theme analysis to reveal messages in


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



Student Number: 164214084











Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana

Sastra in English Letters



Student Number: 164214084








“Whatever you do, work at it

with all your heart, as working

for the Lord, not for men”

-Colossians 3: 23-



This page is dedicated for

My beloved parents

Jermias Tuan


Margaritha Hetmina




Foremost, I would like to give my deepest gratitude to Jesus Christ. For

His blessing, I am able to accomplish this thesis in the right time. I thank Him for

sending me good people who love and support me all of the time.

I would express my sincere thanks to my thesis advisor Arina Isti’anah,

S.Pd., M. Hum., who has patiently guide me throughout the process of writing

my thesis. Without her guidence, I won‟t be able to finish it. I also give my thanks

to my co-advisor Wedhowerti, S.Pd., M. Hum who gave me advices and

suggestions that make my thesis better.

My deepest gratitude also goes to all of my beloved family: Jeri,

Margaritha, Decky, Ochin, Ronny, and Bungzhu, who have spiritually, physically,

and mentally supported me since day one of my college life.

To all of my fellow friends especially, Vinny, Grace, Melinda, Prisca,

Yosephine, Ira, and Pipi, who always give me suggestions and helps throughout

the sadness and happiness situations.

Dinda Lestari Tuan




TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................................ ii

APPROVAL PAGE ............................................................................................. iii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE ........................................................................................ iv

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY .................................................................... v


MOTTO PAGE ................................................................................................... vii

DEDICATION PAGE ........................................................................................ viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................. ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... x

ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... xii

ABSTRAK .......................................................................................................... xiii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1

A. Background of the Study ................................................................................ 1

B. Problem Formulation ...................................................................................... 5

C. Objectives of the Study ................................................................................... 6

D. Definition of Terms ........................................................................................ 6

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE .................................................... 8

A. Review of Related Studies .............................................................................. 8

B. Review of Related Theories .......................................................................... 11

1. Stylistics ................................................................................................. 12

2. Systemic Functional Linguistics............................................................. 13

3. The Textual Metafunction ...................................................................... 15

4. Headlines ................................................................................................ 19

C. Theoretical Framework ................................................................................. 20

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY .................................................................. 22

A. Object of the Study ....................................................................................... 22

B. Approach of the Study .................................................................................. 23

C. Method of the Study...................................................................................... 23



1. Data Collection .......................................................................................... 24

2. Data Analysis ............................................................................................. 25


A. Themes Used in The Jakarta Post and The Straits Times Headlines ............ 27

1. Themes in The Jakarta Post Headlines ...................................................... 29

2. Themes in The Straits Times Headlines .................................................... 42

B. Messages Revealed from the Use of Themes in Headlines .......................... 50

1. Government Responsibilities ................................................................. 50

2. Supports .................................................................................................. 53

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION .......................................................................... 56

REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 59

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 62

Appendix 1: Actor as the participant of Theme in The Jakarta Post ................. 62

Appendix 2: Goal as the participant of Theme in The Jakarta Post .................. 66

Appendix 3: Carrier as the participant of Theme in The Jakarta Post ............... 67

Appendix 4: Sayer as the participant of Theme in The Jakarta Post ................. 67

Appendix 5: Senser as the participant of Theme in The Jakarta Post ............... 67

Appendix 6: Verbiage as the participant of Theme in The Jakarta Post ........... 68

Appendix 7: Actor as the participant of Theme in The Straits Times ............... 68

Appendix 8: Goal as the participant of Theme in The Straits Times ................ 70

Appendix 9: Carrier as the participant of Theme in The Straits Times ............. 71

Appendix 10: Sayer as the participant of Theme in The Straits Times ............. 72

Appendix 11: Verbiage as the participant of Theme in The Straits Times ....... 72

Appendix 12: List of Selected Headlines from The Jakarta Post ...................... 73

Appendix 13: List of Selected Headlines from The Straits Times .................... 76




TUAN, DINDA LESTARI. (2020). Theme Analysis to Reveal Messages in

Indonesian and Singaporean Newspaper Headlines of Forest Fires in

Indonesia. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters,

Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Headlines provide brief summary of the nature of the story, hence the readers quickly and briefly understand what is the news about. The object of this

study is the headlines from Indonesian and Singaporean newspaper about forest

fires in Indonesia. In this study, the researcher focuses on analyzing the Theme of

the headlines which Theme is used to give signal about the message in the text.

The objectives of this study are, first to find out how the Theme is used in

Indonesian and Singaporean newspaper headlines of forest fires, and second, to

find out the message from the use of Theme in Indonesian and Singaporean

newspaper headlines of forest fires in Indonesia.

The approach of this study is stylistics. Stylistics is a branch of linguistics

which studies about the language style and their interpretations. This makes

stylistics become the applicable approach in this study. For the data collection, the

researcher choose headlines from The Jakarta Post and The Straits Times related

to forest fires in Indonesia that have been published from July until October 2019.

Total 64 headlines from both newspapers that suitable with the criteria. 36

headlines from Indonesian newspaper and 28 headlines from Singaporean


Based on the analysis, the type of Theme use in all the 64 headlines is topical Theme. There are 6 types of participant of Theme use in The Jakarta Post

and The Straits Times headline which are Actor, Goal, Carrier, Sayer, Senser, and

Verbiage. The participant Actor is the dominant participant in both newspapers

headlines with total 25 from The Jakarta Post headlines and 14 headlines from

The Straits Times. From The Jakarta Post, there are 7 headlines use participant

Goal and other participants such as Carrier, Sayer, Senser, and Verbiage, found

only 1. For The Straits Times, there are 5 participants Goal, 4 participants Carrier,

2 participants Sayer, and 3 participants Verbiage. Besides, the researcher also

concludes the message from both newspapers. The Jakarta Post focuses to show

the Indonesian government responsibility towards the forest fires problem in their

country, while, The Straits Times intends to show support for Indonesian

government and also the society in deals with the forest fires problem.

Keywords: Systemic Functional Linguistics, Forest fires, Headlines, Theme




TUAN, DINDA LESTARI. (2020). Theme Analysis to Reveal Messages in

Indonesian and Singaporean Newspaper Headlines of Forest Fires in

Indonesia. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra,

Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Berita utama memberikan ringkasan singkat mengenai inti cerita, sehingga

para pembaca dapat dengan cepat dan singkat memahami maksud berita tersebut.

Objek penelitian ini adalah berita utama dari surat kabar Indonesia dan Singapura

tentang kebakaran hutan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini berfokus pada analisis tema

pada berita utama yang mana tema ini digunakan untuk memberikan sinyal

tentang pesan didalam teks tersebut.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah, pertama untuk mengetahui bagaimana penggunaan tema pada berita utama dari surat kabar The Jakarta Post dan The

Straits Times mengenai kebakaran hutan, dan kedua, untuk mengetahui pesan dari

penggunaan tema dalam berita utama dari surat kabar The Jakarta Post dan The

Straits Times mengenai kebakaran hutan di Indonesia.

Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Stilistika.

Stilistika adalah cabang dari ilmu linguistik yang megkaji tentang gaya bahasa

dan maknanya. Hal ini membuat stilistika menjadi pendekatan yang tepat untuk

penelitian ini. Data dipilih dari surat kabar The Jakarta Post dan The Straits Times

yang diterbitkan pada bulan Juli hingga Oktober 2019 yang berkaitan dengan

kebakaran hutan di Indonesia. Total 64 berita utama yang diperoleh dari kedua

surat kabar, 36 berita utama dari surat kabar Indonesia dan 28 berita utama dari

surat kabar Singapura.

Berdasarkan hasil analisis, jenis tema yang diggunakan semua 64 berita utama adalah topikal tema. Terdapat 6 tipe partisipan tema yang digunakan pada

berita utama dari surat kabar The Jakarta Post dan The Straits Times yaitu pelaku,

tujuan, penyandang, pembicara, pengindera, dan perkataan. Partisipan pelaku

mendominasi dengan total 25 berita utama dari The Jakarta Post dan 14 berita

utama dari The Straits Times.Terdapat 7 partisipan tujuan dan 1 untuk jenis

partisipan lainnya, seperti penyandang, pembicara, pengindera, dan perkataan di

The Jakarta Post.Terdapat 5 partisipan tujuan, 4 partisipan penyandang, 2

partisipan pembicara, dan 3 partisipan perkataan di berita utama The Straits Times.

Selain itu, peneliti juga menyimpulkan pesan dari kedua surat kabar tersebut. The

Jakarta Post berfokus untuk menunjukkan tanggung jawab pemerintah Indonesia

terhadap masalah kebakaran hutan di negara mereka, sementara, The Straits Times

bermaksud untuk menunjukkan dukungan terhadap pemerintah Indonesia dan juga

masyarakat dalam menangani masalah kebakaran hutan

Keywords: Systemic Functional Linguistics, Forest fires, Headlines, Theme.





A. Background of the Study

Human beings need to communicate with each other to maintain their

relationship. The use of language as a bridge of communication for human is to

understand what others mean when there is a conversation. Language is a device

to communicate with others and has some roles in our society. Anderson (2012)

says that “All humans use language to express themselves and to communicate

with others” (Anderson, 2012, p. 2). It means that we can express our emotions,

feelings, ideas, and thoughts through language. Understanding a language and

comprehending it can enable the speakers to produce many utterances such as

requests, apologies, questions, jokes, directions, rages, and others. Language style

either can speak or write.

One example of language style in written form is the newspaper headline

that is presented by the media. The primary function of a newspaper is to provide

information. The information is used to guide, help, and entertain the reader or the

audience. Newspapers report the information about the current event that happens

all around the world (Baba, 2015, p. 1). Moreover, he states that “newspapers

make the common man aware of the happening of an event, even all around the

world as information, so we know the details of any event through the press”

(Baba, 2015, p. 1). A newspaper usually reports the current or actual




problem that happens in some countries or places. For example, some news

portals have published one example of a case that is forest fires that occurred in

some areas of Indonesia, such as Kalimantan, Sumatera, Jambi, and Riau. Since

the beginning of 2019, data from National Disaster Management Authority shows

that there have been 117 cases of forest fires in Indonesia (Widowati, 2019). One

of the effects of the forest fires problem is the haze. The haze from forest fires in

Riau spread to various regions, including Singapore and this problem becomes a

hot topic in some newspapers and being reported by news portals around the


The researcher has chosen two news portals from two different countries,

which are the local newspaper of Indonesian (The Jakarta Post) and Singaporean

newspaper (The Straits Times). The researcher chooses The Jakarta Post to show

how the Indonesian media responds to the forest fires incident that happens in

their country. The Straits Times is selected due to figure out how Singaporean

media reacts as a country near Riau and gets the impact of the forest fires problem.

The reason the researcher selects Singaporean newspaper because Singapore also

experienced the same thing back in 2015 when the haze from the forest fires in

Indonesia spread to Singapore for over a month (Jong, 2019, p. 2).

Both newspapers The Jakarta Post and The Straits Times have different

ways in presenting their messages through headlines in terms of language use

style. That is why the researcher uses stylistics in this study. Stylistics is one of

the linguistics branches that concern about the style of language. “Stylistics which

is the study of style, defined as the analysis of distinctive expression in language



and the description of its purpose and effect” (Verdonk, 2002, p. 4). The writer or

speaker has his or her characteristic in using language. It is different for a writer

or speaker with other writers or speakers because they have the option of choosing

and using words. Stylistics can be used to analyze a newspaper headline because

each news portal has its style to write the headline; for example, the use of ellipsis

in the headlines.

According to Anis (2018), the use of the headline is to give a signal to the

readers about what the news is (Anis, 2018, p. 283). One of the linguistics theory,

which is Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) that helps the researcher to

analyze the message from The Jakarta Post and The Straits Times headlines. SFL,

as a functional theory, considers language not only as a social semiotic system but

also as a semantic system. Webster (2015) states that “the semantic system

incorporates a small number of discrete clusters of systems with „very dense

internal connections but relatively sparse connections with the rest of the grammar”

(Webster, 2015, p. 14). In SFL theory, Halliday has proposed the three functions

of language called metafunctions. Those are an ideational function (field), an

interpersonal function (tenor), and the textual function (mode). This research

focuses on analyzing the textual function of language to find out the message in

the headline.

The researcher uses the textual function to analyze the clauses in the

headlines. A clause consists of two-part, which are Theme and Rheme. The

researcher identifies the first constituent of a clause in the headlines to reveal the

signpost (Theme). Based on Halliday & Matthiessen (2004), Theme is served as



the point of the departure of the message (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004, p. 64).

The part which the remainder of the message and where the Theme developed

called Rheme. Moreover, Theme is used to give the readers a piece of relevant

information to the whole text or news, while Rheme is to complete further details

about the Theme. In this study, the researcher focuses on the analysis of the

Theme part.

There are three types of Theme which are topical, textual, and

interpersonal Theme. Topical Theme is the Theme that has experience in it. In the

topical Theme, the participant, process, or circumstance can become the signpost

in the clause. Next, the textual Theme connects the experiential meanings to the

meanings of neighbouring clauses. Last, the third type of Theme is interpersonal

Theme. “The Interpersonal Theme includes vocative, modal comment adjunct,

and finite verbal operator (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004, p. 79). For example, the

headline from The Jakarta Post, “Jokowi warns on danger of hotspots as dry

season hits.” The Theme in this headline is marked by the word “Jokowi” as the

Actor. The Theme in the headline classified as the Topical Theme.

The textual analysis in this research is used to show how the choice of the

words in the clause of newspaper headlines carried the messages. The choice of

words in both The Jakarta Post and The Straits Times is different, and so the

information. From the analysis, the researcher finds the messages that The Jakarta

Post and The Straits Times want to reveal in the headlines related to the forest

fires problem in Indonesia.



This research applies Halliday‟s theory of SFL to analyze the Theme of

the headlines that related to forest fires problem. SFL seen as an appliable

linguistics theory which designed to have the potential to solved problems that

emerge in communities around the world, including both reflection and activity

(Matthiessen, Christian M.I.M, 2012). That‟s why, the researcher uses SFL to

analyze the forest fires problem in Indonesia that presented in the headlines.

Moreover, this research also tries to see the forest fires problem in two different

perspectives. First, the researcher focuses on the perspective from Indonesian

media to see how the media reports about the problem of forest fires that occur in

their country. The second perspective that the researcher wants to look out is from

the Singaporean media. The reason for choosing the Singaporean media is

because the researcher wants to figure out how the Singaporean media reports the

forest fires problem in Indonesia as their country get the effect of the problem.

B. Problem Formulation

Based on the background of the study that already mentioned above, there

are two questions as the formulation of the problem, they are:

1. What types of Theme are used in Indonesian and Singaporean newspaper

headlines of forest fires in Indonesia?

2. What messages are revealed from the use of Theme in the headlines?



C. Objectives of the Study

By following the research questions above, this research has two purposes.

The first objective is to discover what types of Themes are used in Indonesian and

Singaporean newspaper headlines of forest fires. The second objective is to find

out the messages from the use of Theme in Indonesian and Singaporean

newspaper headlines.

D. Definition of Terms

In this part, the researcher explains the terms used to analyze in this

research. The terms presented as follows:

The first term is Theme. Theme is in the first position of a clause which

contains textual meaning because it signposts of a text and its use to signal what

the message is. A Theme is the starting point for what the speaker is going to say

(Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004, p. 64). A clause is divided into two parts which ar

Theme and Rheme. The division between Theme and Rheme is that the Theme

stops at the end of the first group relevant to experiential function and meaning in

a clause while, the Rheme is the rest of the provision in a sentence. The use of

Rheme in a sentence is to add new information about the first element or the

Theme. In other words, the Rheme provides additional information to clarify the

message of the Theme.

The second term is message. The message is defined as information

conveyed by words or other signs and symbols. In this study, the message is seen

from the headline news. According to Butt et al. (1995) cited from Halliday (1994:



38), the message was revealed through the textual analysis of Theme because

Theme uses to signal what the information is about in a clause (Butt et al., 1995, p.

92). Then, the message is being interpreted from the use of the Theme.

The third term is headlines. A headline is a heading at the top of an article

or page in a newspaper or magazine. Headlines always are written in short, and it

pointed out the core of the news or information. According to Pajunen (2008), the

used of a headline is to arouse the reader's interest in reading the whole article or

report (Pajunen, 2008, p. 8). In addition, Sajjad (2013) also mentions that

headlines are a significant part of the two-part newspaper because it provides a

quick mode of information to the readers who do not want to read the details

(Sajjad, 2013, p. 18).




In this chapter, the researcher discusses three parts. The first part is the

review of related studies from other researchers that examine the analysis of

Theme and its types of participants. The second part is a review of related theories

applied in this research that help the researcher to elaborate on the discussion. The

third part is the theoretical framework that explains how the theories and the

reviews contribute to solving the problem in this study.

A. Review of Related Studies

To support this research, the researcher selected several researches that are

suitable for this research and used as related studies. The researcher chooses three

journals and one undergraduate thesis as references for this study.

The first study is from Isti‟anah (2018) entitled “Rohingya in Media:

Critical Discourse Analysis of Myanmar and Bangladesh Newspaper Headlines.”

The writer aims to figure out how both media from Myanmar and Bangladesh

select the Theme of their headlines in the Rohingya case, and to find out the

differences and similarities each media presents the news concerning their

ideological perspective.

Based on her analysis, Isti‟anah (2018) found that Myanmar and

Bangladesh newspaper used topical Theme in their headlines. The participants of




the Theme in both newspaper headlines are different. From the data analysis, it

showed that Myanmar newspaper headlines used Actor, Goal, Sayer, and

Verbiage as the participants of the Theme. Bangladesh newspaper headlines used

Actor, Goal, Carrier, Token, and Sayer as the participants of the Theme. The

research also discovers the ideologies from the two news portals. Myanmar

newspaper headlines present the Ronghiya issue by showing the good deeds from

the Myanmar government while Bangladesh newspaper headlines show the

actions done by Rohingyans to save themselves.

The difference between Isti‟anah‟s research and this current study is the

object and the approach of the study. This present study focuses on Indonesian

and Singaporean newspaper headlines of forest fires. The study is different from

Isti‟anah‟s, although the purpose of the research is similar. Isti‟anah‟s research

used Critical Discourse Analysis to analyze the ideological perspective, while in

this current study used Stylistics as the approach to analyze the message.

Isti‟anah‟s research helps the analysis by giving information on the methodology


The second study is from Stella & Gunawan (2017) entitled “An Analysis

of Theme and Rheme Used in The Five-Star Hotels‟ Web Sites in Surabaya.” The

research focuses on Theme and Rheme used in the five-star hotels‟ web sites. The

object of the study covers seven different five-star hotels web sites in Surabaya.

There are 155 data that the writer analyzed based on the seven different five-star

hotels‟ web sites. The study aims to find out the types of the Theme and the

notions of the subject.



Based on Stella & Gunawan's (2017) study showed that the five-star hotels‟

used simple Theme, the clause as a Theme, and Thematic equative in their web

sites. The notion of the subject is the psychological subject, grammatical subject,

and logical subject. The difference between Stella & Gunawan‟s studies from this

present study is the object of the study and the purpose of the study. This current

study uses Indonesian and Singaporean newspaper headlines of forest fires as the

object of the study while Stella & Gunawan‟s using five-star hotels‟ web sites in

Surabaya as the object of their research. This present study aims to find out how

Theme is used in the newspaper headlines and to reveal the message from each


The third journal article is from Anis (2018) entitled “Ideological

Representation of Violence and Information Packaging in Arabic Headline News:

A Case Study of the Al-Ahram Arabic Daily Newspaper.” The writer aims to

elaborate on the information packaging in headline news and to find out the

ideological representation of violence in the Arabic mass media.

The result of the study shows that the information packaging in headline

news can be constructed in the form of a simple sentence in the Arabic language.

The ideological representation found in this study is that people can gain a

peaceful life by saying no to violent news and hate speech (Anis, 2018, p. 294).

The contrasts in Anis‟s research that differentiate with this current study are the

object of the study and approach of the study. Anis‟s research focuses on

analyzing Arabic headline news and the ideology of violence in the Arabic mass

media using Critical Discourse Analysis. In this current study, the researcher



focuses analyzing Indonesian and Singaporean newspaper headlines about forest

fires using the study of stylistics.

The fourth study is taken from undergraduate thesis by Murni Yanthi

(2017) entitled “Metafunctions Analysis of Donald Trump‟s Tweets”. The

purpose of this study is to find out the metafunctions aspects in Donald Trump‟s

tweets. Another purpose is to describe how metafunctions are realized in Donald

Trump‟s tweets. For the findings, the writer found five types of processes which

are material, mental, relational, verbal, and existential processes for ideational

function. Further, the interpersonal function is realized through Mood types

(declarative, interrogative, and imperative) and Residue. Last, the textual function

is realized by Theme (topical and textual).

Murni Yanthi‟s study is similar to this current study for the focuses on

metafunctions. However, this study only focuses on textual function to analyze

the Theme. The difference is also can be found on the object of the study which

in Murni Yanthi‟s study uses tweets as the object while this current study uses


B. Review of Related Theories

In this part, the researcher discusses the theories that used to help analyze

the object of this study. The theories chosen are the theories that close to the

problem of this study. The theories are stylistics, Systemic Functional Linguistics

(SFL), textual metafuction, and headlines.



1. Stylistics

Stylistics is one branch of linguistics studies that concern about the style of

language. Verdonk (2002) defines stylistics as the study of style, which analyzes

the distinctive expression in language and the description of its purpose and effect

(p. 64). The writer or speaker has its own characteristic in using language. It is

different for a writer or speaker with other writers or speakers because they have

the option of choosing and using words. According to Simpson (2004), the

purpose of doing stylistics is to develop the way of people thinking about

language and understanding the (literary) text (p. 3).

Stylistics can be used to analyze newspaper headlines. A headline is used

to help the readers in identifying the content of the news and capturing their

attention. Verdonk (2002) further states that there are some types of a style used

in a headline, for example, is an ellipsis (p. 4). In this style, some words have been

missed out from the headline. It is happening because of the rules of writing

headline, which usually in one-liners, more significant, and bolder typeface. The

language style in headlines can be analyzed by knowing the level of style in


According to Leech & Short (2007), there are several levels of stylistic

analysis which are semantic level, syntactic level, graphological level, and

phonological level (Leech & Short, 2007, p. 101-105). This study focuses on the

semantic level and syntactic level. In semantic level, the researcher deals with the

meaning of words and sentences. Carnie says that, syntax shows the level of

language which placed between words and the meaning of utterances (Carnie,



2013, p. 4). Syntax deals with the grammatical structures in sentences. Panjunen

(2008) says that “Grammar and syntax are important elements in the analysis of

news articles (headlines), and people, actions, and events may be represented in

different ways by various grammatical and syntactic means” (p. 20).

There are two concepts of grammatical structures which are grammatical

class and grammatical function (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004, p. 50). In

traditional grammar, the example is words classes or called parts of speech such

as verb, noun, adjective, adverb, pronoun, and so on. These word classes can also

refer to three classes group which are a verbal, nominal, adverbial group, and one

category of phrases, which is a prepositional phrase (Halliday & Matthiessen,

2004, p. 52). Based on Halliday & Matthiesen‟s statement, the class label does not

show what part the item is playing in the actual structure; therefore, it has to

indicate its function (2004, p. 52). Moreover, “The functional categories provide

an interpretation of grammatical structure in terms of the overall meaning

potential of the language” (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004, p. 52). To analyze its

function of the grammatical structure, the researcher used systemic functional

linguistics that proposed by Halliday.

2. Systemic Functional Linguistics

Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a linguistic theory developed by

Halliday. According to Almurashi (2016), the difference between SFL and other

linguistics systems is that SFL has its distinctive respect (Almurasi, 2016, p. 71).

SFL studies not only the structure of language but also examines its social context.

Further, the language that we use sometimes changes according to the situation.



SFL is used to show how the changes occur and the reasons for the changes in the

language Butt et al. (1995, p. 10). From Young & Harrison, SFL is a theory that

examines the functions of language that has served in society. It identifies the

purposes of language uses in various contexts and to understand the way language

itself functions (Young & Harrison, 2004, p. 1). SFL also deals with the lexico-

grammar. According to Sardinha (2019), “lexico-grammar is a level of linguistic

structure where lexis, or vocabulary, and grammar, or syntax, combine into one”

(Sardinah, 2019, p. 1). Moreover, the lexico-grammar concerns the syntactic

organisation of words into uterrances. Here, it shows the relation of stylistics and


As SFL focuses on the functions of language, Halliday‟s proposed three

functions of language called metafunction. Those three functions are the

ideational, the interpersonal, and the textual metafunction. Each of the three

metafunctions uses language in different ways. Based on Butt et al. (1995), “the

ideational metafunction uses language to encode our experience and to convey a

picture of reality; the interpersonal uses language to encode interaction; and the

textual metafunction uses language to organize our experiential, logical, and

interpersonal meanings into coherent” (pp. 13-14).

Further, Halliday & Matthiessen said that the ideational metafunction

meaning construing a model of experience such as what is going on, who is

involved, and when, where, and how it is happening; the interpersonal meaning

enacting social relationship, and the textual function purpose creating relevance to

the context (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004, p. 61). They also add that these three



metafunctions concerned with different types of definitions of clauses. For the

ideational function, the term is act as a representation. In the interpersonal

function, the meaning of the words acts as an exchange. Last, the phrase in textual

metafunction serves as a message (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004, p. 309). The

researcher uses textual function analysis to analyze the clause in the headlines to

figure out the message of the headlines.

3. The Textual Metafunction

According to Halliday, textual metafunction uses to organize our

experiential, logical, and interpersonal meaning into coherent. Besides, the textual

function is also constructing the discursive flow and creating cohesion and

continuity as it moves along (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004, p. 30). Textual

metafunction deals with the creation of the text and the way we organize our

meanings into the text that makes sense (Almurasi, 2016, p. 74). Based on the

lexicogrammar, there are three major systems in textual metafunction, which are

Theme and Rheme, conjunction, and cohesion. The Theme and Rheme in textual

metafunction are used to gives the signposts to the reader so that they can

understand the text.

This study uses textual metafunction analysis to reveal the message from

the headlines. The researcher analyzes the first constituent of the clause in the

headlines, which is acting as the message. To analyze the message using textual

metafunction, first, the researcher identified the Theme in the clause of its




a. Theme and Rheme

The structure of the Theme expresses the organization of the message. It

shows how the clause relates to the surrounding discourse and to the context of

the situation in which it is being produced (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004, p. 309).

The clause is organized as a message by having a distinct status assigned to one

part of it; the first constituent of the clause is the Theme that locates and orients

the clause within its context (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004, p. 64). The position

of the Theme in the clause is putting it first, and the remainder clause is called

Rheme. The Theme, as in the first position in the clause uses to signal what the

message is. Theme stops at the end of the first group or phrase relevant to the

experiential function and meaning in a term. Although the position of the Theme

always at the beginning of the clauses, it has different types of Theme.

Further information, there are three types of Theme. Those are topical,

interpersonal and textual Theme. In topical Theme, the Theme of a clause

contains one of the experiential elements. The textual Theme connects the

experiential meanings to the meanings of neighboring clauses. Next, interpersonal

Theme indicates interaction between speakers or the positions that they are talking.

The explanation is as follows.

i. Topical Theme

According to Halliday & Matthiessen (2004), topical Theme is the type of

Theme which contains experiential elements (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004, p.

79). In this type of Theme, the first constituent of a clause participant, process, or

circumstance, becomes the signpost or the Theme. Based on Butt et al. (1995),



“the participant constituent describes in terms of various participant roles such as

Actor, Goal, Carrier, Sayer. And for the process, it divides into three types which

are material, relational and projecting process” (p. 43).

Moreover, the material process is about doing. The main participant of this

process is an Actor and may be a Goal as well (Butt et al.,1995, p. 47). For

example, the sentence “Authorities warned of forest fires as hot spots detected in

Jambi.” The Theme in this sentence is „authorities‟ and it identifies as an Actor.

The material process is marked by the word „warned.‟ According to Butt et al.

(1995), the relational process described as a process of being (p. 49). The sentence

“Hazy days here are a possibility due to unusually dry.” The relational process

which shows the process of being in the sentence above represented by the verb

„are.‟ Butt et al. says, “The third type of process which is projecting process may

be speech or may be thoughts or feeling” (1995, p. 50). The participant such as

Sayer, Senser, and Verbiage is the type of participant in projecting process. Take a

look at this sentence “Indonesian agency says it expects rainy season to help end

forest fires soon”, the projecting process in this sentence is the word „says‟.

ii. Textual Theme

Some clauses maybe there are other elements preceding the topical Theme.

One example of the elements is the textual function which plays no part in the

experiential meaning. The elements which categorize have a textual functions are

continuative, conjunction and conjunctive Adjunct (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004,

p. 79).



Further, continuative according to Halliday & Matthiessen (2004) is one of

a small set of words signal a move in the discourse, such as „yes‟, „no‟, and „well‟

(p. 81). Next, a conjunction could be a word or phrase that either joins or ties the

clause which happens structurally to another clause. For example, the

conjunctions as the Themes are „and‟, „but‟, „before‟, and „because‟ (Halliday &

Matthiessen, 2004, p. 81). Last, Halliday & Matthiessen (2004) states that “the

conjunctive Adjunct are adverbial groups or prepositional phrase which relate the

clause to the preceding text” (p. 81). One example of conjunctive Adjunct based

on Halliday & Matthiessen is the word „however‟ (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004,

p. 132)

iii. Interpersonal Theme

For interpersonal Theme, the elements which categorize have

interpersonal functions are modal or comment Adjunct, vocative and finite verbal

operator (in/yes question) (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004, p. 79). Modal comment

Adjunct expresses the speaker or writer‟s judgment on or attitude to the content of

the message. The example of modal Adjunct in the Theme represented by the

words such as „probably‟, „sometimes‟, and „often‟. Next, Vocative is typically a

personal name, being used to address. Halliday & Matthiessen (2004) state, “In

using a vocative the speaker is enacting the participation of the addressee or

addressees in the exchange” (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004, p. 134). Finite verbal

operator is the small set of finite auxiliary verbs construing primary tense or

modality; this is the unmarked Theme of yes/no interrogative.



4. Headlines

Headlines are forms of words packaged in distinctive ways to

communicate to the audience. Metila (2013) asserts that headlines present what

newspaper agencies regard as the most crucial information readers ought to know

(p. 72). In addition, Pajunen (2008) states that the task of a headline in a

prototypical news story is to give the most central, essential, and relevant

information of the story or news (Pajunen, 2008, p. 7). Headlines are always

shorter so that they cannot convey much information but only express the core of

the vital information.

Dor (2003) states some of the criteria for the appropriate headline such as

headlines should be as short as possible, headlines should be interesting, and

headlines should include names and concepts with high „news value‟.” (pp. 708-

712). The shorter a headline is, the easier it is to be read. The decision to shorten

the headline is a concern of debate and negotiation between the editors. A process

of shorten the headline is one example of relevance optimization by effort

reduction (Dor, 2003, p. 709).

Next, a headline should be interesting to attract reader‟s attention.

According to Kuiken et al. (2017) cited from Lombardi (2018), despite the

headline aims to give readers a clear idea of what the article is, the main function

of headline is to catch the reader‟s attention to lure them into the story (Lombardi,

2018, p. 5). That‟s why it is important to have an interesting headline.

Further, Dor (2003) says, “the choice of names and concepts in headlines

will carry a large number of contextual effects for their readers” (p. 713).



Sometimes, media choose the names for their headline which someone who has

power in public or who can directly noticed by the readers. Choosing the right

name to use in the headline brings positive effect for the media in terms of

reader‟s attention.

C. Theoretical Framework

As mention previously, the theory that helps in analyzing The Jakarta Post

and The Straits Times headlines news about forest fires in this study are Systemic

Functional Linguistics (SFL) and stylistics. The use of SFL theory focusing on the

textual function intends to analyze the Theme and its types of participants in the

headlines. There are two problems presented in this study: first, what types of

Themes are used in The Jakarta Post and The Straits Times headlines of forest

fires problem. The second problem is what messages are revealed from the use of

Theme in the headlines news.

Further, the theory of Theme in textual function proposed by Halliday and

Matthiessen (2004, p. 64) is used to identify the signpost or the Theme in the

headlines. It is used to categorize the types of Theme used in The Jakarta Post

and The Straits Times headlines news and identifying what the Theme uses

participants. With the textual function, The Themes type will be easy to be

categorized and the type participant of the Theme also will be identified.

The syntactic level of stylistics study by Verdonk (2002) is used to

conclude the language style in delivering the message that contains in headlines



news (p. 6). After the types of Themes are categorized and the types of the

participant are identified, then the message can be taken from the use of Theme

used in The Jakarta Post and The Straits Times headlines news related to forest

fires problem in Indonesia.




This chapter is divided into three parts. The first part is the object of the

study that examines the data of this study. The second part is the approach of the

study discusses the approach applied to analyze the data that the researcher has

been collected. The third part is the method of the study presents the way the

researcher collected the data and analyzed the data.

A. Object of the Study

The object in this study focused on newspaper headlines related to forest

fires problem in Indonesia. Forest fires were a severe problem that often happened

in Indonesia. The impact of this problem affects not only the areas that forest fires

occurred but also other countries. Therefore, the newspapers consistently reported

the issue. The researcher chose the headlines from two newspapers from two

different countries, which The Jakarta Post from Indonesia and The Straits Times

from Singapore. Total 64 headlines that the researcher selects as the data. From

The Jakarta Post which is taken from website (, the

researcher selects 36 headlines and for The Straits Times, the researcher chooses

28 headlines from ( website. The chosen headlines were

published on July - October 2019. The researcher selects the headlines that related

to forest fires in Indonesia especially in Kalimantan, Sumatera, and Riau. Then,




the researcher focuses on the first constituent of clause in each headlines to find

out the Themes.

One of the examples of the Theme found in the headline is “Police suspect

land dispute behind string of forest fires in Riau.” The Theme is the first

constituent of the clause represented by the word “Police” as an Actor.

B. Approach of the Study

This study applied stylistics as the approach in analyzing the object of this

study that was the headlines from The Jakarta Post and The Straits Times

newspapers. In this study, the stylistic approach was conducted at the syntactic

level or grammatical level. Verdonk states, “Stylistics is the study of style,

defined as the analysis of distinctive expression in language and the description of

its purpose and effect” (Verdonk, 2002, p. 4). It means that stylistic deals with the

style of the text and it help the researcher to analyze the style of the headlines and

the messages from the headlines.

C. Method of the Study

This part explained how the data is being collected and analyzed. This first

section talked about how the researcher collected the data, which are the headlines

from The Jakarta Post and The Straits Times newspapers. The second part

described how the researcher analyzed the data.



1. Data Collection

The method of the study that the researcher applied is qualitative study

because it is used to respond to research questions requiring textural data, not

numerical data. This study used a sample study as the data collection method, and

it was taken from The Jakarta Post and The Straits Times headlines related to

forest fires in Indonesia. It covered the headlines from those two newspapers

related to forest fires in Kalimantan, Sumatera, and Riu that have been published

from July until October 2019. These headlines were chosen because BNPB has

highligted the increasing of forest fires in Indonesia around that time. It shows

that by the end of September 2019 a total of 857,756 hectares had been burned

(Nangoy, 2019). Furthermore, in this study, the researcher used the purposive

sampling technique. According to Teddlie and Yu, “purposive sampling is a

technique which involves selecting certain units or cases based on specific

purpose rather than randomly” (2003, p.80). The purpose of the researcher to

choose the headlines which were related to forest fires in Kalimantan, Sumatera,

and Riau because the location of these three regions is close to Singapore.

The data was collected from The Jakarta Post and The Straits Times

headlines. Those two newspapers represent Indonesian and Singaporean

newspapers. First, the researcher access The Jakarta Post website

(, then researcher selects the headlines which related to

forest fires in Indonesia that published on July – October 2019. From The Jakarta

Post, the researcher gets 36 headlines that fit the criteria. After that, the researcher



selects The Straits Times headlines from ( website and

found 28 headlines that related to forest fires in Indonesia.

2. Data Analysis

In order to answer the two questions, the researcher analyzed the headlines

from The Jakarta Post and The Straits Times newspaper. Before analyzing, the

headlines have been coded as JP for The Jakarta Post headline and ST for The

Straits Times headlines. For example, JP.1 meant The Jakarta Post headline data

number 1 and ST.2 represented The Straits Times headlines data number 2.

After all the headlines have been coded, the researcher started to analyze.

First of all, the researcher identified the first constituent of the clause in headlines

to find out the Themes or the signpost. Further, the Themes in the headlines were

analyzed and categorized based on the types of Theme according to Halliday‟s

theory on textual metafunction. Based on Butt et al. (1995), the Themes were

categorized into three types which are topical, interpersonal and textual Theme (p.

92). After that, the researcher analyzed the functional system of the Theme to

point out whether it stands as a participant, process or circumstance in a clause.

Take an example from The Jakarta Post headline; JP.H.15 Forest fires burn 2,200

ha in Jambi, threatening carbon trade deal. The Theme in this headline is

represented by the words “forest fires.” The type of this Theme is topical Theme.

The Theme “forest fires” functions as the participants and identified as an Actor

according to the verb „burn‟. The example above was the order to answer the first

problem of this study.



After answering the first problem, the researcher conducted the subsequent

analysis to reveal the message of the headlines. Based on the Themes that have

been analyzed, then the researcher can show the message of the headlines. As an

example, headline JP.H.10 Jokowi warns on danger of hotspots as dry season hits.

From this headline, the term “Jokowi,” is the first constituent of the clause and it

is marked as the Theme. The type of the Theme is categorized Topical Theme.

The Theme function of this headline is participants that categorize as an Actor.

From this headline, the news portal centered on showing how the government,

which in this context is the President of Indonesia, gives information to the

society about the sign of forest fires. The media focuses on revealing how the

President responds to forest fires problem. It was conducted in order to answer the

second problem of this study.




There are two main parts that will be discussed in this chapter by the

researcher. In order to answer the first problem formulation, the first part

discusses the use of Theme in Indonesian and Singaporean newspaper headlines.

Meanwhile, the second part discusses the message of the used Theme in headlines

which will answer the second problem formulation.

A. Themes Used in The Jakarta Post and The Straits Times Headlines

In this part, the researcher analyzes how the Themes are used in The

Jakarta Post and The Straits Times headlines news. There are two parts in a

clause based on Halliday‟s theory of textual metafunction. Those two parts are

Theme and Rheme, but in this study, the researcher focuses on analyzing the

Theme in the clause of the headlines. As mention before, Theme is the first

constituent of a clause and its uses as a signpost. The Themes are categorized into

three types which are topical Theme, interpersonal Theme, and textual Theme,

according to Halliday‟s theory (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004, p. 79). From the

total 64 headlines in both The Jakarta Post and The Straits Times newspapers, the

researcher does not find any other types of Theme except topical Themes. Topical

Theme refers to the Theme in which it performs as the participants in transitivity

analysis. The Themes of the headlines are categorized into the types of




participants. Those types of participants that the researcher found in the headlines

are Actor, Carrier, Sayer, Senser, Goal and Verbiage.

The researcher provides information about the types of participants of the

Theme from The Jakarta Post and The Straits Times headlines news in the table


Tabel 1. The Summary of Participants of the Theme in The Jakarta Post and

The Straits Times headlines

Participants The Jakarta Post The Straits Times

Actor 25 14

Goal 7 5

Carrier 1 4

Sayer 1 2

Senser 1 -

Verbiage 1 3

Total 36 28

The table above shows there are six types of participants of Themes found

in 64 headlines from The Jakarta Post and The Straits Times newspapers. Actor as

one of the participants dominates the whole types of participants since it has the

most numbers. The total number of Actors as the participant in The Jakarta Post

is twenty-five out of thirty-six headlines, while in The Straits Times, there are

fourteen headlines out of twenty-eight headlines that used Actor as the participant

of the Theme. From the table, other participants such as Sayer, Senser, Carrier and

Verbiage found only one in The Jakarta Post headlines. Last participant found in

The Jakarta Post is the participant Goal. The reseaecher found seven headlines

that use Goal as the participant of Theme. Next, participant Carrier found four in



headlines of The Straits Times news portals. Participant Goal found in five

headlines. For participant Verbiage, the researcher finds in three headlines from

The Straits Times. Last, the participant Sayer found two in The Straits Times

headlines. One participant which is absent in The Straits Times headlines is the

participant Senser. Those types of participants of the Theme in the headlines will

be discussed in the following discussion.

1. Themes in The Jakarta Post Headlines

From the thirty-six one headlines of The Jakarta Post about forest fires,

the researcher found transitivity function participants in Themes. There are six

types of participants of the Themes, which are Actor, Goal, Carrier, Sayer, Senser

and Verbiage found in The Jakarta Post headlines. The participant Actor is the

dominating participant of Themes in The Jakarta Post headlines.

a. Actor as the Participant of Themes

There are a total of 25 headlines in The Jakarta Post that used Actor as the

participants of the Themes. The participant is categorized as an Actor by looking

at the type of process. According to Halliday, the participant can be identified as

an Actor if the process describes what is happening or being done or knowing as a

material process (Butt et al., 1995, p. 46). In the material process, participant

Actor is acting as the doer or typically doing something often with an effect. The

participant Actor presents differently as the Theme in each headline. It depends on

the choice of the words of the first constituent in the headlines. Taking an

example from The Jakarta Post headlines, the Themes are represented by the

words “Jokowi” and “Riau police.” It shows two examples of Actors as the



participant of Theme. Down below are another example of the used participant

Actor as the Themes in some of the headlines news form The Jakarta Post related

to forest fires.

JP.H.1 BNPB to deploy thousands of officers to prevent forest fires

In this headline, the Theme is represented by the word “BNPB.” The

category of the Theme is topical Theme. The Theme “BNPB” has the function as

a participant in this clause. The transitivity function of this Theme is Actor. The

verb that shows the Theme is an Actor represented in this datum by „to deploy‟.

The participant Actor means that the participant which is doing something. The

rest of the clause in this headline “to deploy thousands of officers to prevent forest

fires” is the Rheme.

Another headline having Actor in The Jakarta Post is below.

JP.H.2 Land fire threat increases in South Sumatra

The first constituent in this headline that also marked as the Theme is the

words “land fire threat.” The researcher identified the type of this Theme as

topical Theme. This Theme also stands as a participant which in this context is

categorized as an Actor or the doer. The action in this headline is represented by

the verb „increases‟. The remaining clause “increases in South Sumatra” is the


JP.H.4 Pulp and paper firm targets zero forest fires in 2020

The clause “pulp and paper firm” is represented the Theme in this headline.

It is categorized as a topical Theme. The Theme has the function as a participant

which the researcher identifies as an Actor. This Theme use to gives the signal to



the readers that “Pulp and paper firm” is the Actor or the doer. The rest of the

clause “targets zero forest fires in 2020” is the Rheme in this headline.

JP.H.5 Authorities warned of forest fires as hot spots detected in Jambi

The researcher marks the word “authorities” as the Theme in this headline.

The Theme itself is categorized as topical Theme. The function of this Theme acts

as a participant. The type of participant for this Theme is an Actor who has done

something which in this headline the verb doing is „warned‟. The Rheme is the

rest of the clause in this headline that is “warned of forest fires as hot spots

detected in Jambi.”

JP.H.7 South Sumatra disaster agency lacks real-time monitoring of


Based on the headline above, the researcher points out the Theme, which is

the “South Sumatera disaster agency.” The type of Theme is identified as topical.

For the type of participant, it is categorized as an Actor. For the Rheme in this

headline, it is started from “lacks real-time monitoring of forest fires.”

JP.H.9 Jokowi emphasizes preventive measures in tackling forest, land


The Theme in this headline is the word “Jokowi.” For the type of Theme,

it is categorized as a topical Theme. The Theme “Jokowi” is identified as a

participant which in this headline functions as an Actor or the doer. The

participant Actor here is marked by the verb „emphasizes‟. The Rheme is the

remaining clause in this headline “emphasizes preventive measures in tackling

forest, land fires.



JP.H. 10 Jokowi warns on danger of hotspots as dry season hits

It is same as the JP.H.9, and the Theme is also “Jokowi.” The Theme is

categorized as topical Theme. Both headlines have used the word “Jokowi” as the

Theme that has functioned as an Actor or the doer. But in this datum, the verb is

showed by the word „warns‟. The rest of the clause “warns on danger of hotspots

as dry season hits” is the Rheme in this headline.

JP.H.11 Riau Police name palm oil corporations as forest fires suspect

The first constituent of the clause in this headline that the researcher

identifies as the Theme is “Riau police.” The category of the Theme is topical

Theme. The Theme has the function as a participant. In this headline, the

participant also is identified as an Actor or the doer. It is identify as an Actor due

to the verb „name‟. The rest clause “name palm oil corporations as forest fires

suspect” is marked as the Rheme.

JP.H.13 Forest, land fires raze school building in Kalimantan

In this headline, the Theme is the words “forest, land fires.” The

researcher categorizes the Theme as topical Theme. The Theme in this headline

has the function as a participant. The type of the participant is identified as an

Actor or the doer. The verb „raze‟ in this datum shows the action of forest, land

fires. The remaining clause, “raze school building in Kalimantan,” is the Rheme

in this headline.



JP.H.15 Forest fires burn 2,200 ha in Jambi, threatening carbon trade


The first constituent in this headline which is marked as the Theme is the

words “forest fires.” Type of this Theme is topical Theme. It has the function as a

participant and the researcher categorizes it as an Actor or the doer. The action of

forest fires is marked by the verb „burn‟. The rest of the clause “burn 2,200 ha in

Jambi, threatening carbon trade deal” is the Rheme of this headline.

JP.H.16 We built an app to detect areas most vulnerable to life-threatening


The Theme is marked by the word “we.” The type of this Theme is topical.

The term “we” is categorized as a participant in this headline. The material

process „built‟ helps the researcher to identify the function of the participant

which is an Actor. It is seen as an Actor because the process shows that the

Theme is mainly doing something. The remaining clause “built an app to detect

areas most vulnerable to life-threatening haze” is the Rheme in this headline.

JP.H.17 Indonesia forest fires surge, stocking global warming fears

The clause “Indonesia forest fires surge” is represented the Theme in this

headline. The Theme is categorized as topical Theme. The function of Theme

“Indonesia forest fires surge” is a participant and classified as an Actor. The verb

of this datum is „stocking‟. The rest of the clause “stocking global warming fears”

is identified as the Rheme.



JP.H.18 Indonesia seals land owned by Malaysian, Singaporean firms

The Theme in this headline is pointed out by the word “Indonesia.” The

type of this Theme is categorized as topical Theme. The Theme has the function

to give a signal to the readers that “Indonesia” is the Actor or the doer. The action

in this datum is marked by the verb „seals‟. The remaining clause “seals land

owned by Malaysian, Singaporean firms” is the Rheme on this headline.

JP.H.19 Govt grapples with fires as disruption worsens

The word “govt” is marked as the Theme in this headline. The type of

Theme is topical Theme. The Theme “govt” in this headline functions as a

participant who is doing something as the Actor or the doer. It is categorize as an

Actor due to the verb of doing „grapples‟. The rest of the clause “grapples with

fires as disruption worsens” is the Rheme.

JP.H.20 Residents flee Riau amid unbearable smog from forest fires

The Theme in this headline is marked by the word “residents.” The type of

this Theme is topical Theme. The function of this Theme is a participant which

categorizes as an Actor or the doer. “Resident” in this headline is doing an Action

which shows by the verb „flee‟. The rest of the clause “flee Riau amid unbearable

smog from forest fires” is the Rheme in this headline.

JP.H.21 Forest fires cause foreigners to cancel trips

The Theme here is represented by the words “forest fires.” The Theme is

identified as topical Theme. It functions as a participant. The researcher has

categorized the type of participant as an Actor. The action of the Theme “forest

fires” in this headline is marked by the verb „cause‟. It is along with the process



„cause,‟ which is a material process. The Rheme in this headline is the clause

“cause foreigners to cancel trips.”

JP.H.24 Forest fire haze clears over Singapore ahead of F1

The first constituent in this headline that is marked as the Theme is the

words “forest fire haze”. The Theme is categorized as topical Theme. The

researcher is also found that the Theme is functioned as an Actor according to the

type of process it has which material process. The verb which marks the material

process in this datum is „clears‟. The remaining clause “clears over Singapore

ahead of F1” is the Rheme of this headline.

JP.H.25 Police name 249 suspects in forest fires

The Theme is the word “police.” The type of this Theme is topical. The

transitivity of this Theme is an Actor. The Theme is identified as an Actor by look

at the verb „name‟. The remaining clause “name 249 suspects in forest fires” is

the Rheme.

JP.H.26 Kalla blames climate change for forest fires

The researcher has identified the Theme in this headline which represents

by the word “Kalla.” The type of this Theme is topical. The Theme “Kalla”

functions as a participant in this datum. It is categorized as an Actor for the type

of participant. The verb „blames‟ here marks the action from the Actor. The

remaining clause of this headline “blames climate change for forest fires” is the




JP.H.29 Officials rely on cloud seeding to combat forest fires

The word “officials” mark as the Theme in this headline. It is categorized

as a topical Theme. Here, “officials” has its function as a participant. The

transitivity for the Theme is an Actor. The verb that shows the action of the Actor

in this datum is „to combat‟. The clause “rely on cloud seeding to combat forest

fires” in this headline is the Rheme.

JP.H.30 Riau lifts emergency status for haze as hot spots extinguished

The first constituent in this clause in which identifies as the Theme is

represented by the word “Riau.” Type of this Theme is topical Theme. The Theme

“Riau” in this headline is identified as a participant who is an Actor or doer. The

verb which marks the action is „lift‟. The remaining clause from this headline

“lifts emergency status for haze as hot spots extinguished” is the Rheme.

JP.H.31 Riau Police name palm oil company executives suspects of forest


The Theme is marked by the word “Riau police.” It is categorized as a

topical Theme. Same as the other headlines above, the Theme also identified as an

Actor or the doer. It is classified as an Actor because of the material process that

the researcher found in this headline. The verb which marks as material process in

this datum is represented by the word „name‟. The Rheme is the rest of the clause

in this headline “name palm oil company executives suspects of forest fires.”

JP.H.34 Indigenous women of Jambi strive to make do after forest fires

The first constituent that is marked as the Theme in this headline is

“indigenous women of Jambi.” The Theme is categorized as topical. The Theme



functions as a participant. The researcher classified the type of participant as an

Actor. The researcher also points out the material process of the clause in this

headline which is „strive.‟ The remaining phrase in this headline “strive to make

do after forest fires” is the Rheme.

JP.H.35 Sumatran forest fires, Karawang oil leak strain oil and gas


The word “Sumatran forest fires” is marked as the Theme in this headline.

The type of Theme here is topical. The Theme here is similar to the Themes in

JP.H.17 and JP.H.24. The Themes are using forest fires to present the Themes,

and functions as an Actor. In this headline, the verb is being ellipsis. The verb is

„cause‟. The clause “Karawang oil leak strain oil and gas production” on this

headline is the Rheme.

JP.H.36 Riau officially ends emergency status for forest fires as rainy

season starts

Similar to the data JP.H.30, the Theme in this headline is also marked by

the word “Riau.” Both Themes are categorized as topical Theme. Those Themes

in JP.H.36 and JP.H.30 are functions as participants and identified as the doer by

the researcher. In datum JP.H.36, the verb is „end(ed)‟. The remaining clause

“officially ends emergency status for forest fires as rainy season starts” is the

Rheme of this headline.



b. Goal as the Participant of Theme

There are seven headlines from The Jakarta Post that used Goal as the

type of participant of the Theme. Goal refers to the participant in which an action

is directed to or simply to say that the participant's Goal is the affected one.

JP.H.8 Residents forced to wear masks as thick haze strikes Central


As mention above, Goal is the participant in which an action is directed.

The action meant in this headline is „forced to wear masks.‟ The Theme in this

headline is “residents” as the affected one. What meant by the affected one is that

in this datum, due to the forest fires in Central Kalimantan, the residents got the

effect of thick haze so they had to wear mask. The type of this Theme is also

topical Theme. The rest of the clause “forced to wear masks as thick haze strikes

Central Kalimantan” is the Rheme.

JP.H.6 Haze crisis returns to ASEAN

JP.H.32 Haze returns to Sumatra after three weeks of fresh air

JP.H.33 Haze in Jambi worsens as locals hope for rain

The three headlines above are showed a similarity in their Themes. The

Themes are “haze crisis,” “haze,” and “haze in Jambi.” Their Themes are

categorized as topical Theme. The transitivity function of those three Themes is

Goal. The haze here shows the effect due to forest fires problem in some regions

of Indonesia such as Sumatra and Jambi. Nominal groups „returns to ASEAN‟,

„returns to Sumatra after three weeks of fresh air‟ and „worsens as locals hope for

rain‟ follow those Themes. The nominal groups after the Themes are the Rheme.



JP.H.22 ‘#SawitBaik’ campaign launched amid forest fires in Sumatra,


The Theme in this data is the “#SawitBaik campaign” as the result of an

action „launched.‟ The Theme is categorized as topical Theme. The transitivity

process of the Theme is a Goal. The campaign is launched by the government as a

way to prevent forest fires in Sumatra and Kalimantan. The remaining phrase

“launched amid forest fires in Sumatra, Kalimantan” is the Rheme of this headline.

JP.H.23 Batam tourism undisturbed by forest fires

The Theme of this headline is “Batam tourism.” This Theme is categorized

as topical Theme. The transitivity function of this Theme is a Goal. The Theme

“Batam tourism” is the participant in which an action „undisturbed by‟ is directed.

The Rheme of this headline is the clause “undisturbed by forest fires.”

JP.H.27 Three companies with offices in Singapore fingered for

involvement in haze

The Theme of this headline is “three companies with offices in Singapore.”

The type of this Theme is topical Theme. The Theme “three companies with

offices in Singapore” is a result of an action „fingered‟ from this data. This Theme

is identified as a Goal for the transitivity function. The remaining of this headline

“fingered for involvement in haze” is the Rheme.

c. Carrier as the Participant of Theme

The type of participant Carrier belongs to the relational processes. A

relational process is simply said as a process of being. According to Butt et al.

(1995), in the relational process, some processes are attributive, which the first



participant called Carrier and followed by its Attribute (p. 49). From the analysis,

the researcher found one headline that use Carrier as the type of participant of the


JP.H.28 Centuries-old gold, jewelry from Sriwijaya era reportedly

unearthed on burnt peatland

Same as datum JP.H.7 and JP.H.36, the transitivity function of the Theme

in this headline is Carrier. The Theme is “centuries-old gold, jewelry from

Sriwijaya era.” The Attribute to the Carrier is „reportedly unearthed.‟ The verb in

this datum that shows relational process is missing or ommited. The verb that

suitable for this datum is verb „are.‟ This Theme is categorized as topical Theme.

The remaining clause “reportedly unearthed on burnt peatland” is the Rheme.

d. Sayer as the Participant of Theme

Through the analysis, the researcher found there is only one headline that

used Sayer as the participant of the Theme. Participant Sayer belongs to

projecting processes. “The projecting processes mean that processes which project

the inner world by speech or thought” (Butt et al., 1995, p. 46). Participant Sayer

means that someone who speech something. The process of projecting expression

is called a verbal process.

JP.H.4 Court declares Jokowi liable for suffering inflicted on thousands

by forest fires in 2015

Based on the headline above, the Theme is “court.” It is categorized as a

topical Theme. The transitivity element above is Sayer. In the headline above, the

Sayer is represented by the word “court.” The process „declares‟ is identified as a



verbal process. The remaining clause “declares Jokowi liable for suffering

inflicted on thousands by forest fires in 2015” is the Rheme of this headline.

e. Senser as the Participant of Theme

The participant Senser also belongs to the projecting processes same as the

participant Sayer. The difference is that Sayer is dealing with speech, while

Senser is more concerned about thoughts or feelings. The thoughts or feelings are

categorized as mental processes. In The Jakarta Post newspaper, only one

headline that the researcher found is used Senser as the participant of the Theme.

JP.H.12 Police suspect land dispute behind string of forest fires in Riau

In data JP.H.14, the Theme is “police.” The type of Theme is topical

Theme. The word “police” mark the transitivity element of Senser in the headline

above. It is identified as Senser marked by the mental process „suspect.‟ The

„suspect‟ in this datum means that the police have suspicion on land dispute as the

reason of forest fires in Riau. But, there is no proof about this, it is only

speculation from the police. The Rheme in this headline is “suspect land dispute

behind string of forest fires in Riau.”

f. Verbiage as the Participant of Theme

The fourth type of participant used as the Theme in The Jakarta Post is

Verbiage. Halliday & Matthiessen (2004) state that, “Verbiage is the function that

corresponds to what is said, representing it as a class of thing rather than as a

report or quote. Also the Verbiage may construe the topic of what is said”

(Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004, p. 255). It means that Verbiage shows the content

of the speech. This type of participant only found in one headline.



JP.H.14 Police chiefs to be removed for failure to handle forest fires:


The Theme in the headline above is used participant Verbiage as the point

of departure of the message. Verbiage means the content of the message said by

someone. The Theme of datum above is “police chiefs to be removed for failure

to handle forest fires,” which is the content of the message said by the minister.

The type of this Theme is topical.

2. Themes in The Straits Times Headlines

The Themes in The Straits Times headlines are quite similar to Themes in

The Jakarta Post headlines. The Themes in both newspaper headlines have

transitivity functions as a participant. The types of participants of the Theme that

the researcher found in The Straits Times headlines are Actor, Goal, Carrier, Sayer

and Verbiage. In The Straits Times newspaper, type participant that dominates as

the Theme in the headline is the participant Actor.

a. Actor as the Participant of Theme

As mention before, Actor is the dominant participant of the Theme with a

total of fourteen headlines that used it as the type participant of the Themes.

ST.H.1 Indonesia fights fires in palm-growing regions as drought looms

ST.H.2 Indonesia steps up bid to curb land fires

ST.H.3 Indonesia battles fires as dry season peaks

ST.H.12 Indonesia steps up fight against fires as hot spots increase

ST.H.20 Indonesia seals off plantations amid row with Malaysia over




In The Straits Times newspaper, a total of five headlines use the same

concept for their Themes. The Themes of those headlines above are categorized as

topical Theme. The Themes of those five headlines are marked by the word

“Indonesia.” The Themes are represented the transitivity function of an Actor or

the doer. Although the Theme is the same, the material process that followed the

participant Actor is different for each headline.

ST.H.7 Malaysia calls on ASEAN to fight haze as Indonesia battles forest


The Theme in this headline is “Malaysia.” The type of this Theme

categorized as topical. “Malaysia” in this datum is identified as a participant

which function as an Actor. The Theme “Malaysia” has the function as an Actor

or the doer followed by the verb „calls.‟ The remaining caluse “calls on ASEAN

to fight haze as Indonesia battles forest fires” is marked as the Rheme.

ST.H.13 Indonesian police investigating palm oil companies over forest


ST.H.24 Indonesia police name 19 more suspects in starting forest fires,

bringing total to 249

The themes in both headlines are “Indonesian police” and “Indonesia

police.” The Themes are categorized as topical Theme. The Themes “Indonesian

police” and “Indonesian police” are function as Actors or the doer. The Themes

are classified as an Actor based on the verb in the datum above which

„investigating‟ and „name(d)‟. Last, the Rhemes in both headlines above are

„investigating palm oil companies over forest fires‟ and „name 19 more suspects



in starting forest fires, bringing total to 249‟ which is “investigating palm oil

companies over forest fires.”

ST.H.15 Thousands pray for rain in Indonesia as forests go up in smoke

ST.H.21 Hundreds pray for rain in Indonesia as forest fires rage on

The Themes are “thousands” and “hundreds.” These Themes are

categorized as topical Theme. The Themes “thousands” and “hundreds” are

identified as a participant. The transitivity element of these Themes is Actors. It is

seen as Actors by looking at the verb „pray‟ which knows as a verb of doing. The

remaining clauses „pray for rain in Indonesia as forests go up in smoke‟ and „pray

for rain in Indonesia as forest fires rage on‟ are the Rhemes of the headlines above.

ST.H.16 Indonesian provinces of Riau and Jambi shut schools due to

haze caused by peatland fires

The Theme of datum JP.H.16 is “Indonesian provinces of Riau and Jambi.”

This Theme is categorized as topical Theme. The transitivity function of this

Theme is participant Actor. The Theme is followed by the verb „shut‟ to shows

the action of the Actor. The remaining clause „shut schools due to haze caused by

peatland fires‟ is the Rheme of this headline.

ST.H.17 Indonesia forest fires surge, stocking global warming fears

The datum ST.H.17 is the same as datum JP.H.17. Both headlines are the

same, which „Indonesia forest fires surge, stocking global warming.‟ The Theme

of this datum is also “Indonesia forest fires surge.” It is categorized as a topical

Theme. The transitivity function of datum ST.H.17 Theme is also the same as

datum JP.H.17, which is an Actor. The verb that shows the Themes of ST.H.17



and JP.H.17 are Actors represented by „stocking‟. The rest of the clause from

datum ST.H.17 „stocking global warming fears‟ is the Rheme.

ST.H.18 Forest fires destroying vital buffer against climate change

This datum is also shared similarities with datum JP.H.15 in their Themes.

The word “forest fires” marks both Themes. The Theme of this headline is also

categorized as a topical Theme. Same as datum JP.H.15, the Theme “forest fires”

from datum ST.H.18 also function as participant Actor. The difference between

datum ST.H.18 and JP.H.15 is in the verb of doing. The verb in JP.H.15 is „burn‟

while, in ST.H.18, the verb is „destroying‟. The remaining clause „destroying vital

buffer against climate change‟ is the Rheme of this headline.

ST.H.25 Drought, wildfires inflict double whammy on Indonesian crops

The Theme in this headline is “drought, wildfires.” This Theme is

categorized as topical Theme. The transitivity function of this Theme is a

participant of an Actor. The Theme “drought, wildfires” in this datum is marked

by the doer. The action in this datum is marked by the verb „inflict‟. The rest of

clause in this headline „inflict double whammy on Indonesian crops‟ is the Rheme.

b. Goal as the Participant of Theme

Data in the table.1 shows there are five headlines in The Straits Times

newspaper that used participant Goal in their Themes.

ST.H.4 Malaysians brace for hazy days due to Sumatera fires

In this headline, the Theme is “Malaysian.” The Theme is classified as

topical Theme. “Malaysian” in this headline is marked as participant Goal for the

transitivity function. The Theme “Malaysian” is the one who is affected due to



Sumatera fires. The remaining clause “brace for hazy days due to Sumatera fires”

is the Rheme of this headline.

ST.H.14 Haze threat looms over Singapore as Indonesia forest fires rage

The Theme in this datum is “haze threat.” The Theme is categorized as

topical Theme. The transitivity function this Themes is Goal. The Theme shows

that the haze that cover Singapore is because of the Indonesia forest fires rage.

The remaining clause „looms over Singapore as Indonesia forest fires rage‟ is the

Rheme of this headline.

ST.H.19 Indonesians choked by forest fire haze pray for rain

The Theme is “Indonesians.” The Theme is categorized as topical Theme.

The transitivity element of the Theme “Indonesians” is participant Goal. Goal

refers to to the participant in action is directed. The action in datum above is

marked by the words „choked by.‟ The Theme “Indonesians” is the result of an

action „choked by.‟ The remaining clause „choked by forest fire haze pray for rain‟

is the Rheme.

ST.H.23 230 arrested in Indonesia on suspicion of starting forest fires

The Theme in this datum is represented by the number “230”. The type of

this Theme is topical Theme. The Theme “230” is categorized as participant Goal.

By looking at the verb „arrested‟, the Theme “230” is a Goal which the action

arrested is directed to. The remaining clause „arrested in Indonesia on suspicion of

starting forest fires‟ is the Rheme of this headline.

ST.H.26 Three Indonesian firms with presence in S’pore linked to

forest fires causing haze



The Theme is “three Indonesian firms with presence in S‟pore” for this

headline. Type of this Theme is topical Theme. The Theme “three Indonesian

firms with presence in S‟pore” is a result of an action „linked‟ based on this datum.

This Theme is identified as a Goal for the transitivity function. The rest clause in

this datum „linked to forest fires causing haze‟ is the Rheme.

c. Carrier as the Participant of Theme

The data from the table.1 shows that there are four headlines used Carrier

as the type of participant of the Theme. Those are shown below

ST.H.5 Hazy days here a possibility due to unusually dry

The first constituent “hazy days here” is marked as the Theme of this

headline. The type of this Theme is topical Theme. This Theme shows that it uses

Carrier as the participant of Theme. The verb which shows the relational process

is missing in this headline. The verb which fit with the Theme is represented by

verb „is‟. The rest clause in this headline „a possibility due to unusually dry‟ is the


ST.H.6 Wind, deep peatland and lack of water among obstacles in

tackling Riau land

The first constituent of this headline, “wind, deep peatland and lack of

water,” is marked as the Theme. The Theme is categorized as topical Theme. The

transitivity function of this Theme is participant Carrier. The verb „are‟ which

shows the relational process in this datum is ommited. The Theme is attached to

its Attribute, which is „among obstacles in tackling Riau.‟ The rest of the clause in

this headline “among obstacles in tackling Riau land fires” is the Rheme.



ST.H.11 Indonesia accounts for almost 80% of hotspots detected in

Asean in past month

The Theme in this headline is “Indonesia accounts for almost 80% of

hotspots”. The category of this Theme is topical Theme. The type participant of

this Theme is a Carrier. The remaining clause „detected in Asean in the past

month is the Rheme of this datum.

ST.H.22 Haze in Singapore at mercy of wind direction

The Theme of datum above is “haze in Singapore.” The Theme is

categorized as topical Theme. The transitivity element for this Theme is

participant Carrier. The verb which shows the relational process in this headline is

ommited. The verb that fit in this datum is verb „is.‟

d. Sayer as the Participant of Theme

From the analysis, two headlines use Sayer as the type participant of its

Themes. The verbs from the headlines help the researcher to categorize the type of

participant Sayer.

ST.H.8 Indonesia’s Jokowi says he‟ll fire officials if they fail to tackle

forest blazes

The Theme represented by “Indonesia‟s Jokowi.” The Theme is

categorized as topical Theme. The Theme “Indonesia‟s Jokowi” is classified as

participant Sayer because of the process “says” in the headline. The Rheme in this

headline is the clause “says he‟ll fire officials if they fail to tackle forest blazes.”

ST.H.28 Indonesian agency says it expects rainy season to help end forest

fires soon



The Theme in this headline is “Indonesian agency.” This Theme is

categorized as topical Theme. The transitivity function of the Theme “Indonesian

agency” is a Sayer. The Theme is represented as a Sayer marked by the verb

„says‟. The remaining clause “says it expects rainy season to help end forest fires

soon” is the Rheme of this headline.

e. Verbiage as the Participant of Theme

The last type of participant that used as the Theme is Verbiage. Three

headlines from The Straits Times are using Verbiage as the participant of Themes.

Verbiage is the content of what is said or indicated can be released as a full

projected clause.

ST.H.9 Indonesian farmers need help to clear land with tractors, not

with burning: Jokowi

ST.H.10 Help farmers get equipped to clear land without burning:


The Themes in datum above are “Indonesian farmers need help to clear

land with tractors, not with burning” and “help farmers get equipped to clear land

without burning”. The type of these two Themes is topical Theme. Both Themes

indicates the content of the messages for those headlines. Headlines above also

use „Jokowi‟ as the participant of Sayer in their headlines.



ST.H.27 Toxic air from fires in Indonesian putting 10m kids at risk:


The Theme in this headline is “toxic air from fires in Indonesian putting

10km kids at risk”. This clause is marked as the Theme, and it conveys the

content of the message. The Theme itself is categorized as topical Theme. While,

in datum, ST.H.10 and ST.H11 use „Jokowi‟ as the participant Sayer in their

headlines, in this headline, it uses „UN‟ as the participant Sayer.

B. Messages Revealed from the Use of Themes in Headlines

In this part, the researcher explains the messages that reveal from the use

of Themes in Headlines. The Themes as the signpost help the researcher to find

out the message of the headlines. After founding the Themes and types of

participants, then the researcher starts to analyze the message of each headline. In

this analysis, the choice of words in the Themes determines the message that the

media wants to portray.

1. Government Responsibilities Revealed from The Jakarta Post Headlines

The data below is from Indonesian headlines to show how the choice of

words in Themes determines the message of the headlines. From the analysis, the

researcher found out that the media focused on showing the responsibility of

Indonesian government towards the forest fires problem. The Themes which show

the responsibility of the government is represented by different types of

participants such as Actor, Sayer, Senser and Verbiage.



From 36 headlines in The Jakarta Post, the analysis shows that total 47%

of the Theme in headlines focused on showing the Indonesian government

responsibilities of forest fires problem. The example of Themes that show the

responsibilities of Indonesian government can be seen down below.

The participant Actor revealed the government responsibility.

JP.H. 10 Jokowi warns on danger of hotspots as dry season hits.

JP.H.25 Police name 249 suspects in forest fires

The analysis of Themes showed that the Themes of the both headlines

above function as Actor or the doer. Participant Actors are represented differently

by the words “Jokowi”, and “police”. The media wants to show how the

Indonesian government, which in this context is President of Indonesia, reacts to

the forest fires problem in Indonesia. It shows the responsibility of the president

as the country‟s leader to warn his community regarding forest fires in Indonesia.

By using President as the Theme, the media intends the public to see that the

President is doing his duty. Further, the media wants the community to be aware

of the sign of forest fires.

Not to only focus on President of Indonesia, The Jakarta Post also points

out how the “police” work to find the suspect of the forest fires based on datum

JP.H.25. The media answers the curiosity from the public about the suspect of

forest fires. This datum also shows how the government is doing its job to prevent

forest fires in Indonesia.



The headline with Sayer as the Theme is shown below.

JP.H.4 Court declares Jokowi liable for suffering inflicted on thousands

by forest fires in 2015

The Theme in the above headline refers to the Indonesian government

represented by the court. The Theme is represented as Sayer marked by the verb

„declares.‟ The Sayer in data above refers to the government representative

realized as “court.” The Sayer appeals to the reader to focus on other governments

besides the President and police. This headline shows how the court evaluates the

performance of the Indonesian President in the fight against forest fires.

The headline with Senser as the Theme is displayed below.

JP.H.12 Police suspect land dispute behind string of forest fires in Riau

Another kind of Theme showing the government‟s role is shown as Senser.

It is the participant who “feels” or “thinks.” The Theme in the above data refers to

the Indonesian government represented by the police. The Theme is represented

as Senser marked by the verb „suspect.‟ By using the police as the Theme, it gains

the reader interest to know the suspect of forest fires, although it is only the police


The last type of participant which shows government role in Indonesian

headlines is Verbiage, as shown below.

JP.H.14 Police chiefs to be removed for failure to handle forest fires:


Verbiage is found in the departing message above. The message said by

the minister is about “police chiefs to be removed for failure to handle forest fires.”



The choice of Verbiage refers to the results in finding the suspect of forest fires.

Moreover, the headlines display a warning towards the Indonesian police.

Indirectly, the media signals that consequence of the police officers who fail to

solve the forest fires problem.

2. Supports Revealed from The Straits Times Headlines

The Singaporean media shows support towards the Indonesian by reported

about how the Indonesian government deals with the forest fires problem in their

country. Here, the media reveal the supports in the headlines by using the words

Indonesian and Indonesian government. From the analysis, total 46% of the

Theme in The Straits Times headlines reveal the supports towards Indonesian and

the Indonesian government. The supports are represented in their Theme which

display by the participants Actor, Goal, and Verbiage.

Singaporean media using Indonesian government as the Themes are

shown in the headlines down below.

ST.H.13 Indonesian police investigating palm oil companies over forest


ST.H.24 Indonesia police name 19 more suspects in starting forest fires,

bringing total to 249

While in Indonesian media focusing on many branches of government, the

Singaporean media choose Indonesian police in their news as the main object of

the Indonesian government. The media just report about how the police start to

investigate some people that consider as the suspect of the forest fires in Indonesia.



The use of word Indonesian police as the highlight of their headlines attract the

public and to have their attention only on the suspect of the forest fires. The media

shows the support toward the Indonesian police by mention their name as the

highlight of the headline.

In their news, Singaporean media also shows the support by using point of

view from Indonesia as general, either the government or the Indonesian citizens,

by using the word “Indonesia.”

The headlines are displayed bellow.

ST.H.2 Indonesia steps up bid to curb land fires

ST.H.3 Indonesia battles fires as dry season peaks

The words “Indonesia” from headlines above are marked as the Themes.

The readers directly know the news is about Indonesia. The media also gives

information to the reader about what happened to Indonesia and society. By using

the word “Indonesia,” Singapore media shows that the Indonesian government

and the communities are work together to fight against forest fires in their country.

Down below is the example of participant Goal shows suppot.

ST.H.23 230 arrested in Indonesia on suspicion of starting forest fires

The media shows support toward Indonesian government and Indonesian

communities by mention the number of suspect of forest fires that has been a

arrested by the police. By mentioning the number of suspect, the media helps the

Indonesian readers to know the person behind the forest fires problem and shows

the result of Indonesian police responsibility.



Other participant that shows support in Singaporean media is Verbiage

which is displayed below.

ST.H.9 Indonesian farmers need help to clear land with tractors, not

with burning: Jokowi

The target of this headline is aimed to the Indonesian society, especially

the farmers. The media shows supports to the Indonesian by provide one of the

ways from Indonesian president to prevent the forest fires in their country. The

media wants the Indonesians to be more care about their environment.

In relation to some previous studies, the use of SFL theory is also applied

in this current study. It aims to analyze the Theme and Rheme in the text. From

the used of Themes, in Stella & Gunawan (2017) study, the writer intends to find

out how the Themes organize the messages in web sites (Stella & Gunawan, 2017,

p. 54). Similarly, this current study finds how the Themes help revealed the

messages in the headline. This study applies stylistics in order to analyze the

language style in headlines which help the researcher to analyze the message.




In this part, the researcher gives the conclusion of the two main

discussions as the answer to two problems. The first problem is to find out the

Themes used in Indonesian and Singaporean newspaper headlines of forest fires.

Those newspapers are The Jakarta Post from Indonesia and The Straits Times

from Singapore. The second problem is to find out the message from the use of

Themes in Indonesian and Singaporean newspaper headlines.

In the first problem, the researcher finds that there is only one type of

Theme which is topical Theme. Although all the Themes are categorized as

topical Theme, the type of participant of each Theme is different. The researcher

finds six types of participant of the Themes which are Actor, Goal, Carrier, Sayer,

Senser, and Verbiage. For The Jakarta Post headlines, there are 25 headlines used

participant Actors, 4 headlines used participant Goals and Carriers, and one

headline for each participant of Sayer, Senser, and Verbiage. In The Straits Times

headlines, there are 14 headlines used participant Actors, 3 headlines used

participant Goal, 6 headlines used participant Carrier, 2 headlines used participant

Sayer and 3 headlines used participant Verbiages.

Participant Actor is the dominating participant of the Themes in

Indonesian and Singaporean headlines. The Themes act as the doer is represented

differently in both newspaper headlines. Some Themes are represented by the




word Indonesia, Jokowi, Riau police, forest fires, etc. The other Themes are

represented by the words, haze, hazy days, police, and Indonesia‟s Jokowi.

Indonesian and Singaporean media represent the Themes in the headlines

differently on purpose. In the second problem, the researcher finds that the use of

Themes in headlines is to reveal the messages of the headlines. From The Jakarta

Post, the media focuses to show the responsibility from the Indonesian

government. The media shows how the Indonesian government deals with forest

fires problems in their country. The Indonesian government that the media shown

in their headlines is Jokowi as the Indonesian President, police, court, govt, Kalla,


Moreover, in Singaporean media, the researcher finds that The Straits

Times newspaper shows support towards the Indonesian either the government or

the communities in the Themes of their headlines. The media presents the support

by add some information about the number of the suspect and also the obstacles

faced by the government and the society in fight against forest fires in their


As the final point, the researcher finds the type of Theme and its type of

participant and the messages reveal from the use of Theme in Indonesian and

Singaporean newspaper headlines. The Theme in each headline is used to give a

signal to the readers about what the news is. Besides, this research provides proof

that the stylistic approach can be used to analyze the headline.

In this part, the researcher suggests other researchers to conduct different

analyses with the same object to improve the analysis using the stylistic approach.



Moreover, the researcher encourages other researchers to research by using

different analyses, such as transitivity analysis, mood and modality analysis, etc.

Since everyone has different interpretations, it could be interesting to see other

arguments from other researchers.



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Appendix 1: Actor as the participant of Theme in The Jakarta Post

BNPB to deploy thousands of officers to prevent forest fires

Land fire threat increases in South Sumatra

Land fire threat increases in South Sumatra

Participants Process Circumstance

Actor Material Circumstance of place

Theme Rheme

Pulp and paper firm targets zero forest fires in 2020

Pulp and paper firm Targets zero forest fires in 2020

Participants Process Participants Circumstance

Actor Material Goal Circum. of time

Theme Rheme

Authorities warned of fires as hot spots detected in Jambi

Authorities warned of fires as hot spots detected in Jambi

Participants Process Participants Circumstance

Actor Material Goal Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

South Sumatra disaster agency lacks real-time monitoring of forest

South Sumatra disaster agency Lacks real-time monitoring of forest

Participants Process Participants

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

Jokowi emphasizes preventive measures in tackling forest, land fires

Jokowi emphasizes preventive measures in tackling forest, land fires

Participants Process Participants Circumstance

Actor Material Goal Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme


BNPB to deploy thousands of officers to prevent forest fires

Participants Process Participants

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme



Jokowi warns on danger of hotspots as dry season hits

Jokowi Warns on danger of hotspots as dry season hits

Participants Process Circumstance

Actor Material Circum.of cause

Theme Rheme

Riau Police name palm oil corporation as forest fire suspect

Riau Police name(d) palm oil corporation as forest fire suspect

Participants Process Participants

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

Forest, land fires raze school building in Kalimantan

Forest, land fires Raze school building in Kalimantan

Participants Predicator Participants Circumstance

Actor Process Goal Circum. of place

Theme Rheme

Forest fires burn 2,200 ha in Jambi, threatening carbon trade deal

Forest fires burn 2,200 ha in Jambi threatening carbon trade deal

Participants Process Participants Circumstance

Actor Material Goal Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

We built an app to detect areas most vulnerable to life-threatening haze

We built an app to detect areas most vulnerable to life-threatening haze

Participants Process Participants Circumstance

Actor Material Goal Circum. of cause (purpose)

Theme Rheme

Indonesia forest fires surge, stoking global warming fears

Indonesia forest fires surge Stoking global warming fears

Participants Process Participants

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme



Indonesia seals land owned by Malaysian, Singaporean firms

Indonesia seals land owned by Malaysian, Singaporean firms

Participants Process Participants Circumstance

Actor Material Goal Circumstance of

Theme Rheme

Govt grapples with fires as disruption worsens

Govt Grapples with fires as disruption worsens

Participants Process Participants Circumstance

Actor Material Goal Circumstance of cause

Theme Rheme

Residents flee Riau amid unbearable smog from forest fires

Residents flee Riau amid unbearable smog form forest fires

Partipants Process Circumstance Circumstance

Actor Material Circum. of place Circumstance of cause

Theme Rheme

Forest fires cause foreigners to cancel trips

Forest fires Cause foreigners to cancel trips

Participants Process Participants Circumstance

Actor Material Goal Circusmstance of cause

Theme Rheme

Forest fire haze clears over Singapore ahead of F1

Fores fires haze Clears over Singapore ahead of F1

Participants Process Participants Circumstance

Actor Material Goal Circum. of time

Theme Rheme

Police name 249 suspects in forest fires

Police name(d) 249 suspects in forest fires

Participants Process Participants Circumstance

Actor Material Goal Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

Kalla blames climate change for forest fires

Kalla Blames climate change for forest fires

Participants Process Participants Circumstance

Actor Material Goal Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme



Officials rely on cloud seeding to combat forest fires

Officials rely on cloud seeding to combat forest fires

Participants Circumstance Process Participants

Actor Circumstance of Material Goal

Theme Rheme

Riau lifts emergency status for haze as hot spots extinguished

Riau Lifts emergency status for haze

as hot spots extinguished

Participants Process Participants Circumstance

Actor Material Goal Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

Riau Police name palm oil company executives suspects of forest fires

Riau Police name(d) palm oil company executives

suspects of forest fires

Participants Process Participants Circumstance

Actor Material Goal Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

Indigenous women of Jambi strive to make do after forest fires

Indigenous women of Jambi Strive to make do after forest fires

Participants Process Participants Circumstance

Actor Material Goal Circum. of time

Theme Rheme

Sumatran forest fires, Karawang oil leak strain oil and gas production

Sumatran forest fires (cause) Karawang oil leak strain oil and gas production

Participants Process Participants

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

Riau officially ends emergency status for forest fires as rainy season starts



end(ed) emergency status for forest fires

as rainy season starts

Participants Circumstance Process Participants Circumstance

Actor Circum. of Material Goal Circum. of time

Theme Rheme



Appendix 2: Goal as the participant of Theme in The Jakarta Post

Residents forced to wear masks as thick haze strikes Central Kalimantan

'#SawitBaik' campaign launched amid forest fires in Sumatra, Kalimantan

„#SawitBaik‟ campaign

Launched amid forest fires in Sumatra, Kalimantan

Participants Process Circumstance Circumstance

Goal Material Circum. of cause Circum. of place

Theme Rheme

Batam tourism undisturbed by forest fires

Batam tourism undisturbed by forest fires

Participants Process Participants

Goal Material Actor

Theme Rheme

Haze crisis returns to ASEAN

Haze crisis Returns to ASEAN

Participants Process Circumstance

Goal Material Circum. of place

Theme Rheme

Haze returns to Sumatra after three weeks of fresh air

Haze Returns to Sumatra after three weeks of fresh air

Participants Process Circumstance Circumstance

Goal Material Circum. of place Circum. of time

Theme Rheme

Haze in Jambi worsens as locals hope for rain

Haze in Jambi Worsens as locals hope for rain

Participants Circumstance Process Circumstance

Goal Circum. of place Material Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

Residents forced to wear masks

as thick haze strikes

Central Kalimantan

Participants Process Participants Circumstance

Goal Material Actor Circum. of place

Theme Rheme



Three companies with offices in Singapore fingered for involvement in haze

Three companies with offices in Singapore

Fingered for involvement in haze

Participants Circumstance Process Circumstance

Goal Circum. of place Material Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

Appendix 3: Carrier as the participant of Theme in The Jakarta Post

Centuries-old gold, jewelry from Sriwijaya era reportedly unearthed on burnt


Centuries-old gold, jewelry from Sriwijaya era

(are) reportedly unearthed

on burn peatland

Participants Process Circumstance

Carrier Relational Circum. of place

Theme Rheme

Appendix 4: Sayer as the participant of Theme in The Jakarta Post

Court declares Jokowi liable for suffering inflicted on thousands by forest fires in




Jokowi liable for suffering

inflicted on thousands by

forest fires

in 2015

Participants Process Participants Circumstance

Sayer Projecting Verbiage Circum. of time

Theme Rheme

Appendix 5: Senser as the participant of Theme in The Jakarta Post

Police suspect land dispute behind string of forest fires in Riau

Police suspect land dispute behind string of forest fires

in Riau

Participants Process Participants Circumstance

Senser Projecting Phenomenon Circum. of place

Theme Rheme



Appendix 6: Verbiage as the participant of Theme in The Jakarta Post

Police chiefs to be removed for failure to handle forest fires: minister

Appendix 7: Actor as the participant of Theme in The Straits Times

Indonesia fights fires in palm-growing regions as drought looms

Indonesia steps up bid to curb land fires

Indonesia steps up bid to curb land fires

Participants Process Participants

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

Indonesia battles fires as dry season peaks

Indonesia battles fires as dry season peaks

Participants Process Participants Circumstance

Actor Material Goal Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

Malaysia calls on Asean to fight haze as Indonesia battles forest fires

Malaysia Calls on Asean to fight haze as Indonesia battles forest fires

Participants Process Participants Circumstance

Actor Material Goal Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

Indonesia steps up fight against fires as hot spots increase

Indonesia steps up fight against fires as hot spots increase

Participants Process Participants Circumstance

Actor Material Goal Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

Police chiefs to be removed for failure to handle forest fires

(said by) Minister

Participants Process Participants

Verbiage Projecting Sayer

Theme Rheme

Indonesia Fights fires in palm-growing regions

as drought looms

Participants Process Participants Circumstance Circumstance

Actor Material Goal Circum. of place Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme



Indonesian police investigating palm oil companies over forest fires

Indonesian police investigating palm oil companies over forest fires

Participants Process Participants Circumstance

Actor Material Goal Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

Thousands pray for rain in Indonesia as forests go up in smoke

Thousand Pray for rain in Indonesia as forests go up in smoke

Participants Process Circumstance Circumstance

Actor Material Circum. of cause Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

Indonesian provinces of Riau and Jambi shut schools due to haze caused by

peatland fires

Indonesian provinces of Riau and Jambi

shut schools due to haze caused by peatland fires

Participants Process Participants Circumstance

Actor Material Goal Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

Indonesia forest fires surge, stoking global warming fears

Indonesia forest fires surge Stocking global warming fears

Participants Process Participants

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

Forest fires destroying vital buffer against climate change

Forest fires Destroying vital buffer against climate change

Participants Process Participants Circumstance

Actor Material Goal Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

Indonesia seals off plantations amid row with Malaysia over haze

Indonesia seals off Plantations amid row with Malaysia over haze

Participants Process Participants Circumstance

Actor Material Goal Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme



Hundreds pray for rain in Indonesia as forest fires rage on

Hundreds Pray for rain in Indonesia as forest fires rage on

Participants Process Circumstance Circumstance

Actor Material Circum. of cause Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

Indonesia police name 19 more suspects in starting forest fires, bringing total to


Indonesia police name(d) 19 more suspect

in starting forest fires

bringing total to 249

Participants Process Participants Circumstance Circumstance

Actor Material Goal Circum. of cause

Circum. of matter

Theme Rheme

Drought, wildfires inflict double whammy on Indonesian crops

Drought, wildfires Inflict double whammy on Indonesian crops

Participants Process Participants

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

Appendix 8: Goal as the participant of Theme in The Straits Times

Malaysians brace for hazy days due to Sumatra fires

Indonesians choked by forest fire haze pray for rain

Indonesians choked by

forest fire haze

(Indonesians) pray for rain

Participants Process Participants Participants Process Circumst ance

Goal Material Actor Actor Material Circum.

of cause Theme Rheme

Haze threat looms over Singapore as Indonesia forest fires rage

Haze threat looms over Singapore as Indonesia forest fires rage

Participants Process Circumstance Circumstance

Goal Material Circum. of place Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

Malaysians Brace for hazy days due to Sumatra fires

Participants Process Circumstance Participants

Goal Material Circum. of cause Actor

Theme Rheme



Three Indonesian firms with presence in S'pore linked to forest fires causing


Three Indonesian firms

with presence in S‟pore Linked to forest fires causing haze

Participants Circumstance Process Circumstance

Goal Circum. of place Material Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

230 arrested in Indonesia on suspicion of starting forest fires

230 arrested in Indonesia on suspicion of starting forest fires

Participants Process Circumstance Circumstance

Goal Material Circum. of place Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

Appendix 9: Carrier as the participant of Theme in The Straits Times

Hazy days here a possibility due to unusually dry

Wind, deep peatland and lack of water among obstacles in tackling Riau land

Wind, deep peatland and lack of water (are) among obstacles in tackling Riau land

Participants Process Participants

Carrier Relational Attribute

Theme Rheme

Indonesia accounts for almost 80% of hotspots detected in Asean in past month

Indonesia accounts for almost 80% of hotspots

(are) detected in Asean in past month

Participants Process Circumstance Circumstance

Carrier Relational Circum. of place Circum. of time

Theme Rheme

Haze in Singapore at mercy of wind direction

Haze in Singapore (is) at mercy of wind direction

Participants Circumstance Process Participants

Carrier Circum. of place Relational Attribute

Theme Rheme

Haze days here (is) a possibility due to unsually dry

Participant Process Participants

Carrier Relational Attribute

Theme Rheme



Appendix 10: Sayer as the participant of Theme in The Straits Times

Indonesia's Jokowi says he'll fire officials if they fail to tackle forest blazes

Indonesian agency says it expects rainy season to help end forest fires soon

Indonesian agency Says it expects rainy season to help end forest fires soon

Participants Process Participants

Sayer Projecting Verbiage

Theme Rheme

Appendix 11: Verbiage as the participant of Theme in The Straits Times

Indonesian farmers need help to clear land with tractors, not with burning: President

Indonesian farmers need help to clear land with tractors, not with burning

(said by) President

Participants Process Participants

Verbiage Projecting Sayer

Theme Rheme

Help farmers get equipped to clear land without burning: Jokowi

Help farmers get equipped to clear land without burning

(said by) Jokowi

Participants Process Participants

Verbiage Projecting Sayer

Theme Rheme

Toxic air from fires in Indonesia putting 10m kids at risk: UN

Toxic air from fires in Indonesia putting 10m kids at risk

(said by) UN

Paticipants Process Participants

Verbiage Verbal Sayer

Theme Rheme

Indonesia‟s Jokowi Says he‟ll fire officials if they fail to tackle forest blazes

Participants Process Participants

Sayer Projecting Verbiage

Theme Rheme



Appendix 12: List of Selected Headlines from The Jakarta Post

JP.H.1 BNPB to deploy thousands of officers to prevent forest fires.


JP.H.2 Land fire threat increases in South Sumatra.


JP.H.3 Court declares Jokowi liable for suffering inflicted on thousands by forest

fires in 2015.


JP.H.4 Pulp and paper firm targets zero forest fires in 2020.


JP.H.5 Authorities warned of fires as hot spots detected in Jambi.


JP.H.6 Haze crisis returns to ASEAN.


JP.H.7 South Sumatra disaster agency lacks real-time monitoring of forest.


JP.H.8 Residents forced to wear masks as thick haze strikes Central Kalimantan.


JP.H.9 Jokowi emphasizes preventive measures in tackling forest, land fires.


JP.H.10 Jokowi warns on danger of hotspots as dry season hits.


JP.H. 11 Riau Police name palm oil corporation as forest fire suspect.




JP.H. 12 Police suspect land dispute behind string of forest fires in Riau.


JP.H.13 Forest, land fires raze school building in Kalimantan.


JP.H. 14 Police chiefs to be removed for failure to handle forest fires: minister.


JP.H.15 Forest fires burn 2,200 ha in Jambi, threatening carbon trade deal.


JP.H.16 We built an app to detect areas most vulnerable to life-threatening haze.


JP.H.17 Indonesia forest fires surge, stoking global warming fears.


JP.H.18 Indonesia seals land owned by Malaysian, Singaporean firms.


JP.H.19 Govt grapples with fires as disruption worsens.


JP.H.20 Residents flee Riau amid unbearable smog from forest fires.


JP.H.21 Forest fires cause foreigners to cancel trips.


JP.H.22 '#SawitBaik' campaign launched amid forest fires in Sumatra, Kalimantan.


JP.H.23 Batam tourism undisturbed by forest fires.




JP.H.24 Forest fire haze clears over Singapore ahead of F1.


JP.H.25 Police name 249 suspects in forest fires.


JP.H.26 Kalla blames climate change for forest fires.


JP.H.27 Three companies with offices in Singapore fingered for involvement in



JP.H.28 Centuries-old gold, jewelry from Sriwijaya era reportedly unearthed on

burnt peatland.

from sriwijaya-era-reportedly-unearthed-on-burnt-peatland.html

JP.H.29 Officials rely on cloud seeding to combat forest fires.


JP.H.30 Riau lifts emergency status for haze as hot spots extinguished.


JP.H.31 Riau Police name palm oil company executives suspects of forest fires.


JP.H.32 Haze returns to Sumatra after three weeks of fresh air.


JP.H.33 Haze in Jambi worsens as locals hope for rain.


JP.H.34 Indigenous women of Jambi strive to make do after forest fires.


JP.H.35 Sumatran forest fires, Karawang oil leak strain oil and gas production.




JP.H.36 Riau officially ends emergency status for forest fires as rainy season



Appendix 13: List of Selected Headlines from The Straits Times

ST.H.1 Indonesia fights fires in palm-growing regions as drought looms.


ST.H.2 Indonesia steps up bid to curb land fires.


ST.H.3 Indonesia battles fires as dry season peaks.

ST.H.4 Malaysians brace for hazy days due to Sumatra fires.

ST.H.5 Hazy days here a possibility due to unusually dry.


ST.H.6 Wind, deep peatland and lack of water among obstacles in tackling Riau



ST.H.7 Malaysia calls on Asean to fight haze as Indonesia battles forest fires.


ST.H.8 Indonesia's Jokowi says he'll fire officials if they fail to tackle forest

blazes. officials-if-they-fail-to-tackle-forest-blazes

ST.H.9 Indonesian farmers need help to clear land with tractors, not with burning:



ST.H.10 Help farmers get equipped to clear land without burning: Jokowi.




ST.H.11 Indonesia accounts for almost 80% of hotspots detected in Asean in past



ST.H.12 Indonesia steps up fight against fires as hot spots increase.


ST.H.13 Indonesian police investigating palm oil companies over forest fires.


ST.H.14 Haze threat looms over Singapore as Indonesia forest fires rage.


ST.H.15 Thousands pray for rain in Indonesia as forests go up in smoke.


ST.H.16 Indonesian provinces of Riau and Jambi shut schools due to haze caused

by peatland fires. to-forest-fire-haze

ST.H.17 Indonesia forest fires surge, stoking global warming fears.


ST.H.18 Forest fires destroying vital buffer against climate change.


ST.H.19 Indonesians choked by forest fire haze pray for rain.


ST.H.20 Indonesia seals off plantations amid row with Malaysia over haze.


ST.H.21 Hundreds pray for rain in Indonesia as forest fires rage on.


ST.H.22 Haze in Singapore at mercy of wind direction.




ST.H.23 230 arrested in Indonesia on suspicion of starting forest fires.


ST.H.24 Indonesia police name 19 more suspects in starting forest fires, bringing

total to 249.


ST.H.25 Drought, wildfires inflict double whammy on Indonesian crops.


ST.H.26 Three Indonesian firms with presence in S'pore linked to forest fires

causing haze.


ST.H.27 Toxic air from fires in Indonesia putting 10m kids at risk: UN.


ST.H.28 Indonesian agency says it expects rainy season to help end forest fires

