the spare wheel - ohio state highway patrol wheel spring 2006.pdffeeney, christopher m. 820 773 763...

THE SPARE WHEEL In Mid October at the request of Major Born, Colonel McClellan approved a new Auxiliary Recruit class. e Auxiliary numbers have declined in recent years to less than 140 Officers. e new recruit class which started January 7, 2006, has 22 Officers and will bring the Auxiliary strength to 158 officers. e training is held at the Patrol Academy in Columbus and lasts 7 Saturdays. Patrol Academy In- structors and patrol field units provided the training. e training consisted of an overview of the Patrols daily functions, Auxiliary Officers roles, firearms, mace and Taser familiarization, subject control and survival techniques, law enforcement communica- tion, homeland security and patrol policies. e new Auxiliary Officers and their District/ Post assignments: New Auxiliary Recruit Class in Training NAME DIST POST Nathan A. Redmond 01 02 Robert A. Furr 03 03 Darin J. Murray 03 85 George Moncilovich 04 50 James D. Ray 05 12 Michael Satterfield 05 12 Craig A. McLaughlin 05 80 D. Jeremy Cox 06 21 Richard G. Collier 06 23 W. Jason Sanford 06 45 Gavin M. Kurtz 07 60 James L. Kemp 07 84 Antwaun D. Armstrong 08 14 J. Kenny Mills 08 14 Stephen T. Pond 08 14 Michael A. Hart 09 05 Jonathan M. Pollard 09 05 Sean A. Stringer 09 05 Timothy S. Massie 09 27 Billy J. Denny 09 40 Kyle A. Lewis 09 40 Drew E. Fry 09 44 Auxiliary Graduation January 7, 2006 Spring 2006 — Bucher selected for Ulmer Award — Yodice receives William Duffy Award — Officers Eligible for Duffy Award — St. Clair is named State Auxiliary of the Year — District Officers of the Year — 2005 Auxiliary Activity — Auxiliary Hours Increase — Auxiliary State wide Training Day — New Body Armor Ordered — 2005 Raffle Winners — 2006 Statewide Details & Deadlines

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Page 1: THE SPARE WHEEL - Ohio State Highway Patrol wheel spring 2006.pdfFeeney, Christopher M. 820 773 763 785.33 Wilson, Arthur L. 929 715 571 738.33 Spencer, Rick C. 579 1066 447 697.33


InMidOctoberattherequestofMajorBorn,ColonelMcClellanapprovedanewAuxiliaryRecruitclass. TheAuxiliarynumbershavedeclinedinrecentyearstolessthan140Officers.ThenewrecruitclasswhichstartedJanuary7,2006,has22OfficersandwillbringtheAuxiliarystrengthto158officers. ThetrainingisheldatthePatrolAcademyinColumbusandlasts7Saturdays.PatrolAcademyIn-structorsandpatrolfieldunitsprovidedthetraining.ThetrainingconsistedofanoverviewofthePatrolsdailyfunctions,AuxiliaryOfficersroles,firearms,maceandTaserfamiliarization,subjectcontrolandsurvivaltechniques,lawenforcementcommunica-tion,homelandsecurityandpatrolpolicies. ThenewAuxiliaryOfficersandtheirDistrict/Postassignments:

New Auxiliary Recruit Class in Training

NAME DIST POSTNathanA.Redmond 01 02

RobertA.Furr 03 03DarinJ.Murray 03 85GeorgeMoncilovich 04 50JamesD.Ray 05 12MichaelSatterfield 05 12CraigA.McLaughlin 05 80D.JeremyCox 06 21RichardG.Collier 06 23W.JasonSanford 06 45GavinM.Kurtz 07 60JamesL.Kemp 07 84AntwaunD.Armstrong 08 14J.KennyMills 08 14StephenT.Pond 08 14MichaelA.Hart 09 05JonathanM.Pollard 09 05SeanA.Stringer 09 05TimothyS.Massie 09 27BillyJ.Denny 09 40KyleA.Lewis 09 40DrewE.Fry 09 44

Auxiliary GraduationJanuary 7, 2006

Spring 2006

— Bucher selected for Ulmer Award

— Yodice receives William Duffy Award

— Officers Eligible for Duffy Award

— St. Clair is named State Auxiliary of the Year

— District Officers of the Year

— 2005 Auxiliary Activity

— Auxiliary Hours Increase

— Auxiliary State wide Training Day

— New Body Armor Ordered

— 2005 Raffle Winners

— 2006 Statewide Details & Deadlines

Page 2: THE SPARE WHEEL - Ohio State Highway Patrol wheel spring 2006.pdfFeeney, Christopher M. 820 773 763 785.33 Wilson, Arthur L. 929 715 571 738.33 Spencer, Rick C. 579 1066 447 697.33


BurylAllison 06 23 OSPCap,TAC-NETStainlessSteelTravelMug,ATFWaterBottleandCarTin

RichardAmos 04 15 Trooperflashlightwithpunch

ThomasAnderson 04 28 WinchesterMug,StreamlightSL20XFlashlight

Tpr.ShadBierdman GlockRangeBag

StephenBrewster 06 23 OSPLadiesPoloShirt,S&WKnife

ShawnChitwood 02 70 2-L.E.D.Batons,EarGrips

MichaelColeman 03 76 L.E.D.Baton

DavidDeChristopher 07 41 EarGrips

WilliamForbes 06 65 3-WinchesterT-Shirts,BrassKeyChain

DonaldFord 07 84 CHPPatch,4-LEDGrayCarPins,2-BrassKeyRings,ShootingGlasses,4-WhiteCarPins

DanielGallagher 04 28 EarGrips

Lt.DanGreene OSUChair,9-Notepads

CharlesGrimm 06 23 GlockTacticalLight

GeorgeHails 07 07 OSHPAGearBag

DonaldIndorf 03 76 BrassKeyRings

DanielJohnson 04 28 CHPPatch

ThomasJohnston 08 14 1940DieCastPatrolCar,StngerFlashlightw/Case

DonaldLedley 05 80 OSPCap

DonaldMcCorkle 06 65 DamascusGlovesGiftCards,PistolCase,RoyTailorsGiftCard,EarGrips

DavidMullet 04 04 OSHPT-Shirt,ChoiceHat,3-EarGrips

RodneyRobinson 09 05 EarGrips

JohnRopp 05 80 WingMug

LarryRopp 05 80 EarGrips

JasonSaunders 09 40 OSHPGlassMug

RandallSchaefer 01 02 PowerPack

JeffreySchleappi 03 76 OSPSilkScreenTShirt

JamesSchroeder 04 04 OSHPAPoplinJacket

GlenShivers 08 14 EarGrips

WilliamSimpson 06 45 OSPTravelMug,IACPTravelMug

DavidSmith 06 21 TaurusMilleniumPT-140Pistol

RickSpencer 03 85 WinchesterMug,ChoiceHat

RonaldVandyke 06 23 KingSizeSheetset,BrassKeyChain,OSPDenimShirt

DavidWaterman 07 84 WinchesterMug

JohnWeber 07 07 OSHPCap

ArthurWilson 06 23 CampShovel

RichardWilson 07 07 OSHPBriefcase,WinchesterPoloShirt

2005 Auxiliary SWT Raffle WinnersDate(s) Event

1/10 AllTimemustbeEnteredElectronicallyfor2005inAuxiliaryTimeProgram

1/15 RevisedRostersdueatGHQPlanningServices

2/10 OhioStatePatrolAwardsBanquet

4/1 HP-39GEvaluationsDuetoAuxiliaryMajor

4/28 AuxiliaryCouncilofAdmininstration-Academy(DistrictMajorsorDesignee)

5/5 OSPMemorialCermoney-Academy

5/14-5/20 NationalPoliceMemorialWeek-Wash-ingtonDC

5/26-5/29 MemorialDayHolidayReportingPeriod

5/27&5/29 DaytonNationalCementeryDetail1

6/1 DeadlineforSpareWheelArticles

6/9-6/18 BuckeyeBoysStateBGSU2

6/11-6/17 BuckeyeGirlsState3

6/13 Jr.CadetInterviews

6/19-6/23 Jr.CadetWeek

6/30-7/4 IndependenceDayHolidayReportingPeriod

8/2-8/13 OhioStateFair


9/2 OSUvsNorthernIllionisFootballGame4

9/16 OSUvsCincinnatiFootballGame4

9/23 OSUvsPennStateFootballGame4

9/30 StatewideTrainingDayDistricts2,4,5,7,&9

10/7 OSUvsBowlingGreenFootballGame4

10/14 StatewideTrainingDayDistricts1,3,6,&8

10/21 OSUvsIndianaFootballGame4

10/28 OSUvsMinnesotaFootballGame4

11/18 OSUvsMichiganFootballGame4


12/1 DeadlineforSpareWheelArticles





1.ContactCaptainBrentRawlingstoSignupforDaytonNationalCemetary([email protected])

2.ContactCaptainFredMcBridetoSignupforBuckeyeBoysStateDetail([email protected])

3.ContactMajorMikeColemantoSignupforBuckeyeGirlsStateDetail([email protected])

4.ContactMajorDarylSmithtoSignupforOSUGames([email protected])

2006 Statewide Details & Deadlines

Auxiliary Historian Needed


Page 3: THE SPARE WHEEL - Ohio State Highway Patrol wheel spring 2006.pdfFeeney, Christopher M. 820 773 763 785.33 Wilson, Arthur L. 929 715 571 738.33 Spencer, Rick C. 579 1066 447 697.33

William T Bucher selected for Earl Ulmer Meritorious Service Award



Auxiliary Officer Robert M. Yodice selected as 2005 William J. Duffy Award of Excellence Winner



NAME 2005Hours





Yodice,RobertM. 653 1810 2,394 1619.00 2005Winner

Forbes,WilliamT. 894 1182 902 992.67 FormerWinner

Lust,LoisJ. 768 1033 906 902.33

Morgan,StevenR. 966 831 829 875.33 FormerWinner


820 773 763 785.33

Wilson,ArthurL. 929 715 571 738.33

Spencer,RickC. 579 1066 447 697.33 FormerWinner

Kalchert,JamesC. 491 818 737 682.00 FormerWinner

St.Clair,ThomasR. 963 360 681 668.00

Waterman,DavidE.Iv 523 631 643 599.00

Sauners,JasonL. 565 524 576 555.00

Smith,DarylE. 602 458 427 495.67

Schaefer,RandallA.Sr. 443 400 397 413.33

Bucher,WilliamT. 400 406 408 404.67

Johnson,GregoryB 308 364 432 368.00

Flegal,Gerald 309 356 367 344.00

Weber,JohnR 323 370 307 333.33

Duffy Eligible Officers:

Lt. Thomas R. St. Clair selected 2005 State Auxiliary of the Year


Page 4: THE SPARE WHEEL - Ohio State Highway Patrol wheel spring 2006.pdfFeeney, Christopher M. 820 773 763 785.33 Wilson, Arthur L. 929 715 571 738.33 Spencer, Rick C. 579 1066 447 697.33

District Officers of the Year: New Auxiliary Body Armor Ordered

Throughout2005theAuxiliarysecuredfundingforreplacementof20%oftheirexistingbodyarmor.ThemajorityofAuxiliaryOfficersarecurrentlyusingbodyarmorhandeddownwhentrooper’sbodyarmorisreplaced.MostbodyarmorinusebytheAuxiliaryisatleast10yearsold. TheAuxiliaryreceivednumerousdonationsfromAmericanLegionPost’sthroughoutthestate.AdditionalmoneywasraisedduringaraffleheldduringAuxiliaryStatewideTraining.ThenewbodyarmoristhreatlevelIIextendedprotectionconstructedofaramidfabrics. TheAuxiliaryeligibletoreceivenewbodyarmorwasdeterminedbasedontotalhoursdonatedin2004.Enoughfundingwassecuredtopurchase27vests.TenAuxiliaryofficersdecidedtokeeptheircurrentbodyarmortoallowsomeonewitholderarmortogetareplacement.TheAuxiliaryOfficerswhohaveorderedanewvestarelistedbelow: Robert Yodice, Rick Spencer, James Kalchert, Christopher Feeney, Arthur Wilson, David Waterman, Jason Saunders, William Bucher, Rodney Robinson, Randy Schaefer, Douglas Luken, John Weber, Brian Johnson, Thomas St. Clair, Gerald Flegal, Keith Talbert, James Arnold, Joshua Schlicher, John Cunningham, William Simpson, Brian Simpson, James Reynolds, Christopher Baker, James Edwards, Stephen Brewster and Ross Leider.

District Name 2005Hours

1 Capt.FredMcBride 252

2 Capt.LoisLust 768

3 OfficerChistopherBaker 216

4 Lt.ThomasSt.Clair 963

5 OfficerRossLeider 338

6 Capt.ArthurWilson 929

7 Maj.DaveWaterman 523

8 Capt.JimReynolds 276

9 Sgt.JasonSauners 565

Auxiliary Hours per Unit Increase in 2005, Total Hours Down


2005 Auxiliary Activity



1 1,344 8 168

2 2,132 11 194

3 3,438 13 264

4 3,812 17 224

5 2,303 16 144

6 8,406 27 311

7 3,249 19 171

8 1,161 14 83

9 2,281 11 207

State 28,126 136 207

Auxiliary Statewide Training Day





Sgt. Boscy applies

mace to Auxilia-ry Officer Don Ford during the mace training.

Trooper Homrighausen instructs Aux-iliary Officers Doug Luken and Lois Lust on handcuffing techniques.