three women for peace, medea benjamin, kathy kelly, col. ann wright

Three Women Who Stand for Peace: International Civil Rights in the Age of Drones Medea Benjamin Kathy Kelly Ret. Col. Ann Wright Regency Room Holmes Student Center Northern Illinois University 7:15 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. Thursday, March 20, 2014 Join us for a panel presentation by three amazing women! The event will feature Medea Benjamin, founder and director of Code Pink; Col. Ann Wright, retired and current international peace activist; and Kathy Kelly, founder and director of Voices for Creative Non-violence, two-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee, and current international peace activist. Co-Sponsors: DeKalb Interfaith Network for Peace and Justice

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Page 1: Three Women for Peace, Medea Benjamin, Kathy Kelly, Col. Ann Wright

Three Women Who Stand for Peace: International Civil Rights in the Age of Drones

Medea Benjamin Kathy Kelly Ret. Col. Ann Wright

Regency Room Holmes Student Center

Northern Illinois University7:15 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.

Thursday, March 20, 2014Join us for a panel presentation

by three amazing women! The event will feature Medea Benjamin, founder and director of Code Pink;

Col. Ann Wright, retired and current international peace activist; and Kathy Kelly, founder and director of Voices for Creative Non-violence, two-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee, and current international peace activist.

Co-Sponsors:DeKalb Interfaith Network for Peace and Justice

Amnesty International-NIUWomen's Studies Program NIUWomen’s Rights Alliance NIU

History Department NIUFox Valley Citizens for Peace and Justice

Rockford Peace and JusticeSauk Valley Peace & Justice

First Congregational Church of DeKalb (Mission Ministry Committee)For more information: Contact Rey at [email protected] or Rebekah Kohli at [email protected]

Open to the Public & Free Admission

Page 2: Three Women for Peace, Medea Benjamin, Kathy Kelly, Col. Ann Wright