the three pillars of freemasonry

8/19/2019 The Three Pillars of Freemasonry 1/27 THE THREE PILLARS OF FREEMASONRY The number three (3) is one of the most used numbers in the Holy Bible, and it is in this vein the we seek the deepest meanings of the three(3) Pillars of the Outer Porch of King Solomon's Temple. While strictly Masonic in character, meaning they are not found in the scriptures, there are deeper meanings when coupling the Masonic teachings with the Holy Bible, and one will find food for thought in the readings. ARCHITECTURE In Freemasonry, we find five (5) Orders of Architecture with symbolic meanings of: 1. Three (3) Principal Officers in a Lodge. 2. Three (3) Stages of Life of Youth, Manhood and Old Age. 3. Three Attributes of the God-head, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. 4. Three Great Lights in a Lodge. 5. Two (2) Orders that don't mean a thing in Freemasonry. The Orders are: Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Composite, which are representative of the five human senses, which every candidate for the degrees must have, but, only three are needed to be known as a Mason and they are called the Three Pillars of Freemasonry. TUSCAN (A Roman Column) A Pillar of plainness, one given its name from the Tuscans and the pillar is simple but massive. Many a member of the Masonic Lodge is there as a bench member, as in church, does not do anything outstanding, is on no board or committee, does not serve as an officer. Yet, without him, there would not be the numbers in the Lodge, so we must keep him. DORIC (A Greek Column) The second Pillar is different from the first even though it is Massive, for it is more massive or robust that the first and has a different chapiter at the top, a circle which represent the oneness of God (Isaiah 40:22) and its massiveness represents the awesome power of God Himself. It is the first of the Greek Columns and represents Strength, the Pillar of the Senior Warden in the Lodge, one of Support for the Master in the opening and closing of his Lodge. He is the keeper of the wages of the craft and is to pay them out on the orders of the Master of the Lodge. This pillar is emblematical of the West in direct contact with and for the Worshipful Master,  both representing the sun as it travels from East to the West. It is a journey of life, rising and setting, doing so on the just as well as the unjust. It tells of the times as morning, noon, afternoon, evening and night, five (5) stations or areas of time. It is man in his infancy as well as in his seniority or his death. This Pillar is strength as it pays the wages of those that may become dissatisfied and become disruptive in the Lodge. Those wages are equal and are given to all members that work in the

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The number three (3) is one of the most used numbers in the Holy Bible, and it is in this veinthe we seek the deepest meanings of the three(3) Pillars of the Outer Porch of King Solomon's

Temple. While strictly Masonic in character, meaning they are not found in the scriptures,

there are deeper meanings when coupling the Masonic teachings with the Holy Bible, and one

will find food for thought in the readings.


In Freemasonry, we find five (5) Orders of Architecture with symbolic meanings of:

1.  Three (3) Principal Officers in a Lodge.

2.  Three (3) Stages of Life of Youth, Manhood and Old Age.3.  Three Attributes of the God-head, Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

4.  Three Great Lights in a Lodge.

5.  Two (2) Orders that don't mean a thing in Freemasonry.

The Orders are: Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Composite, which are representative of

the five human senses, which every candidate for the degrees must have, but, only three are

needed to be known as a Mason and they are called the Three Pillars of Freemasonry.

TUSCAN (A Roman Column) 

A Pillar of plainness, one given its name from the Tuscans and the pillar is simple but

massive. Many a member of the Masonic Lodge is there as a bench member, as in church,

does not do anything outstanding, is on no board or committee, does not serve as an officer.

Yet, without him, there would not be the numbers in the Lodge, so we must keep him.

DORIC (A Greek Column) 

The second Pillar is different from the first even though it is Massive, for it is more massive

or robust that the first and has a different chapiter at the top, a circle which represent the

oneness of God (Isaiah 40:22) and its massiveness represents the awesome power of God

Himself. It is the first of the Greek Columns and represents Strength, the Pillar of the SeniorWarden in the Lodge, one of Support for the Master in the opening and closing of his Lodge.

He is the keeper of the wages of the craft and is to pay them out on the orders of the Master of

the Lodge.

This pillar is emblematical of the West in direct contact with and for the Worshipful Master,

 both representing the sun as it travels from East to the West. It is a journey of life, rising and

setting, doing so on the just as well as the unjust. It tells of the times as morning, noon,

afternoon, evening and night, five (5) stations or areas of time. It is man in his infancy as well

as in his seniority or his death.

This Pillar is strength as it pays the wages of those that may become dissatisfied and becomedisruptive in the Lodge. Those wages are equal and are given to all members that work in the

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quarries of the Lodge. It was Friendship that got you in the Lodge, Morality was the Lodge's

teachings and Brotherly Love (Filios) is the highest from of Love found on earth. We are to

love one another as Christ has loved us. A mighty symbol of Strength, a mighty emblem of

the man in control, a Mason of parade!

IONIC (A Greek Column) 

The third Pillar is massive with a scroll or book at the top. It is a fluted column and it has a

very important sport in the Lodge, for it represent Wisdom, the wisdom of Solomon. Yet, it is

simple in its beholding. Solomon was the wisest man known to man until Jesus came on the

scene. However, Solomon was also the most foolish and that made him foolish in his

 beholding, for who needs 700 wives and 300 concubines?

The Pillar is fluted, showing the many attributes of a good Master as well as the authority and

 powers of the office of to which he has been elected. Even if one flute or one authority is lost,

those that are left would be sufficient for the remainder of his term. Yet, the Master must be

diligent in all aspects of his administration so as not to bring disgrace and ridicule upon theLodge, remembering that he represents Solomon, King of Israel.

In his wisdom, the temple was built, and in his wisdom the reputation of Jerusalem was

spread around the known world. In his foolishness, he became week for women, but, that is

not why God did not bless him. It was because he built temples and altars to the strange gods

of his women. The Worshipful Master is supposed to display wisdom for the Lodge and

make plans for the successful programs of the Lodge. Still, he is not to be foolish so as to

 bring ridicule on the Lodge and must stand and act as an upright man should. He is

emblematical of the book of wisdom that is displayed at the top of the column and is to keep

his hand in the Master's hand.

He is to be a standout in his home, his church and his community, so that others may say, here

is a man and here is a Mason! He looks like a Master, and he is. This Pillar shows a thinking

man, one that is worth to be called Rabboni (Master).

CORINITHIAN (A Greek Column) 

Behold, a thing of Beauty, this Corinthian Column, fluted, with a spray of God's creation of

 beauty, flowers. The fern that grace the chapiters of these columns gives the beauty of

Ancient Greece, Corinth from which it gets its name. It is representative of the Junior

Warden in the Lodge, an observer of Time, watching it as it rise from the East, superintends itas it travels in a Southern direction towards the West. The Junior Warden represents Hiram

Abif, the Widow's Son, sitting in the South. He also observes the craft when they are at

refreshments. Seeing that they do not fall prey to the wiles of the evil one, one that may

devour their soul, for he comes to kill, steal and destroy. The Pillar of Beauty is the final

result when Wisdom and Strength work together. It is the summation of what to expect when

you have Wisdom to contrive and Strength to support, then you will have Beauty to adorn.

Strength cannot support and build without the planning of Wisdom, and Beauty cannot paint,

carve or beautify if there is nothing. In the Lodge, the Master puts plans on the Trestleboard.

The Lodge, under the direction of the Senior Warden, supports the Master's plans and the

Beauty of it all spells success.

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When all components work together, when these different parts come together as one, when

like the Father, Son and Holy Ghost work together, success will be the byword and all will be

at peace in the tranquility of good works.

One day, the Great Junior Warden of the heavens will call us all from refreshment back to

labor so that judgment will take place with the Grand Master of the Universe in charge. Asthe Junior Warden is the prosecutor in the Lodge in case of a trial, it will be Jesus, the Great

Junior Warden that will be at the Judgment Bar to decide whether he will be our prosecutor or

defense counsel. As we will be wearing no more than lambskin, we will have to face the

Lamb himself who will say whether we have been true to the word as a man and as a Mason.

If we pass the test, it will be a thing of Beauty!

COMPOSITE (A Roman Column) 

Like the very first column, the last one, the Composite column is useless in the Masonic

order. As the first one represents Taste, the last column represents Smell. We need the three

Pillars for they represent Wisdom, Strength and Beauty, or Seeing (to see the sign), Hearing(to hear the Word) and Feeling (to feel the grip, whereby one Mason may know another in the

dark as well as in the light). You need these three (3) to be a Mason, but you can neither taste

or smell Freemasonry.

You can smell a Mason if he does not have good hygiene habits, but if you are found tasting a

Mason, you will be brought up on charges of unMasonic conduct!

Thank you and have a good day and may God bless each and every one of you!

The Eastern Star

A Symbol of Good or of Evil

Ever since the dawn of time, stars have fascinated man to no end. In 1854 while incapacitated

 by rheumatism, Robert Morris penned the ritual for the Order of the Eastern Star in Jackson,

Mississippi, later perfected by Robert McCoy. Stars have represented the presence of God, as

evidenced by the Eastern Star of the Ladies and the Star of Fellowship of the Masons.

Albert Pike, a very renowned Masonic writer, even though controversial most of the time, did

quite a treatise on stars in his publications, morals and dogmas. Some of them are:

1.  Star that guided the Magi to Bethlehem and Jesus.

2.  Five Pointed Star: from the Pentalpha of Pythagoras, or Five New Beginnings.

3.  Star of Knowledge: Advises the Magi of the birth of Jesus.

4.  Star of Solomon formed by the square and compass - it is found on a dollar bill.

5.  Created on the fourth day with other heavenly bodies.

6.  Lesser of all lights in firmament.

7.  Accepted as "child" of sun and moon.

Other beliefs and knowledge of stars are:

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1.  Star worshippers established feasts for stars.

2.  Believed to have soul and intelligence by some ancients.

3.  Believed to be able to control man's destiny or foretell the same.

4.  Stars precede great events.

5.  Some believed the stars were the causes of great events.

6.  One named by Ethiopians of Thebes the Sirius or Dog Star.7.  Early Christians believed stars to be part of the universal soul and intelligence.

Stars have been portrayed with different points, I.E., five points, six points, seven points, eight

 points, etc. In the Masonic Order, we use two such arrangements, those of five and six points

mostly. The five points for the Lodge is one of fellowship, one that speaks of man's duty to

his fellowman. Another five pointed star, that of Zoroaster, speaks of relationships of man

with his fellowman. Then we have the cabalistic star of the Order of the Eastern Star with its

five points, representing the particular heroines of the Order, three in the Old Testament and

two in the New Testament. Their meanings are cabalistic, or hidden.

In Psalms 147:4, the psalmist tells us that, "He telleth the number of the stars; and He calleththem by all their names." Any stars that have names of men only testify of man's desire to "be

like God."

In Psalms 8:3, David tells us: "When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the

moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;"

After considering all of this, David asks the question in Verse 4, "What is man, that thou art

mindful of him?" On a scale of one to ten, man is still in waiting to enter the world of

greatness when one considers the vastness of God's creations.

Star Worship: A No No

As in all times, man sometimes forgets that he is supposed to worship God Almighty and no

other. Because of forgetfulness, man turned to star worship, which he was warned against in

Deuteronomy 4:19 which Moses, after giving the children of Israel fair warning in Verses 15-

18, states: "And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto Heaven, and when thou seest the sun and the

moon and the stars, even all the Host of Heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and

serve them, which the Lord thy God hath divided unto all the nations under the whole


However, man soon forgets the lessons of old and falls into traps set by Satan, traps thatinclude worshipping the symbols instead of the one the symbols represent. One finds that in

the Cross, that old rugged Cross, when people will bow down to the Cross, or put more

emphasis on the Cross, rather than remembering that we serve a Risen Savior, a Risen Lord.

Such is the way of the stars. Worshipping them is a Big No No!

The Star and Satanic Worship

Because of an assumed mistranslation in Isaiah 14:12, Satan was given the name of Lucifer,

which is a Latin word for Light Bearer. Masons use the root of this word in all official

documents using the abbreviation "A.L.", meaning "Anno Lucis", or in the year of light!

Because of this mistake, Albert Pike was hounded in literary circles for his supposed defenseof the devil Lucifer! Many Anti-Masonic writers use it today!

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The head of a goat has often been associated with satanic worship, mainly because of 2

Chronicles 11:15, when Rehoboam, "ordained him priests for the high places, and for the

devils, and for the calves which he had made." Rehoboam had rejected the worship of the

Lord and consequently, set up his own brand of worship. The sacrificial goats were called

devils, and satanic worship came into being.

An inverted five-pointed star, supposedly a symbol of the head of a goat, with two horns, two

ears and a mouth forming the star. I imagine that when Robert Morris penned the Order of

the Eastern Star, he was not interested in satanic worship in any way, but was looking for an

organization for the wives, daughters, sisters and mothers of Master Masons. However, Anti-

Masonic writers became quite popular in writing so-called expose' of secret rituals of satanic

cults, including the fledging organization of the Order of the Eastern Star. And so it is today,

as we see and hear of even ministers bewailing the Eastern Star for its assumed satanic


This has not been helped by the emblems that have come on the scene through mistakes or

deliberately, emblems that spread disharmony among the sisterhood and the brotherhood. It isone that speaks of confusion to the adept member of the Order; it speaks of the disharmony of

the minds of those that would seek to destroy the movement of the Order.

The remainder of this article will show you what is meant by disharmony as shown on the star

that many of the Order wear with pride, without thinking of what they are wearing. The

Eastern Star is a divine gift from God.

Regarding the Symbol of the Eastern Star

Stars, as created by God, were not five-pointed or six-pointed, but are planets as we knowthem today. The Eastern Star has several names, and all have Masonic meanings, i.e.,

1.  Eastern Star, from the Star of the East that the Wise Men (Magi) followed.

2.  Cabalistic Star, from the Kabaala, the secret writings of Ancient Jews.

3.  Star of Fellowship, from the Masonic "Five Points of Fellowship."

4.  Pentalpha, from Pythagoras, a Greek Mathematician, calling it "five beginnings."

The central figures are not the points however, but is the pentagon, a geometric figure of 'five

sides, five angles.' Within are five acute angles and five obtuse angles without. Early

Christians referred to the pentagon and star as 'the five wounds of Christ.' (See Mackey's

Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, page 553.)

Page 909 of the same book gives us Robert Morris' thoughts on why he adopted the star as the

 basic emblem, giving the pentagon as the central figure with the points emanating from each


Since the Masons had the star with one point up, as a generative emblem, the star of the

female was caused to be shown with two points up, as a passive emblem, all connected by the

 pentagon, whether up or down.

Figures 1 and 2 show how the star is portrayed, and in our limited knowledge, since the

 pentagon is the central figure, figure 1 would be the one that would be more in line with whatRobert Morris had in mind in 1850. Figure 1 shows the harmonious structure of the Eastern

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Star, with the points 'anchored' in the pentagon, whereas Figure 2 shows disharmony with the

star points having no true foundation.

The Eastern Star Chapter and the Masonic Lodge are linked together, not by accident, but by

the profound lessons of the pentagon, as well as the colors of the Easter Star, following the

 plan of God of male and female, generative and passive, fire and water. Even though theEastern Star is sometimes linked to Satanism, as true believers of the Christ, we should

emulate the good qualities of life rather than the evil. Satan made nothing, and if God is in

your life, our star is the beacon that guided the Three Wise Men to Bethlehem and found a


The Scottish Rite

(Prince Hall)

The Scottish Rite of Prince Hall Masonry, is sometimes called, "The University of

Freemasonry," and well it should be, for the train of thought is as high over the precedingdegrees as a university is over kindergarten. Yet, it is mostly looked upon as a house to cause

its members for those that seek deeper meanings of their Freemasonry, and it remains a higher

degree for those that have gotten their 32nd and 33rd degrees without benefit of 'working their

way in' to the Sanctum Sanctorum. It is a pity, but, it is a fact.

All of Freemasonry deals with the search of man for the ultimate knowledge of the Creator; it

is no simple journey, yet, it is not the complex organization that we, in our finite minds, make

it out to be. Because of our limited love for God and fellowman, we sometimes fail to grasp

the true meanings of the lessons gleaned from the teachings of Freemasonry. One would just

have to 'come home' to ingest the deeper and truer meanings of the divine lessons that reach

out for adepts of the Order, telling them that the so-called secrets are not secrets at all, merely,the sum total of the ultimate truth, which is the Will of God.

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In the Blue Lodge, we are taught Morality, Intellect and Spirituality, in the Entered

Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master Mason, respectively. In our study of Morality, we discern

that the only 'true' sense of morality comes from the Author and Creator of all good and

 perfect gifts, giving them to us in dribbles, lest we forget to give Him the honor and the

glory. It seems that as we approach the threshold of greatness, we depend less and less on the

giver of these gifts. In our Lodges today, the will to learn seems to be non-existent, yet, theLodge continues to draw and drop men to and from its rolls. It is not that the Lodge's lessons

are any less richer than eons ago; it is not that the fellowship is any less than during the days

of glory, when the numbers were great and lessons well-learned. It is simply a lack of D and

C in the individual's life itself, Dedication and Commitment to the Order. The gift of learning

and discernment is lacking in the make-up of the finite mind, if for one minute, one thinks he

is in a 'higher degree' and consequently, one does not have to deal with lesser mortals. He

needs to come home to basic Masonry.

Is the order archaic? No, and the methods are not either; time is just not the friend we make it

to be in this day and time. When the Lodge was in its hey-day, it was one of the three things

that made up a great triumvate in the African-American community, with the Church and theSchool, and with all three being institutions of learning when they are on their J-O-B. Today,

all three are in the same predicament, lack of dedicated and committed members. As one

suffers, so do the others, for the three are intractably connected because of like-curriculums of

Morality, Intellect and Spirituality. That is why, in the Prince Hall Masonic Family, and all

the Masonic Houses, should have some special connections with the several churches and

schools in their communities, for the three, in the African-American neighborhoods have been

 born in controversy, and nurtured in discrimination.

Anti-Masonic writers, lecturers, preachers, etc., have a field day with Freemasonry, not

 because of the truths they are supposed to be sharing with their audiences, but, mainly

 because of the words and actions of a few Masons that did not make the grade of "Master

Mason," nor did they slow down and learn the basics before they went on to the 'higher'

degrees. With the lack of training in the "M-I-S" (Morality, Intellect and Spirituality), by

using them as a prefix, it shows that the individual is guilty of not learning M-I-S, and has to

fall in the category of the MIS-understanding, MIS-informed, and consequently, when viewed

 by those of the non-Masonic world, he becomes MIS-understood. I viewed a TV exposé of

Freemasonry on the John Ankerberg Show, with a so-called "Born Again Christian" who was

a Master of a Lodge supposedly exposing the 'secrets' of Masonic Initiation, because he had

seen the light and discovered that Freemasonry is Satanic, or a cult at best. The brother

covered all bases of the M-I-S's, and was a Past Master in ritualism. Poor Soul! What

happened to his Christianity BEFORE he even joined the Lodge?

Tune in periodically and you will see a lot of so-called exposés of Freemasonry, and I have

 personally seen an exodus of members in my Masonic District because of it. Poor souls!

Turn to the website and there will be a lot of so-called Masonic secrets exposed via the

computer by experts that have never been initiated, passed and raised, but their expertise came

from other people of the same ill. Truth is not always found in the written word of others, that

may think they are 'God-inspired' yet fall short of declaring His truths to His people.

However, because it is in writing, or on television and the Internet, it must be true. So, one

quote leads to another and another. Poor souls! What ever happened to "Love thy God, and

Love thy neighbor?"

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The 'star' of the Ankerberg show was another one of those experts that depended on what he

had read, and was a 32nd degree Mason (Member?), as he was introduced to the assumed

millions of viewers. Did the number of his degrees make him an expert? No! No more than

the experts that gleaned their information from what other anti-Masonic Writers had written.

The dear brother showed his vast amount of ignorance when he was asked what was the final

authority, and he answered, "The ritual." Poor soul! Any Freemason worth his salt shouldhave lowered his head in shame, for here was a man, supposedly a student at least, of the

University of Freemasonry, the Scottish Rite, overlooking the VSL, which is upon the altar in

every House of Freemasonry, with the great lessons of the degrees gleaned from the scriptures

so exposed to view.

It would be ludicrous to assume that the poor soul, if indeed he was a Mason, more especially

a Scottish Rite Mason, had followed up on the scriptures of the 32nd degree, or any other

degree for that matter. Yet, our intelligence was grossly insulted by extreme lack of

knowledge, all the while being touted as a 32nd degree Mason. No doubt, Mr. Ankerberg

sold lots of tapes and books behind the telecast, for, as humans, we seek out the negatives, in

ignorance, those things that we simply do not like and/or certainly, do not understand. ThePrince Hall Masons, 99 44/100 percent of the Christian Religion, use the Holy Bible, and the

interpretation of the degrees of Freemasonry are taught and garnered from a Christian

standpoint. Therefore, when we seriously think of Hiram Abif, our thoughts and training go

toward Jesus, the Christ. 'Poor Soul' should have known that! However, it is most doubtful

that Poor Soul has ever tried, or have been taught, the deeper meanings of the lessons of the

Scottish Rite, and like a lot of 32nd and 33rd degree Masons, know little about the Blue

Lodge. How do you study university material without knowledge of basics found in the lesser

institutions of learning? Many "Poor Souls" try. By studying from a Christian point of view,

and growing in your own religion, one can understand the mystical trappings of the "Holy

Grail," the Legend of Atlantis, as well as the deeper meanings of the Koran, the Vedas as well

as Buddah and Zoroaster. The Kaabala would be non-existent if any Mason did not, at least

study the basics.

One thing I would like to make clear: I do not expect anyone to accept these words as gospel,

 but I will try and prick your appetite and hopefully, it will cause you to seek out answers of

the mysteries of Freemasonry in general and Scottish Rite Masonry in particular.

Freemasonry is as you see it, and no matter how many books and treatises are written, the

human mind cannot absorb what it does not believe. If one believes that Freemasonry is more

than the baubles we wear, more than the fancy titles we have, more than the buildings we

occupy, then, this paper will come under the scrutiny that an adept Mason will give. It will,

hopefully, give you an idea of who your neighbor is.

Too often, Freemasonry is looked upon as the secretive order some writers paint it, and

consequently, the finite mind takes as gospel what he reads, passes it along, sometimes in

writing, and then, many converts to his ideas are gained. Possibly, a movement starts to form,

and before you know it, the many basic ideas of the Fraternity of Freemasonry are twisted and

turned many ways before someone comes along and searches for the ultimate truth. This is

my way of sharing what I believe to be a way towards that truth, and that is to search the

scriptures, match them with the ritual references and travel, North, South, East and West in

search of the ultimate. There can be only one secret in Freemasonry, and that is the

relationship you have established with the Creator. All else is known by many, thereby,

erasing any vestige of secrecy.

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All the baubles, signs and symbols merely start you on a journey, much like the ritual, for I

have seen many Masons try to lecture on the ritual only, and leave more questions

unanswered than the Order intended. All lectures that go deeper than the status quo, always

wind up teaching religious lessons, rather than ritualistic babblings. The number in those

audiences are few and far in between, for like a goat, the finite mind rebels against the

knowledge that it must die, while the lamb, the innocent, readily steps up to be killed. Yet, inthis life, the physical must give way to the spiritual, the mind we have, if it isn't geared to the

M-I-S, must die, and a new mind inherits a new hunger and desire, and heads toward another

 plane that leads to, if there is, in reality, an afterlife, which I firmly believe to be. To go any

further in Freemasonry, beyond the missing word of the Blue Lodge, to discover the so-called

real word of the Capitular degrees, the Scottish and Chivalric degrees, into the Shrine degree

and not find any answers, would mean that the whole system of Freemasonry has been a farce

to that individual (s). Poor soul!

However, Freemasonry is not a farce! In my mind it is not, never was and never will be. Its

members may be, but not the system itself. It has always been, and always will be, gauged,

not by its greatest thinkers and adepts, but by the 'Poor Souls' that depend on physical items togive them purpose and truths. Freemasonry is not the cult some would make it to be, nor does

it prepare its members for devil-worshipping, but gives to them certain truths that they may be

armed against the everyday adversities of the mind that will surely come. The Square and

Compasses would stand for naught, if the mind is not enriched to learn of the Creator and love

Him and His creatures, as explained by the Master, not the one of the Lodge, but the Master

of Life, Himself.

For be it from me, to try and make excuses for those Poor Souls that cannot understand, or

will not understand, or even seek understanding, 'for they have their own reward.' I am not

here to look down on any one that have sought and did not find, the Word of a Master Mason,

 but I do ask a question: "Are you satisfied?" If you are, then you need not go any further

than this paper, for in them, you will find no reason for a 'lack of appetite.' But, if you are

hungry, seek out the correlation between the two points of the Compasses and the Two-

headed Eagle! If your spiritual stomach growls because of lack of nourishment, ask why the

same two-headed eagle in the Consistory, is crowned in the Supreme Council.

Members of other religions must seek out their own legend of Hiram Abif, and compare the

two points and the two-headed eagle with the focal points of their own religious beliefs.

Above all, look at the applications of the religious principles that guide their relationships in

their everyday lives, and see if they measure up to "Loving God and loving your fellowman."

If they don't, they may have missed the boat anyway, for it is not the religion, but theapplication thereof. The major thrusts should be these two points, and not what religion one

should follow. Thus, is the same with Freemasonry, Love God, Love Neighbor!

Howard L. Woods, Arkansas

The Holy Bible, Royal Arch Masonry, and


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The term "Royal Arch" is usually thought to be the degree that is given to those brothers that

have been advanced as Mark Master Mason, Passed the Chair as Past Master Masons, have

 been Received and Acknowledged as Most Excellent Master Masons, and have been exalted

as Royal Arch Masons. Yet, beneath it all, there must be a more meaningful purpose than just

another degree in the fraternity called Freemasonry. There are several avenues to pursue,

with the final one being the reason we celebrate the Highest Day of Royal Arch Masonry,Zerubbabel Day.

As in all our writings, please do not accept this as face value, but "prove me wrong by the

spirit" not by the yardstick of some that have been written. This is not meant to be accepted

as the "work of any jurisdiction unless the heart and mind are joined together to promote

Prince Hall Masonry from Prince Hall Masons."

In the ancient rituals of symbolic degrees, there was a question after the usual opening

statement, "To learn to subdue my passions and improve myself in Masonry." This is

followed by a question, "How will you improve yourself in Masonry?" The answer is, "By

conversing with a well-informed brother who is just as glad to impart it, as I am to receiveit." My brother, I may not be that well informed, but I am just as glad to share with you what

God has given to me.

We accept the first Royal Arch as the "rainbow" that God put in the heavens as a covenant

 between Him and man, that He would not destroy the world by water again, but by fire next

time. This is found in Genesis 9:13-17.

There is a Royal Arch legend that Enoch buried the true name of God (given Him by

flashing it on a cloud in a rainstorm while Enoch was standing on Mt. Moriah, which

was not yet named in the Bible). It is stated that Enoch buried it nine stories below the

surface in the bowels of Mt. Moriah, with each story reached by the removal of the

"keystone" and at the furthest arch, was a room that was the abiding place of the

Tetragrammation or Holy Name of God. The arches were termed Enochian Arches,

with the last being termed, the Royal Arch.

Another allusion is made in Job 26:11 where, "The pillars of Heaven tremble; and are

astonished at His reproof." It is allegorically stated that the pillars are Wisdom and Strength,

meaning the Royal Arch is supported by the wisdom of the GAOTU, and the strength is the

stability of the Universe. This what we learn through geometry and its brainchild,

Freemasonry. If there is wisdom and strength, the rainbow is "Beauty."

The ancient religions have always thought of God as a Triune God, or God of Three Persons

for want of a better word. Some viewed Him as the Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer. Some

viewed Him as Mind Matter and Product. The Brahmas view Him as a Personification of the

stages of enlightenment, reached by seven levels. Whatever, the ancients have always looked

at God as the embodiment of the mysterious being, or as the Hebrews in Egypt called,

the God of No Name, for like the Master's Word, His name had been lost.

While Enoch is a mystery as found in the Bible, we do learn from explanations found in other

religious books that his name meant "initiator" and was highly revered in Ancient Egypt. 

Legend says that the two pillars at the entrance of Enoch's temple in the bowels of Mt.

Moriah, one of Granite and one of Brass, that they were in imitation of the pillars found in Job26:11. This is vaguely substantiated by the Lord's prayer when we say, "Thy will be done, on

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earth, as it is in heaven." No matter, the Royal Arch is found Biblically and allegorically all

around us.

The temple of Enoch was largely forgotten as man moved through time, and very little is

heard about it. However, God has not forgotten His people and as man travels through the

ages, certain things or events happen to further solidify the covenant of the "rainbow." Manhad to be prepared for the fire.

Mt. Moriah remained the center of attraction after Enoch's "no more." In Genesis 9-10

chapters, we follow the perils of Noah and his sons, for they repopulated the world after the

flood and ancient Masons were sometimes called the Noahchide, and some work in the

Scottish Rite refers to "Father Noah." The saga of Noah and his sons are very interesting

to the Royal Arch Mason as he traces the era of Prince Hall Masons, they that were rejected

 because of color. There were three sons and the Royal Arch Mason knows too well the

"Three Times Three" of the order. The very interesting one is Ham, for he is considered by

theologians to be the father of Black  men and women. We refer you to Genesis 10 and then

trace the sons of Ham to their conclusion, especially Cush and Canaan.

From Cush came Nimrod, the instigator of the "Tower of Babel" which became the site

of future Babylon. Nimrod's claim to fame was to attempt to "be like God."  By building a

temple or tower, he sought to go up rather than traveling the way of Royal Arch Masons, "He

that humbleth himself, shall be exalted." This was Masons' first attempt in building, and it

was a bad trip. The one good thing about the tower was it put man on "one accord." It was a

wrong purpose though. As stated, Babylon became the birthplace of Abraham, the Father

of the Hebrew Nation as well as the Arab. It was called Ur of Chaldea, which was a

province of the Empire of ancient Ethiopia, called Absynnia, which means, "The land of

Sunburned People." The Hebrews would constantly be coming back to the influences of


God took Abraham to Mt. Moriah to sacrifice his only son Isaac. This was a "Grand

Offering" one to be given again and again as we shall see. It was here that Abraham was

given a covenant of multiplicity of people, both Hebrew and Gentile. It was here that

Abraham revived the promise that his seed would bring forth a savior after many trials and

tribulations. The sacrifice of Abraham's only legal son, would be acted out again as Jesus

went up to Calvary, called Golgotha, which is a "Low brow of Mt. Moriah" only there was

not a "ram in the bush" for Him.

It was at the foot of Mt. Moriah that Jacob rested on a stone where he beheld the Jacob'sladder. This is found in Genesis 28:10-22. Particular attention should be paid to verse 18

when Jacob changed a p-i-l-l-o-w into a p-i-l-l-a-r. More attention should be paid to verse

22 where he states that this stone shall be God's house. It later became the abiding place of

Solomon's Temple.

Solomon's Temple was started in the month of Zif which is the second month when reckoned

to our calendar. However, it was the Jewish seventh month (the number of Royal Arch

degrees). This was in the fourth year of Solomon's reign, making him about 24. Hold on to

that number 24 for a while.

The temple was completed in just over seven years (seven again) and was dedicated with agreat two week period of celebration. The month Zif is actually the seventh month (seven

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again) for the Jewish year starts with the month Tishri or Ethanim, which corresponds to our

September-October period of time, which we know today as Rosh Hashanah. This followed

 by Yom Kippur, on the tenth of Tishri, or ten days later. Sometimes this is carried over

 between September and October by our calendars.

The Temple of Solomon lasted over 500 years, but was attacked several times, once byShishack of Egypt and twice by Assyrians. The treasuries were given away three times by,

Jehoash to the Syrains; Ahaz to Assyrians; Hezikiah to Assyrians. It was finally destroyed by

the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar and his Chaldeans (back to Babylon again). Over a

 period of time, 70,000 captives were taken away to Babylon along with the treasury of the

Temple. There was no longer a king from the loins of Judah. There was no longer a High

Priest from the loins of Levi. See Genesis 49:10 for help.

In Babylon, for a period of seventy years, the Hebrews lived, sometimes in fear, see Esther;

sometimes under threat of death, see Daniel; but Thank God, through it all, some persevered

and some of the most prophetic writings came out of their bondage. Then came the decree of

Cyrus to go back and build the Temple at Jerusalem.

Jerusalem means, "City of Peace" and has always been a center of religious ideas for the

world. It lay in ruins for some 70 years because of the Captivity, for none were left but the

very old and the very young. Jerusalem set upon a table, formed by three (3 again)

mountains, namely Moriah, Zion, and Olives. To the west lay the Mediterranean Sea, to the

north Israel, now known as ancient Samaria; to the east lay the Dead Sea into which the

Jordan River flowed. On the sea coast were the Giblimites or stone-squarers that built

Solomon's Temple, and it was to these builders that Zerubbabel asked for help. See Ezra 3:7

(seven again).

Zerubbabel, "born in Babel" or "seed of Babel" was chosen as the "king" which in actuality

was a governor, appointed by Darius, by virtue of being a direct descendant of David. See

Genesis 49:10 again, all from the tribe of Judah. Joshua, or Jeshua was chosen as the High

Priest. Ezra 3 tells us of the important dates and what was happening on them. In the seventh

month, they built the altars and kept the feast of Tabernacles and offered burnt offerings.

Verse 8 tells us that the foundation of the Temple was started in the second month which was

Zif which means "splendor" or "bloom." And didn't the people's hearts bloom as they

remembered the splendor of Solomon's Temple of old?

There were some 42,360 people returning from captivity, plus servants. Over the future

years, some 70,000 returned to Jerusalem to assist in the "rebuilding of the Temple withouthope of fee or reward." The Temple was completed after years of delay, some sixteen years,

and was completed in the month of Adar which corresponds to our February-March area,

some four years after work resumed.

In Ezra 3:8, we see that the day of celebration was when the foundation was laid in the second

month which was Zif, or April-May. In Royal Arch work, this day is said to be April 24 of

each year, with the celebration coming on the Sunday closest to it. The 9th through the 13th

tells of the feelings of the people, but note what verse 12 and 13 say about shouts of joy and


Therefore, this writer holds that April 24th is the right day to hold Zerubbabel Day, but not forhis birthday, for we knoweth not, but for the laying of the foundation of the House of the

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Lord. Consider your cornerstone layings, for are they not cause for great celebration? Yet

there is more for Zerubbabel's Temple went the way of all flesh, and yet another temple was

 built, called Herod's Temple.

It was in this Temple that Zechariah received the promise of a son, called John the Baptist; it

was here that the baby Jesus was greeted by Simeon and Anna; it was here that Jesus visitedat 12 years old. It was here that he ran the money-changers out, and it was here that the

Pharisees and the Sadducees sought to trap Him. It was here that Jesus prophesized about the

destruction of Herod's Temple, and his own death and resurrection. See Matthew 24:1,2. It

was here, when Jesus died on Calvary, the low brow of Mt. Moriah, the Temple veils were

rent, and there would be no more Sanctum Sanctorem.

In Herod's Temple, we would see the spiritual resurrection of a dead people, namely those

that believe that the temporal temple is all in all. Apostle Paul tells us of another Temple,

"not made with hands, but eternal in the heavens."  That Temple is the body of Christ 

and Paul tells us in Ephesians 3:14-21 about this Temple, that we, "may be able to

comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and length, and width, and depth, and height;"

So my Royal Companions, you are the bridge that brings together the symbolic degrees of the

Master Mason with the "higher" degrees of Cryptic and Consistorial, commonly called the

York and Scottish Rite. Therefore, let Zerubbabel Day, as it brings back to memory the

rebuilding of Solomon's Temple, let us, as Royal Arch Masons, rebuild our lives to the

realization that we are just pilgrims here, and earth is not our home; that someday, we

too, like the Hebrew captives, will have to leave "Babylon" and travel over "rough and

rocky roads" and return to Jerusalem, a New Jerusalem, one that will have twelve gates

to the city, one with streets of gold, gates of pearl; one that will know no darkness, for

we will all be under the guiding light of the Ancient of Days. 

And if our lives will stand such inspection, we will be caused to eat of the hidden manna, and

receive a new white stone, on whose face is a name that none can read except he that receives


Then, and only then, shall we see the place where, "the wicked shall cease from troubling, and

the weary shall be at rest. From the bowels of Mt. Moriah, there shall come a terrible rumble,

and the true name of the Most High God, shall be revealed to all that are around the throne.

The Master Mason shall throw away his "substitute" and the Royal Arch Masons will no

longer need Three times Three to repeat that which has been found, and all of Heaven shall

exclaim, "Holiness to the Lord, Holiness to the Lord, Holiness to the Lord!"

One greater than Solomon is here! A new High Priest has offered up to the Great "I AM!"


Masonically Inspired Essays 

Articles spiced with Masonic flavor, enlivened by the symbolic meanings of the Square, the

Level and the Plumb.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

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Of the lectures of the three different degrees of Blue Masonry, the most beautiful and the most

succinct can be found in the 2nd degree monitor. It tells us of the winding stairs consisting of

three, five and seven steps, and also gives us a glimpse of how both the Operative and

Speculative masons form the core of the membership of Fraternity.This article will not touch on the coded portions of the second-degree lecture of the Craft but

will only delve on the teachings that are decoded and which can readily be understood even

 by the cowans and eavesdroppers and the new members of the Fraternity. And while the

coded portions will be copied verbatim to preserve its mystic, the explanations will, in so far

as practicable, be laid out in pure and simple form. Take for instance, “Shiboleth”, that word

that was subjected to a previous article.

This article will still probe the second-degree lecture but will also touch topics that hardly

ever merited serious attention- the various pillars that were mentioned as follows:

1. The two pillars named Boaz and Jachin that greets the candidate when he re-enters the

lodge room during the second section of his passing;

2. The three pillars of the Lodge that the three lights represent in the discourse of the firstthree steps of the Winding Stairs; and

3. The pillars, also known as columns, that are explained in the lecture of the five steps of the

Winding Stairs lecture which comprise the five orders of architecture.

Let’s take Item 1 first.


The two pillars named Boaz and Jachin that greeted the candidate upon his return to the lodge

on the second section of the fellowcraft degree conferral have biblical basis and were

mentioned at length in 2 Chronicles 3:15-17 and, depending on the reader’s preference on

what version of the Holy Bible to use, said the following:

King James Version

“Also he made before the house two pillars of thirty and five cubits high, and the chapiters

that was on top of each of them was five cubits. And he made chains as in the oracle, and put

them on the heads of the pillars; and made a hundred pomegranates, and put them on the

chains. And he reared up the pillars before the temple, one on the right hand, and the other on

the left; and called the name of the one on the right hand Jachin, and the name of that on the

left Boaz.

Catholic Edition

“In front of the building he set two columns thirty five cubits high, the capital topping each

was five cubits. He worked out chains in the form of a collar with which he encircled the

capitals of the columns, and he made a hundred pomegranates which he set on the chains. He

set up the columns to correspond with the nave, one for the right side and the other for the leftand he called the one to the right Jachin and the one to the left Boaz.”

Berkeley Edition

Finally, in front of the house he set up two pillars, 52 feet high, each crowned with a 7 ½ foot

capital. He made chains in the inner room to put on top of the pillars, fashioning also 100

 pomegranates, which he attached to the chains. Thus he erected the pillars in front of the

temple one at the right and one at the left, naming the former Jachin and the latter Boaz.”

 Note that save for the interchange of the words chapiters with capitals, the use of chains

instead of networks, and Berkeley’s Edition use of feet instead of cubits, all three versions are

in harmony and are basically in agreement with the wordings and phrases that were used in

the second-degree coded monitor.

These two pillars, incidentally, were also mentioned in 1 Kings 7:15-22 and except for slightdeviations as to measurements (it mentioned 18 cubits and 27 feet for the Berkley Edition or

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roughly half the measurements mentioned in 2 Chronicles) it also narrated practically the

same thing, and that is, it was made of brass, had chains (or network), had chapiters (or

capitals) and also had pomegranates that adorned those pillars.


But what caught this undivided writer’s attention hence subjected to critical review is thecoded portion of the monitor which states thus:

Ths chapiters wr srmntd b pommls a bls rprsntg glbs.”

and was followed by a lengthy explanation which says:

“Their principal use, besides serving as maps to distinguish the outward parts of the earth and

the situation of the fixed stars, is to illustrate and explain the phenomena arising from the

annual revolution of the earth around the sun, and its diurnal rotation upon its own axis. They

are valuable instruments for improving the mind and giving it the most distinct idea of any

given problem of proposition, as well as for enabling it to solve the same. Contemplating

these bodies, we are inspired with due reverence for the Deity and His works, and are induced

to encourage the study of astronomy, geography, navigation and the arts dependent upon

them, by which society has been so much benefited.” (italics supplied).The above-mentioned explanations were deemed intriguing because while the word pommels

were indeed mentioned in 2 Chronicles 4: 12, as “on top of the two pillars”, no mention

whatsoever as to their uses was ever made, and following the dictum of not adding or

subtracting anything from the Holy Scriptures, then the purpose of the pillars in front of the

temple would appear to serve mainly as decoration. Could it be then, that our ancient brethren

“cooked up” the astronomical relevance of the lecture?!

And so the search for clues to validate our ancient brethren’ assertions in the second degree



Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, authors of “Hiram Key” and the “Second Messiah”,

 postulated that the twin pillars which King Solomon ordered Hiram Abiff to construct in front

of the temple represents Misphat which roughly translates to Judgment for Boaz, and

Tsedeq or Teacher of Righteousness for Jachin. They alleged that these two pillars when

 joined together by the word Shalom, represents the rule of Yahweh in establishing the moral

order of government on earth. Incidentally, this theory basically conforms to the

 pronouncement made in the second degree monitor that the two pillars when joined together

meant what God promised to David when the lecturer said: “in strength will I establish this

mansion house and kingdom forever.”

But this writer, not being familiar with the exact meanings or translations of the words

Misphat, Tsedeq, Boaz and Jachin, would rather just leave these assertions to the said authors.

Suffice it to say that the Bible said that Boaz is the great grandfather of David while Jachin is

a name of one of the sons of Simeon, the eldest son of Jacob. What correlation these names

have to the pillars of King Solomon, if any, this writer really does not know.


Zecharia Zitchin, author of “The Earth’s Chronicles“ whose sources were based on ancient

Sumerian tablets that allegedly predates the Holy Bible, theorized that the twin pillars had

astronomical relevance. These two pillars, he said, were similar to the devices called“obelisks” in ancient Egypt designed by the builders of the pyramids to determine the

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equinoctial or solstitial positions of the sun and had for its forerunner the tools and

implements of Sumerian astronomy, the basis for the determination of the world’s calendar.

Zitchin also claimed in his other book “The Lost Realms” that even at the other side of the

globe in Ecuador, two similar pillars also adorn its temples which he claims was also erected

for stargazing studies.

Verily therefore, Zitchin’s theories conform to our ancient brethren’s pronouncements that the pillars built by King Solomon on the porch fronting the Temple were indispensable tools for

astronomical, geographical and navigational functions.


The question that should now concern the reader before this article ends is: “whatever

happened to these twin pillars that were erected by King Solomon” as the second-degree

monitor suddenly dropped this issue as if it were a hot potato!!

Well, the answer can be found in the Book of Jeremiah that narrated the destruction of the

kingdom of Judah when it was over run by King Nebuchadnezar in 586 BC. In this book (Jm

53: 17-18), it said:.“The bronze pillars that belonged to the House of the Lord, and the wheeled carts and the

 bronze sea in the House of the Lord, the Chaldeans broke into pieces; they carried away all

the bronze to Babylon.”

The twin pillars therefore, had been cast to oblivion but not before similar representations of

which may be viewed in most modern-day Masonic Temples, (readers can easily see these

either in front of the doorway of the old but now destroyed Masonic Temple at San Marcelino

St., and another at the doorway of the new Grand Lodge of the Philippines temple at General

Luna St.), and made available for the present and future generations of Masons to remember

and behold.

Posted by Geminiano Galarosa, Jr.(MBBFMN- 481) at 10:06 AM 


Anonymous said...

very informative... i really enjoy reading your observations and findings... i especially

like how you save speculation for others.. rule out what isnt possible and consider

what is...there is so much that we can't say for sure but many do... it is better to leave

the unknown unknown if the only alternative is stretching facts

6:01 AM

Anonymous said...

my pleasure reading the information on boaz jachim pillars nap domingo laoag lodge


8:26 PM

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About the Writer

Geminiano Galarosa, Jr.(MBBFMN- 481)

The second writer from the Philippine jurisdiction to be elected to the Masonic

Brotherhood of the Blue Forget-me-Not, an organization of Masonic writers aroundthe world, he is the lone Filipino to carve his name in its roster because his

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 predecessor is an American national. The articles that he wrote has now totaled more

than a hundred and is still counting.


The Occult TrinityFather Time, the Celestial Virgin, the SerpentThe Heresy of All Places, Peoples, and AgesThe Bringers of Light they call themselves

The King, the Queen, the PrinceThe Luciferian Royal FamilyThe Secret Combinatio

 Masonry still retains among its emblems one of a womanweeping over a broken column, holding in her hand a

branch of acacia, myrtle, or tamarisk, while Time, we are

told, stands behind her combing out the ringlets of her hair.

We need not repeat the vapid and trivial explanation... given,

of this representation of Isis, weeping at Byblos, over the

column torn from the palace of the King, that contained the

body of Osiris, while Horus, the God of Time, pours

ambrosia on her hair. 

Illustrious Albert Pike 33°, Morals and Dogma, page 379

Incredibly, the symbol used for Satan in Islam is three pillars. During the Hajj, a pilgramage which all Muslims are required to make at least once intheir lifetime, they must particpate in the 'Stoning of the Devil' ceremony, who isrepresented by three giant pillars. The pillars symbolizing the Devil are at the center of giant ramps built to accomodate the

huge crowds of pilgrams who must complete the ritual by dusk. Muslim tradition says itwas here that the Devil tried to tempt the Prophet Abraham to disobey God when he

appeared before him and Isaac suddenly. Yet, one of the most widely used devices inside Freemasonry to instruct new Masons onthe 'Craft' is none other than the 'Three Pillars Tracing Board'...

The Masonic Occult Trinity 

Masonry like nearly all other religions is based upon a symbolic foundation. The truereligion, or salvation was designed, created and carried out by the triune God—God,the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,—three in one.

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Masonry, a false religion, also has a trinity. Ancient idolatry had its trinities, andmodern idolatry has its trinities. Satan, the arch-counterfeiter, is the father of all liesas well as false systems of worship. Now in order to deceive people, and especiallyan intelligent people, his device, or plan, or counterfeit must be built likewise, so as toappear genuine. A counterfeit dollar is the more dangerous the more nearly it

resembles the real, because it is the more likely to deceive. Every one understands,or rather is aware that God is known as a triune being; recognizes himself as such.God the Father is represented as strength, as a rock. Isa. 17: 10; Psa. 24:8; Job9:19. God the Son is represented as the Savior. Matt. 1:21. A mediator. I Tim. 2:5;Heb. 8:6. The true light. Jno. 1:4,9, etc. God the Holy Ghost. represented as wisdom,or the source of wisdom. Jno. 14:26. As inspiring scripture. 2 Tim. 3:16. As directingthe world or gospel of God, as to where it should be preached. Acts 16:6,7,10. How itshould be preached. I Cor. 2:4. Reveals what the gospel is. I Cor. 2:12. These threeare here set forth in their offices in the true system. References will be found to manyof the above scriptures that will enable the reader to push investigation as muchfurther as he likes. The above will give the offices of each in a general way sufficient

to see the illustration to follow.

Masonry in a way acknowledges what it calls the Grand Architect of the Universe; butprefers to symbolize him by three persons, whom we now proceed to investigate.

First, the symbolic structure of Masonry is supported by three symbolic pillars;namely, wisdom, strength, and beauty. These three pillars are in Masonic terms,Solomon, representing in the Masonic trinity the pillar of wisdom. Hiram, king of Tyre,representing the pillar of strength, and Hiram Abiff, the widow's son, representing thepillar of beauty. Here we have the Masonic foundation. Their trinity upon which Satanbuilds one of his most cunning, if not his most cunning and elaborate counterfeit ofGod's divinity, and God's plan of salvation.

The offices of Solomon as wisdom, and Hiram as strength, i. e., counterfeits of theHoly Ghost, and of the Father, can be readily seen from the above. The Masoniclectures clear up that matter wonderfully. The question here arises: Who was Hiram Abiff? If he is a symbol of the Son, how does it appear that he is known as the pillarof beauty, or one of the trinity. Christ in the trinity is our example. I Jno. 1:26. Hiram Abiff is the standard of true Masonry, and all Masons are instructed to pattern afterhim. (See Masonic Lectures.) Being assured that if they do so they will gain anentrance into "The Grand lodge" that Masons tell us is above, where the lecture tells

us the Grand Architect presides, etc., etc. Hiram Abiff then is the Masonic mediator,even as Christ is the Christian mediator. Christ suffered for the sins of the world inorder to complete the Father's plan. Hiram Abiff, (see Legend of the Temple Builders)was put to death by fellow crafts because he would not comply with their demands,and break his word, and so violate his compact with Solomon and Hiram of Tyre inreference to the Master's Word," which was the most important secret or tie ofMasonry, and held by those three alone at that time. This word, had it been revealed,would have destroyed the foundation of Masonry and the plan of its "alleged"founders. Hence Masonry according to their Masonic fable was preserved by thefaithfulness of Hiram Abiff, who preferred death to the giving up to the temptation topurchase life by the violation of his oath. This is simply a condensed account of

Hiram Abiff to show his part or place in the Masonic trinity.

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Turn now to the scripture and we find that when man sinned the Trinity had a plan forman's salvation. The Son was ordained as the sacrifice, who should put on the bodyof flesh, and come among men and suffer death as a man, in order that the plan ofsalvation might be carried out. He was tempted in all points as we are, yet hemaintained his integrity, and at the cost of his life carried out the work God assigned

him, so that salvation was realized.

In the Masonic plan we find two wonderful men, kings Solomon and Hiram; onestrong and one wise. Solomon, to whom David gave the plan of the temple, being theauthor, gave the designing into the hands of Hiram Abiff, who drew the designs forthe work on his trestle board for the workmen to copy after and work by.

So Christ was among men, and by his life and work among men, gave them adesign, or pattern by which to build a spiritual house.

We recognize readily by the Bible that the building of the temple was a type of the

spiritual house, or temple of God, "which temple ye are." And as there was no soundof hammer or tool of iron when it went up, so should the temple of God be built today. The word and Spirit reveal that fact clearly. Solomon in building the templerepresented wisdom, or the Holy Ghost himself acting as a type of the Holy Ghostworkman in the building to be built in the heavens. Hiram as furnishing workmen,timber, etc., and fetching them from different points represents the strength of theFather considered separate from the others for the sake of illustration.

Hiram, the workman and designer drew patterns as God showed him, and while therewith them directed the work until his "alleged" death, which of course Masons haveno Bible foundation for. The only places where Hiram, or Huram the Architect ismentioned being in 2 Chron., 4th chapter, and I Kings 7th chapter, and those havereference only to his nativity, his world and its quality. So as nothing more was said ofhim, Satan filled the hearts of Masonic founders to take this man and make a saviorout of him.

The Masonic story of Hiram Abiff then is a fable, continued by Satan to mock theword of God. "The Legend of the Temple Builders" is acted out in full while conferringthe latter part of the third, or Master Mason's degree. The candidate is assaulted andthe "word" is demanded of him (which as yet he has not received); he is then at thethird assault struck on the head by a stuffed club called a setting maul, and

symbolically killed. Then after a number of maneuvers he is buried on Mt. Moriah. Heis missed, and after a long search his grave is found. Then comes the mostdamnable piece of mockery that Satan and the councils of hell could invent. A mockresurrection follows, and by the aid of Solomon and Hiram of Tyre he is raised fromthe dead by a grip known as the "Strong grip of the Lion of the tribe of Judah."Satan's counterfeit is complete, and the fiends of hell rejoice every time they see apoor blind candidate put through the mockery of coming from darkness to "Masonic"light. And yet men who profess to not only follow Christ, but preach his gospel also,support, countenance, attend, and recommend the institution to their sons and theirfriends.

The "Legend of Hiram Abiff the Temple Builder" is copied from the legend of Osiristhe Egyptian deity, and so closely resembles it as to prove the one to be copied from

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the other. Mackey says a great deal about "ancient mysteries," Egyptian rites, andalso speaks of Osiris and others; and by following up his works, notes etc., "Pierson'sTraditions," and "Morris' Dictionary" we are able to trace Masonry to right where itoriginated, i. e., in ancient Baal or sun worship. See Ezek. 8th chapter and especially16th verse. Ezekiel clearly saw ancient Masonry in that vision. Tammuz, spoken of in

verse 14, has reference to Adonis, another person, whose, history corresponds tothat of Hiram and Osiris. Sun worship it clearly is, worked over to make what Dr.Oliver proudly calls "A universal religion." Dr. Oliver is a noted English Masonic writerand historian. He says, "To Christianize Masonry by praying to or through Christwould sink it from its sublime position as a universal religion to the level of a sect."There is a "learned Masonic" opinion of Christ. What do you think of it? No Christthere, is there? One Mason of my acquaintance, who at the time of which I speak hadbeen a member of this order only a few months, said to me, "There is a god inMasonry, but no Christ." He had learned that in a few months, and yet said that hewas a follower of Christ.

Beloved, how can these things be? All Masons know the truth of this matter. CanGod look in mercy upon a man who professes his name, and yet touches theseunclean, unholy, idolatrous worlds, or partakes with them?

 Again before all of God's people I praise him for delivering me from such works."Whom Christ makes free is free indeed." Such works as "Mackey's Lexicon," alsohis "Ritual," "Pierson's Traditions," "Morris' Dictionary," and other works Show whatthose great Masons who are acknowledged authority, say of Masonry as a religion,as well as of other points.

Those men have by their works enabled me to see more of Masonry than theaverage Mason sees in a life time. The books referred to, as well as their authors, areall standard, and are not "exposes" in any sense of the word, yet they are keys bywhich he who has been in the secret chambers of the lodge can unlock the secrets ofMasonry to the world, and prove every step he takes. Truly, truly, did Christ say "Outof thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked servant."—Luke 19:22. "For by thywords thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.—Matt.12:37.

O foolish Masons, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, beforewhose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you! So

Satan has overstepped himself, and while he thinks himself safely entrenched, Godhas found him out, and will pull him and his worlds down, even though they haveclimbed up another way.

Freemasonry ExposedChapter 2Fred HustedThe Gospel Trumpet Publishing CompanyGrand Junction MichiganOriginally Published 1910 

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The Pillars of Solomon's Temple

(as described in the Holy Scriptures -- King James translation) 

Kings I

7:13 And king Solomon sent and fetched Hiram out of Tyre. 7:14 He was a widow's son of

the tribe of Naphtali, and his father was a man of Tyre, a worker in brass: and he was filled

with wisdom, and understanding, and cunning to work all works in brass. And he came toking Solomon, and wrought all his work. 7:15 For he cast two pillars of brass, of eighteen

cubits high apiece: and a line of twelve cubits did compass either of them about. 7:16 And he

made two chapiters of molten brass, to set upon the tops of the pillars: the height of the one

chapiter was five cubits, and the height of the other chapiter was five cubits: 7:17 And nets of

checker work, and wreaths of chain work, for the chapiters which were upon the top of the

 pillars; seven for the one chapiter, and seven for the other chapiter. 7:18 And he made the

 pillars, and two rows round about upon the one network, to cover the chapiters that were upon

the top, with pomegranates: and so did he for the other chapiter. 7:19 And the chapiters that

were upon the top of the pillars were of lily work in the porch, four cubits. 7:20 And the

chapiters upon the two pillars had pomegranates also above, over against the belly which was

 by the network: and the pomegranates were two hundred in rows round about upon the otherchapiter. 7:21 And he set up the pillars in the porch of the temple: and he set up the right

 pillar, and called the name thereof Jachin: and he set up the left pillar, and called the name

thereof Boaz. 7:22 And upon the top of the pillars was lily work: so was the work of the

 pillars finished.


7:40 And Hiram made the lavers, and the shovels, and the basons. So Hiram made an end of

doing all the work that he made king Solomon for the house of the LORD: 7:41 The two

 pillars, and the two bowls of the chapiters that were on the top of the two pillars; and the two

networks, to cover the two bowls of the chapiters which were upon the top of the pillars; 7:42 And four hundred pomegranates for the two networks, even two rows of pomegranates for

one network, to cover the two bowls of the chapiters that were upon the pillars;

Kings II

25:10 And all the army of the Chaldees, that were with the captain of the guard, brake down

the walls of Jerusalem round about.


25:13 And the pillars of brass that were in the house of the LORD, and the bases, and the

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 brasen sea that was in the house of the LORD, did the Chaldees break in pieces, and carried

the brass of them to Babylon.


25:16 The two pillars, one sea, and the bases which Solomon had made for the house of theLORD; the brass of all these vessels was without weight. 25:17 The height of the one pillar

was eighteen cubits, and the chapiter upon it was brass: and the height of the chapiter three

cubits; and the wreathen work, and pomegranates upon the chapiter round about, all of brass:

and like unto these had the second pillar with wreathen work.

Chronicles II

3:15 Also he made before the house two pillars of thirty and five cubits high, and the chapiter

that was on the top of each of them was five cubits. 3:16 And he made chains, as in the oracle,

and put them on the heads of the pillars; and made an hundred pomegranates, and put them on

the chains. 3:17 And he reared up the pillars before the temple, one on the right hand, and the

other on the left; and called the name of that on the right hand Jachin, and the name of that on

the left Boaz.


4:11 And Huram made the pots, and the shovels, and the basons. And Huram finished the

work that he was to make for king Solomon for the house of God; 4:12 To wit, the two pillars,

and the pommels, and the chapiters which were on the top of the two pillars, and the two

wreaths to cover the two pommels of the chapiters which were on the top of the pillars; 4:13 

And four hundred pomegranates on the two wreaths; two rows of pomegranates on eachwreath, to cover the two pommels of the chapiters which were upon the pillars.

Up to Freemasonry main page.

 Last revised: Thu Sep 18 16:11:41 EDT 1997

Tawassul (Arabic:تس  ل

 ) is an Islamic religious practice in which a Muslim seeks nearness

to God. A rough translation would be: "To draw near to what one seeks after and to approach

that which one desires." The exact definition and method of tawassul is a matter of somedispute within the Muslim community.

Muslims who practice tawassul point to the Qur'an, Islam's holy book, as the origin of the

 practice. Many Muslims believe it is a commandment upon them to "draw near" to God.[31] 

Amongst Sufi and Barelwi Muslims within Sunni Islam, as well as Twelver  Shi'a Muslims, it

refers to the act of supplicating to God through a prophet, imam or Sufi saint, whether dead or


The Occultation in Shi'a Islam refers to a belief that the messianic figure, the Mahdi, is an

Imam who has disappeared and will one day return and fill the world with justice. Some Shi'a,such as the Zaidi and Nizari Ismaili, do not believe in the idea of the Occultation. The groups

which do believe in it differ upon which lineage of imamate is correct, and therefore which

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individual has gone into the Occultation. They believe there are many signs that will indicate

the time of his return.

There are three theories about the emergence of Shi'a Islam. One of them emphasizes the

 political struggle about the succession of Muhammad after his death and especially during the

First Fitna.[33]

 According to this theory, early in the history of Islam, the Sh ī a were a politicalfaction (party of 'Al ī ) that supported caliphate of ʿAl ī  ibn Ab ī  Ṭālib and, later, of his

descendants. Starting as a political faction, this group gradually developed into a religious


The other one emphasizes on different interpretation of Islam which led to different

understanding about the role of caliphs and ulamas. Hossein Nasr  has written:

Shi'ism was not brought into existence only by the question of the political succession to

Muhammad as so many Western works claim (although this question was of course of great

importance). The problem of political succession may be said to be the element that

crystallized the Shi'ites into a distinct group, and political suppression in later periods,especially the martyrdom of Imam Husayn-upon whom be peace-only accentuated this

tendency of the Shi'ites to see themselves as a separate community within the Islamic world.

The principal cause of the coming into being of Shi'ism, however, lies in the fact that this

 possibility existed within the Islamic revelation itself and so had to be realized. Inasmuch as

there were exoteric [Zaheri] and esoteric [Bateni] interpretations from the very beginning,

from which developed the schools (madhhab) of the Sharia and Sufism in the Sunni world,

there also had to be an interpretation of Islam, which would combine these elements in a

single whole. This possibility was realized in Shi'ism, for which the Imam is the person in

whom these two aspects of traditional authority are united and in whom the religious life is

marked by a sense of tragedy and martyrdom... Hence the question which arose was not so

much who should be the successor of Muhammad as what the function and qualifications of

such a person would be.[34] 

And the last one emphasizes Abdullah ibn Saba', a Jew who converted to Islam, who created

Shia Islam when Ali ruled. This claim has been challenged by modern scholars, some of

whom have disputed the existence of Abdullah ibn Saba, and have also suggested that this

account is possibly an attempt to further de-legitimize Shi'ism. Furthermore, anti-Shi'i

 proponents suggest that the Shia have tried to blur the existence of Abdullah ibn Saba to erase

their real origin. Nonetheless, there is no evidence supporting this claim. [35][36] 

Ancillaries of the Faith (Fur ū al-Dī n)

Main article: Practices of the Religion 

According to Twelver  doctrine, what are referred to as pillars by Sunni Islam (which are five

in number) are called the practices or secondary principles; there are three additional

 practices, for a total of eight. The first is jihad, which is also important to the Sunni, but not

considered a pillar. The second is Commanding what is just  (Arabic:  ر ب روف ), which

calls for every Muslim to live a virtuous life and to encourage others to do the same. The third

is Forbidding what is evil  (Arabic:ر

 ن ك




), which tells Muslims to refrain from vice

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and from evil actions and to encourage others to do the same. [66][67][68] Twelvers have five

Principles of the Religion which relates to Aqidah.[69] 

1.  Salah (Prayer)

2.  Sawm (Fast)

3.  Hajj (Pilgrimage)4.  Zak āh (2.5% of savings to the poor)

5.  Khums (20% of savings of which the first half (Sihmu 'l-Imam) must be given to the

Imam of Ahlul-Bayt aka Ayatollah [70][71])

6.  Jihād (Struggle)

7.  Amr-Bil-Ma'r ūf  (Enjoining what is good)

8.   Nahi-Anil-Munkar  (Forbid what is evil)

9.  Tawallá (To love Muhammad and his Ahl al-Bayt)

10. Tabarr ā' (To hate, curse and disassociate from the enemies of Muhammad and his Ahl


The Pillars of the Ismā‘ ī l ī  

Main article: Seven Pillars of Islam (Ismaili) 

The Ismā‘ ī l ī  Seven Pillars of Islam, including the Nizār  ī , Druze and Bohra (Musta‘l ī ) have

two doctrines that are not included in the Five Pillars of Islam: Walayah and Jihad. This

would raise the total to eight, but the Bohra do not include shahādah, lowering it to six.

Including the belief in Tawh ī d and witness of Muhammad's status as the last and final Prophet

and Messenger of God, the term shahādah also initiates the pillar of Walayah through the

concept of Imāmah . The shahādah is a prominent part of the Ismā‘ ī l ī  traditions, with the

added inclusion of ‘Al ī  yun Amī ru 'l-Mu'minī na wal ī  yu 'l-Lāhi Arabic:هللا

 و ي

 ع ي

 "‘Al ī , the

Master of the Believers, is the wal ī  of God", at the end of the standard shahādah as recited by

the rest of the Shia Muslim Ummah.[83] 

•  Walayah (Guardianship)

•  Shia Shahadah (Shia's Profession of Faith adding references to Ali to differ from

Islam's standard Shahadah as testified by the majority of Muslims)

•  Salah (Prayer)

•  Zakah (Charity)

  Sawm (Fasting)•  Hajj (Pilgrimage)

•  Jihad (Struggle)

[edit] ‘Aql

Main article: 'Aql 

In Islam, the term ‘aql was heavily elucidated by early Sh ī ‘ah thinkers; it came to replace and

expand the pre-Islamic concept of ḥilm (Arabic:ح م

 ) "serene justice and self-control, dignity"

in opposition to the negative notions of savagery ( jahl ) and stupidity ( safah).[84] 

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The "possessor of ‘aql", or al-‘ āqī l  (plural al-‘uqqāl ) realises a deep connection with God.

Imam Ja‘far aṣ-Ṣādiq described this connection as a realization that God loves some (over

others), that God's is the Truth and that only ‘ilm "knowledge of the Sacred" and its

development can help humanity fulfill its potential.

His son, Imām Mūsá al-K āżim (d. 799), expanded this exegesis by defining ‘aql as the"faculty for apprehending the divine, a faculty of metaphysical perception, a light in the heart,

through which one can discern and recognize signs from God."[84] He further noted that where

the A'immah (Imāms) are the ḥujjatu  ż - żāhirah "External proof [of God]", ‘aql is the ḥujjatu

l-bāṭ inah "secret proof".[84] 

While in early Islam, ‘aql was opposed to jahl  "savagery", the expansion of the concept meant

it was now opposed to safah "[deliberate] stupidity" and junūn "lack of sense, indulgence".

Under the influence of Mu‘tazil ī  thought, ‘aql came to mean "dialectical reasoning". [84]