the south kentuckian (hopkinsville, ky.): 1879-12-23...labor"ktiworthonh'30...

THE -SOUTH K|NTUgKm»> li4UK01CV»«y WWDAY UUUMINO C. M. MEACHAM & CO. SUBSCRIPT] ON RATES. Oflc col>> ,"tif \c(ir, ill ikUuucO 00 t;<«Mit|i> , -(V iii'iittiK, ,. 1 Oft >:io i<M>v fiur. h) nujr ou« MDcUttg ttitcii y.'<irly vn*U iniUncrilrt*m. ' fl«PKINSVllI.I£ BUSINESS dlREGTORY. V . 1878. "l.AVyj-ERS? . COotnviN, ]ntoriMr«t£iw, aextta >Jltr A. oootnviN, XmriMri iff WWt MMNi wilk BlUtr. •Mr*. Mda MrNli ortr Cotin'i Blltt*TI1ITT»rATXE, Ho|iper Illo,;k, iTrirBUM »sox, ot I et I.UIxr'tttore. EJ. lOTD, lltpptr Dlo«k, Intlsvr, niir of ciiAUl', WatMr *«••. mr of 14U It lloun*. lK)r.i-.i* MucAllRDl.l,, Maiu BirMi, riMWi» lt»i>li. JW. MfPIIKUKJM.JIclu RtivM, >.«Jalglr>r[ ll.l«IU)IIT«KM,IUIa tUMl,*p|>MtW dootorbT Ult«*d Tlrflihi UrMU. I MVMTIIMllVUr . .... DKri>u,*aMopii>in, •>*T>lnr>fli imre. Malu HI. AI.KTAHDIS, M. ikatr'Aiiruf Abora- D., om UrayA UlLMNERB. MM* H I UAUTI^^.aviMlIM Phnlx no- ffii~ir'7ii Uuli.iKRi. Maihillle Mraci If aii^Alto t.btiatlaa Ckank. Kentugkian. THE SOUTH K EWTWltiAil i VOLUME I. IIOPi0$^L^:f ]$^S;y$9¥, tlTESb^T, DECEMBEft '23, i s - AUmiESS CARDS. NKW (iOODS. ACrs. M. S. Rodgera llta liiit rpiiiriinl tium Ilia Kaat and la now rvcairiOK hur lar(u auxsk of 8PHl^o Qoomt, ronalatlnrofllala. IrlniiKKl lad nnlrlnroad Paatliara, iJicf a. Ulbliona, iitc Aprl) >9.';(i.lf. La I1AKKIS$, MERCHANT TAILOR. Vli-ini,! Si,. II(.|>kiiis\ iUf, Ky. A full iiKHortiih'iil of (.'iiMlitiorM, kupt on hamU mill lictii'i i-lothlux Cut 1111(1 made at tho loweat rot»i B«niriiilH-r ilir. .iiac-a, ni'Xl door la l*aat UUca. Ulvu iiiu n rniil. !<»!|ii. m, 'Tu.sin ;.ii,\ui(is. CIQAEMAKUFACTORY WhultitaU and riMnil ilciitrr In C GARS & TOBACCO. OoTMrJlMhTlk * lUUrokdSta. C»org€tto-wii mmiMiD M 1846. Tk« iwxl icbolaatia fr«r o|u-n< on llio Oral lloli4Ar in V()ilrub«VlMf. Vff oAtalognm, aiMraaa no tl Uwrgcwwi, K r J.I. HI'i KICK, rrln. TO BB CLOSED OUT AT ''BMBdTfOM" PRICESw JUWKLEKH. j^UUI I.VVIU, Mala IIHaai, al iMaart F Vtanklaara J'UQTpQRAI'HKHS. Eminence, Ky. Ceiiege KOU MALES AND FEMALES. Tlil» iMiiMilarlnolllutlan wW «ptn Halwonlv tlilnl aruliin !k'|ituintiorl. |lo< irlil aa' afl »pnH*aof Iraartllnjr, waihiDi. llikt.taal.ond Q>4IM«llli>a]rrnra«iu«l« rr«Mra»ary Uo- iwrlmani. Vwal uiaale trra. Tko lacall.T la a^nal tv any In tba Want. Nvnd loroaMilafua. U.(.UILT)IEK. Bu&sr UwTi M ui ill y«/ ktaWM AXOIUIOil, nwrr BIwk.ea. ''--[••••fifa'a. riLAUIIVB AKDU DliCG 8T()ite. OA BX l»r.T t'arAi I). Mala •q'r.wi, '.p. paalM Uhlil A Uavtioa'* jrOiMlii. URV (lOODB. n ABT DAriM>«. Mala II., appualu Uar- M jf) '•rllafadnigalora. JL OOU.^I, Ntia MrMt, llick l.ofl<r-aald ( atMA. HOITBNT JOIIS vUlaaad Vlrilaia oorftar iiaaa. OW. WMar. aJUj^rai Main Mrtal, aiiiwalla ilua. K. H. PA.Yi ASoi'a. TItfNKH. Wll*r*a oy y aalw Hajt- (iliOCElW. rA!IIII.RR,Patl«a'aaMBtm4iONiitr Mala tad Xaaktnta Miwla. Wliaw"'"' ******** j^NI>flBRi>!( A A<l|)BB«>X. Bntt nil* of BiiaaolUlllattraol. IJATMB A TUDXa, BMkfllla MnM, Mar ' tkadaiwt. . L tfMraaktn PaalOfloi. .pVWARm M PBITOBBTT. Cwurt ih Bonn; utlYNN,iloutkii4«>lAla,MArNaali. tUla kirutit. BOILUBRS * CASPBMTBRS. JB Wlt.t.lAIUO> * BUB, GArpntan Aa< Balidaia RBSTAIJUANTH LIVKUY KTAllLFS. BAK JKkATABLBa Briil|«9» . Dwr Prince- l*r»|>riet<ir IHITB, aaraaraf Vimlnla aad il)irin( BlRwIa n W ^kllTH.l«arU*At*arBiuaallTUU ud Ut Vlnlala HtrMta. Notico te Farmers. A'iJi Vnrmara bafiaf l'v*;tn, klowara. nnaklaf Uaakluea, PartaM* .HUltaoarr Utr Mr* aailaaa oal al tapa.r, aaa kAT* tbaa VASHMflTOII, Da Ga, HaSA riRST-ULASS IIOTEE AT . - ' ' 1150 por dnjr. TREMOJTT HOUSE. tr. No Ll^ttort tel4< ST. CHARLES HOTEL, », Bortk Market St, ntAr Publio Square, NnshTille, - Tenn. llntaa reduced from II.M to 11.00 iitr day. . i If ui'/J. Ma^Arin&trong. ij£htistr Y DRa P. CAMPBELL naa^Mlljrtnforinathauulilir tliat lir torniM Apartnoralil|i with M. W. WaLiaxa, • grailMttot tlia Ilaltlmura Ditiital CollOKf, and weiildliepleaaod tuvnitou nil who may dMlrrg^r aytvioaa In avary department uf .$jtnctl>kK^oart.€lre«t, near Main, lAvnKEr. -.^VBlPaatTBKBTr nOPKINSVILLB, - . KT J. M. Hipkins'Pro'p. ttit)rtcii'*i> llHckii. )>rl\ Ini; ntin Htti|>t|t HoiSfi NlWit TO ifHily. Kor^cx »ii>! !tlit1<'-< U'Ui^lii r.n'1 A <'i>iDni(Kllou« rtUH'k lAti, ueiir riiimiDx H RUT dtUclicd tk^ l*rartiuUr •{ ftH IIb4« for mJ« «i nuii or Ic liulk. ACE ' niiiiDI Witlni" ili'"'.i iiypd mill thr ii»i. of iioinou. V cjri'tiitjlt. rcm- (n>w arerjwnara. Two rcocli>u tot _ a, andlooui auin Aoott UuaAia, Fraakltt, lii^. Sfiiibyville. (Kj FSMALIS COL'SGB. llwuiir tefatliln; tea lalb^ni 'kick alandardotitboliranip; Una aad ayataaialla dncipllun: bol a.lTanttge* at lewaal laraik. Bimnl aiiit lliilloi.. ll%o NHAlUia. la AdTABCA, Km.uo; It'.nrii. tiiiiKii), and aittaw, Ira ftaakka, In ndvanrc, 91IT.M. For oataloaua addivaa^ yt. U.sriiAaT, Prl«clkat. I, . , ,, « , uW al 4 Probaklr no one praparmtloa kaf reeeivaH ao much iimlM^tivm lia itatrona. nor taavda* aarflBialniBiiiienfJalinu Da llaICa Hair aavari Vm but erho tba toica ot mllllosa «k« kara aaed Ik wkea wa uniuouiim It iha baai Hair l>i«Mla* In Ihn worM. II numli aarlfOlM. Tlieaewlwara airurtrl wlib ilu- eaaea of Ika aralp aecAui|iaiil<-<J witii itrtiiu;; urirrluilon.lad relktHiMi r..iii<\uil lutbu in- f aluable remmlr. Whvn tlm lioir m tiirhtii'.l ftll of a moiarrta uaouflbo Huuvwar will <'• eu tk*r<wl**( the kair, and |>nia*r«* ati If iiexklklla a laa dtoey la ttirafray I K.i.'t iiaaiiiral 0 olor.— 1 Kulteo, Mo I « .' MhelcoIlege lU HBKLLVILLK, KY. KRXT TIHX BROIXa raPTRMBIA lODRTR. KntiroDXtwnHra for temi of flvo niontlin. In* rlndlaff lii'nril. lottiflnr. lullloit. Incl. w«-.liinf. Ilghu and liookH, uuly WT.MI llaplUt Mconllateand laaaat aollro Balk- lint MInl.trri* par no tullbn. Lleenllatoa belMkI f.otii U«oanr.iary pund. I'uaraa ftill. ainutlon raniarhably heallkr. 1JWI.IBWA(ili KK KR, J'rm'l. Business Men, AITS EMIGRANTS, To nlmt«ver point jrou are goliiK Nortbf East, South or West, THE & St. kit] RAILWAY I»_);pur lw«l roiiio. [1; «i;<Kss MRS ^ I'LBAsL'HK-.SKKIil-'.U.s, Uiif rouiu olTera, 'lae, rnuuvctlonii aud ai:coi:iuiadatlL„ trIptk'IfoU can lie )nirchniii>d at ana- al|fnljtflr<;i for ><1> >bf^|*<f >n°at4|u^aB^^^ ^WiUaxd Hotel, I C. Sffi, Proprieior. «ua«'4.oy||vittE,KY. mSCRIPTION PREBl , *tir till' niM'illy Clin.rtl Hfiiitlml \Vunkin'.i.|, J-iiHl MitliliniHlnitn till OlRon1i.ra linniulitiin by liiilla cjfllnn or nnw. AIIV OniKKHl Itui IIih Iiiijti.. .1 •11I5. A<«<lrm«.J>r.W. JA<|llt» * ««., IM Wn< Mxlk MttwC ciaebuuU. W. SimiMer Uonoriii, either !> •konthaaat. I'hlala your ahou.. iiulckfat roM* by wticn In nac bt. l.oiit«annoltlQiof\'orthwo«t l.vmdibnrr. KorfolVj Waalil|t|ten •konlhaaat. I'hjala {oi^ SSo .vwtHiMi.rv. j^uriuia. nAk Tint lad Aher (iromlnenl Knlirauta wlahlni ta ir wnfymi aNofbred bet tloiiA llmu by nny otboif, ortaal, Mit aad raaoh Meuidila. ' or Atlanla. ofilaakaon - - - 1- J»l.i r tbaa amPeeaaaa- FOR K^BL^NDsJ^UTflEAHT LaaTO RaahTllla " Murtreeabort.. Wartraea " Tnllnpoma " narTiardT 4(prmn " StaTenton " llrldaa|>ort. . AH1«« Cballanooxii . ld.MaiiKX'<l> . a I |. m . Il.n |i m loua i> lu . l.lJpiii ll,Vi)|ira 1.4!i|>m ILlirijiin S.on {I la IV.IOnm s.ifi |i in \.:\ti a in a.::' i> 111> ti.W ji nl 8.30 a tit FOR WEST AND NORTHWEST T.<<RTc!(a«htltl« ... Arrive MrKmalo... Miirllii " UiiluD ( lly... <' Ueiuphia Bt. i.oula I,H) pm i.Waai ipm (pm 1.00 am ILWam I. Ml p m 0.t6 p m CENTRAL 1,0111 fEET or lUHi[R &o, Notv 'uiiilar.Hh«*>pi¥Miit>-ll»pM>t.' tlity' tlo '1161 ilcslrc to becoilidiSlRlo Uiiiir>li", 'jut inopusOjlo become Cliy <>iiArilt ir III! ii'ily will (iiriiiali iin >t#t'in«ry HinHVlRiV^lie Uompnur will •*KlHSWIt rti«r'Wrii-' (iiiiforms nnil pny llio cxpcmca of llio C'oinpnny .to.. Tlie Company la iloniprtacd 01 •^ood niAtoriul, and Hie Cily iniichl Will be pyoiid or llieni. tUt rollowiti); ii tlic \Ul of Officer!. U. .U. AbeniAthy, CApUiii. Le« EIIU, ItUJjjiant. U. A.riieriik, W Liciil. n. E. Howell. liiScAi-^i!. A. W. Landcv't 2ii(l S5i!n'rj{l. C. U. Emfrr IVt fbi-pbrAl." I Inrita - llOl'KINSTyLLK. KY. Uka plaainre ln||al(irtac H Ika trade a ra anil itrlcci ilock ef Lumber^ Laths, Shingles, Doors, Sash, pnds, MouliliiiRi, Newel Rwli, Tariiinga, nnil rvHrythfcig iuiWiBMlt^ita** UuiMiiig. V ' ' I V .ami I AT 80 PEK OSHT. ZJBS > I bA^fa.vkBBih«lMair own Ruke, die rery beat TWO, lipUfl^AirP aiZEOSBE WAGONS arer offtrad is tkif Biirket, aail war- rnnted Ent-elaM in erery reipeot. miiesiEiDs ilwayi M lMa4 at loweii aiariMt priee. PLOWS .,&QLLGBS. HARBOWS. uni •rerrthinK In thb Kb« aiad^ an prumpt nolioi at fiottom Figures. UILIIAB7. Editor Kontiicklani A well otaanited And conducted millbiry coinpanv ix both an onia- ine^ And protccliun to a cily, mnl cnn bo iiiiiliiUiiuul uy lliviii wiiliniil ii'oulilo or oxueiiac, A eonipniiy whh hcr^lUiine few weeks nud, but they llnd\liil(,l|ipb|tRppl!cni|on to Adjutant Gonarfti lliey van not ub- tHiiiH iinni! Irotii thoSlalekrniiiiy, iiii- IvHs they ure lirbvldfcfl ;wilh^.»eftle liriuory ijy Uidtpouiily cuufrt, i^<) roc-' oiiimondeiT liy the couiity juil|i;« and llicn llicy will lie forced to join ibe Stalo GiLird. The only bcncfll de- rived from being ijmta (iuariia would bo the gum, while llie eoni)iniiy would be out oi; tlio :cxp^^tq: (il(uni forma, the inpoiiM d( .wainlMfiii.M' MSeoMly d«p««L .%!irenlri»l« lb* food IVt fbiWb 11. siid'oii'i 'fliey lue younir mm of iiMffAl ^harnclcr, mm poflUon mul (r« coiipeclcd wjlli the bi>at biKiiicss flnm of the Cfi/. Tlio i^ltaillio City to arm and runil^iiMi Ai^ilory for the Conii)any would m i hicrc li'iflc. niid iiii^hr rcitiilt iitinucli i;ood, the ('oinpnny.winliep lliuOily Council to take tlio iii:illcr iiiiilcr cbin.iilcra- tlon and see wlnil incAiiircs can be adopted to niiUio thl^ conifymiy 1 aiit- .oeii. The roljowing ii a coiur ht ilio letter wrllttir by the Adiutiint fieiil. ill reply to a letter contfUriiliiir Artni. rrniil; fort. Dec R-1S71). Mr. U.H. Aborniiihy. Dear Sir: Vonr of lliotilliiual. iu rc- Tli« St)»te if luit «iiUfi|yMW,l>rii>"< cx- eapt lo ..the. SjaIo G,i|iu;d«, , I aond XWf^iyi.tiila' ninn Vci^^ of (M Mili- tary low. In iirtditfoli to the reqelrc- ineiilB of the Inw, I will not firm nny iiioj-e cumpiinius u^i.lU lli.oy shall Imvc obtained a s«itAbl«(4Bul ilAfo armory from the OoiHity eourtfAitd procMireil iiiiiforniif ' A ' voo<i Stale Gnard Co. la All' oilitnment and proleetton to a town, or city, mid ifl«uW ha*»ilin nppmvRl irtid support of- Mid Coiiuly oflioera. fvirtild tike-lb lisve a jfood Oompanjr a,H1«lSH(>iVilft;Witfif you are iu.earjiett.miil'eMM-np lo-thc re- qnircincnta, in lime yOu will be re- ceived. Only It) Couipany'n ol In- fnnlry are allowed, wc Imvc Vi. Very Ketpcctfully, J. 1*. NnckolP, A. i; pie hid been huddled , with little to «at and l<)M .to iraar, I'roi^lilobi were tory high. Three prlbaa were' pnlil for them. Dulk meat'wiw worlh' hi Hiid 1.^ ccnIA per pound. "Wood, told nt $9 and |10 ixr corit. , Itoomt aixhl feet Kquore rented al tS and ftO por nioiilb, and i-uoina from ten to twelve feet rqunrc l'roni'120 lo 93 per nioiitli. Labor "kti worth onh'30 ccnti per day, nnd the only woi*!: that could be ubiiiiiied wu8 huskin'ir corn now and then. No fund had been provided 1(1 htip llic needy. Nine hundred colored people were lying iikHie barraclts at Walbounaey, and wyrtf«tth« point 6r«liii<vitlon. The' wxiMcn and children were i^ffering. for clutliing, Ihc weather betnif v<(ry cold. When Wesley left Baiiaae the enow wn» luico deep. iTo want eu( to Ivanaaa as an cx- F'odei'*r, ii^itiW'ln tiope of gottlni,' some 'tiind, 'bt|frdiitid Ihit (ha Gov- ernment lii%at^ij'»'it>yfnlitf aWay; Will taite pleaaure in making hide on Building oatrJi3t3 8Ad>Mtrad^,£Mr laildiag. Tba IHIiMsar. ti omployod, ond nil my wmUmi'ii linvo devoted tbiiir entire hws tulhoii-io- upectivo tiaiUiK and guarantee all work tu ho the bi'Nl. 1 iini' bolore tbo pablioin a strictly light and am prepaitedjo Challenge all Competltoni. Ijip m Alia ni 10.39 p ui roi IntofUatlon.ratoa aad time tabUo onll on or iddreaa AV. T. MARlitl, Tfckct Agent. N.C.&St. L.R. B., NAfibvillo. Or W. L. DAKLEY, Qcnaral PaBsonger and Ticket A^ont, Nathville, Tenn. F. H. CLARKE, M. D., Offlco with I)r. It. flr. Oalasa, Main ntrocl icviirJ. S. Whn'a. SuvSSlf. the Kth ofDoc.'^oar Cadiz, Mra. Jeaaie SheUoBj the;^^ed wife her B^o. , . V- ' " ! "'Bimt' Slielton prnd'ssMl fnith in Cbrial (Inriiis .1. meelinR liq<J by Ur. J. H.'^ l<|*rt<Tr,-Aiiri< IMt fi^ the jiiaco of her birtli, Cadit, Ky. ' ' . Never HhlltMr* 'fcrj^MJ* bright loook upon > h*f I ftrtfr wbHut aho wnn being Icwl to and- ^rOm the water. The most skeptical would have bo- Tievod in her eonveniion, not a clmid 0^, (1 ,ftiMkUi(ipou ht^rpniti lirmy, bur' tnat "piacew.hioh pDKHUt)i nndcrstniul- iug, seemed to 'have cnxt a linln of plory over her, iW/eatliiu); b«r life in hcnrt-siniles, btijjhtcuing niul siiflcn- ing 111"!' eyes that npfiko of cnntont- nient. Yew ulte. lived mikI dtcd a true, devilled loUowcr of the nieck and lowly JeaUH, to kN iiofiifboiibiiVithe hna gone, anil is now rRitinj^.UMu, whilit we in teara are reconfinf/ pqiCKeatk. On the Slut of Octtrber-18T7 ihe. waii united in the fi^ly^onda of wed- lock to Mr. Bbekoii, to whoro al|e proved a bleSHiugt a tender and affect- innntc wife, and a .eomfiirt lioyoiu) word.s, tiod bless biin in tliin, Iuh hour of sure afllictiihi, and- 1iiny this love turn hia tbotlgbtu to desHie'u bright home. A few months sine^; kIib had a pie eentinifl'it, that hirdaya were few, and when telling her mutboi' abont it xhe laid "Oh mother if I am called to go I ptay God to take my babe alio, iind •a if in .anawer to herprayar God called the little one home (l« pure na it wai when he cutrustod it tu Iter keeping a few wneka ago, lilarly in thia mouth (Dec.) nbo was t^kcn ajck, and in n few days her condition be- came critical, in the moantlm»-«ho gavj biilli lo :iu inlant, wUith died, and wliilHt ils tiny (frnve waa being made, tlin mother , closed her cycR upon wcejiiuj; liimbaud, mother, father, bidtlier and friends ami her spirit' soared to iiB God. Uo^ier and child were laid torost \n thq., laino coftin. Ah! Jessie why ahoiitd we mourn your nntimely death, when you Imvegaiaed every thing by the transition? To tlio weeping mulher boicft of her only daiigbtcr what can we say to comlort her, here is a grief auart from tlie othori.i'wliolly nusefish and pure, stronger than ilontb and Ixstin)? an King a.s life. Msy Oodi^in infinite in\;ey Rofton licr Hiii-'f and may passaije of .Soriptme "whom the liiiid loveth liu cliattteue'li," prove a com- fort to her. •Peacvtui be thy silent Hliiinbor fcaci'ful In the grave fo luvr Tbou no more phati Join oitr inimhrr. Thou no mprcoiir ;triof stiiiK liiiow. J. r. w. NOT A CANAAN. What a Nashvillo Colored U»n Knows atout Kansas— A 6'id.Stoi7 ofDeoeptlon and Suffsring. John Wesley, n hlaektmilb, who left here on the 15th of laot Seiilem- bafwitli a party of 300 OP 400 tolorcd liet^pl^,' 'HRk IrMiifiiofij kavfhg, Rs he said, got "aoralyitlmd'liOftliRt' sup- posed blaokmaa'i OaiiaBni.n Udld hot take hlin loug to find qitt^.qn rmfhing Topeka, ijiiit h$ mm\ the cri^wd he went wlih, and the tK^adndtliiMibad gone ' MM i) HniwrWwHWn noat olkt A PraliWrite. ' ' , Next to cnlaiiiitics like that the liomn-Nte;ider'.« wile told of, the great besstting fear of tbo Ket,llerH on the bolderin (ill liic n(nv ami thinly peo- (tlifd porlTonspJKIjn.saSjjin raet— is the ooiiiing of the aututiin prAirie Jijoi^ whic'j ao frfqugjit|y iiiaiiiiceli' tTieii- Btaoks andi!rii'«,'lple»» stock, their stubten' *nd cabintf, and even their lives. VVero-it not forituknown dan- ger and power nf havnc, this tempest and seonrKe of lire ivould be a speeln- ele of comniandini; force and be.iilty. First, yod willcaltli a glimpse of what ';0|^ take to be j;iay wisps of 'haze '^'yvay'.off.on the hmir.un; aud wateh- irig, you will, SCO these vagian.^ par- blAtM. ,irhel»nd;uairmtiieniilroida reriklBilht l(»ttda,of ipteulaMri, who' required the iai(l«r<to pay 'nTxltl (Sr the vntualion. Wtf* B!«f6o(b fanrlo*i< per cent.-tnicrtat.'^ji l^(ark^ uiiiiniler, which generally loft the uyt''';*'s. UP*"' "s wlion he lnudotVih ilie country-" It was ostimalcdtliatal least $90<)in cash was nccessai y to secure « per- innneiit lonnllou in Kansas. ' Wciley left Solomon I.,oa,' oftlie rhirieentli district of this connly.and Kmauncl Grayson, of (.'olinnliin, at Kaii»aa;CIlJ,|<}ii ihi'r way back lionie. They vycro looting it, and e.\iK''^l>!'J reach Here ljy^'hrif{m(\8 llircc hundred and flity colored pcop;e died in I'opeka, 1»M- •winter, Wesley says, from cold and' hunger' SoQOjaftcr WesUcy's re|VLi!i>,.{ie was vIi'l4h<A^ 6nti Viiuug, an emigration alTNl^i hhn-that in Kanaaai' Ho tbia.TaAtg lOMotiaMutorhli shop or he wauld-4nauniim with a_ hammer. Such muu as Young and Henderson anil Griflln werii deceir iiig the colored ^ooplo for the sum of |1 per bead, palil (bow by railc»adi to tako^CTiMti fMm homM of coniMrt to ir-V^ Vno « ^Pllllf^, nil' V«B#*|}l naivii liilt "IMI tlfOTlWHIt iiepTHia W»n a bleak an gjlMMjiyi afMM lMfi i HBR- 'dWoHimrtn pypie'^^btfrifnniii if tmyl*itiy^fltfa«iiiM W ' •"""'lA'fffBiAdN'Wlftk"' bannohp, inldlwlileh M) o«ldll«*ploO;!, jiclea'denpgniiradually, nnii;galli(a in t.-.. _,.i.i - ton infinite, roloma of «m<ijMt , IJack likb-A raih-dond,! andtbrona^ about Aie edges. Theii tlie 'atl'aiige, noinber bulk Rtarls forward iteposg tlio praitie, i^ndynu libld Vont- breath at'the sight of the' rapid pfo^reks df it;,7"( A' '"ilf in two fiVinntfts is' Wan' ciit^iiplional rate of s|i«cd lor « fire, once fairly Ho- ler ivny.) It balls ail yistiiut, 111)10, over a broad sw.ile wbi;!" llieie is Ktauding.wAKtti but it iil lor.uu iiistuut only. tfM)iiiiicx«inna>««t:itrea>li(>atlia uplumi Hgaiwjiiid iW'dry.igmiis; and. direbtiyit'gfiiiifia a balfnyfifall; thhik Mrteilteitt;fiia'lhe flaiao teaB«'*trddfcii:^ Iv atiit mrfflif •tfut"',<B6Vki''i:Ke smoke,, t^n ^njf^rjfs 'agMd, .jtnd'.Vjif) blauk pifiiaigroYifi^ ,blilrk(jr tli'afi ever, finil y<jn .ci|llv(cenMbe burning' grass, and hear: tlie dialant roar of ibo lire an awful rolir, rChenibliiig the sonud Ql,ar- tllbty in heavy tinilier. And il is so calm ininiodintply nrouinl you thai yon tlo mil. so mneli as miss the tick- ing of your watch (ti your pocket, tliuie is no briiatli pf air stirring, and crnmeiu niiiii^.jttrj!_:vH?/ M\fp^t,:yQa AffltbUW «i*l,fll«!i«l,.,,f}«r fro«;,UflW.I(si«, l*;.»i pra|i!U|,e<»ijnlif,Jjj,fti,|^'4|„jl,, ^ Q*»n«<ikli U»a -Wil\i*i;nr«)fvtl*J»poi<y M«ilf)UiM.4ir«pt,ii)inMt ftoug^aouii rn>ai: oin»)5iRg "iilwd. fci oWjijtto&ir' wffloBilBlel^wlnfeiUta :lollow4»f looii mihia>:'«iviiyi'jj«#,.a«i-*a»'edR eaaiM)itarMUiMi|ool|ji|«attiii, rj-.i it ,;ii: iwvayijihrfir, , «ra«i9«ko<taifMbiid(en4Sol enbpgyh it its"V8(<€!"111b' i^iok* befeina to 1/tirt yoifr' eyes, too, idiid the heat becotnes heavily (ippi'qaitVc. And then, all at, once, iSu wi'|id|))j(\/<^^^' and ,'i!tni;;^ers you, that appalling roar !ijcafeiis yon! and the siui is'blottcd ortt, ,8nd yon are 111 a diirknw 4s ot'a :RiiduigUi Avith- ont .moon or star. Jtjbi 4u-expeii«pde ol but a iluzon socomis or'Sov^thiaisaij-' deaiphin|piiiinlo «lRiik<kiwb tjuiiigh it' HeeM* •ti'4wnf«laiid sahea yan.loak<aul again, ^on fin(bi4iwt'tli«i<i«a hai'iiMil- eil yon a «iilB'Btt»i»l* lo"yet1t ^^ht, am) still roUWig ' deijj^ratefV envVllM all J there in it's fV.tck, pre charrro. tti t-molderiiigstauksvniiiy, niiit fiirdoca- siiiuil house aHaiiie and loUeiioj,' toils fnll, aiul n group of nuiu and lioysbeat- ing back the outer liuo uf the.liio willi brush «nd old clotVs, 9ud sending '/urwnrd little .oounter-fireft^o iWeet it and if possiblaito lMep it At!a«abidis- tanoe. . oTb»iicit^,|l)t4J^ 8lA[k>«tr awl aiMtliei' wbeii-ttigBkiiAhank vM«ii|^i aiioh a hopo has BMM'iabalide'^'fo^ wammt ; som'etimrfK iliti^ fliigtMl.'i''cod ^ flii|^rBtionsTAidlM'ii>it'ilili-i!Jrti*s\iv'«tilV 6t thirty yards in widili, scr swift and Vpslstless is tin; monirulum : au'd as a' rule tliey are elVoctually stayed uuly when they reach a wide cxleul ol plowml laud, and have to yield, sul- ilMuly, for lack uf anything more to feed tbeiriue.'corublo.Iur^l ' II' lilt I ^^^^^gfi^^ig,^ ' &pBt(i9i;ii. AND l.lKBJ^Isr MIK.VCUWUS— A IlOY S niiAI) SAWED l.V TWO, YKT IIF, LIVES. LSpociul Dbipntcti to UieClnRiiiiiitti Kinjiiiri-r, Now Yprkj^Dccenihor.l)—Jolrti Sic- .Gviiy, Rt^id lil'tepn ol I'alersun, crawl- 'tlA l tHlder't4ie' fpio oni ein'tilar saw for sawdust. Tlio saw had been itbp. pod to nieiiil U>e le'li, and ilic iiiaii in charge not iioliciiig tljo boy starteil iheaawV The iiext miii'ulo ho aa^v a b*t fly from' under ' the 'Wule; He slo{>ped' the- mtluliino and looked undcri the table, and saw lho,:boy with his licad litcrallv suwud in two The saw bad run from near Iho baek of the loft car across Iho lop of the headj down through the I'orchoud' bo- iltveen iheeyo and Iho nnso wltbbul injuring Ilie eye-ball, and Ihrouu'li Ihe nose, so llial one iio~li il was -.iiw ed clear from Iho other. The taw pciio- Irnlod IhcVain aroiinn (liO bar to the depth otfruui alio ami a half lii three liiuhes- -Tiiie ttity ro.lai.iul his eun- sciuusncas while lie was bein;; taken to the uftleo of Hr. (iariieil, wlier Iho scalp was sewed up. The plivsi eiiin I'unlil see Ihe pulsations ot'llin brain Ihroiigli Iho u|Nllllt)(. ,'i'hOi'lait Huid the pain wiis very groRt, buMlc lefraiiied Irom eryiiig, and piucliud the niiils ol his liatid iiito the palms ifut4l llie blood riiii. At Ihe Sl'ler's WKi able to lilt a <;lii:is ol sliiinijant lo his lips. Dr. Marsh ipry^i^ the brain lo Iho depili of n'car/y'lwo liiehes without lonehlnji llic bbttoui of Ihceiit made bv the saw. The Imy was iible In iiiik in- tcllii;eully alj diiiy, luil he oniil Unit it pilined him ^>^p|>\lVO^(f, aud Ije tvas kept as qiijpt. pa posaiblq. lie Is yet alive mid cttiVaclons't'O HriihI. The physicians siiy>illftl II is a iiylrRclii'tlMii ho hda lived. '<•• l„s»,«MriJH<l inxi iivrn, ntnPiiiW ,r,'. One «ttiiarl' Due ^t]llu^l' OIiP s'lnifre Oar -.'liiai r. tivi'lvi- uenitha Two li iti'iri'.-i. iiiollIlM Twe ti,|itiiri'^. iiiu! Vl-jir, Oiif-r.'M r. tl •''iliuiiii . ; ( r y Olm-tliii-n niliiitiu, |HT vi! O Iiairiuluiiiii. |,. r>,-!i ( llii- I hIuiu 11. jii f v,-:! r naBliiLi.,- I-n al^,' Il 11 i-i »t<eii TTi tor IK) 7 V' uii sr. O V ia fhlitgaawinoviiig WHIliltoJ»'>.4' 'o* reilely at Ihrt: oiipltul." jHa)M>aiHha passtti^d h' Jolhll'dMKitfbrt'Al^d- journ lor a Christ iiina RotfflaV'^i 'tho lilth tnat/ nlid flio",'(iixBffl1^li^ipra couple of appoinlmcuU byiikg Sffifite, nothing apeoitilly < ndtcwortNy tiAi beort doiie 'bv 'Cdngreea. TIlO Wifeaa la to Inst nu'fir 'Ji<*/i(rj'"tliK-.f»vo weeks. MennWlitlo the lIou4o Ap- propi'iatloiis Cominittco willcliMeav- or to get three ot their small bills tlirongh beloro adjoni'iiiiient; Tlio delitieucy bill fur the pauiienl of .mni'shai'e fees will uol be acted upon unlil arier Ihe recess. Tlicru, was ,',oiMe nu'iirise at the exceedingly prumpt and entirely uuaiiimuns eoii- llriii,iiioii of Seerciary McCrnl'j<'iy» bo United Stales jildge, but Ihe Demo- eraiie Senate is not Uisposcd, 1)> bo hoisted into McCrury s plare in 11 ,ji<ry, aud entered «t o.tieO|.||l|^«)i Iho du'lies of the War Ollicei Thjj|.,t»lll put '-ni Tr"iir"?il' iii n ^Cilu-^' . Z&to&ded Him 'lora L»w7er' Uiil' 'It,':'- -I , r lit An oMilattr «Mlkaili»loin laiwytrV n iut^'yflr«r hi yemigi 1,'KiiitUI! •fMityMM Iiaaio-oBs i^lpiniktM.lliifmilfiptiu would lIRfl'IB URVlllll UU| nlid lunke i^i<lkiy.4p)i«flrs very #ba»*alrf.' I' .wb' ; itlorfiyvaifB, itpdlds' odfy'i<Mi<'yd<>%i'''lli*vo ^iod net boys Mfleff"-"'; •"' ' ", ,»»il|avfl ()«it4iMhvil M,.iiv»|!H,jiiui||cr» ofithe otliorai.;iiifottithe olfl man that ,t\ IKdftj{l»t;'ih» 'iMllfl' follow woiHld ". f, 'rtfs.l-rato lawyer; so jl fiiirted ' you'fvould lake liiiii. Lawyer— '"No madmn he Ia too 'young yet lo eoninieiieo Iho study ol, a proression. Bui why do you lliiiik this boy any better i:aleulaled lorn biwycf Ibau your older son he isjusl hen ho (Iv'o Wd lie like h-uiwjcr lining mil ujiier siius; L'l'ly ',\Vhy, ion see, sir he ecven years "old la-llay. T^'l and latiafaction ia always gnaranteod SOLICITING PATRONAGE, mill thanking tbo ppoplo of Christian and adjoining conntiei for their past consideration, I am, respectfully, M, C.FORBES. April L, 18T»-lf.. A rancher in the Sacramento valley being asked how many oallle ho had, answered ni follow;: "Ip 18041 owned n heifer which, whisn three yean old (1867))" kad «fein»l»cntf. The same eow hai illM> hftd 'a (emala calf every year for the paat 12 yean. Each of her calves commenced to breed when three yean old', all bear Ing female oalvei every year thoro- nfter. 'The aame rule hai attached to all the herd. Kono have died, been sold or stolen. I stopped oounling some llino ago. Plcaso tcll'nebow wnuy cattle 1 have got,'' YotttCTdayi 'Soldmbn G!a«)<;'a col- ored man whole ie:tperioncu' In ngri- euituri1'|>iiMW hli« 'tinlightoiied bis neigl^borhpti^. .wm^ J<y.t<ti|f.yiwith a view i>\ g^tling It aivofce from his .vtite. 'tV'iien asked npon what l^oituds.^a rapli«(l.., . - ' '''Kuflialauuia dil gTonhdrtiVdisbeca- alon. WheRi .l.rented (en acres and icoritcd uiie mnin 1 married a 'omaii suitable for de oeeasinn. Now I rent silly acres ob lau' and iwrk live luulus. ,My .fust wifu is, ft dnighty giioil ten acre wife, hiil she d./u't suit tie inTSsiou ol) si.vty scrrs. 4 "tiocdsa 'uiiiau whilt can siwari Rjoro." \Vbon told -by a l«iilry&K that the gK^ni's were pot sufllcient, be ic- \(^kcd:- . kis'; piitdyce de kisiry .^o show |$mr I'm. oareck. I's a leartted man and cnn read clar around de majority ub eulored gentlemen an' a great uiauy white'^etters. r)e reasons belongs tor de Frepch lli»tory an' tlmngh I Inesn't apcik I'rencli, 1 tiillcs about il. Von know Napoleon fnsl^ married Josopbind de Iteiuilinris," •'i'es," said Ilie lawu r. "tml you may become a tiillu tuo.hUlurit^allr dat when hel'lfor^ tb« Mia'ob de gubernntenl, an' had -tiharge of all de ooniinisserios, he IvRnteil A 'wife what wunldTipread more, an' lie got n 'dis- pensation from .losephino and liitebed onto Mari.i Louisn, case ihti could spread more. Dalr's de history, an dir's lie precedent lin'ef a mnn can't git n dispensiition on dese gronu what's yi't court-house, an' whsr ycr law?"— [Little "llock (Ark.) GareltA. - ' There nre some sliualioiiB where fever and ague prevails every season, and this is Iho case in the vicinity of crceka and swamps. An acqnaln tunoe a>t ouri, who has resided for several years ou one of ihona «reeka, never hna had a aingle eaie at fever and nguo in his tamily; while all hia neighbors Ifitye^ ko.qi) nwtre or. leaa nlTeclcd wtl1) It e'vie'ry season. IIo at' tribdtet li1i,tmn1unUy froni thls trou bicisome tbo ine of n good dre III hla bpa^e .OTory^ohilly and damp , fllgbt >. in., jBiBmor and fall When llM, IndbUMteMoLAt .ulght or early In the titorning in iwaiiipv re- gions tlieyoav^lw)iv4M«e«iKl lunutb wllh aombpart of their ginnents to warm the air' ^l^hliih Ihoy inhale, and this lhay ilty ^Hevonii ohiUi and fevers. full Details of the Count Uada \ij tli9 QoTernoriftnd Couitoil. Auoc.sfA, December 17.—The full dctaifs of ihe count iliade by Iho fiov- crnor and Council, show Iho I'PIIOw- lug results: Iti theBehntithe'ftli-, iouists me given 20 uielhbdrs i^MUe, Hcpnblicaus U (he Ilobse tho-rus- ibnisls oroglvenTg iiftd tho Itepnbll- ciius6f. Pivocities with 12 Ucpub- licaii Ucprcsenlatives, l'orilnnd,i<a(li, liAwlaion, Itooklund and Saei»i aia wWiOMinpreseiitailoBt 'i^a IliMfM) RfM'WtlfiM 11 'lumbers ibort'Mtlls ontlntcntloli. Thelliial result of tho oleotion nceordiiig lotlio offlcini re- turns before they were chdiigud by tho Counoil'w«a 111 follows: Senate— ItcpubHeaue, 10; Fitsioitists,' \i. llouso-i'Uepubllesua, 90; Fuiloniste, 01. Not change In the i$enai« tU ; ili the House, -16. Oy tho cloctlun rii- turusilio licpubllcans had a majority uf "Hi on joint ballot, as counted by lha GilfBlUW BWH^ituoH. The Fu>, slonliti ba|inBiI«8(Ir of26ou Joint, ballot. . : The UepublicHus claim that tho re^' Jcctious ami cimngei well wholly qii teehuieal grounds. ' "' ,'' ' ; "' Tho certrlicates of'tbe Seiihiort riuI Ucpros^iibtiVU Wore lent out by mall to dity? J' The cnnvnss Of coutily offlccrsis about coinpletfcd. AvQmHiftlco Qfth^ Couii-jil i* now onglig4(l1|i'^i(e0R\4njk'a itaienieht lo jultlfy the cotfh|. ' A mngistrato in one of tliio cities of this Statu was reiTully observed driv- ing ihropgb .the public etrccli with hi^.W,Ul)W«l<o V«« evidently onga^qdi lni<^ Twlfl>t,<<kl'n!,°'^">''" '^'''^ innally'Utai?)fl^wr(ii«;t> I lage aii4,(Uiraff <'W*f>t'On a railway track bclore a rapidly nppiottohiiig locoiiiolivo niut Main ot ears. She was rescued by some by slanders jus. Ju time iD iayQiher lite, ' lu ib*n"War oi worda whiiihifo'l- lowed f|in ;.wonmo.4nj4i->o,||ef><iuiB band; "Vou liiarrloa. .^o' for my monoy." . . ;, Wliothor Xfaaipr pot, these must he very bitter ftrbrda lor a' husbapd to hear. A pi9fo f)f||ulyico glvan. by the profoMpd ph'iloaopher, .Bilward. . I>^l* wer, ,L>-itpu, tftavpuugifrteiid ,\>r.A«,' "Ncv^r..,8iarry ijffliiey, y oiir ' wile niny bo 'ihiS best of womeu, bfillu aouie itpgnai^d'.'npnient, and pcr- hapa nli^yftilli^ avft in l^ot softest tones, she will liteviiably renilivl you of it." It la lrue every young -man should hope lo grid a fortune in his wife. Il soDiiM be however, not in real estate, or ill bonds, or In bank aecouiils; but ill her own p.-'opor, precious person. When R^og siiapaat a fly. that has boch fooling arouii'd hIAl fbur or live hoiirs niid', ho fSela }ua( like a girl tvho pouri thn full tide of her niroctlons over n young man nnd aiid- donly diacovera thai it won't aoak in. was onlv when lie got to six ho wa-i smiey and inipniieitt lis itnvei'Uter could ije^niid iiow hu 'wifl stealauy'ibiiig lie ciih lay his'lur'ds on.'' beilorJiiYnor |lujij|^^ie,JiiiA ffiiffji re- cently, for it ia quite ge^io^ijijllj^ jbe- li,...,.,l H,,.[ [l.n tr^. ..Ill tic'liinO "W'Ci^"V-'. i'*.'';'S''.R'j'l:K*.«i!il«'6'":''- ii'mn busses I he A riuy ou^t )b4!iP*'* |)artiiniia...,ll»-JiA^Mil Iwaye full eun- iriil uiiiUr .Meyi'ifi'^'^ fur;tjf0^ior U a man of braii,<| an i, yuj|[yfjfe|,a|iil there tuia,, 1 Autiluiutiutiik, sumo Jeal- ousy. The Shennans like [tawer anil runiiiiaiKt e.^peiMuliy does the Geii- enil^nnd botwccH 'i'vcumsch ami John l11(ftWVeTBIlll.dW ll'Iiutv iirelly iniiuli iindur! liiR uttRlliMiltior tb'wtomt- Iv. Uiiycs aud|.UiiMwe'y("<RiKiiiiQgitre- hends^, I n a As lllllc ns bus been, di)J),o In Con- gress, soiiio liuinoi'ons inlerclflinges fil roi'iirt and bliiltcr bcftvct'ii nieni- bers have occiirrud. The oHivf 'Oay Mr. Ki; uiUI Mll ll ll.lll Mill discussion ot Ihe bill lo iTjiulntt) Hio oanijii'iisa- li'.'tl of Iliu .Sliliciiio Conn i;epnrler, got ill a Ileal bit of reparleo onti,Yn. Kelle r, who saiil_lliai_ghlle ' (hero might 'inr4,(MU meii In Ids Slulo of iUSia|caiiipai0ii{ tb'|i(lrlV>vili'tli^'ifuiloa {tf ib|s uliirk|)hi|n ba"WaB4d uutiddn- slderanv of thein paid noooviling to Ihcir g^^jifti-tb ut, .iU,UilO. Mr. I' l'vu quickly answered thul,.sp, |i^r iiu etyuliliksl[i^ih^thd''^Naf ipUiHtj- uf ihB 4^()0OI>eMnp(nerit irttbil- 'brafiio were already cnnvtorlably lillitU'led 111 iHt uHieen. lia iHw wmtlc a poor inouili,A| ilii';.. iiiid ,uc|;^i,«adiili'i'j'c of si'eslllig Dcin'oei a'lic thuU|1o(', Gen, 'I'oHi Vl'owiiic'; uf liidlniin. in' sjnuik- Iiig on the aaiiie qaekl'lo^, re'inki^Kvil that Ihe scrr l irertir r -great many of the Sfntl'sWen iioi#'™m " t'dllgresa would bo dt-ar »tii.(3v6Mi'N^ ydnr, "Speak for yui>(»mlf,"#hq|rtqd.juni«ii- ber oil tlie.iUimillbliAaw aide. "1 du jpcuk for myself," ,)nRekly replied Tliomti*. And I lliiiik he J;iol;c Iho «ol(Mn»i truth, too. II is slated I Imt tlio tiupiTiiio Court isaboiU P litdv Ri^WWitro n deeis- NotTbatSladofal^un. fy, {11 the weitern fliiaUar day a boy i'l^'ttlilg ready to l^ttii ^aa lying 9,'i|ud Ihogrocer )ll' in«,«a«ii«r.jgr,i part lofWtHdaliy was bUyliVf«lM>f go lim'illH)r." H arotiud t<>>b'#^^, iicrvuusly reniarlju *'U«yii, Iii«'l»b, yWd>M$e onreof i: '/•'l>«.!>«ri «9ofl.l»>W«lu»U,bRr/«'el, nnd wont on tolling bow n)i)i)}-,^b-' bits hO" ina»i>i-la pifpiii) and pretty soon iit'ORuie iioitivAilling lo iin; llnor, "I loll.^oilvllnlt infbi'iial thing w ill burl soBiu'of tt« yel!" exelnimed Iho grocer ns be jimiped a»ide, ami the boy leaned il agauist the counter ninl said h«i'd Uiiver like a back seal from n b^arjiqvpr.. As ho reached over to look at sou,e bu':kshuc down luinbled Ihe gun aud oil' went Ihe charge sciid- irtg about forty duck-sllot tiilu n tcii- gnllou oil-can in ^aii'gB,' There fl'i4'2oeiil"ytlIcd the grocer >ai hottanced nronud. •D),),,') |. |,>|| y(H«,>ibitt,iBferiial gnu would gouft'!" 11 fAnd'did lidoMy it?"piuiiipiiy res- tored ,'bp b,oj\,, "D9 you s'pose I 'm fool iin'ff lo go diit t(} hunt rabblla with brass-knuckicit or a" bliiiu-ahoot- or?" -'V fj iiT iiii -s r :iull!W|*. A ' I, ' k is well koown .that in America everythii% iaoiitttiteriUtud; the wood- en hums nlid uutuiegs sent from tbo Xuw l^liigland States arc well reinem- bereil. I'lggs aris now alsu eouiilei - leiled, aud this in.'inulaclory is earriiid out un a large scale, ( hi one side ot a laige loom the rei»)rter ^au ,^e\ i,'r(il inrgi) c<i|ipur vcHsuls Idled with uiliiek glntiuotiH yiilioiv, mass, . w.hioh a ui^u M'Hs giiltiilautjy stirring,! - TIliH Jii^s the yellowluf-th* «g9-MltO yi>lk../i On ilioopposite aillei were liniilar vesoolsj ih wliieh tho while was fabripted. The egg shells were niade of a wliili^ Kiibslancb iescmbrnig plaster of Paris, by nieans ot n blowpijie, just us soap bubbles nie hhnvn. Alter being dried in an oven, the e/g shells were Hlled; lirst ivitli iiilitieial aliiumeu, then with some <,1 ihu aiiihi i il y,ilk, nnd lastly with n little ol Ihe artilieial Nlbumeu. Xlio siipU npeuiug at the end of the egg wns- cK'sed with while cemeut; niid the gieaiest aeliioveinent of modci'n civiliisnlipii, the nrtibcial sembled a nafhral egg; hut, whether ooukcd 6r raW,' it'wAi tiidij^estiblo aud injurious to boalth, [The above we Iind in the Canada .Medical and Siiigioal J01un.1l, ered- iled to the liriiish Medical .Iniiriial. Tu make his :.tftry complete the writer should have lidded thai at this same maiinfactoiy he ulsi, saw a nnnilier ol patent inenhaloiHcinployud in liaieliiiig chickens from these nrlilical oggs, wbicli was cunsiiig great e.xeitcmeul among the farmers and pi^nltry raisers. Eds.J Scientific America, i^dS&t;!^»K^;ii}''ii^^.;;:g bearing iiikoH tbem - wift' bo taken up In Congress niiVil this Is kiiowii. l!epork4My»-khe ponrt i? ei|iially di- y((|cd,,fu^iCB»i ,CII<Hf»l, Aliidd, Urud- l^;,i{!.a^']}?:iWro?«'; Waite RHd'Jn dytjtBfH>a|fe|Mll1ef litid Swayiie+wWlBB'fBIUIf^ opinion. ,JU8llao llnut is oQ'thn eciicb b/ ren- ,s^iu of ill health., t:^ncli ,a division of llic tTudges on, tbo (|ncstloii, wltllo making ft lie, would r'uiilly, leave the laws ni force"."tt is not expected that ilukliec Mniit will ever resiiniu lii^i \\\fu:<!.. Ill liiet il is t'liinored lhat ^\ .''W'tf/A^^lSi^i 'MtflrliKJon (••uiciTd. M "jiJtr ni»ii I ' '" 1I the vncpnt Ulnco^ to Spiialnn, Edmnnds. 'rtiev y 'at licnii Qiirflori; »ie v- erehelaal fc' Ik "gei<erilfy""ttJ1eVod. i>lionld Mr, Kdmiiniia take aiieut'on the linneh, llio eieetidii laws anditill »r»?ii8f-'tNi«tei: for thft'Vi*nat« tn refniib (n 'dtfA'ftrni a pi omiuf lit Scniilor nppoliilod to any other olllco, but 1 really do not, see liow * Uniu""-.''- g.—..'--^""'.' tnko il|0 rosponslbUllv ol.USI'inlllilW/i.sucli on inic'iisu jitinisah to lie Pcalcd fiu Iho Supiififfc bfencW, ndl'ti^ilhsliiridrng bis sbHily. " Sell II V ler Colfax, one of the Itadical slalcsiucu.lvbiA.<l>'utH)e4l suddenly in- to ol(iivip,li,,le9ltil-pil,.^'u uue liight this wtek. Tli'ere is nolbiiig wonder- ful 111 Jilts, c.vt-epl'thfit Ihe mcnlfon of Ilia r.nnio reenlU-lho fate <yf'i>talCiM'cn who Iind ^I,(XX) notes under lliclr break lAkt pWilos and lie about it af- icnviuds, ijoinebQ.'Jy has jiint 10- laretl ""oil old ,story, nbuut Col- fax, mnirrlatlii^ Ills ' deiMt^giiical wsys nnd luck o( (irinncss or princi- ple. He was nlwnvs in dread of the people awl.glraid of oticnding theMi. ,Ohp« to WiW obartred ^ilh n L'ust pQi.cfj,blll( jtnd/aonie. ouo, Ri 11 i'liko, liiirodnccd nil aiiicndinciit to iliij effect that posi-inasiers shuiild bo clecled by llic people, nnd .Mr. Col- la,v, lo the surprise "fil" llie riii iids uf l|ic bill, . voted Ion, the nmciidinenl. Wbou .Ihojio who h'nl i)ppuled him lo present Ihe bill,rcprojii|lied liiin, ihey 'rtfil not lle^ilale lo el'iiirgo him Willi cowardice lor voling- lor »o riducir- hins an cniendnicnt I'oi' f^ar otcdl'end- bli; Iho volers. It was necessary next day to ge.t.iiil (ifiilvo ninendmrnt bc'lji'c Iho bill O0nl^\ bo coi'ried. On iinoihcr o(-<*akiort ho. ' rocciyod from .some iiidivlilniil, who firmly hoMeveil 111 a Kepn -ciilai i vt' ill t'(oi;!ress be- ing the servanr of Ilie people, a b^.x of prairie chickens, ncoonipniiied ly Ihu audaeiiius rcqiiusi, "I'leaso dis- |iosc of tlie^e to Iho best ndvnulnge iind nrronnt (n nio." Afler a nio- mcnl's heHiliiiion, Mr, Colfax went lo Ihe iie,iii'st re-tauranl. ilii-po'ed of the fowls, nnd ei*,»loaeil u check for Iho nntoniit to the ouner. (ioveriior-elrct Foster, of Ohio wns here Ihe other dnv, niid told intrrviewer Hint Onrflcld Iind a?pi ly sure thing of life Sennlor)i 'i'hjs reminds mq of a .sreiio^i tho Iloine on Monday Inst : '•J'Olijpel to Ihn reading (if tbo memorial," snid ,V|r. (Inrllold, when' STr. Aiken, of iSoulli Cnroliim. desired In have it paper sent lo the Clerk's desk, rend. |"Well. if 1 on d.i,'' snid Mr. Aiken, "I will wiihdraw it." "What la It. anv wny?" snid Gnrtield. "AVhy," replied Aiken, "it Is n iiicinnrinl Irinn Ihe Patrons of llnsbniidry." "Ilthl ahl nbein ! I w illidraw iho olifrc- tinu " said Mr. (iarficld, nnd llio ino- niorlal was rend. I'lioxo.

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    C. M. MEACHAM & CO.

    SUBSCRIPT] ON RATES.Oflc col>> ,"tif \c(ir, ill ikUuucO 00t; , -(V iii'iittiK, ,. 1 Oft

    >:io iv fiur. h) nujr ou« MDcUttg ttitciiy.'li.

    JW. MfPIIKUKJM.JIclu RtivM, >.«Jalglr>r[

    ll.l«IU)IIT«KM,IUIa tUMl,*p|>MtW


    Ult«*d Tlrflihi UrMU.I MVMTIIMllVUr

    . .... DKri>u,*aMopii>in,•>*T>lnr>fli imre. Malu HI.

    AI.KTAHDIS, M.ikatr'Aiiruf Abora-

    D., om UrayA


    MM* H I UAUTI^^.aviMlIM Phnlx no-

    ffii~ir'7ii Uuli.iKRi. Maihillle MraciIf aii^Alto t.btiatlaa Ckank.

    Kentugkian.THE SOUTH KEWTWltiAil


    VOLUME I. IIOPi0$^L^:f]$^S;y$9¥, tlTESb^T, DECEMBEft '23, i s


    NKW (iOODS.ACrs. M. S. Rodgerallta liiit rpiiiriinl tium Ilia Kaat and la nowrvcairiOK hur lar(u auxsk of

    8PHl^o Qoomt,ronalatlnrofllala. IrlniiKKl lad nnlrlnroadPaatliara, iJicf a. Ulbliona, iitcAprl) >9.';(i.lf.


    Vli-ini,! Si,. II(.|>kiiis\ iUf, Ky.

    A full iiKHortiih'iil of (.'iiMlitiorM, kupt onhamU mill lictii'i i-lothlux

    Cut 1111(1 madeat tho loweat rot»i B«niriiilH-r ilir. .iiac-a,ni'Xl door la l*aat UUca. Ulvu iiiu n rniil.

    !flBRi>!( A AX. Bntt nil* ofBiiaaolUlllattraol.

    IJATMB A TUDXa, BMkfllla MnM, Mar' tkadaiwt. .

    L tfMraaktn PaalOfloi.

    .pVWARm M PBITOBBTT. Cwurt • ih

    Bonn; utlYNN,iloutkii4«>lAla,MArNaali.tUla kirutit.


    JB Wlt.t.lAIUO> * BUB, GArpntan• Aa< BalidaiaRBSTAIJUANTH


    BAKJKkATABLBa Briil|«9» . Dwr Prince-l*r»|>riet llHckii. )>rl\ Ini; ntin Htti|>t|t HoiSfi

    NlWit TO ifHily. Kor^cx »ii>! !tlit1iDni(Kllou« rtUH'k lAti, ueiir riiimiDx

    H RUT dtUclicd


    tk^ l*rartiuUr •{ ftH IIb4« for mJ« «i nuiior Ic liulk.

    ACE ' niiiiDI Witlni" ili'"'.i iiypdmill thr ii»i. of iioinou. V cjri'tiitjlt. rcm-• (n>w arerjwnara. Two rcocli>u tot

    _ a, andlooui auin Aoott UuaAia,Fraakltt, lii^.

    Sfiiibyville. (KjFSMALIS COL'SGB.llwuiir tefatliln; tea lalb^ni 'kick

    alandardotitboliranip; Una aad ayataaialladncipllun: bol a.lTanttge* at lewaal laraik.Bimnl aiiit lliilloi.. ll%o NHAlUia. la AdTABCA,Km.uo; It'.nrii. tiiiiKii), and aittaw, Ira ftaakka,In ndvanrc, 91IT.M. For oataloaua addivaa^

    yt. U.sriiAaT, Prl«clkat.I,

    ., ,, « , luWal 4

    Probaklr no one praparmtloa kaf reeeivaHao much iimlM^tivm lia itatrona. nor taavda*aarflBialniBiiiienfJalinu Da llaICa Hairaavari Vm but erho tba toica ot mllllosa«k« kara aaed Ik wkea wa uniuouiim It ihabaai Hair l>i«Mla* In Ihn worM. II numliaarlfOlM. Tlieaewlwara airurtrl wlib ilu-eaaea of Ika aralp aecAui|iaiil lu. l.lJpiii ll,Vi)|ira

    .1.4!i|>m ILlirijiin

    . S.on {I la IV.IOnms.ifi |i in \.:\ti a ina.::' i> 111>

    ti.W ji nl 8.30 a tit


    T.t#t'in«ry HinHVlRiV^lie Uompnur will•*KlHSWIt rti«r'Wrii-' (iiiiforms nnil pny

    llio cxpcmca of llio C'oinpnny .to..Tlie Company la iloniprtacd 01 •^oodniAtoriul, and Hie Cily iniichl Will bepyoiid or llieni. tUt rollowiti); ii tlic\Ul of Officer!.

    U. .U. AbeniAthy, CApUiii.Le« EIIU, ItUJjjiant.U. A.riieriik, W Liciil.n. E. Howell. liiScAi-^i!.A. W. Landcv't 2ii(l S5i!n'rj{l.C. U. Emfrr IVt fbi-pbrAl."



    - llOl'KINSTyLLK. KY.

    Uka plaainre ln||al(irtac H Ika trade ara anil itrlcci ilock ef

    Lumber^ Laths,

    Shingles, Doors,

    Sash, pnds,

    MouliliiiRi, Newel Rwli, Tariiinga,

    nnil rvHrythfcig iuiWiBMlt^ita**UuiMiiig.

    V ' ''

    I V .ami I



    I bA^fa.vkBBih«lMair own Ruke,die rery beat

    TWO, lipUfl^AirP aiZEOSBE

    WAGONSarer offtrad is tkif Biirket, aail war-

    rnnted Ent-elaM in erery reipeot.

    miiesiEiDsilwayiM lMa4 at loweii aiariMt priee.


    uni •rerrthinK In thb Kb« aiad^ anprumpt nolioi at

    fiottom Figures.


    Editor Kontiicklani

    A well otaanited And conductedmillbiry coinpanv ix both an onia-ine^ And protccliun to a cily, mnlcnn bo iiiiiliiUiiuul uy lliviii wiiliniil

    ii'oulilo or oxueiiac, A eonipniiy hcr^lUiine few weeks nud,but they llnd\liil(,l|ipb|tRppl!cni|on toAdjutant Gonarfti lliey van not ub-tHiiiH iinni! Irotii thoSlalekrniiiiy, iiii-

    IvHs they ure lirbvldfcfl ;wilh^.»eftleliriuory ijy Uidtpouiily cuufrt, i^Mtrad^,£Mr laildiag.

    Tba IHIiMsar. ti

    omployod, ond nil my wmUmi'ii linvodevoted tbiiir entire hws tulhoii-io-upectivo tiaiUiK and guarantee all work

    tu ho the bi'Nl.

    1 iini' bolore tbo pablioin a strictly light and am prepaitedjo

    Challenge all Competltoni.

    Ijip m Alia ni10.39 p ui

    roi IntofUatlon.ratoa aad time tabUo onll

    on or iddreaa

    AV. T. MARlitl, Tfckct Agent.

    N.C.&St. L.R. B., NAfibvillo.

    Or W. L. DAKLEY,

    Qcnaral PaBsonger and Ticket A^ont,

    Nathville, Tenn.

    F. H. CLARKE, M. D.,

    Offlco with I)r. It. flr. Oalasa, Main ntrocl

    icviirJ. S. Whn'a. SuvSSlf.

    0» the Kth ofDoc.'^oar Cadiz,Mra. Jeaaie SheUoBj the;^^ed wife

    her B^o. • , . V- ' " !"'Bimt' Slielton prnd'ssMl fnith inCbrial (Inriiis .1. meelinR liq h*f I ftrtfr wbHut aho wnnbeing Icwl to and- ^rOm the water.The most skeptical would have bo-Tievod in her eonveniion, not a clmid

    0^, (1 ,ftiMkUi(ipou ht^rpniti lirmy, bur'

    tnat "piacew.hioh pDKHUt)i nndcrstniul-

    iug, seemed to 'have cnxt a linln of

    plory over her, iW/eatliiu); b«r life in

    hcnrt-siniles, btijjhtcuing niul siiflcn-

    ing 111"!' eyes that npfiko of cnntont-

    nient. Yew ulte. lived mikI dtcd a true,

    devilled loUowcr of the nieck andlowly JeaUH, to kN iiofiifboiibiiVithe hna

    gone, anil is now rRitinj^.UMu, whilitwe in teara are reconfinf/ pqiCKeatk.On the Slut of Octtrber-18T7 ihe.

    waii united in the fi^ly^onda of wed-lock to Mr. Bbekoii, to whoro al|e

    proved a bleSHiugt a tender and affect-

    innntc wife, and a .eomfiirt lioyoiu)

    word.s, tiod bless biin in tliin, Iuh

    hour of sure afllictiihi, and- 1iiny this

    love turn hia tbotlgbtu to desHie'u

    bright home.

    A few months sine^; kIib had a pieeentinifl'it, that hirdaya were few, and

    when telling her mutboi' abont it xhelaid "Oh mother if I am called to goI ptay God to take my babe alio, iind•a if in .anawer to herprayar Godcalled the little one home (l« pure nait wai when he cutrustod it tu Iterkeeping a few wneka ago, lilarly in

    thia mouth (Dec.) nbo was t^kcn ajck,and in n few days her condition be-

    came critical, in the moantlm»-«hogavj biilli lo :iu inlant, wUith died,

    and wliilHt ils tiny (frnve waa being

    made, tlin mother , closed her cycR

    upon wcejiiuj; liimbaud, mother, father,bidtlier and friends ami her spirit'

    soared to iiB God. Uo^ier and child

    were laid torost \n thq., laino coftin.

    Ah! Jessie why ahoiitd we mourn yournntimely death, when you Imvegaiaedevery thing by the transition?To tlio weeping mulher boicft of

    her only daiigbtcr what can we say tocomlort her, here is a grief auart from

    tlie othori.i'wliolly nusefish and pure,

    stronger than ilontb and Ixstin)? an

    King a.s life. Msy Oodi^in infinitein\;ey Rofton licr Hiii-'f and may tli.itpassaije of .Soriptme "whom the liiiidloveth liu cliattteue'li," prove a com-

    fort to her.

    •Peacvtui be thy silent Hliiinbor

    fcaci'ful In the grave fo luvr

    Tbou no more phati Join oitr inimhrr.Thou no mprcoiir ;triof stiiiK liiiow.

    J. r. w.


    What a Nashvillo Colored U»nKnows atout Kansas—A 6'id.Stoi7

    ofDeoeptlon and Suffsring.

    John Wesley, n hlaektmilb, wholeft here on the 15th of laot Seiilem-

    bafwitli a party of 300 OP 400 tolorcd

    liet^pl^,' 'HRk IrMiifiiofij kavfhg, Rs he

    said, got "aoralyitlmd'liOftliRt' sup-

    posed blaokmaa'i OaiiaBni.n Udld hottake hlin loug to find qitt^.qn rmfhing

    Topeka, ijiiit h$ mm\ the cri^wd he

    went wlih, and the tK^adndtliiMibad

    gone 'MM i) HniwrWwHWn noat olkt

    A PraliWrite. ' ' ,

    Next to cnlaiiiitics like that the

    liomn-Nte;ider'.« wile told of, the great

    besstting fear of tbo Ket,llerH on the

    bolder—in (ill liic n(nv ami thinly peo-(tlifd porlTonspJKIjn.saSjjin raet—is the

    ooiiiing of the aututiin prAirie Jijoi^

    whic'j ao frfqugjit|y iiiaiiiiceli' tTieii-

    Btaoks andi!rii'«,'lple»» stock,

    their stubten' *nd cabintf, and even their

    lives. VVero-it not forituknown dan-

    ger and power nf havnc, this tempest

    and seonrKe of lire ivould be a speeln-

    ele of comniandini; force and be.iilty.

    First, yod willcaltli a glimpse of what

    ';0|^ take to be j;iay wisps of 'haze

    '^'yvay'.off.on the hmir.un; aud wateh-

    irig, you will, SCO these vagian.^ par-

    blAtM. ,irhel»nd;uairmtiieniilroida

    reriklBilht l(»ttda,of ipteulaMri, who'

    required the iai(l«r««t:itrea>li(>atlia

    uplumi Hgaiwjiiid iW'dry.igmiis; and.

    direbtiyit'gfiiiifia a balfnyfifall; thhikMrteilteitt;fiia'lhe flaiao teaB«'*trddfcii:^

    Iv atiit mrfflif •tfut"',:'«iviiyi'jj«#,.a«i-*a»'edR eaaiM)itarMUiMi|ool|ji|«attiii, rj-.i it ,;ii:— iwvayijihrfir, — ,«ra«i9«koit'ilili-i!Jrti*s\iv'«tilV

    6t thirty yards in widili, scr swift and

    Vpslstless is tin; monirulum : au'd as a'

    rule tliey are elVoctually stayed uuly

    when they reach a wide cxleul olplowml laud, and have to yield, sul-

    ilMuly, for lack uf anything more to feedtbeiriue.'corublo.Iur^l '

    II' lilt I ^^^^^gfi^^ig,^ , , , '



    LSpociul Dbipntcti to UieClnRiiiiiitti Kinjiiiri-r,

    Now Yprkj^Dccenihor.l)—Jolrti Sic-.Gviiy, Rt^id lil'tepn ol I'alersun, crawl-'tlA l tHlder't4ie' fpio oni ein'tilar sawfor sawdust. Tlio saw had been itbp.pod to nieiiil U>e le'li, and ilic iiiaii incharge not iioliciiig tljo boy starteiliheaawV The iiext miii'ulo ho aa^v ab*t fly from' under ' the 'Wule; ' Heslo{>ped' the- mtluliino and lookedundcri the table, and saw lho,:boywith his licad litcrallv suwud in twoThe saw bad run from near Iho baekof the loft car across Iho lop of theheadj down through the I'orchoud' bo-iltveen iheeyo and Iho nnso wltbbulinjuring Ilie eye-ball, and Ihrouu'li Ihenose, so llial one iio~li il was -.iiw edclear from Iho other. The taw pciio-Irnlod IhcVain aroiinn (liO bar to thedepth otfruui alio ami a half lii threeliiuhes- , -Tiiie ttity ro.lai.iul his eun-sciuusncas while lie was bein;; takento the uftleo of Hr. (iariieil, wlierIho scalp was sewed up. The plivsieiiin I'unlil see Ihe pulsations ot'llinbrain Ihroiigli Iho u|Nllllt)(. ,'i'hOi'laitHuid the pain wiis very groRt, buMlclefraiiied Irom eryiiig, and piucliudthe niiils ol his liatid iiito the palmsifut4l llie blood riiii. At Ihe Sl'ler' WKi able to lilt a ^p|>\lVO^(f, aud Ije tvaskept as qiijpt. pa posaiblq. lie Isyet alive mid cttiVaclons't'O HriihI. Thephysicians siiy>illftl II is a iiylrRclii'tlMiiho hda lived. ',-!i( llii- I hIuiu 11. jii f v,-:! r

    naBliiLi.,- I-n al^,' Il 11 i i-i

    »t.4' 'o*

    reilely at Ihrt: oiipltul." jHa)M>aiHha

    passtti^d h' Jolhll'dMKitfbrt'Al^d-

    journ lor a Christ iiina RotfflaV'^i 'tho

    lilth tnat/ nlid flio",'(iixBffl1^li^ipra

    couple of appoinlmcuU byiikg Sffifite,nothing apeoitilly < ndtcwortNy tiAi

    beort doiie 'bv 'Cdngreea. TIlO Wifeaa

    la to Inst nu'fir 'Ji hftd 'a (emalacalf every year for the paat 12 yean.

    Each of her calves commenced to

    breed when three yean old', all bear

    Ing female oalvei every year thoro-

    nfter. 'The aame rule hai attached to

    all the herd. Kono have died, been

    sold or stolen. I stopped oounling

    some llino ago. Plcaso tcll'nebow

    wnuy cattle 1 have got,''

    YotttCTdayi 'Soldmbn G!a«)t ouri, who has resided forseveral years ou one of ihona «reeka,

    never hna had a aingle eaie at fever

    and nguo in his tamily; while all hia

    neighbors Ifitye^ ko.qi) nwtre or. leaa

    nlTeclcd wtl1) It e'vie'ry season. IIo at'

    tribdtet li1i,tmn1unUy froni thls trou

    bicisome tbo ine of n good

    dre III hla bpa^e .OTory^ohilly and

    damp, fllgbt >. in.,jBiBmor and fall

    When llM, IndbUMteMoLAt .ulght orearly In the titorning in iwaiiipv re-

    gions tlieyoav^lw)iv4M«e«iKl lunutb

    wllh aombpart of their ginnents to

    warm the air' ^l^hliih Ihoy inhale,and this lhay ilty ^Hevonii ohiUi and


    full Details of the Count Uada \ij• tli9 QoTernoriftnd Couitoil.

    Auoc.sfA, December 17.—The fulldctaifs of ihe count iliade by Iho fiov-crnor and Council, show Iho I'PIIOw-lug results: Iti theBehntithe'ftli-,iouists me given 20 uielhbdrs i^MUe,Hcpnblicaus U (he Ilobse tho-rus-ibnisls oroglvenTg iiftd tho Itepnbll-ciius6f. Pivocities with 12 Ucpub-licaii Ucprcsenlatives, l'orilnnd,

    I lage aii4,(Uiraff o,||ef>^l*wer, ,L>-itpu, tftavpuugifrteiid ,\>r.A«,'

    "Ncv^r..,8iarry ijffliiey, y oiir ' wileniny bo 'ihiS best of womeu, bfilluaouie itpgnai^d'.'npnient, and pcr-hapa nli^yftilli^ avft in l^ot softest tones,

    she will liteviiably renilivl you of it."It la lrue every young -man should

    hope lo grid a fortune in his wife. IlsoDiiM be however, not in real estate,or ill bonds, or In bank aecouiils; butill her own p.-'opor, precious person.

    When R^og siiapaat a fly. that hasboch fooling arouii'd hIAl fbur or live

    hoiirs niid', ho fSela }ua( like

    a girl tvho pouri thn full tide of her

    niroctlons over n young man nnd aiid-

    donly diacovera thai it won't aoak in.

    was onlv

    when lie got to six ho wa-i smiey and

    inipniieitt lis itnvei'Uter could ije^niid

    iiow hu 'wifl stealauy'ibiiig lie ciih lay

    his'lur'ds on.''

    beilorJiiYnor |lujij|^^ie,JiiiA ffiiffji re-

    cently, for it ia quite ge^io^ijijllj^ jbe-

    li,...,.,l H,,.[ [l.n tr^. ..Ill tic'liinO

    "W'Ci^"V-'. i'*.'';'S''.R'j'l:K*.«i!il«'6'":''-ii'mn busses I he A riuy ou^t )b4!iP*'*|)artiiniia...,ll»-JiA^Mil Iwaye full eun-

    iriil uiiiUr .Meyi'ifi'^'^ fur;tjf0^ior Ua man of braii,vili'tli^'ifuiloa

    {tf ib|s uliirk|)hi|n ba"WaB4d uutiddn-slderanv of thein paid noooviling toIhcir g^^jifti-tb ut, .iU,UilO. Mr. I' l'vuquickly answered thul,.sp, |i^r iiuetyuliliksl[i^ih^thd''^Naf ipUiHtj- ufihB 4^()0OI>eMnp(nerit irttbil- 'brafiiowere already cnnvtorlably lillitU'led111 iHt uHieen. liaiHw wmtlc a poorinouili,A| ilii';.. iiiid ,uc|;^i,«adiili'i'j'c ofsi'eslllig Dcin'oei a'lic thuU|1o(', Gen,'I'oHi Vl'owiiic'; uf liidlniin. in' sjnuik-Iiig on the aaiiie qaekl'lo^, re'inki^Kvilthat Ihe scrr lirertir r -great many ofthe Sfntl'sWen iioi#'™m " t'dllgresawould bo dt-ar »tii.(3v6Mi'N^ ydnr,"Speak for yui>(»mlf,"#hq|rtqd.juni«ii-ber oil tlie.iUimillbliAaw aide. "1 dujpcuk for myself," ,)nRekly repliedTliomti*. And I lliiiik he J;iol;c Iho«ol(Mn»i truth, too.

    II is slated I Imt tlio tiupiTiiio CourtisaboiU Plitdv l» R i^WWitro n deeis-


    fy, {11 the weitern

    fliiaUar day a boy

    i'l^'ttlilg ready to

    l^ttii ^aa lying

    9,'i|ud Ihogrocer



    part lofWtHdaliy

    was bUyliVf«lM>f


    go lim'illH)r." Harotiud t>b'#^^,

    iicrvuusly reniarlju

    *'U«yii, Iii«'l»b, yWd>M$e onreof

    i: '/•'l>«.!>«ri «9ofl.l»>W«lu»U,bRr/«'el,

    nnd wont on tolling bow n)i)i)}-,^b-'bits hO" ina» i>i-la pifpiii) and pretty

    soon iit'ORuie iioitivAilling lo iin; llnor,

    "I loll.^oilvllnlt infbi'iial thing w illburl soBiu'of tt« yel!" exelnimed Iho

    grocer ns be jimiped a»ide, ami the

    boy leaned il agauist the counter ninl

    said h«i'd Uiiver like a back seal from

    n b^arjiqvpr.. As ho reached over tolook at sou,e bu':kshuc down luinbledIhe gun aud oil' went Ihe charge sciid-

    irtg about forty duck-sllot tiilu n tcii-

    gnllou oil-can in ^aii'gB,''

    There fl'i4'2oeiil"ytlIcd the grocer>ai hottanced nronud. •D),),,') |. |,>||y(H«,>ibitt,iBferiial gnu would gouft'!"

    11 fAnd'did lidoMy it?"piuiiipiiy res-tored ,'bp b,oj\,, "D9 you s'pose I 'mfool iin'ff lo go diit t(} hunt rabbllawith brass-knuckicit or a" bliiiu-ahoot-or?"

    —-'V i fj iiT iiiii -s

    r :iull!W|*. A ' I, '

    k is well koown .that in Americaeverythii% iaoiitttiteriUtud; the wood-

    en hums nlid uutuiegs sent from tboXuw l^liigland States arc well reinem-bereil. I'lggs aris now alsu eouiilei -

    leiled, aud this in.'inulaclory is earriiid

    out un a large scale, ( hi one side ot

    a laige loom the rei»)rter ^au ,^e\ i,'r(il

    inrgi) c

    slalcsiucu.lvbiA.'utH)e4l suddenly in-to ol(iivip,li,,le9ltil-pil,.^'u uue liightthis wtek. Tli'ere is nolbiiig wonder-ful 111 Jilts, c.vt-epl'thfit Ihe mcnlfon ofIlia r.nnio reenlU-lho fate

  • SUBSCntPTlON RATES-O40 cu|>) , DiH- u-iir. ill ai'vaiico

    I 00



    . 1879.

    "l.AWV i:iis.

    W\.nOnnWIN, Mluni. y nl l.uw, nnttd

    > l^urt Holiiw, with Ultlrr.

    Cll « liKii., Hila 8tm>, 0TwlM• IU|iM MOMOi

    W"~T"l'*riOX, M. 1> , oOliV Ho>itho»«lI MratrMookfllloiaii Vlrflaiii atrMU,

    P ^'J>BTUIUI,*aMBp ai*lra, oaxl >lg«r• WT*l*(r*»k*aca. MalolH.T u. AI.RXAIJji BaakMr'aar

    -BaakMr'a Uniiatan.

    MM K I^M.\UTi;ftralar) ll(>-parliiiriil. Vnrnl iiinnlr tri'f. 'flu' fnciill. Is'soal (u any lu Ilia Weak Si ikI Ic.r riiliiln^iic.

    U. I>. IJIl.TN r.ll.

    - H0PKIH8XJLLE. I^Y.r

    •~IIIIII>llt STUKBTr-

    II()^Kl.^•.•^vlI,l.I£, - . KY

    J. M. Hipkins Pro'p.

    nlwiiTii remly. Ilont* ftna Uitlea bougbl ftod««)uH-. ' iMitu-t tiiiii« aud nncQuimoUntlontiiki ii I), ti -kotk rnn Ih) iMirebn«ud at prln-cliuil oiUri-i' for nil tha pilHulnont4tpr\)ifMtKjHnmuuT lfS

    arer oCTarsd iw thia Market, and war-

    r.iuted Bnt-eUaa in eTorj ratpect.

    ilirayaBB-hBBl BtlowBBlKBdMt priee.


    IvUtur Ki'iitiiiKiaii;

    A well ui'!iiini7.c(1 nnd coiiductuilmillLir)' coin|ianv U l)uiU an onm-ine0 and prolccllon to a cily, niiilcan be tnaiiiiained by tliuiii wliliontli'uubleor oxpeiiie, A coinp iny waaoi'{{iiiil>,c(l here ioinc fuw weckn njjO,but tliey lliid tba^, upon nppllciii ion 10Adjutant Uonsral they can not ob->taina armi tVoin ttic !jlHlcni-aiiiry, un-Ims llicy nrc piovlilbd willi asnfeurniory by tlio C'liuiily cimh i, and rco.-oinnii'iiileiT liy (lie coiiiily juil(.'c iiiid

    llicii llivy will l>c forced lu jiiin ilic

    Stato Unard. Tho only bciidii de-rived from being Sinto (iiiardK wnuldbo Ihc f,'!!"') wliile llic coinii;>iiywould be oiil III the oxiiciisc! oriiiii-rormii, liio oxpoii«e ul iiuiuUiciiiri'

    a«.' ' Ifow">":Dear Slr;YotiBoMli*«t1|iiiM(.l8 re-

    ceived. : , ,riic Sliitc it not lyii\2 armn, ex-

    cept lo .Ibe, SiiUo Giiitrdi, I semi

    jtMi by.tlila' iphn n'eocy ol ibe llili-lary law.' inifitMilatlid rcqoirc-inenli of Hic law,.! ^RiiUlt hem anyinoj'c compiinioA, UAUl'llipy ah»ll liavcoliiiiiiii'd .1 Kuitnblo, mill safe armoryfioiii tlieConnir ounrt.and proiMirediiiiifnrnia. A ^ooii Stale Guard an ornnmnnl wid protection lo alowii, or cily, and M^M have llienpprnviil iihd siippnrt of • Mid Countyolliccrr^. I Ti'Olili) likc lolinve n ^'onil

    (yoinpauy at n6pkinsVillb,'akd Jf you•re iu> eaVneat,-Bndquircmonta,' lil HtitVyOii' wW^e re-ceived. Only Ifi Company's ol In-fiinlry are allowed, we have 12. VeryItotpcctfully, J. 1', Ni^ckoia^ A. U


    What a Hashvillo Colored lian



    ,1 .C STEBLE, ?ropri(ior.tmSITE COURT HOUSE,""-'lOWaVILLE.KY.

    fl 1 1 IIAB InolMdlnji Shpotlnc Outfit.

    mscRiFnoiT nm, Ftirlnf unefdrCiirrn) Ht'iiilntil W'vnkiivM, UnIMniiIio'Hi nnn iitl tllKonlpni hnniRliI oii hv liiillaI ;"lli-n t>r r^ri'jw. ,\iiv |Hiiifi;l- 1 lur; lli« |ni;re> 1

    'K^. \.l«litHi«. Ilr. U'. J f:K A I I"

    .. li.ara S X-IO i> m. ll.npm lOVOiMii... l.lJpin,. 1.4s pm,,. tMpm.'. riBpin...;pra

    . S.00 p m

    I; p p mIS.10 A lai.:io* m9.MI a IB>.9ft a m


    LOHVC NhsIivIHo....Arrive MfKmilo..

    ' SInrtlii" UbIud I ity," UeiiipblH.' .


    ^ Bk i.oula....

    t,IO p m, ll-Mpm

    . 4.Minn

    . t.M p m, i.atpn>

    0.00 H tnII. 10 a in1. Kl p infl.6S p inMOam

    ] Bi

    Pol Ihfbruatloii, mtaa andMm* taklea oalltin or addrcaa

    AV. T. MARCH, Ticket Agent,

    N. 0. * 8tr I^. R. B.. Naahvilla.


    Gonaial Pawonger •mlTiekot Agent,Nashville. Tenn


    nud everrtbing in tJila line mads onprompt notioa at

    Bottom Figfnres.

    Will take plea«ara In makisg bids on

    Building oakri3t}

    Bad watraotittg for bnildiag.

    The LateK

    employed, and all my woikineii iiavodevoted tbeir ontiie liveH to theiij re-

    Kpectivo trades and guarantoo alLnrork.

    tu bo tlie IcHt,

    1 uln bolore tbo psblio in a strictly

    buHincs."! ligbt and am prcpnvod to

    Challenge aU OowpeUtorg.

    O* tho 12th of Doc,Scar Cadiz,Mi'K. Jeaaio SboltoB, tlie 4i«l(tved wife

    uf GeorgoJ||^t09^,in. tlie Uri^ar olber ago, ' '-'Ah'i',' . ' •-,, ]

    ^iM*r ' ShelUtn, p^TOaMAcWh inCbriaidnring'avinQtinRrhqil uy Dr,J. ll. «[*ii(!ei',^iWt 1877 ill tlie pince

    nf b?r birth, t'adit, Ky.Never slinll we foifji-t the iirigbl

    loook iijion her fnci> whil^t kIio wnsbeing lea!« no,calm- 'imniedlately'i a*ddnd 'yan that

    jfou do nbt so' fti'nch a«' mins the tick-

    ing of yonr watch in yonr pocket,

    there Is no breath of air stirring, and

    the Kun is sidling, and tliebeavmis

    above you are bine nnd plaei 1. IJnt

    llic slilliius.s will he broken .soon,

    riie oni;iniuii;4' I'luinl is only a few

    miles away now, anil you can easily

    traeis «koi«aai-lM land teivMo energy'' a


    its ''Wai«!»"WW''«fciok* befeimi. to ilnrl

    your' eyes, too.'ind the heat bctWhies

    iieavlly 't)ppi'fl((jT|?o;, And ibeu, nil at-oncp,

    ,t.*yj wiii'd hini(cs and 'fita;:;gers

    yojj, that appalling rosv deafen.s yon!

    md tho Kun is blotted ortt, and yon arein .a diirkneaii aa of a aiidnigbt M'itb-

    ont.moon or star. It is an e.xpiM ieiuie

    of but a d'i;^i'n seeonds iir so, this sod-

    den :plniiL,'e iiil'i dnrkiiefi.s, ihongh it

    Hcciiis a;, linnr, and whou ynii look out

    again, yon Iin I that the live has pass-

    ed yon a mile or more lo "yo«t Vi^ht,

    and still rollibjg detferatjefV ^p^bM;and there iii fts tVaeV.ji™ chunim nndi

    'iluoldering staekii, 'nniVjiil 'ti^pa-

    sioiinl bouse artaiiie and tulleiiiig fo its-

    fall, ond lygcoup of niun and liova beat-

    iug back the outer im9 pf ,lhu.liro wilJibrush nnd old eloutaa, fnd souding

    forward litlle counter-lireR to imict it

    and if jiossible to kevas 'atyedclear from tbo ullicr. The saw poiio-ti'iitod tlielii'ain nroiinrt Uie ear to Hie

    depth of li'oni one and a Iialf to threeliiuhei^(>>J '.oi! : \. -

    Intoaded sm^ntAlAwjvt'

    An old lidy walked into nla.wyei''sollice 1,'iloly when tlie t'oliowiug oun-versui ion look plane


    Ij'idy— Sijuiro, I e.iUed lo sec if youwonld like to take this ho; mid make

    a lawyer of liiiii


    Lawyer—"The iioy npiienra veryyoung madam ! how old ia bo?""hndjl—^Sovhii ybal's sir,"

    "Ijiiwyer— nil Is loo yoniig, de.oid-

    odly loo young. ll,avo vou no boys


    I,.iidy—"0, ye.i I h ive several ; hul

    wo l|'ivn noneliiiied to make farniersofitbo atbors;'I.told the ultl man tlinl

    t. tKdn|;bt, llilk little' Iclloiy wtfnld

    ^m'ltl^i' p first-rate lawyer, so ,1 called

    tq,^)i^0.l( yo^ would lake liiin.

    Lawyer—"No iniidntn he is looyirting yetlo coninieneo Ibo' study ol

    a profession. But Wbydo you thinkIbis boy any lietler^ cajoulHled lor n

    sr llni,i vn„p nldf>,> aoiia?*'lawyer It'iaii y'ou'r oTdcr sous?"'

    Lady—'-^Wby, you sQe, sir lie jsjustfivou years" oln tp'-ilny. A^'lieii ho', )'.'iTi Tjj luni-.t 1., ,, ,,, . ' ,was oniy jflvo bed llo likcliT— I;wlie'i'i *p^^fii t'o'stjc'bo'Was saiibir'and


    Ijow I|o,'wi(rs'ienjiinylbing lie ciin lay

    hts'han'ds on,'' ' ''

    Not That Siad of a Gun.

    Jietroit I'roc I'riKa.

    In a corner grocery in the weslcrii

    part of '1110 cily ibo other day a hoy

    was buying shot and getting ready to

    go biinllng. Mis old gun was lyingaround rather loose, and the grocernervously remarked : :


    ' Iioy, I wish you'd lake oaro ofthat gun— I'm alraid of an accident.The l^uy i,lood it against a barrel

    and wont on tolling how inai|y rab-bits ho» weant l»ii«pfer,"niid |>rettynoun iA'OBUte itonii, Dulling to the floor.

    "1 loltyonvtimtliilbi'ual ibing will

    UurlsoBiaiof «»S'yelil!',i«B«laliu«d the

    grocer,«(jumi>()4iBsite,' aud-ibe

    bay lei^QMliM agBiBi



    (jii»«initfttitiil< .-.7.r. .i:^is'!!^?';f,^i.'

    dniios of Ihe War OIBuc.' Th)j|,,ifillput 'irri '

    'In »

    bellor,liiyiior {ban he Jiiis,

    }fi:^i ru-

    ceiitiyi for It is 'inilc gfJLCLi'u||j[ [be-

    lieved tbuub&^sutiUCMt'ii" be'liirio

    mure lliiui a,chief nl|»|'k^Mib'le'6hcr-

    uinii busses the A I'luy Oil), th« r niysell," meeklv reiilleilThb'niliil', And I think bu spoke Ibu«olonm'lriith','to»H'i

    II is slated ihnt llialHliiTr«mo'Cofirtis alHiul read I Kafniiimiili n a dei i.-ioii .1:, to the i oiisliiuli,uiiiiU|;(, of tho

    Feilcrtil t'lCclVoii laws, nnd riolhiiigbearing upon them - win' bO thkcn upin Congress i^Ilt''bi'er rCsumubi,s pi»nc. Jii (art il is tmmorcd thatbis rcsigiialioii ha.i U'Cii loudcred.and that Mr. Uaycs ban oll'ercd Ihovaeani jiliice lo .s:rii:iti)r Fdiuunds,Tliev dCilv ihls ftl beaduiiarturs: uev-eroi.MesS W !««rtMrty''"bWeVid.,t>buuld Me.iElmnnfaaikB WiBMVonthe honeh, the election laws aiul nilthe uthi;r p.utiwm Jegislatioii ot tboKepiihliean parly w;onld be .RUflaiii-inl. ll'tvoniil b6 an nniisiial thinglor thO'ts^nste lo refuse lo coiiflrni a,pi'pinjntiil SrnnlorappbbiKM'ttt (Vbyother oflico, bt.l I i-cally do tidtlseohow a lJcmoii'u'jaSiHutt*


    UOPKINSVILLK, UKC. 23, 1879.

    fM For AaaoTiBoing Cudidatis-For ClKult Judire $10Vtor Uommunwoallirs Allorncy.. 10

    All annniiiicGmciita mufl bo pnidfar 111 ailvniH'o.


    FOR caicrrr jrniiE.

    Wo nre miihnrlzed to riiiioiiiiccCol U a. STrriiT, of ('lirisliim coiiii-tv. « enmlMiiic lor ilic olficc ofC'ii -

    ruit Jnden iii (lie 2hiI Jii'liclal eieetioii Aaguil 1880^

    roR cnMUOilWULm's ATTOHMCT.We ore nnlliorizcil to niiiionncR,

    lion. ,Iiis Tl. (j.anictt ofTri(;;iBlalnrc. lint hereby lianjrs

    the lalo. Ill llioir palmy days theyliaii p issod a hiw making It the dulyof llic Ciovernor and Counoll to coniit

    tlie Toto. These gentlemen proceed-

    ed to do IhU i)«onIiitg* to law, but

    the Republican* mised a howl of des-

    pair, knowing ilieir wlekodnen would

    be found o«C. An. cppeal wa* made

    to the Roort*, which decided that

    there WM u» tew to allow (hem totamper with th*returM. The eonntwent ahead and all town* where fraud

    or leehnloal error* were fowyd werethrown out, and tN reeult was thatthe logislntum I* reieued from the

    Republican* alter all. The vote nowstands Pn^lonislg 30^ Republicans II,

    in Iho Senate; >iid in the House the

    KuiiunisU 7S, niid tho Republicans

    CI. Twelve dltlrlcts are without

    represcnialioii. Ccrlificalcs of Hec-

    tion have been issued atid the le^iHln-

    lure will bo oi'v'anized according to

    the count of the Governor and Coun-

    cil. Uelribulion lios orerlakcn them

    and tliey must fall by the very lawsthey passed looppress ihe Deniocrnts.

    It ill BiioMier case similar to that

    where tho fraudulent President bmi

    \iU incsenge stolen, as n ju»t reward

    of his crime in stealing tho office.

    I ho amount of pensions pafd byllie (rovernnicnt annually is over183,000,00(1.

    Tho Democrat says the populationof Maylield lias increasod from 700 toS.O0O iu (en yoar*.

    Ilon.Sam'lE I'erkius, Chief Jus-tice of Iho Indiana Supreme Court,died onthc 19tli.

    An eichanirc says Unit there are189 bankers and bank slock holdersin IheMlh Congress.

    MTr. J. T. Ilolliirjrer, of .MayHeld isgoing to erect a new tln co story hotelnext year at that place.

    -Vahone, tho Repudialionist, liasbeen clccle.l lo the Sonnle from Vir-Ktnia to mi. , c,-,! U iihoi-^.

    Garflold will succeed Thurman.lie has l)cpii n nicinbor of Congressfor twenty conscnilive years.

    Jno. I.owder, ol Owensnoro, savsIhc Examiner, l,ns named a now nddi-tibnto h is f uiiiiy TiMen linom."

    (»nc of the beaulie* of llie law isthat a man can prove anything liewants to wlmilipr ii is tme or not.

    The new l>orno>:ralu"uil,|,tureof Ualno will liavo to 'elMt • Gover-nor and • BMMtor. Good bye Ham-liii.

    Scymonr don't want tho Democrat,ic nomination. He must have beenMsoeiatiug too intimately with Hen-dricks.

    An exchanjje says Hon. Osenr Tur-'icrand lloii.Ja*. A. MoKeniie archoil. sick at Washington, tho latterwith chillR.

    Did you ever notice iUm'u iherc is'"'.vniinj? in a ).apor that a womanouyht not to see that it the tint thiuanhclinds?

    -Vr.J. S. Stanley ha* (old his in-i< iesiln the Adnirville Senllnel to-Vr. n. II. Brown, and retire* fromthe newspaper business.

    pan. Rice, the famous circus manhas been convened under Jfoody'slireacUinj-, and annonnccs lliat he willtake the licid as an cviin;.'p|is(.

    The Doniocrat says Triiis will meet119 at Iho lino when wo go to buildthat road to Cadiz. What ha* bO'come of Cole's prcipnsilinn anyway?

    We will have a Christinas tree atthis ofllce all this week and next, andcordially invito all who owe u* tocomo forward and hang their pre*-cniB upon it.

    The Trigg Democrat, in a columnand a half article declares for Ran-•-»•

    .—The Bi-eckinridsfo News says Judge

    M. C. Givens, a caiulidate for CircuitJudge, lias di-i(|ualifiod himself for

    the office, and violated tho law to theextent of bribery, by olTeri .ig from thestump :to perforin the duties of tlicofTico for a less amount than the siilory fi.xed by law.

    SIATJi NfWS-p. -*

    t "l.n.hia Spectator:—B. F. Elliott,the only living bmtber of the late.judge John H, Blliottt, isnowserviiig a term of four month* innirison-ment in the Covington jail, havingbeen recently convicted in the UiiiteilStates (Vnirt at that place on a chargeof niakiug ..niwiishine" wiiiskey inone of the inonntain connties.

    Hortford Herald:—OiHjd Bennett,jr., icpnrts that of 74 school chiMrcni'l his district (No. 91) every sinj^lcone is enrolled and several day scholarsbesides. This ceiininly is n fiiie report.

    Tlie (*rant lionin did not extend toStanford. Only four went to Louis-ville on bouin day, and they were Re-publican*. ^

    A colored feinslo forger has beendetected at llardstoivn. Her name isTillie Tewe.'!, ami she loved moneynot wi**l]r, bat tn-ell

    Jannery lat Col. Larai* Thoniaswill begin the publication ol a nowMasonic Monthly, to be called theGavel. It will call all the mwon*from labor to refreahroent.

    The Interior Journal favor* thewhipping poet a* a meaiia of rodncingthe number of oonviota. It prupoiesto inxke • theft of $50 pnaishable aspttit larceny l»y stripe*.

    Joe Clement wa* drowned at EJdy-ville last week.

    Conductor Nupler had his leg runover atUuwliuK Grreu by the car.'uilty olmanslaughter and senlcnctHi to tenyears in the penitentiary, Monday.

    Claik Democrat,— Let it bo knownto the i:rvdit of Claik Uciuucrats that

    not one ol them went to see Grant atLouisville.


    The bright, balmy days are past


    the beautiful warbler* have- soughtanother realm. The woods aredreary, and the tender twi;ood hand.* and the publU can be as-sured of a good house. .

    Messrs. Stark and Jamison haveeach eompteted a Miee stora hoii uSvr tlm u-nie\juasuranm', an*) t-aii furnish tht* ni'iat ri-tia-bletntlmoBialf from pcraoM wbo Itarr iimc€ii r^ltfrnl. Trice fiOrtx. por l^.ttU-.Foriialeby K. II. Hipper A Oon*, llopkium-villc Kv., Jdho U. Parltf * aoM wboelrirleagent C'ini'iQaatlUhio.




    MAM *T., (onoom ooowaooiB.)oi|waiMViui.s«.

    KrsiiFcltiilly Invito the pulilir !.i ihcir

    Tonsorld Parlor,promlslB* to doSnAVIKU, II,aiR CtJTTl N t..!iHA>mX)IM(j In lh« most ucfllei.trie. Jrni. 10, 'TH. I y.

    WASHINGTON, D CThis popular hotel has been enlirc-

    ly refitted, having acconiniodaliom.

    for .KK) gnesis, and will coiiliimc lobe Ihe only lirst-class house in tintily at moderate rates. Tt rmsper day. F. P. HILL, Proprietor

    Ftm OmlbBs It DcpotH.Oct21if.

    $2:000mm f^'^iMAK.rt West fiU. Mftdi*ou*lnd.


    SairVigoVjFDR RESTORING BRAY HAIR TO ITSNATURAL VITAUTY AND COLOR.It is a most agreeable dresslnR, which

    I' nt once ha.Tnhiss And eCwclnai, forprescnlng the bair. It restores, withthe gloss aud freshness of youth, fadc Oout» PUS^ DlwrtM •! tboDlaortet*

    Uver, and all ntlier disMaa* naoltiatfrom a disoraered state at Ih* difle*llTeapparatus.

    As a Dinner Pill tlicy bars to eqnal.

    'Willie itrntle tn tlieir action, tliM*PiLLt) arc the moftt lliorungli and scarcb-In^ rutliiirtio that ran Iw einploycit, andii-^xt r pain unlffls the IjowcN areInflaiiLHl, ami then tlirir iiiHuence is lii-al-

    They sliuinUt.' tht' apiH-tltc and(ligp-ativu oreiui.i; rlipy oiu'rat.' tii purify

    and enrich the Itlood, ami inipurt r. ui wcilbaalth and vigor to tbe wliolo sysuiu.

    Prepareil by Dr. 1. C. Aytr & Co.,Practical and Analrtlcal OlwmItU,




    Hu iMnn In

    f ODStuil uo bjr U><pnlilic for owr Iwmlj

    y«ftn, and Is the tM-nt

    preparation rvrr lii-

    T«Bt«AND LIVE. yII anpplln tbo •*>- ^

    •al UmA mmt «al«r !• Ilwkair ifcais witkaat•eUalivtkaaklB. msmiMTMiw and thickon SboKTowth «r tlM hair, pr«-vent Its blawMay aadikUlac m&, mm* Ikas

    >AvmKt mtunmm. jlaeuM Itcklna, Erap-^

    DUaSIKO Itla vaiy itaalraMs, atvtaftkaholraallkoB softaawwhlah all admlra. IIkaapa Uw haad si sea,sweH and h«ali]iy, j





    of Mass.








    Dend ita* a


    in mcue.

    WHISKERSwttl rtiitii|:«> Ih* iKvml to a BROW3Inr UL^CK nt dlMmliuti. Helnir InOM prt'iMiraMon Jt in rfiKlly »pi>ll«sl,and iirodiim a pfniuuicut color

    that win not irftHh olT.


    t'IiKI-Al:EI> BY

    R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, ILIL80U by ril IMsn is IMUn.

    The best mmDiseases of Ibe Ttifoal ail Lqii£s;«^l^ I>iM0«»S of thSTlYERS puln'ouaiy ec(aiia

    arc .sonrcT''.l, tWa mtfpandr« lt;»lilp n'mody fcirtliiMu is iiitali|,ihlo

    too\'eryconii!mniiv.Avxirs CiiKiiavParmK^i. is nnch aramady, and noother so eminentlymerits tho court,dxiico o( tho public.It is asclonllHoeoiiHjbinallon o( Ihemmll.eiiiat pilaelplea and

    . etMohally aoliod,*o lorara Uie gnat-

    estpossDilcefficlennraiHlanKoniiitrorro-siiltji, which enahlof physidans aa well asInvalids lo «se it with coulhlenrs. It Isthe must rellabi* reini'dy tor dlsrast-.i olthi: thruat and lafeKS that science has nm-uiicmI. ItstrlkMatUwfOniidatlunnfallpiilinonar/ iUsomcs, affonliiiR ucoiiiiitand certain relief, ami is aila|>lnl In ].».ticiits of anv ago nr citlior Ili'liigVMy .palatabiB, the yningest .-hildrenUke H without dilMriilty. In tliu Iroal-rosnt ol r.r liinrv CourIis, Coltis, SororhroHt, Kroiii-lilils, liilIiieiiZH, Clnr-»'!'n!''"»nd Analytical CI.eiaM*,

    Lowell, Ma**.tout n lu. aaaaaiais vmsTviBBa.




    N. Tobln, - . • Prorrietor.ljuod roomt^ fpod wrvaaU, unil Dining'

    room supplied with everything tin inarkct af-fords.

    Ittif S|icciHl nrc4)minodaUon«for Comnter-

    I Tr.-irclcri.,^ lllfohl m

    S. D. BANNA,IwouU rasjivctrully call tlio at,tontiuii uI'iIk' fariiuTs In tin' fiirt iliat I will Imre ell kiniU or

    -FARMING IMPLEMENTS, M««Steam Engines, Local and Traction Seperators, Reapers cr d Monrers


    Twine-Binders, Hay-Kaks Sulky PlowsSteel Beam Plows, ('liill Plow

    AND TUB CELEBRATEDWalliiug ("u Uivalois,

    Bu&keyeForce Feed DrillyTIIR FARMKR'S FAVOUtTE,


    Anla full liiip nr MarhliiM, an.l wUlciulivivor l.ikc«|inonohul tho l>e«l. Ina Idllion Iu IUI« I will hrivi' hi llir il. l.l n ilici idsss niierlrae.0.1 Mvi iinia>

    . \i ho p Hiuvial IiukIiii'M will lie lo irimlr, and |iiil In ilmi-clnM nuiiiiiixunli r, ,*wlJlow<

    .ni i 'vi rloiulaii.ioxaniian ttieii niaehiiery, andWwbailJniivdn^ |ir»lj>wl~«llli ilm~HorviiVar~'nxt^^^ BtBrklaas'

    n>>iRii repair, iu rjalinew for tb« ea«ln* mMoa. This U a l|ic^

    >ur»lsio aoi oltancnl on, unless »« hare, •rlltaui onlfi* aol In lamrr, bIiothM

    Not I» I)'.


    (r•1 i.ili.itl Wi ak-

    «;Tnii«.iMiilu u. I|tt|m.*i l»'> . nnlt park*.vi>- flit i.r will i». M'lii tn* Vi mallaa

    I nMrl|it(if Itii' imiMt l.\ Bil.lrrwlsu


    1llt:i.ll«V MCllll IXRHI.1 >.i 111 Mr, h.niirf- lllui k, l»iakln«tlll« br all ilrufilita

    Arhar Prl>r. UulsrIII*. «holeaii| to llie liiK^H-clion ami tiali; ..f Toiiai-co.

    LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON TODACCO IX KVKKV WKDNKsnAV. .-i Iv:iitoW will 1..- i,|.iir..l :ii i.» n. r.i vi.. ,,-,.. y.; 1,,' , n .tal^ .i. '. .I.iii vUliir inaiiroil alM II lu n.'r> t tiiinMii will t«e nubl al ri«k of tbc oarer.

    UKLiEF ron TUB fiumuiiiot

    |Sr. T. T. Bradford's( ruK i"i)u

    Rheumatism, Oont ud annlgia.

    111. M- ii.iiiiini ttlnfairs ai» nlinnl smI .'.•I11..I Kli. ii ,Mri uMirf |>ls>ll ori liilliio fill .. I.jr llrT.T. Iliailliinl'ii r»««»;uilnniil ifiiinh. Wbi olM Ihr nffli, ml >i,err

    ( wheu vuf b a vnlimlilii n-n'Mi i-«ti u hsil uiUlOMMlltaialHf mil, I ri !• |i, r l.iUI. • HrlirU ilainfMu- \i.,i iii.,A«r .lailt bt«Ma«araor. . '.-fiiiiii. nu.i ,„..„ .liOlcaUlit (»it "I iMSftrwJHiBtrrlii-i. II nui II r.i.,i,.i, i.rnr*. raMtf lanr>hjr Ikr |.r ir Hr. T. T. IIK.kDroiKAuauMa. Ki. 1. 11 Silo by I. II. lleMil


    »«t. iio|ikiii.,iik. Kt.•••r^"


    OffAftrSTOURUkKOXrwX} TKB WOXU. I li. 11 1' II uiiiBri UmT lo klUilinlibiHi.ii.i.i. iiiu 1111,. tiM (biiu with UulniM

    jitrl .i l.ii:., iTlirnlbor niriin« nii imlM.n. snn If

    Inorlotlly umUI. V .sulil l.i * til l R.

    ]NhK, snti a iionuini'St vtttt cunrsnltW la

    Itnry caso. «.

    E W. GEOVE,

    ' Minrtotitrer and Proprietor.•A HID, TW».

    anp sa.8ni.

    SPIOML OPPEIt-ToanrBiM Who aubecrlDM now, and _

    m*UUim wHI aond /YQyY^.^aMiiarrHHQ^twwtt»tFAMILYX

    Vol. 58.Elegantly


    Ill 1.^ to ajljiiii talfai.t ..[ u.« Trade. Ulustra-.1-. nb>i.r-a l-raotiral UlMr

    1 ..*'!>; '"lio. alwrsssBiaa

    '.'.'.'.U'^i' A< ' roM A LrRR DmiU i?Mo*"

    ' '• A»«ni«.«|Slir

    •il. «l lri. *0' •\\ lllor. |irlru »0.-.l

    tfl n n wooli in your iwn town. Terms nniliP y WontOtfriio. AUdruu tl. U.ti,LETr ftCi V jrtlaa I, Ualiitt.

    572A week .|1 a .tay at bnme easily maiio

    111 1 freo. Aililmis Tara ftAngnstn , llnlno.

    \iy\ J-'U.OwiiiolaKtHbirlllo.' -iiTJIa^i Mmw««.s»i|wjire>|i

  • m lOUTH MNTUBKiAII.II0PK1M8VILLB, DBO. 23. 1879.


    Mrt. J. W. Ltuder reluriiejl fromcSrulean Sprliigi yMierdajr.

    Ml'. C. A. TliompNn l« abwnt, InQuiiicy, lilt.

    ItoT. N. iMy, of Mftdlwnrilte, «uill llio clly SiiiKlay,

    M. W. (ii'Uiiiini left fur llio SuutliUiit week to vidilliU fiuilily.

    Mom £lb ami Jim CubtiiiM re-titntd (Mm LouUvtlle TuMdajr.

    Ur. m4 Un. A. O. Doiilai ImveUkMi roomi it Ilia Phoaiilx Ilotol.

    Mita Kiln Rirli:iiilHuii, oi 'l'\\tg

    county, wa< lii tlie clly oiio liny Uat


    Un. Anule Dakar, of DallaTlRw,waaintbo eilylha latter part of iiicweek.

    Mr. PalMcr nartaaau taught a data

    .In vtnal nttuie at Hm CoMege laitwaak.

    Mr.nob't Liicai, or Trigg coiintr,

    wat at tha I'lHeiilx a day or Iwo la«twaak.


    Mr. 0. Darka Taylor, orLpniirllle,

    liaa lakan a poaltlon with Orar ft


    Mill Jennio Uordon of South Car-

    rdioii, U vUillng tha (imilly of Mr.Ji.o.OTerdilii5R _, ^ , .^^^

    ltd. Jae. K. Jarap ratamed Salnr-

    4ftr nrom a weak'* vlell to har daagh-

    tar at Clarktrilla.

    MMin. Cril IlncvoD, C. \Y. Woreanil Marcelliia (.iravct, of Trenton,

    were lu (he city la«t week.

    MIh Kata Adkarcon, of ToHdcovnty, will ha a gnaet oi Mrc. Butt

    during the Clirlalniai.

    MIm Sallio AdlteriHin loarei lo-dayferharhoinn In Italliarrurd couuty,

    Teaii.| to raicain for a week.

    Mr. B. M. Salaam or Barilogtot..|mM MS aalllaet FHday and ro-Mawad hi* Mbecriptioa

    ied.Oaok ralaraed ftroaiJaekaott,

    Tena., iael week, where he ha« been

    fur lainallne on buaiiiea*.

    MIh I>*li« lltrudoii, a vivaciouarouiiK lady from Kenton eouuir- i«

    vMUag Mli* Uaoita Jeeap.

    Mr. T. R. Haaeoek, af Kew York,wrlved laat wirak aad ipoal aeveral

    dayi.wlth hU Meaila In thia city.

    Mill Pitanie Joiie«,ot CadU, tiaaaed

    tklMgh Ik* ally Thuraday e« roato

    twt MadlaMhffiUt I* fliU Mtade.

    MIn Diiia Given*, a pupil of Prof,llaal't, lelt for her home in Provi-

    dence laat week lu apciid the Imllitayi.

    Mil* Ilia Morrison, of Poinbrokr,

    waa la tha clly latt week for aoveral

    daytthaguealor Mitt Uiania Laa.


    Mei«ra. T. U. Orlnlrr, Tlioa. JatT

    oraou, W. It. Peal and Krank Dabney,

    orCadU, were aiiiuiig tha vitltora to

    tha city laat waak.

    MI*eJ«aiitoBall,»eharmlng belle

    ofTaddoounly, telha KuattoT Mra.

    Aberaalhi^, and wilt raaitla durins

    the Cbrlalraaa.

    Mlaaea SuKie.loiira nml Klla lloi

    kina, or Kniiiienco, Ky., are Fx|iccled

    to arrlfo lo-inorrow lo apend the

    ChrMaaa wlUi Miaa MtMia iaeap

    MIu Carrie MoOotebeon, who la•(tending Bethel CallrK^ will retani

    to Iter home iu Aiibtirn, lpy on Chrlatmat

    morning. Mr. Howe la receivingnow good* on every cxpresa train and

    In thit way will keep hia stock well

    up, 10 that peraont delaying their

    purahiiet until Ihe last day before

    Chriitmat will haTo a* good a dock

    lo *eleot from a* tho*e who havebonglit early.

    Bnrned to Death.


    Charlie Lacy liaa bouglit Ihe

    Phoeoix laloon ftrom Mr, Qrittam.

    Dr. Orijr wilt- laka poeeeitlon of

    the Cooper Hoaie, January lit.

    Next week will be moving weekwith niniiy of our cltizein.

    I'he Chrialniaa tree at Delloviow

    will be well attended from tht* city.

    Wonder If Adam and JCTe will bepertonated Friday nljrht.

    Walil't Jewelry boiMai* tha atlrao-tion oflhecily.

    Wahl Bella jcwulrr oliofiper limnany liouae in the city, and you cap re.

    ly on what he *ayi at regardt quality.

    Dead tha article outheonttide re-Itting to the Military company of theciiy.

    The aingte croaalngt on Main ttreetarc being taken up and replaced bydouble onca.

    The grand innaqueradc snrial at Mr.i

    Fox'a Kri.iay night will be the "big-

    gest Ihing on Ice."

    J. C. Hhaiinalian hat in{>vad hia

    boot aliop lo the room oTar Iha oldbarber-ahop of Pool Jt tiny.

    Col. Cooper hat rented the Mont-gomery houae and will uao It tolodge aoma of hia boarder*.

    li'iuN : To the wife of .Vr. WallaceKnibry, (inrretlaburg tbia county a

    Bon, Hugh Cooper.

    M. Scliniitt it tearing down theold, and building a new front to hia>|Mp on Bniaellrllle ttreet.

    nenF(''1toper,6ur carrier, will be on

    hand with hia anntrnM^raatpaVlewTear'a day. Kcmerober to tflftr ibn acoiitribiitioii.

    'liliC oollogct will aojourn to-mor-

    row for liolidaya and Ihe young ladleawill go homo lo (CO thoir nolhcr*<and aweelliearlt.

    Jfr. Weill ihajaweler baa one of

    iha mo*i beauiltnl and allraetire

    *bow wladpartia lha dty, Jt||mkea look at It a* yon pan.

    Voungmen your aweeihearta arelooking for nice zinaa prcaenia, to

    pleaae them call^ at Wahl'a Jowalry

    houae and make your purobaaea.

    We will have no paper next weakbut we promite to give our readeraone llie rullowiug week nade up enlireiy of local nawa and lallere.

    TbaBiblaDapoaltoryefIha county

    hae bean ronqrad fh>m 8. II. Tur*nar't loiQray k Bueknar** drug ttora.Bible* «f allklMt ara cold veryeliaap.

    Ura.Canipbcll ft Willtam'a the dent-

    lata, hare removed lo the now roomon the corner of Maln;tiid Rusicll-

    ville over the bank. TUelr looma

    are Ailed up in elegant alyle.

    The Maaquerado tocial will bo a

    grand alhlr. The young gentlemen

    aay no one will be aspeeted to attend

    wiikoui a r.tutuM*.,TbIa rola ebonid

    be enforced and atcry penon *om-:palM to wear a adMniaa^rMbatort

    Meaara. Winfrco ft Hart of Catky

    will open an agricullural and aeed

    •tore nil llio curlier of Naalirllle and

    Va. fclifcla, Jan. l»l. Tliey are gen-

    llemi'ii of well known buaineta qual-iflealidii will merit a liberal pat-

    ronage li om the public.

    Meaara. Gray ft Moodic two cnic r-

    priaiiig young gentlemen orKuirvicw

    have aliened u drug alure nt that place,

    and will keep a good atock roiislnnllr

    on band. They have engaged an ct-

    perienced druggiat who will carerullycompound all preacripliona. We iruattheir eutarprlae will -prove lucrative.

    Meter*. M. W. Qrlitam and NatOallher, will o\w\ a large grocery

    etiabllahmeni, iu the comer room of

    Henry block reoeutly vteaied by Mr.

    Heiidortou, about the flrtt ofJanuary.

    They are gentlemen of mean* and ex-

    perience and will keep on hand the

    nioa exicnaive atock of tajr kOMa cftlie kind in the clly.

    Tlio leap year parly la the princi-

    ple topio of converaalloii. The young

    ladle* will aeud tlie carda and escort

    the young gentlemen lo Ihe partr.

    No young gentleman will be expect-

    ed to attend without a aperial liiviia-

    tlon unlet* be hat company. If it

    happen* to be a "backy" night tha

    girl* will know .bow to aympatbiia

    with Ibo boya.

    Uulhcl Female College will adjouru

    tbeachool In-morrow for the holldaya

    and re-aaaeinbled on the following

    Weilncsday, I'ror. Ituat kiiidl]' al-

    lowed aaalcct number of young gen-

    tlemen lo call upon lus boardora last

    Friday night aa a pletaant prelude lo

    (he Chrialmaa pleaeuroa. Ilia achool

    la known a* one tlio beatiu the Stale

    and the Prof, it not *o *trlot after ell

    Ao orgtulcatlon of the Oulldingand Loan A**oelatleo wu affected onFriday at Ihe meeting held for that

    purpoae at Ihe Bank of Uopkinavllle

    The following directory were choaen


    Jaa. A. Wallace, Proel.

    J. D. llnaBoll, of Jones .fe llnsBell.

    V, J, Browi.ell, of 111 ownell, Orr

    ft Co.

    Win. S. Davison, of CJaiit & Dnvi-Bon.

    F. U. Dryer, of Cross, Dryer ft Co.

    Lnndoa ft Clark were aelcclpd mftKoriieys. The auccon of ainiilar

    nBeoci.'lions in adjoining lowna and

    the character of the board of diroelora

    warrant* u* In taying that tlila asso-

    ciation will t>o boueSciai to the eiiy

    and profitablo lo the stock holders.

    Peraoni deelrliig Information can

    call on Mr. Jame* Wallace, at tlie

    Bank of lIopklntTlilo, or Judge

    Landei, who will take pleaeuro In

    explaining tha worklug* of tb« aiio-

    elation. Book* will *oon be open for

    ilook, of which duo iiotloe will be

    given. The object of the aiaoclallon

    is to aid ilH mcnibcra is: pryciiring


    A* our boy* will take holiday nextweek, wa will not i*ana a paper. Wedont Ilka to ml*4 gatling ent onebut uot only the reaton given above

    but other* al*omakelt imperative.

    It will ba neaaetaryfor a* tq olote upall of the bntlnett of the preteut year,

    and we could not do thIt and edit tfiepaper at utnal. We will endeavor lohave an extra budget ofnewe lu the

    next i**ue and make amend* lor the

    omi*tlon. Withiug ail of our pat-

    ron* ind reader* a thrice happy and

    merry Christmas we bid you adiou

    till III e opening of theNew Year.

    Vora to OomipoBdrati.

    - We want t« **y a word to our cor-respondents at the close of the year.

    We are proud or our reporter*, theyarc ihc very lire of the South Kkm-

    Ti'i'XUM. More than one person lias

    said In subscribing, I want your papor

    bocause it gives good substantial

    county news, in addiilon lo Ihe City

    gossip. Wo have received invalua-ble BBsialnnce in fiiiniriliing news for

    Ihe people, from •'SbortfcUow" nt

    Clinrch Hill, "lliram" at Croflon,

    "Cheek" at Trentou, "Olive Branch

    at Lafay'clle, "Guy Griffltli" at Mont-

    gomery, "Oreonie'' and "Kmdo" at

    Sinking Fork. "Scbaslian" at Beverly,

    "itoy"at Kelly, "Vidl" at Fairviow,

    "Sieve Clipp" al Cerulean Spriiiga,

    "Mark" at Elkloii, and other* at

    Salem, Weal Fork, Leylonville, Pem-broke, Bolleview, and many otherplace* wlici-o the Ittler* are not *enl

    regulartei^mOPcat we are prondor I hi* fkalara of the Kkktvcuai,and tra*t wa may relHU . them foranother Ttar. Wo would aak aamany of tliam at po**ibla to write u*a letter during Ine Chrietma*, and wewill giva tlia people apaperJau. C

    containing more newa than any oue

    ever pnblUhod la llopklnavllle.

    The eelebratcil Huntley and Flor-ence Troupe will be here

    December 29ih and 30lli. Mr. Hunt-

    Icy ii a favorila >vilh our people and

    will no doubt draw good housoa. It

    will bo reineiiibered he was bore dur-

    ing the lair laat year, and many whoheard him are rnlbusiaslic in llicir

    praisea of him as an actor. Ills sup-

    port ia good aud liie eiilcriaiumouta

    Will be ilrat cluse.

    Sapiw A Btudiou lOaitrtli.

    There 1* one kind of aa antarialn-ment that alway* draw* a good houaein thl* city—that la Ihe MInalrel

    ahow. Wo are' to have one of thevery beet of thl* eiqea ontba STd prox.

    The |tooaa|>Bg|reaft Seqedki*, willbe aweMt 'the Am-lovcr* may ex-pect eomelhing rich. Thl* i* the29th annual lour, ol Ihe troupe andIbc fact that it lias xluod the test or

    the pu'ilic for so lung in all the com-mendation it need*. Ilemeinber thelime January 3rd, aud be iurelo at-tend iiiilcsa you want to ml** *ono>thiuggood.


    The appearance of "Our BoardingIIouBO combination, nt Mozart InstThursday night, was greeted by agood audience notwithatanding iheinclemency of the weather. Theplay ia one of tlie moat humorousaud entertaining oomediea of the

    season and gavoabundantaaliaractiou

    lo all who allcudcd.


    Itopar oar devil eana rnabing Intothe offlce tha other morning almoet

    out of breath and asclalmad

    "Man found dead, la*t nightl""Who? wharar wbaar wa aakod


    •On the eirnat" 111 taU all aboat It.Yon knowTom Baltafd f"Yaalyecgooa"••Well abont ten oclock lut night,

    ba WM aeoa going down tha atraat I""Welt, tall It all I"

    laabiintlialf aa boar a poUoaagan

    went dald a flying visit to the family of Mr.J. P. Nuckol* last week.The mail carrier call* at thl* ofBco

    once a week. Wiiat'a the matterDear boy ?Merohaiits predict a ilim trade dur-

    ing the approaching Uulldevs.How lew people lee their own

    faults and peculiai'Iiie*.The worst enemy of *ome people ia

    their temper. aSiifejfe!Kggs are ill aInSaN at 16c |)cr


    We niiderstand the members ofHebron cburcb are iniikii g prepara-tions for a heavy laden ( Inislinasiree lor Ihe S4lh. Uupo thulrolioritmay meet with ntcoaaa.Mr. W. M Crawford 1* doing a

    "apiriied" bualna**. Iiaving reeumedwork un tBk comaf Of Pond and Malastreet.

    The cry ia ''aini Uiey go:" Wemean oS' for Ihe |>ort of matrimony.Mr. Kd Boyd will move to hie new

    home, in a few weeka.The amall party of boya that went

    lo ItneiroQt Lake thet flrat ol themouth rclnruadtaat Tue*day,tiid re-purl having bad a very ptea*ant runor it.

    If y«tt would wl*h to produce alolling effect, communicate a aoeret toa woman.Thoae ailiy creatnrea who are al

    way* wailing for aomelliiiig lo turnup, generally get turned up them'aelve*.

    Whisky anil rooti*hnMa fill tbeheada or many ofua, to the sorrow ofeoine. for the good of niliers.Those who wlub u treat, will re

    ceive it, if lh*y attend the Chrialmaatree at Habrou.

    Item* an acarce aa taw log* ia acircu*.

    When Chriatma* ia over, we willhave weather, to hai-p on.

    . SnosTfauow.


    ^jE^i^ftlAltealioa! Tes, itlsatioa!the New \ovk Storo Hnnn^m iate fnr '

    COME ONE, COME ALL!the New York Store uppropi iato forCliriHtmas prehcnts at nstonishingly

    low priceK, ninongnt it a beautiful line

    of Initial liandKeichicts, nicely em-broidered for the marvelons sum ofllOo^B, also nice silk haiidkcrchiefaand a good many other notions and-Irfhall wares. Everybody is cordiallyinvited to call. Bleaaerdc Haas.

    Prop'r N. Y. Store.

    WORK BOXES,Book Ma.ka, Mottos and everythingof the kind at Giah a Qarner**.

    -RKi: MY insri.AV-

    Of Christmas and Holiday GoodsIIV ^t..r^^ of KOOils. Which

    i li;LVt' till- larueHft All (I bOtlii» iiurk';t. which at c

    The nicest Christmaspresents in the city at

    Gant MilxgL ' UOPKIMaVlLLlC KY.I>f.l V.i.ricri'iiros: Drs. Olah Jk T*an| anil i

    I). Rtmell.

    Uoo. »-l m • - .-^

    A 'Card. From Sr.

    BABY CRADLES of all kinds andstyles, cheap for cash at A. W . I'yio's

    Chriatmaa ! Christmas 1 I Apples,Oranges, Cocoanuta, Currents

    Prnoea, Cranberries, at Polk Oanaler'*

    A. W. Pyle has jut received twogroaa of liaby Cndlaa ia order tosupply tbe big demand in that line.

    F. gcuwsrrzsRHAS CLBAH HAVANA FlhLKD


    All KindsOf holiday pretent* at

    Gish RY GOODS.

    NOTIONS, HOSIERY. UNDEBWEW, BLOVES:EmbroHnr^ii'i'iilif I, f-Lialc*. Dulmaa. ko.. Uata, Boot*. 8ji.i)eii_*SuJC>liriUai~

    are selling very

    CHEAP FOR CASH.I»lr»abl«|»o ahow our fHOda. Qlronnacall.iiniUeofor




    REMEDIESWnVsSmKMmMlLlNrQQ.» (JWwr^ J)r. OrotpfmMv Am.)^A v«vMaMo nreparatton utf the «nlv aauarewM4y In ifie world for rtgfcraSfiiaiNVttmmWJ tHMMMVBav-MhnonlaU of tbe bigbaalertor la pnwf

    of theMatatomtnia.mSrfprtn care of DUibHca, can ftrW«saa'ajalb PlaJbt— cum^

    ^^rorthe our* of BriskTa and fbe oihpr

    Sarill^'cw*.Mb RMmv

    WAllNirS 8Art thPbestin*o4P«HAer. and BUmulntn

    •v*rr ruDctJon to mm htMiltbfU aoHou, amill UiUID benf^nttl) AlIdtWAM*.

    It ramBcTttr^lMM nnd othfr nkha ^rttiN(mm and piMMm, InelotMnff OtacM*. V\*

    antl otii«r flvrea.

    "ly, etc.. lira eurt4 by theMiMmmn. UlaDMUAiad M an appotlwrand leaalac tonln.BoUlM of two •IBM : pheia, MtC an« HaOOwWARNKII'S 8AVI NERVINE

    QnlQkir (IrMBaat and to tbe HDlPrt ny,oarm H««4arti« and K»m*Alvtik. prrvpnespINtHimtn, nnd r«llttVMlV«rTompr«*>tnutonlironffht on by txcfMlTe drink, orac*work, m^Dial ihorkn. and other cabma.pQwernil M It la to ntop pniD and Kxahn dl»>

    taTM Nervok u navof liMona tbe lystotn.whetbrr lake J in namXi or lurgf dOMa.Botilca or two BlMa ; prloai, Ote^ and 91.OO.

    • WARNKR'8 SAPI PIL.L8Ar* nn 1mcn(>dlBM and ttnttvn Mtmnln* ftir a


    . ttlUu DlAr<ift, alarla, FmrAfM. and Phusia

    b* ukhI whunovci thubowfiR do not np«T«lofre«lT and rcgalftrly.••(U-i * 'Mil *m -vaHi. Prif*W«to.«kn*Hanifr^taa* a«M4lMmauM l>T Ur^ata * Dwthn! StNltataa amrwhanb

    H.H, Warner &, Co.,rmiirlctoirt.

    ll fnr riayklH


    CIGARS TO DEALERS-&4^%gS Amonlhflndcvnenact

    , 3l\JO samplea Free.\ Cut ttala Notice Oat .I And und It with your appllcatlon.ftlwBsend a ae. •tanm to insureliniwer. W. KOBTeS ScCO. I'r.U.llciUTf. CIlKlnnaU.Otito,!

    CA. R R I GlE S.

    CROSS, DUCZERi DHYER,Take iilea«nrei||,ai»nounclngJ to the cilizon*Iof Sotitliem Keutncky. thal

    tboy hiT* 'oat oaa^ietod thoir

    I 5EW SPAllOUS UlllCK BUILDmO. !(ijipoaite tli*froldltand, on Virginia SUect, and having oquipiiod thMMel"**

    l^'ith all the no«ly improTed maehiaery (or turning ont t

    FIR8T-CLA88 WORK AT REDUCED RATES.They linve nt. lipsiuncy in bmginff thomwltes 8(iuoroly before tho pom)!©, Ucotnpeto witli any lionnc in Keutnekjr. Py]

    llopKinsvillu, Jan. 10, '79.'

    "T ilMfT® 811 Wis



    The beat in the world; ftiimanlpoil lu o yraiM, tn nm lighter and 'carry\vuij;lit tl.iiii Miiv oIIht, .Mh'.

    dliirer iChiiled Flows,WarrantPd toi-uu liglilor, do move ami licdcr woi k (li.iii :iiiy ntln-i [.Itiw on Ihe


    lleapers, Mosvcrs, Scpaialors, Foitablc and

    Simit.niu v Kncfincs 15ii;i

  • rjfE SOUTH KENrUGKIAN.Bri.lya S-f.. IW. .V,lH nnd .Sliwr

    -' ilOfKmSVlLLE KY. ^

    Tpbaoco. Cottoa, Corn sai Wheat.


    iMlimata «{ the tobncco andcoUon cnips of th'w year, piintdl inthis luiper nonic weeks agu; proves toliiivo hcen over hopcrnl. Instead olc'M'cvilini; l;ist ye'',i''ii yield they willI'litli |.ii)liidily be Hliurt. The ri'iioitul till' Dfpartmeiit of Agiicultiiiv, is-MU'.l November i5 glvei the folluwiii^'

    7'o6(((:i',).— 'I'lio iiidifiti'd ]irodiR'i'

    fur tluMMiliiv c-miiitiy i,K !tS per cent iifthat ol 1S7S, Tlio ynin has Iwcnjjiciilest ill Ti'iiiic'ssce, CouucTticul,

    "*inl New York; the lomi givalost inOhio Miasonri, ami Wo»l Viigiiiinwith n material decr>'ai>e, aliio iiiMarvlaiiit, UlinoiH, and Iiuliaiia. Initi'vonil, the qiiah'ty is licttnr thantiiiit of the previous crop, tliouglidamijgo tumiiiie e.vlcnt, from "houseliiirii" i»re|iort«d frflin Kentiit-ky miji.iiijiiiiH, and from tro^l in Ohio.

    ri:iiM,iM Ml. I. I f,i„i III...Ul,...f MH ii-l.-lMjilr.l>Milli :i i.Ui mM. 1.1. liii-.U.-easl', ll ee 0. all >ioIVrei s \i l.iiiDlll^me their I*. ami Kv-Jini>« ndilrew, Ifr. Ml. a. Ilooi,tu. m I'cal £it., Nvtr Yurk.

    THE SUN FOR 1880-

    Some men cannot he killed exceptin the ordiinny way. They may leblown ny shot duwii, shipwic ked,tossed over a precipice, thrown dcwiia shall or disposed ol in vai iuiis andsiiiiilry ways, any one of wliiidi wouldkill an onliiiary iridividiial, hut they

    are seldom killed, iisik Qninn, aminer employed in the El mineon Freyei- hill, is one of this class.Mark took a terrible tumble ycsterdiiy,

    ^ }ie had hist (iied oft" a blast at the hot-toni of the shaft, 225 feet below thesnrface, and had started down in theJjueket or tub, which wiis heing lower-ed by a laau named Patrick lloach,'\\'hen abont ten feet from the wiiul-

    . .'•'•'.'JlWi the brake holt hrokeand lor a mo-tnent it looked like '.liiinn's limo hailcome. But llouflh, with rare presenceol mind, eanght hold of the del .achedlojie, at the lower end of which hisfiiend Qninn liungsuspcnded. "Holdon there Mark, mo boy," shouted I'at-

    . rick, "ami I'll bring ye up." Quinnheld Oil but I'at found it inipossihlc tohold him. Little hy liille the lofieidipped lhroni,di his Imnils. He heldon like grim death, hut the cruel ropedragged throii-li his grasii, tearingawiiy skin and liesh, I'iiidiiig hecould not snstain the weight he des-juiiriugly crisd, "I can't hold iiii iu»longer, pard—good-hve," and iie leigo. Dbwn weiit-gnimi into the darkdeep abyss—a sheer lall of nearly twohundred and twenty-five feet PatBtai ted off for help to take ont what ho

    f4u|»l«J>posed to he a iiiaugleil corpse.The surpi i-ie i,f the loscners may hoimagined when, going down tlioshalt.they I ouiid Hark Qnimi almost unhurt.He was ahle to walk home to Ilia Cab-in without u.s.sisiance.

    nnncymooi) CourleslMT—A bridalcouple li'oni Woshoe'VnIloy nlbrcnk-rns| at ItcmeoiirersoiA as follows : He-"Shall.ltkiii you aparlnior, lioncv."She -"No (Imiik von. deary, [ hnvoone already skini. [ 1 U iiver Jioffs.


    ""agents WANTED Z""""THE NF4W STILE


    Machine!ifho usual I|1C5 maehinc redncod to sfi.')

    Don't Begin to be Old.A Freiu hmen salil he liale.l a t'hl who trie.l

    to iHj n wumaiiaMl a woman \vl« iriort m liu nsol Ourcbihlivii, isswoinlly tliQ KirK arelurecil toniuclitoriiueiilr\' lu.lrket. wtjlonKtu^bu old when ue Mr.i \euiiK. iiiitl M-nh^rnleMno nrc nl.l. ciur Kirl«;uva liitlrl.u tii-t intUniiiiu^'iiil Uie ijaut.M Lii «; tt....ii„!.li,.,„l. Tlu-eoM-tian entiolj a :-ii.sin'iif ion oi- retfiilitni ofnuiuriU toenuuiia. wiilch U not aUi»!.Uopromptly, U attciidul witif hvadaclic, loss ofniipetlio, coiistlpailon. itahis in tlic tirio nudliat-k, ralititati^m of thelicnrt, cwiinnihiK elvht-lK'a.l.c.iia frit «nJ liiULis. ll„.^ |,„.si. Hiehl.MPli; uf tho clioek anil the ItiHtre ul Ihe ete.iMcjiiies di-Jui-.Cfil, fechle iinti eniaelateil. 11 inilii? eumUlion you ran bo i\i«toivd at eiico hviho nso «t Kngluh Keittiilo Jlittcm. iliu onlyknown fvanalen'BturerhL.fui.; ihe inihtie.

    Bailee's ?alfae Aper lentI artu li' h.n- :.-!>ni ii i!iM-)ipi4 rn^-. ditaneiis iit vision, palu In IhvIlea.

    Iand a kvih uC lh« wla.le

    II. I ni;iv .\ ,[,.i„ I In- (.1 :i. t .. (• ill niaiiv ea..r >I'l'iMi |.|.| 111. I, I,, I II 111. lie NIelliulent rcnieily ibuenre of cjoll- and ferern iK-lnallydeniamleil. .\fler Inneh h ienliniY.«enir li it miiiody bad bc«n i.oimionuU».l imi.....«e«finn tlw iKinrr to cnro aU fin ins of cnllllniii, feier w illicni Ihe u.«. i.f i|nlnine. and thal.i. ^ |iro,!ii,'e iMiiileasarit svm)itai»«, Theai.i. iei- ll.i.i > .\j,ae 1 em.

    , wbluli uuvor [aiWtu niako iieiuiaueut enrt-s.

    ' - ' • . -*

    louth Kentuckiai

    I- nvtu ivpfOpli*,— till'll«t' llU' [Tl'lll

    II lll-ll'toft.

    Tiir Siiv w ill deal with the o> enM of the. '.iSii III its ow n fanlitiin, lion joetly wellloelei-lii.. I l.y fvi r.i li..i;> Tn laiiu.'lrv III 111 i I i>..i eml).-i ::l n III he e.nntu. te.l n> a ileii i*-(nilier. written ill tile English langnaife, and.lirinte.t for tbu pconlo

    . Aa a uewmuqior, Tlio Snn b 1 » >' n I aientf, w hether before Ihe Tat-

    IiiT«nton and FaMBt««8-should send for iusli-ucfioo^ termsreferences, &c., lo Kdson B|-Q|lisrs.Solieiiora of Palenis, Washiiigloii, I).C, who firrhish Jie same withoiilcharge. Kdson lirolhcra is a well-known and (.icee-sful firiu ofUrftBex]ierieiicc, i.iiviii^' hceii cslabll.slicdill ISIlli

    PAT E N T S .F. A. Lehman, oiitdior of Anicri-

    eaii and Foreign ruleuls Wnshiiisf-lon, D. C. M\ husiiiess eounccted

    Aitoi and mtetida to a«pply_f1i. wanta ,if ihn l«oplo„»»>« 'w*jr„^ fekfasClag and iosli notire '


    Iniiihl be eoinnion censo, ini*|tirinl bv KenioneAiiiei jriin jiriiieiple- mill haeke.l h'v Tioiiei-lvof ,..iir|io.-e. lor llilH r-a-i n It i-. '.iiiil willoiitiiiiu- 111 he, ah-..llltelv lli.lelielHient o[lartv, eliiss. eti,,no, or,.;aiil/ati.iii. or iiiterei.t.I is fur all, hut u( iionu. K w ill eontinue topnim what Is guoil and repnibaiv what Isevil, takint ea|.|! that ili- lantinnge ia tu theiioiiit and plain, la'yond tile possibility oflieoi^c iiii^iiiidersiooii. lb is uninniicnuo*! bjmot ivi'^ that do not ajua'ar on the surface;Tt

    ijiiiii.iii.- 1(






    Tot) loii^' ill u.'-e lo doubt its fiiijieriorSIcrils. No money lo pay until

    • -IllBehliic ia delivered lo youand cxauiiucd.

    V ,'"1'-; > « ile. ilntiblo-thmiif.'lock-iio ii. /il,„ mine on hiilh sidoi of tbe worltl.n 111. 1. leii-iieii tlu Atrinn at tin.I enlenniai Kxliiliitiin,. 11,11;,. iel|.lii,i. I;,.,i*..!! .\nil h eoniitletu uiia a as-sii-.lTHrNTofAtlaehmenl.^ for line work thanany other niaeliino, and redueed to onlv »vlU |» an ea«y and lileasanl machine to oper-ate. iei|iiiier iho feaat eare, luoiluee. eJervvariety iit w„ik, „n,| ,vlll lant niitil Uif next

    fi'roDg, Siiiiole, l!a.,i,l,Lflleii;nt nu'lI'seitonccnnil .von will me no other. The

    money elieorlnlly refunded if it will net on..»rorkamloutln«tanymacliiDeald...i;,lv

    , . ,

    Agcntu «ell thein Jaau-r than cipn'me l at t u imiis,was thwarted by an nhoronlnhie consi.nacv,the iiromoterJ an. I I.enelleiaries ot whichtill liiilil tlieolliee- they stoic. WJIltbe crime

    of I.'-.uhe rep.iate.l in imr The past dceaduof .vears opened with a eorrn[it. cxtravau'nnl.and in.soIeut .\dniini.stratiun iiitieiielieil atWlWiliinnlon. The snn did BOniethiiiK n.w anldislodf^iiiK the Rang and breakin.n ii.s power,

    ^iiie men are now intriguing to restore

    eiit OHice or the (,'onrls, proiiMiiIr at-(eiided lo. Xo rharge is tn ide iiness a p.ttcnt is secured. Soiid for trir-

    cn'lar. .'


    G. W. SMITH,


    -! i


    : MAIN S$REET, HOPKINSVILLB,'KY> '.\lleiilioii paid lo lite Inspection .and Sale id 'ruhaeeii. 'I '


    r.lllKli.VL AllV.\Nl'KS .M.M)E ON 'I'l ii;.\("( 'i i IN s jOliK. '''

    .^.\l,i;s KVKllV U lCDNICt^DAV.Ml T.iUlKTO n.Ivanred w lU he liiioired al ow nei - e v|>ete.e, all 'i'uhai eoloit Jtdytllp'edon will

    ho insnmlWtMitirliei%b:t|tvtt«c, vuiewwulmvii nriltouui'docaiiut Ui liiaon. A'fintIt iriil bo lietd at riak ii( itn linrsc.


    . iMlieiJiib:t|tvtt«c, vuiew wo Imvii nriltvu ui'docaiiut Ui luaan.'

    ''.I I I >

    •,: ,1 -11

    -"r ' -



    dl 11 ! nH'll(OiiiKwito T.jL. Sin!tli*« Liv6fy StaWt*,)

    Spring Street, - -

    Must re^li'eirnll.l Mlllelli|.oriters r..r .In I II 1 . ! i. ..i h in hi-i line.

    iSuai'niiteeiuB &>uli«i(|c,t|oi|,Ami ir*rranlln|i prices "lover llMu Mk lif»s»t,"lhr UAmll.'

    J. P. mm% Praprii)!RATES REDUCED' FROM $4 TO $3 PEA .fiAY

    'is'lliit tiinl.lllil . (i/iiin-i


    iiiei hanii alused in iIm-ilent, ra:ii i.the Weill \ uwork of a I

    llnooiih-hly te.leil .%iiil11.'!- of Iioiiies. ofte I. lit. .-i-haiil.: iiml er iea.|v lielper l„

    or CI aiii-tr. --, it n il] i!„ theuJy foraiife-liiiie. or il w ill earn

    ^Another Cat Story.

    Hove lannolhcr pious oat, ntYarmonth, We. When lime c.imo lorlaiiiily prayers the rat would let itiiioiiM! hair eaii^'hl, or a cup-liiied hird. niid ilccoionsly compose


    herself in the lap or the housekeeperWilli an air of altcniion to serviceIhal was hiahly cdllying. At the(Innl "Anicn" the went hiiskly abouther liiirincps. J!ui when .she |ire!.eiil-ed Ihe laiiiily willikilleus Ihe head oftl0k laiiiily tlrowiicd lliein, and. iin-known to him. Iho cal wan a witnesslo Iho seciie. From that duv ihe calreliHcil lo alleiid service, iimi caiiiiolnow In' induced lo li.||.|i In ih,. ],|'s, of one who had so -hdckcd herseugbHItlas. Sho eVidemlv helii.vestliaWsKleti murder in iiiconsislontwith (rue picly.

    .Love is lowliness; on Ihc wcddiii|f

    ring sparkles no.jewel.

    .\ youm,' hoiiel'nl in Mediacken at-tended hi.s IllolllCl'ii .sei I Weililili.illie other day whii h had l ei i, |i]aiiae!^willioilt eoUhnlliii;; hini. j'ue cere,

    luony was half linihhed wiieu the Imy,who is twelve years old, iiiiproachcdthe jiarty who wfls being inailo hi.sutep-fathcr and gave him a blow ivllh

    . a lire-«hovel niider rilm that came nearpulling an end to the perlormanee.'I'lie '.S'liiire had, to Btup the iiio-titer admiiiisleicd a leiiiiiiiaiid to thehoy and look llie sin. eel Imm lii,,,^whrii he l'Ci;.-';i where lie had leit ,,|1',and iiH ipilek ;i> ]iiis.ilde pu.jiaicd to

    ' leave the piemi.,!-,;.

    — • —II is one of Ihc wooded Kircaiiw of

    Maine, A fiiiiiinieriiio papa lay lish-ino, ill company with his Itvo'boys.A niajfiiHleent silver cel. havin;,'loolc'd around (he hall, wa< hiiiildvImideil. and ih iiiorlal coil -.liiilllcd0(1 williniil 1 ccsBiiry delay. The

    " (allier l.ail restuiied lii» oi eiipal ion , iivheii Olio of Iho yoni*;;stei'i', iioliciiioIho spaainodio Hclioii of Ilia striped(vd, t illed out pxoldcdiy! "Lookfalhoi l Look at tlio beasti Me'a tintk'iMjf Dolievo he IsallvS!"—"

    . -- — —Col. WlKlanison , n lu.led Texan

    lawyer, stood npiii cliiir,.|i and enlleil

    iill ti young lady lo conic lorwiird andmarry liiin. 'J'l^e suddenness of Ihc|ti'opn'*»• ote., wiiholeianci.,

    onac ami iiiiickm'M, nasuriinaacil by any nm.chine oyer Inronted.

    BKWARE OP LMPO.SITIOX.The pii.en Inronrnew niai hines aio le««

    th in 1 lose asted oy dealers in k..,.onil-hnmliiniu ami reanisli,.d nniohiiies, ip. tlmse sell,out . ,1.1 stink til rhisu np hi.-iiiess. miinv

    il II liil.'ii.n.nnd ohi style nim him s heiiiL-nl'.feivil n» ne\vnt redm ed pri. e-: hi ware of iro-nesitiim nud nuly buy new mneliliies. T^,eleare iMi new flral-eluss inaehines oll'ered aa ion-aa the '•Kaniily," by many dollar..MaCtllMs sent for examination before

    Poymept ofKxtroor.llnary l^dtljo|neniSg||ieroa to t:icr

    i-ludlng Ihe Sunday pnpe.y na olght-pa;:t.•naototAfty.slicalwnna. the price la ai.xtv-llve eentd a mouth, or fl,70paid.T lie Sunday (Edition of The Snn la aliw fnr-

    ni-hed •.epaiatcly at,|I.M a year, postagepiiiti

    The jirire of file Weekly .Sun. eicht lia?t>8.lifty-si.v eoltiain.s, is II n year, postnge jiaiii.Kor i-Itihs of ten seniiiiiL' $10 w e w ill •eiiil nni-\l;.i riil.iMii Ilee. .\.;.lrebs

    I W. K.Vlil.ANIi.I'nhllBhorof Tliobun, Xtv l ork Cit .


    .l ..J-..lfl^l. I -.

    IXVXECZ,FBED andc'Mi£ stable;,

    Russcllville St., Uopklmtvllle, Ky.ClicapesI and l^est in ihe city.




    It w*U|«ori>U«4 vlrxi- It!' .J) ,..u K.


    "J'j. ffas M> .lata-, a II If .

    A Man of a T^ioufland'A Coxsmrrivt ifnr.-win

    Imiirly exi.ertr.l. ail veiiniin--aiiil l>r. l(. -lanes ua- eiueriiiie; lei^ \wtli themanv herlm of (.ab iiHe.Tiu aeei.lenlailv inndeil l.rejiaration whii It ciired hia o»\^ ohiltf at< oMstmipilon Ills ehibVls now in flili conn-liy and enjoying the beat of hoalth. Bsliaipri.veil M tlie ni.rl l that eiin-iini|.|ion can'lie 'I'Usltlvelv nil.; . ufisl TJl* IWn.r eno- til,.. ,, .,,1,,,.tlial e.-ithrruiit iwi. Uirooi-ent slnni|>« to payexpenw* TWa herb alw tAirea niglit-swcaiiiiauaeattlkaftoinaiJi, anil wUI break up JIrcaheoWlntwoatj-fourBonre" AUiUiw^,

    CKAADOCK * UO.'-Iu31 Itaco Sti , Philwlelplila,nMala(tkieVaper.


    CIGARS TO DEALERS-^4ACS A ntOTth and oxpeMet

    THE HEARH|Mitt»ea,0S£jiita, Mk.krile'•'

    "family" Sewing Maclime Uo.T.W I!iiia.Uviiy. Xen Vink, \. Y.

    Louisville and Gt- SoutheinliAll.!!O..M) M^E.

    This UrealThiirouxhfnro i>m6:30 a m

    UOll) ooAneclion i> mnde at Xaslivillc nilbtlirough rnra for I hallai oaga, Atlanla Mo itwith througli l arj lo all lioint* Jlorili .„,i,^1";'"' '?«j;"7l»f. wlUf-iliaSrcnra ,"hi'}

    EMIGRANTSlottojt raloa luul «.nt ihtotigl. h, Z^^.W

    C. p. AtMORE,,0,P. AT. A..I/)ui8ville, Ky

    ..-Ii»i7 1;t>7'

    •'oil.' • '•' •• ' .

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    ' .,-„ ., „ w..!viiiiir 1/•' ,i...T >

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    Bill Heads,


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    Ml.--. - ItI..-,J-

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    ina t»Miiln gircct, oppoiltc Court Houa*, lta|*>B*Mllil;KeBlart|)wri

    r*..ll|i all ( in his I,no «| u*f.jllvi rninltli aiitj af|

    t.t;.i>h itiiit raltlifnltr. VuMr |iUtitiiijtK«tit •niJlollt-i.

    m»m mutm' fA!IEBY8.B.AHDC.JiAlfEa. .....ij^

    , (*fi.' k], .:.:'(!''Many yrflr«ot^Kiroiifr»i trial hn» yhmA itiii nt tlici»rt.» ,,f tholhl ^lr ' i\