the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1900-10-27 [p...

Occasional rains tofav tar tomorroir- VOI LXVIILNO 57 NEW YORK SATURDAY OCTOBER 27 1000COPYRIGHT 1000 BV SUN PRINTING AND PlllLISHING ASSOCIATION PRICE TWO CENTS ID t II Tim c T 1t11iAiG = JIAUSTER IS A PERVERT uMie uiatxeaa or itnvaar- Al KTIVfVO YOUXO GIRLS nat IVcarlr I nehd at hot Spring Ark Ml Inialtlnc Hriptolable ll lulling llrrrlitloni Concerning IrUat Life Wrath W T at Paterson PATITSON X J Oct 28 The Indlgnatli horror of the peoplo of city over murd r of Jonnlo Hobaelileter are tnklnc vol now and th clergymen aro tho first to forward to denotmea tho flondUh crime chargi- gviinit McAlisler Kerr Donth and Campbell Then I a Intent fear that the powerful politic InfMnce of tho relatives of tho tour young tuny be IIKH to minimize tho rigor ot tho law Tl- Inll loine ln not been foil yet but evcrybot know Hi it th relatives ot MoAllstor and ein move In tho must powerful way Esp cttllv i Hi so In tint case of Kerr with the ent Grand lury- Pnibibly thorn I little In this current of public the families of yo irpuareasmJOhhorrorstrlcUon as In tti city tl Is told by a relntlvnof MoAllsfi that when hi nvnei was flnt In eoni ii with the 019 his father Mid I tIM Wilter If y u live Itt nothing to ci with tlil rtviltr gn straight down to tim p- ll v stailmi nnd prove your Innocence tf thorn whit you know If you havn hail thing to do with I co upstairs nnd blow brains out Young McAll ter protested he know nothing of the matter except that li hid wen the girl In Miln street that nlgf and he promised o Hie police Mr MeAIister knew that hl son was will but had no Idea that lio wns the llend ha IMOM shown to bo Scores of stories aro being told MoAllster nnd escapades ninny of thin related by himself orb Inallr They all tend to show that ho was pervert Ills former friends who used to liltn nt hl hnnio nay that ho hnd two drawer lull f feninlt underclothing In his room lie dlightod to show them to certain of hi friend Ho them that the first time went i iit h Invnrtnbly t ok n f iiuderolnthlnit nnd had accumulate coll tin In this way storloi and th cornill ovldeneo of hl guilt In the Ito ehWer havo turnnd liU family and hi friMid nealnst him Ilii wim I tin e n with Kerr None c- In relnivi ha enllod tn eo him There nriiv t rii tnld hi dl eredlt also showing Hiit h was a tit companion for McAllstei Then 1 reMirt today thnt he Is a default t the nniiimt of to the J Donle- vniir iif whleli a number lie ha char llimnri of tli paint eoncerr- on tin iiiirnltii after hl arre t when the a peiicl a munlver nf bills which UlyvHd hall b en pnld were found to he un lniil Iliiifh Kerr f Ihn prl nor R niinbir o lila oonroni WHS seen toda nut li denied tin report Tli try ho said Kvcry rent li ben aocoiinte if cinire like all bii ine s eonrern- wi Imvo unpaid lnlm but I diit l lle- vthri i any aia MB iir rreillwr1 At lei t tlire j n rnusp for any Wn riOlv i in nil i lillciii i the prl otirrs fitni to lie dcfrrtri by tlirlr friend there Is a Kitirrnl IrrrMffcc that after the tlr t shook of lortrr In over tlr will come to their no latnnte nt Ifnit furrtpt- ltloimly this IH what lins broUKlit out tti feellnc from the elcrff5Trfn other cltlzcnH who helleve that until the In dlrtmentH are found nnd tlie drnrrt Hirori lieynnil tho reflrh nf lliliietife the f this should not be le s ned Tin cerieral fentlmeiil If that roii llcriitif n frr Ih- fcellncs nf the fimilles of the prlcorrt fliriil- itct be taken Ito nrroiint In MIIII an nwfu rltl etiA point to the Hirrow tr lri I v hleter family nnd tlclr Irrcjnrrle ihs Tlie iiiilier nt Jennie poitrhlcKr lifif Iffn nut of tier lid clnce trnpidy- HVTil dny site refused to lake n n t t- ir Iie niirer her lelnn feared that ln- wnnld ridme Pier until hc was at Inkfd In fotno mortal di ivii tndi- he nld hr was oinewhat beter able He sde weep almon rniKlnntli for Jn wht he thounht a creit deal of on ar- muni hrr llvellnrws nnd Rood looks Jen nlet lter Siile who i enrs of ace ha- calo been instantly under the cans of pr- J eln get She 1 a very nervous girl nt- freqiicntlt beromcM liysterlrnl Iinrlnc tin la t few tiicliU hn ha hnrdly fallen a leci- wlun kho waken up rryliiB for Jennie wid her prrcain have nlarmed the neighbors Durltm- tho dl he Isniurh better and Is able to fto out but the whole family dread thn nliiht time John lloiclilster the fiithrr uffcrs In slime lie hm fallen upon evil days anti JiimloljmurdiiI- n only tho cllnuix of a series of mlifor tunes Un U a poor nan todiy with the stab of family dlwaee In Ms heart hut at ono time he wa4 a man of opulenrii and honor In Holland n oneiobrcd roan Many of tho Hollanders In tbli ilty knew him In llnllund and they nil peik f him with the Kro te t rispo t lie wai a ctntliinan fiirmer on tlie i and of Ilakkne In south Holland DiwHidcd an old and wealthy family hU t wife had rl h nectlnns lie ovied a large farm and employed many of tho Holliiidert who nre ni Uvlm In thU elty In bettor elrruinstninNs than ho In thn Uland of Ilaklni there are thirty vIllasiM and John lliimililetor uai thn- veallhi t man on tlu Uland It riot known how lin lo t his patrimony He talks very little KiislNh huiixelf nnd Ills family say that In iunie throiifli misfortune one IIKS fnlhiiU upon him after iiinllier in such 1iipUI ftuiftfiluii that ho wn unable to Hand nnd foe thi storm Ills went nnd- tinallv hi Inml He wns ive Piiouirh- tc lirinir his Hinlly to tliit country and settle lien In humblii He owns prop eny ui V at Iifih strief where he hbtnc nf who knew him in Holland when i l for the rciune of down tall sbnitf their shoulders iird ho fond of fa horiiM hut further than that ey will ni t BO Ills trst wife died leavlii- Klio i liililtcn Join Leonard nod Acnes- Hbout ion ni John dieil ubmit three years neu- Afiin mnrrliil Jeters a year HKO und nllhouch was under 2S years nmrrlaie which wan duly on the KtfM nf the town hull or the principal vlllnKe on Klakkee ncTordini to cus- tom eiitiiliii hr to claim her hsie liar Iiiiieymiuiii ennlst d of n trip to Holland to Kot tiiniiiy tier lronard ronipTiii i iinnlv nmrrinl onard ItwHhleter tartd in tho livery busim m this with the mone Bot hut ftr a tlireenioiiili innl n wave it up mid went c ri enter biulniw r di lilid to co wiwt nnd try his fortunes- In llullaml Muh He maile arrnneemenUi to move IIIH ife out to his new boom and ho hail all liar thing pniknl before the tragedy Peter sis notin l but he tint tomb tins rit until Wnlni dny evenln wa too Int fur the funeral nf Pits nterinluwl- aVt niKht Mr ant Mrs Ietirs troodhy to their nnd friend this city IVtiti ha i n tur m Holland Ilii iiil wife if Ir iieter wa not of hl own iKiiltim In xrieti ThN Is Jennloti- ncither Ho was till n vminit nnn when ho- tiiarnel her nnd she him six chil dren and hw l m with IHH thnmuh all hU- inlsfortiinoi Although rm poor hts- Illi hunt Irokrr ttnfrd- Hlfhnrrt rnilirrhRshrrn Inidtimnl by KMr Cut IhNw VnMtSunilny llifrrlr rf ratlfnuirlM As- MHIII Siiminv H will cnUlnt- rnniftnM nriirtr by t ftrr many nf her f rri mMv mmlr n Ihfy 1h ui r wiii i 411 ti rirr Abnii Ins B u jrr til mrih t iMaliiln and ifUlnine his h ire ti dny and w j lr nc i illMn bun nm nkr the c n rfii In lilrli ir Is llrtlm nl hi rr iuiil t ti in iri and his PoUnill PnlinOt Iolinitl Poland the putrM mitufsl uptlnt wain In lbs vtnia A hr arid this tho como men 1 Inn und the r iII that 11 now nt hi with bit and toll he r The t t S IWO I ole I trI r A ant rime frill I rr r1 Ill hit nil f I I lung I t I UI Ill I tp I I n I ul I I hip a I Mlrrn I h t 1 a M ci T 0 0 ti I tin I nnll II 4 Woman ifs Kerr pros j iTt any mentioned any your t has girl a n t part a eon are itt fit hr and not a iprtin ion are ltlungh aid are na gull tin hardly Ii I to- t s ip from fir also eon t thia ii full flu eori tort tis his w14 bra Iii tar I i nil urn ter hi it i lit I Iii A urn in I J lieu t s i i rile she ii nOoi i with liii liii IiiIi nit ci ii iiee ii e 1iit i yPiI r i t tipi Iwl Iii a t I line ue aditce to uig ioIIiaia aid other auilecIa use rifts jilt sit tap I > < < < < > > < > > > > > > > < ¬ > > < < ¬ < boon a wife t the good opinion of all her In lull ilty wo the people whole wrecked Tho hold down the shame when the evidence Jennies U out and this checks their Involuntary cry for v n enee do not was nuurly o bad M aa they thought their nelkhbni and tAke up their and It U not other oontlderntlon Any to condone or elation of crime and the cause to Rev Vo mui- condition hero o saloons ure to op n for of young girls Into thee Is one greatest evils wn have The Inactivity of tho who seen to conditions exlat Ins baa to do with the In the an from to end before a ta Puteraon has a and It has justly civrned In addition to the low In the city itself are cured the presence road houses an oUtrage that euoh are to stand be burned to the The Dr D BhAW of the Becom Presbyterian Church My I did not know Rev Dr David of the Church o the Redeemer says I as the furtherance of action to vice The Rav T P Vnrnoll of the First Reformat Church As mlnlner our raisin Ugh Is for the protection of This appeals to There Is no homo that attacks such as have b n made For this reason must stand together strike back The llov D Stuart Hamilton of St Pauli P K To action that better permanently tho condition n1alri which now you can sign my aims In big letters Tho ROT C F Hull of tim Cross Street M E Church any I am heartily In favor of n public movomcnt on qu tlon I think olllzaai und especially ih- mlnl t rs should work together Tho Rnv A A IMirmn of the Church says A movement be started by the newspapers h would receive all thu churchm peoplu looking to tho purification of the con- ditions of our The Rer E nonflli of the Auburn Street Congregational Church says To move- ment I to lend aid and A man worthy of being a who would not tnd Is the sentiment that prevails through- out the city but It Is greater Intensity In the streets Many wrmcn declared that are afraid to conic out of their homes after nightfall as the stories of outrages committed by nail com- panions become Several women conic In the to ex these men It In significant that the masher have nil from In front or stores In Main street during the last few evenings Multi street- Is tho principal thoroughfare of the rind U the favorite for girls while men of sporty attire nnd shady reputation tho door- ways of stores and flirt with them In way McAlUter and hit companions spent their evenings for th UM seven or He owned a horse end buegy and always had It at cojivenletit He hU victim ti some house bevrnd the city boundary nnd If sh wculd not drink cr to would her out of and let hit walk home Many n girl terror stricken nt the prospect or being alone on n dark country HUCC mb to- Me Mliters A number of women In this city delnre that McAll ter started them on tho downward path He was nearly lynched three ago nt Itt Springy Hn had tone there for followed a respectable woman one day In a and nn to her Th Insult became known crowd chased MoAllater threatening him Two years ego he became aenualnted with a young Heck then living lit 7 Main street He took her mi a trolley car to litton to attend a firms She triiisril enter a road hou e with him lc brought her out a glass of soda water ho mutt have drugged ns the alit Ucntno rick nfter It She rebelled hi advances anti returned home As she got ofT the car front of Kents drug store In Maui street she re led nnd fell The conveyed her to St lr ej h Ho here she The UI n snld she had been drugged rt Howell Hr of 1W Perk avenue nn that hs dsughter wns recently Insulted InMiln street a yoinu rnd that even his daughter hail A similar He that It Is time tot the respectable men of Paterson to take hold of question before another trag tdv occurs The pollco will do their duty when bncked- up In If hn but und r thin present ln- lluonce they not I am sorry to siv live to the law lahVdnwn In our statute J roluion living nt 732 Market street ail tnnlcht that bl sister hnd Insulted on ftrectn and was carrying n revolver to protect tier eif Jle said lter huh to twice to Mvn- honelf Ills l ter I luw Mlnnln Cnhoon n mill girl Hor homo Is In tie of the city he wes Immoon liar at fl oclock ono evening about two weeks ago a welldnss young trlel to stop She toils full him and hn lust In to avoid a collision- A nights litter she was walking homo anil at the same spot the same young man out low of a tress and put lila arm around her mill Sh pulled revolver fire twlco him but ran away Mr Cohorm says that his wife was Insultnl In Main street n loan recently He hn complained to the but The Iniuett In this county brie been Frt down fur Tue dny nt Court Home The llergen county Innuest will today but only tf gel n conplite rcrord have been Issued esln this city It will be held nl 11 at Alrens ire hoiisn near where Jennie chlcttrs body was found inn t ov IM rrirnrnIt- rDhlr anton Was 1 11 Orrr n Drik Thrrr I fJrrnt ToIln- MANriiriTKn S II Oct vlllace ielstown stirred up br a nhlch a eachir Mrs 11 M Ilrrton gave n boy In the nlermpdlate ochol titers She has bnnnr rested together with her husband who Is prln Hpal of the school and a hearing was held be Justle Knowlton nt OolTaiown tonight The boy was Keubli W Carlton 13 years eld xinof AM wh Is In buMncss In this Itv tarPons story Mr andMrs to teach thwo Horns of children git toirethor an old rhyini flew from north to jUh With Mrs Matlim In mouth And wlirn lit found he had a loj- ll diopKd in lbs ioO lovn school Mr Canton ITS Hint hi toy heard the and Ihlnklnit that It funny lie write of parer It nhowf- dt to hi father irltin war cd the boy not to thoiBpcr In school and not to ro eat Ihe rhyme bin in not and i t school he eliowed th rhyme to friend teacher Mr dm nnd kept him after acliool and whll her iiisband the lad over n disk she Inld on a nwhidn ncro s h hick until It Is blood ran d wn ho loys whole town hunch out for rearing tonlelit The Its n o at 11 o nthaiUim Urnr A C llnceri Into an Apo plcctlr Ill Which Killed Him Whln one of the inrndra SliM rowing tIn corner of Twentyfourth htreet nnd Fourth j venue nt in oclock lost fiui t McCul who was standing tintlcnt that elderly man near him was showing excitement Suddenly tho man ml and would fwno ullcn Ui Mdev nlk tint the cniinht lila Mr- IcClillagh culled tor help and tho wns carried Into Mblntid and n cnll wns- ent t lor nn nmlilnnce- lleforn It arrived the roar died Ambulance itirgeon Pool Niid tInt death wis duo to npo Tho nian wi rc M uiied thn i nd Hou c Aleinndcr Campbell Infer of ISO Iii l treet rat for hl wife she becainn hs srlrnl whet he saw hi Two claugh ato survive him Mr wn old and was n member lion I V ftogers Rro li h ilealunt or Fulton IbMaketP- nUnd Poland Poland Poland i the purnt natural fHt eater In lie world A tin These They but that she not for b rilO ot tno be fOle the Li of the OU In d 10 The ot the It be The el cut tlC ell A d oOM we load on Is of I Iadly ent made for tIn one we M an I IX t FIt alr I gild I Ihc hI o oe dl Ink cal rOi prop t t Ant Ii I Ill i lt kin A all for Ink and- S tore to the I n her wee hi tnhlet took Ir 1d3 legs tie bad t d cork 111 ltUllWI 1r lAnUHf nigh Inch had IIi h I RoIl been f been said adxnl Was as yenaanoe any prLaonej will rage that whole cIty talk holding eotIng aria clergymen z their that It a continuance deplorable ociat ejist girls ore everything remedy hut been or so near th city It a allowed Tier sffars was so bcd will any elTort good r and tAke the ickt the carriage i says honk bAn the Iit S sterno I time She result this flfl Lit i a 20 The of- t whi ping anton C Aocirihing Mr caine peels his it oil hays a a I tie s alleged I tin ciitlOfl ii tin great lIe inn it tIi its lit I t teN as- p ir if I I I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < > < < > < > JERSEYMEN HEAR BRYAN CAffttinATK XAIir1 AXOTUBK TllHOVail TUK STATIC at Hoboken and Says Things About I- Ptrlattim Hlandlng Armlti llrown It picas and Traits In harrison Orani- Morrlitown Ilnyer Iatiraon and Mr Bryan began his second day lag In New Jersey In the Lyric Theatre boken yesterday morning at 8 0 oclock he was Introduced by Mayor Fagan and hoarsely to a large audience of tho for twontyftvo minutes on such topics as the brown Filipinos the ovll of a tog army end tho Iniquity of trusts dentally he read come extracts from the treaty tree Uvor dexterously and a about bedbugs Mr llryan loft Iloboken about 0 oclo for Orange At hU special stopped long enough for him to give A minute rear platform talk on the evils of inc armies and the danger of Imperially would probably have touched upon subjects but halt tho tlmo of hU stop was up by the cheering of the crowd which him At Newark nnd Jtosovillo there more cheering crowd a the train sped through Five thouiwind persons unit of whom llepubllcans wuro waiting for Mrllryan- Military Park Orange where ho arrived an hour Several hat factories lied down so that the hatters might attend meeting aud Katlonnl Prceldent John A Mo itt and several officers of the Vnltcd of North America occupied teats In thin bain stand from which the candidate spoke Mayor Henry Stetson Introduced Mr Bryan after which he talked for half an hour on Imperialism ending nlth an arraignment nf President McKlnlcy for recognUIn tlavci by thin Suli treaty Col Ilryun reached Morrlstown at a quart of twelve and spoke for sonic tlfleen inlnuti In a crowd of 2fX people who were nt ntatlon Mr ho was tempted t preach a sermon It would b a sermon because there are to many pcoplo p1 blair their fellows I said it rights to all nnd special privileges In note At Dover Mr prrnn was thn station by the Dnver Ucmocratlc t Rib with tlirw bnno Find drawn by prancing lmrs- nud taken to tlie fair grnutiln a an nuIviuo ofsom n platfonn decorated with ilius lie to I topics In spwih and was llbci ally i Mr liryan reached the Knrclny tinet ftHlii In Paternon about 43 arid was escorted b mounted to the meeting place In- fortyfive 1 un In put dents In the full dinner pnll nn broke the of the rusts tmvd gi tome amuemvut out o tiu trust tOrt nf th- spevh for on tie plnffonu war Mtyor Illnrhl- llfe ShenfT T onner ludg Van mv and Senator Urim well knonn a Idpntlflo with the nail Hrewcry trusts in Pater ot Mr llrynn wit dlne at the Himitnti riiib At after n bnty luncheon nail jhort f at exSeiiuior James Smith Jr iou Mr llryan was driven to Ili Park- a ciennnn nlc ground in orange stroel where he nddre hod a gatheni rf enthtiHiast- lliemoirai and curious Hepubllcans Ho lei there at 83i end wax Urnuii aoros town to tl which WAS packed people and the Street outside was to curb It was nearly 10 oclock before he flnlthe there and to n thn hut Thence ho was 0 the Association cluboute it hand and addressed tho outdoor crowi the A quick run wn made b conches from to the boil ground it Jefferson and Kinney rtrects at tho end of the city where Mr Bryan iddres d a large ouumur In tlie hear if where surprise ii expressed If more than a doze liepubliivin are tl ballot his coach was giurded through nit his a simad of mounted police itrnr The ebrasban andldile lo Address FlY llrrllng laln ins t the ijrilrn- Col llryan arrived at the Hoffman iloute jur midnight lat night vlthexSeimtnrlnnic Smith of Sew Jersey ant Ur V J CJSulilvnn had a talk with chairman McUuIrn of Jemocmtlo Kxecutlve Committee In his room then went to bed He will go to New haven this morning and lifter ranking n speed here will to this city On the way ie ill talk nt Now Mount vrnon He lll arrive hero again between 3 rind clock In thin nttcrtiooii and nt i oclorl t n inlttrc f tlie Nrtti tnl A- udHtjonof IiFiniictntlr lubs ntlleiiturtiiin hln Mrs Bryan At dinner at the Hoffman lloujai- novvliiu Iin uiiiir ho Mill i u Die llnuid ray Atnlctic Club arid nddrois A nivcing o Irom thorn he will go tti 1oopei to spivcH before an assemblage o lermanAniHrlcan The chief meeting of the Islit is to be at Madison Onrdet It Is Intended that Mr shall rencl- hern about 030 oclock Aftr this meeting e will make lit two meeting t Mndl n and Twentyseventh stne rid ut Madison iivenuo nnd Tim Hryant will remain nt thin Hodman Itotis- ver On r undir evening C il go the statn and return on Mondi- peiklng nil along the line of the Shin ladway On Monday evening hA will niaki ipiwhos In lie will ive a- ildnlght fur another stumping trip across Stato ATM ifircv Tntr SpraU In the Armiirr Warning Again Nnw HAVK rotin Oct u Vllllam Jen rings Bryan will arrive In this city Hbout noon morrow rind It has been arranged that deliver his the only ono In Ton ectlcut In this campaign In fiecoml Hegl lent urmr There lies been consldcrnb- irloslty nmong the citizen In of as to whether till Vlln students will undertake to Imvo horseplay with tin einocratlo candidate ran hei 11 the streets here muttering to thus effeci- int If the tudntits In nnyMimnnrr shape ther there will trouble for there may l a head on Ynlea- impu on night should the enllenmns- inkn arty demnntt ration In tin rmory will be A large forcn of Now nven police to from the tlmo on n special train until he starts his return trip ATiQir of Democrat Voting for an Independent Itepiihllcan for ScnatorllenledIl- AKiUBnvitn Pa Oct S6rhalrmnn Hlll of thin Uernoorntln State Commlttre left Plttsburg this evening nail nobody about henduuiirter of tin commlttco neemed to niiythlng nbout un allcgid understanding hlch wild to liiivn been inched between and omocrniH n the Cnleil snator- dp A former ctmlnmm of tho ntn rommlltet HHid within hours ill the lleiiiorrnu in ckilnturc would nn forHiiiator fr af neat ill the orgntiizatlon tIll Seiinte nnd Homo It Is understood nt some riuifrif ncv i been recently In ith Ihl tiiiri tiiidliig III view Chalnnan Uilliiii u is seen as thin train i and aked regarding the alleged iderlHiding wild nolh In H the mailer has riot even been ed- Thi emphatic denlnl by Chairman Ullllne- mid eini to be dnirinl so far as IKo head of Slale nmmittie got Senator IUtt In Attend llrooUljn hilly H f co lg Is ubllcin lally i f he cam Ign In llooii yn will Ie n Fruajr in t e it Muln IT and fol Arohln K llnxter will Ili to Patt hns- iiinWtl d i erj Mile rvnmlned IMIh- fctJilly cnatanieed br lbs fennsjrl- ila thorough l ttarli Inswo Poland InUnrtl Pulandl Poland Ihe eure t natural spring vats In the woilj DASH Slab Newark spellbind where stud Sulu doled stand other wore closed the lorI the full our I tuck hi I len I I I a 8 0 with I cOP thin lox TO r tIn thetr 4 and 1111 n Union niiak a mind IIn run II liar the To nItic Iunko his rill kIn this this thin State an nil 0 r ant 111111 hI on 111101 JrI TAlk for tie know I I ant 1111 fun llht In or loiiiiii II hIll ill till I x Olio lult nov Wand I th Ilk r 1 tn tilt to yom II dr II lie talked faithful standard made train the Its taken greeted were at half lute hatters trusts tutu lung away where hit aliteeso rein iinii ke he I ion 1 driven sit tuee inn a district lillY 1 after Iii and rI urn S rind Itt I steeet avenue t rent will Wet a lift 15S sort 1 lain ntitlQ uutuiiea us it I qui in ratio St i tic sit upon fnii r imil n Ito hat lit tnuiiui ju iswIirs Ads i < > < > < > > < < < > > IAtn itKit OF VKiior PKVK An omrer of Inrlo like Volunteers Who Utile a Good Iteeord In Onb- HftcM Cable Dinvltb to THU SUN HAVANA Oct 0 rapt Page of the Itlco Regiment United Btiloi Volunteer funtry illixl at 103 oclock thin morning yellow foyer The first symptoms of t disease manifested themselves nt the funcr of Major Peterson who died on Oct 17 of name disease and whose wife committed nn hour afterward Capt Page WM taken i that time with a chill and tho other sympton soon observed Cupt Pago WRIt extremely popular not only with his brother officers a parties of Cubins an well as Spaniards hid perfect command of the Spanish langua and hunt an engaging manner which frlands for him everywhere Ho was of gro- servlco to OentraU llrooke and Wado tho early days of the intervening govcrmnen and also to the various American commissions aol committees which have been hero tho oloito of the war AOGlV tlLKX The Daughter of Forte Illcot Rorernor JIa ned to a Naval Jlenlenunt- Srttlal Cable Dtiptttli to Till SUN SAX JfAX DE IOBTO PJCO Oct M Ml Allen daughter of Governor Allen was married last night to Lieut 0 Logan of the Inltod States Navy who Is a- aldedocamp to AUun Chaplain Brown ixjrfomied the ceremony which took place t the Governors residence Tho house WM profusely decorated wit royal palms and glower There were 10 guests present The bride wore whlto organdl- nnd lace Her sitter Mrs hobbs was matro of honor and Miss Bhedd of Lowell MOM WM bridesmaid Payroaster Brown was man and Dr O T Smith of the Mayflonei Oov Aliens despatch boat acted M ushei All were In full uniform The newly married couple are making a tour of the Island IouTics i fOHTO men- The rodent Atlegt Unfair Practices at th llegtitratlou of Vottrs 5 iMI Catlf DtlfOtt It Tile Stf RAN JUAX BP PORTO Rico Oct Tin Executive Commlttofl of this Federal party hn decided to take no tart in the coming cleo Iou fur niMinberi of a House of Assembl on tins ground that the recent rivUtratloi of was unfair Seflor Munoz bUyers the loader of the party asks the Federals tc continue to tiring to the Governments mitten lion the fact that the K t ubllc n reglstratlot- ollloers in many ca es refused to register Foil Tho Federals arc urged to seek r dres for the alleged wrong done theta rirfifiorfi ir ECAD uv noonivjjsro- ntemptlble Trick ThU Will Slake llcan Vote on lh East Side Yhln the members of the AiistroIUmgsrlar Republican League wore taking art In the Koosevelt demonstratIon lilt night a gam of boys broke into their clubhouse at in Sec- ond avenue and stolo all the banner that the club didnt have In the the ticturn of McKtnloy and Ilooicvelt mind till tho cam- paign literature In addition to that the hood lunui broku all of the chairs mind desks clown the druperlfd and threw the ooiiU nti of the Inkstands on the carit The three rooms the club were wreikml and a big Kej uhllcan transjnreucy In trout of the bulullne WHS Mimslicd Among other things tlie thieves took sway lx Ug American flags had root resident Marcus Hrown of the poitwl the MM to tho ollceof this Filth street and tho eercennt to lm esti- mate Tie ciicuo will hold a nwlal meeting tomorrow aitemoon amid a will ered rr tho arrcht of tie t and vn ndalx- Membcia of the lenguo said I t night that they did riot susi e t any Individuals html ndcled their clulhouse ns In heart of n stmn district ard that anrb dy- mlclit snie sthat the lilue lob of wreck- Ing and looting the clubhouse hind been Insti- gated by jolltlcnl enemies ItrrCIIIICAX SPEAKERS 1IOHIIKII A Prosperity Wagon In fhlcain Attacked and Iti Occupant minted CitirAno Oct Jfl A Democratic mob today attacked Prosperity wagon I from whlh Republican ppeakers were telling of the b nflts of thin pmt Republican rule lore Hag from tho wagon tore President McKinlevs picture shreds and a the noenkT n mallet bricks tin cans and IATinK A riot call was turned In from of policemen from the Chicago avenue elation t most seriously Injured were W W Frost of Missouri Attorney O II McConoughey of Mr beafn with a mallet on his head and wee rendered for a hot time Judge Fro l with a brick right ildn while chasing this roan who the ktars and Another brick dislocated lft eliMiw nnd disable him from further duties for tho day rmrn ICEH IT ciioKun Marching Salute of tlcKlnlty at the The McKinley Guards of the Thirtyfirst Assembly district on their way front Camp McKlnley mth ktrcct timid Fifth avenue to Madison Square Garden marched down Fifth last night As they were passing hum tion Counsel John halen and Com- missioner V Keller camo out tin this stoop end them Past The men parido caught sight of them nnd recognized Ice wns the cry that went up In one unanimous howl man to think of It nt the same tlm They kept It until thin Inst unman In thin procession got ofT the block Mr CroKcr mind took It good naturedly- Depew nOOO Person In rintuhnri- PurrBntnn N y Oct SO The lion fhauncey M Deew of Now York the lion R It Gunby of Florida the lion Reward A Plmonn of Huffalo end the lion Wllllum A Pendrrgrnst Brooklyn arrived hero at 7 oclock this Venlng and nddremed an meeting of 4w III Custom House Park Mr for an hour louchlng upon nil the Important if thin campaign hut the of In contrasting the cotidl Inns of Industries nf this section at the iresent time with what they wet four ito Tm crowd stood almo t unbroken for- t r three md nl th cloie of the last H e oh mild loudly for morn ilcKlnleys Vote In indians to Heat All llecnrdi unesco III Oct 2 I Sioator Reverldge Is 0 rorHdent thnt Indlins will no Republican hit he placos majority at lr snld today mind the ticket will go through a han wn ever before given a Republican ticket n the history of thin State ipldemlo of Scarlet Fever In falmjraA- UIANV Oct 29Ur I V Smith of yruciiMO ono of the Hlole Commlsiiloner- Hf llenllti reports to thin State Hoard that of scarlet fever Is prevalent Palmyra In mill Hbout forty ca e Ir Ij 1 tae local lualthofflcer nt Palmyra Ingnosd thin cnset IIN snarls Inuiu sis IVIIH lull ted by colon of the iclann and he celled te Binte Hoard for inral and nn Investigation was or ered with tIn ahoy result Homing Neon nnd Might Grand Station New York Nrw York Central tot Cblcnro SI Louis and Inelnnatl luiurioustralnn nmui th trteka Adr Poland Poland Poland Poland the purest natural sprint water In the world c had Porto In ot the suicide era here lie made during Bertha General W best 2 I elect 11K lob I Dlndl t hid r I e- on o four ot into 011 mind wagon lieu 1 lie strUck In this mPnnotratlo Club ILl avenue t I I 01 o I r IIIAt I I r hu CO ono nriI tar rr An at I TraIn teaT Central h the I CAl bitt with since Icy ends tone occu 2 ltmiii thus ymira the tie atone a Judge wic tie Guard 55 charIties t fl Addresses iok t lie Slut 1 Ads at1 a < ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ < > BANK TELLER A rujiAN n HMKittr nan inuin t co or sn4ot- Ilrrn Speculnllnir In Wall Street None of the l IrftArrrtlrd pt l nk In the Hunk unit OinfeMU ills Oil Ills Slt llnsi IlliroTrrrd William J n teller In tin X A Co atai Nntrnu Htrtei was arrested at tho bank yesterday uftornuo- olinrgvd with eml07llnK 10 i of tho llnu funds employed III the ban for about thrco Perfect coiilldonc wits placed In him by tho bank oRlulnl was bonded by the American Hurcty Com- pany and It Is hU bondnmen who have his arron A hortaiu III llockloyH accounts wns by awliiunt yi sterday inoriilnif b ono of tho clerks llerkley books not proiwrly RecomMit for u iiutli deposit 11490 mad on April li An cxmnliuiilon o the books idiuwed that lila account was short at least J040 That U bullovud to be the extent of Ueckloyd poculntloim AH noon a the embnzilcmont was dljeovfrod the Anifrl cult Surety Company was notified and Mikwiei arrest Mtfl rate Flauiner In th lontro street mur Issued a warrant which was given to CenlM- Ofllcn Irlcn and n execute and arrested at his desk bank When ho told that he under arrest ho broke down confessoi his guilt N V lIaIse of the linn of Harris 1 Co appeared thus Ccntro Hired police cour than against whei ho wits arraigned Th larceny of l4no m April 15 wng made the Heck his counsel ionlon nail wiilved further bwirliig Magistrate llammrr l ed ball nt fJtmu Tin wru taken over to thin T mb hut snli that he expected to furnish n buiidsnmn tldi morning iald ho laud not ha an opportunity to consult with his client hut that not one cent tin IB400 WAS loft It had all been lout In specula- tions In Vidl Streot Is 3J old and lived with hU wife IM Ht Nicholas avenue appeared u bo completely unnerved when In court tears from his ey An unusual stillness prevailed in the court was nm spoke In tint moved on Flammrra could be heard when he announced the ball shook hands with everybody complainant surety frIend all was wuen over to this Iicllry and wife hail lived In the apart- ment housnni in St Nicholas avenue only month Thwy ocoitild two rooms on the floor paying I4i a month rent fitVK TKiirns TO in ioritrn v A Ittlvrankee Intttatlnn rat Indlorki on If Kmployre- MlLWAfKHK Oct 26 The defalcation ol- Alvord former teller of the First National Honk of New York has excited tm end of com- ment in this city amid thU morning when thin tellers and othor employees of ono of tho local banks reached their djks they discovered a notice posted cnn ploiioudy Informing them thnt hereafter the tellers will be locked In their cages during Imslmn hours and will be re- leased only uialmr ur oilier ufllcliiU ut- tne whose hind tho keys for the va- rious will ho Thn clerks were lurthor Informed thut henceforth them will bo no permission tn lorn their compartment to an- swer telephone calls unless very and then some of thin Institution will re to the employees rormest to be liberated In order to step to vWn of friends are also tabooed by the new order unless under urgent circumstance In short th regulations cnforco a most rigid super- vision which can bo et aside bv tho In tertioiltlon of an oflleinl of thin bank due entlin has been shown why a toiler or other to vaoato hl dn k tempo- rarily onrs TO BIMV Students SIsr llernme Mother Helpers and Help Par Their WaJ- CAMJtninriH HadlllTo College ias a new institution of Ingenuity nnd value joor oollego girl tiM a It remained r tit young women of thu year hit upon plan of converting the knowledge Into a schema which college girU every w hern may glad to learn shout plan Is in brief Mothers tidier Idea applied to the girl who comes In for an hour a day mud tho middle nan III the college instance a student bureau oimected with Ilndcllffe Christian latlon work ThU bureiu uidartike to furnish ellbreil girls who for so cents an hour will come to n horn nt a certain tim each with Paul und take llama to walk or even give them short bin work long study lines as the particular latnma Interested may wish The o fee ItA work Is n labor of love and head of tho household who 1ms made uei- f Its office m y come as often as she likes to iak for Un help For a smeller perhaps about 25 cents hour ilrls who can acceptably the bureau nnd mending U also done through this convenient cards are sketched and lire furnished aftornoon through same office rv A ov CAOK FIIIK Annvn nrit lie Torn heists Claws and Ilnrnril Comes Off Vleiiirlotn- COUMIIU H C Oct J3 A spectator at the partnnburg carnival today throw a lighted mtoh near a can of ca oleno which exploded the cage In which Madam Clio otherwise as the Lion Queen was doing her with four large lloni belonging to the rank P llo tlo Carnival Company Tho straw on the ground tent tire lloni boiame frenzied attacked tho oung woman Tim wore terrorstricken but tho e not niter no aslitancn The mInor of the cage caught wits danger of than lions bri litnc but displayed remarkable trnneth and courage an Iron bar she hack the tier arms and honlder were torn by their claws llr clolh ig iught fire but she kept the lions under control until help were gotten another cage Freed CnnTlcts Arreit d nt Prlian lIner Ny Oct 29 Vhen harlesSmd rerconvlcU in the prl oiwerit discharged thU morning having nerved their tilniicei they were rearrested on ither In- tctments against them Snndford WH nr- rsled by the Deputy sheriff of Irnnton N J an a ault committed In Mercer N J and a per by SheritT It Hreeze of this o unty for grand larceny committed in county They were ken lo Whit to their re- ectlvo places of trial Oldest Woman AlmlltlnnUtS IllrthdarD- oiJTON Oct 2 Mr Eunice Divls oldest woman abnbtloiUt In the c untry- lehrated her lotthbirthday t Dedhnm today rr father was this direct descendant of a Nar gnnsett Indiana Hank Uiitihtrs bet atone VlNCKNMKS lad Oct 0 Iho safe In Zed Brothers private bink at lirldgeport Ill was own open at this nflernoon Itobbtr Itooo cash four gold watches and valuiu Ie ariUloK A Hank Cashier limps tired IlAnininn Oct 2n ClinIc Holmi Vin ted Coon Xatlonal llnnk dropped hero todiy was well kn wn In weat- n Cfnnectlcut California rtcurslims tally eirurMnmln con rtd Thursday Chlc eu PiolllCAn- diirme ttrn mine Twi fail tmns daily Item loAtoel V8i I M ami M 1V I l cars Tlekils rrTatlnns nnil liilinm tlnn al- Icafo and Northveitrrn onto 4ni ruadwiy Poland Poland Inlnnrtl the purtit natural tprlni wtwr In the worldAilii Has paul Ion Ills A crIMn lhtik house ot Heckle been ears lIe dill frill llInrrl 1Ik 10 nrco t roulII Cior ullt heckle I III 10 hi II top I l In All t I YII dc lro t4 nnupr Poor I The to II bll This I Ao bin dll thai elltlr I 0 an or teas Madam b by known turn aile and spectators l and out bent carrie Into StSO Huno 10111 ThIEF lay la uk I mig harris hits caused dis- covered bit cit was wits luau t It lie tip- toe Volc the The iaulv iJOVfll Mass Oct is the the ist sum tore this lbs fire ford mud for count John lint Mass the other cashier or dod lie em Toianht Cars even tnt of Ad iols nil I 1 1i > < > < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ < < < < > < > < < < > > 7IMVK1 in ritrS- rukes Hands mind oncratolnlct Him on limo Icdlce Arrnnuement Roosevelt very much ptcnccd the police arrangements In and around Mm son Smmro Garden lnt night An he left currlnuo timid entered thn inrden the llrrt mi that hu noticed was lei utj Chief I want In Itll tho tKjIltt arrangements nto tine and thnt wmld tint have been At this juncture Chief Uevcry came nlm- iAnsonnns tIny Governor saw him heunlkcd to him and holding utah grabbed Chlffs cordially und Mild Audi want to cimgratulabi Chli thin work of your police When wn coming over front the hotel the crowd around our carrinso amid pressed us si th- W might been knocked over but f prompt work of tho pollio You art ct- tnlnly to bo congratulated on the work of yo- niti this night Thank you nil Hint Chief Pevery NI In re4lmnso limit lie shook the Governors hni and luuko1 mightily pleaded ut the compllmci After ho gut on thai platform thu Governor M word down to the pre scats that ho desln to thank tlio Hill and Chief Devery thrum tho newspnpow for their excellent work handling thu crowds Knowing Mimethlm the difficulty of the work saul ho uppr elated what had been aiwmplMied- Jftt S rffi V OtEHATKIt OV the Wound n slight One lie Slay UAIIIMOIIR Md Oct 28 1 H Sothi wits taken In a cnrringw this morning after 0 oclock from the Stafford where has been Mopping to the Johns pltal where n alight operation on his toot wi performed by his physician Dr William Ilnlitoad Dr Haistond said that what dons scarcely amounted tn nn operation i It wits very slmpln nnd WitS really no inn then tho cleansing amid dressing of that actors wound It Is not now serious All that IH nec ai Is that Mr Sot hern ohnll take proper nw- Ho may bo obliged to remain imlot f three weeks hut thin wound Is In no sells dangerous The doctor raid thnt Mr Hothcrn remain at thn hospital for suvcral iliy- srovvirrrriT irrxntu ir iviin lie Corrrrd Ills Kres With lilt llandi Itecrlred a Chan nr hint Shot ANHOVIA Conn Oct sa Henry S Toni llnson a prominent Oxford clti7cn went Int- thn woods to hunt yesterday HU dog flushed woodcock and na ho raised his gun und fur the bird ho saw another hunter ulmln at hit plane hint and directly in hU ruigi- Tomllnvm dropped hU guru called to the IIKI and throwing hU hands over his eyes ami flu to tho ground The fccond hunter dl concerted by the cry lowered his gun rw went oil and more than llfty shot lodged Tomllasons body The hands over his eyt- recelvud several and tho remainder struck clmit face and anus Hut for his mind In covering his eyw ho would have ifoffv fififsov ronrrit ttyixti Former Secretary to the President III at III O- Conpfctlcot Hume PoMrnET Conn Oct SO Tohn Addiso Porter former to President McKIr hey Is In n critical condition at his home here ns time result of n surgical operation was performed on Wednesday Ho left York hospital three months ago being operated upon He can live but a hours It Is believed A riHUIMA HAST KIIlKnt- fllllain Francisco Shot br a Onrlegged Cap lain Afl r Quarrel ItiriiMOND Vn Oct o William Francisco man of great tlzo and a descendant of Peter YnncUco the llcvolutloimry soldier whose rats of strength have mado him famous In ulstoryof thn country was today shot nitantly killed In lx uUa county by Cupt- I Pendleton a former member of the LegUla und ono of the of Iuulo1- nore laud been bud blood between the two tlmo und when they accidentally met n quarrel followed U i inelegged man having lost a leg at Cedar reek In the Civil Wur drew lUtvl tlrst cad tired three shot one knocklm Ittidlctons cruti h from under him The then pulled a and Instantly The mm- md ei iit collie time In a asylum iTim much feared on acoount of strength iiowrvwrnr vxv IM II K mod lln J A McCreerr In Small at the lark Entrance A cnrrngu by Henry Farbe- IcCretry of 20 East Fiftyfourth client the of a cofTco broker anti Mrs John A Iccreery wa struck nnd overturned by outlibonnd trolley car In tri ml stat street a being driven across the tracks to the Park Hoth women wern ut and bruised worn able to go home in another carriage utter physician n tlie iota Ileresford hnd attendee hem hectic the coachman was takei o Uooovll his rhoulder dl locatei md hit head cut No nrrest was unmade beeaust oar went ahead at full Hpenj- t Was an Old Soldiers avid Was to HP Sold a Pay n MorlcngeThen Check Came PAimutsm no V Vacct 30 Amon tho f PaId their rnpeo to Senator Klktn dnr- g his recent vllt hero won an old soldier whose homo was nbout to bo old to pay off a mortgage Some one told Kllitna and unng Ins conversation nlth tIme veteran hn Mi del ill of this loan and that titian thl wenk Hi old soldier was to re Iveu check signed by this Senator for the lull nount of the mortgage and today the wna released to the of both in aged man aid Ids wits who were nbout to to the county for support 1tE AMt HE COACH DKHAILElt Accident nn the llodinn Hirer llallroad That llrbired Traffic for nn Hour PovoiiKHWslt Oct 20 An engine and ono inch rere partially wrecked on this Hudson llailroiid nt i roton tonight causing a lay In t radio of over nn hour The ntigluo time track In some unexplalnnblo manner uisfTig the coach to tioeomo derailed In mien manner ns to lie nlinort crosswise blocking ith of the main tracks nnd the irotnn le and after over an hours work tracks wore detroit but the Croton ird WIK blocked until after midnight No one n Injured AdJatsntOeneral Strrker Serlnnily III- TIIKSTOV N J Oct 20WIIIIam 8 Styker- dJutnntUiv oral of thin Htaln of New Jcraey- rlousiy ill with heart troublo mind ha the Phalli of was rlckinoiiThiradir night and did not show uch Inn rovementdurltig the day Want KIOOO for a llapilim mimI Oct 20 Tho administrator Ihe extensive slats of the Into Mr Mary ddticr Ia just received n bill from John Alex r D fr Jlon nrlalin I due m tT miles of i hlcngi to itlnMr fldrig The lull will not IM paid II llrvcais irllplloi ir Clue tavel Ihr Irnnyltanta lUIUosd lo- Iireiile H r tr frnrfs ami auTrties Ait- Inlsiidl Inlandl Iolandl Poland that imitit natural spilof water n the wotld Ad- T II iflVU this hot was rit lie I right I mt annul hi sold that t hey hat Icr halF hannil iou too mini trait got hay or- t wait iii iii if him lie onflneut rwo liek shortly hue lbs 14 was lit ten- or a would amid sighted face it hIs presence of lost hult sithit which a- New after few a a the and S turn for thOu to- day his latter fired one shot arid and I 0 FE1tTUR11 CAR occupied Mrs wife I ark St was en- trance hut a this SV4lTOIt I1R1S St II T111 HOIIl a who small learned this sale would erIc apply lItter left as yard ttrnilmiumr wrings wern sent norm both is 0 tilt nil ties t Ii M msinstr Alt 5 of nil a hue ftilrda e limit mint flu I I Ii < < < > Til Oil Toi Tomefl Out You CoilJnl Couot EraTliejll Be Counted Later A NOBLE DEMONSTRATION Talks by Men Who Know SometliMto HERE IS THE PARAMOUNT ISSUE Beat Bryanism in the Nation and Crokcrism in the f lite Spectacle Such nt Ihe Cltr Never raw He- foreHnnf by Searchlight In ai InlerT I of FireworkROOOO Paradets fif- teen Jllnntpi Chfrtlng In the Parked Harden the Oovrrnnr Momen JoIn In liijfnl Niilie Irotraeted herring Dreela Odell T oTlnn eTelt to Speak TrrlceSpeerhes h odrll Fair- child Illicit nil rrreOorernor Ixnil Jn- lbrr Cheer for llcKlnler and Odrll- H ww Tammany that greeted Mr Hrynn and It was the great city of Now York thai welcomed GOT lloo ev lt There In a win is the difference between the two polltlcnl gatherings one of which occurred a week ago last Tiiftday and the other lat evenlmr It Ii idle to go Into comparlions bocai o there U not much lo compare The two event were not In the aamo class lila as was the Tammany crowd that turned out by order of Mr Croker to greet guest Mr llryan It WM In all cold disinterested statement o fact but a mere tilde show In contrast with tho astonishing outpouring of pcopln which filled Madison Square and all time territory for a cOllArS rolls around from a oclock until after 10 oclock lat evening Got Roosevelt Iota reason to feel thnt New York was glad to see him home again thnt ho was fully and lavishly welcomed There was some anxiety In the late after noon aa to what the weather had up its sleevo An easterly wind haul been blowing In from the sea and had cut oil the sunlight with a thick heavy blanket of waterylooking clouds which by 4 oclock had begun sitting down a mist that was first cousin to a steady drizzling rain Uptown the eldewalks were wet and people were carrying raised umbrellas It looked ominously like n late October down- pour of ruin for the early evening Mr Hryann arrival here oa the 16th was greeted with a llerc squall and afterward with n fierce staid chilling wind which It Is only fair to say took a good deal of the heart out of whatever wait dono and planned to be done In the streets The weather Mr Roosevelt hand could hardly have been Improved upon had the Republican committee had the ranking of It to order It prosperous McKinley weather neither too I nor too cold and with just tho right sort of lowlying cloud screen overhead to show off thin fireworks to their best advantage And those who fireworks thnt U to say some hundreds of thousands of people saw a epoctaclo they are likely to remember for many a day The show began at halt post 0 oclock and for nn hour thin over Madison Square wan continuous blaze of every kaleidoscopic color that can be com- bined In spluttering fizzing ruining fire Tim chalet display was from Madison Squnre It self nt n Point well In toward the centre of the little pork opposite Twentyfourth street From here thoro waa a continuous roar of mor thnt filled the sky with practically an uninterrupted uproar of exploding bombs with all their beautiful accessories of fiery rain In all the colors of the rainbow At times wholo baCterial of twenty or morn mortarn- wero let oil together jarring the earth for locks around Then It won whoa all three soaring bombs burst high In the gilt scattering astonishing fiery things they had In them over half an acre or so nf low cloud back- ground that the crowd cheered itself hoarse For u Iliac there WM nn Imprewlon very tlmo Otis of these tremendous broadside tired heavenward that that aa the end of show and the compact mnwH of jeojel- eean to sway to and fro with some vague Idea of breaking and scattering to where there was sonic eltiow mind brathlntt room Hut lardlv did they begin to move btfore UKlllade recommenced and the whole thing all over again to work up to still another great broadside climax All the fireworks f in was not confined to Midi Stiusm Park by a good deal The sides of ilndlnn Sjuaro Harden winy early In thin pro eedlng1 began to develop a habit of blarlng out Into surprising tImings In fire The tall onor and the bulconles and iho ocrnlo- roun I the roof every now and then turned Into stuviilng volmuoes of ver thlng Is bewildering In pyrotecl n Thero were a numlior of set pleco on the Midlon Avenue Mid if thin Jirdeii and on the Twenty Ixth le Nolxiilv eUlM Iliakii out dirk niugli fritiiewnrk wu meant to ie until HiidIiiily re nf them went ofT and iln7nl out Inton Mtlrnlf if fi v Itoo4o Thin ninvd lund lu ri doing pretty well II cheerlm evei lieTore tns M it wa rather i o bu v trytiiu in ktiii inck of lime fiery events Verbend ti tret out one I IU Utvelupod and Pnnnrl Ililanttl lljrdl Inlaodl the purest nalural n rlne water In the wotML Ait HI ROOSEVELT I- rMs ThuD1 ot Tfflh1Ill3l- YORO11DI 1- Pcpl V1h Call lllldCfStll the of brett the has < 11 his every fine I woe Lmt saw the sky one tars I thin i I was the k the honda began lIon that < p Pt ret whit it l veil is ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < <

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Post on 20-May-2018




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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-10-27 [p ] hall b en pnld were found to he un lniil Iliiifh Kerr f Ihn prl nor R niinbir

Occasional rains tofav tar tomorroir-




T 1t11iAiG



uMie uiatxeaa or itnvaar-Al KTIVfVO YOUXO GIRLS

nat IVcarlr I nehd at hot Spring Ark

Ml Inialtlnc Hriptolablell lulling llrrrlitloni Concerning

IrUat Life Wrath W T at Paterson

PATITSON X J Oct 28 The Indlgnatlihorror of the peoplo of city over

murd r of Jonnlo Hobaelileter are tnklnc vol

now and th clergymen aro tho first toforward to denotmea tho flondUh crime chargi-

gviinit McAlisler Kerr Donth and Campbell

Then I a Intent fear that the powerful politic

InfMnce of tho relatives of tho tour youngtuny be IIKH to minimize tho rigor ot tho law Tl-

Inll loine ln not been foil yet but evcrybotknow Hi it th relatives ot MoAllstor and

ein move In tho must powerful way Espcttllv i Hi so In tint case of Kerr with theent Grand lury-

Pnibibly thorn I little In thiscurrent of public the families ofyo irpuareasmJOhhorrorstrlcUon asIn tti city tl Is told by a relntlvnof MoAllsfi

that when hi nvnei was flntIn eoni ii with the 019 his father Mid I

tIM Wilter If y u live Itt nothing to ci

with tlil rtviltr gn straight down to tim p-

ll v stailmi nnd prove your Innocence tfthorn whit you know If you havn hailthing to do with I co upstairs nnd blowbrains out Young McAll ter protestedhe know nothing of the matter except that li

hid wen the girl In Miln street that nlgfand he promised o Hie police

Mr MeAIister knew that hl son was willbut had no Idea that lio wns the llend haIMOM shown to bo Scores of stories arobeing told MoAllster nnd escapades

ninny of thin related by himself orbInallr They all tend to show that ho waspervert Ills former friends who used toliltn nt hl hnnio nay that ho hnd two drawerlull f feninlt underclothing In his roomlie dlightod to show them to certain of hi

friend Ho them that the first timewent i iit h Invnrtnbly t ok n

f iiuderolnthlnit nnd had accumulatecoll tin In this way storloi and thcornill ovldeneo of hl guilt In the ItoehWer havo turnnd liU family and hi

friMid nealnst himIlii wim I tin e n with Kerr None c-

In relnivi ha enllod tn eo him Therenriiv t rii tnld hi dl eredlt also showingHiit h was a tit companion for McAllsteiThen 1 reMirt today thnt he Is a defaultt the nniiimt of to the J Donle-

vniir iif whleli a number lie hachar llimnri of tli paint eoncerr-on tin iiiirnltii after hl arre t when the

a peiicl a munlver nf bills whichUlyvHd hall b en pnld were found to he unlniil Iliiifh Kerr f Ihn prl norR niinbir o lila oonroni WHS seen todanut li denied tin report Tli try

ho said Kvcry rent li ben aocoiinteif cinire like all bii ine s eonrern-

wi Imvo unpaid lnlm but I diit l lle-vthri i any aia MB iir rreillwr1At lei t tlire j n rnusp for any Wn

riOlv i in nil i lillciii i

the prl otirrs fitni to lie dcfrrtriby tlirlr friend there Is a Kitirrnl IrrrMffccthat after the tlr t shook of lortrr In over tlrwill come to their no latnnte nt Ifnit furrtpt-ltloimly this IH what lins broUKlit out tti

feellnc from the elcrff5Trfnother cltlzcnH who helleve that until the In

dlrtmentH are found nnd tlie drnrrt Hirorilieynnil tho reflrh nf lliliietife the

f this should not be le s ned Tincerieral fentlmeiil If that roii llcriitif n frr Ih-

fcellncs nf the fimilles of the prlcorrt fliriil-

itct be taken Ito nrroiint In MIIII an nwfu

rltl etiA point to the Hirrow tr lriI v hleter family nnd tlclr Irrcjnrrle ihsTlie iiiilier nt Jennie poitrhlcKr lifif

Iffn nut of tier lid clnce trnpidy-HVTil dny site refused to lake n n t t-

ir Iie niirer her lelnn feared that ln-

wnnld ridme Pier until hc was at

Inkfd In fotno mortal di ivii tndi-he nld hr was oinewhat beter able

He sde weep almon rniKlnntli for Jnwht he thounht a creit deal of on ar-

muni hrr llvellnrws nnd Rood looks Jennlet lter Siile who i enrs of ace ha-calo been instantly under the cans of pr-J eln get She 1 a very nervous girl nt-

freqiicntlt beromcM liysterlrnl Iinrlnc tinla t few tiicliU hn ha hnrdly fallen a leci-

wlun kho waken up rryliiB for Jennie wid herprrcain have nlarmed the neighbors Durltm-tho dl he Isniurh better and Is able to fto outbut the whole family dread thn nliiht time

John lloiclilster the fiithrr uffcrs In slimelie hm fallen upon evil days anti JiimloljmurdiiI-n only tho cllnuix of a series of mlifortunes Un U a poor nan todiy with the stabof family dlwaee In Ms heart hut at ono timehe wa4 a man of opulenrii and honor In Hollandn oneiobrcd roan Many of tho HollandersIn tbli ilty knew him In llnllund and they nilpeik f him with the Kro te t rispo t liewai a ctntliinan fiirmer on tlie i and of IlakkneIn south Holland DiwHidcd an old andwealthy family hU t wife had rl hnectlnns lie ovied a large farm and employedmany of tho Holliiidert who nre ni Uvlm InthU elty In bettor elrruinstninNs than hoIn thn Uland of Ilaklni there are thirtyvIllasiM and John lliimililetor uai thn-

veallhi t man on tlu Uland It riot knownhow lin lo t his patrimony He talks verylittle KiislNh huiixelf nnd Ills family say thatIn iunie throiifli misfortune oneIIKS fnlhiiU upon him after iiinllier in such1iipUI ftuiftfiluii that ho wn unable to Hand

nnd foe thi storm Ills went nnd-tinallv hi Inml He wns ive Piiouirh-tc lirinir his Hinlly to tliit country and settlelien In humblii He owns propeny ui V a t Iifih strief where hehbtnc nf who knew him in Hollandwhen i l for the rciune of downtall sbnitf their shoulders iird ho

fond of fa horiiM hut further than thatey will ni t BO Ills trst wife died leavlii-

Klio i liililtcn Join Leonard nod Acnes-Hbout ion ni John dieil ubmit three years neu-Afiin mnrrliil Jeters a yearHKO und nllhouch was under 2S years

nmrrlaie which wan dulyon the KtfM nf the town hull or the principalvlllnKe on Klakkee ncTordini to cus-tom eiitiiliii hr to claim her hsie liarIiiiieymiuiii ennlst d of n trip to Holland toKot tiiniiiy tier lronardronipTiii i iinnlv nmrrinl

onard ItwHhleter tartd in tho liverybusim m this with the mone Bothut ftr a tlireenioiiili innl n wave it upmid went c ri enter biulniwr di lilid to co wiwt nnd try his fortunes-In llullaml Muh He maile arrnneemenUito move IIIH ife out to his new boom and hohail all liar thing pniknl before the tragedy

Peter sis notin l but he tinttomb tins rit until Wnlni dny evenlnwa too Int fur the funeral nf Pits nterinluwl-aVt niKht Mr ant Mrs Ietirs troodhyto their nnd friend this cityIVtiti ha i n tur m Holland

Ilii iiil wife if Ir iieter wa notof hl own iKiiltim In xrieti ThN Is Jennloti-ncither Ho was till n vminit nnn when ho-tiiarnel her nnd she him six children and hw l m with IHH thnmuh all hU-inlsfortiinoi Although rm poor hts-

Illi hunt Irokrr ttnfrd-Hlfhnrrt rnilirrhRshrrn Inidtimnl by KMr CutIhNw VnMtSunilny llifrrlr rf ratlfnuirlM As-

MHIII Siiminv H will cnUlnt-rnniftnM nriirtr by t ftrr many nf herf rri mMv mmlr n Ihfy

1h ui r wiii i 411 ti rirr AbniiIns B u jrr til mrih t iMaliiln andifUlnine his h ire t i dny andw j lr nc iillMn bun n m nkr the c n rfii In lilrli ir Isllrtlm nl hi rr iuiil t ti in iri and his

PoUnill PnlinOt Iolinitl Polandthe putrM mitufsl uptlnt wain In lbs vtnia A


arid this tho



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boon a wife t the good opinionof all her In lull ilty

wo the people wholewrecked Tho hold down the

shame when the evidence JenniesU out and this checks

their Involuntary cry for v n eneedo not was nuurly o bad M

aa they thought their nelkhbniand tAke up their

and It U not otheroontlderntlon Any to condone or

elation of crime and the causeto

Rev Vo mui-

condition hero osaloons ure to op n for

of young girls Into theeIs one greatest evils wn have

The Inactivity of tho who seento conditions exlatIns baa to do with the Inthe an fromto end before a ta Puteraon has

a and It hasjustly civrned In addition to the low

In the city itself are cured thepresence road houses

an oUtrage that euoh are to standbe burned to the

The Dr D BhAW of the BecomPresbyterian Church My I did not know

Rev Dr David of the Church othe Redeemer says I as

the furtherance of actionto vice

The Rav T P Vnrnoll of the First ReformatChurch As mlnlner our raisin UghIs for the protection of Thisappeals to There Is no homo that

attacks such as have b n madeFor this reason must stand togetherstrike back

The llov D Stuart Hamilton of St PauliP K To action thatbetter permanently tho condition n1alriwhich now you can sign my aims In bigletters

Tho ROT C F Hull of tim Cross Street M EChurch any I am heartily In favor of n

public movomcnt on qu tlon I thinkolllzaai und especially ih-

mlnl t rs should work togetherTho Rnv A A IMirmn of the

Church says A movement be startedby the newspapers h would receive

all thu churchm peoplulooking to tho purification of the con-ditions of our

The Rer E nonflli of the Auburn StreetCongregational Church says To move-ment I to lendaid and A man worthy ofbeing a who would not tnd

Is the sentiment that prevails through-out the city but It Is greaterIntensity In the streets Many wrmcndeclared that are afraid to conic out oftheir homes after nightfall as the stories ofoutrages committed by nail com-panions become Several womenconic In the to ex

these men It In significant that themasher have nil from In front

or stores In Main street duringthe last few evenings Multi street-Is tho principal thoroughfare of the

rind U the favorite forgirls while men of sporty attire nndshady reputation tho door-ways of stores and flirt with them In

way McAlUter and hit companions spenttheir evenings for th UM seven orHe owned a horse end buegy and always hadIt at cojivenletit HehU victim ti some house bevrnd the cityboundary nnd If sh wculd not drink crto would her out ofand let hit walk home Many n girl terrorstricken nt the prospect or being alone on ndark country HUCC mb to-Me Mliters

A number of women In this city delnre thatMcAll ter started them on tho downward pathHe was nearly lynched three agont Itt Springy Hn had tone there for

followed a respectable womanone day In a and nn

to her Th Insult became knowncrowd chased MoAllater threatening

himTwo years ego he became aenualnted with

a young Heck thenliving lit 7 Main street He took her mi a trolleycar to litton to attend a firms She triiisril

enter a road hou e with him lc broughther out a glass of soda water ho mutthave drugged ns the alit Ucntno rick nfter

It She rebelled hi advances antireturned home As she got ofT the car

front of Kents drug store In Maui streetshe re led nnd fell The conveyedher to St lr ej h Ho here sheThe UI n snld she had been drugged

rt Howell Hr of 1W Perk avenue nnthat hs dsughter wns recentlyInsulted InMiln street a yoinu

rnd that even his daughterhail A similar He that It Istime tot the respectable men of Paterson totake hold of question before another tragtdv occurs

The pollco will do their duty when bncked-up In If hn but und r thin present ln-

lluonce they not I am sorry to siv liveto the law lahVdnwn In our statute

J roluion living nt 732 Marketstreet ail tnnlcht that bl sister hndInsulted on ftrectn and was carryingn revolver to protect tier eif Jle saidlter huh to twice to Mvn-

honelf Ills l ter I luw Mlnnln Cnhoonn mill girl Hor homo Is In tie ofthe city he wes Immoonliar at fl oclock ono evening about twoweeks ago a welldnss young trlel tostop She toils full him and hn

lust In to avoid a collision-A nights litter she was walking homo anilat the same spot the same young manout low of a tress and put lila armaround her mill Sh pulled revolver

fire twlco him butran away Mr Cohorm says that his

wife was Insultnl In Main street nloan recently He hn complained to the

butThe Iniuett In this county brie been Frt

down fur Tue dny nt Court HomeThe llergen county Innuest willtoday but only tf gel n conplite rcrord

have been Issued esln thiscity It will be held nl 11 at Alrens irehoiisn near where Jennie chlcttrs bodywas found

inn t ov IM rrirnrnIt-rDhlr anton Was 1 11 Orrr n Drik

Thrrr I fJrrnt ToIln-MANriiriTKn S II Oct vlllace

ielstown stirred up br a nhlch aeachir Mrs 11 M Ilrrton gave n boy In thenlermpdlate ochol titers She has bnnnrrested together with her husband who Is prlnHpal of the school and a hearing was held be

Justle Knowlton nt OolTaiown tonightThe boy was Keubli W Carlton 13 years eldxinof AM wh Is In buMncss In thisItv

tarPons story Mr andMrsto teach thwo Horns of

children git toirethor an old rhyiniflew from north to jUh

With Mrs Matlim In mouthAnd wlirn lit found he had a loj-ll diopKd in lbs ioO lovn school

Mr Canton ITS Hint hi toy heard theand Ihlnklnit that It funny lie write

of parer It nhowf-dt to hi father irltin war cd the boynot to thoiBpcr In school and not to ro

eat Ihe rhyme bin in not andi t school he eliowed th rhyme tofriend teacher Mr

dm nnd kept him after acliool and whll heriiisband the lad over n disk she Inld on anwhidn ncro s h hick until It Isblood ran d wn ho loys whole townhunch out for rearing tonlelit The

Its n o at 11 o

nthaiUim Urnr A C llnceri Into an Apoplcctlr Ill Which Killed Him

Whln one of the inrndra SliM rowing tIncorner of Twentyfourth htreet nnd Fourth j

venue nt in oclock lost fiui t McCulwho was standing tintlcnt

that elderly man near him was showingexcitement Suddenly tho man mland would fwno ullcn Ui Mdev nlk

tint the cniinht lila Mr-IcClillagh culled tor help and tho wns

carried Into Mblntid and n cnll wns-ent t lor nn nmlilnnce-lleforn It arrived the roar died Ambulance

itirgeon Pool Niid tInt death wis duo to npoTho nian wi rc M uiied thn i

nd Hou c Aleinndcr CampbellInfer of ISO Iii l treet

rat for hl wife she becainn hssrlrnl whet he saw hi Two claugh

ato survive him Mr wnold and was n member lion

I V ftogers Rro li h ilealunt or FultonIbMaketP-

nUnd Poland Poland Polandi the purnt natural fHt eater In lie world A tin



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been said adxnl Was as

yenaanoe any

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cIty talk holding eotIngaria clergymen z their


a continuance deplorable ociatejist




remedy hutbeen

or sonear th city It a



sffars was so bcdwill any elTort






the carriage





Iit S

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flfl Lit i

a20 The of-

t whi ping


Aocirihing Mrcaine


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aa I tie

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at Hoboken and Says Things About I-

Ptrlattim Hlandlng Armlti llrown Itpicas and Traits In harrison Orani-

Morrlitown Ilnyer Iatiraon and

Mr Bryan began his second daylag In New Jersey In the Lyric Theatreboken yesterday morning at 8 0 oclockhe was Introduced by Mayor Fagan andhoarsely to a large audience of thofor twontyftvo minutes on suchtopics as the brown Filipinos the ovll of atog army end tho Iniquity of trustsdentally he read come extracts from thetreaty tree Uvor dexterously anda about bedbugs

Mr llryan loft Iloboken about 0 oclofor Orange At hU specialstopped long enough for him to give A

minute rear platform talk on the evils ofinc armies and the danger of Imperially

would probably have touched uponsubjects but halt tho tlmo of hU stop wasup by the cheering of the crowd whichhim At Newark nnd Jtosovillo theremore cheering crowd a the train sped through

Five thouiwind persons unit of whomllepubllcans wuro waiting for Mrllryan-Military Park Orange where ho arrivedan hour Several hat factories lieddown so that the hatters might attendmeeting aud Katlonnl Prceldent John A Moitt and several officers of the Vnltcdof North America occupied teats In thin bainstand from which the candidate spoke

Mayor Henry Stetson Introduced Mr Bryanafter which he talked for half an hour on

Imperialism ending nlth an arraignmentnf President McKlnlcy for recognUIn tlavciby thin Suli treaty

Col Ilryun reached Morrlstown at a quartof twelve and spoke for sonic tlfleen inlnutiIn a crowd of 2fX people who were ntntatlon Mr ho was tempted t

preach a sermon It would b asermon because there are to many pcoplo p1blair their fellows I said it

rights to all nnd special privilegesIn note

At Dover Mr prrnn was thn stationby the Dnver Ucmocratlc t Rib with tlirw bnnoFind drawn by prancing lmrs-nud taken to tlie fair grnutiln a

an nuIviuo ofsomn platfonn decorated with ilius lieto I topics In spwih and was llbcially i

Mr liryan reached the Knrclny tinet ftHliiIn Paternon about 43 arid was escorted b

mounted to the meeting place In-fortyfive 1 un In

put dents In the full dinner pnll nnbroke the of the rusts tmvd gitome amuemvut out o tiu trust tOrt nf th-spevh for on tie plnffonu war Mtyor Illnrhl-llfe ShenfT T onner ludg Van mvand Senator Urim well knonn a Idpntlflowith the nail Hrewcry trusts in Pater otMr llrynn wit dlne at the Himitnti riiib

At after n bnty luncheon nailjhort f at exSeiiuior James Smith Jriou Mr llryan was driven to Ili Park-

a ciennnn nlc ground in orange stroelwhere he nddre hod a gatheni rf enthtiHiast-lliemoirai and curious Hepubllcans Ho leithere at 83i end wax Urnuii aoros town to tl

which WAS packedpeople and the Street outside was

to curbIt was nearly 10 oclock before he flnlthe

there and ton thn hut Thence ho was0 the Association clubouteit hand and addressed tho outdoor crowi

the A quick run wn made bconches from to the boil ground

it Jefferson and Kinney rtrects at thoend of the city where Mr Bryan

iddres d a large ouumur In tlie hearif where surprise ii expressed If more

than a doze liepubliivin are tl

ballot his coach was giurded throughnit his a simad of mounted police

itrnrThe ebrasban andldile lo Address FlY

llrrllng laln ins t the ijrilrn-Col llryan arrived at the Hoffman iloute jur

midnight lat night vlthexSeimtnrlnnicSmith of Sew Jersey ant Ur V J CJSulilvnn

had a talk with chairman McUuIrn ofJemocmtlo Kxecutlve Committee In his room

then went to bed He will go to New haventhis morning and lifter ranking n speed

here will to this city On the wayie ill talk nt Now Mount vrnon

He lll arrive hero again between 3 rindclock In thin nttcrtiooii and nt i oclorl

t n inlttrc f tlie Nrtti tnl A-

udHtjonof IiFiniictntlr lubs ntlleiiturtiiin hlnMrs Bryan At dinner at the Hoffman lloujai-

novvliiu Iin uiiiir ho Mill i u Die llnuidray Atnlctic Club arid nddrois A nivcing o

Irom thorn he will go tti 1oopeito spivcH before an assemblage o

lermanAniHrlcan The chief meeting of theIslit is to be at Madison Onrdet

It Is Intended that Mr shall rencl-hern about 030 oclock Aftr this meetinge will make lit two meetingt Mndl n and Twentyseventh stnerid ut Madison iivenuo nnd

Tim Hryant will remain nt thin Hodman Itotis-ver On r undir evening C il

go the statn and return on Mondi-peiklng nil along the line of the Shin

ladway On Monday evening hA will niakiipiwhos In lie will ive a-

ildnlght fur another stumping trip acrossStato

ATM ifircv TntrSpraU In the Armiirr Warning Again

Nnw HAVK rotin Oct u Vllllam Jenrings Bryan will arrive In this city Hbout noon

morrow rind It has been arranged thatdeliver his the only ono In Ton

ectlcut In this campaign In fiecoml Hegllent urmr There lies been consldcrnb-irloslty nmong the citizen In of

as to whether till Vlln students willundertake to Imvo horseplay with tineinocratlo candidate ran hei

11 the streets here muttering to thus effeci-int If the tudntits In nnyMimnnrr shapether there will trouble for

there may l a head on Ynlea-impu on night should the enllenmns-inkn arty demnntt ration In tin

rmory will be A large forcn of Nownven police to from the tlmo

on n special train until he startshis return trip

ATiQirof Democrat Voting for an IndependentItepiihllcan for ScnatorllenledIl-

AKiUBnvitn Pa Oct S6rhalrmnn Hlllof thin Uernoorntln State Commlttre leftPlttsburg this evening nail nobody abouthenduuiirter of tin commlttco neemed to

niiythlng nbout un allcgid understandinghlch wild to liiivn been inched

between andomocrniH n the Cnleil snator-dp A former ctmlnmm of thontn rommlltet HHid within hoursill the lleiiiorrnu in ckilnturc would

nn forHiiiatorfr a f neat ill the orgntiizatlon

tIll Seiinte nnd Homo It Is understoodnt some riuifrif ncv i been recently Inith Ihl tiiiri tiiidliig III viewChalnnan Uilliiii u is seen as thin traini and aked regarding the alleged

iderlHiding wild nolhIn H the mailer has riot even beened-

Thi emphatic denlnl by Chairman Ullllne-mid eini to be dnirinl so far as IKo head of

Slale nmmittie got

Senator IUtt In Attend llrooUljn hillyH f co lg Is ubllcin lally i f he camIgn In llooii yn will Ie n Fruajr

in t e it MulnIT and fol Arohln K llnxter will

Ili to Patt hns-iiinWtl d

i erj Mile rvnmlned IMIh-fctJilly cnatanieed br lbs fennsjrl-ila thorough l ttarli Inswo

Poland InUnrtl Pulandl PolandIhe eure t natural spring vats In the woilj












lorI the





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awaywhere hit aliteeso rein


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IAtn itKit OF VKiior PKVK

An omrer of Inrlo like Volunteers WhoUtile a Good Iteeord In Onb-

HftcM Cable Dinvltb to THU SUN

HAVANA Oct 0 rapt Page of theItlco Regiment United Btiloi Volunteerfuntry illixl at 103 oclock thin morningyellow foyer The first symptoms of t

disease manifested themselves nt the funcrof Major Peterson who died on Oct 17 ofname disease and whose wife committednn hour afterward Capt Page WM taken i

that time with a chill and tho other symptonsoon observed

Cupt Pago WRIt extremely popularnot only with his brother officers aparties of Cubins an well as Spaniardshid perfect command of the Spanish languaand hunt an engaging manner whichfrlands for him everywhere Ho was of gro-

servlco to OentraU llrooke and Wadotho early days of the intervening govcrmnenand also to the various American commissionsaol committees which have been herotho oloito of the war


The Daughter of Forte Illcot Rorernor JIaned to a Naval Jlenlenunt-

Srttlal Cable Dtiptttli to Till SUN

SAX JfAX DE IOBTO PJCO Oct M MlAllen daughter of Governor

Allen was married last night to Lieut 0Logan of the Inltod States Navy who Is a-

aldedocamp to AUun Chaplain Brownixjrfomied the ceremony which took place t

the Governors residenceTho house WM profusely decorated wit

royal palms and glower There were 10

guests present The bride wore whlto organdl-

nnd lace Her sitter Mrs hobbs was matroof honor and Miss Bhedd of Lowell MOM

WM bridesmaid Payroaster Brown was

man and Dr O T Smith of the Mayflonei

Oov Aliens despatch boat acted M usheiAll were In full uniform The newly marriedcouple are making a tour of the Island

IouTics i fOHTO men-

The rodent Atlegt Unfair Practices at thllegtitratlou of Vottrs

5 iMI Catlf DtlfOtt It Tile StfRAN JUAX BP PORTO Rico Oct Tin

Executive Commlttofl of this Federal partyhn decided to take no tart in the coming cleo

Iou fur niMinberi of a House of Assemblon tins ground that the recent rivUtratloiof was unfair Seflor Munoz bUyers

the loader of the party asks the Federals tccontinue to tiring to the Governments mitten

lion the fact that the K t ubllc n reglstratlot-ollloers in many ca es refused to register Foil

Tho Federals arc urged to seek r

dres for the alleged wrong done theta

rirfifiorfi ir ECAD uv noonivjjsro-

ntemptlble Trick ThU Will Slakellcan Vote on lh East Side

Yhln the members of the AiistroIUmgsrlarRepublican League wore taking art In theKoosevelt demonstratIon lilt night a gamof boys broke into their clubhouse at in Sec-

ond avenue and stolo all the banner that theclub didnt have In the the ticturnof McKtnloy and Ilooicvelt mind till tho cam-

paign literature In addition to that the hoodlunui broku all of the chairs mind desksclown the druperlfd and threw the ooiiU ntiof the Inkstands on the carit The threerooms the club were wreikmland a big Kej uhllcan transjnreucy In troutof the bulullne WHS Mimslicd

Among other things tlie thieves took swaylx Ug American flags had root

resident Marcus Hrown of thepoitwl the MM to tho ollceof this Filth street

and tho eercennt to lm esti-mate Tie ciicuo will hold a nwlal meetingtomorrow aitemoon amid a will

ered rr tho arrcht of tie t and vn ndalx-Membcia of the lenguo said I t night that

they did riot susi e t any Individuals html ndcledtheir clulhouse ns In heart of n

stmn district ard that anrb dy-

mlclit snie sthat the lilue lob of wreck-Ing and looting the clubhouse hind been Insti-gated by jolltlcnl enemies


A Prosperity Wagon In fhlcain Attacked andIti Occupant minted

CitirAno Oct Jfl A Democratic mob todayattacked Prosperity wagon I from whlhRepublican ppeakers were telling of the b nfltsof thin pmt Republican rule lore

Hag from tho wagon tore PresidentMcKinlevs picture shreds and athe noenkT n mallet bricks tin cans andIATinK A riot call was turned In from

of policemen from the Chicago avenue elationt

most seriously Injured wereW W Frost of Missouri Attorney

O II McConoughey of Mrbeafn with a mallet on his head

and wee rendered for a hot timeJudge Fro l with a brick rightildn while chasing this roan who thektars and Another brick dislocatedlft eliMiw nnd disable him from further dutiesfor tho day

rmrn ICEH IT ciioKunMarching Salute of tlcKlnlty at

theThe McKinley Guards of the Thirtyfirst

Assembly district on their way front CampMcKlnley mth ktrcct timid Fifth avenueto Madison Square Garden marched downFifth last night As they were passinghumtion Counsel John halen and Com-missioner V Keller camo out tin this stoopend them Past The menparido caught sight of them nnd recognized

Ice wns the cry that went up Inone unanimous howl manto think of It nt the same tlm They kept It

until thin Inst unman In thin procession gotofT the block Mr CroKcr mind

took It good naturedly-

Depew nOOO Person In rintuhnri-PurrBntnn N y Oct SO The lion

fhauncey M Deew of Now York the lionR It Gunby of Florida the lion Reward A

Plmonn of Huffalo end the lion Wllllum APendrrgrnst Brooklyn arrived hero at 7

oclock this Venlng and nddremed anmeeting of 4w III Custom House ParkMr for an hourlouchlng upon nil the Importantif thin campaign hut the

of In contrasting the cotidlInns of Industries nf this section at theiresent time with what they wet four

ito Tm crowd stood almo t unbroken for-

t r three md nl th cloie of the lastH e oh mild loudly for morn

ilcKlnleys Vote In indians to Heat Allllecnrdi

unesco III Oct 2 I Sioator Reverldge Is

0 rorHdent thnt Indlins will no Republican

hit he placos majority atlr snld today mind the

ticket will go through ahan wn ever before given a Republican ticketn the history of thin State

ipldemlo of Scarlet Fever In falmjraA-

UIANV Oct 29Ur I V Smith ofyruciiMO ono of the Hlole Commlsiiloner-

Hf llenllti reports to thin State Hoard thatof scarlet fever Is prevalent

Palmyra In mill Hbout forty ca e Ir Ij1 tae local lualthofflcer nt Palmyra

Ingnosd thin cnset IIN snarlsInuiu sis IVIIH lull ted by colon of the

iclann and he celled te Binte Hoard forinral and nn Investigation was orered with tIn ahoy result

Homing Neon nnd MightGrand Station New York

Nrw York Central tot Cblcnro SI Louis andInelnnatl luiurioustralnn nmui th trteka Adr

Poland Poland Poland Polandthe purest natural sprint water In the world









Bertha GeneralW



I elect 11K


I Dlndl







four ot


011 mind wagon lieu

1 lie

strUck In

thismPnnotratlo Club








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I TraIn teaT Central hthe



bitt with









tie atone a


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55 charIties

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at1 a









rujiAN n HMKittr nan inuint co or sn4ot-

Ilrrn Speculnllnir In Wall StreetNone of the l IrftArrrtlrd pt

l nk In the Hunk unit OinfeMU ills Oil

Ills Slt llnsi IlliroTrrrdWilliam J n teller In tin

X A Co atai Nntrnu Htrteiwas arrested at tho bank yesterday uftornuo-olinrgvd with eml07llnK 10 i of tho llnufunds employed III the banfor about thrco Perfect coiilldoncwits placed In him by tho bank oRlulnlwas bonded by the American Hurcty Com-

pany and It Is hU bondnmen who havehis arron

A hortaiu III llockloyH accounts wnsby awliiunt yi sterday inoriilnif b

ono of tho clerks llerkley booksnot proiwrly RecomMit for u iiutli deposit11490 mad on April li An cxmnliuiilon othe books idiuwed that lila account was shortat least J040 That U bullovud to be theextent of Ueckloyd poculntloim AH noon athe embnzilcmont was dljeovfrod the AnifrlcultSurety Company was notified and Mikwiei

arrest Mtfl rateFlauiner In th lontro street murIssued a warrant which was given to CenlM-Ofllcn Irlcn and nexecute and arrested at his desk

bank When ho told that heunder arrest ho broke down confessoihis guilt

N V lIaIse of the linn of Harris 1 Coappeared thus Ccntro Hired police cour

than against wheiho wits arraigned Th larceny of l4no mApril 15 wng made the Heck

his counsel ionlonnail wiilved further bwirliig

Magistrate llammrr l ed ball nt fJtmu Tinwru taken over to thin T mb hut snli

that he expected to furnish n buiidsnmn tldimorning iald ho laud not haan opportunity to consult with his client hut

that not one cent tinIB400 WAS loft It had all been lout In specula-tions In Vidl Streot

Is 3J old and lived with hU wifeIM Ht Nicholas avenue appeared u

bo completely unnerved when Incourt tears from hisey An unusual stillness prevailed in thecourt was nmspoke In tint moved on

Flammrra couldbe heard when he announced the ballshook hands with everybody complainantsurety frIend allwas wuen over to this

Iicllry and wife hail lived In the apart-ment housnni in St Nicholas avenue onlymonth Thwy ocoitild two rooms on thefloor paying I4i a month rent

fitVK TKiirns TO in ioritrn v

A Ittlvrankee Intttatlnn rat Indlorki on IfKmployre-

MlLWAfKHK Oct 26 The defalcation ol-

Alvord former teller of the First NationalHonk of New York has excited tm end of com-

ment in this city amid thU morning when thin

tellers and othor employees of ono of tho localbanks reached their djks they discovered anotice posted cnn ploiioudy Informing themthnt hereafter the tellers will be locked In theircages during Imslmn hours and will be re-leased only uialmr ur oilier ufllcliiU ut-

tne whose hind tho keys for the va-rious will ho Thnclerks were lurthor Informed thuthenceforth them will bo no permission

tn lorn their compartment to an-swer telephone calls unless very andthen some of thin Institution will re

to the employees rormest to be liberatedIn order to step to vWnof friends are also tabooed by the new orderunless under urgent circumstance In shortth regulations cnforco a most rigid super-vision which can bo et aside bv tho Intertioiltlon of an oflleinl of thin bankdue entlin has been shown why a toiler or other

to vaoato hl dn k tempo-rarily

onrs TO BIMV

Students SIsr llernme Mother Helpersand Help Par Their WaJ-

CAMJtninriH HadlllTo Collegeias a new institution of Ingenuity nnd value

joor oollego girl tiM a It remainedr tit young women of thu year hit uponplan of converting the knowledge Into a

schema which college girU every w hern mayglad to learn shout plan Is in brief

Mothers tidier Idea applied to the girlwho comes In for an hour a day mud tho middlenan III the college instance a student bureauoimected with Ilndcllffe Christianlatlon work

ThU bureiu uidartike to furnishellbreil girls who for so cents an hour willcome to n horn nt a certain tim each

with Paul und take llama towalk or even give them short bin worklong study lines as the particularlatnma Interested may wish Theo fee ItA work Is n labor of love and

head of tho household who 1ms made uei-f Its office m y come as often as she likes toiak for Un help

For a smeller perhaps about 25 centshour ilrls who can acceptably

the bureau nndmending U also done through this convenient

cards are sketched andlire furnished aftornoon through

same office

rv A ov CAOK FIIIK Annvn nritlie Torn heists Claws and

Ilnrnril Comes Off Vleiiirlotn-COUMIIU H C Oct J3 A spectator at the

partnnburg carnival today throw a lightedmtoh near a can of ca oleno which exploded

the cage In which Madam Clio otherwiseas the Lion Queen was doing her

with four large lloni belonging to therank P llo tlo Carnival Company Thostraw on the ground tent

tire lloni boiame frenziedattacked tho oung woman Tim

wore terrorstricken but tho enot niter no

aslitancn The mInor of the cage caughtwits danger of than lions bri litnc

but displayed remarkabletrnneth and courage an Iron bar she

hack the tier arms andhonlder were torn by their claws llr clolh

ig iught fire but she kept the lions undercontrol until help were gotten

another cage

Freed CnnTlcts Arreit d nt Prlian lInerNy Oct 29 Vhen harlesSmdrerconvlcU in the prl oiwerit

discharged thU morning having nerved theirtilniicei they were rearrested on ither In-

tctments against them Snndford WH nr-rsled by the Deputy sheriff of Irnnton N J

an a ault committed In MercerN J and a per by SheritT

It Hreeze of this o unty for grand larcenycommitted in county They were

ken lo Whit to their re-

ectlvo places of trial

Oldest Woman AlmlltlnnUtS IllrthdarD-oiJTON Oct 2 Mr Eunice Divls

oldest woman abnbtloiUt In the c untry-lehrated her lotthbirthday t Dedhnm todayrr father was this direct descendant of a Nar

gnnsett Indiana

Hank Uiitihtrs bet atoneVlNCKNMKS lad Oct 0 Iho safe In Zed

Brothers private bink at lirldgeport Ill wasown open at this nflernoon Itobbtr

Itooo cash four gold watches andvaluiu Ie ariUloK

A Hank Cashier limps tiredIlAnininn Oct 2n ClinIc Holmi

Vin ted Coon Xatlonal llnnk droppedhero todiy was well kn wn In weat-

n Cfnnectlcut

California rtcurslimstally eirurMnmln conrtd Thursday Chlc eu PiolllCAn-diirme ttrn mine Twi fail tmns daily ItemloAtoel V8i I M ami M 1V I lcars Tlekils rrTatlnns nnil liilinm tlnn al-Icafo and Northveitrrn onto 4ni ruadwiy

Poland Poland Inlnnrtlthe purtit natural tprlni wtwr In the worldAilii

Has paul

Ion Ills

A crIMn

lhtikhouse ot

Heckle beenears




llInrrl1Ik 10

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Madam b








StSO Huno10111


lay la uk I mig







was wits

luau t It


tip-toe Volc





Mass Oct is









ford mud





cashierordod lieem

Toianht Carseven tnt



iols nil I











< ¬













7IMVK1 in ritrS-

rukes Hands mind oncratolnlct Him onlimo Icdlce Arrnnuement

Roosevelt very much ptcnccd

the police arrangements In and around Mm

son Smmro Garden lnt night An he left

currlnuo timid entered thn inrden the llrrt mi

that hu noticed was lei utj ChiefI want In Itll

tho tKjIltt arrangements nto tine and thntwmld tint have been

At this juncture Chief Uevcry came nlm-

iAnsonnns tIny Governor saw him heunlkcdto him and holding utah grabbedChlffs cordially und Mild

Audi want to cimgratulabi Chlithin work of your police When wn

coming over front the hotel the crowdaround our carrinso amid pressed us si th-

W might been knocked over but f

prompt work of tho pollio You art ct-

tnlnly to bo congratulated on the work of yo-

niti this nightThank you nil Hint Chief Pevery NI

In re4lmnso limit lie shook the Governors hni

and luuko1 mightily pleaded ut the compllmciAfter ho gut on thai platform thu Governor M

word down to the pre scats that ho deslnto thank tlio Hill and Chief Devery thrumtho newspnpow for their excellent workhandling thu crowds Knowing Mimethlm

the difficulty of the work saul ho upprelated what had been aiwmplMied-

Jftt S rffi V OtEHATKIt OV

the Wound n slight One lie Slay

UAIIIMOIIR Md Oct 28 1 H Sothiwits taken In a cnrringw this morningafter 0 oclock from the Stafford wherehas been Mopping to the Johnspltal where n alight operation on his toot wi

performed by his physician Dr William

Ilnlitoad Dr Haistond said that whatdons scarcely amounted tn nn operation i

It wits very slmpln nnd WitS really no innthen tho cleansing amid dressing of that actorswound

It Is not now serious All that IH nec aiIs that Mr Sot hern ohnll take proper nw-

Ho may bo obliged to remain imlot f

three weeks hut thin wound Is In no sellsdangerous

The doctor raid thnt Mr Hothcrn

remain at thn hospital for suvcral iliy-

srovvirrrriT irrxntu ir iviinlie Corrrrd Ills Kres With lilt llandi

Itecrlred a Chan nr hint ShotANHOVIA Conn Oct sa Henry S Toni

llnson a prominent Oxford clti7cn went Int-

thn woods to hunt yesterday HU dog flushedwoodcock and na ho raised his gun und

fur the bird ho saw another hunter ulmln

at hit plane hint and directly in hU ruigi-

Tomllnvm dropped hU guru called to the IIKI

and throwing hU hands over his eyes amiflu to tho ground The fccond hunter dl

concerted by the cry lowered his gun rw

went oil and more than llfty shot lodgedTomllasons body The hands over his eyt-

recelvud several and tho remainder struckclmit face and anus Hut for hismind In covering his eyw ho would have

ifoffv fififsov ronrrit ttyixtiFormer Secretary to the President III at III O-

Conpfctlcot HumePoMrnET Conn Oct SO Tohn Addiso

Porter former to President McKIrhey Is In n critical condition at his home herens time result of n surgical operationwas performed on Wednesday Ho left

York hospital three months agobeing operated upon He can live but ahours It Is believed


fllllain Francisco Shot br a Onrlegged Caplain Afl r Quarrel

ItiriiMOND Vn Oct o William Franciscoman of great tlzo and a descendant of Peter

YnncUco the llcvolutloimry soldier whoserats of strength have mado him famous Inulstoryof thn country was today shotnitantly killed In lx uUa county by Cupt-

I Pendleton a former member of the LegUlaund ono of the of Iuulo1-

nore laud been bud blood between the twotlmo und when they accidentally met

n quarrel followed U iinelegged man having lost a leg at Cedar

reek In the Civil Wur drewlUtvl tlrst cad tired three shot one knocklm

Ittidlctons cruti h from under him Thethen pulled a and

Instantly The mm-md ei iit collie time In a asylumiTim much feared on acoount of


iiowrvwrnr vxvIM II K mod lln J A McCreerr In

Small at the lark EntranceA cnrrngu by Henry Farbe-

IcCretry of 20 East Fiftyfourth client theof a cofTco broker anti Mrs John A

Iccreery wa struck nnd overturnedby outlibonnd trolley car In tri

ml stat street abeing driven across the tracks to the Park

Hoth women wern ut and bruisedworn able to go home in another carriage utter

physician n tlie iota Ileresford hnd attendeehem hectic the coachman was takeio Uooovll his rhoulder dl locatei

md hit head cut No nrrest was unmade beeaustoar went ahead at full Hpenj-

t Was an Old Soldiers avid Was to HP Sold aPay n MorlcngeThen Check Came

PAimutsm no V Vacct 30 Amon tho fPaId their rnpeo to Senator Klktn dnr-

g his recent vllt hero won an old soldierwhose homo was nbout to bo old to pay off a

mortgage Some one told Kllitna andunng Ins conversation nlth tIme veteran hn

Mi del ill of this loan and thattitian thl wenk

Hi old soldier was to reIveu check signed by this Senator for the lullnount of the mortgage and today the

wna released to the of bothin aged man aid Ids wits who were nbout to

to the county for support


Accident nn the llodinn Hirer llallroad Thatllrbired Traffic for nn Hour

PovoiiKHWslt Oct 20 An engine and onoinch rere partially wrecked on this Hudson

llailroiid nt i roton tonight causing alay In t radio of over nn hour The ntigluo

time track In some unexplalnnblo manneruisfTig the coach to tioeomo derailed In mien

manner ns to lie nlinort crosswise blockingith of the main tracks nnd the irotnn

le and after over an hours worktracks wore detroit but the Croton

ird WIK blocked until after midnight No onen Injured

AdJatsntOeneral Strrker Serlnnily III-

TIIKSTOV N J Oct 20WIIIIam 8 Styker-dJutnntUiv oral of thin Htaln of New Jcraey-

rlousiy ill with heart troublo mind ha thePhalli of was

rlckinoiiThiradir night and did not showuch Inn rovementdurltig the day

Want KIOOO for a llapilimmimI Oct 20 Tho administrator

Ihe extensive slats of the Into Mr Maryddticr Ia just received n bill from John Alex

r D fr Jlon nrlalin I duem tT miles of i hlcngi toitlnMr fldrig The lull will not IM paid

II llrvcais irllplloiir Clue tavel Ihr Irnnyltanta lUIUosd lo-

Iireiile H r tr frnrfs ami auTrties Ait-

Inlsiidl Inlandl Iolandl Polandthat imitit natural spilof water n the wotld Ad-


II iflVUthis

hot was rit


rightI mt annul hi sold that

t heyhat Icr

halF hannil

iou toomini trait


hay or-


wait iii



lie onflneutrwo liek





lit ten-

or a






hIspresence of

losthult sithit


New afterfew






thOu to-day


latter fired one shot



occupied Mrs


I ark St wasen-

trance hut







learned this salewould





yardttrnilmiumr wrings wern sent norm


is0 tilt nil ties t Ii

M msinstr Alt 5


nil a hue ftilrdae limit mint flu







Til Oil Toi Tomefl Out

You CoilJnl Couot EraTliejll

Be Counted Later


Talks by Men Who Know SometliMto


Beat Bryanism in the Nation and

Crokcrism in the f lite

Spectacle Such nt Ihe Cltr Never raw He-

foreHnnf by Searchlight In ai InlerT I

of FireworkROOOO Paradets fif-

teen Jllnntpi Chfrtlng In the ParkedHarden the Oovrrnnr Momen

JoIn In liijfnl Niilie Irotraetedherring Dreela Odell T oTlnn eTelt

to Speak TrrlceSpeerhes h odrll Fair-

child Illicit nil rrreOorernor Ixnil Jn-lbrr Cheer for llcKlnler and Odrll-

H ww Tammany that greeted Mr Hrynnand It was the great city of Now York thaiwelcomed GOT lloo ev lt There In a winis the difference between the two polltlcnlgatherings one of which occurred a weekago last Tiiftday and the other lat evenlmrIt Ii idle to go Into comparlions bocai othere U not much lo compare The two eventwere not In the aamo class lila as wasthe Tammany crowd that turned out by orderof Mr Croker to greet guest Mr llryanIt WM In all cold disinterested statement ofact but a mere tilde show In contrast with thoastonishing outpouring of pcopln which filled

Madison Square and all time territory for acOllArS rolls around from a oclock until after10 oclock lat evening Got Roosevelt Iota

reason to feel thnt New York was gladto see him home again thnt ho was fully andlavishly welcomed

There was some anxiety In the late afternoon aa to what the weather had up its sleevo

An easterly wind haul been blowing In fromthe sea and had cut oil the sunlight with athick heavy blanket of waterylooking cloudswhich by 4 oclock had begun sitting downa mist that was first cousin to a steadydrizzling rain Uptown the eldewalks were wetand people were carrying raised umbrellasIt looked ominously like n late October down-

pour of ruin for the early evening Mr Hryannarrival here oa the 16th was greeted witha llerc squall and afterward with n fierce staid

chilling wind which It Is only fair to say tooka good deal of the heart out of whatever waitdono and planned to be done In the streetsThe weather Mr Roosevelt hand could hardlyhave been Improved upon had the Republicancommittee had the ranking of It to order It

prosperous McKinley weather neithertoo I nor too cold and with just tho rightsort of lowlying cloud screen overhead toshow off thin fireworks to their best advantage

And those who fireworks thnt U

to say some hundreds of thousands of peoplesaw a epoctaclo they are likely to rememberfor many a day The show began at haltpost 0 oclock and for nn hour thin overMadison Square wan continuous blazeof every kaleidoscopic color that can be com-

bined In spluttering fizzing ruining fire Tim

chalet display was from Madison Squnre It

self nt n Point well In toward the centre ofthe little pork opposite Twentyfourth streetFrom here thoro waa a continuous roar of mor

thnt filled the sky with practically anuninterrupted uproar of exploding bombswith all their beautiful accessories of fieryrain In all the colors of the rainbow At timeswholo baCterial of twenty or morn mortarn-wero let oil together jarring the earth forlocks around Then It won whoa all threesoaring bombs burst high In the gilt scattering

astonishing fiery things they had In themover half an acre or so nf low cloud back-

ground that the crowd cheered itself hoarseFor u Iliac there WM nn Imprewlonvery tlmo Otis of these tremendous broadside

tired heavenward that that aa the end ofshow and the compact mnwH of jeojel-

eean to sway to and fro with some vagueIdea of breaking and scattering to where therewas sonic eltiow mind brathlntt room Hut

lardlv did they begin to move btforeUKlllade recommenced and the whole thing

all over again to work up to still anothergreat broadside climax

All the fireworks f in was not confined to MidiStiusm Park by a good deal The sides of

ilndlnn Sjuaro Harden winy early In thin proeedlng1 began to develop a habit of blarlngout Into surprising tImings In fire The tallonor and the bulconles and iho ocrnlo-

roun I the roof every now and thenturned Into stuviilng volmuoes of ver thlng

Is bewildering In pyrotecl n Therowere a numlior of set pleco on the MidlonAvenue Mid if thin Jirdeii and on the TwentyIxth le Nolxiilv eUlM Iliakii out

dirk niugli fritiiewnrk wu meant toie until HiidIiiily re nf them went ofT and

iln7nl out Inton Mtlrnlf if fi v Itoo4oThin ninvd lund lu ri doing pretty well

II cheerlm evei lieTore tns M it wa ratheri o bu v trytiiu in ktiii inck of lime fiery eventsVerbend ti tret out one I IU Utvelupod and

Pnnnrl Ililanttl lljrdl Inlaodlthe purest nalural n rlne water In the wotML Ait



rMs ThuD1 ot Tfflh1Ill3l-



Pcpl V1h Call lllldCfStll












woe Lmt

saw the




thin iI



the honda



that <

p Pt retwhit

it l










