the seattle star (seattle, wash.) (seattle, wash.) 1916...

DIRECTORY ritie rnoN« hk\TTI.« i .Se» MAIN ?TAW ?\u25a0>?*- ??? ' mm'fi mm ?»m» cent u w*»»'t |>**r Inaortlon Bl\ time* for th* prU'o *«f ftvo |Hl><v -\u25a0 < *n«* lumitrt"! llur* to bo uwotl *»* doHlrrd $j 00. Holp iml Situation ada. ont-liitf ril* Kunoral Notl*o» »?© TrantlrMt?< karir %altortl«l»« For tin* por . ... It* Si\ tnaortlona for tho prlco of ftvo 10 par e#n( tflpcotint If bill I* |»atd within after flr»t luagrtloti. CHAVOK IN AODKKSS Hvib*«Tl!»- \u2666r» ahouttl !»?» »uro »iul il»» their old iti vtll at tholr now Adlrti*. All atih*. rtpllovm mu»t t-o alartod from dnto tho ro- rtlvtd lUtck numbtri cannot t»o \u25a0uppilnl. ftatlnrd A*ont: 1* If MVI \ KX. 14*1 HrtlUrd |^^ )VVWWV VNAA.VVVWVV\-W' Attorneya-at-Law J. 4lja»M>ltiin'illlllllA*-U»l « fcutband and wlfa damage rj%i i ? ? lortad |fn<«r»l iwnrHo#, r©aautta» on free Credit In worthy cnaea I'* t»> wn Bid# Klllott 31** K'l r.: prtrtlt* !??? *«?»?»« ? fid wlf#. (eiwulttUot free '?'Jj. Oll "** rn CHiiW-u iv «t» n>»« COX*VLTATtOS »Hirr .onfl- Ivntltl. I»«t ItutUnd it 4 »H*. fct »r«clU-«; f»»« tn<»d»r»l« i r i\.uTi c.srV»ii.isiiKi> <»»' "Kv «Ml KMUn ll.itk. Mult.lln« »?» »'? ? en it «> ? Attorney*?Patent FRED P. CjOKIN-IT?. imvM or fee r*fwi»«M ' " u>' Bide Ma'.n !*<> fre* t>?t on nt * C6ok vi < < \u25a0 Iwiim Smith mdt Banks mCAVAM VN !UVK orroyvlßß'T -?Head off tee Canada («*? In faiud* ?'« ? tJ«n»r»l |«likln| kuilnMt alleeed <»a Mv|n|« and time |Mtt!« Hn>fh Mr - Billiard Tables IB lali ? >iu.uhb tTBTTET kruJ ntv. nr«m u4 p«rh«t. with nm(!*i« outfit. 1114, *?\u25a0"> '? kIM »t r*4 U>«l prt.-»«. fco«!lr» «ll»r M»»ll*a ?Y P»yn»»«t«. Ot««r intf lalksf*»«n ftnd »o*l» (o»»tit» fixture*. Tlia Bruna»l*-»l Ilalka follan- -4T c».. »»»\u25a0?«?-?»« y*"' *** i Bicycle Supplies Wm" DO good tORK-o n iuht _ wig. Carpenters KSHEI* A.N?-lot>l>l»« >a 4 '?»?!'» Main Chattel Loans RSW" COMFAMT. NEW RATK*. NEW MCTHOM -Lmm frowt fI# M to 171 99 anid* fHtrhlr and conßdentially ea fur*] Blturt. pi »(>m, livestock. #to. GERMAN-AMERICAN I.OAV CO INI-IH4 I. C Smith Bid# Etl, IUI Cloth, Signs £*nd §1 on& window dihpla t fropct Hoot On. 292-1 Cnpr««« Thaa Chinese Medicine fn Vm Mai* flsen dMtartaf WlthoaO R#- ?«li f«r Imk. Aeo Me and iDTMUgAt* my romedtsa Ths ntit obsttnats ?mi ©f iMhmt, rhett- mattero and n«f»tn disorder* have Imm irvtlsd we«-»«ifn!fF. Constipation, catarrh and dln>r4»f« of lh« bladder iktn aed ?tornarh. aa w«n M ? ppondlcitla. are rt ll*v*d without op«t tloa. My ad v lea la free. H. TOW tHINF.HE REMKDT CO. Way. Fheae Mala HM Collateral Loans HSBFSCTAnLt rLATE TO ll'.rhow on DIAUoM.h «nd JEWELRY Lav oat ratal confidential AMERIfAN JfWRt.RT CO. «?> 2nd ko.vicr LOANED"ON a LLA RTlfl.E# | af rain* Tha Re liable. 997 Third «r« tia^A^^VWA^WWVNA^VWWW Cameras and Supplies lOWMAN~& IFANFORD CO Kodak* and Photographia Auppiies DEVELOPING a^ Any *tae roll 1 First Aee and <'htrr Tel Main Till Junk su>«*« J auk Co. li;» rirat »»\u25a0 w Kiitoit i;»i -'.*! j*.Tvr Opticians llwilß4f Frfeaflr-Pataraan Co a bAlcny Mala Z174 Phrenologists MADAM KIRL Tb« EGYPTIAN phrenologist /^f^'a 1 !* your head }?:?« f' ? ryjj as It In<ll .1 » ' JjtrW tha crsdle to \u25a01* Jy -T ;«ineas you »?" I ar« adar'»d f«r r whan and whom you win marrr. aat- ; t)aa and explains lovs affair* an>l fam- ily troubisa. rsunltea tha separated. etr i Explains permanent health rules fat Isfaction guarantsed or no charge No ona to trouble lurnad away, monay | ar no money. Permanently located at _I~^i|on^a?. Physicians and Surgeons Jfc. KATIIFITS HA~Vtft!*ON\u25a0 ?Oi HI XTH tour, Vireproof BTORAOK WAKB- honae. Cantral fttoraga Co., 1H White Store Fixtures and Showcases Imow Fah ea akiThtorb fixti'rea", new and aerond hand, all kind* Ed- ward L. Comoit. Third avo., near HOTELS AND APARTMENTS STAMI>A Hl> HfiTKi". Cam#r Flrat Af and Plna Hf tort*, modern, outalda *I*vator a*r\l'« phonaa In all room*. f!r*C*rlaaa In arary r«apart. 60c up; with prlvata bath. t> iNkpr/*Tiov roßr»!Af,r.r invited BTht'iniqi.'i; kiuiith asii union Furnlah»d 2-room apartment*. $28 10 up with i>r without prlvata bath, 112 10 up flotal aarvlca night and day Main 7440 * 4?Furniture Wanted. Hi* W- Kurn ' o 4 1!. *'< Mwir< »M* 6?-Autos for Sale Ove~To.v a i Tvi~TlirrK, p\i;i matxC flrat claaa condition, will d«>tn»n- atr it a. Cndllla''. 1'? 12. »icallant rendition, good tlr«-*, will d»mon*trat*. I2S(> TiKLIAH!.E fIMIAUK A MACHINE CO 2212 Fourth Av» W '" ,on '?!''' ?' B?For Sale?Miscellaneous fcfcW FIANUM Voir j I.r I7KNT AP- pll*d on purchaa* Mcyar-Tontr, 314 Ulilnn. CHE AP F. T~T'i7a CE~tVT uy or rone *aw- fnir rra<hlnaa 71T |'ln> Main Ifoo FHONO'i It A I'ttH i,| T »T ?'l' K.i lA LTr - " trada, buy, r»nt. rapalr M/al'al Record Kxrha nga 1119 Wm)lak© KiM.itt 2071 CI.EARINO lIOCHE I"'>r Vf. i«! >. 11 In«»'iinanfi f.VMKDEKMED ETxTi-fif"Cf>SHt*tTnO of rl<ithlnir f Inatri- w»»nt* Kuna. aultr-a**!*, trunHa. ate for ch'tji Murruln Ktora and Loan OffI' * 1/0 I*" Irat .'iv « flli® R'K4TI«AKB ferond-hond«i l»w prloa. B?For Sale?Miscellaneous ***il *M> IXMIMD I Order v<«tir Hash a-- t !»?»?»»? -til* l I from O W Wlt.t.lAM* t'O W ? »|wr«i« our own mill, and ahlp dlro«-t to ?«> #»?, anywhara at fa<t->ry |trk«i i«4f» | d#U*«» guaranteed In tUi<ln»il>tH *end f<»r our big. N't* 11. Mtliwl free !*>at (Mild, oh I «? p«MI <MH III) 4 i>«ntl dtxtrt I ?* I «'«?? doore 2 Tl :4* * " g window I It . Millili front window. :*1 ifiMiiivntc«ih ** up 111 hot bed aeah ~ JJI «'ut«ho*rd i «m .t<>oro . I M ' upboerd p«nel ilnnre ....,- li I-ply »l»»h grain |»an*la a*| ft . *»4'» : I plr Uold K«ml r»ofln| I 1* Kno«*kt down window framaa IN 4 and I fool f; «>rlnt and %-olllng. I.M foot lit* * to t fiHil flooring ood rolling. !.«?« foot UN *' n \%!l t \K\tm CO l*h>no Main 14#? t»«1 n-at \»o I* I A laCCRt pvKcirarar !<»»< 91 AimlMier ruga on mIo at * * o#rh, limit w«»* rug delh «ro* with othor g«u<4a Knapa now offarrd tn largo tuga at Woldroa O, 1133 I Fourth. INYK NT n UtlfVl P6l ftAt t AtX hand mad* rrochal trlmmhig* It l>tr<°#a Clara Luc*, til* h»f«ll*r Evoroit. Wi»h I~H \?? V. A yi s k \u25ba »:\| ? f: -1 trr dc»g. wall broli* wall brad for sola at tl' Addraaa ft H>>tta. l*llrho« a. Waah ~ $w pur »i* rs ft! owna'« thick *«lt Atmlniitr ruga limit ona rug ll«- >a I Klrman I * Tar ma on many gooda at Watdron Howry Bidy dooo tu nt NO niTirirr r«>ft salk at T*J» lith ava > W t'hona HaHard un kaCTORY p'nRTH On now Iron bod* to <*!now a««ma pat torn a I>oal*ra ouppM*d with r»iga a'ao. t»f *w*ldr»>a fa li;j r<>urth TWTC AwlVtN 1 IK B'»r»thlp| In Caatai i W*bb Kltchan A Co 9?Wanted Miscellaneous Ot,!» MoMCY ANf» «TAMm WANTED Caah paid f«>r old itv *ay of all ktnda ?I for certain eagta centa |7 far rar tain III) Qviartara. ate. Hand 4c. fat lar«a Mua'ratad aota circular May mean your larga proftt Mend o*a Dept li. Numiamatia Hanlu Fart Worth. Ta«. w*ntf.t>- was hk "rr-cfiC ~wi R1 aa high aa IIfar fell aat a Mall Don't matter If broken W eat era Metal Com- pany. Bleeralagton. HI in paid run hood uiico suit* Bui>i> im rim a IUII AwnAWin.-Jiivi\vinA 10?For Sale Livestock roirxo HOurrxts cow row *ai.* Eay gtatlow. Everett laterarban Wr»#ht run a* u»? touWu" iioiuc. SAIT 16?Agents Wanted DOtVM WtTH" Htoli OAfOI.IxV.-Auo Tonic arjaaia aatomoblla gaaoilno at %* per gallon. Pel! It to car owne-a and make big proflta Ha>* guaranteed White Mfg Ca.. Dept. 10. O BL'RN BABRETJI OF FREE AIR IN- a*««d of gaaotlna In automobllee New. Ineipenat*a aclentlfl' 1 ) device, app'led In 14 mlnutaa. earea big money. b'g profit* to agaata. White Mfg <*o. l»*u- -1 Cincinnati. O IHO MONEY AIIOW A t T*>MOBIM»TH how to burn free air loatead of m penetve gasoline IMI the I.itl Fiend, a fiend for power and mllea** and gaeoiine waving. "New wildfire aeiler " .alla Edward Ifoman. Ha lea . f>ept l>. Cincinnati. O. PORTRAIT MEN IAH IF I'RtNTA. FlN- l*he<l work or frame* la 3 4 houra Have 19 artlata. Write for catalogue. Rob" wrta I t:o MrQaa. Kaneaa <'lty j AOKNTB WANTED Ff»R ABTICI.E' ? hlch no hou*ewlfa can r*et*t A«lla ! at almoat every home Woern»r a Ape- j rlalty Exchange 311 W«-l*a*rtrer Rldg Me^hr, 17 ?Salesmen Wanted #ANTED C ALU NO ON mill avippiy. retali hardwar* and gener- al atore* la town* on and off raltroada. ) to rmrry leather home atrap*. 1 halters and bla'kevnfth apron*. r*om- * ml*elr>n. eariosDe territory t'alliTornla Tanning <*o . At. l/»Mio Mo. SOO HA r.KHMKV WANTEl» T f ftS 'F. s-ll Mai ' motor gas 110 per 'lay On* quart. prl« ? 12. equals '.o gal.'-nsj iraeoline In mlleiife Don t delay Your territory may he open Auto ] 19?Male Help Wanted CORPORATION EAKT OF THE MOt/N tain* wants outald« manner who ran show and control men. chante of ad- vanrsmsnt. pleaaant pla«*e to live, good salsry. must coma November I Ona with some money would be preferred, hut efficiency counts firs? Address for lnt»rvl»w. Boa X-4T,. Atar j MACHINIATA WANTED 10 marine e»T glne men 10 ma» hlne t'*ol men (ligh- ts' pay for first clase fn»r» Apply l»y letter or rail Atart work at once. ' IJr.srd of Labor Employment. Navy Yard. Puget Ao»ind. Wash ~ iihijkrn bahbkr cmXioi | 117 Washington At tha barter trsde thorouvhly under our *ystem; pay* you wage*, se/'tirea p«»eltlona. ""BOYA "WANTED Arr?!R ACIIfXH, Two live t.oys wnnterl between nf 14 and I a year* to rarry Atar route* A good chan - for right kind of boya to make money after ?< hool Apply Clr«ulatlon Dspartmant, The Atar, Aev- enth and fnlon 57 DOIN'I il CHINEA A t'PAT A IRA Tracie aell* Man'a $20 aufts and ovsr coats for |15 TraH* a Cpatalra Suit ' Ahop. 991H Thlr4 aoo umhrei.laa repaibed. recoveb- ed Razors, safety blad-s. knives sr|* aor*. »tc aharpen»d 'Jo-carf wheels retired Key. Hharp Whop, 194 H Plka j $1.90 VALUB Ml"" kfVi FOR I I undq ul*t - Lilly upstairs clothsa shop, Oreen Hid* , Fourth and Plk* OLKiINAL MOLER" BARMER AC HOOL ! 221 OcrldantaJ Avs tearh lha harl»er trade tnoroughly. ? ecura positions; wagss while learning Aperlnl law rata. K X'? H A snto DE . i '}\u25a0 i FOR OUTRIDE ' hou*e pslntlng snd paint, also car pen i "\u25a0ring Main 6771 «l -I 1.1. FOR I.KMI Trn><«. !.»*« «nd utnbrriu* Kopatrlnr n.atly flrint, Dunn Trunk On., l!«j y.iil.r. r.-tir Phnn« Main IS! 7 WA NTEt'i AM A TKIJRS I.TUIC TUBA- tr»- 2'<4 f)nM#>ntal ave Friday k \~\ ?v \t 'lti'n mi h»t». net in «y» I WA- Il;|) YOt'.N'l MAN, ON K 1.1 v" Irtg at home preferred, lo net a* office 1 Jth ' hance for advaruem«nt Hee ? »afilr Ofocery Co, corncr (Tolurubla and Western. fTTTV.?fiifiii V iifiot, nor wantbii I', work at K!»r nfft. k «ioo<l rhatica for advancement Apply Mr farlsli. The Atar, Aev-nth and Union. A Married Man's Troubles 20?Malc Situations Wanted i'IRHT « l. « Ht ft' WITH ft KI oron«*oo «?*porton«*»<t in t«»ih Wtiling and *titling doalrr* |M*alilun with miiahlo firm tn or out of ? tt> intjulr* or ad nj-trJwu -i*-w-urxin 11 FEMALE HELP WANTED fut N~ W. >\l «S Tii > IIA H 11 A I >'»t Ikfl atporlaat-o aa a a aelier off|i-« abiHtr and P*»attla a<H|ualniahro. ran aot uro a paotnooont ploew addroaa Ing ua If rafrraii'oa a»a right |t«>« X-*T, lHar. AMY INttiXlOtlft I*K9UUVSf MaY ?arn I to 111 woaktr <'>rroap>-r>dlng fwr itr* ep»(-ora II; to |tt w«*kly In aparo tlmo uhna- <-«aarv . no ? an>a*aiitg anrk P«nd for par- thutora National I'toao ll»>«au Huf N. V ___ AT « ?% i»l KH TO TH A VWI de>m.>Hatrot« an>! aoil wall oatahliahed tlh* to our daalata l*ra«toua *tparioti<-a not no. «>awo»> Oond pa» HaMr«<«d far* paid o«»<*dvith t>rug «*«» . |>#|>t t*3t «>maha. Nab #!>*? r s Hi: ? ? mr. ii7.v i its \tkst rlirki I?* iti >nth aowttla aaamina tlona fomltig t.lai poattlone obta-n«b « frwo rranWMn laatitut*. l*opt ?4l T ftotfhaai*r N V * ANtKt»' sTlTiKifT"~iiTfs. on W»»5Tn who undaratanda rooking Wagaa 111 la» Ninth a»f w %vft:tT" r«»itiTiViw olitt no i*am tlr no waa* |ng Wagao lit |*hon« Kan wood !?»? wantki# ~ fit t, roit ur.vKit XT ** * Kar.*K»d lit* '??Female Situation t** **l Tl* V v |M I If ) Mil' d'.a a«a.| woman *i|>ei!*i >*4 In rhuk on dtnaar houaa nuaur hotal of rooming hout* Addrawa X t& ntar wi'srro f«r wi(x>« 11 . . Ing In widow*f t family or bachelor plain rtwk lt » X IT Ptar TurvTi V mix. WITH 'WoITU > rr'ii on«ao. doalraa p 'oltlnn In atora or waltr«wa a- rk Whoro m*a- h etperleaf* AfWUW\)svvv^ 2J?PERSONALS § Natural Mea II Wn r%I- aaaa aat a rat he %b heme remedies ar a suatss efully trealtng stem* aeh snd hldaer trsqMo. rhea- \u25a0saltern bie*4 gtaarders and many et her a ' ? \u25a0 ? ? ' s . 1 ? r a . ? horse Call or write m. MCE WOCMINEftK MEWCINE CO 199 Jsme* At . I let fad and Vrd 4«ee ?settle. Wash Established l»9| Hatofg mod HUt)o« SHARPENED _ BETTER THAN NEW {<&»/? A T.-ta! Will Cotl*ln<-« t" T. J. BROWN >Jb '.O.J Third Av«. [ f J| aa it Will be TTn» for ai «ioea' tlon* aa 1 bright ideae for etplanatlon* w|vas whan one (s romp«>il*d to he out lata at nlgttf Novel and <>rig|r»a' earusee desired muet t>e pituwthi* Frank T Maaeon. Mark A Matth«wa. John A M'tlregor Charles <" Tiffin Francis il <lne*t Mall all sr.*w»r* to Ivan t>. Hyland lv>sman Building. Ae. atlle Fut your name and sddr**e on ea« h suggr* |«n Vc but I\ fide swswers will be considered er p«id for ADHI INI: LLOVD Others fima and go. out for 79 vears Adeline Lloyd has be« n Aeattles phran- eloslst snd bu*tr>ees ed*ls«r In all af- fairs of Ufa 911 Union. Apt R El- j Itett *i To Afterlal this week i Nof A ~t>< I'LLAlt NE E D ME PAID VILL cured Asthma, paralysis, luberr«lo«is. worst rases of rheumattam aad nVuritis. dropsy, deaftiea*. d>*pepsts. nrne it * liable treatment for pelvic dleeeeee. hlo'xt dlst>rdcrs. dehlllty and ether ail- ments Dr Macv. 291 Epler Building. ! 111*% As* »nd A\ e MA~Klt Y" RifM Tl t STfITITITm"Ti"nX|OUM j lo marr> I>ee- rlpt|on snd photirs free | E I Unity, tjrand Rspids. Mi»-h DIA M' >s DA AM) FAWN T |CXET« ! bought Hours I to 9 p. ui o;j Joahun Oreen Wig LAD i EA ' MTT..V moot pills, safs and sure euro for d«laye't periods Prl«a |7 Money refunded n remedy fails after fslr trisl Itavrnond Remedy room 9, Hotel Antlers. Fourth ! snd Ualon xVAiUC/z wKEzZwZ I" >E It MKMAKt, I 04 M-l TT LaDIEA- don t" WORRY WHEN t>K isyed or Irrecular Uas l.sdy Elgin Im- perial Tat.lst ? By mall. |1 per bo* gouhla <lret ath. |l '.0 bot fiiarsnte*,! frown Agency. 1421 Alaih | OENTLEMAV ~ Wmi HOME AN?» g'Hwl position, wishes to meet Danish, girl or widow, between 10 r«nd 2a. i»i»- Je<t matrimony Address X 17 M'sr. KoDakEra in at I. at & TH^rTo: done" 10 cents a roil Jscobs P-I , Hldg UET ACQI/AINTED HOCIETY' MEET- ! In«s Ti ursday cvenlnca 1? 1 b E ghth ?*# Arit D 2lr f'OMPLEtF; t »-akfsVt wTThard | fafe. Arvenlh and t'nlnn I' i iIHTEREIi M i l»U~11 y. ,\t h 11 Jeiksen. 7019 lAth N. W. i'hons Hal lard 1267 LADI EM Ml. I! V. Mi: ?>I EA pt >HfWvTTCf' I gusrsnterd ssfe snd sure Tertns suit sll rases 1114 10th ave. Knsi Madison: rsr baotime"i*LA YIN«r f Af'<l|T7" 10 TO l(t lesson* su. « e*R gusranti d r.04 r.oi rsritsa"e nida LADI EH My great, sue msfni remedy,! positively guerunte»d Mad im Cr ine. i 1112 11th ava I MONET Mo\'oV W ANTED A Vol NO wornsri with money or brains No othero i'l iyw rlaht. Inventor. resi goods, blond I'liaraotsr featured, Trifler* and flirts keep sway Object matrimony, Addr«*es x 11. Htar LADY WoliTII |70.000 LONELY anaious to marrv si on * Wtite A L, BO* 4 Hin 4 *.« | HUH 1N EAK~M' \N.WoRT 11 |7.7*0 Oil"' ViTRY lonely, would marry Write L. A . 102f- 22nd, Han Diego. »*al LADY. 2t>~ Wo'RTH $20,000 W»)i!I.D marry II Bo* A... I«eaaue. Toledo. O. i"Ta*D Y It \ifitl; R. wTrffC ELLIOTT Fliet and Pike Mll M' »!?><'! 11,i'.R TIIKHI;"i A "i.i:r ifr v.? I f Its ar for Vou at 70'.', Heverith ave I'lesee «nll y'(>f'no'm a n krom tiii: i:"a s r h<Tme means. «o«.ij trad>-. aouid ilk" to meet good, lioneat girl, ohjsct rnatriinotiy X 42. Htar MR 11 lin I iiuiii ?*i 147 W STAR-SATURDAY, OCT 21. 1916. PAGE <5 l ake any car on Fourth Ave. < n't ofl at Hudson st., walk 2 blocks west <>u Hudson st. to 35th Ave. S., and t block south to 3203 35th Ave. S. Mr. Shearer will show you Em- pire Way Addition lots at 5225 t<> SJOO; $5 cash and $2.50 monthly. David P. Eastman 1 308 THIRD AVK. 21- ! ? RSONALS | isTFFi > ».**"i i k* "i V ii om iit rTulif Ar* »"«! ? Jwli p#«tt>a Frtondahip <*"ufe» ft** a t* 111 I'ulot. AH H « I %K> IU»»I * I K9MM* ly' *rfc J ' ««|* 4*' 4f 1j« JH da»a In twr 4*lkU %,lj C t*M>!l.-a. |- Mi,, Im I*h » ,:i 'i jiit JW# DINNKH «f>i <i»iM du >M \N .;K®, I j <*if» ai>d l'ni«n ?VrrTTii iTfcIT i«>. i" wYrRittoMAT «nat»il*n*d f»*« T l»* 1 ? T*M" O i.ADim Hi "huomijs *aVU ftvi *ki> m»>o*r t>r It 11 H it Ii MIFMBit' W'ALk '?*?* ' f-i*'* ?' a. ?. t 'I ">*? Im r #r« J ' IkltM l 4. m sTEVENs-"»£rtn: Ik mtHCHANtf 1.1 MH VtlLllAhli '*? t* Mvmili and I*al<hi W r YaV ??* ?iiT< ? n rt h itTCHB fit 1 >>ft * " ltw>o* lUla IM# F? > \ i < / 1 ? 1 ' A il\UI Smixom Mpp+grfnm. Fifth ir4 rnitm.tjr CUM I*M u &l f'»« « »« I f m nttf i \T»i>;« MT i i vf« i r srvj.n i %n ? C»il *1 l|»flS iWiwar l'ri**t* h*m* ?»#? |; tuVtiM* !K % i'AS*r'tM **!?*? h«i« I #41 I*l ar*. Manicuring-Mas*aging MIsS" MARION »**»'"? «*i: Ml* *n*nu»ai- Iftf t. t:i| lucor.d ««? M \ss\( ,!? ? ii Ar II H JVIAvO/A* Jl- , urtn* 111 l*iwa w f I fir* 11 Orxw If «»t*l Dolly AVNK-«*A"V«" **?; Niih» Roam I. \u25a0 <.T9 +1S ll'»**l V 'IMb « i I'm* <,K ACIC IT)\\ 111 »»-' ? ??#*. Mbr# lory ir»a>m«nl* R««tn 4. Ar<a«i* Mot*! MISS BURNS t.h '?ffl'-o If. Elliott ||«»l*|. flrtl and I Mi* Op*n »U» r m MV# TNOYttflC?> l A»or h^Ti *nd 994-121 l'*opt* a Mi* nil Hid# Mala tip i mauni. mkai> am> ji iia ro«t>? M«**«*tn« and m4ni«»trn« THI»d *v* . Kmpr»*t ll«l»l r«wti tit v \u25a0 \u25a0 ~"W. d. rn «KH aiw aTTI \ Hulldln* 24?Business Personals *i ' m \ ; . .? , , \u25a0JMrd nttirm \< uktrn iia'in RV.pairf.d Til FST !\u25ba»*?< fl«rtlr |t|4 2S?-Spiritual Med'umi M \i)AM CEALY Til* OHKAT K'i TITIAN * hi i *\u25a0 r flift* th* p"»0f t" for»t#t *f<l 4*} l i '*» 111 Imfwtifst ftffalr* *»f Iff* T*'l* tntir (*\u25a0* pr«<«ni ftt>4 f'ir* tlf * . ?4%t**« In b't«ir,and f«rn|;jr mtfm *? tt»M'Uhli> «r4 t*»i* th* Aim* ft \u2666?»* man of * inait you *!tl marrt t*ll« r*Mf namh. iM h<i« to rotti|««r IK«m miha* h«|>pi»tr*« h*? I «»« ?nd «if*. tall* *h*t r*4 * f-»f «rt4 ?K«1 l>a»t»i#M la Itiitl Wkr ft t***' tail* I? r«(trd IV I .r «»>aant Th* tn»4*m wan M' ?' In *«a|l'« I«?! #? v ?-a #l«a« m*»t f ? «tt«f»# ? | >r> |tr*4'nr« tMi a««| *t»a- --'??I. M* ll«t»l S'»tfU M- »m 1 li;tS Ttitrd . Ba<»a*n I'Jha and UtiNw MM! . Vl< f( >RIA Thm rfiffcrn#4 |>hr*«Ml«fl*t, r!|tn«ranl |f)4 Pil'nlt! *1 m |»f ? f|a r**4ln«a tl aU afar* of Iff* |»*at. pfmmmmi f ISlltira |ou h»«a »a«n th* o'h«f» M* **a tha h**t If In l".nb*a All r**dlf»9« ! ouafa«taa4 *f B<> f*«* m- |t«adSr«a Ho ftar j Owl driif a»ora t*K S l - 'ha »( mMM II MADAM MELLIE Wnald'* f r*a!t*» rlalrityini *r>d nhr*« ? ?toft*t |uaran(*«a t* paad r»*lt antlr* llf* Nl* r**ar i and ful ur* f|« a* tr.»a ? 4«l'« «>Ti l-»a|n*a« lo*a. ta»l«h a affalta *#? a <ha nam* *f >on» f«*tur* hu*'»* 'd nr ?if a and «hn to 4* fo ?\u25a0* *«!? aaaf-jl In hfa Kh« haa |uat ? rrltad In tfct* fit*: Mv*r h*ra fa On* rl*|t trill i>a* fan for »oor m%nr d|aoM< iftt*s«*tif* In olh*r* Rht aolll r* mata all nh*t*<--***r»d I*ll |«u h«* to «|« *r1 hold th* ««ta you d*»t*a Hh* |l« M l4i|#« en all Iwi |«r»r» ant affair* «f llf* Hy»*«l*l r*atf|n(* tic ||«H*l Kilt, faoiw * I ill A*«"*»r,d raaf |*tf»* BbTFTIAIf t*UllisNOl,< xlluT Hha raa<l* i«ur atntlr* llf* fhlftf advl** ! on famllf iroaihl** lo«* *!?*'olatloo, maniaf »»|>aratl®M <ioi**a ih* «*pa rat<ml Why m-t **? th* h*at V*t>rvnolr>- fllrt * Mati#f«rt|<.«| cva#ttit**4 91 ?? r**4)«tff* fthia «**ti «?» I' ra Wll *. KAVf.I -Hl\ mt-MITr uicKTTxas F->n<lar and T*nir*d«y *%*nli*ca * i| |*hotr»* h* apHttCnatit <**l»lto| It!l 111 4 A M*rrl*<>n M MMK I* AI * I INK. i't.AinVOT A NT*"""AND tr*nro lUadlnfa 4ti*r*nt**d A l*t t*. up atalra. IIS IMb* Phona I M 'If. ri'i.L >Ti*T» itKAtiiKna, :i rgy# H"»»l Pltn. Pin* *f room CMHU'I.KS Tt UMIIAY AND FRIDAY *\*nlt>4* r*«dlfi|a doltf. I*rlur* Hun ?lay aranlnc fallow Ittl Tltlrd. opfxralt* ftriat"fftf* Ifot*l Rrh** MON IX WINttOW 11 ?0 vnv. ? nth *»* loral»a dalnovant, rorrart a«rtlr*, no pr%ft nn* prt«~* MVi>AM ftiTXAHi K .'i.nnvnr. *rt r%rd roadar I 111 Fifth Klllott yfy ?Por Rent Furnished h MONTH ri MMMHITI» «*7>rfAolTTT Mill and *v tr|r u tar** |«i fin" vl**r Kaat Kit roR RKS'T VRfHiM I 'TllMl<Hr.r> roT k*"' " ' 'V«**n Anr * U(8 27?For Rent Unfurnished «.Rt hiM I»I |"|.RX H(»I MC, *111 nfcav nnd W Quran Ann* 2&40> i~*%ia!X i' ?? ? m \u25a0\u25a0< >ttT«f»c in nl< * yard, fr** %»*i*r. n*ar .l*ff*r*nn _ '-**/ rT> I* - ll* I ?»_< ha v * 28?Furnished Apts. rr7i~Ni*m:i» apartmicvt ii 2 it. Ii rwm». %»»f cn() prlviii* houina n**r «'» 11 I'»Hatil r 29?Unfurnished Apartments II Qvis&fM« »l »KIIN""s A NI»" I ! rrn»n»a . ai*am h**i . luw rant. Til 171h ! Kaat J.H? M UWMK < » ""ANT» i MOUKH.V a*»*rlm*nt* fall !??? ITl*h*h ar* 36?Rentals 25?SPIRITUAL MEDIUMS EGYPTIAN PHRENOLOGIST M*dam Nina haa Joel irrlvxl In P«attl». never w*a here befor# and *he tan tall ( yon ail your pa*t ||f# an<l ?* hat your futur* life la to be, can advlaa «<*i tn bu*ln**« affair* famtiv affair* and h.*e affair* tell you when fou «|t| marrv and 'he Initial of tha on* you will marry; h»w to ronqucr your en»mlea and avoid all troublo and ba happy, f alia you In regard to your abaent friend* fella you »hal you ar« adapted for and how to ba aurceaaful In life, lalia >«u *li»! hualnaaa I* mo«t lu>-ky for you Th# madum will ||v« y.»»» avary aatlefartlon Ml.# wilt to frlva you aatlaf f tlon on all af'alr* of life f'harg** r.o «nt* Th« madam ran ba found at I«H I'nlon a' be- tween fte und and Third ?>«?», Vamon lintel ROYAL EGYPTIAN QI'KKN Olfted Kg>ptlan phrenologlnt Hate your Palm thoroughly read and etpialn<*d by a genuine ICffvptlan palmlat >md clair- voyant. one naturally gifted with lha pow<r to i»ll many corning n\ent* of your life Hh»* fella what you railed for name* of friend*, enemiaa. how to gam ?urraaa In hu*lnr*!t. h*alth, courtahlp. marrlaic dlvorr? ape< ulallona and trariMA'tlon* of all kind* No matter what riiny be your ambition, hope or fi-AT *h* guarantee* lo help you Ar* you In trouble? l»o you find lha nna you hava heat owed your trtaat and af faction a upon artlng eool and Indiffer ani toward you? Hh« advlae* ?u Important affalra of ||f«- Hpa< lal thl* week, readln*» 60 rant* f.;2 I'nlvar- wily, corner HUth nve I'l.A IH Vf »V ANT A\T > » V »f It KNOf .fXj| HT, SIR fTnlv#tallv, between Fifth and *l«th Telia paal, prea-nt and future. « on«t«t - Ifift bualftaa* and low- affair* ad\ i**>« you ai.oui dlviinf (n*r* and what will I- ou» lucky atap in nr.- to tukr. w in tHI full n-ioieg of your »«? \awei-i heart friend* anemic*. and what you ar* moal adapted for. Hpe« |*| reading*, Permanently h>r*te«i MADAM HONOR at Al»*nn- drla, Kirypi Pha I* ramgnired aa ih* moat wond*rful phrenologlnt In 'ha world Her reading* will n*toni*h you a* well a* delight you Mha t*ll * paat. preaent and fulur- correctly. giving you' valuahla Information on nil iiffalra of I llf" and daar to tha human heart If In trouble, *hr can halp you ll#r ad vice I* good Try har fiuaranteed *ai l*factlon Ytoom 47 Antler* Hotel Koorth mn«l I'nlon <?! If ADAM /.'»N A llunaarlan ? lalrvoyant and «ard raidar. will tr|| our pa*t, pr*>*ant and futuri* N»» Thai a* If aha do*a not tell you th« liutli. Boom a. Hllliti llolal, I'lka. |JH.Jahn&GQ Hetdouar*er* for Heattla Kental Property I , " t 37?Business Chances W\ N I I-:I» I ? « »l! M ATION RRtlAllH- Ing good bualne** for aalo Northwe*t 40?Exchanges i\u25a0 i: \ii: on Tit a nr. foii 'hahthhn Waahlngton or Improved city. 00 at re* Maury l*lnnd. u Ith about m>o ~rl water front flood rhanre for gravel pit Prh a|l 0 000 Mi lloglillid [ hone 41. ACREAGE FOR SALE for hai7ic. tHAt>K on RirtNr~"ii<>rt>R! barn, com crib and fenred 40 acrea. e'i*t of niountalti*, doe* nol nee»l Irrl gathm. *11 ien nlfitlfit, '(i n, t, « 111 hl\u25a0> r r tilt Kn i lon 100 C- \ *\u25a0;» r old Ire.-* . p,*,. to achool, I* store*, good rorn. alfalfa and fruit dlatrlrl : rream route* VVIII rent three year* or *»!l on ? -i»<\ payment*, or trade for Seattle houae nnd lot Addre** 1757 \V »N|h *t HA« 'It I KH'I \t; fIUH ritt»l'i:i<TV fsoo. 4 arrea rich clay loam *nii auh-> Irrigated high and eighth ? loae to city limit* and puhlh *chool, aold toonihlv paymanl* I'IBT'TIT, 904 Third Ava 41 ACREAGE FOR SALE \u2666 M H 1101 UKi I INK AC lt» 4I»K OJIRIIKMi roil TN* 1101 nk 4 fw>m l'un|«lf>» with gfM>4 watar pi|»«l !»»»?? large potiltrr )>"»?« (a m ?)inmo4it« Mv«r«l hundred rhl<-k«na. land ; laa-el, rlrh mull all un«l#r r«««f hlg H ?? I. and but 1# ifllftUlM «>lk ftutn ferry dm k It Sl« ttrma 1)00 raah. \ l<t!*n< ? lit monthly Tako lla«t- ? la«>n ear iiul Kirhlarwl hoata t?> ; off ' Klrkiend wharf ! Murk** A Karrar, o«a<-ra \u2666 \u2666 row i>ktaiui on unm Itandv to our mllle arid <a'npa Write or m* K It MItIKI.KJOIIN Ugt- I e»»4 I»ep» !??! I. C HiuHh 111<1* HftATTI.K WAUM **T'»u <l«al with ue dlffft" THIIKt' I A> K* I.IV 'It **0 1 A J! I I! 1 .UfjUATfcD aanilr har» TM» m«*ai.a aartf fardtn ami tha »»??». ».aif mil* rlty limlta (Jraat bargain t#4 Thirl a»« I OT POR SALE TWO LOT*. OUALL COTTAOK |IM 474# ;:n1 a*» Mee J aaparawn, i:?T 44?House* for Sale $25.00 CASH $12.00 MONTHLY Will pay f«' ? I r«Hlaf« and lot Uil!l all Ira fa»'lf 3 hi"'ha fmm th# r»r DA vm r K Arm AS Itfa Ti r<l A% e wrTX nriLT i.)tOOM not-men* »at aiae Mall. float of »edaf ''??a. I4«JI all ?*rir# llil Pee lha pro- pr\»< it |'uf«t Hotel. 9lt H Klrat ava H || f|(joi| niTTAOR NRAIt EX taM high ?rhool a«4 pntk, *a«r terma 19 LEGAL NOTICES 09 TMK btUfHU t fNM'HT <JK THE failed Hiatea. I«r lha WaeiUfSi l>la<rM of aehirt#' f \orl»i#rr, |»!-. Ui-fi IV IIANKHt l*T«'r NO f ?:i NOTH'K or «*ltl*t»lT*ilt# MRISTtN*} In tha Matt »r of John W. lllrkey ttank- fMfl T»> T#4i" -m af lha aka«a nam**-* NMlnipt NatUe la hereto? ftven Dial nti the |?th *a> «f Ortoher Itl 4 the ea'.d Jfhn W 111-key taa 4ufy a4)u4l aied bankrupt. a*4 that the fleet meeting «>f the rre«l Mara "f aald t>aiiknit>i will *>a heiid at ih* >fr # f tha lUfetea lit Bankrupt'-*. |t#i 1- C Fmttk Bid* . la HeatiJe. la! Mil /I'eirlrt. An the Jnl day of Novem- ber ?! 1 a elovg In tha af!»tft<v»» at «r*l- h time iredtiwa fnar Ittead peeve their rlalma appoint a true'e* aiamlne tha bankrupt, and tranae>< aurh other bualneaa at may properly eema before aald maatlng latMi at Koettte In a«l<1 dlatrirt. t hie ?lth day of Cutobef. lilt f It HAWK IV*. FT In llankrwptr* By Allman "DRYS" TO BEGIN WORK SUNDAY Mayor HI 011 l 1* »chedul«d to flay the author* of Initiative Meas- ure* IK and 24 Sunday afternoon at a ma»* meeting to be held In the First Method!*! church, at 3 o'clock. The executive committee of the Seattle dry campaign committer held a meeting Friday afternoon, at the Y M. C A. The meeting was well attended Report* of the va- rtous sub-committees were receiv- ed The full momentum of the cam- paign against the "wet" measure* will be aet in motion with Sun- day'a mix mee'lng The executive committee de- clare* that the heat of the cam- paign will he manifested next week, a* the worker* all over the city are well organised and will carry on a relenlle** fight. I.uther l> \Vi«hard. former na- tional secretary iind a man of na tlonal fame, will also *peak Sun- day. NEW MARKET OPENS All spick and span in white trimming-' and >>t>eclal lighting fa- cilities. the new Pine at. market, at Seventh ave and Pine at., open- ed to the public Saturday. 51?PUBLIC NOTICES VAKTKD ? TO KNOW Adniph ftrand not In Fori land ?? rtportwl. but with Hum 'Ham an«i Pain* Co I*ll Weotlako PUBLIC MARKETS The new market contain* 33,000 square feet of floor space and I* two stories In height. Tbe builder* of the marhave arranged every detail along oanltary lines More than 60 store* will be included un- der one roof, and the housewife wi.l be able to purchase tbe best there Is In food* and be sure of their quality. MMTiKI-MTIW1»%% Hull IS, l<v al patant flour. ;»m || ?' to II par aark bard wbrat patam | floor. II »- i+i aaik. l ib pkg buck «h»ai flour. ,ir; !l< (k«ncaka flour, llr ! larva Mil«-| ataup !?«: lartfa u>ttlr maplo ayrup Ik. Mtalla Sl*Bl <*raba, ; i»r s-r and z for llr. lug* fraah aalmon. | <ftc each Htall 11. apt" * II l*ar Im<*. \u25a0 datl%ara4, p-»tat«»« *. |. ©« par aark. da* , 'Uared Htall 42. famy Hurt*«nk |H>ia | toao, l; 04 per aark. d*lirarad Taklnia d*m pr>tat<>»a 12 18 f*rr aark. dall%ar#d 1 Htall It, |>a*taurlsad fraah buttar. 31c lb j ( Htall 14 hai i* I&r lb bacon, 18c lb . ! <aaf lard. 11S < lt« . |»«»t roaat I ll> ; j 'pork miat. lb T-bona ataak 18c !H . vfti roaat. 14t lb . \*al ataak. 1i *v ilb ; round ataak. 18c lb lOKM H-fUI KIIU Otall* J, 3, 8. ?, |M*t roaat. 8r to 8c lb . ] round ataak. 12 He lb ; alrbin vtaak I |t> ham* 14r lb . ahouldar of 1 iamb 8c lb Htall 18?. fraah pullet «*«*» I Itr dot i do* TBc: fanrv «reamary but- ! tar. i4< lb . 2 )N» »lr largv an milk. 4 (for 2 3.1 Htall 4'-, No 80 *a< k hard wbaat flour |1 :a. No 18 oark flour 18c; J lt»e 18c new prunea. IB<-. 4f»r roffee. S7c. ! j 4 lOr pkf* <orn flakaa. llr; l-lb can I c'horolata, Bir, } lb* navy baana. 88c. 8 { ltkM Unit bean* S6< . 4 lb* h»ad rlca. 28c; j 1 j 4 Iba HaedlMh pea*. Sl>i . <«n ayrup. ] : 4Or, f> « b<>K g ;<>aa atar< h. 4#c; t»oc bak I Off powder. Sir, .1 ran* bean* otr tomato**, :Bc. ?8e pkg waahlnc powder. 18c. \\ MfTr.?*\T\ lil»IY Al flton*'* No 88 aark hard wheal j flour. |1 70. No 10 aark flour. 18c. 4 Iba J head rlca, ;&r: 8 It aa<-k torn ytenl 28c. : |f 0c Queen ollvoa, 28c. 8 11m 18c naw- I i rUn** ?8c; 88c baking p«>wdera. 88c. 8f»« 1 l»n* k!<ik« at arch 80r 81 80 can pure Halt ollvo oil. 1128. « 10 rolla toilet I caper, 28c. Jar ma-malade. |7*yc. | pkg wa*hlng powder, 18c; 80< broom*, 40c; RBc ran uiivo oil. 88c Htall I*. 10.- nippy and devllnd rheeae. ?c Htall 27. freah made peanut buttar. 18r ' l?> Htall 28. fraah Washington creamer) ) nutter. 40c lb.; fre*h local ranch egg* i f.Oo dot.; paateurlsed milk, 4r pt . *c qt i ! I'IKI I I \4 I s \ M ItliAY Htall 17. p ire granulated augar. 4 Iba j \u25a0:" «\u25a0 II - « - 1 11.- si :i. stn!| 79 ? |.»ne pa*tfit 1,-. .1 nillk 1. pt fir qt Htnll I*7B tfrc bottle tomato ratnup. 18c. Btall ?7, own rhurtled lulter. 2&< lb. and 88c lb,. 2 lh* 7*»i Htall lf«0S, new huckwh"at flour, t», lh *a< k \u25a0». 9 |baa. k Ibr Ht nI la ; i 4" ran roffee . fancy j corn, 10r ran, 10c rraekera, 8r; 8c J rrackar* fir. Htalla 27-80, 26r baking powder, in, bulk roroa or rhorolate. :&r lb 4Or bulk roffeea and leu*. 1 11.p I f»< or M<* ll Stall M ft«-(»ti to *.lf peanut but let 10r lb .1 lh* JBc; oleomar- garine. lie lb Htall HIT, ateer *t*ak. 1 r lh . veul *t« ak. 12'.. r ||> ; veal roaat, I «»? lb dry *nlt pork. 10c lb ; local baron, 16V*< lh H4H 111 K.MI?NOMIAV Porn flake* : pkg* llr. roiled oat*. lh* |lo; itfitf aleak. ||j|fi lh . latuh ? hop- l II) , Arm an-l Hammer aodV, 4e and fi» pkg beat Jeraey butter, 2 lh* 76f1. vary beat atorage egg*. 2 do*. 7f»c, full cream cheaar Itc lh halibut, 5 lha » la nte>'i par'*nip*. beau. ? armtx. e»« :i nunche* .'.I ; letture Br. relery, tr and 10c atalk I tollat piper, 8r; gte»«n onion*. 8 bttnrha* sc, hananua. 20< 11 and 28c do* . apple*. |1 bo*, lomatoei, |c lb., grap«* | lha Iftc. Tlip Committee of "100" of the Fir*' t'roMbytorlao churrli are fli> liik everything In their power to Ret very one of the 5,916 members of Mr MHtth.nv*' church to attend the I lome-ComliiK Hervlces Sunday, Oc- tober S|iecinl music and an Interesting prograni have lieeti arranged, and II Ih the dealre th«t . very I'resby- tnrlan In Seattle ko to church ou this pnrtlculiir Sunday. PU6ET SOUND STEAMERS ALL LOCAL ROUTES «TF*%crvt*t l.r.AVt mow rOV.MAW ikk k, rooT or m%rio* mien ~ ~ " Arn*» ? * *#\u25a0?? ? Mtrlarla. H TVwwl ?~P~acl A»gri«« |Th «l«nm *..| liar' far) TJiprn mid- 'To*naar*| W|lUam«.i dally night 'Thfftfmw ' IAtt- '? g ? \u25a0 ? a ? I H»ei no! rail at' WlorU KuinJ»ri | Itsroma iMreH T aroma a r.d I 10am ? ??a-' ladtan.ip..|l« - Tft' ta I»»m 11 o<>aro mini dlrrt ItMiMrl 1Z JOpm 1 pm trfff «»? ho«ir«. 00r t Hpm I Kpm »in|ia trip Or round! 4 Mfin fc OOprn trip Connwllona «t « *opm T I'pm Timmt «|(h ataam ? 10pm ? !lpm »ra for Olrmyit and 1# t*pm dally ffhalion f dally |*«»rt Tnmurnd *»p»Hal » ??am *tr Mwm\, fn« I'ort 1 19pm I ?\u2666pm Townaand dlrar t1 I# l»pm dally I'onrerit ai Townaand dall> '*llh rail Una® fnr *13 polnta nn Olympic' j T«Mt T»wm nd \nr»rortaa? VUIIIa|K*m ? aoam ftfavimar Hlnlr«nJ I 09am dally for Tort Toanaand.f dally Mia<*orlN and Hal-j tlngham I » raratt (tolling ham %na«'«*rf*o? Par! T"««»md - ? K nlahnn, '-r i »»pm datiy R \ ar? It Ana<-ortaa dally ?nd Vta I I I n g h a m 'Oalia at Port Town-j '-?and aouthbound on - i !r DfM not rati at Kvtrall Aaturdaya Mb loan Island*?B#llln|ham I! "Mr. Kosnllf. for Port I OlprTi mldnht T««n»»nd and Ral-| Tu«»ad'y Punday Hngham. via all Ban- Thura'y Tuaad'r Juan laland polnta. | Batur'y Tbura'jr) { ?»«n J van lalanda Hritmghant *»ir « Ity of Tuaad'y for HrHtngham via' Monday Thura'y Pan Juan laland Wadnaa Katur'y polnta Friday Port Ton n»*nd?Port -Nrah Ha» and War Port* ? tramrr I Inpla, f « mldnht Port Town aand Port Tuaad'y ftundav Angalaa Noah Ray Thura'y Tuaad'y and way porta f ftatur'y Thura M ' Port T<»wn»rnd?Port A«|fiaa and Hay Porta Art Htr \Valalmla~ forj ( ??pvn mldn ht Port Townnand. Port Hunday M f>day Anfrlaa C*lallam and Wadnaa Wadnaa way porta | Friday Friday! l Port ttamhlo ?Pndlaar?Flatlrr S(f>%tuor Pn sat. f dally Klntat-»n, Oam b I a,J dally rfapt l.iidlnw ??F*lnn. r«rapt Satur'y FI a * lar. Tt» vnarnd, Sunday llanavllla, Irondalri land lladlork aatnrdav Only i 3 Otpm Mtaamor Pugat, for f 00pm !Klnr*ton. l.udloar and' '?ray p«^lnt« ! Nnnday Only j 0 00am fttaamar Puvat, f«r 4 30pm |Kln«Btr»n. f.udloar and! way point? | Ilaoil ( anal 4«amblc l.ndlaar 9 : , sf r poii 11. h f ? ? (Sam dally l.udloa- Port tlamblr dally r*>-»t»t ??Hangor and allj n<-apt Hunday point* on Hood Canal Monday ?£taam*r Kulahan a 111 rail at Port Town««nd. northbound. Haturdaya only lravln* Raattla at 10 p m polnta mwrkad ?? ara hont landing* Pa*«at*nrr« for thr*a point* and for othrr boat landing point* mint makr thalr own arrangrmanta for landing and aaauma nil rlak and liability in making amh landing firamar'a paa arngrr rata doaa not Includa boat land Ing chargaa Ilnggaga liability I* llmltad to waar- Ing apparal, not to avraad |ioo for whola tlrkrt 1 T»0 pound* allowed frra fttaamar* and arhadtila* *üb.lart to rh»ng* without notlca, Pralght ra- ratvad dally for all polnta (rtraptlng Ta oma> namad In ahova *rhadula Tlrkaia tnuat ba pun-haaad at tlrkat offlra Opan from Il# a m lo 1) 00 midnight. rt'OICT HOI Ml MVIOVriON to. Tlrkat Offlra. Caiman Oork. Pbona. Main X9IS. BIG OVERFLOW MEETING HEARS" SECY WILSON Introduced by Prttidtnt Mirth of tho State Ftd'ration of Labor ?? "th* counselor, servant and friend of (he preei. dent, who told the railway* j that human belnge were not an article of commerce." Secretary of Labor William B. Wlleon wai given a routing reception Friday night at the Metropoli. tan theatre by a crowd which packed the house and over flowed. While ReertUrr Wlleon speaking In th# theatre, <>orfe f, rotterlll, irogreeslve ? democratic < aridldate for rongrexe; Albert Mo- lamm. progretelTe-denuxratlc , didate for attorney general, uni Bob Bridge*. port commissioner. »4- dreawd the overflow. "There I* no more pathetic «pe» ta<l«," said Hecretary Wllso% "than the republican candidate for president wandering about lb# country In M«rcb of an Issue an< not belriK able to find one.' Speaks on 8-Hour Law "Plnilly." said Wilson. "Hughec landed on the eight hour law." Tlic m-m tar> trac ed the but tor# of lite eight hour law; ho* the go*, ernment had been making a st idy of the hours of labpr for half a ceo- tury; how one utate after another arid one trade alter another a»ciir. Ed eight-hour legislation: and ;.ba< today the eight hour standard it not any further subject for arbitra- tion. lie also dlwcuised the child labor law. tlie federal reserve bank law. other legislation, arid *ugg»«u»d that, "if the Kuropean nation* bad stopi>ed to write a few notesAAa fore plunging Into war. they wixßf be better off today." '* Cannon a Coward? "When Mr. Hughe* says 'be president and congress cowardly surrendered to the brotherhoods, he foriceu that 70 republicans, headed by I'ncle Joe Cannoo. for- mer speaker of the house, \oted for the eight-hour law And what- ever else I'ncle Joe haa bees charged with, he Is not a coward." The meeting at the MetropollUa was In charge of the labor council jointly with the Nonpartisan Wit son )«ague. Previous to the meet- ing. the secretary was guest of tbe labor council at a cafeteria dinner. Following hi* speech at the Mat- ropolitan. Hugh Todd, manager of the Lister nmpalxn. r t»A a state- ment In which the governor cotnes out against all of the referendum measure*, fnclcdfng the four be had previously approved LAWYER H. E.TURNER FACES DISBARMENT Prosecutor iAindln started dnM|| ment proceedings against Atton.V Homer E. Turner Stturdsy, chart- ing him with falling to do his duty toward his clients. He is further charged with the commission of an act Involving moral turpitude and dishonesty. On November 5. 1915. Prosecutor I.undln's motion reads. Turner was called, together *lth Judge William R. Pell, to defend Karl and CecH Jordan, charged with burglary, is the Pierce county superior court. They were to get ITOO attorneys' fee* To secure the payment, the Jordan* ssslgned. In fsvor of the two lawyer*, their Interest* In tbelr erandparent*" estate in Adell. Is., It is charged Phirinic the ft-ogress of the trial. Turner I* Faid to have obtained k third assignment from the Jordan brothers for JTSO for hall for KarL It was later learned that ibe bond had not l»een obtained, and that Turner had discounted and sold the as«ignment for $fiso. lie explained to Judge Pell. It i* charged, that the $750 assignment was for attorneys' fees, and 1* said to ha\e admitted, when Pell MgaV for hl« share, that he had mlsrel I sented the case, and the nionft* had been appropriated to his per sonal use. Turner I* cited to appear hefors Judge Pykeman on October 27. She's Going to Be Own Dentist While in China PASADENA. Cal.. Oct. 21 ? Dsntal preoaredness Is tbs watchword of Miss Insx May Marks, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. William H. Marka, who Is leaving h»re for missionary work In the remotsness of China. A complete "kit'' of dental instru- ments Is psrt of the outfit which Miss Marks Is taking with her. "I understand." she said, "that den tl*t» are a minus quantity where 1 am going 1 don't know what pe» pie do when their teeth get M aching over there, but 1 intend ? be my own dentist." BOY BANDIT HELfI Deputy Prosecutor Cam)oily fil- ed an Information against llarold Sproul, 17, Friday, In the superior court, charging him with larceny of the person. Sproul is the youth who held tip two women In the University dis- trict Monday snd Tuesday nights with a water gun I'armody said that he did not file a highway rob- bery charge, as he wanted to see the hoy get leniency In cue of con- viction. JOHN MERLIN, 14. 715 Blanch- aid st.. was Injured about tbe head and legs Friday night when struck while riding a bicycle, by a machine driven by \\\ Haege. 1211 Kir St. GEORGE J. JACKSON, of the Montelius Music Co.. died suddenly of apoplexy Friday night In hi apartment In the Washington Aa nex. There are many bargai listed in Star Want Ad*.

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Page 1: The Seattle Star (Seattle, Wash.) (Seattle, Wash.) 1916 … Z174 Phrenologists MADAM KIRL Tb« EGYPTIAN phrenologist

DIRECTORYritie rnoN«hk\TTI.« i .Se» MAIN?TAW ?\u25a0>?*- ???


mm'fi mm?»m» cent u w*»»'t |>**r Inaortlon

Bl\ time* for th* prU'o *«f ftvo|Hl><v -\u25a0 < *n«* lumitrt"! llur*

to bo uwotl *»* doHlrrd $j 00.Holp iml Situation ada. ont-liitfril*Kunoral Notl*o» »?©

TrantlrMt?< karir %altortl«l»«For tin* por . ... It*

Si\ tnaortlona for tho prlco of ftvo10 par e#n( tflpcotint If bill I* |»atd

within after flr»t luagrtloti.

CHAVOK IN AODKKSS Hvib*«Tl!»-\u2666r» ahouttl !»?» »uro »iul il»» their olditi vtll at tholr now Adlrti*.

Allatih*. rtpllovm mu»t t-o alartodfrom dnto tho i» ro-

rtlvtd lUtck numbtri cannot t»o\u25a0uppilnl.

ftatlnrd A*ont: 1* If MVI \ KX.14*1 HrtlUrd|^ )̂VVWWVVNAA.VVVWVV\-W'

Attorneya-at-LawJ. 4lja»M>ltiin'illlllllA*-U»l«

fcutband and wlfa damage rj%i i ? ?

lortad |fn<«r»l iwnrHo#, r©aautta» on

free Credit In worthy cnaea I'* t»> wn

Bid# Klllott 31**K'l

O.nrr.: prtrtlt* !??? *«?»?»«? fid wlf#. (eiwulttUot free '?'Jj. Oll "**

rnCHiiW-u iv «t» n>»«COX*VLTATtOS »Hirr .onfl-

Ivntltl. I»«t ItutUnd it 4 »H*.fct »r«clU-«; f»»« tn<»d»r»l«

i r i\.uTi c.srV»ii.isiiKi> <»»' "Kv

«Ml KMUn ll.itk. Mult.lln« »?» »'? ?

en it «> ?

Attorney*?PatentFRED P. CjOKIN-IT?.

imvM or fee r*fwi»«M ' " u>'

Bide Ma'.n !*<> fre* t>?t on N» nt*

C6ok vi < < \u25a0Iwiim Smith mdt


mCAVAM VN !UVKorroyvlßß'T

-?Head off tee Canada («*?

In faiud* ?'« ? tJ«n»r»l|«likln| kuilnMt alleeed <»a

Mv|n|« and time|Mtt!« Hn>fh Mr


Billiard TablesIB lali ? >iu.uhb tTBTTET

kruJ ntv. nr«m u4 p«rh«t. with

nm(!*i« outfit. 1114, *?\u25a0"> '?

kIM »t r*4 U>«l prt.-»«. fco«!lr» «ll»r

M»»ll*a ?Y P»yn»»«t«. Ot««rintf lalksf*»«n ftnd »o*l» (o»»tit»

fixture*. Tlia Bruna»l*-»l Ilalka follan-

-4T c».. »»»\u25a0?«?-?»« y*"' ***iBicycle SuppliesWm" DO good tORK-o n iuht_


CarpentersKSHEI*A.N?-lot>l>l»« >a 4 '?»?!'» Main


MCTHOM -Lmm frowt fI# M to 171 99anid* fHtrhlr and conßdentially ea fur*]Blturt. pi»(>m, livestock. #to.


Cloth, Signs£*nd §1on& window dihpla t

fropct Hoot On. 292-1 Cnpr««« Thaa

Chinese Medicine

fnVm Mai* flsen

dMtartaf WlthoaO R#-?«li f«r Imk. Aeo Meand iDTMUgAt* myromedtsa

Ths ntit obsttnats?mi ©f iMhmt, rhett-mattero and n«f»tn

disorder* have Immirvtlsd we«-»«ifn!fF.

Constipation, catarrhand dln>r4»f« of lh«bladder iktn aed?tornarh. aa w«n M? ppondlcitla. are rtll*v*d without op«t

tloa. My ad v lea lafree.


Collateral LoansHSBFSCTAnLt rLATE TO ll'.rhow

on DIAUoM.h «nd JEWELRYLav oat ratal confidential

AMERIfAN JfWRt.RT CO. «?> 2ndko.vicr LOANED"ON a LLARTlfl.E# |

af rain* Tha Re liable. 997 Third «r«tia^A^^VWA^WWVNA^VWWW

Cameras and SupplieslOWMAN~& IFANFORD CO

Kodak* and Photographia AuppiiesDEVELOPING a^Any *tae roll 1

First Aee and <'htrr Tel Main Till

Junksu>«*« J auk Co. li;» rirat »»\u25a0 w Kiitoit


-'.*! j*.TvrOpticiansllwilß4f Frfeaflr-Pataraan Co a bAlcny

Mala Z174

PhrenologistsMADAM KIRLTb«


/^f^'a 1!* your head }?:?«

f'? ryjj as It In<ll .1 »'

JjtrW tha crsdle to\u25a01* Jy -T ;«ineas you

»?" I ar« adar'»d f«rr whan and whom

you win marrr. aat- ;t)aa and explains lovs affair* an>l fam-ily troubisa. rsunltea tha separated. etr iExplains permanent health rulesfat Isfaction guarantsed or no chargeNo ona to trouble lurnad away, monay |ar no money. Permanently located at


Physicians and SurgeonsJfc. KATIIFITS HA~Vtft!*ON\u25a0 ?Oi HI XTH

tour, Vireproof BTORAOK WAKB-honae. Cantral fttoraga Co., 1H White

Store Fixtures and ShowcasesImow Fah ea akiThtorb fixti'rea",

new and aerond hand, all kind* Ed-ward L. Comoit. Third avo., near


Cam#r Flrat Af and Plna Hftort*, modern, outalda *I*vator

a*r\l'« phonaa In all room*. f!r*C*rlaaaIn arary r«apart. 60c up; with prlvatabath. t>

iNkpr/*Tiov roßr»!Af,r.r invitedBTht'iniqi.'i; kiuiith asii union

Furnlah»d 2-room apartment*. $28 10up with i>r without prlvatabath, 112 10 up flotal aarvlca nightand day Main 7440


4?Furniture Wanted.Hi* W- Kurn ' o 4 1!. *'<k« Mwir< »M*

6?-Autos for SaleOve~To.v a i Tvi~TlirrK, p\i;i matxC

flrat claaa condition, will d«>tn»n-atr it a.

Cndllla''. 1'? 12. »icallant rendition, goodtlr«-*, will d»mon*trat*. I2S(>


W '",on '?!''' ?'

B?For Sale?MiscellaneousfcfcW FIANUM Voir j I.r I7KNT AP-

pll*d on purchaa* Mcyar-Tontr, 314Ulilnn.

CHE AP F. T~T'i7a CE~tVT uy or rone *aw-

fnir rra<hlnaa 71T |'ln> Main Ifoo

FHONO'i It A I'ttH i,|T»T ?'l' K.i lA LTr-"

W« trada, buy, r»nt. rapalrM/al'al Record Kxrha nga

1119 Wm)lak© KiM.itt 2071CI.EARINO lIOCHE

I"'>r Vf. i«! >. 11 In«»'iinanfi

f.VMKDEKMED ETxTi-fif"Cf>SHt*tTnOof rl<ithlnir f Inatri-w»»nt* Kuna. aultr-a**!*, trunHa. ate for

ch'tji Murruln Ktora and LoanOffI' * 1/0 I*"Irat .'iv «

flli® R'K4TI«AKB ferond-hond«il»w prloa.

B?For Sale?Miscellaneous***il *M> IXMIMD

I Order v<«tir Hash a-- t !»?»?»»? -til*l I fromO W Wlt.t.lAM* t'O W ? »|wr«i«our own mill, and ahlp dlro«-t to ?«>

#»?, anywhara at fa<t->ry |trk«i i«4f»| d#U*«» guaranteed In tUi<ln»il>tH *end

f<»r our big. N't* 11.Mtliwl free !*>at (Mild, oh

I «? p«MI <MH III)4 i>«ntl dtxtrt I ?*

I «'«?? doore 2 Tl:4* * " g window I It

. Millili front window. :*1ifiMiiivntc«ih ** up

111 hot bed aeah ~ JJI«'ut«ho*rd i «m .t<>oro . I M' upboerd p«nel ilnnre ....,- liI-ply »l»»h grain |»an*la a*| ft . *»4'»

: I plr Uold K«ml r»ofln| I 1*Kno«*kt down window framaa IN4 and I fool f; «>rlnt and %-olllng.

I.M foot lit** to t fiHil flooring ood rolling.

!.«?« foot UN*' n \%!l t \K\tm CO

l*h>no Main 14#? t»«1 n-at \»o I*

I A laCCRt pvKcirarar!<»»< 91 AimlMier ruga on mIo at* * o#rh, limit w«»* rug delh «ro*

with othor g«u<4a Knapa now offarrdtn largo tuga at Woldroa O, 1133

I Fourth.INYK NT n UtlfVl P6l ftAt t AtX

hand mad* rrochal trlmmhig* Itl>tr<°#a Clara Luc*, til* h»f«ll*rEvoroit. Wi»h

I~H \?? V. A yi s k \u25ba »:\| ? f: -1

trr dc»g. wall broli* wall brad for sola

at tl' Addraaa ft H>>tta. l*llrho« a.Waah


$w pur »i*rsft! owna'« thick *«lt Atmlniitr ruga limit

ona rug ll«- >a I Klrman I *

Tarma on many gooda at Watdron C«Howry Bidy

dooo tu nt NO niTirirr r«>ft salkat T*J» lith ava > W t'hona HaHardun

kaCTORY p'nRTHOn now Iron bod* to <*!now a««ma pat torn a

I>oal*ra ouppM*d with r»iga a'ao. t»f*w*ldr»>a fa li;jr<>urth

TWTC AwlVtN 1IKB'»r»thlp| In Caatai

i W*bb Kltchan A Co

9?Wanted MiscellaneousOt,!» MoMCY ANf» «TAMm WANTED

Caah paid f«>r old itv *ay of all ktnda?I for certain eagta centa |7 far rar tainIII) Qviartara. ate. Hand 4c. fat lar«aMua'ratad aota circular May meanyour larga proftt Mend o*a Dept li.Numiamatia Hanlu Fart Worth. Ta«.

w*ntf.t>- was hk "rr-cfiC ~wi R1aa high aa IIfar fell aat a Mall Don'tmatter If broken W eat era Metal Com-pany. Bleeralagton. HI

in t« paid run hood uiico suit*Bui>i> im u« rim a IUII


10?For Sale Livestockroirxo HOurrxts cow row *ai.*

Eay gtatlow. Everett laterarban Wr»#htrun a*u»? touWu" iioiuc. SAIT

16?Agents WantedDOtVM WtTH" Htoli OAfOI.IxV.-Auo

Tonic arjaaia aatomoblla gaaoilno at %*

per gallon. Pel! It to car owne-a andmake big proflta Ha>* guaranteedWhite Mfg Ca.. Dept. 10. O

BL'RN BABRETJI OF FREE AIR IN-a*««d of gaaotlna In automobllee New.Ineipenat*a aclentlfl' 1) device, app'led In14 mlnutaa. earea big money. b'g profit*to agaata. White Mfg <*o. l»*u-


how to burn free air loatead of mpenetve gasoline IMI the I.itl Fiend,a fiend for power and mllea** andgaeoiine waving. "New wildfire aeiler


.alla Edward Ifoman. Ha lea .f>ept l>. Cincinnati. O.

PORTRAIT MEN IAHIF I'RtNTA. FlN-l*he<l work or frame* la 3 4 houra Have19 artlata. Write for catalogue. Rob"wrta I t:o MrQaa. Kaneaa <'lty j

AOKNTB WANTED Ff»R ABTICI.E'? hlch no hou*ewlfa can r*et*t A«lla !at almoat every home Woern»r a Ape- jrlalty Exchange 311 W«-l*a*rtrer Rldg


17?Salesmen Wanted#ANTED C ALU NO ON

mill avippiy. retali hardwar* and gener-al atore* la town* on and off raltroada. )to rmrry leather home atrap*. 1halters and bla'kevnfth apron*. r*om- *ml*elr>n. eariosDe territory t'alliTornlaTanning <*o . At. l/»Mio Mo.

SOO HAr.KHMKV WANTEl» Tf ftS 'F.s-ll Mai ' motor gas 110 per 'layOn* quart. prl« ? 12. equals '.o gal.'-nsjiraeoline In mlleiife Don t delay

Your territory may he open Auto ]


tain* wants outald« manner who ran

show and control men. chante of ad-vanrsmsnt. pleaaant pla«*e to live, goodsalsry. must coma November I Onawith some money would be preferred,hut efficiency counts firs? Address forlnt»rvl»w. Boa X-4T,. Atar

jMACHINIATA WANTED 10 marine e»Tglne men 10 ma» hlne t'*ol men (ligh-ts' pay for first clase fn»r» Apply l»yletter or rail Atart work at once. 'IJr.srd of Labor Employment. NavyYard. Puget Ao»ind. Wash


iihijkrn bahbkr cmXioi |117 Washington At

tha barter trsde thorouvhlyunder our *ystem; pay* you wage*,se/'tirea p«»eltlona.

""BOYA "WANTED Arr?!R ACIIfXH,Two live t.oys wnnterl between nf

14 and I a year* to rarry Atar route*A good chan - for right kind of boyato make money after ?< hool ApplyClr«ulatlon Dspartmant, The Atar, Aev-enth and fnlon

57 DOIN'I ilCHINEA A t'PAT A IRATracie aell* Man'a $20 aufts and ovsrcoats for |15 TraH* a Cpatalra Suit 'Ahop. 991H Thlr4 aoo

umhrei.laa repaibed. recoveb-ed Razors, safety blad-s. knives sr|*

aor*. »tc aharpen»d 'Jo-carf wheelsretired Key. Hharp Whop, 194 H Plka j

$1.90 VALUB Ml"" kfVi FOR II undq ul*t -Lilly upstairs clothsa shop,Oreen Hid* , Fourth and Plk*


W» tearh lha harl»er trade tnoroughly.? ecura positions; wagss while learningAperlnl law rata.

K X'? H A snto DE . i '}\u25a0 i FOR OUTRIDE 'hou*e pslntlng snd paint, also car pen i"\u25a0ring Main 6771

«l -I 1.1. FOR I.KMITrn><«. !.»*« «nd utnbrriu* Kopatrlnr

n.atly flrint, Dunn Trunk On., l!«jy.iil.r. r.-tir Phnn« Main IS! 7

WA NTEt'i AMA TKIJRS I.TUIC TUBA-tr»- 2'<4 f)nM#>ntal ave Friday

k \~\ ?v \t 'lti'n mi h»t». net in «y» IWA- Il;|) YOt'.N'l MAN, ON K 1.1 v"

Irtg at home preferred, lo net a* office 1Jth ' hance for advaruem«nt Hee

? »afilr Ofocery Co, corncr (Tolurublaand Western.

fTTTV.?fiifiii V iifiot, nor wantbiiI', work at K!»r nfft.k«ioo<l rhatica for advancement ApplyMr farlsli. The Atar, Aev-nth andUnion.

A Married Man's Troubles

20?Malc Situations Wantedi'IRHT « l. « Ht ft' WITH ftKI

oron«*oo «?*porton«*»<t in t«»ih Wtiling and*titling doalrr* |M*alilun with miiahlofirm tn or out of ? tt> intjulr* or ad

nj-trJwu -i*-w-urxin11 FEMALE HELP WANTEDfut N~ W. >\l «S "« Tii > IIAH 11 A I >'»t Ikfl

atporlaat-o aa a a aelier off|i-«abiHtr and P*»attla a<H|ualniahro. ranaot uro a paotnooont ploew h» addroaaIng ua If rafrraii'oa a»a right |t«>«

X-*T, lHar.AMY INttiXlOtlft I*K9UUVSf MaY

?arn I to 111 woaktr <'>rroap>-r>dlngfwr itr* ep»(-ora II; to |tt w«*kly Inaparo tlmo uhna- <-«aarv . no? an>a*aiitg anrk P«nd for par-thutora National I'toao ll»>«au Huf

N. V___

AT « ?% i»l KH TO THAVWIde>m.>Hatrot« an>! aoil wall oatahliahedtlh* to our daalata l*ra«toua *tparioti<-anot no. «>awo»> Oond pa» HaMr«<«dfar* paid o«»<*dvith t>rug «*«» . |>#|>tt*3t «>maha. Nab

#!>*? r s Hi: ? ? mr. ii7.v i its \tkstrlirki I?* iti >nth aowttla aaamina

tlona fomltig t.lai poattlone obta-n«b «

frwo rranWMn laatitut*. l*opt ?4l Tftotfhaai*r N V

*ANtKt»' sTlTiKifT"~iiTfs. on W»»5Tnwho undaratanda rooking Wagaa 111la» Ninth a»f

w %vft:tT" r«»itiTiViw olitt no i*amtlr no waa* |ng Wagao lit |*hon«Kan wood !?»?


fit t, roit ur.vKit XT** * Kar.*K»d lit*

'??Female Situationt****lTl*Vv |M I If ) Mil'

d'.a a«a.| woman *i|>ei!*i >*4 In rhukon dtnaar houaa nuaur hotal ofrooming hout* Addrawa X t& ntar

wi'srro f«r wi(x>« 11 . .

Ing In widow*f t family or bachelorplain rtwk lt » X IT Ptar

TurvTi V mix. WITH 'WoITU > rr'iion«ao. doalraa p 'oltlnn In atora orwaltr«wa a- rk Whoro m*a- h etperleaf*



§ Natural

Mea II Wn r%I-aaaa aat a rathe %b hemeremedies ar asuatss efullytrealtng stem*aeh snd hldaertrsqMo. rhea-

\u25a0saltern bie*4 gtaarders and manyet her a ' ? \u25a0 ? ? ' s . 1 ? r a . ?

horse Call or write


.I let fad and Vrd 4«ee

?settle. Wash Established l»9|

Hatofg mod HUt)o«


BETTER THAN NEW <£ {<&»/?A T.-ta! Will Cotl*ln<-« t"

T. J. BROWN >Jb'.O.J Third Av«.

[f J|aa it Will be TTn» for ai «ioea'tlon* aa 1 bright ideae for etplanatlon*t» w|vas whan one (s romp«>il*d to heout lata at nlgttf Novel and <>rig|r»a'earusee desired muet t>e pituwthi*Frank T Maaeon. Mark A Matth«wa.John A M'tlregor Charles <" TiffinFrancis il <lne*t Mall all sr.*w»r* toIvan t>. Hyland lv>sman Building. Ae.

atlle Fut your name and sddr**e onea« h suggr* |«n Vc r« but I\ fideswswers will be considered er p«id for

ADHI INI: LLOVDOthers fima and go. out for 79 vears

Adeline Lloyd has be« n Aeattles phran-eloslst snd bu*tr>ees ed*ls«r In all af-fairs of Ufa 911 Union. Apt R El- jItett *iTo Afterlal this week i9«

Nof A ~t>< I'LLAlt NE E D ME PAID VILLcured Asthma, paralysis, luberr«lo«is.worst rases of rheumattam aad nVuritis.dropsy, deaftiea*. d>*pepsts. nrne it*liable treatment for pelvic dleeeeee.hlo'xt dlst>rdcrs. dehlllty and ether ail-ments Dr Macv. 291 Epler Building. !111*% As* »nd A\ e

MA~Klt Y" RifM Tl t STfITITITm"Ti"nX|OUM jlo marr> I>ee- rlpt|on snd photirs free |E I Unity, tjrand Rspids. Mi»-h

DIA M' >s DA AM) FAWN T |CXET« !bought Hours I to 9 p. ui o;jJoahun Oreen Wig

LAD i E A ' MTT..V mootpills, safs and sure euro for d«laye'tperiods Prl«a |7 Money refunded nremedy fails after fslr trisl ItavrnondRemedy room 9, Hotel Antlers. Fourth !snd Ualon


I">E It MKMAKt, I 04 M-lTT

LaDIEA- don t" WORRY WHEN t>Kisyed or Irrecular Uas l.sdy Elgin Im-perial Tat.lst ? By mall. |1 per bo*gouhla <lret ath. |l '.0 botfiiarsnte*,! frown Agency. 1421 Alaih |


Wmi HOME AN?»g'Hwl position, wishes to meet Danish,girl or widow, between 10 r«nd 2a. i»i»-Je<t matrimony Address X 17 M'sr.

KoDakEra in at I. at & TH^rTo:done" 10 cents a roil Jscobs P-I ,Hldg

UET ACQI/AINTED HOCIETY' MEET- !In«s Ti ursday cvenlnca 1? 1 b E ghth?*# Arit D

2lr f'OMPLEtF; t »-akfsVt wTThard |fafe. Arvenlh and t'nlnn

I' i iIHTEREIi M i l»U~11 y. ,\t h 11Jeiksen. 7019 lAth N. W. i'hons Hallard 1267

LADIEM Ml. I!V. Mi: ?>I EA pt >HfWvTTCf' Igusrsnterd ssfe snd sure Tertns suitsll rases 1114 10th ave. Knsi Madison:rsr

baotime"i*LA YIN«r f Af'<l|T7" 10 TO l(tlesson* su. « e*R gusranti d r.04 r.oirsritsa"e nida

LADI EH My great, sue msfni remedy,!positively guerunte»d Mad im Cr ine. i1112 11th ava I

MONET Mo\'oV W ANTED A Vol NOwornsri with money or brains Noothero i'l iyw rlaht. Inventor. resigoods, blond I'liaraotsr featured,Trifler* and flirts keep sway Objectmatrimony, Addr«*es x 11. Htar

LADY WoliTII |70.000 LONELYanaious to marrv si on * Wtite A L,BO* 4 Hin 4 *.« |

HUH 1N EAK~M' \N.WoRT 11 |7.7*0 Oil"' ViTRYlonely, would marry Write L. A . 102f-22nd, Han Diego. »*al

LADY. 2t>~ Wo'RTH $20,000 W»)i!I.Dmarry II Bo* A... I«eaaue. Toledo. O.

i"Ta*D Y It \ifitl;R. wTrffC ELLIOTTFliet and Pike

Mll M' »!?><'! 11,i'.R TIIKHI;"i A "i.i:rifr v.? If Its ar for Vou at 70'.', Heverithave I'lesee «nll

y'(>f'no'm a n krom tiii: i:"a s r h<Tmemeans. «o«.ij trad>-. aouid ilk" to meetgood, lioneat girl, ohjsct rnatriinotiyX 42. Htar

MR 11 lin I iiuiii ?*i147 W


l ake any car on Fourth Ave. < n't ofl at

Hudson st., walk 2 blocks west <>u Hudson 35th Ave. S., and t block south to 320335th Ave. S. Mr. Shearer will show you Em-pire Way Addition lots at 5225 t<> SJOO; $5

cash and $2.50 monthly.

David P. Eastman1 308 THIRD AVK.

21- ! ? RSONALS| isTFFi > ».**"i i k* "iV iiom iitrTulif

Ar* »"«! ? Jwli p#«tt>aFrtondahip <*"ufe» ft** a 4« t*

111 I'ulot. AH H« I %K> IU»»I *IK9MM*

ly' *rfc J ' ««|* 4*' 4f 1j«

JH da»a In twr 4*lkU

%,lj C t*M>!l.-a. |- Mi,,

Im I*h » ,:i 'i jiit

JW# DINNKH «f>i <i»iM du >M \N .;K®, I

j <*if» ai>d l'ni«n?VrrTTii iTfcIT i«>. i" wYrRittoMAT

«nat»il*n*d f»*« T l»*1 ? T*M" Oi.ADim Hi "huomijs *aVUftvi*ki>

m»>o*r t>r It11 H it

IiMIFMBit'W'ALk'?*?* ' f-i*'* ?' a. ?. t

'I ">*? Im r #r« J '

IkltMl 4.

m sTEVENs-"ȣrtn:Ik mtHCHANtf 1.1 MH VtlLllAhli

'*? t* Mvmili and I*al<hiW r YaV ??* ?iiT< ? n rt h itTCHB fit

1 >>ft * " ltw>o* lUla IM#F? > \ i < / 1 ? 1 'A il\UI Smixom Mpp+grfnm.

Fifth ir4 rnitm.tjr CUM I*Mu&l

f'»« « »« I f m nttf

i \T»i>;« MT i i vf« i r srvj.n i %n ?

C»il *1 l|»flS iWiwarl'ri**t* h*m* ?»#? |; tuVtiM*!K % i'AS*r'tM **!?*? h«i« I #41 I*l ar*.

Manicuring-Mas*agingMIsS" MARION »**»'"? «*i:

Ml* *n*nu»ai-Iftf t. t:i| lucor.d ««?

M \ss\( ,!? ? iiArII HJVIAvO/A*Jl- , urtn* 111 l*iwa wfI fir* 11 Orxw If«»t*l

Dolly AVNK-«*A"V«"**?;Niih» Roam I.\u25a0

<.T9 +1S ll'»**l V 'IMb « i I'm*

<,K ACIC IT)\\ 111 »»-' ?

??#*. Mbr#lory ir»a>m«nl* R««tn 4. Ar<a«i* Mot*!

MISS BURNS t.h'?ffl'-o If.

Elliott ||«»l*|. flrtl and IMi* Op*n t«»U» r m

MV# TNOYttflC?> lA»or h^Ti

*nd 994-121 l'*opt* a Mi*nilHid# Mala tip

i mauni. mkai> am> jiiia ro«t>?M«**«*tn« and m4ni«»trn«THI»d *v*. Kmpr»*t ll«l»l r«wti tit

v \u25a0 \u25a0 ~"W. d. rn «KH aiw aTTI \Hulldln*

24?Business Personals*i' m \ ; . .? , ,

\u25a0JMrd nttirm \<

uktrn iia'in RV.pairf.d Til FST!\u25ba»*?< fl«rtlr |t|4

2S?-Spiritual Med'umi


*hii *\u25a0 rflift*th* p"»0f t" for»t#t *f<l 4*}l

i '*» 111 Imfwtifst ftffalr* *»f Iff*T*'l* tntir (*\u25a0* pr«<«ni ftt>4 f'ir* tlf* .?4%t**« In b't«ir,and f«rn|;jr mtfm *?

tt»M'Uhli> «r4 t*»i* th* Aim*ft \u2666?»* man of * inait you *!tl marrt

t*ll« r*Mf namh. iM h<i« to

rotti|««r IK«m miha* h«|>pi»tr*« h*?

I «»« ?nd «if*. tall* *h*t r*4* f-»f «rt4 ?K«1 l>a»t»i#M la

Itiitl Wkr ft t***' tail* I? r«(trd IVI .r «»>aant Th* tn»4*m wanM' ?' In *«a|l'« I«?! #? v ?-a #l«a« m*»t f? «tt«f»# ? | >r> |tr*4'nr« tMi a««| *t»a-

--'??I. M* ll«t»l S'»tfU M- »m 1 li;tSTtitrd . Ba<»a*n I'Jha and UtiNw

MM! . Vl< f( >RIAThm rfiffcrn#4 |>hr*«Ml«fl*t, r!|tn«ranl

|f)4 Pil'nlt! *1 m a» |»f ? f|a r**4ln«atl aU afar* of Iff* |»*at. pfmmmmi fISlltira |ou h»«a »a«n th* o'h«f» M*

**a tha h**t If In l".nb*a All r**dlf»9«! ouafa«taa4 *f B<> f*«* m-

|t«adSr«a Ho ftar

j Owl driif a»ora t*K S l- 'ha »( mMM II

MADAM MELLIEWnald'* f r*a!t*» rlalrityini *r>d nhr*« ?

?toft*t |uaran(*«a t* paad r»*lt antlr*llf* Nl* t» r**ar i and ful ur* f|« a* tr.»a? 4«l'« «>Ti l-»a|n*a« lo*a. ta»l«h a

affalta *#? a <ha nam* *f >on»f«*tur* hu*'»* 'd nr ?if a and «hn to 4*fo ?\u25a0* *«!? aaaf-jl In hfa Kh« haa |uat? rrltad In tfct* fit*: Mv*r h*ra fa

On* rl*|t trill i>a* fan for »oor m%nrd|aoM< iftt*s«*tif* In olh*r* Rht aolll r*

mata all nh*t*<--***r»d I*ll |«u h«* to

«|« *r1 hold th* ««ta you d*»t*a Hh*|l« M l4i|#« en all Iwi |«r»r» ant affair* «fllf* Hy»*«l*l r*atf|n(* tic ||«H*l Kilt,faoiw * I ill A*«"*»r,d raaf |*tf»*

BbTFTIAIf t*UllisNOl,<xlluTHha raa<l* i«ur atntlr* llf* fhlftf advl**! on famllf iroaihl** lo«* *!?*'olatloo,

maniaf »»|>aratl®M <ioi**a ih* «*parat<ml Why m-t **? th* h*at V*t>rvnolr>-fllrt

* Mati#f«rt|<.«| cva#ttit**4 91 ??r**4)«tff* fthia «**ti «?» I' ra

Wll *. KAVf.I -Hl\ mt-MITr uicKTTxasF->n<lar and T*nir*d«y *%*nli*ca * i||*hotr»* h* apHttCnatit <**l»lto| It!l111 4 A M*rrl*<>n M

MMK I*AI * I INK. i't.AinVOT A NT*"""ANDtr*nro lUadlnfa 4ti*r*nt**dA l*t t*. up atalra. IIS IMb* Phona

I M 'If.

ri'i.L >Ti*T» itKAtiiKna, :i rgy#H"»»l Pltn. Pin* *f room

CMHU'I.KS Tt UMIIAY AND FRIDAY*\*nlt>4* r*«dlfi|a doltf. I*rlur* Hun?lay aranlnc fallow IttlTltlrd. opfxralt* ftriat"fftf* Ifot*l Rrh** MON IX WINttOW 11 ?0 vnv.? nth *»* loral»a dalnovant, rorrarta«rtlr*, no pr%ft nn* prt«~*

MVi>AM ftiTXAHi K .'i.nnvnr.*rt r%rd roadar I 111 Fifth Klllott

yfy ?Por Rent Furnishedh MONTH ri MMMHITI» «*7>rfAolTTT

Mill n» and *v tr|r u tar** |«ifin" vl**r Kaat Kit

roR RKS'T VRfHiM I 'TllMl<Hr.r>roTk*"' "

' 'V«**n Anr * U(8

27?For Rent Unfurnished«.Rt hiM I»I |"|.RX H(»I MC, *111 nfcav

nnd W Quran Ann* 2&40>

i~*%ia!X i' ?? ? m \u25a0\u25a0< >ttT«f»c in rt.arnl< * yard, fr** %»*i*r. n*ar .l*ff*r*nn

_ '-**/ rT> I* - ll*I ?»_< ha v *

28?Furnished Apts.rr7i~Ni*m:i» apartmicvt ii 2 it. Ii

rwm». %»»f cn() prlviii* houina n**r«'» 11 I'»Hatil r

29?Unfurnished ApartmentsII Qvis&fM« »l »KIIN""s A NI»" I !

rrn»n»a . ai*am h**i. luw rant. Til 171h !Kaat J.H?

M UWMK < » ""ANT» i MOUKH.Va*»*rlm*nt* fall !??? ITl*h*h ar*



PHRENOLOGISTM*dam Nina haa Joel irrlvxl In P«attl».never w*a here befor# and *he tan tall

( yon ail your pa*t ||f# an<l ?* hat yourfutur* life la to be, can advlaa «<*i tnbu*ln**« affair* famtiv affair* and h.*eaffair* tell you when fou «|t| marrvand 'he Initial of tha on* you willmarry; h»w to ronqucr your en»mleaand avoid all troublo and ba happy,f alia you In regard to your abaentfriend* fella you »hal you ar« adaptedfor and how to ba aurceaaful In life,lalia >«u *li»! hualnaaa I* mo«t lu>-kyfor you Th# madum will ||v« y.»»»avary aatlefartlon Ml.# wiltto frlva you aatlaf ftlon on all af'alr*of life f'harg** r.o «nt* Th« madamran ba found at I«H I'nlon a' be-tween fte und and Third ?>«?», Vamonlintel


Olfted Kg>ptlan phrenologlnt Hate yourPalm thoroughly read and etpialn<*d bya genuine ICffvptlan palmlat >md clair-voyant. one naturally gifted with lhapow<r to i»ll many corning n\ent* ofyour life Hh»* fella what you railed forname* of friend*, enemiaa. how to gam?urraaa In hu*lnr*!t. h*alth, courtahlp.marrlaic dlvorr? ape< ulallona andtrariMA'tlon* of all kind* No matterwhat riiny be your ambition, hope orfi-AT *h* guarantee* lo help you Ar*you In trouble? l»o you find lha nnayou hava heat owed your trtaat and affaction a upon artlng eool and Indifferani toward you? Hh« advlae* ?uImportant affalra of ||f«- Hpa< lal thl*week, readln*» 60 rant* f.;2 I'nlvar-wily, corner HUth nve

I'l.AIH Vf»V ANT A\T> »V »f ItKNOf.fXj| HT,SIR fTnlv#tallv, between Fifth and *l«thTelia paal, prea-nt and future. « on«t«t -Ifift bualftaa* and low- affair* ad\ i**>«you ai.oui dlviinf (n*r* and what willI- ou» lucky atap in nr.- to tukr. wintHI full n-ioieg of your »«? \awei-iheart friend* anemic*. and what youar* moal adapted for. Hpe« |*| reading*,Permanently h>r*te«i

MADAM HONOR at Al»*nn-drla, Kirypi Pha I* ramgnired aa ih*moat wond*rful phrenologlnt In 'haworld Her reading* will n*toni*h youa* well a* delight you Mha t*ll* paat.preaent and fulur- correctly. giving you'valuahla Information on nil iiffalra of Illf" and daar to tha human heartIf In trouble, *hr can halp you ll#r advice I*good Try har fiuaranteed *ail*factlon Ytoom 47 Antler* HotelKoorth mn«l I'nlon <?!

IfADAM /.'»N Allunaarlan ? lalrvoyant and «ard raidar.

will tr|| our pa*t, pr*>*ant and futuri*N»» Thai a* If aha do*a not tell you th«liutli. Boom a. Hllliti llolal,I'lka.

|JH.Jahn&GQHetdouar*er* for Heattla

Kental PropertyI , " t

37?Business ChancesW\ N I I-:I» I ? « »l! MATION RRtlAllH-

Ing good bualne** for aalo Northwe*t

40?Exchangesi\u25a0 i: \ii: on Tit a nr. foii 'hahthhnWaahlngton or Improved city. 00 at re*

Maury l*lnnd. u Ith about m>o ~rlwater front flood rhanre for gravelpit Prh a|l 0 000 Mi lloglillid [ hone

41. ACREAGE FOR SALEfor hai7ic. tHAt>K on RirtNr~"ii<>rt>R!

barn, com crib and fenred 40 acrea.e'i*t of niountalti*, doe* nol nee»l Irrlgathm. *11 ien nlfitlfit, '(i n, t, « 111 hl\u25a0> rr tiltKn i lon 100 C- \ *\u25a0;» r old Ire.-* . p,*,.

to achool, I* t» store*, good rorn.alfalfa and fruit dlatrlrl : rream route*VVIII rent three year* or *»!l on ? -i»<\payment*, or trade for Seattle houaennd lot Addre** 1757 \V »N|h *t

HA« 'It I KH'I \t; fIUH ritt»l'i:i<TVfsoo. 4 arrea rich clay loam *nii auh->Irrigated high and eighth ? loae to

city limit* and puhlh *chool, aoldtoonihlv paymanl*

I'IBT'TIT, 904 Third Ava


M H 1101 UKi I INK AC lt» 4I»K

OJIRIIKMi roil TN* 1101 nk

4 fw>m l'un|«lf>» with gfM>4watar pi|»«l !»»»?? largepotiltrr )>"»?« (a m ?)inmo4it«Mv«r«l hundred rhl<-k«na. land ;laa-el, rlrh mull all un«l#rr«««f hlg H ?? I. and but 1#ifllftUlM «>lk ftutn ferry dm k

It Sl« ttrma 1)00 raah. \

l<t!*n< ? litmonthly Tako lla«t- ?

la«>n ear iiul Kirhlarwl hoata t?> ;off ' Klrkiend wharf !

Murk** A Karrar, o«a<-ra

\u2666 \u2666row i>ktaiui on unm

Itandv to our mllle arid <a'npaWrite or m* K It MItIKI.KJOIIN

Ugt- I e»»4 I»ep» !??! I. C HiuHh 111<1*HftATTI.K WAUM

**T'»u <l«al with ue dlffft"THIIKt' I A> K* I.IV 'It **0

1 A J! I I! 1 .UfjUATfcDaanilr har» TM» m«*ai.a aartf fardtnami tha »»??». ».aif mil* rlty limlta(Jraat bargain t#4 Thirl a»«


474# ;:n1 a*» Mee J aaparawn, i:?T

44?House* for Sale

$25.00 CASH$12.00 MONTHLY

Will pay f«' ? I r«Hlaf« and lotUil!l all Ira fa»'lf 3 hi"'ha fmm th#r»r

DAvm r K Arm ASItfa Ti r<l A% e

wrTX nriLT i.)tOOM not-men* »ataiae Mall. float of »edaf ''??a. I4«JIall ?*rir# llil Pee lha pro-pr\»< it |'uf«t Hotel. 9lt H Klrat ava H

|| f|(joi| niTTAOR NRAIt EXtaM high ?rhool a«4 pntk, *a«r terma


failed Hiatea. I«r lha WaeiUfSi l>la<rMof aehirt#' f \orl»i#rr, |»!-. Ui-fi

IV IIANKHt l*T«'r NO f ?:iNOTH'K or «*ltl*t»lT*ilt# MRISTtN*}

In tha Matt »r of John W. lllrkey ttank-fMfl

T»> T#4i" -m af lha aka«a nam**-*NMlnipt

NatUe la hereto? ftven Dial nti the |?th*a> «f Ortoher Itl 4 the ea'.d Jfhn W111-key taa 4ufy a4)u4l aied bankrupt.a*4 that the fleet meeting «>f the rre«lMara "f aald t>aiiknit>i will *>a heiid atih* >fr # f tha lUfetea lit Bankrupt'-*.|t#i 1- C Fmttk Bid* . la HeatiJe. la!Mil /I'eirlrt. An the Jnl day of Novem-

ber ?! 1 a elovg In tha af!»tft<v»»at «r*l- h time iredtiwa fnar Itteadpeeve their rlalma appoint a true'e*aiamlne tha bankrupt, and tranae><aurh other bualneaa at may properlyeema before aald maatlng

latMi at Koettte In a«l<1 dlatrirt. t hie

?lth day of Cutobef. liltf It HAWK IV*.

FT In llankrwptr*

By Allman


Mayor HI 011 l 1* »chedul«d toflay the author* of Initiative Meas-ure* IK and 24 Sunday afternoon ata ma»* meeting to be held In theFirst Method!*! church, at 3 o'clock.

The executive committee of theSeattle dry campaign committerheld a meeting Friday afternoon, atthe Y M. C A. The meeting waswell attended Report* of the va-rtous sub-committees were receiv-ed

The full momentum of the cam-paign against the "wet" measure*

will be aet in motion with Sun-day'a mix mee'lng

The executive committee de-clare* that the heat of the cam-paign will he manifested next week,a* the worker* all over the city arewell organised and will carry on arelenlle** fight.

I.uther l> \Vi«hard. former na-tional secretary iind a man of natlonal fame, will also *peak Sun-day.

NEW MARKET OPENSAll spick and span in white

trimming-' and >>t>eclal lighting fa-cilities. the new Pine at. market,

at Seventh ave and Pine at., open-ed to the public Saturday.


Adniph |« ftrand not In Fori land ??

rtportwl. but with Hum 'Ham an«i Pain*Co I*llWeotlako


The new market contain* 33,000square feet of floor space and I*two stories In height. Tbe builder*of the marhave arranged everydetail along oanltary lines Morethan 60 store* will be included un-der one roof, and the housewifewi.l be able to purchase tbe bestthere Is In food* and be sure oftheir quality.

MMTiKI-MTIW1»%%Hull IS, l<v al patant flour. f» ;»m || ?'

to II par aark bard wbrat patam| floor. II»- i+i aaik. l ib pkg buck«h»ai flour. ,ir; !l< (k«ncaka flour, llr

! larva Mil«-| ataup !?«: lartfa u>ttlrmaplo ayrup Ik. Mtalla Sl*Bl <*raba, ;

i»r s-r and z for llr. lug* fraah aalmon.

| <ftc each Htall 11. apt" * II e® l*ar Im<*.\u25a0 datl%ara4, p-»tat«»« *. |. ©« par aark. da* ,'Uared Htall 42. famy Hurt*«nk |H>ia

| toao, l; 04 per aark. d*lirarad Taklniad*m pr>tat<>»a 12 18 f*rr aark. dall%ar#d

1 Htall It, |>a*taurlsad fraah buttar. 31c lb j( Htall 14 hai i* I&r lb bacon, 18c lb . !

<aaf lard. 11S < lt« . |»«»t roaat I0« ll> ; j'pork miat. lb T-bona ataak 18c!H . vfti roaat. 14t lb . \*al ataak. 1i *v

ilb ; round ataak. 18c lb

lOKM H-fUI KIIUOtall* J, 3, 8. ?, |M*t roaat. 8r to 8c lb .

] round ataak. 12 He lb ; alrbin vtaakI |t> ham* 14r lb . ahouldar of

1 iamb 8c lb Htall 18?. fraah pullet «*«*»

I Itr dot i do* TBc: fanrv «reamary but-! tar. i4< lb . 2 )N» »lr largv an milk. 4

(for 2 3.1 Htall 4'-, No 80 *a< k hard wbaatflour |1 :a. No 18 oark flour 18c; Jlt»e 18c new prunea. IB<-. 4f»r roffee. S7c. !

j 4 lOr pkf* <orn flakaa. llr; l-lb can

I c'horolata, Bir, } lb* navy baana. 88c. 8 {ltkM Unit bean* S6< . 4 lb* h»ad rlca. 28c; j 1j 4 Iba HaedlMh pea*. Sl>i . <«n ayrup. ] :4Or, f> « b<>K g ;<>aa atar< h. 4#c; t»oc bak

I Off powder. Sir, .1 ran* bean* otr

tomato**, :Bc. ?8e pkg waahlnc powder.

18c.\\ MfTr.?*\T\ lil»IY

Al flton*'* No 88 aark hard wheal jflour. |1 70. No 10 aark flour. 18c. 4 Iba Jhead rlca, ;&r: 8 It aa<-k torn ytenl 28c. :

|f 0c Queen ollvoa, 28c. 8 11m 18c naw-

I i rUn** ?8c; 88c baking p«>wdera. 88c. 8f»«1 l»n* k!<ik« at arch 80r 81 80 can pureHalt ollvo oil. 1128. « 10 rolla toilet

I caper, 28c. Jar ma-malade. |7*yc.| pkg wa*hlng powder, 18c; 80<broom*, 40c; RBc ran uiivo oil. 88c HtallI*. 10.- nippy and devllnd rheeae. ?cHtall 27. freah made peanut buttar. 18r 'l?> Htall 28. fraah Washington creamer) )nutter. 40c lb.; fre*h local ranch egg*

i f.Oo dot.; paateurlsed milk, 4r pt . *c qt i !I'IKI I I \4 I s \ M ItliAY

Htall 17. p ire granulated augar. 4 Iba j\u25a0:" «\u25a0 II - « - 1 11.- si :i. stn!| 79 ?

|.»ne pa*tfit 1,-. .1 nillk 1. pt fir qt HtnllI*7B tfrc bottle tomato ratnup. 18c. Btall?7, own rhurtled lulter. 2&< lb. and 88clb,. 2 lh* 7*»i Htall lf«0S, new huckwh"atflour, t», lh *a< k \u25a0». 9 |baa. k IbrHt nI la ; i 4" ran roffee . fancy jcorn, 10r ran, 10c rraekera, 8r; 8c Jrrackar* fir. Htalla 27-80, 26r bakingpowder, in, bulk roroa or rhorolate. :&rlb 4Or bulk roffeea and leu*. 1 11.p I

f»< or M<* ll Stall M ft«-(»ti to *.lfpeanut but let 10r lb .1 lh* JBc; oleomar-garine. lie lb Htall HIT, ateer *t*ak.

1 r lh . veul *t« ak. 12'.. r ||> ; vealroaat, I «»? lb dry *nlt pork. 10c lb ; localbaron, 16V*< lh

H4H 111 K.MI?NOMIAVPorn flake* : pkg* llr. roiled oat*.

lh* |lo; itfitf aleak. ||j|fi lh . latuh? hop- l II) , Arm an-l Hammer aodV,4e and fi» pkg beat Jeraey butter, 2 lh*76f1. vary beat atorage egg*. 2 do*. 7f»c,full cream cheaar Itc lh halibut, 5 lha

» la nte>'ipar'*nip*. beau. ? armtx. e»« :i

nunche* .'.I ; letture Br. relery, tr and10c atalk I 0« tollat piper, 8r; gte»«nonion*. 8 bttnrha* sc, hananua. 20< 11 and28c do* . apple*. |1 bo*, lomatoei, |c lb.,grap«* | lha Iftc.

Tlip Committee of "100" of theFir*' t'roMbytorlao churrli are fli>liik everything In their power to Retvery one of the 5,916 members of

Mr MHtth.nv*' church to attend theI lome-ComliiK Hervlces Sunday, Oc-tober

S|iecinl music and an Interestingprograni have lieeti arranged, andII Ih the dealre th«t . very I'resby-tnrlan In Seattle ko to church outhis pnrtlculiir Sunday.


ALLLOCAL ROUTES«TF*%crvt*t l.r.AVt mow rOV.MAWikk k, rooT or m%rio* mien



Arn*»? * *#\u25a0?? ?

Mtrlarla. H TVwwl?~P~aclA»gri««

|Th «l«nm *..| liar' far) TJiprnmid- 'To*naar*| W|lUam«.i dallynight 'Thfftfmw

' IAtt- '? g ?\u25a0 ? a? I H»ei no! rail at'

WlorU KuinJ»ri |

Itsroma iMreH

T aroma a r.d I 10am? ??a-' ladtan.ip..|l« - Tft' ta I»»m

11 o<>aro mini dlrrt ItMiMrl 1Z JOpm1 pm trfff «»? ho«ir«. 00r t HpmI Kpm »in|ia trip Or round! 4 Mfinfc OOprn trip Connwllona «t « *opmT I'pm Timmt «|(h ataam ? 10pm? !lpm »ra for Olrmyit and 1# t*pmdally ffhalion f dally

|*«»rt Tnmurnd *»p»Hal» ??am *tr Mwm\, fn« I'ort 1 19pmI ?\u2666pm Townaand dlrar t1 I# l»pm

dally I'onrerit ai Townaand dall>'*llh rail Una® fnr *13polnta nn Olympic'

jT«Mt T»wm nd \nr»rortaa?

VUIIIa|K*m? aoam ftfavimar Hlnlr«nJ I 09am

dally for Tort Toanaand.f dally

Mia<*orlN and Hal-jtlngham I

» raratt (tollingham %na«'«*rf*o?

Par! T"««»md?»

-? K nlahnn, '-r i »»pm

datiy R \ ar? It Ana<-ortaa dally?nd Vta I I I n g h a m'Oalia at Port Town-j'-?and aouthbound on - i!r DfM not rati atKvtrall Aaturdaya

Mb loan Island*?B#llln|ham

I! "Mr. Kosnllf. for Port I OlprTimldnht T««n»»nd and Ral-| Tu«»ad'yPunday Hngham. via all Ban- Thura'yTuaad'r Juan laland polnta. | Batur'yTbura'jr) {

?»«n J van lalanda Hritmghant

*»ir « Ity ofTuaad'y for HrHtngham via' MondayThura'y Pan Juan laland WadnaaKatur'y polnta Friday

Port Ton n»*nd?Port -NrahHa» and War Port*? tramrr I Inpla, f «

mldnht Port Townaand Port Tuaad'yftundav Angalaa Noah Ray Thura'yTuaad'y and way porta f ftatur'yThura M 'Port T<»wn»rnd?Port A«|fiaa and

Hay PortaArt Htr \Valalmla~ forj ( ??pvn

mldn ht Port Townnand. Port HundayM f>day Anfrlaa C*lallam and WadnaaWadnaa way porta | FridayFriday! l

Port ttamhlo ?Pndlaar?FlatlrrS(f>%tuor Pn sat. f

dally Klntat-»n, Oam b I a,J dallyrfapt l.iidlnw ??F*lnn. r«raptSatur'y FI a * lar. Tt» vnarnd, Sunday

llanavllla, Irondalriland lladlork

aatnrdav Only i3 Otpm Mtaamor Pugat, for f 00pm

!Klnr*ton. l.udloar and''?ray p«^lnt«! Nnnday Only j

0 00am fttaamar Puvat, f«r 4 30pm|Kln«Btr»n. f.udloar and!way point? |

Ilaoil ( anal 4«amblc l.ndlaar9 : , sf r poii 11. h f ? ? (Sam

dally l.udloa- Port tlamblr dallyr*>-»t»t ??Hangor and allj n<-apt

Hunday point* on Hood Canal Monday

?£taam*r Kulahan a 111 rail at PortTown««nd. northbound. Haturdayaonly lravln* Raattla at 10 p m

polnta mwrkad ?? ara hont landing*Pa*«at*nrr« for thr*a point* and forothrr boat landing point* mint makrthalr own arrangrmanta for landingand aaauma nil rlak and liability inmaking amh landing firamar'a paaarngrr rata doaa not Includa boat landIng chargaa

Ilnggaga liability I* llmltad to waar-Ing apparal, not to avraad |ioo forwhola tlrkrt 1 T»0 pound* allowed frra

fttaamar* and arhadtila* *üb.lart torh»ng* without notlca, Pralght ra-ratvad dally for all polnta (rtraptlngTa oma> namad In ahova *rhadula

Tlrkaia tnuat ba pun-haaad at tlrkatofflra Opan from Il# a m lo 1) 00midnight.

rt'OICT HOI Ml MVIOVriON to.Tlrkat Offlra. Caiman Oork.

Pbona. Main X9IS.


SECY WILSONIntroduced by Prttidtnt

Mirth of tho State Ftd'rationof Labor ?? "th* counselor,servant and friend of (he preei.

dent, who told the railway* jthat human belnge were not anarticle of commerce." Secretaryof Labor William B. Wlleonwai given a routing receptionFriday night at the Metropoli.tan theatre by a crowd whichpacked the house and overflowed.While ReertUrr Wlleon

speaking In th# theatre, <>orfe f,rotterlll, irogreeslve ? democratic< aridldate for rongrexe; Albert Mo-lamm. progretelTe-denuxratlc ,

didate for attorney general, uniBob Bridge*. port commissioner. »4-dreawd the overflow.

"There I* no more pathetic «pe»ta<l«," said Hecretary Wllso%"than the republican candidate forpresident wandering about lb#country In M«rcb of an Issue an<not belriK able to find one.'

Speaks on 8-Hour Law"Plnilly." said Wilson. "Hughec

landed on the eight hour law."Tlic m-m tar> trac ed the but tor#

of lite eight hour law; ho* the go*,

ernment had been making a st idyof the hours of labpr for half a ceo-tury; how one utate after anotherarid one trade alter another a»ciir.

Ed eight-hour legislation: and ;.ba<

today the eight hour standard itnot any further subject for arbitra-tion.

lie also dlwcuised the child laborlaw. tlie federal reserve bank law.other legislation, arid *ugg»«u»dthat, "if the Kuropean nation* badstopi>ed to write a few notesAAafore plunging Into war. they wixßfbe better off today." '*

Cannon a Coward?"When Mr. Hughe* says 'be

president and congress cowardlysurrendered to the brotherhoods,he foriceu that 70 republicans,headed by I'ncle Joe Cannoo. for-mer speaker of the house, \otedfor the eight-hour law And what-ever else I'ncle Joe haa beescharged with, he Is not a coward."

The meeting at the MetropollUawas In charge of the labor counciljointly with the Nonpartisan Witson )«ague. Previous to the meet-ing. the secretary was guest of tbelabor council at a cafeteria dinner.

Following hi* speech at the Mat-ropolitan. Hugh Todd, manager ofthe Lister nmpalxn. r t»A a state-ment In which the governor cotnesout against all of the referendummeasure*, fnclcdfng the four behad previously approved


Prosecutor iAindln started dnM||ment proceedings against Atton.VHomer E. Turner Stturdsy, chart-ing him with falling to do his dutytoward his clients.

He is further charged with thecommission of an act Involvingmoral turpitude and dishonesty.

On November 5. 1915. ProsecutorI.undln's motion reads. Turner wascalled, together *lth Judge WilliamR. Pell, to defend Karl and CecHJordan, charged with burglary, isthe Pierce county superior court.

They were to get ITOO attorneys'fee* To secure the payment, theJordan* ssslgned. In fsvor of thetwo lawyer*, their Interest* In tbelrerandparent*" estate in Adell. Is.,It is charged

Phirinic the ft-ogress of the trial.Turner I* Faid to have obtained kthird assignment from the Jordanbrothers for JTSO for hall for KarL

It was later learned that ibebond had not l»een obtained, andthat Turner had discounted andsold the as«ignment for $fiso.

lie explained to Judge Pell. It i*charged, that the $750 assignmentwas for attorneys' fees, and 1* saidto ha\e admitted, when Pell MgaVfor hl« share, that he had mlsrel Isented the case, and the nionft*had been appropriated to his personal use.

Turner I* cited to appear heforsJudge Pykeman on October 27.

She's Going toBe Own Dentist

While in ChinaPASADENA. Cal.. Oct. 21 ?

Dsntal preoaredness Is tbswatchword of Miss Insx MayMarks, daughter of Rev. andMrs. William H. Marka, who Isleaving h»re for missionarywork In the remotsness ofChina.A complete "kit'' of dental instru-

ments Is psrt of the outfit whichMiss Marks Is taking with her. "Iunderstand." she said, "that dentl*t» are a minus quantity where 1am going 1 don't know what pe»pie do when their teeth get Maching over there, but 1 intend ?

be my own dentist."

BOY BANDIT HELfIDeputy Prosecutor Cam)oily fil-

ed an Information against llaroldSproul, 17, Friday, In the superiorcourt, charging him with larceny ofthe person.

Sproul is the youth who held tiptwo women In the University dis-trict Monday snd Tuesday nightswith a water gun I'armody saidthat he did not file a highway rob-bery charge, as he wanted to seethe hoy get leniency In cue of con-viction.

JOHN MERLIN, 14. 715 Blanch-aid st.. was Injured about tbe headand legs Friday night when struckwhile riding a bicycle, by a machinedriven by \\\ Haege. 1211 Kir St.

GEORGE J. JACKSON, of theMontelius Music Co.. died suddenlyof apoplexy Friday night In hiapartment In the Washington Aanex.

There are many bargailisted in Star Want Ad*.