the shiloh baptist church new site capstone · pdf filethe first and most important step is to...

THE SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH NEW SITE CAPSTONE E-NEWSLETTER Pray Vote Pray (1Timothy 2:1-2) I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. Thus, we should: PRAY for God's guidance VOTE according to His will and PRAY for our leaders God's plan has always called for the entire world to acknowledge Him, honor Him, and enjoy the blessings He loves to shower on those who gladly obey Him. Your vote matters, never treat it lightly! As a Christian, it is our responsibility to promote God's kingdom values and stand in the divine without giving full allegiance to any one party. We are to model ourselves after God and cast our vote according to that which most closely reflects, represents, and promotes the principles, values, and agenda of the Kingdom of God. Exodus 18:21 gives wise advice on selecting leaders. "Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them to be rulers..." As you view issues and candidates, consider what God says in His Word about the matter. Then, use that as a basis for how you cast your vote. Choose candidates based on their competence and how closely they are aligned to Scripture, as well as the quality of their character and reputation. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Pray Vote Pray 1-2 Our Faith Our Vote Our Voice 3 Prayer for our Nation 4 Prayer for the United States 5 Prayer for Nation Using Daniel Model 6-7 Jr. Missionaries 8-9 Annual Sunday School Day 10-11 Youth Ministry 12-16 What is Stephen Ministry? 17 October Birthdays 18-19 Save the Date notices 20-21 THE CAPSTONE E-NEWSLETTER SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH NEW SITE October 2016 Edition

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Pray Vote Pray

(1Timothy 2:1-2)

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications,

prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made

for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority;

that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all

godliness and honesty.

Thus, we should:

PRAY for God's guidance

VOTE according to His will and

PRAY for our leaders

God's plan has always called for the entire world to acknowledge Him, honor

Him, and enjoy the blessings He loves to shower on those who gladly obey


Your vote matters, never treat it lightly! As a Christian, it is our responsibility

to promote God's kingdom values and stand in the divine without giving full

allegiance to any one party. We are to model ourselves after God and cast

our vote according to that which most closely reflects, represents, and

promotes the principles, values, and agenda of the Kingdom of God.

Exodus 18:21 gives wise advice on selecting leaders. "Moreover thou shalt

provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating

covetousness; and place such over them to be rulers..." As you view issues

and candidates, consider what God says in His Word about the matter. Then,

use that as a basis for how you cast your vote. Choose candidates based on

their competence and how closely they are aligned to Scripture, as well as the

quality of their character and reputation.


Pray Vote Pray 1-2

Our Faith Our Vote Our Voice 3

Prayer for our Nation 4

Prayer for the United States 5

Prayer for Nation Using Daniel Model 6-7

Jr. Missionaries 8-9

Annual Sunday School Day 10-11

Youth Ministry 12-16

What is Stephen Ministry? 17

October Birthdays 18-19

Save the Date notices 20-21

Thank God For Mother’s Love 15



O c t o b e r 2 0 1 6 E d i t i o n

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So, how should a Christian vote? There is one and only one answer, "Trust in

God's Sovereignty." The first and most important step is to PRAY. When we

seek God in prayer for our leaders, we impact the very direction our nation

will take. Since our nation's very first days, God's greatest movements in our

midst have been fashioned and sustained by prayer. Prayer is a wonderful

power given to us by the Almighty God. When we humbly seek His face in

prayer, He is moved to act on our behalf and accomplish His desires for us.

Remember, God already knows the outcome because He has determined the

outcome. God is the one who "removes kings and establishes kings" (Daniel

2:21). He is the one who establishes every government of every nation that

has ever existed (Romans 13:1).

God has ordained the outcome for every election. God has also ordained the

means to achieve that outcome, our responsibility to VOTE. Thus, as

Christians, we need to stop complaining and trust God to guide us as we




Submitted by the

Shiloh Prayer Ministry

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“…to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that

captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set

free” (Luke 4:18-1, GNT).

Baptist General Convention of Virginia (BGCVA) via the Social Justice

Commission has launched a state-wide Voter Registration Campaign,

and other organizations are working together to increase the numbered

of registered voters in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Every Vote Matters! Register if you have not done so. If you have not voted in the last few

years, contact your local voter office to make sure you are still listed as eligible to vote in your

locality. You may also register to vote online at:

Also, update your address and contact information if anything has

changed. To find voter registration information for your locality or to

update your information online go to:

We need every registered voter to stay informed on the issues and then

VOTE in every election (local - state - national).

If you have questions or need additional information from the BGCVA, please contact:

Dr. J. Elisha Burke, Social Justice Director

804.228.2421or eburke@bgcva. org

Please contact the Shiloh Social Justice Ministry if you need assistance with applying

to vote, restoring your voting rights, updating personal information, or any other

issues you may have regarding your eligibility to vote. Email the Ministry at

[email protected].

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An Intercessory Prayer for Our Nation

~ Jeri Swann, August 10, 2016

Gracious and loving Father, You are an awesome and Holy God. You are sovereign,

O God! You and You alone are just, merciful and righteous. You alone have all

power and control.

We confess that we have sinned. We have not followed and obeyed Your Word. All

America has sinned against You O Lord. We are all accountable and stand guilty.

We plead the blood of Jesus and ask for Your forgiveness.

Your Word describes You as "the God of peace." And by the power of Your Spirit,

You enable sinners to be at peace with one another. You show mercy and

forgiveness even when we rebel against You. You look beyond our faults and see

our needs. It is Your desire that we live in peace with one another.

Have mercy on us, O God. We need You! We need a revival; a spiritual revival. O

God of mercy, revive our souls, renew our minds, restore our hearts and redirect

our footsteps so that we will turn from our wicked ways and run to You where we

find peace, comfort, love, joy and a safe place of refuge.

We pray to You today, O Lord, confessing and admitting our sins, our shame, and

our regrets, and asking for your for forgiveness, mercy, and grace which only You

can provide.

Holy Father, please give us:

Hearts that reflect Your love, not hate and condemn.

Minds that are focused on You, not on greed, fame, honor or power.

Eyes that look to You and see the needs of all, not race, color or gender.

Ears that listen to your Word and hear the cries for justice and freedom, not

slander, ridicule, accusations, or blame.

Voices that praise and give glory to You, not stir up anger, fear, or conflict.

Hands that are raised to You, to do justly and good for all mankind, not just a

selected group.

Feet that follow Jesus, and lead others to You, not to crime, violence or war.

We love You Lord, we glorify You, we praise and adore You and we thank You for

hearing and answering our prayer. In the precious name of Jesus we pray. Amen

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A Prayer for the United States

Our Father in Heaven, It is with a contrite heart and an humble spirit that we come to You. You are holy, full of grace and glory, and You are faithful to us, Your children. Why You choose to love us so we will never fully understand because we are such a sinful nation. Lord, in Your Word You commanded us to do certain things to show our love for You, and we have not done those things. We have not loved You with all our hearts, we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves, we have not loved justice, we have not shown mercy… especially to the poor, and we have not walked humbly before You. We have not spread the Gospel so the unsaved and back sliders may hear it, repent of their sins, and receive salvation through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Likewise, we have done things that You commanded us not to do. We have become prideful people, and we have become envious of our neighbors. We have become fearful over national and world’s events that You have told us not to fear and worry about. We have trusted in our selves instead of trusting You alone. We have tried to solve our problems without seeking Your divine guidance. We have lied on our brothers and sisters in Christ, and we have slayed them with our tongues. We have even placed other “gods” before You such as our homes, our jobs, our families, and other earthly treasures, which all belong to You. Our world is in a terrible state of affairs because of our own sinfulness. We deserve Your wrath, but You sent Your only Son, Jesus the Christ, to save us from our sins. Still, we do not follow His commands, and we do not worship Him in spirit and in truth as we should. We are such an ungrateful people! But, You said in Your Word that, ” If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven, I will forgive their sin and heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14).” Lord, we know that Your Word does not return to You void, but it will accomplish that which You please, and it will prosper in whatever You send it to do (Is. 55:11). So faithful, loving God, we repent of our sins. We are sorry for every sin that we have omitted or committed against You, and we pray Your forgiveness for the sins of our nation and of the world. We pray that we will be brought into a right relationship with You today, and that You will forgive our sins and heal our land. We don’t deserve to be forgiven, but we know that Jesus Christ died for such a people as us and for such a time as this. Have mercy on us holy, righteous, loving God, our Father and Creator. Please forgive us! Hear our prayer! Heal our land! Make us whole! Not because we are righteous, but because You are righteous, forgiving, faithful, and loving. Thank You, God, for Hearing this prayer. Thank You for sending Jesus Christ to save us. Thank You, Jesus, for dying on the cross to save us from our sins! We pray that all will come to know You in the pardoning of their sins. We thank You, Faithful God, for answering our prayer, for what You have done for us and for what You will do for us and through us. We ask this prayer for our nation, America, and for the world in the name of Your Son, Jesus the Christ, and for His sake. Amen

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Prayer for Our Nation Using Daniel Model

Father God, it is in Jesus’ name that I approach the throne of grace on behalf of our great

nation, the United States of American, in which you have made greater than any other nation

on the face of the earth. This nation comprises of people from all over the world, because of

this we are referenced as a melting pot. Oh God, according to this country’s history, this

nation was established to give the early Settlers the freedom to worship You, the only True

and Living God. Even our currency is engraved with the acknowledgement of your

greatness, “In God We Trust.” You have blessed us as a nation abundantly: food, clothing,

shelter, families, churches, schools, local, state and federal government, and a strong

military. We humbly praise You for Your grace and mercy. Your Word tells us that if we

fully obey you and keep Your commandments You will set us above all the nations on the


Father God, we haven't done what you commanded us to do. In spite of our disobedience,

You continue to bless our nation. However, because of the moral decline of our nation, I

believe that we are in a state of peril that warrants Your wrath upon us. There was a time we

were considered as a Christian nation. Because we have allowed other cultures to influence

our lives, too many Americans do not worship You as Lord. There is family instability, police

brutality, corruption in government and substance abuse that affect the young and the old.

Your Word tells us that these things will come about if we fail to acknowledge you as Lord

God Almighty. The laws of the land have been revised to not reflect biblical principles.

There is pro-choice, the life of the fetus is in the hands of the mother carrying her baby, Your

Word speaks clearly about the sacredness of life. Then there are gay rights and same sex

marriage. And your Word states that in the last days, the rich will get richer and the poor will

become poorer. God this is happening all over the land. Oh LORD my God, I repent for my

sins and the sins of the entire nation. I pray that you will have mercy on us as a nation, that

our hearts will turn to You LORD beginning with our President and all those who are leaders

of the country and tricker down to even our children. Your Word tells us if

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we bow down and worship You, You will bless us and our children even to

the third and fourth generation to those who love love You.

In Jesus' name I pray. AMEN!

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Jr. Missionaries

On Saturday, September 10, 2016 the Jr. Missionary of

Shiloh Baptist Church fellowship with the Mattaponi Youth

Missionary at Macedonia Baptist Church where the pastor is Rev.

Carroll Jackson.

The theme for the banquet was "Praise is what we

do". Nadiya Britt also participated in the fashion show which she

did an excellent job. The fellowship included dinner and

praises to our God. Closing by Rev. Carroll Jackson.

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Ian Chapman is on the

committee for the youth

Mattaponi Youth leaders.

Our youth participated in

various activities, praise

dancing by Ava Chapman in the

talent show, which she won

first place.

The youth and the adults had an enjoyable fellowship.

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Shiloh Baptist Church (New Site) Sunday School Ministry held its annual Sunday School Day program on

September 18, 2016 at 9:00 AM with Bro. Tyvihon Banks, a middle school class student, serving as

worship leader. The Old Testament Scripture, Deuteronomy 6:1-7, was read by Bro. Kennis Carmichael, a

Adult Class II student, and the New Testament Scripture, 2 Timothy 2:15-16 was read by Sister Carolyn

Gibson, a Tenets of Faith (Adult Class V) student. Prayer was offered by Deacon Wilbur Brown, Tenets of

Faith teacher. Musical selections were rendered by the Anointed Voices.

This year’s Sunday School Day theme was “Study to Show Thyself Approved to God.” Presentations by

the youth and adult classes were given on “What I have learned in Sunday School. The Beginners class

was represented by Charlotte Hollin, D’Mari Banks, and Ta’Kiyah Banks. They shared what they learned

in a song of Bible stories and games. The Upper Elementary presentation was given by Eshun Davis;

Middle School Class, Josiah Byrd; High School Class, Sierra Lewis, Ian Chapman, Amir Carmichael, and

Ray Johnson; Transition Class, Camille Lynch; Adult Class II, Deacon Nathaniel Harley, Jr.; Adult Class III,

Dwayne Stokes; Adult Class IV (Iron Sharpen Iron), Dr. Audrey Prestonsoto; Adult Class V (Tenets of

Faith), Debra Sally.

After a musical selection from the Anointed Voices, Deacon Curtiss Millner, Sunday School

Superintendent and Deacon Denise Millner, Assistant Superintendent recognized the Sunday School

Ministry teachers, students and staff. Afterwards, Deacon LaZalia Richardson, Christian Education

Ministry Chairperson gave closing remarks.

The Sunday School concluded with the closing Hymn, “Bring in the Sheaves” and reciting the Memory

verse Isaiah 40:28; Hebrew 1:3a (NIV)

Fellowship was held after the 10:00 AM service in the lower sanctuary decorated as a library with

numerous Biblical books/literature for all to view.

The Sunday School Ministry would like to thank all the program participants for a job well done and our

Shiloh Family and Ministries for your support. Special “thank you” to our Sunday School Superintendent

and Assistant Superintendent for all you do for the Sunday School Ministry.

Verlean Harley,

Sunday School Reporter

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Annual Sunday School Day

Sunday, September 18th

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“So you think you’re grown?”

The Youth Ministry will feature articles from our youth and young adults who gladly share their perspective on faith and what it’s like to walk in their shoes. Please take the time to read the

articles, encourage them and pray for them. There is POWER in praying for our adult children. “Perhaps you are watching your grown children step out into the world and wishing you could do more to support them while giving them the freedom they crave. You can. It doesn’t matter how young or old they are, you can rest in the power of God working through your prayers.” Stormie Omartian – The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children Dea. Anna Griffin Proverbs 22:6

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Growing in Grace

Keeping faith in college is easy, mainly because it’s a thing I know I have. Keeping faith is easy, for me, because it’s something that cannot be easily lost. The truth is it’s not anything I really put forth effort into growing or maintaining- at least not in my first year. Now growing in my faith is a whole other story. Being on my own, after a full week mixed with work, sports, classes and “Ugh”, the homework, I find myself getting tired by the weekend. It can be so easy to skip church with the old excuse, “well I’ll just read my Bible instead.” But knowing in reality, that the Bible would continue to collect dust in the corner of the room.

In my new church, we have a strong campus presence full of youth itching to study the Bible with all who are willing. Even when I was having trouble seeing the distance I willingly imposed between me and God, by placing all of my weekly duties before him, the college students of this church, never stopped trying to help me focus on what was important. They never stopped trying to show me God’s love. They never stopped trying to help me and everyone else around them. This strong community definitely helped my through rough times. Whether these times involved doubt or trials, they were there. My roommate was a lot of help as well. Having a roommate who had deeply studied the Bible helped me whenever I had questions. Seeing these people and the lives they lived made an impression on me. Their lives were honorable -not perfect - but beautiful. I wanted to have that same affect on others. I learned how each interaction is important. How people look at me, especially if they know I am a Christian, my actions, words, my contact with them could potentially lead them toward or away from God. When thinking about everything from an eternal perspective, it’s a scary thing knowing that your actions could influence someone in the direction of heaven or hell. It’s crazy how people can influence people’s decision to join or leave a religion. It’s scary to think that I have that kind of power. Sometimes I don’t like to think about it, but it keeps weighing on my mind. What helped me with my faith was the strong community that takes time out of every week to study the Bible with me and talk with me. Also, knowing that my actions could help save or destroy…it really gives me a new perspective on faith. A new sense of urgency. A new strength that was not present my freshman year of college. 2 Peter 1:8 For if you possess these qualities and continue to grow in them, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Megan Collier George Mason University, 2nd Year Daughter of Van & Lela Collier

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It Will Be OK There isn’t just one thing I could say that helped me get to the place I am now; it’s more of a mixture between faith in God, my immediate family, and my church family. Even from a young age, I can recall the unequivocal amount of love Shiloh has to offer. There were Sundays where I wondered why my mom forced me to get up, get dress, and go to church; but, I am forever grateful for those Sundays in particular. I learned so much after entering those white doors on Princess Anne Street. I knew early in my life that no matter what the devil is planning to throw my way, God has a plan of incomprehensible magnitude. This took some time to realize but with time and age, I came to understand that everything happens for a reason. During my senior year of high school, I relied heavily on Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know

the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” I applied this scripture to every situation I was placed in but specifically when I was doubting my abilities whether it pertained to college acceptances or struggling with a class. Jeremiah 29:11 gave me so much security, feeling as though God was standing next to patting me on the back. In my quest in becoming a doctor, starting my journey at the College of William and Mary, I obtained a few grains of knowledge I would like to pass on:

1) Pray often, no matter how big or small the task is you are faced with. 2) Don’t be scared to ask for help. There are some adults who have lived 6-7 times

longer than you have, don’t think you have to figure things out alone. 3) Be patient. You are young and it is easy to want everything as soon as you pray for it

but realize God knows exactly when you need it. There is no perfect formula for success and I am still figuring it out myself but with God,

I feel I can accomplish whatever I set my mind on.

Jaren Jackson College of William and Mary, Freshman Son of John and Robyne Jackson

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Life is Not a Crystal Staircase

I remember growing up my father always used to recite to me the poem “Mother to Son” by Langston Hughes, which was recited to him as a child by his grandmother, my great-grandmother. I think this is an adequate metaphor for life today. Life is not a crystal staircase, there are tacks in it, and the floorboards are worn, yet we must continue to climb. The Apostle Paul tells us in Philippians 3:14 that we must continue to “press forward towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” [despite what is going on around us]. I am in law school and decided to come to law school “to

speak for those that cannot speak for themselves, to defend those who cannot defend themselves, and to empower those that feel powerless”. I choose to work for the betterment of my community because if I don’t do it, then who will, and if not right now, then when. President Obama and Dr. MLK, Jr. talked about the fierce urgency of now and I’m here to exhort you to do the work of God by working to better the community. We must fight for our rights as people and we must hold our church, community, and political leaders accountable. Remember, Jesus was a radical and has called us to change this world, for one day we will be called to account for what we did with our lives. We can try to wait on the government to change, but let me tell you, they’re not going to change until we make them! Trust me I worked for them and many of you currently work for them. We are our own liberation and the quicker we realize that fact, the quicker we can move forward. My parents taught me that at the end of the day if you don’t like something, you have to make a choice to either change it or to sit back idly and watch, and if you choose to sit, then you have no right to complain. In today’s society, we have an issue and it is that Black Lives don’t seem to matter. The question is, what are we going to do to change that rhetoric? Frederick Douglass once said, “power concedes nothing without a demand”, what is our demand? Communities around this nation are in need of workers, people who are willing to do the work of the Lord in the community and not just in the evangelical sense. King stated that it is “great to talk about long white robes over yonder in all of its symbolism, but we need some suits and dresses down here on Earth.” Churches around the nation should be talking about this issue and if they aren’t then it is time to hold the leadership of those churches accountable. Ensuring that Black Lives Matter, is a part of the mission of the church at large, to speak for the weary and the downtrodden, the oppressed and the stricken. I was raised to believe that all people are precious in God’s sight, but to always remember that I am counted amongst the precious and to never forget it. Even when society wants to forget our preciousness, we can’t forget it, and we must draw attention to it. Thank you for this opportunity to share my thoughts. God’s Blessings Be Upon You. Mitchell Brown New York University School of Law New York, NY Juris Doctorate Program Graduation: May 2017 I will be working for a Federal Judge in Columbia, South Carolina when I graduate. Mitchell is the Son of Tim and Delores Brown

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My Life and the Military

I joined the United States Army Reserves in

2008. I always had an interest in the

Army ever since I went to see my uncle

repel out of a helicopter and after

listening to my aunt, uncle, and cousins

talk about being in the Army and all the

traveling they had done. My experience

as a whole going through the process of

becoming a soldier was good. It tested me

and my faith. It was my first time

actually leaving home. I was away at

school when I decided to join, but school wasn’t too far from home. I went to basic training

at Ft. Leonardwood in Missouri. That in itself was scary and a little overwhelming. I had

never been that far away from home by myself. But I knew God was on my side and I had

the support of my family. While out there in Missouri, my relationship with the Lord grew.

I didn’t have anyone to lean on besides God. I went to worship service every Sunday except

maybe two, and that was because we had to clean before inspection. Going to worship

service was the only way I can say I stayed grounded and sane.

After going through basic training and AIT (Advanced Individual Training) where I became

an Army Culinary Specialist, I returned home and went back to school to finish up my

degree. When I returned home I went to my assigned unit and started my one weekend a

month and 2 weeks out of the summer requirements, to fulfill my contractual obligations.

This is where the true test of my faith and support of my family came into play. Throughout

the eight years that I have been at my unit in Newport News I have had to deal with some

interesting people and situations. I have had the pleasure to meet and start some lifelong

friendships. I realized when God spoke to me through one of my battles that I was

supposed to be there and there is a reason He allowed me to join the armed forces.

Through the up and downs, hard times and struggles, God and my family has always been

there for me. I enjoy being in the military and I just reenlisted for another four years. I

know it will only get better from here with God and my family by my side.

Christina Trent

United States Army Reserves

Daughter of Al and Bridgette Trent

Mother of Micaela

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What is Stephen Ministry?

Nine months ago, Shiloh Baptist Church New Site launched the Stephen Ministry training

program. However, many in the congregation are still not sure just what Stephen Ministry is all

about. Below is a brief explanation of the Stephen Ministry.

Stephen Ministry is a lay, caring ministry made up of members of Shiloh who are being trained,

through the Stephen Ministries Series, to offer lay, Christian care to other members of the

congregation in times of bereavement. At this time we have nine members enrolled in the

Stephen Ministry training classes. Classes meet twice monthly for two and a half hours and may

be completed in approximately 10 months. Once classes have been completed, those trained will

be commissioned by the church as Stephen Ministers (caregivers), who may be assigned a Shiloh

member (care receiver) that needs help when going through their period of bereavement.

Caregivers will meet weekly with their care receivers to help them through the grieving process

for as long as there is a need.

Stephen Ministry is named after Stephen in the Bible (Acts 6:1-6). Stephen, “...A man full of

faith and of the Holy Ghost ..., (v. 5, KJV)," and six other men were chosen to help the disciples

take care of the congregation. Stephen cared deeply for the people and wanted to serve them so

the apostles could carry out the gospel message. Some religious scholars identify Stephen and

those appointed with him as the first deacons in the church.

In Stephen Ministry, men work one-on-one with men, and women work one-on-one with

women. Everything said between the care receiver and the Stephen Minister (the care giver) is

strictly confidential. In some instances a Stephen Minister may need assistance in knowing how

to best help the care receiver. He or she may bring a problem before the twice-monthly

Supervision Group meeting for assistance. The name of care receiver will never be used,

and only the problem itself will be described without revealing the name or other confidential

information provided by the care receiver. Stephen Ministers bear one anothers’ burdens and

show the love of Jesus Christ with compassion, skills, faith, and trust worthiness.

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Austin-Oldknow, Loretta 10/13 Jackson, Lucille 10/26

Barnett, Carlisha 10/18 Johnson Yvette 10/7

Barnett, James 10/21 Kain, Fernanda 10/28

Barnwell, Jessica 10/6 Kay, Monet 10/11

Brown, Carolyn 10/20 King, Damien 10/23

Brown, Justin 10/25 Lamar, Pamela 10/12

Brown, Mitchell 10/26 Lewis, Cleo 10/26

Brown, Patricia 10/17 Lewis, Jacquelyn 10/23

Brown, Shanice 10/19 Lucas, Shatema 10/19

Bumbrey, Julian 10/11 McCory, Patricia 10/14

Bryd, Kenya 10/3 Melendy, Brandon 10/4

Coleman, Aleyah 10/10 Miller, Deborah *

Coleman, Willie 10/8 Miller, Diane 10/17

Collins, Beulah 10/14 Miller, George *

Collins, Blanche 10/29 Parker, Robert 10/4

Cook, Mary 10/18 Porter, Christopher 10/10

Covington, Allison 10/17 Porter, Joseph 10/10

Douglas, Audrey 10/11 Powell, Michael 10/8

Dudley, Mary 10/24 Pratt, Deborah 10/4

Green, Sherry 10/7 Reynold, Lorenzo 10/8

Holmes, Karen 1/2 Salley, Debra 10/4


Page 19: The shiloh baptist church new site CAPSTONE · PDF fileThe first and most important step is to PRAY. ... our footsteps so that we will turn from our wicked ways and run to You where


Salley, Marcus 10/4 Thomas, Maurice 10/24

Smith, Harolyn 10/18 Trent, Christina 10/22

Spaulding, Darrell 10/14 Truslow, Ramona 10/21

Spaulding, Petra 10/28 Wigglesworth, Carolyn10/23

Staten, Sonia 10/9 Wise James 10/28

Page 20: The shiloh baptist church new site CAPSTONE · PDF fileThe first and most important step is to PRAY. ... our footsteps so that we will turn from our wicked ways and run to You where


Page 21: The shiloh baptist church new site CAPSTONE · PDF fileThe first and most important step is to PRAY. ... our footsteps so that we will turn from our wicked ways and run to You where


Every Wednesday at Shiloh Baptist Church New Site:

o 6:30 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. – Prayer and Praise

o 7:00 P.M. – 7:25 P.M. – Worship Service

o 7:30 P.M. – 8:25 P.M. – Bible Study Classes

Sunday school will now start at 9:00 A.M. and end at 10:00 A.M.

All Youth and Young Adult Acknowledgements will now be read on 3rd

Sundays. Forms will continue to be sent out via e-mail and also be

available on the information rack.









