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The Secrets Of Persuasion

A NEW WAYTo Maximize Your Success

Using Neuro-Acceleration Training, NLP, Hypnosis, Subliminal Persuasionand High Tech Communication Skillsl

Written By

Daniel J. Olson

Edited by

Dean A. Montalbano

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To my earliest teachers: Richard Bandler, John Grinder, RobertDilts, Dave Dobson, and of course to my mentor and goodfriend, Mr. Green.

I would like to thank the many people who have helped in thisbook. This book was started in 1984 and because of othercommitments it never was finished until the year 2000. A millionthanks to the editor Dean A. Montalbano. Without him this bookwould not have been finished.

Also, a big round of applause to the people who are quoted inthe book, they were all so very helpful, and of course, all of myclients and students through the last 20 years, who have taughtme as much if not more than I taught them.

Warm Regards,


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The Secrets of Persuasion

©Copyright 2000 by Daniel Olson

All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Nopart of this book may be reproduced in any form or by anymethod, or stored in an electronic storage system, without priorpermission of the publisher in writing except in the case of briefquotations in critical articles and reviews.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number:

ISBN 0-9711840-0-3

Olson & AssociatesPOB 62Winter Park, FL 32790

Feedback to the author: [email protected]

Web site

This book is designed solely to provide information regardingthe subject matter covered. It is offered with the understandingthat the author and publisher disclaim any responsibility for anyliability or loss associated with the use, content, or subjectmatter of information provided herein, or otherwise.

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1.The Secrets of Selling With Hypnosis 8 88

2. Secret Number One ... How To Make 17Them Like You!

3. Gardening Success Through Hypnotic Sell. 39

4. Profit From the State Of The Art of HypnoticTechniques of Conversational Hypnosis 57

5. Spiels That Mesmerize Your Customers! 74 7474

6. Subliminal Advertising ... Its Not About 79Popcorn Anymore.

7. Mesmeric Questions That Say So Much More. 84 84

8. Let's Take A Break-How Self Hypnosis 92Can Help You Improve.

9. The Eyes Have It! Read Their Mind 102

10. Sell More When You Know How They Think! 108

11. Programs of Universal Proportions 120

12. Using Neuro-AccelerationTrainingTM WithYour Sales Force ... May Your Force Be With You. 127

NLP Terminology 133
Free Articles 136
Bonus - Self-Hypnosis Home Study Course 141
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You have picked up this book because you havesome interest in sales techniques. You are reading itnow, have some importance attached to these ideas,and may be wondering what and how they willbenefit you. As you continue to read, learn and enjoyyourself completely, so too will you increase yoursuccess and enjoyment of what you do in ways thatmight even surprise you.

There are many challenges facing the sales personin society today. Customers have increasingly highexpectations and desires which talented salespeopleMUST discover if they wish to in achieve their goal.Hundreds of less effective training courses havebeen developed over the years which excite, and attimes mislead. With the millennium approaching, it ismore important than ever to find the real skills whichcan allow one to move into a new century withgreater success and greater ability to meet theexpectations of the client.

The world is filled with success stories of those whohave learned these skills and found ways to putthem into use within their own fields. Increasedselling and success means being able to really feelgood about one's self and one's ability to effectivelypresent a product or service in a way that thecustomer can discover how beneficial it can be tothem. The Successful Money Making Sales Personknows how important all of these skills are toeffective communication, rapport building, andmoney making; they see ways to take all of thesetools in hand and use them in a way that soundsright to everyone. You too, CAN use the informationwithin this book to break through blockades in yourlife which have been limiting the success you haveenvisioned but which has always been just out of

Page 2

There are many chal-lenges facing thesales person in soci-ety today.

BE one of the Suc-cess Storiesl

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your reach.By the end of this book, when one has accessed allthe potentials both inside and out, one can expect tobegin seeing dramatic increases in Sales Successand a positive turn in the feelings, attitudes andsense of vision one holds towards the work, theproducts, the services and the success that one willexperience in the new millennium!

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Money Making Sales People KnowThese Secrets!

The Secrets of Selling With Hypnosis.

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Money Making Sales People Know TheseSecrets!

The Secrets of Selling With Hypnosis.

On one side of the coin, we have people whospecialize in communicating with others, the salesperson. For years there have been good salespeople and GREAT sales people; often, what setthem apart was a very intangible set of skills andabilities that allowed them to somehow "Just MakeThe Sale" without knowing exactly how they wereable to do it. This asset can become a liability,however, when one needs to adapt the skills onealready has to fit a new situation or product. If onehas no awareness of HOW one is successful, itmakes it nearly impossible to duplicate that successin other contexts, or to adapt it to other types ofclients.

On the other side of the coin we have people whospecialize in communicating with others, the hypno-tist. The hypnotist makes a living by getting people todo things they don't wish to do. They persuade themto stop smoking or exercise with success, when foryears these people have failed. The difference inthese two sides of a similar coin is that the hypnotistspends a great deal of time learning HOW what theydo works.

Another skill which hypnotists must have is that ofmodelling- observing people and what they do insuch a way as to be able to duplicate it. By modellingexcellence, we too can become excellent at every-thing that we do. The tools of the hypnotists are:language and understanding of the unconscious. Inunderstanding the HOW behind the Success, peoplecan trancelate their skills and talents into other areasand be even more successful.

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As a Sales person...You are a SpecializedCommunicatorl

Model Your Custom-ers- and You Too willBE SUCCESSFULL!!I

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Money Making Sales People Know TheseSecrets!

The Secrets of Selling With Hypnosis.

On one side of the coin, we have people whospecialize in communicating with others, the salesperson. For years there have been good salespeople and GREAT sales people; often, what setthem apart was a very intangible set of skills andabilities that allowed them to somehow "Just MakeThe Sale" without knowing exactly how they wereable to do it. This asset can become a liability,however, when one needs to adapt the skills onealready has to fit a new situation or product. If onehas no awareness of HOW one is successful, itmakes it nearly impossible to duplicate that successin other contexts, or to adapt it to other types ofclients.

On the other side of the coin we have people whospecialize in communicating with others, the hypno-tist. The hypnotist makes a living by getting people todo things they don't wish to do. They persuade themto stop smoking or exercise with success, when foryears these people have failed. The difference inthese two sides of a similar coin is that the hypnotistspends a great deal of time learning HOW what theydo works.

Another skill which hypnotists must have is that ofmodelling- observing people and what they do insuch a way as to be able to duplicate it. By modellingexcellence, we too can become excellent at every-thing that we do. The tools of the hypnotists are:language and understanding of the unconscious. Inunderstanding the HOW behind the Success, peoplecan trancelate their skills and talents into other areasand be even more successful.

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As a Sales person...You are a SpecializedCommunicatorl

Model Your Custom-ers - and You Too willBE SUCCESSFULL!!I

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The unconscious, or subconscious mind is the keydriver behind most every decision, behavior andaction- including that of making a decision to buy. Itiis the unconscious mind which blinks our eyes, givesus a "gut feeling" and which protects our interests, atlleast as it understands them.

The unconscious mindi s aware on many more subtle levels than theconscious mind, and is handling more information, atthis very moment, than the conscious mind couldeven imagine. By speaking with a client's uncon-scious mind, can create tremendous gains in theeffectiveness of our communication with them.Bottom line- if we talk to the part of them that is inthe driver's seat- we make the sale and make themoney!

Neuro-Acceleration Trainingtm, Hypnosis, NLPand Subliminal Selling-

What They Are And Are Not.

Hypnosis, simply stated, is a process in which wecommunicate more directly with the unconsciousmind and in which we state things in a way that isclearer than normal. Hypnosis is a tool by which wehelp guide people toward their desired outcome.Hypnosis can not be used for mind control, and it isvery challenging to take someone who is deadagainst something and use hypnotic skills to guidethem toward it. This is an ethical safety valve since ifsomeone simply is NOT going to buy, then they shallnot. However, it is a safe presupposition that if theyhave come to you as a customer, then a part of themwants to make a purchase, and with these skills youcan communicate with THAT part. Hypnosis is aform of selective communication in which we speakto those parts of the person which are moving in apositive way and de-sensitize the parts that wouldsabotage the individuals true desires to purchase.

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The unconscious orsubconscious mind isthe key driver behindmost every decisionto buy.

Make Friends with theUnconscious Mind...MAKE THE SALE

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NLP, which stands for Neuro Linguistic Program-ming, is a way of modelling and understandinglanguage. It was developed by two men, JohnGrinder and Richard Bandler, in the early Seventies.It evolved into a system which affords the profes-sional communicator a greater insight into how weas human beings work, how we perceive our world,how we code experiences and how we motivateourselves. By using NLP techniques we can commu-nicate more effectively, learn how people make adecision to purchase, and then use their "PurchasingStrategy" as our model for successful selling.

Subliminal Selling is a series of techniques whichcommunicated at levels just below our consciousthreshold.

Neuro-Acceleration Trainingm, is a synthesis of Saleshypnosis, NLP and Subliminal Selling, put into aformat which creates both internal and externalresults. I nternal is the ability to "walk the talk" andhave your body language match your words. Thisallows the message AND the messenger to becongruent.

The External Results are learning and understandingthe language patterns, techniques and words whichwill help MAKE YOUR SELLING a SUCCESS.

A Part Of Our Lives, Each And Every Day.

Trance is part of our everyday lives, as is language.As you learn the skills within this book in an effectivemanner, you will become more aware of how theycan both help and hurt an effective sales presenta-tion. They are so common and universal that theybecome a natural doorway through which we canaccess the unconscious mind for easier communica-

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Communicate moreeffectively, learn howpeople make a deci-sion to purchase.


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tion. Any time we "zone out" while driving or seem toloose track of time while watching TV we are in atrance state. Trance is a period when our consciousmind is aside, or lost in some task, and theunconscious mind is doing the "driving" so to speak.Other types of trance that occur naturally happenwhen we are having a WONDERFUL time and timeseems to fly by, or when we are so absorbed in atask that we don't notice a stubbed toe or cut ankleuntil much later.

Time distortion, amnesia, and anesthesia are allexamples of what are deemed "Deep trance Phe-nomena" and yet we have each experienced thesethings with our eyes wide open- that is becausetrance is NOT sleep. With a knowledge of thesenaturally existing trance states, in conjunction withunderstanding how to access and CREATE trance,we can communicate with our clients in a moreeffective and much more persuasive way.

Rapport, a sense of whether we are like or unlikesomeone, is also built on unconscious levels. Howmany times have we met someone who we justcouldn't stand and realize later that it was becausethey had our wicked step-brother's voice or theirperfume reminded us of an ex-lover? These uncon-scious observations are effective at creating feelingsand states that can be powerful allies when used toBUILD rapport and guide a sales pitch to the positiveconclusion.

Making What One Says PracticallyI RRESISTIBLE!

When people like us, they have a greater likelihoodof doing what we suggest and believing what we say.Part of how they judge whether they like us or not,whether we have rapport, comes from what we sayconsciously; but a greater portion of how we are

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EVERYONE enterstrance EACH AND EV-ERY DAY. Why notUSE that trance tomake your sale!

If they LIKE YOU...they'll BUY from you!

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judged comes from unconscious perceptions. Withunderstanding of the unconscious mind, how onecan create rapport on other than conscious levels,the Successful Money Making Sales Person cantake a customer who seemed to dislike them, andbecome likened to their best friend; who wouldn't buyfrom their BEST FRIEND! Hypnotic pacing andrapport building skills are a part of the complexpuzzle which can make this possible.

Deep down, we all seek someone who is like us,with whom we can communicate, and feel like weare REALLY making some kind of connection.These are the people we pick to be our very closestfriends, why not also make them our clients!

Another technique which will prove valuable islearning to speak the customer's language. We haveall had the frustrating experience of talking to a salesperson, mechanic or doctor and discovering thatalthough we seem to be using the same language,we just are NOT understanding each other. As youdevelop your skills with hypnotic language patterns,and improve upon your ability to listen to thecustomer and use their language, your customerswill have a greater sense that you understand them.

As these puzzle pieces slowly come together withinone's every day sales techniques, they form abeautiful picture which becomes almost irresistible tothe customer. The allurement which can be gener-ated through these techniques takes on a temptingtone that calls to the customer and says "Hey- comebuy from this guy! You'll feel good if you do!" Muchlike reading this book.

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Turn any SituationAround!


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I n hypnosis, sales, or any type of persuasivecommunication, it is vital to have a goal, a sense ofwhat you are going after, and more importantly, howyou will know when you have it. If we do not have agoal in mind, then we can not know for certain whenwe have achieved it. As a salesperson, the goal, or"outcome" as it is called in NLP, is to find buyers.One might add that one's goal is "To Sell a GoodProduct or service to people who want it and who willbe pleased with their purchase." The bottom line stillremains to sell. If one is selling a lousy product thatisn't worth it and scamming the public, there is acertain part of them which no doubt must make itdifficult to sleep at night and which will likely drivethem to find a better product or service to represent,one which they can feel good about for a change-but that is only a suggestion.

The goal of the customer may be to save money, tobe safe, to be happy, to get in and out fast, to enjoythe buying process, to make a WISE decision and tobe treated fairly. The goal of the Successful MoneyMaking Sales Person is to discover the goal of thecustomer and combine that goal with his or her own,so that BOTH goals may be fulfilled. The resultingwin/win situation is one in which the SuccessfulMoney Making Sales Person gets their sale and thecustomer gets what they wanted in a way that theycan be glad to tell their friends about. They will alsotell them all about YOU, the wonderful MoneyMaking Sales Person who showed them the lightand helped them grasp the understanding they needabout the product to feel they had made a soundpurchase. Each time they hear the click of theswitch, the ring of the bell, or the slam of the door,they can think to themselves "Wow! I loved thatsalesperson! When can I buy something from themagain."

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The goals of this book are to present the principlesand techniques of hypnosis and NLP as they applyto the area of sales persuasion in a way that theaverage salesperson can begin putting them into useslowly and methodically. The text has been writtenusing many hypnotic language patterns and at timesmay see oddly worded- and this is entirely withintent. While the conscious mind gains much under-standing, the unconscious mind will also be learningand recording this information as notes which will beretrieved and used when they are most important,almost automatically. Along the way you will beexposed to various pieces of information meant toinspire, to enlighten and to make you laugh- since ifone can't have fun within one's life and one's job,what is the point? You have picked up this bookbecause you have some interest in sales techniques,you are reading it now and have some importanceattached to these ideas and may be wondering whatand how they will benefit you. As you continue toread, learn and enjoy yourself completely, so too willyou increase your success and enjoyment of whatyou do in ways that might even surprise you.

And so, FORWARD... into a new millennium ofSALES SUCCESS!!! NOW!!!

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Find your niche andunderstand what yourgoals are before mak-i ng your sale andYOU WILL SUCCEED

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Chapter Two

Secret Number One.....How to Make Them Like You!

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Chapter TwoSecret Number One.....

How to Make Them Like You!Pacing Is Your Key To Reaching Your Goal.

Imagine a time when you bought something and leftwith a really good feeling about the sales person.You felt like they understood you, like they werehonest, and that there was even something abouttheir voice that just seemed comfortable. Was this alljust coincidence or was it because the sales personhad in their arsenal a set of tools like those you willbe gifted within this book? Chances are, the salesperson you described was either consciously orunconsciously very good at a hypnotic skill called"Pacing." As the word implies, it involves keepingpace with your clients. What they say, what theybelieve and what they value. In doing this, theSuccessful Money Making Sales Person begins tocome into alignment with what the goal of the clientreally is. They come to understand what things theclient may expect that are easily provided, as well aswhat things may be less that workable. Once youand the client are in the same stride, it thenbecomes easier to LEAD. Leading the client down anew direction is the backbone of Successful Sales-manship- it allows the talented sales person tostrengthen the expectations and wants of the clientwhich ARE reasonable, while allowing the lessrealistic expectations to be directed in a moreworkable fashion. The process of pacing and leadingcan lead to a sophisticated technique called "refram-ing" in which that which HAD been a problem canbecome a selling point in a matter of moments!

Pacing is more than simply nodding one's head orsaying "yes" to everything the client says, and ittakes place on MANY levels, both conscious andunconscious. The Successful Money Making Sales

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Denise, a successful, self moti-vated professional woman cameto Daniel for instruction in NLPand Self hypnosis after a periodof self study in meditation. Atthat time, she found her concen-tration lacking and her ability tomediate limited to shorter peri-ods of time than she desired.Self hypnosis allowed her tofocus and concentered and learnto experience time distortionwhich allowed her to reach insideand maximize her potential pro-fessionally and personally.

"It really helped me to beef upmy intuitive system and learn totrust my instincts." Denise said."I try to practice once a daybecause it helps me to get tre-mendous feedback in my ownprogress and success. It allowsme to release stress and JustBe."

In learning about NLP, Denisefound tremendous benefit bylearning to understand the partsof herself, and how they func-tioned. By understandingmetatypes and learning model-ing processes that allowed her toask the right personal questions,she was able to become a propersalesperson to her unconsciousmind and now she proudly saysthat "I really do have it together!"

"Daniel is a VERY good teacherwho takes the time to lead youstep by step and is so com-pletely patient. It's almost like hecan read your mind and knowswhen something isn't clear andcan help you find the answers."

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Person knows this and learns to pace on as manylevels as possible to build the rapport which will helpbreak through the barriers that stand in the way ofrecord braking, money making sales!

Money Making Sales Pacing Skills

Pacing takes both conscious and unconsciousforms. Using both allows for the maximum effective-ness of any sales relationship, and a relationship isprecisely what a sales encounter becomes. Eachperson within a given sales exchange comes to thetable with his or her own life experiences andperceptions behind them. By using superior knowl-edge of human nature, The Successful MoneyMaking Sales Person can discover what the client'sreservoir of experience contains, and use thosereserves to Increase Success and Increase theirincome.

Conscious pacing deals with listening to what yourclient is saying and acknowledging it or repeating itback, in a way that lets the client know that you haveheard and understand them. Simply agreeing witheverything they say is a weak ploy which will fall flatthe i nstant the client notices that you've become a"Yes-Person." The secret to pacing conscious com-munication is to listen and restate what the client islooking for. If a client states that they are looking fora new car which is safe, something in red, withpower windows for under a thousand dollars; whilenot necessarily a reasonable expectation, it is nonethe less what they are looking for. It would NOT bepacing their desires to show them a green sportscar. But by reiterating what they are looking for, aclever sales person can demonstrate that theyunderstand them and speak the same language theydo. Then the job remains to give it to them, or steerthem in another direction- either of these is MUCHeasier to accomplish if the customer feels under-stood. An easy way to pace this customer con-

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"Daniel is a VERY good teacherwho takes the time to lead youstep by step and is so com-pletely patient. It's almost like hecan read your mind and knowswhen something isn't clear andcan help you find the answers."Those answers are found bothconsciously and unconsciously!

Conscious Pacing...But it's ONLY the be-ginning!

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sciously would be to state, "Well, you want a nice,safe, red car for under a thousand dollars." Usingquestions that clarify their meaning further showsthat you are not only listening but CARE about whatthey say. One could ask, "What are your mostimportant safety features?" or "is there a particularmodel that you feel is safer than others?" This, too,builds credibility and paces the client's wants on aconscious level.

Unconscious pacing, which is far more powerful,requires noticing things which occur at other thanconscious levels. These include breathing rate, typeof language used, body posture, motivation anddecision styles as well as what their mental andemotional states are. By pacing these things, onecan gain rapport with them on an unconsciouslevel... and even though the conscious mind mayhave brought them in to make a purchase, it's theirunconscious mind that will guide them in making adecision to put money in YOUR pocket- MakeFriends with the Unconscious mind or starve.

In any sales exchange, there forms a relationship. Arelationship requires at least two people, and in mostsales there is a third aspect, the product or servicebeing sold. The Wealthy Successful Money MakingSales Person is the one who has learned to partnerall of these things with a talent for building rapportand Communicating with Unconscious aspects of theconsumer in such a way that the relationshipbetween the client and the product becomes onethat they feel they can't live without and it lets theconscious feel good once the afterglow of purchas-ing has worn off. It's almost a seduction, with theSuccessful Money Making Sales Person playingCupid. He brings the client together with their soulmate in purchase form. It's a great position to be in,one that allows the skilled salesperson, with a goodproduct to sell, to feel great about themselves andwhat they do, as well as Making A Ton of Cash in

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Tools that can beused BELOW the levelof Conscious Resist-ence!

Make the relationshipwork for BOTH of you l

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the process.

I n sales, the "getting to know you" period is muchquicker than in the average seduction situation. TheSuccessful Money Making Sales Person must learnwhat places within the client to touch and massagein order to get that familiar responses. The Climax ofa successful sales encounter is that pleasurableexchange of money. Understanding your client, whatthey want consciously and unconsciously, their lifeexperiences, their buying style and history are thingswill make the Moment of sale come and for both tobe satisfied. Throughout this text, the reader, whoaspires to be a Successful Money Making SalesPerson, will learn more and more tools and tech-niques to stimulate them into maximizing their ownpotential as a Successful and Seductive MoneyMaking Sales Person. WOW! Let's get started!

Unconscious Pacing- A Secret Weaponl

The unconscious mind can be paced in simplemanners including matching or mirroring breathing,posture, speech rate and more. The client may nevernotice consciously, but the effective sales person willsee the difference in their numbers and their wallet!Building rapport through mirroring involves noticingsomething that the client is doing unconsciously, anddoing the same thing. Mirroring breathing, forinstance, is a very effective way to build unconsciousrapport. Observe your customer's breathing, andmatch your inhales and exhales to theirs. It's simple,but begins to put you in alignment with them. Itmakes you more like them in a way that isunconscious and which helps to build rapport.

Posture is another VERY effective thing to mirror byadopting same or similar stances, shoulder or headpositioning and movement style. A set of crossedarms, swaying back and forth, using similar gestures,

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Seducing a SALE

The Hypnotistacheives success tohelp a client makechanges in their lifeby working directlywith the UnconsciousMind... The Success-ful Sales Person cando the samel

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one observes in a client will unconsciously_ buildrapport and allow the Successful Money akingSales Person to make contact with the personinside. This needs to be subtle, not as if one weremaking fun of the client, or playing a mime game.Following every action the client does is CERTAIN tobe very ineffective.

There are times though, when mirroring is impracti-cal or would prove too obvious to remain uncon-scious. That is where matching comes into play.Cross Over Matching is even MORE subtle and canbe even more covert and effective than mirroring.Matching involves doing something SIMILAR to whatthe client is doing, but not exactly the same. Fori nstance, one can pace breathing by following theirbreath with a rhythmic raising and lowering of ahand. If a client paces, a pencil can be used tomirror the movement back and forth. Matching voicetempo and tone is also a very effective way to buildthat rapport which will make you the money and putfood on your table.

Using Their Opinions and Beliefs To BuildCredibility.

It's commonly known in the sales business that if youwant to make a sale, agree with the customer andwhat they believe, or lose your shirt! The client'sfears, hopes and desires may have no basis in fact,but they are a vital aspect of what will motivate themto give you their hard earned dollar- and isn't that theway it should be? The Successful Money MakingSales Person knows how to agree and understandwhat the client has to say, and to guide things to thepoint of sale using those very beliefs.

If the client believes that a certain product isunreliable or undesirable, the best sales people inthe world will never sell that product to them

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Build Rapport andmake them LIKE YOUthrough subtle Un-conscious matching!

Be in harmony withtheir opinions and be-liefs and MAKE YOURSALEI

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UNLESS they can turn those beliefs around anduncover ways around the concerns. The only way todo this is to begin with pacing what the clientbelieves either by agreeing with what they've said, orby using a sincere interest to uncover WHY they feelthe way they do. Then use the wisdom gained fromthe questioning to guide the client in a direction morebeneficial to both of you, a sale.

One "belief pacing technique" is to listen intently,often asking questions to clarify what the clientmeans by what they are saying. Using their languageand words is a very important part of successfulbelief pacing. As one become more familiar withwhat the customer wants and doesn't want, one canthen begin feeding that information back to thecustomer with a series of statements that begins with"So if I understand what you want-" As onegenerates a "Yes Set" using what the client hasalready told you, several things happen. The clientfinds themselves answering "Yes Yes Yes..." andalso begins to like you for some reason. YouUNDERSTAND them (and when was the last timethey had THAT from their family or friends.) and arespeaking their language. At the end of a series ofconfirmation statements, a clever salesperson whowants to be rich will then say, "So what you wantneed, or should have) is the DELUXE wonderwidget. It is all that and more." They'll hand you theirwallet and take two!

A Warning- Do It Well or Get Caught!

Often we hear ineffective sales people sounding likeparrots, repeating everything the customer says.After about five minutes, even the most brain deadcustomer is likely to get a little ticked off at this andrealize that you're playing a game with them. Thiswarning applies to many of the techniques in this

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Learn to understandthem... and you maybe closer to themthan their own family!

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book. These Tools are very potent and powerful andwill help make you a real Success if you take thetime to learn them, put them into action, and usethem in the right ways and at the right times. Dothem in ways that are too pushy, or obvious, and onewill find themself at the bottom of the rubbish pit withthe others who THOUGHT they could sell stuff.....Take the time to practice these skills a few at a time,adding one or two to your repertoire each day, and ina few weeks you'll KNOW you're successful by thefact that the figures in the bank have gone higherthan you can count!

The best way to learn how to use these secrets in aneffective and money making manner is to select oneor two sections of this text at a time, and work withthem. As you become proficient in each section andfind those areas of unconscious sales persuasionthat you excel at naturally, you can begin addingmore and more tools to your bag of tricks as you adddollars to your wallet.

Objections CAN Magically Vanish.

When a person comes to a skilled hypnotist to makea change in their life, they are usually incongruent inwhat they want, and what they are doing; they claimto want to stop smoking, yet they smoke. In sales,this incongruence is a dangerous foe which candestroy an average sales person's hard work andend in a loss of sale. The Successful Money MakingSales Person knows ways to access to unconsciousmind and to Change the Objections a client mayhave, insuring that the sale will close and STAYclosed. There are three very powerful techniques fordealing with client objections. Two of them tendtoward being VERY simple, while the other will bemore appropriate for the Successful Money MakingSales Person.

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Learning to do thesethings WELLI

Wouldn't it be nice ifyou could take all theobjections which yourcustomers bring toyou and make themDISAPPEAR? YOUCANIII

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Objection Buster #1- Object For Them!

A talented sales person knows when the client isacting unsure or leery of making a purchase, eventhough the client may not voice any objection. Aneffective sales person must be ready to pace theunspoken objection, and also to provide a solution. Asimple way to accomplish this is to object for them,to offer examples of objections that other clientshave had, and how they ended up delighted withtheir purchase. People tend to apply a story orexample to themselves; for instance, there was atime when a client of mine was making a purchase,and in a matter of moments had talked himself intobuying, even though the sales person had come upwith a valid reason why they shouldn't buy. Althoughthe messages he was getting from the outside werethat the salesperson didn't know if he could afford orhandle the product, inside, he was refuting thoseclaims, and making the sale on the sales person'sbehalf.

As you read the last lines of that paragraph whathappened internally? Many people, when offeredsuch a story about an anonymous person and anunspecific objection will tend to fill in the detailsthemselves, using THEIR view point as the resourcefor the details. Already, one can begin finding waysto use these secrets in one's own sales work. Byusing unspecified language, and by speaking interms of others, the Successful Money Making SalesPerson will PACE the client's objections withouteven having to know what they are! Once paced,once they feel that you understand them, you canlead the client in a new direction, toward thedirection of the sale.

Some specific examples of language one might use

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Be the FIRST to men-tion it! It builds rap-port and takes thepower OUT of any ob-jection.

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are : "Now, sometimes there's a concern peoplehave about if this will be right for them, and that'sgood to have that concern. And as others havelooked this over and found ways to make it just rightfor them, they were delighted."

"I'm sure you've got some questions and concernsnow, and maybe are a little confused as the best wayto buy today, and so let's solve those now."

In both of these examples one has acknowledgedunknown objections- and started leading the clienttoward a resolution.

Objection Buster #2- Word Play To Wipe TheObjection Away.

Words are powerful, and a simple change in tone orsyntax can alter the entire meaning, or impliedmeaning, of any conversation. Tenses are one key toerasing objections and putting them in the past.When a person talks about an objection, it is wise tolisten to whether they use a past, present, or futuretense as they talk about their objection. Most often,people's objection will be in the present tense,though they may also rely upon past memories, orimagined future to create an objection in their mind.As we change the tenses they use to communicate,we change their perception of the objection.

Present Tense: If a person speaks of a concernstrictly in the present tense, one of the most powerfulphrases you can use is "Aside from that." It does twothings; #1- It sets the objection aside, out of theimmediate field of concern and #2- It causes theclient to disassociate from the objection. Anytime werefer to "THAT" problem, we place it, symbolicallysomewhere other than here and now. In essence, wedistort the internal mental coding of the thought so

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It's not just HOW yousay it..... It's WHATyou SAY!

Your customers willLove you for it.... andBUY!

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that it goes from being This problem, here and now,to That problem over there and then. So, when aclient shares an objection to a product or service, aSuccessful Money Making Sales Person will pacethat objection, to make certain the client knows thatthey are understood, and then, with a wave of thehand, can make it vanish by saying "Aside from that,though- this is the product you are looking for andso, what else needs to be here now so that you willfeel better about that thing which you were worriedabout." In that sentence we see in bold print,language used which places the SOLUTION in thepresent tense, and in Italics references to theproblem in the past. On an unconscious level, anyanswer from the client binds them to syntax of thesentence and starts them on the road to putting theirobjection in the past THEMSELVES.

Past Tense: Objections based upon the past areoften best handled by over emphasizing how seriousthey were. Go along with their beliefs that what hadhappened in the past might happen again this time,but focus on how awful that was to have happenedto them THEN..... To make this more effective, lookoff to the client's left (See Future Chapters for moreabout WHY) as you really exaggerate how TER-RIBLE That must HAVE BEEN before preparing tolead. When the time comes to lead the client AWAYfrom that objection, turn your body to the otherdirection, stand straighter and taller and talk instrong present and future language about howWONDERFUL and DIFFERENT it WILL BE thistime. le. "........ And so (Shifting posture and directionof gaze) we both want this time to be different thanthe way THAT had been... And when you're threemonths down the road from now, and look back totoday- you'll be able to feel so great about thispurchase that you can forget all about what hadhappened in the past and instead enjoy the future.Wow... that sounds Great!!!" Doesn't it!!!

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By Rearranging per-ception of the past,present or future....objections whichMIGHT HAVE pre-vented a sale can be-come powerful ammu-nition to blast thoseobjections i ntooblivionl

What HAD BEEN yourbiggest problem inselling?

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Future tense: This can be trickier to handle, but thebest way to do so is to get them to focus more onwise decisions from their past. Try to find out if theyhave made successful purchases in the past andthen pull those feelings from the past into the futureby again, changing the tenses you use when youspeak about what had happened. You put theirfeelings from the past, which were good, and movethem into the future to take the objection and erase itbefore it ever happens!! This is also a wonderfulfavor to do for someone. Most people who objectbased on the future, are really making up a world ofworries and troubles for themselves. By installingsome good memories into their future, we let themhave a less stressful life, and they can enjoyanticipation rather than dreading regret! So, You getRich, and They get Happy... a Win Win situation!

Objection Buster # 3- Pushing The Right Buttons.

Everyone has triggers- "buttons" which, whenpushed, will get specific and immediate results. Theycome in many forms, from buzz words, to phrases ortonalities used by parents. An ex-lover's cologne canbe a POWERFUL trigger which takes one back topast feelings and situations surrounding that person,good or bad. These buttons are what we call"Anchors."

Anchoring will be discussed in later chapters in moredetail, but essentially an anchor is a signal of somesort which causes a person to go through some kindof internal experience. When a stage hypnotist tells aperson that when they hear a bell ring they will barklike a dog- the bell ringing is the anchor. Anchorscan be established in various ways, both direct andindirect. Since direct anchoring requires consent, wewill be more concerned with indirect anchors here.One excellent ways to use indirect anchors is toanchor any and all good buying experiences a clientmay have, as well as any things you KNOW they like

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The Futre CAN BE thekey!

Know their Hooks-and you can reel themi n!

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about the product or service. To do this, simply usesome gesture EVERY TIME they speak of some-thing positive with regards to a sale or buying. On anunconscious level, they will go through a learningprocess of connecting all those memories, feelingsand words to that gesture, and that gesture thenbecomes and anchor to recreate all of thoseexperience and feelings... It is also a SECRETWEAPON!!!

If a major objection comes up, a Successful MoneyMaking Sales Person will pace the objection, andanchor it with some OTHER gesture. Once thetechniques above have been used, it is time to takeout this little secret weapon and fire it off... All onehas to do is mention "finding a Solution" and then fireoff the POSITIVE ANCHOR. A slight moment later,fire off the negative anchor. In NLP terms, this iscalled an Anchor Collapse and it takes the objection,which is only single objection, and throws it into ateeming pit of metaphoric lions. The lions are allthose GOOD purchasing memories and feelingswhich then, in effect, becomes a TEAM of salespeople on YOUR SIDE helping to convince the clienttheir that piddly objection certainly doesn't meanmuch. $old!

Pacing The Future... Leading To A SALE!

As we have seen, pacing can be done even if wedon't know what we are pacing, as in the case ofobjections. We can also seem to read minds andpredict the future by pacing the future before ithappens. This process can effectively lead to a sale,and also prevent returns later on by pacing andnow, and leading to a solution before it everhappens. Future pacing deals with talking about andrevivicating what it WILL be like in the future, whenthe sale has been made. We don't talk in terms ofMights and If s, but rather Wills and Whens. "Thinkof what it Will be like When you are driving down the

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A simple gesture canbecome a POWERFULSERCRET PARTNERin your selling sys-tem!

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road, feeling SAFE for yourself and your children inthis new car." This would be an example especiallyfor someone who has stressed safety as beingimportant, but NOT so effective with someone whowants glamour and prestige; for them a differentapproach such as "And when your out in this car andeveryone's head is turning, WOW- that will be arush. Wish I was buying it, like you are."

Future pacing is also a good way to insure thatproblems don't come back to haunt you. A Success-ful Money Making Sales Person can pace possiblethought of returns. "And who knows, you mightchange your mind.... and then if you don't want tofeel safe any more just come back and we'll talk."Here, through language, you've attached a sugges-tion that they Might decide they don't want the car-but that to do so they must also decide they don'twant to be safe- and that then they will come talk toyou. If it comes to that point, a few more paces andObjection Busters, and they'll be driving down theroad happy again, and praising your name!

It is a good idea to begin future pacing a sale rightaway. Simply assume that they WILL buy- maybetoday, maybe in a week. It is important to not stresstoo strongly that they will buy THEN AND THEREuntil greater rapport has been built and they havesaid they are ready to buy. If the customer has it setin their head that they just came to look that day, itwill take some more rapport building and uncon-scious persuasion before they will accept a futurepace regarding an immediate sale. Even when acustomer says they are "Just shopping and not readyto buy," one can future pace by saying things like"What can I tell you about so that when you're readyto buy you'll know you've made the right choice tobuy f from me?" These are similar to a hypnotictechnique called "Presupposition" which will also betalked about more later.

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And while we're at it...Why not make surethat objections thatthey think of AFTERthe sale can also sim-ply VANISH and beforgotten?

They WILL buy if youBELIEVE!!!

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YES- Sets.... Out In The Open, And Hidden Away.

Every sales person of worth knows about the powerof "Yes Sets." The idea behind a Yes Set is that we,as human beings, have a sort of in built inertia andwill continue doing whatever we are doing oncewe've gotten momentum. In other words, if we arearguing, we will continue to do so, even if validpoints are brought up, until such time as ourmomentum is broken or redirecting. Likewise, if aclient is saying "yes yes yes...." in answer to yourquestions or in response to your statements, thenthey are likely to say "yes" to the sale. Yes sets canbe out in the open, or can take place on unconsciouslevels- and some of this we have already exploredthrough pacing. In essence, anything which the clientsilently says "Yes" to internally, becomes a series ofa Yes-set, and can lead to the Sale. Even state-ments can be turned into Yes-set questions, anddeal with negations at the same time!

Obvious Yes-sets deal with simply asking the clientquestions... " So, your name is Bob? And you drovethat dodge here today for information on a trade-in?And you're looking to see what you can buy new?And we'll see what we can find and you'll be ready todrive off the lot in your new car today? " Yes Yes YesYES!!!! The thing about these types of Yes-sets isthat any idiot can use them, and often they do, andattach things which don't makes any sense to theend of the Yes Set and expect people to blindlyagree. Some do, but most will NOT!

Covert Yes-sets employ using pacing, which we'vealready discussed. By making statements indirectly,or which pace POWERFUL beliefs or ideals of theclient, one can also get them to agree to move in

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A secret which theBEST sales peoplehave known about forYEARS I

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other directions mentally. "So, you may have someworries about the financial aspects of things, or otherconcerns which haven't been addressed YET, andyou are interested but not fully convinced, yet. So i fwe take a few moments to address those things thathad been there, you can be ready to buy now, thatmakes sense, does it not?" Why Yes!! " In additionto making a statement into a question, it mentionsthe negation of the statement, thus pacing anyobjection before it was there. Even the client whowants to be disagreeable will find themselves havingto reply, externally or internally, with a "Yes."

By using phrases such as "Can you not? Aren't you?Isn't it?" one takes something which was a statementsuch as "it is bad to lose money because ofoutdated technology," and turn it into a questionwhich in effect binds them into a "yes" response. "Iti s bad to lose money because of outdated technol-ogy, isn't it?" The Successful Money Making SalesPerson can add power and effectiveness to thecommunication by linking it with another similarstatement... "It is bad to loose money because ofoutdated technology, isn't it? <Yes> And it's some- times tough to stay up to date enough to makemoney without spending a fortune, don't you think?<Yes> So, you are always in need of reasonable andaffordable ways to be on top and make money, areyou not? <Yes> Well, let's see how the purchase ofthis product will make this happen for you, so thatwon't be a problem any longer, shall we? <YES>" Inthe foregoing exchange, several other things weredone such as future pacing the sale, presupposing apurchase, taking the past losses of money andputting them into the present tense.

Trance-lations.... Let Their Language BecomeYours!

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Don't JUST use theSIMPLE techniqueslANYONE can do that

Be Creative and Co-vert and make theYes-Set more effec-tivel

That Makes sense...Does it Not?

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Here's an exercise.... before you read this chapter,read the side bar which outlines an interaction with acustomer who makes a statement regarding theirneeds. Then, read the rest of this section, and whenyou get to the end, try the "TEST" and see how youdo. Do the test just prior to the "Test Results"section.

Language can be really useless when it comes tocommunicating any understanding of meaning. Wemay believe that it is effective, but that is a mythnone the less. The reason for this is simple, we eachinterpret language and experience internally and in away that is uniquely our own. Any word is only acode, it is an anchor which we have agreed upon inour language system to use to represent an idea,image or archetype, but only the letters of that wordremain identical for each of us; inside everyone isdifferent.

For a moment, explore what you think of withregards to the real meaning of words such as Love,Hate, Success, Failure, Disaster. Imagine each onein your mind and how it is defined- remembering thatyou can't use the word itself to define it. Now, thinkabout how others you know define those samewords. Success for some is money, for othershappiness, for others winning.... The word is thesame, but the meaning is totally subjective, andtotally different.

The challenge of trying to be a successful businessperson, effective persuasionist, and all around lov-able kind of person to give money too, is that whatone says and what another hears are totally differentin nature. It would almost seem to make effectivecommunication impossible. One secret to SEEMINGto speak the client's same language and reallyunderstanding them (even though internally you

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A customer comes toyou, and tells you thatthey wish to get infor-mation about WonderWidgets. You ask themwhat they value in awidget, attempting toget information whichyou can later pace.Now, remember thispart.... they reply that itis important to them forreasons of safety con-sciousness. They wantsomething economical.They need their widgetto be user appropriate.Remember that, and asyou read this section,i magine what yoursales pitch might be.

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probably have NO CLUE) is to use their language.By this we mean, use the words and terms that theyuse, use the TYPE of language they use, and talk inthe syntax that they use, VERBATIM! Do nottranslate, nor try to interpret, what they are saying.Not until it's time to begin leading, can you alter theirwords into your own and expect to walk away richerand happier in the process. It is important not tobecome a parrot and repeat each sentence or wordthey say, or your skills will betray themselves andbecome obvious and laughable, but when pacing abelief or want, be sure to use the language theTHEY use.

Real sales mega-giants know this to be true, andhave learned how to really HEAR and mirror backwhat the client is thinking and seem to READ THEIRMIND. If asked later, their clients will describe howthe Successful Money Making Sales Person knewexactly what was on their mind, what they werethinking about, and what they wanted; they feltunderstood and trusting toward the SuccessfulMoney Making Sales Person. ChaChing- Cashregisters ringing! If the customer and salespersonwere to be interrogated, it is likely that one woulddiscover that neither had a clue what the other reallymeant or was thinking inside. The techniques WORKso that everyone obtains their desired goal. I'mhappy, YOU ARE HAPPY, every one is happy.

Time For THE TEST:

DO NOT LOOK BACK AT THE EXERCISE PAS-SAGE: In the exercise, the customer said that threethings were important to them about Widgets.....Write them down in a complete sentence, as youmight repeat them back in your sales pitch. ForInstance, So, you can see how THIS widgetis

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Effective communica-tion often SEEMS im-possible- Unless youknow the secrets

How often do youthink you've reallyUNDERSTOOD whatyour clients wanted?Now you can!

ChaChing- Cash reg-isters ringing'.

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Test Results: Now, you may have written down anumber of things in response to the test, onepossible set of replies MIGHT have been: "So youcan see how this widget is Easy to use, comes at aCHEAP PRICE and is User friendly," or some suchthing. However, if you now go back and re-read thetext you will discover that the words used withregards to what THE CUSTOMER valued in thewidget were:safety consciousness.economical.user appropriate.

The sad truth is that even the world's best salesperson can only APPEAR to read minds. Althoughyou might THINK you know what the client means bythe word "Economical." Only THEY know what theyreally mean. In your mind, compare the terms,"Economical, Cheap, Reliable, Will Appreciate inValue, Long Lasting and Reasonably priced." Do itnow, one at a time. Some may have been verysimilar and others may have been very different inmeaning and in internal experience. If "Economical"= "cheap" to you, but "Economical" = "Long Lasting"to them, using the word "Cheap" will NOT pacethem, and will NOT be useful in creating a Yes Set.Remember to use the client's terms EXACTLY.

Another thing to examine in the original passage isthe use of words like 'want, need and should." Eachof these denotes a different level of importancewithin the client's mind. "Wants" MAY be optionaland "Shoulds" may also be similar, but "Needs" haveto be carefully addressed and attended to bothconsciously or unconsciously for effective moneymaking sales to take place. When repeating them

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This test can showmany things. How weoften make the mis-take of translatingwhat we THINK theclient is saying intoour own langauge.Anytime we translaeANYTHING, weather itis from German toChinese, or from Mylangauge to yours, acertain amount ofdeeper meaning getslost in the translation.

While using the samelanguage as our cli-ents may not guaren-tee that we UNDER-STAND what theymean by their lan-gauge it DOES givethe client a sense thatwe do. This sense ofbeing understoodhelps to build rapport,match their experi-ence and mirror theiri nternal ways of think-i ng- and helps toMAKE THE SALE I

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back to pace and create a Yes-set, be sure to statethe Needs as Needs, the Wants as Wants and theShoulds as Shoulds, or once again the timid andineffective

sales person can watch their figuresdwindle down and diminish due to ineffective pacing,leading and Yes Set building.

Enough Of This Kid Stuff..... Onto The REALSecrets!

Pacing helps to build rapport, and rapport is thesecret to all successful communication and allSuccessful Money Making Sales People know howimportant rapport is. Rapport is more than peopleliking you, it is generally a state which existsbetween two people when they sense that they notonly like each other but ARE like each other. Each ofthe secrets already discussed are effective ways tohelp build and increase rapport, and get the clientgoing in the same direction as you. However, thereare secrets used by the great hypnotists of the worldto create and hold powerful rapport on unconsciouslevels which the client is unaware of. These uncon-scious methods of pacing include matching breath-ing rate, matching and mirroring posture, as well asduplicating voice pitch, tone and tempo.

Breathing is one of those things which everyonetends to do with some degree of regularity, if theyare up and about trying to buy things that is. It is aconstant, something which, if you were to mention itor utilize it, would become a 100% guaranteed pace-something which you simply can't be wrong about-that they ARE breathing. Of course, making a pacingstatement like "you are breathing" would be ratherodd and you would probably lose whatever rapportyou already had simply because the customer wouldthink you were a bit crazy. On a conscious level, it issomething that is fairly useless to pace. On anUnconscious level however, breathing is a verystrong rapport builder. A clever sales person, want-

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Learn to hear whatthe customer wouldLIKE to have as op-posed to what theyabsolutely MUSThave.... It will makethe difference be-tween sales and pov-erty.

A Magical Bond be-tween people....

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ing to make a fortune, learns to watch theircustomer's breathing and to breath with them. Whileit will, or SHOULD, go unnoticed consciously, it won'ttake long for the customer to have some sense offamiliarity and comfort with the sales person whopaces breath- and they simply won't know why. Theskeptics can prove it to themselves by pacingsomeone's breathing for 10 - 15 minutes and thendrastically altering or holding their breath for amoment- watch what happens to the person youwere pacing. The reaction can be VERY subtle, butoften is bold and drastic enough to make a verystrong point on the effectiveness of pacing thebreath.

Pacing the breath almost magically creates a senseof being in sync with each other and also can helpthe sales person start to think like and understandthe client even better. It is possible to "cross match"if trying to pace several people at once - using asway of a foot or head tilt to correspond to the inhaleand exhale of the client. This substitute is also veryuseful when trying to pace someone who is asth-matic or who breaths in a way that is radicallydifferent than your own. Breathing can also giveclues as to what type of person the client is withregards to representations systems which will bediscussed in more detail later.

Body posture can also be mirrored or matched tohelp create rapport, but do be careful. There isnothing MORE obvious than the sales person whomirrors every movement, twist, or ear scratch- after afew minutes it becomes a bad mime skit. Matchingover all body posture can be a VERY powerfulrapport builder, however, and helps add to thatsense that "We are like each other."

Other unconscious pacing that works VERY well isvocal tone and tempo. By matching the generalpitch, speed and tone of speech, we again create a

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Everyone's got tobreathe..... so why notuse that to SELLI

Be In Synch with yourclients... You'll under-stand them better aswell.

I n.... Out..... AHHHHH

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state of being like the person with whom we arecommunicating. Naturally effective sales people dothis all the time- now you can too. Cadence andspeed are also important factors and an excellentway to practice matching cadence, speed, pitch andtone is to hum television dialog. Watch the news, ora sit-com; after any character speaks a line try torepeat it with a similar tone, pitch, speed andinflection pattern by humming it. It will end upsounding almost like an old "Peanuts" cartoon, withno real words being spoken, but instead tones, andsounds. Later, practice using the words as well.

It is important here as well, that you don't try toIMITATE their voice. You should still be using yourown voice, but with a tone, inflection and speechpattern which closely matches their own. This, too,becomes a secret selling tool which causes them to"just sort of like" you!

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Who would you ratherbuy from? someonewho looked and actedin a way that wascomfortable to you,or a person whoseemed odd, out ofplace and totally OUTof synch with whoyou are and what youthink?

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Gardening Success Through HypnoticSelling

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CHAPTER THREEGardening Success Through Hypnotic Selling

Hypnotic selling is powerful and simple once youhave learned to combine these techniques. It canalso be very respectful of people's desires, since it isimpossible to utilize these techniques without firstbuilding rapport with the client. With hypnotic sellingwe plant a seed from the moment we meet theclient; a seed which grows toward a successful closeand good feelings on both ends, not to mentionmoney in your pocket and food on your table. Likeany garden however, it will take time to do itproperly. One must assemble the proper seeds,learn how and when to plant them, and till the soil tomake it rich and sustainable. Then with the rightwater, sunlight, and some good luck, we can watchout plants grow. What we put into the ground willdetermine whether our tomatoes are large that yearor simply adequate.... and do you want smalltomatoes?

See It, Hear It, Feel It, or LOSE THE SALE!

People tend to operate in a preferred "modality."They tend to favor one of their senses when makingdecisions, talking about things, or perceiving theirworld. A clever communicator learns to discoverwhat modality is favored by a person, and then use itto communicate with them. In doing so, the customerwill really get a sense that the sales person not onlyunderstands them, but really "communicates in theirlanguage." One might suspect that people wouldguard such valuable and intimate information in avery secretive manner, but a perceptive person can

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With hypnotic sellingwe are planting aseed.

You can talk DI-RECTLY to a custom-er's mind!

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discover this secret in a multitude of ways. InHypnosis, we are aware of three major classificationsof perception: People tend to be what we call Visual,Auditory, or Kinesthetic. A forth category, Olfactory,i s much less common. Let us examine what themodalities are, and then how we can detect themthrough what people say and how they say it.

Visual people are those who favor what they see.Appearances will mean a lot to them and tend tocatch their eye. They tend to look intently at everydetail of a situation, and can get an idea of the bigpicture. Things will have to look just right to a Visualperson if they are going to buy from you, and you willhave to look deep into your own bag of tricks to helpshow them what they need to see in order for thingsto make clear sense and for them to see a way tomake a purchase. Visual people will be fairly easy torecognize if you listen to what they say and how theytalk.

SOME TELL TALE SIGNS OF A VISUAL PERSON:They tend to talk fast. Their internal experience, whatgoes on within their mind, is similar to how theyperceive the world, and it's very easy to make apicture in one's mind very quickly. They will also tendto breath fairly shallowly and high in the chest,perhaps because they are always speaking so fast. Itwould be wise to step up your tempo when you talkto a visual person lest you lose them by talking tooslow.

Language is another way to discern a visual personas they will tend to use visual language. If you readthe first paragraph about visual people you will seean example of this. They speak of what LOOKSright. Having to SEE clearly. How something seemsCOLORFUL. They will mention that they have "TheirEYE on" a particular car or product. They will be thefolks who ask to SEE their choices. A clever salesperson will use lots of visual language and help the

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Do you see it....Do you feel it....Can you HEAR thecash register ringing!

An observant Salesperson can easilylearn how their cus-tomers think!

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visual person understand more clearly exactly thepicture you are trying to paint. NOT speaking in theirlanguage is a certain way to loose the sale and seeyourself on the unemployment line.

Auditory people tend to favor what they hear. Theyspeak a bit slower than the average Visual personand breathe a bit lower and slower in the chest.Auditory people tend to cock their head to one sidewhen listening to you or trying to hear what you haveto say, almost as if they are talking on the phone.Auditory people often sound wonderful, have clearvoices and pride themselves upon the clarity of theirspeech. To an auditory person things must SOUNDjust right and RING true. You'll know you're in tunewith an Auditory person when you've STRUCK ACHORD with them and they know that you really areHEARING them. Auditory people will be impressedwith sound related features of a product, from howsolid the door sounds when it shuts, to the safetythey can feel whenever they hear the lock click shut.They will notice the powerful sound of the newvacuum they are buying, but beware of loud noise,auditory people are often very sensitive to soundquality and volume.

Music in the background can either help or hurt asale with an auditory person, depending uponwhether or not they LIKE the music. Your own voicetone and tempo will prove to be even more importantwith an auditory person than the other. Hear whatthey have to say, and make the tone and tempo ofyour own voice close to theirs, if you wish to becomeaware of the ring of the cash register, the crispsound of money sliding into your hand and makingit's way into your pocket.

Kinesthetics are those who are very IN TOUCH withtheir feelings. A product has to FEEL just right beforethey will GRASP hold of the idea that they want toOWN this thing. They will tend to touch everything

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The words, the toneand the tempo all re-veal something aboutthe way a personthinks INSIDE.

With the AuditoryCustomer, YOURVOICE will be MOSTi mportant

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to get a feel of what it's like to use a product beforethey own it. If something is uncomfortable to themthey will not be likely to purchase it. These are thefolks who rub cars, feel shoes and fondle garmentsbefore trying them on to. Kinesthetics tend to talkslower and deeper than any of the others, and theybreath slow, and deep in their belly. A kinestheticperson will not appreciate if a sales person talks toofast, of if they start to FEEL PRESSURED to buy, asthey need to take some time to get a feeling as towhether or not they want to buy what you have tosell.

Olfactory/ Gustatory people are few and far between.These are the people who favor what they smell ortaste. These are among the most primitive of oursenses and though they are powerful in leading aperson from one state to the other, they tend to beless than common as a lead modality. People maytalk of something SMELLING fishy about a deal, orwanting a TASTE of what it's like to use a newproduct, but that may be more of an indication ofwhere they are at that given moment.

Be aware that preferred representational systemscan change. A person may get excited by what theysee, the color, size or look of a product, but they maypurchase based upon how the FEEL about theproduct, for instance. If you are trying to use thelanguage they presented to you at the start of thedeal, but things simply aren't going right, ask themwhat it would take to convince them, and listen for aswitch of modalities in their response. If they doswitch modalities, then try leading them to thatmodality. In other words, if they came to you talkingabout how the new car engine sounds, but they tellyou it just doesn't LOOK right, lead them fromauditory language and features into VISUAL ones.Aside from things moving along at a better rate andmore likely leading to a sale, you will probably noticea shift in their posture and tone which accompanies

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Preferred representa-tional systems canchange with time andsituations.

It's all about under-standing what's goingon INSIDE.

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their internal change in perception.

When in doubt, USE THEM ALL. If you're not surewhat modality the customer is, then use all thesenses. Talk about how it will look, sound and feel toown the new Widget. The two thirds that don't applywill be sorted out, and they will latch onto themodality which they do favor and you'll have whatyou want anyway. Of course you'll talk three times asmuch for one third the communication, but at leastyou'll get through to them! Whether this sounds likesomething you can clearly understand, or not, try toget in touch with using the modalities each day forjust a bit, and notice how as you shift your tone tomatch how others see the world you are better ableto come in contact with these people and how theycommunicate.

How Hypnotic Language Makes For Trust.

If you ask most customers why they buy fromsomeone, they will say "TRUST." They feel that agiven sales person will not lie to them nor cheatthem and they just feel like they are understood.Pacing and Leading, along with use of lead modali-ties in language, helps to make the client feel, bothconsciously and UNCONSCIOUSLY, that you areli ke them and really understand them. Often they'renot even sure why, they just feel right at home withthat sales person who is more like them and they willbe more likely to buy from them.

When using hypnotic language, we are makingcontact with a person's INTERNAL state and internalexperience which is something that most peopleprobably never do. One of the secrets of successfulhypnotists is that they learn how to give theimpression of knowing exactly what a client's internalexperience is at a given moment and build upon that.More often than not there is NO WAY to really know

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A MAGICAL SECRET-If you aren't sure- justtry all of them.

People will BUY fromthose they trust

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what the internal experience is like. We can onlynotice the external changes, breathing rate, skincolor, posture, twitches or things like lip or pore size.In NOTICING those changes: and commenting onthem in a non-specific or vague way, we SEEM toknow exactly what is going on within the client, thusbuilding rapport, strengthening the trance state, andbeing able to lead them into change direction.

As a sales person, it is vital to be open to small cuesthat the client may give non-verbally, unconsciously,and pace those cues, or ASK what they mean.Slowly, one can grow to understand the cues foreach individual, and as rapport is built, and trustgrows, the sale becomes easier and easier. If you'reselling toasters, where the average sale takes 10minutes, you have a lot less time to do that than in ahome presentation- but let's consider that a cleverhypnotists sometimes has 30- 40 minutes in which tomake someone stop smoking after 30 years ofhaving that behavior. Use the techniques well, andbuild that trust which will get the results you seek!

Your Client Can FORGET All This And More.

Amnesia is one of those deep trance phenomenawhich tends to help the whole hypnotic processalong. Often after a trance session, clients reportthey have no memory of a session, and so theirconscious mind can not interfere with what it can notremember. It is like a story of a man who wanderedthrough the forest, lost and scared, he was sur-rounded all around by tall trees, and dark unfamiliarspaces. His clothes became torn on thorny bushesand there were times he had to fight to hold back thetears as he wondered if he'd ever see his loved onesagain. When he finally reached a clearing which leadto the back of a familiar house, he was so overjoyedthat the entire experience of the forest ordeal wasdiminished or erased from his memory. By replacing,or disassociating our clients from an objection or

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Even when you aren'tsure what's going oninside.... you canFAKE it.

Little things mean alot!

It can be handy toforget this.... or not!

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thought, we can, in essence, create a type ofamnesia which helps make a sale.

One of the handiest techniques to have is the abilityto forget; we do it all the time. We forget our keys,we forget about the process of going to the bathroomeach morning, but rather just do it and go about ourday. Do you remember which sock you put on firstthis morning? Do you remember what the title of thisbook is? Maybe, maybe not, but one way to leadpeople to amnesia, is to remind them, as we just did,of other times in their past when they've forgottensomething, and then quickly attach whatever youWANT them to forget to it.

Another technique is disassociation. By getting theclient to defocus on something, and refocus onsomething else, we can, in effect, create an amnesicresponse. For the client who had a bad experiencewith their last car dealer, and is now blaming that onyou, one can try saying something like, "That soundsjust AWFUL, and so, now aside from that, and as weleave that in the past and move toward what youwant, Now.... What kind of Widget are you buyingtoday?" It sounds almost too simple, but in thatmoment, one can get the client out of the past and into the present. They key to this simple technique isto really PACE them first. Really understand andempathize with whatever it is they are holding on to,and then, with the magic words, "Aside from that"with a swipe of the hand, the memory can almostmagically slide away.

Using amnesia sparingly is a wise choice since onetends to start affecting amnesia on one's self as wellin the process, and it sure would be lousy to forget toget paid, would it not? Amnesia can serve awonderful purpose to allow the client to release oldfears, worries and bad purchasing experiences, andinstead, have a positive experience this time around.It can also help them forget about the critical mother

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An ability to forgetcan be a talent yourclients ALREADYhave.

Changing the subject,Changing the focus,Changes the directionof ANY Sale.

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or friends, the financial advisor who may chastisethem for spending their money rather than giving it tothem to "invest," rather than investing in their ownenjoyment and lifestyle.

Another method of inducing amnesia is what iscalled looping. This technique can be handy inseveral sales situations. With the client who had abad experience with sales but who now can't seemto let go, ask them to go back to BEFORE thatexperience and ask them what they expected..... thiswill do two things: One, it will get them to the pointBEFORE the incident happened and get them toloop back. It may create a partial or total amnesicresponse to the later unpleasant experience. It alsogives you a GREAT insight into what they werelooking for in that last experience but which obvi-ously didn't happen.

Another way to use the looping technique is tooccasionally break up your sales pitch in sectionswhich have certain jokes, tag phrases or "BreakStates" built in. A "Break State" is a comment oraction which has NOTHING to do with what youwere talking about, and which causes the client tobreak their current state or line of thought, and focuson that for a moment. It could be a joke, anunrelated question (Like: "Do you pay tolls to gethere?") or comment on the weather. Suppose then,things are going VERY well, you reach one of thosebreak states and go into the next section of yourpitch, and the sale starts to fall apart, what do youdo? You could back peddle and try to re-work thepitch, OR you could just make them FORGET thatpart of the pitch and start from scratch. If you returnto the break state, the point BEFORE things fellapart, and start from there; It will, in effect, be almostli ke the portion of the pitch from there on had neverhappened. This is a POWERFUL SECRET- andshould not be used too often, though it can be a salesaver. It is like a story of a man who wandered

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A loop can becomeendless... almost im-possible to tell whereit began and where itended and where itbegan again.

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through the forest, lost and scared, he was sur-rounded all around by tall trees, and dark unfamiliarspaces. His clothes became torn on thorny bushesand there were times he had to fight to hold back thetears as he wondered if he'd ever see his loved onesagain. When he finally reached a clearing which leadto the back of a familiar house, he was so overjoyedthat the entire experience of the forest ordeal wasdiminished or erased from his memory. By replacing,or disassociating out clients from an objection orthought, we can in essence create a type of amnesiawhich helps make a sale.

And yes, you did read that same paragraph at thestart of this section.... What ELSE did you read? It ispossible now that you have become somewhatamnesic for other parts of this chapter, dependingupon how deeply you were drawn into the story bothti mes, because we have taken you back to a timeBEFORE you read it. The information is in there,unconsciously, but the conscious mind gets loopedback, hiding the experience away. A little demonstra-tion of looping and how strong amnesia can be.

How To Make Sure They REALLY Remember.....

On the other side of the memory coin, we haveHyper-mnesia or super strong memory. What situa-tions might it be valuable for the client to remember?Your name? How much they enjoyed the purchase?All the money they saved? The product Features?How much they LOVED the salesperson? SURE!!!!All that and MORE! Hyper-mnesia is really handyand very easy to create. It's a matter of guiding theirattention; for instance, as you read this paragraph,you may have been aware of only this text, this book,being fairly absorbed in your environment, your eyesare scanning the page, and you are breathing in andout. You may be aware of a sensation of thetemperature of your left cheek, or it may be the right,or perhaps another part may be where the aware-

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HYPERMNESIA....Remember it and re-member it ALL!

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ness moves to. With that awareness you might trynow to remember a time. A happy time fromchildhood. A time you might not have thought of in aLONG time. A time playing with water. A pool. Ahose. A water balloon. Something you may not havethought of for a long time. And the weather then.And the way your voice sounded as a child, and yourfavorite toys, and maybe a good feeling that wentalong with it, and later, each time you begin a newchapter in this book, that memory may return to youto help you demonstrate hyper-mnesia if you needto. If you understand and have it you don't have toexperience that memory but your unconscious mindknows whether that would valuable or not.

Your experience just now may have been veryintense, or not there at all, depending upon how wellyou are affected by the written word. The process ofhyper-mnesia is similar. You guide the client throughthe features and enjoyments of your product. Youuse their preferred modalities, and look for someindication that they are "There." Then, future pacethat experience, talking of a time in the future whenTHEY will be using the product, and then remindthem of how GREAT it will feel. For Instance: "Andyou might be able to imagine laying on this mattressafter a long hard work day and noticing how easilythe tension just melts out of your body and you areable to relax over a short time, and at that momentyou can just remember today and my name and thatyou want to send your friends here to purchase oneof these too. Imagine if everyone at work were onone of these beds, they'd all be more relaxed all daylong!" You create a feeling or state, then take theminto the future and tell them that whenever they usethe product they will remember that feeling or state.

Hypermnesia can also be good to deal with thecompetition. If a client comes in mad at anothercompetitor for their treatment, and ready to dobusiness with you instead, I'd be inclined to empa-

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Future pace whenTHEY will be usingthe product, and thenremind them of howGREAT it will feel.

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thize, build rapport and then mention how "Gosh,every time you think about XYZ company, you'llprobably think of that horrible experience with THEM!That's bad Business!" and then perhaps steer themin another direction..."So, before all of that hap-pened, what were you looking for? What are yourdesires and wants in a product?" Tossing in a bit ofAmnesia for good measure so you can start offfresh.

It also wouldn't hurt to use hyper-mnesia uponyourself. I f you make a mistake or do something youwant to correct, you can remind yourself to remem-ber it in DETAIL when you sit down to review theday. Likewise it would also be a great idea to reallyclearly remember everything you did RIGHT andsuccessfully as you started using these techniquesand are on your way to making a fortune!

Make Your Client Happy- Make The Sale!

Let's face it, the sad truth is that there are a lot ofunhappy people out there. They are unhappy abouttheir jobs, their habits, their marriages, their moneysituation. Often the last thing they need is to beunhappy about buying your product. Often anincompetent sales person will unsell a customer byrepeating the phrases or tactics used with them inthe past for a sale of an item which they either didn'tli ke or proved to be a rip-off. Emotions are POWER-FUL motivational states. Ask yourself, are you moreli kely to buy something and tell all your friends aboutit if you are REALLY HAPPY about it, or if you hatedthe entire experience and came away depressed?So, by generating states in our clients, we can notonly make a sale, but ensure happiness afterward,and also decrease returns.

States can be created, and lead to, by carefullytelling a story, having the client imagine what it will

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Make certain they re-member it if the com-petition made themmad!

Rememebr YOURmistakes and YOURtalents.

Creating a positivestate is an extra giftfor you and your Cus-tomer.

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be like to own your product or by having themremember past happy times. Once a state iscreated, it can be "Anchored" and either re-createdwhen needed, or connected to the purchasedproduct. An "Anchor" is a signal which becomeslinked or paired to a particular state or feeling. Ananchor can be a touch, a tone of voice, a word, or aposture adopted by the sales person.

To use an anchor, simply create a state or emotionwithin the client by leading them or reminding themof a time when they had that emotion or state. Thiscan be done in conversation, through questions, oreven by talking about similar times in your own life.When they are there, anchor it by a tilt of the head,or a pat on the shoulder. Later on, when talkingabout the product or owning it, if you again activatethe anchor by touching them again, or tilting thehead just so, you recreate those happy feelings and,i n effect, attach then to whatever you are talkingabout at that time. Anchors can also be built upon bygoing to more than one time of the same emotion orstate and activating the same anchor over and over-so it becomes stronger and stronger, like addingmore power to a battery. When it is later activated orused at some point in the sale, the anchor is theneven MORE powerful. Powerful states of happinessare ALWAYS handy to create in business.

Anchors can also be used in other ways. One canuse a swipe of the hand when giving an amnesicsuggestion, for instance, and later the simple swipeof the hand may be enough to create that amnesiaagain. Be aware too, that if things are going thewrong way in a given deal, that your posture andwhole self are anchors for that experience. If youintend to try steering things in another direction, it willbe in your best interest to change your physicallocation, posture and tone just a bit if you wish tototally brake that state and move in another direc-tion.

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Be able to re-createANY state I N-STANTLY!

Wipe away objectionswith a swipe of thehand!

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And so, the next time you're looking at a chapterheading, or playing with water, you too can, remem-ber completely, how easy and effective states andanchors can be.

BUY NOW You've Noticed That The Future CanBe A Key.

You may have noticed, or you may notice later whenyou have put these techniques into use and aremaking millions, that there is a lot of "Future Pacing"in this book. Even the last sentence was an exampleof future pacing. Future Pacing is when we take theclient into the future, to a time in which we havepresupposed a certain outcome or state, and pacewhat it will be like. We have paced your futuresuccess with these techniques over and over in aneffort to get your unconscious mind moving in thatdirection as well as your conscious mind. So, too,can this be a powerful tool in sales.

With future pacing, you speak of going into the futureand imagine what it will be like to be, feel, own orhave a certain thing. In doing this you have alreadypre-supposed that they will buy, create or find thatthing, and you set their unconscious mind into aprocess of trying to help make that happen. Thehypnotist presupposes that a trance will take placefor the moment a new client enters the office. Thesuccessful, money making sales person presup-poses that a sale will take place the moment theymeet a client, and they then get the client topresuppose that they will ENJOY the purchase. Butfuture pacing can also be used as a way to ensurecertain things happen after the sale.

Hyper-mnesia is combined with future pacing whenwe remind the client of how easily they willremember a relaxed state when they are laying on

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Make sure their futureis as perfect as theirpresent!


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the mattress in the future. Likewise, when wereminded the client how infuriated they would be atthe XYZ company when they thought of them later,we were future pacing. Future pacing can help dealwith returns, by taking the client to a point where itmight happen, and then dealing with it in advance.For example; "Sometimes people get a week ormonth down the road and regret a purchase for amoment for one reason or another, but then if youremember completely how satisfied you feel now,you'll be able to put those regrets behind you andreally feel GREAT about it." Or another example:"So, if you find a problem later on, give me a call andwe'll make it perfect!" This not only future pacesthem calling you if they have a problem, butpresupposes that it will be made right!

Be judicious with how far into the future you pacehowever. Best to pace only indefinite time periodswhich have to do with specific times or thingshappening, such as laying on the bed, turning thekey and such. If you take some people out too fari nto the future, you my also encounter their ownfuture paces with regards to kids college tuition,pension checks or the like. If you do that, your futurepace may run into their own already set future paces,and may work against you. As you practice theprocess of future pacing, and get better and better atit, you can begin to notice how easy it becomes. Asthe money and sales increase, and your satisfactionincreases, you can recommend this book to otherpeople. At times when you might not be as effectiveas you like, you can review and practice thesetechniques more and more and so getting better withthem can increase your sales. MONEY!

Resistance Can Be A Thing Of The Past.

With these techniques in place, resistance can be athing of the past. In the olden days of hypnosis, if aclient didn't go into trance or get results, they were

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Combine techniquesfor a sales pitch theywon't soon forget toremember.

Future pace CIRCUM-STANCES to be aSUCCESS.

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labeled "Resistant" and the blame was put on theclient. The modern day hypnotist sees it as achallenge to try another approach with that client.The successful sales person also sees it as theirchallenge if a client comes in and seems to beresistant. It is simply a matter of dealing with thatresistance using all the tricks and techniques alreadyl earned, and those yet to come, allowing thatresistance to slide away and become a thing of thepast. There are no resistant clients, only those withwhom we have not yet found the right way tocommunicate.

By using amnesia, hyper-mnesia, anchors and more,the clients who come in with the guard in place andtheir walls up can be easily won over, and thenguided to a purchase with which they will be happy.One of the secrets is to stop resisting theirresistance and go with it. Take on their fears andconcerns FOR THEM. If they seem nervous aboutaffording the product, then take that on. "Now I'm alittle nervous about how you'll be able to afford thisproduct- how can we make that more comfortable?"If they are not sure they want to buy today; "I' m notso sure I should sell you this wombat Today, whatwould make that better?" Rather than a tug of war,the selling then becomes an environment where youare both working in the same direction. Once thesupposed resistance has been dealt with, and youare both moving in the same direction, down thesame path with the wind at your backs, then you canturn down the road of buying and have what youboth want.

How You Feel About Your Product....

Let's face is, how you feel about your product orservice has to affect your ability to sell it. Each daywhen you leave the shop and close a sale, the clientshould feel good, satisfied, happy and ready to adoptyou as their child, and YOU TOO should be able to

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Resistance is simplytwo people who arebeing who or whatthey are. When welearn to flow with oth-ers, the resistancegoes away, and theflow becomes a pow-erful partner i n thesale.

Tear down theirwallsl

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look yourself in the mirror and say "Yeah- I did goodToday." If you are selling a piece of garbage thatdoesn't work and is ripping people off, you haveevery right to feel down, feel lousy and feelmotivated to get a another job selling somethingworthwhile. One can be effective at ripping peopleor, Or you can be wealthy, happy, healthy feelinggreat and hearing music and little cartoon birdsfloating around with glee each time you see some-thing that you KNOW is great and feel GREAT aboutselling.

The tools within this training course are just that,tools, and like electricity can be used to help or toharm. Funny thing is though, that if we affect other'slives and realities in negative or unhealthy ways, wetend to take on their problems and woes ourselvesas those we work with and help are each metaphoricextensions of ourselves and our own lives- so rip offonly if you wish to be ripped off and manipulate onlyif you wish to be manipulated and disliked.

Weaving a quality product which you can reallybelieve in, with effective hypnotic sales tools, canhelp your client overcome their own internal nay-sayer that tries to make them unhappy with anydecision. One can become a tool to allow themgreater freedom in their life to buy, make decisionsand be happier with those both when they deal withyou and in other areas of their life. You can restcomfortably and well each night knowing that whatyou sell and HOW you sell it is benefiting your clientsin ways they may never consciously be aware of, butwhich will ensure their well being, your well being,and more money in your future from them, theirfamilies and friends... Deep Breath. AHHHHHH!Doesn't that feel good?

You Decide.

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Examine your OWNbeliefs about yourproduct.

Use your tools WELL.

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Chapter Four

Profit From The Sate Of The ArtHypnotic Techniques Of

Conversational Hypnosis

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Chapter FourProfit From The Sate Of The Art Hypnotic


Conversational Hypnosis

Years ago, when folks thought of a hypnotist, theythought of some mysterious guy in a cape with aswinging watch who commanded your eyes to getheavy and close. It was out of that school of thoughtthat people developed the idea that only a certainpercentage of the people will enter a trance whenyou point at them and command them to "SLEEP."That percentage is about the same as the percent-age of people who will hand you their wallets whenyou point at them and command them to "BUYNOW!" Hypnosis went along relatively unchangeduntil a man named Milton H. Erickson came onto thescene. An astounding therapist and incredibly tal-ented hypnotist, people practically dropped intotrance when Dr. Erickson entered the room. Miltonpioneered the idea that everyone could be hypno-tized, if the right approach was used. He alsopioneered something called "Conversational Hypno-sis," a process of using regular conversation to guidepeople into hypnotic trance states. Conversationalhypnosis is powerful precisely because the trancetends to be lost in the conversation. As a salesperson, most of what you do is, or will beconversational hypnosis, since the chances of clientsbeing very responsive to the idea of sitting in a chairwhile you wave a watch at them and tell them to buyyour product are rather slim.

The techniques of conversational hypnosis involvethings such as embedding commands or questions

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Everyone hypnotizeseveryone else EVERYday.... as they speak.

Many things can behidden within whatyou say on the sur-face.

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into a regular conversation so that they are per-ceived on an unconscious level, but on a consciouslevel they will tend to go relatively un-noticed. It isimportant when using any, and all, of these tech-niques to keep what you say conversational andanywhere from friendly to business-like, dependingupon the client. It is also important that you have aclear sense of what outcome you are going forthroughout the sales process. One of the wayspeople mess up hypnotic selling techniques is to usethem "ok" when they use them, and to use themeven better when they're NOT using them. That is tosay that when they are thinking about it, they usethem in a fairly effective way, build rapport get thingsmoving. Then, when they start to see results, they lettheir guards down, and forget about the hypnoticselling techniques they have learned. They begin totell stories or have conversation which does NOTmove toward a sale, and may even lead the clienttoward some other type of trance state which is NOTconducive to buying. So, remember your outcome,and go for the close!

Reframing- Then And Now- Turn A Loss Into AGain!

Reframing is one of the most commonly usedtechniques in selling. The process of reframing dealswith taking a liability and making it into an asset, andgoing for congruency. Years ago, a soap companydiscovered that because of a "Flaw" in their manu-facturing process, their soap had bubbles in it andwould float. Well, it took an advertising genius to"reframe" that into a soap that was "So Pure That itFloats!" In therapeutic settings, we often reframepeoples obsessions into a WONDERFUL ability toconcentrate, and then we get them concentrating onother things. We reframe phobias into desires forprotection, and lead people to protecting themselvesfrom unnecessary fear and so on. Often, a client mayperceive a problem or concern with a given product

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By embedding mes-meric langauge withinour sales pitch, weare able to say THREEtimes as much, ORMORE in half thetime.


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or feature, and it is up to the sales person to reframethat so the client can not only make the purchase,but feel good about what had concerned them. Thedirectness, or indirectness of this, will depend largelyon how big or serious an objection with which youare dealing is.

in sales persuasion, a talented sales person re-frames all the time. It is simple another form ofpacing and leading, in which you acknowledge whata client might see as a problem or concern, and youguide them toward another view of the samesituation. The hardness of a couch can becomedurability and toughness of the fabric. Difficulty inclosing a car door may attest to the strength andtightness of the door seals, and so on. There areother types of reframes however, the type that takeplace inside the customer. Therapeutically, theseinternal reframes take place all the time. A clientcomes in hating the fact that they smoke, andwanting to quit. Obviously, part of them has a goodreason for smoking, or they would have stopped along long time ago. The internal reframe processhelps them to find that reason on an unconsciouslevel, and then get the moving in the same mentaldirection.

In therapy, the reframe works something like this: aclient arrives and says they want to stop some habit,but can't. We acknowledge that the unconsciousmind is trying to do something positive for themthrough this habit, such as relaxation, or protection.Next, we identify that there is another part of themthat doesn't want them to have this habit any moreand it has a good reason too- like health oraesthetics. We then guide the client to see thatobviously there might be a way for both parts ofthem to have their desire in a different way. In otherwords, they may be able to find a way to relax,without the habit. Next, we do some mental magicto get the parts working together and finding a

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"Tina," a busy businessowner who specializesin temporary placementof software profession-als to large corporation,has worked with Daneilfor many things.Through hypnosis, Tinawas able to makeNUMEROUS internalattitude shifts whichallowed her to increaseincome. Prior totraining with Daniel andusing these techniquesthere were manybusiness disappoint-ments and blockadesdue to past experi-ences. On a level ofself work, she was ableto find an inner peaceand joy so thatnegatives didn't effecther postive motivatedstate. As she put it "itallows me to sailthrough life with thewind in my sales."First she was able tocreate a sense of innercompetence which shethen was able to allowto manifest on theoutside as well.Creating a state ofexcellence for sellingand success...... Cont.

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solution- Poof, they are ready to stop smoking.

As a sales person, you can already imagine manyways this might be useful. For Instance, the clientwho sees the company they are buying from as anenemy only interested in taking their money. Theclient who wants to buy a new car but isn't sure ifthey can afford it, or even the client who is arguinginternally between a cheaper and more expensiveversion of the product. In each of these cases, aninternal reframe may be a very useful thing to havehappen. Internal reframes, unlike other reframes,don't really go to consciously change outlooks orattitudes toward something, rather they work on anunconscious level to get the unconscious mind, theone in the driver's seat, to work toward a desiredselling outcome. In a therapeutic setting, reframesare done very blatantly. In selling, they tend to bemore effectively if done conversationally, but canonly be done AFTER rapport has been built. Here'san example of how a reframe might happenconversationally for each of the above examples:

Money Making Sales Person: "So, you have somethoughts about us as being a big company and onlyout for the buck. I can understand that. (Pace) andyou have a part of yourself that really wants toprotect yourself and avoid being ripped off, just like Ido when I go to buy produce.. Have you boughtproduce lately? Wow, it's nuts, but the grocery storeskind of have you, don't they? (Pace, and rapportbuilding- also Trance inducing regression.) Thenthere's another part of you that wants you to havethis car and be happy with it, happy and safe like youwere in the past when you had newer cars.(Regression, revivicating happy thoughts and safethoughts.) This company wants to do right by youand stay around for a long time so that we canKEEP selling you cars- and so we need to make aprofit- but we also need to make customers happy orthey won't come back and we won't get any more

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All that she knew inways that she couldthen put in to use. Fur-ther more she was ableto make internal shiftsso each time she coulddo it better and better...Using techniques ofNLP, Tina was able tomanifest her brand newcar.Creating a compellingi mage of that car, sheplaced it on her NLPti me line and this, withother techniques, accel-lerated her goal settingand a series of jobplacements which leadto her success, ANDher new car.Using Sales Persuasionshe learned how to askthe right questions, tocreate solutions to ANYproblem, and how tosell herself and herbusiness in more andmore effective ways.

It worked for her be-cause now "Tina" isone of THE most suc-cessful in her area!

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business. (Beginning to reframe) So, there must be away for us to work together and satisfy you thatthings are safe and fair, as we make this sale.(Starts Reframe, assuming the client nods or agreesinternally.) Now.

A good way to go from there is to ask HOW thatmight be accomplished, and hear what the clientoffers as feedback.

Another example, of the client who is trying to decidebetween the cheap or expensive version of the sameproduct:

Money Making Sales Person: "So part of you wantsto by the cheaper Widget for economical reasons,even though it might not be exactly what you need.And there's a part of you that wants to buy the onewith better features (Price not mentioned) that ismade to last longer and be a sounder investmentand not need to be repurchased as soon. (Futurepace to a breaking point. Pacing Financial con-cerns.) If you put those motivations together, you canfind a way to please both sides.

This simple two sentence reframe helps steer theclient toward the more expensive product because itwill last longer and in a sense BE more economical.

Because reframing is a generative tool, meaning itdoesn't go for a specific outcome but seeks togenerate more options for behavior,it should beused: early on in a negotiation, to make the clientmore receptive to a purchase; or once the sale hasessentially been made and the client is simply tryingto decide between one product or the other, or todecide weather they will be able to afford onefinancing option or another. You may also need tochange the topic for a few minutes to give them time

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Asking the right ques-tions will begin tobuild yes-sets ANDsales!

Once it's done- It stillkeeps going

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to percolate on the new way of thinking about things.The MORE reframing they are being asked to doinside, the longer it can take. If it's a matter of tryingto decide between a couple different productsbecause of price, that may happen relatively quickly.If it's a matter of trying to buy a multi-thousand dollaritem, they may even need an evening to reframe itand generate the options or viewpoint needed toallow them to make the purchase. If a client decidesto "Go home and sleep on it," it is ALWAYS wise torepeat or use the reframe technique, and thenanchor some good feelings toward yourself and thecompany before they leave. Future pace they're drivehome or sleep that night.

And so, as you think back to how excited you mighthave been when you got into sales, and all themoney it is possible to make, you might also have aside that is nervous about trying to use thesetechniques in the most effective and powerful waythat you already have come to understand that theycan work. And, you want to make more money andbe more effective at selling on many levels so thatyou can continue to grow and develop these andother aspects of your life. You are reading this bookto gain certain knowledge and figure out how to useit properly, although you may also be afraid of usingthem incorrectly and want to insure that you lookgood and make sales. So, as you continue reading,and all these motivations combine to allow you tohave all of these outcomes together, one can, reallyfeel good and even be amused at how powerfulthese techniques, especially reframing, can be. Canthey not?

The Voice Can Be A Hidden Weapon!

Hollywood is full of people with powerful andinteresting voices. James Earl Jones, is one of themost powerful and entrancing speakers. People likeJeromy Irons, Kathleen Turner, Walter Cronkite, and

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Use these techniqueswith yourself as will catapult you toyour OWN success.

Train your voice to fillyour bank account.

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Judy Garland, are, and were, great because of theirtalents and because of their captivating and distinctvoices. They are people we can enjoy listening to,and who have powerful command of their voice andhow it can be used, like the pied piper's flute, tocharm and lead us most anywhere. Then there somegravel voiced commedians - all very effective atmaking us laugh, but whose voices and tone gratesupon us and would tend to distract or dissuade us ina buying situation.

We've already talked a little bit about how your voicecan be used to help build rapport through matching aclient's tone and tempo of speech. There are othervery effective techniques with which one can learn toeffectively use one's voice to be hypnotic, command-ing, trustworthy and friendly, all at the same time.While formal voice coaching is NEVER a bad idea, itis entirely beyond the scope and subject matter ofthis book. There are, however, some basic vocal tipsthat can be offered. One of the first things to beaware of is regional accents. If one has an extremelystrong regional accent, but one has left that region, itmight be wise to tone the accent down, or try tosoften it in order to help build rapport with the locals.Likewise, if one comes from a soft spoken family, itmight be necessary to pump up the volume a bitwhen talking with the general public.

The voice can also be used in very intentional andeffective ways to give a communication a specificslant. Simply changing the pitch of the voice, or theemphasis within a given sentence, can change astatement into a question, or alter the entire meaningof a given communication. Consider the word "yes."If you raise the pitch of your voice as you say it, it ineffect becomes a question... "Yes?" which whilebeing an agreeable word, seems to express doubtand may also begin to instill some doubt within yourclients. This one simple word, uttered like a question,can be all it takes sometimes to shatter a statement

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Building rapportthrough this most im-portant of tools.

How to carry on twoconversations atonce.

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like "I absolutely don't want a blue widget!" "Yes?"Combine it with a look as if you are waiting for areply to yield a "Well, at least I'd rather have a greenone... but light blue might work." It really can beTHAT easy.

Using a questioning pitch can also help when youare trying to pace, but aren't sure you've got inexactly... "So, you are looking for a safe car thatcosts this much?" If you are right, the client will stillperceive you as having paced their beliefs- If not,they will hear it as a question, and correct you.Again, a hopeful, expectant look will help enforcethis as a question. A change of pitch can also alterthe meaning of the sentence entirely. Imagine thesame sentence said at a tone which remainedexactly the same as it was spoken. "So, you arelooking for a safe car that costs this much," thenbecomes a statement of fact. If the pitch lowers asthe sentence is spoken, it becomes a command."You are looking for a safe car that costs this much!"Experiment with the tone and pitch of your voice a biteach day, and notice how the meanings behind thecommunication changes. Listen for the client whoenters and says "I'm, ready to buy a car?" in analmost mousy, questioning voice, pitch rising at theend. Notice how this shakes the strength of thecommunication and changes it to one filled withdoubt.

Now ask yourself if you or a co-worker have eversaid to a client "Oh, you'll love this?" What kind ofdoubts do you suppose were installed? By makingan effort to consciously use your voice in intentional,and more direct and effective ways, you make yourspeech all the more powerful and persuasive. Thereare other vocal aspects that one can profit from aswell, such as tempo and the hypnotic voice.

The hypnotic voice tends to be one which pulls us in.It will be a voice similar in many ways to our own and

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Statements becomequestions with a tinychange....

The wrong inflectioncan kill a sale.

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to our own comfortable speech patterns. For those ofus who are kinesthetic, it will tend to be slower anddeeper; faster and higher for the visual people. It willalso tend to match their own speech in volume andspeed, and once they are following you, simplyaltering your pitch and tempo will throw them into ali ght trance state in which you can communicatemore directly with their unconscious mind in what-ever respectful and effective ways might be appropri-ate.

Hypnotists often carry on conversations within con-versations by using several tones of voice withintheir speech. By saying certain words in a similarpitch, and other parts of their sentences in another"voice" which is subtly different than the first, they inessence "mark Out" a separate set of words,instructions and suggestions to the unconsciousmind. Doing this in a subtle way keeps it belowconscious awareness, and allows one to communi-cate more directly with the unconscious mind. This isa technique sometimes used in print ads buy buryinga command to purchase within a large paragraph.The More copy text there is in an ad, the easier itcan be to embed such things. An entire book, li kethis one could have literally hundreds of embeddedcommands in it, in print. Often simple capitalizingcertain words becomes a way to embed a messageto the reader's unconscious mind. By using the voiceeffectively, one can in essence, capitalize ones'spoken words so they stand out unconsciously andthis can become a clever tool for hypnotic selling.

Once Upon A Time.... SUCCESS!

For centuries, parents have been telling stories tochildren to teach them lessons and get them to bewary of the dangers of the real world. To insure themessage will be heard, understood, and used, theclever adult, often being so clever even THEY don'tknow what they are doing, cloaks the real world in

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Embedded com-mands can also beused in print. It's al-most like being thereto talk right to yourcustomer.

Your parents did it....why shouldn't you be-gin to succeed with it.

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metaphors of wicked witches, dark forests and fairyspells. Fairy tales historically have been used asmetaphors for life- and indeed, all stories will tend tobe or become metaphors for the person hearingthem. When we shutter at a graphic description of abrutal case of abuse, it is because we have putourselves INTO the story somehow, and empathizedwith the protagonist. The only way for us to makesense out of something we are hearing about iseither to associate with it and put ourselves in theshoes of the characters therein, or to liken it tosomething within our personal history- sort of makinga metaphor out of a metaphor. The delightful thingabout using metaphors and stories as a way tocommunicate with people both consciously as wellas unconsciously, is that people often don't realizethat what they are hearing is about them on somelevel- often until it's too late. How many times has aperson been half way though a new interestingproject or garden, sowing and planting new seeds ofunderstanding which they would reap great harvestfrom later, and take a break from their work to museupon similar times in their own life. They mightremember a time when they watched a baby learningto walk, and all the complex details of musclemovement that baby had to master. First, the difficulttask of getting up on all fours, then from there tryingto stand up straight on two. They concentrate on thepositioning of the feet, but haven't learned yet theneed to hold the knees stiff, and they fall. They thenget up and the knees lock, but when they begin tofocus on the muscles in their hips, they forget abouttheir knees again, and fall. What an incredible task itmay seem like to learn to walk- but after time, withpersistence, the baby does master the complicatedtask. Compared to learning to walk, mastering thematerial in this book should tend to be easy as themind uses that early experience.... but then we aretalking about metaphors, and story telling in sellingtoo, are we not?Metaphors can take many forms, from fairy tales, toa story about your own life, to relating a story, real or

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Often times, peoplewill find that simplyby reading somethinglike a book, or maga-zine, they begin togo inside and processthe ideas or conceptsthat they are readingin valuable ways.

Sometimes, only amoment later, andsometimes a dayl ater, they have aflash of AHA- that'show this can work forme.

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fictional, from the newspaper. This technique iscalled Quotes in NLP or 3rd person stories in selling.Because metaphors are a duel form of communica-tion which takes place at other than consciouslevels, it can also be a very powerful and persuasiveform of communication in selling. Stories can behelpful when our clients are not seeing some of thepossibilities in our product, or when they are stuckand worrying about whether or not to make apurchase. Metaphors can be especially useful withthose who are on conscious guard, and are trying toavoid being persuaded at all costs. There are someadditional techniques which can be combined withmetaphors to help make them even more effective.Selling stories need not be LONG ones to beeffective, often they can be a simple sentence. Someexamples:

I've had customers who had that worry before, andall it took was setting them aside for a few moments,before they came up with a solution, and they aredelighted.


It's kind of like when you're fishing and can't decidewhat type of line to use, because you can't knowexactly what kind of fish are in that area... so, youuse the most versatile fishing line you can find to besafe.


Yeah - I can see how you might want to lease ratherthan buy, but then it's kind of like Cinderella, ya haveto get home before midnight, or the whole thing turnsto a mess.

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Bigger isn't ALWAYSbetter.

One sales person weknow used such longmetaphors, he lost hissales.

Another woman weknow was alwaysfinding hidden mean-i ng in even short sen-tances like this one.

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In each of those, very little was said directly, butthere was meaning beneath what was said, and thelistener adds to that a deeper meaning of their own.looking at each of those examples in more detail:"I've had customers who had that worry before, andall it took was them setting aside for a few moments,before they came up with a solution, and they weredelighted." This type of thing is handy to have tuckedi n one's selling arsenal. It speaks of other custom-ers, which the listener has to think of as beingthemselves to make sense out of. It paces theirworries, and therefor helps to keep rapport. Itembeds a suggestion as to how to deal with theworry, by setting it aside and allowing THEM to comeup with a solution. It then future paces them comingup with a solution- and being delighted. It does all ofthat in one sentence, efficiently and easily. Whencommunicating with a disagreeable client, I've foundit effective to add: "Now I don't know if that wouldwork for YOU or not, but only you would know,"which might work for you in sales or not, but youmight not want to try it right away and risk being tooeffective. It's effect is to take on the clients negationsBEFORE they happen, and so, their only way tonegate what was said turns into a double negativeand heads them toward the intended direction, andthat's so easy to see, is it not?

I n the next example: "It's kind of like when you'refishing and can't decide what type of line to use,because you can't know exactly what kind of fish arein that area... so, you use the most versatile fishingline you can find to be safe." Here is an example ofmaking a metaphor fit to the individual. It would beSAFEST to try this type of metaphor with someonewho you at least knew liked or could tolerate fishing.Also, the final phrase assumes that "being Safe" wasa value of the person hearing the metaphor. Whengenerating a metaphor that is from a specific lifeexperience, like fishing, you must be fairly sure thatthe person you are dealing with has that type ofexperience in their memory banks either personally,

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There are metaphorsall around you!

Use safe metaphorswith those you don'tknow well. Allowyourself to be pro-tected even then!

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or from observation. A related metaphor could be..: "A Chef planning dinner for some unknown, butimportant, guests won't get too risky or experimentalsince he doesn't yet know the tastes of the diners.He chooses the things which will be acceptable tothe majority of the people under most circumstances,to be safe and secure that his choices will work foreveryone." Even if one doesn't cook, one might beable to see the meaning in this metaphor, that ofchoosing that which is most versatile for maximumsafety and usability. Another type of metaphor whichfocuses upon personal experience is called the"Early Learning Set" which was demonstrated a fewparagraphs back when talking about how a babylearns to walk. This is a universal experience whicheveryone has, and which by its very nature is bothregressive, and trance inducing to hear about.

Finally: "Yeah- I can see how you might want tolease rather than buy, but then it's kind of likeCinderella, ya have to get home before midnight, orthe whole thing turns to a mess." Here, we are tryingto persuade a client not to lease, due to therestrictions. This brief metaphor also taps intochildhood memories of the Cinderella story and whathappened when her time ran out. It capitalize on aLONG story which the client already knows, andunconsciously makes them go inside to unfold therest of the information.

Not everyone responds to metaphors as metaphors,and when a clever sales person notices blank staresin response to the first few attempts at usingmetaphors, they often find it wise to change gearsand focus their sights on trying another approach.People often get locked into the idea of driving towork by one route, but when they vary their paths,they are able to cope with a larger variety of trafficsituations. Even if you LOVE apples, an entire diet ofapples won't help you live effectively or healthily. Inother words, if you notice that metaphors aren't

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Child-like metaphorstap into the childwithin and get him orher to play along.

Remember to changewhat you feed to yourcustomer or they maybecome sick of thesame old thing.

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working, just say what you have to say in a different,more direct way, unless you don't want to makemoney.

Presuppositions That Can Make YOU A Winner!

When you have completed this chapter, you will finda number of valuable communication tools in yoursales bag of tricks which as you use them will helpfuture pace your clients into a sale. You might find ituseful to use these techniques one at a time, or all atonce, but only you can decide which will allow you tobe the MOST successful. As you become moreinterested in the power of presupposition, don't beginto use them too fast, take your time and enjoy them.

Presuppositions can be used to future pace, andi ncorporate what we call a double bind, which is, inessence, a way of trapping someone into agreementwith certain end point imagery. The word "presuppo-sition" implies that something is being pre-supposedto be true. In sales, there are many things which canbe helpful in the final sale if the client and salesperson both pre-suppose, or believe them to be true.These things might include things like: A sale will bemade, The price will be fair, or The client will takethe service contract. Presuppositions are everywherei n our communication. Look at the first paragraph ofthis section.... it is written entirely in presuppositions.

When you have completed this chapter. This presup-poses that you are reading this chapter, and willcomplete it. You will find a number of valuablecommunication tools in your sales bag of trickswhich when you use them . Presuppose that you willuse them. You might find it useful to use thesetechniques one at a time, or all at once, but only you

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When you use thesesuccessfully, youmight notice howpressuppositions arehappening all aroundyou.

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can decide which will allow you to be the MOSTsuccessful . It is a double bind which both supposesthat you WILL use them, but allows you an illusion ofchoice. The choice given is HOW you will use them,but it presupposes that you WILL use them. As youbecome more interested in the power of presupposi-tion, don't begin to use them too fast, take your timeand enjoy them. Both assume that you will use them,and that you will be INTERESTED.

One of the most powerful forms of presupposition isthe "double bind" a choice which is no choice. "Doyou want to buy the car in under and hour, or takethe entire day?" presupposes that the sale WILLhappen, the client is simply given the choice of howlong it will take. Whichever the client chooses, theyare unconsciously already agreeing with the presup-position that the sale will be made. An effective,soon to be wealthy, sales person will then find outwhat other criteria must be filled to make the sale,otherwise the unconscious mind will simply reject thesale at the end of the allotted time period. However,the double bind presupposition gets agreement rightfrom the start, it is then just a matter of discoveringand fulfilling, or reframing the details.

"Would you prefer service contract option A, or B, inorder to protect your investment," presupposes anddouble binds that the client wants a service contractAND that they want to protect their investment.though not every form of presupposition takes that ofthe double bind. "How can I help you buy a cartoday?" presupposes that the client will buy a car,and do it today, and that the speaker can help. Addwhat you've already learned about the voice, and puta downward tone on the words `Buy a car" and youhave an embedded command as well. "How can 1help you? Buy A Car Today!"

How else can you use presuppositions in your salesstrategies?

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Some clients havebuilt in filters whichlook for presupposi-tions and try to filterthem out and protectthem from being ma-nipulated- so if younotice that resistence

try another tech-nique.

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What are five things which, if your client believesthem to be true, will help the sale? Things like: I amgoing to buy today, I want to send referrals to thissales person, I need a BLUE one.

Write out a presupposition which assumes that theyalready THINK that way. Such as, What would youli ke to buy today? When you send me referrals, havethem mention your name... I take care of my friends.Fortunately, we have a lot of Blue ones... Whatshade of blue do you need? The last example, bythe way, is weak, unless you have already done a lotof pacing and leading to get them interested in ablue one, or they already arrived wanting one.

The more you think about presuppositions, the moreyou will find ways to use them within your sellingpractice and begin to increase your sales. As yoursales increase, and you enjoy the money, you mightwant to thank your author by sending orders for morecopies of the book, or simply by sending a smallpostcard or testimonial which they can use for futurepromotion. Presuppositions are literally everywhere,and as you look for them, and begin noticing themeven more, you will be able to use the even moreeffectively- even in other areas of your life.

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One of the most pow-erful forms of presup-position i s the"double bind" achoice which is nochoice.

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Chapter Five

Spiels That MesmorizeYour Customers!

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Chapter FiveSpiels That Hypnotize Your Customers!

Although it is important to be adaptable, and changeyour standard spiel to fit the customer you aredealing with, one can write generic spiels that can beused, almost like hypnotic mantras, to set the stagefor a successful sale, and adapt them over thecourse of the deal with a given individual. Doing thiscan also help you to gain confidence at not having tomake up what you want to say on the spot. Variousaspects that make this effective include; beingabstract in what you say, gathering and gainingattention, knowing how to give commands, usingtheir language, asking questions that aren't ques-tions, and using surprise or confusion to create aninstant trance.

The Words Are The Key.

If one is going to write a pre-scripted spiel, the wordsone uses need to have various qualities which makethem more effective. Whenever we hear a phrasethat lacks certain types of details we go through aprocess by which we utilize our mind and intuition tofill in those details. By using language which isnon-specific, and which in essence says NOTHING,we cause the client to go inside and assign meaningto the communication. Most politicians do this all thetime. "The time has come for those who wantsuccess to put that which has been an appallingsituation of the type we all hate being put in behindus and prepare for a better future. As we begin

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Your Spiels can be-come VERY compel-ling when you usehypnotic languageand techniques.

How to let THEM fill inthe details.

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toward our goals and dreams for a better tomorrow,one can set aside the anger toward those who hadcreated the situation around us and then be suc-cessful with our future horizon." HUH???

NLP Secrets Of How To Say Whatever THEYNeed To Hear.

In Hypnosis and NLP, people have often made noteof certain processes that others go through in orderto have understanding about what a communicationoffers. The more people utilize abstractions, or whatare known as nominalizations, the less specific thecommunication will really tend to be and, unless thepeople receiving the information are educated listen-ers, the more specific their perception of theinformation will be as they put it into their ownunderstanding or framework of reference. In es-sence, people will have to travel inside in order tohave understanding of communications and attachtheir own values and experiences to that communi-cation to make sense out of it. The listeners thencredit the communicator with having a greaterunderstanding of what the internal experiences of thelisteners really is.

That paragraph was both an explanation and ex-ample of exactly the type of abstract or non-specificlanguage that is being talked about. What People?What processes? What understanding? What Com-munication? Abstractions of What? What is beingNominalized? What information? What type of Per-ception? What type of Understanding? What Com-munications? The more abstract the language themore one can APPEAR to pace a clients internalexperience or belief without really have a clue whatthey are thinking. The client then fills in the gap andon an unconscious level assumes, or presupposesthat the successful sales person knows what they,

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When certain informa-tion is missing, wetend to create, imag-i ne or provide it our-selves.

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the client, are thinking and wanting. Rapport iscreated.

"So you have come here for a number of reasonsand want to see how features you desire are herethat you can use and want a greater understandingof how the features you want are to be discovered inthese products? " YES.... I see a `Yes Set' develop-ing here! Another trick used in the wording here isthe use of ACTIVE words like desire, use,understanding, to be discovered- These all tend toboth future pace and create a sense of activity inwhich the client is DOING something. The featuresare the ones you "desire" (Present active tense)verses "desired" Past tense.) When a SuccessfulSales Person gets any type of affirmative responseto this type of fairly content specific statement, theyare on their way to building the powerful rapport theyneed, and eventually reaching a real understandingof the client and what they really are looking for.

Abstract language, nominalizations, and active word-i ng CAN be very misleading, since the clientessentially changes the relatively content free com-munication into whatever they really want to hear.They nod in agreement and begin entering a trancestate where they can fantasize all sorts of things asthe Talented Sales Person guides them to the sale.It is VITAL, if you want to be successful, create goodfeelings and make money, that you do NOT usethese types of communications all the time. They arebest for initial meetings, particularly when you knownothing about the clients real wants and/or they aretrying to not tell you much or answer questions. Ifyou base your entire sales technique upon non-i nformation specific language the result will be thatthe clients will hallucinate whatever they want in yourproduct or service UNTIL they get it home.... andthen they will NOT be happy. This is where returnscomes in to play and unless you want to watch yourcommissions fly away in returns and unhappy

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Use ACTIVE words tomake the customerTHINK.

Be sure not to mis-lead.

Know when to usethese techniques.

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customers, use these techniques only to gain rapportand get them communicating about their specificwants, needs, and values.

There is another focus: "wants" and "needs." Listencarefully to what people say they want, they need,and would like, as each wording denotes a differentlevel of necessity. Be cautious about imposing yourOWN values in ranking which is more important.Some people are very hedonistic, and their WANTSwill often over ride their NEEDS when it comes topurchases. If someone says "I need somethingpractical, that will get me to work, and I want a bluecar and it'd be nice if it had power door locks." It iseasy to assume that practicality is their mosti mportant criteria, and on one level it probably is, butif they are `want motivated' they will PURCHASEbased upon whether the car is blue or not. An easyway to discover that, is to ask if they "....want tomake a purchase today, or if they NEED to make apurchase today?" and listen to their response. Itshould give the effective and Successful SalesPerson a good sense of whether they are "need" or"want" motivated to purchase, and then which ofthose criteria will finally motivate the purchase. Note,too, that the WANTS may be what makes themdecide to buy, but the NEED will still have to be met.The "Like Too" aspect will probably be moreoptional, and if it's something that can't be provided,the Effective Sales Person will try to disassociatethat feature, or reframe it into something less thandesirable.

Words can be powerful tools for communication andallow one to access the types of states that will bringabout the creation of effective sales strategies andallow one to have those outcomes which are mostdesirable. As one goes inside and allows theselearnings to be useful in more and more areas ofthose areas which require it.

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How to read theirmind and know if theirpurchase is a "want"or a "need" andweather or not thatmatters.

Words will CREATEand ACCESS statesfrom within.... Includ-ing the buying state.

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Chapter 6

Subliminal Advertising....It's Not About Popcorn Anymore!

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Chapter 6Subliminal Advertising....

It's Not About Popcorn Anymore!

What They Are, How They Work...

The term "Subliminal," basically means "Beyondconscious perception," and so on that level, most ofthe forms of communication within this book aresomewhat subliminal. When The Successful MoneyMaking Sales Person speaks of subliminals, they arereferring to utilizing visual or auditory information,which is being communicated and perceived belowthe threshold of conscious awareness. In traditionalforms of subliminal advertising, a piece of informa-tion be it motivational or otherwise, is communicatedin a way that escapes conscious detection. Thesecan be either audio signals, phrases such as "Bemore confident," or visual signals, images which arehidden or which are somehow so subtle they can notbe picked up consciously.

Subliminals have been written about extensively inother books, and while it is not the purpose of thisbook to repeat all the information which has gonebefore it, we do wish to share some basic principlesof subliminal selling and how the technology can beused.

Why All The Controversy.

Quite frankly, subliminals WORK and they can be

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Almost magical adver-tising that one nevereven knows one hasseen.

Controversial, be-cause THEY WORK!

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very effective ways to encourage someone to dosomething they might not otherwise do. Because ofthis, the Successful Money Making Sales Personknows that one can only use these tools inresponsible ways to help themselves be moremotivated, and to help their clients look for all theoptions they want, and be happier after the sale. Inyears gone by, subliminals have received presswhich ranged from people wanting to make themillegal, to those who claimed they simply didn't the early days of subliminals, much controversywas raised when a move theatre owner used imagesflashed on the screen to encourage concessionstand sales. His income skyrocketed!

In the audio form of subliminals, a set of simplyworded audio instructions is played at a volumeBARELY AUDIBLE. The volume of the subliminaltrack must allow it to be heard, but at such a lowlevel, that the conscious mind ignores or doesn'tperceive it. This is facilitated by special electronicdevices which mix the spoken audio with a track ofwhite noise or some other "Carrier Signal", keepingone just below the other at all times. Experimentswith running portions of the subliminal track back-ward further helped to increase the effectiveness ofthis tool. Often, the entire subliminal track and carrierare then recorded under music- a tool which hasbeen used in many stores to curb theft withtremendous success.

Visual subliminals can be suggestive images hiddenwithin magazine or television ads, pictures flashedon the screen at rapid rates too quick to consciouslyperceive. With low wattage projections, an image,say with the phrase "Thou Shalt Not Steal" isprojected onto a movie screen or wall with a lowwattage projector. When the room lights are off, it iseasily visible. When the room or another spot light isturned on however, the projected admonition is nolonger visible on a conscious level. It remains quite

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Income can SKY-ROCKET simply bycommunicating withthe unconscious minddirectly.

Subliminals can beused in VARIOUSforms.

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perceivable to the unconscious. A phrase such as"Purchase a book" projected on the wall would tendto encourage the customers of the SuccessfulMoney Making Sales Person to stick out an entiresales pitch.

Subliminals In Advertising.

In advertising, the most common form of subliminalcommunication is on a level of social taboos. Mixingimages of a sexual or taboo nature into a commonad for cigarettes or rum has long been a techniqueto somehow make a product seem more alluring.Even in a sales pitch one can use subtle verbalsuggestions or innuendos well chosen and carefullyspoken to create a certain state in a clientsunconscious mind making one's product seem evenmore attractive than it already is.

Of course, the Successful Money Making SalesPerson knows that these techniques are only asgood as the product or service being sold and thatthe sales person who manipulates someone intobuying that which they don't want, can't use or is notwhat it appears to be, will end up poor and with illpublic image. The clever and Successful MoneyMaking Sales Person will, of course, use these toolsin the most effective ways to sell their products in themost effective ways, realizing that creating states ofallurement is the backbone of all successful andMoney Making sales.

Subliminal Can Help YOU Increase YourConfidence and Success Rate.

The Successful Money Making Sales Person alsoworks with themselves, of course. Subliminal tapesand even projected affirmations can be created or

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Making something Ta-boo can make itMORE ALLURING.

Subliminals used onYOURSELF.

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purchased ready made which can help improveones' confidence, make cold calling more appealingand help one to unconsciously take in the informa-tion and techniques within this book. Throughout thetext that there are subliminal suggestions andembedded commands which were designed to helpone Be More Successful and Feel Good about theirsales and selling. Simply by reading this book, theSuccessful Money Making Sales Person has alreadystarted the process of connecting with their ownuncosncious mind to Succeed and Make MoreMoney.

The author can offer a variety of subliminal servicesin the form of ready made and custom tapes, and hecan be reached at the address to the right.

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Chapter Seven

Mesmeric Questions That Say So MuchMore!

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Chapter SevenMesmeric Questions That Say So Much Morel

Wouldn't you like to be totally successful and makemillions? How would you wish it to be easy? Do youthink reading this book alone, or reading this bookand trying these things out will be more effective foryou? As we have explored throughout this book,questions can be powerful trance inducers, and canbe very useful for uncovering information we need toknow in order to communicate effectively and helplead the customer toward the sale that they want.This section will go into greater detail about what,when, and how questions can be used. Questionscan become commands. They can break negationsand allow you to take control of a situation. Thesethings together can give you even greater sellingpower.

When Is A Question, Really A Command?

Questions which aren't questions have been aroundfor centuries. "Would you rather clean your room orget a spanking?" This isn't really a question per se-it's a command to clean your room, or get aspanking. The funny thing is, the spanking wouldmost likely be followed by the command to "CleanYour Room." which makes it even more evident thatthe question really wasn't one to begin with. Oftentimes, through using inflections and tone changes,we can embed a command within a question and

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I sn't the Magic ofQuestions FASCINAT-I NG?

Don't you

think itmakes sens to usequestions and be suc-cessful?

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send a useful message to the unconscious mind. Allquestions induce a light trance state because theyrequire that the client enter inside, and make senseout of what was said. If the question is oddly stated,vague, or carries embedded commands within it, thatheightens the trance inducing ability of the words. Allquestions also carry with them the embeddedcommand that they are to be answered, and so theytend to put people on the spot, force them to bemore attentive to what is being said, and to take theinformation in. Simply asking a question of a clientwho is drifting off will command them to pay moreattention and process what you are saying. Remem-ber when the teacher would call on you because youhadn't been paying attention? Weren't you generallymore focused after that?

Double binds and presuppositions can also take theform of questions, and they do then, becomecommands. "Would you rather buy the green one orthe red?" is a question which presupposes thepurchase, and with a change of tone 'Would yourather Buy the green one, or the red???" canbecome a command to buy the green one.

Be alert, too, that when your clients ask YOU lots ofquestions they are placing you in a type of trancestate as well. Be on guard of those who enter askinga million questions. Be sure to take control of thesituation, learning as much as you can about WHYthey asked the questions they asked. Are theyrevealing something about their motivation, values,representational systems or other information whichyou can use to make the sale? How will you use thatinformation wisely.

Be Negative Before They Are, And WIN THESALE.

Another useful way to use questions can deal with

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Even your teachersknew about this stuff,Didn't they?

Would you rather besuccessful with thesetechniques, or by hav-i ng to work a LOTharder?

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negations, and tie up any loose ends before a sale isover. Tagging the phrase, "Is it not?" with aquestioning tone, onto the end of nearly anydeclaration will cause the average individual toagree. This works especially well with people whoare "Polarity Responders" who always disagree witheverything said, or who have a constant guard up toprevent being lied to. In essence, they have to agreewith what you have stated, in order to disagree withwhat you asked. Expressing doubts as to whethersomeone can afford a product, really needs it, issure they want all that power, or has had time toshop around can build rapport, if used carefully, andcan also point out that you have some doubts aboutselling to them. If these doubts are posed asquestions, "Are you sure you're ready to buysomething this advanced?" they are FORCED torespond, and usually will insist that they are. If theyDON'T insist that they are, then you need to goback, build rapport more and find out what wouldMAKE them sure, and lead them to that state.

"I' m not sure if I can sell this to you, do you think it'ssomething that's important for you? Why is that?"These types of reverse questions make the clientbecome the sales person. They first have to sellYOU on why you should sell to them, and in theprocess they tell you everything you need to say inorder to convince them to buy. It sounds ridiculous tosome people, and I don't know whether or not you'llbe able to practice this and use it effectively or not,but can you think of any places within your currentbusiness that this might be useful and work reallywell? As you do, you may wish to write them downand develop some sample questions to help with theprocess.

Through A Question YOU Can Take Control!

Sometimes it is valuable to take control of aconversation and send it down another path as

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Have you consideredweather or not youreally want to be both-erd making this kindof high volume sales?

Would you like to beable to TAKE CON-TROL?

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quickly as possible. Our clients have a way of goingoff on tangents that have little or nothing to do withthe topic at hand. They go off and talk about theirkids, the neighborhood they live in, and whilevaluable on some levels, this information can get usway side tracked from the business at hand. Therewas a time when a client came in for hypnosis forsmoking, and after 30 minutes we had discussed anumber of things. It seems that her mother hadalways had an interest in hypnosis for an injury thathad happened when she was a young child. Iti nvolved a small chip she received in the bone of herhip which had caused her considerable pain. How-ever, there comes a time when you have toask...."How can this information help me with sell-i ng?"

Yes, a simple question can grab hold of a run-awayconversation and snap it back on track. It can be adirect question which challenges how the currenttopic of conversation has anything to do withwidgets, but to be even more effective and to avoidlosing rapport, it should be a question which guidesthe client back to the topic at hand. Sometimes, anon-sequitur question can throw the client into a lighttrance state which can be VERY conducive tounconscious communication. An example might gosomething like this: "Now there are lots of reasonswhy it's important to have a pest control contractwhich, what was your last name again? (reply) whichObviously you're sure of... And so I don't have to sellyou on why it's important, just schedule a time."Tossing the question about the last name was totallyout of context, but the comment which followed theanswer could apply to both what was said BEFOREthe question was asked, and to the reply about thename. This example came from real life, and wasquite trance inducing at the time. It also served tosnap the author back to focus on the conversation,which he was starting to ignore.

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When to ask yourselfquestions!

It's nice to recover arun away conversa-tion, isn't it?

Why not use ques-tions to build rapport?

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Questions are useful in building rapport through whatis often called a "Close." Similar to the close of asale, a "Close Question" happens any time one istrying to illustrate that they understand what anotheris saying, and then gain a commitment from them.Earlier we spoke about matching clients words andvalues to build rapport, the Close Question does this,and verifies that you really ARE on the samewavelength. "So, you want a house that is safe, hasthree bedroom, fully furnished and under 5 years old,is that right? And if we found that, that would be thehouse you'd like to buy?" Here we directly mirrorback what the client have said, and then we futurepace or weakly presuppose a purchase if we find thehouse that meets to criteria. Either they will replyYES to both questions, or perhaps a weak "Yes" tothe first, and an even weaker "Yes" to the second. Inthe former case, it means they agree, and you haverapport and can move onto the next step in yoursales technique. In the case of the latter, it meanseither you misunderstood one of the criteria, or theyhaven't shared all of them... In which case, thesuccessful sales person will then ask more questionsto find out what else they'd need to decide topurchase.

There is an even more powerful way to usequestions......The indirect or embedded, QUES-TION....

Being Indirect Can Give You The Power To Sell.

Some people take offense, or go on the defensive,when they are asked a lot of questions over andover. If a question is part of a close, or rapportbuilding statement, a direct question CAN riskdamaging rapport. After all, if I ask you, "So you wanta blue house, Right?" but you said you wanted ablack one, chances are our rapport level will godown somewhat. There is a way to ask a questionWITHOUT asking a question however, and it is

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Being indirect cangive even MOREpower to sell. If thatis a priority for you.

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referred to as an "Embedded Question." I'm wonder-ing if you already have any idea how that might work.That was an example of an embedded question.

Embedded questions are questions cloaked asstatements. IF I say, "I was wondering if you couldtell me what you want from that widget," most peoplewill TAKE it as a question and will answer it.However, it was a statement, NOT a question, andso is less direct and less confrontational. Anotherway to phrase an embedded question is to say "Iwas just curious about...." "I was just curious as to if Ifound you a safe, blue, three bedroom house, if youwould be ready to buy it." Embedded questions takethe heat off a close by making it as a statement, nota question. If you are accurate in your matching oftheir values, they will agree and nod, and perceive itas a statement. If you are less than accurate in whatyou say, they will perceive it as a question, andcorrect you, making it easier to keep rapport.

Just as with metaphors and stories, not everyone willgrasp embedded questions. If you use an "I was justwondering..." approach, and get no response, youmay have to ask the question again in a more directfashion.

There is another aspect to all question asking, andthat is to have some idea what form the answershould take. Most people do NOT answer thequestion they are asked, and interestingly enough,the people who asked the questions often act as ifthey did. If you ask someone WHY they hurtthemselves, often they will reply with "1 tripped andhit my head," which has nothing to do with WHY, butrather How! Ask someone HOW they decided to buytheir last car, and they may start with "Because..."which doesn't tell you HOW they did it, but ratherWHY they did it. The successful sale person noticeswhen their questions aren't being answered verbally,and tries to use other methods of perception to get

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You might be curiousas to how you willbest learn to usethese questioningtechniques.

Have you come upwith some ideas as tohow to use thesetechniques yet?

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the real answer, or else they ask the question againi n a better way.

There are many reasons why you might need to usehypnotic questions in a selling arena, are there not?The more you practice using them, I wonder howmany more places you will find to use them in sellingand in the real world. I tend too, to wonder how manyti mes you'll go back and re-read this book before youallow yourself to believe that you know the materialunconsciously. It's not clear yet, whether or notyou've started seeing just how valuable questionscan be in making money- but as your wallet fills, Iwonder what you'll be saying to yourself then.

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Chapter 8

Let's Take A Break-How Self Hypnosis Can help YOU im-


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Chapter 8Let's Take A Break-

How Self Hypnosis Can help YOU improve.

Hypnosis is a powerful tool for self - growth and self-development which can help you tap into youruntapped potentials and improve yourself in manyareas of your life. All hypnosis, even that done inconjunction with a trained hypnotist is, in essence,self hypnosis. It is the client who sets the pace andchooses to follow the lead of the hypnotists, whosimply acts as a VERY well trained coach. Becausethere are many good books out there about selfhypnosis, we will not be going into any great detailabout the process here, but rather giving anoverview of how to relax and examine how yourcurrent trance effects your success.

Trance is a natural state that occurs every day, whendaydreaming, watching TV, or staring at the numberson an elevator. In hypnosis, we create a trance, andthen do something with it to focus our minds uponsome outcome or desire. Trance is increased byemotion, how strongly one believes what one issuggesting, and the energy put in toward thinkingabout the goal. A basic relaxation trance is SIMPLEto achieve. As you master that, and move on toother texts to learn more about self hypnosis andachieve deeper and different types of trance state,one can get even more focused on various goals,directions and changes in one's life. It may be veryhelpful to learn self hypnosis from a qualified

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Tap your own lost orhidden potentials tobe a success.

We already know its anatural state, why notUSE it to SUCCEED!

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hypnotist as well, for maximum benefits.

The Basics

To begin a simple relaxation state, you will Whisperthe word RELAX to yourself, in a special way. Sit ina comfortable chair, in an environment where youcan be undisturbed, and begin by taking in a DEEPbreath, slowly, as deeply as you can take it. As youinhale, say the "RE" part of the breathbecomes "RRREEEEeeeeeeeee" and then hold it fora moment, before exhaling as you whisper with `Lax"part of the word Relax. "LLLLaaaaaahhhhhhhhhx-sssss" Each time you repeat this, three times in all,notice how the tension in the body is released a littlemore each time.

Then, Close your eyes, and begin with a simple colorprogression relaxation... IF you do not visualize well,then either pretend, or just THINK of something thatis the color, there is no need to actually visualize thecolors if that had been difficult for you in the past,and if you suddenly notice seeing images in thefuture, enjoy the satisfaction and surprise of it, but fornow you can just think about the colors if need be.

With the eyes closed, breathing normally, picture thecolor RED... perhaps a red fire truck appears thatthen gets closer until only the color remains. Noticehow you feel right this instant, and focus upon thatred color for a few moments..... When the time isright.

Allow the thoughts of Red to become thoughts ofOrange. With each color, the mind will begin to shift

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Self Hypnosis Audiotapes are also avail-able from the authorand can easily guideyou into a good self-hypnotic Trance.

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focus as the body relaxes.... After a few breaths, andat the right time.....

The color to think of is Yellow, like a fresh lemon orbutter cup.... Half way there, and notice a dramaticrelaxation shift as you change to the color....

Green, a cool green like freshly sprouted leaves.....

Blue, a pale sky blue.... With clouds drifting bye...

Purple....Think about floating in a purple cloud....

At this point your body will be approaching what isknown as "Alpha" a simple relaxation, and the verylightest of all trance states. This is a nice place tocome to whenever you need to relax for a fewmoments or when you want to affirm something inyour life or give yourself suggestions for increasedfinancial success.

How Using Self Hypnosis Can Make You MOREMONEY.

Let's suppose for a moment that we created our ownworld from start to finish and that the rules we setinto motion were those by which we, and the worldaround us, would operate. If we, somewhere, de-cided that it was impossible to achieve a certaingoal, and then forgot, or set aside that decision, wemight keep struggling to achieve that goal for ourwhole life, not realizing that our own set of "Rules"was preventing us from achieving it. This mighthappen more indirectly if we were to decide that weheld some value or belief, which indirectly might beviolated by some goal we now have. Again, wewould sabotage ourselves and stand in our own way.This is a close analogy to how our mind works. We

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A Word About"Depth"

Many people mistak-enly believe that withTRANCE it is all abouthow "Deep" the tranceis.

There are certain brain-wave states that aretypically associated withvarious trance "depths"but these are relativelymeaningless in terms ofresults. Although it canbe a good experienceand a good metaphorto enter a "deeper"trance, one can alsodiscover that most anythin one can do in asupposed Deep Trancecan also easily be doneina light trance.

Take your time learningto enter trance and en-joy the experience aswell as the results!

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are beings who go through HUGE amounts oflearning at a very young age, when we are extremelyimpressionable and essentially walking around intrance our entire lives. As children, we may havebeen told, after getting too close to the road, that"That's dangerous- dangerous things might hurt youand you'll never see mommy or daddy again." Thislearning, which hasn't been given any real context(notice the abstract language) may then becomecontextualized to other areas of life which might bedeemed or seen as dangerous. On an EXTREMEside, the child may grow up with a phobia of roadsand driving, somewhere in the back of their mindthinking that if they drive they might kill their parents.The mind could also take another tract, and lump all"Dangerous" situations together. Later in life, thewords Dangerous, Risky or uncertain may somehowall become synonymous to that now-adult. If abusiness venture is said to be "Risky," that may thenfire all sorts of anchors and programming fromchildhood about that "Risk=Danger" and old fears oflosing one's parents may come up and to protectones self. The unconscious mind will begin to createblockades, fears or other things that prevent onefrom going after, or being successful, in that risk.These one time learnings can then stand in our way,although they served a purpose at the time welearned them, they can, left unchanged, stand in ourway as we get older.

Suppose in the past a person learned or was toldthat "Money is evil. Sales people never made anyreal money, or that sales people were dishonest."Somewhere in life they find themselves in the job ofselling- but somehow never seem to be able to reallyBe Successful With Sales. It is likely, that their oldvalues may be standing in their way and preventingthem from having the success they really can have.You might argue that they may also lack training andtalent, but until they do away with the old values orbeliefs, they will never ALLOW themselves to findthe training or develop the talent and put it to use.

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Our parents- thegreatest hypnotists ofour lives.

Look for that hiddenprogramming.

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Hypnosis will allow one to go inside and alter someof those old decisions, or go back in time to beforethey were created and take some time to decodethem in a more useful way. A way that allows themto keep the intention of the original learning or belief,but combine it with the new desires and values oftoday. This can equal more success, greater happi-ness and satisfaction in all areas of life.

The Basics Of Hypnotic Communication-Conscious And Unconscious.

The mind consists of the conscious and unconsciousportions. The conscious is the logical, rational partwith which one exercises one's conscious will. Thisis the waking part that focuses upon specific tasks,and from which "logical" linear thought arises. Theunconscious mind is the part that controls the bodilyfunctions, the creative side and the part that handlesall the learning and processing. It is the part of yourmind which has a duty and a right to protect you as ithas since birth, and, as such, is always working forsome positive intent. Even when we seem to bedoing something destructive, like smoking, it is forsome positive intent such as relaxation. Often,unless we make an effort to go inside and communi-cate with the unconscious mind, we may not beaware of that positive intent, nor may the uncon-scious be aware that the intent is being accom-plished in a way that we might not like.

The conscious is like a jockey, and the unconsciousis like a horse. The conscious can tell the uncon-scious where it wants to go, but unless the Horseagrees with the Jockey, they aren't going there.Likewise, once the horse understands and agrees, itwould be FOOLISH for the Jockey to try and tell thehorse how to pick up its feet and put them downagain. Once you get agreement from the uncon-scious as to what direction to travel in, it is foolish totry and tell it the exact steps to use in going about it.

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Talking to your UN-CONSCIOUS mind inthe langauge it under-stands.

The unconscious is inthe driver's seat.

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Your Unconscious Mind WANTS You To BeRICH!

By entering a light trance state, one has a greateraccess to the resources of the unconscious. It isthen a matter of being ready to communicate with it.Obviously, if you are reading this book, a part of youis interested in being more successful with sales andthat includes not only having happy satisfied custom-ers, but a certain financial goal for yourself as well. Ifyou have been less than successful, there may becertain OTHER values or decisions which yourunconscious mind holds which may stand in yourway. By using self-hypnosis, as learned here, fromother books, or through the use of tapes, one canget all parts of one's self on the same track. To besure, your unconscious mind wants what is best andin your best interest, and part of that can include thefinancial security and stability you consciously desire.It is simply a matter of focusing upon that intent inthe proper way.

Inducing Yourself To Be A Success

The first step to using self hypnosis for motivation isto have a sense of what your outcome is. Theoutcome must be phrased in a way that is whathypnotists call `Well Formed.' It must meet certaincriteria and be in a certain format for your uncon-scious mind to understand and focus upon it and beable to use it. Let's begin the way most peoplebegin... with the problem. What is it that you want tochange? Do you lack motivation for cold calls? Doyou get nervous with people face to face? Do youhave a hard time asking for the sale? Do you feel

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Your values are a key.

Making sure your out-come is WELLFORMED.

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like you aren't educated enough? Do your customersnot have the money to buy? Do the secretaries ruinthe sales for you? Take some time to write five or sixthings that you need to change in order to be betterand more effective at sales.

The next step is to figure out what you wantINSTEAD of the problem. The unconscious minddoesn't understand or think in negations. If one says"I don't want to smoke," the only way to make senseout of that statement internally, is to think of smokingfirst, and then not-smoking. The result is focusingmore on the problem than the solution. Try NOT tothink of a pink elephant.... what did you think of? Inorder for the unconscious mind to be effective atachieving the goal, it must be stated in a positiveway. Rather than saying I hate making cold calls....or I don't want to hate making cold calls, the goalwould become "I want to Enjoy making cold Calls." Ifthe problem is that you feel the secretaries areruining your sales, your goal might be to have thesecretaries help you with your goal... this brings us tothe next step of making your outcome well formed.

In order for an outcome to be well formed, it must besomething YOU have control over or can effectYOURSELF without outsiders. To have the secretar-ies help you with your goal would NOT be well-formed. It is necessary to examine what you can dowithin yourself, that this might be achieved. Youcould work toward more effective understandingwith your secretaries Perhaps you can find ways totrain your secretaries using some of the techniqueswithin this book. Let's use the example of coldcalling....You decide that would want to enjoymaking cold calls, and make 10 per day.

Next, ask yourself HOW you would know when youachieved this goal. Many people set very abstractgoals, but have no idea how they would know whenthey had achieved them, they never seem to

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So, what do you wanti nstead?

Using your own inter-nal resources to takecontrol of your ownlife.

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accomplish anything. By stating how you would knowwhen you had the desired outcome, you giveyourself a specific way of testing if you are moving inthe right direction, if you have achieved the goal, orneed to change it a bit. The criteria should be aspecific, sensory based thing, such as "'I will know Ihave achieved my goal when I am making 10 coldcalls each day and enjoying the process."

Next, ask you what is stopping you from achievingthis thing right now? Really think about it andexamine it! This leads to the next step.....

The next step is to see if there is anything you needin order for that to happen. The needs could bethings like needing a better phone, speed dialer, orprivate office, but they could also be internal states,things like more confidence, enjoyment, or stoppingthe negative self talk that tries to tell you it can't bedone. If they are external things, you need to makesome plans to have these things, or the rest of theprocess

won't work. One can be motivated towork-out and lose weight, but if one of the resourcesone needs is a place to work out, and one doesn'tarrange for THAT resource, then the motivationwon't help.

The internal resources, such as confidence orPositive self-talk, are easier to come by since theyare generated inside. Allow the unconscious mind tofind them in other contexts in your life, or if need be,to find them in examples around you in other peopleand generate them within you.

Next, play an "imagination game," and step into that.Imagine you HAVE that goal, as stated, and step intoit. Notice how it will feel, look, sound and taste. Askyourself, is this acceptable? Is it Ok to have this newbehavior or attitude? What will be my cost if I havethis? Is that cost acceptable? If it conflicts with past

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Know how you'll knowwhen you've got it!

Find the resourcesthat you need.

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decisions or values, allow your mind to drift to beforethat was created, and re-think it. If there is some-thing wrong with it, back up a few steps to see whatelse might be needed to make it perfect or almostperfect....Only when you are satisfied should youproceed.

Once the outcome is well-formed, it is simply amatter of entering a light relaxed trance state andasking your unconscious mind to make it so. Imagineyourself in the future having this new goal achievedfor one month, two or more. Also, imagine a time ortwo where you relapsed into your old ways, andimagine how you got back on track with them. If pastdecisions are part of the issue, imagine yourselftraveling back in time to BEFORE that decision wasmade, and allow your unconscious mind to re-decidethings. Repeating this process a number of timesover a one week period will begin to get theunconscious mind moving in the new direction, thenit's a generative process toward your own personalsuccess.

Again, there are entire books dedicated to selfhypnosis, and there is no need to repeat all theirwork here. It is strongly recommended that you seekout one of those texts or the author's audio tapes forlearning self-hypnosis. Now- Back to Sales Persua-sion For the Money Making!

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Play pretend and BEA WINNER.

Let the trance fix thegoal in one's mind.

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Chapter Nine

The Eyes Have it!Read Their Mind!

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Chapter NineThe Eyes Have it!Read Their Mind!

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to read your client'smind and be able to tell exactly what they werethinking? There are times when it seems like certainpeople do just that. Often these are the mostSUCCESSFUL SALESPEOPLE in a given system,they include our mother, teachers, close friends, andof course the Successful Money Making SalesPerson. The founders of NLP were famous for beingable to know what was going on in someone's mind,and to comment on that. This did two things. #1- itmade them seem almost magical, able to look insidea person easily and without words being spoken,they knew what people's internal experiences were.#2- It created a powerful pace which then allowed forequally powerful leads. One might suspect that theywere simply talented psychics, but the SuccessfulMoney Making Sales Person knows that they weresimply GOOD OBSERVERS.

Eyes Betray The Brain!

One of the most valuable powerful presuppositions inNLP is that people reflect on the OUTSIDE, whatthey are doing inside. They give body languagesignals which tell the keen observer what is going oninside and which can be used as a powerful tool ofinfluence in our sales situation. This insures that theSuccessful Money Making Sales Person knows andunderstands what the client wants and is able to givethem that in a way that both profit. The trouble with

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People refelct on theoutside what they aredoing on the inside.

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these minor cues is they are unique to an individual,and therefore hard to use without time to observeand calibrate. One of the most precious things NLPhas given us is a system to consistently recognize atleast ONE of these signals which does tend to beuniversal. That powerful weapon of sales is called"Eye Accessing."

Long ago, NLPers started observing that whenpeople think, they tend to move their eyes around.They look up, down, left and right, particularly whenasked questions which are obscure. As their internalthought process is ongoing, their eyes, which are adirect external extension of the brain, move aroundas people access information needed in order toanswer the question. Watch how the people aroundyou move their eyes when talking on the phone,listening to others in a live conversation, or evenreading the newspaper.

Those movements are a POWERFUL tool to beused by the Successful Money Making Sales Person.

What the early NLPers discovered and what everySuccessful Money Making Sales Person knows, isthat the eye movements will tell us, without the clienthaving to utter a word, whether they are makingpictures in their mind, hearing sounds, talking tothemselves or getting in touch with their feelings.This can offer us valuable information as to whattype of language to use, and possibly what directionto lead the sale. The information that follows isaccurate for about 90% of the population, the other10% will be reversed, but there are ways to easilycalibrate to each individual one is dealing with andremain on top of the sales process.

When people are making pictures in their mind,when they are thinking visually, they look up to theleft or right. If asked to remember something from a

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long time ago, like the color of the cabinets in theirfirst kitchen, they will immediately look up and toTHEIR left, as they accesss that visual piece ofinformation. In 90% of the population, up and to theleft will be where they look when they remembersomething of a visual nature. Asked to IMAGINEsomething visual, people will usually look up and toTHEIR right. Up and to the right is where peopleaccess Visually Constructed information, or imaginedi nformation. Ask someone to imagine what a crossbetween a Cow and a Chicken might look like, withPurple Feathers, and their eyes will go up and totheir right in 90% of the cases....the other 10% willbe reversed.

When people look from side to side (Looking at theirears), they are thinking auditorially. They are thinkingin sounds. To the Left side are remembered sounds,like the sound of their grandfather's voice. To theright are constructed sounds, like imagining what ayodeler might sound like trying to yodel a rap song.When people are looking from side to side, they areremembering or constructing sounds.

When people look down and to THEIR LEFT, theyare accessing Kinesthetics, feelings. These aren'tfeelings like "happy" or "sad," but ACTUAL feelingsof touch or smell. It doesn't matter if it is remem-bered or constructed, they will look Down and to theirleft, and often this is the same even when the Visualand Auditory eye patterns are reversed.

When people look down and to their RIGHT, theyare engaged in "Auditory Digital," or "Self Talk."They are often having some form of internal dialog.

Knowing these things tells us a LOT about what isgoing on inside someone's mind, and often makesus consciously aware of information which the clientis NOT. This information can prove useful in various

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The internal state willbe revealed to thekeen observer.

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The NLP Lie Detectorl

Wouldn't it be nice if everyone were totally honest?Wouldn't it be wonderful if there were some lampthat would light up on their forehead and alert theworld if what they were saying wasn't true, insuringhonest communication? THERE IS! One TREMEN-DOUSLY valuable thing about the eye accessingpatterns, and which can prove useful to any Suc-cessful Money Making Sales Person, is that they canbe used as a lie detector.

Step One to using the Eye Accessing Lie Detector isto calibrate, that is to see if they are normally sorted,or reversed. An easy way is to ask them a questionwhich requires them to remember visual information,and see where their eyes go. The information youask for should be obscure, something they were notJUST thinking of, that they HAVE to go inside andaccess a memory. Asking something like, how manydoors there are in their house, or whether their frontdoor opens to the left or to the right, will force themto access a memory. Then, when their eyes move,watch and see if they go to their left.... if so, they arenormally if not, they are probably reversed.

Once you've taken a few minutes to build rapportand calibrate their eye accessing patterns, you nowhave a powerful way to tell if someone is lyingsimply by watching their eyes. If you ask someone,for instance, what their wife looks like, and they lookup and to their right, it means they are CON-STRUCTING and image of what their wife looks like,i e. they are IMAGINING it or MAKING IT UP.

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They can NOT lie toyou with this tech-nique.

Callibration- how toknow if you're seeingthe right thing.

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Likewise, if you ask someone what another salesperson said, and they look to their right, chances arethey are fabricating the conversation. Of course,these things are not fool proof, but they do give theSuccessful Money Making Sales Person a powerfulupper hand with those who might have otherwisetried to deceive them.

Read Minds And Build Rapport.

We have already mentioned just how importantrapport is. With the knowledge of eye accessingpatterns at our disposal, we have a very powerfulrapport building tool. By watching the persons eyes,you KNOW whether they are thinking in words,pictures or feelings, and can use the language (ie.visual, Auditory or Kinesthetic) which will best pacetheir internal experience. As we already know, this isPOWERFUL rapport building and allows you to becloser to being like, and being liked by, thecustomer. The customer is thinking of buying thatnew car, and they look up and to their right,i magining what they will look like driving their newcar. The Successful Money Making Sales Personcan begin talking about that image, making itstronger and more vivid. The client is drawn in tothese wonderful scenes, and the feelings that goalong with it. Their eyes shoot down for a moment,and then back up, they look to the right, and begindiscussing the purchase in their mind- the CleverSuccessful Money Making Sales Person says "Whatyou're saying to yourself right now can help you finda way to REALLY be comfortable with this car."WOW - this guy REALLY knows what I'm thinking!SOLD!

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Yet another tool tobuild rapport.

You CAN read theirminds.

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Chapter Ten

Sell More When You Know How TheyThink!

The Value of NLP Metaprograms

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Chapter TenSell More When You Know How They Think!

The Value of NLP Metaprograms

The word Metaprogram, means the program outsidea given behavior or attitude. In NLP, we spend atremendous amount of time focusing upon people'smetaprograms, what beliefs, or CORE processesthey are using in order to make decisions, keep orcreate a problem, or commit to something. Byunderstanding how people function, by what processthe individual is able to do, think, or be what theyare, we can communicate with them more effectivelyand certainly be more persuasive. People give manyclues as to what their metaprograms are, and theSuccessful Money Making Sales Person can,through keen observation and careful questioning,discover what a person's Metaprograms are and howto use them.


NLPer's know that we each perceive the worldslightly differently, using our own internal representa-tions and programs to make sense of, and under-stand, what is happening to us. Often, when we areemersed within a given situation, we can notobjectively observe our own behaviors and under-stand what programs we might be running. This isthe reason some people are given to panic attacks;when they begin the emotional spiral leading to thefinal negative outcome, they are too CLOSE to theprocess to be able to observe, understand and

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change it.

The "meta" in Metaprogram means- outside of. Itmeans stepping outside of a given situation or"process" so that one can understand exactly whatthat process is. A Successful Money Making SalesPerson will take some time to practice looking at anysales dealing from the view of an outsider toevaluate the metaprograms of the client, as well athe Sales person's Own programs to see how theymight operate most effectively TOGETHER andresult in a sale.There are over 50 metaprograms out there, so theseare ONLY the beginning...Look for my upomingbook...Meta-selling Through MetaPrograms.

Sorting Means Success

The first metaprogram we will learn about is sorting,how we sift information and make decisions or judgewhat is important or not. Generally, all metaprogramsare thought of as being binary, either one way oranother, but it should be pointed out that metapro-grams can be context dependant. In other words,you can use ONE metaprogram in one type ofsituation, and an altogether DIFFERENT one in othercontexts. If switching contexts with the same indi-vidual, it is always wise to try and verify if theirmetaprograms are the same. In sorting, we are tryingto discover if the person we are dealing is "Internal"or "External."

Those who are internal in nature will makedecisions based upon what they personally think isimportant. They provide their own motivation andmake their own decisions. They will generally not beas receptive to feedback from others and will nottake kindly to information being thrust upon them.They may collect information from outside sources,but they will make the final decision based upon

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By understandinghow people function,we can communicatewith them more effec-tively and certainly bemore persuasive.

When we are tooclose to the process...we can not observe itproperly.

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what THEY feel is right. This author has foundcertain enjoyment at working with those who sort byself.

Those who sort externally, are those who value whatothers have to say. They will look to, and need, otherpeople for guidance, motivation and direction. Theywill have a harder time deciding things for them-selves without some kind of outside verification thatthey are making the right choice. Many people findthese types of folks easier to sell to. They will alsolook to books, magazines and other forms of socialproff that they are making the right decision.

The Successful Money Making Sales Person cansee that trying to persuade an Internal Sorter topurchased based upon what other people have tosay will be useless. If asked "how will you know thatyou've been successful finding what you want?" theywill reply, "I'll know, I'll feel it, it will just be the rightthing to do." Things which reference them as thecenter of the decision. It is important to stress tothese people that YOU can't sell them, that only theycan decide for themselves what's right for them.They don't care who else has bought, or uses, yourproduct, and they need to have a sense of choice orbeing in control of the buying process. They will tendto have come to "Buy" a car, rather than to have you"Sell Them" a car.

The external folks, will be best influenced by talkingabout other peoples attitudes and ideas toward aproduct or service. They will need to hear aboutother people who are SIMILAR TO THEM who havebought and are pleased with the same thing they areconsidering buying. The Successful Money MakingSales Person will show these folks figures, statistics

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How will they sortYOUR product or ser-vice from the onesthey already have?

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and examples to verify that your product is THEproduct for them. When asked how they knowthey've succeeded, they will tend to reply that "Theycan see it, their boss tells them, everyone pats meon the back and says `good job'."

Motivate a SALE

Motivation is another important metaprogram whichwe have already touched on elsewhere in this book.Motivation strategies fall into two basic categories of"Toward" and "Away From." Ask a person what theyare looking for, or what features they want in awidget; Toward people will tell you what they want,Away From people will tell you what they DON'Twant.

Toward people are always moving toward someoutcome. They are looking for features, good price,or other things toward which they will move andeventually purchase. A Successful Money MakingSales Person will stress features and benefits withthese people and talk about all the wonderful thingsthey will have when they have made their purchase.These folks don't care that much about what to lookout for in products- they're more interested in hearingwhy they SHOULD go with your product. Alwaysthink of being positive with these folks.

Away From people are always trying to avoidsomething. They are moving away from somethingthey DON'T like. With these people, it is important tostress how your product or service will help themprevent, avoid or fix the problems they are movingaway from. If they felt hassled at their last bank, theSuccessful Money Making Sales Person will tellthem about how there will be NO HASSLES here at

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But the people whosort internaly CAN bepersuaded.

If they sort Exter-nally... You've got toshow proof!

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XYZ bank, and no long lines either! Also, beprepared to answer LOTS of questions about whatcan go wrong with your product. Talking about thelegitimate problems with competitors will also beVERY effective at closing a sale with these types ofpeople. Don't try to be too visionary with Away FromPeople.

The Successful Money Making Sales Person willalso remember that people are seldom one or theother exclusively, and often use a combination ofToward and Away From strategies, as with allmetaprograms.

Using Sameness Or Difference To MAKE TheDifference!

This is one of the few metaprograms which has fourcategories. It deals with relationships, not interper-sonal but rather relationships between the way thingsare and the way they "should be."

People who prefer SAMENESS are those who wantthings to stay as they are. They will notice similaritiesand how a given situation or product is the same aswhat they want. They will be slow to make changesin what they do have and the Successful MoneyMaking Sales Person will need to stress areas ofagreement and similarity, particularly between whatthey have now and what they are moving toward. Ifasked what the relationship is between what theywanted from their last car, and what they want fromtheir New car" the Sameness person will talk aboutall the things which are to be the same. Don't expecttoo much willingness to change from these folks."Your Product is JUST like ours."

Next is Sameness With Exception, these are the

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One may need to bemotivated TOWARD asale, or AWAY fromsomething else.....

What goals are youmoving toward inyour own sale?

What are you trying toavoid?

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people who will notice and talk about sameness, andthen note a difference between what they have, andwhat they want. Changes should be SLOW for thesepeople, and should be framed as evolutions. If afeature or product has changed, the SuccessfulMoney Making Sales Person will discuss how it hasevolved from the old to the new, and is very muchthe same great product, and has become evenbetter. "This product is just like ours, except it's red."

People who prefer things to be DIFFERENT WITHEXCEPTION will always want to know FIRST abouthow things will be different or better, and then willwant some kind of stable references to the past, andto things being familiar.

Lastly, we have those who prefer DIFFERENCE andchange. They are looking for something that is totallydifferent, and a big change from what they alreadyhave. Difference people are definitely in the minority,and when dealing with them, one wants to show asmany contrasts between what they had and whatthey will have with your product. It may also be agood idea to mention how different the sales personis from all the other sales people they've dealt with.At least that's true of Successful Money MakingSales Person. They like the word "NEW!"

Options and Procedures

People tend to sort their world into one of twopolarities when it comes to how they like to proceedin any given situation, they either prefer to haveoptions, or they prefer to follow a procedure. As withall of NLP, the key to acertain which style a personuses is to ask well place questions. Ask, "Why didyou choose X?"

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Learn their relation-ship filtersl

Does your customerneed consistencey orCHANGE!

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Options people will offer reasons why they made agiven choice, and they may talk of the variability oftheir choice. They will not want to follow a fixedprocedure, but rather want to make up their ownmind, and have lots of choices of how to proceed.They make decisions in their life based upon whatwill expand their experience, rather than restrict it.The Successful Money Making Sales Person willexplain how their product or service will give theclient more freedom, more choices and further waysto behave. They will want to develop and think oftheir own possibilities. You may be able to think ofmany ways to use this pattern. Options people like tobend the rules!

Procedure people want to follow a given procedure.They will tell you steps involved in making a choice,or will explain process rather than reasons formaking a decision. With these folks, SuccessfulMoney Making Sales Person will lay out the stepsi nvolved in making the sale, and will be verystructured in their presentation. These are peoplewho don't like too many options, so expecting themto make a choice can be kind of futile. It is wise withthese folks to focus on what step in the procedureyou are in, and what still has to happen. It is alsowise to have steps in the process AFTER the signingof the contract, such as suggesting that "After you'vedriven it a week or two, the final step is to give me acall and let me know how much you're enjoying thecar." Offer a procedure to be used, and FOLLOW ITto succeed with these folks.


In NLP, we often speak of "Chunk Size." A "Chunk"is a conceptual piece of information. It is a bite, orsection of information, and it is generally believedthat the human mind can process ABOUT 7 chunksof information at any one time, (Plus or Minus 2) andany more than that it tends to become overloaded.

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Knowing your cus-tomer's preference fora set of steps or lotsof choices may makeor break your pocketbook.

Following the procee-dures from this bookwill give you all theoptions you need toproceed!

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There is no rule, however, for how BIG a "Chunk" is,and hearing lies the next pattern of Chunk Size.People tend to be either "Specific" or "Global."

Specific People are those who want minute detail. Ifasked what they want, they will go into very smallvery specific details about what they are looking forand will often "Chunk Down" to greater and greaterdetail on a given feature. They want to hear details,and can be very suspicious of people who speak inbroad generalities. It is important to describe thingsin details and be VERY specific when speaking witha Specific person and Successful Money MakingSales Person also knows better than to interrupt thespecific person mid process, or they will go back tothe beginning. It is also important to list thingssequentially as in "Step #1 is... Step #2 is..." If youi nterrupt them in one of their own sequences theywill likely have to start al over again.

Global people tend to look at the big picture, try toget an overall feel for things and hear everythingthere is to say, They will tend to speak in sweepinggeneralities. They will talk about things in a kind ofrandom order. Global folks want an overview of theproduct or service, and may then kick into detailmode after they have gotten an overall general viewof what they are looking at. It is also wise not to usetoo many modifiers when talking about things. Don'tget into too many levels of detail, lest you lose theirinterest. There are many reasons to deal with thesefolks and enjoy it.

Adapt And Perceive

When people interact within their environment, theydo it in one of two ways, they either JUDGE it, orthey PERCEIVE it.

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The next step is MAK-I NG MONEY!

Give your pitch tothem in bites they candigest.

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Judgers are those who categorize things, and adaptsituations to fit themselves. They live their lifeaccording to their plan and like things to be ratherorderly. Asked if they change their mind often, theywill respond with a resounding "No," as once theymake a decision, they stick with it and don't altertheir plan unless some new information makes themreconsider what they've decided upon. The Success-ful Money Making Sales Person understands thatthese people want to control their world. They like tohave a plan and dislike it when others are late. It iswise for the Sales Person to appear to have andfollow a plan, to be organized and systematic, andask for decisions from them. The Successful MoneyMaking Sales Person will also be sure to be verydecisive with Judgers.

Perceivers adapt to their world. They can be veryspontaneous, and even impulsive in the way theybuy. They often try to avoid closure, including closureof a sale. They do not care for schedules, appoint-ments, nor to be very tied down and often don't keepcommitments. Decisions may come hard becausethey do not want to limit their options or make afinalized commitment. They can sound very similar tooptions people. The Successful Money Making SalesPerson will act in a way that is spontaneous, optionoriented and assume that these clients will be late. Itis reasonable to expect some recision with Perceiv-ers, so lots of future pacing is a wise thing with thesefolks. A decision will probably HAVE to be forced, forinstance, with a sudden deadline or another client.

Sensors And Intuitors.

There are two ways of gathering information fromany situation in life, including a sales dealing, andthe last two metaprograms we will deal with are the"Sensors" and "Intuitors."

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Some people like thebiggest chunk theycan get... Know yourcustomer and KNOWYOURSELF so youcan translate all thati nto your ULTIMATEsuccess

These folks will wantalot of control in thedeal. Mak them feellike THEY are incharge, and they willgive you their money.

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Sensors rely upon their physical senses to tell themabout the world. What they can touch, smell, seeand hear will bear more weight than what they intuit.They prefer things which are concrete and practical,and see everything in terms of real, practical,immediate facts which have bearing on, and effect,the real world. The Successful Money Making SalesPerson will offer concrete tangible examples andproof to these clients and focus on the here andnow. It is important not to speculate on anything withthese people, and ask them for the same type ofconcrete answers that they will expect from you.Avoid being abstract in your communication, andfocus upon immediate benefits of your product orservice.

Intuitors rely upon "Gut feelings" and instincts. Theybase decision and gather information based uponsome kind of sixth sense and are very intuitive intheir life. They seek out relationships, meaning, andpossibilities in any situation and will be ratherabstract and holistic. They rationalize, and arevisionaries. They find things to be "Obvious" anddon't need proof, nor do they care for details. TheSuccessful Money Making Sales Person will focusupon the future, and offer the big picture and an overview of their product or service. Give them a senseof how the product will fit in their overall lifeframework, and the Dollars will be IN THE BANK!

Each of these "TYPES" of people are useful myths.Not everyone will be one or the other of these all theti me, and often people will follow different metapro-grams in different circumstances. This is why wewant to try to find out what programs they follow in aBUYING situation and ask lots of questions thatreference past buying situations as well as why theyare looking at a given product now. The SuccessfulMoney Making Sales Person will remember thatpeople change styles from time to time, and thatNLP is founded upon the idea of learning to listen,

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There are ways to per-suade those who liketo avoid the close!

Your clients can de-cide to pay you basedon what they obser-ve .... Or based upontheir psychic sixthsense.

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observe, and understand EXACTLY what is beingcommunicated in any given situation. The onlyfailure, is a failure to use all the feedback one isbeing offered.

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Chapter Eleven

Programs of Universal Proportions

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Chapter ElevenPrograms of Universal Proportionsl

In addition to metaprograms which individuals run,there are some basic meta-priciples, also called"Social Rules", which are somewhat universal in ourculture, and which apply to most anyone in a buyingsituation. They have to do with how one is, and canbe, influenced to buy or to make any decision, andcan be POWERFUL money making tools for theSuccessful Money Making Sales Person. Learningand understanding these principles will not only giveone an edge in selling, but an understanding of howto GET WHAT YOU WANT in almost any situation.The principles deal with how people make decisions,and what influences them in these decisions.


The Successful Money Making Sales Person hasalready learned much about the importance ofrapport, and "Liking" is essentially Rapport. It is abasic principle of influence which states that peoplewill trust, and buy from someone who they like, andwho they perceive to BE LIKE THEM. It is importantnot to simply fake this, or to pretend to like what theclient likes. That is the surest way to botch up anyrapport you have created. Instead look for genuinesimilarities and beliefs which can be built upon, and

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Not all internal pro-grams are individual..Some become univer-sal principles whichwe can use to suc-ceed.

How to be LIKE yourcusomers.

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accented, to help create a common bond. This bondcan become a connection which forces the customerto say "Hey, this person is like me- and I trust them!"

The skills of rapport, pacing, leading, matching, andmirroring, already learned in this text, are thingswhich will help create that sense of liking. Liking putsus at ease, it makes us certain that the person weare buying from understands us, knows who we are,and is there to help us be successful in ourpurchase. Only in this way can one be a SuccessfulMoney Making Sales Person.


The Successful Money Making Sales Person alsoknows that people will make a decision to buy- toturn over their hard earned cash- if they feel there issome basis for trust in the actions of others.Depending upon the individuals values, they will puttremendous stock in the actions of an authority, and/or in the actions of people just like them. Those whosort externally will be particularly aware of what hasbeen said and done by those who they like orrespect.

Authority is a principle which says that people willfollow the advice or actions of someone they see asbeing an expert or an authority in their field. A Doctorfor example. It is this principle that causes people tobuy the toothpaste brand that "9 out of 10" dentistsgive their own families. People are happy andpleased to know that someone ELSE who isknowledgeable in a given field has taken the time todo the work for them and research and understandwhat product is best. This credibility helps verify forthe client that they are making a decision basedupon information which is superior. That may or maynot be TRUE, but it is a powerful psychologicalprinciple which the Successful Money Making Sales

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PROVE it to them...and win the sale!

Make sure your au-thorities are KNOWNan reliable.

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Person can use to help send home the message inany sales pitch.

It would be sales suicide to make up authority figuresto recommend one's product however, so the nextbest thing is Social Proof.

Social Proof builds upon the principle of liking in thatif someone I LIKE has done something, I will bemore likely to purchase that same product or servicemysel. This uses the decision making process ofsomeone I like and trust in place of my own thoughtand research process. It will be useless to try anduse this principle unless one has verified a sense ofrapport or similarity between a pair of individuals orgroup. If an ineffective sales person is trying to sellwidgets to a mom and pop store, he will talk aboutthe multi-million dollar companies which have pur-chased his widgets in the past. The average momand pop operation will look at that and think that thisfancy talker is doing business WAY TOO BIG forthem. The Successful Money Making Sales Person,on the other hand, will talk about the independentstore owner's they've sold to in the past and abouttheir success in their small town vending these newsuper widgets.


Reciprocity is the next universal principle of influ-ence. People feel obligated to pay back someonewho has done something for them. The SuccessfulMoney Making Sales Person has been using this toolfor years, offering free gifts, coffee or bonuses topeople. Charity fund raisers have benefited by thistechnique of selling or giving away a small inexpen-sive flower or pin, when we take something fromsomeone, we feel a certain obligation to pay themback in some way.

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Use people's desire tobe consistent withwhat others havedone, to succeed inYOUR selling and su-ceed in your life asmillions have donebefore you.

Since we have beenso kind at sharing allof these secrets inone place......Won'tyou support us bybuying more copiesfor your friends?

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A clever sales person will use this in small tokengifts, and even by building in a sense of obligationwithin their sales pitch. "I'll save your time and I'll tryto make you comfortable, because I KNOW thatyou'll give me the opportunity to answer all yourquestions before you decide to buy." Some of themost successful sales people of the past, have usedthis technique with great success simply by sendingan occasional holiday or greeting card to customers.In doing this, there is a sense of obligation to keepdoing business with the sales person who has goneto the trouble of keeping in touch and sending us anice personal greeting. Even information can be agift, sharing with your customer a piece of "Inside"information can be a favor or a gift which helps themmake a wise decision, and for which they will feel anobligation to pay you back. This particular informa-tion is a bonus, by the way, something that yourauthor doesn't usually teach.


People want to be consistent. They want to look likethey are committed and will stand behind what theysay and do. This is why car dealers are famous forasking "If I can do this... will you buy the car today?"because most individuals do not want to look foolishby going back on their word. Consistency is also themagic behind the conditional close- the principle inwhich the Successful Money Making Sales Personasks for all the features the customer is looking for intheir product or service and then asks the question:"So, you want a TV with A, B, C and D....and if Ifound that, that would be the TV you'd want to buy!"The client has already listed all the features they saidthey were looking for, to back out now would makethem look inconsistent and foolish.

Using reply cards which potential clients mail in,

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Once they havestarted in a direc-tion... the inertia willkeep most peoplemoving that way.

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saying they want a free demo, begins a processwhich they have to continue if they wish to lookconsistent in their desires and decisions. TheSuccessful Money Making Sales Person can use thisprinciple to their benefit - in fact. Those who havepurchased this book already are aware of a certainobligation to use these techniques and tell othersabout their success in order to remain consistent intheir own actions, do they not?


THIS IS THE LAST ONE!!!! Only WE have thisinformation! It's either Yes or No, because I havethree people waiting to buy THIS VERY STEREO!YI KES! ! ! ! I'd better buy it now!

One of the most POWERFUL tools of influence isscarcity. Plain and simple, people value that whichthey can not have or which is denied to them. If aproduct, service or piece of information is exclusive,li mited in numbers, or available for a short time only,it becomes a catapult into making a decision andmaking a commitment right then and there. TheSuccessful Money Making Sales Person knows thevalue of making whatever they sell or do somewhatscarce, after all, why would your client want to buy itNOW rather than later, particularly if it is an optionalor recreational item. When one buys on cookie at anexpensive cookie shop, it tastes INCREDIBLE.... Ifone were to eat 5 or 20 of those same cookies, thelast would probably lack the enjoyment of the first.

Whenever someone reads or learns about scarcity,they realize that this is something they've alwaysknown about or understood, they just never used itas the powerful influence tool it can be. Unless onestarts using it within a day or two of reading orlearning about it, they forget it, losing the awarenessof this powerful tool and losing so very much money.

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We have saved one ofthe most valuable se-crets for last.... and itcan make you a for-tune.

It's something you'vealways known aboutand refused to besuccessful with... Doit now, before it's toolate!

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Don't let it happen to you... Use it today!

The Successful Money Making Sales Person under-stands that like all Meta Programs, these universalprinciples apply differently in different situations, andfor each individual. For years, companies big andsmall have recognized the value of these principlesand have spend millions learning about them andhow to use them. Wealthy Sales People have alsostudied and learned about them on their own, andupon learning about them tried to use them in asmany effective ways as possible. The evidence oftheir success is their well endowed bank accounts.Don't bungle away the chance to use these skillsTODAY!

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Chapter Twelve

Using Neuro Acceleration TrainingWith Your Sales Force....

May Your Force Be With You....

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Chapter TwelveUsing Neuro Acceleration trainingtm Training

With Your Sales Force....

The Successful Money Making Sales Person can bea solo player, of they can be one player on theULTRA successful Money Making Sales FORCE.Utilizing these techniques with the entire sales forcei n your company can mean the difference betweenone shining star sales person, and a brilliant group ofmotivated, talented sellers who create powerfulstates in their clients and generate good rapport andpress for you and your company. As a SuccessfulMoney Making Sales Person yourself, you alreadyknow how to sell, how to speak to people on theirown level to motivate them to make a purchase.Every communication is a sale, however. Any timeyou are trying to motivate or teach someone,especially a member of your sales force, these sameMoney Making selling techniques can be used tocommunicate with your sale force on an unconsciouslevel.

New sales people, as well as those with years ofexperience, bring to the table their own unique waysof perceiving their world. They have their own selfimposed limits, ideas, and worries, as well as fears

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Unify a sales forcewith these techniquesand they become apowerful selling ma-chine creating suc-cess and prosperityfor each other as theygo!

Everyone has theirown styles and abili-ties... Use them forevery one's success.

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and tastes which can both motivate and hinder theirsuccess. The Successful Money Making SalesPerson can use the same techniques of rapportbuilding, mirroring, NLP, and other communicationtechniques to understand what type of person theyare trying to train. Using the Money Making salesskills to sell one's trainees on the idea of successfulselling will give THEM an edge, and make the entiresales force into a powerful unconscious sellingmachine! Money for them, money for you and yourcompany....OH YES! ! !

Anyone Can Learn! Scripts And Training ThatWork!

The nice things about these techniques is thatANYONE can learn them if they take one at a time,and work with that technique or idea until it becomesnatural and ingrained. In the mean time, a lot ofimprovement can surface simply by scripting outsales pitches for use on the phone which utilize thehypnotic language patterns and techniques alreadycovered in this text. A good sales pitch will includerapport building strategies, language which canaddress all the modal operators, variables to addressthe SPECIFIC criteria which the clients might sharewith their sales person as well as utilizing numerouspresuppositions of a sale.

In the training process, it is also the sign of a goodtrainer who presupposes success with his or hersales team. Future pacing lost and failed sales isalso a powerful technique which will allow thefledgling Money Making Sales Force to allow theirunconscious minds to prepare for such an eventual-ity and generate other ways to regain the sale, or tolearn and improve from the loss.

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Anyone can put theseskills into use.....

Writing scripts usingthese principles maybe something you'dlike to consider, and Idon't know weather ornot that's the type ofsuccessful techniqueyou can see yourselfusing yet, but as youdo, you will find thatthese things work inprint very well... Dothey not?

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Over time, anyone can use and benefit from thetechniques of The Successful Money Making SalesPerson, so why not start enjoying that successtoday!

Be Successful With A Sales Force Of ONE!

As much as we all like to be team players, we needto keep in mind that most of us are motivated bywhat is in it for ME! The Successful Money MakingSales Trainer will constantly keep the team moti-vated by accessing and creating states and memo-ries which motivate them and which keep them firedup and excited even during the learning process. It isimportant to remind them, through anecdotes, meta-phors and examples, of the learning process andhow it can be slow at first. When a small bird firstbegins to nip through the shell of its egg, that whichhas set up a boundary and limitation in it's life for solong. Once out of the egg, it is then a long haul tolearn new skills: holding the head up, asking forfood, finally learning to gather one's own food. I nti me, it is a new challenge, learning to fly solo- andleave the nest. Even as one solo's, they realize thatthey are part of the others, a link in a chain whichthey must continue for the species to continue.Eventually, they too, will take part in making a nestand renewing the process.

The Successful Money Making Sales FORCE willevolve and grow, some will leave the nest and dolittle with the skills, while others will blossom and fly -reaching heights and success far beyond that of anyindividual.

There's No Need To Loose A Sale Ever Againl

There is no Failure - Only Feedback! With thesesimple words, the founders of NLP set into stone a

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You don't HAVE tohave a big sales forceto use these scriptwriting techniques.

I n other words- thereare no mistakes incommunication!

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VERY powerful presupposition. Any time a communi-cation goes in a direction other than that which wehad planned, it is not a failure, but rather a powerfulopportunity to grow and learn. The successes thatone has in reading and utilizing these techniques willbe wonderful states of joy, success, and confidence,but will do little to let one LEARN. When a giventechnique fails to get the desired response, when asale doesn't happen, the Successful Money MakingSales Person will be delighted with the opportunity toreplay the deal in their mind and learn from it. Was ithow the technique was used? Was it the wrongtechnique for a given set of circumstances? Whatthings could have been tried to keep the sale rollingand steer it toward a better outcome?

Asking questions like these, and making ones selfstep outside the situation and learn from it, are twoof the most powerful techniques one can employboth consciously and unconsciously to learn andi mprove one's selling. As the Successful MoneyMaking Sales Person has fewer and fewer opportuni-ties to examine lost sales, they may be forcedi nstead to examine successes as they have 99% ofthe time. When used in honest ways and withi ntegrity, everyone will benefit from these uncon-scious selling and communication technique, bothindividually and in group settings. Instill this in yoursales force, instill this within yourself, and you to canbe the Successful Money Making Sales Person,today, tomorrow and in years to come, can you not?

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I n Closing

One day, a young man came to the foot of a wise oldwizard and asked for some magic spell to bring himthe wealth and success he desired. The wizardlooked down at him and agreed to give him the spellprovided he would perform a few simple tasks.

The Wizard gave the lad a long scroll, upon whichwere instructions to gather many herbs, seeds, andplants. He was to learn and understand about them,how they grew, what functions they performed wheneaten or used as a medicines. Next were feet ofpaper detailing instructions on interweaving thisknowledge within the framework of daily life. Rela-tionships were mandated, understandings of otherpeople. He was told to weave baskets, throw pots ofclay, cook masterful feasts, tend to the sick andlearn at least two trades.

There were orders to assemble all of the things, overtime, and bring them to the wizard when all wascomplete. Many years the lad toiled and worked,assembling all these resources until he himself wasan elder man. One day, he reached the bottom ofthe scroll, and returned to the wizard proclaiming hisentitlement to that which the wizard had promised.

The man exclaimed, "I have done everything youhave given me as a task. I demand now that yougive me the spell which will make me happy, richand successful."

The Wizard just smiled and said 1 just did."

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Alignment - To match another person’s behavior or experience by getting into thesame line of sight or thought as the person.

Anchor - A specific stimulus, sight, sound, word or touch that automaticallybrings up a particular memory and state of body and mind. Example: “Our song.”

Associated - Seeing the world out of your own eyes. Experiencing life in yourbody. Also see First Position. Contrast with Dissociated and Third Position.

Break State - Diffusion technique used for clearing current thoughts.

Chunk Size - The level of specificity: People who are detail oriented are “smallchunkers.” People who think in general terms are “large chunkers” - they see the bigpicture.

Congruence - When goals, thought and behaviors are in agreement.

Dissociated - Viewing/experiencing an event from outside one’s own body.Example: Seeing yourself on a movie screen. Floating above an event and seeingyourself. Contrast with Associated.

Ecology -From the biological sciences. Concern for the wholeperson/organization as a balanced, interacting system. When a change is ecological, thewhole person and organization (or family benefits).

Eye-Accessing Cues- Unconscious movements of the eyes that let us know ifsomeone is seeing images, hearing sounds, or experiencing feelings.

Mirroring - Putting oneself in the same posture as another person, in order to gainrapport.

Model - A description of the essential distinction of an experience or ability.

Modeling - The NLP process of studying living examples of human excellence inorder to find the essential distinctions of thought and behavior one needs in order to getthe same results.

Motivation Direction - (Meta-Program) A mental program that determineswhether a person moves toward or away from experiences.

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Neuro-Linguistic Programming- (NLP)The study of the structure of subjective experience. The process of creating

models of human excellence in which the usefulness, not the truthfulness, is the mostimportant criteria for success.

Pacing- Matching another’s behavior, posture, language/predicates in order tobuild rapport.

Resource State - While any experience can be a Resource State, typically it is apositive, action-oriented, potential filled experience in a person’s life.

Rapport - The natural process of matching and being in alignment with another.

Second Position - Viewing/ experiencing an even from the perspective of theperson you are interfacing with.

Fist Position- Viewing/ experiencing the world through one’s own eyes and withone’s own body.

Future Pace - A process for connecting resource states to specific cues in one’sfuture so that resources will automatically reoccur. Also see Anchor, Resource State.

Incongruent - When goals, thoughts, and behaviors are in conflict.

Intention - The desire or goal of a behavior. In NLP. Intention is assumed to bepositive.

Kinesthetic - Sensory Modality of touch, muscle tension (sensations) andemotions (feelings).

Meta-Program - A mental program that operates across many different contexts ofa person’s life.

Sensory Modalities - The five senses through which we take in experience: sight,hearing, touch, taste, and smell.

Strategy - A sequence of internal representation and behavior leading to anoutcome.

Submodalities - The components that make up a Sensory Modality. Example: Inthe visual modality, the submodalities include color, brightness, focus, dimensionality.

Timeline - The unconscious arrangement of a person’s past memories and futureexpectations. Typically, this is as a “line” of images.

Third Position - Viewing/experiencing an event as an observer from the outside.

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Visual - Sensory modality of seeing.

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Breath of a salesman

Look into my're getting will buy willbuy this...

A growing number of salespeople are appling techniques used by hypnotists toclose their deals, says the director of the Hypnosis Institute in Winter Park, Fla.

"Most decisions to buy are made in the subconscious." said Daniel J. Olson. "Soyou have to appeal to that level of thought."

He offers the following tips for salespeople in the current (September) issue ofSuccess:

• Build a good rapport with the client by matching your behavioral patterns to his(for example, mirror his breathing rate, tone, volume and rhythm of voice).

• Use hypnotic triggers. Place emphasis on certain words to they stand out inyour client's subconscious mind (for example, when your client is price-conscious,change the volume or rhythm of your voice when you use words like "low cost").

• When a decision is imminent, give the client more information that he canconsciously absorb at one time ("overload"). Any information left over goes into hissubconscious so he is more likely to make a quick decision.

"Hypnotic techniques should be used only to cut through layers of indecisivenesspeople harbor in their consciousness, not to get them to buy something they don't want."Olson tells Success.

- Reprinted from the New York Daily NewsFor more information, contact Daniel J. Olson at (407) 740-6090.

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Casting a Spell Over Your Clients

When a client has a tough exterior, try appealing to his subconscious.

When most people think of hypnosis, they picture a man who looks like BelaLugosi, swing a good watch and saying, "You are getting sleepy." Certainly no salesmanwants to put his clients to sleep. But a growing number of sales managers arediscovering that some of the techniques used in hypnosis can be applied to selling. "Mostdecisions to buy are made in the subconscious," says Daniel J. Olson, director of thehypnosis Institute in Winter Park, Fla. "So you have to teach your salespeople to appealto that level of thought." Olson offers the following suggestions:

• The first step is to build a good rapport with the client. You can do this bycarefully matching your behavioral patterns to his. For example, try to mirror hisbreathing rate, as well as the tone, volume, and rhythm of his voice.

• Next you can use hypnotic triggers. "By placing emphasis on certain words,you can get those words to stand out in the client's subconscious mind," says Olson, "Ifyou know that he is price-conscious, for example, you should change the volume orrhythm of your voice every time you use words like low cost."

• Once you reach the stage where a decision is imminent, you can use a techniquecalled overload: "If you give people more information than they can consciously absorbat one time, anything left over goes into their subconscious." At this level the client willbe more likely to make quick decisions.

Olson warns that the use of these techniques is not meant to be manipulative."Hypnotic techniques should be used only to cut through layers of indecisiveness peopleharbor in their consciousness, not to get them to buy something they don't want."

- Reprinted from SUCCESS MagazineFor more information, contact Daniel J. Olson at (407) 740-6090.

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Appeal to the Subconscious and Increase Sales by Gwen Duzenberry

A new twist to sales . . . Self-hypnosis. Daniel Olson, Director of the AdvancedHypnosis Institute and a Licensed Hypnotherapist, teaches salespeople how to integratehypnosis techniques with proven sales strategies in order to appeal to the subconsciousand increase sales. He wants everyone to know that he's "not teaching people to put theirclients into a deep hypnotic trance in order to make them buy."

Contrary to public misconception, hypnosis is not a process of taking control ofpeople, but instead is a process of giving them control.

How important is it for a salesperson to feel confident, to maintain a winningattitude and to establish rapport?

Almost all salespeople will tell you those attributes are very important. And that'spart of what is taught in such programs. How does this training compare to traditionalsales training? After many seminars, the salesperson is pumped up with a high level ofinformation and motivation, but that wears off very quickly if he doesn't practice. Selfhypnosis reinforces the ability to reach within ourselves to access internal motivation andcall it up at any time. It helps the salesperson develop and maintain a winning attitude.

- Reprinted from BUSINESS REVIEW, February 1992.For more information, contact Daniel J. Olson at (407) 740-6090.

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To close moresales, open yourmind with NLP

by Kim Sheeter

Business was awful and DebraTaylor was losing sleep. She justwasn't closing any sales.

The 29-year-old manufacturers repremembers stumbling across aninfomercial late one night. TonyRobbins promised unlimited powerwith the purchase of a set of tapes.

The self-help on sale was based onsomething called Neuro-LinguisticProgramming. With severalmotivation seminars already underher belt, Debra doubted one morewould help, but she did make noteof the title of two bestsellers byRobbins, Unlimited Power andAwaken the Giant Mthln.

She didn't think about Robbins orhis powers again until she met afriend for lunch a few weeks later."I knew Lori's company washaving layoffs so I wanted to cheerher up. Usually, she gets pretty

worried, but she seemed very calmand focused. When I asked herabout it, she told me she hadattended a workshop on NLP. Sheclaimed she had better control ofher moods. It sure seemed to betrue. Somehow she even made mefeel more relaxed. I was ready tolearn more about NLP."

Lori referred Debra to DanielOlson, an Orlando trainer whooffers an introductory NLPworkshop. Ironically, Olsonstudied under the same teacher asTony Robbins, NLP's co-creator,John Grinder.

Debra called Olson and signed upfor a class. She laughs, "I stillwasn't exactly sure what NLP wasall about, but I figured comparedto Tony Robbins, this guy was areal bargain."

(Truer than she knew. Accordingto the company that produces hisinfomercial, Robbins has grossedmore than $150 million in tapesales. As a motivational speaker,

Reprinted permission of SalesINsider (1995)

he can command $75,000 anappearance.) So what makes NLPso popular?

Neuro-Linguistic Programming isdefinitely a mouthful. And a brain-full.

"Neuro" refers to the brain."Linguistic" refers to how we uselanguage. "Programming" is a termborrowed from behavioral scienceand the world of computers. Theabbreviation "NLP" is still easierthan a definition.

"NLP teaches you to be aware ofhow verbal and non-verballanguage effects your brain, yournervous system and yoursubconscious," says Olson. "Itgives you an elegant way to makedramatic changes quickly."

So what do you actually "do"when you practice NLP? First, youfind out how you operate yourbrain, which is easier than it seemsbecause there are only three basic

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choices. You are primarily visual,auditory, or kinesthetic.

We reveal our preferences by ourchoice of language, how quicklywe speak, the voice range/tone,the location of the breathing (highin the chest vs. low in the chest)and the movement of our eyes.With practice, it's easy to pick outa kinesthetic, spot a visual, orsound out an auditory thinker.

This is a theory Debra could put tothe test right away. "I found out Iam definitely kinesthetic -- I haveto go into sensations and feelingsto know what I think. Both myboyfriend and my boss are highlyvisual -- they think in pictures. Alot of my customers are auditory --they want me to answer a lot ofquestions and provide writteninformation."

She continues, "Just recognizingthese basic differences has helpedme. It's simple, but it's reallypowerful. I started building mysales back up as soon as I learnedto really notice how my customerswanted to be sold. When you canread a person, you know exactlywhat the person needs from you tomake a decision."

Debra is now continuing hertraining in order to be certified."I've made good contacts in myclasses. I like practicing thetechniques with other sales people,lawyers, financial advisors and

teachers. We all want to be mind-readers like Daniel!"

Debra feels NLP gives her anedge, yet is still respectful of otherpeople. "When you are in rapportwith someone -- breathingwith them, thinking the way theydo -- you aren't using them, you'remaking them feel understood at avery basic level. Changes happenin you, and that's what peoplerespond to."

Olson agrees, "You could say NLPis an unfair advantage in thepositive sense, because you can setpeople up to succeed. If you don'tapproach communication withsincere respect, you can't buildtrust and rapport and you won'tget what you want."

Olson has been helping people getwhat they want -- freedom fromsmoking, phobia cures, even animproved golf swing -- since 1978.He has worked as a corporateconsultant, sales trainer, and withprivate clients. "I give people thetools to make changes, coupledwith inner changes in attitude tomake their changes stick."

The easy-going Iowan doesn'tseem to have much in commonwith the flamboyant Robbins, whochallenges his students to walk onhot coals. Olson prefers to use slyhumor and wordplay to make hispoints. "Naturally, I want everyworkshop to be useful, but I alsowant people to have fun. You

Reprinted permission of SalesINsider (1995)


learn when you're relaxed, eventhough we're encouraged tobelieve otherwise."

His work has been featured in TheOrlando Sentinel, Successmagazine, and on radio andtelevision.

Olson has seen NLP steadily gainmainstream acceptance. "Peoplewho are a little confused by thetheories at first are quickly wonover by the results."

The U. S. Government reportedlyuses NLP as part of acceleratedlearning programs, and thetechniques are finding their wayinto corporate training programs.

Olson thinks the time is right forNLP. "Our communication skillsare finally catching up to ourcommunications technology.People are realizing that it's time topay attention to the real messageswe send each other."

Olson offers NLP introductoryclasses, certification training, andsales training using NLP. Call himat (407) 332-2851.

Kim Sheeter has been a staffwriter for Fortune 500companies. She thinks she'sauditory, but if anyonedisagrees, she's willing to hearthem out.

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SELF-HYPNOSISA method of improving your life



Fundamentals of Hypnosis ...... 1


Enthusiasm........................................... 10


Relaxation Techniques ............ 1


Building Self-Confidence ...................... 11

III. Testing Self-Induction.............. 2

XV. Stop Smoking: Sample SessIon............ 12

I V.

Principles of Suggestions ........ 3


Lose Weight: Sample Session ............. 12

V. Concentrated Attention............ 4

XVII. Self-Confidence: Sample Session I ...... 13

VI. Reversed Effect....................... 4

Sample Session II..... 13

VII. Dominant Effect....................... 4

XVIII. Improve Family Life: Sample Session.. 14

VIII. Goal Setting............................. 5

XIX. Bonus Suggestions .............................. 14


Goal Contracts .......................... 5


Chevreul's Pendulum Method............... 15


Self-Image ............................... 6


Pendulum Technique ........................... 16


Habits ...................................... 8


Chain and Charm ................................. 16XII. Waking Hypnosis..................... 9

YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR OWN DESTINY!Become the Person You Want to Be!

® COPYRIGHT 1995 MYSTIC PRESS; Reproduction in ANY Form or manner is PROHIBITED,unless authorized by the HOLDER of this COPYRIGHT or by our CERTIFIED AGENT.


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Hypnosis is an induced state of mind, or al-tered state of consciousness, during which thesubject becomes receptive to suggestions.The hypnotic state is induced by suggestivelyremoving conscious awarement to maintain ahigher level of concentration. The skilled pro-fessional hypnotist supplies instruction oftimed intervals to a cooperative subject to cre-ate this state of mind.

We experience hypnosis many times duringthe day and are unaware it has happened. Weexperience hypnosis when watching a movieor television, when daydreaming, or whendriving a car for long periods - and cannotremember certain familiar places we passed.We experience the hypnotic state when weread or get enraptured with music. In otherwords, we have experienced this delightfulstate, and we have the potential to create it forour own desired benefit. That is where self-hypnosis comes into play. Instead of having ithappen to us while experiencing an event orallowing a professional to induce this state, weinduce ourselves in this blissful state and di-rect our energies toward the ends we wish anddesire.

Hypnosis is a powerful tool. When coupledwith the appropriate suggestions, it can effectunbelievable changes in an individual. Thesechanges can take on the character of alteringbodily functions to changing behavior and at-titudes. This book on self-hypnosis is useful toanyone who wishes to redirect and improvehis behavior and attitudes for a better andproductive way of life.

Once you have mastered the techniques andexperience of self-hypnosis, you will havethem for the rest of your life - to be used byyou and for you, for increased motivation, self-sufficiency, self-confidence, self-understanding and self-improvement. The unique abilityto use self-hypnosis as needed on acontinuing basis for self-development isstrongly recommended.

There are seven basis elements to self-hypnosis that must be mastered:

1. Induced state of hypnotic trance throughrelaxation.


Testing depth of hypnotic trance.3.

Problem area to be investigated.


Post-hypnotic suggestions for change.5.

State of relaxation prior to awakening.6. Awake clear headed and full of energy.7. Practice dally for approximately 15

minutes (a must).


In the field of hypnosis there are virtuallyscores of verbal and non-verbal techniques toinduce the desired state of deep relaxation.

Many hypnotists use lights, pencils, candies,crystal balls, swinging watches, pendulums,and other objects. In learning self-hypnosisnone of these artificial means will be used.Becoming aware of your own thought proc-esses for self-directed hypnosis is the startingpoint of auto-suggestion to becoming deeplyrelaxed. This means to be relaxed in mind andbody, to induce the receptive state so effec-tively created by your own suggestion.

Hypnosis has been likened to the experienceof sleep. This, however, is incorrect, for youdo no go to sleep oblivious to your surround- ings. In hypnosis, a better word would bealtered state." For at all times in self-hypnosisyou will be entirely aware of your surround- ings, will hear outside noises, and will not beasleep. This does not mean, if you are par-ticularly tired when inducing self-hypnosis, thatyou will NOT slip into natural sleep. For a be-ginner, this is always possible. With trainingand practice, however, you will find that youwill remain simply relaxed until your practiceperiod of fifteen to twenty minutes is con-cluded.


Select an easy chair in your home, one youusually sit in, and one in which you are atease. Remove or loosen any tight clothing(neckties, belts). Turn off all radios, television,and take your telephone off the hook. It isnecessary you not be disturbed. Have bothfeet on the floor or on the foot rest or hassockof your easy chair. DO NOT cross your legs;this cuts off circulation. Look at the clock. Notewhat time it is, and then IMAGINE it fifteenminutes LATER. For example, if you havechosen to practice at 6:00 p.m., then imagine

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the time is 6:15 p.m. Use your imagination, foryou will be doing a lot of this as the courseprogresses. With repeated practice you willfind that in time you will be opening your eyesat the conclusion of your practice period and itwill be exactly fifteen minutes later. We haveall done this many times without, perhaps,realizing how the subconscious responds tothe image we give it. Many times we will setthe alarm clock the night before for an earlyrising, only to waken before the alarm goesoff. Essentially, this is evidence of image psy-chology and how we can direct our minds,even in sleep, to respond precisely.


1. Begin every session with three deepbreaths, and as you exhale, think silentlyand inwardly "I am relaxing."


Close your eyes and feel yourself relaxingfrom the top of your head to the tips ofyour toes.

3. Imagine a beam of concentrated light inthe very center of your forehead, and asyou focus the light on your body, view theparts as completely relaxing.

4. Think to yourself "Any and all outsidenoise, sounds, and confusion only causeme to go deeper and deeper into thisstate of deep relaxation."

5. Completely at ease, letting go completely,just like floating on a cloud on a warm,sunny day.


Focus the light on your toes, feel a tinglingsensation there, and think this sensation isspreading across the bottom of your feetand up your limbs to your thighs and yourbuttocks. Feel your body parts separately,really relaxing, spreading slowly up yourback and around your abdominal musclesand up to your neck, scalp, to your eyelids,and then to your facial muscles and entirehead and neck. You will now recognizethat you are completely enveloped withthis great feeling of relaxation.

SEE YOURSELF AS GOING "DEEPER,DEEPER, AND DEEPLY"; use thesewords as a mental picture.

7. Count backwards slowly from ten to zero;imagine as you start to count that you arestepping onto the escalator and standingwith your hands on the railing while thesteps. move down carrying you with themdeeper and deeper. When you reach zero,think of yourself as stepping off the esca-lator at the bottom. Think of yourself asgoing down three flights, and with eachflight start your count over. When you be-come proficient, one level will be enough.


For the first four or five attempts you shouldnot try to find out how deeply you have gone.It might be discouraging if you learned it wasonly a very light stage or none at all. Eachtime you practice you should slip in a littledeeper. After the fifth session some tests maybe made. Of course, if you are sure you arereaching a deep state after one or two at-tempts, you can proceed sooner with tests.

• After your deep relaxation exercise, taketwo or three minutes to feel heavy. I nfeeling heavy, you may imagine yourselfas weighted down. Imagine your body ismade of lead pushing you down in yourseat.

• Next, take two or three minutes to feellight. Imagine how it would feel to be afeather floating around in air, or imagineyourself a balloon floating with each aircurrent.

• Next, take two or three minutes to feelwarm. Imagine yourself in a sauna bath orsteam room or out in the sun on a very hotday. Relate to an experience you havehad. Your memory and imagination will dothe rest.

Finally, take two or three minutes to feelcool. Imagine yourself in the snow or in acold shower on a cold morning. Again, relate to a physical sensation you have ex-perienced before.

Following your four explorations of heavy,light, warm, and cool, next give yourself a fewsuggestions regarding how you want to think,fell, act, and react that day. If you are practic-ing at night, give yourself a few suggestionson how you wish to be the next day.

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These exercises are a training set to help youcondition your mind and body for auto-suggestions. The more you practice the betteryou will become. The better you become thedeeper your trance will be. The better yourtrance state, the more effective your sugges-tions will be. When you become proficient atthese states, you can eliminate them fromyour daily session as you will automatically gointo a deep trance ready for your daily sug-gestions.


Count to yourself from one to five, and at thecount of five you will open your eyes; you willbe fully awake and clear headed.

"ONE, slowly, calmly, easily, and gently re-turning to my full awareness once again.

TWO, each muscle and nerve in my body isloose and limp and relaxed; I feel wonderfullygood.

THREE, from head to toe I'm feeling perfect inevery way.

FOUR, my eyes begin to feel sparkling clear,and just as though they were bathed in coldspring water.

On the next number my eyelids will open, fullyaware; I am feeling wonderfully good andclear headed.

FIVE, my eyelids are open now; take a deepbreath, fill up my lungs, and stretch."


A suggestion is accepted uncritically by themind at the subconscious and unconsciouslevel. The critical areas of the conscious mind,with its processes of logic and reason, arebypassed in the relaxed state and accepted inthe subconscious as a goal to be satisfied. Tomaximize the effectiveness of suggestions,there are certain rules to follow.

FORMULATION OF SUGGESTIONSA suggestion should describe the goal de-sired, rather than the means to achieve it. The lower levels of conscious and subconsciousawareness will map the way. All suggestions

should be phrased in an emphatic and positivemanner. Use the personal "I", "I AM", "ISHALL", or "I WILL" to lock down your intentand present your subconscious with firm in-tent. Be-speciflc as well as positive. The mostpowerful words in the English language are "IAM...". How you conclude that sentence willdetermine your success or failure. It will de-termine whether you will be constructive ordestructive; pleasant or unpleasant; motivatedto success or apathetic and listless. The com-pletion of that sentence beginning with "I am"determines your self-image.

Use positive sentences such as "I am fullyconfident in myself and my abilities." Thisetches the suggestion in your mind like your,signature on a contract.

Do not phrase a suggestion "I will not doubtmyself or my abilities." The subconscious"hears" the NOT and may reverse the originalintent. Therefore, at all times in phrasing sug-gestions be sure they are worded in an em-phatically positive way. For example, "I amfully self-confident at all times, in all areas andwith all people," is a highly desirable state ofbeing and your suggestion imprints your intentinto the subconscious. Incorporate, too, astrong emotional reason for acceptance of thesuggestion. Use your imagination to fan de-sire. Feel the "warm glow" of satisfaction asyour enthusiasm and optimism grow. Thewarm glow of self-satisfaction, self-esteem,and self-worth adds emotional strength to thesuggestion and acts as reinforcement and areward.

If the suggestion is to be used repeatedly,extract a "cue" word or short phrase to identifyit to your subconscious. In time it will only benecessary to use the cue word or phrase. Withpractice this will impart the suggestion, theimage, and the warm glow to the subcon-scious as effectively as repeating the com-plete sentence or suggestion.

After becoming relaxed, the suggestion be-comes the vehicle for change, while the im-age to see yourself as that person is theprocess. The warm glow strengthens boththe suggestion and image which is responsiveto reinforcement and/or reward.

To summarize:

First - the vehicle - make the suggestion posi-tive.

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Second - the image - see yourself as youwould like to be.Third - the warm glow - a strong feeling of self-esteem, self-satisfaction, and self-worth.

A suggestion is accepted in the mind by virtueof concentrated attention, reversed effect ordominant effect.


Repetition of a suggestion for periods of timewill result in acceptance of the suggestion.Once accepted, the mind reshapes behaviorto internalized attitude and actualize the sug-gestion. This principle is utilized in "The Powerof Positive Thinking." As we are all aware,commercial advertisers employ this principle toingrain brand names and company slogansinto our minds. The magic of repetition is thevery essence of concentrated attention inhypnosis.


When a suggestion is accompanied bydoubtful or negative thoughts, the mind willusually react inversely to the intent of the sug-gestion. This often happens in the dentist'schair when we tell ourselves that it will nothurt. The result is that more pain occurs than ifwe had thought nothing at all. As you can see,apprehension to "hurt' alerts to mind to realizethe experience. this is the reverse effect of a"split" thought. To think nothing of the possiblehurt in the dentist's chair means greater re-l axation and mentally turning away the dis-comfort.

Therefore, since it is positive suggestion youdesire, under no circumstances follow Itwith a negative thought or doubt or feelingthat would counteract and possibly destroyyour intent. Persist in (1) your suggestion, (2)the image, and (3) the warm glow, and you willeliminate the reversed effect.


When the mind is presented with more thanone suggestion, the emotionally strongestsuggestion will usually predominate. This doesnot mean that you can only give yourself onesuggestion at a practice period. It simplymeans that the more emotionally aroused you

are, either with desire or need or both, themore effectively will the suggestion register inyour subconscious. Emotions are feelings thathave become intensified. When we get "stirredup" about some area of our life, we becomeemotional about it. In self-hypnosis, if you aregiving yourself several suggestions for im-provement, the one with the greatest emo-tional feeling attached to it will become moreintensely and penetratingly recorded in yourconscious and subconscious. How we feelabout ourselves in any given area can beused constructively in hypnosis to improve, toexpand and explore. For this reason thedominant effect of the suggestions you giveyourself will be determined by the priority inwhich you feel or are emotional about yourdesires, hopes, and goals. If there is a singleisolated area in which you feel stronger thanthe others, then as you give yourself sugges-tions, that one will predominate. This is thedominant effect.

In conclusion, remember to allow time for thesuggestions to become effective. The subcon-scious must go through extensive mental op-erations to consolidate the information givenbefore it can respond.

To summarize - Formulating Suggestions:


Describe the goal and be specific.2.

Personalize with "I am" or I will."3.

Make the suggestion positive.4.

Cue an emotion.5.

Use a key phrase.

To summarize - Principles of Suggestions:

1. Concentrated attention.2. Reversed effect.3. Dominant effect.4. Emotion can act as a motive (Motivated

action.)5. Allow time for effective response.

I n constructing suggestion, always think inthe end result. Be concerned with what youdo want, not what you do not want. Do not beconcerned with your bad habits. Rather, con-centrate on what it is that you do want in yourlife.

Finally, give yourself the post-hypnotic sug-gestion "Each and every time I hypnotize my-

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self I relax even more easily and freely. I lookforward to practicing because I enjoy it; it's funand it's good for me."



Answer the following questions (in writing) anddon't be modest or underestimate yourself:

1. Evaluate your present abilities and com-petencies and answer the question "Whoam I and what am I?"

2. Determine your growth potential and an-swer the question "If I made the effort,what could I do?"

3. Determine all possible goals and answerthe question "Where can I go and whatcan I achieve?"

4. Select the best possible goals, ones thatappear to most satisfying to you and an-swer the question "Where am I going?"

5. Estimate the period of time involved ananswer the question "How long should ittake to accomplish this?"

Now make out your goal contract (page 6) inwriting and in detail. Date and sign your fullname. This is the most important contract youwill ever make, for it is with the most importantperson in your life - yourself. This is a com-mitment. You are now dedicated to theachievement of your goals.


The selected goals must become ingrained inyour mind with such fixed resolve that yourwhole personality becomes reshaped towardtheir achievement. To do this, you will exerciseyour new-found ability in self-hypnosis as fol-lows:1. Reach over your completed goal contract

several times.2. Put yourself in the deeply relaxed, self-

hypnotic state.3. Again review your goal contract in every

detail.4. Visualize yourself as having achieved

your goal. See the end result, the finishedproduct.

5. Give yourself the "warm glow" and feelingof self-satisfaction of your achievement.

6. Awaken yourself, or let the hypnotic statelapse into natural sleep.

The purpose of your visualization is clear - tosee your goal just as if it had already becomea reality, the end result. This is because thesubconscious will always accept and respondto the images you give of yourself to yourself.See your goals as achieved and the waysand means will gradually be revealed to youas you exercise the efforts necessary to reachyour goals. Short-term goals can usually behandled without outside help or extensive re-search. Long-term or life goals do requiremore than an evening's thought, so performthe research, seek outside counsel, but makethe final analysis and decision yourself.

DAILY GOALSSince goals are so important to achievement,adopt the habit of making a daily list of the siximportant things you will do each day. Makeyour list in the degree of their importance, themost important item first. Write out your list thenight before ; then the next day as each task isaccomplished, strike it from the list.

With this daily plan, you are organizing yourday. Once the plan becomes a habit, you willfind more time for other and more meaningfulthings, and you are formulating a good habit.You will be surprised, as have so many others,at how much more you can accomplish withour "six-important-things" plan. Remember,too, good habits are as easy to keep as badones. Put this plan into action today.

START IMMEDIATELYAfter you have completed setting goals andbuilding your desire to achieve your goals, getstarted immediately. start putting into actionthe first steps necessary for reaching yourgoal. This may mean making a phone call,drawing up a list of action-steps, designing aplan, or drawing up an outline. Whatever youdo, do it in the order of goal-importance.

The ancient Chinese had a wise formula. "Athousand-mile journey begins with the firststep." You successful journey through ahappy, productive, and healthy life will beginwith our first act. You now have the tools, the

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methods, and the process. NOW is the timefor action.

To summarize:


Define your goals.2.

Write out your goal contract.3.

Visualize the goal as achieved.4. Repeat the process as necessary.







Spiritual Goal

Family Goal


At birth we have no self-image. A newly-borninfant cannot distinguish anything from theconfusion of light and sound around him.While the infant has instinctive reactions, ascrying, reaching, and sucking, apparently allelse must be learned.

Gradually, from early infancy, we begin to dif-ferentiate our bodies from the environment, todevelop a sense of identity, and come to real-ize that we are a separate and independenthuman being. We begin then to develop aconscience - a sense of right and wrong - pri-marily from our dependencies upon our par-ents for food, warmth and comfort. Further, wedevelop social consciousness and becomeaware that we live and are inter-related withother people. We begin to learn how to live.We are also laying the groundwork for ourself-image.

At a very early age we build defense mecha-nisms to thwart the possibility of punishmentand anxiety. During the first few months ofbabyhood we are dressed, fed, changed, andloved. As we mature, however, the necessarydiscipline of parents begins to "teach" the be-havioral models of society. This is necessaryfor growth and determines our eventual abilityto "get along" with people which in turn has agreat deal to do with our self-image. Basically,however, the defense mechanisms we erectare to ward off anxiety of possible punishmentor pain - real or imagined.

Money GoalGoal:Time:How:


Physical GoalGoal:Time:How:


Mental GoalGoal:Time:How:


Educational GoalGoal:Time:How:


Social GoalGoal:



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As we mature and learn how to behave in asocially acceptable manner, we shape ourhabit patterns, learn to control temper, andlearn how to please, placate, and gain ap-proval. From this beginning we train ourselvesto live with others and, in the process, gain aclearer image of ourselves, our capacities andworth.

Finally, we develop a sense of values which isour overall estimation of our standards andworth in relation to the world around us. Thesum total of these developments becomes ourself-image or self-concept.

This self-image which started from the shape-less blur of infancy now permeates all ourthoughts, feelings, emotions, attitudes, habit-patterns, values, standards, and aspirations.


I n order to comprehend fully the mechanics ofimage change, we must first acknowledge theeffect our environment has had upon us sincechildhood. When we view the educationalsystem, work performance, and other func-tional specialties, we must recognize that oursociety, for most people, is based on the per-formance of the minimum achiever.

To improve our self-image and begin experi-encing the successful behavior it stimulates,we start programming images of ourselves asbeing successful . Using hypnosis to make thesuggestion more efficient, we use images andthe warm glow to cause immediate improve-ment.

When giving these suggestions under hypno-sis, make it exceedingly personal; then visu-alize yourself acting in imaginative accordancewith the image the suggestion creates. Andalways give yourself the warm glow, the feel-i ng of accomplishment and reward.

I n your daily life, THINK "Will this action orbehavior enhance my self-image?" beforeacting. Enhance your success images withstrong emotional resolve. There is no substi-tute for perseverance and determination.

To summarize - Changing the Self-Image:

1. Put yourself in a deeply relaxed state.

2. See yourself as you would like to be, notas you think you are.

3. Give yourself the reward of self-esteem.

4. Expand and repeat as is necessary.

5. Use strong emotional feelings to enhanceyour success images.

Following are recommended suggestions forimproving your self-image:

1. I am aware of conformity and reject it hu-morously, like a game.

2. I am a warm person interested in otherpeople.

3. I am an energetic, sparkling, and enthusi-astic person, fascinated by everything Ido.

4. I am a cooperative, decisive person andmake decisions easily and quickly.

5. I am a leader and enjoy talking beforegroups; always in good humor.

6. I am successful in whatever I set my mindto.

7. I enjoy my work. I enjoy it thoroughly. Ilook forward to going to work.

8. I plan my work with precision and author-ity.

9. I meet new people with a magnetic andfriendly charm. I make friends easily, at alltimes relaxed and friendly.

10. I am firmly convinced I can handle anytask I start.

11. I am completely at ease with people at asocial gathering.

12. I live by and support the highest stan-dards of my profession.

13. I am dedicated to good health, success,and achievement.


I like myself and enjoy life to its fullest.

15. I am much more concerned with what Ithink of myself than what I might imagineothers think of me.

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As we mature and learn how to behave in asocially acceptable manner, we shape ourhabit patterns, learn to control temper, andlearn how to please, placate, and gain ap-proval. From this beginning we train ourselvesto live with others and, in the process, gain aclearer image of ourselves, our capacities andworth.

Finally, we develop a sense of values which isour overall estimation of our standards andworth in relation to the world around us. Thesum total of these developments becomes ourself-image or self-concept.

This self-image which started from the shape-less blur of infancy now permeates all ourthoughts, feelings, emotions, attitudes, habit-patterns, values, standards, and aspirations.


I n order to comprehend fully the mechanics ofimage change, we must first acknowledge theeffect our environment has had upon us sincechildhood. When we view the educationalsystem, work performance, and other func-tional specialties, we must recognize that oursociety, for most people, is based on the per-formance of the minimum achiever.

To improve our self-image and begin experi-encing the successful behavior it stimulates,we start programming images of ourselves asbeing successful . Using hypnosis to make thesuggestion more efficient, we use images andthe warm glow to cause immediate improve-ment.

When giving these suggestions under hypno-sis, make it exceedingly personal; then visu-alize yourself acting in imaginative accordancewith the image the suggestion creates. Andalways give yourself the warm glow, the feel-i ng of accomplishment and reward.

I n your daily life, THINK "Will this action orbehavior enhance my self-image?" beforeacting. Enhance your success images withstrong emotional resolve. There is no substi-tute for perseverance and determination.

To summarize - Changing the Self-Image:

1. Put yourself in a deeply relaxed state.

2. See yourself as you would like to be, notas you think you are.

3. Give yourself the reward of self-esteem.

4. Expand and repeat as is necessary.

5. Use strong emotional feelings to enhanceyour success images.

Following are recommended suggestions forimproving your self-image:

1. I am aware of conformity and reject it hu-morously, like a game.

2. I am a warm person interested in otherpeople.

3. I am an energetic, sparkling, and enthusi-astic person, fascinated by everything Ido.

4. I am a cooperative, decisive person andmake decisions easily and quickly.

5. I am a leader and enjoy talking beforegroups; always in good humor.

6. I am successful in whatever I set my mindto.

7. I enjoy my work. I enjoy it thoroughly. Ilook forward to going to work.

8. I plan my work with precision and author-ity.

9. I meet new people with a magnetic andfriendly charm. I make friends easily, at alltimes relaxed and friendly.

10. I am firmly convinced I can handle anytask I start.

11. I am completely at ease with people at asocial gathering.

12. I live by and support the highest stan-dards of my profession.

13. I am dedicated to good health, success,and achievement.


I like myself and enjoy life to its fullest.

15. I am much more concerned with what Ithink of myself than what I might imagineothers think of me.

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This discussion will cover how habits are de-veloped over the years and how awareness ofnegative thinking can become the catalyst forchange.

You will learn that habits can be either the"chains that bind you," or stepping stones tosuccess.

For the most part, we are unconscious of thehabits upon which approximately 90% of ourwaking life depends; from brushing our teethin the morning to the manner and time we goto sleep at night.

Habits are tools which serve the importantfunction of relieving the conscious mind formore important activities. Habits are storedpatterns of behavior which serve the needs ofthe individual. But habits are learned, and areformed from what once was conscious be-havior. Over the years, through repetition, thisbehavior has become largely an automatichabit pattern. With the use of hypnosis, it iswell to remember that as habits are learned,they can be unlearned.

Learning habit formations means, then, thathabits are learned by practice. Consequently,a negative or "bad" habit can be replaced,substituted for, and erased by a "good" orpositive habit with practice. This is highlyimportant to remember in connection with thepractical use of hypnosis.

The kinds of learning we are considering herestress the organization of positive behaviorinto habits - learned stimulus-response se-quences for self-improvement. It is the devel-opment of new habit patterns and the chang-ing of old ones through hypnotic techniquesand auto-suggestion that we are presentlyconcerned with. And the crucible for change isdesire. Let this, too, become a habit.


Under hypnosis conscious activity is greatlyreduced, and provided the conscience doesnot disapprove, the subconscious mind be-comes receptive to suggestions. While hypno-sis is an altered state of consciousness, the


experience does not distort or block consciousthought. With the hyper-awareness or con-centrated attention which is hypnosis, only thecritical areas are subdued and the suggestionbecomes paramount.

As the suggestion can never describe com-pletely the complex detail of behavior that wewant to become a habit, we make full use ofour imagination to integrate the behavior-habit-attitude patterns into our memory. This isthe process: See yourself as you would like tobe, not as you might think you are. The sub-conscious mind will always accept and re-spond to the images you give it, and habit-change is perhaps the most important instru-ment of hypnosis; for habit-change meansbehavior-change, and behavior change meansattitude-change. We internalize the good andprofitable adjustment to create and maintainconstructive habit patterns or formations.

While some habits can be established by asingle suggestion, most habits require repeti-tion, generally on successive days, to be comeeffective and permanent. This is largelycaused by insufficient information for theimagination to completely structure the be-havior required by the new habit. After experi-encing a trial or experiment with the new visu-alized habit, again under hypnosis, we recyclethe original suggestion, expand on the image,to more deeply instill the new habit. This proc-ess of trial and spaced repetition is to be con-tinued until we find ourselves performing themore desirable habit we want.

The subconscious mind resists changes ofexisting habit patterns, whether they are goodor bad. The most effective way to persuadethe subconscious to submit to change isthrough the process of comparative reward. Ifthe subconscious has two or more habit pat-terns to do the same job, it will select the mostself-rewarding habit to use.

The process of changing a habit by hypnosisinvolves suggestion of the new habit, comple-tion and integration using the imagination, andestablishing a reward value exceeding that ofthe old habit. This means, essentially, a salesjob to the subconscious mind on the many andvaried benefits of the new habit. To do this,we picture ourselves in our imagination suc-cessfully executing and performing the newhabit with that wonderful warm glow of suc-cess, satisfaction, and elation. It is generally

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not necessary to extinguish the old habit byhypnotic suggestion, as this comes by a natu-ral process of forgetting through disuse.


PROCEDURES FOR WAKINGHYPNOSIS: For Increased Memory, JobPerformance, Concentration

This is also sometimes referred to as the"alert" state, for though the eyes are open, thehypnotic or relaxed state is still very much pre-sent. One must first relax before entering intothe waking hypnosis state. Previously, duringthe early training sessions, you were urged toutilize five to seven minutes for relaxation; butnow the entire process is markedly speededup, as follows:

TAKE ONLY ONE MINUTE TO RELAX.Embrace yourself almost instantaneouslywith the tingling (relaxed) feeling from ourtoes up through your entire body. If youdo not feel relaxed after that one minute,then give yourself this suggestion, "As 1am working in a state of waking hypnosis,my project itself will put me into deeperstates of mind. I am using my project asthe deepening technique."

Program a single specific project to work on atthis time, for example, reading a magazine orbook for more speed, comprehension, reten-tion, and recall. Or perhaps you might eat ameal and be more aware of the flavors andtaste of the food than ever before. You canalso use waking hypnosis for writing a letter,book, or music, or any creative activity. Withthis technique you can easily work on anysport or hobby.

Business people who have taken the ParkWest course report that they use this "alert"state when making prospect calls, giving lec-tures, and even when counseling their associ-ates and family. Students use waking hypno-sis, when sitting in class listening to theteacher, for better recall. Also, they do it whentaking examinations, being much more relaxedyet fully alert. For these students at exam timethere is no panic or distress, only self-confidence, relaxation, and the full knowledgethat the needed information will flow easilyand freely from the subconscious to the con-scious mind.

After you have programmed your single proj-ect, count ONE-TWO-THREE, and think, "I amgoing deeper into this dynamic relaxation. Irecognize this state of mind. I respond to myown suggestions. I find many projects to workon daily in a state of waking hypnosis andrelate to them very well." Then count quicklyfrom ONE to SIX to bring yourself %videawake, feeling wonderful."

In the beginning while learning waking hypno-sis you should give yourself just one goal orproject at a time. After you completely masterthe art you will find that you can program sev-eral goals into one session.

To work on a single short project, you take justone minute to relax, program yourself for suc-cess in whatever you wish to accomplish, doit, then count to six to bring yourself out of thestate. The entire session may last only two tothree minutes, rather than the usual fifteen.

You can give yourself an even shorter sessionusing the "rapid" technique. Instead of takingone minute to relax, just take three deepbreaths; and as you exhale close your eyesand say, "ONE, I am so relaxed and so com-fortable; TWO, I'm feeling fine, I'm feelingwonderful; THREE, I'm going deeper into thisdynamic relaxation than ever before." Thenname your project, count from one to three toopen your eyes and work on your project.Upon completion, close your eyes, count fromone to three to put yourself deeper, and thencount from one to five to bring yourself out"wide awake, feeling wonderful."

To summarize - Waking Hypnosis:1.

Relax in one minute.2.

Name your specific project.3. Count from one to three to open your

eyes.4. Open your eyes and work on your project.5. Don't concern yourself with whether you

are hypnotized, simply follow the proce-dure.


Count from one to three to go deeper.7. Then count from one to five to 'Wide

awake."8. How effectively you do your project is the

measurement of your hypnotic success.

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ENTHUSIASMBy this time in your practice and studies youshould be well on our way to reaching quicklyand effectively that state of deep relaxation wecall self-hypnosis.

In this session enthusiasm is stressed. Tech-niques for building and emphasizing this mag-nificent expression are outlined and itemizedfor your instruction.

Suggestions and positive imagery of theachieved goal, together with enthusiasm, willfacilitate your self-development ascent intohigher realms of thinking, planning, and espe-cially performing.

The ancient Greek formulated the word "en-Theos" from which the English word"enthusiasm" is derived. To the Greeks "en-Theos" meant "inspired by the gods" or "bypossession" to inspire the highest poetic ec-stasy.

This admirable impetus of man means to beinspired, "turned on." When we actively pursuea clear and desirable goal with the firm beliefthat we will achieve it, we become enthusias-tic. Enthusiasm is the thrill and the self-satisfaction we experience when using ourabilities to the fullest. Like the mountainclimber, we love to climb. Like a healthy atti-tude, enthusiasm seems to spark extra energyfor the pursuit of our goals.

When with enthusiasm and dedication weachieve a goal, we then experience and rein-force our self-esteem, self-worth, and self-satisfaction.

There are some who can be enthusiasticabout life without a worthwhile goal in mind.Their goal is to continually experience the thrillof enthusiasm. While this is fine and makesfor a more enjoyable life, there can never bethe self-satisfaction of achieving a worthwhilegoal and the enhancement of our abilities fromit.

There are many highly desirable benefits frombeing enthusiastic. Our efficiency is greatlyenhanced as we achieve more from our ef-forts. Our directness toward achieving the goalkeeps us from drifting into less productive ac-


tivities. Anxiety and wont' are substantiallyreduced. Our enjoyment of life in general isbroadened. As we are ourselves inspired, sowe in turn inspire others and we acquire amore magnetic personality. Our outlook on lifeand people becomes more optimistic. Self-confidence increases - faith in one's capabili-ties is enhanced. Success then becomes sim-ply a matter of setting the right goals.

Enthusiasm results from three essential com-ponents. These are a goal, self-confidence,and desire.

A goal must be a vivid visualization of the ob-ject, station, or accomplishment to be realized.It must be realistic to be within the reach ofyour capabilities. Still, it should present achallenge to make full use of, or to surpass,your present capability. Never underestimateyourself. This is more damaging than pursuinga goal beyond your ability.

Self-confidence must be based on an honestand realistic yet enthusiastic evaluation ofyour present capabilities and the potentialgrowth expected. You must have firm belief inyourself as being competent and capable ofachieving your goal.

The desire must be strong enough to win overother wants and desires that will compete forsatisfaction, and of such intensity as to estab-lish it as a dominant desire crying out for sat-isfaction. With these components working to-gether, the act of achieving the goal will beinspired and brimming over with enthusiasm.Such a combination, under almost any condi-tion or situation, brings only success.

BUILDING ENTHUSIASMTo have enthusiasm you should be movingtoward a desirable and worthwhile goal withthe self-assurance that you will achieve it. Thefollowing technique using hypnosis sets thegoal, builds self-confidence, and generatesthe desire to accomplish your goal. Follow thestep-by-step instructions for maximum effec-tiveness:

Select a quiet, comfortable place where youwill not be disturbed. Have a pencil and pad ofpaper to make notes. This is a businessmeeting with your mind so proceed in a busi-nesslike manner. using self-hypnosis, obtain

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a deeply relaxed state and give yourself thefollowing suggestions:

1. Every fiber and cell of my body is comingalive.


I am becoming more mentally aware.


My thinking is crystal-clear and concise

4. My understanding is expanding into newdimensions.

5. I feel the warm glow of self-confidenceexpanding with every thought.

As you build your enthusiasm and become"turned on" to your goals, aspirations, anddesires, you are also centralizing and coordi-nating your efforts. In this way you are bridg-i ng the gap between what you have and whatyou want. Determination does not mean agrim-lipped ntent, prohibiting open-mindedness. Quite the contrary, to becomeexcited with one's own life stimulates inquiry,i nvestigation, and challenge. Life is not a cut-and-dried succession of habit patterns, but agreat adventure in exploring and expanding.

The person who generates enthusiasm affectsevery person with whom he comes in contact.To build enthusiasm means to live life; andwith optimism and faith one can look for thebest in everything and everybody. This in turnwill spark the wish to succeed and rise to evengreater heights.

Recognize, accept, and experience the won-derful talents you have, and have had allalong. Keep your eye on the mountain top.Get a "kick" out of living, breathing, people,and the world in general. Then you can't helpbut become enthusiastic about you.


Enthusiasm comes with a strong desire, analmost passionate state of mind, a burningdesire, that motivates you into action with anexcitement that makes you glad to be alive.Some suggestions to generate this degree ofmotivation are as follows:

1. My goals lead me to success through thefull use of my mind abilities.

2. Working toward my goals gives me a feel-ing that makes me glad to be alive.


I look forward to the opportunity of workingon my goals. I look forward to today, anew day, a fresh day.

4. I know that whatever I conceive I willachieve to the very fullest of my ability.



Self-confidence comes primarily from self-knowledge - knowledge of who you are andwhat you are capable of doing. It is the firm,undisputed belief in your own talents andabilities that succeeds in turning your goalsinto events. Being self-confident does notmean that you have to be cocky or blustery.Two of the most humble men the world hasever known were supremely self-confident:Leonardo da Vinci and Albert Einstein. Thepages of history are filled with great men, whothrough a self-abiding, unconquerable senseof self-confidence, achieved massive works inliterature, architecture, science, art, religion,and technology. Belief, trust, and faith in one-self are the stepping stones to greatness.

The following suggestions are recommendedto bolster your self-confidence until it becomesrealized.

1. I have a sincere belief in myself, my tal-ents, and my abilities.


I fully enjoy being ME.

3. I am an individual person with a uniqueand positive personality all my own.

4. I feel a sincere interest and friendlinesstoward other people.

5. I treat all people in a direct, earnest, andconfident manner that immediately winstheir cooperation and friendliness.

6. I find good in all people and freely praisetheir good points.

7. My every thought and action builds myenthusiasm and self-confidence.

8. I feel the sincere desire to inspire otherswith my enthusiasm.

9. I listen to what other people have to sayand I hear . I comprehend fully and com-pletely. I understand.

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10. I have fund of contributions to make to mycommunity. I am vitally interested in thewelfare of others and always will be.

Look at yourself as objectively as you can,and under ATTRACTION list all of the favor-able, productive, and complimentary areasyou can think of. Don't be modest. These areyour assets. Be thorough and honest withyourself.

Next, under RESERVATION, list areaswherein you feel you need improvement. Dothis without guilt, remorse, or censure. Simplytake a long look at you and list personalitytraits, habits, and attitudes you feel may bei mpeding your progress. Remember, no one isgoing to see this inventory but you. And noone knows you as you do yourself.

Take your time with your self-inventory. Don'tunder any circumstance, simply dash off a fewsuperficial generalities such as "I'm a goodfellow," or "everyone like me, so I must beO.K." Rather, dig down into your innermostbeing and bring out both the attraction andreservation - the assets and the liabilities. Dothis honestly and thoroughly, and you'll beglad you did.

After completing your self-inventory to yourown satisfaction, you are then ready to for-mulate suggestions to offset and to improveareas in which you feel you need improve-ment.

No one is all good or all bad. No one is entirelyproductive or a completely arrived person.Most of us possess both good and bad habits,attitudes, and behavior patterns. Most of us,however, hide from our own defects. Wemake believe, pretend, and in general suc-ceed in fooling no one but ourselves.

By taking your self-inventory, you are expos-i ng yourself to YOU. By listing both the attrac-tions and reservations you become moreaware of your assets and, more acutely, thoseareas that you need to work on. Remember, iti s balance you are looking for, not self-flatteryor self-condemnation.




FriendlyIntelligentInquisitiveAmbitiousA good-listenerAffectionate


ProcrastinateAm impatient with othersLack of self-confidenceEat too muchHave no goalsEscape (in TV) too much


For a person who wishes to eliminate smok-ing, a session might contain the following sug-gestions:

Each and every day I am smoking less. I amenjoying smoking more and the desire toeliminate this from my life is stronger thanever before. Because I am smoking less I stayphysically, mentally, and emotionally satisfiedfor longer periods of time.

I see myself as a non-smoker - healthy, vigor-ous, and clean. I see my lungs as pink, moist,healthy, and free of any poisons, tobacco tars,chemicals, or pollutants.

As I smoke less and less and enjoy it more, Ican see a target date when I will be free, freeof this addiction. I see myself healthy and well,breathing the fresh air of life itself. Free tobecome healthier and healthier with eachpassing hour, day, month, and year.

I see my own system revitalizing, re-energizing, and re-invigorating every cell of mymind and body.

I am now a non-smoker. I taste my food bet-ter, I breathe better, I live better. I am nowfree, healthy, and clean.



For the person who wishes to lose weight:

The desire to eliminate fat from my body isstronger than ever before. I am, on a daily

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I am becoming a more dynamic, energetic,enthusiastic, excited, productive, self-confident, self-reliant person.

Each and every day I am more patient, morewise, more considerate, and compassionate.

Each and every day I have a DO-IT-NOW at-titude. What needs to be done today I do to-day because I want to.

I have empathy with the people around me.I'm intuitive, creative. I'm AWARE - I'mALERT.

My imagination is improving with each andevery day. My memory is improving because Iam taking more of an interest in names, faces,facts, figures, and places.

I realize that I have a fantastic mind, so I amusing it, exploring it, expanding it. I am re-membering trivia as well as important informa-tion. The capacity of my mind to loam is limit-less.

I am a good listener and I listen for content. Itis if my ears are microphones and my mind isa recorder. I am recording all information and Ican use all of the good content, information,and knowledge; and I apply it to my life.

I learn from everyone and every experience.My eyes are like sensitive movie cameras andI photograph everything that I read or see. Intime of need I turn the projector on in my mindand I can re-read that information instantane-ously.

My mental attitude is improving, my health isimproving, my coordination and talents areimproving each and every day. I am becomingmore AWARE of my abilities and am sharp-ening my interests in all areas of my life. I lovelife and I am a whole and complete personseeking evermore to learn, explore, expand,and enlarge my interests. I recognize and ap-preciate the fact that the only person I candirectly change is myself.

I am an inspiration to others, but am acceptingpeople for what they ARE, rather than anyparticular way I previously thought they shouldbe.





For a person wishing to improve the quality ofhis/her family life:

I have a much higher level of awareness of allmy family's activities.

I am a good listener and, being a better guide,am a better counselor.

I am using better judgment regarding littlethings in my family life, such as hanging uppajamas, putting the cap back on the tooth-paste, an cleaning up after myself in the bath-room.

I am doing my part to make our family lifemore enjoyable for ALL.

I am in more intimate communications with allmembers of my family. I am more under-standing.

I am employing the Golden Rule, and becom-ing more aware of the needs of others.

I put more accent on the good behavior ofeach and am quick with praise, compliments,and frequently say "thank you."

I readily recognize good qualities in eachmember of my family and am more readilysupportive and encouraging.

I have more enthusiasm for family projects,programs and plans.

I am seeing my family as a unit, living in awarm, loving atmosphere of trust, considera-tion and SHARING.



I awaken in the morning feeling rested andrefreshed, energetic and enthusiastic,looking forward to the work of the day.


I am excited about my family, my business,my associates, customers, clients, pros-pected and my future.

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I have a do-it-now attitude.

4. I plan my time effectively. I plan my workand work my plan.


I am fully confident, self-assured, and self-reliant.

6. All life forces within me are functioningperfectly and I feel wonderful.


I am alert to life's opportunities.8. I am aware that every fiber of my being

and every cell in my mind and body are inharmony to bring me success, happiness,and achievement.

9. I am expanding into new and exciting di-mensions of living, thinking, and doing.

10. I now understand and am are of my ownunique powers.

11. My perception into all areas of life is clearand concise.

12.1 feel within me the wonderful warm glowof self-satisfaction, self-esteem, and self-acknowledgment.

13. I am doing my living today and doing thebest I can today - recognizing that tomor-row will take care of itself.

14.1 see my goals as having being achieved -in the NOW.

15.1 recognize my work now and feel won-derful about ME.

16. As I fulfill my work daily, I know my goalsare giving me direction, guidance, and mo-tivation.

17.1 relax easily, freely, at will - and contem-plate success in all areas of my life.

18.1 am thrilled by my aliveness, energy, andfreedom to exercise my talents to the full-est.

19.1 listen to what other people have to sayand rapidly absorb their thoughts, mean-i ngs. and intent. I understand.

20.1 am patient and accept things, conditions,and circumstances over which I Have nocontrol. I accept the things I cannotchange, have the courage to change thething I can, and the wisdom to know thedifference.

21.1 have a unique and elevated understand-ing of myself, my talents, my capabilities,and my potential.


22.1 have a wonderful sense of humor andexercise it easily, freely, and expansively.

23.1 seek self-evaluation in everything I do. Itis how I think that is most important to me.

24.1 am the master of my own mind and theruler of my emotions.

25. I am fully self-confident of my own judg-ment and my ability to make honest, far-reaching decisions.

26.1 am decisive. I make all decisions quickly,freely, easily; I use my powers of reasonand logic, and follow through.

27.1 am an explorer, an adventurer into life'smysteries and wonders. I am a "searcher" -always curious.

28.1 am fully and completely at ease withother people at all times and in all situa-tions.

29.l use the precious and expanding fresh air'and exercise to keep fit and alert. I providetime each day for health-giving exercise.

Naturally, these are just a few examples. Useyour own creativity. Adapt these to your needsand make up your own list of suggestions.


What we are and the way we react to the vari-ety of day-to-day experiences result from re-flexes that were developed by our previousexperiences. Many (if not most) of these origi-nal experiences, especially the ones that cre-ate conflict and frustration, happened whenwe were very young. Consciously they havel ong since been forgotten, but we continue toreact to all types of stimuli in the habitual way,without realizing that our response is due toreflexes that are hidden away in our subcon-scious mind. Even the amateur student ofpsychology knows that if he were able to dis-cover the reasons for his reactions to a givenstimulus, he would be able to reduce andeliminate abnormal reactions through under-standing, mature insight, education, and be-havior modification.

Some people go through psychotherapy andpsychoanalysis for weeks, months, and insome cases, years to discover the reasons fortheir fears and phobias. After exposing theoriginal experience to the light of day, under-

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standing how it was developed and originated,theoretically they are then able to reprogramtheir reflexes to respond in a normal, rationalway. As an example, as a child, your mothermay have cautioned you about dragonflies(she may have called them daming needles).In the springtime, when these pretty little in-sects would be flitting about, she might havesaid, "Stay away from those flying damingneedles. If they get close to you, they will sewup your mouth." Mother taught you how tocomb your hair, be your shoes, so, when shesaid dragonflies would sew up your lips, youwanted no part of them. You may havecrossed the street, gone around the block, orcovered up your face if there were dragonfliesanywhere nearby. It was only after you weregrown up (both physically and psychologically)that you were able to reflect on the reasonswhy you always cringed when you saw adragonfly. Now you can look at these beautifullittle creatures, appreciate their value, andrealize that they are harmless and attractive.And you know that they can't sew up your lips(except, possibly, after darkl), as you are nolonger afraid of them.

To get to the point of this dissertation, someyears ago, clinical psychologist and author,Leslie M. LeCron, described a method of re-trieving information for the subconscious mindthrough the autonomic nervous system. Thetechnique has been taught to several thou-sand physicians. It has been used in manythousands of cases to great advantage, itsusers including a number of psychiatrists. Youcan learn this technique very easily, and youcan discover, by communicating directly withthe subconscious mind, why you react as youdo; what caused the original reflex; and whythe experience created your present dayanxieties.


In using the pendulum, you should hold thethread or chain between the thumb and fore-finger, with your elbow resting on the arm ofyour chair, or on a desk, or perhaps on yourknee. The weight then dangles freely.

Four basic directions of movement of the pen-dulum are possible. These are a clockwisecircle, counter-clockwise circle, back and forthacross in front of you or in and out away fromyou. The inner (subconscious) mind can be


asked to make its own selection of move-ments. one is to signify yf, another Lo. Athird should mean I don't know, and the fourth,I choose not to answer the question at thistime . This last may indicate resistance and istherefore important.

You may specify the meaning of each move-ment, but it is better to let the subconsciousmake its own selections. This seems to bringbetter cooperation on its part. (It also showsyou that the subconscious does think and rea-son.)

Holding the pendulum, you should voluntarilymove it in each of the four directions, thenhold it motionless and think "yes." In doingthis, no words are usually necessary. Youmerely think the request. The subconscious isasked to select any of the four motions whichis then to represent an affirmative reply. Youmight work your request this way - "My sub-conscious is to select one of these four mo-dons of this pendulum to mean yes in answerto questions." The pendulum will work better ifyou watch it.

Usually it will start to move within a few sec-onds, but sometimes it may take a moment orso "to warm up the motor." If it does not startto swing very quickly, put yourself into a lightstate of waking hypnosis and think the word"yes" to yourself several times. Be sure you donot move the pendulum voluntarily. Try to holdit still, but you will find it will move of its ownaccord.

When your affirmative response has been setup, ask for selection of another motion tomean "no", then for one of the two remainingones to mean " I don't know." The fourth willthen represent " I choose not to answer at thistime."

Probably you will find this very interesting.Many people exclaim in surprise as the pen-dulum swings in answering. Movements maybe somewhat slight, but usually the arc of theswing is long and very definite.