the tonbridge advertiser ltd. ˜ e tonbridge

MEDIA PACK Welcome Coverage Map Advert Design Rate Card Recent Issues 01732 301550 offi[email protected] Registered Office: 37 Dame Kelly Holmes Way, Tonbridge, Kent, TN9 2FB Company Number: 10218012 nbridge The Tonbridge Advertiser Ltd. Bringing local businesses to 17,000+ homes in Tonbridge & Hildenborough every month

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Page 1: The Tonbridge Advertiser Ltd. ˜ e Tonbridge Tonbridge Advertiser Medi… · 1, TN9 2, TN10 3, TN10 4 and TN11 9 postcodes every

Media PackWelcomeCoverage MapAdvert DesignRate CardRecent Issues

01732 301550 [email protected] Office: 37 Dame Kelly Holmes Way, Tonbridge, Kent, TN9 2FB

Company Number: 10218012

� e Tonbridge Advertiser

The Tonbridge Advertiser Ltd.Bringing local businesses to 17,000+ homes in

Tonbridge & Hildenborough every month

Page 2: The Tonbridge Advertiser Ltd. ˜ e Tonbridge Tonbridge Advertiser Medi… · 1, TN9 2, TN10 3, TN10 4 and TN11 9 postcodes every

Every home in the highlighted area receives The Tonbridge Advertiser.

A Brief History

After speaking to local companies and tradesmen, Katherine Burton found that there was no reliable advertising in Sevenoaks. And so The Sevenoaks Advertiser began. After moving to Tonbridge and finding the same problem of no reliable advertising, The Tonbridge Advertiser was born!

DistriBution Process

All copies of The Tonbridge Advertiser are delivered by ROYAL MAIL postpeople direct to the letterbox.

AreA flooDing

Unlike lesser publications, The Tonbridge Advertiser goes to every house, not just the BIGGEST.

MAxiMuM exPosure

The Tonbridge Advertiser is delivered with REGULAR POST, ensuring that it is handled and NOTICED.

PostcoDe tArgeting

EFFICIENT targeted delivery ensures YOU know where your advert will reach. We ONLY use this method.

� e Tonbridge Advertiser

The Tonbridge Advertiser Ltd.Bringing local businesses to 17,000+ homes in

Tonbridge & Hildenborough every month

01732 301550 [email protected] Office: 37 Dame Kelly Holmes Way, Tonbridge, Kent, TN9 2FB

Company Number: 10218012

guArenteeD MontHly Delivery AreAs

ROYAL MAIL are contracted to deliver The Tonbridge Advertiser to EVERY HOME within the TN9 1, TN9 2, TN10 3, TN10 4 and TN11 9 postcodes every month.

That is a delivery area of 17,220 homes EVERY MONTH.

Page 3: The Tonbridge Advertiser Ltd. ˜ e Tonbridge Tonbridge Advertiser Medi… · 1, TN9 2, TN10 3, TN10 4 and TN11 9 postcodes every

In-House Advert desIgn studIo

We provide a full in-house advert design service, FREE. We take your company logo, photographs and text and create a FULL COLOUR, professional advert; giving your company the RIGHT FIRST IMPRESSION.

H&J Cleaning Services

For a Free Estimate, Call Helen on077452 48235

One Off or Regularly Scheduled CleansFully InsuredReferences AvailableCompetitive Rates16 Years Experience

H&J CleAnIng servICesCreAted In-House Family History

Research ServicesWould you like to know your ancestry?

We Offer A Fast, Efficient Service To Suit Your Needs.

Tel 01732 462 259Mobile 07546 254 299

E-mail [email protected]

FAmIly HIstory reseArCH servICes CreAted In-House

AlreAdy HAve Artwork?

GREAT, just send it to us by email at 300dpi resolution in either .pdf, .jpg of .tif and we can use it directly. Any questions, call us anytime!

Christopher Burton

✓ New Computer Setup

✓ Computer Healthchecks

✓ Virus and Malware Removal

✓ Email & Internet Problems

✓ Print from iPad & Android

✓ Error Messages Fixed

✓ Wireless Networks

Computer SupportRepair, Tuition & Troubleshooting

All Work Undertaken in Your Home or Business Residence Media Servers, Desktops, Laptops, Tablets and All-in-One’s

Office: 01732 469778 Mobile: 07707 [email protected]

Local, Professional Computer Support

✓ Laptop Screen Replacement

✓ Apple iMac Screens Replacement

✓ Macbook Pro Screen Replacement

✓ Upgrades to Windows 7 / Windows 8

✓ New Hard Drives for Apple Computers

✓ iMac CD Drive Problems Fixed

✓ Local and Online Backup

“Thank you for coming out so quickly and sorting everything out.” - Brenda

Home Computer repAIr speCIAlIst

CreAted In-House

� e Tonbridge Advertiser

The Tonbridge Advertiser Ltd.Bringing local businesses to 17,000+ homes in

Tonbridge & Hildenborough every month

01732 301550 [email protected] Office: 37 Dame Kelly Holmes Way, Tonbridge, Kent, TN9 2FB

Company Number: 10218012

Page 4: The Tonbridge Advertiser Ltd. ˜ e Tonbridge Tonbridge Advertiser Medi… · 1, TN9 2, TN10 3, TN10 4 and TN11 9 postcodes every

Advert A “Single”40mm (H) x 60mm (W)

Advert B “Double High”

82mm (H) x 60mm (W)

Advert E “Half Page” 144mm (H) x 184mm (W)

Advert C“Quad”

82mm (H) x 122mm (W)

Advert F “Full Page”272mm (H) x 184mm (W)

The Sevenoaks Advertiser & The Tonbridge Advertiser - Advert Sizes Template and Rate Cards

Page 5: The Tonbridge Advertiser Ltd. ˜ e Tonbridge Tonbridge Advertiser Medi… · 1, TN9 2, TN10 3, TN10 4 and TN11 9 postcodes every

Advert D“Banner”

82mm (H) x 185mm (W)

The Sevenoaks Advertiser & The Tonbridge Advertiser - Advert Sizes Template and Rate Cards

Good Better Best!Ref. Nickname Dimensions(mm) Upto3Months Upto6Months 6Months+A Single 60x40 £45.67 43.33£ 40.83£B Double 60x82 80.00£ 76.67£ 72.50£C Quad 82x122 151.67£ 142.67£ 135.83£D Banner 184x82 218.33£ 206.67£ 195.83£E Half 184x144 256.67£ 243.33£ 229.17£F Full 184x271 520.00£ 495.00£ 467.50£X Bespoke XXXxXXX POA POA POA



Good Better Best!Ref. Nickname Dimensions(mm) Upto3Months Upto6Months 6Months+A Single 60x40 56.58£ 51.66£ 49.20£B Double 60x82 113.16£ 103.32£ 98.40£C Quad 82x122 226.32£ 206.64£ 196.80£D Banner 184x82 339.48£ 309.96£ 295.20£E Half 184x144 509.22£ 464.94£ 442.80£F Full 184x271 1,018.44£ 929.88£ 885.60£X Bespoke XXXxXXX POA POA POA



Prices for The Sevenoaks Advertiser are not subject to VAT

Prices for The Tonbridge Advertiser are subject to VAT and are shown including VAT

Front and Rear cover positions are available. Please call for further details.