time valuations 7

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  • 7/25/2019 Time Valuations 7


    Time Valuations

  • 7/25/2019 Time Valuations 7


    2012 BSE Institute LimitedCorporate Finance -1/Capital Budgeting

    Session VII - X

    At the end of this session, you will be able to:

    Review the concept of time value of money

    nde!stand the need fo! !is" f!ee !ate in cash #ow valuations

    nde!stand va!ious time value concepts such as $et %!esent Value

    Inte!nal Rate of Retu!n

    &odi'ed Inte!nal Rate of Retu!n

    (iscounted )ash *low &ethod

    %ay +ac" %e!iod %e!petuity and Annuity


  • 7/25/2019 Time Valuations 7


    2012 BSE Institute LimitedCorporate Finance -1/Capital Budgeting

    Valuations %lannin.

    *inancial fo!ecastin. involves p!edictin. futu!e #ow of cash in and out ofthe company

    )apital bud.et can be dissected into two pa!ts /

    a0 )apital / !efe!s to ope!atin. assets in p!oduction

    b0 +ud.et / is a plan that details p!o1ected cash #ows du!in. some futu!epe!iod


    )apital bud.etin. is the whole p!ocess of analy2in. the p!o1ects anddecidin. which one to include in the capital bud.et

    It is a p!ocess of evaluatin. speci'c investment decisions

  • 7/25/2019 Time Valuations 7


    2012 BSE Institute LimitedCorporate Finance -1/Capital Budgeting

    )apital +ud.etin.

    $eed fo! capital bud.etin. /

    A '!m3s capital bud.etin. decisions must de'ne its st!ate.ic di!ection%lannin. is essential because launchin. of a new p!oducts, se!vices o!ma!"ets is p!eceded by capital e4penditu!e

    Results of capital bud.etin. decisions may be achieved in many yea!sto come

    %oo! investments can lead to non-optimal utilisation of 'nancial!esou!ces

  • 7/25/2019 Time Valuations 7


    2012 BSE Institute LimitedCorporate Finance -1/Capital Budgeting

    )apital +ud.etin.

    )apital 54penditu!e / Types, classi'cations and decisions

    Replacement: &aintenance of business 6Should we ca!!y on 70

    Replacement: )ost !eduction 6)ut cost th!ou.h alte!natives0

    54pansion into e4istin. and new ma!"ets 68ow can we 70

    54penditu!e on p!oduct 9uality and 9uantity enhancement

    Safety ando! 5nvi!onment %!o1ects 6Social !esponsibility0

    Resea!ch and (evelopment 6%!oduct enhancement0

    ;on. te!m cont!acts 6Secu!in. ma!"et deals0

  • 7/25/2019 Time Valuations 7


    2012 BSE Institute LimitedCorporate Finance -1/Capital Budgeting

    Recall: Time Value of &oney

    TVMis the value of money '.u!in. in a .iven amount of inte!est ea!nedove! a .iven amount of time

    The time value of money is the cent!al concept in fnance theory.

    The method allows the valuation of a li"ely st!eam of income in the futu!e,in such a way that the annual incomes a!e discounted and then addedto.ethe!, thus p!ovidin. a lump-sum

  • 7/25/2019 Time Valuations 7


    2012 BSE Institute LimitedCorporate Finance -1/Capital Budgeting

    sa.e of Time Value of &oney

    Techni9ues fo! )apital +ud.etin. /

    a0 %aybac" %e!iod

    b0 (iscounted %aybac" %e!iod

    c0 $et %!esent Value

    d0 Inte!nal Rate of Retu!n

    e0 &odi'ed Inte!nal Rate of Retu!n

  • 7/25/2019 Time Valuations 7


    2012 BSE Institute LimitedCorporate Finance -1/Capital Budgeting

    (iscount Rate, 8ow to )hoose

    In#ation Rate

    T!easu!y +ill =ield

    Annuali2ed Stoc" &a!"et Retu!ns

    >-Sec +ond =ield

    +an" Rate

    *i4ed (eposit

  • 7/25/2019 Time Valuations 7


    2012 BSE Institute LimitedCorporate Finance -1/Capital Budgeting

    $et %!esent Value

    $et %!esent Value / In p!inciple, simila! to the discounted cash #ow method

    %!o1ects with positive $%V should be accepted If not, the p!o1ect must be!e1ected If two p!o1ects have positive $%V, then the one with hi.he! $%Vmust be accepted

    ;in": $%V

  • 7/25/2019 Time Valuations 7


    2012 BSE Institute LimitedCorporate Finance -1/Capital Budgeting

    %ay +ac" &ethod

    54pected Afte! / Ta4

    $et )ash *low, )*t

    =ea! 6t0 %!o1ect S %!o1ect T

    ? 6I$R @???0 6I$R @???0

    @ ?? @??

    B C?? D??

    D D?? C??

    C @?? E??

    %!o1ect S has hi.he! cash #ows at the be.innin. of ope!ation

    *o! %!o1ect T, hi.he! cash #ows comes as yea!s pass on

    Fhich of these two options a!e optimal f!om investment and !evenuepoint of you 7

  • 7/25/2019 Time Valuations 7


    2012 BSE Institute LimitedCorporate Finance -1/Capital Budgeting

    %ay +ac" &ethod

    %aybac" %e!iod / is the numbe! of yea!s !e9ui!ed to !ecove! the o!i.inal investment

    Initial Investment / I$R @???

    Net Cash Flow -1000 500 400 300 100Cumulative NCF -1000 -500 -100 200 300

    Project S

    Net Cash Flow -1000 100 300 400 600

    Cumulative NCF -1000 -900 -600 -200 400

    Project T

  • 7/25/2019 Time Valuations 7


    2012 BSE Institute LimitedCorporate Finance -1/Capital Budgeting

    %ay +ac" &ethod

    Techniques or Capital Budgeting

    Payback.Discounted Payback.et Present Value.!nternal "ate o "eturn.Modifed !nternal "ate o "eturn.Proftability !nde#.

    !recovere" Cost at the

    Start o# $ear

    Cash #low %uri!& the


    $ear 'e#ore Full (ecover) *Pa) 'ac+ ,erio"

    Pa)'ac+ Short Term 2 * .100/300

    233 )ears

    Pa)'ac+ o!& Term 3 * .200/600

    333 )ears

  • 7/25/2019 Time Valuations 7


    2012 BSE Institute LimitedCorporate Finance -1/Capital Budgeting

    (iscounted )ash *low

    (iscounted %aybac" %e!iod /

    8ow !ealistic is the %aybac" %e!iod method 7

    (oes it account fo! in#ation facto! time vale of money 7

    (%% method allows fo! discountin. of cash #ows The discount !ate used isthe p!o1ect3s cost of capital

    The!efo!e, the discounted paybac" pe!iod is de'ned as the numbe! of yea!s

    !e9ui!ed to !ecove! the investment f!om the discounted cash #ows

  • 7/25/2019 Time Valuations 7


    2012 BSE Institute LimitedCorporate Finance -1/Capital Budgeting

    (iscounted )ash *low

    t )ash *low -@??? ?? C?? D??

    )umulative $)* @?G -@??? C DD@BB EH

    0 1 2 3 4

    Project S

    (iscounted $)* -@??? C -B@C @@

    (iscounted %aybac" %e!iod K B L 6B@CBB0

    K BJ yea!s

  • 7/25/2019 Time Valuations 7


    2012 BSE Institute LimitedCorporate Finance -1/Capital Budgeting

    (iscounted )ash *low

    t )ash *low -@??? @?? D?? C??

    )umulative $)* @?G -@??? J@ BCHD?@ C@?

    0 1 2 3 4

    %!o1ect T

    (iscounted $)* -@??? -J?J -EE@ -DE?

    (iscounted %aybac" %e!iod K D L 6DE?C@?0

    K DH yea!s

  • 7/25/2019 Time Valuations 7


    2012 BSE Institute LimitedCorporate Finance -1/Capital Budgeting

    Inte!nal Rate of Retu!n

    Inte!nal Rate of Retu!n / is the discount !ate that e9uates the p!esent valueof the p!o1ects cash in#ows to the p!esent value of the p!o1ects costs

    Si.ni'cance of IRR /

    The IRR on a p!o1ect is its e4pected !ate of !etu!n

    If the IRR e4ceeds the cost of the funds used to 'nance the p!o1ect, asu!plus will !emain afte! payin. fo! the capital

    A su!plus indicates that the!e is an inc!ease in sha!eholde! wealth

  • 7/25/2019 Time Valuations 7


    2012 BSE Institute LimitedCorporate Finance -1/Capital Budgeting

    &odi'ed Inte!nal Rate of Retu!n

    &odi'ed Inte!nal Rate of Retu!n /

    In &IRR, the cash #ows f!om each p!o1ects a!e !einvested at the cost ofcapital

    &IRR is the !ate at which all the futu!e cash #ows a!e !einvested

    ;in": &IRR

    CIFt( 1 + r )n - t

    t = 0


    ( 1 + MIRR )



    ( 1 + r )t

    t = 0


    . 1 * r t

    CFt. 1 * r ! - t

    t 0


    . 1 * (( !

    CFtt 0


    M K

  • 7/25/2019 Time Valuations 7


    2012 BSE Institute LimitedCorporate Finance -1/Capital Budgeting

    $et %!esent Value, In detail

    )alculatin. $%V based on /


    neven )ash *low %e!petuity


    a0 N!dina!y Annuities

    b0 Annuities (ue

  • 7/25/2019 Time Valuations 7


    2012 BSE Institute LimitedCorporate Finance -1/Capital Budgeting

    %e!petuities and Annuities

    %e!petuities is the constant st!eam of cash #ows without end

    In cont!ast to 'nite numbe! of cash #ows called annuities, pe!petuitiesp!ovide fo! an in'nite unendin. st!eam of cash #ows ove! an un-measu!able pe!iod of time

    )an this happen 7

    )onsol +onds issued in the O entitles the owne! to !eceive yea!ly inte!estf!om the +!itish .ove!nment Pfo!eve!Q

  • 7/25/2019 Time Valuations 7


    2012 BSE Institute LimitedCorporate Finance -1/Capital Budgeting

    %e!petuities and Annuities

    Tal"in. of annuities, the te!m constant payment is always !efe!!ed to Inothe! wo!ds, annuities involve payments that a!e the same in eve!ype!iod

    A!e the!e any scope of uneven cash #ow 7

    If yes, could you thin" of any asset that will .ene!ate, hypothetically, ava!iable cash #ow 77

    )ommon Stoc"s and its uneven cash #ow / dividends

  • 7/25/2019 Time Valuations 7


    2012 BSE Institute LimitedCorporate Finance -1/Capital Budgeting

    >!owin. %e!petuities

    >!owin. %e!petuities / Simila! to pe!petuities in te!ms of its application , in.!owin. pe!petuities, the cash #ows a!e e4pected to .!ow at someconstant !ate P.Q

    ) / cash #ow !eceived one pe!iod

    ! / discount !ate

    . / !ate of .!owth pe! pe!iod

    %V K ) L ) 6@ L .0 L )6@ L .0B L )6@ L .0$ / @

    6@ L !0 6@ L !0B 6@ L !0D 6@ L !0$

  • 7/25/2019 Time Valuations 7


    2012 BSE Institute LimitedCorporate Finance -1/Capital Budgeting

    Annuities and *VA3s

    An annuity is a level st!eam of !e.ula! payments that lasts fo! a P'4edQnumbe! of pe!iods


    @0 %ensions

    B0 nspeci'ed time based leases

    In othe! wo!ds, an annuity is a se!ies of e9ual payments made at '4edinte!vals fo! a speci'ed numbe! of pe!iod

    Receipts Received %ayments made at the end of one accountin. pe!iod /

    N!dina!y o! (efe!!ed Annuity

    Receipts Received %ayments made typically on the @st day of theaccountin. pe!iod / Annuity (ue

  • 7/25/2019 Time Valuations 7


    2012 BSE Institute LimitedCorporate Finance -1/Capital Budgeting

    Annuities: %ension

    Amount: I$R ?,???

    Inte!est Rate: HG

    Time: @? y!s

    %!esent Value of Annuities: I$R CJ?J?C

    ;in": %e!petuities and Annuities

  • 7/25/2019 Time Valuations 7


    2012 BSE Institute LimitedCorporate Finance -1/Capital Budgeting

    >!owin. Annuities: %ension

    Amount: I$R ?,???

    Inte!est Rate: HG

    Time: @? y!s

    %!esent Value of >!owin. Annuities: I$R CJ?J?C

    ;in": %e!petuities and Annuities

    6@ L i0

  • 7/25/2019 Time Valuations 7


    2012 BSE Institute LimitedCorporate Finance -1/Capital Budgeting

    Than" =ou