thesis for defense

Corporate Social Responsibility 1 ACKNOWLEGEMENT First, we would like to thank God Almighty for an opportunity that we can gather as a group to learn something new outside the classroom to enhance our knowledge and skills which He has blessed us. We would also like to thank our family for believing in us and for financially supporting us. We offer this study to you. To our adviser Dr. Leda Celis, Thank you for the continued guidance throughout this entire study. We couldn’t have done it without you. To our Research Teacher Mr. Eric Arthur Dio, thank you for giving us sound advices to make our study better and guiding us at the same time. To the President of Dr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial Hospital, Inc., Ms. Arlene Ledesma and to the Board of Directors, thank you for allowing us to conduct our study in your company.

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Corporate Social Responsibility1


First, we would like to thank God Almighty for an opportunity that we can gather as a

group to learn something new outside the classroom to enhance our knowledge and skills which

He has blessed us.

We would also like to thank our family for believing in us and for financially supporting

us. We offer this study to you.

To our adviser Dr. Leda Celis, Thank you for the continued guidance throughout this

entire study. We couldn’t have done it without you.

To our Research Teacher Mr. Eric Arthur Dio, thank you for giving us sound advices to

make our study better and guiding us at the same time.

To the President of Dr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial Hospital, Inc., Ms. Arlene Ledesma and

to the Board of Directors, thank you for allowing us to conduct our study in your company.

To the management of Dr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial Hospital, Inc. and Dr. Pablo O.

Torre Foundation especially to Ms.Jolly Mider and Ms. Anadel Jamili, thank you for giving us

your time in facilitating our study as well as providing the information that substantiated our


To us, the members of the group for the determination, commitment, optimism towards

this study and efforts to make this research complete and possible.

And to our dearest classmates, and closest friends, for the love and support and the

never ending cheers and enthusiasm to encourage us all the way throughout this study.

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Corporate Social Responsibility2


This research study assessed the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices of Dr.

Pablo O. Torre Memorial Hospital, Inc. together with its affiliated foundation, Dr. Pablo O.

Torre Foundation. CSR has become a fundamental requisite amongst corporate firms here in the

Philippines. The researchers obtained data from the Head of the Human Resources Department

and the head of the DPOT Foundation and from the employees of the company. The results of

the study can help to improve current CSR practices of Dr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial Hospital,

Inc. for better outcomes. Results drew from the data shows what the company’s concept of

Corporate Social Responsibility is and how it is implemented. It also showed how the employees

of the company are aware and satisfied of the current Corporate Social Responsibility practices

of the company. Both interview and survey questionnaires were used in obtaining the data.

The study aims to determine as well as give recommendations on the company’s CSR

program for the benefit of the company based on the data and results gathered.

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Corporate Social Responsibility3



Background of the Study

Before, the goals of the firms concentrated on maximizing profits for the firm, then it

upgraded to maximizing the shareholders’ wealth which concentrates on the welfare of the

owners of the company. Today, business owners have recognized the necessity to consider the

welfare of those affected by their firms or the stakeholders as it naturally becomes beneficial to

their companies rather than a burden. According to Peter Drucker (2004), “Every organization

must assume responsibility for its impact on employees, the environment, customers, and

whomever and whatever it touches. That is social responsibility.”

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is being practiced globally as a corporate strategy

and has shown significant results with regards to the firms’ customer relations. Some researches

show that customers prefer companies that practice CSR thus, increasing customer loyalty and

these companies have lesser risks of destroying their reputation which in return increase

profitability. When it comes to product branding and marketing it to the public may depend on

the strength and extent of CSR, another driving force may be cost management. Currently, more

and more Filipino businesses are seeing the benefits of CSR, and started to shift towards more

ethical business practices as public perception now plays a big role in product/brand building in

the market that would make them stand out from the rest.

Most of the big companies today would claim that they are not only into profit but they

also care for the welfare of the society. But some of them just want to show a false impression of

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Corporate Social Responsibility4

the company so that they could attract more customers. When profits for the company are now

being associated with the public interest, Corporate Social Responsibility might be ignored. Most

of the large companies only focus to have a large increased in their profit but don’t have waste

management. Goes to show that some companies may really have their own program for CSR

but the public is not aware of it or doubt about it.

Private Hospitals are entities that offer healthcare services to people for profit and are

primarily service in nature. It never runs out of customers because most people want to avail

health services for both prevention and cure and patients would really demand that they receive

the best care possible and pay the price for it.

Finding a way to balance between what their stakeholders need to have and what they can

afford to give, ensuring that these stakeholders receive not just good standards of public health

and that they are willing and able to provide the needed resources to perform these CSR

activities. If done well, they are able to secure public acceptance.

In this study, the researchers aim to evaluate the current CSR practices of one of the

major private hospitals in Bacolod City, Dr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial Hospital or more

popularly known as Riverside Medical Center, Inc. A thorough review of related existing

literature will be done to determine the standards for evaluation to be presented in this paper.

Initially, researchers review Corporate Social Responsibility, its theories, general principles and

practices then moving on to the beliefs and practices of the firm.

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The main objective of this study is to determine as well as give recommendations on the

CSR program of Dr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial Hospital, Inc.

The study also aims to answer the following specific objectives:

1. To assess the understanding of Dr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial Hospital, Inc. on the

Corporate Social Responsibility concept.

2. To determine how the Dr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial Hospital, Inc. describe the importance

of Corporate Social Responsibility to their business.

3. To determine the various implementation of CSR strategies of Dr. Pablo O. Torre

Memorial Hospital, Inc. to the different stakeholders.

4. To determine the factors that motivates Dr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial Hospital, Inc. to

engage with CSR activities.

5. To gain knowledge on the problems encountered by Dr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial Hospital,

Inc. in the implementation of its CSR program.

6. To know the type of resources used by Dr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial Hospital, Inc. to

sustain operations of its CSR program.

7. To determine the awareness and satisfaction of the employees of Dr. Pablo O. Torre

Memorial Hospital, Inc. of their company’s CSR activities

8. To come up with recommendations for the benefit and improvement of the company.

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Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Illustrated in Figure 1 is a CSR Framework which will focus on Dr. Pablo O. Torre

Memorial Hospital, Inc.’s CSR practices and how these programs cater to the stakeholders

affected and how will other factors such as the company’s perception of CSR and what drives

and hinders them from doing CSR activities.

The conceptual framework used for this study is a combination of two conceptual

frameworks, first is a conceptual framework presented in Jose Mario B. Maximiano’s study

entitled “The state of corporate social responsibility in the Philippines” and the second is

Hershey’s CSR Framework from its 2009 CSR Report.

Maximiano’s conceptual framework revolves around an overview of how socially

responsible Philippine business is. In the center of its framework is the firm, which has two

important and basic components that are tested, namely: (1) the extent of its CSR involvement in

areas such as social investment, environmental stewardship, etc. (2) the extent of the CSR

integration in terms of leadership, policy, etc. Furthermore, it comprehended both the prevailing

drivers and obstacles in the practice of CSR and looked at the correlations among the CSR

drivers, CSR barriers and expectations across all company sizes and industries.

As to Hershey’s CSR Framework, taken from its 2009 CSR Report, the company’s CSR

efforts are organized into what they call the four pillars: Environment, Workplace, Marketplace

and Community and in each of these pillars, the company has identified priority areas and

measurable targets to track improvements over time.

For this study, the frameworks were narrowed down and fused into one conceptual

framework. From the correlative variables taken from Maximiano’s framework only the CSR

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Perspective/View, Drivers and Barriers are included and the other will be the CSR Standards

which will be integrated in this study and instead that the extent of its CSR involvement in areas

such as social investment, environmental stewardship, issues in the workplace, and partnership

with the community, it will simplified in the form of Hershey’s CSR framework but instead of

four pillars: Environment, Workplace, Marketplace and Community, there are five pillars in

which the fifth will be the Government.

According to Lawrence & Weber (2008) the classification of government as a nonmarket,

or secondary, stakeholder has been controversial in stakeholder theory. Most theorists say that

government is a nonmarket stakeholder because it does not normally conduct any direct market

exchanges (buying and selling) with business. However, money often flows from business to

government in the form of taxes and fees, and sometimes from government to business in the

form of subsidies or incentives. Moreover, some businesses—defense contractors for example—

do sell directly to the government and receive payment for goods and services rendered. For this

reason, a few theorists have called government a market stakeholder of business.

Governments have the capacity to implement CSR in their countries and again from

Lawrence and Weber, (2008) Governments exercise political power through legislation,

regulations, or lawsuits. While government agencies act directly, other stakeholders use their

political power indirectly by urging government to use its powers by passing new laws or

enacting regulations. Citizens may also vote for candidates that support their views with respect

to government laws and regulations affecting business, a different kind of voting power than the

one discussed above. Stakeholders may also exercise political power directly, as when social,

environmental, or community activists organize to protest a particular corporate action.

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Corporate Social Responsibility8

Like an individual, there are certain factors that affect a company’s performance. In the

concept of Corporate Social Responsibility, a company can be motivated and hindered from

doing their activities included in its CSR Program. There are certain standards that it should

follow and their activities are somehow affected by the way they perceive the things it does. The

framework integrates the factors such as CSR Barriers, Drivers, Perspective and Standards in

order to determine the overall view of the company’s interpretation of CSR and how they plan to

integrate it in their operations.

Similarly all companies have considered valuing their stakeholders and also most of them

if not all have the same set of stakeholders especially private corporations only that they have a

different effect on each of their stakeholders and extent of integration. Stakeholders are divided

into sectors like what is included in the framework. Although the framework for the stakeholder

portion may be of a chocolate manufacturing company but it defines its CSR framework pillars

just like any other company would likely group their own stakeholders because they only have

one society that surrounds them.

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CSR Perspective

CSR Drivers

CSR Standards

CSR Barriers







Corporate Social Responsibility9

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework from Mario B. Maximiano’s study entitled “The state of

corporate social responsibility in the Philippines” and The Hershey Company’s CSR Framework

from its 2009 CSR Report.

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Scope and Limitation

The study aims to determine as well as give recommendations on the current CSR

practices of Dr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial Hospital,, Inc. In line with this, information gathering

will only be limited through an interview of a few people in the organization who are involved in

planning, integrating, implementing and the doing the CSR programs of the company and a

survey to employees in the Human Resources Department, Billing, Finance and Marketing.

Approval and availability of total information release were considered as limitations because the

company representative could only disclose information as to approval by top management

regarding their activities and due to confidentiality of some operations. Research and data-

gathering are restricted to the months of July to September of 2011. Moreover, time allotment is

also limited for management to be available for interviews and the employees to be open for


Significance of the Study

This study will be focusing on determining analyzing and later recommend on the

Corporate Social Responsibility in private hospitals such as Dr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial

Hospital,, Inc. for further improvement. With this research study, it will be significant to Dr.

Pablo O. Torre Memorial Hospital,, Inc. in continuing their tradition in not only providing the

best healthcare for the people in Bacolod and other nearby cities and municipalities but also

being a socially responsible company. Improvements in the CSR practices of Dr. Pablo O. Torre

Memorial Hospital,, Inc. will also facilitate the growth of the company within the society.

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Corporate Social Responsibility11

This study can benefit future researchers with the same field of study. This research can

somehow give other researchers the idea on how Corporate Social Responsibility is important

not only in private hospitals but also in other companies. It would set insight about the analysis

between concepts of CSR by the whole company itself and awareness and satisfaction of the

CSR practices by employees will help improve the operations of the industry. As this study deals

with the analysis of the current Corporate Social Responsibility practices applied by the Bacolod

Dr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial Hospital,, Inc., this study can be useful in the formulation of

possible alternatives and recommendations that would address the continuous improvement on

other companies’ Corporate Social Responsibility practices. Moreover, some companies that are

yet to develop their own Corporate Social Responsibility program may become aware of the

benefits of having a Corporate Social Responsibility program can bring to their operations.

Definition of Terms

Communities – groups of people who live in a common area

Corporate Social Responsibility - is the corporate initiative to determine and take into account

the responsibility for the effects of a company's operation on its stakeholders.

CSR Barriers – reasons that hinders implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility


CSR Drivers – reasons that motivates the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility


CSR Perspective – how a company as a whole and the employees view Corporate Social


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CSR Standards – these are levels of qualities of Corporate Social Responsibility that are

accepted as the norms or by which current performances are compared

Customers – refers to the persons who avail the products and services of the company.

Employees – refers to the persons who work for the company

Environment – refers to nature, the natural surroundings around the organization.

Government – a hierarchy of persons who are authorized to administer laws.

Management – refers to a body in the organization the makes decisions, forms and implements

policies and supervises and reviews the operation of the whole company.

Marketplace – composed mainly of the customers and suppliers whom are considered in market


Stakeholder - refers to persons and groups that affect, or are affected by, an organization’s

decisions, policies, and operations.

Stockholders – persons who own shares of stock of a firm.

Workplace – composed of the employees as well as the stockholders whom are considered in

the whole organization.

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It is a wonder how businesses have complex relationships with society and how they are

able manage these interactions that may lead to their success or failure. To be able to build a

relationship with society that has too many expectations, government interventions, added with

climate change, and release of the latest technologies, management will really have a difficult

time to both achieve economic profits and create value for the diversified market.

According to Lawrence and Weber (2008), Business today is one of the dominant

institutions in society and all over the world. And business refers to any organization that is

engaged in making a product or providing a service for a profit. Society, on the other hand, refers

to human beings and to the social structures they collectively create. In a more specific sense, the

term is used to refer to segments of humankind, such as members of a particular community,

nation, or interest group. As a set of organizations created by humans, business is clearly a part

of society. At the same time, it is also a distinct entity, separated from the rest of society by clear

boundaries. Business is engaged in ongoing exchanges with its external environment across these

dividing lines.

According to, David Korten (1996), Business has become, in the last half century, the

most powerful institution on the planet. The dominant institution in any society needs to take

responsibility for the whole resources. Every decision that is made, every action that is taken,

must be viewed in light of that kind of responsibility.

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The precise nature of CSR is understood in different ways, with differences in

understanding or representation of the concept relatable to different paradigms and concerns.

Although there are several contested notions of what CSR should be and how it should work,

there is some agreement upon what it broadly entails. A number of concepts and issues are

subsumed under the heading of CSR, including human rights, environmental responsibility,

diversity management, sustainability, and philanthropy (Amaeshi&Adi, 2006), which makes

CSR a very complicated topic to analyze because of the many fields of study involved in this


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) means that a corporation should be held

accountable for any of its actions that affect people, their communities, and their environment. It

implies that harm to people and society should be acknowledged and corrected if at all possible.

It may require a company to forgo some profits if its social impacts seriously hurt some of its

stakeholders or if its funds can be used to have a positive social impact. (Lawrence &Weber ,

2008, p.45-46)

Wayne Visser (2011), founder and director of CSR International, defines CSR as “the

way in which business consistently creates shared value in society through economic

development, good governance, stakeholder responsiveness and environmental improvement.”

Put it in another way, “CSR is an integrated, systemic approach by business that builds, rather

than erodes or destroys, economic, social, human and natural capital.”

Doing the most good for your company and your cause, “Corporate Social Responsibility

is a commitment to improve community well-being through discretionary business practices &

contributions of corporate resources” (Kotler & Lee, 2005, p.3)

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Furthermore in Lawrence and Weber’s book, Business & Society; Stakeholders, Ethics,

Public Policy, they mentioned about two principles for CSR, The Charity and Stewardship

Principle. According to them, The Charity Principle is the idea wherein the wealthiest members

of society should be charitable toward those less fortunate, is a very ancient notion. On the other

hand in the Stewardship principle, business leaders who follow this principle, although their

companies are privately owned and they try to make profits for the stockholders, believe that

they have an obligation to see that everyone – particularly those in need or at risk – benefits from

their firms’ actions. According to this view, corporate managers have been placed in a position

of public trust. (Lawrence &Weber, 2005, p.48-49)

The implementation of CSR will make corporations voluntarily take into account their

stakeholders whom are affected of their operations. As what the European Commission defines

CSR as "a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their

business operations and in their interactions with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis"

(European Multi-stakeholder Forum on CSR, 2004, p.3)

Similarly, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) considers CSR

to involve corporations taking responsibility for their "impact economically, socially,

environmentally and in terms of human rights" (CIPD website). The UK Corporate

Responsibility Bill (2002) suggests that corporations should "take all reasonable steps to

minimize any negative environmental, social and economic impacts" (Article 7b).

Accordingly the previous definitions place emphasis on avoidance of harm, wherein the

concept that firms should share responsibility towards the stakeholders and be able to sustain and

seek positive change.

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McWilliams & Siegel (2001) define CSR as "actions that appear to further some social

good, beyond the interests of the firm and that which is required by law" (117), and similarly

Carroll's (1991) 'Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility' includes philanthropic


The role of the stakeholder is a key to a CSR approach, with stakeholders understood to

include any person who may be affected by any operations to which a report applies and includes

but is not limited to shareholders and investors, employees, communities and individuals.

(Corporate Responsibility Bill, 2002, Article 3)

The stakeholder theory of the firm, argues that corporations serve a broad public purpose

which is to create value for society. All companies must make a profit for their owners; indeed, if

they did not, they would not long survive.

Supporters of the stakeholder theory of the firm make three core arguments for their

position which are descriptive, instrumental, and normative. Descriptive argument gives details

to the actual work of the company such as giving attention to the financial performance, while

instrumental argument view stakeholder management as a corporate strategy and the normative

argument states that stakeholder management is simply the right thing to do. (Lawrence &

Weber, 2005) Companies have a greater control over the vast resources and these hold them

responsible to any actions that they do.

Others have expanded the stakeholder definition beyond individuals and groups to

include, for example, the environment (Haigh& Griffiths, 2007). The notion of the stakeholder

translates into accountability on the part of a company; whether to people or non-human

stakeholders (Jacobs, 1997).

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A great deal of CSR literature is concerned with the perceived dichotomy of the

normative and instrumental approaches. Much of the literature promotes the 'business case' for

CSR with many claiming that "ethics can be good for business" (Swain in The Independent,

2007). CSR is understood to be a corporate strategy in companies which makes them distinguish

and protect their brands, create stakeholder trust, and attract and retain potential members of the

marketplace and workplace. It is debated that CSR must be made relevant to the concerns of

business people by emphasizing and focusing on the ‘instrumental' approach that "CSR needs to

be reconstructed in an instrumental linguistic praxis to be meaningful to managers in their day-

to-day pursuits of organizational goals and objectives" (Amaeshi&Adi, 2006: 3)

However, those who take a normative approach express the concern that an

instrumentalist approach diminishes the underpinning ethical principles of CSR. For normative

approach "many HR advocates resist any arguments to the effect that a corporate HR agenda is

'good business' because that argument commodities basic principles of human dignity and thus

surrenders the moral high ground. In this view, corporations should protect human rights because

it is the right thing to do, whether it is profitable or not" (Steinhardt in Alston, 2005:179).

In effect, the normative and instrumental debate rests upon different notions of what the

'bottom line' of business might be. The different approaches themselves can be understood to be

"underpinned by substantively differentiating, relative logics of emotional rationalism on the one

hand, and instrumental rationalism (rational choice) on the other" (Amaeshi&Adi, 2006: 1).

Interestingly, Reinhardt (in Hay et al, 2005) notes that the normative and instrumental

arguments are often used simultaneously. For example, "CSR involves a change in company

motivation. This may stem from the ethical attitudes of the managers in an industrial company,

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or from an awareness that the company's own interests are best served by an enlightened policy"

(Beesley& Evans, 1978: 35)

CSR seem to be used to suit different contexts or audiences in order to 'sell' the idea. It is

argued that an instrumental approach would only involve acting ethically as long as it was

profitable to do so, whereas a normative approach suggests a more consistent ethical

performance (Gond&Matten, 2007).

Partly, arguments on the characteristics of CSR can be associated to different ideas of the

corporations’ nature and function and its relationship to society. Business ethics becomes then

the key part on the arguments involved. CSR is established like a political statement that gives

responsibility for corporations to be involved in the society as well as to the country or state.

Different frameworks will be discussed on the following paragraphs that would show different

understandings about the corporations’ role in the society.

One of the most widely cited and strident opponents of the notion that corporations

should be socially responsible is Milton Friedman (1970) who stated that: "The businessmen

believe that they are defending free enterprise when they declaim that business is not concerned

'merely' with profit but also with promoting desirable 'social' ends; that business has a 'social

conscience' and takes seriously its responsibilities for providing employment, eliminating

discrimination, avoiding pollution and whatever else may be the catchwords of the contemporary

crop of reformers. Businessmen who talk this way are unwitting puppets of the intellectual forces

that have been undermining the basis of a free society these past decades" (Friedman, 1970)

Hemingway’s position relies on the 'theory of the firm' where all activity is directed

towards shareholder value (Hemingway, 2005). Carroll (1991) suggests that economic

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responsibility is the 'bottom line' "because without it the others become moot considerations"

(Carroll, 1991: 41). Others acknowledge that ethics and economics might sometimes clash, and

suggest that corporations must move beyond the notion that profit "can alone stand as a reason

for studying the ethics of business" (Chryssides&Kaler, 2005: 34). But the purpose of the

corporation is related to its status in society, and in particular, the question: "Is the corporation

the private property of the stockholders who choose to do business in the corporate form, or is

the corporation a public institution sanctioned by the state for some social good?" (Boatright,

2000: 248)

“Business ethics knocks on the individual conscience before one makes decision, while

CSR nags the moral accountability of a group of individuals. I stress here that CSR assumes that

practitioners are ethical. CSR requires the business leaders and the other members of the

organization are well founded in business ethics before doing corporate citizenship. You cannot

practice CSR without Business Ethics.” (Maximiano, 2003: p7). The statement speaks about the

importance of business ethics in the function of CSR. It is clearly shown that business ethics

affects the decision making of CSR in performing an activity for it must considered first whether

it is ethical or not. Managers are also expected to have greater understanding or knowledge in

about business ethics for they are one of those who are creating and deciding an activity.

CSR includes code of conduct, corporate citizenship, employee volunteerism, resource

sharing and management, social investment and sustainable development. CSR is interested in

broadening participation is social development efforts by getting more people participate in

poverty alleviation programs and community involvement. It believes that more people are

engaging the better the CSR. (Maximiano, 2003: p8).

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“While others are contented with minimal requirements of the moral norms and code of

conduct, the goal of both business ethics is personal excellence and that of CSR is corporate

excellence. Corporate Social Responsibility is the application of the fundamental principles to

concrete situations in life.” (Maximiano, 2003: p9 paragraph 4).

Corporate social responsibility is the result of a deep conviction that there is something

superior to truth, and that is social involvement. A good theory without daily living is diseased.

For this reason, it is always harder and far more challenging to leave the truth and get involve

that to memorize some code of conducts. (Maximiano, 2003: p9 paragraph 7).

The basic CSR principles implicated are the prioritization of labor over capital, respect

for human dignity and employee rights. Employment at will is opposed to corporate citizenship

in the workplace and absolutely unethical in business because it is morally wrong and socially

irresponsible to see labor as one of the factors involve in production and it is also morally wrong

to consider the absolute management of human resources as part of the employer’s property

right. (Maximiano, 2003: p267)

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has permeated management practice and theory

up to a point where CSR can be referred to as the latest management fad (Guthey, Langer, &

Morsing, 2006).

At the individual level, CSR has been constructed by Ackermann (1975) as managerial

discretion. According to this view managerial actions are not fully defined by corporate policies

and procedures. So although managers are constrained by their work environment they

nonetheless have to weigh the moral consequences of the choices they make.

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The view of CSR is strongly anchored in the business ethics literature (Jones, 1991; Donaldson

& Dunfee, 1994; Crane & Matten, 2003).

CSR thus becomes a question of stakeholder identification, involvement, and

communication (Mitchell, Agle, & Wood, 1997; Morsing & Beckmann, 2006; Morsing &

Schultz, 2006).

“The purpose of stakeholder management was to devise a framework to manage

strategically the myriad groups that influenced, directly and indirectly, the ability of a firm to

achieve its objectives.” (Freeman & Velamuri, 2006)

Literature bringing together CSR and innovation has emerged gradually over the past

decade. One interpretation of “social innovation” can refer to improvements in the CSR process.

(Dorado, 2005)

The term “corporate social innovation” was first introduced by Rosabeth Moss Kanter

(1999: 125) who argues that firms should use social issues as a learning laboratory for

identifying unmet needs and for developing solutions that create new markets defines corporate

social innovation as a way of "finding new products and services that meet not only the

functional needs of consumers for tasty food or clean clothes but also their wider aspirations as

citizens."(Cited in Webb, 2007) most firms remain focused on CSR as a tool to reduce risks and

operational cost (Hockerts, 2008)

He proposes that corporate social innovation requires the creation of knowledge

structures that result from investments in corporate social performance. Examples for such

scripts could be CSR management and communication tools (i.e. Kuhndt, Tunçer, & Liedtke,

2003; Seuring, 2004; Beske, Koplin, & Seuring, 2006; Burritt & Saka, 2006; Morsing, 2006;

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Perrini, 2006b; Von Hauff & Kleine, 2006; Vallentin, 2007) that in turn can initiate corporate

learning processes (Müller & Siebenhüner, 2005).

An important subtheme of corporate social innovation is the focus on low-income

markets. Prahalad and Hart (1999) premise is that by focusing on the unmet needs of low-income

populations firms can create profitable markets while also helping the poor address some of their

most urgent needs (Christensen, Craig, & Hart, 2001; Prahalad & Hammond, 2002; Prahalad &

Hart, 2002). Prahalad’s most notable assumption is that BOP markets have to pay a “poverty

premium”(Prahalad & Hammond, 2002: 8). This implies that the financially - challenged have to

pay more for goods and services than their fellow countrymen who are in the middle class and


By using BOP thinking MNCs are believed to better target their design as well as

improve the distribution so as to bring down the poverty premium.

At the institutional level, literature on innovation and CSR has mainly focused on

standards-driven institutional entrepreneurship. Examples, include research work on the creation

of the Global Compact, an institutional innovation aiming at creating a framework for reporting

the social, environmental, and economic performance of firms (Etzion & Ferraro, 2006; Brown,

de Jong, & Lessidrenska, 2007).

The role of the manager and other key decision makers is a central concern of much CSR

literature. Key staff members are understood to face a complex task in implementing CSR values

in concrete situations, and potentially to lack the skills to do so. Much of the literature suggests

that commitment of employees and in particular decision makers is essential to successful CSR.

The personal values of managers are understood to be important, relating to the status of the

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manager as a 'moral actor'. Also interactions between organizational culture and personal values

of managers are seen to be significant (Hemingway, 2005).

A key aspect of CSR, as suggested, is dialogue with and responsibilities to stakeholders.

Carroll suggests that the notion of stakeholders enables a personalisation of responsibilities and

also "delineating the specific groups or persons business should consider in its CSR orientation"

(Carroll 1991: 41).

"Regrettably, a significant amount of American material which passes for business ethics has

been written by well-intentioned business people who, unfortunately, lack the analytical skills

which would enable them to be clear as to what precisely key concepts such as fairness, justice,

truth and the like might mean" (Chryssides & Kaler, 2005: 9)

As presented in ASEAN Foundation’s Publication entitled ASEAN Foundation and

Emerging CSR Issues and Challenges (2008), introduces that in ASEAN’s Corporate Social

Responsibility as a core strategic function in the enterprise, consistent with the mission of the

organization, and aligned with the concept of sustainable development, positive competitive

outcomes, and an equitable sharing of resources across society. Its key elements may include:

corporate governance, human resource management, regulatory compliance, environmental

stewardship, community outreach and investment, and human rights. Thus, there is broad

agreement that CSR encompasses more than the traditional philanthropic activities.

In December 2005, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) published a report

on Corporate Social Responsibility in the APEC Region: Current Status and Implications

containing the results of the study conducted in 14 countries in the Asia-Pacific region, including

several ASEAN countries, namely, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam.

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The APEC report has noted that the similarities between the 14 countries when it comes to CSR

is that the origins and conceptualization of CSR is rooted in the historical and cultural traditions

of each country, and is deeply influenced by ethical concepts and religious practice. It has also

noted that CSR is gradually moving from its historical focus on business philanthropy to a

broader set of activities and integrate the practice of CSR into the core strategy of the

organization. For this transformation to occur to its full potential there must be a clear business

case made articulating the benefits of CSR. However, this is difficult to achieve in practice

because tools to evaluate the benefits of CSR and to make CSR operational is still

underdeveloped. Nevertheless, there is rapid growth in the development to measure and evaluate

CSR because this will enhance the credibility of CSR and make it easier to substantiate.

For the Philippines, the APEC report has observed that market forces have been the

major drivers of CSR behavior. Corporations and private institutions involve themselves in CSR

activities not only as a tactical response to crises but also to acknowledge that business will not

thrive in an environment that majority of the population are poor. The report also noted that the

conception of CSR practices can be traced back to the 1950s and has significantly increased with

latest recorded corporate giving (2002-2004) increasing three-fold to P2.6 billion in a period of

ten years and CSR is usually philanthropic in nature with health and education being the main

recipients and internal expressions of CSR, like employee involvement towards CSR, are

practiced and integrated to the day to day operations of big companies. Lastly, the report also

noted that sustaining the commitment and resources available for CSR are the main challenges as

social problems continues to exists along with the deteriorating economic condition of the

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country and the leaders who promote CSR commitment within an organization have been

identified as the principal agents for the promotion strategy.

In August 2005, Dr. J. L. Gonzales III, a professor in Golden Gate University, published

a paper on Corporate Social Responsibility in Asia, which provides an overview of CSR and its

impact on social development with special emphasis on Asia. One underlying argument that the

paper makes is that, although many of the CSR interventions being applied globally are

relatively “new” to Asia, CSR, when operationally defined as “corporation-community

collaboration (CCC) towards social development”, becomes a vintage concept familiar to

generations of Asian entrepreneurs and the communities they serve. The case studies that formed

the bases for the paper include ASEAN countries such as the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia

and Singapore. The paper concludes that CSR in Asian businesses comes from spiritual and

philosophical underpinnings and in order to initiate and make CSR successful, there should be a

profitable business climate, wealth accumulation and it requires a legal framework that promotes

openness, partnerships, and democratization.

In the legal framework, the paper recommends that policy makers should recognize that CCC

is both a CSR process and a CSR product. They should encourage trust and confidence-building

activities since they seem to be the most important components of formal CSR-CCC

conceptualization and institutionalization. Mostly, they should signal to private firms and civil

society groups to factor CCC and other CSR interventions into their business models early.

(ASEAN Foundation, 2008)

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According to Jo Bilson, “Corporate social responsibility (CSR) or corporate citizenship

entails companies behaving in a socially responsible manner, and dealing with other business

parties who do the same. With growing public awareness and demand for socially responsible

businesses, it is little wonder that companies of today take corporate social responsibility into

account when planning future socially responsible business operations.”

One approach to engaging in corporate social responsibility is through community-based

development projects. Community-based and community-driven development projects have

become an important form of development assistance among global socially responsible

companies. An economic relationship implies a strategy of engaging the wider community into

the core business activity of the company so that communities become embedded in corporate

supply chain strategy to create a sustainable business.” (Bilson, 2010)

The Hershey’s Company released its first Corporate Social Responsibility Report in the

year 2009. In this report the company stated that Hershey’s corporate strategy calls for building

“a sustainable and competitively advantaged business model.” And they believe that CSR

supports this strategy by providing the context and focus for driving continuous improvement

that balances stakeholder interests and ensures the company’s long-term viability. (The

Hershey’s Company, 2009)

For Petron, corporate social responsibilities are values firmly held in their corporation.

This is highlighted in the company’s corporate mission: caring for the community and the

environment. In pursuit to this mandate, Petron Foundation implements programs to secure the

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future of the Filipino children and fuel their hopes through corporate social responsibility

endeavours in the areas of education, environment, health and human services and advocacy.

Petron’s CSR programs are under the umbrella called Project H.O.P.E. - Helping

Filipinos Overcome Poverty through Education. It is focused on providing the specialized

learning program for the underserved children and youth. For the children, the focus will be on

sending elementary-aged kids from Grades 1 to 6, keep them there, keep them well, and make

sure that they learn. Support programs for the scholars’ parents are also provided. Parallel to this

is the building of Petron Schools in areas where the need for a venue for education is greatest.

The program for the youth, on the other hand, will be focused on promoting entrepreneurship

among the youth by undertaking, creating, coordinating and acting as catalyst in

entrepreneurship education and development, with the end-goal of making them creators of

wealth. (Petron, 2011)

Based on the belief that integration of CSR into business activities is essential for

sustainable growth, Samsung Electronics makes every effort to listen to the views of internal and

external stakeholders and incorporate them into CSR initiatives.

For systematic implementation of CSR, the CSR Liaison Office, which reports directly to

the CEO, was created in January 2009. A consultative body comprising of executives of CSR

related departments holds discussions on how to address and resolve major CSR issues and

questions posed by external stakeholders. The recent rise in CSR related inquiries from external

stakeholders has increased the need for timely and transparent information disclosure. In

response, Samsung Electronics set up a new external request handling system to facilitate

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communication with stakeholders. In 2010, we received 96 requests from external stakeholders.

We effectively responded to these inquiries through cooperation with the HR, environment and

IR departments. Presently, we are expanding the scope of issues covered in the Sustainability

Report and information disclosure via the Web to communicate CSR issues more effectively.

(Samsung, 2011)

Caring for the world, one person at a time inspires and unites the people of Johnson &

Johnson. This year, we celebrate 125 years of embracing research and science - bringing

innovative ideas, products and services to advance the health and well-being of people.

Employees of the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies work in more than 250 operating

companies in 60 countries throughout the world. The passion and commitment of our people

yield innovations that further minimize our impact on the planet, drive new alliances to address

major health challenges in developing and developed countries, and help to create economic

opportunity for people. Improving human health and well-being is our crucial mission and the

ultimate measure of upholding our responsibility now and for generations to come. (Johnson &

Johnson, 2011)


Base on the data gathered CSR infuse management theory and practices up to the point

where CSR was referred to as a management trend. Although there are several definition of CSR

given by the different authors, the researchers gave meaning to Corporate Social Responsibility

as the act of helping the community through providing education, establishing charities for the

less fortunate and also for offering programs which can rehabilitate the environment. This made

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the company capable of controlling vast resources and holding themselves responsible in

whatever actions that they do that can affect the community.

The researchers also learned about the charity and stewardship principle. Charity

principle states that the wealthiest people in the society should help the less fortunate in the

community and Stewardship principle states that the company whether privately or publicly

owned should always consider that whatever actions that they do must be beneficial to the health

and well-being of the people and to the environment and economy as well.

CSR is the application of the fundamental principle to concrete situation in life. The more

the people that are engaged in CSR the better. It is also necessary that there is willingness and

commitment on the people engaging in CSR.

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Research design

The research describes how Corporate Social Responsibility is done in Dr. Pablo O.

Torre Memorial Hospital, Inc.

The research study employed the evaluative method. The purpose of using this method

was to analyze the variables of this study which are the current CSR practices of Dr. Pablo O.

Torre Memorial Hospital,, Inc. to their stakeholders namely the Environment, Workplace which

is composed of the employees and stockholders, Marketplace which is composed of the

customers and suppliers, Community and Government, which are affected by the following

factors: CSR barriers, CSR drivers, CSR perspective and CSR standards. It also aims to know the

importance of Corporate Social Responsibility to attain better stakeholder relations by first

knowing the companies’ perspective of CSR, what drives or hinders them from doing CSR

activities to their main stakeholders and then forming an action plan for improvement.

Data Sources / Participant

Dr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial Hospital, Inc. and its affiliated foundation, Dr. Pablo O.

Torre Foundation which does a part of RMCI.’s corporate social responsibility as a separate

entity being supported by the hospital are the participants of the study.

The target respondents of the research were the individuals who are involved in the

involved in planning, integrating, implementing and the doing the CSR programs of the hospital.

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The CSR manager or supervisor or the person in-charge of the said CSR activities of Dr. Pablo

O. Torre Memorial Hospital, Inc. was asked to undergo an interview. These authorized personnel

affect the CSR programs of the company by selecting which activities were appropriate and to be

implemented with regards to CSR. They are also responsible for assessing the feedbacks of the

stakeholders to their operations and in charge of the delegation of work to specific personnel,

pertaining to the activities being implemented. The personnel involved in doing the CSR

activities are involved in terms of how aware and satisfied they are with the company’s CSR and

if they want to suggest more activities because they are the ones in direct contact with the

stakeholders who are affected by the CSR activities.

Research Instrument

The researchers used interview and survey questionnaire as research instrument. Both

guideline questions for the interview and survey questionnaire was prepared and validated by the

USLS researchers and faculty members.

The guideline questions for the interview for this study are composed of open-ended

questions of which the interviewees are encouraged to answer questions with free flow thinking

and therefore impart in the study the needed in-depth and relevant information. As it is, the

interview utilized leading, open-ended, and direct questions.

The interview was used because the researchers felt that it would be advantageous to

gather more in-depth information through this method. The purpose of open-ended questions is

to make it easier for the researchers to analyze and let the interviewees further explain their

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answers. To be able to acquire more accurate and detailed information, the researchers’

analytical skill then is a principal key. The interview process was conducted in a formal manner.

The survey questionnaire was composed of questions to give the researchers an idea of

the employee’s awareness and satisfaction regarding the company’s Corporate Social



To approve the validity of the questionnaires for the interview, first the researchers

submitted a list of questions to be asked for the interview and survey questionnaire for approval

by the Research Teacher. The researchers made the necessary procedures to correct and further

improve and validate the instrument to the Research Teacher and two faculty members of the

College of Business and Accountancy of University of St. La Salle – Bacolod after assessment of

the instrument which includes excluding irrelevant questions, changing of jargon words to

simpler terms and replacing inappropriate words that may cause the participants to

misunderstand its meaning. After approval was given, the researchers then proceeded to the

interview and survey.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers of the study have gathered data through many procedures. First, the

researchers engaged in drawing out data in order to compose relevant questions that could be

answered by the participants answer the objectives of the study. The questionnaires have

undergone a validity test by the Research Teacher and two faculty members of the College of

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Business and Accountancy of University of St. La Salle – Bacolod. A revision was made after

the validation of the questionnaires. A letter of intent to conduct a study on the companies was

sent then was asked personally of the appointment for interview. The letter contained general

idea of the topic and the objectives of the study. The guideline questions and survey

questionnaire were given to the authorized personnel beforehand to let them view the questions

that would be asked to them. After the authorized personnel have approved the questionnaire, the

researchers proceeded with the interview and reproduced survey questionnaires which were

distributed through the help of the upper management. There were two respondents from the

upper management who undergo the interview while 50 survey questionnaires were distributed

randomly by top management to the different employees from the Human Resources

Department, Billing Department, Finance Department and Marketing Department. It was done in

best effort to collect the data however only 33 survey questionnaires were returned to the

researchers. After the information was collected, the researchers expressed their gratitude for the

respondents’ answers.

Data Analysis

Qualitative data will be utilized in the study. Qualitative data will be analyzed

based on the theoretical and conceptual framework and through the review of related literature of

this research. Data that were gathered by the researchers from the interview were analyzed

qualitatively. Answers of each participant to the questions were categorized accordingly to easily

analyze the findings.

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Primarily the data were obtained through the answers from the conducted interview.

Findings of the study will then be associated with the other data utilized in the study which were

obtained from published documents such as journals, articles and case studies as reflected on the

review of related literature made in the beginning of the paper through a narrative analysis.

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The researchers interviewed first Ms. Jolly A. Mider, Head of the Pablo O. Torre

Foundation and Ms. Anadel R. Jamili, Head of the Human Resource Development. The Ms.

Jolly told the researchers that the hospital doesn’t have a clear cut CSR because all activities

regarding CSR are being done through the foundation. The hospital only supports the activities

of the foundation. When the researchers interviewed Ms. Anadel, she confirmed that indeed the

Hospital only supports the CSR activities of the foundation.

The researchers then used the questionnaires to survey the employees as to whether or not

they are aware of the company’s CSR activities. There were 33 respondents which were

employees of the hospital; they were randomly picked by the Riverside’s Human Resource


Based on the results of the survey, the researchers found out that all of the respondents

are aware of the hospital’s Corporate Social Responsibility as well as its implementation.

Out of the 33 respondents who are aware of the hospital’s CSR and its implementations,

31 respondents participate in its implementation.

The respondents are involved in Outreach Communities, Employee Training, Medical

Mission, Waste Management and Tree Planting. They primarily participate in Waste

Management Program which ranks first followed by Employee Training, Medical Mission,

Outreach to Communities and Tree Planting respectively.

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Waste Management is the program wherein the garbage of the hospital is being

segregated as to whether it can be recyclable or non-recyclable, biodegradable or non-

biodegradable, hazardous or non-hazardous, radioactive or non-radioactive. This program is

important because if garbage is not being sorted and disposed properly, this may lead to serious

diseases to the people inside the hospital and it will be lethal to the community around our city’s

dumpsites. Employee Training Program on the other hand is where employees are being trained

to help improve their job performance. This includes attending seminars or workshops. Medical

Mission Program is where the foundation conducts an activity to help a certain community. It

helps by giving free medical check-ups and treatment such as free circumcision, medicines, and

amenities that the community are deprived due to financial constraints. Community Outreach

programs are given by the foundation to provide support and guidance towards the community.

In line with this, they educate the individuals with health-related information and practices, and

seminars. It also includes livelihood projects. Tree planting is one activity related to the


All respondents were satisfied with the company’s practice of CSR however a few have

recommendations that the foundation would still continue to implement CSR programs because

they have a great impact but should have additional programs to increase their income thru

livelihood or other related programs.

Graphs 1 & 2 below, shows the awareness of the employees on the concept,

implementation and their participation on the different Corporate Social Responsibility activities

of the hospital.

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Graph 1

CSR Awareness According to Concept, Implementation and Participation of CSR




0 2



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Graph 2

Employee involvement in CSR Activities of Dr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial Hospital,, Inc.












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Based from the data collected, the researchers have drawn the following conclusions:

The company is quite confused of the real concept of Corporate Social Responsibility.

Knowing that there are two separate entities within the company that concerns to the Corporate

Social Responsibility activities of the company, Top management of the hospital says that

anything regarding their Corporate Social Responsibility is all made through the foundation

which is the Dr. Pablo O. Torre Foundation and that they are just supporting it by providing

volunteers and the amenities needed. The head of the foundation says that the foundation’s

concern is more on the communities and the environment and that they have nothing to do with

Corporate Social Responsibility towards other stakeholders such as the customers, employees,

suppliers, and the like which implies that there is no clear definition of the company’s Corporate

Social Responsibility. The hospital has a lot of activities that affect their customers and

employees that are part of company policies and strategies but they are not considering it as

Corporate Social Responsibility partly maybe because the company’s concept of Corporate

Social Responsibility might only be philanthropic in nature.

The company is motivated to do CSR activities by their company’s mission and vision as

a hospital and there are no major constraints that hinder it from doing these activities. The

activities of the foundation are primarily financed by the fundraising activities of the foundation

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and the personnel are provided by the hospital and a few external volunteers and being sustained

by monitoring the activities.

As to the employees side, they are aware of the concept of Corporate Social

Responsibility and its implementation in the company and are satisfied with its current state.

However, their concept of CSR seems to be also philanthropic in nature but some of them are

involved in non-philanthropic activities such as employee training.


Dr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial Hospital, Inc. is considered one of the best hospitals in the

province because of their state of the art facilities that provide better healthcare and service to

their customers. Continuous improvement of their current philanthropic activities will help them

improve their image to the public.

A seminar about Corporate Social Responsibility on the part of the hospital might help

employees as well as the management to gain more knowledge on Corporate Social

Responsibility as to its true nature that it is more than just outreach, medical mission and other

philanthropic activities.

As to their current activities, they could focus on livelihood programs that are income-

generating to somehow help communities have other sources of income that may help them in

their day to day living.

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We the undersigned Senior Management Accounting students of University of St. La Salle – Bacolod are currently doing a senior thesis as requirement for graduation. We wish to conduct an interview in your company to give us the glimpse of Corporate Social Responsibility being practiced in Dr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial Hospital, Inc. As part of the business world in the future, may we ask for your benevolent support in this endeavor. We assure you that the information you give will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Thank you very much.

Abrot, Joseph

Barcelona, Benjamin Jr.

Dawa, Phillip Anthony

Gane, Efren Jr.

Severino, Debbie Diane


NAME OF COMPANY: __________________________________________________________________

LOCATION: __________________________________________________________________________

TYPE OF BUSINESS: ___________________________________________________________________

DATE/YEAR FOUNDED: ________________ CURRENT NO. OF EMPLOYEES: _____________

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1. What is your company’s understanding about Corporate Social Responsibility?


2. As a company, how do you consider the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility?

___ As a company policy___ As a commitment to the community___ As a corporate strategy___ As a reputation builder___ As a tradition

Other: ___________________________________

3. Currently, How do you ensure the implementation of CSR to the ff:

a. Customers______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b. Suppliers


c. Employees


d. Stockholders


e. Communities______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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f. Environment


g. Government




4. What motivates your company to do CSR activities?


5. Has your company encountered problems that become a hindrance from doing such activity?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Does your company provide budget and personnel for the activities?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. How does your company ensure that your CSR activities are sustainable?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Corporate Social Responsibility48


Employee Awareness and Satisfaction of the

Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility

Survey Questionnaire

Good day!

We the undersigned Senior Management Accounting

students of University of St. La Salle – Bacolod are

currently doing a senior thesis as requirement for

graduation. We wish to conduct a survey in your

company to give us idea of your awareness and

satisfaction regarding your company’s Corporate

Social Responsibility. We assure you that the

information you give will be treated with utmost


Thank you very much.


Name (optional):_______________________

Age: ___ Sex: ____ Dept._______________

Kindly shade the circle corresponding to your answer.


1. Are you aware of the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility?

O Yes O No2. Are you aware that this is implemented in

your company?O Yes O No

3. If yes, do you participate in its implementation?O Yes O No

(If no, proceed to question no. 5)

4. What kind of CSR activities are you

involved with? (you can shade more than

one circle)

O Outreach community

O Employee training

O Medical Mission

O Waste Management

O Tree Planting

Others (please specify):



5. Are you satisfied with your company’s

Corporate Social Responsibility?

O Yes O No

6. Do you have any suggestions or comments

on the company’s Corporate Social






Page 49: Thesis for Defense

Corporate Social Responsibility49

________________________________ _


Research Instrument Evaluation FormDirection: Kindly rate or evaluate the research instrument using the rating scale according to the following criteria set forth by Carter V. Good and Douglas E. Scates.

4 – Very Good3 – Good2 – Fair1 – Poor

Criteria for Evaluation 1 2 3 41. The questionnaire is short enough such that the respondent will not reject it because it will not drain much of his precious time. __ __ __ __2. The questionnaire has face appeal such that the respondent will be inclined to accomplish it fully. __ __ __ __3. The questionnaire can obtain some depth to the responses and avoid superficial answers or information. __ __ __ __4. The items and their alternative responses are not too suggestive. __ __ __ __5. The questionnaire can elicit responses which are definite but not mechanically forced. __ __ __ __6. The items are stated in such a way that the responses will not be embarrassing to the person concerned. __ __ __ __7. Items are framed in such a manner as to allay suspicion on the part of the respondent concerning hidden purposes in the questionnaire. __ __ __ __8. The questionnaire is not too narrow, not restricted or limited in its scope or philosophy. __ __ __ __9. The responses to the questionnaire, when taken as a whole, could answer the basic purpose for which the questionnaire is designed and therefore considered valid. __ __ __ __

Total Score __ __ __ __Average Score _____________________

Name of Evaluator: _________________________ Signature over Printed Name

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Corporate Social Responsibility50


University of St. La Salle College of Business and Accountancy

Date: September 23, 2011Ms. Jolly A. Mider Head, Dr. Pablo O. Torre Foundation5th flr. Excecutive BldgDr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial HospitalBS Aquino Drive, Bacolod City 6100

Dear Ms. Mider,


May I invite you to be a member of the panel of reviewers for the Proposal/ Final Defense of the Research Students.

Date: September 27, 2011Venue: Mini Auditorium A, University of St. La Salle BacolodTime: 7:00 - 8:30 pm

The students will furnish you with a copy of their research work three days before the scheduled defense. Attached, please see find evaluation form.

Thank you.

Very Sincerely,


Research Teacher______________________________________________________________________________


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Corporate Social Responsibility51

_____ I can make it_____ Sorry, I cannot make it

____________________________ Name & Signature

University of St. La Salle College of Business and Accountancy

Date: September 23, 2011Ms. Ma. Fara J. Magada, CPA, MBADepartment Chairperson, Management AccountingUniversitry of St. La Salle Bacolod

Dear Ms. Magada,


May I invite you to be a member of the panel of reviewers for the Proposal/ Final Defense of the Research Students.

Date: September 27, 2011Venue: Mini Auditorium A, University of St. La Salle BacolodTime: 7:00 - 8:30 pm

The students will furnish you with a copy of their research work three days before the scheduled defense. Attached, please see find evaluation form.

Thank you.

Very Sincerely,


Research Teacher______________________________________________________________________________


Page 52: Thesis for Defense

Corporate Social Responsibility52

_____ I can make it_____ Sorry, I cannot make it

____________________________ Name & Signature


Title of the Study: Assessment of the Corporate Social Responsibility Practices of Dr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial Hospital, Inc.; An Evaluative Study


Criteria ScoreA. Compliance with Deadline for Submission (5 pts)B. Oral Presentation (40 pts) i. Clarity of Presentation (10 pts) ii. Mastery of Presentation (10 pts) iii. Ability to Answer Question (20 pts)C. Research Paper (55 pts) i. Conformity with the APA Format (10 pts) ii. Adequacy (10 pts) iii. Depth of Analysis & Interpretation (10 pts) iv. Coherence of Concepts (15 pts) v. Substantial Basis for Conclusions & Generalization (10 pts)


_________________________Panelist’s name and signature
