the sun. (new york, ny) 1883-04-06 [p...

V 4 S THE SUN Fill DA V AllUL 6 1883 DISCUSSING THE CHARTER 4 MOTION TO tKnf attKtTin roir KIM iN riu jiiivoft fOTin DOWN llfpntillcnni unit Tamnmnilto Hot AfViil- dl IJIve him Kola 1nnlrul of the Offleea Tim < hiirlcr Hunt lluck lu the Iommllte- eAtnW April G Tho nttemiit tn push tim Jew York charter amendments In IhoHlinpu In Kukh the Assembly Cities Coinmlltcu tcportod thorn tlirOU zit t the AsHomblyinut t with ndiclslvo- shuk tiiiiltfht Tho iUBslon and tlia tot- e < t votes dhow voiyclciirly tlmt nnr clicmu- vhlch coniiniscs HWuuilnt chances and tliu up- polntitionlof a newrsot utotllcou upon whoso utialltleatlotm t lliu AMormun shall I Inno authorI- ty to piss will bo ilufoatoil The doUHlo also inttltat34 ttuit not nit tliu Democrats arc > ot turo tliit It will bovvUu touat tim appoint IID power unroHtrlctod In the hands of Mour Ldioii rurlhormoro It mnkos It cuir r that republicans wit I itaml n n unit nialiist flay chaniM In tho charter that will put any nioro pour Into Mayor IMsons hand Kruin 1 John J Ollrliii who win In I tlio Clurkd room lonllit pulllni I I tliu ultra attached to New York llepublluinfl llku Van Allen mul House tu till vuutit reformers lllto lloopovolt- tho Uciiiibllviin Assemblymen art agreed on this point bliuuM thu Tamilian y men natty oiH mt to strip their Hoard of Aldermen ot- JUnlty mid power by tiiUni from tliuin tho- rluht to coiillrin nnJ aceopt n iliurtor providing for cciilrallliiL power In the Majois hands tltoy mlht miececd In iuttliiL Mich an I Instrument through Other irlsu they III Iou all thov uiu lift ing fur Tnu liiilutu tu t take this I tttup They t thinly conceal theIr irrowiiiK distrust of Major IMson rILe half f admit I tlmt I If I hu cuts lice from the dictatIon of the Aldermen hu will bocomu more liiJcipciidenl I In thik mutter of appointment and piiliaps In the long run reasu to reirurd- riniiiinnvi wishes With n lliiard of Alder men to cheek him nnddlutato t tihltn I tho Tain- ninnvniun are uulte willing to amund unit I late or reform the old cliartor In any way to make ofllcei vacant Cause iiiontly they hnvu llxod UP tho uimiiilmfintH that were 1m tore the Homo tonlicht which cave the Alder- men the continuing IIOWIT I liny did t this In tIle face of Mi > oi ldHOlis own declaration that ln did not want thn Aldermen to lino imv- thlni to Kay as to his appointment Tint rmmmun force wuro btalnn I In t thulr tlort to jot tlinli ainenilincnlH unit to Cominlttet ot- he hole hut siicceoiled I In dnfuiillni I n mutton to I fist I lict tin Citlia t Committee to Mrlku out itthechnrter tt every provision retI I ri lit eon Jrniitlon I b > t tlio Aldulinun AH t tho rus tilt of ho IlKht th tlmrloi viIi Mlit hick t lo t lln- 7uiniiiHliil Cf t tea for t tlio turio ti of fiiitliir tieirttmi ditch inoiiiiH a littler dlbiUs oii iinK rmturlili- niuniliiiunt Spunkir Chaplu line Honinn tin ad was oir noire clo bit V H nd than I In t tlii- nonts arrange tor tonltfhtN baltlu Thn inun- a selected liml tlio ultiifk on tlio Ttininmny charter nro will cliosii for theIr work and wet nll iplntlioli I t i piutn Thov worn l ltil br Miller of Sow Vork l5o Sltt of Ulstir lllci of Ontario mat Johnson 1 of Vestchust hr Mi i Miller who rnI llrHt iccognbcd loved to iconnilult Mr Uo ltt wits rvcnunlpil for the purpono- f > f gettIng lu the motion to instruct lie coin ntttteo to rut out t tlin Hoard of AMur non All iiiailc rattllni spxoclios In Hiipport of In Ir points SixUon lluinooiitM wern all that oulJ t IHI muitipd but t I thvMi i roninoni Ito Itinnuist I on t tin1 floor rortjllvo 3umocrat- srott for the rhirtor as t thn Tnmmaii men nantiil It Twiiitythroo Jiomocrits were nb lent or dmluid- Thn ropub loans or the Modoc ns Gen tplnnln uill d tlinm mustered nenrlj their full iiiciiLtli Hi > sore clninsll lid and fomi of hu timbre obtiii cotittir mien wero i anlt itt kii hv a I nport Unit Jlr i Jtooy eit tutu nail a dual with Sjumkor Chapln anti vn uliyl IPL I lain I t tli i hands of t tie Democrats 1litv tot onr theIr frlght when thoy found hn Democrats who wanted to recommit the inurier uvula not I trjlnj to beat nnr charter nit WHO Miniply MiUInf I to amend an I Itistiu- ninit they illil hit like Them woro siuvetiti cuilouH Incidents luth t dnlnte OiiDwni t tlic attltuddof t I t Done hut of Llster who wont with the Tnmmanro- rocs IwcTiise ho haul not ly en I Intrustyd with i part In t thu light auilnut them 1 lie 1 bturte- lut his fnulinir In thn oiionliiL gun once of his hpucch when hn pnfd that ichotly had consulted htm I or mlvi ° cut Mill him UN tn what hu should do I Hu had mine sharp word with his rolloncuo front Jlter Jlr Do Wilt who was flLhtlnion the Jthot siu of the Hue Anothir aiiiulnk Incident was the lop over f I Hullo tin oyster opener front Long Wand iftir otliiL tigill list ilvi tug tho Aldermen Ihu- orllrmltinpower Tho Tnuimun men won bin nor and hu changed his vote lust In time t- lelp it thorn through On the otn to recommIt 10 Hoped hack again Judco Tlm Camp vlls chance of tout was another Intcro tinc- iout I lit stood by thu Aldurmcn hut as til rvl mug I Ilall I man eould not co Ito iinadul- erated I Tammany charter lie voted to rocom nit It HlKKlns ot Maara got Itintuuit i In th- nlnorltv on both test votes Hu first voted t- iiko time conllriulni power from time Aldermen tat t then nenlnst tecommlttini t the bill Thu seventenn DomocratM who voted with tin Vjpubllcaim to rucommlt wore AiRliinn Ilulle oity Campb Church Clenrt I Vlti thu lli hiiian lltnrv Johniou Mltlor ll H V tion 11 r W VI Thoniin Tnttlt and Welch The fur i ktt meinl er are Campbtll and viuirr- Mt Miller moved to recommit the hill for fur Jitr hr iritis Ho said tim present ineasui- v a H totnllv dl ifut remit fromn that first I Intiodtiiei Pin piesunt Mil I had not bean open for con tIJ ration I by those who wlslnd to bo hear IPa It piitieularly thu provision iclitltiiM he oiitlrmatlon ot appointments by the Com imi C mmII He bellovoil that t hue Mayo l itt till have ihu solo power ot nppolntmunt Mr Du Wltt movcd torinicnd ilr Millers mo Ina hi iii ii II tug that thu oonimltteu I t I report t ito w MI nmendcd aa to fclvu the Mayor the sole urnf appointment and leinotil- Mr l M J JIurphy hoped I Ito notion tore 0111 Itt It would tout prevail I lii tutors had been iiicilateil I t that t this charter Llves John Kell- ti t I uirdl hum rv power lit is itt ight hu a tooi I lIN ill it with which to attack ito chiutui Ihi truth of the matter hownvui was that tutu pMinlnii in S racusu last fall I of the Domocrac- rHilKtasteful to thuliupubllcin tart and in tturt wet now Icing mule to ilostro this liar tioD1 Most of tutu i Democratic members from Vn York vvro In lunar of the nnioinltnoit Mr Do Vltl bullovud the people of New York ub ni I In favor of emcentiatlnu I power I In I Ito Mnvnr vthii hhoiild bouluctml for a short term en I hl to n strict accountability Mr UUi said It wiH tlmo for tim Democrnc ti liov th it they wuro wllllni to ulvu Ito pjpl ot NIIVV York u ohm tar lint was de- tiiinelid I by t th bust olomcnt ol tho city IV T > nnmbii knuw lnv numeroiiii WITS the ul rnclul I deals under n Hoard of Aldurmen- j tb < Iti ureat povvei and octlne In conjunc t ti vllh eoirupt i imlltkHl faction i Mr Vneirt still tin lIe uuibllcttnt of the II usc i luau held a cauem on this iiieHlon un- Urlhc limlirKhlpol a wijllknovrn llupulillcan- Jfiriiulli r I llu I t iifeireil t to John J Jliilei Jlx 1jpiibllcan puty In the tact haul never Militimnvptdiirccmiiillsh what thevnow ask t lit hiil l ty I in lie most arbltiat y manno urnl IVniticints out a tnt put llopubllcan- Mr ItbO j linomoll I t Hindu an argument I In favor firdinnur t n t ho Muvor i the iolo Power ot up KltttlKMltrfflll ITIllOVIll Mr spin la ippuscd the anvindmont of Jlr 1 it ttitl thou tutuuveut tie piuvloiiMinuhtlon J oIu Sbts onlHiud Tho iiue tlon WItS thoi l j I u ibtt thn amendini ut Jlr Do Witt to In niiiittliMcniniiilttou t I to tuport an amendmenk- liMitftlni Major t thu solu povvorof appoint ro unit iimovil I It I was lont by 4il to I IS I t I llii wis ton t iecomniltteil4h to 4D 1 liii bHtIltf y paspil the Penal Code amend HI S loili but lefuseil to make am exump in t t hi hv r uf hunihi tlshlns I Itwas vor til thu Mimo old illiiinHlon over wnaln 1 Ii tuiiiuttuu iin Mien led Oil Inn pathetic till lI r o tit ii ii eni id t lie A to trlcmmn iLtbittt It he uii Jul iIttt tLiitttbtiill nail ts iiminln thu t taunt gu ltulti bit ttmbbIIy If tutu coulul Ii tnt It I It I s V iii it ii lb n out don ted tut I ii nnnl ll ill gut II ii Imug Ott Stundum r I Ic Ji lt n ItIi ttui rueson It I i own lii ytiouJ dit > s > t1 1 how hue maiihed I In biinday school r blii nsainl dHllhtnil In Ito sweet Phillies it tiii i hath i l ill l Mr I lnosPolt woe not hurt eir itt ibintentelut Ii aIpared to be It but Iii ur of t ii irohuitltl nm Sit nda Ilsit imig iucitlmut I Ir Ytimit to the IIouo to hut the 01 ret ii Iui c tu ill ii roil thuiti r soil taty tutti v Iibtltttti t ltlt thitht God r 1o t Sbttituit ilhtlng J imde nmtmpboil I t Ittuurt HI the bill eontnInlnt Ito ttVliPltittit4 si f Ion 2ii3 of tho 1iilinl lilu In t ruir Mlintiiiiiuitunlt t t > lullit be nlfonled for ttby iVon Iii nniiiiiiliiiiint In lacnrdto Hun ttI i I II th i tibIth Iile I Iotte uadll ncrood to this bitj- Al n wits insiitnd It reid ttb fol lilluuc tl thit hioilln i nhlng plating hnn ravine iroiii r titi lO iort enercjiei famlme ur Itbui Jtii lii t rrn In ifthwek I and alt null dlt i Ma Ithdi are I rctuIlti4 IiOtiv luica ena tltat lie coithi then at Bl to kitok built thu tiitrit hlsmlmti sit mtut tint toui it I ii tuue hiowoyar antI I Ito I t3 Ieltta lie te f t hi lii I contuit a I mtg ho ThU vmruti fiut Iilititjn hIutitiug 1uuu tote nit hut Ii nolaa mmuot Ion to at low tbSt i In liii ivtitr amnund ow York cIty mtui jt to l ut ru flue tvorct lunStinte wits trIckuu thu t meottun of Uunt of Jefler- tl alu r 11 °° ttt triitt to set tho Judlolnry Join It of oclui rjut Ifiiiniho t furtherconsldrrn- iitlun I rai hui directIng Ito Attorney rtor i Irimu hlt to jj40 0 hue Jlnnhnttan t to U Iii iiullon to ay rutlda other bust eoijsiul r ihu mill t Icr wus tabled on Cot lr tiif iloti 3t to 40 lit hciuto bill Intended to prt- thu sterimig tciis reported itt 113 Atkciiblir JudlcUrr CttmoltU c S 4 i XI r Hnndorson mowed to dlsnroo with the nd- irsu niiort Sir Do Witt n momhcrof thocommltlcci nlJ thu lull tirohlliltrd thu Issuing nf stock iinli s- nt MH viilnn ninl for itettttil ciiHh ItcontnlnodB- OIUU good fouturu hnt wn too twuoiilni mind would thick tho hulldltur I ot nnvr rallrnniU Mr ONullKnlil tin ulll wait n gooti one Hull rondswould Ito built whcnovur hero wn n do ninnd for theme Mr Hnndoroonri motion to linuriio wus t tmrrieul timid thu hill goes to Cons muitteut of tho Whole It was near tho hour of adjournment whoa tint Mirlinm tirloti bit which wuro I hit speelmil order for tim iluv wcio tnknn up Sir Kovcs toil ofT In 11 itcliinil dlcctipslon of the whole ii host lout ot prison tu fun mit I llu do led that t Ito iniocintlp I plntforni plmlucd I tho imity I to- abuiltihi contrnot labor It slinply iileiltfoJ the party to nforniH I In prison innnimnniunt- tn I Cud Jim phis motion t thu Mulls t bill I which rovlihH tot tho StntiVn tnklnifchirui of titus lirlsin workshops was utihstlttitod tr limit lily ¬ I teen 1uotud I mug hI his and iiindo a Hinclul order for flit Ittuoudiy Thu Civil Codo wits favorably roportiJ hy the Jtnllclaiy ConiinlttcU Du VItt nnd Iloivu ills meiulimtg- Ituti Capitol Coot in tstiomttra roporlod I In nn- nnir t ton rcsoliillon t I lniiillrlniwliiit I Is to bo hun probe lilt cost of coniiilntlni I ii I lie now Capitol t that tluiy hiivn no nuana of kltowlni itehit front Inlin iniitlon iirnh hi d hv tutu nruliltitH Aciirdlii to their ustlin HCH thin eot t of emu plcllim thin hill dinir will ho S 171iUit ThUO or foui Kliian na xlnillnr Imnilry was Hindu hv niHoltitlon nl tlm helium nnd thu rnixn t thun Hindu nftui what luiriiortcd tn bo u I lull I amid thorough I Invistluiition was t thnt t t tin Cnpltol could Im cotnpletid I at n cost of nlltlln over llKlDtlUD hlncu that tUtu at loidt 000000 hns buiii Hpunt on t thu bu lid lug Mr Daly introduced n bill to reduce tho Qitarmiti I mitt Commission from Ito on Comtnls HlonutH to tumult who Is to havu aHalatvnr flout ItiiUo iiiovldisforinittlnu thu llvillh I lItter I nn 11 xiilarv ol f I lOOUii lit for Pulyi llu t hun Q iiur- nntlnii IMHIISIH unit of t lie fuus limit Stow uo to- thi I t llcnllhllllc I r- TliL hiii id took imp time I Maumiv Iirk bill In Cumnilttiu of thi hole nnd titter ll tiinlni to inn chis I In I Its favor tiom MntHrn 1111 Cot trt MiArlhur ii tnt Titus I I mado I It it special order for mt Tiicsdiv I nlKiit Ihe I hill iinllii rli thiioternor to npi olnl flu Com mlMioi ir to true Mllhont ui ixivpi for thilr ix tlic tu exninlni und retort upon I Ihu feailhllitr nod i iit ti IlirchpMia I Suit hIlt I In liu out n tire park on- t the I ordir of t the nitiract- Thu Huniitit passiil the hill p hpmolirIuit hug till t 1000 for I tho tuition I In Now Yoik t cit > of an armory for I thu Twcntysicond liegIlmonl In pxicnthu Mssion time 1 1limncc Comnilltoo reported I In favor of thu cumulI rmtiuttlotm uf Isaac u I 1env ns Capitol Comim itt Isutotic r All of t Ito I Dimociiitle Siiiitors nnd one Ili ittIl lean Thiiiiiiif voted for I Hit tport nndMr l IVrry wa cliii It rutted J lie other Iupubllciin hinntois itt ellncd to volu lor or uilnHt takIng the iriomid that thu lull under which Jlr 1nny was ap- pointed ¬ was riot legally passed owl Inc to tho unconHtltutloniil nfl I of thu Ileiitunant- inuinol Thu fenatu limit I rsn it Coat Itten will report tIm AmitiFmeuImtsblll adversely IHXAXA wfirs jnitTiintrA- nothrr llrrfklrHk Iiiny Around ITnel Miller Ulitnlnic Old MOT Timo old stove which wahimcl tIme rihlns ot- SlrIIenr > Clinton bug hefoiu thuuxocutlonof Major Audio VVIH niiiln iikilovvat Market nnd Monroe streets on Wedncsdiy nflernoon Mr ItC llrownletter known In I Ito civlll I bott world and In Chicago as I lliinana I Dob got o n piirly In honor tile twentylint birthday lIla gtmest and mvtral old tea bout won gmtulm tout around tint old stovu Tho guests drank tankards of fonmlnt alit toot tho tout boxes held time tank- ards ¬ until thnv wore rullllud Thu great may eat was porihcd on n pile of champ tno l kotH Iii winking and bllnUiiKiit I I n basket of j july Catharine Market xtiiks timid tim rrimig Its satin fatlon To avoid all dnnuur nf pin unioni a Hinnll halo of cotton lund huun xhovei I Into t tin old tush lotiiil Keholc Out Inclu Mlllci t II Hil- ton his low tool nt tlm tove iloniu verllablo- Inther TlniD nrnicd with tuastlni oil L tout eurvlnu Knife henthu bed of hn koi > oiU- wis it a white heat t the wliunln I s ot t the htiu Liollcr wet n looktil ovoi I ten pounds i f thick Mt ak eireiill hiltud tumid i iriinil and tliu- wholu biiliiohf VMIS thnisi Into the stne livu- mlnutui liter tluo tcind veiiliiined Ailif- ivory 1 odor llllid thurnnm the uetH tnpn d tcuuuemutt tout and MillTtd I t the all i r wUiu Ito im eat gui tat arisu on Itt lolly iiin h and laln 1 Us- iides I with its tall I When t thu Hleaks woie donu the y t ore cut Into strips phuiulan a jilu I tel as larii as the burl ot tin host timid Inun ¬ dated with melted butlei Thu kneea ol t thn kuestei verit bin lull In course rish towels and cubcn ot bruid ladenwlth the dilppinif siilis- wuio passed around Thu win winhn of tin bioliet were folded over a Iiih I Invohoof meat antI w enattain t thrust I Into tho teccssin I of tutu stosc Mr llrownt friends mitt tutu meat with nvlillty Tho kit out gras tikkled Itt n- thuli I lltuurs and I iliopin html lie towel Thu folhiwinx tnhlu elves I an ni nolinati amount t of thu iiuantlty itt t out red liveneli juuniJ- Vn < OttO or w il riniiirij ofit- tn Jamin lurklt i u II tiO rio II nrafi 41- Si vi Ytr I F is i llplin finn 41 i Win V Attt II I I I I Ii IMion 17 I rite lion Arthur U VVllllnn rJ J Tit iiriiiiin llHrhil t Ii Ihc- 1inier Ilihtltllli 10 u- Ihll W Uholi Jl- llr Will W lluttltt M II- C I IraU i is J i c UIM ird uf CtilcbKO 11 11- I M iriori JT ul- tol n N vtbott tit l c K Lord Ii- II l llruitii J U- Titul TTi u j b unt t I IhiniMh n front nitiiu tine on the pies thnt tiii hud hud IhtlrIlnniri bifore they lutnt- I > U oclock I the fun had mown fast and furl nuts rite kruat grit > eat lay dlntundud on Ito lloor Iho lion I Aittiur D WilliamsIMI reel tatlons fiom Chaunecv hhalTciH huv ovprrl- cliiu Mr I Hoprait tiuttul led his i tilp t to thu- handwjeh Isl mils nnd lie Coopn I Insiltiiti barber Hooded tint mum It with his oildltieti Mr lJIoui ttt tutu IVmi vlYaiiln liallioail usstimud- tho chaiaetur of n pavnibiokui The hhnp ut I kiep hu KI Id shu Is In Itri act street p > t thu olt lllptrnlan Ilall Von s day ti sailor mil n parrot comcs In mv blacon lint vanlx to Khiiout Ihu hemii I I gout hlniein- tollaron tin liunl im tit hu vent uvur ullthu I I iifirst day I hunic thin burl hy thu outnltoo- mem door Veuplni llachul hut ho tan a butt herd I Thuru van a Ill uinliin Convention In the hall I It cost inn mum as n huiidrml dol lirs to lit up my hlaecH net iluv Dot herd ho- cunt led nfl Savu HIM Gveun- Thu I roar ot Inuuhti tutu hardly died awn > when tin handsome Lr I liovIhy said I foci a dianclit of wind Im blovveil It o aint I rIght said Mr- lirownHfturInvestigation hoineboursstolen tutu tuilu of cotton fiom tho koiholu- Thu discovery throw the party late consterna- tion ¬ I IVar of pneuinonln cnuevd an I Inline dlato mutljouli muscat to I Hurry MlneiV Thuatro wtiete Ito only draii liM mire from hoer fccs- iindchanipaiielHitllus I and I lucre ill r lirown had secured two private boxes for his friend HltlliiK for n Soiloii Accliloiu John W llodgrovo enterJnj recovered n- jiilvmint ngnliut Joiei I I Iloie Jr for tf Inn aeifcr pertouiil lujurle inflicted on the plaintiff tty t the difeiidint io l x rommcrilal traveller for the frin of Maiiomx A Co in Canal ttreet In thl city In September he ii an nl nut lo Mart on atrip null Itefora- ltlti hilt I itt tur rxainlned tilt ret uti ar While han il tittv Ihe tti ii nn one of ttt hanilirr itSi arcldimlalli ill h Ifed llI lilt Ullintered Itldroteil unmet llu- nnforinnaie 1 nun ttaitnktn ti I the hoipital and i thtuie- t lit tbuite tim t eiCt Iltf Int tint neter xi tniorciot- crellbeli nil liinl tthlih t nern mftrtt5 7 It Itt till tionnd lie 11 Ktin a tilt acalnit Cloie lot Die littler onuromiMdll I I i itinla b conientlng to the emery of julginenl t KiilnM hull 1e Rnctiift Ckiinii lunili- Thu lut mitt ktii jut etch at tho Racquet Club eieplat tiit lids Oil Vlerxr liaby stud Warren tie former tttnnlni by the peuded tears i Unlit 1 It l IS ISiV Warren B 14 li3 Ace my Nrtlce l abI Warren 17 Ice I rut ii riatitii 2 VVanen- UTotutliab4ji WarreuJl- loday I Ihi lMan > llila rinb t eIgntte lo tho Cricket Cuntiiiilili it itt ho guilt a uf the member ot the iMiiiutt ihItti rbt ew Orlcan Knte NEW OiiuANS April 5Tluc first race to ijt a hunluii for elm on tuiite aid a quitter Hal Inl won euuIiy Amnit iccond and Deccheiibrook third Tliue2mth Seitnd racoluriie J2V owner lo handicap one utIle ind ontilzhtli Illotirlat ttoi uu ilt winner with lliiknrt thn leiMid XcWhlrler third MId Si nh cite ttturthi iliac 2 ° Third t tO a hindlcan for all age mil heal criilwon I lloke etmim Iand toner unI AnnUil- dilanciHl Tlin I iJ luutlh FM tmiras Ji a handicap tleeplecliine for nim age uteri ieiiriii WIMOW tun eaillt liiiiti OCC omit tilt I mnkiln third Ciim fell at I the accrued umi and Hnretnil II al the ettntll lint 317 llelllna on the City and biiburbria llnntlloipL- ONDOV April 5Tho betllnir on the raco for the City suit iiiibiirban llandliap which Itube run till the Ittu tutu mie ncond da e f Ihu lllnnm Spring Mretlni ii na foltoit It Heveli In 1 agalnit I III luiken- ftilllll 015 4 5 Cii ohm Khototers i Il to I artist triutvc 5ti oihs citrilt ll I l mx I afalnt Mr J I i kiine fu i COT lIlt tnlhall I II to I aynllnl Mr I- IIeikSiearoldllackim at Itt I a gtitai l Nr K IVik a 4 tear itt I Hallnl li ni I again Mr I I rlllard 4ear 1111 s chi m nut I M to agalnit Lord Ilonuior S ear ol 1 la ialc tIhlIlc H pi t lit Yn lc NEW HATEK April 5Tbti Yale lacrosse team began precut eiterday They wllljplay tour game In the tntercolleglat conlol with Harvard Columbia 1rlnctlrn and the University of New York KrTon art being mad tu hat the sprint feScUe lu this muarmtot msea1 if al Lake aallouafaU aa It Wit tiC rf gtel sdyIulag W Ut rictawr 1 J BUNKO MEN TRY TIlE CLERGY A VA1IXIXO IN COXFKKISfca TO TUB CU tJNTli Y MRTi1WltT8 nr nuchlejr JleKuoa t Brother vr hu was llruwln a Cheek far n Breldlna Kldcr- allrolaierlnInvr Ilr Currja Kxiierlcnce Just as yesterday mornings session ot the taw York Lust Methodist Episcopal Confer- ence ¬ In the Cornell Memorial Church In East Jeontyslxtli street was about to adjourn Ito llov Dr J M Buckley editor ot the Ghrittian- Aihucnle saId that two or three Ingenious con lldence men haul Iman npproachlni HOIIIO of tie ministers ot tho Confotoneo In a manner cal- culated ¬ tn deceive the very elect Thu scoundrels Dr lluckloy saul havo- lieen hlnit I In wait for I a Isturs connected with tutu Conference n they woio inltln the Ail mfliV ofllcn In tint Methodist Hook Concern 8t13 llroaduny nnd nabbed thorn ns thuy woro- Ini gel up or cdiiilm down stairs I accidentally Cuimutit Pout a minister I In I tliu clutchiHOf n con lldcncd man Thu minister I whoso tiaiiiu I wont divulge vvnu just about to stun u check for f 175 Thn conlldunci man had approached him I timid rcprcKunted hlmsitlf I I as t tlio brother Ill livvof n vrullkiiovvn Ilosldlnit Ildur Ho- s lid hu had been niiiklliu HOIIIU purchases and win short of at nutty a lid wanted I to lxii row iHpinknf I this aildeil thu Iluv Dr lluck- iV ii I that tho brntliinn may boon theiruilnrd homo ol thou ciiuflduneo men havu Inun living In wot k their html uames with ministers in front of tItle eiy chuieh this niornlnir- Thu Hot Jr Curry still Wud butler loll I tutu lirethten how tinno sharpers un to work Theyvu tried miveral times to vletlmlsu mu They mo veimi y phiiisiblu Otto aptituaehed mu- ami tidIed mo Jiiilce and another Colnnul Mien I gutti them tnv coned naiiiu thuy mel mo in thu nuxt bloi k but did not inuku niiy thine out ol me Jut hit toll ihu brutlirun not tojrlvo tIme r mitnus In i stianmis or hint o any ImilliUfM with them Thn brother wire very reticent afterward about time bunko men It t was said that ito brother whom I Dr I ttnk let delivered was a Limn Island brother At I luu nittrn I ft 5551 it Ireutkt I tiC 1 hltr Jlttrth nt I the Nuw York district saUl that I thu avoiafe- Hahny ol u Methodist cloruvmaii In thu district Is tliOO and limit tttuiiit uflliii mlnlstciH wcro- nuverthulcfs pinched by want of money Of I lie sixty too r churches omit hutul I ate I In debt butt tin debt on notio line InereiMiil Tvvolv- ohato reihiuetI Ilunlr ultlttta unit the 1hilrtt Church in IOIIK Inland I Clt > huts paid its debt Iletldlnit II I ildir I Illll II of t thu Nil w I m k East district i ltpoitod lIX t t iiiiMiisions and the pay- ment ¬ of JjHlVJll debt on church properly of which ilMHin I was on I the Slxlvllrst I street church I he lev llndHiiv Im kurof thu Hlily- llrst ° ttol liurch lint vltlidiuvvii to unltu with Iho EpIcCipa Church 1or now churches f 121171 I has Iwen paid I Irt Idi mug Kldur Itotloll I nf the llrts It I vii dls- tilet died reeently Votlilnj niMlnst Itrothe- rKttullanswereiiriderliurch vvhiiithn lllnhoii asked t tin usual iiucrftlon- Dr llureh tupoited that Ihu llov W H H- Imonson of thu Canoll Mrool hiunh Hrook lymi vvithed to wlthdiiw nun ito Confeiciico- nnd to iinlto with Iho Kplscopsl Church t In Hhllnu Ililoi I MiiUliill I I of I tlm Now Haven dlsttlet reiurlcd that then had been a lion Hnnd eiiiiveislons and Tlltl piohatlonurH In the district whh h was a net naln of llvu percent I Innvear A new church had lien tumult and dedleated at Ptiln lilt Conn antI Iheru was no iniirtciiK on II In New llavii tho Trinity Church had built a binutllnl hotisu ol worship It cost ITOtKlO and the debt out It is UHi- Theiimount ralwd ftr church Imlldlni durlnit- ln xiir tile about JT5MKI Thu Irpsldlnit- iiil rmneludil his report with the lenmtk- Mcthmllsm is jounc in Connecticut hut It Is ilnltu u btruiiK foohuhl- lllsliop arreii home one lien slandeiously ShIll t iat Jlithoillsni is still on tilal in Connee- tlcul L but t this ieptit ShOWS that the remark Is tot true The liiiv II M r Adams of MerldenConn said from bin i ew NcveitlnlHss Ii I is itlll on trial If sou dont leilivo it conn Hid SHU Thu ii i Itev Dr S I Hunt I ol thu Ilirntian Ailrn tilt reiiorted that tin piollt of tho i tnt fur I the just i car was i lit1tI of wheh iucmi i wis- appiid ll the olmniV debts and JIlHKI- Otiirnd iiMi to thu Conference In hIt afternoon tho nnnlxiirnrr HUM tln of tin inninV lloniu Alissjonary Soelety was hold 3Ii> Di ii 1 S lliist of Cincinnati made an ailihcss in AhiluIm slut HtiKLotcd that Chris t bin women should work to reclaim I the Mor- mon women Mrs I Dr I Duntnu of South Caro linn sunk or tint poor whiles of hue South In tile evenlnn lit tmnimIv rsutry of hue Treed miins All SoclPtv w is held U tliu niirninitM lon of thwXew jorl Con leiinee In IVcksklll icfolutlons weru pro sintel bv Dr 1 M Kim I and I II I W I Hentloy I rotet I mig uuguil tist I tin rredom of Worship tIll nnd aralnst thu Itoin of f 2nfHj In tho Nit pI bill I for tutu thiumntmi Catholic I Protectory- ui Iiliii umonitltiitlonal and opposed t to I hue julnclpleti of Ivllind relieloiis liberty Thn reutohimt titus ctth butt on Cm Cuvulnnd to oto the tIll Dr I L M Vliint reported that I thu Confer- ence ¬ owns ii i I haiulsomu ptopirty at Mount iulx neai Ilhlnbeck on which n number of houses have been elected J hey tire occu lieu I by wornout tucncherti A V Stout t andI 1 II Cornell oich built tutu ol thesu collages a l aeot of JIUI0 They I received I tie thanks ot I tin niufu diet Chaiihiin Mi C ihu spnu In behalf of the Me- tropolitan ¬ Church i tn Washington I I Hn Bald It was the hardest tusk Im hudi uvir undcrtakin Men l who had I tie Ou icfuid him I noru I thor onuhlv oppos d and ouuiy by keeplnsnt thum- lould In aiionplish an > lhlnnr nn hold him hu vvntihl rithcrKlvu all lor u child unborn t than 100 for a ut ownup I toni V W Sovur who ton many veins vnn Dr IuhlonliiKH iioidstniit and joined Chit Mothod- 1st tulnistrv In 1871 wlthdiisw from Ito Confer once OulncyI I 1 Collin II has jolnod t lit Congre Kational Church V X Traver ADavis C iorse J 11 Vindorwator and II Docker retire from active work Charges of nuutinti lii I it Itt rum Ion were jtrtsontcut against C Oorso b > DrdillTunnf tho Jroy Con feruiKi and I rtistlgtit inn wasordnred- In hit afternoon tho oinenV orolun JIls- slonxrv Sofetv had I Its tin mi Ivursitny meetlnc Miss Iuenl i C ilbon ot Inlla Mrs i William I I- SSkldmoriof otc Xorl until Mis Chandler limit Confuiunee Srcretnry stoke In I Ito ovenlmig Di fiojrKu It Crooks of Drew Somlnary- prcachcd the Confemniu sornion 4 I1SJII1W Mr Curl Altcaa Cuncert At SteInway Hall list night n concert was tendered to Mr Carl Alves n popular sIngIng teacher by his pupils In consequence time ball was converted for thus evening Intoacon servntorr for llower culture Indeed the floral tributes wero so numerous that several of thorn iirosentod early In tho nvonliiu remained on tho stiiiio until nninsslstant hero them off Sir Ahcri was asslstod hy tvvontyonoof ills pupils ant Sir Hartde nn tho violoncellist tn the Interpretation of n highly Interesting pro icroinnin The selections In general showed I hut tills I Instructors Itt cfo i lies I In t tho direction of hit best music amid lie ixccation his earn fid I method of tiiii hlnii I The pupils vviro I trlllo It insitatlm In tho bfriniiliii but jouni ladles In white with bunches of crimson roses aro nono the lest clint using for bultiB n little nervous Amonif the compositions on thin programme were ciiorufies by Mendelssohn and Schumann lluhlntlnlnH Ifairnr In tins Desert twi hi inns by Mosnnthal I I like all I this capital tin nilinns1 works for tilt Church conceived Inn truly devotional spirit mind several pieces by Mr Alvos Arnommg the soloists were Miss Oeitnr SIUs- lllschoff time Sllnnos II an us and Msj Nuffor C F IIAKltfSS- 1rlcea lIlNflNas Otiliilnrit fur Home nfTkcni HI Auction Jasi Kirnlnff An mlmltilstt atoi B solo of oil pnlntlngH nail drawings Ijeloniilni tothecotntn of tim late C- r I Harris also n collection from Providence took place In the salesroom of Ooorso A Lenvlt- tt Co Clinton Hall last evenlnir Thoroworo 87 tots on the cntaloKUo Homo of tho pnlntlnc sold with I tho immiis of t tlio artiste mind time prices olitalnod were ns follows I InniiA Iriirc IiiriUiep ami Hifiiren S4f- Ma lalnei mite Iliad 17i Rfluiiltitr e3 rat lnnil e ami Cattle 105 taut JPKII Howir lit jtneiu hell aiilicQiiv Ii- Itonhenr le3 rId lantiM ape cit Sheep 8- Jotiniin rnMninn thin 11115 II- us oeiktioven ruirene sheep IH- llinilliilliil It Daniel shj lock Inneii leorire Ianil iain H- ihiinh r l blandHii < i CIMI t JMailnn 47- Xieni fella UnUV HI lurotJ II O lalntira M tt- HlllhllMH4 > K LluttleeIto 811 Ziciet Jillx IlillliiUllnniif Vtlilca 4X- fruiiientiii I loru Near At wl lt r > 40- ienrol J ll Olnnt an rw eec Parce Ihe storui of Uecaineron 711 rent on coiutant I aniUiapr IsiS l tan Thee Iii tin l lmie 4V Plat NarcliM WotKl Minlll 075 DaubUll I r IantiH al H2- Kopivnu lino Stnlv of Tract Jietnll ilrawluff 4 lo teaii Thin e hIs nriwlnir S Millet V IVa mil Wuinali villlvt I The hurner craon ill Mltlitl i I I ulierKoninn C Ci lImIt 1 vielounlerJ It I K bluil of Inure Ii Ihrmilt llroticblHl and Iuaa fliseascu A fperlult Sent two Itsuips for Inrie treatlm Irln- rir I Irtalitiuil AiUrmt WurlUl l lip n nr Mnliia- Amoclatlon Huflnlu S V tti- OVIls llouih on Corn Ate for Koiiuh on Corni le QuIck relIef corn plele Isriiiauent cnr Corn Murti bumoni irv- Ehrlf tie new valId dejiutiutut U a boou to tcouom teal h seakuJcre4i id A Sand Pine In In To In tbe l > f King rtirlrhi Mena Clolhlni Emporium U open every evening until u oclock 805 Nth av Adi- B hall fold rrouQli tqj KDW Tort Tl AlUkl i lit lfU A49i 2e jittf1j uhiff WlUII fur Cusp llrrliv SItU In niIuht rrnsk Ion wnrth M t Itboot l CJV n f2IPI i roll eDenhera ti alt ut factor I i Sen cliut J i ou t nt dOn Niirlnar Nlk flail ISlJOi itoilh tt Cheat Slwi I uiirlhf 1 at lactur fi hn lit treti n upitnl- rIlitrnrtta > Knlll d n tia n is tab for Iho hui 11 coollnc null ilennittiir 11 renioi ml ilultrri1 > pcrinl yoticfi- IKTiit coo tszis VAIKIXi sIlK Wait one inotntnt Mr CIM er suit I IllKJt our rune I thtnk > on mint hut c left It in tin oflii e Wit I them word rremdetit latnont of i Hit I Inventor I Initllnte Cooper 1nlnn ii cult for the cnne tthlle Ihe rood old man inipei ted the model of a lituciti suit hurir lar ttlnlou nih An he took hli ltutuii ttnlklnir itkk inil- trnlted oT toward tic door a ttntlenuin olden cit There coca ono mUllonalro tiho det rteM lilt Hliet compliment to Hen Adhem I Un liven lila fellott men Dut one mu > he riiiillt n i fill on n urcl3 I tmtuluiei inl Itcn elncntlini l Ix u leti reeclic Intiret t than the Clint nf hoillll Illn Ihi lieiu t if dlieai Tllll iMirktudono ij iiivsosi CVPUM Ioruis PLAS- TKI tnt Weput I thi fillnnlli tell ictai i on the Hand Mr John II Allin ilnrii > t SI Mil at to > n I know a 111 ii tuemi Icy iinnitdlatcl relict i th if niutli a- ir M I Moitern of laUlttn Mo eat i Tltuy re- lieved me of neliinoniain fort iiitht home VMlllam Coll Innihernian of Curlionnle Patirltis A t lo1 rollid uterine Hadlt limO lUienmatlim let In Thoiiuht I ihould lleter tunIc anrvthtr chip ity Htiiinii iiattrrn look hold i lum1eIt and t Im m Cool u nut I Coliirre < ffman Inenther of Wiiconiln rAi Ihatc iilttertd from eclallia for t curb Nothing eltel lllo 10 mm h relltf ni tiuihone piaiteri Caro them alttati in in value l H n oni an the ni retnc external mtdy Pronpt- liKilkinil i irtaln iltritii triikjnt I Mlur ale clout und unit ton 01 Un urji irnna itet k for tile word Gap elute ti hh h l cut In tin Kemttne tIlt i Io iZlCE lt MULIIEII- Are von illMiirltl at nlxlit ant trrken of tour rest lit akhkilnll t11i7 rule ind crjlnir ttilh pain of CUT TIM1 ittm Ill t Ifiirnl at ome nit I ttet alollle of tilts wiNsiow s sniiriiivii hnui Milt iimimiN IIITIIIMI Il <a tnut l liii iili nlahle IT UIII tttu EVE inn TOOK lirrll SUIllllIK I I IMMIIIIATHV IHpn1- HI on It iituittuIti OtInc lull tilealioiit ll It 11 tiEs Ilsl STIIU nut HI IHIIIIihVriimlitratliDhTOVIUll and HOW I us t Ii tiEs WIMi i I I DIIC KOI TfcNS TIIK llUMs Suit IMI VMMATlONnnUheiloinaua t enelirt to Ihe tthol it itltn tills WIsdtt MMKlTIIINll M Kill FOR chill IIHhN I1KTII1M1 I I l Ia pleanant to I tlm tail nutS t Ii his pretcrijitlon of not nf the ohittt an I be t female phvil- i iuiiit and nuritM in I Itt tuittet stutei and U fur sat b xii dmttlitlttd I Ilirmiiflioiii Cite world IMtfl I TWENTY HVi tINTS A MOTTLE A AHK OF IIMU JOIHOMMl Mr Alhirt Kliulurt gene N I II mullet with had humor un htind aid tts tk ciiiniil ht lest iiolniiltiif Illelia palnlir I Al I tiino It ttoul1 lrrak out crack tIme Ii and I he ikiit ne arate from I the lleih In tare likiri eudLiliiii krtat iiintliiual Itclilnir suit itlntflnir- nrtha > rl tour rrmelli iul I TI e PItA UK SOIVI NT hloid inrmor Interimll and CP1ICUKA mid i ITKlltA MI VIlUioBrciil l fkln inrnxlpmaiu- aiil t In ices tltHii thrte montlnienrLted a complete cure anl Itti not hiell trutded lime Corrol ornted b > IllilUnl A Iou r drilMl li Kt cue V II No inch hlood pnritlir I 111 iniillclne lii Cite ILTICLR- AsVTimi himstmS1T ICITM K THI ACTS ALL TOIlAdO CIIIAULTTIS The ttet eta Ito AcU aro the only pure tohaceo- clifareltte ever ottered I lo the put 111 All Jhilclanir- eiommtiid I them In preferinm to tiioe iutsdu wIth a Inter tt muller tune them a trial M KIll INTO < IfllTtH an niiiiri ailed In nnalltr h > any tigers male tn the ttilled stoles I t Hlltscn A CD Mannfcluurii ls tttmmo I Rltliuton it N t V- TO Mill AN V SIUOIIllllN lllHlMHt- nr humor irt A l CItS sAKsvrAIIILLl It cllanlea the blood of alt Inipuritk- kIIOW SOON tim it HOODS SUlstlAimLA cure Capt Mitchell rheiiniiitum r Fit It tutututilis End ttt tibUiittotv- r13gE nitIazus sIHICAICt OUT TODAY IN ClrUt HUM IIANTIsOME TVP- BtiArIUh MIIIUIU NU IMl1 TIlE AUMIHALS WARD A NOVEL liy vii C Alexander rrlce JOcetiU- Al ho Nn 1114- ONIY A AUII A NOVii II lJeore hers Irlce vo Oils IATK- lllftin ltt4ttLMt mstt Heice Henri W lacv I 557 > Mnli ami il How DUtllltd j lh luettnt lilt I rutt rreicif Hi Omdfi IOC IJTii SInner Tale K c drentllle Mnrra 100- We ms7a tTMlia I h IralKe Im blur 1577- T73 Children if the World LII Iaul Iliyie Two part lKC- hsloryof 20o a sin Helen ll Mather sue I17J The Trial rliqtiel tu Tin Slut 4luln1- cohol oc 1515 aol Its hTKtR lTpun Mail toe 1V11- lVVJ The Muhlcaniof litmie I Ill sc bhalKloil Ulll Win Shack 2lt ALSO NOW III A IV The Now York Mnnthlt faililnn 1154am fur April 2V The tnrinlfhil Kevi tt for March 2IK XlXth I Century for March jnl The olltemporarj Itetlewlor Marfll Jh For sate by mill ilileS lenten nr lent 0 nn aldre- poilaire free on reelptof u cent for lit Kle nuinher ant ii centi fur d mlile nlinibin IKllllIK MIMill IuliUahcr 17 tu J7 Vandewatcrit s 1 V II O ton 3751 49flfltfIflI Tin MrxiciTiiiiMio COMPANY t LTD SlUG E It ttttl 53 I tie annual meetlnif hf the siocktalltrs ut tilts uonipau mil br held I utthelr I oirceTemplv Court 5 lleekman 11 N ee Sri lilt We1- ne day April I llal I I II I clock A ti elect nfllcen for the eniulntf 5dm anl to triniact suet other bLiinen at may proerly COIUA hvfire th meetlnv rii louts of tile company will he doited for ille Iraiufer of elouk OB Wednesday April 4 at U oclock I P M and will ie opened Main the mornlnc of Friday April 13 rout cites from II Ill I Kir trdtrof reliicitt- I p j7 + i I TIlE TriEGHlMN- LY C- ihTu DDAHTtntE a A ONKlLNT LOIT10X AT MNC CLOCK IN Till WOHMNQ- OF 5111th TIII ttoiiNiNa rnnss TUB KEQUHIEMENTH OF ITS UNOIIUOLS UIRCUL TION AND VAST BUSINESS IATItONAOE TIlE TELEGRAMS UNIQUE POSITION I 5 4 I The mot inarrelloul featuro of metropolitan juurutl lain l Is the success ot tile TiiiuitAV- Tho a TELCd PAMS iiiccoi and popularity ui a v olilcU fir adiirtlements depend upon its circulation Itf- clrculitlon depend thou Its unit trial recognition tt- Tllh uousjapcr ot the Amerlcnii uictropoli fur the ucceptahle prejctitatlon uf tie teuitt of tlio wurld o- Ihu da > upon which I1ie > occur The airriue dally circulation ot this TLInilllAM U Cur in GXCIFS of Ito comhlned circulation of al the other cteniiu at tru publUi cd in till ctty- Dilrii K llio ncllvlt > of tIlt cprlntf ntason tile THLK- IIIAM I il Iii Icon hue firrt edition at u unlock iu lh iiiiriiniK- fhli ttcp l ha not uiihy a nrtt depurturo for the TELl SI lilUM it I It an antlrely new feature In tie lilitory at- Americon journalism mIte THLlorKV atwa> i fore limit in InterpretliiK and iponrln to the reipiln menu of the i xci community wlkh It cent is now mit hereto ¬ fore takes I Ihe lead of the entire American prkaslu l in- troducing a nett nut radii nl feature Into the ilall > mien upcr ittla sItu hi I lut the natural outgrowth the lc- Kltlmitt te rKl ot the varloui reccdiiiK item and pro ce > lcb nhicli Ihe TbLEGKAM ha reuched the first place in the ranks ot American cvniln ournill n and 41 acquired an at era odall nalli s loiiitlluinc ot hire < tiuii Iri 1 tliouiund eiie Ti To eiiahle oil clan cn ot renter to fltlt supjileineat- vt hiaieicn nets may le found In thHr fat orlte morning paper thliearl edition uf tlm TLLlGlAM ttlll be call for One Cent The nen departure of time THLHnRAMI ttill be alw iltl marked by other important feature A column or niur- ot f space wilt be devoted each day to a reproduction with appropriate credit of the cisential neive and edi- torial of all the morning j nperf together ntihtucfe- conuntntarle by tit TKLtGlUVl ilurion tie uiiny seemS to be required Eipeclal care wIth aio be etc ai taken to Kite full t credit to any one ot the morning J jturiunls tvhoe enter pnhse may have enabled It todlniMio llicuiitnii urarlel Iii hit eachitsivo reieutalliii of an lniortant pleceol hews Tutu Iucreaeed sic antafli wlilcli this TIULOIU ii gI 1051515 for aJverliJtri ttlll lie appirent tom the cart suit ipeudlture which thtey det oto to a MIllie adt irtis fluent thioy will Lave that double udtantieof u mornlnf as well ci an etcnlnj circulation anl that jut a taper offering tie charactrlitc features noted abov e Th early mornlnz edition it Il unable resIns at hiS dullest prtctlcaM tour of da > ll < ht to obtain Ihe itorf of the foregoing nltfht fire crime deedi of dnrk > i lien exit other happening In tilt city ant licit item niilch hat taken pike shIer III inornlny paper lice Kbn to prcM- fchouM 1 exteriitic tuggeit other slid yet uteri Cues tl bUs reiulreinanti the public may rot miunJ that lbs TFLEnRAM will reipnnd to himrn Tlit line may com wlitnthi srciMh of tie mttropolli Suit Itta etlgenelH of Ilte task of keeuuig pace tt Uli III Delis will rtqulrt as- certain lesion uf tie > ear au edition ot llnTELEORAJf- l 191 ttujr buur IM ikt da 1 OHAX1E UATMAKKBS HiDlONlltT- Torlinen Quit a Hh > p Hcpnnio fths IIrnr4 attn MM who lint llccn Employed There More titan 1COO hatters quit work In Orange yesterday and met lo denounce tho mplojmcnt br Gardner k Dudley of a man vholt Is alleged Instructed coinlits In hat laklnc Tho tnon marched hondod by n baud of f music to Military Park and oruanlrcd a icotlnic there On March 24 Gardner A tIed toy who ha > o a tint shop In Mechanic street Isclmrccd their makers and on Ito followiu- tomlay placed Kolloee Nichols In charge of ho factory Nichols Is well known In tho trade hiS a mIni who tins worked lu ono or nioro- irlsoim Tho llnlshcrs who hail not been ills harirnd rotusod to work with him nod on- iicitday left the shop A commlttoo waited on Mn Dudley mind Informed tutu that n rule of theIr union would prevent theme from remain nir In the nhop with Nichols lie replied that lie considered thin matter before lilrlimNlehol- snd was prepnred to till thin places of tho nina C Tho firm obtained alxuit twenty now men COlt ilcholH htuan to each thum how to use sizlhug and I I ron Ing machlnn which hiny j just been et up In t Ito hhop for tho hunt time Mean Sviillo opposition to the linns new dopnrtuio- pread liliutflg the hattersntOianciiniid It was Isohed to liuo NIchols boycotted and drhon out of town To organize n movement to this anti time mass mrotlnu was hold Kdwnrd Htopford presided Shut aililrrsJis were mmlc iy evAluornmn- awreiico T Toll n lint manufacturer Illchard- owdell IVoildont of tho National limit Finish ers ARooilntlon and John Ilillllpsof Brook I yn Tho Hpeakom nflrely denounced mon who go Into prUons unit Injuro workliiLmoii by iiilldini up convict labor Mr Nichols still to a reporter Im Dan xiryJohn T I Warlnif untiitecl mo to put bis- hlzlnu machlnos Into the Concord prison I worked Iheio ieen months but did not In- struet lie eon sIet q When 1 returned to linn buns tilts tutu halters would not allow mo to sork lucre I went buck lo Concord and work- ed for WuriiiK In ii hue thop outfthtu i the prison Nix woekp nzo Oirdnci A Dudley contracted vlth I I mn to Introdiico maolilnes I Into their shop lucre Independent Imtleis wnrn tn bo em- ilojed Tlm result you know Tho union non nro afraid of tile machines and lImIt Is the secret oh their fuss hilt In two Seuiis thu multi hltieR I will I lx I In os cry shop I In this valley Sotwlthstandlni the demonstration today noio men until asked for work tItan I would accept IItert huts bets no Intorferenco hut I IIIMI hoard of threats to burn the bulldltiL which IH now cl sey guarded Mlehnel l 1 McKhrnan ires tent of tIme IraiiKp lint 1inlshors1 Assotlatlon saId Nicliolx lute I Instructed vnnvjeln I In I tho Mine NI mug Clinton I and Coneoul prboim I Hatters will work with exconilitK but not with a nan who teuiliiH tIltS Ictut JIttit its of Mchols2- 1X1 mechanics of Orange ate out of eniploj- iient Ml lawful I means will I he mado to mako his eta > here uninmfoitable I W n hhnll uwi no- Molenie No threat to burn thu hliop lute boon made but Nichols innt alit > lucre Our lIght Itt imiilnnt him not against tho maelilnon- Ireslileiit Dawdell hoo homo Is In Newark all III that two Nowark HIOIB and ono I In Oraiino- Inlah work for iuirdnir A Dinllej rite union non I In tliedo shops will I quit woik today MH itAiiims i4t T nir or- a IIkIf Atrcrlillncd Hriltnn for Hulllile IIU Of- nu III > f w Iliickcllr liuut Ittlul cit ScorBo W laUItlii Ink iiian- ufucturer who polsonrd himself In thin Grand Union Hotel was icmoxed to Now llochull- oiisterdnvon thin noon train ntiJ taken to tho- Hiuiestead I In rclio menue- Mr t I Davids bought two ounces of laudanum mit Hudnuts ilrm Stole at 2oclock on Tuesday iftornoon rite clerks knew him and he had no trouble I in procuriiu It when ho saId hut ho- wantnil It for family liSte ami that ho lint Kiuuht I I In lnnn luniitlthif I beforo at Schlcffc- Inrt I I dru wnrehoUHO In Wllllnm l I streetI At itch ltufli I tis It vartbald jestirdu that he hued nuvi lioucht luuilaniim there lie siint linlc- I to his ofllio at I 127 Wllllnm ci met ii litirwuti anti limo clerks ny sciimed to I Im In lila usual kood sltl I Its I Ho went nwiij at 7 oclock laiiu- hIncoer I u joklnir I relurenvo to Ills i reMmblanii to IrodldiMit Artliui t Tlm liookkeopiir of llio unit sah that M- iDavids hail taken S cry hitnvs closes of amioth ties t tn ruth us u Lie pulnof I hull rheumatic scout ami I hunt I ll I was poaslhln that the ovecsslvo dosnof laudanum had beon I tnken unwittlnuly I > for thu- urpose Sit lUll No one In tho house lund any ilnComi to HiiipoMi that tlicro was unjthlnK Swuotug lIt Mr Div Idas account An examina- tion ¬ t would thortly l Itu o mado to ascertain t thn iMict touid It tutu of his mill iii rs I In the 11 rims Tho- olllcos were closoU jisterdaj mind no busIness was done A kliiitloiiian who know Mr DivtjH Intimate ¬ I ly biild iotenlny I that Mr Davids had bnen- litmiiilallv embirrusiied for two yours HU father had lid ptut him to clear up an Indi bin j- nnHsof JJilKhito the count Inourred as thin toil rts aftur loins I s e Ilthguih lot i ilecideil while tutu son was Counts Tiensurer Iho lie 5 lU Cli I of I this motto sit t Ipti the iultn which lund been bioiliht lIguIl list Mr t I iuivl its tty his BiiidAHiir I In ofllcnCount t t > Tieasurertromwell- Thaddeus Davids Is Tieaxilier nf IIo villuro of Now limlielln and of thou I Hoard of Lducatlon I but tho duties i itt t oh sI tug upon him as Midi hivo boon performed bt George whoiutod ns hula fntlierx nttorney As nctfiie Treasurer tho villain Mr Oonico Davids a few tha > ago jiresunted hula annuil report settluu forth that lila receipt from irlous sources In the sear tutu been ilJ5ir CJ and hula dsbiirst monts- flSOll H buying n balance on hnnd of t5- jtt3j3 As nitlni 1 reasurerot tin trust funds of Ito Itoaidof lducatlon ho hull uboutiJS 10 for sehool imrpui nnd to meet demands upon him on account of tlio erection of a nosy pehool houso maklnc n total of Inure thnn- fWuOOof town funds In hilt hands at tlm tlmo of hit death On April 17 n now board of VII ItILS olllcers will I bn elected Sc lnn It Is proba bio that n trunsfarof those funds mayboiskoil UH UnIt Tho uainu at the lolo urounds > csterdny was belt t cli Cite New Sunk League Clllb tiuni anil Iliu- Alnkii Ilut ilthut nine I Il I n i Hie lli> t iivaraniu of tile Ner ork iii tie In I lliu tiell Th rontval tvai- iloneonh it tlmt Ilie New S rk uaui won Sou Cinhe 0 n a I u R o o 1- 1Alanku II II ll I 3 0 0 O II 2 0- rarniil nuuteSeiv orkl II t Aunts 3 H iu httltiiew York II Aliiku IU The tlrHt tutu ifiniiil sri flute of the tlitrit ifrnniinarr- ltiHH In rt I rnnils Xnl s Ciillcire tin > vl a gnu ot I tait l lath rtrril Hltli the fulluwfng reiult t tre Kictlon s ret ninl ietMi Iii 21 hnililnyrii of iis trot Miiniorclal litieee met M lrk- MU lt lir rt teat Mnitni niut iitcmilznl tliti 1iunuirri t ln t llnll Ap achutt toil 1 its unmclntlon w as Innltnl to rUIlt I lllliit NLIVII Iiulli7 alffftdt Jnlnrd TIle 14niini nut a utru huti hut Etch i tub a lit i ti U> ontkHinn null vtr > nlhir club ito liinubu n on ti ilciiilu the ilihia luashiii Trouble nu tbe Central 1itclnp From the fjii ranclico Truth Tho Central 1neldu Railroad havo reduced tile orklnif liuiirn Rt tin rnllrimit rhnp In Hiirninrntn from t CII tu i iitlii Imurii vvltli u iurriiiin lititf rtittte mba of iinnpriidtliii It l ptnil the tItle lutnctlnn tytiles t In nit iiuihloveui cacejil t trnlli inrll l tilt nliniK I the roil In tie lull r Bluiim at snciHinintn lu iian struck ninl atoll Jat etuuFlo FI < wrr ili citirrel there onSHturilnt I III W eat iklunit hn ortlrr wnIi Ittlo Unilftl I hi t he tie trnl nml heulhvrn 1ncltlL Knilron itiliuhiK I iihe little tf time worktrs In I lie eel not ilei nriuitnu tu right Inure Ier ilnv whlili In N liiirlrlili on Hindi Mho titian In I the oiuie tfi ttlntf lit lew it lit eutty ceitts makmir I the dajn vauciil l in home if I thi o bao funitlliH of Uo- IT mx rhlllrcn suit are tiarillv ntilc to Ihc oa tticlr- iIUhl rcinlliiirnllnti 111 it utatrl thai HIP comnunv l i iitllMk lriii u i xlmaaua- cii uccnint cf the J roSette lack of freight smut ituiailt- Ker trattliil I Alt ilav Shiutty the nit n irlrclel their wflrV am scare ifithcrtil ti iettar In I kin d bscmistbuu the Pltmtlon 1 Ito exittcimnt wn a gnu eu fUiorl have ronuil ni ut ItmtMrlkrilmtiiiumil nt sa rinieiitnlriiikrt W in- netnih iu limit other hIt hioui H illuiin- At OHklmiil mn lToncl I5 Anvelci slid outer I IiitlCi wtiero large forrrn of men Imve leO eini Injn I lhirihKi tiifii Ii l orllonnle rcItivl iota of f tile I i rk inir forrri Mini if tie lionrn of union fit thne H that are rrliiliiril far liittlilliin Iii ranieiito i hn > I ln n inllrrly tojipeil and loininrlhrii tell t It lalil lii an fast l ai I Itey lies rei ntr find lIme rilnntiilnir on tlie track ulu lie riinlrtt loilu this Moik of tin rtII I1 tt fir cc pmi ltile The 4 C cit tine nlrcnU hen tuinfunv Chit dl iiaiifenf- reverulhunilreliui I nee niil ihert Ii no tvllliHun man nioro ii ill huts tojro finrt tlilrndur ThIs liar SuiiiiiMi COUIIT CnvMBLns Nos 15 18 liD 4 4H sit M 57 ut Ill HI 71 IJJ IM ISM U ItO ill 345 2Jl srf JH 247 2IS sni 2t < saa lli 801- hrfciMt I Tftiiu lane on 4Iuhl ihuinll aCt i lId Mama Lire I Iiiiimno I ouillaii Neita raln tar Iart I N i ilat rnlriiilar Pun I Sun I ml 5 21V- niil I lHh > Kill Ilnis 411 5alt5 I I1M 8157 LXti- ljss1 245 IHIII yfiti 2Itt I JX7 Sieitl 8 mi Sill StitJ sni 2 si 2IhT ttI snu 2915 sun aun 2117 SillS 1111 Sic o inj 81114 IM 11VI SitS 3 iV- 1IVI SieiJ 2Mil asu11 jirtl ai17 2te04 2151 tSIiti 17- 1Iurl I III i Sinruail e No ulJ Msn 4171 inn7 9M- Ism 41111 4iir 47i5 41 o 4v i lout sms 422 3737 42t11 4IJ Jfi li 4 tuI 1d2 di I 4iht M mineui Im n Iniim I Inlll if Illtn M Mallon- at lit A M limir MiXtn at I II I A M- Mriaiou TOURT SPUIAI T> K Imennflntiltiil > oi- i 441 i 47 41I t AI Part I lear Nit ism int ico wi- 7U 77 71 TiM 7714 illS usit IM asu l 7iu 41- 1larlll Gis mi until re Ce Not 43s o i 575 70- 1ult l ttti l HU Vil 114 ADI 717 7M 711 ilS 41 Iitfl I HI I ii rrlnhl nil lint Pies loT TIM tics llhx lliu uiis isis IJII UH UIU IS1171 ISM IM4 tlli IJI7 IJil 1252 lVI IJStl UK I 1443- GOeMiiN riui TICIAI rita Vn day calendar fart I Clear No > 8174 Jiim 44I4 HUT jtJ2- D4 217i1 lrtSi 5ri 27i 3ciI J11 2Sit 2 1211 221 2Ii 3iiOti 25111 24i1 5757 2174 Ii- 2tS 1104 1i tJil SCSi 23t 21211 Iutrt Il- ln OiH 2dII 75 2L75 242 2740 J7J J7IM 7711 tf7i4 J7kl STO 170 17H 7sil 5Sr- j2tS 2 ° I 13 I > JI 2ll 11711 541 illJ S7I Silt liirt I 111 II JCa llilllrl he I 7 Not 1011 anil I 3012 Vl slt H etuS aunt iliT etit atlil orht iI2I eOh sei eeu- sJr2thtot cr27 4 Mil H7 HIS t 4J tflio 3IKM 002 M ache roni1irt I ShIer Cfliili 5 Noi tImid 1150 lfM luail l > ill lull I toSs H7I71I75I 07il4 0774 1771- H77H t 7H2 lrt 7 1nrl Ilsiorl caitee aiHHSjlM1IT tOaSt l 17s ueitul OVIi II74 U745 07711 67153 U7W 7il7- II77S UVLI tiiiO u io lent I III I 1Stint caiuen NOR 1IJI HJI 71St Ili7tiiiw 11177 U7I1J U7fl1 rljciLI 8bWi- K i faHoi i 4M u7ui t1424 u Sthlt 8js4 mm FINANCIAL Atfl- K > CUMMEflI4L w T rk Htock rxcknnce 8aUa April O OITIID linn tie irui BOJDI in flOJJm SOOF5 8 r tm4 HHIn 7neml 07f tIt UH4 > r un a1 1 niArk TI r It si m ll I s 45 c llui1 El Ark 7 rH M to V 8 43k c iIItl 2d Teiin toinii 4ii4ar- A aAiLeOATl 50 OTIIIII DOIUI lf fi0i It All A rer lWl I O7i 3 tIll 11 AW lit IHI lS All t Iae Inc 3Jil2l 2114 Mul tin Tel H4 si- H ii Ait 1 r h jt Itch nti- t Nor Inc11 llUlaI- H4U AlchlJkllnl III 2H NI U Arm lit Il r II v AT i itt t j 87 Vitf A W Ken 11111 iriiiw A i ion 10 SN V A liok III II 11- Vtll I 14 CIteS A seIl Ill I NYeluI l alt 1st chit t n cur ieq4L 8N OltJlNir Ill 4it Cit VV- nfSlIIf 61 N V Ill A Ml AI lvoli mJfll i ut b- BOhliiso II VA Minn I II- OH 12d I I I l oh t tnn Hn 1m- II JSOhlnKn Ito vs- IHJ Ccnl 1no K I Ill I HI On eon R 1 < IICIlCjnc I 10 Dr AT 7 l Itt H II 7J < < Mtn Allttllic 3ICil i Coil I it aJ 8 ItonuW ADex- Mtnik A 71 I II ihiNil I VN OS1ttl V filltlulO nl lien A H U I ltc1ttI241 eon iIgj5l i inch A ii im mi 07 ErIe SI U It i74t- II Its Illch A H deli b25itl II K Turn tit 7j a all ci Ca I 12 VI K Trim Inc 1114 1 HIT I I IH I A VI I tti I 114 III JoS CT HU- SIli 0 Itt I IttOAI- W A Tex Unit il H I7iZl in vt i liOSutelI I 10 Colts ID- i I Ind III in IslE I 1 1J- 1nind i MIIS Shill ruin I 1St I HI A W Ino 44 I KolBC nfMn tlluiiI- I Itlnn Mll A V UN M I M A M- lltUnkes Alma Mlaa 7S- J 110- AaSt Int I HA SI I ut m- U I lb AH idCt It H7i I< uttS iou 101- 14ii S exlli 1 Id NJ i Knn Al121 I INHVI- Ikan 70 Tex iacl I f itutsI- t Al gen HlifMi lo Un lae lit II41J 4IVV AUl Int lirl- vinr Itll Iac sf lltii1I17 a A I rout 111- I lllVu Mid ion ml- A VlUh Celll7 tll- Uilo Wah A I Kin Ml I con l 104 710 Si tt Ml Ut i7r7s4 HillKOAD AMD OTIIfcK fllURP- tNnllrnailt 4c 7725 Nut Iae- l II 420 lEa Alt A r ii l leo i Nor Iac rf ii7intl IIIOAA I r iijit ie1 i Rom Nrtrii t3MlilJP leo CIII T All 17- Minn iiil Nnwii I A 1 Vf 7ri lieu N 5 Chic A 4iioGc A I itiiis ut i m2il2 IKMCA I IC- MIChen S 4000N 5 jJhieJ- oouOinahn 5 13411 Gtu 9ntli ttit5ttii Itt tref 8l2st 541 1 teuti N 3 73t 4ii4Mi ic0 i iiIihhi luiu ls 7th47tti IJIDOlll pf 107iUllN V- KMIOnt I 10 llUA4JlLSugijI341 5W ill < 10 Ut- pref 2ituit Ohio Gout UriUW Uif3X- 8U teen or AT it Hi siiJ I irs AU 21 tiC Im lIt I fl 5 S 4 Can ltcfl59 3400 far SItu 42i41J II toilet AH O lii 4iintu litl liuiitltt 41 Jin ll I tW I87JIJ71- IU 700 lIbel A I i UI tWlili4l- WJllUn tsttuu Ito t titte22221 A itlm4ii4l75 hKm Uiadlnir fiiviiiKleii 25105 Krlepiin HM aTO Sill lilIck tel 121 1412II IKlijOlI TennV- Ada L AW vji j531h Int9 tell s c K K 37Cr3i 1731 3 Ttnn St Illl 51 Ij A al V ti Aim ft 2uInt lht II sV IIDII liar A W ul href Wll i1 mill A HI tto pf- vm 03 IllliOht 1ulll luitl44uiil- I Ct t I lt TteiuelJ 7tt 4 St Iuulpf I I ti4rj II t4 I iii I III AW wlici 2JOO S- Isiust I V- Ir A Tin III IVn I47UI4H- VSJ4ill V ttsl inu t T 5 hInt IflttrOlS 2115 iESVetiil4illI liiouTex 11iie 4t itiil 172aI lllike Sit Iliyllui I I 221 Un 1ao li7V losoowai SI I hoii h ti4l t2Si Wait 5 IotSii l toe Lntiif 11 tt 4IcI Apf I < MHM- 1C 3710 SIn Il IIU4i4llUt2 IJlVMi LTel SliJ s tjj mitt SIittltn lly IM I f siJi Ciml Cnmjiinlft Silt l VIM I 4111X11111 Km 5115tlil tibet ttIinitls ltIi3uu 755 Ii btuCuu twit ACh 4KJ4J1- IJ 1 Anierlinn- 7Ailain itt i Mlmlli 1 hi- I 1JO- 37J I citn CtVi- 7V Minim Still Un T1luA2ti III Ontario HooNorf AW iif 4l r< ma Total mien 1U J- Kxillvldelld loo NattI A Ill titSit SYCeuitl27iijl2tt Cloiill nudE Wt Htfi lu- V asl U K M nt J- U 10JJ A 511 1 com iirj- iirn Itri 8 4j c in1 M AM i pf inn Ituuj t Ii s 4ts r- It im I tt I A ru JI s s 4e r- u tiO I Miilte t iltihI itii I s 4i U I I bt I lit1 Sicit A tIlot ns4 s a c liii S Ccitt 72 71 CdnraIn 1iinl- anniln al u II St s t t IIuuh127 IS7 South Oil lt Sir SI C C t A I C- C a t I Sr inr if ti 7 CC I A tint 7ttl 77I Nonlhiwet II7 Itus Cllli II A 4 125 lSj4 alirt Ii im I 511 ue Cent lac- I 77I 74 ItlI 5 SCferum sd 2 ii ti A Alt t Itbihi teuturni 12 11- I Iltl I t Went Is 201 I liliOthli Ciiul 4t4 4 itch A Illldliill I Iii tliultlI it 17 Ittll4 lieu A lllo- Irl it 44 41 ingu 5 T C I 5i Iamltc5lniI 42 42 I rle M r n tl7 Ii ut tuck lsinuii 21 1 04i4 linn ASt Jo If t2 itiiu 5 Dauuv Sit 57 Iii Central 14i I4ii IraIbutin lL 5ll liu A Naih 5 7L4 Texas 5 lschiIc 41 s 41 Ink hhore I III I I I iiteiutc hi1 iti4 Stall hi nun CII t lae Sit1 Mrtroi I il j Mich Pal itt SCuii A In I tlI 5- SI Iaiiuinh tat liiiia lilii4 SVusI iii it Siy 54 ttil t ut pi TJIUISI April i fi TIm stock market opened strunit and prices wcruKuncrilly II liuoyatit h svt 1th awieat I lncrei u In hit voltimu of business down tn 2 1 I1 M Thu f Sl tnt It wi ru IaLu Slur Union liii tile Nuvv York fontnil I Krlo common St Iaul common Central I IlieiHe 1ist TenncH eu pieferrdT- oulsv I Illennd Sa hvlllo and Vabnsh jit t l i ied Evuption il dcpiisiIon was hhnwn dtiilnu thu uturut I lug hours I In Dohiwire I ick iwinna tool Wustorn nnd Kin huster and Ilttshuii In t lieu last hour t them was oome weakness I In I tho gin I cral I list follow oil by runowpil utrenuth with n movumont In tlletu unit V 1 and n Ilrm closlni ihe nioro important ehanes for the utui woro- nstollows Advanced Cuntral 1acilic l a C 1 C nnd Indi i Dolnvvaro and lludnon t Denver and Hlo tiiandu 1rlu Ixmlxvlllu and Naahvillo S laku hhoru 1 ° lllchlunn Central l Missouri Iailllc Ii NixhUllp and Chat Northern Iaclllc common JiNuw itt k Cnntrnl i Now Jersey Central Ohio Central rnelllc Mnll I lllchmond and rat Iolnt 2 IS lilchmond and Danvlllu i lit Intil eiiinniDii Union Iaclllc Wuit era t loll lulgiuttlu Orenon and T 1 C- St I Iill I and 1 Manltobi I Itock Nlnnd 1 Declined Iochohter and Iittpbiirijli- OnviMnmcnts were fairly netlvu and Ilrm lout State bonds scare unlxler liallioul li > iieUv ra llrmor and I lircood uunornl demand Thoio were larize t rnleact blue I In At Imi mitlo a itt I Iicillc I IncHtnns Oinada Southorn I its Denver and liioOiatido oiiiols Jliitinil Union Teliuriph- K i and West shore 5s nnrt lit advinced iii ore or li hilt Tuxas and Iiellle land ur ntH unit tt I iiiplmug fruits thu tItan t ng Iliriiiu nntl I lieu I best pilciAof the day were tint Koncrnll sustained nt the close- StonlIngtctmusttgn flrninr lilit draft tLSt CMji1 liitUuy hills f4Sr 483- Monev on call I CS8 cent till near t hun close when 3H5 V cent wr re thus rates fluId 3 V lent at tho last Itncotptn nt Internal ruvonuo today I35HK- ciiHoin iiii 1154 national buulc notcB lot re ¬ demption 51WJDO- OExclianuo on Now York Is at a premium in Chkiiuo and n return of currency Irons tint city may now bo expected rite amount of bullion gone I into tho Hank ol Knuiand on hulniuo today Is Oou Thu amount In the bink titus decreased XllTlOiB- idurlni thn pist VMIU Thu vvuekl I > sItatiiinenl- of hut Bank of Iraneo uliows a decn ao ol 1 KVI OOi Iranen gold and iUO 000 fiancs Bllvo- r1iuls advlcofi iiuote n i > cunta nt fcufio and ox ehani on London 25VI1- Th s recently elected hoard of Directors ol the Wubihh ht LouIs unit rHClllc Iillvvay Company oiLMnbed today l t> ohetlni Jny I out lii rriohlunt It S Hayes I Urtt I Vliuiresl I dent A L Hopkins Second and H M Hoxlu Third Vleilrcfildent D S H biultu Jreas- urer anti V Ii Corneau Assistant anti Jan F How hecrotnry and U D Ashlu Assistant Se ri < tary The election of Mr Haves as lrntVli errusliloiit Is doubtless inclduntal to tho plan for the lua lnif of lie Vnbnsh Ii- clllc to thn Iron Mountain Compan Jlr htiitS has been for soniu tlmn I tutu Hctlvu t heat olllcer nf hue MlutourI Incllh and the other Nouu Invent era roads composlni lie jolt hi n turn The Executive Conimlttcn of the Vu abash VUIH authorized toda > to negotiate n lease ol lIeu property of the company to thu Iron Mountain Thn directors of both companies worn ompoweied nt limit recent moetln of hue Htoekholdors to make alcnau ortraflle nrratiicn- ment I Thu Atchlaon Toneka and Santa Fei Itnlltoai Companv tins duclared Itt usual quarterly dividend of 1 f cunt pa > ublo Jlny la rite Irani Trunk Itnlhva Company nn- nouncus in London an Issue of 73111 tOt 4V cent I perpetual debenture stock to meet ma- tuilne bonds unit for other purposes Ilmo Issue pricu will bu- Thuanthrncltu I coal companion lmo deeldei to stop Iuuiluliuiz three da > s of next wuDUas well ns thriu dnysof tho piesont week hlln no I lhuiii respHctliiK production has heon decldeul upon or will I bu It in HiiUl ovcopt from week t to ncclx the thud lucurs lire of tutu opinion that I IL twill bu found uxpodlcnt tnmispund miulni- Blxdajnof > oach of the nou tlucu montliH > rw Yolk Mlirkrl TIILIIISOAY April 0 Ilour was inlet for UN built r uraileH ninl I iheie ii era ueali common hrauila In inolvrtii C bIlly 1111 iiloui I itfud- iIlull I i I Wi heiu lower on lug to n ilecllnt at lie SCest iliot tales I lUiMliuh I I atlfl ia fl I sa or red lId iiilhuig Si o 2 HI 91 314 ilelUiril anil hteamer do at tlltlaJ- 4 smutty I aiul Ho 41 fir nlnle liiiliulliiif hu 1 al- J Si I II In ikrnlnr all I No- TJSIIM at SI I of optiont sates innh NO J tel itt lutctSmt7 l for April fi iiti5tt tuli fir > ts E1Ibii1t Si fr Julie liml 1lI fir tuia nuid hmIli ic fur Iiletutier thunut qii bet t 47t buili ci Ti cI iii ate alt at ic- I iou I lit e r i outtei 550 hI iiti ti hit AIS iSJ5 ton iiit siJtc Er ut htble tilehimihilig u 3 ill 52 t2i c fur iiiUnl t aol Ate tt T a hitle ciii Nu J nilxv J J- nt vjii S2i fur April M ief51 c fur Shiv Unitl M- Siii i for JiitK CurulflH I lower tjnt att 5 iitntl- uith I fttt i4H i4r for lieu No j inlYc1 ruiu e fur No i lotUotv1 I lee i ittiniii rinlxfil i5ifatt fur un- trrnddl Mo t mil 72STSbt fir situ htrrui it tile i of nn- HOIIK cnli 2 I HiuxljuU l No j mH at iUci4iti for Ajrii iiVt u7t fttr Mnioiu c fur Jun- el It l t for Jnl > Binl GjU7 C for Aujfint Afler i tltligei A teal iiiinl thriller t No 2 ret viiitir rtim Jl tSiii I ilellterrl Arrll fl I7K Ma II l llUi June ElSilsl l July ll7i nittiiilur flllj Corn Inner No J mixed for AlInil in I V i Slay L55c JUMP ItS t JiiljniTi 1c AiiMit tti laS firmer April A2lc SIn 5J uliODiHiri IIlo ioTr on tin ipot wai iletnly at for f air v i lags lolt on j II t t ill tloni opened firm l ut- tlimil weaker tie Jium logO No 7 at 7557 utIle for Alrll 7 iihiJ7tiSe fur laj 71015 hiS fur Julie M Dta Hic fur July M 4iic for Anyml s 4nu for Seplunber- nml H 5C for llcloher t mild steal sates 2 i lb mati latatoairlveBinlon I hut sill at lA41lK lllni bag viarncalhii nnd 1541i Saianllla on p t Molaitee was utliiout hantfej > er irlealil ua I tn fair dwinainl Cuba nominal al Me for Ml IM nil In PhUailelpiila a- lijic Haw tusra a very quiet ai7c for fair rtilninf- rennel uuirltiitie- h1tiisuuti1iir1 i n iinl iai and dtclluwt a trllle the feclini inns > err Irreiriilar tate on ihn pol ut tci- I rime rlt i II IV imall Ion nf do Wciitrn at I II43 I II I4leu oil grades at tI21Ic reilned lo Hie Continent I lliiici Kouth America I 11I BH for future delivery there Mai a tangs mlllny niot menli t talei 3 use lui In- cluiUnn April II 4V Sla > II 4JH1I Hic i June lIeticj II 4ICI Jullll 47all4 cand Augua t II 600 clotln- iitronitrl April II 4Jr i i4ay l44i June 1I47t1 II 4Hc lob li54tIIl Me i Auiiuit II 5Je i idler rear IlHx luik quiet today al u tlli js for nieuon tie apor Uiteitning Sates JIb lhlt family at Issso54n Ito ibis clear bath tllitW Jl llrnf and beef hans quiet nacon ateadjr at I SI3IIVI Ciii miata firm tales l5I M belllce 14 La 1UV415C s tom U III 1re shoulders btes Dogs dIm SI SOS ill 7 iOe for lioarr to llht and Inc tel pU llutttr eair Intl moore aetIcel new erfumerj flrita aunt extra 12m 21Cl Slate dairy itW21C I Wentern factory lns 17oi do creamery littJct tout Iilis5Iic Cheeaa riruii I sulefacluryiaKcl I I UliinH tliii cr auier > iiie Vtt ilemli i Miale Ac Ii1Ct Voiltrn hlt4CtIitJdl liSt COMOI low itrailiK decline I Uc and hutS irralea lilt hilt IUHllnni grates nnrhaiitfett isle i sV balel- ihldlhiir nplindii IIAI do liilfi invc 1uturc earl aiile i IntinMKiil II rolnt ilran r nnt kdadr atiissi for April ini ii for May losoc for J utile nillc forJnly it 041c her Annul I litJic for ReutiinUr u Die forlictu itriisic for Not ciutliet tlMt fur December tnd U ills or lannarv i talon I4JUHDI Isle Suimnm lto ini were firm for the lower irailet which line In hort CU ily I coil iinu tn ifool trained P1 7n4 t hI m Spirits ltltiieithulie thoU at InjardiJoiililix Iii I VK Hi lined lot inheuttu oultt liti MiaiU t lure fur rort I1o ten ici 70 lest < i i hoini trmlo hii 15 Criiiln rrrtlflratra ot ened at iri c hlnhiil lUi one l lllic and rloInK liol I COle 11 vi l is 5 i lhli Tal tout firm sates tiM i Ca iriluic nl sr HlMirlmiiiliti- rlme I llrnlrnninriirlnr I llt3li4c I llopi itradv t alev weiu Inriln lo tin wire nl tOe for iholie- siati I taJ i for sport I im wp would hnyt i jrarllniin 71itIc i on lale < Cillfirnlani nohl at HJi < sic Iiuteel oil fri at MVTc for cltv SSe alert Sit5Sc I Cnlelitta niatsn luril ill lUi Ocean freight airaln nnlM Ierth rule Irreffnl i oil chancre sunlit tteailyi- K nil n tn IIt in onl I h > iliKiiijlt I linen inn vIlest I IK i eel Inn V iiil4lj I theIr i Ill t train In I niiitnn b > ste inn AteIJ In to huh I hy uteatn I eln to Antwerp 1 141 i reilil unto td literi i tot Se iM n tlneil t ie- Irolenin lo Anttfcru St M ido In llriniin or I HniiiluirK 21 7l IlTei Nliek Mnrlirl NEW YOHKThursday April 5 Nothing dnlnc In heif cuttle fur leek if reethiin t llrtvuel I lief dull Sill tout t rat mOiSt It V I fur riinininn In itiM city rlnliuh ten it alit IVrtliic fur Weiirn liuelun ahh nitnt- tu ts ilat 17J In lattli ami tIll I 1tiantre nf href hIltS anil weak for heei ami hsuiilii at gut tln7T7Ji V Imj rf for rninniitn to extra iheeii rnil fitso to Y tur- jearline lanitm I of I lie 7ioo I hca l receltcil at lean lyomiiM tit rarrlclnirr nreiirni hlpiiient Slum lit shell ami UTV eutnite n nf mutton inlv l lln ling arrlteil Very little ilolnir tn live hog A nintl nnnilierof Male hov cttatureil hatifln at f4 tn- tajN ti list l i Os Nominal range for ordinary to goo- it57iiltoPtItiiit JIIHIMM- DItltllllv iiLr7cJitVc JllSANiC TIM PIT Sun riiei a an sun Cite n no I Moon thee 4 47- IIIUII WiTklt HIM tiir Sandy llook n 57 I lilnv lilnnl 717 I Hell mite OUT ArrUtl TnLnfttir April 5 Ma Colon Iorter AIiublituuhl J Vlarch is- s < IteKiilator llnnne Ullinliiniiiii N 41 Si linln IK ttld lloHtnn- H Klrhniiuiil Wlmiett Seet irolnt Sn- id htfv piinn Monin Enbtkut London Mlln I C5htiOte5 II sUet I llolon- Si Irofimor Slots swan llokto- ns Koanoki uiitbi tOt Iniiond- Kllp John I Kinllli lilnliop Antwrri- Shtp Ntwinan Hull StOut Cuhnttn- HtilpThi i dore Korrtu schlcrnherir llretneu llanc St onus itutl Hi lloltoa St larieilli- llnrk > IMnl Km Itaj ui igailire- liirli iinan WllllaiiK Mttiet tic Kark Irlo 1tpperell Itlo Janeiro Hark I tbiiilehtirft I rrirer 11 nre- Inrk I llarrt I l nintln lnndly Klcutta Hark Kruno Iai olien vialnnrnii Hark llnilo Cnllero llVrlillI listS Attnli Troop CJnlifl Vlitnnrni Hark American llotiU Vhlittinorc Ciiiharleu- Hnrk I rico I Saudi vtoiton smm Hark lilalio Illchardoon I I KlifKi- AMinrin oct Fi Inlda from Nn Vork nt Hoiithlmptan- H4 Ahyiilnla from Nut v nrk nt Jiicinitown HAIItniHnw I I roKilit elena SiSpnln from hyetlinlAuitiillot I Sea ork iiiritI- IIOCiOn Tlmrila > April AIKSI alter H iliorl tilt itieri IllniNA LI1I1 voiiiukt t uaiuiter if < ord and Aitflallu If ock aul I 1 viurii s niontliH tnd 21 dl > P mttutirttu Into ill rrnlai A rllil nl J vt- III sllNFM In I liiiliinati Arll I of brain fever tin Kit lloricn lliiihnell hilltr knnnn HI Illlnd lit her HurhncH lit d ftl veanc I tO imutuuu Wisinen i lij I the Jtli lust Ictcr Coopir In I hit tIll > tnrof lila aite The literal serviCes a 111 hike llio nt All Sit Chiinh lorner of 4th I nv and loth utt on Saturday Aurbu7ntat5l- S I It I ll klndlt reiiicitet that null MI ri he lent ONNAI 1IITHN Am nit 3 Mary ConiniiKhton n un- lit ir tin purliliot liniii niinMli I man I litluiJ- rnnrritl from lir iSle rcliitue Iti CasI t H7th it nti- rrUnt Airllil nt I o iloik I VI Itcltiti eta not frlenda fir jut llet IDMHlld HilUSHtinth I nlnhtof WMneliv S pal I Willie I thn heloiLil and onh tuli ot Julia ami KlUll I ito her Hirl U v tun- Mineral on salurdav tlie 7th lust at S oclnck from 22 ml 11M m liiiirmiil In i aluin 5115u Inul I hallo A duuuhtir ut rutrlcland I lii Klit In In r Sit hi tirI- MatltiM huh frli mS ir Int Itnl to iitleii IIn film ril fiom hfr tae reenlelm Vi i W iM 4oth i itt oa h itiirUa- tnliVliKk IA Mil On Tliiirnliv Arll I 5 Sine Ana Lnmli nllct- of rands limh lln nil from tier hilt reMMire l rat Iroipert place thl cut on sa nnl u at III A St II iiii in mutate it at i Vmn H Church il t II t llulutltei and fnttiiln art riil tct tilt tlVlKt to Mil11- r IiTOui VUiln hAy Aril 4 I lien till if Eulit ird lauarl tmtltu of dliii Ill lhliiili U Inc loll Krliiito nti1 frinN nro nnutitiil in nttttid the fmural from St AlphoniinVn ilinriti Sit rth nr- tthern a hhll inutn till hi leUbratrd for tin r I ii ci if Ill r soul on lrida ttHAM I Interment in tuii toy

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THE SUN Fill DA V AllUL 6 1883


4 MOTION TO tKnf attKtTin roirKIM iN riu jiiivoft fOTin DOWN

llfpntillcnni unit Tamnmnilto Hot AfViil-dl IJIve him Kola 1nnlrul of the OffleeaTim < hiirlcr Hunt lluck lu the Iommllte-

eAtnW April G Tho nttemiit tn push timJew York charter amendments In IhoHlinpu InKukh the Assembly Cities Coinmlltcu tcportodthorn tlirOU zit tthe AsHomblyinut t with ndiclslvo-shuk tiiiiltfht Tho iUBslon and tlia tot-e < t votes dhow voiyclciirly tlmt nnr clicmu-

vhlch coniiniscs HWuuilnt chances and tliu up-

polntitionlof a newrsot utotllcou upon whosoutialltleatlotm tlliu AMormun shallI Inno authorI-

ty to piss will bo ilufoatoil The doUHlo alsointtltat34 ttuit not nit tliu Democrats arc > otturo tliit It will bovvUu touat tim appointIID power unroHtrlctod In the hands ofMour Ldioii rurlhormoro It mnkosIt cuir r that republicans witI itaml n n unitnialiist flay chaniM In tho charter that will putany nioro pour Into Mayor IMsons handKruin 1John J Ollrliii who win In Itlio Clurkdroom lonllit pulllniI I tliu ultra attached toNew York llepublluinfl llku Van Allen mulHouse tu till vuutit reformers lllto lloopovolt-tho Uciiiibllviin Assemblymen art agreed onthis point bliuuM thu Tamilian y men nattyoiH mt to strip their Hoard of Aldermen ot-

JUnlty mid power by tiiUni from tliuin tho-

rluht to coiillrin nnJ aceopt n iliurtorproviding for cciilrallliiL power In theMajois hands tltoy mlht miececd IniuttliiL Mich an IInstrument through Otherirlsu they III Iou all thov uiu lift ing furTnu liiilutu tu ttake thisI tttup They tthinlyconceal theIr irrowiiiK distrust of Major IMsonrILe halff admitI tlmt IIfI hu cuts lice from thedictatIon of the Aldermen hu will bocomu moreliiJcipciidenl IIn thik mutter of appointmentand piiliaps In the long run reasu to reirurd-riniiiinnvi wishes With n lliiard of Aldermen to cheek him nnddlutato ttihltnI tho Tain-ninnvniun are uulte willing to amund unit I

late or reform the old cliartor In any waytto make ofllcei vacant Cause iiiontly theyhnvu llxod UP tho uimiiilmfintH that were 1m

tore the Homo tonlicht which cave the Alder-men the continuing IIOWIT I liny did tthis IntIle face of Mi > oi ldHOlis own declaration thatln did not want thn Aldermen to lino imv-thlni to Kay as to his appointment Tintrmmmun force wuro btalnn IIn tthulr tlort tojot tlinli ainenilincnlH unit to Cominlttet ot-he hole hut siicceoiled IIn dnfuiillniI n mutton

to I fist I lict tin Citliat Committee to Mrlku outitthechnrtert t every provision retI I ri lit eonJrniitlon Ib > ttlio Aldulinun AH ttho rus tilt ofho IlKht th tlmrloi viIi Mlit hick tlo tlln-7uiniiiHliil

Cf t teafor ttlio turio ti of fiiitliir tieirttmi

ditch inoiiiiH a littler dlbiUs oii iinK rmturlili-niuniliiiuntSpunkir Chaplu line Honinn tin ad wasoir noire clo bit V H nd than IIn ttlii-


tor tonltfhtN baltlu Thn inun-a

selectedliml tlio ultiifk on tlio Ttininmny charter

nro will cliosii for theIr work and wet nlliplntlioliI t i piutn Thov worn lltil br Miller ofSow Vork l5o Sltt of Ulstir lllci of Ontariomat Johnson1 of Vestchust hr Mii Miller whornI llrHt iccognbcd loved to iconnilult MrUo ltt wits rvcnunlpil for the purpono-

f> f gettIng lu the motion to instructlie coin ntttteo to rut out ttlin Hoard of AMurnon All iiiailc rattllni spxoclios In Hiipport ofIn Ir points SixUon lluinooiitM wern all thatoulJ tIHI muitipd butt IthvMi i roninoni Ito

ItinnuistI on ttin1 floor rortjllvo 3umocrat-srott for the rhirtor as tthn Tnmmaii mennantiil It Twiiitythroo Jiomocrits were nblent or dmluid-

Thn ropub loans or the Modoc ns Gentplnnln uill d tlinm mustered nenrlj their fulliiiciiLtli Hi > sore clninsll lid and fomi ofhu timbre obtiii cotittir mien wero i anltitt kii hv a Inport Unit Jlr iJtooy eit tutunail a dual with Sjumkor Chapln anti vnuliyl IPL IlainI ttli i hands of t tie Democrats1litv tot onr theIr frlght when thoy foundhn Democrats who wanted to recommit theinurier uvula not Itrjlnj to beat nnr charternit WHO Miniply MiUInfI to amend an IItistiu-ninit they illil hit likeThem woro siuvetiti cuilouH Incidents luth

t dnlnte OiiDwni ttlic attltuddoft I t Donehut of Llster who wont with the Tnmmanro-rocs IwcTiise ho haul not ly en IIntrustyd withi part In tthu light auilnut them 1lie1 bturte-lut his fnulinir In thn oiionliiL gunonce of his hpucch when hn pnfd thatichotly had consulted htmI or mlvi ° cutMill him UN tn what hu should do IHu hadmine sharp word with his rolloncuo frontJlter Jlr Do Wilt who was flLhtlnion theJthot siu of the Hue

Anothir aiiiulnk Incident was the lop overf IHullo tin oyster opener front Long Wand

iftir otliiL tigill list ilvi tug tho Aldermen Ihu-orllrmltinpower Tho Tnuimun men won binnor and hu changed his vote lust In time t-


thorn through On the otn to recommIt10 Hoped hack again Judco Tlm Campvlls chance of tout was another Intcro tinc-iout Ilit stood by thu Aldurmcn hut as tilrvl mug IIlallI man eould not co Ito iinadul-erated


Tammany charter lie voted to rocomnit It HlKKlns ot Maara got Itintuuiti In th-nlnorltv on both test votes Hu first voted t-

iiko time conllriulni power from time Aldermentat tthen nenlnst tecommlttini tthe bill

Thu seventenn DomocratM who voted with tinVjpubllcaim to rucommlt wore

AiRliinn Ilulle oity Campb Church Clenrt IVlti

thulli hiiian lltnrv Johniou Mltlor ll H V tion

11 r W VI Thoniin Tnttlt and Welch Thefur i ktt meinl er are Campbtll and viuirr-

Mt Miller moved to recommit the hill for furJitr hr iritis Ho said tim present ineasui-v

aH totnllv dl ifut remit fromn that first IIntiodtiiei

Pin piesunt MilI had not bean open for contIJ ration Iby those who wlslnd to bo hearIPa It piitieularly thu provision iclitltiiMhe oiitlrmatlon ot appointments by the Comimi C mmII He bellovoil that thue Mayolitt till have ihu solo power ot nppolntmunt

Mr Du Wltt movcd torinicnd ilr Millers moIna hi iii ii II tug that thu oonimltteuI t I report t itow MI nmendcd aa to fclvu the Mayor the soleurnf appointment and leinotil-

Mrl M J JIurphy hoped IIto notion tore0111 Itt It would tout prevail I lii tutors had been

iiicilateilI tthat tthis charter Llves John Kell-tit I uirdl hum rv power lit is itt ight hu a tooi

I lIN ill it with which to attack ito chiutuiIhi truth of the matter hownvui was that tutupMinlnii in S racusu last fallI of the Domocrac-rHilKtasteful to thuliupubllcin tart and intturt wet now Icing mule to ilostro this liartioD1 Most of tutu iDemocratic members fromVn York vvro In lunar of the nnioinltnoit

Mr Do Vltl bullovud the people of New Yorkub ni IIn favor of emcentiatlnuI power IIn I ItoMnvnr vthii hhoiild bouluctml for a short termen I hl to n strict accountability

Mr UUi said It wiH tlmo for tim Democrncti liov th it they wuro wllllni to ulvu Itopjpl ot NIIVV York u ohm tar lint was de-tiiinelid Iby tth bust olomcnt ol tho cityIV T > nnmbii knuw lnv numeroiiii WITS theul rnclulI deals under n Hoard of Aldurmen-jjtb < Iti ureat povvei and octlne In conjunct ti vllh eoirupti imlltkHl faction i

Mr Vneirt still tin lIe uuibllcttnt of theII usci luau held a cauem on this iiieHlon un-Urlhc limlirKhlpol a wijllknovrn llupulillcan-Jfiriiulli r IlluI tiifeireilt to John J JliileiJlx 1jpiibllcan puty In the tact haul neverMilitimnvptdiirccmiiillsh what thevnow askt lit hiil l ty Iin lie most arbltiat y mannournl IVniticints out a tnt put llopubllcan-Mr

ItbOj linomollI t Hindu an argument IIn favorfirdinnur tn t ho Muvori the iolo Power ot up

KltttlKMltrfflll ITIllOVIllMr spin la ippuscd the anvindmont of Jlr1 it ttitl thou tutuuveut tie piuvloiiMinuhtlon

J oIu Sbts onlHiud Tho iiue tlon WItS thoil j Iu ibtt thn amendini ut Jlr Do Witt to InniiiittliMcniniiilttout I to tuport an amendmenk-liMitftlni Major tthu solu povvorof appointro unit iimovil IItI was lont by 4il to IISI t Illii wis ton tiecomniltteil4h to 4D

1liii bHtIltf y paspil the Penal Code amendHI S loili but lefuseil to make am exumpin t thi hv r uf hunihi tlshlnsI Itwas vor

til thu Mimo old illiiinHlon over wnaln1 Ii tuiiiuttuu iin Mien led Oil Inn pathetic tilll I r o tit ii ii eni id t lie A to trlcmmn iLtbittt Ithe uii Jul iIttt tLiitttbtiill nail ts iiminlnthu t taunt gu ltulti bit ttmbbIIy If tutu coulul

Ii tnt It I It I s V iii it ii lb n out don tedtut I ii nnnl ll ill gut II ii Imug Ott Stundum r I IcJi lt n ItIi ttui rueson It I i own lii ytiouJ dit > s

> t11 how hue maiihed IIn biinday schoolr blii nsainl dHllhtnil In Ito sweet Philliesit tiii i hathi l illl Mr IlnosPolt woe nothurt eir itt ibintentelut Ii aIpared to beItbut

Iii ur of t ii irohuitltl nm Sit nda Ilsit imigiucitlmut I

Ir Ytimit to the IIouo to hut the01 ret ii Iui c tu ill ii roil thuiti r soil tatytutti v Iibtltttti t ltlt thitht God r 1ot Sbttituit ilhtlng J imde nmtmpboil

I t Ittuurt HI the bill eontnInlnt ItottVliPltittit4 si f Ion 2ii3 of tho 1iilinl lilu IntruirMlintiiiiiuitunltt t > lullit be nlfonled for

ttby iVon Iii nniiiiiiliiiiint In lacnrdto HunttIi I


thitibIth Iile I Iotte uadll ncrood to this


n wits insiitnd It reid ttb fol

lilluuctl thit hioilln i nhlng plating hnn ravineiroiii r titilO iort enercjiei famlme ur

Itbui Jtii liit rrn In ifthwekI and alt null dlti Ma Ithdi are I rctuIlti4

IiOtivluica ena tltat lie coithi then at

Bl to kitok built thu tiitrit hlsmlmti sitmtut

tint toui it I ii tuue hiowoyar antI I Ito I t3

Ielttalie te f t hi lii I contuit a I mtg ho

ThU vmruti fiut Iilititjn hIutitiug1uuu

tote nit hut Ii nolaa mmuot Ion to at lowtbSt i

In liii ivtitr amnund ow York cIty mtuijt to l

ut ruflue tvorct lunStinte wits trIckuuthu t meottun of Uunt of Jefler-


r 11 °° ttt triitt to set tho Judlolnry JoinIt of

oclui rjutIfiiinihot furtherconsldrrn-iitlunI rai

hui directIng Ito Attorneyrtor

i Irimu hlt to jj40 0 hue Jlnnhnttant to

U Iii iiullon to ay rutlda other busteoijsiul r ihu mill t Icr wus tabled on Cotlr tiif iloti 3t to 40lit hciuto bill Intended to prt-

thusterimig tciis reported itt

113 Atkciiblir JudlcUrr CttmoltU

c S4 i

XI r Hnndorson mowed to dlsnroo with the nd-irsu niiortSir Do Witt n momhcrof thocommltlcci nlJ

thu lull tirohlliltrd thu Issuing nf stock iinli s-

nt MH viilnn ninl for itettttil ciiHh ItcontnlnodB-OIUU good fouturu hnt wn too twuoiilni mindwould thick tho hulldlturI ot nnvr rallrnniUMr ONullKnlil tin ulll wait n gooti one Hullrondswould Ito built whcnovur hero wn n doninnd for theme Mr Hnndoroonri motion tolinuriio wust tmrrieul timid thu hill goes to Consmuitteut of tho Whole

It was near tho hour of adjournment whoatint Mirlinm tirloti bit which wuro I hit speelmilorder for tim iluv wcio tnknn up Sir Kovcstoil ofT In 11 itcliinil dlcctipslon of the wholeii host lout ot prison tu fun mit Illu do led that tItoiniocintlp Iplntforni plmlucd Itho imityI to-abuiltihi contrnot labor It slinply iileiltfoJ theparty to nforniH IIn prison innnimnniunt-

tnI Cud Jim phis motion tthu Mullst billI whichrovlihH tot tho StntiVn tnklnifchirui of tituslirlsin workshops was utihstlttitod tr limit lily ¬Iteen 1uotud I mug hI his and iiindo a Hinclul order forflit Ittuoudiy

Thu Civil Codo wits favorably roportiJ hy theJtnllclaiy ConiinlttcU Du VItt nnd Iloivu illsmeiulimtg-

Ituti Capitol Coot in tstiomttra roporlod IIn nn-nnir tton rcsoliillont IlniiillrlniwliiitI Is to bo hunprobe lilt cost of coniiilntlniI ii Ilie now Capitoltthat tluiy hiivn no nuana of kltowlni itehitfront Inlin iniitlon iirnh hi d hv tutu nruliltitHAciirdlii to their ustlin HCH thin eott of emuplcllim thin hill dinir will ho S 171iUit ThUOor foui Kliian na xlnillnr Imnilry was Hinduhv niHoltitlon nl tlm helium nnd thu rnixn t thunHindu nftui what luiriiortcd tn bo u IlullI amidthorough IInvistluiition was tthntt ttin Cnpltolcould Im cotnpletidI at n cost of nlltlln overllKlDtlUD hlncu that tUtu at loidt 000000hns buiii Hpunt on tthu bu lid lug

Mr Daly introduced n bill to reduce thoQitarmiti I mitt Commission from Ito on ComtnlsHlonutH to tumult who Is to havu aHalatvnr floutItiiUo iiiovldisforinittlnu thu llvillh I lItterInn 11 xiilarv ol f IlOOUii lit for Pulyillu thun Q iiur-nntlnii IMHIISIH unit of tlie fuus limit Stow uo to-thi


tllcnllhllllcI r-

TliL hiii id took imp time IMaumiv Iirk bill InCumnilttiu of thi hole nnd titter ll tiinlni to

inn chis IIn IIts favor tiom MntHrn 1111 Cot trtMiArlhur ii tnt TitusI I mado IIt it special orderfor mt TiicsdivI nlKiit

IheI hill iinllii rli thiioternor to npi olnl flu CommlMioi ir to true Mllhont ui ixivpi for thilr ixtlic tu exninlni und retort upon IIhu feailhllitr nod

i iit ti IlirchpMia I Suit hIlt I In liu out n tire park on-ttthe Iordir of tthe nitiract-

Thu Huniitit passiil the hill p hpmolirIuit hugtillt 1000 for Itho tuition IIn Now Yoikt cit > of anarmory for Ithu Twcntysicond liegIlmonl

In pxicnthu Mssion time 11limncc Comnilltooreported IIn favor of thu cumulI rmtiuttlotm uf Isaacu I1env ns Capitol Comim itt Isutotic r All of tItoIDimociiitle Siiiitors nnd one Ili ittIl leanThiiiiiiif voted for IHit tport nndMrl IVrry wacliii It rutted J lie other Iupubllciin hinntois ittellncd to volu lor or uilnHt takIng the iriomidthat thu lull under which Jlr 1nny was ap-pointed


was riot legally passed owlInc to thounconHtltutloniil nfl I of thu Ileiitunant-inuinolThu fenatu limit I rsn it Coat Itten will report

tIm AmitiFmeuImtsblll adversely

IHXAXA wfirs jnitTiintrA-

nothrr llrrfklrHk Iiiny Around ITnelMiller Ulitnlnic Old MOT

Timo old stove which wahimcl tIme rihlns ot-

SlrIIenr > Clinton bug hefoiu thuuxocutlonofMajor Audio VVIH niiiln iikilovvat Market nndMonroe streets on Wedncsdiy nflernoon MrItC llrownletter known In IIto civlllI bott worldand In Chicago as Illiinana IDob got o n piirlyIn honor tile twentylint birthday lIla gtmestand mvtral old tea bout won gmtulm tout aroundtint old stovu Tho guests drank tankards offonmlnt alit toot tho tout boxes held time tank-ards


until thnv wore rullllud Thu great mayeat was porihcd on n pile of champ tno l


winking and bllnUiiKiitI I n basket of jjulyCatharine Market xtiiks timid tim rrimig Its satinfatlon To avoid all dnnuur nf pin unioni aHinnll halo of cotton lund huun xhovei IInto ttinold tush lotiiil Keholc Out Inclu Mlllcit I I Hil-ton his low tool nt tlm tove iloniu verllablo-Inther TlniD nrnicd with tuastlni oilL touteurvlnu Knife henthu bed of hn koi > oiU-wis it a white heat tthe wliunlnI s ot tthe htiuLiollcr wet n looktil ovoi Iten pounds i f thickMt ak eireiill hiltud tumid i iriinil and tliu-wholu biiliiohf VMIS thnisi Into the stne livu-mlnutui liter tluo tcind veiiliiined Ailif-ivory


odor llllid thurnnm the uetH tnpn dtcuuuemutt tout and MillTtdI tthe alli r wUiu Ito im eatgui tat arisu on Itt lolly iiin h and laln 1 Us-iidesI with its tallI When tthu Hleaks woie donuthe y t ore cut Into sttrips phuiulan a jilu I telas larii as the burl ot tin host timid Inun ¬

dated with melted butlei Thu kneea ol tthnkuestei verit bin lull In course rish towels andcubcn ot bruid ladenwlth the dilppinif siilis-wuio passed around Thu win winhn of tinbioliet were folded over a Iiih IInvohoof meatantI w enattain tthrust IInto tho teccssin Iof ttutustosc Mr llrownt friends mitt tutu meat withnvlillty Tho kit out gras tikkled Itt n-

thuliI lltuurs andI iliopin html lie towelThu folhiwinx tnhlu elvesI an ni nolinatiamountt of thu iiuantlty itt t out red liveneli juuniJ-

Vn < OttO or w il riniiirij ofit-tn Jamin lurklt iu II

tiO rio II nrafi 41-Si vi Ytr I

Fis i

llplin finn 41 iWin V AtttIII


II Ii IMion 17 Irite lion Arthur U VVllllnn rJ J

Tit iiriiiiin llHrhil tIi Ihc-1inier Ilihtltllli 10 u-

Ihll W Uholi Jl-llr Will W lluttltt M II-

C I IraU i isJ ic UIM ird uf CtilcbKO 11 11-

II M iriori JT ul-tol n N vtbott tit l

c K Lord Ii-II l llruitii J U-

Titul TTi uj b untt IIhiniMh n front nitiiu tine on the pies

thnt tiii hud hud IhtlrIlnniri bifore they lutnt-I > U oclock Ithe fun had mown fast and furl

nuts rite kruat grit > eat lay dlntundud on Itolloor Iho lionI Aittiur D WilliamsIMI reeltatlons fiom Chaunecv hhalTciH huv ovprrl-cliiu Mr IHoprait tiuttul led hisi tilp tto thu-handwjeh Isl mils nnd lie Coopn IInsiltiitibarber Hooded tint mum It with his oildltieti MrlJIoui ttt tutu IVmi vlYaiiln liallioail usstimud-tho chaiaetur of n pavnibiokui

The hhnp ut I kiep hu KI Id shu Is InItri act street p > tthu olt lllptrnlan Ilall Vons

day ti sailor mil n parrot comcs In mv blaconlint vanlx to Khiiout Ihu hem iiI I gout hlniein-tollaron tin liunl im tit hu vent uvur ullthuI I

iifirst day I hunic thin burl hy thu outnltoo-mem door Veuplni llachul hut ho tan a buttherd I Thuru van a Ill uinliin Convention Inthe hall IIt cost inn mum as n huiidrml dollirs to lit up my hlaecH net iluv Dot herd ho-

cunt led nfl Savu HIM Gveun-Thu


roar ot Inuuhti tutu hardly died awn >

when tin handsome Lr IliovIhy said I foci adianclit of wind

Im blovveil It o aintI rIght said Mr-lirownHfturInvestigation hoineboursstolentutu tuilu of cotton fiom tho koiholu-

Thu discovery throw the party late consterna-tion


I IVar of pneuinonln cnuevd an IInlinedlato mutljouli muscat to IHurry MlneiV Thuatrowtiete Ito only draii liM mire from hoer fccs-iindchanipaiielHitllusI andI lucre ill r lirownhad secured two private boxes for his friend

HltlliiK for n Soiloii AccliloiuJohn W llodgrovo enterJnj recovered n-

jiilvmint ngnliut Joiei I I Iloie Jr for tf Innaeifcr pertouiil lujurle inflicted on the plaintiff ttytthe difeiidint io l x rommcrilal traveller for thefrin of Maiiomx A Co in Canal ttreet In thl city InSeptember he ii an nl nut lo Mart on atrip null Itefora-ltlti hilt I itt tur rxainlned tilt ret uti ar While haniltittv Ihe tti ii nn one of ttt hanilirr itSi arcldimlalliill h Ifed llI lilt Ullintered Itldroteil unmet llu-nnforinnaie


nun ttaitnktn ti Ithe hoipital and ithtuie-tt lit tbuite tim t eiCt Iltf Int tint neter xitniorciot-crellbeli nil liinl tthliht nern mftrtt5 7 It Itt tilltionnd lie 11 Ktin a tilt acalnit Cloie lot Die littleronuromiMdllI I i itinla b conientlng to the emery of

julginenl t KiilnM hull

1e Rnctiift Ckiinii lunili-Thu lut mitt ktii jut etch at tho Racquet Club

eieplat tiit lids Oil Vlerxr liaby stud Warren tieformer tttnnlni by the peuded tears i

Unlit 1It lIS ISiVWarren B 14 li3

Ace my Nrtlce l abI Warren 17Ice I rut ii riatitii 2 VVanen-UTotutliab4ji WarreuJl-loday IIhi lMan> llila rinb t eIgntte lo tho Cricket

Cuntiiiilili it itt ho guilt a uf the member ot theiMiiiutt ihItti

rbt ew Orlcan KnteNEW OiiuANS April 5Tluc first race to

ijt a hunluii for elm on tuiite aid a quitter HalInl won euuIiy Amnit iccond and Deccheiibrook thirdTliue2mth

Seitnd racoluriie J2V owner lo handicap one utIleind ontilzhtli Illotirlat ttoi uu ilt winner withlliiknrt thn leiMid XcWhlrler third MId Si nh citettturthi iliac 2 °

Third t tO a hindlcan for all age milheal criilwonI lloke etmimIand toner unI AnnUil-dilanciHl Tlin I iJ

luutlh FM tmiras Ji a handicap tleeplecliine fornim age uteri ieiiriii WIMOW tun eaillt liiiiti OCC

omit tilt Imnkiln third Ciim fell at Ithe accrued umiand Hnretnil II al the ettntll lint 317

llelllna on the City and biiburbria llnntlloipL-

ONDOV April 5Tho betllnir on the racofor the City suit iiiibiirban llandliap which Itube run

till the Ittu tutu mie ncond da e f Ihu lllnnm Spring

Mretlni ii na foltoit I t Heveli In 1 agalnit IIII luiken-ftilllll 015 4 5 Cii ohm Khototers i Il to I artist

triutvc 5ti oihs citrilt ll I lmx I afalnt MrJ I ikiine fu i COT lIlt tnlhall III to I aynllnl Mr I-

IIeikSiearoldllackim at Itt I a gtitai l Nr K IVik a

4 tear ittI Hallnl lini I again Mr I I rlllard 4ear1111 s chi m nutI M to agalnit Lord Ilonuior S earol 1 la ialc

tIhlIlc H pi t lit Yn lc

NEW HATEK April 5Tbti Yale lacrosse teambegan precut eiterday They wllljplay tour game In

the tntercolleglat conlol with Harvard Columbia

1rlnctlrn and the University of New YorkKrTon art being mad tu hat the sprint feScUe lu

this muarmtot msea1 if al Lake aallouafaU aa It Wit tiC

rf gtel sdyIulag W Ut rictawr




nr nuchlejr JleKuoa t Brother vr hu wasllruwln a Cheek far n Breldlna Kldcr-allrolaierlnInvr Ilr Currja Kxiierlcnce

Just as yesterday mornings session ot thetaw York Lust Methodist Episcopal Confer-ence


In the Cornell Memorial Church In EastJeontyslxtli street was about to adjourn Itollov Dr J M Buckley editor ot the Ghrittian-Aihucnle saId that two or three Ingenious conlldence men haul Iman npproachlni HOIIIO of tieministers ot tho Confotoneo In a manner cal-culated


tn deceive the very electThu scoundrels Dr lluckloy saul havo-

lieen hlnit IIn wait for I a Isturs connected withtutu Conference n they woio inltln the AilmfliV ofllcn In tint Methodist Hook Concern8t13 llroaduny nnd nabbed thorn ns thuy woro-

Inigel up or cdiiilm down stairs I accidentallyCuimutit Pout a minister IIn Itliu clutchiHOf n conlldcncd man Thu ministerI whoso tiaiiiu Iwont divulge vvnu just about to stun u checkfor f 175 Thn conlldunci man had approachedhimI timid rcprcKunted hlmsitlfI I as ttlio brotherIll livvof n vrullkiiovvn Ilosldlnit Ildur Ho-s lid hu had been niiiklliu HOIIIU purchases andwin short of at nutty a lid wanted Ito lxii row

iHpinknf Ithis aildeil thu Iluv Dr lluck-iVii Ithat tho brntliinn may boon theiruilnrd

homo ol thou ciiuflduneo men havu Inun livingIn wot k their html uames with ministers infront of tItle eiy chuieh this niornlnir-

Thu Hot Jr Curry still Wud butler lollItutu lirethten how tinno sharpers un to workTheyvu tried miveral times to vletlmlsu muThey mo veimi y phiiisiblu Otto aptituaehed mu-ami tidIed mo Jiiilce and another ColnnulMien I gutti them tnv coned naiiiu thuy mel

mo in thu nuxt bloi k but did not inuku niiythine out ol me Jut hit toll ihu brutlirun nottojrlvo tIme r mitnus Ini stianmis or hint o anyImilliUfM with them

Thn brother wire very reticent afterwardabout time bunko men Itt was said that itobrother whom IDr I ttnk let delivered was aLimn Island brother

At I luu nittrn I ft 5551 it Ireutkt I tiC 1 hltr Jlttrthnt Ithe Nuw York district saUl that Ithu avoiafe-Hahny ol u Methodist cloruvmaii In thu districtIs tliOO and limit tttuiiit uflliii mlnlstciH wcro-nuverthulcfs pinched by want of money OfIlie sixty too r churches omit hutul I ate IIn debtbutt tin debt on notio line InereiMiil Tvvolv-ohato reihiuetI Ilunlr ultlttta unit the 1hilrtt Churchin IOIIK Inland IClt > huts paid its debt

IletldlnitI I Iildir IIllllI I of tthu Nil w I m k Eastdistrict iltpoitod lIXt t iiiiMiisions and the pay-ment


of JjHlVJll debt on church properly ofwhich ilMHin I was on Ithe SlxlvllrstI streetchurch I he lev llndHiiv Im kurof thu Hlily-llrst ° ttol liurch lint vltlidiuvvii to unltu withIho EpIcCipa Church 1or now churchesf 121171I has Iwen paid

IIrt Idi mug Kldur ItotlollI nf the llrts It I vii dls-tilet died reeently Votlilnj niMlnst Itrothe-rKttullanswereiiriderliurch vvhiiithn lllnhoiiasked ttin usual iiucrftlon-

Dr llureh tupoited that Ihu llov W H H-

Imonson of thu Canoll Mrool hiunh Hrooklymi vvithed to wlthdiiw nun ito Confeiciico-nnd to iinlto with Iho Kplscopsl Church

tIn Hhllnu Ililoi IMiiUliillI I of Itlm Now Havendlsttlet reiurlcd that then had been a lionHnnd eiiiiveislons and Tlltl piohatlonurH In thedistrict whh h was a net naln of llvu percent I

Innvear A new church had lien tumult anddedleated at Ptiln lilt Conn antI Iheru wasno iniirtciiK on II In New llavii tho TrinityChurch had built a binutllnl hotisu ol worshipIt cost ITOtKlO and the debt out It is UHi-Theiimount ralwd ftr church Imlldlni durlnit-ln xiir tile about JT5MKI Thu Irpsldlnit-iiil rmneludil his report with the lenmtk-

Mcthmllsm is jounc in Connecticut hut It Isilnltu u btruiiK foohuhl-

lllsliop arreii home one lien slandeiouslyShIll t iat Jlithoillsni is still on tilal in Connee-tlculL but tthis ieptit ShOWS that the remark Istot trueThe liiiv II Mr Adams of MerldenConn said

from bin i ew NcveitlnlHss Ii Iis itlll on trialIf sou dont leilivo it conn Hid SHU

Thui i iItev Dr S IHuntI ol thu Ilirntian Ailrntilt reiiorted that tin piollt of tho i tnt furIthe just i car was ilit1tI of wheh iucmii wis-appiid ll the olmniV debts and JIlHKI-Otiirnd iiMi to thu Conference

In hIt afternoon tho nnnlxiirnrr HUM tln oftin inninV lloniu Alissjonary Soelety washold 3Ii> Di ii1 S lliist of Cincinnati madean ailihcss in AhiluIm slut HtiKLotcd that Christbin women should work to reclaim Ithe Mor-mon women MrsI Dr IDuntnu of South Carolinn sunk or tint poor whiles of hue South

In tile evenlnn lit tmnimIv rsutry of hue Treedmiins All SoclPtv w is held

U tliu niirninitM lon of thwXew jorl Conleiinee In IVcksklll icfolutlons weru prosintel bv Dr 1 M KimI and IIII W IHentloyI rotet I mig uuguil tist Itin rredom of WorshiptIll nnd aralnst thu Itoin off 2nfHj In thoNit pI billI for tutu thiumntmi CatholicI Protectory-ui Iiliii umonitltiitlonal and opposed tto I hue

julnclpleti of Ivllind relieloiis liberty Thnreutohimt titus ctth butt on Cm Cuvulnnd to otothe tIll

Dr IL M Vliint reported that Ithu Confer-ence


owns iii Ihaiulsomu ptopirty at Mountiulx neai Ilhlnbeck on which n numberof houses have been elected J hey tire occulieu Iby wornout tucncherti A V Stoutt andI1

II Cornell oich built tutu ol thesu collagesa l aeot of JIUI0 TheyI received Itie thanksot Itin niufu diet

Chaiihiin Mi C ihu spnu In behalf of the Me-tropolitan


Church itn WashingtonI IHn Bald Itwas the hardest tusk Im hudi uvir undcrtakinMenl who hadI tie Ou icfuid himI noru Ithoronuhlv oppos d and ouuiy by keeplnsnt thum-lould In aiionplish an > lhlnnr nn hold himhu vvntihl rithcrKlvu all lor u child unborntthan 100 for a ut ownupI toni

V W Sovur who ton many veins vnn DrIuhlonliiKH iioidstniit and joined Chit Mothod-1st tulnistrv In 1871 wlthdiisw from Ito Conferonce OulncyII 1 CollinI I has jolnod t lit CongreKational Church V X Traver ADavis Ciorse J 11 Vindorwator and II Docker retirefrom active work

Charges of nuutinti lii I it Itt rum Ion were jtrtsontcutagainst C Oorso b > DrdillTunnf tho Jroy ConferuiKi and I rtistlgtit inn wasordnred-

In hit afternoon tho oinenV orolun JIls-slonxrv Sofetv had IIts tin mi Ivursitny meetlncMiss Iuenl i C ilbon ot Inlla Mrsi WilliamI I-SSkldmoriof otc Xorl until Mis Chandler limitConfuiunee Srcretnry stoke In I Ito ovenlmigDi fiojrKu It Crooks of Drew Somlnary-prcachcd the Confemniu sornion

4 I1SJII1WMr Curl Altcaa Cuncert

At SteInway Hall list night n concert wastendered to Mr Carl Alves n popular sIngIngteacher by his pupils In consequence time

ball was converted for thus evening Intoaconservntorr for llower culture Indeed the floraltributes wero so numerous that several of thorniirosentod early In tho nvonliiu remained ontho stiiiio until nninsslstant hero them off

Sir Ahcri was asslstod hy tvvontyonoof illspupils ant Sir Hartde nn tho violoncellist tnthe Interpretation of n highly Interesting proicroinnin The selections In general showedIhut tills IInstructors Itt cfo ilies IIn ttho directionof hit best music amid lie ixccation his earnfidI method of tiiii hlniiI The pupils vviro I


insitatlm In tho bfriniiliii but jouniladles In white with bunches of crimson rosesaro nono the lest clint using for bultiB n littlenervous

Amonif the compositions on thin programmewere ciiorufies by Mendelssohn and SchumannlluhlntlnlnH Ifairnr In tins Desert twihi inns by Mosnnthal I Ilike allI this capital tinnilinns1 works for tilt Church conceived Inntruly devotional spirit mind several pieces byMr Alvos

Arnommg the soloists were Miss Oeitnr SIUs-lllschoff time Sllnnos II an us and Msj Nuffor



lIlNflNasOtiliilnrit fur Home nfTkcni HI Auction

Jasi KirnlnffAn mlmltilstt atoi B solo of oil pnlntlngH nail

drawings Ijeloniilni tothecotntn of tim late C-


Harris also n collection from Providencetook place In the salesroom of Ooorso A Lenvlt-tt Co Clinton Hall last evenlnir Thoroworo87 tots on the cntaloKUo Homo of tho pnlntlncsold with Itho immiis of ttlio artiste mind timeprices olitalnod were ns followsIInniiA Iriirc IiiriUiep ami Hifiiren S4f-Ma lalnei mite Iliad 17iRfluiiltitr e3 rat lnnil e ami Cattle 105taut JPKII Howir litjtneiu hell aiilicQiiv Ii-Itonhenr le3 rId lantiM ape cit Sheep 8-

Jotiniin rnMninn thin 11115 III-us

oeiktioven ruirene sheep IH-

llinilliilliilI t Daniel shj lockInneii leorire Ianil iain H-

ihiinh r lblandHii < i

CIMIt JMailnn 47-Xieni fella UnUV HIlurotJ II O lalntira M tt-


K LluttleeIto 811Ziciet Jillx IlillliiUllnniif Vtlilca 4X-

fruiiientiii Iloru Near At wllt r > 40-

ienrol J ll Olnnt an rweec Parce Ihe storui of Uecaineron 711rent on coiutant I aniUiapr IsiSl tan Thee Iii tin llmie 4VPlat NarcliM WotKl Minlll 075DaubUll I r IantiH al H2-

Kopivnu lino Stnlv of Tract Jietnll ilrawluff 4lo teaii Thin e hIs nriwlnir SMillet V IVa mil Wuinalivilllvt I The hurner craon illMltlitli I I ulierKoninn C Ci lImIt 1


I K bluil of Inure Ii

Ihrmilt llroticblHl and Iuaa fliseascuA fperlult Sent two Itsuips for Inrie treatlm Irln-rir IIrtalitiuil AiUrmt WurlUl l lip n nr Mnliia-

Amoclatlon Huflnlu S V tti-

OVIls llouih on CornAte for Koiiuh on Corni le QuIck relIef corn

plele Isriiiauent cnr Corn Murti bumoni irv-

Ehrlf tie new valId dejiutiutut U a boou to tcouomteal h seakuJcre4i


A Sand Pine In In To In tbe l> f Kingrtirlrhi Mena Clolhlni Emporium U open every

evening until u oclock 805 Nth av Adi-

B hall fold rrouQli tqj KDW Tort Tl AlUklilit lfU A49i


jittf1j uhiff

WlUII fur Cusp llrrliv SItU In niIuht rrnskIon wnrth M t Itbootl CJV n f2IPIi roll eDenherati alt ut factor I i Sen cliutJ i out nt dOn

Niirlnar Nlk flail ISlJOi itoilh tt CheatSlwiI uiirlhf 1 at lactur fi hn lit treti n upitnl-



Knlll d n tia n is tab for Iho hui11 coollnc null ilennittiir 11 renioi mlilultrri1

> pcrinl yoticfi-

IKTiit coo tszis VAIKIXi sIlKWait one inotntnt Mr CIM er suit IIllKJt our runeI thtnk > on mint hut c left It in tin oflii e

Wit I them word rremdetit latnont of iHit IInventorIInitllnte Cooper 1nlnn ii cult for the cnne tthlle Iherood old man inipei ted the model of a lituciti suit hurirlar ttlnlou nih An he took hli ltutuii ttnlklnir itkk inil-trnlted oT toward tic door a ttntlenuin olden cit

There coca ono mUllonalro tiho det rteM lilt Hlietcompliment to Hen Adhem IUn liven lila fellott men

Dut one mu > he riiiillt n i fill on n urcl3 Itmtuluieiinl Itcn elncntlini lIx u leti reeclic Intiret tthan

the Clint nf hoillll Illn Ihi lieiut if dlieai TlllliMirktudono ij iiivsosi CVPUM Ioruis PLAS-TKItnt Weput Ithi fillnnlli tell ictai i on the Hand

Mr John II Allin ilnrii > t SI Mil at to > n I knowa 111 ii tuemi Icy iinnitdlatcl relict i th if niutli a-

ir M I Moitern of laUlttn Mo eat i Tltuy re-

lieved me of neliinoniain fort iiitht homeVMlllam Coll Innihernian of Curlionnle PatirltisA tlo1 rollid uterine Hadlt limO lUienmatlim let

In Thoiiuht I ihould lleter tunIc anrvthtr chip ityHtiiinii iiattrrn look hold ilum1eIt and tIm m Cool unut

IColiirre < ffman Inenther of Wiiconiln rAi Ihatciilttertd from eclallia for t curb Nothing eltel lllo 10mm h relltf ni tiuihone piaiteri Caro them alttatiin in valuelH n oni an the ni retnc external mtdy Pronpt-

liKilkinil i irtaln iltritii triikjnt I Mlur ale clout undunit ton 01 Un urji irnna itetk for tile word Gap

elute ti hh h l cut In tin Kemttne tIlt i IoiZlCE lt MULIIEII-

Are von illMiirltl at nlxlit ant trrken of tour restlit akhkilnll t11i7 rule ind crjlnir ttilh pain of CUTTIM1 ittmIll t Ifiirnl at ome nitI ttet alollle of

tilts wiNsiow s sniiriiivii hnuiMilt iimimiN IIITIIIMIIl < a tnut l liii iili nlahle IT UIII tttu EVE innTOOK lirrll SUIllllIKI IIMMIIIIATHV IHpn1-

HI on It iituittuIti OtInc lull tilealioiit ll It 11 tiEsIlsl STIIU nut HI IHIIIIihVriimlitratliDhTOVIUlland HOW Ius t Ii tiEs WIMii I I DIIC KOITfcNS TIIKllUMs Suit IMI VMMATlONnnUheiloinauatenelirt to Ihe tthol it itltn

tills WIsdtt MMKlTIIINll M Kill FOR chillIIHhN I1KTII1M1I I lIa pleanant to Itlm tail nutS tIi hispretcrijitlon of not nf the ohittt an I be t female phvil-i iuiiit and nuritM in I Itt tuittet stutei and U fur satb xii dmttlitlttd IIlirmiiflioiii Cite world


A AHK OF IIMU JOIHOMMlMr Alhirt Kliulurt gene N III mullet with had

humor un htind aid ttstk ciiiniil ht lest iiolniiltiifIllelia palnlir I Al Itiino It ttoul1 lrrak out cracktIme Ii and I he ikiit ne arate from Ithe lleih In tarelikiri eudLiliiii krtat iiintliiual Itclilnir suit itlntflnir-

nrtha > rl tour rrmelli iul I TI e PItA UKSOIVI NT hloid inrmor Interimll and CP1ICUKAmid i ITKlltA MI VIlUioBrciill fkln inrnxlpmaiu-aiil

tIn ices tltHii thrte montlnienrLted a complete cure

anl Itti not hiell trutded lime Corrol ornted b >IllilUnl A Iou r drilMl li Kt cue V II

No inch hlood pnritlirI 111 iniillclne lii Cite ILTICLR-



The ttet eta Ito AcU aro the only pure tohaceo-clifareltte ever ottered Ilo the put 111 All Jhilclanir-eiommtiid Ithem In preferinm to tiioe iutsdu wIth aInter tt muller tune them a trial

M KIll INTO < IfllTtH an niiiiri ailed In nnalltrh > any tigers male tn the ttilled stoles I t HlltscnA CD Mannfcluurii ls tttmmoI Rltliuton it Nt V-

TO Mill AN V SIUOIIllllN lllHlMHt-nr humor irt A lCItS sAKsvrAIIILLl It cllanleathe blood of alt Inipuritk-

kIIOW SOON tim it HOODS SUlstlAimLAcure Capt Mitchell rheiiniiitum r Fit It tutututilis End

ttt tibUiittotv-



TIlE AUMIHALS WARD A NOVELliy vii C Alexander rrlce JOcetiU-

Alho Nn 1114-ONIY A AUII A NOVii

II lJeore hers Irlce vo OilsIATK-


mstt Heice Henri W lacvI 557 >Mnli ami il How DUtllltd jlh luettnt liltI rutt rreicif Hi Omdfi IOCIJTii SInner Tale K c drentllle Mnrra 100-

Wems7a tTMlia Ih IralKe Im blur1577-


Children if the World LII Iaul Iliyie Twopart lKC-hsloryof 20o

a sin Helen ll Mather sueI17J The Trial rliqtiel tu Tin Slut 4luln1-


1515 aol Its hTKtR lTpun Mail toe1V11-

lVVJThe Muhlcaniof litmie I Ill scbhalKloil Ulll Win Shack 2lt

ALSO NOW III A IVThe Now York Mnnthlt faililnn 1154am fur April 2VThe tnrinlfhil Kevi tt for March 2IKXlXthI Century for March jnl

The olltemporarj Itetlewlor Marfll JhFor sate by mill ilileS lenten nr lent 0 nn aldre-

poilaire free on reelptof u cent for lit Kle nuinherant ii centi fur d mlile nlinibin IKllllIK MIMillIuliUahcr 17 tu J7 Vandewatcrit s1 V II O ton 3751


Tin MrxiciTiiiiMio COMPANYtLTD SlUG E It ttttl 53 I tie annual meetlnif

hf the siocktalltrs ut tilts uonipau mil br heldI utthelrI

oirceTemplv Court 5 lleekman 11 N ee Sri lilt We1-ne day April IllalI IIII clock A ti elect nfllcen for theeniulntf 5dm anl to triniact suet other bLiinen atmay proerly COIUA hvfire th meetlnv rii louts oftile company will he doited for ille Iraiufer of elouk OBWednesday April 4 at U oclock IP M and will ieopened Main the mornlnc of Friday April 13 routcites from II Ill I Kir trdtrof reliicitt-

I p

j7 + i




ihTu DDAHTtntE




OF5111th TIII ttoiiNiNa rnnss






IThe mot inarrelloul featuro of metropolitan juurutl

lain lIs the success ot tile TiiiuitAV-



TELCd PAMS iiiccoi and popularity ui a v olilcU

fir adiirtlements depend upon its circulation Itf-

clrculitlon depend thou Its unit trial recognition tt-

Tllh uousjapcr ot the Amerlcnii uictropoli fur the

ucceptahle prejctitatlon uf tie teuitt of tlio wurld o-

Ihu da > upon which I1ie > occur

The airriue dally circulation ot this TLInilllAM U

Cur in GXCIFS of Ito comhlned circulation of al the

other cteniiu at tru publUi cd in till ctty-

Dilrii K llio ncllvlt > of tIlt cprlntf ntason tile THLK-

IIIAMI il Iii Icon hue firrt edition at u unlock iu lh


fhli ttcp lha not uiihy a nrtt depurturo for the TELlSI

lilUMit IIt an antlrely new feature In tie lilitory at-

Americon journalism mIte THLlorKV atwa> i fore

limit in InterpretliiK and iponrln to the reipiln menu

of the i xci community wlkh It cent is now mit hereto¬

fore takes IIhe lead of the entire American prkaslu lin-

troducing a nett nut radii nl feature Into the ilall > mien

upcr ittla sItu hi Ilut the natural outgrowth the lc-

Kltlmitt te rKl ot the varloui reccdiiiK item and pro

ce > lcb nhicli Ihe TbLEGKAM ha reuched the first

place in the ranks ot American cvniln ournill n and 41

acquired an at era odall nalli s loiiitlluinc ot hire<

tiuii Iri 1 tliouiund eiie Ti

To eiiahle oil clan cn ot renter to fltlt supjileineat-

vt hiaieicn nets may le found In thHr fat orlte morning

paper thliearl edition uf tlm TLLlGlAM ttlll be call

for One Cent

The nen departure of time THLHnRAMI ttill be alwiltl

marked by other important feature A column or niur-



space wilt be devoted each day to a reproduction

with appropriate credit of the cisential neive and edi-

torial of all the morning jnperf together ntihtucfe-

conuntntarle by tit TKLtGlUVl ilurion tie uiiny seemS

to be required

Eipeclal care wIth aio be etc ai taken to Kite full t

credit to any one ot the morning Jjturiunls tvhoe enter

pnhse may have enabled It todlniMio llicuiitnii urarlel

Iii hit eachitsivo reieutalliii of an lniortant pleceol


Tutu Iucreaeed sic antafli wlilcli this TIULOIU ii gI

1051515 for aJverliJtri ttlll lie appirent tom the cart

suit ipeudlture which thtey det oto to a MIllie adt irtis

fluent thioy will Lave that double udtantieof u mornlnf

as well ci an etcnlnj circulation anl that jut a taper

offering tie charactrlitc features noted abov e

Th early mornlnz edition it Il unable resIns at hiS

dullest prtctlcaM tour of da > ll < ht to obtain Ihe itorf

of the foregoing nltfht fire crime deedi of dnrk

> ilien exit other happening In tilt city ant licit item

niilch hat taken pike shIer III inornlny paper lice

Kbn to prcM-



exteriitic tuggeit other slid yet uteri Cues tlbUs reiulreinanti the public may rot miunJ that lbs

TFLEnRAM will reipnnd to himrn Tlit line may com

wlitnthi srciMh of tie mttropolli Suit Itta etlgenelH

of Ilte task of keeuuig pace tt Uli III Delis will rtqulrt as-

certain lesion uf tie > ear au edition ot llnTELEORAJf-

ll191 ttujr buur IM ikt da1


Torlinen Quit a Hh > p Hcpnnio fths IIrnr4attn MM who lint llccn Employed ThereMore titan 1COO hatters quit work In

Orange yesterday and met lo denounce thomplojmcnt br Gardner k Dudley of a manvholt Is alleged Instructed coinlits In hatlaklnc Tho tnon marched hondod by n baudoff music to Military Park and oruanlrcd aicotlnic there On March 24 Gardner A tIedtoy who ha > o a tint shop In Mechanic streetIsclmrccd their makers and on Ito followiu-tomlay placed Kolloee Nichols In charge ofho factory Nichols Is well known In tho trade

hiS a mIni who tins worked lu ono or nioro-irlsoim Tho llnlshcrs who hail not been ills

harirnd rotusod to work with him nod on-

iicitday left the shop A commlttoo waited onMn Dudley mind Informed tutu that n rule oftheIr union would prevent theme from remainnir In the nhop with Nichols lie replied that

lie considered thin matter before lilrlimNlehol-snd was prepnred to till thin places of tho nina

C Tho firm obtained alxuit twenty now men COltilcholH htuan to each thum how to use sizlhugandI I ron Ing machlnn which hiny jjust beenet up In t Ito hhop for tho hunt time MeanSviillo opposition to the linns new dopnrtuio-

pread liliutflg the hattersntOianciiniid It wasIsohed to liuo NIchols boycotted and drhonout of town

To organize n movement to this anti time massmrotlnu was hold Kdwnrd Htopford presidedShut aililrrsJis were mmlc iy evAluornmn-

awreiico T Toll n lint manufacturer Illchard-owdell IVoildont of tho National limit Finish

ers ARooilntlon and John Ilillllpsof BrookI yn Tho Hpeakom nflrely denounced monwho go Into prUons unit Injuro workliiLmoii byiiilldini up convict labor

Mr Nichols still to a reporter Im DanxiryJohn TI Warlnif untiitecl mo to put bis-

hlzlnu machlnos Into the Concord prison Iworked Iheio ieen months but did not In-struet lie eon sIet q When 1 returned to linnbuns tilts tutu halters would not allow mo tosork lucre I went buck lo Concord and work-ed for WuriiiK In ii hue thop outfthtui the prisonNix woekp nzo Oirdnci A Dudley contractedvlthI I mn to Introdiico maolilnes IInto their shop

lucre Independent Imtleis wnrn tn bo em-ilojed Tlm result you know Tho union

non nro afraid of tile machines and lImIt Is thesecret oh their fuss hilt In two Seuiis thu multi

hltieRI will Ilx IIn os cry shop IIn this valleySotwlthstandlni the demonstration todaynoio men until asked for work tItan I wouldaccept IItert huts bets no Intorferenco hut I

IIIMI hoard of threats to burn the bulldltiLwhich IH now cl sey guarded

Mlehnell 1 McKhrnan ires tent of tImeIraiiKp lint 1inlshors1 Assotlatlon saId

Nicliolx lute IInstructed vnnvjeln IIn Itho MineNI mug ClintonI and Coneoul prboim IHatterswill work with exconilitK but not with a nanwho teuiliiH tIltS Ictut JIttit its of Mchols2-1X1 mechanics of Orange ate out of eniploj-iient Ml lawful I means will Ihe mado to makohis eta > here uninmfoitableI W n hhnll uwi no-Molenie No threat to burn thu hliop lute boonmade but Nichols innt alit > lucre Our lIghtItt imiilnnt him not against tho maelilnon-Ireslileiit Dawdell hoo homo Is In Newark

all III that two Nowark HIOIB and ono IIn Oraiino-Inlah work for iuirdnir A Dinllej rite unionnon IIn tliedo shops willI quit woik today

MH itAiiims i4t T nir or-


IIkIfAtrcrlillncd Hriltnn for Hulllile IIU Of-

n u III > f w Iliickcllrliuut Ittlul cit ScorBo W laUItlii Ink iiian-

ufucturer who polsonrd himself In thin GrandUnion Hotel was icmoxed to Now llochull-oiisterdnvon thin noon train ntiJ taken to tho-Hiuiestead IIn rclio menue-

Mrt I Davids bought two ounces of laudanummit Hudnuts ilrm Stole at 2oclock on Tuesdayiftornoon rite clerks knew him and he hadno trouble Iin procuriiu It when ho saId hut ho-

wantnil It for family liSte ami that ho lintKiuuht I IIn lnnn luniitlthif Ibeforo at Schlcffc-InrtI I dru wnrehoUHO In Wllllnml I streetI At

itch ltufli I tis It vartbald jestirdu that he huednuvi lioucht luuilaniim there lie siint linlc-IIto his ofllio at I127 Wllllnm ci met ii litirwutianti limo clerks ny sciimed to IIm In lila usualkood sltl I Its IHo went nwiij at 7 oclock laiiu-hIncoerI u joklnirI relurenvo to Illsi reMmblaniito IrodldiMit Artliuit

Tlm liookkeopiir of llio unit sah that M-iDavids hail taken S cry hitnvs closes of amioth tiesttn ruth us u Lie pulnofI hull rheumatic scout amiIhunt IllI was poaslhln that the ovecsslvo dosnoflaudanum had beon Itnken unwittlnulyI > for thu-

urposeSit lUll No one In tho house lund anyilnComi to HiiipoMi that tlicro was unjthlnKSwuotug lIt Mr Div Idas account An examina-tion


t would thortly lItuo mado to ascertain tthniMict touid It tutu of his mill iii rs IIn the 11 rims Tho-olllcos were closoU jisterdaj mind no busInesswas done

A kliiitloiiian who know Mr DivtjH Intimate ¬Ily biild iotenlny Ithat Mr Davids had bnen-litmiiilallv embirrusiied for two yours HUfather had lid ptut him to clear up an Indi bin j-nnHsof JJilKhito the count Inourred as thintoil rts aftur loins I s e Ilthguih lot iilecideilwhile tutu son was Counts Tiensurer Iholie 5 lU Cli I of Ithis motto sit t Ipti the iultn whichlund been bioiliht lIguIl list Mrt I iuivl its tty hisBiiidAHiir IIn ofllcnCountt t > Tieasurertromwell-

Thaddeus Davids Is Tieaxilier nf IIo villuroof Now limlielln and of thou IHoard of LducatlonIbut tho dutiesi itt t oh sI tug upon him as Midihivo boon performed bt George whoiutod nshula fntlierx nttorney As nctfiie Treasurertho villain Mr Oonico Davids a few tha > agojiresunted hula annuil report settluu forth thatlila receipt from irlous sources In the seartutu been ilJ5ir CJ and hula dsbiirst monts-flSOll H buying n balance on hnnd of t5-jtt3j3 As nitlni 1 reasurerot tin trust fundsof Ito Itoaidof lducatlon ho hull uboutiJS10

for sehool imrpui nnd to meet demandsupon him on account of tlio erection of a nosypehool houso maklnc n total of Inure thnn-fWuOOof town funds In hilt hands at tlm tlmoof hit death On April 17 n now board of VIIItILS olllcers willI bn elected Sc lnn It Is probabio that n trunsfarof those funds mayboiskoil

UH UnItTho uainu at the lolo urounds > csterdny was

belt t cli Cite New Sunk League Clllb tiuni anil Iliu-Alnkii Ilut ilthut nine IIlI n i Hie lli> t iivaraniuof tile Ner ork iii tie In Illiu tiell Th rontval tvai-iloneonh it tlmt Ilie New S rk uaui wonSou Cinhe 0 n a I u R o o 1-1Alanku II II llI 3 0 0 O II 2 0-

rarniil nuuteSeiv orklII t Aunts 3H iu httltiiew York II Aliiku IUThe tlrHt tutu ifiniiil sri flute of the tlitrit ifrnniinarr-

ltiHH In rt Irnnils Xnl s Ciillcire tin > vl a gnu otItait llath rtrril Hltli the fulluwfng reiult t treKictlon s ret ninl ietMiIii 21

hnililnyrii of iis trot Miiniorclal litieee met M lrk-MUlt lir rt teat Mnitni niut iitcmilznl tliti 1iunuirri t

ln t llnll Ap achutt toil 1 its unmclntlon w as Innltnl torUIlt I lllliit NLIVII Iiulli7 alffftdt Jnlnrd TIle 14niininut a utru huti hut Etch i tub a lit itiU > ontkHinn nullvtr > nlhir club ito liinubu n on ti ilciiilu the ilihialuashiii

Trouble nu tbe Central 1itclnpFrom the fjii ranclico Truth

Tho Central 1neldu Railroad havo reducedtile orklnif liuiirn Rt tin rnllrimit rhnp In Hiirninrntnfrom t CII tu i iitlii Imurii vvltli u iurriiiin lititf rtittte mbaof iinnpriidtliii It l ptnil the tItle lutnctlnn tytilestIn nit iiuihloveui cacejil t trnlli inrll ltilt nliniK Ithe roil Intie lull r Bluiim at snciHinintn lu iian struck ninl

atoll Jat etuuFlo FI < wrr ili citirrel there onSHturilntIIII W eat iklunit hn ortlrr wnIi Ittlo Unilftl Ihi t he tietrnl nml heulhvrn 1ncltlL Knilron itiliuhiK Iiihe little tf

time worktrs In I lie eel not ilei nriuitnu tu right InureIer ilnv whlili In N liiirlrlili on Hindi Mho titian In Ithe

oiuie tfi ttlntf lit lew it lit eutty ceitts makmir Ithedajn vauciill in home if Ithi o bao funitlliH of Uo-IT mx rhlllrcn suit are tiarillv ntilc to Ihc oa tticlr-iIUhl rcinlliiirnllnti

111it utatrl thai HIP comnunv l i iitllMk lriii u i xlmaaua-cii uccnint cf the J roSette lack of freight smut ituiailt-Ker trattliil I

Alt ilav Shiutty the nit n irlrclel their wflrV amscare ifithcrtil ti iettar In Ikin d bscmistbuu the Pltmtlon1 Ito exittcimnt wn a gnu eu fUiorl have ronuil niut

ItmtMrlkrilmtiiiumil nt sa rinieiitnlriiikrt W in-netnih i u limit other hIt hioui H illuiin-

At OHklmiil mn lToncl I5 Anvelci slid outerIIiitlCi wtiero large forrrn of men Imve leO eini InjnIlhirihKi tiifii Iil orllonnle rcItivl iota off tile I i rkinir forrri Mini if tie lionrn of union fit thne H that arerrliiliiril far liittlilliin Iii ranieiitoi hn > Iln n inllrrlytojipeil and loininrlhrii tell tIt lalil lii an fastl ai I Iteylies rei ntr find lIme rilnntiilnir on tlie track ulu lieriinlrtt loilu this Moik of tin rtIII1 tt fir cc pmi ltileThe 4 C cit tine nlrcnU hen tuinfunv Chit dl iiaiifenf-reverulhunilreliuiI nee niil ihert Ii no tvllliHunman nioro ii ill huts tojro

finrt tlilrndur ThIs liarSuiiiiiMi COUIIT CnvMBLns Nos 15 18 liD

4 4H sit M 57 ut Ill HI 71 IJJ IM ISM U ItOill 345 2Jl srf JH 247 2IS sni 2t < saa lli 801-hrfciMtI Tftiiu lane on 4Iuhl ihuinll aCt i lId MamaLire IIiiiimno I ouillaii Neita raln tar Iart IN i ilat rnlriiilar Pun I Sun Iml 5 21V-niilI lHh > Kill Ilnis 411 5alt5 II1M 8157 LXti-ljss1 245 IHIII yfiti 2IttI JX7 Sieitl 8 miSill StitJ sni 2 si 2IhT ttI snu 2915 sun aun2117 SillS 1111 Sico inj 81114 IM 11VI SitS 3 iV-1IVI SieiJ 2Mil asu11 jirtl ai17 2te04 2151 tSIiti 17-1Iurl IIIIi Sinruail e No ulJ Msn 4171 inn7 9M-Ism 41111 4iir 47i5 41 o 4v i lout sms 422 373742t11 4IJ Jfi li 4 tuI 1d2 di I 4iht

M mineui Im n Iniim IInlll if Illtn M Mallon-at lit A M limir MiXtn at IIII A M-

Mriaiou TOURT SPUIAI T> K Imennflntiltiil > oi-i441i 47 41I t AI Part I lear Nit ism int ico wi-

7U 77 71 TiM 7714 illS usit IM asul 7iu 41-1larlll Gis mi until re Ce Not 43s o i 575 70-1ult ltttil HU Vil 114 ADI 717 7M 711 ilS 41 IitflIHII ii rrlnhl nil lint Pies loT TIM ticsllhx lliu uiis isis IJII UH UIU IS1171 ISMIM4 tlli IJI7 IJil 1252 lVI IJStl UK I1443-

GOeMiiN riui TICIAI rita Vn day calendarfart I Clear No > 8174 Jiim 44I4 HUT jtJ2-D4 217i1 lrtSi 5ri 27i 3ciI J11 2Sit 21211 221 2Ii 3iiOti 25111 24i1 5757 2174 Ii-2tS 1104 1i tJil SCSi 23t 21211 Iutrt Il-

ln OiH 2dII 75 2L75 242 2740J7J J7IM 7711 tf7i4 J7kl STO 170 17H 7sil 5Sr-j2tS 2° I13I > JI 2ll 11711 541 illJ S7I Silt liirtI111I I JCa llilllrl he I 7Not 1011 anilI 3012 Vl sltHetuS aunt iliT etit atlil orht iI2I eOh sei eeu-sJr2thtot cr27 4 Mil H7 HIS t 4J tflio 3IKM 002

M ache roni1irt I ShIer Cfliili 5 Noi tImid 1150lfM luail l> ill lullI toSs H7I71I75I 07il4 0774 1771-H77H t 7H2 lrt 7 1nrl Ilsiorl caitee aiHHSjlM1ITtOaSt l 17s ueitul OVIi II74 U745 07711 67153 U7W 7il7-II77S UVLI tiiiO u io lent IIIII 1Stint caiuen NOR

1IJI HJI 71St Ili7tiiiw 11177 U7I1J U7fl1 rljciLI 8bWi-K i faHoi i 4M u7ui t1424 uSthlt 8js4 mm




w T rk Htock rxcknnce 8aUa April OOITIID linn tie irui BOJDI in flOJJm

SOOF5 8 r tm4 HHIn 7neml 07ftIt UH4 > r un a1 1 niArk TI r It sim llI s 45 c llui1 El Ark 7 rH Mto V 8 43k c iIItl 2d Teiin toinii 4ii4ar-

AaAiLeOATl 50 OTIIIII DOIUI lf fi0iIt All A rer lWlI O7i 3 tIll 11 AW lit IHIlS All t Iae Inc 3Jil2l 2114 Mul tin Tel H4 si-

Hii Ait 1 r h jt Itch nti-t Nor Inc11 llUlaI-

H4UAlchlJkllnl III 2H NIU Arm litIl r II v AT iittt j 87 Vitf A W Ken 11111iriiiw A i ion 10 SN V A liok III II11-VtllI14 CIteS A seIl Ill I NYeluI l alt1stchit t n cur ieq4L 8N OltJlNir Ill

4it Cit VV-nfSlIIf

61 N V Ill A MlA Ilvoli mJfll i ut b-

BOhliisoII VA Minn III-OH

12d I I I l ohttnn Hn 1m-

IIJSOhlnKn Ito vs-

IHJCcnl 1no K IIllI HI On eon R 1 <IICIlCjncI 10 Dr AT 7 lItt

H II 7J < < Mtn Allttllic3ICili Coil I it aJ 8 ItonuW ADex-Mtnik

A 71III ihiNilI VN OS1ttl V filltlulOnllien A H U I ltc1ttI241eon iIgj5l i inch A ii im mi07 ErIe SI U Iti74t-II

Its Illch A H deli b25itlI I K Turn tit 7j a all ci Ca I 12VI K Trim Inc 1114 1 HITI IIH I A VI I tti

I 114 III JoS CT HU-SIli

0 Itt I IttOAI-WA Tex Unit il HI7iZlin vt i liOSutelI I 10 Colts ID-

iI Ind III in IslEI 1 1J-1nind

i MIIS Shillruin I 1StI HI A W Ino 44 I KolBC nfMn tlluiiI-IItlnn Mll A V UN M I M A M-

lltUnkesAlma Mlaa 7S-J

110-AaStInt IHA SI Iut m-

UIlb AH idCt It H7i

I< uttS iou 101-14ii

S exlli1 Id NJ iKnn Al121I INHVI-

Ikan70 Tex iaclI f itutsI-t Al gen HlifMi lo Un lae lit II41J4IVV AUl Int lirl-

vinr Itll Iac sf lltii1I17a A I rout 111-I

lllVu Mid ion ml-AVlUh Celll7 tll-

UiloWah A I Kin Ml

I con l104 710 Si tt Ml Ut i7r7s4HillKOAD AMD OTIIfcK fllURP-

tNnllrnailt 4c 7725 Nut Iae-l

II 420lEa Alt A r ii lleoi Nor Iac rf ii7intlIIIOAA Ir iijit ie1 i Rom Nrtrii t3MlilJPleo CIII T All 17-

Minniiil Nnwii I

A 1 Vf 7ri lieu N 5 Chic A

4iioGc A Iitiiis ut i m2il2IKMCA IIC-


S 4000N 5 jJhieJ-


513411 Gtu 9ntli ttit5ttii Itt tref 8l2st

541 1 teuti N 3 73t 4ii4Miic0iiiIihhi luiu ls 7th47tti IJIDOlll pf 107iUllN V-

KMIOntI 10 llUA4JlLSugijI341 5 W ill <10 Ut-pref

2ituit Ohio Gout UriUWUif3X-

8Uteen or AT it Hi siiJ

I irs A U 21 tiCIm

lIt I fl 5 S 4

Can ltcfl59 3400 far SItu 42i41JII toilet AH O lii 4iintu litl liuiitltt41 Jin ll I tW I87JIJ71-

IU700 lIbel A I iUI tWlili4l-WJllUn

tsttuu Ito t titte22221A itlm4ii4l75 hKm Uiadlnir

fiiviiiKleii25105 Krlepiin HM aTO Sill lilIck tel 121 1412II

IKlijOlI TennV-Ada

L AW vji j531hInt9 tell s c K K 37Cr3i

1731 3 Ttnn St Illl 51Ij A alV

tiAim ft 2uInt lht II sVIIDII liar A W ul href Wll i1mill A HItto pf-


03 IllliOht 1ulll luitl44uiil-II Ct t I lt TteiuelJ 7tt 4 St Iuulpf I

Iti4rj I I t4

I iiiI III AW wlici 2JOO S-


I V-




ttsl inu t T 5 hInt IflttrOlS2115 iESVetiil4illI liiouTex 11iie 4t itiil172aIlllike Sit IliylluiI I 221 Un 1ao li7V

losoowaiSI I hoii h ti4l t2Si Wait 5 IotSii

ltoe Lntiif 11 tt 4IcI ApfI < MHM-1C3710 SIn Il IIU4i4llUt2 IJlVMi LTel SliJ s tjj

mitt SIittltn lly IM I f siJi Ciml CnmjiinlftSiltl VIM I


Km 5115tlil tibet ttIinitls ltIi3uu755 Ii btuCuu twit


1 Anierlinn-7Ailain

itt iMlmlli 1 hi-


37JI citn CtVi-


Still Un T1luA2ti III OntarioHooNorf AW iif 4l r< ma Total mien 1 U J-

Kxillvldelldloo NattI A Ill titSitSYCeuitl27iijl2tt

Cloiill nudEWt Htfi lu-

V aslU K M nt J-

U10JJ A 5111 com iirj-


8 4j c in1 M AM i pf inn ItuujtIi s 4ts r-

Itim I tt I A ru JI ss 4e r-

utiO I Miilte t iltihI itiiI s 4i

UI I bt I lit1 Sicit A tIlot ns4s a c liii S Ccitt 72 71

CdnraIn 1iinl-anniln

al u II St s t t IIuuh127 IS7South Oil lt Sir SI

C Ct A I C-

Ca t

I Sr inr if ti 7CCI A tint 7ttl 77I Nonlhiwet II7 Itus

Cllli II A 4 125 lSj4 alirt Ii im I 511 ueCent lac-I

77I 74 ItlI 5 SCferum sd 2 iiti A Alt t Itbihi teuturni 12 11-

IIIltl I t Went Is 201 I liliOthli Ciiul 4t4 4itch A Illldliill I Iii tliultlI it 17 Ittll4lieu A lllo-Irl

it 44 41 ingu 5 T C I5i Iamltc5lniI 42 42

I rle M r n tl7 Ii ut tuck lsinuii 21 1 04i4linn ASt Jo If t2 itiiu 5 Dauuv Sit 57Iii Central 14i I4ii IraIbutin lL 5llliu A Naih 5 7L4 Texas 5 lschiIc 41 s 41

Ink hhore I III I I I iiteiutc hi1 iti4Stall hi nun CII t lae Sit1Mrtroi Iilj


Pal itt SCuii A In I tlI 5-

SI Iaiiuinh tat liiiia lilii4 SVusI iii it Siy 54ttilt ut pi

TJIUISI April ifiTIm stock market opened strunit and prices

wcruKuncrillyI I liuoyatith svt1th awieat Ilncrei uIn hit voltimu of business down tn 2 1I1 M Thuf Sl tnt It wi ru IaLu Slur Union liii tile NuvvYork fontnilI Krlo common St Iaul commonCentralI IlieiHe 1ist TenncH eu pieferrdT-oulsv


Illennd Sa hvlllo and Vabnsh jitt l i iedEvuption il dcpiisiIon was hhnwn dtiilnu thuuturut I lug hours IIn Dohiwire I ick iwinna toolWustorn nnd Kin huster and Ilttshuii In tlieulast hour tthem was oome weakness IIn Itho ginIcral Ilist follow oil by runowpil utrenuth with nmovumont In tlletu unit V 1 and n Ilrm closlniihe nioro important ehanes for the utui woro-nstollows Advanced Cuntral 1acilic l a C

1 C nnd Indii Dolnvvaro and lludnon tDenver and Hlo tiiandu 1rlu Ixmlxvllluand Naahvillo S laku hhoru 1 ° lllchlunnCentral l Missouri Iailllc Ii NixhUllp andChat Northern Iaclllc common JiNuwitt k Cnntrnl i Now Jersey Central OhioCentral rnelllc MnllI lllchmond and

rat Iolnt 2IS lilchmond and Danvlllu ilit Intil eiiinniDii Union Iaclllc Wuitera t loll lulgiuttlu Orenon and T1 C-

StI IillI and1 Manltobi I Itock Nlnnd 1

Declined Iochohter and Iittpbiirijli-OnviMnmcnts were fairly netlvu and Ilrm lout

State bonds scare unlxler liallioul li > iieUv rallrmor and Ilircood uunornl demand Thoiowere larize t rnleact blue IIn At Imi mitlo a itt IIicillcIIncHtnns Oinada Southorn I its Denver andliioOiatido oiiiols Jliitinil Union Teliuriph-Ki and West shore 5s nnrt lit advinced iii oreor li hilt Tuxas and Iiellle land ur ntH unittt I iiiplmug fruits thu tItan t ng Iliriiiu nntl I lieu IbestpilciAof the day were tint Koncrnll sustainednt the close-

StonlIngtctmusttgn flrninr lilit draft tLStCMji1 liitUuy hills f4Sr 483-Monev on callI CS8 cent till near thun

close when 3H5 V cent wr re thus rates fluId 3V lent at tho last

Itncotptn nt Internal ruvonuo today I35HK-ciiHoin iiii 1154 national buulc notcB lot re ¬

demption 51WJDO-OExclianuo on Now York Is at a premium in

Chkiiuo and n return of currency Irons tintcity may now bo expectedrite amount of bullion gone Iinto tho Hank ol

Knuiand on hulniuo today Is Oou Thuamount In the bink titus decreased XllTlOiB-idurlni thn pist VMIU Thu vvuekl I > sItatiiinenl-of hut Bank of Iraneo uliows a decn ao ol1 KVI OOi Iranen gold and iUO 000 fiancs Bllvo-r1iuls advlcofi iiuote ni > cunta nt fcufio and oxehani on London 25VI1-


recently elected hoard of Directors olthe Wubihh ht LouIs unit rHClllc IillvvayCompany oiLMnbed today l t > ohetlni Jny

I out lii rriohlunt It S Hayes IUrttI Vliuiresl I

dent A L Hopkins Second and H M HoxluThird Vleilrcfildent D S H biultu Jreas-urer anti V Ii Corneau Assistant anti JanF How hecrotnry and U D AshluAssistant Se ri< tary The election of Mr Havesas lrntVli errusliloiit Is doubtless inclduntalto tho plan for the lua lnif of lie Vnbnsh Ii-clllc to thn Iron Mountain Compan JlrhtiitS has been for soniu tlmnI tutu Hctlvut heatolllcer nf hue MlutourI Incllh and the otherNouu Invent era roads composlni lie jolt hi nturn The Executive Conimlttcn of the Vu abashVUIH authorized toda > to negotiate n lease ollIeu property of the company to thu IronMountain Thn directors of both companiesworn ompoweied nt limit recent moetln of hueHtoekholdors to make alcnau ortraflle nrratiicn-mentI

Thu Atchlaon Toneka and Santa Fei ItnlltoaiCompanv tins duclared Itt usual quarterlydividend of 1 f cunt pa > ublo Jlny la

rite Irani Trunk Itnlhva Company nn-nouncus in London an Issue of 73111 tOt 4 VcentI perpetual debenture stock to meet ma-tuilne bonds unit for other purposes IlmoIssue pricu will bu-


coal companion lmo deeldeito stop Iuuiluliuiz three da > s of next wuDUas wellns thriu dnysof tho piesont week hlln noIlhuiii respHctliiK production has heon decldeulupon or willI bu It in HiiUl ovcopt from weektto ncclx the thud lucurs lire of tutu opinion thatIILtwill bu found uxpodlcnt tnmispund miulni-Blxdajnof> oach of the nou tlucu montliH

> rw Yolk MlirkrlTIILIIISOAY April 0 Ilour was inlet for

UN built r uraileH ninl Iiheie ii era ueali common hrauilaIn inolvrtii C bIlly 1111 iilouiI itfud-

iIlullI i I Wi heiu lower on lug to n ilecllnt at lie SCestiliot tales IlUiMliuhI I atlfl i a flI sa or red lId iiilhuigSio 2 HI 91 314 ilelUiril anil hteamer do at tlltlaJ-4smuttyI aiul Ho 41 fir nlnle liiiliulliiif hu 1 al-

JSiI II In ikrnlnr all I No-

TJSIIMat SII of optiont sates

innh NO J tel itt lutctSmt7l for Aprilfi iiti5tt tuli fir > ts E1Ibii1t Si fr Julie liml1lI fir tuia nuid hmIli ic fur Iiletutierthunut qii bet t 47t buili ci Ti cI iii ate alt at ic-II iou I lit e r i outtei 550 h I iiti ti hit A I S iSJ5 ton

iiit siJtc Er ut htble tilehimihilig u 3 ill 52t2i c fur iiiUnlt aol Ate tt T a hitle ciii Nu J nilxv JJ-

nt vjii S2i fur April M ief51 c fur Shiv Unitl M-Siiii for JiitK CurulflHI lower tjnt att 5 iitntl-uith


fttt i4H i4r for lieu No j inlYc1 ruiu e furNo i lotUotv1I lee iittiniii rinlxfil i5ifatt fur un-trrnddl Mo t mil 72STSbt fir situ htrrui it tile i of nn-HOIIK cnli 2 IHiuxljuUl No j mH at iUci4itifor Ajrii iiVt u7t fttr Mnioiu c fur Jun-el

Itl t for Jnl > Binl GjU7 C for Aujfint Afleri tltligei A teal iiiinl thriller t No 2 ret viiitir rtim

JltSiii I ilellterrl Arrll fl I7K Ma IIl llUi JuneElSilsll July ll7i nittiiilur flllj Corn InnerNo J mixed for AlInil inI V i Slay L55c JUMP ItS tJiiljniTi 1c AiiMit tti laS firmer April A2lcSIn 5J

uliODiHiri IIlo ioTr on tin ipot wai iletnly atfor f air v i lags lolt on jIIt t illtloni opened firm l ut-tlimil weaker tie Jium logO No 7 at 7557 utIle forAlrll 7 iihiJ7tiSe fur laj 71015 hiS fur Julie M DtaHic fur July M 4iic for Anyml s 4nu for Seplunber-nml H 5C for llcloher t mild steal sates 2 i lb matilatatoairlveBinlon I hut sill at lA41lK lllni bagviarncalhii nnd 1541i Saianllla on p t Molaitee wasutliiout hantfej > er irlealil ua Itn fair dwinainl Cubanominal al Me for Ml IM nil In PhUailelpiila a-lijic Haw tusra a very quiet ai7c for fair rtilninf-rennel uuirltiitie-

h1tiisuuti1iir1 i n iinl iai and dtclluwt a trlllethe feclini inns > err Irreiriilar tate on ihn pol ut tci-II rime rlt i II IV imall Ion nf do Wciitrn at III43IIII4leu oil grades at tI21Ic reilned lo Hie ContinentIlliiici Kouth America I11I BH for future deliverythere Mai a tangs mlllny niot menli t talei 3 use lui In-cluiUnn April II 4V Sla > II 4JH1I Hic i June lIeticjII 4ICI Jullll 47all4 cand Augua t II 600 clotln-iitronitrl April II 4Jr i i4ay l44i June 1I47t1II 4Hc lob li54tIIl Me i Auiiuit II 5Je i idler rearIlHx luik quiet today al u tlli js for nieuon tieapor Uiteitning Sates JIb lhlt family at Issso54nIto ibis clear bath tllitW Jl llrnf and beef hansquiet nacon ateadjr at I SI3IIVI Ciii miata firmtales l5I M belllce 14 La 1UV415C s tom U III1re shoulders btes Dogs dIm SI SOS

ill 7

iOe for lioarr to llht and Inc tel pU llutttr eairIntl moore aetIcel new erfumerj flrita aunt extra 12m21Cl Slate dairy itW21C I Wentern factory lns 17oido creamery littJct tout Iilis5Iic Cheeaa riruii I

sulefacluryiaKclI I UliinH tliii cr auier > iiieVtt ilemli i Miale Ac Ii1Ct Voiltrn hlt4CtIitJdlliSt

COMOI low itrailiK decline I Uc and hutS irralealilt hilt IUHllnni grates nnrhaiitfett isle i sV balel-ihldlhiir nplindii IIAI do liilfi invc 1uturc earl

aiile i IntinMKiilI I rolnt ilran r nnt kdadr atiissi forApril ini ii for May losoc for J utile nillc forJnlyit041c her Annul IlitJic for ReutiinUr u Die forlictuitriisic for Not ciutliet tlMt fur December tnd U illsor lannarv i talon I4JUHDI IsleSuimnm lto ini were firm for the lower irailet which

line In hort CU ily I coil iinu tn ifool trained P1 7n4thI m Spirits ltltiieithulie thoU at InjardiJoiililixIii I VK Hi lined lot inheuttu oultt liti MiaiU t lure furrort I1o ten ici 70 lest < i i hoini trmlo hii

15 Criiiln rrrtlflratra ot ened at iri c hlnhiil lUione l lllic and rloInK liolI COle 11 vi lis 5 i lhli Taltout firm sates tiM i Ca iriluic nl sr HlMirlmiiiliti-rlme


llrnlrnninriirlnrI llt3li4c Illopi itradv talev weiu Inriln lo tin wire nl tOe for iholie-

siati I taJ i for sport Iim wp would hnyti jrarllniin71itIc i on lale < Cillfirnlani nohl at HJi <sicIiuteel oil fri at MVTc for cltv SSe alert Sit5Sc ICnlelitta niatsn luril ill lUi Ocean freight airalnnnlM Ierth rule Irreffnl i oil chancre sunlit tteailyi-K nil n tn IIt in onl Ih > iliKiiijlt Ilinen inn vIlestIIK i eel Inn V iiil4ljI theIr iIll t train In Iniiitnnb > ste inn AteIJ In to huh Ihy uteatn I eln toAntwerp 1141 i reilil unto td literi itot Se iM n tlneil t ie-

Irolenin lo Anttfcru St M ido In llriniin or IHniiiluirK21 7l

IlTei Nliek MnrlirlNEW YOHKThursday April 5 Nothing dnlnc

In heif cuttle fur leek if reethiint llrtvuel Ilief dull Silltout t rat mOiSt It V I fur riinininn In itiM city rlnliuhten it alit IVrtliic fur Weiirn liuelun ahh nitnt-tu

tsilat 17J In lattli ami tIllI 1tiantre nf href

hIltS anil weak for heei ami hsuiilii at guttln7T7Ji VImj rf for rninniitn to extra iheeii rnil fitso to Y tur-jearline lanitm Iof Ilie 7ioo I hcal receltcil at leanlyomiiM tit rarrlclnirr nreiirni hlpiiient Slum litshell ami UTV eutnite n nf mutton

inlv llln ling arrlteil Very little ilolnir tn live hogA nintl nnnilierof Male hov cttatureil hatifln at f4 tn-tajN ti listl i Os Nominal range for ordinary to goo-it57iiltoPtItiiit




Sun riiei a an sun Cite n no I Moon thee 4 47-IIIUII WiTklt HIM tiirSandy llook n 57 Ililnv lilnnl 717 I Hell mite OUT

ArrUtl TnLnfttir April 5Ma Colon Iorter AIiublituuhlJ Vlarch is-s < IteKiilator llnnne Ullinliiniiiii N 41

Si linln IK ttld lloHtnn-H Klrhniiuiil Wlmiett Seetirolnt Sn-

id htfv piinn Monin Enbtkut LondonMllnI C5htiOte5 II sUet I llolon-Si Irofimor Slots swan llokto-ns Koanoki uiitbi tOt Iniiond-Kllp John I Kinllli lilnliop Antwrri-Shtp Ntwinan Hull StOut Cuhnttn-HtilpThi i dore Korrtu schlcrnherir llretneullanc St onus itutlHi lloltoa Stlarieilli-llnrk


IMnl Km Itaj ui igailire-liirli iinan WllllaiiK Mttiet tic

Kark Irlo 1tpperell Itlo JaneiroHark ItbiiilehtirftI rrirer 11 nre-Inrk IllarrtI l nintln lnndly KlcuttaHark Kruno Iai olien vialnnrniiHark llnilo Cnllero llVrlillI

listS Attnli Troop CJnlifl VlitnnrniHark American llotiU Vhlittinorc Ciiiharleu-Hnrk IricoI Saudi vtoiton smmHark lilalio Illchardoon II KlifKi-

AMinrin octFi Inlda from Nn Vork nt Hoiithlmptan-H4 Ahyiilnla from Nut v nrk nt Jiicinitown

HAIItniHnwI I roKilit elenaSiSpnln from hyetlinlAuitiillotI Sea ork

iiiritI-IIOCiOn Tlmrila > April AIKSI alter H iliorl tilt

itieri IllniNA LI1I1 voiiiuktt uaiuiter if < ord andAitflallu If ock aulI 1 viurii s niontliH tnd 21 dl > P

mttutirttu Into ill rrnlai A rllil nl J vt-

III sllNFM In Iliiiliinati Arll I of brain fevertin Kit lloricn lliiihnell hilltr knnnn HI Illlndlit her HurhncH lit d ftl veanc

I tO imutuuu Wisineni lij Ithe Jtli lust Ictcr CoopirIn I hit tIll > tnrof lila aite

The literal serviCes a 111 hike llio nt All SitChiinh lorner of 4thI nv and loth utt on SaturdayAurbu7ntat5l-


ItI ll klndlt reiiicitet that null MI ri he lentONNAI 1IITHN Am nit 3 Mary ConiniiKhton n un-

lit ir tin purliliot liniii niinMli I man IlitluiJ-rnnrritl from lir iSle rcliitue Iti CasIt H7th it nti-

rrUnt Airllil nt I o iloik I VI Itcltiti eta not frlendafir jut llet IDMHlld

HilUSHtinthI nlnhtof WMneliv S pal I WillieIthn heloiLil and onh tuli ot Julia ami KlUll I ito herHirl U v tun-

Mineral on salurdav tlie 7th lust at S oclnck from22 ml 11M m liiiirmiil In i aluin5115u Inul I hallo A duuuhtir ut rutrlclandI lii Klit In In r Sit hi tirI-

MatltiM huh frli mS ir Int Itnl to iitleii IIn film rilfiom hfr tae reenlelm Vi i W iM 4oth iitt oa h itiirUa-tnliVliKk

IA Mil On Tliiirnliv ArllI 5 Sine Ana Lnmli nllct-of rands limh

lln nil from tier hilt reMMire lrat Iroipert placethl cut on sa nnl u at III A St II iiii in mutate it atiVmn H Church il tIIt llulutltei and fnttiiln art riil tcttilt tlVlKt to Mil11-

r IiTOui VUiln hAy Aril 4 I lien till ifEulit ird lauarl tmtltu of dliii Ill lhliiiliU Inc lollKrliiito nti1 frinN nro nnutitiil in nttttid thefmural from St AlphoniinVn ilinriti Sit rth nr-tthern a hhll inutn till hi leUbratrd for tin r Iii ci ifIll r soul on lrida ttHAM IInterment in tuii toy