifL (tri-wman. apol« a t the Idfho Education a/aocUUon meellng

M Tueaday a l the Dlckel Khool.Qtmtlng from a NEA. pampbiat. - .

■ T ' lb k e i- -w ld :- -^ e h -n tU fn - tir - i - ‘ « ^ K lf.govtrning nation haa an ob-

■ - - tmauon lo .be a DoUUc1»n._,_And _ »P« — T ^lr^ S U iln^T o^e tta -ln tn tm a t —

and knowledge of politics, «““ ■"It: t, therefore the duty ..of .

i!verv uaeher to inlorm hlmacl/ n " ' on llie Ifjiucs and candidates. Ii

B tl h it duty to rcglater and rote.» M No Idaho clllrtn ahould neglect Se R — -thc-^ime-^prlmaty flrcilnn thU _ J m~ 3 m Of ""y year." Cokfr aUled. .B M Coker aald voting ahould be V V 3

a regular, nevcr.fflllng habit. ' ' ** •T .- Quoting the pampUlet, lie said. M i i i i - -Everj- teacher aWould ^ e k to * “ k r t make h ll Influence felt Through WAJ

all Iho-avenues open lo him Congn

! *“ wlihln the frtim ew orrof the law. provld “As citlrena, with a special re- the B

. aponslljlllly as opinion makers, tratior alnce ve deal with young mlnda. ty. W«

— irr-h*v*-a-i>articalar-dut»_taJit 5« la tl . culcate paUloUam, We mual seek Don

to inform ouraeNea' -and oUiert. told a to the end tha l we all come lo ^ m l know and hate the evil apparatus decide of our communist enemy. In ter- approj national communlam fa the moit MW' dangffoua enemy, our free aoclely ocproj O'er faced. Wc mual learn kllo»' how In face and defeat 11. or all utlllUj ka loai." Coker added.

MINE118 K i Ll ED BUDAPEST, May 18 m - T h e ' B ■

official Hungarian newa a g e n c y 'H _ bir'S. M Tl aald yeaterday that-seven ■ |

coal mlnera ncre killed In a ^ ^ H n S l mine explosion a l TaUbanya lu t

^ Id jy . ____________________ I Is

a There is noihing ™ "Just as Good"umed ®* *■“

J301 FERTIIIZER ---- Worm & Bug Control

for ' 5“ 1 GLOBE n i r «

T ADS ^ L— .

\ J g / U

. •: ..

B est T im e T/ i s a n e x e c e l l e n t t i m e to p o u i

l a v i n g s a c c o u n t a t F i r . s t

a l l s a v i n g s r e c e iv e d b y th e

11 d i v i d e n d s f r o m t i i e 1 s t ! S t a i

. - c u r r e n t l y - p a y 6 - 4 - '; - o - c o m * —

^ m K m n m r E mI) WITH INSURED SAF' SAVC BY THE 20th, CARN

ondst^ tI SBRANCHrOVeiLANf) JHOWlNCXtNTR-----------

* Revelryf C SAN DIEOO. Canf.. May l \ ( ) J1 0 Jfl w — Poai-bachckir pw ty __, reTeler>- yesterday landed a 1 ? ^ „I C 28.year.o’.dptospectlre bride- 1 U l

_ s " !

“ K him to in . cliiireli im t l»

f ritow >fvd<« on-cjiarxea o f ^And knocking down and pu-.nmel-

- t«g T»n.mtm»n Earl L toyd.2i._ j

ly oj *'*Informed'^'her prospectivehuaband was in jall on Uielr » n d f ^ ^

^ ; weddins dft'. MarUia Ehrling» « n . a , - 0 » , . . h U . « l l - . " ” “ 2l l . i , lh ln in t < .a . t « i . , . -

1-tma l.mM F

iw Washington Asks .nJJ.S Funds fo r Power w ^bj

™ ,n wAsinNOTCjN, M .I 11 in - him Congrea* was aaked yealerday t t

: law. piovld«-funds-Uul_»?uld permit11 the Bonneville Power admlnla.

™ S ™ m l l l « l h . . B«n».imi.iratus decided nol lo leek Uie neceiaary Meirlll. |

* 'M H M ^lol^ 'the commlltee an for a ^ »

S ; f s S ' l . r r ^ 'or all UtmUea._______________ *’

____ Is O u r BUSINESS— Q uolity m a teW o rkm onshif> — you ne ed b o th V fo cto ry roo f.

FREE ESTlMiL ef u s show ” you samples ond le ll

^ 0 Q u o lity R oof will co st fo r y o u r


, SMITH ROOFII, .2 8 9 A dd igon A vanua W * it

I ■

le To S av e ?0 . p o u n d e d T W I C E c a c h y e a r f o r

t e a r n i n g s ! S a v e r s g e t m a x i m

t o o . . . a c c o u n t s a r e I N S U R E I

m a n e n t a g e n c y o f t h e U .S . g(

• . S t a r t s a v i n g N O W . . . a t F i t_____1 2vingai!_ -__ •T H tG H [ S T m V im iD S ~ — J RED SAFITY . . . 1i, EARN FROM THE Ist! ^

9 iF IR ST T E D lR A L 7IS l s a v i n g s /


Cassiai Wardf-w"!* KINO H

; Notes Theme : For Service s S! 6PBINGDALE. M a y 1* - AU meir

-SU nd In holy placea- w u Uje yeaa fhrme of U«_sprUig L D S.iam llt rtnffs,..cak« hour p r* « n le d > x t h e 'P n m ^ tn u rouat children of th e Springdale LDB waponaorf ward Sunday eyenlng. In May a

, , Welcome address waa.given by 1J52,r z Mr*.—W llU rd-O ow ca,_PrlinsQ [ -------- =‘ president,—« ia - 1 « r j . - R o J re r t

ChrUiensen led the U homa claai in -a= io n g .-A -h flm ft-K e n t.» * j eoout rr>*

. given by Mr. a n d Mra. Billy KldS g jouinnau ; and fnmlly. a*«w1»

TTje Skyille g roup gave a chor- A » ^;, al reading and a home.sccne waa C ra ^ o m .portrayed by M r. and Mra. Dean Huaale Ww

. M .»m nirrE ll5ibtll. m u in .t r lllli

~ ■'“ “ S r S a c S - c l w r u n i m m b ^kS and gave a cho ra l readmg. 6pe-

clal muAlcal number* were auiw r by Dob Laraon and Primary of*

jlcers and teachers. Mrs. P r ^ ' ' i johnaon directed singing w ^ -

n^M ra. Donald A d an » a* sw w l-,

i i ‘*Preyera w'ere offered by m d u Johnson and O ary johnwn..

Bishop Noel Bowcut presented ayr«rtii»tion , j* __ a ^ - 4

w e lw m e /r n to ' Q liry Merrill, president. I^ Allen Zollinger was p r ta e n ^ —an for advance-.nent from wacher' ----------Jld 10 priest ,tn th e AaronJc prJcat-

“ *i ^ m d W eed.'ani>kenivtf scout — ■—

nHTH”"olity m a te r io ls o n d Q ualify Mted b o th to o s su 're o satis* H

ITIMATES! *1is and le ll y o u e x a c t ly w h at j j,t fo r y o u r tio m e . a

IS T O D A Y ! . f')OFING CO./ M 733-2050 Th

i i i i M t i i t M : :

i wT w in


m ''^Lw

wMy e a r f o r m a x i m u m W o rlu ^

t m a x i m u m s a f e t y , _ . «

N S U R E D b y a p e r -

e U .S . g o v e r n m e n t .

. a t F i r s t F e d e r a l ' /[R f r to fV

----------------------------------- 1— ju i l b'.............................

Ii bollleiitr1 . « e d refi-------------- l , , | , j,(,|• fciUrtfuBi

M■ ••Magi

Contest SetKINO HILL. M ar i<—Anyone '

•U h ln g .to c&t«r the nauonajOrange baking contest b aaked | ^ | * M to eoataet M n. Ljaa Bheiman,King Htil O range home econcin-

lea chairman. - | | ]- AU m em bers-arc eilglble:iO | . - . 1 1* make yeaat breads, rolls, coffee! A B iI rtnffa,.-cake or cotAlea. Conteai-; __________7 anu muat uae'PrOducta of the; M B0 co*aponsors, ’The contest a t*ned ' 1 " ■ ^ In May and cnda In-O ctober.' V f f

* dlilrict e fn«« \rp resen ted char-- — I f f W l ■ lera to Donald Adama for th e Cub W i

® Scoulmasler. ’. Awarda were glren to Earl t . Crayihom. M i c h a e l etreew r.: A fi netvi n Ruaale Wardle. Jeoa EUla. James!1 etretter, Ronald Johnson. W en-i adueat:

dell Weat and Jacy Clayton. Ig rae m b era -e t-6 e o u t- lro o ^ 2 1 _ _ l5 -— —


F s ^: D isco u n t T ar ' —

— ^ W e e k ly -D rq w Fill O u t Y o u r C

P I U S M A Y 2^1 s t

GRAND PRi:$ i n A


S E A c r e d i t o n PU R C H A d U O F A N Y L A W N MOV

C A p CR E D IT O N A N Y H O l ITEM S . . .

This W eek 's W i!' No. l - H . € . McCOY I Route A, Jcrom o, Idaho

j No. 2-JE R R I RODECKERc /o Cactus Pete’s, Jackpot, N c

No. 3 -M R S . MARIE HARDING215 D u B o isJw in Falls, Idaho

I No. 4-LYLE HAMPTON1742 ■dlh A ve. E., Twin Falls,

No. 5 - G . P. MILLER.Route J. H an ien , Idaho

No. 6 - J . E. HUDDLESONRoiile 2 , Flier, Idaho

^^j^enueT w in F a lU U

^'M agic V a lle y 's M o s t In te r e s t

I ' S ! * '|p ''* S S

^ U P H O L S T E R Y A N D R U G

- C L E A N S , D Y E S F A D E C

Work* wonders on Sofas, Chairs, Rogs, C Drapes. Briiigs sparkle back to' faded,



bollle;itnotaaiii- jrim ^reru ro (he

large fo r A |fciUrtfuod. * •

--------u n v xeUM otrABANTnb OB tootTm oki

“M tte ic V v I l t i i 't M o s t l n t e r a i t


AH networfca pfui ihi

•d ueatJon tI channel.

r T ^ e ^D ra w in g s - 3u r C o u p o nA Y 2 ^ 1 s t




's Winners!Idaho

Jaekpol, N evada

{DING Falls, Idaho

, Twin Falls, Idaho



tuel^dJ 7 3 . m f i

\t In te r e s tin g Siorc'\

y ' ;; J

IN D R U G CLEANER : S F A D E D FABRICSla irs , R o g s , C a r UpholJteiy,;k to' faded, soiled fabrics



--------------- .J3 ------------

Sparkling Colors

.Kid'Roii-WvoM« n i .y i i w ^ i n t r m ™ - faW B■ H .UthtBlurDi/keiui ^ M -.C fiy T u fq w iH * ® '* '



~ ~ T ] 9 F

ujurwtM-\In iera tU ig

Page 9: tk lI^ A irl^Force .le Jets^Lanc In T haila B olster D · tn wbit the Klotw. I l l f l 0(licb|,_„^, .K--epl..K.s

T \V. STlVKUa IIAIICi tBtaptUnt candW itri far couni4 VnU. b u b « n couniy elfrk tln ri Sr

»i» »ppoJnled eounl7 tc ttran »r e n e -h .lf U nr;

IDC l f “ •» county commliui»ni ET;i«lnD»n cf the FIl*r W if MW K iw i Oolh i r t unu[:S n " T |p t i .N t« » photot

News ofHeJtROMf c n V S T V f lo 11CHI.‘C

Edm Ju»Uce Icuilcry.ryfol 0. StAndle?. 2P. Hnrcl-1 crllaiitoi

1 ,is tnd fftully enuin-, «i'ip iiit ■ ^ C lw lM '^ - 'l '- io a iic trB u r- ; Miirtaiis w uid E m «t A. Lombard. I £ ^ » . n o r l ^ l w n d mirror*,

- ‘ R d e■Rul Wilcox. Caldwell, fined i q k y m lof rloMion o l Ihe Crrcj) ^tm ortlMncc. lie wna orrrM- [|,er, ^ rfWChci Floyd, chlcf of police, » ,f u„ j„ ijMlltnUig._____ uf red C

T«to Kill! JMllce Court p “ ‘“'f ' H. Boyd ffuncer. route 3, a u r - ,

w, li tnd cosis. Jiillure to curry i , rtjuwllon in vehicle, and Jack i r-him-fir TT»:^r. Kimberly, « and ccvMa, ua-e to dlsplny Uniler llcciisc

^ 'riitd Ktll* l ’"llca C-.url I -''uW« $J5 nnd cosui were Eii-jln nn etl

Bct T. Dtloiirr, 33, 4';4 Pourtli mem.t ll t t f l wutli; nobsri Woadbury. Uiuglii u u T»lti Fulls; Jim RecU, 47. —

IfctfrHJr, T w n , .iniJ Tow War- TR. f i i U, »4 Sidney slrcel, «ll S.ANTI

In public. 1 'n if Bovi[lildi J, Sauer. :<8. 332 OMriindrj*'>‘P-®-M'

»7 Iintl-cast^ no (lrlv-|BJoin Kt ViU«M«; W. O. Allphlji. T rin ifind comi h a j I i n iJ fosM, nofi-p.iymeiit <J«y. c«b <1 pukbiE ticket. Uic xlilp

T«lu F»ll* County CIrrk ___Uifrtte llccnse to Jim Shsne

Dl Alirnc Walker, boili t a in | m h i h 2j; Billy Denton Non Is and ; W ™ ' b itn t i:« Thomp:«n, txith,Ustnir. m

T*ta Filln Trobale Court 1 H I aA.Ountcr, Tvi,’lii F-nlb, filed | ■ ■

ir:Uai tor letter!! of ndmlnl^’rO't H |eaitftu le c{ M lrnle St Jack-' m m n t! io died April 29: e.-taie (teiXi of real propcrlv. vnlue ^ H j B cEen »nd per.wnnl property hiJ»»pproxlm.He vnl-jt; of M.-' ■'■ ^ «;le»r1ni! Mt o t lo a.:n. May'

IOtnnlh nislrJel Court I

IniHt Z. Krniinc filed null for | j £«ct trom Mrs. K n t h r y n j I ’ t i a f thnntlnR extfem e'm en-j Wtniflly: he nulai title of 1651, T hee rw imomoblle nnd -iM l-C het-r - - 7:-;. tttt pickup truck: .ihc be Riven "Kiiaij ot one child, J35 per Reg. scctfi tor child Auppon nnfl tule - - •

. L ^ . B io s

- G ' . \

: \ — Hol d! I \ ‘ '^ e V— . ,._RcBu:

il:.! \ | : - i ."v ’ V ' /“T' V 5. - \ I ' pillow 1..,. V \ ' \ I and Si

>. - .f t : Ideal -------• VOung

o n l ySTACI

'0LGA =m a k e s y o u —

SU D D E N L Y P\ S L IM ... Bl

(oniocfow o r ne« t f T ii^but now. Slip into

- Suddenly Slim p inty ' “"•y in d you will be “'««nly slimmar. Four 98e ...

ef.ftgure molding

'S'!;r:;rE:-:-' - strj^‘'iivedoubledlim ond - O p i ” '’'lli«tten».btaulifully.

big*'* fibu- " 'M i T t lUdy Long l . 8»»tyl. ' '««•>».

"J-'n-whltB-orBIJcIc;------- — d*if-fli5“ "I;*'**!, 10.95 " 2 T i . lb .

rp in ty .n d jirdi# , 'from B.95 • 1

Mayfair sh=p ^

' IWal

II.\lt01.I> A,- l..\Nt'.lST»:it Iri far founiy cIrrk. Stlverk, • J> - t m m ftrit tliire Srptember. 1951. ITIor le ! I7 Tfterin .rrvlre officer, which he 1 » C jrar«. |jn ra> lrr , «, Demoerat, hiii Icommliul»ncr In 1939-CO. He hi« 1 \

lehDnl-bfljrer'iniTHaa'clerk nf Ihr i ■ Illh ire uiiuji)to«rd In (be June S ! ‘ U

if Record Jfio JiJMi.-c/tctltf .-tiipKiiiicej,-dfslifcv iT j ! I cutlery, linen, bcddlnu and intt-

H -lcfllaiitoiu houwliold iK’m.M they n-,« i'ip ninrrlcil Sepi, 2.'. I860, i t ^ 8 ' ir-; MiirtaiislT,-------- -- ------- ----------- BgL —•d.' __________________ ___ - . - B

“ F e a r o L I a n k s - p -

R u l e s C h i n e s e M ,TOKYO, .May 10 <^.-A 8wb.v

pt-,icr cruft.icTfr fnW j-r.Mcrdnyl '• tliere Li a |i\ychoimthIc fenr nt 'OlUj

the United Stiiic.i among oi(lcla!< uf rrd Chln.i,

Back from a five-week visit toi f c H PelplnK nnd TlenUin. JocqucaI

I Muhieihalrr. 43. snld In nil Inter- I .r jv liiv lie triid vainly to convince ! f c : ~ • I Chlni-fie nuthoritlM th a l Amer-

'jlcaiis v,nnt pence as much a-'I tiicy do,I .Muh/cfhii/er Li on a « 0fJd Wiir y —

,i-|ln nn e ttori 10 convince Rovern- / ! 'h' ment.^ Hint children should be I . y. tnuglii unlver^nl cltl«n^l^ip. J J

'rl TRAIIK A imANtii:!) ill SANTIAGO. Chile. M.iy 1C'T - -

I'D ir Rovernnioni har. ecrcid to i-j*hlp-(I.MO ions of rlcr in Cuba. i--|BJoin Koch, dlrectar of Industry lii;(ind commerce, announced Tue-’* it ilay. Cuba u ljj pny lr>r p.iri ol

Uic slilpmeni in 'su;;ar, Kochi snld, I

■ ly'

;; 16-oz . SPRAY PAINTJ*) The easy w a y lo pain t, no bfuth , no mi

Ali tii5 p o p u la r co lon rr Reg. 9 8 c ............................. .............. • i

2 0 " BREEZE BOXFA^Big size for b ig jobs. Easy lo carry fr- room to room . 1 A A

• — R ffg n » :9 a - . , .................. > 0 * 0

METAL SHOE RACKHolds 9 p a ir shoes. Keeps shoes out Ihe w ay . Q f

- - -R eo u U r 1 . 1 9 ...............................

MEN'S SS SPORT SHIRTS-6asy care cilon, w o s h 'n w ear. Lois of smort 1 J colors. Size S-M-L. Rog. 1 .7 9 .,.. I »“

J4B. SA G SHREDDED FOAM - Ideal 1 pillows a n d toys. Buy now and save . Rag. 7 9 c .................... J '

WOODEN STEP STOOLS: Ideal lor kjfchen, gertgo ot T.V. for ll

,. y o u n g s te rs ..................................... ....... ^ 7 7Regular 9 8 e ..................................... ' '

STACK STOOLS-Plflstic coveted top wl , sturdy metal legs. Stacks for A M . easy s to ra g e . O ur Low Pric#

p e a n U t P . . . . . b u h e r : . j : X

.ntJ dcll (ij'>B!g—/r : --------J f ^ r it-lb, iJ-oi, Tr/ i l / - :-

• lodiy. ' k ; ’/.

.. 77c 1 Heavy


M i T i r H T r -----------^

: S ^ j:v 77c J

' Waldorf, WailcisW a ' As i\IinU (jarhed Gue

NyW YO H IG T -m:>. , ,, .n d :..,orr .I’'''''* .|[ Ihr t

up lo SSO I pn if tor e ln ii!( c ii y.r.'.r Tui orcAiiir-itluii nl!..:;v t„ ;,d

1 r j “,'ho ic i,. ‘ " I’I _ , , lJrlson.^ lu r idI Sonir I,; !lir ; ,;„o qiic! „f ;hf f

In mr K.rr:,r n.xmi. •• .Tin- -,r,f

•T jsc iro fT niirt7m n::F nn-iito ihr--u iin ;~ ."~j:F ikllclirii !0 .-luir 1,I> f,irr a in " i'v

Diriv iiL.|ip< i).;.,i .ind ho’flAhlcMer 111 tlir kituirii, k m ; Thr .-.lao c the hotrl« 'lu ri-v;m:rnni-'. fnr !He ni

AiKl fl. 11 «iri; i„r S ’lH H m tJir• •o f-T O r.'^ rxnri-rm r^rT niT air:— n«rn :''tt:n r

from the distillers of JIM BEfl

' I dry,[ f e S

\ Ib

o a w i ivodM i

i 80 PROOF -------


D A I M TPAINT bar-fush, no mess. 1 • ' ’'***'“ ~ j j ~ ------- t..y i»-<iirvw ^

/ / C , « . » v l . r O I -----

■ \ PICNIC BIX FAM \ — -

t wilh doting top.lo carry from ........ ' ■ i»*i.lir J,<t —

: l B . j g S g

RACK rshoes out of / a M & M (.. . 99c Vi Jusl arrived, ne.....-----------------------------------------me/J In you r-n

you r hand. Re{

I b s r -

iasy care col-

"!! 1-.47 ■A - Ideal fo r f ------- — -

5 7 c ' '...... LAUNDRY I

/ . Holds lots of clc:------rjn-imari-ntw-

. . . . . . . . colors. Reg. 90c

' 10 PouT.V. for Ihc -1 CHARCOAL I

-------- ^ 7 -7 r ------------ - Easy liie bi...... i; G ives m eat theted top w ilh • flavor.

■ 2 . 4 4 • ' ? " • H . r U » . . .

r n m m m L l n s ^ "

- - - - - - - - METALFILEBOXHolds over 600 docum en ts . Com plete w

. Index fo ld er... , ___________.

WETAL TYPING TABHeavy gat/ge jf e e l fo r long lasting In beautiful g rey enam el.

■ Regular 9 .98 ........................................;...........

8 5-P c. DINNER SEBeautiful S3*pe. s e t o f d ishes, PLUS 32-p< glass se rAll this fo r o n ly ....... .......................................

f t 1 1 1 1 i * A 1 'n i | | J > V 4 r r i d o v 'i ‘HI 9 py - ^ :z T w ::

fs Walk Oul 'S;}™- d Guests Wait "iI, and :.',orr 200 oih.-r r r , . ,

III Ihr holrl .slasvd 11 .Mi.l1. ll M i;:r TufoJ.1V Mu>: u: i;;r s:* , . .Ml.JKlUlCllhi,;virr nn.»sn:iirnhat l r - - . ' ^ y ,

e UiKf fflf V irr-P rn iacn i Lvr.- vpn-r*-'.iin n J.innrmi iiid l.coo n h n rlson.^ TiiriClsy nlKllt at s tj.iii- .,{ i’„.;;un«.> < lit! <if :hf Frencli In.sntuir i>: l U i-, ii, ,'iU ;r,u..i:i,;k. ,clty in ihr_K ^uri

tTlu- ".rir krrird by sn liii-' -r,;.-'; I'jo-rti-'' of-n-jUCCliT-''

l in ; o " ~ I T r e i i 'f l : i J t 'T i r r . r s n a " ';T . - ; ; ;~ ^ ■ir„A li.i.';ilv ircrulliil In :lir a v ti'<l(ir|.,\.si«iil Slid oHvr lilll'iii jj,,.' J,;,; ,ici’fl* ii'-.irU,'.

Thr ..,iao couire as,' n.iilltni nr !He novice uaiier,i wmilu pill 11 in tlir dllirr*' Iiip'.

IW BEAM B o u r b o n

r y _ | « n d

M ' l i N cw 'Spr

- | C o o .s ro

^ \ / I t O r i o n , W(

- y A j KINGSRID(• I ' / B 3 com fort in

^ o tion andII B p window p a r

*~v j l -• « pfoidt a n d

// ° -s - M A N CH ESs i SPORT CO.

- 1 5 ^5 g HANOVER

\ I 2 “ docron-w oo

l " ^ r V 7 C A M P U S !| \ I | \ / S g for th c you

J A ^ -------- 3 5 —* § B H A RT s e n

A. lightasa^- -fi o'fyspc \ whisper

J V ^ li.. . . ----------------- i

H H a r g A l A GIANT

S sue I, B9M



/ i#‘« irv w h«ut-'— Q 'Q O ~ ‘ -----......... .— w .O J I

>1CNIC BASKETS H idy w oven'wood. Compl«l«

doling top. 1 Q 7 ^ ^ | | |.l i r ] .4 t_ - ^ Z ___^ 1 . 7 / .

mm "-- B..........dVu c io u s

t& M CANDY H1 arrived, new and fresh./J in y o u r 'm oufh,- no t • in — --------- - —■=-------jr hand. Reg. 79e Ib.

2 lbs.-1-.OO- — G J• Y o u r new g ; . y o u f excrcisi ' fu n c tio n s , or


ds lots of clothes. Comes for nn acUve 1

r R r . ! ; i z r 7 7 i r

10 P oundi . H iHARCOAL BRJOUETSEasy liie briquets, ^ B Ces m eat the real smokey ' <

....93cCaniiKis TORS s

mri- lii. . " « si igtnly ulder. - . Fenlured.ln nt

■E'BOX— ;Complete w ith key and

............1 66— - — -—IG TABLE 0dsting ot/alj>y} Finished

.............7 . 7 7 ^

e - S E T ^ I l ^ ^, PLUS 32-pe. m atching .

i 5 2 ™ , : ^ G R Ao llr 9 l3 0 M 9 :3 0 1 j S s l e C t i O

j W p r n e n

itf -NSltrr' nr.d * s il re ;r« M’ Af/.VIRAL TRA;.•.>•111 .iJ.iui .spic.iduu Ilie' WASHINOTON.

‘•I' Rrnr Adm. Cliarlec-;i ; a: nl llir rc ilju ia n if In rlCk. Jfi->ear-olil i

Hotrl « rre rta-ril.U hr r»citlc .HitI l:id;n^ th r K xpirr Room—• niailcl, yrsienlny ’ ;e I»iiiciu\ rnlrrla ;:i ’ ‘

Iu>: u: i;;r su f ii luo;n M iwce. CllJ 'J hold lll'dllitj• .'li.-iKiulcil Soiiir nt llir rlr . trnlor, Harold Clra .1;.- u n r run by *ulj'liiul<.' could t>r irr .vrn-xr' sL«i> » n r pu f-:icv« il jlayi. - -

i ‘. tUrKn:^a:il <>.' Jui:u(/rfl> ■{(!, t)inqur( int. ll‘ ;;un , . (IcHirnirii. rix).;'- f,,^ »,^i[rr» ha»r bi

mi; .-I'liie dt;

A.I.v ii'.iunl III ;;ir lijiltl.' Ill anil Hi' M.illei.• irji.iili.u ,i;i)ili,i’nr (>t the pliilf

NEW SPOR’ and SLACKSN e w S p r i n g o n d b u m i n e r I c i s u n

C o a t s t a i l o r e d f r o m f r e s h l o o k i t

o r i o n , w o o l - d a c r o n a n d d a c r o n -

KINGSRIDGE SPORT COATS. New tp r in g o com fort in sp o r t c o o ti ta ilo red from c risp otIon a n d w oo l-dac ron b lend t, New m ui window po n e p lo ld i , and sm ort bo rder piJoidt a n d c h c c k t .................................................

M ANCHESTER T a ilo re d o il wool SPORT C O A TS ............ .................... ....... .............

- XH ANOVER SQUARE all wool and . docron-w oot SPO RT C O A T S ............................

CAMPUS TOGS SPORT COATSfor th e y o u n g e r, o th le tic builds ...-................

HART SCH AFFN ER AND MARX B uolity SPO RT C O A T S .......................................

Use ROPER'S f \ ^ i

6 ‘• ItKSTUS U’Aiill Si

Troplcali, n cotor^s. S:' pleated and S0% an . eulai plain front ,.„.

— ■ M M GOU' KI.ACKS. Wa Miiart brittht colors, half belts _________

•-ItK ljT O S-AM/-WOO H H I ^ H I L HLACKS. a hnndsomi

n f l V tnlnlnf wool ala< H | ^ H bronn, blnck. llRht oU

m ^ W Eltlier nent sInRle pie le u plain iron t mod


In handsome con ed madelj or plain

--- ^ r>'1»rl- llTi-t

— I ^ B W f - ^ R o p e r ^ hove lh e lo rg e s t c - Ivy ond C ontinen to l p lo in

■ ■ oncf young in buiW . Fron"m odels, from 7 .9 5 tt? 19.

W H F a lls sto re . A lso o t R upc

GRADUiVrico u r new g roc/ub tion surf from R o p e r 's w >ur ex c rc is cs , le a d you tfirough o n a c tiv e jn c tio n s , o n d w ill cccom patiy you (in sty le]

- MANCHESTERiB|ipy, alUftclive and economical price In new Id iuUieiiUc Ivy pallernj, Idenl for .the student r nn acUve aummer of social occailoni.................

^ o n y n e w G r a d u a t i o n - S v

HANOVER SQUi■ ■ am T O I\utxed hard-finLih all-«-» K K tr> tr 'Tealticmeclc Tn’llU." rich

blendi, Ncv black Ml wool :

CAMPUS TOGimiKU TOCS 8ult.i nre deslsned tor the younR In bi Btitly ttlder shoulders nnd more slender waist n ’Alured.ln new Ivy paliem s and darii iliadcs, Mt sM,

K in g i r id g e ^ S U I T r .T ^ . . .............................

H u rt S c h o f ln c r & M arx SUITS .............

M H l~r I f : iV 8 fr o m R O P E R ’S - ^ - i e s

T w l f r F a I i r - " B u r l ^ ’ - R u p e l -

GRADUATIONBlections o f wanted Gift; 'pmen - FREE GIFT WR/

URAL rnA .V M -rnnf.-n f r l u r : - p ljr ,, iUlNOTON. M,-.\ 1(1 in _ J"l>n r t).oiu..L-u.4Up \dm. Cliarle.' c . Kir»j)at- <’• <*'' <•■ K n.ival «» fi-)ear-olil loir.m .nuirr of •eitlC .IliTl Irainitis com. yrsieiclny wk.« iintirrn-to

liDicl in‘diii:,:j. T l;r a :u i. \Harold CIrav. .•..■m n» ilr. could t>r r^p.■.;t^l J.,1 OFFIC

Iller» ha>r bi-i-ii (ir;iii;:ianu ’>;-iii-tic 1-- pn . n r , i.t...... PERMANEjj; r ;v Jct:y;Jl-i:.I<.>r_.,r.i>li

Ttilrm ate iT '.iiu^ii' tniT PI

- r ' l S : - . • - -bang*I,r ^ ,AlIel.■< iiiM-: i-.f.- ,1 Dial 232-1233

ORTCOATSKS a t nopin; r l e i s u r e t i m e c o m t o r r i n S p o r t

>h l o o k i n g c H w o o l , w o o U

d a c r o n - c o t t o n b l e n d s .

!w jp r in g o n d s u m m e r leisure tim e g jl from c risp lo o k in g a ll wool, wool-

New m u te d p lo id s , ove r-p lo id t, E iT

. . . 4 5 ® “ ^'. . . . . . 2 5 " “n .2 9 = =

.. : 2 9 ^ 1 . 3 5 “............ 3 S ”L 3 9 ’’=.. :..... 5 5 ° " „ . 5 9 “

Flexible "Option"


U’Aiill Si U 'KAn Llclitwelchlv • KINli colors. S S 'i tliicroii. •ts% r.ij'on. fabrl

nd 50% aniel. 50% rayon cnnlln* - woolIn front _______,!___............7 . 9 5 (tab#

• •»ea\K IN O SR inr.E ■* .McfinEGOU cfOh,

U CK S. Wnah iind wear fobrlc-i, *‘y>t [tht colors. Plentcd w ilh’ftdjunuble‘ --------- ------ --------9 .9 S « . 1 2 .9 5 - , c n »

ricsAW /-W OO b-W O nSTED -TW IST------------ghftpA hnndsonie hn rd Ilnlsh ahape re- treat11 wool alack In charcoal, olive. - ick. llRht oUve a jid compound blue. . .,|ain It slnRle pleat o r contlnentnl bell-

Jront models. 28 to 40 walit...,..... ...................... . ONLY 1 2 . 9 5 •

AmeiALL WOOL REVEnSE TWIST ill tkA wild ha rd Hntah all wool ma- roumandsome compountl colortns. pleat- wool] or plain fro n i ' bell )oop Ivy (uickjrt>1»r«. ilri-a ?.q.iO 0 N;.V . long!

le la rg e s t o n d .s m a r te s t sc lcc tions_o f.neq t/ ;n to l p lo in f r o n t s la c k s , fo r th c young-in-t luiW. F ro m 2 9 fo 3 8 . in off fcb ric s .-ou th . .9 5 to’ 1 9 .9 5 in th e V ofs ity Shop in tho ‘0 o t R u p e r t, B u rle y a n d Buhl.

SioN^siiiTSR o p e r 's w tff carry you smartly th ro u g h o n a c t iv e s u m m e r o f b usiness or social

u ( in s ty le ) t o co lleg e !

E S T E R S U I T Srice In new itll-wool flanneli. wonted Ilanneb .the atudent's comlns exerclscs. *nd

i o i r S u i t s - J u s t - R c c e i v e d -

5QUARE SUITSnLih all-wool worsted*, lone wewlns »ll-»ool ‘wills." r l c h . 8llky .-1boklng..mohalr_|nd wool ek all wool Repp weavei.

TOGS SUITSyounR In build with $ | p J H TO der waist nnd hip.'». C ft-1 aliadcs. M any with

........ ................... . . . : i : z : 6 5 : o o ^ 7 5 ; o o —

t s ’ ............................. ............fro m 7 5 .0 0

S - - - i e s R i g U ! .......

- R u p e l t ^ B u h l ” -------------

OHGIFTS -i G i f t s t o w e a r f o r Y o u i

r W R A P P I N G !

Pjarri 5l!h n r . r A<ir. ■ V/cdn7*.da'/, .May 16t).''iu.-i.'u.4upeiiinrn(]cir. . ' '■ K luval acadciiiv Twin h a l l j rm ics-N e


' i;rTo7).'n^Ctiar)l: .',vl1l l - 0 -:.>r;''r,.;... J i , .lidding in .''l 'n r,.s ,ir,:i c.ilcu!-.:o

p e r m a n e n t p o s i t i o n _ TO P w a g e s

_>2ji_r__K prr'pnrr._:Jrn.niiig-nnd. Crtf-rm irnt- PHONE -.W R IT E -XviRE

- B A N G S S T A T I O N E R S r I N G -232 -1233 4 3 5 W est C e n te r Pocatello .

T S — ^ | —

T F r s D o r r " 7 ^ H w / » l r t i " r f k M

q [-

■dt, i f m ;iii9 5

‘ I

| 5 0

ion" Charge Accou


• K INOSRinnK SLACKS. Ail wool Cu fabrics. R ue c^'iiitriietloni lop quality

• •wool faijrlc* In Kore.M nillx wor.'ited flar Rabardlnc.f nnd Ciame Bird reverM

• •w eavei-flnc tm p lra u of 45',!. wool, S5ri cron. In pleated Myles nnd Autlientle style.i. Regular*, shoru . Inims.

1 6 . 9 5 i « i 9- • cnAMPION SM C K S In fine Mi wool

ries. Expertly tailored nlacks ot Ions wet

treated for Rrcnter wrinkle re»ls[nnce ipot rrpelicncy. In nen l pieDlsd model

• p lain. front belt ]oop Ivy models.1 4 .9 5 ( 0 2 1

• UATIT s a tA F K N E ^ & MARX_ SLA( America's flrat name In clothing is lin ilatks. loo, See nnd try th e newest j round weight V lm-Cord 55% Dacttin, wool slacks. Mid tjje finest worsted 1 Mcks la new spring tones. Reculars, sh

- - iongs_,, ------------- r - r r . : - . . ^

)ns_of. n e q t/n e w ____ ____ _ _3 y o ung -in -tiea rttb ric s .-o u fh c n tic ------------1 S 5 — -------------ic p in tho T w in y -

ly th ro u g h |M j H M £ as or soc ial ’ B K g r a j E

ted Ilanneb n


r e i v e d — |! ^ ' '‘7 b [ h ^ m | S

rs"me ftii-wooi V • and wool I / ’ '

w | H \■B

-69.50 I - V W5;oo--------^ ^

T w r l t i l

I —■ R oper's have fir )r Young M en an d Your


d^ '/. .May 16, 196^ ■

Us rm ,cs-N cv.j 9 I

^ , ,1RMAN

i r r

TOP w a g e sI. Crtr-rm irni-.- _• \'IRE .............. ..

t S r I N G . - ™ . = - [ !Pocotello , Ida. .

—J ll


i _ •



Ail Tl'onI Custom .1, top quality all Ik 'vor.'ited flannels.,3lrd reverM tvlst 15';!. wool, 55% da- ind AuUientle Iv) 'Innits.1 6 . 9 5 to 1 9 .9 Bfine Mi wool fab*^ ks ot Ions weariiix

cle re»lstnnce and . pleated models or - ! models.1 4 .9 5 ( 0 2 1 .5 0MARX_ SLACKS, _ .

ilothlng is llr tl In th c newest year-

55% Dacttin, HS'V • lesi worsted Kup- 1. Reeulars, shorts,


ft r_________

! ^ A > ^ - - . .



lave fine; id Young.'

J- '

Page 10: tk lI^ A irl^Force .le Jets^Lanc In T haila B olster D · tn wbit the Klotw. I l l f l 0(licb|,_„^, .K--epl..K.s

W ed n e K fay i M a y 16 . 1 9 6 2 10 Twin Foltt Times-Ntws '

W a r d R e n e w s A s s a u l t o n

" T C a w B u re a iTa -. B t T h t A W A caM T r tu

■-Cooky W ird riuM ttf b u at*------U ck on the Wihi> U v fnforre-

! m enl dfpartintnl.Uxli'y, c lurgln«

•• creaMd ' u • ro u ll o r"too niucK “ f'-’f i r . Uddle by e h ilr -b w n e troopen*

*Uie Deffloerktte gubtrnfttorlKt candidate u id ■ p-jbllwllon o( th e nitlon»l wfeiy rouneJl “thowed th i t cn Injurl'j In Idt>

c rti re In IMl o rrr IMO tn d even m-yre mo"

H t “ ld "ll will W it •elli'n In lh» (leld »nd rduetilon In ihe "fflcM . . . to »lo» the »l4ushlfr on lilahwayi."■ Oov. nobfrt r . Stnvlle. mean* •»hllr. jaillfd ^Mln for fft»bll»h- mfn{ o f • pro/fMionl p*fX Ice In I ^ h o government.

______ TourUm waj alw lhe m oject

• Democratic up lran t (or £mj'>Ile a Job.

He u id Ihe development of Mnh9l*_lo[Ir<*? Indmlry would . b rln r In enouth addiUentl tax revenue to meet tta'.e in d local BD»erument co»l«.

John T. Kavlev tiucK to the ravorlto Iheme of h li eampilun for the OOP lenitorUI nomlna*

' tion, taialllnx the adrr.lnUtrn> Hon for lupollclei Kffectln? Ida* h o 'i lumber and mlnlni Induxlry.

Dryden Hller, a nepubllcan candidate (or ttatn mine tnxpec* ] tor, a^Mrted th i t the two Demo- , c ra u M eUnf the Job are “more ] concerned about-the endoroe- < n e n t of the APL*CI0 lhan th t? • r e about doing a eoid lob,”

In other Oem ita t : polltica] ^ developmenti;

Sen. Frank Church, D , Ida.. ju ia he will "eontlnue ta press A

....... Jor reduced fre ljh t ra te i on 'w heat ihlpped from couthem Idaho," _. a ta te nep. C, n . W jer, Demo- ° cr**,lc aubematorlal a ip lrin t, aatd ita te drlrer examination* •hould be glren erery f ro r year* •* hwtend of the prenent two to lava * la* mdliey. '

O ro r« V. Ilanwn. oppoilni Hawley for the OOP lenatorlol P< nomination urged a •thorouBh

• and complete" prolw of the E«t«« '>J caae.

Another Hansen,' filato Hep, « O n a l H»n»en. n OOP conqrei- "

I alonal hopeful, reltented an M r- ' • Her itatem ent that Idjho hhoutd hi

have a bister voice on the n a - In 1 llon il potato advliory committee, m I T o m e r Democratie N ational oo

• eommltteewomin. M n, Berl H . »» Miller. Bolie. endowed the candl- fo dacy of Wallen,

Qamtollnf advocate Vemnn K . or Smllh once igaln challenged n i flta te 6en. Howird. M*chlner to n» Join him In a televWOTi debate — on the controvenla) legilued I gambling luue, I -

Smllh aald he had ilread r n r- the debate for n e x t '^ o -

day a t 9 p jn . In tew liton . }

— ^Lumbennen.Seek & Canadian Quota ii;

; ' l*ORTLAND.-M«y.» -^L -tif ic iro rT hw eil lumbermen m a ^ JJ;

an appeal to Preildent Kennedy mi Wednetday to help their Induitry An RRalnit increulng c a n a d U n J ' J competition. hi

The tumbermen'i Economic iii I eunrtTal committee aiked for n a - JJ

tionwlde wpport by Jlhe Umber ui

trH y.quol* “ ’ O w adlan-Jim ber ^ ____Imoorta. ^ ns-------The'commrnee repreMittalum- J

ber mill* In WiininRton. Oregon. Idaho, California and M ontana. . Jlobert r . Dwyer, Portland, and I>ave James,' BeattU. are co- J chairmen. - Im

|l~]Wen!!ieR Slates— d jl Capital Visit

------- CAIfBEBRArAUitMlliw-Uiy-l* —' tfl - prime MlnUter Robert O . ^

Mentles told th i houM of r<pr«- a e n u tlm today he wlU tUII

• W aihlngton tnd Umdoo n » t month to confer with I ^ w l ^ t

lj -Kennedy »ml Prlm t -K lo lfU r _ Harold Macmillan.

, Menlte* o ld he would d lij tm I the altuatlon' in SouthcAit Aala,I the D utch-Indoneilan dUpuU

over Weat Kew Oulnea *nd I M»y effecU on Auatialla of Brlttah

:_____ mtmhcnhJP.. . the European _I common marsei.

! Norse Premier Sees Manhattan

NEW YORK. May 16JCTtl —• Prime Minuter Klnar a e rh a rd « n

of Nor»ay lunched« llh Mr*. Eleanor Rooserelt, m enTlewed Manhattan from a hell-

" ’a rrh ird .'fn ind h ll »lfe attenclert a reception and met, pefwniiel from variou* Nor- wralan government agenclea here.- Nortfeilin imUaiMiJor to the; United 8 U i« Piu« Kohl and h u ,

-------‘itifr"ahd"M ri:-R oo*rre lt'»-*)n. -John ilw attended the luncn a t the family'* .town houM.

l u y l« W.: V-A sorlet »el(Uer. »uUoned In aj

H unsarlan bord'T town, crawled' unrter (he birOed *lr.*of Ih / Jrcn; curtain at the frontier, Monday j nlsht and a.-J[fd for pollUc>l uy*! lum. police reported Tueaday.__ |


____ ALL THE= r ^ A m S W ER S!- f

T o Y ouT T lrt T rouble*—


MAGEL tiR ECO M PA NY------ -

1 9 6 2tS -N tw s

l e w s

F r tu H* I J{ '1i b u a t * enforre* charging

■hava.m*too niucK — - — •=?—I r - b w e ^ ‘

V . 'callon of \ *

rouncll •J in Idi> ' \

IM ? and

„ „ ™ , n ■ \n In the ^ > Vilaush ter t : . ' 1

\ VpM»bll»h- ■ ^ ------\ -iri^ A ' • " 'k W v

e iiioject b \ t

for £m y- t | X .-X . f I

.ment of E ^ \ “ /T-. would \ • / /[cn#l lax -------- f 'mrt local ’ ' W \

lc to th e • v O i '» m p ilu n -nomlna- \

rr.lnlitrn- tln ^ Id a - Inriiwlry. ' 'jpubllcan cOMMANDElia O f 0 . H. TIlOO e tnipec- U es l . Oeo. Jam ei L. UkhardM o. j 0 Demo- |,OM-man force in floalh Viei rs •‘more N an . O io ira i Rlehardwn baa been endoroe- cem nand. (AP «ir«pbete) nan they « « v «

Thailand FieldD , Ida.. _ , „

Q u ie f , L e a r n e d ,louthem j j q ^ q l u l u . May 18 WV-UeuL •. -■ T>ma Oen. Jame« L. Rlchardaon. Jr., Pel ’ the new U. S. field commander he

in Thailand, h u the repuu tlon exj “ a i • Qutet. Kholarly aoldler. and kla

« » gentleman down to hU finger- quI0 ups.- rODDOiini H e ib o ll regarded w .a n ex- ui* siiatoriol PCfl guerrilla w arlare amhorounh where llule attention l> paid lo He he E«t<M JlngerprlnU. R lchirdw n leam - boa ne w w i ^ gutrriiJa lts*oni 17 yeara Pal to n e n W •nother part ot Southeaal ard

-1;an enr- T he Nebraskan, 63. move^ lo the

J hhoutd hla new Job from whal U becom- Job the nil- lng the army'i mald-ln-waltlng r mmlttee. aaaignment. However, he will hac Katlonni oontlnue to wear old h a t— j'm Berl If of deputy ctilef of U. S. arm y th j1 candl- forcei In lh# Pacific. The arm y wit

gave no reu o n for h li holding am m nn K on to the command except, per- dui allsnged h a p i. there haa not been time to aloi tilner to n»me a aucceaaor. V

1 SNAKJERIV EK | tody a r- m a t » . i m 5!!!

ST*"' ™

SeekOtaInduitry Am‘ r'!ik’‘« « “ Ii

S *B nSi.fH ttio'k.:: lii'sM i; i«

- lim b e r S S S f S i ~

lontana. m w «u>niii» i> cubicnd, and ••eon<i-(Mt.I're CO- Tr«clplUi<l«m Mat «**k: AtMsii .U

Incb. ifor** .U iKk. h l» 4 .(IiMtl.

J S — T>1. C. KACt.E

. riiilit4tr Ik C)urr*. Vfinit

f r*pr«- lU Tlall la n n t Tcaldant«lol»t*r

dlacuaaJ t Aala, \ / i . l ldUpuU LA Y iiW

id llM lyBrltlah J M . \

aropean _______ ________________________

5r;an•cn — [ t B B B X V

bardaen. a aterdaylilU then ' r ^ Va hell- ‘ ' ^ 1

fe la ter: . Iid met I II N or-' j ^cAhere. to the; ■

a n d h u ; ' V ^

' V “ chi ^

r I . L lS

■ t« \ ' ed In a [ ^ vicrawled! \ 'f t / lr c n ; ■ 'AJondayi:>lMy*! ^ - I f


1. H. TilOOl'rt in South »«»l Aila a re Cen. I’; lehai^MD, J r , boldlog h at. Oeneral lla rk ln i. i iotilb Viei .Sam. win head V . H. Uoopi if} both n baa been named |o eemmand ‘■combat elen:

’* > * # 1 -------

le ld Commander *ned, \[erv Tough-U eu L •. -He got tiie word from th e r j . on. Jr„ Pentagon only l i houra before nander he left," one of hu atalf olllcera u u tlo n explamed. -He packed his bag. T T er. and klawd hU wlf*'. held a couple of I finger- quick conference* and look off." ^

RIchardAon will lead a Joint an ex- tank force conMillnv of a ir. Ma varlare and ground uiilta In Thallnnd. jald to He'Ji work directly under an old leam - boM and longtime comrade, Oert.

I yeara Paul-D . Karkitu, It- waji R ich- jlheanl ardJiun who replaced H arkins ^

when the latter wm lapped for + 1 iveA lo lt>e U. 8. military a&ilxtance x J l Becom- Job limt'PebrtJary. valtlng Rlchard%on and Harkins have e will had parallel career* the pu it two

h a t— j'car*., SoUi arrived Jn HnwftJl I. arm y th iJ iam e monili. Auguit. IBOO.I arm y wltn',Karklru taking the deputy lolding anny pout ond R lchardwn the >t. per- dual command df.the 3Sth dlvt- Jme to alon and U. S. army Hawaii.

Wlille rteadlng the 25th dlvi- '■ — , ajon. nicfiardwri de»‘eJoped th e

K ^iunlfi guerrllU warfare ability - I iH the hllLi of Hawaii. W nr

game.1 r a « d acroM the JagRcd , , peaks of Oahu and tho Inland of •

Hawaii. A pitrrllln train ing ^ eompound waa set up behind

w •!« SchofleJd Ijafract*. hendijuarttra m .iw * of th t 25th,

-aome-a,OOQ-of-the.-w-2Sth-dlvl- --------

I F S h o e ^ I

*’! » e v e r y m e m b e r ! ( M i'^!4 o f r h e f o m i l y K

S a v e H e r e ; *

Economy ■«ik .(I m <

^?4SH0ES i1 8 2 0 K Im borly R oad > » « f

r« l.w . ____________ ________ _n_^_ I

. 1 . y

O U N C E S C O N T R O l

1L i l« - I I n e l o n gAn Ufldergoiment 'ocldt you/ ligurr In ften v>o!tt to mcd-lhii


I’cn hom de'Ttf rton . ■ \\ \ po-M.

: t—1 \ ........3, .* ,t o b 'o 'o " ! c o ;

' v i ' - ' , n-ri ^ree o.Hir-|p^ 6''"9 '

' '’'"‘*''’0, cu’iing B! il

^ / ' *'

C onio tf O u r Ex __________ ]D #pf..for_P



' le u fo) held-ai •’ohn-i


WLt/ ' ol^)of*1he-


m u


SB -

a rr G en. I’aul I).' Harkini. left, and I lla rliln i. now It. H. commander of oopi both Thailand aod Sonlh Vlet . :ombal elemenU'* of llirk lm ’ overall

Alon troop.i will be with R lchard-

r aon In Thailand. They know , . w hat their old leader demanda f*-- I'l. knowa what they can produce. __________________

Sunny S a y s : ' -

§ T a s t e t h e S s i m i ^ . B

S m o m i n g S f l a v o r o £ . .

i Jxhtnleqeputy ■I the divt- e

b itltyW ar ^


in ln s %ehlnd ■'

Y— K I Now ev ery

P > d r o p o fV 9 ^ 1 i t r a i g h tI H ^ l w h la k y in" J ‘ S c h o n le y la

blended with

I^ c h en lfu ................. ' r ~ ‘ ', 1-

M '

d ' sau rriuun -iuna iraaT .K rno r._ ^ < | B itt.w imnfim uaiiii{Twi,M,.ii.T.c. ________ F;

n - | B

I PI p

i N T R O t P O V i V D S I

l i n e l o n g le g s ty l e 'defgoim eni ilioj comloHahl/fov/ I'guie in ent (enlinuoul >"'• •oitt to mId'lhV,.

: a s a i r f a b r icnliol xlih juit Ji.i ounc»t cl (•><•IQ* po«.*r ml, ••Irn n<. - . . ; - — I•m do'-n!/rtoiHe'cKl pindol I'B-l

i ^ m f o M - f « o f u r « t -------~ i0t0>0»'! t ' 0;hft‘ln,tffd t'OlcH e O .n .r-le , 6nrdi. FaiSsi Irlt. waiH hor-cJ lot jnipgplnj. Na ‘ !

ClrtJUNo.BB 5*95lU C u r Exparf Ungerca [ > ip f . . f o r .P i r i t t t . f i t ______

lA Y H B ®

■ . . . I. . . I .

Jam es R. Dicltey j Lea Honored a t Rites-.„^“?i

BU liU M l, IS -Funera l aerv- featured Iw fM^JamM M

John 'i Lutheran c.*iurch ia B u H i y S j e f ^ with the Rev. M. D. Hllgendorf, aenlori * paator. ofilcUtmg.

; l i t o . J l o V r l Adoylout, iccompiniedOrwAch. orginl-’t, Henry L ua]_here lh and Rajph Biughman hadcharse ' |p H j ^ Ho f-lh ftn h n o r ta l-w iu U l i 0C-8C -Johh'A memorial fund. ; -

Pailbtarer.1 were Carl Rlngen- J j - . J o e J Ia ti-.

len . Olenn DrlUoirRrM TW hlU anu Earl Edsar. Cciiicludlns rltCi were held Tueulav »i WaMieh. m (*l MemDrlii park. SHt Lake Clly. - i S i i M

I B e s :


f 510

V e r t i c a l I* O n e o f Ih e m o s t b e o u tifu

LO U V R E, p ro v id e s id e a l scr<

I I a c y a n d p e r f e c t w in d d if fu t

^ u s e d a ro u n d p o tio a n d o u t­

d o o r living a re a s .

5 f t . ru s tic r e d w o o d

lo u v r e . B o a rd s a r e '

^ in . s to c k .

“ 3 I > ”

- —B o a r d o n , ]- ._ F I o H e r in g to _ a n y b a c k - y a r d

1 B O A R D -O N .B O A R D In v e rtic a lp la n e s o r a lte rn a tin g p a n # Is . Pro

I p r iv a c y v rilfiou t s to p p in g sum m i

' 2 f t . b o a r d - o n - b o o r d

4 i In , ru stic re d W o o d I

i*- y ^

K i m b e r l y - R u p e r t - S h

B u h l - B u r l e y - h l e r - G

i Leave fo r F a ir ^accjuipaiueiPAmPIELD. May 16 - Sen, ^ '’Tn ‘ V**’

S Frank Church. D.. Ida , w u the vU rs . Mr. r>. feaiured tpeaker a t th e com- re meocemept ex inaati of the Cam-

i ’ S T 'S ' p pf,!aenlori aerred refreshments a t

the conclusion of the prosrrr.M. , <, . . .T h e e ra d u a tin s .u u d en ta -Ie ft . _ W a | (,_fftf »>trr 'h r p«wrrnm a i d *a : where they plan to a llend_lhe

3 M INUTE i l = ^ C » r W A S H --------------------

m l>MI,V A \T . SOUTH

.............. ■_.J1

e s l w a y Fp r o v e t l i j

ca.x i H e B<: t i v e , i n e x p e n s i v e ,THE M A X IM U M IN BEAI

3 ^ lo r BA!

5 f t . 7 - b o c r d ru s tic r e d w o o d b a i -

k e lw c o v e . 5 ^ " s tock

m a l i c

l l L io u v - re\ b e o u tifu l f e n c e s ty l e s , ^ ^

. id e a l sc re e n in g fo r p r lv - T T P T T F^Ind d if fu s io n . E ffe c tiv e ly II |la n d o u t- | | | |

(1.55) ■o r . \ IINEAI / ______________

g i e x c i t i n B ,

[ > n r B o a r d - | ^>ack -yQ rd s e t t in g . U s e I I T l S ^

In v e r t ic a l o r h o r i i o n t a l ' ^ „

a an e ls . P rov ides exce l le n ^ ,,— — nJ I

In g su m m e r b r e e z e s . - > S K |

o n - b o o r d u s in g [ I J j r* .d w o o d b o a r d ! ,

— ------------- ------------ r o o T - ^ *

7 -

^ P a l

A e i v i t i

art-S hoshone-W endell le r - Goodjng - HozeltOh

'W orld’s f>lr. Tlie gridoitea t r i t er *nd Mr. an ‘acc-'Uip^ned by Ur. and Mia. wlli. Bouc.El*yn 'V v li Bchrcni. cUi* aU-: - — -----Tlicrs; Mr. ind Mrs. Leroy T rad -lm V TIMES-I

" — t P R E S C O T T ' S G o n s i g

Welsh & Pony cf Amerl-------MA-YUS-and'-

_________^ _ 1 . G. PRESCOTT. M o n o gPtione 7 3 3 -6 1 5 3 , Tw in F a lls ,

........ . _ X . ^ '

f F e n c e s . .! t l i a t a f e n c e

B e a u t i f uVE, E A SY -T O -E R E C T - S T ' N BEAUTY A N D PR O TECT

e v e ' r p o p u l o r

B a s k e t w e a v iD esigned fo r m oxim um p rivocy , th e evi

lo r BASKETWEAVE is v e r^ m o d e ro te l ;

o n d e o ty lo e re c t . H as w id e a d a p t o

te r ra in one f o rcfn le c lu re .


e x c i t i n g , n e w

r a p e S t a k e^ R u T flc ^ b e o u ty , p rac tlco lify o n d - p r l v a e y

3 piti’s v a lu e s o f GRAPE ST A K E .fences. m axim um p ro tec tio n a g a in s t s t r a y p e ts

s to c k . , , m okim om sofety fo r

k id d ie s . / I .

^ 6 f t . h i g h . S p l i t ( I

c e d o r s to k e s . P os ts I

in eludBJ ; - - V -

v e r s a t i l e , e c o n o m i c a l

P a t t y - O - P a nPATTY*0-PANELS p rov ide on in e x p e n s iv e

s t^ le n o te . C om es in a c o m p le te p o t

, e a s ily a ssem b led . All po rts o re p re -c u t fc

o c cu ro te e re c tio n . / '

5 f t . f in ish e d c e d a r . A ll

----------------p r e - p o e k o g e d .- ----------------V-------

h 7 r~ s ty le j o n d w o o d s f ro m w h l c h l f f ^ h o k f o r ou r f re e fen c e b ro ch u re .

SArSSnl ewwNTA e i v i t i o H f l f io ( ir w ic am -

indell TWIN FAL! lelton 263 Addison Ave. W. , '

er .n a Mr, .n | l M ,, r « ,„»(11. B oi« . "*13.

THY T l M E S . N F ^ vj,;;-r -u ,

-G pnsignm enrr "

f Am erica Sale; - a n d l l 5 t ^ '

T T , M o n o g e r _______ _T w in F a lls , Idoho

5 S . a . ( j

n e e

i f v L V l■ C T S T Y L E SlO T E C T IO N

e a v e/o c y , th e e v e r-p o p o -

’ m o d e ro t e ly p r ic e d

id e o d a p to b i l l t y . t o

I IU k * M i

ei iT d 'p flv ae y a r r t t i e — ;—AKE f e n c e s . .O f fe r s

t s t r a y p e t s o r live- \

o r

, . - p o o Y / - -

l i i r '

Jcol^ ~

P a n e lin e x p e n s iv e , high*

im p le te p o c k a g t ,

r e p re -c u t h r f o s t^

« ( ^ i-----V----ilNSAl—J—i

V f007 J

1 iic h 1 f f^ lr o o J » i----------------

u a r a n t e e i^10(lf «A|CAM

M FALLS A ve .W .,73 3 .5 2»

Page 11: tk lI^ A irl^Force .le Jets^Lanc In T haila B olster D · tn wbit the Klotw. I l l f l 0(licb|,_„^, .K--epl..K.s

; , r. t . , J

^ a r . ^ K ° i r ; r ’x r . S ' ;

N ew s o f ^ ^ ' s ° ; R e c o rd r —

UVCOLN COUNTV <- I t Preb.te C ourt ^

1 BfUtlon tor le lU rt or a d im - I f f wv« been lilwl to pn>- ,, Uu tstAte o( tlie l‘ite Deftn ; W Mn. Elen OllM. Uldoi-., ^

f ^ ' o n the petlUon U K l I■^iTm. M*y 2B a t th e pro- m

'“o ^ tte ^ d o w . »oJU. Dwayne WkODMCluirlea Alvln OllM. Ho- ■

^bier*. no b e ru U e Gllc4 S ^ l « n o v e l. Rlchtlelil. yi ijoi u V e m OftKM, Jeromn. ^


UuctUno SAmnra. « . P»rk VW, H. M , « 5 ror dl.iturblng ^tttaet. Btmie E. Oonrjjlw. :o, ^m m Zmerwn. 34. both Bur- ^ - 8»m r . Ellson. 42, Oak*5 > e«h for JntoxlMUon. ( -rttft-JItm ande*. 34. Buriey,. , j »l(rwr»llnB vehicle wllh an A Kmdrtrer** lleenM. J a m u B. / « fctett M, Burley. 15 ro r no^7 J j U

U lu Voy O sbom t, I t . ts tor Wftrnmt iMued

t wklDt m eter violation*. ^ ^ H L i u Conntr Clerk .

V in^« UctnMs v e re Uiued i>:ta E rsu l Bm lth. 44. Burley. a Silt K atherine Price. SS, 5et;-IU ihJinl-lJiM ar..Chrl*^» a . « . «n«J E lda U rene

both s a l t U k e City:]iftootfiinJiailoblnson. 2l ,D u r - -r, u J Undft Joyce Nelworln, «'.Raptn. »nd Ju o n Cuevaa Val-, \i,}r. a , and Bella ConirtrM j ' lliot, both Durley.

Irifeh N uclear i s t s J I n l i l ^ — ! — -U5KD0N. May I'o * ^ P tln i e Hnrold M ncm lllan-w o - ■jaitr ll I’l unlikely Brl»ln^3 hire to carry o u t more n u - , - V lu ll o t’ ltd own. r i lHe told Ihe hou»e o t commoni ) f 1« ruult.1 o t the current,:trlcui iMln n ill be nrolIabIe< A m BrlUth K lenlbtit under «ie U f U

T O nfnn iyw h lchU riu in lfn r^ ■: ~ ~ ~ Chrtiimfts lalnnd ria ft ie.iltnR By RO

wnd, sixteen Brlll.ih sclentlita I . ©ns o r I ca the liland as obaorvers.

---------- — - R eaSustained |

VIEW, May Itt—M n . neM An-; ^■i » « »u»lftlne(l M P tto w y i ^n lirn ta t th r Sunday fvenlnit, Mnloi u.U w -L D S.w ard-chapeL :-----a Don Wrlctffv. Mra. W cn«ll'% K« l « r couoMlor* wllh fJ JohnHfw.\rd a i secretary. , • .RtlfUfd » tre Mr«. Evard Olb- ______u Prr-'tlrnt nnd M rs.-lU W ld------[

^Mr u teacher.____ ___* ______

1 Moore’S A House ' |

lO tfoT "

— 'u i L D E R s - s u m r Y — — -----------


lURlET - JE R O M l

T " II

B l

'JLw frora bum ln r B-4T bomber i m ao n lr fort tpareJ ror a n u h t a t W hitt- I kitted »nd IB

hILL APPROVED I bill th a t uou WASHINGTON. Mny 10 <tT» change in thi

he hoUAt ye. te^dAy approved a 'm il ita ry Justli


b u d s c


SHOES FOR DRESS, G raduation, V acation

By ROBLEE: .Blocks, b row ns , s l ip - o n s a n d tie s .

R eg ^ v a l u e s t o 1 8 .9 5 A

5 | | W 1

— — a I a r g e I Z ZSELECTION OF


Current s fy les . o f t h e , m o s t co m fo r to b le shoes you h o v e e v e r w orp! A good se le c tio n o r s ty le s a n d sizes.

R e g u la r 3 2 .95

g g s

BOYS'DE_ d o w n s t a i r s

- • - W - 3 1 / a - t o 6; A to J _ w W th ! — ■; ‘ •B lock-or-b>ow n,-s{ip 'on O f U es.

~ ^ m d i

; _ L r "

l | y ■ y

, M .■ M _______- ----------------■

D « lr force b in near Knobno»ter. Mo. T our led and IB ll r t t l i lu tn hurU (AP oirephotol

th a t would make a major mnnder^ a ilronit mte in the unltorm code of L tilnE e rran t o(: ita ry Juatlce by giving com- ^’Hliout rcaort to

il 4 D A Y S !

s o n ’s 'p™!

^ L EV len 's & BoyiS H O E S

1 ^ M en's LightweigSitpons, in s o f t g lo v e J u s t tim e fo r s u m m e r G ood sizes , s e v e ra l p a t te n

;ss, ,Ition ___' g - ____, s l i p - ______________________________

OF j ,

DS M ■

h o v e


d s o i f e

- '___ _ , (W ednesday , M ayI ■ ............ ;Tw in Falls Times*

S n a k e Ri : j W a te rw a

^ '____ G iv e n B (B E £ ~ i ~ '^'^SltlNOTON. N

. 1 Punn\ 10 allon'.farl:: ’ ' t~ '' of an iiil.tnd nn trm

p ' --------- Tu»«ii,>- hr the • L■ n ivrr Pona nMOCl.I____________________^ _ Dor'rv, M. Marti

for ilif »?jociiilfoi hnujf upproprlatloiu t«f. »»irt eomptetlon «ill iiiou- nttviciil' PacH;r ocean to I . .. - ci«ik;.ion. WMh. •

Hr nidorurd a bi . for la i million doi

'Ilnur _ coiuuuetlon 7 MonumfnisI lock i

. ------------------------------- BUI h t a«krd 'ih»

y menflrfl I8 mlllloi ita r t (niiiinictlon ol lock and d»ni bf mll’Inii <lnllnr.' ■ |r

• — - .• project forward alaptfd.-

Tlif •MocUtlon a a tJon.MKi ippropru

of ih» I/i«er Orar dam.

m iG E K lT N------• — ...----------BERLIN. M n r l« '

. . • • nlM pnlice nrrettcatteinpllns-W flK ll

. .-’r j near the Brandenbt

M o.-Tour riitm ea wer* |Irephotol "

lerjt a <lronRer hand In pun- K e rran t officers and men lut rcaort to a court martUL

ipring p

E - : - |“»y*' SE C MINI* :_________________ . . ._ A .d p ir )_____________________ f o r th i------------------------------- 1 " H e o lth H

h tw eig h ts5ft g lo v e le a th e r . iBoltler s u m m e r w eo r . tr a l p o t te rn s .* ® '

= = = = = = = = C i P S U I M

m | Am««lng Cw

. Tones Dowr


'\ C hitSl

Thong SW hilo th

! I R e ^1

- - O E S E R T - J


lENT L i?* J L . O O W H E N Y i

0 » ” O a U G S I C


1 9 , __ ^

isdoy, May 16, 19i2 alls TimeS'News 11

ike River a » ^ | ter way Is I T w l en Boost s ■ ■%

iilNOTON. May J8 P -- S ' I v i 10 allon'.farly cnnipietlon Jil.^nd «n tff»ny in w».in. • V B ™ * .

I- hr the • Lowfr 8 nak r ’— ^Pnrta aMoclaillin v Kv, M. .Martin. ifMltylng ____ Ti

i.'jociiiiron Hrfore n 'pproprlatloiu .'ubcomm)l> tl completion nl the nork.« . lo«- nftvicatlon from th e “

ncran to L^'i’lstoi) and ' 'on. WMh. • - • 'iidomed a budeet reguc.M i million dallnrs to con- coiuuuctW Z iol Eiiwei' :

ifntitl lock and dam

1 I « million dollar.^ lo , ,iniinicilon of Llttlf Gomc M a .r , b . b « » u a lo : . s k v ip r .y Iniu

<lnllnr.' "to move tliU >forward a l the utmost everyhm * w ilt

avo id c o i l j / th•i.w U tlon t h o supported v v jy rad ios t

______m d p ito li forI/i«er Granite lock and . . . sn d m a ly i

•c cu rs la gslloi

IMTGEKlTNAnnKI)LIN. M n r l« ’''« '-C nm m u..................... ................'tiUct arretted two men.Ilns.W flK 10 W tJt Berlin n a ':if Brandenburg gate yea- r . O . DOX


p n Was JBask 0 <VITAMINSand

MINERALS p T ^. . ._ A .d B iry -d l« » a l d _ _______^ _____

f o r r h t fom irfes " H e a lth M a ln te n o n ce ."


B o t t l e ----------------------

oMoo ^ 9 8 r r ;C i p s u l e j ^ l ______________

INI ^ I m miau itlB g C team y P o m a d e

in e s D ow n G ra y n e s s

a i n M s Y o i n i g l l p l n '■B B S l—ASa— Uiejia-rtsuUt __I . . . ____

h tir d rc tt lR f , ---------------

« i ^ 5 . ? , : : { ; 3 v , v b R e >

HZ::P o m a d e I E | T ' <

Crw n or Uquid___________‘ I I 'Vit CmKi ttmait <• tmtiMm i f

k<V. LkW fv .Jmm rw <».

A e n 't , W o m en 's o n d PERM A F

h o n i S a l s C A R DW hilo th e r lo i t l n U S

?3c .. 59c 50 ft....- '

R y ^ l . ^ ^ * 9 *tU S S Y o r T U S S Y '

J ) E S E R T - I i .O W £ R _ _ _______DESERI-£L<


50c I 1.0(


STORE HOURSWEEKDAYS 8 a.m. h) 9 p SUNDAYS 11 o.m .to2p:


V N c r— •ip ray In iu rst a p ro fe tilo n a l job iprs'rylim* w llh th* u»» of .flaflBor* lo iencilid cotljy tk ip i snd m lite i . . . tw o lemcy radios be lw etn ground cr«w> sbl*I pilo ls for on Ih t spot instruction^_____ lo d

sn d m a lm d delivery fo r sur* s n d a stnu rsla g s llo n ig a .' In sdd illon S k y ON

S K Y S P R A Y0 . B o x 1 3 1 « B u r l e y , I d a h o

t O L I N G E R

_______________ ____ ^ H a v e y o u f r i

M e t o l w h o l i k e 1

E m b o s s e d ^"PlAYDOqWaste I W hin w t'-m son tng ftiti

th* “ioma thing” ) hond ] n 1 I advice, let It ge In en t ti

BBSKGIS Cm o^il* '^^T cH b 'na '‘'^I de ttr leu s henllh horfli.

Roa. 1 .49 l . p r . u r t b . l . r y . u l . > »^ ly when you n i td ta —

. d e t i w llh •v iry praicilp Follow Ih* DeOer'i order

jWjm annual medical (


— C A N D I E S -r i io B«l( To Hot . 1 jr h « B«»r To Giv#............... LB. BO X

Reg. 19.75 G eneral Eled AUTOWSnC TOOTH BRU

:o m p l« l« 1 3 . ^ Kit (o r Family......................... .......... l W » i

R evlon C o lo T K in ----- L I P S T I G K S -Fobu lou i, S u p tr jL u ttro u l..............................................- v

A W m d e r fil G raduation G ift

■ I T 'S IN T O W M . :

. . . I T 'S

P E R M * FLEX N l * Slim

‘A R g E N , “l i U S b w ith S u p e r B tue b

....... - 1 . 1 9 1 .....1.1

n jA U M A RE S E M L E L O W I l_ 1 r k O t l T

„ a « . n s -1.00

S A Y S “ W H I C H

-T R O L I N G E R S I " _ f c j M B

M f t1. t Q 9 p . m .

■ t o 2 p m ; u m B

G m a r T^— •— If you f*>liifr-Th>t-the^

bail m *lhod-io (t;|[ I H f / ~

itg sb rtf th , eliminife

^ w e sd i if) grtin, erConlfol wir* w orm in v l ^ B

potaloei It ihs mod.

ern serial spplicalion "-W


>b ip rsy e n g sg e t s (juslified snd exper- Ip . icnced fieldm in . . . s> well a i «n en- ' 0 lem olosiil. T heta fellow t sr* jv s i l- V» sb la snyfim e to w ork wilh »h# rsncher

to doftrmlnt prohiemi tn6 >h* bo»fid a«rfJfl|Jptlcillorrfoi-thrm7ieT-U5-*»a y ON YOUR SPffAriNG.

*RAY I N C .

i h o C a l l C o l l c c t 6 7 8 - 8 5 5 5


le Y cu .f t ic n j s

irfio iilie to

lHDOaOii’ ?:jm*on1ng fritndt |wh* had j Ahing”) hond you "msdlwl- / VI go In ont *ar and *u| Ih . % /•m b*r< th* b« il-m * o n t ^r*icrlblng“ «f thli i*rt can‘lenllh hofffl. Th» enly p*nen quollfl*tffer yew l» yaur (t«i#f.S»| him pramph k ^ W j B .* d te _ i h M d f t « o u r P h o m ,o * j.very praicrlpll.n placed In hit hendis io tlor't c r im le Ihe ItliirJ

M £W C «1 C H I K - V n H A t S A V t m g l l

D V E R 8 P H S

E S — - K M I

30x 1.50 1 1 ^I I E l e c t r i c

H BRUSH-1 ^ O C Walgreen

~ | X * ------- --------------------p f o m p t i e l i c f cI* I x i n S f r o m h e a d a c h e s I I X c p a i n a n d c o l d s r l V ^ ----------------- ---- , : ^ o m f o r c . -

2 50^

'N ' . - r ; - ...............— — -

r i T T W ^ W l W I T !N iw Sffm ' Reg. ZC O



........ 1 . 5 g | I only........... 1 . 5 (

u S rH O S eMROy— ^ T A B I WH it b n t . Com. , 2 3 0 " ^ ^

___________ ____ Of 0 . 9

.• . a . - '- '

d snd exper- ^ell a> «n en- n 's r e s v s l l - h the rancher snd the be»t rtrlET-US-eiO------------ -------

6 7 8 - 8 5 5 5


l l

pi- .:l«>

,VI YOU* un

m -

p iS

i lg reenW M —m p n e l i c £ = : : —

h e a d a c h e s ,

l a n d c o l d s

j c o m f o r t . ---------- . --------

'3 j i r .u .S .P . ■

9 8 '

jm w r ~ ~» . m o



.....1 . 5 0 1

fAMiN nT A B IE T S -^^150 m s .

. ■ . . 6 9 c ] ,

- .....— ---------------------

Page 12: tk lI^ A irl^Force .le Jets^Lanc In T haila B olster D · tn wbit the Klotw. I l l f l 0(licb|,_„^, .K--epl..K.s

- 1 W e d n e s d o y . M o y 16, 1 9 4 2

. 1 2 T w in F o ll;^ rIm es-N ew x

' \ A n n u a l Relief Sbetety Parley

—H e ld ^ t View---=VIEW. M*y 18 - Tlis tn n u il

Reller toclely wtrd confereit^e »fts htSd h tn . M/3. Ellen O.

■ *— M ir t i 1ed - ihy i t» lo iu ,- ~----------- RlraTHaroiaTJlilfer-fiMrtea-Dn

the p w l ye4r» le ilrlilei, Mr».-------- g>mn-A ndre»30n-n0l*A-Ui»-«>**‘

U ln ln s of jener»l. «Uke wia wftrd o tflcen tn d leaehen.

The vlalUnt UBChcr'i Ium i “Conllnue m ileadrM inm ." * u prttea led by M n. Jcrtid Andej ion . M n. Leland Woodbury sa»e •the Uicoloiry Jea»on. "Put tlie

— x in f d o m - o r a o d - i tn f -------------M n. Leonird Pallcrwn and

Mra. Blauer aang “Jetw . I My Croca Kave Taken.” ae«ampanled by M n. Evord Olbby. '

M n. K ennelh Warr. »iake re­lief aoclety pr«ldeni, apoke. Prajer* were ilven by Mra. C iiirlct W ritley and Pauline Nel*

..- - M n..Olher tW ke oCdeert aitendlns

______ Mr., rinrlr Mrt RflUA dami and Mra, .Martin Cnuny, Oakley; Mra. Clark Judd. M n. MorrU Mitchell. Mra. H at­e r and Mra. DtJfld-Motlell. —

Jo b 's Daughters In itiation Set

I ForT w o Girls) HAOERMAN, May 10-Carolyn

Couch nnd Katherine Miller M ra Initialed Into btlhel No, 45. Job'a DiiuRhlera. M a resular ineeilnB.

^Jr. and Mrs. Virgil Norwood acted u asaoclBte BU^rdlitn and guardian In lhe abarfics of Mr#. Scott Preaton and Cliarlea Rob- triaon.

M n. Porreat Miller w « Intro­duced by her daughwr. KaUi*

' erlne.Liirk Carlton E^ve Uie librar­

ia n 's - re p o r t on "Spealtlng of ------ Cove,"------- -- •

A recent dance iponiored by ■ the belhcl waa auccesstul. Plana

fo r anolher dance were made for

i Juoe.Prltea won for telling the most

tlcl?eu and maUn* the bett poii- era fpr the dance went to Karot LeMoyne. tlckeu. and Patly Vln- cen t »nd VayreUe Cook, poalcra.

R eftehm enU were lerved by

I E\'elyn'«acan. Evelj'n Boyer and Sherri Kulme, awlJled by Mra. Herman Bean.

'l The nex t meeting wlU be held■' May 33. Offlcera wlU be elected.

I M arion M artin il Pattern

Infj FlJlS H l - IT S NEWSt1 ' Me» — eummer’t undersUted I look composed cf a curry ovrr-

( bJouM and a)im aklrt'L orely for - - day or erenlng la mpple allka or cotton.

---------------Prlnte<t-WMen»-W97i-MlUM!I alzcs 10. II, 14. la, 18. eiM- ts

rtflulrea 3 yards SMnch fallftc. '• nfl>- cen u In coin* for th li

pa ttern — add 10 cenl4 for each pattern for f ln t-e lau mall. Send lo Marian Martin, c /o Tlm ei- Neva Pattern Dept. 333 Weat l « h St.. New York l l . N.Y. Print plainly name. addreAs with tone, a lu and atyle number.

Sxim l Extra! Ex Ira b it aum- mer pa tlem caulog - over 10« styles for all sites, occasions. S e i^ 3 ^ ____________________


--------STORACE“■« — :------ .......... .......

For p ro p sr fur tlo rag* ,I I . rely on Dopfar'* Inimt- I I tab le lu rriar k n o w h o w I I • • • b a ted on y«art .o f I I handling th* fina ii fura.

s l I n l i i . '


I ^ n d

16, 1 9 « ^

icr'i leuon,

raid)dbury gave



lecompanled .

iiake re* ipoke.

> by M n.Pauline Nel*


'Un Cnnny ,M n. tVsde BH;*--------


ris10-Carolyn Mllirr wera -

Jo b 's .Inrill Norwood ■mrdliin and - s „ a k E8PEAHE COMES TO 1 «C8 of M rt. ,he year for lhe Twin Falls Ul* lisrlea Rob- Dreaied In a IBlti cenlnry c(

Mn, new etsb preildtnL Itoldlng i wot Intro- e e i( .o t.a ra u are Mra. Orle Illff,

m r . KaUi* » * .* .

Zi^ri', 16th Century j lonsored by I Them e Features hutul. Plans ^ . I I r i I cremade for G u i l d P a r l e y jIg the most Shaktapeare't world came lo e bf«t,Do»i* life a t the final mec’.inu ol the i lit to Karot aeasbii of the Ta'ln FftJli LHw- Patly Vln* *ry Art guild a t tiio Canyon i

«k, posters, elub. . ‘ served by Mrs. Larry Chrl5lwir.tnr -new ’

Boyer and dub president, was iJreKSd in a Ed by Mra. je ih eenlury rostumr. Sh'! Rave 1

a revelw of 'Twf.ied Tnlet of < I'lU be held Shakespeare,* oy Rlchnrd Amour, 1 be electcd. ^ ta iire on "Hftmlct" and "Ro* t

-------- :------ meo and Juliet." Io r t i n Her costume w,ns a full lenath »

dreaa of burgundy vclvei.'cn with ‘ n a sold veil alluehcd to a black

hat.I n the 3«Uj crntiiry Ihcme, the

luncheon tnbles were dccoratcd I with bursundy runners of monk* c

I cloth, ornate cindelib rs. steins t' and mugs. <

. A Jar»e replica cf Shakespeai e s ( > 4 9 7 eoM-of-arms was mountwl on o

the wall and, two lorchcs huns by I 1ft . . U'B nreplRce, ' •10-18 Prourams wera In white en- f}v Triopea sealed with a cc^uof- i:w arm s In gold wax. Much of the t

l ^ w cFor Your C

- AJffaUwH*- K

flkai-.NEWSl '*•

curry ovrr- Lovely for

iple silks or

P7* Mifiif*'18. Site- 18 ««oew»einch fallftc. — , Tf"* T .^ b i g r —

, mall. Send \ I 1*. 333 W a t ** j ^ '

'* a ri .o f • ^ r J

.......-gr a■ ; A

a ' . ■ '■ - I -

IMES TO L n t a l the final meelint of MrI Fills L llm ry Art xulld a t the Canyon i*«) cenlnry eoilume li Mri. L arry .C hrltlrn ' spe L Holding a large repllea of SliakHpeore’* Th.Orle Illff, center, r ttlrinc president, anil car

a rt work was done by Mrj. U rry n^ aorenton and .\lm. Noraian Ol- U t/ ten. g«vernl uf the Itcnw iu*d rT i r o c *or decoratlons'wi.Tc loatieU enur- J g

lety of L‘Heri.«onV. Furniture _, compnny.-r'’ ff®^®' 'I C/ now er fair. •-came lo Mrs. Wnyne Baiier Rave a

tn ol the sketch of the BUthor-| life. Mr». " i’ll Lfier- JoJm CoJrmnn wfts wclcon'cd ti.i I Canyon n new member. Mr.i, B tm tll , q q

Skinner. rctlrUiu vlc^ pre.ildcnt, ..'.cn^.new waa prograni chalrrnnn.KSd in a Mrs. Orlo llKf r«iirin.: prei*Sh'! Bave ident. Ne«' of/lccr,i bcjJCw .Mr*.T nlft of Chrlsteiuen Include Mn, Wayne ^

rd Amour, Bauer, vice prcslrtont;-Mrs. El- . and "Ro* don Siokes. sccrctiry: Mr.v Ttm

McVey. trea.iurcr. a n i Ml', - V<ni „ till lenath Hafmef. h law rlan a«J pjUUeJty l.«en with chalnnan. your, . black ¥ » ♦ pjoy

NOTE.S ANNIVEBSAItV en heme, Ihe '■r a OERMAN, Mav Id-D tA nn moU dccoratcd Leatham celebrated her fifth of monk* bWhday annlvrrxar)- wlih ars steins party n t Uie home of her par- ___

' enls Mr. rind Mra. Enrl Leatham. •UtO Tnif. O m a » c re unacf U.i dlrecUon < inte<l on of M n. Harvey Easton nnd .Mrs, »■ 1 hunff by LAveni Cox. Mrs. LcBthnni was

assisted by Mra. Lloyd-Brown - vhite en- ftnd Mrs. Everend Jensen, The

cCAUof- IJirlhdfty cake wn.i turquoise.-h of the trimmed w ith p ink f 0.?a.

UCflT®our Old Watch

lU' ' rS

'“•isfi If \^Hm IjS

UKniU’riiiK rv ____

p p g p i l i w p | H n

ine of Mn. Beroell Skinner, retiring vice pi:anyon gave a rerlew at Jtichard Ataqur's ‘rislen- speare," a roui<<h aa llr t >on "Hamlel"peore’n The IClh eenlury theme was carriedt. anil candelabra and drtolf^g 'ffobtels.' (Tii

B e l l e v u e L o d g e 'b?ett

; u c r S e t s ' ' J V S h o w " u ^ Jjrnltiire ^ . . bulldl

ju ii rs t f o F e t e M o m s■ . B E L L E V U E . May 16 — A ^emb

tr Mr* •’Harp.Wlse" lelevlslonlthow was ^nmti L . . me feature of a pnrtj* held by u,e j

Brm rll «>« «e.ildcnt "*"• Till?

The program, p rciin icd by ^{j,y '■ , Mrs. Cr^'stai Harper and Mrs. .

V’ P/” * MarKuerlie Wl&c, honored moUi- " f r j preaenc.

Each mother wa.i Interviewed Patter V /m inS presented w ith. Howers. e r anc v i L Corsages were presented to Mrs.

' , i.iV,. Nellie Chaney, oldest m olher o i p re«nt: Mr^’ G a r t h Sims. youngest m o l h e r . and Mrs.i ol- Floyd Selvcrs, who with h e r sev - ' T o t

■RY en children represented th e , . -DtAnn tnoUier wlih Uie most chlldfCn \

DresenU ' ’er par- J^urlnft the business m c e l l n B . i t . _

S ' SPECTA CU LA lnni was

•n. The

r b M l

-~ 1 E » S WJEW B^®

!- i : K I R I l A j

o f f e r s '

- e tw s ^ - iu_ T H £ - W O R L D . 'S - M O S T M j

' s t r i n g d e s ig n

,S A ' \ T N G S


-------- T H R O L ^ H -m V -2 3 R I> -G N 1

' F ou r-p ie te p la c e -s e ltin g

regularly 531.00 NOW %232l

Com plete .3 2 p ie c e . Serv ice-fo

regularly $248.00 NOW $1B6.

You c an give h e r f a m o u s C hanli savines.’ AK p ta c c -s c tf in g and

____ arc -in clu c Jcd ..A _ m a rv el,o u s.o ph e r lh e m o s l c h e r is h e d ste rlin i

^ _________ Of a d d to h e r p r c s e n l Chani

All prices include fed

r ? T 7 '-------------------FilfifOpel

' nL E R house hi finptuc . golden_ <

- M r . ^ d


• -There1 — M ai' J ' ^ ' ' ered wiU

,1 ..'''^ , , 7 " ^ ' and eent. 'A . . K .'' • t . cake dnI # . ' / and top

- A - i . • w I 5 0 ln « o lA ’ }< ''7 ' ' V - " - ■» and the

f y ■■ ' circled »

' ' ' ' '< Mrs, Ivi

ring vice preililcnt. Mr>. Cliri«ten»cn ford, wh I Ataqur's •T tr liM Tales' c t Shake- rtrnl. Th n "Hamlel" and “IlDmeo and Julltl." ters. Ma ira i carried out with torrhcs, ornate m b teU .' (Tlmex-Neiri pboto) DOM---------- ------------------------------------ :------- Domes

conducted by Mrn. JMger At- of Mr*, l e bretluen. noble srond. May 28 were Mr

J / was set for a rummase sale ot Leo Mel V the former Drllevue Hardware Loi,'e. T

building. - - was wor; ^^rs- Mary Bucftttnnn and tori3- '

Mrs, Jam rs McCoy, lonif time — A members of the lodge, were! _ ' *i‘' ' named chairmen to prepare for 113 by tj,e celebi'nUon of the lodgc’t }t tne g ift itimlrtrtary.

Tills wns o b « e r y e d .a t tlie •* Mny 15 niceilns. The lodge wns ]

Inslltuied Mny 10. IMI.Hostcs.«s. were Mrs. W. R.

ewed Pntieraiori. Mrs. Chryswl Harp- iwers. e r and Mrs. L. T. Johnson.

I;,1 ;' ''wARBER.G^'

Q L A R O F F E R !

E S - - l ¥ - yk


r - f f i m i l - - —:OSTJEAAIOUS___ I ■ ______DESIGN' i r ■ - -


3RI>-GNLY- r I - ' —-- --ic e-se ltin g INOW %2325 1

_ S e rv ice -fo r:8 1 I . __

NOW $1B6.00 1

ll ll ll ulous C h a n lil ly a l w onderful

5C»ifi£ a n d serving p iecesrv clo u s opp o rturiity lo r Ivo . ' ' 717.l e d s te r lin g pauern available,s e n l C hantilly seL_____________ ^

nl.bud£ct*_»vtllibli._______________ ■ /IIS include federal lax. ' T

I I i i ^ i "iL-j '

Filer Pair H a s ' | r r : Open House for Golden W edding ,,5”“ .';

FILER. M«v 18 — T*ie open a. L Hargr house held May 6 a t the P in t .dsy. Roll ci BgptU t eh tird i in hoBor of tlwfeftsriTf. TJ: golden_ wedajng anniversary ofjfunilshed b

- M r ,^ l l -M rs ._ K ;..D / 'A W w»a ■ Kiro, ..........attended by tome 160 (rlenCs and;Tclattves. . , Buck-iroo

Ouests were reglsterctf by Mn.,dance Satu

■ Jrake'iid '^ lT s.'tjoya^H anJrt ' n,-The refreshm rnt table w ii cov*, - ( - . j

“ T red w lu n r iiiiT c lo U ro v ijr tf lia ei^l^irioond centered with a ih ir-.iie red ii,(cake decoratrd with gold rvses |unch( and topped with the num tn ls

■ 50 In «old. The b#sf of ;he c ike ,and the candle holders were en- , 'circled wlih bronte chrytanUie* Jj

' Mrs.. Marshall Johtjaon and ni?S3S8^r I Mrs, Ivan Anderdson wrre in

cb;>rse of table decorations, ' , (Tlie cake was cut and trr^rd Lo>'*l„Nel

by Mr*. Sidney Qwnbev and Mrs. 3 pm. rrld- Rdw ard- Andi»wi, Mrs. R ..W . wlih M n. D

W llwn iind.vM p. Fred W.lwnpoured coffee.

Mrs.'Alice Patlerson and Mr*.N. L. Johnson »er\'ed punch. Mrs.Johnson and Mrs. Lauren Butts ^

“ »e re in-clu r ;e Tir i Tnniimiey tret . -----Sfrs. u o n Wright was Jn rhrrge V T ^

of the kltclien. ns.ilst^i by Mrs. llc n rr Shroo.^lre. Mr.*. Vota .

! Hurd. Mrs. Price Iiolloway. Mr.i. W ! Tiny Rutherford. Mr*. Rlchnrd : Jlforsan and MfK Fnrmrr. P*- ' trlcln Flelf'.i and Delores Dutu

&]'o aMlstecl. i Mr. nnrt Mrs. Al"! wrre n a r- j' Mrrl In Chelien. 0 ’:li . Mnv 5. C

in i r T h fv mov'd to Idaho In 1ltH S.-Tliry have a -a o n . Lyle. I

i Flier. They plso hnd a son ?rho ^«led In Infancy, rnd a son. Off-'*

n ford, who wns tilled In an reel- • i■- rtrnl. They have two grnnddauah- • I •• ters. Marllj-n ond Snndrft. • Ie V y; ¥ 3

D0ME3TICETTES MF.i:T “ Domesllctttes m>!t a t the home IN of Mf*. Boy Schla?el. Oucsis28 were Mrs. DoucUs Standlee, M r . i .________ot Leo McFarland and Mr^. nonnld tstAOLiSH re Loi,'e. The white «l« t«ir

was won by Mrs. Jam es Craw- id forJ. • c«o:o sine

5 - ¥aiiEngi^ THIRD THUF



Prices Greatly 1 THURS.-FRI.


IrT ------TTT------- I'Richfi.'I S o c i a l E v e n t s S f ^ d e i

1 Unlcn PacJfl: Boosters club Kill meet a t th e home of M n .‘^ "

i Ia. L Hargraves « 8 p .n . ■ m u .s .^ y P**; ■t.dsy. Roll caU r l l i be a pU nt e s - l ^ '” * efeftsriTf. Tfte club favor fjfunilshed by M r»-_M °rns_Dlaci-'J,.bufp,-------- 3 r - * —

.r ♦ .p p»ruelpti;i] Buckaroo Squares will n i l .illcy. Ann

>.,dance Saturday as scheduled. |.\fer?- Ctiutfi

1 ' hoyai' Nelghiiors will ' hoTd‘ a ‘" i ' C o " n ^ - ' * MLk meeting a t 10 4 J n. F rid ayJ to clean a u O c c o t a E r U i r iD O P : '* ! ^ , --------’ hall for the aU te convention. K DUeta Rtr » tsck lunehcon will be aervcd. RUcy »''<! s J* M Ji Linda Kac £t * * * Conner.- Women’s Christian Tem perance , (Jn/on «-HJ /nc<?t a l £»»« home

Mm, A, B. Kestler a t 3 p j« .' C/ 7 M ondtyr-Fof-traaspattatlon. j a m ___A U TO -

y :- , «.m,1 Loyal NelBhbors will m eet a t T a b e r In 1. 3 pnt. Friday a t the clubhouse. 113 Sbosho

wlih Mrs. Dora Chick a s hoatcss.

[iio:a SCOTCH whisky, t» ,i phoo» »»cNrii;i.o u

!ngelens ^THURSDAY

iN T D A Y SJ A B IG G R O U P O F F A B R IC S O F J 'IO N ! A L L F I R S T Q U A L IT Y 1 ^ itV E S O W !

reatly R ed u c ed j / W >.-FR I.-SA T.


. Cool p rices on ho

' '" 9 ’ . fflshioni. ll



'Richfield Piano • Students PIqv

, RICKPIEU). M.;y u ‘ ,« c n ln ? of m uilf i',., Iccal pltnu itudrnu

.iW illa Carranjy, eii.jim ,,

. . Richfield MttlicdUi chuir'i, •*■| T he recital *a, or^n't, , .|* ll-nv ,rr,iy f, Lmcj r , ,-<jera playe<t_-Bl,., 7 h«

paruelp-tln j v.trr kX I .Illcy. Ann KUit. nnue _|Mar?- chutfitlrt.^ p.imc;*

I 'nlvC onner. Lina Saniliir lT ” .;tCac Sanders ind Mjriu,, p,.*

, ■ D ueta-R tft-p ij.fdRiley and Mmoiif p«o, .? i Linda Kac Santitrj imii o'!, ''J

_ Conner. .


-A U T O -JN S U R A N C E ?- -W« will inture You;;

T o b e r Iniurance Aacrcv', 113 Sboshonc .Vo. ^

| | L P rocln iiJ i.'i: ■

^ M"Hcnrcl(»lh. my, h | C T P i r i i i i i i i ii

w l ih l iy s h a l l be ‘

a v a i l t t h k in

a l l th c {}Col>k.^

E n jo y t l i e K in g

o w in c o ic l i ,

r . ■

' m —

I p rices onhofw ealtie r ij

fflshioni. IrreiiitiWe

Dflcron/cotldo, for g sh ij

o n the go, from now »

through' tummer,

from dawn 'tif duJt.

.■ 'Z B ^ h o w n ) Dacron

j llo n th irl waisl dress,

'ifh inlereJting Romm

coin print, P a ie n i^ ll ,

'S: Boiffe, blue, green.

zes 10 to 20

1 0 *

Page 13: tk lI^ A irl^Force .le Jets^Lanc In T haila B olster D · tn wbit the Klotw. I l l f l 0(licb|,_„^, .K--epl..K.s

Eastern ^ Stors L ,, J l

b ^ '^ h . D t t f No. 35. Order k QD ^ t i •• •»• • r a

s > g * 2 w m»tn>n M«1 S«n

k.r BjIlcerJ ItuUllcd a rt

un. FMth &»on- i S TOomtt* PrlU>. trM .


Mrs. D.ilf

’^ ■ iifn l i f Mr». C. T. Cwv.Mrs. Lwllfl Wallace, -

* ^ '^ r rc a u a rt Mrs. Dallat 8 ^ r « h ; Mr*. JDhn W m ,

K ^ ^ b u t ( r u d (nitron nnd ^ a d tftMurfr: Mr*. Owen C S mtmbfr of the dUjpcn- ^ .nd cliartcrs commlilrc: ,S- W»hler. member ot lhe rs- t

cflBunlliee: S»ro DunBum..find luher. »nd Stiar-

« Buoium. honored' quetn nf f« A iIV “>rt Nc. 13. Joti't

(nnounced com- B o r b t a w . Mrs. fi. O. Cloftcr. Mrs. , SaM M Qulvef, and Mrs. El- L V O I I sir «Ulff. tlnance: Mrs. Rdy TjBtr. Mra. Earl NUlwn and K p f iiB M s le Denwn. *lek and • N C ' ' '- riUnJ. and Mn. H. J. Darton, KELLC jt-j.-C'en Bolan and Mrs. John marrlnce Ntibroufh. rcllel. dnUKlilcr'A pwie tor you.” an addenda. KroU. T\

tu prtjcnied tor lhe new James L. n.thT matron. Mrs, ReiEich otricer presenled the » « « o le n

cureo with a red carnation. *he U n M EiU n . . n i 'T l . , "

T»«tr-niird Pnalm," ncconu The Rt by Mn. Barton. Jr.Adams Introduced her

K w l . Demon Adanw; her While B, Rsuld Adams: her son-ln- "nd snaj

Ur sal daughUr. Mr. and Mrs. altiir. nc< Bmiiii UneasKr, and granO> holdlnK v lUlittr. Pamela, who presenUsd Mr.i. V I r trudmother wilh a gltl. ork’anliil. A ilrt from newly-laitnlled of- E.scorin

flctfsm prescnied by Mra. Paul bride wor lario* lo Mr^ Adams, • orRondy e

Thtpaiimalron'a pin wax pre- broldered n ltd » Mr*, Wnhler by Mr*. *kl« feai M u ; Urs. Hlren presented a front piti till la Kn. Wahler from choir m itu. He tflobtn and aubstKuie oftlcera. slon yell ud U n Adams presented itie bmldrred Wlrfai officer’s g l« lo Mr*. Her oni »iUer. siriiiid ciatltataienM were, served a t a «h/c/i he

kfsOTtrtd Cable, with Mrs, mother, i tetcn and Mr*. Ronald Lan- bouquet o e m pruldlng a t lhe silver whlt<? car rito*. pink orchVn, John ,Ne«tbrou8h ’>■'»« Nancy i

f tusan of U)«. refreshment slsler of (ea llle t assisted by Mrs. Phil honor. 81 Bal, lbs..Paul Tlnseraon, Mrs, floral ny M CceuDons, M n. Darrell skirt, a ' U o n o and Mi«. C. 6 . West, veil and i

F o o d j o r A m e

.. b7 G A YN O R MADC

I a ilCK £N SALAD .aalad bou Of toufM. .chicken salad Li tional ma

t«iUoM||y j» weddlnit bulfet with addl litorlu. Bul for ihls year's re- almond.1. “Ttlon. try a new version ~ Drid "ttnllntd, deleclable and eye. <yii

_ l-cun_cIte two suRKcsllOiui; ' 's cup n

Trtdlni Bells Chicken Balsd 1 i«Ji*Po -Qilcktn combined wlih golden f«*PP!e UdbJU. Top «'»fi R J tewpo

oJ mnyonnalse nnd a clu*. 7 cups t fceif illvfrrrt_»lmonds. cups cfl.Tde'» Chicken Salnd-Com - 1 cup p-

» • diced chicken with sour ?^P £uns..and .xcsiy -scaM n . —C.OHLiiJ

S«tii sre simple to make, and Worcester •HI mtti wim aich auccess th a t Combine v It* bflde hertflf will want to peean*. 1 [etftm fn |rc, poal^honeymoon' wrve,- plli IttnalniriE. u ln d bow: Wrtdiat m ils Chicken S a l s d --------------

tVieid: 16 senrlngB) H o w T

; ruw aicfd cooked chicken M o n' ' “’’ -ounces) pineapple O o w r

UdblLv drained ' b«rrauii3-' I «P* diced celery jllrtSmln

‘ cup touiica silvered almonds rourpUw. wmwnt mnyonniit*e, Innon-

aiid .^y c ^ m’TlnT*'’f* chicken, pineapple,' celery eourTihK ' « slmoiui*. T oil lightly.. Chill,

on salad greens In ‘

First S ecurity Ba

~ ^ l o a nf o r y o u f o ; b u y r b

o i ; m o d o r n i z e ' i

FHA o r BANK to su it y o u r ind iv i

a n d r tp a y tn e n t r t i

-.. C o ^ iH n

222 Moin Avfc S«.



ic .

I* -

>g___ , ___________

— ___ .1 .- -.----------

1- . ........ .. . . . .


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^ t r t ;

d ^*' .. - r S ' ' f t

i": MR. ANU fllllS . >nANClS J.,, iHope pliojnj■i * * * . ,

• B a r b a r a K ro ll,j: L y o n s M a r r y in 3 K e llo g g R ite s1. KELLOOO. May 10 — T he *!’ '(« « 'n marrlnue of Barbara Louise Kroll Bfoom's ti

dnUKhler of NJr. and Mrs. Egon dtt>«Kroll. Twin r tlls . nnd Prancis ' f *

, J ™ c. L j . m ™ of Mr. .n a tJinUdlmy Mrs. Reginnld Lyona. KellORK. immedli

. was jiolemnlr.ed Saturday. May 8. f];On}-, a ia t lhe Emmanuel- Eplficop«l the home church. KelloKB.

. The Rev. U uren H. McRcy- noldn. Jr.. ptrformed the double

r weddln.’c,r White stock, pink cnrnntlons ^. nnd snapdraRonn decorated the ci,r>, altnr. accentcd by caodelnbras ..■ lioldlng white tapers, . AMUtlnsd Mr.i. Wendell Oenllnger was Anne Mn

ork’anKI. Wa-'>li.. sl.M- E.seoriitl by her faiher. Uie Mrs Wnld ll bride wore a gown of white nylon WB."ih..,ani

orgondy ovrr taffeta w ith a n em - Wa.iti..-tio(. broldered filled bodice, a full and BnrtI. skirt featuring an embroidered Wm ii,a front panel, and elbow length , Others ir mitts. Her shoulder-length lllu - T. Lyoiw,I slon veil fell from a pearl em - brldeBrooiic broldered Mar>- S tuart cap. ford srKl 1

Her only Jewelry was a double ‘‘ v,'®**' ,siriind cultured pearl necklace ‘■” f>

n wh/c/i bflonged to her prand-I, mother. She carried a ca.ncade ^ J ”. bouquet of Ivy-cntwlned pink and “ / “ 'J* r while carnations centered w ith a

p'"* w ." .s ;s Nancy Snook. Sulmon,. sororlly ou«tt sister of the.bride, was m aid of ->n,e brlt: 1 honor. Site wore a peacock blue p^ngI, floral nylon drts* w ith » full English mi.1 skirt, a white cIrclR ha t w ilh „ tlo n a t l

veil and short m ltu , sh e carried «-her»she

. V The brld

A m erican s x-'.'?;3R M A D D O X

■ Tlie COUI.salad bowl. Oarnlah with nddl- W «t A st

I tional mayonnaise and sprinkle where boltI with addlUonal toasted silvered studies a l I• almond.1. ,

Dride'i Chlckcn Salad TArPE(Yield: 16. .ervlngs) FIUER, I

. l_cun_cpmmerclal aour crcam dpn._dnugl• *j cup fnayonnalw ------— — sediiim.-ha

I 1 tiospoon Worccstershlr# . ver Td.wl, sauce honorary <, ) teaspoon salt S tale coUci

7 cups diced cooked chicken —: ^l>i cups diced celery

1 cup pecans VSalad greens V

. -C .o m JiJn -e —commcrclaJ—Miir _________j- cream, mayonnaU*, lomon. Julcc. - _ . i - _ — I Worcestershire sauce and • salt.; Combine with chicken, celery and , pecans. Toss lightly. Chill. To: acrve,- p lle -on s a tad -g ree n s-in ---------

ulR d bowl.

“H o v ^ d H o i d P ~

FALSE TEETHM o r e F i r m ly in P l o c e ,

Doyour fslM Malta acDor snd em -j y■ burrauUytUppmB.aropplngorwob* I y

ssr.‘.;r„ r.”,5t!; f ■■: rour pi>i««.'rMi alkalineinoo-acldi \ ..- -(>o«i]erhol<)»t*U*UtU>maranrmlr

■nd mor< comtort«liiv. No aummy, « .»Slrf'fhK i?*?IstV Sor'^ 'ta«a‘ut» | iT \breath). O tl PA O T ^m l'M ay a t I . ’a ru i eounun m nrw hm . I ..

I Ail»«flli»niwi> ».*

Ity B ank h a s \

- i> ; b u y r b u H i " T « p a l r ----------- ■

J o r n i z e ' a h o m o . I

o r B A N K L o a n t Wu r i n d i v i d u a l n t t d t ; -i rm e n t r t q u l r * f n « n t s . ^

C o n T in ^ - - - ■

iAv«.S«. -------------

' A n n l e e

H a r r i s

' P l a n s t^ V ' ^ ^ ' HAILEY, M

' ’-'-‘^enirnt of d.uKhirr ,o(

B K M a h i).. :ch irJ tsz lIa iT’" ’'Ilicril.


------- -- --- \ n «,W i I - -d iy iff III nil

M i i 5 v ? y ' j Clu Oinfxa nr

- 4 S 'I t ^ b U ' I t*'

m- I Spill.'. Chilli

v i * » • * nnllrv lliKh :.< ---------------»rnv r II. Mil

^ J Uhihii Hlnir

P n

Hr It Ih r VIIANCIS J. I.VONS ni'iT lJ.l.Mnr.■.pliolni J.;. Harrln. ni---------- --- ------Mrn. Kulll ivi'a caAcnilr buiiquit ot l<-;illi«Ti'd *pink canuiioiu. . . .—Tom Rniclltlr, -iwin,,

“ 1’: “ ™ ; - " ' ' ‘■'■“‘" ■ . . S h o w nThe mother of tlir brldr clu FII.ER. Mu

a pale ycllu* .'hr^iili (lrr.%.-i w iilrn u n r r prr.-.rn while acc .vWlr. . T lir b r ld r-]“UnilrrM;intlligroom's motlrr »(irr it I 'r rn c h cn..... ul iiblur dr(!s uith n iiiiuchlm; Ilinv-' duli iin'rlliii.' er hat. Thtlr cor.snKrs writ- ot Mr.<. Jiiliun J. cymbldlum nrchlcLv Chuinbrr.i wn

Jmmedlnlcly nller Ih r .c r r r - shlg Morll mony, « :«epilon iiii.? Jield ;il phrr. sliowe'd thc.homt nf .Mr. and .Mr.i. Alvin cn of thc W Kroll, uncle and aunt of Ihejsquaw Vnlley bride. T hr bride's tnbir, covcro'd Mrs. liiirolt wllll' sliUe lift over miIIii. wa^: ihp n n' centered mIIIi a Ih rr t- ile rc d rrlek.r rx(m» weddlmt'c.iVr. „ „ .„ i ' ,„.clllll;

U wa.1 tiicirclrd with pink nnd o,,. jr.KMin onwhile chry.iniiihcmums nnd top- ------------------ped with a miniature bridnl pair.

AMUiIni; at the rrccpilon w rrr P < Mk Anne Mnrle Lyon.i. Spukiinc. V a j Wa-ili.. sl.Mer ot the brldi-i;rooni; I Mrs. Walden Ciigle. Jr.. Ciilvlllr,Wn.ih..,and Jnnri Kroll. Siiokaiic. m Wa.iti..“tlo(h couslfii o f tlir brldr. M \ m ■ . and Bnrbnra Ci.ttle, Colville. A i % U | Wash., Olhers a.vLslln(l wi re Mr.i. M i ■ ■r . Lyoiw, Krnndmoihcr of the ■ A | I bridegroom, and Mrs. J. •>. Sand- ford srKl Mh . Joseph Loiiur, all Kello».

Mar>' Alice McCoiiiirl. K cIIorr. was In chnrcf of th r kih :.1 book.

Tlie new Mrs. l.yom chiuiRcd ^to a beige silk siill w ith m nicli- Ing acce.uorlM lor her coliiR- ^ U \away ensemble. She wore the mM J & pink orchid from hrr.b rldu l bou- / M j g Q <ju*t. * ^ = ' 5

•Tli# brlde.-a Rradunte of Tw in C o n t a c i Falls high sdiool. Is a Junior p a „ „ g j j c English major In secondary edu- complet* as cation a t th* Unlvfwlty of Idaho , rour t z n where she Is a member o t Alpha newspaper c -Plit-*orotJli__________ ,BD9_rexdei».

The bridegroom was RrnaiinlcQ ndvance bllli from Kellogg high .ichool and Is a p|*j [o„ senior a l the university nrnjorlng i„ u,|., (.-an In ndmlnLitratlon. He Li ceforoatflllnted wilh Deln T hetn PI.

Tlie couple will re.ildc n t 009 Wf.ll A street. Apl. B. Moscow. ALHERwhei« both will continue chcfr ' AdverUieir studies a l the unlvcr.ilty. AucUoneers:


riUER, Msy 10 — Carol bed- M.don._dnui!hler of M rs-F fan c cs .rR F.D liQ iLSediiim.-has bsM i-uppediloc-SlK ----- 1ver Ts.wLi, a lenlor woihen'.n Adrertlsem honorary organlrjllon n t Jdaho AucUoneeri 1 s u t e COUCRC. roc.UL-lla. and 1

• V J..............

/ ■ - v N .

w l i

H I f

/ A f e ) : /___________ .■ fine _c

Slay There R k n it bock—_____; cool, soft Hju* control ' ' .

,tHat-iie»tr_ binds, quuor slips. ........ ~ ............. . .. ^

A n n lee M arlo w , K | | | | i # g| H a r r is R e v e a l |^ l a n s t o M a r ry -

10 - en-atenirnt of A niiite' Mnrloa'..iui:h(rr of Mr. nnd Mu. Ar- ^luir K; in'loii. Pocat.-llb. lo tlslph’ . MUrrts." Mm of Mr. a n d ' Mm

So ilifinlle wrdding dutr has

.................. I .....i„..i..iiii:n Pocntrllo hicli S'hool, S i i ( ~ ^ ^ | H ^ B III i r r r i t r K bachelor of scrnce .v u f in

ciillr^r III Junr. ^h r Is rm- iDvril part-lime a l the college

Slir l> p^>t pr^^ldr1t ef Alpl-n.’111 ninr;;a nnd psst IrraMiriT of,.'.'iK'tnlcil Wonirn Slu(*/'n<> Piie;•IM n elfl'i fifdcer durinc lirriDpiimiiorc''and.snil'u- Jr..r*"fln3+^ a x n i.kkriw il nil It .oc’lnl commilieer* '.‘ 'ir li:i.v been a mrmlfcr c/

pm.'. Chimes nnd Ktuonit ‘- ' ' • O V - f i ' J lur.r.' n^ociatlaiJ. She I* alw , L / „ rMr<l In ■•Who's Who A m nnslV ^ IU D S J ..m ln i.v t,. Miiedcan UnturM- i n nnd Colleges. ,.H a iti' 1.1 a 185B graduate of lailrv ilith :.chool where Iw wa* ,n ,n ' .;m , ,„ rfin iv r 111 atlilfLl«. He aiiendrc l'. , , . . ,.. ......tliihii Sinir tM lrsr nJirre h f quc-.i ..n .•ai n memiier, of lhe college;■and. Hr will b* ciaduaffd In ;- . ' • ; ' ' '”

;. Harrii. nnd the neplietv of Hir Jniir 12 i .5rn. Iluih ivrr.ion, Tv.ln Falls. bo»hi,« lurty.

C a m e ra ’ lJ se s Show n a t F ile r

Flt.HR. May j^ M r s . William )unrr prr.-.rnted the le.uon on UiKlrrMancllnR and using your

.... lit u Town and Country-lull iiii'riiiii.' a t the home of .Ir.l. Jiiliui J.n.^prr. Mrs.'Charles :iminbrr.i wn.<i co-host<S.i.

Shlg Murltn. local phologra- sliour'd movies he had tak-

:n thc W lnler Olympics In

Mrs. Harold Huston will host h r Jiinr niretlng. Hllda rred- rick.’’, rx m ilo n home manage- iirnt ^|)<'clllIlst, Boise, will give 'h r Ir.wm on lood purchasing. H p .

FA RM ^ A u c tio n | hCALENDAR B l l

C o n t a c t u a Tuncs-Hewi T t t v r \N V i Farm Bales departm eni, for /complete advertising coverage \ o l rear farm ttie : haod blJis. newspaper coverage (over 61.-pO fl-fexdeta-to-ftlaile-VaUgi.. ____________advance billing. All a t one spe­cial low rate. Every sale listed .''\is.1linn In UiLi t'arm Calendar for 10 liieVorlti days befora u ie a t no cosL ll,1l)V^m

M at” Ifi cr«i\s. ALHERT WILKIN'S ni.-li fttr

Advertisement: May U -l l \ Auctioneers: Larsen L Edlo-

borougb--------- Caniull Ou

r p F t^ tx n n '^ i ' in m n s T in v D«P*' <..•: ..•'. - ----- SA L E .- .;..- • - _1 - T h ~

Adrertlsement: May 15-K Auctioneer: Delberi Alexander

and Lyle Khat«r_______ .- --s.

/ / \ I

_ H o o k in fi 0 7 / / / \ ^ p r - w i t h b a c k

. • t h e c o m fo r ' y ...........................................— t h n t g iv ( • • - / .............................................. b a c k b u lg e

/ ......................................... ' k n o w n corf ......: w o o d "V n ss

K * y Petal Pusher R: — - -l Y Whirlpool R cup* In y o u r f ig u r i* / fine coUaji—bmod* _* _ ~

-c io th ,-a jo .-------------------- ^

AKDu :g e .

K ' iSlMdiili — AmniB '’’''‘‘“ I

camini.1 as gue.'f dausht»'t»~for_^'I

H R ^ M l h g M K rnd." Mny 4>0.■ A r Z f ^ S S S S M Breckn

s. PovlrrS fh lttlrr,'n il .T<

M r.- wrrr uf I

-MitlnniT—•—MiilMCJiri'U.ui rducjma

y V ; n CIOH B l H ^ V 5 .X r '

( S o f iiwnrUoui.'i.<iiai:i^ G rrn

’ recer■ ' - . J bwdj I>ir.'irti;nt.

ANNl.KK .M.XIII.OW Mr.’ F- - ------------------ ------------- Ktii.'t« .it iiiPir I

^ ' ■ Sii.'iiii K;iii;»lnnd.r. S chow .Is ■ Ilu b 's S p e a k e r S l.'iirrjj'itl1AN.-;i ;n , Mav in -U r. DoukIus dpllt^:ti-,v. -l-uit, Kalli, XMV.1 g u mtiiri n: Ihr Honm iniprote- of her ri.»u:lufr. ^i: li'iD mrriiUE. Ilf ininaied S " '’" *«srd,.,.. ,.. ...... n„H ....... cornniitlon rrno ii

^ ^ h c oul-'irrmnn* J

.................... ..1, A..O pic.-rni ua* Mrs. Cloe ju„ ior Mnator anrcli. ll..iLii-n area cancer fund gf p,.!,., j.j,,

Prorrnm hiehllt!rx iVcil .stuniirr and Mrs. parndi- of fasliloiiniili Daw wrrc ho.iU.vics. icKr Moilirrs clu'h r Jiiiir 12 meeting will be a Miiy Frle qurrn, I■ liiii; ii.irty, inglon, a tnrnlval,

^ JH ^ ecrC ruid a :»o-J

E TIMt:S.NEW 8 WANTj ADS w u"c 'plrcn'lA* '



■ ■ ^FRENCH CUP.‘‘Xis.llional new hr.i, acluslly tlic most perfrcl liieVtorld Ior il n c irr pro«* olil—n r tr r Io‘es i ll,1|)^m oui<^ snd holiU braiilifuily iiillioiil

o r winc». Kxf]«i*itr Ince otrrfn ln ilin ii contour ii»-li fV a ‘oft tnclrarinp young line.

\ Acu|.32.36.H&{:cui>:i2-M \ While. Paris Pink. Dlsck




io o k in fron t— thnf.s nil! No more «t v ith back hookT. ATid’you g e t a b e tte r fi h e com fortab le S tay T here R kn it elfinU —th n t givcfl a amooth y ou th fu l \ine w lack bulge. L et M rs. D oris F ix . CarroH'i m ow n coractiere, f i t you expertly in the rood"Viis5nvct tT! b ra ~a nd-girdl(^-jU6t-rig 'ou’r f ig u re !

U iud with shell- fow B .nibber,'U

P a r e n ts ' jP ian o .'S tu d iit D a u g h te r s .P re s e n t ReC o astC o tleg e .ii'M ^ ’ l ^ il - l ;VIS AKD C U itK ' COI.- P''’" '’ f f C l i B l r . Portia..,I. O ir . M.n 16 . ,mil — Amnni: tl'.r rwirnt.i , ‘1; ^ ’*'1^

t»'t»~for_•'I’a rrn u nre'- .^ ’Ihnorr, an.-,iii Hki

Mny 4-0. »err Mr aii<l'f"'l '’’'- „ ^ 7 " ’\ ! ‘"*'’l I H nrecknirirtsr, Mr. mid 'I. S. K o.Irr anil Mr^ Eiu.» l'" ,- '’;'- '

i;^.^t.i of tlidi .I.uichtr:, I,.,,,,.

rrfUMl.o..,r iini a CIOUII lUiiur.'s to .su'jiii 1la t Fele qilir.i :t„d t,.i, ^ , ,aii .iw^ra tm l.i'iiK DU. K .„rn I.nt

ii.Uin Greek tt.iriuit ll<-:icc I-iuKl; umil recenlly n.v »iaa,i.; U,,„^

Mnry l.<iui:.r Hniii iniil Mr.i Fotiirr wrrr Hip ,uniKlillii ;iiiil t lin

. "t iliPir diiiiuhli'i.' Mr.* lMmrln Ml.^^rlri!nr i K;iii;»lnnd. n .sciaii,- iii.-). im iler nmi Hiiliii.i 111 ' riliicntl'iii M:.' linul Ut H niembri of nrli i ia:ii;iin nnd Is n |MM pir,-|.ot AxKorjated Women Siu.. — ' A M ' J i

.. Sciiillifr tlif tiie.'l 1 V I S J• (l.»u:liifr. Myrnn. who i\j.\

nn aitarri al .Mnv Kr;r atlon rrnoioniM tnr bfjii; ■ g k ■ ,ubir.i7,nni! J u n in r - E il 'r t i r ■ Wuntnr miijorlnc in ixiliiiiii] M M W

si'id hUtory. Shr Is a f' senator and Is a mrmber .'li.t I'lil Gamma.rrnm hichllghls Inrlitdril aI- <il faslilons by tlir Col. 'M K ■ ■Motlirrs club. crownliiR of ■ ■Pcle qurrn, Margurit Hunt. H i v ■ ■II, a cnrnlval. a studfiii ron.luid a :»o-hour snwloti lo — t . f .In the netv college protfraiti T h i r \: parenu. . . j , ' ■ J

3 ' J . 'J O l w i l l cl( s l u g s , e a r w i t h e y s t a r t . m o r e .

3 '3 0 1 w i l l fl s u n i , n i i r o g t w h e n y o u n e

^ ' ew t 0^ w niw i «4y7T I W o n 1 1

CH CUP BRfl g r tmost perrrcl lira ir

. C cu,. ^2.ZR $ 9 9 5 sPink.D lsck ^ 6.n .a ilc o n ly $ ^ 9 5

R Shop JL g p * s .g i ir a j .^ j j . j ,- g 3 3 '

| ^ ] g r ]6c kida

r»T T 1C* Law n GrassI you pay jo r .

^ leads to dU\■ laivn, that yi

----------------- f -------------- . - F o r - t h is - c l i m a l

I Clover,’ , tucky- Blue Grc

b r a s Chewing Fesco'

A L W A Y S I0 m o re a tru g g le I C O N Ta b e t t e r f i t w ith .........................................k n i t elfifltic b a ck ^ A lso ,fu l lin e w ith no |

X. C nrroU 's w ell- I f ^ n C Y L * W N:lly In Ih c H o lly - 7 0 % K tn h ic k j iC |-jU 8 t-rig h t-fo r— - -o fh « r - i» e o m in *J ------------------- -- c io v « r . ------------

- GLQBE*S F A N i_____ TRIED A N P Pi

' o n d 'W e o re kn S e id * c o t t you

L et t h l 6li

■ ■ j , '2 M ;4 H . A t p ! ilour 'b ra : ' em - '•'.d i r a d - e o t to n . . . - . ...............................

J • S E E D S a r c i7- -------- r r -------------------------------U S~ ^U t

...........— v J - --------------------------------------

10.'S tudents W'^^-doy. woyu_ . , Twin Foils 1 imei-N«

e n t R e c ita l -------------------11.MAN. M.i* lli - Pi|ini>' S l.l'M m :it I’AllTV Vri.icr Prliii-r prCMiilVill SlIOailOSK. M.i>- 16- r e c l i B l tti lhe LUS ''f r puriy held b>

•lupprt and Kirl Irimi K viId.i ttf ir I..ina Uiit- blrtliclay anliltri.-.iit.

IMitlii. I.ln>la Uniiili. I "-rrf -im a« (i .Ml.v>r!<lJ(!r, ' hr.d. ‘I hr) al'-j

aiL-.iii lli(Mil;v, Clirrvl >l'c nioniiiii: DPrr;:y HriitirirV-Wii, :AS = th r U-\cjtr»olii tiuUKhl iitiii. M.iry Umu'r llrii-innil .Mi.s. Willoiil lup I’,il lUiv.111, Kiirni I<>».; - - .•liimlo, ll^ 'iir l.aui:hllil.j|ainrla Mu t : ^ iip.__

in ia ■.Miv.rliiiiVf . K^un^ nicnUi's'^'Vl

lUook.1 and i.iiult. .111(1 I’enKV llrnd-K .tirn I.<nt and Arllnd.i F i l m P fO C C S :

llciicc t-iuKhlin nnd I’ni. „ , ■ .!lrn(lrick.ii>n anil J " " I ►

.<iui:.r Hriiiirr»0ii. Hrne C o lo r, Block &I mill t^linion Urcmii, _ -

Ml.^^rlri!nr t«nri_U nn C a m C r O C cllaini.i Ak'rrli

M A K E Y O U !A W N —BEAUTIFUThis S u m m e r by Applyint

301 FERTILIZI V O R M & BU C o n tro l Novy

H w i l l c le ;u i o u t w o j- m s , n i g h t c r a v JS , e a r w i g s a n d b u p s o f a l l k i n d s b y s t a r t . . . a n d f o r T W O Y E A P i-e.

I I w i l l f e r t i l i z e w i t h a g r i c u l t u r a l i , n i t r o g e n a n d s u l p h u r , e tc .- r i g h t ?n you need it.

O N E 50*poun< covers s(

^ ' . fee t of lawn,we furn ish

^ W \ V V spreader to ai ^ . . . a t —

^ T e r t i l lz e r G L O l


" I f you plan t o U— th e Globe wil it."

W h o t Y o u S h o u l

i M ' K n o w A b o u t _

iR A SSSE E,’t bc kidded or viislcd by cheap pric n i Grass Seed. You get jtm t about ■ p ay f o r . . . and Cheap Grass Seed

io di^appoiiUiiient ajid an eye n, that ypu wish you d idn 't have.

ihis-cIimQie_theJollowing_oraS5es_pre_r< deci: Kentucky Glue Gross, Red Top, Engll estic Rye Gross) Reti Creeping Fescue, \ .h Clover, Highldnd Bent Gross, M erion y- Blue Gross, ond probobly (Poo Triviali ving Fescue),


Also, Purchase Gross Seed from O ne W ho Knows the Gross Business!

C Y LAWN GRASS ihould con tain no t Im i I Kentucky Blue G rou an d n o t m o rt th a n r - r K o m m « n d « d ^ r« t^ n d -S % -W h it« _..

8E*S. F A N CY L A W N _G ^ — H A S■D A N p PR o v t i r i f t t h i s ^ a r e a a yW e era knawn for o w • co tt you le tf money.)

. e t th e 6lei>« g ra n ^ e r t t advlM you Lawii'Ptonting

4 th At*. SoBth • • T n iek Lane (n Twl«

S bS are h o i 0 aeasoiuU or aidethte' M ^ j a o ^b a h d th e pear a n u n d

doy . M ay. 16 , 1 9 6 2 • lls 1 Imei-Ncws-13

n i:il I’AIITV HKU)lOSK. M.i>- J 6 - . \ Mjin- .• held by Deborith md i:irl lriind.t on lirr

aniiltri.-.ii t . • Oiinii.i

Hr) al'-j bjf.ikJ.i.-.: iiioniiiii: Dibiirnli ii ''

:ar>uiii tluughHir-ol 'M r,-......Wllloiil luppff.

i^uai'L tnw jc . L»uip»iii<-d- •— 1 I'llmilrs i'oii.,i...lf(i „{ 'ilrinin, A:J;iiil.i I*;.rnn.____tlci- n;;U it.i if ji U ' t. ..

n P r o c e s s i n ganil Tailrvi Servlrr

•, Block 8. W hite

m c r a C e n t e r —




^ o w >n i g h t c r a w l e r a , i l l k i n d s b e f o r e / O Y E A R S o r

r i c u l t u r a l g y p - e tc .- r i g h t n o w

C 50-pound ba^ rs 1,000 square t of l a w n , and e fu rn ish a

eader to apply

lO B Eed & FeedAYS--REMEMBER- — 3U plan t it o r feed^• e Globe will have’.

J Should _

o u t ~

;e e d:heap prices on m t about what ■rass Seed only d an a je sore 'I't have.

Qsses-ore reco m " “ d Top, English or ig Fescue, W hite ass, M erion Ken- PoQ Trivialis and


•ed from s Business!

t a in n o t l e t s t h a n . t m o r t t h a n 2 5 % S S iJW h lt« _ D iiK h ______

i — H A S BEEN R E X W S r y i o r s 'f u l J a w n i r t C ta b * ---------

o dv iM y o u c n

S E E D ; « = - FHD CO... _ne (n T w la F d b

r a td e U iie l^ ^ " i r a n u n d -

Page 14: tk lI^ A irl^Force .le Jets^Lanc In T haila B olster D · tn wbit the Klotw. I l l f l 0(licb|,_„^, .K--epl..K.s

K illen Mi ' In Rocky l^^Claiinsi(

E L K O , M n y 16— T w in F a l . w a y p o in t o f t h c R o c k y M o u n_ t ] l e : t o p : m p n c y , n . lT r e 'i p r l z n n■r------f o r -7 2 .h o lE a ._ P f ;A r u le s rciiuI — le g a lly - .p a rU c ip a to ■ m o r e - th u i j

I New O r le a n s * Man Bids for I SpotinA F L *'

I BUPTALO. N. Y , Mny 16 W l- ov Owner Ralph C. WlUon. Jr.. of joi

I th e American Poolbnll lcARue'« tei Buffalo B llb u l d Tuesday tliat el< th e A7L haa l>een approncliKl Ui

• abou( expanding Into New Or- »e I . leant In 19S3. I

Wlbon told a reporte r for (he TuHuffrtin gvi.n1ncr N»u.. .lint ■ uivrepreMnlatlve of the New Or- bb' leans ffroup u l d *'he'« rendy to ani p u t 1850,000 In to enlnrsliiB ft am city-owned stadium to hold 4J.000 ] fana.” on. « e did DOt.WcnUfy th e man. bul

" I advUed him Ilr*t to set a pic (ruarantee th a t 20.000 ecawn lick- nei c u will b« aold," Wilson w ld . »e

I “When we sta rlcd our lengue, uk I wo w erenl In a position lo nsk

such Euaranteet, aa wo hnd noth- pre ing tangible to Uiow tlie Inns. « c

-Now I f i different.- They know pej we’re In business to *wy and only of quesUon how long It will bc be- Pni fore WB’re on a ta len t pnr with jor the National league." Imi

Th# New O rleans rcpre.-wnia- uc, ' Uve met first wlUi lengue found-

■ er U m ar H unt, who nlso own.'i wit th e Dallas franchise and Is hend f

.■ of the AFL'fl expnnslon commit* iry• tee. Hunt hud tJie mnn contact nji,

WUson, who is also a m em btr.of jmi th e expaiulon committee. HS

---------------------------------------- 31

BOWLADHOMP. Dn’x u lr Bird L * .f« Hill

klM 114. llltht Individual MrlM. ll<lh M~ WUktoB Vii. Illth MriiUb t»m Cll!

' Ki- *«. IIl*h .cr.tth LajUm ••fl**. - Jtoeiln* Blnli.Hroi>a. m . Mint lmpro»»«l Jcri

I . Mlldnd »' Pl"‘- E lt1 ih>ni»>°n>. r in Tull; runMr..upXummlfli nirdi. Iloolir nf lh* m r . Tttl lUrter* W»lkln»; runn.r-up. Winfr Ear

I V«IUr Ch»r«li •' ChrUll«ii Mn. J CIo»»f Iai- Tj.

*.0: Jlun.g»b LD8 d.f.*Wd U MrtlKidlU Nb. « I - l | Choir d*- ^fnUd K. of C. N(». 1 »-t: MnrmOT Q Hor* Lulh»ti>R hn. > »-l ! OI.uS«.a Wo. i .W «■>•*. p

lIllK lD<ll»Idii»t »»m». J»li« (kWun<l.o m ; W l

UurUttfIt UU). »* . Illth hiitdlnp his la«.m |im«. HarUuih LOS. MT.-niih gjgf

™ “ I,

Ho. I wen m n ch.mpkm.hlp. Bes -------------- —---------- and

S t a n d i n g s

I IIdehe r»l ^. . IWm I. Id.ho F.tta I. °® '

ronuiio IJ. nmin»* la »niU u lt Vallir ftt C m t r<iu. po«lpan>d.

NATIONAL I.EAGUE I»tn TrttirUf — - S _i -“M__ ' gIM Ann iw —- __tt H ■»«« «—

_ 8 t . U»U,------------7..11. J J

I S k i . - = s l i S I J u i & “- = : ! ! K :!!]

' '**‘ ***AMBBicAN'LKAt;lIK'^ " ■ w I., r n . cn [

C1»Y»l«nil n 11 .»M —I

, IlalUmer* IS i t .SIS 2Im AnirlM .U I t ;ISI 1'^^D»lrDll r _______ IS U .« l S'viit.«i/<n -----------n I t .<*1 s sKanua C ilr_____ U t* .<3* tWMhlnrcm — - • Sl .S2S l*^*! -


I K ! , r ^ = « Ii a: II & * _ : = ! ! II :! i! j » ‘

I vTiS^Ttr"!!____ !o !• i m io'4i *** - .......... . .T 17 .i t i lt>i1

' W I N A N EH \ - 3 - W E E K ^ - “ *

P L U S * 1 0 0 (


' gMlHIPgl= t)V E R ;:a3 0 .P R iZ E



M aintains ] :kyMountaii d b o p B r iz yT w in F a lls p ro fc H sio n al D n v e K illc n h c k y M o u n ta in open f fo lf to u r n n m e n t 1 'e 'p rJz e !IJ ? t,_ A l(b b iiK O b !t.T o iT rn a jT ic ffl u ica r c iiu ire a c e r ta in a m o u n t fL f.jnon lo r e - th u ir3 C :* o la s» r-:-S iiic c -tH b -jijn f lu r

------- closed , waK n o t re a c h e d , ~n c — K ille n - to o k , tl i c f i r r t t p r iz e O

o f ?3G0. H o w e v e r , th e - i . , , c h am p io n sh ip t i t l e a w n i ts '- r a U l ' Uie vlQiicr of (lie final 30.iiolc U . playoff Wednesday. A trophy

I will be'swarded the winner. • -pxJ U _____ A .uidw norm dum ped-three l r

IlicliM oC snow . on the course * 16 m — overniglu nnd the field wn»

. Jr.. of forced lo wnit unlll 3 p jn . to IcaRue-s u e - off. However, (he skle,^ *‘*o' ay th a t elenred snd thc gplfcru ended * *" rosdied u ie m the e v e n i n g in good 'J'‘“ ew O r- weather. - *'*>■

Killen fired an even par IS "I for (he Turxdny to so wKh hla five- lo «

» un<t«i>~{>ar-cf{ort-MondBy;-TliHl-^') ew O r- save him a inldwny tolnl of I3D bnd endy to and a tuo-stroke edtie over Elko tn rl 'gins ft nmflK i ' Uon Knnpp. golfld4S.OOO KIIIcii skied to three over par Johi

on (he first five holes Tuesday Ing te man. but sUBdlrd. a lte r Dint and Wna n get a picked tip (our birdies over (he mon on lick- next 12 holes to gu one under, nnd snid. He boslrd the 30lh hole lo end (our lengue, ute any even wltlt par. - to nsk Tom Williams. B alt U k e City four

d noth- proffctslonal. put together his (},in fnns, Mcond straight one-under par niar •y know performance for a tv>’o-dny total _ ndonly of 7I-71-M2. Cliff W hittle. T uln ‘ be be- PalU municipal pro. hnd a 73-71

[ir with for l i i while Sid Hnrmon. Yak- Jj .“ irnn, nnd Dave Eviirn, Rupert, ui,

c.'enin- Ued nl HS. Harmon h ll n 73 lo found- RO alili Mondny's 72’while Evans ,i.V

0 own.t wns 72 Monday and 13 Tuesday, ‘‘ n- IS hend Arnold Haneke. H lllcrest Coun- ' ' , ommit- try dub, Dolsc, who wns second contact ftjitr Mondny's round with n 70, . nb tr .o f jutnped to n 7fl Tuesdny for ».

HS total.----------3B-!iole resulU Include. ' ’

Dave Killcn. Twin Full.v 130; " R /5 Don Knnpp. Elko nmnleur, H I; “ ‘'P® a a Tom Wllllam.i. S alt U k e City,

. H3: Cliff W hittle. Twin Kails, eren W ir i « : s id Harmon, Ynklmn. and U'e

Dnve Evnns, nupert, HS; Arnold R« ' Hnneke. Boise. H6; Hownrd talk

„. , Cappa, Las VcKns Desert Onn,Im ii.ih M7; Phil Cnnnon. Suit LAke In ll b ■ city. M8; Terry Hnhlon, Salt “Ii

Lake City, 151; W alt Harris. Salt ter i * Nancr LAke City, 153; Mike Cerlello, bett4

b>>w>»r. Jerome. 153; W illard Sullivan,' play. Elko amateur, 15<: 8111 Peters. Pli

h« m r . Twin Falls amnteur, 156, and wllh Hinfr Earl Sehnelter, 167, profi

IgM ------------------ '---------

Ira Wins Sixth S: 52^ Straight Victory ^

. • PULLMAN, Wash> May 16 W> (khhind. _ c ec ll ira weaUtcred’ a 10-hlt ] m frnm.. Washington Biaie a ttack to win y , h.n<iir*p his aUth stra igh t N orthern dlvl- j - h r !w‘ {!m »*o” d.B9lslon as Oreg(m Slalo £ j£lL' nipped tho Cougars 7-6 Tues-

"" " J liik held WSU scoreless over nirUiUB the laal four Innings as the r l ! l Ip. Beavera chipped away S l starter S H

and loter Ray MoUne. OSU’« l a winning run come in the eighth when Doug e u h l singled for h l s ^ ^ H

, IH Ird 'h iro rthB T ram c .T no redno^ ^B n — second on a sacrifice, took third I t 1 on MlUne's bad plekoff throw : ! and romped home on ft w U d ^^ H N Piteh. ■** 1 The victory gave front-running

OSCU a 0-3 eonference n ta rk ^ ^ H while WSU slipped to S-4.


o.n. SIGN UP N O W FOR * { H2 — .— f i i i m i i i r D l E A P i i c ! ^ l !JT ^ ^ u l n i n f c t r t i t A u U c ^

O : ZIDPENilNGSfcl ! ■!* MONDAr. 8:00 p. M.

Hi?, MEN'S 3-MAN TEAM HX) » I TUESDAY, S:00 r .M . ' H1 cn i WOMEN'S 3-MAN TEAM

- I WEDNEHDAV, HM 1 1 AFTERNOON TEA LEAGUE ! i n _ rW0MEN-BTXAW:.XEA0T7E:If TIIURSDAY-FRIDAY, | ^ |It a s : 1:00 pjn.. and D:15 p jn .Ijl MIXED LEAGUE

I ' T ! ' C a i r 7 3 S 2 S 6 “ 6 ■

h i M G IC BOWL ■Iq ,! PONT rOSGCT THE BOWt- | ^ HIS ioi(, . AROUND HAWAII TOURNAMENT'i _ i t ’j<>____ I ■ ■ ■ ^

N E W c a r !" ;.ro * -V A C A T iD w ^ H $ 1 0 0 0 C A S H _ j B

: K E L L Y R O A D I>RIZESl--^«O R E N T R Y B L A N K H


IS Lead tain Open, H se Mortey 8: K ille rv h c ld tliB le a d n l th c m id - 1 3 n a m e n l T u c s th y b u t locked u p r \ |^ i r r n g f r e r O r i g i p i i y ^ ' f l i r f i r tt i i f . jn o n o y b e fo r e m e m b ers cnn ' f i i _ b '; j im a u n V w h ic h wua n o t difw I t ch ed , T — ^ ^ -------^

" X P a l m e r B e s t . T '

p S ' W l i e n A n g r y , § :

' S P l a y e r - S a y s - £ . * “

^ * " 0 n e w YORK. May 16•^^^-They ,skle< *houldn‘t have msde Arnold ,

ended mad. Oary Player saidgood • "O'* of resignation Tues- J,“ ^

>flr 72 “I t was like putting a msleh five- j lo n keg of dynamite." he said. -i

-TliaV— ' ‘V ou-knm r-A m ie-D roff-to-A of 13B bnd s ta r t nn (hr winter tour • Elko fnrly this yenr." added (he llltle

golfing sold prospector from •r par JohiinnesburB-’They began writ- lesdny Ing h is obituary.' TItey said he pla>nts

nnd wna loo lnltre.iled In mnklng ''^ven-i ■r the money, tha t he hnd lost hLi edge 1^*8 * jnder. nnd' th n f he'd never be'-a big Br«r,s< 0 end tournam ent threa t again. ftllowcc

"T h at made Arnie m»d. I " ‘J ' City found ou t long aao (hat Ihe worst >■ Ws ihing you cnn do Is mnke this . F^esl '' P<>' man- mad." track S

Pnlmer won hb third straight '* tournam ent and his alxth of the of year Mondny In (he Colonial In - * vKiitlon a t Fort .Worth, boosting eluded, his official earnlncs lo MWOa, PO“ P«i

‘0 lie 's almost certain lo become houra. the first golfer-In history to win keep t more Uian $100,000 In a single "unleM yenr. . o l'ay”

^1^10 Player. *ho beat oui Palmer' for the Masters-crown and also won tl

(op money winning honors last winder ycar.-was In lown plugging some lin>_ai

..g . oC hLn sports wenr a t a midtown Ifled. w departm ent slore. stumbli

Cltv’ "Tills fellow haa lo be the Falls. grente.nt," Player said, s ti ll, on *

(ind Ihe subject of hla golf rUnl. "I mold R« QUlte 111.when I hear all this iwnrd ta lk aobut how good Ben Hogan! n ( Onn, »n how good Sam Snead waa lAkc In the olden doys. ASalt “In my opinion. Palmer la bet-1 ^

. Snit ter tlinn Hogan or Snead. He's, rlello, better than any golfer who ever • llvan, played,"eters, Plnyer. who.^e next meeting

nnd wllh the powerful Latrobe. Pn.. profetslonnl Is In the $100,000 Inv lu tlon a t Upper Montclair,N. Jn next m onth prior lo the U. S. Open a t Oakmont. termed Palmer's grentest tllrlbulcs "hls

*V comeback flghUng qunllUei and IB fA phenomenal putting touch."

INKS REDSKIN PACT ) win WASHINGTON. M#r 18 W—£ 'v * John Nlsby, 230-pound offensive

guard obtained In an off-season trade w llh Pittsburgh, signed hU;contract Tuesdsy with the Wash-

Ington Redakliw^______________

1 4 W e d n w d o y , M a y 1 « , 19fi2

1 B o c k s - E e m ( H ^ T r a c k ; D e c i d i

BALTIMOBE, May 19 Lfl-The broke W rockt were gone from Flmlleo record f race track Tuesday and Senor Julpiir

. Horatio Luro sent ou t his Ker.- by-G(oi tm tucky derby winner. Decidedly, out the

for a final serious w orkout before (he mid the efith Preskness St>tc» Saiur-i triple c

■ dny. - iw lthhrk_ , Eleven 3.year-oId* are exprcied' only sla

(0 s u n . In the lJO,OOO.added|»a» PO' ’"® ‘l event, and 10 of Ihflm were oni and lh»

hand for what prom hf^.to bctm e;na1e-ih of the great jonU sls In the fn- #•

. mous Maryland c lcu lc Inaugu- .>;t&rle wfd 1B7J, Jaipur, th e Gotham the enir

•to'a' Thursday from Netr York. ndi'itlon1,Pi'll! Luro, the dapper ' Argenllne 1 3'16 '.1 : irnlner. .asld “’n ie trpck looks P-m.. ES

fine, everything b oki'V, no com- televUilo; a he plaints'- after Decidedly stepped benln *1 ktnc seven-elchths of n mile easily In In adt 'edge 1:28 ■*'5. The sm ooin-strldlng Jn iptirs

bin grnr.son of Determine wbi onlyallowed to run (It: flnnl quarlei. Ill

, for tvhlch he was tim ed In 23 4/5 CINCI i'orst »f«ondB. Cllnclnrtills . Fresh dJrt wns spread on (He sinning

track Sunday to m eet eompUlnis Ion of tl , | .u , tha l the trnck was dull and too to a ,bo . ,h , full of sand from w inter racing. shorlMO I l n . Some stones Tereaccldentftlly in- for Ark; ,tinff eluded, and Luro wa* forced to year ani jo a postpone Decldetlly-s workout 24 i ~ , im •ome houra. He had threa tened to I ; , l n keep thc horse out of llie ra te .I \ Ingle "unless the track Is 100 per f e n lJ

Imer Robert Lehmnn^ Prego. who I Spmni ftbo won the $100.000-Flamingo I s s t i Picmc Ijut winter n'hen fon-nsertcJ B. W * r- j c f ,jy

lome U n'sjiunrlse Couniy was dlsttusl- l own Ifled. w as'tlie U test arrlv4 i:P rego:l ^V(

stumbled and *’as puiled up ISlhjl ,u , and last In (he Derby a t Louis- I o l UJ on vllle May 8. where D e c ld c d ly l^ ^ _


“i WITH i : .. . j . | " p " ■

\ m \ . .

“ STAM PS ,med 1"hls I I2h"^ O PEN 2 4 h o u r s ^

j;;; D o n P i e p e r ' s f tGAS FO R LESS

^ . 1 Z40 Addlsea Ave. West


r N O . 1 S w it i RecordS P IN N IN G REEL N o . 4 0 0

ROO Spinning0 0 v J i . L in » Keel____1 V A L U r - 4 0 ; 9 0 ' O peh-FcT e';------------

2 3 .00H I . . . cm jm

WIESS KI Flat Fish

od . No" 1 3 6 0 , 100 G e n u in e Helin ^L V A LU E 2 3 . 9 5 Reg. 1 .20

12.80 "7 -----T -» Surplus■ ta l c f i (o r 1 . 0 0 __________* —

Z" PU1V1PS1te a n ............. 3 . 0 0D x e i ................9 5 c H e a v y D uty IV a "M cG ill 7 f o o t " ’ C e n r r ifu g o l......... |

GARDEt' ' , 12 Year

8 . 8 8 G uaranree

6 , i 9 « 7* f 77/M«

M o y e d - F r o m I e c i d e d l y E n t e r sThe broke whlrlstvny's 21-year tinck'candW atei lleo record for 1‘. nillei- Roman Ui’nor Jutpiir. the fliuJiv colt owned Mra, Moo «r.- by-George D. Wiilcncr, wtll fill Louisville dly. out the being o^'nnbled lor third; Bra fore (he middle Jewel of (lie elusive Money, C :ur-]irlple croftii, JilDiir, -purposely ner; Jopa

i withheld frum Ilm derby, hns nie, a lot •led'only sUrled U ’Ice ihU yeai. He Drown's ( ded'*®" pointed T or Mie Prr.tknfM, derby nls< t,niand Ihen (he triple crown l i - e r 's Vlm;r;

one' naie—(he l ‘» mile Belmont June winner ai J. sr.’s Crim;

igu- .■;tirters will be n.'.m rd throuch Ion a-yeoi lam the enirj- box Th:irfilny morning not regal l m .1 . i mn f . r h, U « lll ^"'1 _

ndi'itlonnl $1,000 lo EO In thei With ll line 1 3'16 nille.i rncr f f l for 4;47|wlll gro.w )oks pm .. EST, Saturrtiy. Nnilonwltfeicolleillng um- televLiloii and rntilo (CB9r wlllj —;r>td begin »l 4130 p.m.M n In addition lo D.-clded!v. PregO.'™ V „ . ling Jaipur nnd Sunrl.-e County, olherj

■"eL IlKDH GIVk nO N I'S ‘ S C H l4/5 CINCINNATI, May IC-f^^Tlie

CllnclnnntI Reels announcel the iHf algning Tiii'sd'iy of Je rry Cnrl- Inis ion of the Unlv.-r.«iiy of Aikani<ns too to B ,bonu» contract. CnrUon. *

Ing. shorlMOP-oiiifleldrr. b.ttted J82 in- for Arkan.'ui'i (hi* ye ir, JW lis t

I to year and.JBO In -.900._________ |

| i | \ FISHING ' .Spinning rods .... $ 3 .4 9 up • ^

ivho'l Spinning ree ls .... S 3 .9 5 up Ala s t l Picnic jugs ......... up •isn' I ChiWfcn'j rodJ <jnd rtfc/i

«Bo l W est F iv e P o in ts i, l^ | | s i ’ O R T l N O G O O D S M

5n a I ^


ning eii A BOC

ITEENS ."?8c Idea l fo r;s KITS. 98c piJFlI _ H c a .y D

ilshJTO c i t -l o sif

rplus Waterr ________________ ________ V irgm _D c

/IPS1 0 9 9 - ...Hif

RMMHOSEIT' 06"^m r e e L

R ¥ S aW o i h N o . FEATUR


m T iTiilip.nJ " ■ " * ' T t i .................. issi “■'•‘ Ititers'' Race svr.

■ not sanctionk 'candidates are T . A. Grljwim'j. gy

Roman Line, second In tne dertjy:',^ . u , . m d Mra, Moody Jolley's Rldan. ll>e’^ „ ‘ . uo 11 Louisville favorite who llnislied;, , , . | .jon ■r third; Brandywine s tih le 's Gre«k ' e Money, Chesnprike Stnke.i v,tn- ‘ y ner; Jopa stnbleM Flv’lng Jolm-|

me, a 100-1 shot:- M n . Jor- , m.e Drown's Oreen H omcl. Biiother; ,.. flrrH, » W ,n m : Franl. E. Po, •'- er's Vlmv Ridge, Scnniorlsl st Jkes approved by e winner and" Peter .W. Snimcn,] .Moorehead

sr.'a Crim son'Sntnn. ihe ct]ainp- not pei 1, Ion-a-yeor-old of 1901 who •"“ inhio meet b r not regained his fonn of UV. ®5 Jnll. uched track:el With II goliis,' (he Preakiir.^v“ Mooreh»»d Tjwlll gro.v( *lfi8JD0...lhe winner eniry blanks elcolleiiing $135,000. nnl spproveil i j ---------------------------- thsl OfflclaUJ iTHY TIMES-NEWS WANT A D Slcrnrd did >

; SCHENLEY brings you "the

UP IN AGE, UP INicoTOf imoED wmsn, $1 nscf • lUFonts IT un


BOOTS■ F ofJrW gcting^ ................... -----------------------

b a c k A Q e PACKs M yIdea l f o r H lk e i ........

PUP TENTS m c nH eovy D ury A rm y S u rp lu t w ith o u t ■ ■ ■ I

Sleeping BagsV irg in .D a c ro i )____

I oF e a tu re ..................... ■ ■ \ 0

Hip Boots—™A m e ric a n M a d e '

N o llo n d lly A d v c r t i ie d

0 9 9 ^12.95 O ^


AAU D enies It "r.'L';;• athletic direct

Seeks BattleW ithN C M ' i “ ,

INDIANAPOLIS, May 16 •“•Pension If An Anialeur Athletic union' o tn - The NCAA cltrBU dTuesdsy tbB-mspoaslon organUeJcdet S n n n d la n a coileglaU trtc iu n « n ;irn iJ tio n jl "f. «as not a move lo bring on war governing bod with the NaUonal Colleitlate-Ath.Un the United Idle association. ;natloiutl AAl" t r r 7 lh i n e T 'w e ‘re-|itiep«nO(>a't«»fnt*c»-thelis t i»eek for competing in tbe OHIO SUle relnys on April 21. .States.The'meet, an NCA'A everit. w w l Tlie NCAA not sanctioned by th e AAO. lotisfucUon f(

; Waller Byers, executive dlrec-1 the way Hk;,„r .r U.r N C*« u M Ui! mtc-[WSS set up a.1 a te s t case In -n l

•lurlicllcllon dispute wllh th rl'^^ illi® 'AAU. .»

I I’oarll Muorliend. executive ■ 'lucrctary of Uie Ind luna AAU.' ■ ■ 1 1 .Mild tlie suspensions were nor- ^ 0 I mal procedure. He sa id they were 'approved by the N ational AAU. C' .Moorehead said AAU athletes ‘were not perniUied to enter the 5 ;5 7 ( / / J D jOhIo meel beiaiise sever.ll iinct- juched tracknJen were entered. RODrn'try blanks snid th e meet wns ^nnt spproved by the AAU bul thsl offlelsLt of the eolleges con- S T j

!cernrd did not make th is clear.

/ou"ihe Scotcti they prefer

UP IN QUALITY M. lUFonts IT t m MHg (yngiina co, i t .


L S A Ui Q Q Pl<

8~ FAMOUS WLEW- V - N o ^ 5 2 1 3 - w i lh n e w -1 9 6 2 ^

C a m lo t c h .H o ld i co ld U 4 5 % lo n g e r . R eg . 1 5 .9 5 ^

M A N o . 5 2 1 5 EX TRA m MH « LA RG E FA M IL Y SIZE | A1 0 m R eg . 2 6 .9 5 .....................

I -

-----“ “Coleman 4

lAMlERN ^O A -S IN G L E ------------------

M A N T L E 1 f l R eg . 1 7 .5 0 ..................... | ^

— Coleman StoN o. 4 1 3 LA RG E m - m 2 BU RN E R I

n t i g r z T . b u ................. . . : | i b P

Spray Paint

m mJRPLUS 733-6

r ' ■ ' .

enough to th# athlete*.Thla was denied bv jj|n

■,mS‘ “'“'“■ SOrwig aald he snd J r - . , ,

verj-, r,U..uack coach enter the Indiana nu'n j-ia ’’ them they >iere iii,bi, ,o suspension If (hey compel,u "

The NCAA huj b rcn 'i,.,> .organli:eJcdcruUoEi_u> J.l'* i tn iJ tlo n il "ftMiinjlimi r ~ governing bodlrs of M'vrtsi /or^‘* In the Unlled 8ln «•, Tlie 1 / natloiutl AAU FrUnatiii:: 'reeofnttcs-the-N atlD w r^X Trir"the governing bofly i„ , |„ * Slates.

Tlie NCAA lin' Vxiii<-. r j intisfiicllon for iimr j.. the way th r AAU hm lyl. handling piepnrniumik f<n n/.. nailQual meets.

DANCElE very


------- CCUB-------S TA N LE Y

prefer in Scotlanii"

^ " W . l SCOK-I-

! f r

i t_ PICNIC^ CoolerToLew "

^ . 9 9


u n I '10-93


'alni 82c


Page 15: tk lI^ A irl^Force .le Jets^Lanc In T haila B olster D · tn wbit the Klotw. I l l f l 0(licb|,_„^, .K--epl..K.s

jengt-Luci^ j y o - Y e a n

ABL’s Cleot.fe A Il-A /n c rica b n sk e tb i

fh*^^gB5-antention-U-^Ni^L ucits ' b y - l in e in S ih)

goise Takes ~ 5^ Victory £ Over Yanks S>- n i s t U ir >* ■^»v't ' ^ e r b a n Scallcred U ” S mI h lu TUMdtty nlRhi

!1^S« D«*«15th IMS of I h e m - —

3 ™ S f“ ^ . S ^ G h»hlle wnUlmi only

JfJa mnlnr o" * -pvjS w ^ U ll »fl«f leadoir b«i* Tjit,

<JoubIe«l. But B ol« lart «I(I> POC

^ ■ - i r ^ s r s ; £3 UK iWid, tl'P D rt ti« „l„,l,lm •l»l" .. . tirlp P. m « fr fOK-d OS CB liuw ta l

. ,S 7 » e a lH " Mcoiicl- pu,„„tDoi« Ple>‘T tW K « o n ^ « u l w t ClKllI

I/>Jk i » B b wJiPJJ! 2 i I l i ? t K i 2 ? .» H.ll M:—i»J I 0 1 tlMfC«rr»r J ‘ " V.wm ttl

‘ X 0 i .Vjoo B^ * oUlWlum » U I liNimtlulr s . . I * « • ' “ J i i i " ’5-i J LS& - * « 0 ."'hit ni3

I » 1 Oj m eS iU uitS .'E^Srt I • 0 • *hrnSiSki ‘ J J ■ «'■'< «f

1!''"' .-- -—- &

TiukM**' ll Tul«U t l 6 1 » Iki.lln- , Ml Inr rrai’brrlrn In Tin. xmiwlMeul I-' ,Kr»U In Hh. Tc,-i..rnr.orJ''* la »»•. Jnj,l„,t

la Ilk' Olfl-I

£^T i^r B'" ■[ M ruriicl. Ksr*rl anil_ t-itt. A-ilicbfl

Jl-fiml. Cnialill. WMH»r. IIK— Co'fTr" i £ r . Crrur.. -il|l-C«inUII. Il.Ikr.|-rnjhti«. IUrd^rh.n- T..1. 1.IP II U KTl I'R i»0 A-'l*nrmkT*»)U * • » a s B III I

L lJ ■:,. ™r aif-x-'i.:'-'-'- ™- sfcf;

Pirates Beal Braves, E nd """■•

' • lUrrli .

Losing Streak SLBy l i# Aw»cUUd PftM ” ‘1'^.,-,

BBOkT Bunreu' tw o-out slnsle k k m i end Dlek O m t w ith th e w in- ^ r _ t a rnu ) la t^ e l i s t ha ll o l th e u m u —i mb toate* TueailBy n igh t and |M tti« PltU bureh P l r a t« a TOYT1 M-Tlclor7-o e r -th e - ilU » a u lte c ..... -WMn * Ticlory ended a iIx-Rame

M i( lUeik for the PlreUn.Botns poked hU ahot to left

'II Rlievcr Jtick CurUs. lhe.UriBrtce hurler. I l came nfl- R Oroti had opened Uie Inning Rci t tingle ta center nnd Esitd (0 leconil on a incrlflcc.Roolcl« Cnt Koonce walked

th c h -h l i te r H oblf L and rlth _ ^ K wa If* bnMJi londed and two ta ta the 13 th-inn lnf.'fo rcln it fa Ifae’fufTlh'ftrgnvt-'lhe-Tiew- Tort U(u « 6-5 victory over the (m io Cuba.iw lrlih was lhe Itai ba tter

ittlu.sune—u fe or out—«>nce C( (I:SO I j n . EOT. local (fme ofe* had e x p i r e d and no B B W Whff Inning could have been I B w

Ttda PitiMn, who lends the u ;<n In hom m inj. h i t ' hla IU u the CInclnnaU R edi

Philadelphia PhUUM

itie TlsncTA used three p tlc h en U K ti the UnUl innlns. ' . _ B | | H v u the fifth conMcuUve

'lelofT for the defending Na-tloua Itigue 'choiaploa,.RC<lS ' . H Vud Uie Phillies fourth loaa in ■ H* Kni8 u f^incbco le n l Curt S im - E m J

Boni Id hla f ln t lotu of the Itv Under a rain of eorly-lai- ^ doubles, whipping BL lioula B g

Trilling by . tliree run-r the « Xnsdr.i O odgcn blasted in m i ° nmi on lis hlla nfler two

In Uie Acrenth Inning and the Houston Colt 45a

>1811 MOVEMENTS B K _ Jj.T ht-A *»oam U d.l'rea«---------■ ■

p e iiIiMrentn movement of B H h J« »t Columbia rlv?r dams May H j j y

Chi- E lK l-B lu e - B S noolc hend back

l ^ e > l | |c ____ CO} S3 0

““ "T ..... ™.IS53 3, 0AM«i,._1H1----

— i B p i M g g — - i — -

T h e b e s t f “

m o t o r c y c l e f e

l n H .w . t l d - 5 M >l -

®l u e _ l a k e s _ . g i l

: = t t C L E ^ H O P . _ _ p a—'"IJ^StfVICFrBtPAH----

l ! y HQliH T W S sT HttlWH

iucas Will Si sar Contract' Cleveland Pi•o J« ')— Ul'orKi: h ie i l i l i r c iu ic l '; rro .'« idcri B a sk c tb iill lo;i>;iie, c tm firn u -ti T u e s d a y

bn .ike tbn l] iiljiyiT. vvi)| ji c o ijtr ;

n e in S p o r ts l l l i is i r a t i 'd nu iK uz ine.- L u- ■ fasL lv :

No GameORKAT 1-Al.LS. May 1 6 -

T llf I'lonrtr leivitue ba.wball “" "V " " gnmr ■l.cixvcni Jhi- Masic *Vallrv C„uU)„ C rculKill!.' KlrcirlM »;i5 paMjwilrd biT^ltrr of colli Wi'lllhcrT.,rMl.v MlKhl. P,Till.U l

1* nilml. I.Ighi Hip imm j urr .^tlii'iliilcd to , ,„ ,p piny WrOiiMiliiy iiiKht, irrt m v ,

= = ^ ^ ^ = = bnikelljn

3 Chiefs-Rally— s ’l 21 Jn l\iiU lU o _ _ E £ £ Drop BiUiiws s r™ I O - l l tM

l'OCATKLI.O. MAV Ifl 'A' — bcrli ruuu *‘i‘“*hi-d a . Uiri-c- Ills au t

.,..e run hoiiirr in llir boltoiii of lh e open ui ’ * nlntii Innliw' Tuwiilay iilglil lo 1 ciiuIU

liflp Pucalello tn a come from a luu->'•‘ft IK-Jjlfid 13-10 victory over ih e U jnr. A

Plinirrr iMRue leading Billings the clulj“ j" Mu.Mniii;s. wns pai

t’ofniclln WB* irolllng 10-8 go- « h w l < ,ki li'K into the biiltom ot Oie n in th wasii I

B 0 a h rii OiiKe Naudaln walked, than l» 5 . • Hill M atfW rin iK icn rJonn -iim -•“ n’"uiii« " ?lMm Kiilkcd to load the bimes. «n<l In;I) ciijflo Bcfdon aalkcd lo scare as.iurnl I liNauduln. Oene Bear's sacrifice Some o T ‘ ‘fly-KOrCd Mulem, then P unk Uial we 0 o 'lilt hla homer, »>''

m e Chlc/« were leading 8-4 «opped going liiu» lhe lop of the n ln lh . Lucas,

■ when Billings acored sU nin* of the (nnrt «ppe<*r< to hnre th# ball NntlonaKJimc. **'‘1imilnn >k r h iMl'.r.Ul* «b r h f«l tjeCllUM!f.ullnrr » t t » I ! 0 CludlngIki-lln- I J llJnl.i.^a 4' J 2 S Aon sUKn.iwW i J 0 oINmi.lilo S i l l j n.l<.in * I I jlM»l»tn 1 0 0 0 A-Utoa,

Hh. J 0 I liHliiKin a I I 0 school Ii'K'.”" J ; I i " ; ! i .o i.ini

‘ l r .n ! * _ ! V i« ti'i'i" 0 •"o 0 nieiiu. A - WI1,1 1 n « •!'[',"“ " ‘'k J j } 5 Ohio 81

A!Tiirbii.l I 0 0 0 b 0 8 u Lucn.n.w.”ii'n“" 0 0 e pounJ.i.Coii.f « * J J j _______ souKhl «

T»i>i< i>Toii • TuuU a: I I 10 10 In basic KO A -CrainH^I mji tnil ilrtirk out for -v ,. , , « ' B I - . ll. th. nirlh. Chose O,' lilliinj. --------------MO Mn oon-in a fle r pli

................ '5“ ‘ 'O >«->» c im e in,1ml K-ll.-iln.Hptn.-Ick, »«n.. I'O .A - ■“,*IlllUni. ;w lanr .-Jl -»i*n -Innln* dlelown. nifl •Mioii: i’,»»ifiio ;j.s . 1)1' - ■ii'iiir™’."'!, i w ‘C. I t .* '" " ’ ' ~ ■:

T-wn**®-). 3J1-IW- fl,in, S|.«na*lfli, Dvl^n. RII—Tunk.«|l--runk. Jsbtiion. SF—TowMfni).Jolin~,n.

IP II II EH nn so Uev. J,. W' ; I ,s ;

Hrnil>min ll.) 0 l l s 2 0 clUb C>iiiT r^-J — ~ i'«\ ’« *» *4 I 0 The dixntwldi 4* 4 X S I Iho acl

Bje K „ ,„ ,W) _ t . « 0 10 hole, v, in- WP—U». V—Di»U and Duncan. T— K e l^ the i ,u A ~ iu .jid ------- -------------------- ■■ . . . . -

a TOY TMES-NEW8 WANT ADS ' ■ tee _*.r*_ . ■ —

°° R S n i R RU J i S l rins 1




ivea -:iisin

n -heO'ils


•e- B y B a l H w i d

i i f S o m e th in g iv o n d crfu lS f J O ld T a y lo r 86. T h e n

- ' p S h ° w I iB tc y s b u r — m a k

—bo“l“* ‘''=

1 Sign w f ■ctWith^ ^ Pipers

' j p r o . s i d c r i e o f M K r - r - i F p l S H i l f ^ - 'P iT u esd ay n ijrlil .Irrrv L ucas, t / ' " X V i l Ji c o il t r i i r t to fur tht*

ttt i^h n « > w n -in -n mp,n 4 r htPft- r T > - ; ; ; “ - : •zinc.- L u ca .s w l,,, h:nl .xieaii- j 5 f ) S_ fa.sLly m aiiU aiiu 'il U iruuuli-

o u t hi.< colli'jriai.; c a ree r t l i a ( hi* Was ri,)| iniiTcsU 'il . f f" ‘ t<>ii. in tiirn in t,’ ])r,.. saiil jn.<' imiiiiK Htid BBrrtmeni c.Hls « Mil;,rv nfl li'il liv Cai aboui $10,000 n Plu, n n li l l l l im ' ijm

....... .. "‘■■jlu'lml HiIII cirilllln,: .Sir;nl,:f,iii<T ttllll

Pcriil.ulliii; h|,n lo i|,a,i;je juv' -‘‘' ' '• 'i l-b l l'> mind, i.iifin Mill. j e r liick U

“The PllK■r^n lll i.iii-fiiilvMml-1 "P'''Ird my oojrciitjn* [n profr,viu,i;ill friifiir', baaketliall Tlicv prepin'd ya,-i,7riiulw ith nn.vurr.v Mi Sivinlirrnnrrl hin.1 llrrj.-o:

- -iMman-ai—oiu:p-iluit-(,rM—<iiiyj ih»* (iiiiMt 1 Inllcins nbout rdurAimn llc k n in lh il nif M»n Ohio St.itr tfprf.M'iiutlvpi h a d lT rn y li'roii:

• done Ih-it four \ psij nso ’slid In II'p- 4h»V-liMU,ur„ thr -riinfi t hnrl.Mnijlpd Uici

aelecird OSU o v e r iMt olhcr dfovc in aii'; Khools, Irclcd U'O R

"He >niri llip AHl, ,'fhitlnlp hnd J>5’ “ "'I ‘- bcrn n a iji aijoui.Tu n,ii,nj>-ul ' :- Ills 4Ui;.4i.iilu,,—una .ttuuiu nol Ti-u le open uiil,I he,ciiiU.r. Tliprrforv Bo l<),l had0 1 ciiuIU fliiLsli achihil. I k offi-ri-d •'■iik’lr ', a di n a iwo-yrar lo iur.iii' inslpuii of a lurcr. tl: le Ih n r . M U t ii»u yrar.-.. Iif m U, onlIi,'ia tlin !s the club Moiild ^rl; iliai my wav Uitm.

wna paid lhriiiii:h llir i:i udual<' ICuii'.Lt Cii). school of iny clioiir. He said I a li'H' >'t th wasn’l rxpectrd lu play more Cli'Vulaiiil ;d, than lu o yrar.v He ollrrrd whal hointiA, bul|7 ■amounl<Hl-l«>-»-|wiUulto-<tf-*Hicm rr',\ Mirnf 'ii3, und Invp.itmcni.i tliat virtually Kraiik Hink•e a .«urn l me an Income for years. In lhe Alhir•e Some of'were with firms Uie kaKue-lik Uial were aUo InUTfsled In h lr- • With lhc

)ng m e on a enircr bs.'il?. oace I all Ju Uic^ Slopped playing buiketijnll." - off ttitli a iH Lucas, n territorial draft cholcc burned nnd,s of the CiniilnnaU Iloyab of thc b c il c itch,JJ Nntlonal Ba.^krtbnU awociatton. throw in m

said he crjpcicd the NBA offers anil Tnrtabukl becnUM! of tlic loui! scxnon. In- Lumpc'j mi,

eluding the fnei that lhe s^a- scorrd on 1• Aon stiirti ’ before December, ball,1 Lucas, alter dropping oul of Consrcutlv

school for llic curreni semester RooKle-soliii1 .0 I .irm ..V ,r.lJ m enu, will nul graduate from -j.i viciory i2 Ohio State .until December. Atigeb (w t: S Luca.n. 6 feel, 8 lnclie.1. and 225 In »lx uam.-/

poanJ.,. «o., « :e of 1J« Jj_ sought, after high school players inning. 10 In basicctball hlatory when he forniance by

chose Ohio BlAle four years ago his record I .0 a fle r playing in bul one Io. 1iib v ,J 'p o’ Riime In three scawns for M id - .......... ......... ‘

■ \

;: Ace ''■ JtitO M E, May 18 — Tlie C Q \0 nev. J . C, Werschler Kored a W W T : hole-ln-one Sunda}' after- noon a l the Jerome Country

club course. _ _ ^1 The Rev. Werschter made P U w

tho ace on the 188-jrard sixth —— ^« hole. WlUiesscs were his sons, 7 . '- KelU» and|Kelly Wenchler. ' * '

T uesd ii , ■ I L _ _ —

lIH f- 'F V* ■ ^

....'* -----------^

■ ■ ■ • .__ _ •• •

jndcrfu] h a p p ^ s to drijii»T^a3e >vii 3. T hc mdldwncss ^vorks wonders foi r — makes even thc “rocks’Vtaslc.bci Old Tay]Q r-86 ,th(rK enm ^-bourt peak bf pcrfcctiom.’^


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - J _ _ _ _ _................... 1


^ > R m r I im in g = I'B o s tM ^ B a t tC T ^

f tr The A »»rlatrd I 'trx u l ia l te r c d N e w V ork iii ich i iit

in n in g a n d lic fc iite il tb i- YankiT.-i l l . J 'I k'll Iiy C a r l Y a s t r / . fn is k i a n il K.I i:i-,..s, i iiiiiiii: u iir i^ iiii: w liic li .-iaw il I );<il Sox 1 bf)(ii'il iUil M u iiliy iiijiii 'lii- r i k i iSfin i Ncvv Y ork to it,>i t l i i n l ||"J.•‘I ra ijrh i 1,).'^. U n o k i i 'I't^iii'i'- i.n„i..t;.. .,.1 e r llick Uadntv. iiHJiin w a s <•.'RpPi|;ii'Ulnr In I h r t # Clriinup, i'u ..'r thrM' frariir', _

Yii.-l,;riiukl hnd honiPicd b r - ‘<>(t I' l.n hin.1 Iftpj.-oiid's mfielrt f.inRlr «i u tunri thf* (iiiiMt Inr-th«-onlv—BoiUJii.lcfl liL.ii..M:aLi hit f)lf Miiitrr and Iomt Uiiliih' Al .'-i,ii:tr* p Teriy liirough live iniiincs. ;n in,>-1:111 pii

In ilip iJxth. Ytl.'tr^cnl-^kl'ami lirKi.tpd il

^ fi^ e lil aii^llia-, uri-.^AOud cnI-! inry iH vrihT' Ircinl two ROI's wlUi a sacrifice | tor. . fly nnd a iingle, i

{{ermi' Uic clcIUf.v <'li<!r<l rlll:,llll^l Ti-iiy and .J iiii Ci>ni<-.',j Bo l<>ll had pui lORi-ther srvn i siiib’lrj, a double, d sacrificp tly, u furci-. Hirer walkn nnd an lunllii'ia lliiuwlii); error by Yi>k1 1•

lCui>v.Lt Cils''.i Norm Slrb<-rn h ll a p.m Ilf lu i'T u n -lio n ie rs-an d —.Cli'Vi'laiiil iiiiuckcd th ree wlo |hOlnl•r^, but It was Dick Howa-

Kraiit Hiiik Unit were crucial — — ^ In llie Athlrtlc.H‘ 6-5 victory over Uie IvAKue-lcadlng Indians.

•With Ihc score knotted four- \. \ . . . . " all Ji) Uic sevrnlh, Howser le<l j otf ttiili a single. Joe T arlabull bunted and Uic fleet Howser bent Michpr John Iloinano'A , ^ ^ [ kthrow tn Kecond, Bolh Howser • anil Tnrtabull advanced on Jerr}' W 'J mLumpc'j Micrlflee and Ifowser M iljSscored on Manny Jlm ln e r fly *1^7^ball, W ^ ., CoiiMxutlve two-run homers by |RooKli‘“3olin tBoog) Powell and lUic Jour-hJl pllchlnx o t Mill Pappus carried DBlllinore to a 1-1 viciory ovrr Uie Los Angeles AtiKeb (i>r the Orlulcs' f if th win In >>lx KaaicA.

PottcU'i two lionicrs, the flrsl 1cappini! u five-run surge in lhe , ,first Inning, backed n fine per- ”forniance by Pappas Umt brought his record lo 4-1. PUv*

Tlic Mlnne.iota • Twins, with ,Vic PoM-rr /ind lin im on JfJJle- 10 anti

r~ W i » in, on:

N e x t E v en t a t wpphiJo y c ce Ball P a rk


Po c a t e l l o '7 :3 0 P .M . i

T u e sd a y , M a y 2 2 ^

IH ! for net:


■ Inclutlei

^nisb. £

‘ . ■ • 'S 'u a

T^aBe >vith E?>-' n tl^U«m»i

W c d n c id o y , M o y l i

.J— ___ 1^^_3Wn.Jni.B^t e r T r a n K S " ; r . « : ' "a trJ V,p., flr.« o f-!I'k liitchiii 111 :i iiiiie-i'ui) 'b a ll ia,i:ii»ninii I kiT.-i 11 .1 Tiic.sday nik 'llt.iom e to il cour»e.I Ktl lIri-.'‘S,>llll. Tlie .'i ixlll ‘ TH<- ilrfraled I ll 'i l Sox i:,i lo Illl' |,la ie ,an< l Ch.uu., L'lK

"•••' • i:.,rkliii; lllll,irnm» nnd ,>f‘i Inlnlil liriiliii;; ''•cm'd I

.--•l bnrk (hr DilKill a iu l'ih ii I el ‘- ' i ' <•-' rd IVlr Wi.'\',r1l '" . ; r thr ^. .>|ld b jlirr 111 lhi;jUuik.v, ih ir r anil

■.<(,.a W . (««.f«u^

....... ..:fl .M:aLi-iii_Uit_sen:uUi__illippi' " " n Uir^l

Al .'•,i,l:tr* pinch Uouble kvyrd [ W cliuitrFiV lry r . itt"-!:!!! pieUlh-innmK r^llyjcoii. onr up. V m l lirKi.tpd lhe ClilckKo ^VhlI(!]^«'«>nu ia«ln f« Hix 10 X liniil-earned 4-3 vie- Ralph Uuim nnd niTTi:frih7T\'a0lin|}n!n*scn«v[oTri— Hnm—Youi or. . |neyiloIiL>. one u(

!. Portable Stereoand Radio

,50 0 0 7 7A Wetk O

Play* all four speeds, m onaural o r st,• 10 and 12-inch sizes. Two spcoker*. . . in, one remote. Turnover cnrtridgo sapphire needlce. Hnndsomo ebony a

• cnM> welfihs less than 10 pounds . . . eas, anywhere. Powerful built-iB*5*tube roi

F i r e s t o n e ' *1 S a f e ty R e e l A

B r i ^ * Strmttoi \ J | T F iv e h a rd w e d itcfor ne»^ even cnltinjr. B a iw handle, mov

' lower handle, mower atop*. F ingertip conlr,

jnTTTiffiX • Lawn S^ ' E S S t R s l d

[ ^ 1 - " 2 .0 0. Includes two full-length swings, 7-foot sli ■ “ swlngrtrnpcre bnn'PJ'Tn Tings-andHWo<‘l

Rt/gged sJcel with red, green snd ycIloH finish. Big fw t tpp bar w ith 7 ^ f

r i v ^ nn* rif««lan« tirt ( ■'ouARA'fftmre

' 11 <nd ntUrtiU for3 _ lilte llb « milinUrt«4.___

^ i . Aitlnil nannal rad hiunUy la

n n>i>U(*ra>nl« pM t«l a a ln ^U . n t *nd UmI ra IM p tka

4 irM A jN S O U T H ^ —

r. Mo, 16, i!S2 IS O ld T i m e r s

P l a y o n .lul

ir™:':5? thp Nftt York V..

4* (heir aiiiii/.il OM '.

l l o ' c k r e n i i g - - - - H e m o r r l

a i n ^ B e s t J a l L .......... J{y N cit=3a.-!nTna;. ; - _ ............. '- I ' — -

;mil -nm . CiiiU >U.|1 Ii'.rj H,p ■fli n*' o f tnp^mrx^tir^r ~” <ro,iiC meiiioci o,i;iinninil held ai Uu- Jr; . ^

(P,lei)dfvclop.•V ilrfraled Will,,mi .I.«, ;i • j:h .iil.., u o .„ul| •

I , bc'-i-i :oUlr .rco n d f llK h li'.u lI lu ;. p ^ , ,,l imu l):„ ,el na ili.u , o , W qVir \VL•. >,r1! ami Wlllum oH .-ird 1 h i'-,'■ . ••Afl-r ,>11 -,viIh r i<„u«olallon li«i,u..„ii,u Hcn^or.lio:d'. ...r r„ N rhrr ami t 11 V.„i- .ncl I• «(i,i Ull-fir.M tli^ii, ci. i . , ,mrFrVlrr»"a'nonnT-nn=---- w:-b(a:i duLonr up. Whiner* ,>I ,;lir ' ne shoulcJ ev.

d fllKlii roiiMilatioii m-.r ' recurrence, fl .1 IJuim nnd Malcolm Sta.iit

oliL>. one up. . 1

H' Aluminu

^ Bcnutiful hiI one-inch tubu

J r I fram e covereiu « I 1 w hilo WCI

,n - ■ I I F irestone -wcl

■ereo ' |! l - ~ tt—-■0 . . A lum in7 7 3.50 il W ebb

• D ow n _

lural or Stereo. . . 7. | |peokers. . . one built ! / cnrtridgo with two j! Adjusts to fi'0 ebony and whlta ‘ positions...n d . . , . e . . y l o ( » r t y j _ ,•5-tube radio. ;! Fircstohepo

pylene wcbb

K eel M o w e r

bnndle, movrtr goa; I

Lawn Swing 'f c a fcw H Ith Slide Gym i W u { W

l^-foot slide, Inwn | |lmdHWo'^hinbflri.~||=and yellow enamc] I Coll ipn 'ftf eaanwith7K f « tl .p . I

lLBrand-New.,:£ullyjGui H with Safety-Fortified N H 7 -Rib Traction-Tested ■ Long-Wearing Firestoi

T im ers\viiiV I \AnltePi> will nipfi ihri on July 28 -^7

YOHK. M,.V18 .^ -T l 'r)t.T 1ra.:up j,l.sM r ip.-vm^jitai McKechnit and uu •ars SCO »',ll be reuniifd ■ who wlil b r fimiiKllv i at Ynn»pe n.idliim whfn',*t ‘hf HiiU of J'.init In » York Y.iiiiCP'M M-i”P N.Y. In Jui-.-, <viliiiii/.ir OM Tirnrr*' CUP'I-' o/ hnnor.

eniorrliiiids Guied^Painless Jiy Non-Sui'gicaliietliori._

Tlip noivDuigicAl, pIec-9 trciiiinents will b r a■,iic n ie i i io c i 'f^ l ic a i- - ‘ V ib to lu ie iy lfc c r— c m o f ' Hemorrhoids P.iiienti c»iipi:cnclei) developed by doc- tie. II Any p.,Iti, 14 of Ilitf, OcjI-Ohvcf trc.>1tiionl ioi|unuSt'dy ftlvd. Clinic I'OspililliJrtliOil nnd'•fl :o ^(/tccnfu l a'k! rol rmphy cJtugi oni'.iti'-iil 111 iidlUKr llvil inii!Clioiv;.■ loiiowwiq policy '4 W nlc to J jv foi ai-u-d 1 ll i''i r piUiPiill.; dc\cr,plivc h o o l .fii-r ,>11 ',\iiip tom s o( yourj willioiit ol-lig.1mor»lio:cl'i . , , ll VI V c The Bcrtl-O l'vpr Ti,;i:cled flt'ci ll'o p<iiienl filwcf, Clmic. i’r .ijicei_h (a :iud iid iflfaed ,_!l____Med lo Prodology. :

iiiou ld ever hflve a N'C. Sandy Rlvd.,:urrence. f l l l forrfier , /.uid 12, O rcgo",

lum inum Jo ld in n E j f i W eb b ed Chair'^

5.95e a u tifu l hiR hly-polished If jjnle-ifKh Jubular nluminum ll jlam e covered w ith yrccn 11 laid w hilo w calhcr-rcsutant ^ ^ * 5 5 s ,J fircstone -webbing. «

Vluminum Folding M W ebbed Chaise „ ^

A djusts to five /p ositions. . . lien / p < ^ v < T ^ r N ^ / flat for sun bathing. //W eather-reaistnnl « yFircstohcpolyp io- V Ifpylene webbing.- //


^ -eiANHINNIAS50c pack ag e

No C ort o r ObliQBilon

^ ^ 1 I nUtussafety-chi =H=yourJii8s=EliEl

I 0 Don't take clianc

iiiyjGuaranteed_4jL0y_TJrei tif ied Nylon Cord Body... Tested.Tread Design...anc Firestone Rubber-X. j _ _ ^ ^ _ Q Q _ I l i a a E S S _

f j f t t o l g j rP - ^ J - S ^;»~wmT{WAU4f T il 'i -T y j* O n ly 3D 0~M o:

alibrn-Uiffl b*- .t'^oall-v.•,^r»tlu:,d.^ Uia « win me»i Ihr Chlcsso X in a rp^ul.irlv Khfd-

Kriirr, ,f.tcki" RobinJon, echiilt and UUI Roiii.U. be fimiiKllv emhrlnMl / -

lU Ilf j'.»niHii Cooppis- I : . In Jui-.-, m il nt fCf. V A-of hnnor. )

Painlessly— —r

iJetliori.__,______L•Ills will b r q.vene ly - |f c c “ ------------- —------—rilie« lio r:en crli'- iiny p.,Itl. Iiie,r

•nl I0i|uiius n o lijrtiioii fliid doet 'ploy d tu g i or in-

c to J jv fo( n f ire ,., live h 0 0 U e t, villioiit ol-lig.iiiOti:;fll-O iivpr ri.mcJ/

Prodology. 7076 andy Rivfl, Pori- •2, Ofcgo'-,

9 S Mmm


[IHHIAS- -ckageObliQBilon

ssafety-checli ^•res EBEE.- take cliance& EIHTODAYl

i ry y J J r e ^ .

iody...jn ...a n dr

W e s s _ _ _ _

IITfWAttS--------ly 3 D 0 ~ M o r# | |


Page 16: tk lI^ A irl^Force .le Jets^Lanc In T haila B olster D · tn wbit the Klotw. I l l f l 0(licb|,_„^, .K--epl..K.s

______ T r o w L T a l k _ | j m

A C10S8' MShlrptned ’ ?}e 18*ren hllU dty 3»Dt«y

___I lUwehUHtts - 40 Uiitii ef ir r rtl fWTg’etp« ^IDiutd penea R } B

tP tru v U n tlv , iPTgJ2Plnt»ia , hElHJEkiit 4SAI{eriifl city i m u

4SiCT»d ImiKC 49WiekiidADuniloa MEcrp(l<n rfv«r § 2• OpintMl- StU unlof « H7 r v lp r tf l l» »DlMd l y#T»8lte4 W Trj, IS 1£

300M O /any MConJunfilonin i t l p . . - 8JA(IlmiU»* - llT a t

-5D«l»«»re (ib.) .t.e SJNlmhl. DOWSaopijjd j. -• ' S S S ’‘“ ... . r , ; s

tSlBdlvlduiI • aUoulhwMd ::lArf 441eacf«im. . 7U lr 2«Wii

helder asmin - JTJ-c

" ~ n r ! r r ' * ^ r T

h m ca i B j p “

i i J P ~

. ' *’ wEWBTAm 1 ^ Fr!

M a l o r H o o p l i

SRSBTlM65,'«»0 Pid WtHOSAG— MR:vx c to ew e fj a o sT m o m b t h e wociSPfiEflDlMa HcrH SOO CCWVifiCEDIWe N M SeiSO R TMATW19 SUKK WAS A VAI


O u f O u r W a y

-—, ---- •/ Of«7»f8Crt8»7T«nS )'•/ n c rofoepL V N w eR E . 1

y. KEMEMSMRWRe ''! N ^W d H T H B R E /.y --

M q r t h o W o y n e

— - - -----------—v '- '- W W ^ l m K WlO i 6en iiR .i«apn>fnM i

T & U T T t« 70 HIS WiFt.

D o n a l d D u c k

P \ h “|i'oiRTYW3«KH S o s h O i o«iv GULCH!

kVBVC OOVJlJan-AOAI N / V l L S i S ^ S i L j ... T| . . r . — Ny r u A v a y s e ^ i r ^ f :

------- T f — ^

>** UTattafdlhfl 31K uU .(ofoiu-------- ^■licllercd li(l«. 34Co«Sulale

t 10KaI>ehood SSClnidini cUy ' m IndUn ■fi|hU 37ldlm

, . 22 frcKTibtd 3« Cured m«»t ‘ imaunl AOCttnU____ 2J Sh*lie»r«»rt»n .41 Co*bo/» tnnl S r

-----24 Hcrrllljr unlt— ^JKfrtirh novrli't— • -'d ::i Arrow poiwn <4 fruit

2«Winnowi 45 Bound - 37 K4ef*d Un*B« • -4# Othtrwli* - -

08 Dtfxnti < • -Xi

r ------------ h -------------------------------- ' i

: i | ± ± d ^ F — r ~ T Q ^

r T E 3

^ StE Fr!5 ;

______________ /•----- /g 6AnA4flgTMA.M3URV| .7 Z , u -? C n 0 M E JC P e O 6 D L V \


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PSP© OF JIM w ^ . JKI I w t I'm bj a RI4UT) f?WP5aCCMTO*-<lS TOHBlf MS_Syt*IVIKtc iP C o fj iM t'a re / rA c'Ty/, r iu v c A 6 u n / ii

o HIS wiFt. r ^ * ' j r X H r — 7

l o a l ^ rN O ,T H 2 BANKERS KOT'^N ( v

'iiis f . r ^ i «v-—


■ ■ y

M S i d e G la n c M

f . ™ l ^

r i | 3 i# > ' i

' eiWlH>H.>^T»N«.»AN

-------------iJ I-n ifty -B e t-n ia rrle d -in y B fllf .-RAoine p re l im in a ry ta lk s a n d l ’v« y e s i f h e a s k s m t ’.”

C a r n t v n l >

/} ^ /L > __________ 0<M>

W l “ T h e P r e s ld e n l c e r ta in ly w a s i* 5 th e c r i s i s In B e r lin cou ld b e eve;^ s h ip p in g ^ha t g u i t a r p la y in g bo;@ o v e r i h w i "

P | S w e t H t P i*

- . ^ , 1 4■ ■ 1.... ............... I

— I '..

" I i h in k I 'll w n lk ! I d o n ’t fe« ^ t r a f f i c to d n y !”

^ RI4UTW1V. I WlHrvOu‘ [ OO VOU HW= AKV < i_Syt*rvlM3USOOTOPTlS lb i^ J .tC ? .K lV K :?


( \ v n A x a UP. a o y s , V * ' ( fv v c k c c pI S OOTTKOUSLC!3P')/-. irJTMSA'\i ^ -------r . r O P >.v'co7I (V C A H y l THINKIS’C-

■ ■ .................................................

/ •. .

THASI l l l I 4 |L J - l _ | _ l - l - T ^ - ^ B , bA£

' e a ;

" T .S !


-myH«lf.-Ray'nnd-I-hBve4t»d^^^^^^“ ts a n d I ’v e p ro m ise d to s a y ‘ '

^ - f T — G a

a ln \y w a s r i R h t ^ e n h e s a id u ld b e e v e n R T e a te ri T h e y ’r t ^ j la y in g b o y f r ie n d o Y ^ a n l e s .________,

. t _ _ . ^ “I


I d o n 't f e e l lik e f lK h lin ir t h e ^



VVCKCCPWALKtKGOUT) { ; J . lbairJTM£AMODLC — r j i ' S



U ' l * t n « >


C a p ta in Eoiiv\ ' ~ ----- ^ _.AW>H£M'5 \^<?Uiri

APKUIMO^ UReKOTHCIHcottPw e \ n£ fx fojR J HOW PO vou

TWACr^FKeWA 110U IH 6-A OeATK BEiU< PRIUT5 VilfH V «_-L ^ « 6MWTHOWlkJ HI& P l i M RB OSW — P A 5S F C R rr,^ i^ \ E | p « n r y

F r ^ e k tM ^ ^ _____

i„ - G a s o l i n e A l l a y . - . -

M other.this V a i i [ gsk .. ,5 8 complete f jujju, 15 th a t U ' T ^ z

u a s te of’ titne/1 ujju |ao',( a t 7 ^ £ l i E and you;kfiouj icJ / -,

B u g s B u n n y ___________ •

/ hurbv itup ; / ft I e laie j: IT'S jA

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D a n ' I H a l e ____________________S - - .- - OK*V/n.LOtTSOMEHAY------- - '■ ' ' ■■' YgBRlWOSOMSWVwe ISAue TH'MM9C% \KACK O TU- BUN. PA£ \ tH' HOUSeROARlHa TM-H(X»6-CD*W,Wt. [ lHN(ynMg.BUtJ./

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s i ' s s w l F S E IHOW PO vou BWIWI V31IS 0CtfHVI«PT»5U?fA5n/8 ecATK BE1U6 Cf lCiAUY •— " A .

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. J | l mToa SEEOE' > --------- ^ -BLIT I

Aoe vou ( v-y-VES. r A away f b w

THIS APTERNOON,)^ l | i / • ,,p ii-H tH " HtNIF IT'S a x . WITH - A - ! 1 -------------T O U - . - - ^ ' L l . t h > r r n ^ t - — <


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Page 17: tk lI^ A irl^Force .le Jets^Lanc In T haila B olster D · tn wbit the Klotw. I l l f l 0(licb|,_„^, .K--epl..K.s

jIABKETS.t • * * MAR

fl*** * ^ y ih * a e d I" Che.fctt- . '^•'"*-

* ^ £ ^ w f *entlment. - '_ ,

t!/>* “ fJflurlDB J o f J <•■“'' ' ' ?Vr,."'W « V m « - «uio

.. ...........w iM t- “ "«ii- ■,

■“ “ 1 X e d leiiurlng 4 olp » S S d *“ CotnmrrUM > V . r / : ; •< >"ff«hich WB4 named Huns h,.,, »«;

tn-lns to coTfitr ••'*■ ""/,■

^ ® r t i u « r m w m Wtih Jed-

IS ijS c U O d lc s turned lo*crJ » c n if^ n ~ B « trlc ,- im a i u; in, mm

^ £ - 3 1 ' ! = ■ : - -

S I?num l>« of Mort* and n - . . ^ , „ , „ . , HSUC4 ind Mine I » d s »U--> n.n tuiir c

'J 'j .M r* ! . «»"!> • '1 i r i . ' Slom *n<l dividend ooi,i.

. mod«r»l« BOlner alon;; fj„, i .t ::i -rmMciSrM ««iin r^ «d -U ..I^ r ie CMl which repofteu ^ ^ f u n l n u Unprovtmeiit, •’‘’’‘t ia :

StockAveragcs^rvO U K , M.r I* - *•“- " : ;,Tm

I . l i l B * ‘ Wll Jiilir

** **i5 V-*Vo uu O'** l»r •'•■H •"

"&cSr isi; r F JH> nVi Wri"* 1»1»S

l ^ - i i ' S ’r S s - i , r ' ' t“ f f t . S i i S w K l f f i

* 7 1 '» r 4 ts nlhn. UN:T* it

K w *r:> j ; ! 'J]|52 »Il^ IW oil «j-l .jifln«^»|»ult S i 'S *’ U lUrlSto" »*t* wl''* '"'•I" K bS fj.<* JI/P«V «"»J- ‘"r. fr..n

s r j ’" ! " '■ " " ■ ■ " "oS'Srtor « S nar.l Bulth J»». S.U.S i H 'i H4f»*ir «» .uSTcp « tWh«i.r JiU

m ; » « n H«b »l»4 cmCAIlCS S S !!!> S S ^ f ': „ ! i;a s s “ ' J f .. r . ' " ‘. i . sSSoii i l Bou t;.i Kd :xs. 11,. 11.00.11&o fiwlu -«*i s»« *'«»'« « > l«.M :l-»Js s ' & ' a r " . ™ . - . i ! 6 . , r ' . v ‘.’ibn-Vrliht 11 BunOllC.l Mp, i.sio lh. iI*> ? » « ;*4 SunOIIKJ j l j . '

ILu AWk* .-IV Stu*Ulr« *>. ji.M.-rwl I« W .k _ J D r flun..> OII 1, P.lm; «BFw n*;"?*!!!! Mln-------» ! • * - JJ.*rvMot 4|>^ H>ir< A.Ca 40<. ,M r. :i.t

Inriu- Cp .U 'i TtiM Cn M‘, J$.|19.17.J#: Erw t(oU>f « T ti imlf I'ui 17 tnd »<iim»i^rmlldli* J l T«I iMlni M‘i nM ehokr 'Cm D»ira tiV TMlnn sK>r? 9M f« rw 1«1. ■n.iokni ig 'iCn raoitt J>JI« Tlmtin ' l l ‘i jh ahorn

kr>> MMor* >: Tram Amrr 41*, p,1i, ll.m.UH ;oihC.M.r..« S»». .l.uiMrr >

S I S ', » ! l : t : 5 v ‘ !! ;CWSurar i|>; Union I'ktirif }l<a ' l |< 'CmhN>4 Ij-ii lln Alfll»~ 11 A IUil Oil 41 tin A lnnfl 4)S |NV!i!*r--."* »*?? »" |i*Ti / ■ •13 Cntnt s i \ tl S llrptiini >4 c;,mnMinw»i

*i“ 7i--------rtlnn^W -111 llifvr. U fl RubWr ifit«ii(ita IJjj j[ J Mji M»u. Cm*

i i ’*hz:iL Ji:i snfiiw™ \u S ’Hj(ititt 11 Wnt kim ai v>fekLn"'’ • 'u ^ r ' l l n l f h " IUliuld »>. YouinlSSn I tll {

AHKIIIcXn «CnANGK {A iM " % * ? ^ ,h '. ‘n i " w ! r ; j i r

MilJ t% T-»»«/fohr JJli , .ail", .....Butt Unlisted Stocks^ T s

IW»u“ A V r i i ^ ^ ^ ' I u ’I 'iJ H>j;J ^ l . fr»l«liiw.7i _ I !i« !5!i1>4 JJIi't y n ' i f — - . ' ■■•; !:■!! » " . *{ ^ tT w iu r c ^ - — ■ JTH—T 7 I-Jl"! IU<tiTU» lnTt.l_ H.W 14.M ‘ Bttki J«.

l ^ ‘-“ > ;— !!:!! !!:!!

'S r i= e = » - s s - SktSS*W'J* »:■»««. u.«« 1>.J1'4 Ot'-

-;5 * iJ '’ W^HoV, Sw* til t ulni^■WN I.If. ■A«in.. I, !• ’ r>Mlfl»»l ^ M.rtt -------- T m ‘i'JS {tl.Dld.l

I ' h i P P


i jS s 'H H '?---------------Tupperw

»« Dll N J Vjf. _ ' Mn- ar i , \ “ jjK, »if U- E. Polwel

H* ” ■ election w

Twin Falls Ma~"i'i?iVi--------------------- - ,D » I .« -

U ,4 n 4 f l^ ___S‘“rf 0«h

_ . »l U6.ll.uu X, ,, MTATIIW N». I rial

«»eW) (Nfc t \ I

TS AND FINii■■'■ *


,. . -Tfci)l»in.*-!iti.I!*'’VtlTlV..lf.: ?n* i'l” iiT.l''5 ’, I lo ott flltit

( • w i m r i o ! ' n ^

; - ^ i v e s t o c k ■J R(.A<-Kr<i«r1 lll.Al'KrOOT, »li» I* M.ft; l.iitch. ^ , ‘ ,‘1,1", , li.ilfhrl,'*'m.»lC ; ..>>1. llll.llt. '"'l] Um \.: .p«,„ I.mi-. i;i .w -i;i.« :

IK.tufs' , nt Ihr, .fl<;tli:s. H«r I* U' (llSt>Al-i;»ut« Kr^ Imu^r

: .l." 'bVit"'i in/Vm* “ «ilV 'l ‘’.lL“n". tf»ni.nJ f..r I r T iw i'.riif.; 1.-! 510.S1*[_ >n‘l illu H,«B In n,«l>! it'- »"-» H.K’- ’- , I '...iM KiP"it»>. . Hhr*p ;i«i; no « 'l r •»>'• •c'"’* j,g,i,,i. ..( |, i ;.,; f >.l' ll. i« l *"l‘ toKlln >'“'.1t 1«.'ftO;'„.«J l;7 Ik Il»uihl»r »*«rllnM ', (; . rmcAtJo.‘ t)HKVi;n,:1 t)KSv»:n. Mi> I* , Y'''* '' liUV: """""full*’rtUWl"h«''. "coin un,hi■ *‘7 h' ' r»I« jr " T 'ikto'

» .n.i >iK»(r M.iMi.PO. jio. 3 1• p lln .i !" ''"

;, — T ----- S.,,b»4n. I

; t ’ c in c i - ,"I'li.Hr- bull* mn* th.r»».l: fM' nl4bll*hHl «iHr: «1i<ifh''r ".

i»r V-S •n'i fMf* .«>•« SS.M- .on: J>" •- ; frriUn p»fk»n Bit.ltum "«»' !W ‘

-IO' mi.k« .«■»*.• **'■«’■« '•’ '‘ u.oo.ii'i3*-'"’“ z : :

hm" n.*r " U b t re ii S - 'M *lbV •"■rift* il*uihltr UmU flwlec ..

' . oMAiiA. « " ■ : . . ;;7i

£ ■ - 1 ^ n,"r‘ / ' l l .

<b"l” V'*'*' *** 'rtolf* l.l'jo rOllTI.AN

Ilrrii :*.0l!; ml»»il inot ’'I* «!'"•" x„)n . hclf*M J l . im .w ; mo.llT f„b im

'*S?i?-j‘ % 0 : .W n J^urn’ 'n'l.Mfl'iiil’i1»u*hl«r t.mU ret «l*l>h*l'H; «,.co.n.K, ','

, .l.nthlT f«,« .l»«l T ^ „ ., ,1

' 'SvfS'»ull l» t«oi •»>«'" • • '• hulk. IOmI.t

S.1J. Whli* MSS;--------- ■ Clul> MS'.i.nilCAGO ' Hirt KkI

cmCAIlO, M.T u WlM^^!'T»V.ljMb*buKhff» C»r t*»Hp I.«r »0 h«d ’ IMJO lh». H 'f): wl*"' corn 1: n«UI.J l»O.JJO Ibl. ?;«•?» ------

S ' S S i S H S 5 = ^■M:: ii:;!: ( f i ; ; * ; }i“ ; ; , s r ' . i K S ‘;:. ' ” , s r s ; - K . . " . ' : ;

- inorud; Jillrh«W :i.» .? i.00j comnifrclil rnwt fim r»llry ; J$,ll».17,j#: “''I'’' ».m1"IlSIl SIIl«Tj.‘l«r.“j«.oo-jio.n''. ■*

8b-»P st«: ne* »BOU»h f"' • " • '• 'J " '7i r '.£ ™ » r i S " ; i r i * " -Mill IIOO-UM' mil 1" *'•■( •'wm Trdti tdh *l«u|blrr tab

Trust Fnnds sF '^ '■•.lKVO,T«n»T T . I J I . j l S t ’i ™

- 1K ! i : S K 'v . , , i “ i J ;T»>iui>in KI.<tronlfi ’-!• J J* Tbr'inW '

? : l ; ; - i j : : ! ™ ; . . . - - : ! ! , :K*r<iAnr n j — ------^ kKryilon. Kl_-—--------- J ' ‘ ’■’* Nfl.Mib.r _

t : : ; : : : £ . = z = t o i : k ,‘ —K.T*!"''* I'i _— * ** /•* ' ____■' Inlttn«H"i'»t ru n a-------»■»« l*-l* ■p

B utter and Eggs ™------------ — cniCACO _____ p A V '- ICHICAGO. M.r l« lUPI'—T*K>luf*l A ' \ / i J

.. . . c w » ! siatkhnrna rw***''! I"»f »*•” ! BELLEVI

» S i ' « » » - « ' !/w hflil: flrnis A ^7.iJ. f»4» )K tt- g n a t IClIM M; (»ft.lBI> lb. bWbil! A 4MI. »l tllC »ChO<

iV 'j ^ o M‘" »♦ ;«.« Edward ;. !1SI|: ftrloi.i 10 .ror. I»‘i : »» •«■'* cl»M. Will f' **ki'ni AWi unAr. Whit. l.rt» DIvlne will- tj'-li »n<LreMul

fn.4him. « : »Un4*n1« J»: " rllS U l t)ie C l i S l________________ » n i -Mool

“ w r ^ 'T*'« *nvo<W o o l KfnnethS<

. • WOOL F»T1IHM , , ' 1 ' “ °"* NKW YnnK. il .r u IP-W~I lu. awemietl

liirt. fl~H .« In .« «f » '«"» *'1'""= Brown, tW(

' C n irir .l^ onnt ii>n( Itt.OH. LMt«r L««L M rt" ' 1m“.7 ' ' ‘ '* «*“» '• O *' ’ .p:i>t *""! lesi »6l0.

{tl.ntJi W.Nnm1i>«ll Or*dUftU.

Tupper ReelectedHAOmMAN. MftV 1 6 - R o ^ Oulchei. B

Tupper WM reelectcd t» » *cik»i i^w K Don■ T jo a rd 'tn u lS T o ric n rn v s -tt tne -Rfm irth-ft ; jichwl bo»rd fJecUon htld Mon- ers. K«ren

day i t the hlsh Khool ttymtiftM- um. Robe uni, Jie m e lvcd 33 v«e» v l'n worthlnirto

- « B » -« r ite .ln -io t-S c e tL J5 « l« L T cH a 'U A- -Tupper Wlll-Mrve-Iarohrtejieort ^

Mn- BAn Taylor and Mr». E- E. FDlwell were Jud(t« (or the elecllon with Mrs. Vlrs'l Norwood notic ' u clerk-

— h m w h h.

Is Markets1 T~, tn f« “M » tT B i— — ~ ,n.vr'naTitUMI»f» --- -------

E = l ^ S s @0.u-TV-i^^------- -j i

-------- - **• n„,h fltnri.n

N.- I rialM .“ i l * ----- • "'***" U n

■ rv ts r iS s K = = ^ ‘

INANCE Bl* » * • D , s » :

r i 1 * Q 1 n O CHICAOO. JV J l C l l I l b Mldae.« »«mj

CHICAIU). w.v - u If* -jj,V „ n tll»t » good >eii“lV',',thri‘.I".V r . i i ' T ' ' *" To thlJ

>l'.ir..fTt'.Hr' t i d e n c e Urin»M n.- - -

TV• ' ft l ■ Till* b tiup I|, .ml ilrumm..| j.iH unthi*Hnl Of l<'V«tivV‘^‘ - .• ' infii Iti Imlu-Mi<i«n.n,i Hv h . . . I ' \ h ^ , t r i d f 'lnlcihiniM- in.1 f.immrir..! K.||.-,Vltwed, »nd c

• i.rk w dfir” iil.'\r*in'rr'M ."^l‘.!,»Ii pltcr.< lind ca— Momfr«.|»n th«i

,.f > n*r.| 7,, 'flMIIi 'lcmi>#i.iu>r< In Ihf -iritfr .h’, .i U li.lthf SiulnMmf Tb. ..I..1.C, Ihl,. ,„.. hi,h .I,.i,n.i| In ClilMsn dor I n r n ' m ^ i X u h " ! ; ! ' . ‘‘'"“ ibliy tlif llluh

Tbt « r.ih .r .... ... 'iMr.t»tr.i mi«iiri till: KdinrdyUir ioJ -ih.i. . . .I h r , r,„ fiiriirr In th<> :

‘" 'l a K«Kl jra r to n .n l.«(r,l .lr .. |, t„ fiim' ajlhl Hut (llOd.

cum. (•,imii.(..t.iu I...... Wft. And. Kuy ti

riimfi prir<'> f"i i-,w .n ..II «n41 ijiif KOvfriimen'u !;" nr ‘■ 'c , c V . i i bw 'f---'

b«ui.. b.,uih|, Julr U.n...,.Si,.,.dlM| T hf firM Cll i " '’. ‘’’•lup.'ci niisht fc

bu-bH*' b*.r,l * .'" .!* ’« / imiMOi Ju.1t thr oppof bu<b<l> -r ...Jt «hnr •-hr.i. to Sft llif Kora ; : » :: ,r ’V ,a ; i ; 'Y '" ’ "i

i-Amr< iiAiN ToihLi. fiomrmcAtJo. .'t.y r* iTt -r..b » Kft.1 the Ideas

..(r,: — fo moolucv.B:wh..i iii«h.i.«r,i S". I ifiicrw bii.i prMltlmil ln. l*

un,h..„r.1 I.. hl.h.. I Kc J »'", “"” 1r.iio ' I.i«>j-i.n: N’,>. t >*a,- I.I^I rrrLt intlntlon Nil. 4 r'li'i '. i - i t ; (i..ic j.iui* coiLiumtrs mle’■oiu un,h..,ci.1: N... 1 K ..„ -bll- Come Mid'Job

N.., i . r . i i . h..r» .H; dottii nn thelrI »•!>. h « .r -h ll. . ; i i , . i;^nd»w.

n.^’ln.I"' Ench Chlcnt'|l.tli-r m.lijn,^ l.r i- l.n n.imln*l; own pWUhftr

• Chifr»‘ ' ' '^ ^ " ' from^o'mf.iilc ■■ ‘ goods, or th e n

(;nAiN ►•urrnM of Jo.n.chatntli a u a a ,. . .iiiih h>w ‘:i,«. ci<«« inronds Irom r

. i«, - 1.^ - ir- Kioii.i In the fS ■ - l i ' i - S ' : i j S ; =:!!':B«pi ... j.iw’. t.M". S '" lop executive*i)»» .- 2.:* ', n.i a whole «1*'V.rn” ■ “ ' ■ " ‘ " ‘ M'''P“<VUit i . u ' . ).>:'/ i.iJ’i ••'5’i To boisier 1in l' ’ i'i!>^ I IV'. liiv'I lin^'i opinion of thi

K. i!iv 'j I'l" '* of thp .fedcrar - I .M '. I-5J'. »•»■; chlcsRO,- *ho

lllr*'* 71' . . 'I ’l ,:ii j I'celnn no eeon

K ' : ' : : ; : : S ; 'S^, “ '

“i" , , 'r ‘ , t , .-1, Roundt iiE: i s ! l ..In T .F ,

U>r — 1.3*' . »•»■* ' « ’j A Cub SCOi rouTLAND . leaders round

romi.*N)>. ‘AUr J« t*" • - be ht)d » i B,,.in prompl d-llrrrr. I"I'!; U,c Tttjll Fftllaw"iik whi” '? ! t.“- No* i >»ii“- church fellow*tulrrn tn.&n: ! Ilari.y. Sn. : 41 IK nOUIlCCd Wcdl

Robert DftriicjTJdlV-. ,1 ,-T 'p"rii.i..t (ii.ii. f .- cotnmLuloner

.btni.t diatrlct. Snikt

hiilk. VoMlir ihlpm^nl. d.llv.rrd « » a : TllR meetlnRwbii.M SS: .Soft Whli. M i'i; Whli. q„ volunteer I ‘ 'lllrt’ K'A Wlnler. OrJln.rr ‘.- tf . '" e d Ht Phlll11 p«r ;.n i i : r*r mm New Mexico. A

II.H Whli. iiMrt-. O lf"*" *•'*•. wll be mnde u r r*,Hpu : lAb«l ^flour »2.■--------- :--------------- '- ' Porcupine »pr

Potatoes, Onions ,„? 'ST :

(old) arrlrali » : Ir.rb 1)1; .uvpllu ftclnc in tWO I ''T racV 'n j''''nM 'lL 'u ‘ 'R'‘ tA“ u'Bl»Mb«rwi>. iuif<l): M«h» tuwrti nno. “i n o ^ : Jtlnn.»<*-Nnrth D.boi* IM their ovn. Anfim r.ii;? round- r ^ r m r ' — — F e ld ^ o rih o s

N.W pm.inM 1 Arrir»i» i>: irMk I I ; Cub and See.u«iir. «oJ.r«t.i .low: - . r - n,oiherl are lr

Tf«i t t l f l Altbtm* noinS r*!« 'Sir«l t.U.1 Al.h»m« rtHinil r«<< ■

Ml-i.M; iM Ib.1 !.*«; I n u «.Ul 1i:.ll(.ri>k lixif. «hll« |10» lb.) ».!». DUCa

o'nlonn A rrtf.l. U : Im.k * t; .<ip- ptiri mo4.r*l.: draund >).«; m.rkM ***~ |

Xirrrt T.IM TTllow r n rin ____irinn Iar«. J.M^S.l*. wbVir * mMllum '■I.M.J.M, Ur*» J.TM.M; Cillfanil* ------------■•»«llow (r tn .i ».<ltuiii I-;i. J ^

FUTlJI«iai“ QVo'TATIONII #Thr Inlkoslns futurM aumtiloni it* t* ''r v u

prmlM br R. «■ HeR»Wni mnd rmn* | b

^QQ2SMurk __________Ti* J.U J.M ’g MApill __________ j.7» J.J8 •*.:»

Exercise Set For BeHevue- -"BELLEVUE, 'M iy is-O ra rtu - - f tlIon~exerelsf.'riT O Q 9—elchth ^ ~ N ^ n irrade achool atiidenta wilfbe'held «m rsd *t the achool »udltorlum W rtnei- dar evcnlnu, May 23.

Edward ivie, pre.ildent of the _claM. will give th e welcome. 1/>1« l i f i l D I I] Divine will pl«7 th e preceulonal I I U n L L and rec«Mlonal and accompany m aiiiR M id m r c l i > n h ~ a n>lhg~ thelr cUB - - - ^ - •— torn "Moon River."

The Invocation wilt b« given by Kenneth Schocanler and th f ben­ediction bv lA V Inn BrovnlnR. j u | ■• Owemieth Lew h and Robert m n Brown, two Cop eeholtsllc itu- denl«._wlll ,be Introduced^ . . _______

Diploma* will be siTfn^ourKy ' w : .u n a ti Lesler U«»U. principal cf the ® 'school. O ar lh Sim* win a lnj * tieno l a Osolo. Peace pr(

Oraduatea are Sharon Bern* or»i»-c thardl, Robert Brown. U V lna rK IL t, to BrownlnR. R ichard c«U e . Rots ]o x 2 Drt.viel. Letlanl Dudlev, Sln-enOulchei. Edw ord Ivle. owcnnelhtfw K Qpnn Pe'»k. Daniel Peak. W e hove IKenneth-eeho«i*«l^frH»r<}M«8t«»*ers. K«ren Aim*. Lawrence SU-, . _lam. Robert . T*uw h(r, Vickie Hick th e (Wcrthlnirton and plon tin fl tU fiX U -A O V ^ lT JS tM E H T iS '

tTNrTEnSTATJSI ^ I D 'jnrrAiiTMKKT o r tiik iNTrnmn | ) j

nUtlFA” n r I.ANn MANAnrMCHT NOTIC' Fon r i ’HU 'ATtON

nSA L PBOOPAnril » . t iu

UMlf* !• h.rrbr vlr»>> lb«t ApIm A.,

i,ii» : l i »sr. fnr NKU. .'KSKwii, South Annurupw y. NWHRKW IWtlsi. 11, o t 1 O 10... n»nr. UE., IWiI.r BlOCk, Kt\ UitlJl.n, h » flW nollM of Inl.nllnn ,in mtv. n n a i » 6 b ru~~wiuiT»i»~fmitf "y eo r~ o n d : 5t-IAll-nide,-I uCu cB Juat . . .

w '. « nr Itliut^ ----- C O M anu'h Atnri.n af Rmiu Ko, 1, BuhL ’ ■ /•/ MtCIIACL T, SOLAN I ~ ^

U nd OffiM MMirtt . r.O. IVu t i l l . IMm. IiUh«

Business MiriBr SAM DAWSON ' And he thlnkj

A>* U iulnni Newt A tu lr tl have ptentv of CHICAOO. May 18 m - Tlie plriuv of jpcnt tldwe.n wem* fairly. confldrni| Hou buslncu i»t a good >ear for DualhcM Itr* m isiu be upeel irad. To thl* buslne»amen add! vka'j'by one Ind le bis - I f - a n d Ih a fa a f con- ^ compani i d e n c e chance of 'p ro fi*M n." roiupn>on-lu ITTill* Ll tbe puiun(--mon«s'

irn Iri l m ! u .M r y ^ H H ^ ^ 4 nr^^'mrii'^'^nl'^'v Id tfid f l n l c r - r j » * ^ l ^ ^ ihp ndiiiliilsiral (wed. and thrv cnll lu altti* t - ! ! iM r-T e i .^ ^ W B a E F -7 'inouMTScneTUT|*s a n a ^ - i u p - * * ^ ^ ^ — -trs ;ne chancri

.Bill m*n>‘ fr%i;!ni ^xomeIf biulnc.’i m f n ^ * m .ikr^r1 ClilMsn don't 0 „,. iiniustripiiy tlie hlsh economic tn rsct.i w n \• ■ iiiuiu noi ii: Kiiinedy admlnUlratlon sel ccon'nmic crowtl »ller in the year. They « p « l rm-,.urnKed, Kood year for builne.v but n o t ' jj,.,

lu l Ktiod. ■ tlvi-* trcl lhatAnd. tluy .don't wnnf to ' " I iif^».«,.veriimen

:>i1fidfncf upset by nny »Pre«d: cii«n .id onv c f a ihref.*lded,conlfH a m o tis , „,^nrtln[IS KOvrriiment. bis labor and blK.u*li'e.--' . , .In s cn the ndnThe fir*l cnsuslty ot such an p.«i nilshl be a llBhfenlnK o f ,^ „ , jrtttirrj-t-sprndlmr-pMfM— — Ttn;u t thr oppoflie is needed now „,du,1 set lilt economy roliins a t Uie <>|f befou ie r rlip .the Kennedy adm in- ■ t

To^Li.'*ome Jidd lhat(t.i Ihe Idea so«ernmeiii ts KOlni: | LkGAL ADV! 3 moouav.Bace incrfjw ji—m e , - v .in r f :( ’reAlOinit ln.\l*U ll will only suk-j Ml me Umll be)-ond which i t j ih . i.i.i-. “ rrLi inlltttlon danuer lie*—‘h rn , ' ’J <b' oiLiumers m lshl worry aboul In-1 siir.iome Slid'Job securlly nnd cui i - „ „-.i.,v i-.ji.. ottii nn thelr current hlRh 'iJu u 'IJfndlJW. , k.)/-.-iirEnch Chlcnso Indailry hn.i lu mii-. ..f u, k. i

wn pwuhnr problem.i - exct-.s iV*'.’*'',I'Pflciiv. Of Heen competition |'^ ■rom domf.i'iic HvnLr“o>“ T0rcii:n- T tt7^n r,- i.v,-,r.HT oods or thc need to keep abrea.itt fo.n-chanslns producta or p ro . s^«-i{«lueUon lechnlque.v or urowlnc’in. witiironds Irom newer Industrial re- 7clon.1 in the Fnr Wcai or South. „ . f uBut In .'plie of th e problem.'. ..r ih> Drp.tirarni

op executive* leel the economya a whole should’ prosper—nnd ^ ,h.rjrrVr n.heir company In particular. u m .j. t^r «ch^.To bD]sitr Ihl* they h n v e .th e i.t '

pinion of the research director i,i^„.f Ihp .federal reserve bank of Thr ri«hi >< :hlc«RO,- who- Is on re<iord a-i i.lllj'.'IuiUmKicelns no economic dow nlurn be- i.i.h... ore June 1D63 a f the enrllcal.

Roundtable Set ;k£ 'S ^S [ n T .F .T hursday

A Cub Scout and Doy Seoul „t m X ' ir tb. i taders roundtable proRram will « « .. .tr , M t , l I p. m. •nm r.a.iv In “ V i . ;he Tttln Flilla First Prcsbylen.m ,un,i. .b.ii oi.i.i" hurch fellowship hall. It wn.i nn- lounced Wednesdny momlnR by ^ hitobert DnriiM, iMWUnl dLMrlcl t,,. conii.cmr ommLuloner for the *outhi-ide p .r 'v.* llstrict. Snake River nren Coun- .,«irir.ti..n 11, Boy Scouu of Amerlcn. Hurh . .m «iii i-Tlie meellnR will feature ft film " ’Ti'‘ 'V/ir"uT5.

n volunteer imlnlnK courae.i o t- „ „ ,ii..-<.C-A. Ti ered nt Phllmont Scout ranch, Ch»p ki ■''•u ‘sp lew Mexico. Announcemenlfl also ‘ ' r ' ,'{,‘1 ‘,'U be mnde perulnlng to th e u i,h » .r i)irMi>» amporee, set Ior Mny 25-20 n t pr.,yrmeni in Um ■orcuplne aprlns* campground, ,. HlRhllBhllo(Hlic evening m eet- - H ' '-lit will bo an aduli Plnewood **•'.; j,,)erby race, wllli parenU of Cub.i x i.und Scout* who hnve bulll cam rubii.hi Mar u. acln'c In two heal*. One race will e held for those who have the ir I V A C U U M on'« c a n ' or who have b u ilt I Atl S!tieir own; Anolher rtce .will be I h o o v e B / e ld ^ o r ih o se who a tle n d - th e | — faC TO R Y ie e iln |* n d us# a car provided I y the district. I C o rn e r BitCub and Scout leadtm and den I 2 n o A ve. t .

lolhers are Invited to attend. ■


■ B tiS o T M N D E lWORLD'S LARGEST SELLINInw iiiH W .iBiiiiiwiBmcin.ntBH— w n itw.wCTi

MAGIC VAILEY FARNW ith no tiono l p u b lic ity o n IDA.HO'beOi tieno l A d m in is tra tio n p ro m o tio n o f t b P eace p rog rom to o id e x p o r t so le s , di PRICE, for A LL c o m m e rc io i b e a n s look;


W e hove PIN T O — G R E A T N O R T H E R ^- N dt-M«10^— -REO tK ID N E Y ------- SM ALL■ Pick th e one th a t b e s t s u i t s y o u r soil f

plon tin fl tim e. N O C A S H O U T L A Y FOR

"""IM O V T W S R E H O UH e r e l to n — M u r to u g h

P h o n a V A 9 -5 4 1 1

South A m e ric o p r e f e r s c o lo re d beo n s: Block, Rey o r P in to . E u ro p e h o d o 's h o i

- y e o r -o n d : th e y - p r e f e f ^ G r e o t -N o r th e r n .-

^ m ^ ^ a H T i N D L B ^ L ^ Y i — C O llIM E B C IA L -F E R T J L IZ E i -------- ---------------------A L l M t O B S —

Mirror Use 11 he thinks cotiMimera will — c plenty of confidence and r i A CSlFlEl ;uv of jpcndlns money. W U A ?9 ir» tllow bu jlnos -spcndinR plsn* >.\NOy>'C l :hi be upeei.l* ejcplalned'.lhl* c in iif lO iio o l 'b y one Industrialist: ' ••. .. '■.•BMri.Oy

company need.i to ’ fee a . C luufleatioit i nee of -p ro l iu -o f . Retilng.. a , • flNANtjr itro n - lu mvesini^nt'-^betorc Claaslflcation 3 UiK- mon«s'. Into txpansloh -l_'sCUOOLS>lN.1 iii'xIfrnir-Aiion Some busl- . cii«st(lea(lon-4

•■-inrn ute worried now le>l IttA L KlndiiilnlJirallon ilshien wliiil Claisilication 5

v cnll lt-<i attitude thnt proIIU . HCNT.'UMTSe'heTUTlWTirthUJ ICiien- — C lao lf la u o n rl

:ne ehancrs for-*-return.------------------A G niC tIklM. nny.hdmlnLitrstlon bln-v ciauiticatlon 8'ii< .'(-b l*neM -**-iueh-nilsh l--------------LIVES1;l:i<-i_i *ome corporsle pollen c i ^ , „ „ t i o n 10

)nr liulu$trlnll«-pui*-IL IhLi ciawiificaticn 12> • ■ liu h l no»-, coiuldiTtns our■nm.iic Krowth Ronl*. ihey m w l wrn,-,.uri.Ked, not iflshtened.- Cla«iftcatii.n lli

>ti'. bv and lariic, the execu- . AUTOMI >'• Irel lhat lhe curri'iil busl- CUsolflcallon IB j.-«,>vernment ruckus liMn't i iu id any pre.»enl pl:'ns lor me M>entllns. - In.'i of ihcni aUo are counl- (in the Bdmtnbuailon »olnK

ouill .with .the worn In prOR- r rn' cin UbernlliJns rfeprieUUOil I I U m lU

InduM dl^ « lasicr A " ^ 0ir=r ..If .before taxes of ssltjR C L /\S S 1 F lE D iiltinriii. This ttiey nouia

;GAL A D V E R T [ S E M E ^

V.ITHT (If t.riTt.V« * r *r*i'JMr” f..r" lll- . ' ili^ij^-t Illfb»»i' advrrii.rnirnl .

i’i!.i.''!‘ i'.'.*h|i.’ <inin

.iM^.^'Vln.uiiVlliIr a' I[!l"V>il"n'’.'n*"l,’mllr"<.(\’''*l*''n*-V. Nn'^OIa^wn" Prlcr.

nu Hrcl'|..n ^lo:-Ptrl->*»l| d!i“no"*h^*»*?.|h,r.n'r’s*Ji l{«»"l'l-'"i"‘f."r 'H'.bw.'J .i.l...< Witlcn ..f If.!. I•I.ii.,-.p«lfleallon.. f'"™ -i-tltrOHKATTJ!:,;;,,':’n 't : f 'u JbT:in;i i l .hr"fti“. •> ‘‘j 'Ih. Dri.atlrarnl .if lll«hw.*., IW.r. »"“■ ,“ ’Vb.i. .nK Jii.m Ib. Dliiild i;niln.«r *'

rrh .’'iTr*'or‘’n « ' ''"Illll •«J.M1 *111 M’Miil"ii'iI.iThrrr : v s . v;\*h“ v ' ?:* ,:i'ir^r;b : ;'»i'.«,,m«,l ..t Jll*b-.,., Wal. cfi r 1. V"»r,r.Mn Ir"u1il“Vn.l“ lbIi '“Iu iiM m V b ^ l'w \h i .Slau*"'• , I U » - r i . 'c n Viiui

'£ ' S ^ 5 « l ! i V r v T H '£ ( . ' : ;:::i"-.'.':iVi:i. rhrrk iliawn n« m l.lahn harV. |_ct.,NS.‘!|tlKD i

s . . T S ' . “. i fII.Mrii .hall"! In lb. »l»l* p„„,|, ,b, |.ltb.> br tb. Mal. UiMi.tlii™ I.t- »lr»*ilr In Il|.

II...I.1 .trrpl en BmWI. In; f„ j i „.Inx frd«ral Junil., Thr lutrmfu .m , ,,l,r nn pnijrrli Inrulrtn* I07.W nf Ih. Hihn .li.n.lard ihr.>u»h tnr In -fllk« Hlll'’h ’r'^l»“ l ^ bul I l.w.11. . J. ni>< l '» lb.i> Ihr mlntmuni »afr ' m nuh ri...u(b -.1 •I>rfltlratl<in. tn.l I.M pmpmal.-h I .m will U ma.l. a p*tl vt <h< a-TO 1'l.ArK ‘.liirl r.i.rr(n( .tt.> pmjcel. TiSy.UKST In? ' l .Sic.A. Till. jT l^ it'. 5oi.Sl». Ibl’V'tt'lrll Cu >p Kl ihall appir In lh. .tnploroitM audlrnc. In MiIal»r for Ihl. proj.ti. IJJ-Otll w on.I l.,.lh. puri— of Ihr R;4id nf 'n , - . ; fr.. pb rhw.r l» bull.l Ibl Im. ruu lli. In an <yrmenl In lh. •bortr.l Ilm. «>n. ^4nl ind i . i I .n t wilh *>«>d fnr.iinirll'in. N «r.. . Ii'. 41 «4.» iir »caip'"r>'‘ •" rJf»<lt»i or- U<auit uuriltitlun aill b. tnilil.d upon. . achuultd lo u>4l«I “ • r - '‘'j,^ycr. nKNNKTT D.'jIi'Vor

KliiU ltl|h*ir Kndnrrr ^ ir fin . iu it 4Jll.hl Mar U. U. U. 17. It. l » a ^ :

V A C U U M c u A N E R n . ; ; ; » .°:^^^,;i i ; ; ;ej>*lr AH Makes • Suppllet L O ^i HOOVER AND nL T E X all.rr «""•> .'-'j 'L FACTORY AUTHORIZED - j r n , of k^p.,*;.

C o rn e r BJ“ » L o k ci o n d C o rd o f T h ^ k n d A ve. E. P h :7 3 3 -1 0 2 7 |


► YOU "“"■"“ll"'* ESS ___ .. i j j

pr#el4IIoA and «ia!». nunr.. hmpli V.II.r U.moria| IIllrf SntMr anditnrfnr.1 j- a i k.

___ ___ -__. . . .

_____ ' — - '_______ • • • • F lo f t i t i -----

JNDERirSTHE SELLING VODKAf t n i t w . i n u n u n n i M . i B c a u e n a u u . , u i — — — . . . . ----—SuaMnlt. a-rMiUi-

V n t.* !-^ MJirK


3 A H O b e o n s a n c ( -N a - - t io n o f th e Food For I ■t so le s , dem o n d a n d | a eo n s looks b e t te r fo r comii ow s ..r u Uu

for atuniloo r.ntar. JllJSM.

CUHStKTICA rm W Call r«ar flladla

lO R T H E R N , inc lud ing rbona.w jtie . j .,r . i . i i r^rr^ j Al-CH0LtC5 «i»or«— SM A L L -R E D -scod ._ _ah.t-i«.fon»*uw_

............... . 1 or U M lIt W«|4,IIy o u r soil fe r tili ty a n d ariiioi'RACTi“ ~ r T IA Y FOR SEED. i i , ' . - J . ' i " ' ” '

..................... SHKNUUMimUKlXJ

liEHOUSE |i*-,„ r to u 9 h i' “

b eo n s: h o d 0 sh o r t c rop lost N orthern.^— --------— bav k j---------------------------------------------s a ! . r . " 'M r “i

W O C ^ Y F E S O F ’T J L I Z E R j m ____B S — ________________ m vA T i.:

se Times-New!;LASSIFIED i n d e x Pcrsonali-S pecla l

.^.\NOy>X'EMENTS , mi'fte»uot) 1 ihnuixb 10-- < • EUrLUVMKNT- ' •-.•■;.* v«ru..«. ,.t, m liuneaiioil ; r ihroush-st-^ ■''1‘ T roniptirtG libnJC o

iftsineaiion 30 ihrousn 38 - — -UOOLS-lN.ITRUtmtlN - .’'i'.V, k.Vi U r iH-')!., ;*.Mfleatlon-40 throufh 46- - -M7.<4*i,-1) . , . ^ . .^ -

IttA L K STA rt i.>uvi.s.: I...liSification 50 tliroush 03 J '"'r »"■- ii'ih. »,.ui.i

iiEXTALs -■ri"’'ic» m u o n r?n --tn ro iic t> -a B ' ■ , — — AGKiCUi.tUHE Bcfluty Solon*luiticatlun 80 thru.ish 9S.., U'Na o iicai tv t-i------LIVBSTOCR—---------------■Jlfication 100 ttlr^ush llfl ,a /m "rrfiV i ' >

M iscE ii.A S E i.u s iificaticn 120 ihroiiKh 160 '“•i"". I 'l A.n ItCKAfT AND BOATS c o tir i .u t. w..,., jiftcatii.n ItiS ihroiish l‘J i4i.r~i' iiu.i.n*.' .i *'

AUTOMOTIVK ■ilflcallon ISO ihrough 200, — , - ‘

Sobr SJ»CM-.Ch»fKKLIAKt.K .hlM r.i« I,

h.'ni'. llrlitI.U.'|I,.!.tl

H O W T O W R IT E ■ 4 S i ' ' i " . V r t i r

--------A -^500 i> -------------r


°. .V'”’ H elp W onted— Fi.rn.r »'X'I.rAII.-'ltradni lc%i«.. J i'f pan.llmr, Avjilr ll.i,ir <|ultklr .nd l',.n„ M,,,,,i .n " i^ ! 'V ”Tl!'r"V''ll'r^''''''r ■{'••I *” 'r '.......... a-Vrri. ,.f ...r ‘}!ll."r,' T1m.«!s ,1',.Ur.,l.rn,.nl li lu l.j, .1,. yur>:| - >IA|]I. .„Ti

iml.iuut-mtahune_nuui’. c-yc_ u ' vst.KKt.v t..i ■..ur li.nx an,l adjro.. If )uu ^ i r . . r . •opi.117.1 i„ y,

lii.triird lltn# lo b i.i 'p io .. In.r.lmrni,'n »cl. toni.fl f fg f nrr^, 'lahl.m

*,T; w ' . S . ' .S 'H ' i i i l

H elp W o n ted — *I.ip .u.;r id^lii Iht rwnl "f if||,K»;il“ i..r iw> hr.u“ 'l!hi d"',a'll'"liTubl'‘.h.d" ■ I'h^r uA?!!!"*)!,,!!?.I . , . . . VM>„>1II.< L' 1 .K. KXI'KIU>:NCK1> inli;.''I.M.1. \llUU8t-l.r tn lh» w „ — kn.... . . . . .r.ilri'i Pviillon and 4i>> /our« J rJr ".lU Jmiw "iVbour^uVr'lifr s *Tbt UAitllML-WANTH).ii.»r»->c.u (l.r "III i.ill.i“ »----- rrmilrr.—Pbnm—:«7uod Cri.ilflri Ad. ff"".r-___________■t A.S.«lflfD ir .I rr . . r . at Kl. mWASItKIt f„r r.r< lMri..lrd In Luri"il_»uur Kl’t-i%u?w»"riub.’ ’

VANT ADS THAT FAIL !« riw?nan*;*4” worl*li i hniuM^anr lieV r«dt'nhlu^ (4 m 'l! in d i! '! j^ ^

"r*p«npT“«l.oi;.'“'" '*‘‘“ MAW'‘) t lT K t im i ^ ro r u n ; voitn ad v k h . furi.i.hrf. wm n.V ■iSy.UKST Twla h l l t l . « »»d * ler »p,

cT.i*tfir/w.»i*Ad K x H H t i i m r r s ruditnc. In Mailc V4lltr. c.ll , , t r .round. |S0» ll-Utll vr on. q( Ih. Tlffltk p .. If Aundtr I ou'‘l..'l'rati*’4rM M u tu T n 'l J i"" ’**'*" *'^ lli ind i.b an Ad-I4b«r. Kt-t'li "i-«'mi r" .:.. ' I'. 41 «4«» 11 (.Illni a friend «au it uur Ad-Taken ara v.i' I S S S ™ . f s s

--------------------------------- ~ T flirwl, Loa Anntwa n d Found____________ 1 tixi-K ntw cw t.mI UJ!~ Uukiv. »4Ub. Wfalu WIdou7'lCk^?''ir*

t t i nhi>: n •>!»)) <u*Bu.n<u, - >i>di n ,. aim r mnh band. VIdnllr.or Hot- alpboa lub«. Hnn_lluUl. LIbtr.l lao.rd «e- «arM In H(hl man..t of 7JWJSI.- • - l..ll.r-.--r-* III bo.,:----r - = - — ,---------------------~ MM‘r V4ll.» >‘4rau.[ o f T h o n k t 3 nwrbb •• ktti.'0UI.d1 il7 w' pubiicir tb.nh .n ---------r j ' n . T S , “ s ; e x p e r i e >-4 . f.-l frW4r -p«(4ll7

Twinitau-^^rnju. P g rm M ach'I.h l« ih.nV our tri.nd. kadpMhr .nS !bI*' h. luUtu7‘ M i , ' " : / " ? , ' W H u r a f c . , . r

; «1""P M td i

W IL L IA M S Tl 1 ',' S i™. . ,« i . OOUPAK

i.> L"7. * r . " l ‘.',‘ . . . — v a n - o p e r ;t k u c k m e n ^

yr U.ii.Dri.1 llu.nii.1. I.O« «.. EXPEaiENCE M E W E B IB

' - E S S 'S ~ ; ? s - • A . '^ . t x i

I t l ..... ......................... 6 . ^ .r 1.1..

ir. »r.k. ibn>u>b Jun. loib. .>. 7M-*i>e.rf " a W A N T ]

Oood Combli

oilM ^f'»»24M . TraKr 'p»7kT r i>oa. S0;l. Kalthum. Id*b<i.ino Ii-S pecio l N o H ce* 9TO COUPLE. la n . itr- M O E .B R ^

iTHoF UB n.pontlbj.^^(M^nT I B oJy S h o p Fl

“ U N I O N l I C

irodar nuB. aH.jlM. J.roi»«.

H»l|>— M o l. or~F

O P E N IN G S' u S r . , r . „ Q U A L IF IE D IA - y g i i r . - * " - ’- - ' " - s t r i c t i r - e o n f

N O ™

Ly i. ^

^Ml'lNli litlkr aad |H>tklni ~ ”^ « ^ “ blJr ] '. 10 iDlaul« driT. trom World'. *'<»ua eonpasloa.

m-47<l. Itani«n.__________ ta'llfS^"tt** '

Mr.. n u , . l l nabl a«S4W. Kip,ri.“ 5 , . 1. . . . . .I HATH, OiradUk maaMx*. ArtkllKIoral tsflBMi ra Dllllnrton. naaMoa.. rbon. r*n.tJm« eockUll **l 111, 'T\iM44jr. T>ur>d*r ' aad Tnuk utomaa

■ £ 2 ^ . 2 ! “. . * 'f .T « r “& ^ n ? r S - £ " S l . ‘S S 2 2 l :

J E l i 3 0 N N E L " j

s . ‘™ ^ : a r ™ , ' s s . 5 s t o r m a g i c v .Ml ar- B« U l. AU a»iifldw»ttal.___________

■ _ 'i i_ i V.^

4ews W ant A<oli-Speciol N oticei 9 | Moy 16-17, 19 jiii« fur »uur.;i.i . .f . jT w in Foils Timcs-Ni

lOrtotibn-Cor Poblt ’i o j ' " i’ h-a^bl‘i!'''.«

!A flc n tr fa le im e n i.W

r Soloni ~ 1 5 ~ . s a l e s o p e n iilUIAITV flll.l-. H r,.,., IS

l''.’li..l'.n*"‘'al ’Vrd‘tf».l'’p.|*rll

.IM »rilr*ir..",i,S ittg ri-C h iJd C a r a 16 'ilirl-.',', n .'.

W o rk W on ted

bimr. Hr hour pr iiii;ii ........ ;in >'imi

ijj.n ii . « n in ^ " " ' -y----------- --------ijffnent A g en c ie s 1 7 ;---------------------------

., ; K,.„im.l |. . j ' ' ' ^ ^ |^ nl..n'!‘7 " .' . *

W onlcd— F c m d o " 18 uVm i Iik j ^ u u ' j r

;i7j“Y ,, | .M.ri..I. Kliw.lfii.,, - ----------- -------------

k»;ki> mdnkv i...I "I'lr. .M„nir.'rr ' miiI.t Inn" l'h...'> * '

ir..W,'n^Vi«l|. ll. rti.n.l',^ K„ ^JVl-nll.


' i S H = ' J

‘TnJ .'.‘Ifal "'*;',. ‘'‘ n l*h;S' A /rT V » 'fH 7 .." r» 'II:NCK1> Irilcaii.i. Molrrn : tr. Mr.- Wr«lnn Prntil'im ^u», ,.rdrn .i«.l furnl.hrd. CHHTOM a|f4lf4 rrownla1.4llrn, Jrivm». a;«.<0.t1. „,i,i p |n .|„ ,, n,aIL..WANTW1. m .ilrr -or an. Hrrman I'hlpp.. pbon. rr.-pbnR|-:il^3W -jr..unlif5 UAK1J ; plo.iai 4i.<........................ .. .MK a - v . v a ; . ' ’

*i" ***• ACCOItDIONIST aratkbl

r . r " : s z , : v san ■ CUh'TOM fariBlnr. Bi4t

' ^ ^ U j j ^ o 's j , CitllK aitaratln*. •

'c i4 u d .* iu ;r“hldr^'fll ir4'ln."cau'’'^W .rn LCT VOLCO llulldti. I *i)d t /or-tpmlBlmml. }U. mend • Qu.llflrd pain............................... . L...I i t tiround. ISOS T>.r tnonlb. .iira KOTO-TILUNO: r»rd In"nik Sunder. Don fil4»tn. 1% -and flrhl.. TraeWr I

Noitb n«t«er elot. on hljhwar Tiller,' I'hi.n. .r.nlnf.------ ------------------------------- •»«» Utllblld,.CASIII S.II famuui Knipp 'nnnlZia pSli ^<i£u” ‘c»n .B0T0-T1LL1>line for mm and vomrn. Equip- Cardena tnd laieiu. Afuml.h«l rrej. Wriu to W. J. c^^b.. <il TVkr°:i cSjp" .'Vj;- i^»«r uwik., K>.b^i.

V:nd'!*”L°::!ir E X PE R IE N C>«r around. 0p.r«U ral and TREE T0PP3

. lub«. Ho rhorM. Rood ______ °r•'>‘r; i l1 l" iir t .ln*r.'^n,.h' - ' ” RU'lVJ-liUT

; - „ i a- DICK POOU

E X P E R IE N C E D _________\ R o ro n u .w

[•arm M achineryKENNCTH D/

P art* M*n »»»■ A’ “«

r . a »ai lerr. t k I i Taiia T R E E S

----------------^----- W JW n D ’" — ------------•»if—«ti»rtr-rillj-i™

B O B W EAV Bhop Ueehanlc m » tih

iL IA M S T R A C T O R W A T E R WlCOMPANV iV A ij : ,n >VJ

-------------------------------- DriIHng-Dcep(iN -O P E R A T O R S ,-------------i r a n u o i r i n a - DIC K JIE N N E E D E D , ™ . raCPEIUENCEO O R Sukl^ STBWAI JNEXP£BIENC£0 ___________________

D O N ’T P U T 11I. t r ^ S . f ^ t . : 'r ; CALL-D8I. alt load, auppltfd. A i. SI FOR

iM ir'a: Inn'ana.- -----1_ F A R M E R !


3ood Cqmbln tU oo_________________C U CoUk .r z B s a c H i i . ------------------------- g e m SPK A Y

B E E - ^ s e r v i c erhon.

M O B .B R A G G

tly Shop F o rem an 1

l O N T a O T O R S ' 'Twin FalU. Idaho N u m b o r S F

----------------------------------- to place your "cli-M o li o r F e m a le 2 0 " “ t-ad cr tr*n» ------ ----------------------- y bu iln cu with tb*

P E N IN G S F O R B T i m P C - N Ji L lF lE D P E O P L E S ' i t r t l y -C o n f id e n t ia l— 8 - 2 , ' S ‘e i r i i S r '


............. ...........u U you Utb in.' n ~ Bunir~C«aetgni:::

r ^ S i l l o a . Top aaUr,. i ButICJ. Rupcrt.I opeaiBK qutlitin dmi fi Declo, PauU.

' * 4 ' weadeli.’ doodliiri

iu U S ^ ' ’’* 1 * '^ y HolUiier.,

u,M n j n i i j T i a v 'b i t t r f c i!O N N E L -:S E E .V T C E :i |z . r j « h r j r l i h n » r n *

M A G IC V A tX E Y |■ "liir^ iii 'u iiiif --------— a - # i a j « fc tt— ------ct MWHwtx ca y -nt w i j -------"J»it aaj O a t t•«tk» XaalO tsU d lu ,

I t Ads? ^oy 16-17, 1962 '3lls Timcs-News J 7 l i

M o le .o r Femole 20i-noK. K.iirt., rf;

.iJ.h-a.hri. ui„, ■ ,l-„tlr. Sll,.p. _ • '* '

^o lc im en i.W -n l‘d - 2 2 :_____ l.

; a l e s o p en in o

IS- IVI.*,• t-AlXS a r e a .. *


.■l'.» I..; JCIMS Ity ni.I.II SAI..S JIAS-

...W an te d 2 4 | |


P I p x i E i , i

£ s k ;: ll

.IIINKV I... .,.||„f! Vi'lll .1..

;MUNINK k.i».Ir.ii. h>ip ,„V

lal irr'rlre,' rail Jack r»rnitt,13. t-rr* ________■ I'tH ..•iMf and all.iillon.,

t alfalfa rrvanlnc. AUo elia- I' rtd pinolnf. llraMnibl. nUa. n I’hlpp.. pbon. 7aMttft.

'75fcu"«"aIl4*r#aoBil*mrilin..____________ ,(;K d.,n. la n r fceme-an Vaa , •JJ7JH ■ ** I

IIONIST arattoble f.r »4nta..

F. lUdl... Tll-U.;. brick and eoneiete vert. Un-

.ui. .iraraltni, rblinMr. fir« ' I W ru a l t .p a i r , 7U-lt3l. |

)LCU liuildei. dupplr r * e ^ ’ a Quallflrd palnUr or e.p.r>• to do rour lob. fbone 7J1*T«ln TalU. SIMIll, Jeroma. ILUNR; rard leriUnf. lardea Irhl., Traelor mouaud Itol*' I'hi.nt m nlnn tll4 iU . 7>S.J im Utllb(ld»e, 717 Fatk

-BOTO-TlLLWO.'.r- 14 and Iairo4. Arieat tllkr.Jnibb., <il TVkr 1U4X14 Uftdlke, KImbwly 4a4«4* i


RcriVJ-liUTNO'-----------------1. l4>ni. aeit.ce., FsH ir •niiunt.d ml«.HII.r.

OICK PtX>L£R liner 7IJ.4S7I

Rororju,iMf!1, laws and ferm aerMfea.■netor mounlH mlMlIIer.KENNCTH DAVia tlh Avtiii. t o t 7II.UII

T R E E S " •

:p»rt;—hillr~lmur»<<- I'm ■ ■—M.BO B W E A V E tU.7711


r ilH n g -D c ep c n ln j

jaUoh’.'aail'DdintjUO”-*'------- '


N 'T P U T IT O F P ••C A L L D 8 ................—

FORai -of‘dtrtwertf.-tma-Birf-------.Ka jua.fuU/^WUlwrf.W.


Por Paat Serrle*Cau Collect

E J f S P R A Y IN G ------------S E R V IC E

B C j.- :s f « p 2 ff m a ra g r ’

e T h e s e . f h o n t ~ “

u m b e r s F R E E

ilace your ‘cltuUled* c-ad or transaet u y Dcu with tb*

ifnes-NewsB »tkr_w hert ___IheM artaa, *eti c u

Utepboo* tbx TIb<»- t (re* e( cham .9U Ure in. O ltl lr~C«aetgni=M3»«o«a- — ley. Rupert, x lo . Paul.,)rland ______ 6T8r3S&3ideli.’ doodliiri - "

M CU_____HolUiter.,

ckpot_______ i2ft;IVS______

r a r w a i r w u n i M --------:

UUy. t l wwda. 7 4 c » ’U M --------------^ --------f . . ..y n . a . p ‘W H


Page 18: tk lI^ A irl^Force .le Jets^Lanc In T haila B olster D · tn wbit the Klotw. I l l f l 0(licb|,_„^, .K--epl..K.s

Stdrfing PM o y 1 6 -1 7 , 1 962 H on

1 8 T w in F o l l t T im e t-N e w t C .

B u t in e t s O p p e r t t in lr ie i 3 0 r .iI H w u t r«r Mlt. Hit Jlkf . f u^ Ar»y« E4«t. 1JI.IH1. —1—

l*rm, ura*c>. 711.*CI0(. . bu CAKk fur ..U ^ M«l» Blr.^ iMii; »•'

___»eod builiMM. I<lmt for two. Tboo.

for •qalp.Mnt. 8m Unle V.lkr UY i Plu» ComMnir. IIJ.H II »?coImi. *«(

^ KlumAL awn., » Unlltaoul, <l.ael..u> <juintn. In- «o«« ISt.COO. W*Hon. Trid« F“ntuiOrraJ^. |:o,W.

JA1:KI-UT. Nev».|«. ibopvlni ct«l»r. .7“ Knwrlfnfr-J uMnior with itull «p- J

"'V'TT’ **L

C lioctliy KTniti; , .i,r ln i to bnl •«! Twin FalU funllln. 17 tttn euhlortlJun. ! >w. low. O .nm *bLwant lo i«.l »iirf fi.K, Inrnllxilt Hu.Uil« t>r»i.ot<unHT. C, l<»rnrr-tT<-«»'tT ------

Lul cmwlni bu.lon.. U.lni QMrUn. UulMlilr fur wgmin wllh t I

-uuU thlUr.o.. V.rr->M*ll'in>MU « || mrnl trciulrnl. Wrll* lk>i l(-», «H — .t/aJlmm-Smmt......................... . j j ,

UUr. TO III h«.llb. o .o rr mg.l »ll rmfp and luutii* rTimblnr<t. IlirflUnt

aalf. Locilad* ntT* ......rr >•! Kb»us ^'and Carnrr. AU<. : Ijfln-m hcuir f acljolnlnr. <;«nl>ct al IC) AHJImo A»rnu» Wwi. >1...11, 1. i;i.,

---- WANTtl) bulb caa ao.l i;il dl.l/lbuWr II',',for majur ull ri>m]>ant', S<ini» rapllal | i .rniulm). CuiiUct I’aik W- ’r.M Offlr>'»■■»' ttH. 'llui>."/ ' *

TKAUt; YUUJt lll)»K thi. n..rl,‘ ‘ ciK»l bu»ln« ,-'IIK.SOU will liur k*l,

bullUIni an.l «,t,l,,mr.,t. IM. I. a

u. -ll, IJ,.Iiiuhcn. Lath an<l va'tao In fii'li ||,„

' titilL tiocky Mimnuin Ill,MUS. Warp. II.UIT. 7134M«i. afur

^ 1 1 MAl.K: ' ComiMrO IKir of bar plai * uli>ffl«nt In l..ral l-ar. Iltrr anj anili'^^ 'lu llJh ir a . .! ' '‘:;^r.'ll:r \Z "’ndulnx v ,a «o...l l.u.h.r..._;_will luuk

,JaH moui. «d ,7T T,.,le-lol Uallar park. T..<nI tourUl kh rallun^ llra.oiialil/ pf.laa<l.-«n..4Um... W»ll. «r rail »1urrar lIoUI. -------Challli, Mib», Owiifr-llalpli PolUr Trinllr _________________

I n v e ttm o n r* 31 r..iiI n v k u t i:.t4u. (r( ei>',; mum plu pi"'I. 2 ."m 'inV«"i*>i?in’“w;iu tw n i; : \t:i A. Cl. Holland. Il^altof._________ „ ra

I n tu r a n c f l 33Wk Ul-rciALIZi; Ir. .11 und. of l».

•unnc* and lUal Katata. Usrd Rub. amiii A«MifT.

— lt)U-ilAU;.-M«rr*-ln<«ranr« ConpanralMk. M .ahana. I>h«na «>M07( -------Tty,ulU w t an.t «; nortl.. Taul.

M o n e y to U a n - 3 5 HTJIhoKIS an>i ranch U .n a-b n .. Urn.. KXC

I'hona Job> J. w»l(.i Rtalttr. TM. r.»n

'LoUK LOANH. Twin la ll.; P II a r, •'*« Xlnbarlr. up tc. m n . Uadr Tarr Vallay lUally. 7aWJ1._________

M u ii c - L e tto R i 40ACCOllUIUN knd lu iu r ln*ona.~CM

Dvrt Uuilo Hludln. 7»>40U, I II likw ollblotj, .ulUr l.a..ra.' tUtur- ____

<Ur. Twin KalU Hu.InM CelWf.H. W. OWBt. VboBaHt-t»e».J«roiii«.

H o m o i F o r S a ls 50 nu.iU YtlA U) ut lln l Eaiau Cipfr-

taM« la fvln FalU *l tout a«mr«l M<r Katl C. >>r»efflan, I l f lur. TH-HII.

UOUUi, farm*, atuck rascte near «»n J«rom*. iOabo. Call or writ. Uea > ■!

~ Bioriuui.—bTn»»r7^>»i?Mi. —HTlnt UKUKOUtl brtek, full/ carpctnl,

drepa*. attaehW ra ru r. pallo. Illl lltyhura Kaat. lU.OOO, 7IHU7. j

OWMKKi t<n> S b*<lrvom. Hi Utlu. lara' u ! j5 ,,n 'r7 M ” o'?r‘:^;«i“‘i!“‘"'

V/iL~TriAl>K »al n.r« 1 lK<n»m in H Jtnnm for Twin Valla boa.. Urrd.n - «*■*-«■ Klka UY OWNClli i b.dioum». bul'.t.ln

klkben. cartel and drapn, ' 7tl -------

,V LL tlKI.l7*<]ulir In thn* boun im 1 »rr». North Hlr»«t. »'IUr. HMttll. ____ _

. W ItmiKIl bu/tnc tfr Mlllni. It will.... - " • " ■

Sa U: IiV (IWNtll, 1 H.P.“ »>:*

>X)ll KAI.i:i i brdi.K>m buM>*on.iS , S t#• arrr. In rllf limit.. t;i... to .(bool .

and <hurrhM. I'hiina 71S-174I, INV.COMI-l.>.Ti;i.V ,.n.odrl«l oW.r bomr,

____ < W.lTOPm.._l>.i. U l^ . llUrhrd*m s«. n iA irproT«. m ti i - n j ; -,jg_

.rh!.n» * '* ' *’*

fxVfllrnl kxallon. tIS.WO. Hill trail.' .- - -fn r^ .,g l1r In oM.r hon,.. I'boa. « J . , >

u n k 'a c iu : wtin .„ .d h..n... t-uw .li«'Ua.larni, kutfd OUtb>JlUln«-and - »UT

... wflL Abo tulimnci fur a builani-------.r-» l»h-ar »«. Th-*.-7W4MJ, —anot

m « o m - - ~ Vbrn lal,I to Kruntlrrll«lty. rnVrrinr th* vall.r fn»« HanVallry la lluikr. For acllon. tall

>DU 8A1.B or r»nl: 3 other pn>p»rtr tor duwa watrnl.

«I».1*00. Will KIIA, Kbon. S0» in<l« UUWN: J bri k; n . . I

- n . - th ;-7.;— h..

E.. , ---------------- ---- IwIkI• ntOKooM imiciK. ^».«i c..i-.ii.,_»

a ra A .’‘'»pi.n"uii?,“ *“ ;i,« . Vh ,',>'UK SAI.k;'.>t LbAbt: <an»M«tr

(wBUb«l 3 UOr>-jm raunitr h ^ ., £•

K - ' i i s..';;-.!," f 2 S , ' . 'S . SE«nt. .......... U• Kmmflt. Iiltho nr phimi- 1 — A

» ilCUIlOOM hrirk. f.ill r>nl>(ir.l Igur..h .n 'w ilh >ll>h»uhrr and ri>,|.a.l, ^ttrn <lMhl.^>a>air. tlwr.rr r.n .Mam l 3

UI-KN ll* anr •■fjrr un a.rr.r..ilJ ili>.« . . . | IWOrtoru homr, < Mill.,nal r<..m. .i.h U .«nl.(li.l.h^l l*.rn,f.nt-^

___ *” *" ar,.«i',.- t v o w 'K r a r i i - i ,w « v„«.. r.„,T ^----- WltxliJ»^*ltrpt»n7-o:BtzU*rsc:Wriir —‘ *

/low.ra,'.b.iji .n .raa, SW tf 111 ---- n r u r . WMI,r »• -Ur. : b~|. »_a:

rMttsr 10 Ijanill. yrar r»»l mat.‘ Sm m IT and »fflclrt.o- U Wj n,.l -Z

proattu HawlaM Itaallr. Elk. Uull,|. K,

J Point for I*H o m ti F o r S a l t 5 0 H om

N ew s C . L O O N E Y , R E A L T O RTH E BEST 1 I

3 0 r.rm..lIo..-IUB<b.M:«»»«r(UI.. . _ ■ EArl DariM* C. LeoMr ^ «• JTkf . T»*-40» - •______ m Kbgaboa.

rnwiiD cfjr“ s i « i 'iiiaii.‘i r i " v a ; — ']ad. fur rounu. .lU a nma io full flaUb.d fbo

Ua* Can>ri«d. Ilk batb. nl« ____

,_fO>_____ lUallr and ^n.urai.r.. 7HJ«W.-— - »•"'“varkj DY OWNEUi V.I7 ale. b« ... fOo4 Aft

• ' ‘‘J’'' mji'Uh«I wool <aiprt UnwtbouU «"• nLl "Trad; ?“

- ulllllr ttwn. alUrbMl faiaf^, l.nil>ll, bnl •«!•*<« Iilanfular ...r^hur b,t. Ch.,Ir. K «1 .am. eul.l B«Ifhl»rband. Flaanclnr a>all- *>■'0 .l .,n ablf lu rilA quallfM bur.r, IM r«ll(.i» llurhanan. phon. -wnir 7»»-«7H.-(3;;7, Buyer* Choice

‘‘(a.Mill a bJdSHIJ,' n 'k J !»»».«. r. /l(-». 1H.IW 2 b.druum. I>r«ld.nt Ml>r.( I n i j

^ ___ - »l».Mr« > b.<~.n. brtrlr, rt.l-<WI.\

irrlUnt JcarlafO S T R A N D E R A G E N C Y " J ,

:rTf7r A R E Y O U E L IG IB L EF O R A G . l . L O A N ? . " “ r rit

*ilJlwi. i j , g o CHECK,

= J .'tiV r-T 'i'iV r!;'.r,*Arprar:;^':tli; .t:s . Nuw liiirtl for IIS.W,

T a y l o r A g e n c y

"?uln» ^'rM'rit.a s .* .. SS!!f 7JJ. M.mbrf Mulllpl. IJillm

n r iT . ONE ACHE ' nom. I titm iioou Iildrr h<in.. n.^1. a r>■ ! r a n 'r ' l ™ ^ '" th a n]______ TOTAI.**0K » ‘ii‘kDIIOOM.1, Ilr*. MCI; ' , s ; ; r ? , 5

" r o c k y M O T N T A IN ’ n S R E A L T Y

noiifrfT, T/jnkrUl kh Jlom. HJ4_________ ..ildtrHat.1. ' ptH'

D R E A M H O M E . S !31 r.ilr« nlm i b.<lmm. lirx* IMnc KlUI

— n»m wlib tirrlknt carp«lln*. t ac n Pliu plu. lart* Wl. Uautlful ihrMUrT. A Ul ’''■'Ilr. rarlMirt, laa b.aU NoRbra.t lnra>MHO. ll-t,. A.kln( lll,M», V..T nrill.1. •;_ _ _ t»rm.,

33 D R A K E R E A L T Y»ll Main W«t U t

in!Sl Offlr* 7>MCtt IU.ld.nt. 7JS401I UO 1' " ""*• Maaon It. Smllh. 7JJ4J1I --------

3 5 luwh.ll.. 114,*00. IWl T.rm..Tr;T . KXCKLl.KNT-N»:WEni X iw .. 7:j . r.«m.-.QII Kurnac. — rirn>lat^ *•*-

I.arx* >ha<Jr pali.1. K.ncd, Carao «o AC777^ - -.u ra balh. lU.VOO. Ilr.1 of ii„uiUa,lr' T.r™.- ’ <-»H

____ M A G IC V A L L E Y ' ‘ / j ;4 0 R E A L T Y ' ^

T K o Ul North Hlu. Lalr* *___ 7».13>1 anrllm* m J» i4 .r.n lnn Karm

S . ---------------------------------- «?““BOLD OOT T.jk

5 0 nu.lnMl*(oodand«*-T«pratUcal. *'*ST------ lr .old all of our it.llnn..Wt hau

u a f Y oun r n V i ^ i M NOw] " ' - i p H'r* ar* two bomn w* bar* Itfl. ilratr

I L*cB > IIWKOOU. 2 hath., tarv«trd Nortl -------'-HTtnr-rn.-.m—iaaTufSivr-jMoisia------- iisj'

m ” « .

■. Jull J7.M0.'rOK ACTION. '« AU"

H A M L E T T R E A L T Y - i*

____ Kik. BIdf. 7J1.407* Asrllm*- 1 * ^ =lUl'.I.In

^ V A L U E P A C K E D __________ {

ItcttU. CLlJkH. altractlraS b«ln»n. larxa____ Iltlnt aad laraia.Kironn Hup*r talu* at USW. ..........' NKAT » bnlmam and haa*ni.nU— — u*.lllrr«nr*n brltk. (Uml rarp.1.’."h il ' INVITING t badrwim boia., I.iiury • T ^ «arp«l. flr»pl.r.. I>lnt.*li. dlnlm

•K r-a ii‘i i , h ! & i t ' ' u " : i . ' ; i 'C ________**’” • “ |{0.

T ii i l R O B IN S O N -F E L D T M A N•oan. I 7 in i .r Ar*nu. tiI.lllS

. '" jj! n e a r h i g h built I b.4roAm. t balh., l.r«* ll.lnr r~.en. taB>llr tf.m,

rt-and - HUT—thl.-hnm* ba. a dl.llnrtlT*- - - Jllatw. dMlin and flix.r plaii~NnT lu.l M m , —anotbar.buuM .trrU^ *l W UiaB.. . . . . ^

'• **” ' O la HEAH.THIS

I*’'’la^ * f.'iB* lOTUi.n“T«r»"l.n\*"tlw!m^ratrnl. i,rtn.. th*ch thi. c.niri.1_ rr<-r^rywM.r_.«d.y«i,:.....................

r z : ' -JO H N J . W O L F E•Jm. S0» JW<>,i.d 8tr».l >U.t — 7J3.:MI - — —

H.t.1 KIt.patrltk. :J3.:o»4

FOR THE DraCRIM lNATlNO W ^ h i -----------K CE CU nV E ...... ............

——• • uu '^ !m '.‘ 'h '’’.l'mp’l ' f..IlJ?''wTh' . I.*,- rhar« and ,r»r*. Konn.l .lining H lT nr

c r . ; K“ ' ; . , r » , ; i L % ; x s k i :hm kta.t i.Him. Ilum.ta.lrrullr rar. ---------

____ |wl*rf and drapwl- Tb* bu.r man orolint Ih* h"U.. will h. in ilh hra»."'■u\2 l l V i / i ' - j i S E i ‘ " " ™ •fbuii. T Ij a W . ii. _______ —

E . W . M c R O B E R T Srmrni 110 Ind, A».nu» Ni.rtb 73J.«niJ

Candr iluiphr. R«. 13J.:U» ^

,* l,V. SEE THESE FEATURES► I, ■ 1-AI.llO.ST NEW biltk t.nw r mdi?,'

r.n.,„n, ' h kl|. l-'t-HOIt'K NOIITH l"r«.i«n. with •

Mum. J J IIKtmoOMS. J Uth.. dininc ■_____

il 'h * " ''^ ' I

“ T ? i‘ " n ,I*,"'' nAij"*i:NT I h—l*Hr.-.m,— yanitij ' njuw ■1tli~ftTT*~ —KItnrH

----- jiUtc.-.'. ......... ........................... — ~n r i ’f - * —«TA<'»>it>-< *n*ti>:.-Tath..-— ----------.trill T^SnyXSiUUK l*rt. t’llA k»n. tJIm »'*'5'nil ’■'"S lSm„”— L L O Y D R O B E R S O N

A G E N C Y Z T ,J “Z Sh..b..B* Slrwt N..rth ::3.M51Uoll.1. Nut>.r Mulllpl. Uiiln» _£'nf-.l

r House Cleo5 0 H o m tf For Sola 5 0 Fo tm i

1/10 ro n BAIB U R L E Y B R IC K

I B*dr>OM. Mparala ulllllr anJ ji*'* ran**. bMllw to»f p.r rr»r ll». - 2 2 »*« *>•«■ * IVKKSO>

-^ M I T T O N - R E A L T Y — " " - VpUh*d rboBallMOtt t:34Dlu.Ub«.No. wu Agill . Bit* >lKbl. ppini, ----

ef'ntli'hborbnodt. W.ll linrtaraprd. mol.infOv4 A HoUBd Valu. al If.CXMwUh tl.OOV Wm-lrl

____ u»;aT— »;.B.w BLUE LAKM ilOUK. w.ll W .i^l 'r*.M {w r''ll‘ - l i r ,! . '- .‘ 'K.n"i.T‘r.*r"i.Cait. aarac* and <h»p. A mmr.iriaM. At.WAYM

hom. larlu«a. ^ l furnllur*. I>.. h..m»— . »M, ta . , Tr.m.- Il;al i, w . I’h.inr InZr S« ACIIW. I a r »^ firliU.

JlKDUCtU Tl) l»,S», »l«,au«„ . | | . A»B. J. ,

C A L L K JJA J'T Y oNi: j

a f O U T 01'- T H IS W O R L D

^ J f l !E U n iv .? . ■■ “ frit**l:i,0» *r will trad.. ' • -mrnl.,4

[™ L Y N W O O D ^ ■ n o u n

R E A L T Y .iia Ulu. uiM nitij. No. ij3 .ajii

j . l M n n ; ? . i.^V .o___ Utmb.r Hiillli'l. U.ll>>» *


NICr 1.0CAT:0N. i.n. arr*. lilrkj “l Ulbl!“.Vp“.'til.*!«’^Ji™’fan!llr

, ruim, firtol.f.. built.ln kllthr;., ,,,J bmU «t n-iuk. Ml,hl^c,mj^ *10 Uia'

. . . . MOVK IN TODAY., S .. • '• i l '’', ' Umllr ,ar.,...*l«,«(W. C.m. »5-*

, . , Ildtr »U.LllfIi pn d<i»n_pajrtnniU , _ . ----- PLHT AND CUTH I,m ------------

n7 5^“t!!^"‘r'’;,iJi:7,*Ur'nTTunri:;<TT. AUUYNOWATIll.SM.' ,■111* -For the vtry b m In

bulldlni; loLi .i>Hnki.SEE . npi«..tur

G E M S T A T E R E A L T Y S.“V 'i!

1 --------- Z T T B l lF o f tn t For S o l o -----------5 2 ----------^

andamal’l. Call Buw* Ur*»r. UUl*i;uu

'SI "i!«uSgi.*J^^^^ ili™ o I - i : :

, ‘unaka iTlt" 'i!.aHrl‘' » l r h U A B ^ n r r . '

**rii*l!'»lodrrirh^ra*?ClSi.inI*l3".V^^^>*. Karm.r'. lUalir. Uuhl. t41-4»Q, . — ' ----- IIOUIM. farm, and aU»k ranrhf. JrVfrJannl'

V"a,roV' .:!.‘ . ^ 4 ? i i : ; , ' ;^ ’i‘r ; ; ; :

» 'rOllTALKi M acrr. M aerea rul. B

' l. Ilralrd. 10 .ham wain. Trn mlli^ FIVI'd Northraat of J.rom., Fbnn. i:4 . tm~

BTOCK ranchr., farm., IU. tha irow. .:.» ? ‘“l'l.'Jn7n7’k .11 '* n iA -

, S btdruun. miid.rn humt.^ilrep w.llHraltr.

TB Use this handy Dire-*■ ! service Tocii

! ' 2 ^------------ -A m sw eii

i f th o T o lcphono o f A n y Ady. _ D ial 7 3 3 .2 3 8 6 , T c lc p h o r

T h o A d v e r t i i c r M

h.. To r i ie t Your llu>loeu Service Ad,

“ ■ "■■ 'A ppliance R e p a irin g ___ I

'I ; Bosi.-mertr W o rk " * '

cTntW* * 3 m .n ?'>V .^ln,T~ 'y?V

“* t.ijcr.1. rurmln«, ” lUirmriil.. •’,","'^,,1

' ? ________B a l l e r i g s ______

Bicycles 'IIU.IU. trrlrrr. .Sth.liii. .Iralrr.

"i mIiJ A.‘’‘ila.‘ >ull' t'iV *?!'* ' N -r

" f C o rne t C leon ing

" '.■ ■ ■ r .u .y r i . r -

C«nrnl and blotk wu.k llr t.f-ari. _________I, ,1***',” '"* ” ” sM- ""

l'rf« bid. UB n.w h,*m'« rr rrmiKlrl., eallmiitr-,S :™ ?.-aln«bln.:n^h.^l‘'LVill.‘! PlumIlUf.r.nta. Jld llrln.t'hB. 73a-;i;7. |i„;„V - , . |“

D'fV C lcon lno

' E lectricol £ x p c fis {v"'mIi’‘'i‘1

-E xcovonon----- -----^ *;ilK-arH-— lilm >'al,ba'n>. - l^, t.u .i.

a : : r

f“ 7::4»»4; '■ tj!

Zieaning — Si5 0 F o rm i F o r Sole 5 2 L o ti a n d

r o n BAI^: S* .baj« Noilbaid. taaal

, - j Low 1K>WN pariMal. bmall acm i. JWxIJO' Ul with S brdroom bw ., bam. pa.Uira.

'• IVEllSON lUalir. (kntlac. *b.i* »bu■ »tt, a a»an«Tr^«Btr^^8Bi^ ilarr.7. iiaa.rwua

TilAu'** rarvM^'Mk.r*Ai?B?J.” 5J2 lifcliM»'---- H..W.. |i>t.7tC«. Shuohon.,________4 t>T()i;K IIANCII. !*0 arm nuA fmd * b«lnBi I t i - g r - ii«nun_ m - i i i » i_ i l l - >Mf.'-a -ID - britr.. ~ - x ; - r c r , :

U»;aT— fc»;L»XTION ttooln! famw. offl« »>ull . -ranrhr* NoBthtm-Idabo, li >M>ra - 138-7743,

rwiilrnt Nu.lh hid. lUallr 3:4.H12 5t AWU;Y ‘

I. AI.WAYJi a (I..I .rl«-tiun of ?,'® , '‘“’T;}i"!rr f i u i / 'T t ? ^ iim^cuwrir

. I’h..n> .7nn.i-,n._________ ■ B u tin e ts"r. IV At.llfU\»nl bbmlwur, Orl*. l ju t TU 11 I liial lii/mnu-afl. liar, paatut*. out. i.i..ii,«.'.IJ b .,r„i.... I ,™ r ! S ™ ; J

J r 7 “ s ; « . 'S ': . ? ; ; z i u i " - t i j - n B s u

0 .“iK flK Tlir. riNtST cow -

mrnr. AI.H ha.r JuO hrad"ooU|’iII CALL ro n INKJItMATION......................

J E R O M E R E A L T Y ‘KI.I...I llanilr 0»lc.3Jl.;voo fl.h r«...l


r - ^ ; ; V r —Und. U l* . br«t ai.d’fb r.t ,lbu

■ R O IilN S O N -F E L D T M A N

. *'* " r _____________ L II

IK VOU 1.-T.I p«.lur»-i:l.r<k Tbi.laU iiiiilfr «u.«l frnrr. H .i t'iln! tto*acr»? • munlh. ur muir, |».mllul

L Y N W O O D ' r ? Z "

; R E A L T Y;• «10 Ula. U k«,IlM . hip. ISI.SJU AC

J.ihn m.luip. HrJlrr 1S3.S:i7llaiirr M"lhn» U . Malh.i* C

: 733J47J - t3:-i>t3 ._ ,... M.mLar MulUj*la-UiUBf . . SMAL

■ ' 'T nlut.2;^: 280 ACRES


Ijir* •■■rr nirr. nftlltnl, JultlMr tb JUuHu^a.ja, arm alaatkli.napHnkl*d. 20 acia'b~ta. KiulUnl th in ." Alwllh lie,000 duwB and XQ r.arm ub T.rmi, M'

U>. balant.. Twla. ,

B I L L C O U B E R L Y _ _ K A R L ^ R E A L E S T A T E

’®* “ACROSS FFROM SEARS*' »»” >'

« Mau.^r.KI.a. I j j i j l j

In! L o r t o n d A creo g e 54 *"'*— i~ a r i .vK— i— I— r— ^ s‘» Atitr;! *'J hum. lioou. Irtmi. cpil* b^"'* *"h

Ly' dawn. I',L rar monlh at 4< '.-.'laUrt .nd Impit • *«t. I'> 7i3.;M3,__________ Twin. 130,1

how?"l"liiinr‘"3V»;t/°^ *'*'**'CIIDlCK ACIIhAUIJ and »l..r Imnl. i HCI)R0C

T BUn-DINa LOTS in * n lV v I... n V E CHOICE AREAS " ■il._______ ELAN-SERVICE--------------- >,-Al'.HK— rian. mar b* diawn lo |our .pttl. bnmr and i w. ta «i.«.^ Vlranrlr,* - ' *

2 ' tTnn‘'L .w „y « & ” *!: c . L O o :, B.nrln* « ^ n . }3*,'‘a},‘"h ,'

.1* l:< Shu.hi>n. !!|rr.t Wrti 1 _______________ -33.>ltl_________ • ________

ndy Directory as a guule to depend ;ice Today . . . and every day

2 4 H o u r s w e r i m g - S e r v i c e -A n y A d v e r tis e r in T h ii D irec tory It Ni T e l e p h o n e A n iw ering Service, D oy o r

v e r t i i e r W ill Bo N otified to C e ll Y ou .

Service Ad, DIbI :U-0SI1. Jh r e r i tn e i , e n t moa

Floo r Sending SIt H .iil.r. _Huur .Srnitf. iiJ.3»«l. .ktrp.

___________ Pud Dll_________ «,';„.r“ i>o:

Insu roncc S e p tic^ U ‘ “* ..............* ri>i.. Brollf lankll' Kali’ Ilr.'lt7 '.n,r‘ln.'ut..c*. ’" *_ W, A, O.iraniirr Ac.nrr, 114 Hhn- In.lallnL F . . >l>iin. Sli.^( w.^1. Hi. Caiuallr rr«ld«nl. 7SJ

II M o goz ines - . Sev

- " M o io r c y c lc s '

T oblcS-C

Z L ondscoping ;N>- lawn. bull,. IIr..^iii,r. i„.||n(, T clcphCD t

_ _________Lownmowofs______ hi.ur .rr.Ir.;■ ThV i.r.1 '..I.., i„ I.... .. T cle \I Un*’. TV K.

Poin ling

l‘..mmrirl.i bla>lli;i, 713.1154 Slliar Wrrfk.

a . X l I _ T r o f

^ l^llmiltr-. I'hl.i r w *"'r. P lu m b in g ond H eoting rVnur._ llnm.. i’lumlilnc and lU.IInf liT. *ar JO, 733

- P o u ltry Proeessirtg" iJ^iirr'vili.

I.|.,I_ IVulit, I, ; n ilh a' . ou. T ro

; . R c d io to r Service li't.n~>unlaln ,..ii.„„ .K.„„ --------------------- ITe.

»,-iai -pn.<iIrmt,-IinB1ninii ftldtnan Hrt.aif all "ml■ liraltrirr. 713.l-J- ._____________ Salr. H.rrlp; R en ta ls '• !r:l: w o t1 I'h.m.;7. Cullitan Soft

- Sell UhusedI L o ti a n d A c re a g e 5 4 O ther Reo

: s s . , ; ' ■

- I f t.l.v'Nr^^^:AL■l^ ha. naw loto for 0” ' *C«E.


^ bam^bardwood fkion. F O R SA5 -W T b rttrrL B k r-A iw .-tlM M g ^ - , , 4-XCBM •- »-0U LKAbt: Lai*. »atanl Wl un uBdnlibad b

Klmb.rlr IU.a4, >00' fninta*., .mall tralln booi ofn« »~IWIB*, m p*r .oBib. rkoiM «.jjU *f j .

: “ " ' r a o ]1 lUaltr. 7J3.HU.

*■ B u t in e t t P ro p e rty 5 6 R eal E ito ti

I- bualuM ■" MJ AddlaoB W«t- *"

I c i J m m S r L . r . ; : ' m ' m ,-. i S " "br C67* nn Nurth lllu..Lak... Oiak. ----------------

‘ nrait,. I W 73».4Q»,__________ A p artm en lO th e r R eal E sto to 6 0 s j i a l l i ,v i

■ ______________________________ Mdrrul.!..!.

- N E A R L Y T IM E.T «V « fUWt.*.-So-»b»..iu*_*WB. »-H00M»r-f7-

, UWI. fUhIn* bol., W, ba.. a Imuli. at, Kr.rithln* tbrr. r.adr to fi.. “ ?slAll (ur tMM. 1>** u. abaut l.m i.

■ -------^ " J I E I t V ^ O N E S ---------R E A L T Y - >“ “ '."'iSl;.'

= “ S ' a ' :*niH.*UmWrt 733.i4kT W ltltN C Y

----- ----------------------------- :---------- A*.'^'. N*uML I Q U ID A T IO N *

S A L E u o u m slZn.llrin* Owi.f.i'-Tfar.lilif "•<"

uo a tr... T«ln FalU tract. On. I%m. ,3341 hrail (al.. I.r*. prudutll.. fl.I'l..; LAIllii: < rul,r.utllul Briv hum.. Manr out. rnliano. Ai

4 „..rtmrnl., fullr furnl.h.a Ib UlVa'nd .ni T»ln KalU, 1554 p.r monlb Inturat. wL -nd . 111,000. t IIUUMS, Ul

A C E R E A L T Y Mh^A»n:.“i,:3..:i7 _

-----'■ ------------------------- No P.I.. 3>! SMALL ts TURN__BiO_..'i THI.S ONb' ACIlE^w ltb In* 'ill.lano'

40 Acilta ron SI:,<HW. if mu art ln« To.m, A aulrklr tbU :-b«lrt»m bom*, I J.a.|. ur -iO atancklon row Um. mi.t*llanr«tt» * f

' S ' XT.rwi, M.r fail* fur b»m» Ib urii.r alt.iB. Twla. , wrrkil.r.,

. _ K A R L X . .F i lE E M A N ------- -rtjRNiSH:REALTOR

174 lllu* U kn Nortb 7U-t4li 4 nOOilA. V H.mb*r Mullipt* U.Un* ird. Inqalr* :

FARMS A p art'm t.—*0 Al-llVI rliivrr an-a. .if.llrnl and'bum*, tso.eoo'. TKKMH.S«» ACItra. fin. raltl* .p i..d nr.r .ifVrt .l« lrTulll. anil Ha».rman, « Pilr.t. rntrab*diuim hum.. J7S.OOO. I-AIINK i..>ir49.K ACKK.'I, full wal.r, *nod hom. JIOS, *•

Twin. |30,»». Oil TRAUf- ’ fjifnl!‘*t'an*».’

HOMEC Uln’LKX apara HEDROOM .parlou. St^Kn t ‘l r

“ I S . V “1 A(’ltr. and lin* I b^lnJom bum.r .< v '£ r ' . a v r . ' . ' s . s

l4.r lll*h atra. 111.SOU. ONK UUIIIUU

C . L O O N E Y R E A L T O R S ; " S H

H o u te i— Fl.n . i .T - r t . i onk i>Ki>iiuuti

l ( > / C J NICK rlral. >

to”dependaljle j H o u ie i— Ui; day

•• J ii>:iiiiou.M hi

• 4^11(114 and 3

V i c e --------------------------

:to ry Is N o t A n sw ered , * ToV Nur.h' kuB, D oy o r N ig h t. - i l i l --------—C ell Y ou . *“Ji«n: c ipIT

ie>, e n t moalli, 0BI7 $3.41 > ii’kd'iiuum. t

Sow F ilin gRaw. •barp.a.d: r*lDnlhr<l, rilnl and I IIKI’IIUOM hn h li^l. Don Hhaffri._________ w.ll, <>m ■■<

S e p tic T a n k S e rv ice u^.iiurBrotlf lank flr.nln*. Call ChMl.r ONK 1II:I»I^)M

iip lit lanka rlrannl, rrpair^ ami ,rl l‘*«nl. 7M7«3.°*LWd°^ar.B^^** 'MOlltllN' ^Ih

S ew ing M a c h in e s JS'tTv'"'. '[ '.I

''i'JpV ll^*"w I'*7»^»t? -N 'w -'* ^ dT”in All.*rtacn'.. ll'.rlry. Id.bii,____ RoomS----ROC

T o b lc b -C h o irs . . . R e n tin g * (:U in"'|i"r^^ ^li.l.rmoanUln Kturl Ca. 733mt;i. m u u CLMH, ^T e lep h o n e A n s w jr S e rv ice *t3i?i3ii, '** ’

T c lev is io n .S c rv iceU n t’a TV K.rTlf.. «3.4tM, Nnnh.------- ' ■ TuuT T Toinr:

T ow ing tw In 'T h ,,'.!

--- ■**!!!*-*■” ;-------------- 1?* , _ »«|'kln*_dblar— iT ro f le r -P o rk in g - . -----------

C..'.M.rT»all.r r.Kirt. ttul.l. waiTful. M obilo Hom

Coin* ii..- Jiib- u:- ^ i T ^ ; r i s ^ .T^iiirf'"vilfr* '" J jM 4 B uiineis-O H

T ro sh H J d i'i^^ J i i 'Sinttrrn^uniain

T ree T r im m in g :■ 1"'‘, Tl L ’u I T w lh f and“ r.mi.»Bl.’Ti-i^.*lim»Ua. -

Thi.n. ur 733....3, Q thc r Rcnto"■VocaCim C fe o n e rs i'astuhk _inr ,\(

Un-air all 'm K «.' .'Jiippll«.~ JlT TTr E f^lViV^V.Ir^ Salr. ll.nrlr., Cnmrr Hlu* U kn .j,,].

_ ;,,ilA ^na.K ..i. T^.lu:^______W otC f S o f te n e r s . im. ru.r ,,

Culli*an Soft tN'al.r S .rtit.. 733-:4:i.r I’him. Kal

ised Items Wi01110, Bool E H oto 6 0 O tlic r RenK

WELL LOCATED; bulUlai b l la “ “ uh »*«lnr. KloUrir. Uaa aad Mw.r a.alUbl*. 7ii.;j7Trnu^^« . Hbua* 4J*4I*I p y J J - j ip n T T

ONI ACHE. t W tliu.. Soutb^ t b t r^« ,T a‘ Nn*4a. Mild w|aur .Um I.. *>«• ttuvtta.^3^.;:?]tiUllr U KW asd H- iralki. Nut --- :---- ^PARMI

" .«all"bT . mpdtl traS^r »“ u U> '" R E W. II, t<l*fcan, CcBt«l. N.rida. ----- ModtiB :

F O R S A L E BY O W N E R ~“ j'4 'A CB M -iH tb-rtitoW -.W -l-f-----^

uB(laltba.l b'KUM. and .par* (ur *11 ' * 101tralln bouia. Lotaud I 'i nllM AVIS RENT-

-Wli^ fVom^S* B‘."i TDt.r!Siau NowAlDan-*

P H O N E 321.516G M A C K ’S______________ ______________ P H O N EReal E tto te W o n te d 6 2

b^ili‘"wlib"w'l'mrnu J '" " ‘ (urnlob«l. Will* A. Vuuu. , ““r

. «»00 Colorad» l>«ar.r U, /urniiui.

A p o rlm o n ti— fu /n lll io d 70 H E R T Z

*''?dl.**i'.bu*.''‘7V3J><i':'*t!'ni^ti-”°* W a n te d to R• -Hl>OMfrr'^baih;-Ollli1ir*-ftirni.h*4. III'

Imuli. at 3I» 3..1 Atrnu. North ^ „,;»,.,„i.l„d. br t)3IAI.L ai> x rr tUln and |ii,|«rt>iin, I'.

tk«. In, l-bui.. 73347U. afur t p.m. Idabu,_______

F o rm —Im p lc»UllKlMIKir.^a.t,..i.l (ur «ol.J.':i: i!7:»ril01,LANn

.m .i. Inn-. -IIII ';nd«?ilr>rt Natth. „ , |n . i:.40 b J IIOOSI w.rtBitiil. .h .f. Utb,- S.4 l-r lr C-'-ttM.

fi' ril.hrd. I**., 3iJ ^ d ' "h.r 3:i-l|c;«, Nutlh. I'him. 711.*IK);. J()||.S iJtJKIIK

• im iri'“rk«llK*73J.?«ir'TJJ4 an.l Imi.lrmrnl, 311 hbi«hui.. Nurth.____________ CIIKCK rour m

w.ijr‘(uinuii3.*J4V *?d"8lrJl l i . l . Hlal.. Imp. I'u 1‘him. 7334170. UON'f IIUV —

*A»nt“'lS!ir.'h,"'‘‘"^' MASSKV.^i!'i;:

hL :nd Arrnu. Nurth,_______ INTKII-KTATKt IIOUMS, Ulh. pMral* rnlranc., Alt nallimal, »;..n

tundllluBin* and btal forei.htd «l> dralrr. J.rumrMh A.rnu. Kail. ______ ^ i lloyTUll ?••.

In* ill.tanr . A.lulU, 733.i3P3. irnt r.inilltliin, IKI>IIM»II>U> avartmrnt. I' JiillN tlKMIK :

tianr., all ullllllr., .x tp t .Irrlrltllr. J.ihn IWt. br.1 U iIIh Iinir J i: 41h^Awnu. Ka-I, nit_ HT. 10, 4:

prlral. rnlraBrr*. nlr. rard. A.Iulu a tr» . *l,;-0 K.' inlr, 70* Hlu. U ir . Nurth, Sr. Kat- ln*l..n, Wrll. u uril.r ad.iBwin.. SunJar., all.r t >lHf. *n

. ------------------------------- B n le t i 'H i• -FURNISHED APARTME.ST- -T h e -b r.n on

sa rd lcu o( th

^ o a r t 'm t.— U n tu rn lth e d 71 __ iw ^ in ii^UNK IIKIIIIODH aparlmrnt fur i.nU

MC>‘'rlrrn?ll'.,;f ^ w L ” ni!aliliut. C O N V E Y O R.Itrrl .iMIrirllr. Hut wat.r hral. ,t|„

''..nllallun and'launilcy.' I'bun. 733.

■ LAIUt’ draa ru.,m. wa.hto, n.;. Bl

Ulil’LKX apartmrnl! I'.ld.rlr ladr ur SPE

um *i.T »■; b a l e d i l \(Irrplar., l*«U*r load.r

P A U L ECk-.liun. Wairr furnl.h_..l. Ulld-WGll

JNK UUIIIUOM. 'lol. ur bultt.ln.. ----------------------J'r*!;indjUu;Vn,7^«7^^ U S E D H

' S ‘ '; “E 4 ^ l 5 r H ““ v S NOE_73va^«,-------------------- ---------

<oute i— F u rn lth ed 7 3 k o \

’ u » ‘ jlh‘ A»m^.’“;!i'.i':‘'*'’' ' CHAIN^'jmii"*'*"- M .7 'i '” 'Ti't *Tr" i _O ood_*M onn

h o u te t— U n fu rn iih ed 7 4 ' , MOLIIKmilK.M. wall .......... ... T R A C T O fVhiin. 7.u.kil«._______________ • FORD TRACIlinitlH and balk, (la '.Ih Ka.tlanri Url..

A.rna. Niiiih, I'h-m. 713.»u;,_________________

i l« 'r 7 ‘ ;'‘n.i''ra'ni''''7li3?»90i‘ '' H o y -b ro in om

Toj'Nur’h' t!u.!r';.'ri“r i r 'l^ ‘« »‘i; _ ‘'«rn.y,^'hiinr^7

rlr.Ti. tVipl. prrfrir..l. I’hiio. 533. hAn TMl; Jli.rd ■ t:a«,___________________________rail 713.i:i7lL .

I li p.r ml.nlil,'’' " n i . r'. tinga, Tbi*'. '<» - I'hw.. 73*.73H. , . . . iiALr.'i. 3id <1iNK UUIIltXIU with *aa hral. . I'h,in. 7.V..33B1,

l'inl,‘‘’(imllr™i*-.'m. TO IIUV

svA'h'i-r-ur’7 ; . » '

I011tlN''^"l.^L'm .’*’\u(Ii*.‘ al..r, HAY "n.ll'sAU j,.l,..r;w .irr ind aanlt.llun (urnlih..l. "" lla.M.rnl (nr •<».•*., MB jwt mfnlh, _______________-M «V* ‘ ‘’m*!” Tlll^'!’' ” h

ooms— Room & Boord 7 6 » an’i-ko: Tu'on.i.Ill CuniHIIonr-l. .niranr. I'arin* II* drllv< cv«..ln. rlr.n and waiiB In wlnl.r, -IH-tltr., Jrimn.,

lUU CLUN, pri«al. .Btnnr.'and amminl. Uran Cu •howrr, I4« \^alhlBfIl a, or phbn*

l',i!I^Hir“ mr/"Iir.'n"‘T-«ii’’‘ll'l!! '■‘nuln.’''. Ca.b“U I I'rlval. .Blianr., I tl (nd Arrnu. - »8*r*«''", Hl.r

APinrilon 'M^.ti^.nu' i-iltT.VUih

‘kKHN;; *n'.Tm.;” ;ir'ri, ln»n. (Wallr- .. ^ B .pr,,.rr...

iobile H om e p'orking 79

u iine is-O H ice Rcrtfols 8 0 nn'i& Tnui)"A ..i

k«tl,rn|i,n m7.,l».r'and »la '" iw! aUwVlncI'lna 'bla

lir. m r .p«inaa7inii"" An*aWBrt. *‘‘***"-;

n i r a ~ o l T ^ ~ ~ 8 6 “ k K s K . "

III III \ t ' * 'i'" "'i'~i— ----- HIIKKIIINIi' AII llt..Sr Ul ..I, ; I p».. 0 , 1 , ,1111. rk.r I,, t.-n , I'h.m. 733J«II. Walttr A. I,.l|,h'

I’hun. K« lalrthlld. »U-4lcJ!DubU Twin Tall.. ^

With W antth o r R ento ls__________ ^ | C o t t l e ________

tiub 7tS!ivJK IlLNT: li" ur SO" I.I.tI.Iub iiUALI. *mtl. l;,.7 a*ta. br w.vk or mwath. lUwMin. 1 .a .1, |* r»i«, Katlori lladk<. «:o Hals 711-.iw:, ‘ 8o>th,_7M.}??}.. V Hill sAi.r:- i.-iT

M RM t,-QPIPM~ENT--------4 - }.<<l7» 1.^ 3 .—~ — ^ REOTAts---------------

Mud«iB Tratior CVnl.f , Any kiini. |)' l7’ j,

AVIS RENT-A-CARSYSTEM '" '- l . : ''' 'NowAiDan-*nmonMSm'lc« . - li ir „,V

l A C K ’S - U - D R I V EP H O N E 733-9249 ‘"r,inii''i’ rii:,vi:;;;

^ v i N G 7 - .u ..rV .’ ;;'n .:,;'; a THUOK (lum IIKIlTr. anil Hii.-iu.’' ; , , ’ ';,' “

>urnliur.'2vu‘J « d Hulllr. , ~ ~ att£ s t1iI s

H E R T Z SY ST EM S ‘V 'iLie.

rbun* ;j3.;cM r.rti, i j . k » -------— r -

o n te d to R ent 8 8 _________

.l.:(i.rnl'lird. br" Jun. I.l,'wr" . 'mi'i l-)i..n.’M:llul.rn.iin, r . I). Ilui Ml. Naeip.. „Idab..,______________________ H o rte s

rrm -H m plem en t* -----------90:w 1I01,LAH». 71 bait., Iliv; mi. OH— lUnni. A.utialn. i:.40 bund...|. I'hun. K*-n. ..... . s|i«i |-■rrlr ■_________. 4, Kiwi.,,;, u ..,:

£ ' ! T ' f “''i "ind Imi.lrm.nt, Ihjiil.n,^

r.'ln K.1I. ur H.lrl^«B._ Mrlrt 7lV.’

lki’ Bl~'[^^:^u^*J^hn^^ ru!'i'i!.| * 'AmVih’ah'^II.'irrl 'rKll-KTATi; r;.|UlpiBriiI, ji.uf Ini.i. ,«s;-..__________lallimal, J.xrimaB and (atmh.iid JiHAUlll'Hl. i.iimi

IIOTTUll' j . - . r Pki"., Irall' 3 .l.«-k. hrnii.Ib Uu Kihit l»l>f. Ii::_vp, J.iom. Impl.- .111.1,__________

“ rAiiMAi.irt; TiiACT0«Ts \^ ' . , ''v:,'';''” ,»"lun wu."I hairuw,■ fuhlln* iltawUr; *nii“*i *|l"‘ '. • 'I) ja llo ii-W . .I'laj.r. All ..rri- Jcliicic. ihuw.J.1rnt||ll,in, I'h.iur 731.;f.lT, HHI ^AI. ., Du.l. .UN t)Kl;IIK S .u“ | 1.1;— J " " 'uhn IW .. br.1 ai..l Wan ralllrah... W '| ''I»“ •ila llT. .0, 4», 430. I'hun. 733-

I>;I1NAT1UNAL 4.n,w Pl.nt. ’‘„.n‘ 'l,r. lup rondllluB /I.w J.rllllur hui- u,,..,: r . - r i M ; : : ’'..’; j i -


“ B n lS fH iiT Loiiiicrs■he-br.n on Ihe marltet re- _7J3-:>«»,ardlcj.1 of the price. - p i r u : , L .

ORDER NOWI • ° ° P y C h ick tAllen SclilIIIcr cii.'»ri),'j iiatciiin.•.i:«.4.H nirr ,"i > *"alh uf

llrhind Old I'mt Ollirr, .3.^74.-4 .(l>, 1:70


.,,,...,11 .1 .1 r o u L T n vSPECIAL 3:c-43<7 m .r

i .L E D H A Y L O A D E R S P o t i a n d p T t l i i iu*ll*r load.r fur la . t^un.rl 77~TTT-------------^

P A U L E Q U IP M E N T nnd -W eld in fr Shop .|.Hr.,.. .si.n,



Lons Tuoih !!l'.‘jii,?rll' '"rimil 'NOBEL'S SAI.K;

MELROSE i ‘.'ll (li-i’i'inff ■uT.',i

KOVAR'S * h ;,.l , 't ,t . '.: ', .r i '* l

GRAIN KINGS «An'il'ni-r|' l.»'rlr r3ood «.Monmtnt nt oihrr Ti‘.''i'.''.’*i‘'ii— I., - nriowa, ^ l:AltAK^:^T^,_.:«^

■, M O D ERN . .lllti.*"'' . T R A C T O Jl C E N T E R akh iu;.;i,viki;m, 1,0 'O RD TRACTORS i i IMP. uk '~ NCt'h” ""*'"'

y -b ro in ond fee d V4 7 .'i."iw .'* '

irr'~‘'- i i r '»u‘v ' i i '.i b.t.'~ ' ‘"h

r«j'>,ii; Jlj.rd *i.lo, l,.clrr ur <-u, Mi7r!iir.‘.',’‘'

'ton _i..r’ lur All lii.r^ tui. L iv e sto ck -W o n tc

! ! r S s r " ' ‘ " I TO, r,o .•• iR E M O V

:.TKU TO IIIIV: i;,x«l qualllr har-tk <:an..r. ?33.ui«.__________ ot iDcfld and

.Irnh.m.N >.-j.f,|», ||.Mii„n, T .ln Kalh. 7«.«M>.t

! ; i :? rm u r .i " r^ i’r i 7 : ; 7 ^ i d a h o v.^V o^SA tK , I. lun ....... I ru.. _____* .T A L L O \

.. Till.rV rh"ui'4!34«3rHa‘” ''7 ^rrKU:Tu'pn.i.llir I.l .uliln. b.>, .-.M^'kI . ‘i!a:' >^1«,»1» Turn ttainrr. * ’

J i u uVan Cu'.U''73Viui, T-lJ

ndln^*‘’‘w'|itV'"ri,;‘!?” '"'rfco'i; “ mil'li'u IIW <a.h. 1'l.r,«0«. KImWfl,.__________ ^ M4I-____________rOil nianur. h.ullui, 1.-. and 1)«U> l-tlnt.ialu.*, > " . 'm S M r" j> i,u '^ ‘'iUI 1m o l.B fc cd in g ______ XlOQ

^M‘.T,lln'li?li; diii,''Is'^'™I^uf Wrtilni^’il^^■nd.ll, nB.;r,l>. - TrnwTT-vl*^..^—

r--illrj« |t|0ir—ins r„iil..'imwl. : ■^y,|^J}S^^riln-«Jr" . Wr.l(.ll. 4 'i mlU ...t „f II,„ up, Slml‘*' ’*

*‘ l*...n'. r l-'umlturr, _

'\'hl:l"ui‘'‘ ‘!!i,h "f'l™;

»* rhamiilon. K.r^Mu'for .u". 'Tu, >ltN„K 1 . ^ . . g ^ A U . ^

I K I 'T i - , ;" S s ; . t “ :“ i - mIn fall.: Ckn Il-I.lrlrk, ' IIS.M. HannM' Furaiim.; KIwrn Aril.un ■ .h..n. Bouth- -i.llnn; ur Jn .,r. 171.1112. wk: HUY and a.M

_____ piian.« .^HIIKKmJf A sJiilrUTIOM A ^ u . North, ^il.rA 'T jiu^:'

i j . j i ; - , : a £ 1* ^

a n t Adst l io ^V ^ n - T T c s r r - J 5

ATTj;.STlll.S JAlaiiKr.^ ilii.rv'aiul (.III, 'k


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'I';l«k'l^^‘ iii‘ 'c. I'hilw.Xirilu- *

^AI. ., Du.l. . r ^ if .

_n^._Hui»-ii._l£.hu, ‘'. l l j - ;^

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7 , r '? i

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U74:4 **


Hi.'oi:k h..';ii<i .h . m n» i Wk'jthurn.. Au..i..\VhtIr.


POULTRY FAR.M ' ^2«7 J-Il.r 4Ui lliih..rSI

I a n d P c t Supplies 110

i>Lt; pupi.i... AKt;. u’biu * lr.ll. .Sunilanl. I'hun. 7U.4l:i llEr7MrTirtrTnr-li'«iraTrmr

■ a r a : . : ^ ; a s : " 4

1, Wlli buKI Ihl. r.M, Ki.rlH■diin-, I'l.uu. ■;i.i',:». IU.

d ; - T y : ' . . - ^ i r T ; i . ^

IKKJ.T!-, _ri.c^_(~l!;'an.l .uppTrr.,

'l iu . I'uir, Cmhuahiia |>up ..I ,l..*., Slu.l .rnirr, l-Ww

I HKIlv'iCK: 1 whit. Tnr IX."

i to e k -W o n te d U*

,) : ^ r Prompi

."i r e m o v a l

ot ioend and U.iclc.«


, Kalh.7lM«l.»7«l»Ul'.II-kf

I D A H O H ID E • & T A L ^ O ^ C O ^ '


I-V "MAH7''r.K*“- » M r 5-V IIVU <a.ti. I'hari. J'lWJ '■■ , , vuitr.iu.m'^

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„ ^ ..T -ra .« -W ils ;n :l! iit-

I tu r e ^ H o u te h o ld j g .

iUolj-UM-o**-Vur-llurr. ----jj2Ja» and tnaUb« ___

j'lHIirU aliJil.1" ‘“ ' ‘T 5 S - - ■i. Ha'nB" Furalmr* ^

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• far.


Page 19: tk lI^ A irl^Force .le Jets^Lanc In T haila B olster D · tn wbit the Klotw. I l l f l 0(licb|,_„^, .K--epl..K.s

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I G O I N G 'S ^ A u tcm o b ilc i For Sola

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IM E R C IA L S — 1054 in t e r n a t io n a l

i e v r o l e t S S f ° S . i~l , K . V ' i ' S i K.b.rp. _ . 1954 OMC ^

-'“ S ' J i i ?3 V R 0 L E T

Way■17, 1 9 6 2 ' imes-Ncws j g

For SoU '2 0 0

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3 A L O T I

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E V R O L E T , Inc.

r a i T I O N E D



D D ^ A R S __■XSC------------- r - ----------

>n. Good


,u A »eod *0..

N P A L L S - '

’ M E N T C O .

Page 20: tk lI^ A irl^Force .le Jets^Lanc In T haila B olster D · tn wbit the Klotw. I l l f l 0(licb|,_„^, .K--epl..K.s

Acting Chief Talks Before

=i&:otGiiGroupAcUnj Chief Police P rank •

Barneti w u feaUired tpcaker = — thirlnr=ttie=4H<mdBr»«ioD=Juneh- -

eon meelinR of llie *r*in Pall# Chunber of Commerce commer- ei*l dIrliJoj].

" H r t t p U l n c d recent cIw iir m In " Uie local police dcparlm cnl snd pointed out (irena In which Im- provementa hnve been mude.

He Indleftied he would llltc lo , relniU ie the check warninR sys* tem. which he »ftld would "*ave lh» merchant* Mme money nnC the department some hcadache.i." He pointed out tha t traffic U thc primary concern of the local police department, mentioning th a t there la more pcrflonnt tn-jury 'a nd money'la'-V rfjiuU lni ”from - tra ffic - aceidenu e a c h - month lhan with bad checka In « yeu.

When M ked If courtesy-llckcw f r , iijn tn nut-of-nlntemotorlsta. Barnett w ld they were ” and tha t he Ihoujh l they thoulfl ' be continued. J

. A member o f t h e cham ber* commercial division rep o ru d Ih a t l he had Ulked with ti num ber of J ahoppera from Wclli. Nev.. «’ho i had commented on thc friend- [ llnew of clerks and employee In

"i Tu-ln Falls o lo re i . .^ wm pointedV out Ih a r^ r le n d li^ s s . o f ^ ' l a U a « V 'y d l j atorff employes Is ’ n “

p o ru n l factor la stlm ulollng ®; , bualnea." ,

---------------- v iaiT a-saiQ O i,_____ _ ?iVIEW, May 1 0 -N ada H atch ll

atlended the Aifithon week-end a t U tah Stale untveralty. Lo- d Ban. She was a 'I'UMt of he r sU- i<

• U r. Marcia, iludcn t a l the It tchooL_________________________ ^

t f EASY TO OPEN.' open because the)


i l & j j g H

I- j ^ n

HANDY SIZE. A *' Easy to seive, nice

of all is the sam e as i

Olympia is brewed ir


y o u likT

7*oz. “la t t le Olys," y(

- V w lo T p m r a !w tjy r w e lc u i

m . -

W e d n e s d a y , M a y 1 6 , 1 9 6 22 0 Tw in F o ils T lm e s - N e w s

• M M M M M Iff 1(11III j- T[

ef •re -

e P ra tik > speaker

in Palls commer-


like lo tinRIld "save r


ric U the ne

In-rfA uliini "

hecks In

y-llckcM-of-.nUite . . . . . .

'y'fthoulS •«™ek an FH ‘Je t f irh le r plane airport. Tho plane Mruek Ihe iro

ham ber's "

:i;r:s Better Feeders ‘ J Meet at Milner- r

m.L .1 11. . J«.m» «^ I t t l l n a of W nn»hft*;-ion- of- Mr. P^' muioimg ifcmord Brad-ihaw. p n^ lO'nn Bradihaw led the pleilRe Is • of ailegfance in d Edward W arr tin;

the 4-H pledge.---------------- --------nio*eek-end m rnum Warr. leader, led n illy. Lo- dlscujilson on the difference be- 1

h e r sl»- tween live and carcaAs welRhls a l a l the In lamb.i, and alio on commer­

cial lamb«. Floyd Morrison cave TT

Why we 1

...our nf

OPEN. “llttlB Olys" are extra easy use they have tops of soft alumlni

IZE. A “just right” amount for mai rve, nice to hold;

is a new convenient

>ame as irn as been since 1896: the

>rewed in only one place—Tumwatc


k'ou like ypur beer, in 12-02. or_16?o

Olys," you’ll always get more enjoy

• ' v t o n ^ H ^ B v S

Iter plane near the Greater PUUburjrh of th* ck Ihe trouDit. bouneed and w n»htd the le

a lalk on quality lamUv a Mrirk Brune gnve a tlemon- 1 » 1 « ' . . . strotlon fn-K ardeam g on.fw a ' I J q i *- to mix carrot and radLih .vtil Inj ■*

pl.mlnm | '»■ "

; - l i .“ « « * > » • VIof-M r. Pa^“ " ®‘ * plc; -Brtine WP,]-,haw. gave ah illuotratcd tnlk on whal given pledRe Is expectcd. of a lamb by fair ju n l

1 W arr tim e; and Edwiifd Warr Rnve an « u jj i----------nianrB trd-ta!k-on-U »e-»arl«U . jay~A

led n cuts of beef. Onry I« e be- The next meeting will be held ley. ^ welRhls a l the home of Gary Allen. Ctuperimnier- ---------------------------- 1*“ *•*in gave TRY TlMES-NEWa WANT-ADS Dlar

« think you’l'

new 7-oz: c


ittra easy to | ' 8 IN A PACK aluminum. I I hand fot pie!

\ » ~

t for many. EASr TO STl0ssspace-sl

nvenient way to buy Olympia Beer fi 896: the sparkling flavor ailtl full-boi

’umwater, Washington-wliere our r

:h jp ,q ,J’haJ;>_\vhy_0!ynipiiLis.:ihe f: 0r_16r0z._cans, in_quart.botil£s,^poj

re enjoyment with refreshing Olympi

, . 1 | H.rourh the hom e. A iwrtlnn cf the Ull < irrh of the houie while the cockpit U viuble ihed the left of thri.hqoie . (AP wlrepholo)

M others a t View QUTi

.“ H o n o re tla tM ee t S . rH,„g; I VIKW. MftV I tJ -T h e .Mother's 150 „hc

-fiundny - «hcw l proaram ' at -diltdfcn ‘n®“»,lj,p view U aa -w u rd chupel wfti under a 3mne „pi] • a ttended. Or>-eimi:a were yMferilB whal given by Bistiop UlUoit Payne, ttic uhi ■ fair Junior Sunday school children M2i,D00. ve an tojig and UJks were Blven by

Onry Loveland. Vcl-la Kay Wrir- and Mr: held ley. ^ m s were given by Tamera ine the

I. Cnjperson. D retida Searle. Doug- liege." las Anderson mid Diane Stoker, >'‘ir)c k

•ADS Plane Bowen spoke on "Gospel! Mothers

Du’ll like

L can

. - r = r - r r r c r : - r : ^ j r p

N A PACK. A convenient number to id for guests...or on an outing.

m r f ,

- ...................................O ivw flJ

i i j '

;r TO STORE. Smaller “Little Qlys” space-slide In and out of refrigerator


pla Beer for lots of reasons-but the .1:

td full-bodied character of Olympia ]

lere our rare artesian water coaxes

:Lis.:the favorite of. millions.ofJWesfc

oitiesj-populm- S tubbys,*or.inJhTr

ig Olympia Beer “Its theh______________________________J O _______


m m w r n - m. 3 P q j ,

StUt' - . - i SHOSH

ation K*''- dents of ------------------- - . - r r - - ' _ hejd durl

------ church,Max J

li' I 'I 'l j auvlc«.-li----------- ^ J semltiary

^ a m e m cgrain nu

' cave the

given by Hadlqck i Inary has * inlsHon

K arenu A k A * -7

ford-K ubDIplomi

? ' > . ^ Dougla*education^ Loj,

T lfc Bill PerriK a r tn . O! junior, w^

t i i i2 3 « d C i* S 5 ^ ^ ^ * y of itm ln tploma of

tl of Ihe Ull can be teen to the rigbt Veni R.plL U risible a ttu rit tBe wrt e u gg tn - tllctlmi.- -wlrepholo) ward edi------------ --------------------------------------- elude Mrs

' I DONATION SET Merald IV QUITO, Ecuador. May IS O-Tt-

The lljjUed Stales, wllt contribute ,■'“ 1100.000 to a program to provide f j ( ] "•f'S 150 KhooU for 0,000 Ecuadorean * chlldfen In 50 rural communities, - ~ WM under an agrcemenl signed here / * 'k

yMt'erilay. Ecuador's share of \ J JL 'ne. tlie school building cost will be dren *125,000.1 by ---------------------------------------------non. Iirnntii inr " '“i" -----------^^rlr- and Mrs. Deloas Stoker, "Tcach- nera ine the Go.ipel—a mother’s prlv- oug- liege." Prayers were given by ter, Kuiiiler .tikI Ellon Hatch.ispel! Mothers were each given a plant.

> 1

lumber to have onj t i n g . . w ^

— .......... — A ---------------

mttie Qlys" take up efrigerators easily.

- - J l—

-but the .best reason ■'

Olympia Beer i tk lf.

er coaxes the finest

s.ofJWestemerS:_N6“ ’ ■ ; ;

r in thThevv'Han3y ' • .............

the Watera _______________ - - - -

[>T P£T yT fayr^/y-»»-z?^------------------------------

LDS Services | •For Seminary I Students Heidi

SHOSHONE, May lft-G r»du -' ation »c«'''lecs for semlAarv tlu- dents of the LDS church wcff ^ ^ .

_ hejd during -«cran»»nl^*ervlcea u _ ^ A | |

church, ■Max Jensen conducted D J |

■ aarvlc«.-IiitToduclng.Rai’..Hul;trt.. I ]) semltiary- Instructor. , w h o - m v c ---- m r . K

a message and Introdurei pro- _ _ . grnm numbers.( Steve 'niomas gave the invKallon. I I I M

Report on thelyear's work wan riven by CaroT MallM.' John ^ Hadlqck reported on "ho* Mm- inary haa helped prepare me for „a mlsilon."

K aren Dlile pbyed a piano yoi,»'solo and main speaker *«> Wll-ford-H uberi.. Olctrlch.. - -------------------

Diplomas were presenied by O u rDouglas Hansen, of Ihe-ward education committee, lo senior*MftO' Lou Hunter. Carol Mallea, ^Bill Perron, fluvc ."nioinss and.......................K artn Ollle. John Haddock, a h | | . | | i Junior. Who has taken three years h l lot stm lnary . also retelred a dl- ■ ploma of graduation. ■

Vem R.ThomM gave the bene- J ^ w in I

ward education committee In- ■- dude Mrs. Elva Bluemer and Mn.

Merald Buhler.__________

" Congratulations\ G R jm J A ^ Sle

f r o m

•: YOUR I.D. STORE!..... ............... - __

' ^ 3I Sclect lhe Giff fo r y o u r (I .. from Ihe large soleclion\ M en 'jS hop . Y ou' th e c\ of Famous Brands e n d , of\ they will b e h o n d s o m <\ ' w rapped for g iving.

I Suilt by K uppenhein-I lee and Style M art, !I the new noti^ral sh o u l\ • for the young m e n — \ popular shades o n d a

\I D roii or Sport ShlrtfI . H euien, selec t from h

------------------- - I — :— iie-co ll» r-iiy IesJn -d reI • OJ a brand n e w w o rld

and patterns in sp o r t


A G ift of S w ank Jow «gift any g rad u a te wll e ia te -a tie b a r o r a s«

............V \ V I M en's Jfibj

- ^ ^ S l r e e f f/ooi

l i V featuring a llthese famous



• V A N 'hei

y •D A V I N C





= Y 0 1 M & M ee


N q w 's a .ap o d lime to buy l iu t new q y o u 'v e be en thinking aboui. A nd oi th e b est place lo come >f you w,;; O u r ra te s are the low'esi anu icfm5 \ r a n g e d lo suit your budget.

P FIDEliTY N ATION A rI OF T W IN FALLS■ T w in F o l lt Bro


tions? l S "

>TORE! . M M

E J i

fo r y o u r

th e Ids

Cur* ^ ^ ^ ^ B ^ By i t M art,stijral sh o u ld e r (ookung m e n —in m ost ^ ^ ^ ^ B B ades a n d V

fro m 5 0 .0 0 ■ 1

p o r t S h lrtf by Van-lect from h is favor- ^ ^ | Bly le s J n -d re s s shir**_______ ________________n e w w o rld o f colorris In sp o r t sh irts— f l f l n B

fr« m 4 .0 0 Q l W |

iw ank Jo w e lry —is a r adua te w ill ap p re - ' b a r o r a s e t - W jB P g .

------------- f r .m n a

a’s S h i p ' eel floor

iring a ll q f! fam ousTraniTs ” ~ | |r “


•JA N T Z E N , 1 W

• v a n ' h e Os e n ^ .......


• HARTOG -----------------------------



» D U K £ .Q P _ H n iiv w n n n f

jy liut new q, bour. And out b.,r,i ,,> 'i you w r> ., t diiu lerm s V. It, 1; get. • '


Brottch et FiL,

© m ry~ ® * n f c r --------

i S h

n l

^ ^ H n H

B I ^ B I^ ■ 1 v | a H |

I J HH BHI HB B r a . ' ■ ■

B B S -----------------Hfiy jtl ■ ^B V l ' ............ H


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