
Class 14E15 - Group 4 Members: Lươmg Thị Quỳnh Thương Nguyễn Mạnh Linh Phạm Lan Nhi Vi Thị Thúy Extensive Listening Submission Package 3 Lesson 15: John: Why are you so upset, Amy? Amy: Don’t you know? John: I can’t read your mind. Amy: It was our one year anniversary yesterday. John: Oh my God, I completely forgot. I’m so sorry Amy. Amy: What can sorry do? John: I don’t have a memory like an elephant. Amy: I just can’t believe you forgot. John: I know. I feel awful. Let’s go out tonight instead. Amy: You can just sweep things under the carpet. John: I know it’s a quick fix. I’ll do more to make it up to you. Amy: Like what? John: You mean the world to me, Amy. I’ll plan another night down, a really special night.

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Class 14E15 - Group 4 Members: Lươmg Thị Quỳnh Thương

Nguyễn Mạnh LinhPhạm Lan Nhi

Vi Thị Thúy

Extensive Listening

Submission Package 3

Lesson 15:

John: Why are you so upset, Amy?

Amy: Don’t you know?

John: I can’t read your mind.

Amy: It was our one year anniversary yesterday.

John: Oh my God, I completely forgot. I’m so sorry Amy.

Amy: What can sorry do?

John: I don’t have a memory like an elephant.

Amy: I just can’t believe you forgot.

John: I know. I feel awful. Let’s go out tonight instead.

Amy: You can just sweep things under the carpet.

John: I know it’s a quick fix. I’ll do more to make it up to you.

Amy: Like what?

John: You mean the world to me, Amy. I’ll plan another night down, a really special night.

Amy: Well, what do you have in mind?

John: I don’t know. Let’s start with dinner at Roberto’s

Amy: Where we had our first date?

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John: Yes, it was the special night.

Amy: Ok, you have a deal but you are not off the hook yet.

Lesson 16:

Andrew: Hello

John: Andrew! Hi! It’s John.

Andrew: Hey Andrew, what’s shakin?

John: Not much.

Andrew: You sound down. Do you wanna get it off your chest?

John: Yeah, I need to bend your ear.

Andrew: What’s the matter?

John: Things aren’t going well with Amy. I think broke her heart.

Andrew: What did you do?

John: I forgot our anniversary. She got really worked up about it.

Andrew: Oh man, so what happened? Did she get over it?

John: Well, I took her out to dinner the next night.

Andrew: And how did it go?

John: It was ok but things have a different feel now. I don’t have high hopes.

Andrew: I’m sorry to hear that John. Hang in there.

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Lesson 17:

Amy: John, we need to have a heart-to-heart.

John: Ok. What’s up?

Amy: I think we need to break up.

John: What? Why?

Amy: I’m really hurt you forgot anniversary.

John: Come on, Amy. It’s not that big a deal. I had a lot on my mind and just forgot.

Amy: It’s a big deal to me. I can’t put it out of my mind.

John: Please don’t do this. Will you have a change of heart?

Amy: I don’t know. I’m really hurt.

John: Do I still have a slim chance of warning you back?

Amy: I don’t think so, John. We’re through for now.

John: Are you serious?

Amy: Yeah. It’s over, John. I’m sorry.

Lesson 18:

Andrew: How did you thing go down with Amy?

John: Not good. I took a punch.

Andrew: Did she break up with you?

John: Yeah. It’s the end of the road for us.

Andrew: This seem so sudden.

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John: Actually, things started heading south a while back.

Andrew: Amy is a nice girl. Maybe she’ll come around.

John: I really hope so.

Andrew: For now, you just need to move on.

John: I don’t think I can get over her.

Andrew: Just try to keep your chin up. There are plenty of fish in the sea.

John: You’re right. Thanks Andrew.

Lesson 19:

Amy: Hello?

John: Amy, this John.

Amy: Hi John. It’s been ages. How’ve you been?

John: I’m hanging in there. What’s news with you?

Amy: Same old. Why are you calling me?

John: I forgot something to ask you.

Amy: What is it?

John: Can we get back together? I’m clinging the hope.

Amy: Really?

John: Yeah. Don’t you think we’re match made in heaven?

Amy: You’re right. We’re so much alike.

John: So, then why don’t we give it a short?

Amy: Yeah. Let’s do it. I’ve missed you a lot, John.

John: Me too. I still think the world of you.

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Lesson 20:

Andrew: Hello!

John: Andrew, it’s John.

Andrew: John...great to hear from you, it’s been a long time.

John: Yes. Tell me about it. It’s been a month of Sunday.

Andrew: So....What’s new?

John: Well, I have some big news.

Andrew: Really? Spill the beans.

John: Amy and I are tying the knot.

Andrew: That’s a great news. When’s the big day?

John: December 1st. Can I count you on you to be there?

Andrew: Of course, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

John: Great, you can bring a guest.

Andrew: I’d like too. I met a new girl. She’s a sweet heart.

John: That’s great. I can’t wait to meet her. Maybe we can double date.

Andrew: Good idea! Congratulation, John!

John: Thanks, Andrew. I’m on cloud nine.