€¦ · thetribune r m, & e. m. kimmell , editors and publishers.: $2 per...

The Tribune R M , & E. M. KIMMELL , Editors and Publishers. : $2 PER YEAR INVARIABLY IN DVANCE- .JJM . KKXXX , the famous wheat king , : has failed for a Jarge amount. - "IT ifytinderstood , " "we understand , " I * the trajr the rural -editor now puts it. JOHN M. THTJRSTON of Omaha , N.- S. . . Harnrood of Lincoln , John Jensen of Fillmore county, and Geo. A. Brooks of Knor county, arc the delegates se- lccte - J by the State Convention. Unin- atructed. - . ' * " * CHAELBS FORD , one of the murderer of Jesse "James , committed suicide , Tuesday, by shooting himself through the heart. Various causes for his act are assigned. He was an habitual mor- phine ¬ cater.- MORRISON'S . tariff bill went to its- death. - ' . Wednesday morning. * Despite the energetic efforts of Blackburn and Morrison , the author of the bill , the enacting clause of the same was strick- en ¬ out , on motion of Co'nvcrsejdemocrat- of Ohio , amidst a storm of hisses , by a vote of 15G to 153.- DR . , GROSS , probably the most emi- nent ¬ surgeon this country has ever had , died.oh'Tucsday.He had out-Jived the time allotted to man some years , and had retired from the active duties of pro- .fessor . - of surgery in Jefferson "College , long since. He received more honorary degrees in * this country and abroad than any other American. THE announcement of the failure of the Marine National Bank of New York city, liabilities nearly $1,000,000 , also the banking firm of Ward & Grant , in which U. S. Grant was interestedclosed- on Tuesday. The General's loss by the failure of his son and partner is placed at a cool quarter of a million- .JJoth . of these firms were supposed to- be very strong. Financial matters need some straightening out and bolstering up in Wall street. THE Union Pacific railroad company is now taking another method of reduc- ing ¬ its expenses.- Nearly one-half of its section hands have been discharged within the past few days , and it is an- nounced ¬ that the force in the shops will also be diminished. This will be quite as disastrous to workingmen as a body as a reduction , but no one expects a railroad company to employ men that it does not need and it is to their own interest to retain a sufficient force.- Topics. . . __ ____ __ _ NOTWITHSTANDING the Iowa prohi- bitory ¬ -laWjUhe Collector of Internal Revenue at Davenport has issued over 400 United States licenses for the sale - of liquor, ale , wine and been Nearly 100 of the licenses Jiave been taken out in Davenport. Collector Simpson of Dubuque district , says that fully nine- tenth of-the saloon-keepers - there have renewed there licenses. This looks as though the liquor men propose to do business under the United jStates laws , and pay no attention to the state pro- hibitory ¬ law. Bee. THERE is something touching in the tone of "the dispatch which informed us Tuesday that Michael Davitt has aban- doned ¬ politics , and will go to Australia- .It . seems to be a succinct account of the termination of a man's lifework- a work that is far from completion ] and to those who have an atom of sympathy ; for a man whose disinterested and pat- riotic ¬ course has won for him the admi- ration ¬ of the civilized world , the an- nouncement ¬ will come with"a force akin to severity. Mr. Davitt's record is an enviable one. He has been honest , , courageous ,, and withal sagacious , and * it will ever be regretted that latterly his judgement impelled him to a view of the Irish question , that was some- what ¬ at variance with the plans of Mr- .ParnelL . Together they "have worked for the disenthrallment of their people worked in a manner that i * especiallytoI- H> commended at this time , when the fcolkardy O'Rossas are pursuing a course that can only work damage to a just eausc. Mr. * 3 > avitt will twt be alone fa his retirement "What he has > done will ever be remerabered nd if he "shall decide to remam removedtrom the scenes of his struggles , his sufferings and noble work.iciwill have with him " lit bus solitary exile , the respect and Ioye.i-f couii'tkss uiillious. Kcp'ublicau. - TIIE bill wJiich Senator "Van Wyok introduced Monday toj prevent foreign ownership of American land , strikes right at the root of a great evil. The country is threatened with a land mo- nopoly ¬ , which\will be as oppressive as the laud monopoly of Ireland has been- .Gfcnt . tracts of the best lands in the west have been taken possession of by foreign corporations for mere specula ¬ tion. Thousands of actual settlers have in this way been prevented , from ob- taining ¬ farms. This has undoubtedly greatly hindered the settlement* and progress of the northwestern territories. Unless it is stopped it will paralyze the development of some of the most prom- ising ¬ regions. The corporations who gobble up these lands have no justfright- to them. They are simply combinations of money sharks abroad who want to grasp the last possible cent out of their bargains. The lands of , any country should be possessed by its own citizens- .It . is plain on the face of it , as the Bee has previously pointed out , that if they pass into the hands of foreigners who have no other interest in them than to make money out of them , danger is in- curred. ¬ . Congress can do nothing better for the interests of the country than sto put that danger out of the way as soon as possible. There ought to be no hesi- tation ¬ about passing thisbill. . Public safety from grinding monopoly demands it. Bee- .A . BOSTON paper intimates that a syndicate , representing a hundred mil- lions ¬ of dollars , has been formed in that city to utilize a 'wonderful invention made by a Boston man , whercby'the telegraph , telephone and electric light will be consolidated and all run at the small cost of an ordinary telegraph bat ¬ tery. For the light the claim is made that sunlight will be transmitted direct- ly ¬ from those regions where old Sol is shining, to those under the shade , and so the machine can be used reciprocally by opposite sides , of the earth. In other words that electricity will be used to transmiflight vibrations as it is now for sound vibrations. This done the only remaining feat for the establish- ment ¬ of a complete correlation of forces will be an arrangement for transmitting heat and warming a room in Nebraska from a central grate in New York or Pennsylvania saving the shipment of- coal. . Journal. THE residents of Manitoba are struir- gling - G with the .Hudson Bay route to Europe again , and a committee of their legislature is trying hard to make them believe that it is feasible. This commit- tee has procured evidence going to show that the route is open four months in the year , and is 570 miles shorter than the way by Montreal , and 1,050 shorter than by New York. A railroad can easily .be built from Winnepeg to the Bay , and then , the Canadians think , they will be-free from their present subserviency to the Canadian Pacific monopoly and the extensions of the American railroads.No doubt this would be a great relief to the oppress- ed ¬ people of the province , but it will be hard to show that a railroad built through a region of almost perpetual snow and ice , and a steamship line through a route frozen up eight months in the year arc practicable things. NOTHING that has been done in the way of national legislation for a long time will be regarded with 'so much favor by the people of this part of the country as the bill just passed-by the senate estab- lishing ¬ a bureau of animal industry , hav- ing ¬ for its object the extirpation of con- tagious ¬ diseases among cattle. The bill- s comprehensive in its provisions , hav- ng - been drafted with theadvice _ of men vho have given years of experience to- he cattle interests of the country , and lims to cover all that has been suggested iither by practice or theory. To the nen who have built up the great cattle anches of Nebraska , Wyoming , Colo- rado ¬ and Utah , it will prove a'measure , h"e pecuniary advantages of which can- lot be estimated , while by the feeders if our own state it will be welcomed as- omething thay have long desired ; THE exact nature of the Coeur d'Al- ine ¬ mines will be definitely known pret- y - soon. A returned miner writes to a- 5an Francisco paper that if there ever eas such a "damnable fraud got up on- ie ] face of God's earth" as the excite- ncnt - over these mines , he has not heard ) if it. He adds that when be left there rere "hundreds of poor devils begging read. " This shows how easy it is to- cet up a big boom On nothing. It is- ust so iu politics. > > SENATOR VAN WYCK has introduced bill to restrict the privileges of for- ligncrs - * in the acquisition of public and : :. CHICAGO is astonishedUit the singu- lar ¬ conduct of a St. Louis man who recently got caught in the turn of the pulley about the stock market and found himself unable for a few days to liquidate his balances. A good deal'- of his indebtedness was to Chicago' parties and they at once offered to set- tle ¬ -with him if he would pay thirty- three and a thir J per cent. He de- clined. ¬ . Now he has sent his creditors a circular telling them to draw on him' for the full face of their demands as- he is prepared to pay one hundred cents for every one of th& 600,000 dollars he owes. They do not exactly call him a lunatic for they think a man is born queer who lives in St Louis , but if.he . were a resident of Chicago his fannly would hustle him into ail insane asylum as soon as a jury had time to sit fifteen minutes on his case. Journal YOUNG Theodore Rosevelt has suc- cessfully ¬ fought five1 of his * reform bills for. New York city through the New York legislature , against the strong corruption element. These bills arc regarded as the promise of better government. Their passage is hailed as a.great victory fcr the better ele- ment ¬ in New York politics. Where is the Theodore Roosevelt who will reform the abuses which the railroad corporations have fastened upon Ne- braska. ¬ . Bee. THE talented mathematicians of journalism are pursuing us with their tables , world without end. They run well together this time , being only two hundred votes apart on the gen- eral ¬ average. It must be confessed that the Arthur boomers kick a little higher than the Blaine boomers , and this straw is given for what it is worth.- FiTZGKRATDa . NewYork alderman , has vindicated his official position by beating Rowell , and the best time ever made up to date , as a pedestrian.- He . .walked 610 miles in six days. Now let Boston make John L. Sulli- van ¬ an elderman or forever hold her peace. ___ IT is calculated that there are .now residing iu the United States nearly a thousand Japanese , and of this number it is said that not one has ever been- convicted of any criminal offense in an American court. SENATOR EDMUNDS is 50 years old , and has a giant frame as well as a gi- gantic ¬ mind. He appears cold and dig- jiified - in public , but is genial in compa- ny ¬ with his friends. THEY call him Abou ben Adhem Blaine , because his name leads all the rest. ka week at home. $3 outfit free. I'ny ah- bOlutcly - . sure. Xoilnk. Capital notrequlr- I - I ed. Header. If yon wnnt buslnuga at which "persons of either sex , young or old, can make great pay all the time they work , with absolute certainty , write for particulars to H. HALLKTT t- CO. . Portland , Maine. 'i-a.i ALWAYS AHEAD. Our , 5. L. Green , Is dUtrlliutloK frccfeam- pie bottles lit Begg.s' lilnod Purltlrr. It will at once relieve that drowsy , heavy, tired fct'lln , loss of am- bition ¬ , &c. , caused by a Torpid Liver and diseased Kldneyu. It ousts nothing to try it. Those Rlotches , I'lmplcs. Eruptions of the Skin , Spring Humors' , &e. , can be cured by ut ing Hc-SK1 ' Blood FurlOer. We warrant every buttle sold to Rive natisfactlon , and furnish FKEK samples to all who desire to try it. S. L. Green- .COMPLAINT . NOTICES.T- J. . . S. LAND OFFICE McCoofc Neb. , April 18th. 1884. Complaint having been entered nt this office by James McCarty against Moses W. Thomp- son ¬ for failure to comply with law ns to tim ¬ ber-culture entry 1284 , dated North Pluttc , Neb. , February 7,18SO , upon the east north- west ¬ > 4 and west * ' northeast Ji section 34 , township 1 north , range 30 west , in Red Willow county , Neb. , with a view to the cancellation of said entry ; contestant alleging that Moses W. Thompson has failed to cultivate , or plant to trees , seeds or cuttings , any part of said tract from date of entry up to the present time ; the said parties are hereby summoned ( to appear at this office on the 2Sth day of May , 1884 , ut 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond und furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. ; 47. G. L. LAWS , Register.- U. . . S. LAND OFFICE McCook , Neb. , April 18th , 1884. Complaint having been entered at this office James McCarty against Peter H. Meeks for ibandoning his homestead entry 1653. dated North Platte , Neb. , October 20,1879 , upon the southeast quarter of section 34 , township 1 north , range 30 west , in- Red Willow county , Sebruskn , with a view to the cancellation of : aid entry ; the said parties are hereby suui- n - ' Honed to appear nt this office c- f tno goth day May , 1884 , at 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond und "urnish testimony concerning said alleged ibandoninent 47. G. L. LAWS , Register. J. S. LAND OFFICE McCook , Neb. . April 26th. 18S4. Complaint having been entered at this office jy Nets. J. Johnson against Ed. Hutchinson ror failure to comply with law as to timbcr- julture entry Sto"9, dated North Platte , Neb. , September 6,187S , upon the southwest quarter f section 18 , township 1 north , range 29 west, n Red Willow county. Neb. , with a view to- he cancellation of said entry- ; contestant dleging that Ed. Hutchinson failed during he year ending September 6,1881 , to break 5- icres of said land , or cultivate any part thore- f - ; that be failed during the year ending Sep- emberG - , 1882 , to cultivate , or plant to trees , ree seeds or cuttings , any part of said land ; hut but 5 acres ot said land has ever been roken , und that no part of suld land has ever een planted to forest trees , seeds or cuttings , ip to the present time ; that no part of said and bos been cultivat d as required by law ; be said parties are hereby summoned to ap- ear at this office on the 6th day of Jane , 1884 , it 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond and furnish estimony concerning said alleged failure. 1$. . - G.L. LAWS , Register. r . , April 10th. IBS. . . Complaint having been entered ut this office by Httwley C. Richards against James J. GH >- bon* for abandoning Tils timber claim entry W3, dated at North Platte , Neb. , April 24,18W , upon the northeast quarter of section 38. town- ship - 4 , north of range 30 west , in Hod Willow county , Nob. , with a view to the cancellation of said entry ; contestant alleging that said defendant , James J' Gibbons , has fulled to plant , or cause to be planted , to trees , seeds or cuttings , any part of said tract of land fince making said entry to the present time us re- quired ¬ by law ; and bos failed to cultivate , or cause to be cultivated , any part of said tract of land since making said entry to the present time as required by law ; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear nt this office on the 26th day of May , Ib84 , ut 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond and furnish testimony concerning aaid alleged abandonment. 40. G. L. LAWS , Register.- U. . . S. LAND OFFICE- McCook - , Nob. , March 2Gth , 1884. Complaint hitring been entered nt this olllco- by Millard F. Horrell against Michael Gibbons for failure to comply with law us to timber- culture entry 682 , dated North Platte , Neb. , April 24 , 1879 , upon the southeast quarter of section 21 , township 4 north , range 30 west , in Red Willow county. Neb. , with a view to the cancellation of said entry ; contestant alleg- ing ¬ that Michael Gibbons has failed to break , or caused to be broken five acres , or any part of said tract , since date of entry ; also, failed to plant , or caused to be planteu , trees , seeds or cuttings flvo acres , or any part of said tract at any time to date ; the said parties are here- by ¬ summoned to appear at this office on the 24th day of May , 18.41 , at 10o'clock , A.M. , to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. 46. G. L. LAWS. Register.- U. . . S. LAND OFFICE McCook , Neb. , April 19th , 1884. Complaint having been entered at this office by Theodore H. Polaek uguinst Ezra Arthur StolHc for failure to comply with law as to- timberculture entry WS , dated North Platte , Neb. , August 27,1879 , upon the northeast quar- ter ¬ of section 2, township 4 north , range 29 west , in Red Willow county , Neb. , with u view to the cancellation of said entry ; contestant alleging that said Ezra Arthur StoUle has lull- ed ¬ to break 10 acres of said tract of land as required by law at any time since making his entry to the date hereof ; undihat ho has not planted or caused to bo planted uny trees , tree seeds or cuttings at any time since making his' entry up to the date hereof ; and said tract is wholly abandoned and grown up to grass and weeds ; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 24th dny of May , 1884 , at 1 o'clock , P. JI. . to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. 47. G. L. LAWS , Register.- U. . . S. LAND OFFICE McCook , Neb. , April 2Cth , 1884. Complaint having been entered ut this office by Robert H. Noill against Frank Hoffurt for failure to comply with law as to timber-culture entry 11C7, dated North Platte , Neb. . November 111 , 1879 , upon the southeast quarter section 15 , township 1, north of range 30 west. In Red Wil- low ¬ county. Neb. , with u view to the cancella- tion ¬ of said entry ; contestant alleging that Frank Hoffart bus failed to break , cultivate , or plant to trees , seeds or cuttings , any part of said tract from date of entry up to the present time ; that he has wliolly abandoned said tract ; the said parties are hereby summoned to ap- pear ¬ nt this office on the 14th day of June , 1881 , ut 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish tes- timony ¬ concerning said alleged failure. 49. G. L. LA WS , R.gistcr.- U. . . S. LAND OFFICE- McCook - , Neb. , April 21st , 1884. Complaint having been entered at this office by William H. Benjamin against George W. Ross for failure to comply with law ns to tim ¬ ber-culture entry 1265 , dated North Platte , Neb. , Janunry 27, 1880 , upon the northwest quarter section 27 , township 1, north of range 30 west , in Red Willow county , Neb. , with a view to the cancellation of said entry ; con- testant ¬ alleging that George W. Ross has fail- ed ¬ to break , cultivate , or plant to trees , seeds or cuttings , at uny time f romlate of entry up to the present time as required by law ; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 14th day of June , 1884 , at 1 o'clock , P. JI. , to respond and furnish testi- mony ¬ concerning said alleged failure. 49. G. L. LAWS , Register.- U. . . S..I/AND OFFICE- McCook - , Neb. , May 3d , 1884. Complaint having been entered at this ollico- by Edward Knnousc against John Wilron- I'ocluiin for failure to cbtuply with law as to- timberculture entry IQUS , dated North Platte , Neb. , October 14 , 1879 , upon the northeast quarter section 24 , township 2, north of range Sfl) west , in Red Willow county. Neb. , with it view to the cancellation of said entry ; con- testant ¬ alleging that John \Vilson Cochran has failed to break , plow , cultivate , or plant to trees , tree seeds or cuttings , uny part of said tract Irom date of entry up to the present time ; and has wholly abandoned said tract ; the said parties are hereby summoned to ap- pear ¬ at this office on the 13th day of June. 1884 , at 1 o'clock , P. JI. , to respond and furnish tes- timony ¬ concerning said alleged fnilurq. 49. G. L. LAWS , Register.- U. . . S. LAND OFFICE McCook , Neb. , May 3d , 1884. Complaint having been entered at this office by Edward Kanousc against James A. Temple- ton for abandoning his homestead entry 1JKJ4 , dated North Platte , Neb. , February 10 , 18bO , upon the northwest quarter section 5, town- snip 1 , north of range 28 west , In Red Willow county , Nebraska , with u view to the cancel- lation ¬ of said entry ; the said parties are here- by ¬ summoned to appear at this office on the Wth day ot June , 1884 , at 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. 49. ' G. L. LAWS. Register.- U. . . S. LAND OFFICE McCook , Neb. , May 5th , 1884. Complaint having been entered at this office by Walter S. Wilson against Ira J. Ellis for abandoning his timber-culture entry 75t , dated at North Platte , Neb. , May 31st , 1879 , upon the west ? i of southeast and east ! j of southwest U of section 28 , township 2 , north of range 28 west , in Red Willow county , Neb. , with a view to the cancellation of saiii entry ; contestant alleging that said defendant , Ira J.Ellis , has failed to cultivate , or cause to be cultivated , any part of said tract of land at any time since making said entry to the present time as re- quired ¬ bylaw ; and has failed to plant , or cause to be planted , to trees , seeds or cuttings , any part of said tract of land at any time since making said entry as required ; and the whole Vt said tract is grown to weeds and grass ; the ? aid parties are hereby summoned to appear it this office on the 10th day of June. Ib84. at 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond and furnish testi- mony ¬ concerning said alleged abandonment. 49. G. L. LAWS , Register.- U. . . S. LAND OFFICE MteCook , Neb. , April 10th , 1884. Complaint having been entered ut this office jy Esther L. Wilcox against Nancy W.Mllesfor failure to comply with law us to timberculture- ntry ; IttJl , dated North Platte , Neb. , September G, Ib7 ! > , upon the southeast quarter section 12 , ownship 2 north , range 27 west , in Red Willow ounty , Neb. , with a view to the cancellation if said entry ; contestant alleging that Nancy V. Miles has failed to break , cultivate , or plant 0 acres of said land to trees , seeds or cuttings ; hut said land is still unbroken aud uucultiva- ed - prairie ; the said parties arc hereby suin- noned - to appear at this ollico on the 17th day f June , 1884at 1 o'clockP.M. , to respond and 'urnish testimony concerning said alleged 'ailure. 40. G. L. LAWS , Register.- J. . . S. LAND OFFICE McCook , Neb. , March 14th , 1884. Complaint having been entered at this office jy George E. Coleman against John Haist for 'allure to comply with law as to timberculture- ntry 1243 , dated North Platte , Neb. , January ,1880 , upon the west l' of northwest y aud rest ys of southwest fi section 7, township 4- lorth , range 30 west , in Red Willow county , feb. , with a view to the cancellation of' said sntry ; contestant alleging that John Haist las failed to break 10 acres of said tract ; that ic has fuilcd to plant any part of said tract to ; rees , seeds or cuttings at uny time since muk- ng - said entry ; the said parties are hereby ummoned to appear ut this office on the 24th lay of May , 1884. ut 10 o'clock , A. M. , to rcsppnd- ind furnish testimony concerning said alleged allure. 40. G. L. LAWS , Register.- J. . . S. LAND OFFICE McCook , Neb. , April 16th. 1854. Complaint having been entered at this office iy Alfred T. Wilcox against Jesse H. Moore or failure to comply with law as to tirnber- ultuvc - entry 1025 , dated North Piatte , Neb. , eptember 24,1879 , upon the southeast quarter f section 7, township 2 north , range 26 west , n Jted Willow county.Neb. , with a view to the ancellatton of said entry ; contestant alleging hat Jesse H. Moore has failed to break , cultf- ute , or plant to trees, seeds or cuttings 10- crcs of said land since making said ntry ; be said parties are hereby summoned to np- car at tnls office on the 17th day of June , 1884 , 11 o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish tcs- imoiiy - concerning said alleged failure. ) 10. G. L. LAWS , Register. U. S. LAND OFFICE- McCook - , Neb. , April 21st. 1684. Complaint having been entered at thta office by Franklin A. Thompson against Peter H- .Meeks . for failure to comply with law us to- tlmberculturo entry 1110 , dated North Pktto , Nob. , October 20 , 1879 , upon the 'touthwest quarter section 3 township 1 north , range 30 west , in Red Willow county , Neb. , with a vie ; to the cancellation of said entry ; contcetan aliening that Peter H. Mocks has failed to break , cultivate , or plant to trees , seeds o cuttings , any part of said tract from date o entry up to the present time ; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 14thdayof Juno , 1 o'clockP.M.- to . respond and furnish testimony cquccnilnj sold alleged failure. 49. G. L. LA\VS , Register.- U. . . S. LAND OFFICE- McCook - , Neb. , April 26th , 188J. Complaint having been entered at this office by Edward Ackcrinan uguinst David Hillfor failure to comply with law as to timber-culture entry 10S3 , dated North Platte , Nob. , October 8,1879 , upon the northeast quarter section 22 township 1 , north of range 30 west. In Red Wil- low county. Neb. , with u view to the caucollu- tlon of said entry ; contestant alleging that David Hill has wholly abandoned said tract that ho has not broke , cultivated , or pluntct- to trees , seeds or cuttings , uny purt of $ ul tract from date of entry up to the presen time ; the said parties are hereby sunimoiiw- to appear ut t h Is office on the 14th day of J u no- 18d4 , nt 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnisl testimony concerning said alleged failure. 49. G. L. LAWS. Register.- U. . . 8. LAND OFFICE- McCookTfcb. - * . , April 15th. 188J. Complaint having been entered ut this office by Thomus H. Fowler against Charles Bescck- er for abandoning his homestead entry I'.tSI dated at North Platte , Neb. , February 20,18t 0 upon the south ' , - northeast M und lots 1 und L- of section 6, township 1. north of range 28 west , in Red Willow county , Nebraska , with i view to the cancellation of said entry ; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear utthis office on the 23rd day of May. 1884 , at 1- o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish testimo- ny ¬ concerning said alleged abandonment. 40. G. L. LAWS , Register.- U. . . S. LAND OFFICE McCook , Neb. , April 10th , BSi. Complaint having been entered at this office by William G. Sheppard agulns George Wal- lace ¬ for abandoning his homestead entry liftW , dated ut North Platte , Neb. , February 18,1880 , upon the northeast quarter section 21 , town- ship ¬ 4 north , range 28 wc * t , in Red Willow county. Neb. , with u view to the cancellation of said entry ; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 23 day of Muy , 1884. at 1 o'clockP. M. , to respond und furnish tcstimonyconcciningsuid alleged abandonment. 40. G. L. LAWS , Register.- U. . . S. LAND OFFICE McCook. Neb. . .April 21st. 18R4. Complaint having been entered at this office by David Jones against Isaac N. Young for abandoning his homestead entry 1594 , dated at North Platte , Neb. , October 131879. upon the northwest quarter section 3, township 1 north , range28 west , in Red Willowconnty.Nebniska , with a view to the cancellation of said entry ; the said parties are hereby summoned to ap- pear ¬ at this office on the 23d day of May,18H4 , nt 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandon ¬ ment. 47. G. L. LAWS , Register.- u. . . s. LAND OFFICE McCook , Neb. , April 22d , 1SS4. Complaint having been entered at this office by Valentine Rogle.against William T. Mason lor abandoning his homestead entry No. 2137 , dated North Platte , Neb. , March31st , 1KSO , upon the northwest quarter section 12, township 4 north , range 29 west. In Red Willow county.- Neb. . . , with a view to the cancellation of said entry ; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear ut this office on Monday the 10th day of Jnne , It-'Sl , at 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. 47. * C. F.BA RCOCK , Receiver.- U. . . S. LAND OFFICE McCook , Neb. . April 19th. Complaint havflig been entered at this office by James L. Campbell against Nathaniel Lyon for failure to comply with law us to timber- culture entry 1351 , dated North Platte , Neb. , March 12.18SO , upon the north "s northwest 5i. northeast ! i southwest Ji and southeast northwest H section 23 , township 5 north , range 30' west , in Frontier county. Neb. , with a view to the cancellation of said entry ; con- testant ¬ alleging that Nathaniel Lyon has fail- ed ¬ to break , or cultivate , or to plant to trees , seeds or cuttings , any part of said tract at any- time since making said entry to this date : the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 3d day of June , 18S4. at 1- o'clock , P. 51. , to respond and furnish testimo- ny ¬ concerning said alleged failure. 47. G. L. LAWS , Register.- U. . . S. LAND OFFICE McCook , Neb. . April 1st. 1KS4. Complaint having been entered at this office by Clark U. Green against Jackson Howard for abandoning his homestead entry 1710 , dated at North Platte , Neb. , Novembers , 1S73 , upon the southeast quarter of section 31 , township 2, north of range 28 weat , in Red Willow coun- ty ¬ , Nebraska , with a view to the cancellation of said entry ; the said partiesaio hereby sum- moned ¬ to appear at this office on the 25th day of June , Ih84, at 11 o'clock , A. M. , to respond und furnii.h testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. 48. . CF.BA11COCK, Receiver.- U. . . S. LAND OFFICE McCook. Neb. , April 30th. Complaint having been entered at this office by Hosena Hunleiu against I > aiah A. Kelso for abandoning his homestead entry 1853 , dated at North Platte , Neb. , July 1st , 1850 , upon the west Vof northwest h section 29 and east ' of northeast Jt section 30, township 4 north , range J9 west , in Rod Willow county , Nebras- ka ¬ , with a view to the cancellation of said en- try ¬ ; the said parties arc hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 4th day of June , 1884 , at 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond and fur- nish ¬ testimony concerning said alleged aban- donment. ¬ . 48. G. L. LAWS , Register.- U. . . S. LAND OFFICE McCook , Neb. . April 23d , 1884. Complaint having been entered at this office by James E. Lawthers against Peter Tridle for abandoning his homestead entrv 21'J ! > , dated at North Plntte , Nebraska , April 10th , 1SK ) . upon the southwest quarter of section U. town- ship - ' 1 , north of range 29 west , in Red Willow . . ' county , Nebraska , with n view to the cancel- lation - ' of said entry ; the said parties are herej j : by summoned to appear at this office on the Shi day of Jnne. 1SSI , at 1 o'clock , P. M. , to re- spondand - ; lurnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. PEOOF 4 !? . C. F. BAIJCOCK. Receiver. ' NOTICES. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , } April 30th , 1884. f : Notice is hereby given that the following : named settler has filed notice of his intention to make Hnal proof In support of his claim , and that said proof xvill be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Net ). , on Friday , June 6th , 1884 , viz : John W. Enyeart , homestead entry 1239 , for the northeast J northwest J4 and northwest Ji northeast J4 and lots 3 and 4 of , section 31, township 3 north , range 29 west.- He . names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , iaid land , viz : John Hagley, Amos Leonard , Eieuben Trowbridge and George Leland , all of- McCook , Neb. 48. G. L. LAWS , Register , j . i LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , I April 2flth , 1884. f Notice Is hereby given that the following lamed settler has filed notice of his intention x > make Haul proof in support of bis claim, and hat suld proof will be mude before Register or Receiver ut McCook , Neb. , on Saturday. June :4th , 1884 , viz : Oscar E. Noble , D. S. No. 540 , ror the east V southeast . , southwest south- mst U and southeast Ji southwest K sections , ownship 8 north , range 29 west. He names he following witnesses to prove his continu- us - residence upon , nnd cultivation of. said and , viz : Francis M. Marshall , Israel Wood , Charles Crosby and John Miller , all of Laird , S'eb. 18. G. L. LAAVS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEU. , ) May 6th , 1684. f Notice is hereby given that the following n lamed settler has filed notice of his intention t- oniake < final proof In support of his claim , and t ! hat eoid proof will be mude before Register or R- leceiver ut McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , June 1- 8th , 1884 , viz : Charles Dietrich , D. S. Xo. 237 , K- or the southeast quarter section 22, township ei north , range 30 west. He names the followw ng witnesses to prove his continuous resiP ' : ence upon , and cultivation of. said land , vi/ : ti J. M. Williams , Morris Williams. Alfred H. bi avis and George J. Fredericks , all of McCook , C- .fcb. . . W. G. L. LAWS , Register. ' LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. . * April 4th , 18S1. i Notice fa hereby given that the following- named settler has ( lied notice of his intention. , tomukDunul proof in supportof his claim , umt that suld proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McQook , Neb. , on Friday. May 23d, 1881 , viClmrfes W. Luthrop , D. S. 101 , for the southeast H southwest J4 section 24 and east H northwest H nnd northwest H northeast \ section 25. township 2 north , range- 80 west. He names the following witnesses to- prove his continuous residence upon , und cul- tivation ¬ of , said land , viz : William Pryor, Charles Jacobs nnd Charles Bowles of McCook.- rich. . . , and Edward C. Wheaton of Currico. Net* , tf. G. L. LAWS , Register ¬ LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , NEU. , Anrll 7th , 1884. f Notice J hereby Riven that the following- named settler has Hied notice of Ills Intention to mukeilnnl proof In support of his claim , and tint suhl proof will bo made before Renter or Receiverut McCook , Nel . , an Thutxlav. Mtiy22d , 1884. viz : WUberF. Saundors. forth'o north ' /J northeast Ji , northeast { northwest li section 29 und southeast Ji wnitInvest ! i sec- tion ¬ 20, township 1 north , range 28 west. Ho- nainos the following witnesses to prove hi * continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , sul l Innd , viz : James H. Miller, John Con ¬ nor. Holicrt S. Coolcy and John L. Boilers , alt of Stoughtou , Neb. 45. G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCC.OOK , Nun. , i April ttth , 1881. f Notice Is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make Html proof In support of his claim , and that suld proof will bo nmdo before Register or Receiver ut McCook. Neb. , on Wednesday. Muy 28th , 1881 , viz : Dcntrick Uhikc , homestead I'M } , for the south ' 4 southeast \ section 15 it nil north \ ' - northeast } 4 section ' 1 , township . north of range 29 west. Ho names the follow- In - witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land. via. : Nar- tlninMeyers. . Isaac 1. Starbuck , William W_ FiHhcr and Charles M. Fisher , all of .McCook * Neb. 45. G. L. LAWS. Register. LAND OFMCE AT MCCOOK , < / /M April Wth , 1HS4. f . Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim , and r'il that said proof will bo made before Register ; or Receiver nt McCook. Neb. , on Saturday. .May :.Nth , isq , vl/ : Richard Johnston , home- stead 1170 , for the southwest H southwest r . and lot 1 section sound lot 1 sectionS5 , town- ship ¬ 3, north of range 20 wet. He names the foljowing witnesses to prove his continuous r residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : William H. Smith. William W. Fisher. John Everts and Isaac J. Stiirhuck , all of .MeCook , Nob. 45. G. L. LAWS , Register * / \ LAKD OFFIUK AT MCCOOK , Nun. , f April Kith , 18HJ. > Notice is herobv given that the following t named settler has Hied notice of his Intpn-ewn to make final proof in support of his claim , < md- t hub said proof will bo made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , un Sutcantor .lune 7th , 18H4 , viz : Frederick Phismyere.Ik S. No. ItU , for the northeast quarter section h. township II north , range : ) west. He nnnicj the following witnesses to prove his continu- ous ¬ residence upon , and cultivation of.said hind , viz : Chrfotiun lilncholdcr , August C. Hogc , Rcorjrc S. White and Joseph Iluet.ari- of / McCoak , Neb.- W. . . G. L. LAWS , Refutes- LAND OFFICB AT MCCOOK , NEX. , April 13th. INtt. f Notice Is hereby given th.-t the foUowlus- named settler has filed notice of bin fntcntftn- to make final proof in supportof hfscbcim.iirul that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuw-dav. Mayt.'titlilSSIviCharles Ranseh , homestead 048 , for the northwest quarter section IS. town- ship ¬ /i i- i U , north of range 'M wit. . He names the / following M itncsscs to prove his coiitrnuMK residence uj on , ami cultivation of. h >3 ttnd.- vi . / : August Plasmcyer , Christian Rhufholdi'r. i George White and Joveph Huet.all of McCook , Neb. 40. G. L. LAWS , Riveter. LAND OFFICB AT MCCOOK. . March 28th , KM. f Notice Is hereby given that the fnUowhur named settler has filed notice of his hit nit inn to make final proof in support of hise3ainr.aiil that said proof will be made before Itegirtor- or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on S tanlay. May Kith. 18 1. vi ?: Jacob Randcl , ItninwtcmtW- TO, for the southwest li southwest * t lot * 2, { and t section ill , township ; { north , n Bjev2S- west. . He names the following wituft ssto- nove his continuous residence upon , and cul- tivation ¬ of , said land , viz : .Tame * A. Taylor. John Longneckcr. Roval Buck unilG.F. Run- del. - . all of Red Willow , Neb. 11- G. L. LAWS , LAND OPFJCK AT McCooK. NKB, . t March 2tn. JSM. f Not iff * is hereby given that the following mnicd settler has Hlrd .zoticeof bis im > itttf i- o make final proof in Mippnrt of his chsim.iuxl hat said proof will be made beforeKegfetw ir Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday. M.IY- th , 1S 4. viz : William A. Wishon. D. S. 1US, 'or the northeast J.i northeist .x section 27- .ownship . 1 north , range 28 w-st. H - nuiww he following witnesses to prove lite continu- ous ¬ residence upon , and cultivation r. saM and , viz : C. Ahton , Fred. Vount.R. 1- 5.nckworth . ) and Francis Golay.ull of J > anbnry, N'eb. 44. G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCootc , XKB. . > March 27th , loM. i Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has Hied notice of his. intention 0 make final proof in support of his claitn.and hat said-proof will be made before Register or- fcceivcr at McCook. Neb. , on Monday. Mity I * . S < 4 , viz : John McCotter, homestead 30 < 7, for he north 'i northeast U and east " - northwest 1 section 25 , township : j north , range 30 Tract. 1'. ' names the following witnessable prove- hi- ontinuous - * residence upon , and cultivation f , 3iid land , viz : John Farley , William N. Enyeart , IJ. Enyeart and Lemuel McMunignl , 11 of McCook , Neb. 44. G.L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCoutc , NEB. , > April 21 * t. 1K81. f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has llled notice of hi intention to make final proof in support of his claim unii that said proof will be madebtforelUgiijw- or Recei rer at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday. Jnne.I- JOth , 1S 4. viz : James S. Ackerson , for the east ' . northeast Jt section and west i northwest H section 2i ! , township 8. north of range 29 west G P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous rca-idenco upon , and cultivation of , wild land. viGoo. . W. Warner. Charles Sparhawk , John Miller und Israel Wood , all of Laird P. O. , NoBraska. 47. G. L. LAWS. Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK. NEJI. . i April 20th. 1854. f Notice is hereby given that the following aamed settler has Hied notice of his intention o make final proofin support of his claim , and hat said proof will be made before Keyi ter- r > Receiver at MeCook. Neb. , on Tncsduv , Juuc 3d , 1884. viz : Gustavo E. Wallln , D. S.- KMi . , for the southeast quarter section 11 , town- ship ¬ 3 north , range - > west. He names the following witnesses to prove hiscontinm IJH residence upon , and cultivation of. said li nil. 'lz : Edgar Couse. Mather L. Hrown and Thos- .ttuggles . of McCook , Neb. , and Isaac Johnson f Rex Elder , Neb. 48. G.L. LAWS. Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , t April 2Sth. 1S84. f Notice Is hereby given that the follov inj * mined bottler bus filed notice of hi&intcnu .- o make final proof in supportof his claim , und hat said proof will be made before Register r Receiver at MeCook. Xcb. , on Tuesday. June 10. 1884 , viz : William Fruin. D. S. No. 1)9 ) , for the north i southwest i and south 'i- lorthwest ' 4 section 23, township 3 north , ange 30 west. He names the following wit- lebbes - to prove his continuous residence upon , ind cultivation of , said land , viz : Joh'n Coi- ius - , Hiram Bixler , Arthur Snow und James rain , all of McCook , Neb. 48. G. L. LAWS. Register. LAND OFFICE AT McC'ooK. NEB. , May I >t. 18S4. t Notice is hereby given that the following lamed settler has tiled notice of his intention o make final proof in tupport ot his claim , and hut said proof will be made before Reguvrort- ecciverut McCook. Neb. , on Sutunlay..Junc- h , 1S84. viz : Matthew HJohnson.D. . S. > ip. 31. for the east ! i northwest ! t. west 'i north- ust - } i section S. . township 3 north , range 30- rest.. He names the following witnesses to rove his continuous residence upon , und cul- ivation - of , said land , viz : Phillip H. Lami- vch. - . Andrew Carbon. John Whittaker and LutherNcttlcton , all of McCook. Neb. 15 . G. L. LAWS , Register.

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Page 1:€¦ · TheTribune R M, & E. M. KIMMELL , Editors and Publishers.: $2 PER YEAR INVARIABLY IN DVANCE-.JJM. KKXXX , the famous wheat king ,: has failed for a Jarge

TheTribuneR M , & E. M. KIMMELL ,

Editors and Publishers.




KKXXX , the famous wheat king ,

: has failed for a Jarge amount. -

"IT ifytinderstood , " "we understand ,"I * the trajr the rural -editor now puts it.

JOHN M. THTJRSTON of Omaha , N.-



. Harnrood of Lincoln , John Jensenof Fillmore county, and Geo. A. Brooksof Knor county, arc the delegates se-


J by the State Convention. Unin-



. '*" *

CHAELBS FORD , one of the murdererof Jesse "James , committed suicide ,

Tuesday, by shooting himself throughthe heart. Various causes for his actare assigned. He was an habitual mor-






tariff bill went to its-



' . Wednesday morning. * Despitethe energetic efforts of Blackburn and

Morrison , the author of the bill , theenacting clause of the same was strick-



out , on motion of Co'nvcrsejdemocrat-

of Ohio , amidst a storm of hisses , by avote of 15G to 153.-



, GROSS , probably the most emi-



surgeon this country has ever had ,

died.oh'Tucsday.He had out-Jived thetime allotted to man some years , and had

retired from the active duties of pro-


of surgery in Jefferson "College ,

long since. He received more honorary

degrees in * this country and abroad thanany other American.

THE announcement of the failure ofthe Marine National Bank of New York

city, liabilities nearly $1,000,000 , also

the banking firm of Ward & Grant , inwhich U. S. Grant was interestedclosed-

on Tuesday. The General's loss by

the failure of his son and partner is

placed at a cool quarter of a million-



of these firms were supposed to-

be very strong. Financial matters need

some straightening out and bolsteringup in Wall street.

THE Union Pacific railroad company

is now taking another method of reduc-



its expenses.- Nearly one-half ofits section hands have been dischargedwithin the past few days , and it is an-



that the force in the shops will

also be diminished. This will be quiteas disastrous to workingmen as a body

as a reduction , but no one expects a

railroad company to employ men thatit does not need and it is to their own

interest to retain a sufficient force.-



.__ ____ ___




-laWjUhe Collector of InternalRevenue at Davenport has issued over

400 United States licenses for the sale- of liquor, ale , wine and been Nearly

100 of the licenses Jiave been taken outin Davenport. Collector Simpson ofDubuque district , says that fully nine-

tenth of-the saloon-keepers- there have

renewed there licenses. This looks as

though the liquor men propose to do

business under the United jStates laws ,

and pay no attention to the state pro-


law. Bee.

THERE is something touching in thetone of "the dispatch which informed us

Tuesday that Michael Davitt has aban-



politics , and will go to Australia-.It


seems to be a succinct account ofthe termination of a man's lifework-

a work that is far from completion ] and

to those who have an atom of sympathy ;

for a man whose disinterested and pat-



course has won for him the admi-



of the civilized world , the an-


will come with"a force akin

to severity. Mr. Davitt's record is anenviable one. He has been honest , ,

courageous ,, and withal sagacious , and*

it will ever be regretted that latterlyhis judgement impelled him to a view

of the Irish question , that was some-


at variance with the plans of Mr-



Together they "have worked

for the disenthrallment of their peopleworked in a manner that i* especiallytoI-

H> commended at this time , when thefcolkardy O'Rossas are pursuing acourse that can only work damage to a

just eausc. Mr. * 3>avitt will twt be

alone fa his retirement "What he has >

done will ever be remerabered nd if he

"shall decide to remam removedtrom the

scenes of his struggles , his sufferings

and noble work.iciwill have with him"

lit bus solitary exile , the respect and

Ioye.i-f couii'tkss uiillious. Kcp'ublicau.

- TIIE bill wJiich Senator "Van Wyok

introduced Monday toj prevent foreignownership of American land , strikesright at the root of a great evil. Thecountry is threatened with a land mo-



,which\will be as oppressive as

the laud monopoly of Ireland has been-



tracts of the best lands in thewest have been taken possession of by

foreign corporations for mere specula ¬

tion. Thousands of actual settlers have

in this way been prevented , from ob-



farms. This has undoubtedly

greatly hindered the settlement* and

progress of the northwestern territories.Unless it is stopped it will paralyze thedevelopment of some of the most prom-



regions. The corporations who

gobble up these lands have no justfright-to them. They are simply combinations

of money sharks abroad who want to

grasp the last possible cent out of theirbargains. The lands of ,any countryshould be possessed by its own citizens-


is plain on the face of it , as the Bee

has previously pointed out, that if theypass into the hands of foreigners whohave no other interest in them than tomake money out of them , danger is in-



. Congress can do nothing betterfor the interests of the country than sto

put that danger out of the way as soon

as possible. There ought to be no hesi-


about passing thisbill. . Publicsafety from grinding monopoly demandsit. Bee-



BOSTON paper intimates that asyndicate , representing a hundred mil-



of dollars , has been formed in thatcity to utilize a 'wonderful inventionmade by a Boston man , whercby'thetelegraph , telephone and electric lightwill be consolidated and all run at thesmall cost of an ordinary telegraph bat ¬

tery. For the light the claim is madethat sunlight will be transmitted direct-



from those regions where old Sol isshining, to those under the shade , andso the machine can be used reciprocallyby opposite sides , of the earth. Inother words that electricity will be usedto transmiflight vibrations as it is now

for sound vibrations. This done theonly remaining feat for the establish-


of a complete correlation of forceswill be an arrangement for transmittingheat and warming a room in Nebraskafrom a central grate in New York orPennsylvania saving the shipment of-

coal. . Journal.

THE residents of Manitoba are struir-



with the .Hudson Bay route toEurope again , and a committee of theirlegislature is trying hard to make thembelieve that it is feasible. This commit-

tee has procured evidence going to showthat the route is open four months in theyear, and is 570 miles shorter than theway by Montreal , and 1,050 shorterthan by New York. A railroad caneasily .be built from Winnepeg to theBay , and then , the Canadians think ,

they will be-free from their presentsubserviency to the Canadian Pacificmonopoly and the extensions of theAmerican railroads.No doubt thiswould be a great relief to the oppress-



people of the province , but it willbe hard to show that a railroad builtthrough a region of almost perpetualsnow and ice , and a steamship linethrough a route frozen up eight monthsin the year arc practicable things.

NOTHING that has been done in the wayof national legislation for a long timewill be regarded with 'so much favor bythe people of this part of the country asthe bill just passed-by the senate estab-



a bureau of animal industry , hav-



for its object the extirpation of con-



diseases among cattle. The bill-

s comprehensive in its provisions , hav-



been drafted with theadvice_ of menvho have given years of experience to-

he cattle interests of the country , andlims to cover all that has been suggestediither by practice or theory. To thenen who have built up the great cattleanches of Nebraska , Wyoming , Colo-



and Utah , it will prove a'measure,

h"e pecuniary advantages of which can-lot be estimated , while by the feedersif our own state it will be welcomed as-

omething thay have long desired ;

THE exact nature of the Coeur d'Al-



mines will be definitely known pret-


soon. A returned miner writes to a-

5an Francisco paper that if there evereas such a "damnable fraud got up on-

ie] face of God's earth" as the excite-


over these mines , he has not heard)

if it. He adds that when be left thererere "hundreds of poor devils beggingread. " This shows how easy it is to-

cet up a big boom On nothing. It is-

ust so iu politics. >


SENATOR VAN WYCK has introducedbill to restrict the privileges of for-



in the acquisition of publicand :: .

CHICAGO is astonishedUit the singu-



conduct of a St. Louis man who

recently got caught in the turn of thepulley about the stock market andfound himself unable for a few days toliquidate his balances. A good deal'-

of his indebtedness was to Chicago'parties and they at once offered to set-


-with him if he would pay thirty-three and a thir J per cent. He de-



. Now he has sent his creditorsa circular telling them to draw on him'

for the full face of their demands as-

he is prepared to pay one hundredcents for every one of th& 600,000dollars he owes. They do not exactlycall him a lunatic for they think aman is born queer who lives in StLouis , but if.he. were a resident ofChicago his fannly would hustle himinto ail insane asylum as soon as ajury had time to sit fifteen minutes onhis case. Journal

YOUNG Theodore Rosevelt has suc-



fought five1 of his * reformbills for. New York city through theNew York legislature , against thestrong corruption element. These billsarc regarded as the promise of bettergovernment. Their passage is hailedas a.great victory fcr the better ele-



in New York politics. Whereis the Theodore Roosevelt who willreform the abuses which the railroadcorporations have fastened upon Ne-



. Bee.

THE talented mathematicians ofjournalism are pursuing us with theirtables , world without end. They runwell together this time , being onlytwo hundred votes apart on the gen-



average. It must be confessedthat the Arthur boomers kick a littlehigher than the Blaine boomers , andthis straw is given for what it is worth.-



NewYork alderman ,

has vindicated his official position bybeating Rowell , and the best timeever made up to date , as a pedestrian.-He


.walked 610 miles in six days.Now let Boston make John L. Sulli-



an elderman or forever hold herpeace. ___

IT is calculated that there are .now

residing iu the United States nearly a

thousand Japanese , and of this number

it is said that not one has ever been-

convicted of any criminal offense in anAmerican court.

SENATOR EDMUNDS is 50 years old ,

and has a giant frame as well as a gi-


mind. He appears cold and dig-



in public , but is genial in compa-



with his friends.

THEY call him Abou ben AdhemBlaine, because his name leads all therest.

ka week at home. $3 outfit free. I'ny ah-bOlutcly


. sure. Xoilnk. Capital notrequlr-I

-I ed. Header. If yon wnnt buslnuga at which"persons of either sex , young or old, can

make great pay all the time they work , with absolutecertainty , write for particulars to H. HALLKTT t-CO. . Portland , Maine. 'i-a.i

ALWAYS AHEAD.Our , 5. L. Green , Is dUtrlliutloK frccfeam-

pie bottles lit Begg.s' lilnod Purltlrr. It will at oncerelieve that drowsy , heavy, tired fct'lln , loss of am-


, &c. , caused by a Torpid Liver and diseasedKldneyu. It ousts nothing to try it.

Those Rlotches , I'lmplcs. Eruptions of the Skin ,Spring Humors' , &e. , can be cured by ut ing Hc-SK1 'Blood FurlOer. We warrant every buttle sold to Rivenatisfactlon , and furnish FKEK samples to all whodesire to try it. S. L. Green-






. S. LAND OFFICEMcCoofc Neb., April 18th. 1884.

Complaint having been entered nt this officeby James McCarty against Moses W. Thomp-son


for failure to comply with law ns to tim ¬

ber-culture entry 1284 , dated North Pluttc ,Neb. , February 7,18SO , upon the east north-west



4 and west * ' northeast Ji section 34 ,township 1 north , range 30 west , in Red Willowcounty , Neb. , with a view to the cancellationof said entry ; contestant alleging that MosesW. Thompson has failed to cultivate , or plantto trees , seeds or cuttings , any part of saidtract from date of entry up to the presenttime ; the said parties are hereby summoned (

to appear at this office on the 2Sth day of May ,1884 , ut 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond und furnishtestimony concerning said alleged failure. ;

47. G. L. LAWS , Register.-



. S. LAND OFFICEMcCook , Neb. , April 18th , 1884.

Complaint having been entered at this officeJames McCarty against Peter H. Meeks foribandoning his homestead entry 1653. datedNorth Platte , Neb. , October 20,1879 , upon thesoutheast quarter of section 34 , township 1north , range 30 west , in- Red Willow county ,Sebruskn , with a view to the cancellation of :

aid entry ; the said parties are hereby suui-n

- '

Honed to appear nt this office c-

ftno goth day

May , 1884 , at 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond und"urnish testimony concerning said allegedibandoninent 47. G. L. LAWS , Register.

J. S. LAND OFFICEMcCook , Neb. . April 26th. 18S4.

Complaint having been entered at this officejy Nets. J. Johnson against Ed. Hutchinsonror failure to comply with law as to timbcr-julture entry Sto"9, dated North Platte , Neb. ,September 6,187S , upon the southwest quarterf section 18 , township 1 north , range 29 west,n Red Willow county. Neb., with a view to-he cancellation of said entry- ; contestantdleging that Ed. Hutchinson failed duringhe year ending September 6,1881 , to break 5-

icres of said land , or cultivate any part thore-f

-; that be failed during the year ending Sep-


, 1882 , to cultivate , or plant to trees,ree seeds or cuttings , any part of said land ;hut but 5 acres ot said land has ever beenroken , und that no part of suld land has evereen planted to forest trees , seeds or cuttings ,ip to the present time ; that no part of saidand bos been cultivat d as required by law ;be said parties are hereby summoned to ap-ear at this office on the 6th day of Jane , 1884 ,it 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond and furnishestimony concerning said alleged failure.

1$. . - G.L. LAWS , Register.r

. , April 10th. IBS.. .Complaint having been entered ut this office

by Httwley C. Richards against James J. GH >-

bon* for abandoning Tils timber claim entryW3, dated at North Platte, Neb. , April 24,18W ,upon the northeast quarter of section 38. town-ship


4 , north of range 30 west , in Hod Willowcounty , Nob. , with a view to the cancellationof said entry ; contestant alleging that saiddefendant , James J' Gibbons , has fulled toplant , or cause to be planted , to trees , seeds orcuttings , any part of said tract of land fincemaking said entry to the present time us re-quired


by law ; and bos failed to cultivate, orcause to be cultivated , any part of said tractof land since making said entry to the presenttime as required by law ; the said parties arehereby summoned to appear nt this office onthe 26th day of May , Ib84 , ut 10 o'clock, A. M. ,to respond and furnish testimony concerningaaid alleged abandonment.

40. G. L. LAWS , Register.-




-, Nob. , March 2Gth , 1884.

Complaint hitring been entered nt this olllco-by Millard F. Horrell against Michael Gibbonsfor failure to comply with law us to timber-culture entry 682 , dated North Platte , Neb. ,April 24 , 1879 , upon the southeast quarter ofsection 21 , township 4 north , range 30 west , inRed Willow county. Neb. , with a view to thecancellation of said entry ; contestant alleg-ing


that Michael Gibbons has failed to break ,or caused to be broken five acres , or any partof said tract , since date of entry ; also, failedto plant, or caused to be planteu , trees , seedsor cuttings flvo acres , or any part of said tractat any time to date ; the said parties are here-by


summoned to appear at this office on the24th day of May , 18.41 , at 10o'clock , A.M. , torespond and furnish testimony concerningsaid alleged failure.

46. G. L. LAWS. Register.-



. S. LAND OFFICEMcCook , Neb. , April 19th , 1884.

Complaint having been entered at this officeby Theodore H. Polaek uguinst Ezra ArthurStolHc for failure to comply with law as to-

timberculture entry WS , dated North Platte ,Neb., August 27,1879 , upon the northeast quar-ter


of section 2 , township 4 north , range 29west , in Red Willow county , Neb. , with u viewto the cancellation of said entry ; contestantalleging that said Ezra Arthur StoUle has lull-ed


to break 10 acres of said tract of land asrequired by law at any time since making hisentry to the date hereof ; undihat ho has notplanted or caused to bo planted uny trees , treeseeds or cuttings at any time since making his'entry up to the date hereof ; and said tract iswholly abandoned and grown up to grass andweeds ; the said parties are hereby summonedto appear at this office on the 24th dny of May ,1884 , at 1 o'clock , P. JI. . to respond and furnishtestimony concerning said alleged failure.

47. G. L. LAWS , Register.-



. S. LAND OFFICEMcCook , Neb. , April 2Cth , 1884.

Complaint having been entered ut this officeby Robert H. Noill against Frank Hoffurt forfailure to comply with law as to timber-cultureentry 11C7, dated North Platte , Neb. . November111 , 1879 , upon the southeast quarter section 15 ,township 1 , north of range 30 west. In Red Wil-low


county. Neb. , with u view to the cancella-tion


of said entry ; contestant alleging thatFrank Hoffart bus failed to break , cultivate ,or plant to trees , seeds or cuttings , any part ofsaid tract from date of entry up to the presenttime ; that he has wliolly abandoned said tract ;the said parties are hereby summoned to ap-pear


nt this office on the 14th day of June , 1881 ,ut 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish tes-timony


concerning said alleged failure.49. G. L. LA WS , R.gistcr.-




-, Neb. , April 21st , 1884.

Complaint having been entered at this officeby William H. Benjamin against George W.Ross for failure to comply with law ns to tim ¬

ber-culture entry 1265 , dated North Platte ,Neb., Janunry 27, 1880 , upon the northwestquarter section 27 , township 1 , north of range30 west , in Red Willow county , Neb., with aview to the cancellation of said entry ; con-testant


alleging that George W. Ross has fail-ed


to break , cultivate , or plant to trees , seedsor cuttings , at uny time fromlate of entry upto the present time as required by law ; thesaid parties are hereby summoned to appearat this office on the 14th day of June , 1884 , at1 o'clock , P. JI. , to respond and furnish testi-mony


concerning said alleged failure.49. G. L. LAWS , Register.-




-, Neb. , May 3d , 1884.

Complaint having been entered at this ollico-by Edward Knnousc against John Wilron-I'ocluiin for failure to cbtuply with law as to-timberculture entry IQUS , dated North Platte ,Neb. , October 14 , 1879 , upon the northeastquarter section 24 , township 2, north of rangeSfl) west , in Red Willow county. Neb. , with itview to the cancellation of said entry ; con-testant


alleging that John \Vilson Cochran hasfailed to break , plow , cultivate , or plant totrees , tree seeds or cuttings , uny part of saidtract Irom date of entry up to the presenttime ; and has wholly abandoned said tract ;the said parties are hereby summoned to ap-pear


at this office on the 13th day of June. 1884 ,at 1 o'clock , P. JI. , to respond and furnish tes-timony


concerning said alleged fnilurq.49. G. L. LAWS , Register.-



. S. LAND OFFICEMcCook , Neb. , May 3d , 1884.

Complaint having been entered at this officeby Edward Kanousc against James A. Temple-ton for abandoning his homestead entry 1JKJ4 ,dated North Platte , Neb. , February 10 , 18bO ,upon the northwest quarter section 5, town-snip 1 , north of range 28 west , In Red Willowcounty , Nebraska , with u view to the cancel-lation


of said entry ; the said parties are here-by


summoned to appear at this office on theWth day ot June , 1884 , at 1 o'clock , P. M. , torespond and furnish testimony concerningsaid alleged abandonment.

49. ' G. L. LAWS. Register.-



. S. LAND OFFICEMcCook , Neb. , May 5th , 1884.

Complaint having been entered at this officeby Walter S. Wilson against Ira J. Ellis forabandoning his timber-culture entry 75t , datedat North Platte , Neb. , May 31st , 1879 , upon thewest ? i of southeast and east ! j of southwestU of section 28 , township 2 , north of range 28west , in Red Willow county , Neb. , with a viewto the cancellation of saiii entry ; contestantalleging that said defendant , Ira J.Ellis , hasfailed to cultivate, or cause to be cultivated ,any part of said tract of land at any time sincemaking said entry to the present time as re-quired


bylaw ; and has failed to plant, or causeto be planted , to trees , seeds or cuttings , anypart of said tract of land at any time sincemaking said entry as required ; and the wholeVt said tract is grown to weeds and grass ; the? aid parties are hereby summoned to appearit this office on the 10th day of June. Ib84. at10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond and furnish testi-mony


concerning said alleged abandonment.49. G. L. LAWS , Register.-



. S. LAND OFFICEMteCook , Neb. , April 10th , 1884.

Complaint having been entered ut this officejy Esther L. Wilcox against Nancy W.Mllesforfailure to comply with law us to timberculture-ntry; IttJl , dated North Platte , Neb. , September

G , Ib7 ! >, upon the southeast quarter section 12 ,ownship 2 north , range 27 west , in Red Willowounty , Neb. , with a view to the cancellationif said entry ; contestant alleging that NancyV. Miles has failed to break , cultivate , or plant0 acres of said land to trees , seeds or cuttings ;hut said land is still unbroken aud uucultiva-ed

-prairie ; the said parties arc hereby suin-


to appear at this ollico on the 17th dayf June , 1884at 1 o'clockP.M. , to respond and

'urnish testimony concerning said alleged'ailure. 40. G. L. LAWS , Register.-



. S. LAND OFFICEMcCook , Neb. , March 14th , 1884.

Complaint having been entered at this officejy George E. Coleman against John Haist for'allure to comply with law as to timberculture-ntry 1243 , dated North Platte, Neb. , January,1880 , upon the west l' of northwest y audrest ys of southwest fi section 7, township 4-

lorth , range 30 west , in Red Willow county ,feb. , with a view to the cancellation of' saidsntry ; contestant alleging that John Haistlas failed to break 10 acres of said tract ; thatic has fuilcd to plant any part of said tract to


rees , seeds or cuttings at uny time since muk-ng

-said entry ; the said parties are hereby

ummoned to appear ut this office on the 24thlay of May , 1884. ut 10 o'clock , A. M. , to rcsppnd-ind furnish testimony concerning said allegedallure. 40. G. L. LAWS , Register.-



. S. LAND OFFICEMcCook , Neb. , April 16th. 1854.

Complaint having been entered at this officeiy Alfred T. Wilcox against Jesse H. Mooreor failure to comply with law as to tirnber-ultuvc

-entry 1025 , dated North Piatte, Neb. ,

eptember 24,1879 , upon the southeast quarterf section 7, township 2 north , range 26 west,n Jted Willow county.Neb. , with a view to theancellatton of said entry ; contestant alleginghat Jesse H. Moore has failed to break , cultf-ute , or plant to trees, seeds or cuttings 10-

crcs of said land since making said ntry ;be said parties are hereby summoned to np-car at tnls office on the 17th day of June , 1884 ,11 o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish tcs-imoiiy

-concerning said alleged failure. )

10. G. L. LAWS , Register.


-, Neb. , April 21st. 1684.

Complaint having been entered at thta officeby Franklin A. Thompson against Peter H-


for failure to comply with law us to-tlmberculturo entry 1110 , dated North Pktto ,

Nob. , October 20 , 1879 , upon the 'touthwestquarter section 3 township 1 north , range 30west , in Red Willow county , Neb. , with a vie ;to the cancellation of said entry ; contcetanaliening that Peter H. Mocks has failed tobreak , cultivate , or plant to trees , seeds ocuttings , any part of said tract from date oentry up to the present time ; the said partiesare hereby summoned to appear at this officeon the 14thdayof Juno , 1 o'clockP.M.-to

.respond and furnish testimony cquccnilnj

sold alleged failure.49. G. L. LA\VS , Register.-




-, Neb. , April 26th , 188J.

Complaint having been entered at this officeby Edward Ackcrinan uguinst David Hillforfailure to comply with law as to timber-cultureentry 10S3 , dated North Platte , Nob. , October8,1879 , upon the northeast quarter section 22township 1 , north of range 30 west. In Red Wil-low county. Neb. , with u view to the caucollu-tlon of said entry ; contestant alleging thatDavid Hill has wholly abandoned said tractthat ho has not broke , cultivated , or pluntct-to trees , seeds or cuttings , uny purt of $ultract from date of entry up to the presentime ; the said parties are hereby sunimoiiw-to appear ut t h Is office on the 14th day of J u no-18d4 , nt 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnisltestimony concerning said alleged failure.

49. G. L. LAWS. Register.-



. 8. LAND OFFICE-McCookTfcb.

-*. , April 15th. 188J.

Complaint having been entered ut this officeby Thomus H. Fowler against Charles Bescck-er for abandoning his homestead entry I'.tSIdated at North Platte , Neb. , February 20,18t 0upon the south ', - northeast M und lots 1 und L-

of section 6, township 1. north of range 28west , in Red Willow county , Nebraska , with iview to the cancellation of said entry ; thesaid parties are hereby summoned to appearutthis office on the 23rd day of May. 1884 , at 1-

o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish testimo-ny


concerning said alleged abandonment.40. G. L. LAWS , Register.-



. S. LAND OFFICEMcCook , Neb. , April 10th , BSi.

Complaint having been entered at this officeby William G. Sheppard agulns George Wal-lace


for abandoning his homestead entry liftW,dated ut North Platte , Neb. , February 18,1880 ,upon the northeast quarter section 21 , town-ship


4 north , range 28 wc * t , in Red Willowcounty. Neb., with u view to the cancellationof said entry ; the said parties are herebysummoned to appear at this office on the 23day of Muy , 1884. at 1 o'clockP. M. , to respondund furnish tcstimonyconcciningsuid allegedabandonment. 40. G. L. LAWS , Register.-



. S. LAND OFFICEMcCook. Neb. . .April 21st. 18R4.

Complaint having been entered at this officeby David Jones against Isaac N. Young forabandoning his homestead entry 1594 , dated atNorth Platte , Neb. , October 131879. upon thenorthwest quarter section 3 , township 1 north ,range28 west , in Red Willowconnty.Nebniska ,with a view to the cancellation of said entry ;

the said parties are hereby summoned to ap-pear


at this office on the 23d day of May,18H4 ,nt 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond and furnishtestimony concerning said alleged abandon ¬

ment. 47. G. L. LAWS , Register.-



. s. LAND OFFICEMcCook , Neb. , April 22d , 1SS4.

Complaint having been entered at this officeby Valentine Rogle.against William T. Masonlor abandoning his homestead entry No. 2137 ,

dated North Platte , Neb. , March31st , 1KSO , uponthe northwest quarter section 12, township 4north , range 29 west. In Red Willow county.-Neb.

.. , with a view to the cancellation of said

entry ; the said parties are hereby summonedto appear ut this office on Monday the 10th dayof Jnne , It-'Sl , at 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respondand furnish testimony concerning said allegedabandonment.

47. * C. F.BA RCOCK , Receiver.-



. S. LAND OFFICEMcCook , Neb. . April 19th.

Complaint havflig been entered at this officeby James L. Campbell against Nathaniel Lyonfor failure to comply with law us to timber-culture entry 1351 , dated North Platte , Neb. ,March 12.18SO , upon the north "s northwest 5i.northeast ! i southwest Ji and southeastnorthwest H section 23 , township 5 north ,range 30' west , in Frontier county. Neb. , witha view to the cancellation of said entry ; con-testant


alleging that Nathaniel Lyon has fail-ed


to break , or cultivate , or to plant to trees ,seeds or cuttings , any part of said tract at any-time since making said entry to this date : thesaid parties are hereby summoned to appearat this office on the 3d day of June , 18S4. at 1-

o'clock , P. 51. , to respond and furnish testimo-ny


concerning said alleged failure.47. G. L. LAWS , Register.-



. S. LAND OFFICEMcCook , Neb. . April 1st. 1KS4.

Complaint having been entered at this officeby Clark U. Green against Jackson Howardfor abandoning his homestead entry 1710 , datedat North Platte , Neb. , Novembers , 1S73 , uponthe southeast quarter of section 31 , township2, north of range 28 weat , in Red Willow coun-ty


, Nebraska , with a view to the cancellationof said entry ; the said partiesaio hereby sum-moned


to appear at this office on the 25th dayof June , Ih84, at 11 o'clock , A. M. , to respondund furnii.h testimony concerning said allegedabandonment.

48. . CF.BA11COCK , Receiver.-



. S. LAND OFFICEMcCook. Neb. , April 30th.

Complaint having been entered at this officeby Hosena Hunleiu against I > aiah A. Kelso forabandoning his homestead entry 1853 , dated atNorth Platte, Neb. , July 1st , 1850 , upon thewest Vof northwest h section 29 and east 'of northeast Jt section 30, township 4 north ,range J9 west , in Rod Willow county , Nebras-ka


, with a view to the cancellation of said en-try


; the said parties arc hereby summoned toappear at this office on the 4th day of June ,1884 , at 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond and fur-nish


testimony concerning said alleged aban-donment.


. 48. G. L. LAWS , Register.-



. S. LAND OFFICEMcCook , Neb. . April 23d , 1884.

Complaint having been entered at this officeby James E. Lawthers against Peter Tridle forabandoning his homestead entrv 21'J !> , datedat North Plntte , Nebraska , April 10th , 1SK ) .upon the southwest quarter of section U. town-ship

- '1 , north of range 29 west , in Red Willow . .'

county , Nebraska , with n view to the cancel-lation

- 'of said entry ; the said parties are herejj :

by summoned to appear at this office on theShi day of Jnne. 1SSI , at 1 o'clock , P. M. , to re-spondand

- ;lurnish testimony concerning said

alleged abandonment.


4 !?. C. F. BAIJCOCK. Receiver. '



April 30th , 1884. f :

Notice is hereby given that the following :

named settler has filed notice of his intentionto make Hnal proof In support of his claim , andthat said proof xvill be made before Register orReceiver at McCook , Net ) . , on Friday , June 6th ,1884 , viz : John W. Enyeart , homestead entry1239 , for the northeast J northwest J4 andnorthwest Ji northeast J4 and lots 3 and 4 of ,

section 31 , township 3 north , range 29 west.-He

.names the following witnesses to prove his

continuous residence upon , and cultivation of,iaid land , viz : John Hagley, Amos Leonard ,Eieuben Trowbridge and George Leland , all of-McCook , Neb. 48. G. L. LAWS , Register , j

. i


April 2flth , 1884. fNotice Is hereby given that the following

lamed settler has filed notice of his intentionx> make Haul proof in support of bis claim , andhat suld proof will be mude before Register orReceiver ut McCook , Neb. , on Saturday. June:4th , 1884 , viz : Oscar E. Noble , D. S. No. 540 ,ror the east V southeast . , southwest south-mst U and southeast Ji southwest K sections ,ownship 8 north , range 29 west. He nameshe following witnesses to prove his continu-us

-residence upon , nnd cultivation of. said

and , viz : Francis M. Marshall , Israel Wood ,Charles Crosby and John Miller, all of Laird ,S'eb. 18. G. L. LAAVS, Register.


May 6th , 1684. fNotice is hereby given that the following n

lamed settler has filed notice of his intention t-


final proof In support of his claim , and t !

hat eoid proof will be mude before Register or R-

leceiver ut McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , June 1-

8th , 1884 , viz : Charles Dietrich , D. S. Xo. 237 , K-

or the southeast quarter section 22, township einorth , range 30 west. He names the followw

ng witnesses to prove his continuous resiP' :ence upon , and cultivation of. said land , vi/ : tiJ. M. Williams , Morris Williams. Alfred H. bi

avis and George J. Fredericks , all of McCook , C-


. W. G. L. LAWS , Register. '


April 4th , 18S1. i

Notice fa hereby given that the following-named settler has (lied notice of his intention.

, tomukDunul proof in supportof his claim , umtthat suld proof will be made before Registeror Receiver at McQook , Neb. , on Friday. May23d, 1881 , viClmrfes W. Luthrop , D. S. 101 ,for the southeast H southwest J4 section 24and east H northwest H nnd northwest Hnortheast \ section 25. township 2 north , range-80 west. He names the following witnesses to-prove his continuous residence upon , und cul-tivation

¬of, said land , viz : William Pryor,

Charles Jacobs nnd Charles Bowles of McCook.-rich.

.. , and Edward C. Wheaton of Currico. Net*,

tf. G. L. LAWS , Register ¬

LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , NEU. ,Anrll 7th , 1884. f

Notice J hereby Riven that the following-named settler has Hied notice of Ills Intentionto mukeilnnl proof In support of his claim , andtint suhl proof will bo made before Renteror Receiverut McCook , Nel . , an Thutxlav.Mtiy22d , 1884. viz : WUberF. Saundors. forth'onorth '/J northeast Ji , northeast { northwestli section 29 und southeast Ji wnitInvest ! i sec-tion

¬20, township 1 north , range 28 west. Ho-

nainos the following witnesses to prove hi*continuous residence upon , and cultivationof, sul l Innd , viz : James H. Miller, John Con ¬

nor. Holicrt S. Coolcy and John L. Boilers , altof Stoughtou , Neb.45. G. L. LAWS , Register.

LAND OFFICE AT MCC.OOK , Nun. , iApril ttth , 1881. f

Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his Intentionto make Html proof In support of his claim , andthat suld proof will bo nmdo before Registeror Receiver ut McCook. Neb. , on Wednesday.Muy 28th , 1881 , viz : Dcntrick Uhikc , homesteadI'M } , for the south '4 southeast \ section 15 it nilnorth \ '- northeast }4 section ' 1 , township .north of range 29 west. Ho names the follow-In

-witnesses to prove his continuous residenceupon , and cultivation of, said land. via. : Nar-

tlninMeyers. . Isaac 1. Starbuck , William W_FiHhcr and Charles M. Fisher , all of .McCook *Neb. 45. G. L. LAWS. Register.

LAND OFMCE AT MCCOOK , <//MApril Wth , 1HS4. f .

Notice Is hereby given that the followingnamed settler has Hied notice of his intentionto make final proof In support of his claim , and r'ilthat said proof will bo made before Register ;or Receiver nt McCook. Neb. , on Saturday..May :.Nth , isq , vl/ : Richard Johnston , home-stead 1170 , for the southwest H southwest r .and lot 1 section sound lot 1 sectionS5 , town-ship

¬3, north of range 20 wet. He names thefoljowing witnesses to prove his continuous r

residence upon , and cultivation of. said land ,viz : William H. Smith. William W. Fisher. JohnEverts and Isaac J. Stiirhuck , all of .MeCook ,Nob. 45. G. L. LAWS , Register *


April Kith , 18HJ. >Notice is herobv given that the following tnamed settler has Hied notice of his Intpn-ewn

to make final proof in support of his claim , < md-t hub said proof will bo made before Registeror Receiver at McCook , Neb. , un Sutcantor.lune 7th , 18H4 , viz : Frederick Phismyere.IkS. No. ItU , for the northeast quarter section h.township II north , range : ) west. He nnnicjthe following witnesses to prove his continu-ous


residence upon , and cultivation of.saidhind , viz : Chrfotiun lilncholdcr , August C.Hogc , Rcorjrc S. White and Joseph Iluet.ari-of /McCoak , Neb.-


. G. L. LAWS , Refutes-

LAND OFFICB AT MCCOOK, NEX. ,April 13th. INtt. f

Notice Is hereby given th.-t the foUowlus-named settler has filed notice of bin fntcntftn-to make final proof in supportof hfscbcim.iirulthat said proof will be made before Registerand Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuw-dav.Mayt.'titlilSSIviCharles Ranseh , homestead048 , for the northwest quarter section IS. town-ship

¬ /ii-i

U , north of range 'M wit. . He names the /following M itncsscs to prove his coiitrnuMKresidence uj on , ami cultivation of. h >3 ttnd.-vi

./ : August Plasmcyer , Christian Rhufholdi'r. iGeorge White and Joveph Huet.all of McCook ,

Neb. 40. G. L. LAWS , Riveter.

LAND OFFICB AT MCCOOK.. March 28th , KM. f

Notice Is hereby given that the fnUowhurnamed settler has filed notice of his hit nit innto make final proof in support of hise3ainr.aiilthat said proof will be made before Itegirtor-or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on S tanlay.May Kith. 18 1. vi? : Jacob Randcl , ItninwtcmtW-TO , for the southwest li southwest *t lot* 2,{ and t section ill , township ; { north , n Bjev2S-west. . He names the following wituft ssto-nove his continuous residence upon , and cul-


of , said land , viz : .Tame * A. Taylor.John Longneckcr. Roval Buck unilG.F. Run-


. all of Red Willow , Neb.11- G. L. LAWS ,

LAND OPFJCK AT McCooK. NKB, . tMarch 2tn. JSM. f

Not iff * is hereby given that the followingmnicd settler has Hlrd .zoticeof bis im >itttf i-

o make final proof in Mippnrt of his chsim.iuxlhat said proof will be made beforeKegfetwir Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday. M.IY-th , 1S 4. viz : William A. Wishon. D. S. 1US,'or the northeast J.i northeist .x section 27-.ownship

.1 north , range 28 w-st. H - nuiww

he following witnesses to prove lite continu-ous


residence upon , and cultivation r. saMand , viz : C. Ahton , Fred. Vount.R. 1-


) and Francis Golay.ull of J>anbnry,N'eb. 44. G. L. LAWS , Register.


March 27th , loM. iNotice is hereby given that the following

named settler has Hied notice of his. intention0 make final proof in support of his claitn.andhat said-proof will be made before Register or-fcceivcr at McCook. Neb. , on Monday. Mity I*.S<4 , viz : John McCotter, homestead 30 < 7, forhe north 'i northeast U and east "- northwest1 section 25 , township :j north , range 30 Tract.1'.' names the following witnessable prove- hi-ontinuous


residence upon , and cultivationf, 3iid land , viz : John Farley , William N.

Enyeart , IJ. Enyeart and Lemuel McMunignl ,11 of McCook , Neb.44. G.L. LAWS , Register.


April 21 *t. 1K81. fNotice is hereby given that the following

named settler has llled notice of hi intentionto make final proof in support of his claim uniithat said proof will be madebtforelUgiijw-or Recei rer at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday. Jnne.I-JOth , 1S 4. viz : James S. Ackerson , for theeast ' . northeast Jt section and west inorthwest H section 2i ! , township 8. north ofrange 29 west G P. M. He names the followingwitnesses to prove his continuous rca-idencoupon , and cultivation of , wild land. viGoo. .W. Warner. Charles Sparhawk , John Millerund Israel Wood , all of Laird P. O. , NoBraska.

47. G. L. LAWS. Register.

LAND OFFICE AT McCooK. NEJI. . iApril 20th. 1854. f

Notice is hereby given that the followingaamed settler has Hied notice of his intentiono make final proofin support of his claim , andhat said proof will be made before Keyi ter-r> Receiver at MeCook. Neb. , on Tncsduv ,

Juuc 3d , 1884. viz : Gustavo E. Wallln , D. S.-


, for the southeast quarter section 11 , town-ship


3 north , range - > west. He names thefollowing witnesses to prove hiscontinm IJHresidence upon , and cultivation of. said li nil.'lz : Edgar Couse. Mather L. Hrown and Thos-.ttuggles

.of McCook , Neb. , and Isaac Johnson

f Rex Elder , Neb.48. G.L. LAWS. Register.

LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , tApril 2Sth. 1S84. f

Notice Is hereby given that the follov inj*

mined bottler bus filed notice of hi&intcnu . -o make final proof in supportof his claim , undhat said proof will be made before Registerr Receiver at MeCook. Xcb. , on Tuesday.June 10. 1884 , viz : William Fruin. D. S. No.1)9) , for the north i southwest i and south 'i-lorthwest '4 section 23, township 3 north ,ange 30 west. He names the following wit-


to prove his continuous residence upon ,ind cultivation of , said land , viz : Joh'n Coi-ius

-, Hiram Bixler, Arthur Snow und James

rain , all of McCook , Neb.48. G. L. LAWS. Register.

LAND OFFICE AT McC'ooK. NEB. ,May I>t. 18S4. t

Notice is hereby given that the followinglamed settler has tiled notice of his intentiono make final proof in tupport ot his claim , andhut said proof will be made before Reguvrort-ecciverut McCook. Neb. , on Sutunlay..Junc-

h , 1S84. viz : Matthew HJohnson.D. . S. >ip.31. for the east ! i northwest ! t. west 'i north-ust

-}i section S. . township 3 north , range 30-

rest. . He names the following witnesses torove his continuous residence upon , und cul-ivation

-of, said land , viz : Phillip H. Lami-


. Andrew Carbon. John Whittaker andLutherNcttlcton , all of McCook. Neb.

15 . G. L. LAWS , Register.