the vallourec & mannesmann tubes magazinem_report_26_gare... · 2017. 7. 18. · the vallourec...

THE VALLOUREC & MANNESMANN TUBES MAGAZINE Vallourec Group December 2010 - No.26 SERIMAX Integration strengthens Leadership INTERVIEW with Andreas Denker RIESA RESEARCH CENTRE Tracking the processes Calatrava’s Liège Station Calatrava’s Liège Station MSH STRUCTURAL HOLLOW SECTIONS MSH STRUCTURAL HOLLOW SECTIONS

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Page 1: THE VALLOUREC & MANNESMANN TUBES MAGAZINEM_Report_26_Gare... · 2017. 7. 18. · THE VALLOUREC & MANNESMANN TUBES MAGAZINE Vallourec Group December 2010 - No.26 SERIMAX Integration

T H E V A L L O U R E C & M A N N E S M A N N T U B E S M A G A Z I N E



c G









Integration strengthensLeadership


with AndreasDenker


Trackingthe processes

Calatrava’sLiège StationCalatrava’s Liège Station


V & M REP_01_26_ENG.qxd:• N°16 ALLEMAND 22.12.2010 10:58 Uhr Seite 1

Page 2: THE VALLOUREC & MANNESMANN TUBES MAGAZINEM_Report_26_Gare... · 2017. 7. 18. · THE VALLOUREC & MANNESMANN TUBES MAGAZINE Vallourec Group December 2010 - No.26 SERIMAX Integration


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Calatravas’s Liège Guillemins Station

Inspiration for urban dreamsStadiums, airport terminals, trade fair halls and bridges – wherever sophisticated supporting struc -

tures in steel are being planned, MSH sections are invariably at the top of the list of materials. Progres-

sive architects and engineers lead the way in exploiting the possibility to create slender, filigree

supporting structures from tubes and hollow sections with homogeneous outer dimensions.

One of them is Santiago Calatrava, whose Liège Guillemins Station is yet another spectacular work of

architectural art.

In an article on the Italian steel fabricator Cimolai last year,V & M TUBES mentioned a major

Calatrava project in progress, in whichthe architect incorporates MSH sections in the design of the load bear-ing elements for the spectacular roofsof the sports complex in Tor Vergatanear Rome. The new Liège GuilleminsStation was completed and inauguratedin September 2009. The star Valencianarchitect designed it for “Euro LiègeTGV” as one of the most beautiful andstriking stations in the world. Close to2,500 tonnes of circular MSH sectionswent into this project.

The futuristic stationcomplex is inspiringnew ideas for theurban developmentof the city. Thepaving incorporateslarge areas of glass blocks,through which theunderlying passageis supplied with daylight. The MSHsections weremainly used for theexternal arches ofthe canopies on thesides facing the cityand the hill.(Photo: René Pelzer)

V & M REP_10-13_26_ENG.qxd:• N°16 ALLEMAND 23.12.2010 14:06 Uhr Seite 10

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ICONIC AND INSPIRATIONALThe good times are returning to Liège,and Calatravas’s new station can be saidto have helped to inspire the regenera-tion of the Wallonian metropolis. Infact, the railway station has acquirediconic status: widely viewed as the pre-cursor of the Industrial Revolution, ithas re-established its European con-nections after recovering from the set-backs of the deindustrialisation processof the late 20th century. The formerinternational traffic hub, which plays animportant role in the regional traffic ofthe SNCB/NMBS, had become a bot-tleneck in the European high-speednetwork between London, Paris, Brus-sels, Frankfurt and Amsterdam. Only acompletely new building would be ableto accommodate the 500 trains thatarrive and depart every day – includingthe TGV/Thalys and Intercity Expresstrains. So where the dilapidated stationdating from 1958 fought to keep upwith the steadily increasing volume ofrail traffic, an elegant building of glassand steel has arisen, whose impressivedesign reflects the tradition of famousEuropean railway stations. Calatravas’sinspirational building generated newmomentum and ideas for the urbanplanning of the third-biggest city inBelgium. There are plans for a new sta-tion forecourt, a link between the sta-tion area and the embankment of theriver Maas, and the conversion of theMaas island Boverie into a museumisland. Other highlights are therecently opened shopping and mediacentre “Médiacité”, designed by archi-tect Ron Arad. The newly createdLiège Guillemins Station is of crucialimportance to all these new develop-ments, both architecturally and interms of traffic. Liège, Luik or Lüttich– as the town is referred to in the trilin-gual Euregio – is thus becoming evermore attractive as a destination forlovers of art and architecture.

RHYTHMS IN GLASS AND STEELThe monumental vault of glass, steeland concrete arches elegantly, in paral-lel to the rails, over the platforms of the

new Liège Guillemins Station. Theparallel alignment was necessary toenable the main supporting structure tobe pushed gradually over the tracksfrom the forecourt with the help of asupporting auxiliary structure, so thatthe station could continue to operate asusual while the structure was beingerected. To cover for the nine tracksand the two access areas, the giganticroof structure has a width of 160metres and a length of 196 metres –sufficient to accommodate the fulllength of a TGV/Thalys or an ICE.Despite their weight, the imposingbuilding and its 33,000 square metreroof have a markedly filigree appear-ance. This is attributable to the rela-tively small distance of two metresbetween the parallel arches, whichenabled very slender main girders –stiffened by thin tie beams – to be used.The lateral canopies above the stationpassage cantilever out as far as 45meters over the forecourt, developingalmost unnoticed from the rhythms ofglass, steel and light concrete. Like thepeak of a cap, they are seamlesslyattached to the main roof and are bor-dered by the elegant widely curved

arches made of MSH sections fromV & M TUBES.

TRANSPARENCY AND CLARITYInverted pyramids anchor the vault,which consists of 39 steel arches andrises to almost 40 metres above thetracks, to the ground. Four curvedgirders spanning the total length of thehall in the area of the cantilevered roofarches are supported by spectacularlybranching concrete abutments. This

Liège GuilleminsStation by night: The

long elegantly curving arches of the

canopies were constructed using

MSH sections fromV & M TUBES.

(Photo: René Pelzer) •••

The monument vaultof glas, steel and con-crete arches elegantlyover the platforms ofthe new station.(Photo: René Pelzer)

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gives the impression that a space sta-tion has landed here temporarily,underlining the dynamism, flexibilityand pace of our times. As the buildinghas no façade in the traditional sense, itcreates the optical illusion of beingopen to all sides. Everywhere in the sta-tion are the round, curved, organic

forms regarded as the signature fea-tures of sculptor and engineer Cala-trava. Even the 71 catenary supportmasts alongside the tracks were spe-cially designed by Calatrava for theLiège Guillemins Station. Like theother technical elements they are inunobtrusive grey, to distinguish them

optically from the architectural ele-ments. The paving of the forecourt andthe five platforms contain areas formedby glass blocks to allow daylight toreach the passage underneath. Besidespedestrians, the passage is also used bycyclists, and it will soon have space forconcerts and art exhibitions. Alongsidespacious escalators, tubular hydraulic -ally powered panoramic lifts carry people between the three levels. Theplatforms and gangways are covered bycrystal-sugar blue stone from Belgium(Hainaut), while the outside areas pavedin mica-containing Condroz sandstonewith white granite inlays bring out theform of the station. Lightness and clar-ity dominate, which, according to Cala-trava, not only have an aesthetic impactbut should also promote orientationand security. It is true that cameras areinstalled for monitoring purposes, butthe feeling of security is based above allon the clarity that characterises thewhole station. The building is so trans-parent that scarcely any additionallighting is needed during the day. Evenin the passage, the skilful use of lightand the light colours ensure that thereare no dark corners. The resultingambience is undisturbed by walls andoptical barriers; it is characterised byrhythmic structures, transparency and

Arrival at LiègeGuillemins Station:

The roof structure hasa span of almost 200

metres, but despiteits weight it has amarkedly filigree

appearance. It coversthe full length of aThalys or an ICE.

(Photos: René Pelzer)


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communication. According to Cala-trava, who created similarly imposingmajor railway stations in Lisbon, Zurich and Lyon, these are elementaryprerequisites for every railway stationdesign.

CREATING LINKSBeside a large part of the forecourt,from which the gallery-like passagewith travel centre, waiting room andshops, leads to the entrances and to theplatform escalators, the vault spansover the railway track area and twofootbridges, each of which is longerthan 14 metres. They give access to theplatforms and to the west entrance,which is ten meters above the forecourtlevel. The parking floors built into theslope are located here, as well as vari-ous paths to the residential quarter fur-ther up the Cointe Hill. In this way thestation reactivates the link between theresidential area and the shopping dis-trict of Guillemins/Fragnée, whichwere formerly separated by the railwayline. A shopping mall was deliberatelynot included in the planning concept

for the station, as it was felt that thiscould mean the death of the neigh-bouring shopping district. Now it isalready undergoing a revival in its for-tunes, thanks to the close integration ofthe railway station in the local transportsystem, and the proximity of themotorway. The station has its ownmotorway exit, permitting faster accessfrom both sides. Liège Guillemins Sta-tion has not only accelerated inner-citytransfers – its ultramodern technicalinfrastructure has also brought thecities of Europe closer together. Brus-sels can now be reached in just 40 min-utes, while Cologne is one hour, Paristwo hours and London three hoursaway.

MANY DIMENSIONSBetween October 2002 and mid 2006,in the context of seven supply con-tracts, some 2,500 tonnes of circularMSH sections in grades S 355 J2H, S 355 J2H and S460 NLH were deliv-ered for the Liège Guillemins Station.In diameters between 159 and 660 mil-limetres, with wall thicknesses between

5.6 and 80 millimetres, they were usedmainly as structural elements for theoutside arches of the canopies on thesides facing the city and the hill. Rec-tangular sections measuring 120 x 80millimetres with wall thicknesses from4 to 12 millimetres were also supplied.The MSH sections were produced in the plug rolling mill and the pilger rolling mill at the V&M TUBES site in Düsseldorf-Rathand the mandrel rolling mill in Mül-heim on the Ruhr. The deliveries wereeffected through ThyssenKrupp Man-nex in Madrid. (DK)

Further information

Liège Guillemins Station, Luik, LüttichCommissioned by: Société Nationale des Chemins de fer BelgesClient: Euro Liège TGVArchitect: Santiago Calatrava AG Ingenieur- & Architekturbüro,Zürich (CH)Structural design planning/Structural engineering: Bureaud`études Greisch, Liège (B)Steel engineering: EMESA Elaborados Metalicos S.A., La Coruna (E)

The curved shapes ofthe station are ele-gantly emphasised by the mica-contain-ing Condroz sand-stone with white gran-ite inlays.(Photo: René Pelzer)

V & M REP_10-13_26_ENG.qxd:• N°16 ALLEMAND 22.12.2010 11:03 Uhr Seite 13