the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1900-10-19 [p...

THE SUN FRIDAY OCTOBER 19 19 O II f r I CHINA TAKES WRONG TACK UTK FROM TiM fKAcn HSLKOATKS NOT AATISFACTOHV- AM ret to nicuw Born TermiFIrm n ply Md by lh French MlnliUrllfadi of Tm a iud Other An lF r l n H t Spread of llrroll In Woolhtrn Punrlnci- 4p ial Cttti DnfaltX TUB Oct 18A despatch received here from PWD rtalc that M ruhon the French Minister lu repUttiK to the note of U Huns Ch n and Trlncp CMiu regarding the ra remarked that China by reconi- lMthai M11 the law f had admitted rwronMblllty to thene concerned the prlnclral t w Prlnco run Chwan Kung VI and Tuna Fu Hriane and added that until of these offldaU fell hostilities could not ca rbe note nt to the Ministers states that Chin effw to treat for peaon nnd that h KwpW the ptlndple that tndctnnltlM Shall be paid for d rtroy d legations th loam to be computed br dflwfate of Power H addi that the European nation may receive feah oommwfllal sdv nU e or modifications of the old treaties but a the requirement of the It l needful that thor Individ m The plenipotentiaries promlce that Prince and MlnlMer who were nf- fompllcea of the Boxers ohaJI b punldied according to Chinese law ant In offnrlne to BMotiaU th 7 demand that hostllltlm Imme- diately oaI- xnrDON Oat ifc Ttw IMktn oorrwpondont- rf the Tim deorfb The of the PlerO- potnotterte not to Qi Mlnlatort at Cbarao- fartrUcoTir arrtHntnt and u If China was offw Tb wripond rt f y that the not be rtai with an ttpreealon of for rawnrt- enorMivoe and promto thai wffl ntrw- reiur but bnpudenlly a 7rlb them to the It doe not mention the conwrrense troop thou h U that certain Pitaou and Minister the cnmute uoia xrpvuurvr DXADT- to B ort 4 Worn lbaaiHal Ir wth ef the BT U In flooih petal OMt DttfOtt to TBB BC- HBnAiratl Ooa 18 It U reported from Cblneee ocroe that Prtnoe Tnm ha btmnelf of the Bmparora real and that prince Tuani eon Pu Chan her apparent fa dead which U retarded aa the uldde of hi Utom lira Chnng TlIt U abo reportnl ttai U Ctuuur been degraded beoww of the mrrcnder of- Paottngfu I None of OMM reports can be conftrrned- Tftomu who wa wornittr dealunftted to mio oeed LI hunt Chnna a Vloeror of the Kwoog provlnoe baa declined the offloe pluadlnR- hla iff and Inflrmlty The rUinc In the Southern province promise urpaa the Tnlplna Rebellion T1i com the mack Plajrn bee been ordwed to Canton from The German troop here It U expected that they will embark tomorrow Fall t SUM- P IWI had the or the heeds Per our alt lox u I atc I I mad Bbl wit trop she tIoni He thetOfe deIflWdMI unthtnent nltlt the the the I I tome tnVtKmtzwedot ovdltatthftbfl regret the they pos- ed the Thn Hunt baa to c ° > ° < < PAJUI Oct 1S A from Hong Kong dated jreeterdnr ire con centratrnc In the dUtrloOi surrounding AD Important movement In exjxjotod within a week which wU re ult either In sraaihlng the rebellion or In giving It more power The Chlneie authorftte are In urgent need of rein- forcement The movement 1 directed the QovemnvJrt offloen but the ratlve Christian axe the disturbed region where they robbed and Ill treated by band of ruffian IJOXVON Got IS A dearwitch from Kong of yesterday the capture of Muohau on the Beat Iltver by the troop of Bun Tat Son alarmed the Cantonese Ad Ho ha left tiemohmi In pursuit of the A depatnn to the Tim from Hong Kong lava that the prtweiice of French gunboat at Bbeklng hM induced the madstrntw to beirtn the payment of tnntnllmentn of the Indoraultr of the loe inetulncd by CathoUo ooQVert- aCklaeeeDnlM the Hailing ef l Flat Orer the Town Sptttal C 8 Diipau to Tilts Sen- SHANonAI Oct 18 A offldal de rpatoh from Paotlnsfii tinted Oct 13 aya a force of cavalry under a French Oeneral ar- rived there and wished to plant their tag the four corner of the city The Treiumrer objected unta the Dragon flog wee al o riUM d The Treasurer also objected to the French entering the town nuertlng that It wa con- trary to an agreement prevloiiAly entered Into When the despatch wa Miit the IlrltUh and Germane In the aame expedition wire U arrive at any FftKVCH rOKCE TAKES TEltCHOW On Thousand Hen Itrnve Gene Month ef- flpxtoJ DtifaMt to Tna 3UB Buifl Ootnipocdtnt U TUb A M A force of French troop numbering n thouiand men captured Trhchow onth of Paotlnefii of Shantung RniiU and Franoe In Accord Sp 4l Ditrctt to flit SUN PABU Oct 18 Th ntatetuent In Engllxh newspaper to the effect that Russia Is about- to withdraw from joint notion In China create muoli annulment In political oircl naent ild to be without foundation There U good reason to bnlleve that Franc and RusSIa are In entire accord rtxpeotlng tie policy to bo followed In the eetUmvnl of the Chinese qumtlon French Minister at Prkln III- Kf Cot Dftvolt to TUB St- PKIIW Oct 18 M Plolion the French Mln I somewhat seriously 111 with typbu fever He ha been oonflned to hU td for ome day HI condition however Is not a dangerous The Marietta Start For Canton Sr ci Coo Dttrate It TUB SUN Jlo o EOKO Oct 17 The United Htatr Marietta arrived here today She coaled- at started for Canton CHINA MILS mOPOSALS- Scndi Propoillloni for rower to Adopt WASHIHOTOW Oct 18 An Important de ipatoh wa received at the BUUe Deportment today from Mr Onnger the United Btntw at Prtln which formed the subject of between President MeKlntey and Secretary Hay Mr Conger mnwage con- tained a list of submitted In behalf of the Chinese Government by II hung Cliaiie and Prince Chlng the peace envoys which China would like the Powers t adopt Ma ba for peace negotiatIons While the character of theee propound hn not divulged by- offtcInN here It x bHIcrid that they are on whole fairly snll fAPtorr ant will hn iicccpUihlc- In principle nt I M I t tin tiHti n concrrnmi tonger wu IIM tlnt the the IiiinUhiiictitH In MI j Tuin unit uttier of tin autifirdjrn nturkt wa atwfaclorj to alia A iimwiT Inn IHVII turnnl to tho- liiemoniiuluiu iliIIiii u stuo IViMn bent trrdiy M Clarvoi- rAfTalros of Trance rn itmi Uiat tilt ln tniet MlnlM r i iiccr to Join with other forrlcn reprentntive In i rhlne and II iiunc Ctinng M Thlbrtut b n inlcrnimi orullv by that he l gratillnl at the I of the French proposal and that Mimi l uv finger to I enter with II Huns ins dept walt fen HonK mia ur PAUrUU tie Chin I moment Fro bal lat onO a a oladoo MInter been I th Ir of I I I I r I the In ntte nfln II ChinA ant r t f 1 I Canton date Says baa TAKING on- t expected Paotln4e CaMe Cab Tin are later 1 t re- garded gun- boat the huh fr Pp haracter h mutt I ttfls I I Iii with tim fir about pene 11 wIt hike lIa ruccea A ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < < IOV ItVKlOWH AfrOlfiTJSKffT- Kalirr Choice ef a New Chanoeller It Cnl- rtrsally Approved Hffelal CMil Diipatch U Tnri SUN ll iiurt Oct Mlrotion of Count von Unelow a the Biicoetuior of Prlno von llohenlohe n Imperial Chancellor Is approved Ton Iluelow I popular In Parliament where debating power and keen humor have neournd for him great au- thority The appotnrtnent nlso deprive the opponents of the Emperor Chinese policy of their prlnclpil nrgiimnnt Their plan was to attack the Fmpuror for governing with Count von Jluolow coopTntlon only and Ignoring Prince llohenlohe who under the ConMltutlon wa to boar the eolo- re potnlblllty This urgiiiiient loire weight now A erwn In iilme touch with Count von Huslow- falii to the corr pind iit of Tint HUN today You may retard the renewal of treatlm of commHrtv M certain Ilu low will never allow himself to bt won ovt r to the policy of the extreme prot who would uteri flee the Inter of In ordor to favur of certain claw Under the now Than Germany InterrtM will b pitched with flrmnertu but yet with moderation Nothing will be that will disturb the pence of Europe Count von Huelows whllo at the the Foreign Offloe afford ample evidence of that fact tie alto attache incut Importance to thu maintenance of the b nt commercial and politlcnl r L Uon with America It Is rumored thnt Dr Mtqtirl the Prussian Minister nf finance will retire and will bn- uooeoded by Dr filcmcw- Prlnc von OohflnloheBohlllrngfarRt the retiring CbtmoeUor barn been deoorvtcd with the Order of the Black Eagle The R eAoni r official prtntn a letter from Emperor WDllajn to Prtoo TOO noherv lobe In wbloh his Majwrty ay he aooepta Ute Prtnc mdgnation of the Imperial chon- ooDoMhlp reluctantly and with a heavy heart and exprwAlng his thanks for the faithful and splendid tho Prince with unuellWi devotion for to many year ran deiod the empire and himself The letter la lgned Your affectionate and grateful EmperorKing1B- TVDSMT1 DOW IB V LONDON Elenlit r rt Iti From the Hall When It Mad for the Platform Bpntal Cot DnfaM t Tni SUM Lovriox Oct IS The American Dowte the the ZtonUta announced that he would addre on at St Martins Town Hall afternoon Four hundred medlonl erudent from the vsrioim- hospttjiij atMomblcd and guyed the They ahouted Mug Kong blew trumpets and whlntleo sounded rattle and a great uprotr- Dowie mimmoned the potloe who ejected three of the disturber This Incensed their oomrndrtt who irtormed the platform Dowie bolted through a side door Fifty of hit portors met the nwh and a fierce tight ensued In which sticks were used The police eventu- ally cleared the ball I I on tonI thc I or WArt Mal Lat lee tat cue ii lB The univer- sally bIt supposed undertaken Beta heM a 4 speaker cup ¬ > > < ¬ AIRSHIPS SVCCKSS DOUUTfD Report rTow rat ITednrtdays T it Was Not Fully flatlsfactor- y5p CatHi Diiftaett la TUB SujI- XJNDOS Oct 19 A de rntoh to the Standard from Stuttgart says It transpired Count Zeppelins nlrxhlp In it lute trial cended- tTematurely owing to the collapn of u section of the apparatus The cause of the accident has not Iven ascertnlnrd A depatch to the DoUg Mail from Constance nay that V dn dys test wa n t vere yet It did not prove whether could Pteered In H strong wind or whether It could be used for prolonged perloda KAURI tl000 avon OALVESTO- XAmhaiisdor Choti Sir Irving and Srndi Cheek tar the Ufnlol Cap SUM losuos Oct t AmbiKsador Choate hat tent a cordial letter to Sir Henry Irving thank- Ing him anti oil the performer who took put In the recent matlneo for the benoflt of the Buffer ers by the Oalvwton lujnlrane Mr Choato endowed i check for n 0 The promoters of the benefit will tend ClZOO to the fund Empress rredrrlrk Improving tiftclal COM nnrattftta TUB act DBUUX Oct 18 The Krrhnnifig pith llshe an omclnl bulletin stntlng that the condi- tion of Emr rem Frederick Is Improving Her heart Is aironcer her pulmonary affection Is derreaMna and her fever has dsappeired- BIW hut continued progress toward cotiva- le o noo I expected The Noble Lord Irodncfl In Londoa fiffttii Dmnttfi to TUB SUN LONDON Oot n The Noble Ix rd a fix dal comedy by Robert Mar hill author of A Family produced at the Crltertnn knight The act exoeHent comedy the ivcond U the third U abso- lute farce Attachr lever Convaleioent- Srtttal CaN Dnpattk a Tilt CS- IxNDOS Oct ISCommander Richardson Clever the naval nttiohof the Em basxy who ill of con Lope Indisposed but Itrcnvered Onlrkl- rlr ol Dtifatehlo The Scv- RoMF 0 tis The who iio il- thlstncirnltig was so better thl after noon that he tins able to receive some Tvrolee pilgrim Sir Arthur Salllrsn 111 In Part Xtrtitt Calk Ufiraitit ta TIIR SUN Iovnnx Oot i ltl rumored that Sir Ar thur Sullivan U tevrely U In InrU Tie re- port cnus Hnnxl lif No iloalh have ben re- ceived He tva on his fUr o Monte Carlo Cipt to ne on the Shamrock II IXJNDON Oct IB The paper that Sir Thotims Upton lias deflntely engaged Syra new taut under W O- Janir i n Von Wgldctife In Fektn- ffttlot COW linratt la TUB Sux- IjsnoM Oct It A locinitcli ftoru Peklnsayn Field Marshal ount von Wnlderxee has arrived there and U iiunrlertJ In th palace of the Dowager Kmprem The rrr l nl lleplln to the hlnr r ICmp- rlvt Letter AailiMiioN Ot 18 Secretary lay peroonnlly liamled to Vu Tlngfang- the Chinese MlnUtrr today a lettor- froinlresldeiitMrKiiiley to Emperor Hwangmi In ntiswiT ti the letter nf lliaiikn from tho- KnipiTor handed to the IVenldrnt yesterday by Mr ii Thetextof iii will nul limit tnniorrowl- iut it IH liMmixl that the nn vi r dxi4iint intnm my new adviii tn UwnngHi- iat to th nniiis to be puriiuil tn n tniilili normal iniHMon in limn In Jlrmory nf William 1 ril n WAHIIINOTOS not IS Acting Poitmaotv- rOiienil Jnhn today a ajmark ut respect to memory of the late William I Wilson formerly r Miiiasl rJiniTnl ordered that i Lie dNphiyed nt halt ma t until ftfithe funeral HoTemmu of irl- WASHINOTOX ti is Tha gunboat SnMi- ville ba4 failed front Hankow fr Shanghai and the gunboat Don Juan tin hm arrived at Kong llrclttrr Tnn y A citizen of no ineui city which will nearly ftowo rot for President of the United State OU w 1 fe l one om If do not n ister ou can dt it it ltfl hmx vrtiTin sou tat the Thanks Her A So I Ron frAt i America bun TIIlnl Pop Ind mis or n or th Naval ou ninihp tie Dspact Tug Cab was baa tae Cat was Sycamore 4prIa2 Cat ZspafchtoTflr SUN cay mOte captain his iii ti o i iiinfln I I ii title tint Ii I t tie tit flat gait a I you ant efrtaIfll cant < < ¬ > ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ° < < > > < < > > < > ° WISE WORDS OF SHAOABAOi- rnOF IIAXKtN QVOTKt AT TIIK cRBDir usss Fj a Tog Oo Said the hut tot If Intend Going tar Ooodlle Not Angry With Creditors If They Importanst- It I Nobltr to Forgive anti Forget Them At the dinner of the Credit Men held last night In the rooms of the Drug Club too Will lam street speeches were made by Justice Uaynor of the Supreme Court the Hon The- odore Aub Judge Qroen of Brooklyn and Dean Charles Waldo Qaskln of the Nevr York Unl verslty school of oommeroe accounts und finance Prof llotkliu said In I have been reading recovered fragments of tho wisdom of Shaodbao tbe Oriental philosopher and perhaps a few of thee cvtim of thought may be of suggestive use to eur study of the credit r tfm of the Western world V have all he SIlT more or less to do with commerce We buy good and nome tlmivt we pay for them We soil the pruoiou products of our hands or brain at the beet price we con get If buyer pay up that we did not charge him more I he falls we are glad that he not decide to raY let en tie ilolWr lit diligent li contInues In keeping your accounts 1 better 10 charge an thin to forget to It once TliU 1 th true iirlnilpld of lo lil entry Tuv iut you ho mi but not If you ill tend going for again let mi les at least as the of tho merchandise Do not oil the His nt the top of the crate Have aj good a layer In bottom also for there aye paokage at that end truth he give this advice Do ew pnp n- ad liable to err nnsry with creditor If they II U to are us bad a a Are but Shncalmo n v largely on how utatvl with the underwriters Onco when filmcabno delivered a learned dlacourw on ooinnierce and a man asked the how hn might too much trouble 11st to mo replied the man teach theo In le son at e uln per fewon The young mrin Joy- fully paid the mont ant at feet of I ir when the course wo1 over he cried out Him Hah thou taught me Nn TiE Yo par we IIi b hl tU pOI Con or Qt eD a b nobler toriQ them tat e O the II J hlo tO mat to the OM e rtPro A Qercll- Olt Q e bra 0 who Mage just the are sorry gOt I in amuin ua bit who open the iot believe afl i ite Azlvttaeri Tle this become wise one heat asttthtl returned the taught thou v Iix ungrateful on tmfrataful We a to abaehou as whlo ¬ < > ¬ aVICIDK AFTRIt IIV1UAXD3 HEATH mUJor Pet rpn Ills of Yellow Fever In Ut n till Wfe Kills lUrsrlf- Sr al raw DupiiicH to Tan SUN HAVANA Oot 18 Major Peterson Com mliwnry of 8ubUst nce died at 0 oclock night of yellow ferer allot nn IUne which lasted nine days Ho hat boon twentytwo month In the inland IVeviou ly he was a First Ileiitonant In the Sixth Infantry and a Mnjor In tho lAlt IndUna Infantry HU wife crnred by grief committed by shooting herself with n revolver an honr her husbands death Mr Petorton was United States wheti h r husband wa taken Ul She was summoned and arrived here lust Sat urdv She had teen living In Las Hospital where her husband was n There are 103 onees of yellow In Havana WAHHINOTOS Oct is iloiga chief SanitAry officer of Havana cabled the Wnr Department today that Ma or Matt It Peter lOn of the Commissary Department died met right of yellow fever at Las Animn and that Mrs PeNrson on rIng Itifrrmed of hi death rommltted suldde mi hour afterward Major 1eterson wn n native of North all Ulan fOr and let suicide Cam ¬ lina and was graduated from the et Point Military Academy In l v He wn Imniollalelv Urutonanor in the Tenth Infantry HP wrved ilw in the Thir- teenth and the SIxth infantry and In l 0fl hn- lcotne n First Lieutenant In the Seventh Jn- fantry h rtlv uficrward bwlti again traji ferret to Sixth Infmiry Hi t rk tart In the tattle nf STitac where h wa HVercly wounded nml ifter whl h ho was recommended for breve for nitiisiilsr gallantrj On i IMI IIIMII rior oi was rnm- ml lotied n Malur In the lUl t luttiaja Volun- teer Me ren UDiM with this regiment lUlU after the Spiilh W r In lotDber I W he a ommlswirr of Sutwl tenro with tho rank nf ind nMlgned t duty In Cubit end WIS later mmmlsstrtiel Mnjur and CominUsiryof Suii lit Jiico liiti o rs- He wax ri luate l rroni tin ami Lav- alrv School in I BJ CINCINNATI Petrrvm of ijir Peterson wits n t in u woman Her father lloi rt Aiiisnn Is a re pit Ireillent if tin 1ty Hoard I Pnblli Service Alll on said toii lit that ttifcrinntlon- he hail a to daughter was from the l tviH Adiutunt liiviernl nnd said died of grief lie would tnt nlinenIwko that he had been infonuwl tle had killed herself Ho Mid tin bediM nf both tint l eon Inirleil- Mr P ter nn tint pent the ninnmer In tile city bathe lien on by n wirciMti anon after tint return from Cuba In tie Although still fnr front well he had hastily to her husband on tearing n few ago that hn w Ktrnken ith tie told her father arid sl irr before departing that if he dltw I cannot to n Dr of Phllailelphki but the marriage nn unfortunate one ntid she married Poteron about three years ngn When he wait stationed at Fort near here with this Sixth Itegiilar wo made Captain ant titan Major during the Spanish war Peter nn who ss circles linr- ernrtLATiov or AniroA I It l 139ia an Incrrai of M3KO3 During the List Ten Tf r WASHINGTON Oct 15 Thn Con u Bureau today announced that the population of Art eons for 1W Is IJJJi n compared with n population In IW of 698JO This shows nn Increiw during the decode of wsoi iota per cent Thl largo increase Is due In to th fact thit there worn jtna Indian ant ll utUcr per oa cr a total of IHH25 on Indian r In Ariionn who won sppelally enunieratixl In under tho of tlm Cunsu net teat wero twt- inrlinlwl III thn general of UioTercl tory nt that centil Th of the Territory In 1S70 was Ocw nnd during the ten year from l 7D to liSO It Si5 or Sis per cent giving a population In ISM of 4i l 0- llnhrnlohct Hrllrrment Conflrnird- WASHlxnTON Oct I Thn St In Depart- ment rrmlved elliot il rnnrtniiat from the Itilled Stales CtiargAirAffalre at llerlln of the that Irincn von llohenlohn has retired from the olle of hiinellur of the O rma- Kmplre atil hal tin fount Iliielow Minis ter of Foreign Affair ho bn appointed to sureei d him Arm avr Order WASIIINOTOX Ort 19JThrw sony orders fr issued toilay lit ut Ward D Pjshlnr Fourth Cavalry to Chlcmro or diminution to Ilfvloiis ordnt to Ufut Georre A Nutrnt Seventh Aitlllrry to join his hatvry hUt tern re roltrd- rtrnl UtuL Pftcy M KMAlfr Third re- llrtrj from iluty In tie rhlllprlnft and oMrrra to Join IIK liiil Samuel T Ansrll Klcrtnth Infantry tran f rrr from roripany K oampany I AnMiry t lot Prank O Smith Sixth il- rtallilfil nirrohrrof It Itrtlrlnclliarit In this nt nil M fltarlm II Thompson QunrUrinahUr- Ilillixl Mntrn Vnluntrm Captain uinnt- yuartfrninHfr United 9tl Array txtutt Ins Irani- Tlirsf naval orders wrrr Iud Llmtfiiint imnmnirt 1 M llrlra from mm Dianit I l Diiruthrn u minrunnd of thr llrut V 1 SatTuM Horn the InJrrndrnce tu- tlir riulailrliliia- lniit II A rom the ftorothfa rrutl rand natU tor A hind from the PhllAdrlphl to Solafrn wMrli mull divi un offlrfi for duty en AMnt tation upun arrival KnMrn W IV mm the IXrrothcn to the Krollo watrh and ofHrrr V smUh and NaT C ell division onirrrn report for dug on station uj in Natal raitrt V u NaralCalrt H VlrnanAnntantSurcftinll A Dunn and AwUHM- PaymaMrr K limit lorothr tithe frolic Illhe ton Irefrr llronkljn- Apnrirurntt nd lUmnci in drcKiklyn as elm get ilwi Ihir r lllk ijrnd Sunday tN vo- mi nail murli o tmtit iiu it I to lIeonl I JUI 111 nil u UI retired n mdrl11nn nld nl Ir tie ii or lie lnn n hern < once PIO url n divorce own was ftI old handsome anti prrninent In I t I Inn 7 on and Second roll l I IlllIrr Im report a from to lii IU ant Asiatic ani frotmi nScrnnd II anti wa < I n lent i Mrs WOlillt tit iteni ill dare just Jive woe rettmhiig She lie was society ersotl4 P40 has as tti ton Artillery tlitlli I nj and lieu t- it I rile as the clii isbn Naval tsnlet Cadet II liii itaer watch the e i > ¬ < > < ¬ < > < < < > ¬ > < > < > < > TUB OJlfOOV TO UK nitOVOllT IIOMK- he Will Start t 8uen a the Ktnincky- tlrackr the Asiatic StstlonW- AHniNOTON Oct IS Thn battlwhlp Oregon which was injured by Ftrlklng Hock off tho north coast of Chino nnd temporarily at Kurt Japan Is to bo brought homo for exlciujve repairs u boon an the liattJi hlp Kentucky reaches the Awlallo stntlon lies Kentucky Is ncbcdulril to leave on Saturday Th asiltrniiUtit of tho Kentucky to tho tar Ciiit Hid due to Unowludee that ties would neowwIUito bringing her liarli KOMI tinrli tho Asiatic In n two months the will then tat by th Im tilt liiian mutt fur tho a Miitiun mi PUKIM Hoiinil whore lur to the Na Diiaitiunnt how tlmt Iho was In n iTiulo way the Kurt dry iU owing to the time given by tile luinii l linverntnont for rrimllit tit it mnl hnnil Homo of the in tint hut pailcd with wood il eovertnl with ivimUt Ni tirinit made to repair anything ix vt f tin iit r bottom wax to tho intnrlur of tin tu slid bulkheadu strained The work of the oreion In flrtcln will take mite tune It U the liitrntl n nf tlm Uopnttiiifiit to mak the i eital nt fin lni ortaiit rcrulrlntf he Dcpurt- Dient In very uiuoh atUfl il w Hh the tor of work on tntteil States vc soli at private dockyard In tlm Far Knt Hint Adlilltal Kllgltieerliit lilef lies asked for an appropriation of n nilluuii dollars- to construct a repairing I ba then Mint of tie comitruction work will be do hcrvntei In wnver lit 1imet Sound preparation lor waning tho loimira on Dnrartnio t has ordered Varal O rutniowr Frank W from Navy Yard to the Pu t Naval Station charge of construction department lie ronx 0 Kanm principal Constructor in Washington RKIOnr OV WKfT JOAT ACAUHIJV I I 11 II nil foiiutkilLsv Ion h i I to IL is tif lit to tlit huittu olldIUf 01 itt hit err dou nChltJui Iuull lion I hll the the a Conatruo vaI re- paired tilt hal tI rlee ter lIe ion ill ui tf ii t tat lieu is lint be a get 4 ftgOlt V wit ury luti iig put Nay I tie silI did etat Iii r be soeceest at Mare or > < < Col Mllli Iteoornntenili Chances In Entrance Itrqnlremmti nnd Sr lltzlng IU ltnpprilW- ABTttNOTOK Out The War Deiuirt merit matte public todav the annual report of Cal A L Mills superintendent of the Mllli try Academy lit West Point Col Mills says that the aoAdeinlo ywir opened with 4 cadets on the roUt of the naaileinv Dnrln the year thirty were discharged for dpflolunoy In studies one for clnnd nr In discipline and one for physical dlsalillltv seven rotlgned and fifty four were BTodiiatod Col Mills deplore thy failure of CotiurfM to repeal tilt present fixed re iulremont for ndmlMlon to the aoadrmy and to plnon those roqulremcntu In the control of the Secretary of War He nyc Though the ago of admission to the academy Is from two to coven VWIM greeter tho overage at which hoy enter this for admission ar the amP In botli otsei This fact I a tooter unrig for the It and It slmU off work it ahntild ant could do If the subjpcU ix vered on irini were fnjine i to n with puWI school itindardt Tho pr nt rftcntlremeif umnmt to an to MUIIV oiim num o nke nn effort tonnter lh al failed to profit bv ailiMntimrt given tn ties public open 10 then MMiierca and dim to the little required hpforn fnierine and the i wc arily severer rpiiiilrnniiiiiM after entttrlng allures result Th record of shows on entering to nrununt to almost onethrrH nf the whiln nliout oMhnlf of thin number who enter fall to grnrinin Tie In the ontir n are not dno to the severity of iU ditii iid- Hefirdaj to lining the report MVS It U i to I P rile to report I hellevo there has nn nbsolno endlinr this summer of the cruel and extreme forms of linlng new cajole which re- ferred to in mr I1 annual report Thus n about largely by the voluntary aetinn of cadets rec minen s an liirTease in tie ray of the cadets to It to the same nn that of the naval cadets I II Inn scho rl ar till t r that antis ar- twork das I are the In I tip w lie ci < < > > > TWO virirrovsr DIK- Dwlitht T rued In Sprite lId Ilrrfnnd W Kagsdsl In V g4 kl WAsrtrNOTiiN Oct l Tb Department nf State ha received n telivjmm front Mr Lay Vnxtiliiiniral at Ilircelonn reporting the dooth of Dtvlght T Jtewi who wn4 appointed Vli oa n f I nltrd Stati at Madrid May r l i Mr wr also at the trite nf hi deah the nc n III Madrid nf the Klilltaliln life As tiranre Irmipnny of New cork Mr Heed wn nppoir e l n clerk Oct t u 7 anti nrviM here until luly 3 l T7 when lie was oppintitpd six nt Madrid HI fn rn hut oflVr Soi embfr t wa- pppninfiti o I atliiti m Onrral at Mnilrid Feb 12 ISW nnd rplirod 6 orn Itll 2 II tie sceret Il Cone < Mr np l was recardol n a man of Kuperlo- rIntnllupiiw und tiiidp an rviord In the I of Sill Ili a sivrit try f iecMInn nt 177 wits to ffpt n trin r slit Mr Art the pr nt- Bisond A ti t nt se who entered tho- Denirtrneit of iU iiri i r In hunt you Mr Hed vit l r t I S to ifter- i iTritlc tliitiivi it idri- Ifinr InavltiBtheservliiif the iovimtnent In lkS lin Life A siir attic Siwuv Hi dntiw HS Vlioronnil did nl Ipteritr nivi oouunctlnn wih that nclT i niamml II panlh Lidy who stir vlvH W MillNrTn Ocl t of llrtraild W It crliln VUvronsul at Tientsin shalol this Consular ourt ai Nncasakl on Sept 18 tiCs lieen re orl 1 In thn SlntP- parlmi t by itnTnit ds ate Coivul nt Saga Mr lad il wa a rp ldint of Snnla Cnl ind was Viceton ul In- l ns md nil In HIM A f lie lnltpilstHit 4 Consul nt Tli ntln Mr Itac dill ri ut ln the the n i ni M hit etrinM anil- rr and In Jute tent to NuriMUki for the tnt of ivrKitvi nrrrrK urrriris The Thrre Months llndril Sepl HO Shunt Inrrraie of Slt I 47Mi lj i Vei- rntITX i rereiiin nf in- ternal reviiiM for Ih of Seiitemliir were fM ID sit liilng a iloire of 3IOI7H7- 1eomiirid nli the wine month IM year I he receipts fim tlin aii srunes were ssTluM dcrrn iinM7 To Imcpo iMXKii lenr a e ny uij Fermented llUlirn 8M 5V lporeii io feon- mrcnrlie fts7st e hiv i Si tii 9 f tliiTf lni Prniinetnry- nml dneiuiKtitarv MnmM it3l deerca- iil Tor the tliriv mortlis iiuled rs the f- terml revetmi M iiE r itinl iirlli i iiriirriid- of year notwlt1standing n Iilinu oil of Si iirj In thin nm proprietary it itii- lletl P Morton nn lhelre lilrnt- WASIIIVOTMN fl I Ievi p Morton gaunt upin thin tiiliy Hn Is mentioned of the l fl l ineinhprn of hague dun nf ArWrntlon two of uhtini hay beiii Irt iilitit lnrrKon ex Senator Irnv of Deluwu- rlirgtster ToIlay prj Today and tomorrow aro the last das of registration If yju riot regUtrred vou can Special Sale or Rare Rugs t are opening a number of lutes of rare mugs hum UK Orient 333T0341 FOVRTH AVENVE Url rub and in SlO New York This special fmpnitatlon Is unusually attractive in point of color and design Moderate Prices IUnt r n 1 1 ti < liar J non as In I all Our I a > lf I t linn 11 f r ot Calls I II r ar not I appoint men irs tilt i s nit t I t I he I tot t e him Tie rleabm arid I t hon ittisol lit od I lie it a Juan ng I minim rut s hr iiiq lie mit tilt ii s I I reel moore t tie sales lr reid nt one ti I appohuti id is timid Voti TiFfNYSiVDiOS as tns < ° < < > > > < > < < ¬ < > > < < > to Men and Boys S Outfitters 1 Their Old Plant Their Trade lUrk II truly lllulritfi the fl nlin- htt l or whlrh OmiT cloihu on the luMilft ihc VITALS II cud TheIr new pl ntby md llnnwl- hrnllhlrtl t riulptrj- Imni In World Pcv ltl fly no Jd t day commences to mnrow at s o clock at all four t ro b IhIr1 t I Iolhln o Sale the rod > 279 Broadway near Chambers St I FOUR 47 CortlandtSt bet Church and Greenwich Sts OPEN LATE CONVENIENT and 29 Sixth Avenue bet t4th and 5th Sts SATURDAY NIGHT STORES 1 t i25th St cot Thhd Avenue i Otfitters to Men and Boys 2 2J jttir fxinir TD IUIIEK Cat of Allrgeil Dlscrlnilniillnn In IBe nil ihnrB of n UnIon Man RosTON Oct 18 fiir dellberatlrg for trti hmirs the CtiiUd District Court Jirry vnicht reported that it hud disagreed n tin gait ft II J Hill chief train dispatcher nf thin Tiuntfin division of tlio New Haven i Unllronil who wi on trial for nn alleged viola thin nf this Hrdinan law governlnR railroads Integard tojli iitfali roumb rs of labur i rgiiniatimi Hill rli chttrneil 1cter J liilliOi an operator who was a niera er of the Order of American TcleerBphcrH by orilor of SIIPI tin Tamiton ant made that tilt rirlmico in the trial Thf- tllnvrninent all d that It won becaiii of his comwiinn with the union that Owllgnn illwhxrgod- 11Man Ankl I lllauvrlt strIped on a rug lu lier room u this Ilelvedcre yesterday afternoon and tIme rug dipplns nn lie liirclnrnoil floor h fell snrnlnina h r nkl Her says tInt Mine wjil confined to her ron for several days had In- tended to sing In Ito ton on Sunday night Against Prim Voltage of DrnnkarJ John O Vonlv Prohibitionist cvdldatp for President ndilresued a burg gathering In thin Jcr y City lKt itlgli HP shIll n vote or y r Ilrrnn tiiiMrt n T IP thin sfilonns A placard on wall rend o od to tn nnd umlnitod comago of The Weather The nina nf bight which brought on the rwl wfatlict Liotid yrstrrnny Into the Soiilhrrn- SI t t ullli tl1 crntr orcr the lon i MUMvMrpl Mid Tcnnf ee valleys throwing Kft Kindt from a i mth sfrly point ant rn i lnir a general In trmpMitirr over ill the Mttrn hilt ot time rountry Fro t occurred nrtfrlhflwt over a twit ot country utritrtilnp from lowi mud Missouri Mtw ra to Nfw- Englnnd n l tlie Mlortlp Atlantic coasts It nll ennllnue t grow iTAtmtr In the Middle AV- Inntlc uml nr Knt And Stairs to day ant tomnrrow There nn storms la sight yett icUy except on hip fxtrrmc rotlbftn In this city day was fair nml Werner nrrrn humidity 41 rwr wind frrsli west to 3iiutiwr l bnrorntter t Irma to l vr at S A M SOOt 3 P M roai TIe tmp tntnrf at recorded by the offldil ther miimftf AId l o ly TUB SUNS thtrmomcur at the elicit Irrrl it a owa In the nnntied Ublc- orrtid imttal 1H8D IDUiVl 1DOO 1S99 moon RA M47 IT 10 A P M 7V 8l ISM 17 7V R4 W I MflJ 70 SI Mfll 77 PIilS lldBV 06 BS- WA5HINOTON ronrrsT ron TODAY AND TO MOIIIIOW For New rnranil fult today arid tomorrow fresh lo brlVt nnrlliwil winds Ill taimt Vrt Vi f fair te Say to merrpir- Ccv i ttitmr tiorilirn pcrll loaav cot to trrihtfil it iiorthrrit Fnr rittrrii Imnsyhnnln alit Jcinfy fair iiil tn morrow cooler In porlkm to dn rnsh t liri l imtthKMt wIn For tie HlMrlri nf Cnliimriln Mnrjbnd Dc sre ant Mrrlnla tilr t ia And tomnrrow wrsl- Wllllt f i tr irin Inn ltiinln ivrMrm New Voik- purtiv lutiily nnd eimlrr to cay fair lu rnormr rr b to brisk northerly attiCs shifting tn southerly by- Kitrrdnv llrcltfr ToIUy rcl lrntlon In of New York this year promit to oi thlnc like dOOca Jt- It the largest ilnul chunk nf the eleCtorate Ar ou coiC tn III It Todar and to- morrow nro thin last rlnnoio to rvglttrr iilif narpopr frim 7 A M 10 P M Itemrmrier Tlil When n ndreitlMi ijnrlUilof dl r e f ne tlr coet tn Tn 81 XH r AdrrrtlMnc- r mnmltlitL lUrrly U he cuiuixlrd tu I I I i die Akl lon iliaD Sprains tier boo or nt I t rise Pacific coast the 1 cent t- ot ad rid I to Win to northern fresh rind Th registry I > Teal value to Statue nfl I uri was hIm 10 lemOn hl I hit Vt oil pressure err sec Sunl- It ilPi is New tiny FIn tilt cit h to is try tur ¬ < > > > > > < > > ¬ < < < The firm of Ab Kirschbaum Co Ins been In the 1NO16 business for more than half a century From Portland to Portland Oregon they are known as makers Vitals Brand Clothing the name that stands for inwrought excellence This firm with offices in New York Boston Philadelphia Chicago St Louis and San Francisco has sold more than ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS of dollars worth of clothing and every garment ever sold has been well made from first stitch to last The superiority of clothing has brought increased business and compelled them an new and plant To move their immense stocks meant a tremendous a great a serious loss 5 Our four great stores give us the LARGEST CLOTHING OUTLET In America we made Kirschbamn Co an otTer for their ENTIRE IM MENSE STOCKS an otTer so low that we had no idea it would be accepted- But it was and the result is that we offer I Maine entireJ > The Ab Kirschbaum Co Stocks 100000 Worth of Clothingth- is seasons newest and best Clothing mind you at the Lowest Prices Ever Known in the History New York SAlB COMMENCES TOMORROW MORNING AT 8 of Retail Sal Vain Price 1989 RANDY WOOL OIlEVIOTa 947B 1000 CHEVIOT SUITS 6181- ZOO CASMMBrtE SUITS 07R i ioo FANfv wonsTKi SUITS 1400 CASSIMBRnSflTS- IOH FANCY OHKVIOT SUITS 1500 CASSIMKHK SIITH N7R- l 0 PUUE WOnSTKD FANCY SUITS O7S foVea HIGH ONADC WOI19TKD SUITS 1115- iiUAVrrfrHiiiT IIIUR sicncE srrrs AT ritopoiinoNATntT LOW PIUCES SACK nxpnnn SUITS 1400 OXFORD CHBVJOT SUITS 11ft- ieoo oxronDSACK surra ellis i oo ouAYoxronnSUITS DIm 1400 OXPOROCIIHVIOT9 OT5- ULACK CIlRYIOr SUITS 1000 niACK ala 1400 111ACK TJIl boon FINK OHKVIOT SUITS H7R- i oo iiioiifnAUi cniivioTS tiin- M i niHVlOTSAND WOHSTEUS IIfiti- O SLACK VICUNA SAUl JilTB- NOVTITY 1HACU rilKVIOT SUITS iSatln Yoke fancy llnlnta 1200 DIACHICHBVIOT SUITS 77S1- BO KANCV LININOa K7R 1800 SATIN YilKB FANCY IINI1D II71 2000 IILAPK VICUNA ItS 2200 MIOHOIIADK HLACIC SUITS 1376- III CK niAGOXAI SACKS AM CUT 1100 niCK DIAOONAl SUIT 77 IMO DIACK DIAGONAL SUIT 7 2000 niArn ii7RJ- tCO DIACH DIAGONAL SUIT 1II7- iCou ant Veil of the above sold separately PHIXT AUirrtT COATS AMP vnsrs AT liEN 8DEIIJ suns i 115 CmltoT AlI WAYS pnorOUTlOi ATILT LOW PRICF3 755 CIIIIVIOT SLITS z D DIAGONAl tttiT > > < UEfOSElt- fxing Afnrtmtt About lilt Hooks Not to HP Made Public Jo t tow A deposition by Hinlynrd Kipling before John D Venn n London notary public received yosierday by John A Shield clerk of tile Lnlted StaUvi Cir- cuit Court It la one of the papers In the suit brought by Klphng fur alleged iii- frlncotiient of copyright against v rious- Uiiir declared that the Outward hound edi- tion of hln works by tho Sorlbnxni the only iiiitnorized edition The received U rather vTolurulnous and contnliw Interest concerning first Ainerlran editIons aunt ottier clerks ofllco but upon the olxpctlon of AII IUtILi T Kiplings lawyer reporter wore not to copy of it trial Is set fur Inntinry next If the is introdiivil It will be iniido- publlo WHILE nuttniuvn TyphoId Ferrr Patient Ilongrt From Third Story UludorrMknll Fractured Nellln Mnnninc yours old of Ml Orove- olrrpt Jersey City Jumped from the thirdstory window of her honin early yesterday morning She landed on tlie slilewalk skull was fractured and iMemHlly iiijtirnd Miss Manning WRI still hunt In the i itjr last but the elector cannot recover Site tiein suffering typhoid for novernl und It U ho till window whIle In a delirium Impostor Connl lfner l NaT rr s Nume- Peflor Jn A de Navarro Spanish fonsiil General wrlit to Tint KtS ar follows Several letters have been nddremed to gen- tlemen of this city signed f A Navarro Impostor who maillot u Yorkasking money for rhartt o At ral of Spain for the States residing In New York Ills A NhVnrro omulnt New York unknown ti hlToniilat nnd laM no connection Mild the S n h fonsular sorrl e In this tniiid Slates ore ewlierp KIPLIV made was tnprlrnn In IJleI yesterday fliP Itl and edlthtig of thin was IICId on tile the Ir nil t9 nor I In front till aPt de I himself n ow bl 1 lied lilY to man who claims to thms was reurraui nment atones hUMP she was icy she cant from taco b- an S ditty ditto tIm to- T Is ¬ ¬ < > ° VsJus pHo tMCI HEAVY WElfJHT CO HRT S475 60 DARK WIIIPCOIID 415 1000 WINTKIt OXFOIIDS 6m 1000 OXPOHliS KANTY LINKD ia o nnowN AwnmcAN KKIKZU 575 1100 OIUY WINTKK OXFORDS O75 1100 OXFORD CHINCHILLA otis 1200 OXFOHDSILAIDLINKD 77B 1100 HEAVKIIS 778I- JOO OAMtmiDOR WlNTKROVBIICOATfl 7B 1600 OXFORD WINTER OVERCOATS B75 1800 GnAT FRIEZB B7S 1800 BLACK KltlHZE M7B- 130H nitOttN FIIIEZE 7B 1800 SILK LINEHOXKORD3 O7B WINTRR OXFORDS 1175 1 0 PADDOCK OVERCOATS nll7H 1800 WHIPCORD RAOIANS 1175 1800 OX IOHD RAGLANS r 1171I- S 00 IlRdOKS ItKRSEYS IlLIB 1175 oo niiooKSKRiisiivs ULACK i 7 KALI EmIT TOP COATS 880 OXFORD TOP COTS lena OXFORD TOP COATS 1800 SILK LIVCI OXFORDS FA NTT VKHT9 ISO PLAID rANCV 3 o FANCY VBSTS 4 BU FANCY VH3TS 475 575 H7B 400 WORSTKDTROrSKHS WORSTHI TROUSERS lOO 000- IlKrlTKS so PISA JACKETS 475 1000 PFA JACKKTS ANt RiifnRS B7B UOO PEA JACKETS AN II HIliPKRS ass Ilsiriis AM IIIIAT COSTS 1000 OXFORD t1STHRS- UOO WIVTKH ULSTERS 1400 WINTER ULSTERS 2000 WINTER ULSTBRS 575 075 1175- 1B78 WhITEn 8 iDA slit 1800 TSI S so 200 boo M a OVZUOOAT- Lnetfl 5 I 1flO I ItOtIihs I i > < i oniTiAnrJ- nnies Parnon Major the nlijent steel in Ainiirlcn died nt h im in Homier vlllo V J on ht at tin Bill of te H was n hroihorlnUw the late J Joust tin iiotH engraver with whom he wiw iivmclat years In ntpoiitlng a number of hats finest stiel engrav ing plates produrtM In thl ruimtn Hn was In England Tor over ye r he the bruit of the pigrivlng anti of Aineriioji hunk Note Coin patty and IU predccesir Ho wa this first man tn shirt active binness th pntxnt Oitoin Hniiw liiiilding The lank hart lia rsl oparo In tint new building and Imrinp retvlvpd sonic very Im portant and work It was M Hrranged that Air Major room WM fitted for use time bpfnrP thin opening of the building for general buslt si purposes Mr retired front actlvw twenty yeirs ago III is2 he movrd fmni tn Ho a widow and flint Oen John V Fishier litil III hl homo In y ttrda Hn xf yonrs old len KjriPT from the rank to Majpr during the civil a olonel without for orclersi hp IM a rhnrgp nod took Hmml the Af lettr bur Tin feat wa the turning poltil th ort and non Fi her was priilPd ulul prninotril went to In i 7l and inrvivl f r HMI VO IM- n Chief liHtlco of the Territorial Supreme Court Philip Sands a Inwvpr who had boon an Invnlld for ceviral yours dlpci udilptily tirdi inoriilna nt is Thirlytblrd Mivot in lii llflevinth yivir Iniving u widow ami OVPII was a iinuiilier f HIP Mtroolltaii Inlvpixlty KniikerboclT nnd climb HP wa an aliiintius of i oii niii lnlvpp lty HU ftinivil 11 be lucid nit ai ck rut afternoon at thin Ohunli nf HIP Incarna tint herman Ooprppr actvl M n wniltliy malwter- nf Cincinnati diet yotpriv nn r- ntp l on for aiiimudlcltH nnd ilid not rally from the IIP wnx uric nf iiriiilnont bti ns tnennf the oIly David M Pinch a pmniimnt cnntrnrinr said bulkier VfdnuHtay night at homo In Kant Nrmralk aged Ml ypir- lleclitrr TnMny Todiy nndoinorrow are the days of rrKl traion If you an not ered you con en graver of lit amid r r nil fl was I Iii III III Ill In II I hll 1111 11 I It h Ill fOe ij I II irt hut I I I dtiiart fault 1 Note was wit Inc ui i 1 I itt I Iii lie I a J uut ice rot Q I Eat t tin t nun r I wit shock lIt died hilts last revs ntvte ¬ < < < < < ¬ < < Ii w azL Each Tablet totDs ilJ Stamped thus DLt Guaranteed Cure for Dyspepsia J 5 a

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Post on 02-Nov-2019




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AM ret to nicuw Born TermiFIrm n ply

Md by lh French MlnliUrllfadi ofTm a iud Other An lF r l n H t

Spread of llrroll In Woolhtrn Punrlnci-

4p ial Cttti DnfaltX TUB

Oct 18A despatch received here

from PWD rtalc that M ruhon the French

Minister lu repUttiK to the note of U Huns

Ch n and Trlncp CMiu regarding the raremarked that China by reconi-

lMthai M11 the law f

had admitted rwronMblllty to thene concerned

the prlnclral t w Prlnco runChwan Kung VI and Tuna Fu Hriane and

added that until of these offldaU fell

hostilities could not carbe note nt to the Ministers states that

Chin effw to treat for peaon nnd that h

KwpW the ptlndple that tndctnnltlM Shall

be paid for d rtroy d legations th loamto be computed br dflwfate of PowerH addi that the European nation may receive

feah oommwfllal sdv nU e or modificationsof the old treaties but a the requirement of

the It l needful that thor Individ

m The plenipotentiaries promlce

that Prince and MlnlMer who were nf-

fompllcea of the Boxers ohaJI b punldiedaccording to Chinese law ant In offnrlne to

BMotiaU th 7 demand that hostllltlm Imme-

diately oaI-

xnrDON Oat ifc Ttw IMktn oorrwpondont-

rf the Tim deorfb The of the PlerO-

potnotterte not to Qi Mlnlatort at Cbarao-

fartrUcoTir arrtHntnt and u If China was offw

Tb wripond rt f y that the not be rtaiwith an ttpreealon of for rawnrt-

enorMivoe and promto thai wffl ntrw-reiur but bnpudenlly a 7rlb them to the

It doe not mention the conwrrensetroop thou h U that

certain Pitaou and Minister the

cnmute uoia xrpvuurvr DXADT-

to B ort 4 Worn lbaaiHal Ir wth ef theBT U In flooih

petal OMt DttfOtt to TBB BC-

HBnAiratl Ooa 18 It U reported fromCblneee ocroe that Prtnoe Tnm ha

btmnelf of the Bmparora real and thatprince Tuani eon Pu Chan her apparentfa dead which U retarded aa theuldde of hi Utom lira Chnng

TlIt U abo reportnl ttai U Ctuuurbeen degraded beoww of the mrrcnder of-

Paottngfu I

None of OMM reports can be conftrrned-Tftomu who wa wornittr dealunftted to mio

oeed LI hunt Chnna a Vloeror of the Kwoog

provlnoe baa declined the offloe pluadlnR-hla iff and Inflrmlty

The rUinc In the Southern province promiseurpaa the Tnlplna Rebellion T1i com

the mack Plajrn bee been ordwedto Canton from

The German troophere It U expected that they will embarktomorrow


t SUM-



the or

the heeds


our altlox

u I




mad Bbl wit trop

she tIoni

He thetOfe deIflWdMI unthtnentnltlt



I Itome

tnVtKmtzwedot ovdltatthftbflregret the





Hunt baa




> °



PAJUI Oct 1S A from HongKong dated jreeterdnr ire concentratrnc In the dUtrloOi surroundingAD Important movement In exjxjotod within aweek which wU re ult either In sraaihlngthe rebellion or In giving It more power TheChlneie authorftte are In urgent need of rein-forcement The movement 1 directedthe QovemnvJrt offloen but theratlve Christian axe the disturbedregion where they robbed and Ill

treated by band of ruffianIJOXVON Got IS A dearwitch from

Kong of yesterday the capture ofMuohau on the Beat Iltver by the troop ofBun Tat Son alarmed the Cantonese Ad

Ho ha left tiemohmi In pursuit of the

A depatnn to the Tim from Hong Kong

lava that the prtweiice of French gunboat atBbeklng hM induced the madstrntw to beirtnthe payment of tnntnllmentn of the Indoraultrof the loe inetulncd by CathoUo ooQVert-

aCklaeeeDnlM the Hailing ef l FlatOrer the Town

Sptttal C 8 Diipau to Tilts Sen-SHANonAI Oct 18 A offldal de

rpatoh from Paotlnsfii tinted Oct 13 aya aforce of cavalry under a French Oeneral ar-

rived there and wished to plant their tagthe four corner of the city The Treiumrerobjected unta the Dragon flog wee al o riUM d

The Treasurer also objected to the Frenchentering the town nuertlng that It wa con-trary to an agreement prevloiiAly entered IntoWhen the despatch wa Miit the IlrltUh andGermane In the aame expedition wireU arrive at any


On Thousand Hen Itrnve Gene Month ef-

flpxtoJ DtifaMt to Tna 3UBBuifl Ootnipocdtnt

U TUb A M A force ofFrench troop numbering n thouiand men

captured Trhchow onth of Paotlnefiiof Shantung

RniiU and Franoe In AccordSp 4l Ditrctt to flit SUN

PABU Oct 18 Th ntatetuent In Engllxhnewspaper to the effect that Russia Is about-to withdraw from joint notion In China createmuoli annulment In political oirclnaent ild to be without foundation ThereU good reason to bnlleve that Franc and RusSIaare In entire accord rtxpeotlng tie policy to bofollowed In the eetUmvnl of the Chinesequmtlon

French Minister at Prkln III-

Kf Cot Dftvolt to TUB St-

PKIIW Oct 18 M Plolion the French MlnI somewhat seriously 111 with typbu

fever He ha been oonflned to hU td forome day HI condition however Is not

a dangerous

The Marietta Start For CantonSr ci Coo Dttrate It TUB SUN

Jlo o EOKO Oct 17 The United HtatrMarietta arrived here today She coaled-

at started for Canton


Scndi Propoillloni for rower to Adopt

WASHIHOTOW Oct 18 An Important deipatoh wa received at the BUUe Deportmenttoday from Mr Onnger the United Btntw

at Prtln which formed the subject ofbetween President MeKlntey and

Secretary Hay Mr Conger mnwage con-tained a list of submitted In behalfof the Chinese Government by II hung Cliaiieand Prince Chlng the peace envoys whichChina would like the Powers t adopt M a bafor peace negotiatIons While the characterof theee propound hn not divulged by-offtcInN here It x bHIcrid that they are onwhole fairly snll fAPtorr ant will hn iicccpUihlc-In principle nt I M I t tin tiHti n concrrnmitonger wu IIM tlnt the theIiiinUhiiictitH In MI j Tuin unituttier of tin autifirdjrn nturkt waatwfaclorj to alia

A iimwiT Inn IHVII turnnl to tho-liiemoniiuluiu iliIIiii u stuo IViMnbent trrdiy M Clarvoi-rAfTalros of Trance rn itmi Uiat tilt

ln tniet MlnlM r i iiccr to Join with otherforrlcn reprentntive In i

rhlne and II iiuncCtinng M Thlbrtut b n inlcrnimi orullvby that he l gratillnl at the I

of the French proposal and that Mimil uv finger to I

enter with II Huns ins





ur PAUrUUtie








a a oladoo


beenI th

Ir of



I rI


Inntte nflnIIChinA ant rt





date Says













thehuh fr Pp

haracterh mutt I

ttflsI I Iii

with timfir about pene11













Kalirr Choice ef a New Chanoeller It Cnl-rtrsally Approved

Hffelal CMil Diipatch U Tnri SUN

ll iiurt Oct Mlrotion of Countvon Unelow a the Biicoetuior of Prlno vonllohenlohe n Imperial Chancellor Is

approved Ton Iluelow I popular InParliament where debating power andkeen humor have neournd for him great au-

thority The appotnrtnent nlso deprive theopponents of the Emperor Chinese policyof their prlnclpil nrgiimnnt Their plan wasto attack the Fmpuror for governing withCount von Jluolow coopTntlon only andIgnoring Prince llohenlohe who under theConMltutlon wa to boar the eolo-

re potnlblllty This urgiiiiient loire weightnow

A erwn In iilme touch with Count von Huslow-

falii to the corr pind iit of Tint HUN todayYou may retard the renewal of treatlm ofcommHrtv M certain Ilu low will neverallow himself to bt won ovt r to the policy ofthe extreme prot who would uteriflee the Inter of In ordor to favur

of certain claw Under the now ThanGermany InterrtM will b pitched with

flrmnertu but yet with moderation Nothingwill be that will disturb the penceof Europe Count von Huelows whlloat the the Foreign Offloe afford ampleevidence of that fact tie alto attache incutImportance to thu maintenance of the b ntcommercial and politlcnl r L Uon with America

It Is rumored thnt Dr Mtqtirl the PrussianMinister nf finance will retire and will bn-

uooeoded by Dr filcmcw-Prlnc von OohflnloheBohlllrngfarRt the

retiring CbtmoeUor barn been deoorvtcd withthe Order of the Black Eagle

The R eAoni r official prtntn a letterfrom Emperor WDllajn to Prtoo TOO nohervlobe In wbloh his Majwrty ay he aooeptaUte Prtnc mdgnation of the Imperial chon-ooDoMhlp reluctantly and with a heavy heartand exprwAlng his thanks for thefaithful and splendid tho Prince withunuellWi devotion for to many year randeiod the empire and himself The letterla lgned Your affectionate and gratefulEmperorKing1B-


Elenlit r rt Iti From the Hall WhenIt Mad for the Platform

Bpntal Cot DnfaM t Tni SUM

Lovriox Oct IS The American Dowte thethe ZtonUta announced that he wouldaddre on at St Martins

Town Hall afternoon Fourhundred medlonl erudent from the vsrioim-hospttjiij atMomblcd and guyed theThey ahouted Mug Kong blew trumpets andwhlntleo sounded rattle and a greatuprotr-

Dowie mimmoned the potloe who ejectedthree of the disturber This Incensed theiroomrndrtt who irtormed the platform Dowiebolted through a side door Fifty of hitportors met the nwh and a fierce tight ensuedIn which sticks were used The police eventu-ally cleared the ball


I on






lee tat



lB The
















Report rTow rat ITednrtdays T it WasNot Fully flatlsfactor-

y5p CatHi Diiftaett la TUB SujI-

XJNDOS Oct 19 A de rntoh to the Standardfrom Stuttgart says It transpired CountZeppelins nlrxhlp In it lute trial cended-tTematurely owing to the collapn of u sectionof the apparatus The cause of the accidenthas not Iven ascertnlnrd

A depatch to the DoUg Mail from Constancenay that V dn dys test wa n t vere yetIt did not prove whether couldPteered In H strong wind or whether It could beused for prolonged perloda

KAURI tl000 avon OALVESTO-

XAmhaiisdor Choti Sir Irvingand Srndi Cheek tar theUfnlol Cap SUM

losuos Oct t AmbiKsador Choate hattent a cordial letter to Sir Henry Irving thank-Ing him anti oil the performer who took put Inthe recent matlneo for the benoflt of the Bufferers by the Oalvwton lujnlrane Mr Choatoendowed i check for n 0 The promoters of thebenefit will tend ClZOO to the fund

Empress rredrrlrk Improvingtiftclal COM nnrattftta TUB act

DBUUX Oct 18 The Krrhnnifig pithllshe an omclnl bulletin stntlng that the condi-

tion of Emr rem Frederick Is Improving Herheart Is aironcer her pulmonary affection Is

derreaMna and her fever has dsappeired-BIW hut continued progress toward cotiva-le o noo I expected

The Noble Lord Irodncfl In Londoafiffttii Dmnttfi to TUB SUN

LONDON Oot n The Noble Ix rd a fixdal comedy by Robert Mar hill author of A

Family produced at the Crltertnnknight The act exoeHent

comedy the ivcond U the third U abso-lute farce

Attachr lever Convaleioent-

Srtttal CaN Dnpattk a Tilt CS-

IxNDOS Oct ISCommander RichardsonClever the naval nttiohof the Embasxy who ill of con

Lope Indisposed but Itrcnvered Onlrkl-rlr ol Dtifatehlo The Scv-

RoMF 0 tis The who iio il-

thlstncirnltig was so better thl afternoon that he tins able to receive some Tvroleepilgrim

Sir Arthur Salllrsn 111 In PartXtrtitt Calk Ufiraitit ta TIIR SUN

Iovnnx Oot i ltl rumored that Sir Arthur Sullivan U tevrely U In InrU Tie re-

port cnus Hnnxl lif No iloalh have ben re-

ceived He tva on his fUr o Monte Carlo

Cipt to ne on the Shamrock II

IXJNDON Oct IB The paper that SirThotims Upton lias deflntely engaged Syra

new taut under W O-

Janir i n

Von Wgldctife In Fektn-

ffttlot COW linratt la TUB Sux-IjsnoM Oct It A locinitcli ftoru Peklnsayn

Field Marshal ount von Wnlderxee has arrivedthere and U iiunrlertJ In th palace of theDowager Kmprem

The rrr l nl lleplln to the hlnr r ICmp-rlvt Letter

AailiMiioN Ot 18 Secretary layperoonnlly liamled to Vu Tlngfang-the Chinese MlnUtrr today a lettor-froinlresldeiitMrKiiiley to Emperor HwangmiIn ntiswiT ti the letter nf lliaiikn from tho-KnipiTor handed to the IVenldrnt yesterdayby Mr ii Thetextof iiiwill nul limit tnniorrowl-iut it IH liMmixl that the nn vi rdxi4iint intnm my new adviii tn UwnngHi-iat to th nniiis to be puriiuil tn n tniililinormal iniHMon in limn

In Jlrmory nf William 1 ril nWAHIIINOTOS not IS Acting Poitmaotv-

rOiienil Jnhn today a ajmark ut respectto memory of the late William I Wilsonformerly r Miiiasl rJiniTnl ordered that

i Lie dNphiyednt halt ma t until ftfithe funeral

HoTemmu of irl-WASHINOTOX ti is Tha gunboat SnMi-

ville ba4 failed front Hankow fr Shanghai andthe gunboat Don Juan tin hm arrivedat Kong

llrclttrr Tnn yA citizen of no ineui city which will

nearly ftowo rot for President of the UnitedState OU w 1 fe l one om If do not nister ou can dt it it ltflhmx vrtiTin sou



Thanks HerA



RonfrAt i


Pop Ind

mis or


or th



ninihp tie

Dspact Tug






Sycamore4prIa2 Cat ZspafchtoTflr SUN


mOte captain his

iii t i o i iiinfln II ii title tint Ii


t tietitflat


a I

you ant efrtaIfll cant






< ¬










> >






Fj a Tog Oo Said the hut tot IfIntend Going tar Ooodlle Not

Angry With Creditors If They Importanst-It I Nobltr to Forgive anti Forget Them

At the dinner of the Credit Men held lastnight In the rooms of the Drug Club too Willlam street speeches were made by JusticeUaynor of the Supreme Court the Hon The-odore Aub Judge Qroen of Brooklyn and DeanCharles Waldo Qaskln of the Nevr York Unlverslty school of oommeroe accounts undfinance Prof llotkliu said In

I have been reading recoveredfragments of tho wisdom of Shaodbao tbeOriental philosopher and perhaps a few of theecvtim of thought may be of suggestive use toeur study of the credit r tfm of the Westernworld

V have all he SIlT more or less to dowith commerce We buy good and nometlmivt we pay for them We soil the pruoiouproducts of our hands or brain at the beet pricewe con get If buyer pay upthat we did not charge him more I he fallswe are glad that he not decide to raY leten tie ilolWr

lit diligent li contInues In keeping youraccounts 1 better 10 charge anthin to forget to It once TliU 1 thtrue iirlnilpld of lo lil entry

Tuv iut you ho mi but not If you illtend going for

again let mi les at least as theof tho merchandise Do not oil the

His nt the top of the crate Have ajgood a layer In bottom also for there aye

paokage at that endtruth he give this advice Do

ew pnp n-ad liable to err

nnsry with creditor If theyII U to

are us bad a a Are butShncalmo n v largely on how

utatvl with the underwritersOnco when filmcabno delivered

a learned dlacourw on ooinnierce anda man asked the how hn might

too much trouble 11stto mo replied the man teachtheo In le son ate uln per fewon The young mrin Joy-

fully paid the mont ant atfeet of I ir when the

course wo1 over he cried out Him Hah thoutaught me Nn





IIi b hl tU


or Qt eDa b

noblertoriQ themtat



II J hlo tO mattothe OM e

rtPro A Qercll-Olt Q e bra 0




the are sorry


in amuin uabit

who open the

iot believe afli ite Azlvttaeri





heat asttthtl returnedthe taught thou v

Iix ungrateful ontmfrataful We a to abaehou as







mUJor Pet rpn Ills of Yellow Fever In Ut n

till Wfe Kills lUrsrlf-Sr al raw DupiiicH to Tan SUN

HAVANA Oot 18 Major Peterson Commliwnry of 8ubUst nce died at 0 oclocknight of yellow ferer allot nn IUne whichlasted nine days Ho hat boon twentytwomonth In the inland IVeviou ly he was aFirst Ileiitonant In the Sixth Infantry and aMnjor In tho lAlt IndUna Infantry

HU wife crnred by grief committedby shooting herself with n revolver an honrher husbands death Mr Petorton wasUnited States wheti h r husband wa taken Ul

She was summoned and arrived here lust Saturdv She had teen living In LasHospital where her husband was n

There are 103 onees of yellow In HavanaWAHHINOTOS Oct is iloiga chief

SanitAry officer of Havana cabled the WnrDepartment today that Ma or Matt It PeterlOn of the Commissary Department diedmet right of yellow fever at Las Animn andthat Mrs PeNrson on rIng Itifrrmed of hi

death rommltted suldde mi hour afterwardMajor 1eterson wn n native of North






Cam ¬

lina and was graduated from the et PointMilitary Academy In l v He wn Imniollalelv

Urutonanor in the TenthInfantry HP wrved ilw in the Thir-teenth and the SIxth infantry and In l 0fl hn-

lcotne n First Lieutenant In the Seventh Jn-

fantry h rtlv uficrward bwlti again trajiferret to Sixth Infmiry Hi t rk tart Inthe tattle nf STitac where h wa HVerclywounded nml ifter whl h ho was recommendedfor breve for nitiisiilsr gallantrj

On i IMI IIIMII rior oi was rnm-ml lotied n Malur In the lUl t luttiaja Volun-teer Me ren UDiM with this regiment lUlUafter the Spiilh W r In lotDber I W

he a ommlswirr of Sutwl tenrowith tho rank nf ind nMlgned t dutyIn Cubit end WIS later mmmlsstrtiel Mnjurand CominUsiryof Suii lit Jiico liiti o rs-

He wax ri luate l rroni tin ami Lav-alrv School in I BJ

CINCINNATI Petrrvmof ijir Peterson wits n t in u

woman Her father lloi rt Aiiisnn Is are pit

Ireillent if tin 1ty Hoard I Pnblli ServiceAlll on said toii lit that ttifcrinntlon-

he hail a to daughter was fromthe l tviH Adiutunt liiviernl nnd saiddied of grief lie would tnt nlinenIwkothat he had been infonuwl tlehad killed herself Ho Mid tin bediM nfboth tint l eon Inirleil-

Mr P ter nn tint pent the ninnmer In tilecity bathe lien on by n wirciMtianon after tint return from Cuba In tieAlthough still fnr front well he had hastily

to her husband on tearing nfew ago that hn w Ktrnken ith tie

told her father arid sl irrbefore departing that if he dltw I cannot

to n Dr of Phllailelphki but themarriage nn unfortunate one ntid she

married Poteron about three years ngnWhen he wait stationed at Fort nearhere with this Sixth Itegiilarwo made Captain ant titan Major during theSpanish war Peter nn who ss

circles linr-

ernrtLATiov or AniroA I

It l 139ia an Incrrai of M3KO3 Duringthe List Ten Tf r

WASHINGTON Oct 15 Thn Con u Bureautoday announced that the population of Arteons for 1W Is IJJJi n compared with npopulation In IW of 698JO This shows nnIncreiw during the decode of wsoi iotaper cent Thl largo increase Is due Into th fact thit there worn jtna Indian antll utUcr per oa cr a total of IHH25on Indian r In Ariionn whowon sppelally enunieratixl In under tho

of tlm Cunsu net teat wero twt-

inrlinlwl III thn general of UioTercltory nt that centil Th of theTerritory In 1S70 was Ocw nnd during the tenyear from l 7D to liSO It Si5or Sis per cent giving a population In ISMof 4i l 0-

llnhrnlohct Hrllrrment Conflrnird-

WASHlxnTON Oct I Thn St In Depart-ment rrmlved elliot il rnnrtniiat from theItilled Stales CtiargAirAffalre at llerlln of the

that Irincn von llohenlohn has retiredfrom the olle of hiinellur of the O rma-Kmplre atil hal tin fount Iliielow Minister of Foreign Affair ho bn appointed tosureei d him

Arm avr OrderWASIIINOTOX Ort 19JThrw sony orders fr

issued toilaylit ut Ward D Pjshlnr Fourth Cavalry

to Chlcmro or diminution to

Ilfvloiis ordnt to Ufut Georre A NutrntSeventh Aitlllrry to join his hatvry hUt tern reroltrd-

rtrnl UtuL Pftcy M KMAlfr Third re-llrtrj from iluty In tie rhlllprlnft and oMrrra toJoin IIK

liiil Samuel T Ansrll Klcrtnth Infantrytran f rrr from roripany K oampany I

AnMiryt lot Prank O Smith Sixth il-

rtallilfil nirrohrrof It Itrtlrlnclliarit In thisnt nil M fltarlm II Thompson QunrUrinahUr-Ilillixl Mntrn Vnluntrm Captain uinnt-yuartfrninHfr United 9tl Array txtuttIns Irani-

Tlirsf naval orders wrrr IudLlmtfiiint imnmnirt 1 M llrlra from mm

Dianit I l Diiruthrn u minrunnd of thrllrut V 1 SatTuM Horn the InJrrndrnce tu-

tlir riulailrliliia-lniit II A rom the ftorothfa

rrutl rand natU torA hind from the PhllAdrlphl to

Solafrn wMrli mull divi un offlrfi for dutyen AMnt tation upun arrival

KnMrn W IV mm the IXrrothcn to the Krollowatrh and ofHrrr

V smUh and NaT C elldivision onirrrn report for dug on stationuj in

Natal raitrt V u NaralCalrt HVlrnanAnntantSurcftinll A Dunn and AwUHM-

PaymaMrr K limit lorothr tithe frolic

Illhe ton Irefrr llronkljn-Apnrirurntt nd lUmnci in drcKiklyn as elm

get ilwi Ihir r lllk ijrnd Sunday tN vo-

mi nail murli o tmtit iiu it








retired n mdrl11nn nld nl

Ir tieii or lie

lnn n hern < oncePIO

url n divorce own

was ftIold handsome anti prrninent In






Secondroll l




afrom to lii IU ant





antiwa <

I n lent i



tit iteniill

dare just





was society




as ttiton




nj and



it I rile asthe

clii isbnNaval tsnlet Cadet II

liii itaer watch






< ¬











< >




he Will Start t 8uen a the Ktnincky-tlrackr the Asiatic StstlonW-

AHniNOTON Oct IS Thn battlwhlp Oregonwhich was injured by Ftrlklng Hock offtho north coast of Chino nnd temporarily

at Kurt Japan Is to bo brought homofor exlciujve repairs u boon an the liattJi hlpKentucky reaches the Awlallo stntlon liesKentucky Is ncbcdulril to leaveon Saturday Th asiltrniiUtit of tho Kentuckyto tho tar Ciiit Hid due to Unowludee that ties

would neowwIUito bringingher liarli KOMI tinrlitho Asiatic In n two monthsthe will then tat by th Im tilt liiianmutt fur tho a Miitiun mi PUKIMHoiinil whore lur

to the Na Diiaitiunnt how tlmtIho was In n iTiulo waythe Kurt dry iU owing to the timegiven by tile luinii l linverntnont for rrimllit

tit it mnl hnnilHomo of the in tint hut pailcdwith wood il eovertnl with ivimUtNi tirinit made to repair anything ix vt ftin iit r bottom wax totho intnrlur of tintu slid bulkheadu strained The work of

the oreion In flrtclnwill take mite tuneIt U the liitrntl n nf tlm Uopnttiiifiit

to mak the i eital nt finlni ortaiit rcrulrlntf he Dcpurt-Dient In very uiuoh atUfl il w Hh thetor of work on tntteil States vc soliat private dockyard In tlm Far Knt Hint

Adlilltal Kllgltieerliit lilef liesasked for an appropriation of n nilluuii dollars-to construct a repairing Iba then Mint of tie comitructionwork will be do hcrvntei In wnver lit 1imetSound preparation lor waning tho loimiraon Dnrartnio t hasordered Varal O rutniowr Frank Wfrom Navy Yard to the Pu t

Naval Station chargeof construction department lie

ronx 0 Kanm principalConstructor in Washington



I 11 II nil



h i I

to IL is tif lit to tlithuittu olldIUf 01 itt

hit err


Iuull lion




a Conatruo




hal tI rleeter lIe

ion illui


t tat lieu islint

be a get 4 ftgOlt



luti iig


NayI tie silI did

etat Iii

rbe soeceest at Mareor


< <

Col Mllli Iteoornntenili Chances In EntranceItrqnlremmti nnd Sr lltzlng IU ltnpprilW-

ABTttNOTOK Out The War Deiuirtmerit matte public todav the annual report ofCal A L Mills superintendent of the Mllli tryAcademy lit West Point Col Mills says thatthe aoAdeinlo ywir opened with 4 cadetson the roUt of the naaileinv Dnrln the yearthirty were discharged for dpflolunoy In studiesone for clnnd nr In discipline and one forphysical dlsalillltv seven rotlgned and fiftyfour were BTodiiatod Col Mills deplore thyfailure of CotiurfM to repeal tilt present fixedre iulremont for ndmlMlon to the aoadrmyand to plnon those roqulremcntu In the controlof the Secretary of War He nyc

Though the ago of admission to theacademy Is from two to coven VWIMgreeter tho overage at which hoy enter

this foradmission ar the amP In botli otsei Thisfact I a tooter unrig for the

It and It slmU off work it ahntildant could do If the subjpcU ix vered on irini

were fnjine i to n with puWI schoolitindardt Tho pr nt rftcntlremeif umnmtto an to MUIIV oiim num o nkenn effort tonnter lh a l failedto profit bv ailiMntimrt given tn ties public

open 10 thenMMiierca and dim to the little required

hpforn fnierine and the i wc arily severerrpiiiilrnniiiiiM after entttrlng alluresresult Th record of shows onentering to nrununt to almost onethrrH nf the

whiln nliout oMhnlf ofthin number who enter fall to grnrinin Tie

In the ontir n are not dno to the severityof iU ditii iid-

Hefirdaj to lining the report MVSIt U i to I P rile to report I

hellevo there has nn nbsolno endlinr thissummer of the cruel and extremeforms of linlng new cajole which re-ferred to in mr I1 annual report Thus

n about largelyby the voluntary aetinn of cadets

rec minen s an liirTease in tie rayof the cadets to It to the samenn that of the naval cadets





rlar till

t r that


ar-twork das













TWO virirrovsr DIK-

Dwlitht T rued In Sprite lId Ilrrfnnd WKagsdsl In V g4 kl

WAsrtrNOTiiN Oct l Tb Department nfState ha received n telivjmm front Mr LayVnxtiliiiniral at Ilircelonn reporting the

dooth of Dtvlght T Jtewi who wn4 appointedVli oa n f I nltrd Stati at Madrid Mayr l i Mr wr also at the trite nf hi deahthe nc n III Madrid nf the Klilltaliln lifeAstiranre Irmipnny of New cork Mr Heedwn nppoir e l n clerk Oct t u 7anti nrviM here until luly 3 l T7 when lie wasoppintitpd six nt MadridHI fn rn hut oflVr Soi embfr t wa-pppninfiti o I atliiti mOnrral at Mnilrid Feb 12 ISW nnd rplirod






sceret Il Cone


Mr np l was recardol n a man of Kuperlo-rIntnllupiiw und tiiidp an rviord Inthe I of Sill Ilia sivrit try f iecMInn nt 177 witsto ffpt n trin r slit Mr Art the pr nt-Bisond A ti t nt se who entered tho-Denirtrneit of iU iiri i r In hunt you MrHed vit l r t I S to ifter-

i iTritlc tliitiivi it idri-Ifinr InavltiBtheservliiif the iovimtnent In

lkS lin Life A siirattic Siwuv Hi dntiw HS Vlioronnil didnl Ipteritr nivi oouunctlnn wih thatnclT i niamml II panlh Lidy who stirvlvH

W MillNrTn Ocl t of llrtraildW It crliln VUvronsul at Tientsinshalol this Consular ourt ai Nncasaklon Sept 18 tiCs lieen re orl 1 In thn SlntP-parlmi t by itnTnit ds ate Coivul nt Saga

Mr lad il wa a rp ldint of SnnlaCnl ind was Viceton ul In-

l ns md nil In HIM A flie lnltpilstHit 4 Consul nt Tli ntln Mr Itacdill ri ut ln the

the n i ni M hit etrinM anil-rr and In Jute tent to NuriMUki for thetnt of

ivrKitvi nrrrrK urrririsThe Thrre Months llndril Sepl HO Shunt

Inrrraie of Slt I 47Mi lj i Vei-rntITX i rereiiin nf in-

ternal reviiiM for Ih of Seiitemliirwere fM ID sit liilng a iloire of 3IOI7H7-1eomiirid nli the wine month IM year

I he receipts fim tlin aii srunes weressTluM dcrrn iinM7 To

Imcpo iMXKii lenr a e ny uij FermentedllUlirn 8M 5V lporeii io feon-mrcnrlie fts7st e hiv i Sitii 9 f tliiTf lni Prniinetnry-nml dneiuiKtitarv MnmM it3l deerca-iil

Tor the tliriv mortlis iiuled rs the f-terml revetmi M iiE r itinliirlli i iiriirriid-of year notwlt1standing n Iilinu oil ofSi iirj In thin nmproprietary it itii-

lletl P Morton nn lhelre lilrnt-WASIIIVOTMN fl I Ievi p Morton gaunt

upin thin tiiliy Hn Is mentionedof the l fl l ineinhprn ofhague dun nf ArWrntlon two of uhtini hay

beiii Irt iilitit lnrrKon exSenator Irnv of Deluwu-

rlirgtster ToIlay prjToday and tomorrow aro the last das of

registration If yju riot regUtrred vou can

Special Saleor

Rare Rugst are opening a number of

lutes of rare mugs hum UK


333T0341 FOVRTH AVENVEUrl rub and in SlO New York

This special fmpnitatlon Is

unusually attractive in point ofcolor and design

Moderate Prices



1 1











lfI t linn 11 f r




II r



appoint men


tilt i s

nit t I t I he I tot t e


Tie rleabmarid

I t hon

ittisol lit odI lie it

a Juan ng I minim ruts hr


liemit tilt



reelmoore t tie


lr reid ntone ti I

appohuti id is timid



as tns





> >



> <

< ¬


> >


< >

to Men and BoysS Outfitters 1

Their Old Plant

Their Trade lUrk II truly lllulritfi the fl nlin-htt l or whlrh OmiT cloihu on

the luMilft ihc VITALSII cud

TheIr new pl ntby md llnnwl-hrnllhlrtl t riulptrj-

Imni In World

Pcv ltl fly no Jd t day commencesto mnrow at s o clock at all four t ro

b IhIr1t I Iolhln

o Sale




279 Broadway near Chambers St

IFOUR 47 CortlandtSt bet Church and Greenwich Sts OPEN LATE

CONVENIENT and 29 Sixth Avenue bet t4th and 5th Sts SATURDAY NIGHTSTORES 1 t i25th St cot Thhd Avenue

i Otfitters to Men and Boys2


jttir fxinir TD IUIIEK

Cat of Allrgeil Dlscrlnilniillnn In IBe nilihnrB of n UnIon Man

RosTON Oct 18 fiir dellberatlrg fortrti hmirs the CtiiUd District CourtJirry vnicht reported that it hud disagreed

n tin gait ft II J Hill chief train dispatchernf thin Tiuntfin division of tlio New Haven

i Unllronil who wi on trial for nn alleged violathin nf this Hrdinan law governlnR railroadsIntegard tojli iitfali roumb rs

of labur i rgiiniatimi Hill rli chttrneil 1cterJ liilliOi an operator who was a niera erof the Order of American TcleerBphcrH byorilor of SIIPI tin Tamitonant made that tilt rirlmico in the trial Thf-tllnvrninent all d that It won becaiii ofhis comwiinn with the union that Owllgnn


11Man AnklI lllauvrlt strIped on a rug lu lier

room u this Ilelvedcre yesterday afternoon andtIme rug dipplns nn lie liirclnrnoil floor h fell

snrnlnina h r nkl Hersays tInt Mine wjil confined to herron for several days had In-

tended to sing In Ito ton on Sunday night

Against Prim Voltage of DrnnkarJ

John O Vonlv Prohibitionist cvdldatp forPresident ndilresued a burg gathering In thin

Jcr y City lKt itlgli HP shIll nvote or y r Ilrrnn tiiiMrt n T IPthin sfilonns A placard on wall rend o

od to tn nnd umlnitod comagoof

The WeatherThe nina nf bight which brought on the

rwl wfatlict Liotid yrstrrnny Into the Soiilhrrn-SI t t ullli tl1 crntr orcr the lon i MUMvMrpl

Mid Tcnnf ee valleys throwing Kft Kindt from ai mth sfrly point ant rn i lnir a general IntrmpMitirr over ill the Mttrn hilt ot time rountry

Fro t occurred nrtfrlhflwt over a twit ot countryutritrtilnp from lowi mud Missouri Mtw ra to Nfw-

Englnnd n l tlie Mlortlp Atlantic coastsIt nll ennllnue t grow iTAtmtr In the Middle AV-

Inntlc uml nr Knt And Stairs to day ant tomnrrowThere nn storms la sight yett icUy except onhip fxtrrmc rotlbftn In this cityday was fair nml Werner nrrrn humidity 41 rwr

wind frrsli west to 3iiutiwr l bnrornttert Irma to l vr at S A M SOOt 3 P M

roaiTIe tmp tntnrf at recorded by the offldil ther

miimftf AId l o ly TUB SUNS thtrmomcur at theelicit Irrrl it a owa In the nnntied Ublc-

orrtid imttal1H8D IDUiVl 1DOO 1S99 moon

RA M47 IT 10 A P M 7V 8lISM 17 7V R4 W I MflJ 70SI Mfll 77 PIilS lldBV 06 BS-


For New rnranil fult today arid tomorrow freshlo brlVt nnrlliwil winds

Ill taimt Vrt Vi f fair te Say to merrpir-

Ccv i ttitmr tiorilirn pcrll loaav cot totrrihtfil it iiorthrrit

Fnr rittrrii Imnsyhnnln alit Jcinfy fairiiil tn morrow cooler In porlkm to

dn rnsh t liri l imtthKMt wInFor tie HlMrlri nf Cnliimriln Mnrjbnd Dc sre

ant Mrrlnla tilr t ia And tomnrrow wrsl-Wllllt

f i tr irin Inn ltiinln ivrMrm New Voik-

purtiv lutiily nnd eimlrr to cay fair lu rnormr rr bto brisk northerly attiCs shifting tn southerly by-


llrcltfr ToIUyrcl lrntlon In of New York this

year promit to oi thlnc like dOOca Jt-

It the largest ilnul chunk nf the eleCtorateAr ou coiC tn III It Todar and to-morrow nro thin last rlnnoio to rvglttrr

iilif narpopr frim 7 A M 10 P M

Itemrmrier TlilWhen n ndreitlMi ijnrlUilofdl r e f ne tlr coet tn Tn 81 XHr


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Pacific coast the1

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The firm of Ab Kirschbaum Co Ins been In the1NO16 business for more than half a century From Portland

to Portland Oregon they are known as makersVitals Brand Clothing the name that stands for inwrought excellence This

firm with offices in New York Boston Philadelphia Chicago St Louis andSan Francisco has sold more than ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS of dollarsworth of clothing and every garment ever sold has been well made from firststitch to last The superiority of clothing has brought increased businessand compelled them an new and plant To move theirimmense stocks meant a tremendous a great a serious loss

5 Our four great stores give us the LARGEST CLOTHING OUTLET InAmerica we made Kirschbamn Co an otTer for their ENTIRE IMMENSE STOCKS an otTer so low that we had no idea it would be accepted-But it was and the result is that we offer




The Ab Kirschbaum Co Stocks100000 Worth of Clothingth-

is seasons newest and best Clothing mind you at the

Lowest Prices Ever Known in the History New YorkSAlB COMMENCES TOMORROW MORNING AT 8



ritopoiinoNATntT LOW PIUCES

SACK nxpnnn SUITS1400 OXFORD CHBVJOT SUITS 11ft-ieoo oxronDSACK surra ellisi oo ouAYoxronnSUITS DIm1400 OXPOROCIIHVIOT9 OT5-


1000 niACK ala1400 111ACK TJIlboon FINK OHKVIOT SUITS H7R-i oo iiioiifnAUi cniivioTS tiin-M i niHVlOTSAND WOHSTEUS IIfiti-



iSatln Yoke fancy llnlnta1200 DIACHICHBVIOT SUITS 77S1-





iCou ant Veil of the above sold separately


liEN 8DEIIJ suns


CmltoT AlI












fxing Afnrtmtt About lilt Hooks Not to HP

Made Public Jo t towA deposition by Hinlynrd Kipling

before John D Venn n London notarypublic received yosierday by JohnA Shield clerk of tile Lnlted StaUvi Cir-

cuit Court It la one of the papers In thesuit brought by Klphng fur alleged iii-

frlncotiient of copyright against v rious-

Uiiir declared that the Outward hound edi-tion of hln works by tho Sorlbnxni

the only iiiitnorized editionThe received U rathervTolurulnous and contnliw Interestconcerning first Ainerlran editIons aunt ottier

clerks ofllco but upon the olxpctlon of AIIIUtILi T Kiplings lawyer

reporter wore not to copyof it trial Is set fur Inntinry nextIf the is introdiivil It will be iniido-publlo

WHILE nuttniuvnTyphoId Ferrr Patient Ilongrt From Third

Story UludorrMknll FracturedNellln Mnnninc yours old of Ml Orove-

olrrpt Jersey City Jumped from the thirdstorywindow of her honin early yesterday morningShe landed on tlie slilewalk skull wasfractured and iMemHlly iiijtirnd MissManning WRI still hunt In the i itjr last

but the elector cannot recoverSite tiein suffering typhoid fornovernl und It U hotill window whIle In a delirium

Impostor Connl lfner l NaT rr sNume-

Peflor Jn A de Navarro Spanish fonsiilGeneral wrlit to Tint KtS ar follows

Several letters have been nddremed to gen-

tlemen of this city signed f A NavarroImpostor who maillot u

Yorkasking money for rhartto At ral of Spain for

the States residing In New York IllsA NhVnrro omulnt New York

unknown ti hlToniilat nnd laM noconnection Mild the S n h fonsular sorrl eIn this tniiid Slates ore ewlierp




tnprlrnn InIJleI


fliP Itl and edlthtigof thin was IICId on tile the





In fronttill aPt


Ihimselfn ow

bl1 lied

lilY to man who claims to



reurraui nmentatones


she was

icy shecant




an S

ditty ditto tIm to-T Is









oo niiooKSKRiisiivs ULACK i 7
















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i oniTiAnrJ-

nnies Parnon Major the nlijent steelin Ainiirlcn died nt h im in Homiervlllo V J on ht at tin Bill ofte H was n hroihorlnUw the lateJ Joust tin iiotH engraver withwhom he wiw iivmclat years Inntpoiitlng a number of hats finest stiel engraving plates produrtM In thl ruimtn Hn wasIn England Tor over ye rhe the bruit of the pigrivlng anti

of Aineriioji hunk Note Coinpatty and IU predccesir Ho wa this firstman tn shirt active binness th pntxntOitoin Hniiw liiiilding The lankhart lia rsl oparo In tint newbuilding and Imrinp retvlvpd sonic very Important and work It was M Hrrangedthat Air Major room WM fitted for usetime bpfnrP thin opening of the building forgeneral buslt si purposes Mr retiredfront actlvw twenty yeirs ago IIIis2 he movrd fmni tnHo a widow and flint

Oen John V Fishier litil III hl homo Iny ttrda Hn xf yonrsold len KjriPT from the rank toMajpr during the civila olonel without for orclersihp IM a rhnrgp nod took Hmmlthe Af lettr bur Tin feat wa theturning poltil th ort and nonFi her was priilPd ulul prninotril wentto In i 7l and inrvivl f r HMI VO IM-n Chief liHtlco of the Territorial SupremeCourt

Philip Sands a Inwvpr whohad boon an Invnlld for ceviral yours dlpciudilptily tirdi inoriilna nt isThirlytblrd Mivot in lii llflevinthyivir Iniving u widow ami OVPII

was a iinuiilier f HIP MtroolltaiiInlvpixlty KniikerboclT nnd climbHP wa an aliiintius of i oii niii lnlvpp ltyHU ftinivil 11 be lucid nit ai ckrut afternoon at thin Ohunli nf HIP Incarnatint

herman Ooprppr actvl M n wniltliy malwter-nf Cincinnati diet yotpriv nn r-

ntp l on for aiiimudlcltH nnd ilid not rally fromthe IIP wnx uric nf iiriiilnont btin s tnennf the oIly

David M Pinch a pmniimnt cnntrnrinrsaid bulkier VfdnuHtay night at homoIn Kant Nrmralk aged Ml ypir-

lleclitrr TnMnyTodiy nndoinorrow are the days of

rrKl traion If you an not ered you con


oflit amid


r nil flwas





1111 11 I It h Ill

fOe ij






dtiiart fault




wit Incui i 1 I

itt I Iii


I aJ uut ice rotQ


tint nun r

I witshock lIt

died hilts






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Ii w azL

Each TablettotDs

ilJ Stamped thusDLt




