tonbridge grammar school sixth form


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TGS is one of BRITaIN’S lEadING GRaMMaR ScHOOlS. We aim to dEvElOp Well rounded and acTIvE lEaRNERS.

OuR acadEMIc RESulTS consistently place tGs amonGst the TOp 50 STaTE ScHOOlS IN THE cOuNTRY.

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moving into the sixth form is a defining moment; it marks the point of transition when you choose courses of study that will prepare you for higher education and on to the world of work. We place great emphasis on developing the individual interests of our sixth formers. We encourage you to be independent whilst ensuring that you are guided as you make decisions that affect your future path.

the sixth form at tGs provides a supportive environment in which you can develop your academic, creative and sporting interests. at tGs we have an ambitious curriculum programme that starts at year 7 through to year 13, it is upon reaching the sixth form that our students really gain maximum benefit and advantage from the tGs experience. indeed, it is our sixth formers who are our ambassadors and we are justly proud of them.

What makes the IB Diploma Programme so special?

in an increasingly competitive world, we are keen that our students stand out.

Whether applying to university or embarking on a career, it is important that you have ‘the edge’. We believe that the iB diploma programme not only offers an ambitious curriculum that provides you with intellectual breadth, depth and higher level skills in thinking, it also imbues you with a love of learning and enquiry. We encourage active participation, critical thinking and freedom to learn from mistakes.

What is the IB Diploma? as an iB world school, we aim to develop enquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. all iB students participate in:• sixsubjects • anextendedessay• atheoryofknowledgecourse(TOK)• adiverseextra-curricularprogramme(CAS)

“i am so Glad i came to the sixth form here at tGs. the atmosphere is very different to What i Was used to in year 11; I HavE GREaT RElaTIONSHIpS wITH TEacHERS, aNd I lOvE THE FREEdOM I HavE aNd THE SuBjEcTS I aM lEaRNING” Year 12 TGS STUDeNT

you need to choose a subject of study from each part of the hexagon. this means that you study literature in english, a foreign or classical language, a humanities course, a science and maths. you can then choose either an arts subject, or a second language, science or humanities course.

remember that if you are thinking of studying medicine, sl maths is perfectly acceptable. Fordepth,threesubjectsarestudiedatHigherLevel(HL),andforbreadth,threeatStandardLevel(SL). for weaker linguists, there is a beginner’s language course(possiblySpanishorItalian),inadditiontoSLandhl, which takes you beyond Gcse level. for weaker mathematicians,thereisa‘maths-for-life’course(calledMathsStudies)inadditiontoSLandHLwhichalsotakesyou a little beyond Gcse level.

What is the Core?

the core is worth 3 of the total 45 points in the iB programme and consists of three different components.

• InTheoryofKnowledge(TOK),studentsthinkabouthow they obtain knowledge. ideas about reason, perception, emotion and language are explored. • The4000wordExtendedEssayfocusesonaparticular aspect of one of your subjects; it is generally based on a topic that you intend to study at university. you will have a mentor to help you through the research and writing process. it provides valuable evidence of commitment to your subject when writing a personal statement for a university application. • CAS(Creativity,ActionandService),allowsyoutodevelopextra-curricularactivities.Youareencouragedto interpret these activities broadly, so that you engage in something which really interests you, but you need to show that you link your creative and active endeavours to the service of others, both within the school community and beyond.

Because the iB differentiates Better than a levels IF wE aRE HESITaTING aBOuT MakING aN OFFER, wE wOuld BE MORE lIkElY TO MakE aN OFFER TO aN IB STudENT than an a level student.” DirecTor of aDmiSSioNS, UNiVerSiTY of camBriDGeGroup 6


Group 5Mathematics

Group 3 Individuals & Societies

Group 3 ExperimentalSciences

Group 1Language

Group 1Second Language

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“the IB REallY cOMplEMENTS MY OuTlOOk aNd dESIRE TO cONTINuE dEvElOpING MaNY aREaS OF MY kNOwlEdGE and personality. it has really chanGed me as a person and pREpaREd ME wEll FOR THE NEXT STaGE IN MY lIFE.” Year 13 TGS STUDeNT

“i love learninG, and the Breadth of the IB cuRRIculuM allOwS ME TO EXplORE SO MaNY dIFFERENT aNd INTERESTING THINGS. IT ENcOuRaGES paRTIcIpaTION FROM STudENTS; We can discuss topics in small Groups, TakING OuR lEaRNING IN THE dIREcTION THaT INTERESTS uS MOST.” Year 13 TGS STUDeNT

What support will I get with my academic studies?

the quality of teaching is judged throughout the school as ‘outstanding’ by ofsted.

in the sixth form, we aim to ensure that you have an environment where you are able to work independently and to organise yourself effectively. you will have a learning mentor who has daily contact with you in form time and who assists in all aspects of your academic life. you will have at least three individual tutor reviews with your learning mentor during the year to review your progress and to set targets to support your academic performance. your progress is formally monitored through regular assessment and testing in all subjects. your feedback is an integral part of the assessment procedure. your parents are kept informed about your achievements and academic performance through.

although there are formal arrangements for parent/teacher consultations, appointments and informal meetings can be made at other times to discuss particular concerns. ‘mot checks’ are held in the early part of year 12 to ensure that you have made the right subject choices and that you are happy with the progress you are making. Thepeer-mentoringsystemenablesyoutoreceivehelpinsubjectswhereyouneedit.Subject-ledclinicsareheld at lunchtimes to extend and support your academic learning.Wearewell-resourcedforindependentstudy,including a supervised sixth form study area, the learning opportunities and Guidance information centre (LOGIC),aswellastheSixthFormCaféformorerelaxedsurroundings

What about my Personal Well-Being?

We want you to be at ease with yourself and within the community of which you are a part: tolerant, caring and kind but ambitious for yourself.

We have two student managers in the sixth form who are dedicated to your pastoral wellbeing.

throughout the sixth form, you will embark on a programme of service because we hope that attitudes you develop as this stage will remain with you throughout your adult life.

you will also have the opportunity to join the student leadership team, which plays a vital part in helping to run the school. your views are sought and listened to, and there are many posts of responsibility and service roles to provideopportunitiesforyoutodevelopself-confidenceand leadership skills.

What sort of support is provided for applying to university and life beyond the Sixth Form?

during your time in the sixth form you will be encouraged to give careful consideration to your future plans.

over 95 per cent of tGs students proceed to higher Educationwithatleast90percenttakingupplacesattheir first or second choice university. We pride ourselves on the quality of the university applications from our students; we have been particularly successful in recent years with applicants for oxford, cambridge and the best UKuniversities.

Ouruniversitypreparationprogrammeinvolvesone-to-one discussions, interview preparation and information sessions.Subject-specifichelpisalsogiven,includingpreparing for admissions tests, developing portfolios of work, and mock interviews both within our school and at other schools, externally. We hold a special medicine / veterinary session in July where successful medical applicants return to speak to year 12 students about their experiences during the applicationprocessandgiveadviceonBMATandUKCATpreparation, work experience, interviews and the ucas process.

as a sixth form student, you will learn management skills, and play a leading role in the life of our community. irrespective of whether you are new to the school or you feelwell-established,youwillbesupportedinmakingstudychoices and in settling into the next stage of your academic career.

our sixth form team is committed to enabling you to achieve academic success; we have a wealth of knowledge and endeavour to support and guide you throughout your sixth form experience at tGs. We pride ourselves on providing as many opportunities as possible to enable you to make a difference and to fulfil your career and university goals. We want our students to become responsible young adults with a drive to learn and an ambition to achieve.

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