thinking differently. enabling innovation - buffalo business first event

#BFLOInnov8 Thinking Differently. Enabling Innovation.

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Post on 18-Jan-2015




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Competitive demands require quicker, more effective and innovative problem solving. Problem solvers are required to quickly provide solutions to increasingly complex problems, develop and design new and innovative products and processes – and at the same time, reduce operating time and costs. Creative thinking is a critical skill required by all people within their roles at work. It is often done by trial and error – the thinker creates an idea and determines if it will work. Not only is trial and error limited by personal knowledge, thinking is also constrained by a “stuckness” in how things are and how they should be. Join us as Michael Cardus, founder of Create-Learning Team Building & Leadership Inc. teaches you how to break through these barriers and reach your creative potential! Innovation Workshop Focus: · Diminished “stuckness” in your thinking · Increased pace of problem solving · More effective discussions with others to help them think differently · Increased use of existing resources and knowledge to innovate solutions


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Thinking Differently. Enabling Innovation.

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What’s in it for me?Having fun & learning Understand what causes “stuckness” in

thinkingLearn & apply tools to get people “unstuck”Understand the 5 levels of Inventive

ProblemsLearn & apply Innovation ToolsWays to best use these Innovation tools with

teams, individuals and stakeholders Contact me, I want to help

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“If you have been trained to think in a certain way and are a member of a group that thinks the same way, how can you imagine changing to a new way of thinking?”- Edgar Schein - Michael Cardus

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What is Innovation?

o3 Minutes: Generate a Pool of Conceptso12 Minutes: Develop Conceptso3 Minutes: Make Presentation

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Choose 1 that your team did really well. Specifically, what did they do well? How was that useful?

Choose 1 that your team did not do so well.Specifically, what would ‘better’ have looked like?

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Quick TRIZ: Theory of inventive problem solving.

• Created in 1940 by G.S Altschuller

• Initially reviewed ~200,000 patents to understand how inventive solutions are created. To date over 3 million have been reviewed and the original results have stayed essentially the same. - Michael Cardus

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5 Levels of Inventiveness: Altschuller determined 5 levels with level 1 being basic and level 5 being highly innovative patents that required new technology. Levels only indicate how difficult a problem is to solve, higher levels requiring more knowledge from outside sources; truly outside-the-box.

Trials = estimation of the number of trials it may take to obtain a solution using trail and error. - Michael Cardus

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Level 1 = 32% of patents; Less than 10 trials.o Example: Narrow hull the ship is unstable. Solution: use a wider hull.

Level 1 does not change the system substantially.

Level 2 = 45% of patents; up to 100 trials.o Not well known within the industry or technology. No need for knowledge

outside of the industry and requires creative thinking for the solution.

Level 3 = 18% of patents; up to 1000 trials.o Significant improvements are made to an existing system. The solution

requires using engineering knowledge from other industries and technology.

Level 4 = 4% of patents; up to 10,000 trials.o Solution uses science that is new to that industry or technology. Usually

involves a radical new principle of operation.

Level 5 = Less than 1%; over 10 million trials.o Solutions involve discoveries of new scientific phenomena or a new

scientific discovery.

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Many problems can be solved by changing – widening our perception. - Michael Cardus

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Image - Michael Cardus

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TRIZ tools can work to release

Psychological Inertia

AKA Mental / Organizational Stuckness - Michael Cardus

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PSYCHOLOGICAL INERTIA. The psychological meaning of the word

"inertia" implies an indisposition to change – a certain "stuckness" due to

human programming. It represents the inevitability of behaving in a certain way

– the way that has been indelibly inscribed somewhere in the brain. It also represents the impossibility – as long as

a person is guided by his habits – of ever behaving in a better way.

– Kowalick - Michael Cardus

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8 Routine Causes of Psychological Inertia - Michael Cardus

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Routine causes of psychological inertia;Having a fixed vision (or model) of the solution or

root cause. False assumptions (trusting the data). Language that is a strong carrier of psychological

inertia. Specific terminology carries psychological inertia.

Experience, expertise and reliance upon previous results.

Limited knowledge, hidden resources or mechanisms.

Inflexibility (model worship; trying to prove a specific theory, stubbornness).

Using the same strategy. Keep thinking the same way and you will continue to get the same result.

Rushing to a solution – incomplete thinking. - Michael Cardus

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Tools to Release

Innovation - Michael Cardus

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Draw the Problem

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Nine Windows - Michael Cardus

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Past Present Future

Super-System Corporation where safety not a priority

Corporation were message that safety is a priority has not gotten through

Corporation where safety is a priority

System Employees take occasional risks to get the job done

Ladder slipped and employee was injured in fall

Injury rate will be unacceptable

Sub-System Management has criticized workers who stop production in the face of danger.

Workers remember the incidents, in spite of management’s assertion that safety is paramount.

Management has provided positive recognition for stopping production in the face of danger.

Example: Plan for safety improvement - Michael Cardus

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Past Present FutureSuper-System Smaller company, Less

need for product, Only phones No Internet, Sold-Directly to Customer

Organization, Phone System, Internet, Transportation, Buyers, Wholesalers, Suppliers

Larger organization, More product offerings, More staff, More customers, Outsourcing much of sales, Global Market

System Customer phoned or physically came to the location.

Meetings are scheduled according to incoming phone calls, emails, on-line contacts for support.

Meeting happen “virtually”, more product sold = more incoming calls and contact for support, increased dependence upon “magnet & virtual” staff and locations.

Sub-System phones, typewriters + file cabinets (physical tangible records), Only spoke English, Only US currency

Phones, Each persons computer, Personal Relationships, Multiple Languages, Locations

Increased storage of records on computers, People who speak multiple languages, Translators, Done on computers

Plan for an increase in customer satisfaction based upon meeting with client support. - Michael Cardus

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Actions to Address Common Issues That Impede Innovative Solutions; Have new (different) people check all the data and information

to provide fresh thinking. Determine whether the conclusions can be wrong (be critical of

conclusions). Check the information, assign a specific person (owner)

responsible for checking the data. Physically check and visually witness information and data

gathering rather than accepting validation from others. Challenge methods and standards used. Determine where potentially hidden or secondary resources

might be present and how they could cause a problem Describe a new or unusual mechanism that would have to exist

to cause the problem. Demonstrate the problem is not simply an outlier. - Michael Cardus

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The DTC Operator Algorithm

Define the problem: Name the system or the part of the system of interest.

Consider ideas created by DTC extremes: - Michael Cardus

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Dimensions: If dimensions were extremely large what would success look like, how would that happen, in what way could that system be developed?

List ideas/solutions:

If dimensions were extremely small (almost gone) what would success look like, how would that happen, in what ways could that system be developed?

List ideas/solutions: - Michael Cardus

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Time:If time were extremely long what would success look like, how would that happen, in what ways could that system be developed? (i.e. Days, Years, Decades instead of seconds or minutes) OR If speed were extremely slow what would success look like, how would that happen, in what ways could that system be developed?

List ideas/solutions:

If time were extremely small what would success look like, how would that happen, in what ways could that system be developed? (i.e. nanoseconds instead of seconds) OR If speed were extremely fast what would success look like, how would that happen, in what ways could that system be developed?

List ideas/solutions: - Michael Cardus

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Cost:(Not just in terms of dollars but costs in terms of downsides, harmful effects, etc…) If there was no limit on cost how could the problem be solved, in what ways could that system be developed?

List ideas/solutions:

If costs were extremely limited what would success look like, how would that happen, in what ways could that system be developed?

List ideas/solutions: - Michael Cardus

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The DTC Operator Algorithm

Define the problem: Name the system or the part of the system of interest.

Consider ideas created by DTC extremes: - Michael Cardus

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Photo attribution - Michael Cardus