things i’ve quit doing at my desk

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  • 7/27/2019 Things Ive quit doing at my desk


    18/12 Things Ive quit doing at my des

    Things Ive quit doing at my deskSeptember 16, 2012 by Justin in Better work, Blog

    September 16, 2012 by

    We need to think of our desks as workstations.

    In reality, we do all sorts of things at our desks that arent real work (or affect our ability toproduce our best work).

    Here are things Im trying to quit doing at my desk:

    1. Thinking: Nobody does their best thinking sitting at their desk. When you reflect on your

    biggest Ah-Ha! moments, how many of them occurred while you were staring at a screen

    If youre like me, your best thinking happens when youre not at your desk: taking a walk,

    going and asking another person for help, drinking a coffee, in the shower.Your desk is fo

    executing; do your thinking elsewhere.

    2. Socializing:When I sit down at my desk, I want to be in work mode. I want to prioritize

    my most important tasks, and then complete them with the fastest velocity possible.

    Socializing while Im at my desk sullies the purity of the workstation. This is why the water

    cooler is actually a brilliant social construct: when you want to hang out, you can get up from

    your workstation and go to the socialstation. I think every office should have a

    socialstation, a place (or time in the morning) where team members can hang out, and talk


    3. Procrastinating: Check Facebook, check Twitter, go on YouTube, check email, mindlessl

  • 7/27/2019 Things Ive quit doing at my desk


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    read blog posts. I think that breaks, and downtime, are important in a work day.

    But again: I think maintaing the purity of my desk as a place where I work is important. If I

    need some mindless time, I think its better to walk away from my desk and have a place

    and time limit where I do that. Its also important that we catch ourselves when

    procrastinating and ask ourselves: Why? Are we procrastinating because were tired?

    Hungry? Bored? Are we stuck on a problem? Are we just feeling lethargic and need to get u

    and move around? Figure out whats at the source of your mindless net browsing, and deal

    with the problem.

    4. Sitting: for the past 18 months Ive been using a standing desk. Ive realized that the best

    part isnt that Im standing all day; its that Im not sitting. A standing desk allows you t

    stand, sit, lean, and put one leg up while youre at your workstation. Even better, Ive felt

    more freedom tojust walk awaywhen Im faced with a problem and need to do some

    thinking (or when Im tired and need a break).

    Many writers maintain a private writing hut. The hut has one purpose: its the place they go to

    write. They dont do anything else there. Once they cant write any more, they go do something

    else. I think we need to think of our desks in the same way: these are places where we get work


    What do you think?