the times dispatch.(richmond, va) 1903-01-27.bat/rimore", md. january:!6.--rev. edward h....

i \ 31I.DT&%F?rj[t?^D^:}WH0LE NTJMBER, 16,150. RICHMOND, VA.,'TUESDAY, JANUARY 27,1903. PRICE TWO CENTS. Lee and Davis Toasted at Waldorf-Astoria. iBANNEROFTHE CONFEDERACY Thlrteenth Annual Banquet of New York Camp. A GREAT AUDIENCE WAS AT THE TABLES Pully a Thousand People Were Gathered to HearNorthernOratorsPayGlow- ing Tributes to Southern Men and to Listen to Music of the Confederacy-Wat- terson on Lincoln, (Epi>cta1 to The TlmenTMtpntch.) NEW YORK. N. Y., Jamiary I6.-The ¦grand ball room of tlie Waidorf-Astorla .was in gala army to-nlght to celebrate tho thlrteenth annual banquet of the Con- federate Vcteran Camp of New York. Fully ona thousand people wero seated about the tables and ln tho boxes abovo. Above the speakera' tabla at the end of tho room hung on ono side the flag of Kew York and on the other a banner bearing the coat of a-rms of tho city of Kew York, whlle ln tho center hung the flas of the Confederacy, and over all hung a bluo shleld bearing a coat of arms, above which ln golden letters the words "Hnlted States of Amer- Ica." THE TOASTS. The toastsnvcre "The President and the Army and Navy of the UnTten-Statos. A Prlnce Among tho Rulers of the World, tiut the Scrvant of a Free People." (Standlng.) Music, "Coitimbln." 'Robert E. Lt-c: "Nnture made him and then broke the moiild." Charles Francls AdaniB. Ean., of Massachusetts. Music, "Bonnle Bliie Flag." Mra. Hol- lingsworth-Watklns, formerly of Loulsi- ana. Songs of U.ite-bellum days (In costume), Miss Lella Balrd, accompanlst. Ahraham Lincoln: "Ho was not for an age, but for all time." Colonel Henry WiattPrson, of Kentuoky. Music, "America." Jofferson £>avls: "His life was gentle; end the elements so mlxed ln him that riiiuur.e mlght stand up and say to all the world, 'This was a man.' " Hon. .. -i- llam Hcpburn Russoll, fonnerly of Mls- Eourl. Musle, "Auld Long Syne." Song. a, "Rlse uy, my love," by Brahms. Brahnm. b, "Irish love song," Bang\ Mr. Reed Miller, formerly of South Caro¬ lina. The Sllent Brlgado. "Tha wavlng cypress and stately plno echo th?lr requiem at rosy morn and dewy eve." Taps. "Old folks at home," by Mrs. Holllngs- svorth-Watklns, and "My Old Kentuoky Home, Good Night," by Reed Miller, created wlld excltement. STATUE TO LEE. Mr. Adams, In ltla eulogy of Lee, re¬ ferred to the placlng of a statue of the Confederate at tho Natlonai Capltol. He said: When It does come the efflgy, asslgned Its piece me'rely by act of Congress, ehouldbear somo such inscrlptlon as this: ROBERT EDWARD LEE, Erected by Contrlbutlons.- Of thoso T'.-ho Wcarlng tho Blue or the Gray, Recognlze brilltant milltary achlevements and lofty character, honor greatnoss and liumanlty in war and/deyotlon and dlsnlty in defeat. THOSE PRESENT. The occupants of boxos and chatra of the two tlers were: Thomas Avery Lamb, T. B. Gale. B. Roblrtson, P. T. Wood. Mrs, Poor. Mrs. Do Gernett, "W. D. Gaillard, B. Elmes, .Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Shepler, Burtin Thompson, Mrs. Henry Vatters'm, M. Clay, Mrs. M. N. Glbson, Hon. H. In- ;gram and party, Mrs. R. W. Jones, Mrs. T. J. Clarlc, Mra. E. M Tyng, H. J. Prltchard, Mrs. Paullr.e Bubose, Mrs. N. E. Stockton, Miss Stockton, P. Banler, gldney R. Perry, R. S. Albert,- Glenn Har- rard, W. H. WUIs, P. Maxlum Clark, Mrs. H. A. Hollenberg, Mrs. C. Luno- echloss, Mrs. T. B. Semple and puplls, ;J. S. Clarlt, D. Gehrlng, Miss H. M. ICay, Miss M. S. Stovens. P. B. Clark, fPr,- John A. Wyeth and party, Mra, J. JH. Stewart, Logan D. Howell, John C. iCalhoun and party. Franklln: Brooks, /Mr, and Mrs, Paraons Corbln, Pr. Leroy 'Brown, Ernest Harvoy Symonfls, T. 0. 'Kennard, Reed Miller, Edmund Harvey Symonds, J, N, Thompson, A. Leonard fiall and party, B. W. Hendrlck, Mrs. R. .A. Lbu, -Bavld Roblnson, Mra. j; C. Hale, 'Mra J. J. Crawford, Mrs. Moirmnn. T, B. SempU, Br. C. H. Mook, Almuth C. Vandlvlr, Miss C. McKemlo, T. J. Waters, Mlas L. R. Rlnolda, W, P. Hlxj John S. Wlso, Lawronco Prlddy, Dr, J. H. Clai¬ borne, L. B. Alexandor, Br. W S. Blck-' ham, E. Owen, J. Altsliler, B, L Clark, Miss E. N. Howell. Mra. E. B H. Cas- tleton, MIh« M, F. Hoolt, Mr* F. \V. Wotklns, Eugeno Shepard, II, K Burras, Mrff. M. L. Brodnax, John Tiompson, Mrs, M. Hurxthal, John H. Ke nard, V. W. Alexandor and many pthefs, mak¬ ing about 400 In the boxes and chairs alono, whilo every foot of tft« huco floor spaco was ocoupled, ASHLAND OLKROYMAn CALLED TO CULPEPER (Bnrelnl to Tho TlniM-l'ilsniitph.) ABILLA^ID, VA. Jan, 23,-Rev. J. W. tVaie, rectov of St. James Church, has f'rderea his reslgnatlon to the. vestry. lr. Waro has accepted a call to St. Ste- hen's Church, Culpeper, His resfgnatlon rll) tn)te effoct after the socond bunday February, and Mr. Ware will enlcr ipon his now dutlea on Februaiy 15th. Mr.Claytor's Dispensary. Bill in the Senate. BEDFORD LEADER IS IN EARNEST Has the Co-operatlon of Judge W. H. Mann. BELIEVES IT WILL SOLVE THE LIQUOR QUESTION Senator Harman, a Preacher and Tem- perance Advocate, Says He .Will Strenuously Oppose the Meas¬ ure When It Comes Up. Mann Bill to Be Pressed by Temperance Men The whlskey questton ts developlng Into a very llve one in the Tjeglslature and bids falr to be even more so ln a very short .while. Senator Graham Claytor, of Bedford, has prepared and will offer ln a fow days If not to-day, a general dispensary law, which will apply to the entlre State. The bill will embody some of tho foatures of the South Carolina plan and others simllar to those of the locnl dispensary lawB now ln foroe at Franlclln, In South- ampton county, and other towns of tho State. Ono of the lnteresting facts In connectlon with the matter ls that Sena¬ tor Claytor has conferred wtth Jud?o William Hodgcs Mann on tho eubjeet, and the latter agrces with the Bedford Senator that the passage of the measure would go a long way toward solvlng tho liquor question. Senator Claytor has prepared the measure with tho utmost caro and snys he will earnestly when lt shall have been offered. FOR LOCAL OPTION. Tho bill will provldo that any county, city or to.wn ln the State may vote upon the question of havlng a dispensary, and whcrever it shall be carried tho general law will apply and govern all with per- foct uniformlty. Senator J. N. Harman, of Tazewoll, who ls a temperance advocate and a preacher as well as a lawyer, said last night that he and those who stood with him would flght tho measure, as they did not believe that liquor should bo sold in any form ln tho Stato. "I believe my bill ls the only solu- tlon of tho liquor question," said Sena¬ tor Claytor ln dlscusslng the matter last night, "and so beheving, I shall do my best to socuro Its passage." Tho Mann liquor bill ls being earnestly urged by tho church and temperance peo- ple all over the Stato and will llkely bo consldored along with the measure to be offered by Senator Claytor. The Senate passed by tho consldera- tlon of Senator Harman'3 habltual-drunk- ard bill yesterday, and It will come up on tts engrossment again to-day. THE COMPANY WILL HAUL THE COUNCIL 'street-Car Fare Will Be $50 a Man, or 32,800 for a Wnole Year. Havlng been referred to them some two or three months ago by Common Coun¬ cil, Messrs. Gilbert K. Pollock and T. H. Ellett, after v several oonferences with General Mannger Huff, of tho street rall- roiici company, yesterday formulated a re¬ port, recommending to tho Council that the FJnance Committee be Instrucled to spproprlnte ln tlio budgat for the present year the sum of $2,800 with which to pur¬ chase transportatlon over tho trolley llnes ot the city for the benerU of the mein- bfcr;1 of both branches of the Council. The Passenger and Power Companj> aprees to haul tho members of either branch at any and all times for $50 each per annum, There being flf ty-six members In the two bodlcs, $2,800 will be necassary to inaugu- rato flie system. Accompanylng the re¬ port of the special committee Is a resolu¬ tion, rocommended for adoptlon, calllng' on the Flnance Committee to appropriala nuoh an amount ln the budget of this year. .,.;...- tj^il BALTIMORE RECTOR CALLED TO VIRGINIA (Spnclnl to U'be Tlnies-Dlsputch.) BAt/riMORE", MD. January :!6.--Rev. Edward H. Inglc, rector of St. Bartholo- mew'a Trotestant Episcopal Church, has received a call to becoma rector of Christ Church, Mlllwood, Va, Ho has the call under conslderatlon. Mr. Inglei Is a na- llve of Washington. Ha Btudied at the Virginia Thoologlcal Semlnary and* come to Baltimore in 1SS5. Tlia pulplt of Chrl&t Church has been lf.ft vacant by the departure of Rev. Courlney Jones, who was formerly >U tho Chapel of Atonement, In this city, Pro- vious to his work ln this city Mr. Ingle was reotor of St, John'g Protestant Epis¬ copal Church, Roanoke, Va., and the Dm- manuel Church, Athens, Ga. He suc- cerded Rev, Gohlson as rector of St. Bar- tholomew's, the latter going toi.Alabama. Mr, Ingle has Iabored hore with great Buccess, He ls a brother of Dr. Lowery Ingle, of Baltimore, and a cousln of Rev. Gsborn Ingl*. of Frederlek. ls rnar- vled. UNIQUE SCENE OVER THE CANAL SUNDAY NIGHT. 'I Estimated Loss by Sunday Night's Fire Fltty Thousand Collars. Almost Govered by Insurance. No time will be lost ln the recorstruc- tlon.of the stemmory of the Contlnental Tobacco Company on south tenth street, destroyed Sunday evening by flro. With the settlement of the matter of insurance the debrls will be at once cleared away nnd a new factry .will rlse on the ulte of the rild. WhJle the. loss on the building it- self ls not entirely covered the stock tli<*ri» and.ln the plants adjolning was fully Insured. The chlef damago was to fine tobacco storcd in the houses and even where the fire did not reach smoko and "water penetrated and carried do- structlon with them. The total loss will run between $55,000 and $60,000. EVERYBODY WENT. From a spoctacular point of iview the fire was one of tho most brllllant of re- cent years. Throughout the city people, attracted by the blaze, which east Its ruddy glow far and near, stood and THE BAPTISTS WILL FIGHTTHEMEASURE They Are Opposed to the Bill to Create the Offlce of Chaplain to Legislature. Any ertort to engago the servtces of a chaplain for the State Legislature will nieet with the vlgorous opposltion of the Baptist ministers of Richmond, who are even now setting their guns for a broad- sldo as soon as Uia enemy looms tnto slght, The bill offered in the Senae last week providing for r. chaplain -was the themo ior considerab'le dlscussion at tho meotlng ot' the Baptist Ministers' Conference yes- tciday. Several expressed vlews upon tho matter. and It l.i easlly evident how tho land Iles. If the bill ls ever pushed there will bo preclpltat-sd Immediately a long and bltter old battle such as tho ono waged when the ciiaplalncy for the penitentiary. hung the- in the balance. Ono thlng in the bill was given parti- cular attention yesterday by the mlnls- ters. It was sUtcd as a reason for tho resolution that local preachors decllned to visit the Senate and open tha sessions with prayer. A roll-call or something of tlio sort was taken yesterday and the ministers unanimously declarcd that they hcive never refused to serve the Senate when asked and that they will be always wtlllng to do so. ln the event that any eftort to secure th& passage of the bill IS made, thero will bo a struggle. "Of course we would fight such a measure," said Dr. j B. Hawthorne yesterday morning. "1 don't believe the Legislature will dare to ' Others were seen and expressed the same vlew. "We wouldn't be Baptlsts if v,e wouldn't nrht that bill," said Dr, Derleux. Application are rolling in for the pro- posed posltlon. Sonator Barksdale. the patron. has received several appltcations from those who want the posltion, an fo hos Mr. Button, clerk of the Senate. Some of the applicats are not minis¬ ters of tha gospel. PAWNED HER SHOES TO FEED HER BABIES OvnnriM tn '.'¦||>. Tlai«».Di»n»teh.) NEW YORK, January 26..Mary Galla- gher walked from her home, at No. 219 \Vi«t Blxtleth Street, to the Toombe prison on Saturrlay and back again. She went to tne pr!i>on to see Edward Galla- gher, h«v husband, who Is charged with bolng an expert safe broaker, When Mrs. GallaKher \»ached home she took her sho?s to a pawn ehop and 'got twenty-five cents, with which she bought the first food her two littln daughters had eaten ln twenty-four hours, The pawn tlcket she placed with slxteen others, which tell the story ot har suft'erlng for the last three months. Mrs. GallaKher producfd seventeen pawn tlcktts, which ahowed that skirts. shoes, bed clothlng, and other artleles of the hom* had gone for a few cents at a tlma to buy food. watched and aovoral fhousand of them hurried off to the sojne. 'The crowd waa probably the largest ttiat has ever wlt- noased a flre of tne sla«. The building waa located at the cx- treme end of Tenth Street and was owned by the I. N. Vaugtia;* estate, Re¬ cently U was leaaed to tle """ontlnental Tobacco Company, wlYi'A'/used lt as a stemmery In conjunctlon (with the R. J. Iteynolds Tobacco Company, of Wlnston, N. C, really a part of the Contlnental. It went by the namo of the Tenth Street Factory, No. 1, and lmmediately adjoln- Ing lt was Factory No. 2, a ono-st»ry affair. Tho blaze was ftrst dlscove-red by two poltcomen, who saw the flames shooting out of the roof of the four-story fac¬ tory. They at onoo hurried to englne house, No. 7, on Cary Street, and from that point the entlre depurtment was called out. The mlserable wator faclll- tles, howover, again lntorfered. Before a slngie respectable stream could bo played upon tho building lt was in a light blazo and was hopolessly f;ono. Tbe only flre-'plug ncarby was out of use, and flvo englnes stood on tho 'Ittle wooden brldge o<ver the canal putr.plng water out of the stream. To confuse the sltuallon stlll more one of the large hose burst and came near drowning everythlng ln sight. Herolo efforts on tha part of the flre- men savodi nolghboring bulldlngs from destruotlon. Several of tho men narrowly eKe&ped Injury by falllng walla, It was Imposslble howevcr, to check the pro- gress of the flames on tho burnlng fac¬ tory. The place was entlrely yutted as was factory No. 2 and Is at total loss. To- day, one grlm, wall ls all that stands to tcll the tale. How tho flre startcd Is a complete mys- tery. Flremen nor owners of tho prop¬ erly can lmaglno an ortgin for tho fierce blaze. N<groes are wpnt to prow] about the nelghborhood a good deal and bulld fire-s to keop warm. It Is posslhle that fiu'ch a flre carelessly left burnlng com- munlcated with tho factory and aet' lt oblazo. LOSS AND INSURANCE. Tho estimated valuo of the stemmery wns $10,000; the Insurance amounts to J7,f.00 held> through Chapln & Humo as follows: Hartford, $3,000; Hamburg-Brem- en. $4,000. The stock was fully covered as fol- SOCIETY EVENT IN METROPOLIS Mr. Thomas Courtney Jenklns, of Bal- timore, Weds Miss Elsie Wood- bury Brown. (Bp«cl»l to Tho Tlmes-Ulapatch.) NEW YORK, January 26..In St Fran¬ cls Xavier Roman Cathollo Church, MIbs Elsle Woodbury Brown, daughter of Mrs. Frank Gould Brown, of New York, waa married to-day to Mr. Thomas Courtney Jenklns, son ot George C Jenklns, «,{- Baltmlore. Tho ccrcmony was performed by Carnlval Glbbons, of Baltiinora,; who cams here by special train to ofliolate. The bride, formerly a Protostant, re¬ cently Joined tho Roman Cathollo Church. She was attlred in a rich gownof white satin and exquisite point In-co, w-lth tratls ot' orar-gj. blotwonw. She wb attonded by Miss Qortrude Mison Brown, hor cousin, as mald of honor, and Miss Mary Eno and Miss Jessle J, Fnnshawe as brldcs- malds. They wore pretty costumes of pink and white. Mr. Jonklns' best man waa hts brotlur- In-law, Mr. Rlal Parr, of Bultlmoro. The unhers were Eranois Stevans, J, I,orrlrrier Worden, Henry S. Lehr and J. DeH. Nurman Whituhouse, of this city; Robert Honey at Ncwj)ort, and Epiest Jenkina and william Lehr, of Baltlmora. Tho ceremony was followed by a rec&ptlon for rnlatlves and Intimata frlenda at tho Wal- dorf A8toria, Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins will visit India, Chlna and Japan on their honeymoon, which will lau a year. Mr. Jenklns has spent much time ln those countrieB, and haa many friends in the Orient. The wed¬ ding was very lmpresKlve and waa one of tho most beautltul ln New York in recent j lows: Reynolds Tobacco Company, $2^,- 100; Contlnental Tobacco Company, 18,000. Factory No. 2 went down with thojother. Tho stock was hisured for $2,000 through D. N. Walker & Co., who also carried the other. Tho fixtures in a shed ncarby, which were totally lost. were Insurcd for $3,000. While the buildings escaped, the facto- vles ncarby suffered considerably" from wator and srnoke. It Is estlmato<J that £0 per cent. of tho tobacco in Vaughan"s Tobacco warehouse will bo a total loss. Tho insuranco carried upon this stock amounted to $25,000 held. by D. N. Walkef Si Co. WILL BE REBUILT. As soon as the Insuranco is adjusted (he Btemmery will be rebuilt by Messrs. Vaughan and lt will ln all probabllity, again bo occupled by the Contlnental. Meanwhtle, some hundred. or two nrn- are thrown out of v/ork. PURE-FOOD MATTER IS ST1LL DELAYED Ordinance Committee Was Unable to Secure a Quo- rum Yesterday. Owlng to the failure of suiflclent mem¬ bers to put in thair appearance at the City Hall yesterday afternoon, the scheduled mceting of the Council Com¬ mittee on Ordlnances, Charter and Re- ford dtd not take placo. It will be held later ln the week. Tho committee was to have consldered tho puro food ordinance, and City Attor¬ ney Pollard was on ha.nA to lend as- slstance In drafting tho measure. It was the sanse ot the gentlemen present that Mr. Pollard should proparo an ordinance to confonn with tho suggestions which have from time to time been cxiprestrtl, and agreed to do this. The committee w.ns also to have con¬ sldered, the anti-theatre hat law, offored In tho Common Council by Mr. Allen, cf Marshall Ward. In addition, the ques- tlon ot salaries ln tha dlfferent depart^ ments would haive been taken up, The meetlng of the subcommlttee of th* Grounds and Buildings Committee, which was to have been held yesterday morn¬ ing in the offlco of the City Englneer for the purpose of conslderlng. and settling the mooted questlon of extras on the contract at the now city Jail. was post- ocned until this morning, two oi th* three members being unable to attond tho meetlng. It is probabla that a com- promise will be roacherl this morning at 11 o'clock. THE ETRURIA BUFFETED BY VERY ANGRY SEAS cSlvolnl to The Tlm<*.ni«piiteh.) NEW YORK, January 25..Buffeted throughout the entire Journey by erly gales, the Cunarder Etrurla reached this port yesterday, The veseel had hardly cleared Queonstown before she caught a westerly bjow, and whero that left offi another began. The re.?t of' the tale ls of sullen ciouds g;ay seas and flerce equalla The pa3s^ngor3 told excltedly of a wave which burst on bourd on Friday morn¬ ing.a burly sea which deaH the ship a blow so savage that the stoock awakened all who had been asloep bolow. Some partly dres ed and hunied on deck. fe'ir- ful thnt the via-,-1 had hit a derellot nr an iceberg, or had herself ben smitten by .some other, They were reas- sured to find the good old ship stlll pltch- Ing heavlly In the seas, but unharmed. The officers lavmhed when a«ked about the Bea which had dlsturbed tha pass?n- gers "We shlpped a S'-a owr th» star- board bow," Bald Chlef Offlci>r Rlchard- son. "It may have Jolted the people he- low a blt. but It did no harrn to ihe ship «xcept to damage a section of the bridge tm: .'.',¦ ;.."¦¦: Doblin Declares That His Statement is False. COMMITTEE LISTENS WITH AMAZEMENT The Statement That Qulgg Offered a Brlbe Untrue, WILL CONTINUE THE INVESTIGATION Doblin Testlfied That He Has Made No Improper Proposals to Lesslei.At- torney for Mr. Quigg Inslsts That Matter Be Probed to Very Bottom.Lesaler Has No Statement. (By Assoolated Prcss.) WASHINGTON, January 26..Phlllp Doblin, who testlfred before the Naival AffaJrs Committee Saturday the.rho had approached Representatlvo Lcsslcr with an oftor of money to iniluence his vote on the submarlna boat bill, and who mnda the furthor statement that ho had been told thoro might bo $1,000 in lt fW hlmaelf, made tlie astoundlng odmisslon beforo committee, that ho had made statements on Saturday which woro not true, and he wanted to retract hla atatc- mcnt that Qulgg had offered a brlbe to him. The statoment came without warnlng Mcmbors of tho committee looked at one anotlier in amazement. Gustavus Rogers, an a.ttorncy, said lio appeared for Doblin, who had Et.atcrt to him that he (Doblin) had mado some statements Saturday, which were falso. Tho oommittoo wero unanlmous in their domand that Dcibllri appoar forthwith. Ho a.ppcared and stated that all ntate- m«nts ho liad previously made legardlng Qulgg's attftmptliig to brlbo him wero untrua. Ho paid ho war nvrmmoriod to Washington by Lesnler, and tolrj that lio must stand for Lessler's story about the brlliery. Subsequently he was taken to the com¬ mittee and told that he was ln tho hand/i of friends, and that !f ho would back up Eesftlcr everythlng would como out all right. In an.Twer to a question, Doblin assert- £u it was Qulgg who had offered a brlba of $5,00), tvrid after he returned to New York, Doblin rec'elwed |t telegrnm read- Ing: "Statement all right havo no fear," slgned by Lesrdcr. RErrUtAiOTS EVDRY WORB. To-day Bobli-n sa;d: "It was a quoB- tloTi of whether I was going to substan- tlato myE,»lf iboforo a commlttoo of friends anO Lesuler, or wh.other I was then anfl thoro /.'Olng to make Lessler's statement ftppeav untrue. I decldod that I wowld. just mako my same statement. I made it, and. I now rotr^ct every word ln which I said iMr Qulgg tendered any brlbo in any way. Doblin said he had made no Improper proposal of any kind to Ijpsslor, and that Lessler's statement that Doblin had men- tlnned $5,000 to him wis false. Questloned with a view to developlng (Continued on Twelfth Page.) KILLED NEGRO AND SWEETHEART She Laughed When His Note Was Handed to Her. Had Been Insane. (Specisl to The Timcs-Dispotch.) OHARLOTTE, N. C. January 26.-A horrlbly double tragedy was enacted in Union county, about flftccn miles from Charlotto this afternoon, E1I R'egers, a v/lll-known young man of Union county, shot and killed Will Richardson (colored), and after walklng three hundrcd yards from the dcad body of Richardson he de- llberatoly levelled his gun at Mis3 May Pressly and killed ho.r Inslantly. R'ogers wroto Miss Pressloy a rrote sev¬ eral days a'&o, and tho negro Will Rich¬ ardson was the mossengeri who deiivored it to the young iady. When Richardson returned, Rogers asked for tho roply. Ricliard:,on told him there was nono, and, furlhermore, added that Miss Fressley lauK**'d when tho note was harjdrd her. Nothing moro was thought of the tncl- d«nt ur.tll to-day Rogers appeared at the negro Richardson'.-, house and called him out. Just as Richardson Bf>pped from his door Rogers fircd at him, tlie ball eritered the n^gro's heart and dcath resiilted nTmost inatantly, Just abnut three- hundred yards from tho negro's house 13 tho honio of Mr, Jackson Heims, the riep.fatlnir nf mu-s Precsley, RC(jT»rs left tbe dead negro and procced<>d to tha h'T'mn of Helmf. Atrlv- Ing at the liouro he rang the bell and Miss Pressley came to tho donr. Without saying a word ho pulled his gun and shot the young woman dead. Rogars has twlco been an Inmate of the State asylurn at Morg^nton. He ls only twenty-nvo years old, and people are qulto proml- ncnt in this section of the State. CONRAD WILL NOT RUN FOR STATE SENATE (Kni-Mnl to Tbe TlmfS-Plipatch,) WINCHESTER, VA., January 5q._ Major Tlnlmes Conrad bfcfore- Ie,-wlng to- day for IUehmond, where he Is engaged ln the Campboll lnvestigatlon, declared that he would not a candidate to biic- ceed State Senator S. I/. Lupton from the countiej of Frederick and Shenandoa.h. Major Conrad's extenslve law pr&ctlce will not peraiit ot it. But a Large Gheck Had to Be Signed First. PAYMENT OF TAXES FOR A WHOLE YEAR* Bondholder Attempts to Break> Off the Deal, WANTED TO INTEREST LOCAL CAPITALISTS- W. C. Heinroth Said He Had Not Beervf Informed of the True State of Af- fairs.Statemant of Mr, Moore. The Price Paid by the Bell for Richmond 'Phones Not Stated. Desplte a strenuous attempt on the J part of ono of the bond-holders of tho Richmond Telephone Company and a ] Btrong dlspositlon of certain councllmen ' t'y pi.stpono llnal action on tho ordinance pcrmlttlng this corporation to be absor- bed by tho Southorn Bell Company, th» Common Council last night, after a de- llberatlon of two honrs, voted to con- cur ln tho action of the Board of Aldcr- nien in passing the moasuro, It is now up to tho Mayor to approve the merger, after which tho forclosuro salo will bo effected and the property turned over to tho glgantlc telephone concern. HAD TO SION A CHBCK. The ordinance was passed by an yea and nay vote, and It was, tncreforc, Im- posslble to tell Just how tho members stood on the proposltlon. This' action, lunvover, was uot taken until after Mv. H'arner Mooro. liad drawn a. ehftck.;.for IP, $'.',112 and turn'od lt ovor-to City Audltor E. J. .Warren'tn paymtnt^ for .tho-taxes of the Richmond company for the prea'-< ent year, a ehort recess bolng talten by, the Council to permit of this rather ro- marku.blo proccedlng. Mr. \V. C. Heinroth, of Chicago, who Is proiiiinently coimectud with tho La, Cro;sse Electrlcol Constructlon Company,. v appeared at tlio mceting last night lu J. company with Mr. Gcorgo Bryan, as his K legai roprosentatlvo, and toguther they » opposed the passago of the ordinance. u asking a poatponenient of thlrty dayj. r TO HOLD UP ME.HGBB. _. Mr. Heinroth ls a bondholder In tlitk Richmond company to tho cxtent p£,$-,'^"' 000, and as such he urged that the pro-s posed merger be held up for a. short- tlmu, on tho grounda that ho could Inter est local oapltal sulllclently to place tho concern on a paylng basls and thereby gtve tho cltizona an ludopendoat com¬ pany and guarantoo competitlon.and low- t rates, Tho allegatlons of Mr. Heinroth and his attorney cama with a suddenncss that was surprising, no opposulon from such. a quarter liaving been oounted upon by oven those who wished to defeat tha proposltlon, and It. looked for a Ur.ic as lf tho well-laid plans of the company would fall and the merger bo held up for another month. In Bpeaklng from his cllcnt, Mr, Bryair alleged that until this year the Interest <u hia bor.da has been regularly paid, andl ': ho had been kept ln ignorance of. Lhi true state of affalrs. Ha claimed furthei' - that the other bondholder, Mr. Warricr Moore, had never receWod a cent of' In¬ terest, and that the procoeds of the fore- closuro sale would llrsl be used to pay the lndabted Interest, the stockholdora \ and his cllents suftering as a consa- quence. COULD BE MADB TO PAY. Mr. Heinroth stated from. tho floor that he was flrmly of the opinlon that tha Independent company could be made to pay a handsome dlvidend lf It were prop- erly rnanaged, and he cxpressod a beltef' that local capital could bo induced to i invest, provided the ordinance was held up for thlrty days. ¦Mr. Moore was extended tha courtesy of the floor, and e::plalned at longth the' up-hlll fight the Richmond compnny had j made. He said that every singla ro- sonrce had been cxhaused in the hope of i. intere.-tinij additional capltal, and did not think that tho company could be made to pay. He said that the concern had now only "50 BUbscrlbers, and a number of thesa had gl'/en orders for the removal of th*lr 'phones. FOKTY THOUSAND INTEREST. In feiponso to a questlon from Mr. Pol« I. lock. Mr. Mooro said tha interest on tha 1 bon<°s he held would amount to $10,000. Ho d:d not cara to dlvulgo tha prlca tha Belj Company propossd paylng, but w.ont,! ot soni6 k-mgth Into certain datalls, statlng that tho proceeds of tho eala woi;M first go towards paylng the Inter¬ est on tho bonds, after which tha floatlng endeb!(>rii',p?9 of tho compnny would ba paid "off, and then remalning prncefds wouM go to "tho stockholdars, President Maupln paid that tho company would gpiffer a loss of J60.000. During tha moetlng there were sev¬ eral llvely apats between Council mem¬ bers, but the flna] vote showed that a declded majorlty favored the comblna. R., F. & P. IS CLEAR The Temporary Embargo on North* bound Slow Freiglit Removed. At the ofllces of the Richmond, Freder-v lckfihurg and Potomao Railroad yoitc-niar it was eaid in referenco to tha afttcle )ni The Times of Sunday aa to tha condltton cf the freight movement over tha Rloh*. n.ond, Frederieksburg and Potomao Rail-' road, that the lemporary embargo pa nortbboun* slow fvelght for Washington and points north has- beon removad, and thera U now no accumulatioa ot freight upoa ta« rallroftd.

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Page 1: The Times dispatch.(Richmond, VA) 1903-01-27.BAt/riMORE", MD. January:!6.--Rev. Edward H. Inglc, rector of St. Bartholo-mew'a Trotestant Episcopal Church, has received a call to becoma

i \


Lee and Davis Toastedat Waldorf-Astoria.


Thlrteenth Annual Banquet ofNew York Camp.


Pully a Thousand People Were Gatheredto HearNorthernOratorsPayGlow-

ing Tributes to Southern Menand to Listen to Music of

the Confederacy-Wat-terson on Lincoln,

(Epi>cta1 to The TlmenTMtpntch.)NEW YORK. N. Y., Jamiary I6.-The

¦grand ball room of tlie Waidorf-Astorla.was in gala army to-nlght to celebratetho thlrteenth annual banquet of the Con-federate Vcteran Camp of New York.Fully ona thousand people wero seatedabout the tables and ln tho boxes abovo.Above the speakera' tabla at the end oftho room hung on ono side the flag ofKew York and on the other a bannerbearing the coat of a-rms of tho city ofKew York, whlle ln tho center hung theflas of the Confederacy, and over allhung a bluo shleld bearing a coat ofarms, above which ln goldenletters the words "Hnlted States of Amer-Ica."

THE TOASTS.The toastsnvcre "The President and the

Army and Navy of the UnTten-Statos.A Prlnce Among tho Rulers of the World,tiut the Scrvant of a Free People."(Standlng.)Music, "Coitimbln."'Robert E. Lt-c: "Nnture made him and

then broke the moiild." Charles FranclsAdaniB. Ean., of Massachusetts.Music, "Bonnle Bliie Flag." Mra. Hol-

lingsworth-Watklns, formerly of Loulsi-ana.Songs of U.ite-bellum days (In costume),

Miss Lella Balrd, accompanlst.Ahraham Lincoln: "Ho was not for an

age, but for all time." Colonel HenryWiattPrson, of Kentuoky.Music, "America."Jofferson £>avls: "His life was gentle;

end the elements so mlxed ln him thatriiiuur.e mlght stand up and say to allthe world, 'This was a man.' " Hon. .. -i-

llam Hcpburn Russoll, fonnerly of Mls-Eourl.Musle, "Auld Long Syne."Song. a, "Rlse uy, my love," by

Brahms.Brahnm. b, "Irish love song," Bang\Mr. Reed Miller, formerly of South Caro¬lina.The Sllent Brlgado."Tha wavlng cypress and stately plno

echo th?lr requiem at rosy morn anddewy eve."Taps."Old folks at home," by Mrs. Holllngs-

svorth-Watklns, and "My Old KentuokyHome, Good Night," by Reed Miller,created wlld excltement.

STATUE TO LEE.Mr. Adams, In ltla eulogy of Lee, re¬

ferred to the placlng of a statue of theConfederate at tho Natlonai Capltol. Hesaid:When It does come the efflgy, asslgned Its piece me'rely by act of Congress,ehouldbear somo such inscrlptlon as this:

ROBERT EDWARD LEE,Erected by Contrlbutlons.-

Of thoso T'.-hoWcarlng tho Blue or the Gray,

Recognlze brilltant milltary achlevementsand lofty character, honor greatnossand liumanlty in war and/deyotlon

and dlsnlty in defeat.THOSE PRESENT.

The occupants of boxos and chatra ofthe two tlers were:Thomas Avery Lamb, T. B. Gale. B.

Roblrtson, P. T. Wood. Mrs, Poor. Mrs.Do Gernett, "W. D. Gaillard, B. Elmes,.Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Shepler, BurtinThompson, Mrs. Henry Vatters'm, M.Clay, Mrs. M. N. Glbson, Hon. H. In-;gram and party, Mrs. R. W. Jones, Mrs.T. J. Clarlc, Mra. E. M Tyng, H. J.Prltchard, Mrs. Paullr.e Bubose, Mrs. N.E. Stockton, Miss Stockton, P. Banler,gldney R. Perry, R. S. Albert,- Glenn Har-rard, W. H. WUIs, P. Maxlum Clark,Mrs. H. A. Hollenberg, Mrs. C. Luno-echloss, Mrs. T. B. Semple and puplls,

;J. S. Clarlt, D. Gehrlng, Miss H. M.ICay, Miss M. S. Stovens. P. B. Clark,fPr,- John A. Wyeth and party, Mra, J.JH. Stewart, Logan D. Howell, John C.iCalhoun and party. Franklln: Brooks,/Mr, and Mrs, Paraons Corbln, Pr. Leroy'Brown, Ernest Harvoy Symonfls, T. 0.'Kennard, Reed Miller, Edmund HarveySymonds, J, N, Thompson, A. Leonardfiall and party, B. W. Hendrlck, Mrs. R.

.A. Lbu, -Bavld Roblnson, Mra. j; C. Hale,'Mra J. J. Crawford, Mrs. Moirmnn. T,B. SempU, Br. C. H. Mook, Almuth C.Vandlvlr, Miss C. McKemlo, T. J. Waters,Mlas L. R. Rlnolda, W, P. Hlxj John S.Wlso, Lawronco Prlddy, Dr, J. H. Clai¬borne, L. B. Alexandor, Br. W S. Blck-'ham, E. Owen, J. Altsliler, B, L Clark,Miss E. N. Howell. Mra. E. B H. Cas-tleton, MIh« M, F. Hoolt, Mr* F. \V.Wotklns, Eugeno Shepard, II, K Burras,Mrff. M. L. Brodnax, John Tiompson,Mrs, M. Hurxthal, John H. Ke nard, V.W. Alexandor and many pthefs, mak¬ing about 400 In the boxes and chairsalono, whilo every foot of tft« hucofloor spaco was ocoupled,

ASHLAND OLKROYMAnCALLED TO CULPEPER(Bnrelnl to Tho TlniM-l'ilsniitph.)

ABILLA^ID, VA. Jan, 23,-Rev. J. W.tVaie, rectov of St. James Church, hasf'rderea his reslgnatlon to the. Waro has accepted a call to St. Ste-hen's Church, Culpeper, His resfgnatlonrll) tn)te effoct after the socond bunday

February, and Mr. Ware will enlcripon his now dutlea on Februaiy 15th.

Mr.Claytor's Dispensary.Bill in the Senate.


Has the Co-operatlon of JudgeW. H. Mann.


Senator Harman, a Preacher and Tem-perance Advocate, Says He .WillStrenuously Oppose the Meas¬ure When It Comes Up.Mann Bill to Be Pressedby Temperance Men

The whlskey questton ts developlng Intoa very llve one in the Tjeglslature andbids falr to be even more so ln a veryshort .while.Senator Graham Claytor, of Bedford,

has prepared and will offer ln a fow daysIf not to-day, a general dispensary law,which will apply to the entlre State. Thebill will embody some of tho foaturesof the South Carolina plan and otherssimllar to those of the locnl dispensarylawB now ln foroe at Franlclln, In South-ampton county, and other towns of thoState. Ono of the lnteresting facts Inconnectlon with the matter ls that Sena¬tor Claytor has conferred wtth Jud?oWilliam Hodgcs Mann on tho eubjeet,and the latter agrces with the BedfordSenator that the passage of the measurewould go a long way toward solvlng tholiquor question.Senator Claytor has prepared the

measure with tho utmost caro and snyshe will earnestly when lt shallhave been offered.

FOR LOCAL OPTION.Tho bill will provldo that any county,

city or to.wn ln the State may vote uponthe question of havlng a dispensary, andwhcrever it shall be carried tho generallaw will apply and govern all with per-foct uniformlty.Senator J. N. Harman, of Tazewoll,

who ls a temperance advocate and apreacher as well as a lawyer, said lastnight that he and those who stood withhim would flght tho measure, as theydid not believe that liquor should bosold in any form ln tho Stato."I believe my bill ls the only solu-

tlon of tho liquor question," said Sena¬tor Claytor ln dlscusslng the matter lastnight, "and so beheving, I shall do mybest to socuro Its passage."Tho Mann liquor bill ls being earnestly

urged by tho church and temperance peo-ple all over the Stato and will llkely boconsldored along with the measure to beoffered by Senator Claytor.The Senate passed by tho consldera-

tlon of Senator Harman'3 habltual-drunk-ard bill yesterday, and It will come upon tts engrossment again to-day.


'street-Car Fare Will Be $50a Man, or 32,800 for a

Wnole Year.Havlng been referred to them some two

or three months ago by Common Coun¬cil, Messrs. Gilbert K. Pollock and T. H.Ellett, after v several oonferences withGeneral Mannger Huff, of tho street rall-roiici company, yesterday formulated a re¬

port, recommending to tho Council thatthe FJnance Committee be Instrucled tospproprlnte ln tlio budgat for the presentyear the sum of $2,800 with which to pur¬chase transportatlon over tho trolley llnesot the city for the benerU of the mein-bfcr;1 of both branches of the Council.The Passenger and Power Companj>

aprees to haul tho members of eitherbranch at any and all times for $50 eachper annum,There being flfty-six members In the two

bodlcs, $2,800 will be necassary to inaugu-rato flie system. Accompanylng the re¬

port of the special committee Is a resolu¬tion, rocommended for adoptlon, calllng'on the Flnance Committee to approprialanuoh an amount ln the budget of this

year. .,.;...- tj^il


(Spnclnl to U'be Tlnies-Dlsputch.)BAt/riMORE", MD. January :!6.--Rev.

Edward H. Inglc, rector of St. Bartholo-mew'a Trotestant Episcopal Church, hasreceived a call to becoma rector of ChristChurch, Mlllwood, Va, Ho has the callunder conslderatlon. Mr. Inglei Is a na-llve of Washington. Ha Btudied at theVirginia Thoologlcal Semlnary and* cometo Baltimore in 1SS5.Tlia pulplt of Chrl&t Church has been

lf.ft vacant by the departure of Rev.Courlney Jones, who was formerly >U thoChapel of Atonement, In this city, Pro-vious to his work ln this city Mr. Inglewas reotor of St, John'g Protestant Epis¬copal Church, Roanoke, Va., and the Dm-manuel Church, Athens, Ga. He suc-cerded Rev, Gohlson as rector of St. Bar-tholomew's, the latter going toi.Alabama.Mr, Ingle has Iabored hore with great

Buccess, He ls a brother of Dr. LoweryIngle, of Baltimore, and a cousln of Rev.Gsborn Ingl*. of Frederlek. H« ls rnar-vled.



Estimated Loss by Sunday Night's Fire Fltty Thousand Collars.Almost Govered by Insurance.

No time will be lost ln the recorstruc-tlon.of the stemmory of the ContlnentalTobacco Company on south tenth street,destroyed Sunday evening by flro. Withthe settlement of the matter of insurancethe debrls will be at once cleared awaynnd a new factry .will rlse on the ulte ofthe rild.WhJle the. loss on the building it-

self ls not entirely covered the stocktli<*ri» and.ln the plants adjolning was

fully Insured. The chlef damago was tofine tobacco storcd in the houses andeven where the fire did not reach smokoand "water penetrated and carried do-structlon with them. The total loss willrun between $55,000 and $60,000.

EVERYBODY WENT.From a spoctacular point of iview the

fire was one of tho most brllllant of re-

cent years. Throughout the city people,attracted by the blaze, which east Itsruddy glow far and near, stood and


They Are Opposed to the Billto Create the Offlce of

Chaplain to Legislature.Any ertort to engago the servtces of a

chaplain for the State Legislature willnieet with the vlgorous opposltion of theBaptist ministers of Richmond, who are

even now setting their guns for a broad-sldo as soon as Uia enemy looms tntoslght,The bill offered in the Senae last week

providing for r. chaplain -was the themoior considerab'le dlscussion at tho meotlngot' the Baptist Ministers' Conference yes-tciday. Several expressed vlews upon thomatter. and It l.i easlly evident how tholand Iles. If the bill ls ever pushed therewill bo preclpltat-sd Immediately a longand bltter old battle such as thoono waged when the ciiaplalncy for thepenitentiary. hung the- in the balance.Ono thlng in the bill was given parti-

cular attention yesterday by the mlnls-ters. It was sUtcd as a reason for thoresolution that local preachors decllnedto visit the Senate and open tha sessionswith prayer. A roll-call or something oftlio sort was taken yesterday and theministers unanimously declarcd that theyhcive never refused to serve the Senatewhen asked and that they will be alwayswtlllng to do so.ln the event that any eftort to secure

th& passage of the bill IS made, thero bo a struggle. "Of course we

would fight such a measure," said Dr.j B. Hawthorne yesterday morning. "1don't believe the Legislature will dare to'

Others were seen and expressed thesame vlew. "We wouldn't be Baptlsts ifv,e wouldn't nrht that bill," said Dr,Derleux.Application are rolling in for the pro-

posed posltlon. Sonator Barksdale. thepatron. has received several appltcationsfrom those who want the posltion, an fo

hos Mr. Button, clerk of the Senate.Some of the applicats are not minis¬ters of tha gospel.


OvnnriM tn '.'¦||>. Tlai«».Di»n»teh.)NEW YORK, January 26..Mary Galla-

gher walked from her home, at No. 219\Vi«t Blxtleth Street, to the Toombeprison on Saturrlay and back again. Shewent to tne pr!i>on to see Edward Galla-gher, h«v husband, who Is charged withbolng an expert safe broaker,When Mrs. GallaKher \»ached home she

took her sho?s to a pawn ehop and 'gottwenty-five cents, with which she boughtthe first food her two littln daughters hadeaten ln twenty-four hours, The pawntlcket she placed with slxteen others,which tell the story ot har suft'erlng forthe last three months.Mrs. GallaKher producfd seventeen

pawn tlcktts, which ahowed that, bed clothlng, and other artlelesof the hom* had gone for a few centsat a tlma to buy food.

watched and aovoral fhousand of themhurried off to the sojne. 'The crowd waaprobably the largest ttiat has ever wlt-noased a flre of tne sla«.The building waa located at the cx-

treme end of Tenth Street and wasowned by the I. N. Vaugtia;* estate, Re¬cently U was leaaed to tle """ontlnentalTobacco Company, wlYi'A'/used lt as a

stemmery In conjunctlon (with the R. J.Iteynolds Tobacco Company, of Wlnston,N. C, really a part of the Contlnental.It went by the namo of the Tenth StreetFactory, No. 1, and lmmediately adjoln-Ing lt was Factory No. 2, a ono-st»ryaffair.Tho blaze was ftrst dlscove-red by two

poltcomen, who saw the flames shootingout of the roof of the four-story fac¬tory. They at onoo hurried to englnehouse, No. 7, on Cary Street, and fromthat point the entlre depurtment wascalled out. The mlserable wator faclll-tles, howover, again lntorfered.Before a slngie respectable stream

could bo played upon tho building lt wasin a light blazo and was hopolessly f;ono.Tbe only flre-'plug ncarby was out ofuse, and flvo englnes stood on tho 'Ittlewooden brldge o<ver the canal putr.plngwater out of the stream.To confuse the sltuallon stlll more one

of the large hose burst and came neardrowning everythlng ln sight.Herolo efforts on tha part of the flre-

men savodi nolghboring bulldlngs fromdestruotlon. Several of tho men narrowlyeKe&ped Injury by falllng walla, It wasImposslble howevcr, to check the pro-gress of the flames on tho burnlng fac¬tory.The place was entlrely yutted as was

factory No. 2 and Is at total loss. To-day, one grlm, wall ls all that stands totcll the tale.How tho flre startcd Is a complete mys-

tery. Flremen nor owners of tho prop¬erly can lmaglno an ortgin for tho fierceblaze. N<groes are wpnt to prow] aboutthe nelghborhood a good deal and bulldfire-s to keop warm. It Is posslhle thatfiu'ch a flre carelessly left burnlng com-munlcated with tho factory and aet' ltoblazo.

LOSS AND INSURANCE.Tho estimated valuo of the stemmery

wns $10,000; the Insurance amounts toJ7,f.00 held> through Chapln & Humo asfollows: Hartford, $3,000; Hamburg-Brem-en. $4,000.The stock was fully covered as fol-


Mr. Thomas Courtney Jenklns, of Bal-timore, Weds Miss Elsie Wood-

bury Brown.

(Bp«cl»l to Tho Tlmes-Ulapatch.)NEW YORK, January 26..In St Fran¬

cls Xavier Roman Cathollo Church, MIbsElsle Woodbury Brown, daughter of Mrs.Frank Gould Brown, of New York, waamarried to-day to Mr. Thomas CourtneyJenklns, son ot George C Jenklns, «,{-Baltmlore. Tho ccrcmony was performedby Carnlval Glbbons, of Baltiinora,; whocams here by special train to ofliolate.The bride, formerly a Protostant, re¬

cently Joined tho Roman Cathollo Church.She was attlred in a rich gownof whitesatin and exquisite point In-co, w-lth tratlsot' orar-gj. blotwonw. She wb attonded byMiss Qortrude Mison Brown, hor cousin,as mald of honor, and Miss Mary Enoand Miss Jessle J, Fnnshawe as brldcs-malds. They wore pretty costumes ofpink and white.Mr. Jonklns' best man waa hts brotlur-

In-law, Mr. Rlal Parr, of Bultlmoro. Theunhers were Eranois Stevans, J, I,orrlrrierWorden, Henry S. Lehr and J. DeH.Nurman Whituhouse, of this city; RobertHoney at Ncwj)ort, and Epiest Jenkinaand william Lehr, of Baltlmora. Thoceremony was followed by a rec&ptlon forrnlatlves and Intimata frlenda at tho Wal-dorf A8toria,Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins will visit India,

Chlna and Japan on their honeymoon,which will lau a year. Mr. Jenklns hasspent much time ln those countrieB, andhaa many friends in the Orient. The wed¬ding was very lmpresKlve and waa one oftho most beautltul ln New York in recent


lows: Reynolds Tobacco Company, $2^,-100; Contlnental Tobacco Company, 18,000.Factory No. 2 went down with thojother.

Tho stock was hisured for $2,000 throughD. N. Walker & Co., who also carried theother. Tho fixtures in a shed ncarby,which were totally lost. were Insurcd for$3,000.While the buildings escaped, the facto-

vles ncarby suffered considerably" fromwator and srnoke. It Is estlmato<J that£0 per cent. of tho tobacco in Vaughan"sTobacco warehouse will bo a total loss.Tho insuranco carried upon this stockamounted to $25,000 held. by D. N. WalkefSi Co.

WILL BE REBUILT.As soon as the Insuranco is adjusted

(he Btemmery will be rebuilt by Messrs.Vaughan and lt will ln all probabllity,again bo occupled by the Contlnental.Meanwhtle, some hundred. or two nrn- are thrown out of v/ork.


Ordinance Committee WasUnable to Secure a Quo-

rum Yesterday.Owlng to the failure of suiflclent mem¬

bers to put in thair appearance at theCity Hall yesterday afternoon, thescheduled mceting of the Council Com¬mittee on Ordlnances, Charter and Re-ford dtd not take placo. It will be heldlater ln the week.Tho committee was to have consldered

tho puro food ordinance, and City Attor¬ney Pollard was on ha.nA to lend as-slstance In drafting tho measure. It wasthe sanse ot the gentlemen present thatMr. Pollard should proparo an ordinanceto confonn with tho suggestions whichhave from time to time been cxiprestrtl,and agreed to do this.The committee w.ns also to have con¬

sldered, the anti-theatre hat law, offoredIn tho Common Council by Mr. Allen, cfMarshall Ward. In addition, the ques-tlon ot salaries ln tha dlfferent depart^ments would haive been taken up,The meetlng of the subcommlttee of th*

Grounds and Buildings Committee, whichwas to have been held yesterday morn¬ing in the offlco of the City Englneer forthe purpose of conslderlng. and settlingthe mooted questlon of extras on thecontract at the now city Jail. was post-ocned until this morning, two oi th*three members being unable to attondtho meetlng. It is probabla that a com-promise will be roacherl this morning at11 o'clock.


NEW YORK, January 25..Buffetedthroughout the entire Journey by gales, the Cunarder Etrurla reachedthis port yesterday, The veseel hadhardly cleared Queonstown before shecaught a westerly bjow, and whero thatleft offi another began. The re.?t of' thetale ls of sullen ciouds g;ay seas andflerce equallaThe pa3s^ngor3 told excltedly of a wavewhich burst on bourd on Friday morn¬

ing.a burly sea which deaH the ship ablow so savage that the stoock awakenedall who had been asloep bolow. Somepartly dres ed and hunied on deck. fe'ir-ful thnt the via-,-1 had hit a derellot nran iceberg, or had herself ben smittenby .some other, They were reas-sured to find the good old ship stlll pltch-Ing heavlly In the seas, but unharmed.The officers lavmhed when a«ked about

the Bea which had dlsturbed tha pass?n-gers "We shlpped a S'-a owr th» star-board bow," Bald Chlef Offlci>r Rlchard-son. "It may have Jolted the people he-low a blt. but It did no harrn to ihe ship«xcept to damage a section of the bridge

tm: .'.',¦ ;.."¦¦:

Doblin Declares That HisStatement is False.


The Statement That QulggOffered a Brlbe Untrue,


Doblin Testlfied That He Has Made NoImproper Proposals to Lesslei.At-torney for Mr. Quigg InslstsThat Matter Be Probed to

Very Bottom.LesalerHas No Statement.

(By Assoolated Prcss.)WASHINGTON, January 26..Phlllp

Doblin, who testlfred before the NaivalAffaJrs Committee Saturday the.rho hadapproached Representatlvo Lcsslcr withan oftor of money to iniluence his voteon the submarlna boat bill, and whomnda the furthor statement that ho hadbeen told thoro might bo $1,000 in lt fWhlmaelf, made tlie astoundlng odmisslonbeforo committee, that ho had madestatements on Saturday which woro nottrue, and he wanted to retract hla atatc-mcnt that Qulgg had offered a brlbe tohim.The statoment came without warnlng

Mcmbors of tho committee looked at oneanotlier in amazement.Gustavus Rogers, an a.ttorncy, said lio

appeared for Doblin, who had Et.atcrt tohim that he (Doblin) had mado somestatements Saturday, which were falso.Tho oommittoo wero unanlmous in their

domand that Dcibllri appoar forthwith.Ho a.ppcared and stated that all ntate-m«nts ho liad previously made legardlngQulgg's attftmptliig to brlbo him werountrua. Ho paid ho war nvrmmoriod toWashington by Lesnler, and tolrj that liomust stand for Lessler's story about thebrlliery.Subsequently he was taken to the com¬

mittee and told that he was ln tho hand/iof friends, and that !f ho would backup Eesftlcr everythlng would como out allright.In an.Twer to a question, Doblin assert-

£u it was Qulgg who had offered a brlbaof $5,00), tvrid after he returned to NewYork, Doblin rec'elwed |t telegrnm read-Ing: "Statement all right havo no fear,"slgned by Lesrdcr.

RErrUtAiOTS EVDRY WORB.To-day Bobli-n sa;d: "It was a quoB-

tloTi of whether I was going to substan-tlato myE,»lf iboforo a commlttoo offriends anO Lesuler, or wh.other I wasthen anfl thoro /.'Olng to make Lessler'sstatement ftppeav untrue. I decldod thatI wowld. just mako my same statement.I made it, and. I now rotr^ct every wordln which I said iMr Qulgg tendered m«any brlbo in any way.Doblin said he had made no Improper

proposal of any kind to Ijpsslor, and thatLessler's statement that Doblin had men-tlnned $5,000 to him wis false.Questloned with a view to developlng

(Continued on Twelfth Page.)


She Laughed When His NoteWas Handed to Her. Had

Been Insane.(Specisl to The Timcs-Dispotch.)

OHARLOTTE, N. C. January 26.-Ahorrlbly double tragedy was enacted inUnion county, about flftccn miles fromCharlotto this afternoon, E1I R'egers, av/lll-known young man of Union county,shot and killed Will Richardson (colored),and after walklng three hundrcd yardsfrom the dcad body of Richardson he de-llberatoly levelled his gun at Mis3 MayPressly and killed ho.r Inslantly.R'ogers wroto Miss Pressloy a rrote sev¬

eral days a'&o, and tho negro Will Rich¬ardson was the mossengeri who deiivoredit to the young iady. When Richardsonreturned, Rogers asked for tho roply.Ricliard:,on told him there was nono, and,furlhermore, added that Miss FressleylauK**'d when tho note was harjdrd her.Nothing moro was thought of the tncl-

d«nt ur.tll to-day Rogers appeared atthe negro Richardson'.-, house and calledhim out. Just as Richardson Bf>ppedfrom his door Rogers fircd at him, tlieball eritered the n^gro's heart and dcathresiilted nTmost inatantly,Just abnut three- hundred yards from

tho negro's house 13 tho honio of Mr,Jackson Heims, the riep.fatlnir nf mu-sPrecsley, RC(jT»rs left tbe dead negro andprocced<>d to tha h'T'mn of Helmf. Atrlv-Ing at the liouro he rang the bell andMiss Pressley came to tho donr. Withoutsaying a word ho pulled his gun andshot the young woman dead. Rogars hastwlco been an Inmate of the State asylurnat Morg^nton. He ls only twenty-nvoyears old, and W« people are qulto proml-ncnt in this section of the State.


(Kni-Mnl to Tbe TlmfS-Plipatch,)WINCHESTER, VA., January 5q._

Major Tlnlmes Conrad bfcfore- Ie,-wlng to-day for IUehmond, where he Is engagedln the Campboll lnvestigatlon, declaredthat he would not b« a candidate to biic-ceed State Senator S. I/. Lupton from thecountiej of Frederick and Shenandoa.h.Major Conrad's extenslve law pr&ctlcewill not peraiit ot it.

But a Large Gheck Hadto Be Signed First.


Bondholder Attempts to Break>Off the Deal,


W. C. Heinroth Said He Had Not BeervfInformed of the True State of Af-fairs.Statemant of Mr, Moore.The Price Paid by the Bell

for Richmond 'PhonesNot Stated.

Desplte a strenuous attempt on the Jpart of ono of the bond-holders of thoRichmond Telephone Company and a ]Btrong dlspositlon of certain councllmen '

t'y pi.stpono llnal action on tho ordinancepcrmlttlng this corporation to be absor-bed by tho Southorn Bell Company, th»Common Council last night, after a de-llberatlon of two honrs, voted to con-cur ln tho action of the Board of Aldcr-nien in passing the moasuro, It is nowup to tho Mayor to approve the merger,after which tho forclosuro salo will boeffected and the property turned over totho glgantlc telephone concern.

HAD TO SION A CHBCK.The ordinance was passed by an yea

and nay vote, and It was, tncreforc, Im-posslble to tell Just how tho membersstood on the proposltlon. This' action,lunvover, was uot taken until after Mv.H'arner Mooro. liad drawn a. ehftck.;.for IP,$'.',112 and turn'od lt ovor-to City AudltorE. J. .Warren'tn paymtnt^ for .tho-taxesof the Richmond company for the prea'-<ent year, a ehort recess bolng talten by,the Council to permit of this rather ro-marku.blo proccedlng.Mr. \V. C. Heinroth, of Chicago, who Is

proiiiinently coimectud with tho La,Cro;sse Electrlcol Constructlon Company,. vappeared at tlio mceting last night lu with Mr. Gcorgo Bryan, as his Klegai roprosentatlvo, and toguther they »

opposed the passago of the ordinance. uasking a poatponenient of thlrty dayj. r


Mr. Heinroth ls a bondholder In tlitkRichmond company to tho cxtent p£,$-,'^"'000, and as such he urged that the pro-sposed merger be held up for a. short-tlmu, on tho grounda that ho could Interest local oapltal sulllclently to place thoconcern on a paylng basls and therebygtve tho cltizona an ludopendoat com¬pany and guarantoo competitlon.and low-

t rates,Tho allegatlons of Mr. Heinroth and his

attorney cama with a suddenncss thatwas surprising, no opposulon from such.a quarter liaving been oounted upon byoven those who wished to defeat thaproposltlon, and It. looked for a Ur.icas lf tho well-laid plans of the companywould fall and the merger bo held up foranother month.In Bpeaklng from his cllcnt, Mr, Bryair

alleged that until this year the Interest <uhia bor.da has been regularly paid, andl ':

ho had been kept ln ignorance of. Lhitrue state of affalrs. Ha claimed furthei' -

that the other bondholder, Mr. WarricrMoore, had never receWod a cent of' In¬terest, and that the procoeds of the fore-closuro sale would llrsl be used to paythe lndabted Interest, the stockholdora \and his cllents suftering as a consa-quence.

COULD BE MADB TO PAY.Mr. Heinroth stated from. tho floor that

he was flrmly of the opinlon that thaIndependent company could be made topay a handsome dlvidend lf It were prop-erly rnanaged, and he cxpressod a beltef'that local capital could bo induced to iinvest, provided the ordinance was heldup for thlrty days.¦Mr. Moore was extended tha courtesy

of the floor, and e::plalned at longth the'up-hlll fight the Richmond compnny had jmade. He said that every singla ro-sonrce had been cxhaused in the hope of i.

intere.-tinij additional capltal, and did notthink that tho company could be madeto pay. He said that the concern hadnow only "50 BUbscrlbers, and a numberof thesa had gl'/en orders for the removalof th*lr 'phones.

FOKTY THOUSAND INTEREST.In feiponso to a questlon from Mr. Pol« I.

lock. Mr. Mooro said tha interest on tha 1bon<°s he held would amount to $10,000.Ho d:d not cara to dlvulgo tha prlca thaBelj Company propossd paylng, but w.ont,!ot soni6 k-mgth Into certain datalls,statlng that tho proceeds of tho ealawoi;M first go towards paylng the Inter¬est on tho bonds, after which tha floatlngendeb!(>rii',p?9 of tho compnny would bapaid "off, and then remalning prncefdswouM go to "tho stockholdars, PresidentMaupln paid that tho company wouldgpiffer a loss of J60.000.During tha moetlng there were sev¬

eral llvely apats between Council mem¬bers, but the flna] vote showed that adeclded majorlty favored the comblna.

R., F. & P. IS CLEAR

The Temporary Embargo on North*bound Slow Freiglit Removed.

At the ofllces of the Richmond, Freder-vlckfihurg and Potomao Railroad yoitc-niarit was eaid in referenco to tha afttcle )niThe Times of Sunday aa to tha condlttoncf the freight movement over tha Rloh*.n.ond, Frederieksburg and Potomao Rail-'road, that the lemporary embargo panortbboun* slow fvelght for Washingtonand points north has- beon removad, andthera U now no accumulatioa ot freightupoa ta« rallroftd.