the seattle star (seattle, wash.) (seattle, wash.) 1914-02 ...€¦ · ller. hut la entirely...

Woodhouie A PUtt?USE YOUR CREDIT?422-424 Pike Street SOME ATTRACTIVE PRICES ON HIGH-GRADE RANGES Yon \mll find (hi- an opportune time (or looking into the Kange question. It it doubtful it another chance will be presented -oon that will niriKurc up to the big \alue giving that tan now he < htamed here on our easy credit term- \nd remember, an absolute guarantee goe- with the purchase of every rangr, while the term* of payment will he made to suit any po.kethook At the same time, don't overlook -pet uN in the othei department- I'ho-c given below are'typical of what may he found here every day in the year QUICK MEAL A lilih ir»Ui«, r ?Until* Nt«#l l(ang*, ftmt »ronomlral to operatr, Umn rutt-proof i»<»it#iaf tt llnlrt* KtA*4*oiMly In nl« hrl And will *lv» \ *»?r» of p«rfr t antlßff II n from f1 C OA mum 4 13«UU Alto In li mid »!»«?* -SPECIAL- RANGE EXHIBIT Fir gfv T \u25a0y * I 1% ; THE EMPIRE vll-««u>l. 14-Inch Kan** ?Ironclv I ullt. Willi aaliMliia llnln« l-lgli . trlmmv.l in i»tok» burnl. t r! t h#r * >M r.-at wllh !!»<? \u25a0 »" I. t><uch font fOQ AC Sal* prl<-» #(Ji9W Aim In 14 «n-1 fft-l h alu-a THE PERFECT !9ta«l 14-Inch lUnx« with all «*a«t flu»« and ov»n prot* i«m| by ?ir>>ti« mat i»\*t?» ?«iult>t«*d with ? ll«1ln* 'I«iti|>#r h*n«t v trtinrn*! !? #QC OO #<I9<UU Alio In It ant) 19-In<h \u25a0!<?« ALL RANGES SOLD ON GUARANTEE TRIAL AND EASY TERMS jj I I .. j A Sale of Library Tables Tha «>ak library Tatila liluat rat*<l in th* fumad or dull *>>!d#n ttalai 51*4«-ln«h ; ; .r, $15.45 Flna Quartered I\u25ba* K Library . . M Q C A f nl« »u> prt« ? V I OivU Mailt! Oak Arta ami t'raf»« 14hrtrr Table flnlahad ,op $10.50 Quartered Oak Colonial Pat- tern IJbrtrv T.ihl# In a po' MA C A 40-i»'. t ?{» O I SfivU Money-Saving Specials in the Rug Dept. Friday and Saturday "? nff*r r«(u:>r 111 Tapeatrr Bru**al* Rum. »*IS I" at**. *»l*ndld jalltT with many pattern* for iirlfftlon. fft O C \u25a0 \u25a0-« ?v'O* »? I# All-wool Klb*r Rui« 9*» i»» tomorrow * i.l (C sttur>lar *perlal #V* I » IT O* All-wool Ftb*r Rhi*. «*» ?Ua. a»«cl»l (1,15 tomorrow \u25a0 ol Special Quality Prtnt Unolaum In two different pattern*. In tn? quantity you wlah. {ae- rially pr|. ed. per yard. 4$C \u25a0 !*«» utrt chart* for laying ?All work dona hy Kiperi« WEEK END BARGAINS IS "b Solid Oak Rnrfcer a* pictured. *adilir \u25a0?at finl»hr<: In dull golden. MQC a a pedal at tffctUJ 54.&0 Kitchen Quern, double f 9 CC drawer*, bin* and hoard* fviOJ $4 75 While Crib, with woven QC wire (prthn*. a apecial at ffciuvl 11.Si lllih Chair, hardwood, with Qfln tray. special at . 3Uw (3*l Knicllah Hreakfaat Table. PO QC folding drop leaf ffc.UO WOODHOUSE & PLATT FURNITURE CO., Inc. 422-424 PIKE STREET Telephones?Private Exchange Elliott 3096 NEW YORK. Fob S.-Ttae Pa- cific rout la inrl>wte«l In the Itiner- ary mapped oat for tx>rd and Lady Dories on their Weaterti trip. Thoy are on their may to Denver In a private car. CATARRH VICTIMS Bnr*!y m* Hyomet If* tho right to-the-point remedy aot only for catarrh, bat for head eolda. anirrea. bronchitis. larynaitla or croup of children. Toa breath# It ?no atomach doalng Von will Ilka Hjroenal. It not only glvea Instant and laatfog ro- ller. hut la entirely harmleaa. pleaa- aot to uao, and economical Money promptly rofur.dM If yoo are not r '\u25a0 fifed. ta a combination of antl- a< t olla that mlzea with the air an' 1 qiitekly r»ache« the Irritated an'l Inflamed membrane of the do*'- Ita aura and aafa healing he- »?!"« Immediately?you feel better a' >nce If <nifrerln« rrom watery «y»a, \ ky rolca. dlacharge from the i one. or that ehoked-up fee'inp try Uyomel now?today. All drug y *«I 1 It. A»k for the eoni!>lat) ? »' 00 »!*e I SVvt. iRS I I aad Krlftil. N:i<k »»* t (MTONKK K.MTTISU (O I <:S t akoa at.. (nm#r Fifth A\ CITY NEWS It la aaid Nlcholaa Nlckharzo gilded nlrkela and then dlntribated them He waa nahlwd VV'etlneada) by federal authorltlea ? ? ? Emit Hurja. a aophomor* of Ju- n»au. Alaska, baa teten appointed atudeat aeal'tant In the atate unl- v»r*lty printing office. e ? e A concert will be given by the Mth Infantry Band In the pout gym at Kort lji»ton Friday night. ? ? e Caot. W. H. Lalnaon. former firat (.flier on the Atimtlc liner Kent and hero of the Wellman balloon rrarue. 1* coming to Seattle aa com nander of the Hoyal Mall ateani ahlp Mrrlonethahlre ? ? a The proafcutlng attorney'a office will Investigate the rattenlnc and aale or hog* at the county atoekade ? ? ? Cart Clapp, Ouvwamlah valley rancher, wa* arretted VV<-dne«dn", <-liarg«»d with cruelty to animal* He didn't reed or *h»-lf<T hi* cow* orten enough. HE IS SINKING \t rooo today th** condition of fulaa RadelahMmar, th# merchant v. ho la In the ProflcJonrr honpltal. M«iff>»rlng from a ttrok* of paraly- aid. took a audden rhariK* for I worao The Hl|ipodrou>« >u crowded \V« dneadav night at the I're** club'* fifth annual hall Jay Thoiuaa copped the award for be- ing the p«mke*t <l*nnT on the floor Money Saved by Making Your Cough Syrup at Home Takra Hnt a I>« Unrnvalß. aa«t "?«iw a Hurl « mifft* !\u25a0 a llwrrt Cough tnadlclnaa. lift ft ruift rontaln it larg«- 'ju*rftty of plain » rup If yo'i tak* on# pint of iir«iiul«t^l ?utar. and S l>int of wftrni w»tf ami nilr about 2 mtnutaa you hav* aa g«*>d ayrup a* money rouW buy. Ir you will than put 2 ?% ounraa of Pln#«* i T,O «#nl«» Worth t In a pint bolt la. and fill It up with thf Hugnr Hjrrup, you will hava aa much rough ? vrnii Aft you could buy r#adv mad* f»r I: .?> Tak* a tca»p«»"of» avar*. on*, two or thrift hour* 11 kMp* parfactly Vou will find It '»na of t»* b#»t avrtip* you avar uaad ivrn tn whooping * '»«««h Ton . m faal it ink« hold? uauallv ronqu#r« an or- dlnnry rough In 24 houra It In )uat laifttlv* h*a ? arood tonl'' ? ff ? I. ft n.l ? e. fM«t« Ift pi»aaant It Ift ft aplandld rtm*4y. too. for whooping rough, rrou!> hoaraan#«a and bronchial aathma Pln#X In a modi valuable # on« \u2666* irati'<l compound if Norwat y.r.* attract. rich In gualiicol nt) I othar hauling pin# «?!«?? nnta No oti.rr pr»|iuriitlon **111 wo lie In fhla formula TlJn plan for niMkliig cough t**i ad> with Pin** *ml Surar .«\u25a0». rup I* now ijhH In mnrt honcf than nnv o(htf COUffh rtUMdy Thla plan haft o(t#n l»#»n Imttatad. hut navar au< !i Mofully. A if uaranty of dhiftliit* jtlon. or niovtay promptly r#fun«l»»il, I Knr* with fi? I * pr«p»rtllon Your drugvlat haa Pin#* or *-111 *?»» n for you If not. *rnd to Th# Pin*** Co. Ft. Wnyn#, Ind. *! 000 Man a fnu* v 54.95 11'» oo M n* a fflij* » $1.50 tZQ 00 M#n'a f»n<y 19.95 1i u 00 Man'a Mi|p on** Raincoat a 14.95 It.", oo Sllp-on» Hiik if 7 ic waterproof IP I >Hu I? Hwort Orr « ?? . 11.18 I "0 Worn ~r _ It*"" Pant- (J C 10# whit* l»#fl I f i i) k > r Q 4 A *-hl#fa Of., r lUC 76'- bin#- or RtH OA, Mhlrta vdC 1&r HIark 1* I U 2ft r Wool Ho x. \u25a0 I:<i 2, 25c if,.- Krmy Work C r /,.>< 01 \ i" BT: 12c K... one Price Tfcf blark an\u2666«? «* n 39c ti CtovtUcii. ' 48 c I en v v F* I* « ? '? *1 I'filler- QQ/» w tftr v9l# I? fin .t*r ?a a Mhlria, wllli ?\u25a0lra r> i'ii' 98c ALL SELZ SHOES REDUCED Remember, there are lote of other thlnge at thla atore for you tomorrow. Come and aee for youreeft our Money-Savlug Bargalne. Himelhoch Bros. 625 First Avenue Foot of Cherry St. MOTHER WHO'D SEll HER BABY SENT TO PRISON TACOMA. Kelt t Mm BMII" Kowlay, who advertised her hah) for mi It* when. »li<« alleged, her hu» lirtiiil deacrteii her *om> tlino ago mill wlin recently attempted \u25a0 td« at Hoqulum, I* in the city )»ll on it charge of disturbing the I CUCO. She was arrested on * warrant \u25a0worn t" ''y her husband. Mr*. Hu» lev advertised nil® would sell her youngest child Heverul persons offered to t«U«» the child, but when tt run" to parting with It, the woman de- clined TRIES TO DIE; LANDS IN COURT lleaperate aft»r an enforced Idle ne*a of tlyee month*, with a family to cure for. Quit Loftqulst, 63, wn* In police court thl* morning to »n *w«r to a charge of trjlng to kill hlm»e|f lie W*» found yenterdav after noon at hi* home. Sl* Spruce *t . nearly dead from asphyxiation lift er neighbor* broke In the bath room window, where he had locked himself \V (' Wlnalow, who rooms In the attun hou*e, a*ld he wan asked h) IxiftqulKt'a wife to investigate, and, with other men, found the man un- conscious OURCOIDESTDAY The weather man would promln* uo let up of fold weather today Continued cold I* predicted fot the neat few da>*. with prospects of the thermometer hitting a lower mark. Today'a cold hroke all record* for the preiM-nf winter, ihe mercury dropping to 28 degree* GET L!FE TERMS MARYBVII.UK. Keb. S.--RI. hard Pord and Herman rtuhr. convicted o( aecond d<T<i' murder In ronni i' tlon with the riot lu the hop field* near Wheatland laal August. were Hcntenced to life Imprlaonuient Id Pol no m prl»on today. A PAIR OF NUTS S\N FRANCISCO Fell t, Hob Hlmpson. *teeplejack, and Maude Parlor. I*. were married at the anmmtt of the Kerry building cling Ing to the flagpole, by the l(ev J M Heady, on the topmoat cornice of the tower. Juat below them. 2,000 HEAR HIM Ilefore in audience numbering cloae to J.WO. I>r Onice Gordon Klngaley. noted orgsnlat. and hi* aaalatant* grve a recital of Tar alfal." In the auditorium of the Flrat Presbyterian church Wed tie* day night BUY YOURS YET? Com petition In the brick selling campaign of the Y W <" A. to raise fumls to furnish the new building la growing *»rra<r Only a very slight margiti separates the contest an la. Charkilt" Kimball. Nln* t'hase and Vera Klndlay head (bp llal. THE FIGHTER WHO WHIPS Willi* Ritchie *111 have lo be h rnirh Ritchie before ha can whip Mm minr.i «iiii>»m I fnr RkH \u25a0 ?,: ,,n S»ra*a f V al Irlnd» r»t>'"'V*d Jf {he near J»fn.l» a ar? now In l lfth I l«w»r rnwfMn'a Hank Hldg Veroail nl I*l ke BARGAINS »C>«l In Used Machines J N««r Ml'hlnH rented Willi t M\t llivr rn fl M Third (Nwr rib#> Mtlw 14*3 "DENNY-RENTON" All Clay Products 1007 Hoge Bldg. AFTER-INVENTORY SALE at HIMELHOCH BROS. Mild, unaeaaonable weather and buaineaa condltlona combtnad hava made thla a dleaetroue yaar for marchanta In all line* of bu*i neaa. After Invoicing, we find we are overatoeked with new heavy welghta. In Fall and Winter gooda. conalatlng of Men'e and Boy*' Suite, Overcoat*, Bllpone, Furnlahlng Gooda, Hate and 8ho«*. Rather than carry them over until next aaa*on. we will aacrlflca the whola atoftk to move the gooda. Coma and aee our many bargalne, where one dollar doea the work of two. Below we quote a few prlcM! C O Q il I?&u t nO A* I W «»?»I KMh l 1 CI K I inln wni r Vl>l II II W«.ol Nll X«*d fiQ r U9 v $ oO Mti# limwn hrid <?11%# run £4 OO rial Hlilrlp< * I ?Uu 12 00 lilai k and tnti ' ' 01 A 9 11 | ltd ii ill h h ni.< ?< hll k 11 ii (| I >J J I llali l ?row n and $1.39 *i i 1...» h « r lull C»a#a alaal frantaa, Sk.yn THE STAR?THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1914 IV; uI «| I |<llH| 11, |ll* ? »l *»I MillNf'4 parij fw la ~t Mi frl#«4« hfIHITH ill* ft Ml »M«, \u25a0 nit n.Milil Ilk, in hmm m l**t §\u25a0!"« Imilt! III* ||liiml »h4 «h»l fftiprt IHHIU I mi,III wfip f hat »mtll N# Imilkmilip tHeuklna In* 111 I k A \ good game to enliven a party la played like thl* Each gueat I* given a pap* t bag contain Ing IS randy b<»its and lintrucled to aak three questions of each liiembe** of the |iirt> ' If the one que* tinned answer* hv Having "Yon" or "No," he forfelta u h'art A prlie to th" otic having the moat hearta at the end of 10 minute* Another popular ami settsonehle game la tho Progressive rro|Miaal party Kvery man must propose to every lady and her decision reat i tt|io!i his iloqunnce If *e cepted. ahe given him a heart If refused. a aniHll mitten A al* Inch dleaned doll la given to the gentleman who wlna. «lill iii i* or lobaf#»r «al»<t and rnfft*. <| ara t«a |irti uf It, mm 4 m>o k»»!#?*»> i omiMnr Willi Iw* ml- ?Il^r? >..« %tl»« W* KMild Ilk# In bn«« If II H rlflit |«» !? wllh aal illwi* «»um» folk« mi II !? *fHB| la |h allli illrui ja«t limb«m iNif lira a*i<lt*r« Mf am botli rfipMlalilr, and r»- ? !»#-< Ir<| by nil frliwili .%? far ?? m 9 know Ik# !«)« arrHl I* h* llffllf i>hhl Uniting f«»r pnmr «a»aav, aa<J I liank lnfl >?»« »Hinrh ik r r \ It In not the poult lon that Diakrn tin- man. but the man the position. Aa long aa the hoys conduct themselves In a manly way, treat th- tit aa you would any other good men A alii should slwaya he capable of protecting het»»lf, and. In her association with men ahoold never |tlm p heiHi-lf In a position of which »h« haa the leant doubt There ar«' plenty of gt»od men In all position*. and If a girl la not capable of discerning, ahe ahould not accept their attention! out aWe her heme You might t.erve heart-shaped sandwiches of pimento, cheene. Successful Everywhere Propir fVir)*h«r« are talking of the ii V »nd fine reaulta *>«l«-\ Kidney ruin give In backgcha, rhcum.'itUin kidney and bladder tr<> » Yuu cannot take them Into jimr \u25a0 ylitem without good r* milt* Thai in tMfiimi* Kolay Kid nay Pill* Klve to tin* kldnev* and hladdi'i Juat what nifure call* fur to heal thc*e weakened and In- active organa I l> Carroll Sacra- mento, Cat., * rlt»*i" It I* « pleaa nr.- to recotnmend Mty Kidney rilla. an they Juat worked wonders In my cane" Tor ?»!« at Kartell Drag store* l*-ar Mine Orey Heading your artlclia about the chicken* lu the column this we<*k. I wlah to a*k: Why Aoean'l the roonter *11 on the egg* while th>- chicken ifoea out for a walk and food" I believe that If he doesn't do hi* duty In that l< Kpi-I t he ahould come under the ls*y In liitttd law and he *ent to the stockade JACK t| | «ni j«i»t I? }*mrm old. uml h>atn irmlufipil from Vllfli wh*"l I hut* nit iM»rrf«»«' prrnilMloii to go ttllli tsova I hnta l»wi K«>lng *1111 UN awful nW a h«f tnr Itsu month* MMdi llf hM takan in* In mnnr |»n Mlr ? ? Bfl to (lIMiM Th* ntlaa 4mj I M#l Ww nn «ha ?Irani \m I na« In ? hurry, I Juat t|M»li» lii tilm ll# thought | inaxnt It «\u25a0 a rurl nod and flint I IrwitM Mm rmil Nut Im I* wrong for I mm In a great hnrrv nn«l thought lin nlno OH. L. R. CLARK, 0. D. 8. NERVOUS AND TIMID CHILDREN Who fear other ilenllal* ate ao gently treated hare thev delight to come again Our toothcraft l>e«u tlflea the countenance. establishes good maalicatlon and dlgeatlon. and thu* enable* nature to overcome nervous condition* a* well a* other phralological condition*. and awarda the hearty recommenda- tion. not of one. but of all our pa- tron* «»nr patl-ut* »re our frlenda We are their friend* Our proof la. they all *ay *o iA*k them, they will tell you I We poaltlvely guar ante# perfect flta. i>erfect restora- tion of nature* be*t work, full value and *atl*factlon to ever) pa (lent, or money cheerfully re- i funded. Our price* are eiceptlonally low for the high da** work which we do. Juat think of getting an eitra Iheiivy Oold Crown for »4. or one of lour famoua Never HI I p Plate* for i* r. * WE GIVE CAS my girl «tin in *h«ll I wfHr mil 4|Miii«lfr or liMrphi i«p him ami r«> \u25a0?Uln. ?? ll*U I* my flml »*?»» frtand M«t>ir I d< n't kniin liiim In trmt him hi4|i itf# nnil ttl-Hif, HOHKII M If you are aorry your Mend I* hurt and not jealous of the oth er girl. auk him to call and eiplaln your action to him or write a little note, eiplaltitng l>et htm know yon are not doing *o In order to take him from your chum, hut Juat for friendship* *ake If he want* to drop the other girl middenly and come hack to you. tell him It not n'ccmary. hut that you will accept an occa tonal Invitation fmm him g I am Mf hut U«.k only add liata alnatt Ittrd a «l»t I n nulla n hit nf pmpmrtf. nnd hnta Ke#« on a farm two yanm. I hnvo hnd A »rr? bnd rhnrftrtnr In tha pnnt. and hntr Kaaaa mnrrlad. Iml hava mad# na warn of aty hav- ing laaan ittnrriad ar naj Uf* I hnta gal Inn artrral IntHallMM f rami young tndlna to nl ta«d thrlr eanlM. Mrl»la. Miimalanifau, ft*., ut hat* urtrr attraM I h«*» always a?rUlrtl with ? <lff>f»ol tlM* W -hW »on a4*U* mm In gn. or 4a n* I hat a hern doing* ii %v A. ?If you have honeatly put your paat behind yon. and feel you can treat your new aaaoclatea aa you ahould, I ace no reaaon why yoti ahould not accept Invitations Regal Denial Offices Or. L. R- Clark, 0. D 8.. Manager, 1405 Third Av., N. W. Cor. Union Note: Hrlnic thin ad with yon. HOW YOU MAY THROW AWAY YOUR GLASSES The statement made ? that thousands wear eyeglasses who do not rettlv need thorn If you are one of these unfortunatea, then these glasses may be ruining your eyea Instead of helping them. Thou Hands alio wear these "windows may prove for thamaelves that they ran dispense with glaasea If they will get tha following prescription filled at ouce Oo to any active drug atore fnd get a liottle of Op tona; fill a two-ounce bottle alth water and drop In one Optona tab let With this harmless liquid so Intion bathe the e\es two or four times dally and you are likely to he astonished nt the results right from the start Many who have been told that they have astigmatism, ey«» strain, cataract, sore eye lids. weak i" ? i. conjunctivitis and other eye disorders, re[Mirt wonderful benefits from the use of this fri ?? prescrip- tion. Oet this prescription filled nud nae It; yon may so strengthen your eves that classes will not he necessary. Thousands who are blind or nearly bo, or who wear glasses would never have required them If they had cared for their eyes In time Save your eyes before It Is too late! Ho not become one of these victims of neglect. Eye glasses are only like crutches and every few years they must he changed lo fit the ever-Increasing weakened condition, so better nee If you can. like many others, get char, healthy, strong, magnetic eyes through the prescription here given.?Adv. If yon are not frw from your marriage tb-a. you are not In a po- altlon lo encourage the love of any woman, and will have to be careful not to can** sorroa- to any. Re frank with those who need It. but do not continually hold your past up At th<- aame time, do not load a double life In any way. til yi*n ill#**# ?ufgMi ? Rp|>r«i;irlslP nnnira far a Nnjs' «lnh* Tl»f mgf nt lb# In th» r+wh »ra fmm M IT. The nl»Je«t jmf Ibf rub I* B4bIHW-« and work In litera- ture Thanking yau In ad«M»en. I rrmain JIM A. A -You might combine the first two syllable* of "literature" and the last two of "athletlca," which will give you "l.lterletlc" or "Tha l.lterletlc Club" if ?f want vn I" >>** rw# torn* n i«i r mm fmm *r + Mplai Mlmvi \\ Itlrh d" I «*il think would b»al t«> rfii. marry m man that rin flif mr m hnmr and ha* Manner. and «* h»tn I il<» not rare for at all «r mirrr the .ne I lose tali* I* pwr Mtl rant fl»e me a home, nt pre«*nl, an« war* I hate half-way i»r«ml««l In ma erf the pnar nne In n >aar ar m I ?ritiild Mm he hupp* with the other one If I mam ln«i for a hame I nm 31 J a«r« old l*le»ae print thla ».H>n aa I am inin| aaai ?*l XXI.RII A. ?A* you My. J Oll eannof he hap|»> In maritime a nun for what he can give you. Why not haae your decision on that* If you urn healthy ind *lroni. I hp** no reason why you *houl<l not help the poor nutn the bom* There In no R9nnlbk rfinon why » girl should wit buck an<l wait for th«» man to provide everything GET TWO SUSPECTS Deputy Sheriff Tohn W Roberta ! arrested two suspects today In ron- Inecllon with ihe robbery of the gro- cery store of II S. Raymond at TVRrlen, Wednesday r.lght. A man entered the s tore at fi 45, command «>d Raymond to put up hla bands at the point of a gun. took $60 from the till and escaped CHARGE STORES SOLD ADULTERATED DRUGS Complaints were filed aßiilnat the I». P. Swift nnd Kartell l>ruK com- plin Ips by It. IV Conner today, charg liik the hhl« of adulterated drugs The cases will lie heard In Justice Brown's court on the afternoon of February 1.1. Don't Fuss With Mustard Piasters! Thero'ii no aenap In inlxlnK up n incHH of milliard, flour mid water «nil kcHliik ??very- thlnK nil inil*KP(l up when you can ao eaally rHlcvn iTuit jmln or aoreneaa nltli h llllli" clean. white MI'HTKIIOI.K from Sore Throat. flroncbltla. Toiinllltlf. Croup. Stiff Neck. Asth ma. Neuralgia. Headache, Conge* lion. I'leurlay, Itlieumutl»tn, Lum- bago. I'alha nnd Ache* of the Puck anil Joints, Sprains. Sore Muscles, Ilrulseg, Chilblains, Fronted Pert, Colds of the Chest (It prevents I'licumoulii > At your driisKlst'n, In 2.*>c unci fiOc |iirn. nml * special large hotpltal size for 92.50. Accept no hiilihl MI'RTKKOIjK In niiiilt' of purr oil of niiiHtiiril iiml oilier h«-l|ifiil InKtv dlcnlK combined In tin- form of 11 while ointment 11 liiUi'h tin' pliw t' of ihc out of ilnti l iniiHtiird |il;i(t<-f hnil will not hlioler! il L STKIU >I ,l\ Khi it lliutunt lelli-f lute. If your driiK kImI cttiiniit hlll>\ \oil. hcikl 25c or .">()<? to tlio MI'STKROI.K Company. Cleveland, Ohio, and "wo will mall you a Jar, pontage prepaid. (t>4) Minn ?' *»»r. Numf, Wanhinu Inn. |'a . *h\« ' tflilfe 11»? ?? 1 Miiuttruit Oil pfttUuU. and conata«i U Hut." 9 r KSTANI.IMIK.O ISTf. yH ac m MMMIM with JAMFJ McCRIXRY 4B» CO, Hmt Tart set-own a\ «?< nil nr ?"<"» »i>»n ? ? m Third Day of Our Annual 4-Day Clearance Tailored, Semi-Tailored and Novelty Suits in a Sale Special $ 13.75 Values From $20.00 to $35.00 Suit* of French Serge, poplin, epingle, ratine ami hairline -.tripe-* in the season's best styles. In the larger sizes there are the semi-fitted coats, skirts with inverted side, kick pleats and panel backs. In the smaller sizes may he found coats with the straight front and cutaway styles and are more on the straight lines. The skirts are the two and three-piece models. \u2666lO Tm Your choice in this -ale Second Floor. Walking Boots for Women Special $2.85 Odd lots and broken sizes in patent colt button Boot*, medium toe. Gunmetal«Calf Button or Lace Boots, Special $2.85 Round toe model, welted sole and medium Cuban heel. . . . High-cut Laced Boots of Box Calf, $2.85 Heavy sole* and medium heel, regular $5.00 values. Second Floor. Young Men's Suits Size* 33 to 36 Including the famou* Sampeck and Collegiate brands in the semi-English modeU of all-wool materials. $10.00 Suits for 66.65 $12.50 Suits for 68.95 $15.00 Suits f0r...610.85 $18.00 Suits for.. .913.50 $20.00 Suits $22.50 Suits for. ..$16.50 Third Floor. On the First Floor Hosiery up to 35c values, special 19*. Imported Hosiery up to $1.25 values. 50*. Boys' and Girls' Hosiery, special 15*. Silk Hom in black and colors; all sizes; special 85*. Silk Plated Hosiery. 25*. In black, white and tan; will wear better than silk. $3.00 Dr. Deimel's Linen Mesh Vests and Pants, special 91.50. $6 00 Dr. Deimel's Union Suits, $4.50.* , - 50c Union Suits, SO*. '*7 High neck and lonp «leeve styles. Up to $1.25 Children's Merino Pants, Special 39*. Up to $2.50 Part Wool Union Suits, $1.95. Pure Wool Vests and Pants for children, $1.00. Famous Dr. Jaeger's make, regular price up $2.45. I)r Jaeger's Children's Pure Wool Union Suits, $2. Gloves, full 16-button length white Glace Gloves, 91.H5. I ltc»r are otir regular $2.50 quality. Up to $1 50 Glace. Suede, washable Doeskin and Chamois Gloves, Oft*. I'p t<> SI 50 tilove* are included in this lot. Up to $1.25 regular length Gloves, 69f. Chamoisette and Wool Gloves, special 19*. For Men Underwear. Odd Garments in Gray Wool. 65c Mostly -i/ev Reg- ular SI 00 values, special 65*. Stationery Chipj>endale Fabric, an unusual value at, the box, 16*. Valentines Post Cards in a large se- lection, each, If. Ribbons Flowered Taffeta and Moire Ribbons, the yard. 25*. New Faille Ribbons in all colors, the yard, 4!m*. Imported Pari-ian Bou- tonniere*>. each, SI.SO. Neckwear New Neckwear? Collars, Fichus, etc., at just 1 i. lMeatings, made of lace, maline and net, tlie vard, 2r>r. Sample Neckwear, C lieni- i«ettes, Collars, etc . up to $2.1*1 values, each, ? ? Embroideries Hundreds of patterns, 18 inches wide, the vard, 2r*. 45-inch Voile Flounc- ing*, regular $1.00 values, Gs<». Notions \irlitc Collar Supports, the card, 6<*. King's Spool Cotton, white and black, the dozen S|MHl|s, If>«\ Hair Pin Cabinets, each, lOc. First Floor. MacOougall-Southwick Second Av. and Pikt St*

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Page 1: The Seattle Star (Seattle, Wash.) (Seattle, Wash.) 1914-02 ...€¦ · ller. hut la entirely harmleaa. pleaa-aot to uao, and economical Money promptly rofur.dM If yoo are not b»

Woodhouie A PUtt?USE YOUR CREDIT?422-424 Pike Street


Yon \mll find (hi- an opportune time (or looking into the Kange question. It itdoubtful it another chance will be presented -oon that will niriKurc up to the big\alue giving that tan now he < htamed here on our easy credit term- \nd remember,an absolute guarantee goe- with the purchase of every rangr, while the term* ofpayment will he made to suit any po.kethook At the same time, don't overlook-pet uN in the othei department- I'ho-c given below are'typical of what may hefound here every day in the year

QUICK MEALA lilih ir»Ui«, r ?Until* Nt«#l l(ang*,

ftmt »ronomlral to operatr,Umn rutt-proof i»<»it#iaf tt llnlrt*KtA*4*oiMly In nl« hrl Andwill *lv» \ *»?r» of p«rfr t antlßffII n from f1 C OAmum 4 13«UU

Alto In li mid »!»«?*


1% ;

THE EMPIREvll-««u>l. 14-Inch Kan** ?Ironclv

I ullt. Willi aaliMliia llnln« l-lgli. trlmmv.l in i»tok» burnl. tr! th#r * >M r.-at wllh !!»<? \u25a0 »" I.t><uch font fOQ ACSal* prl<-» #(Ji9W

Aim In 14 «n-1 fft-l h alu-a

THE PERFECT!9ta«l 14-Inch lUnx« with all«*a«t flu»« and ov»n prot* i«m|by ?ir>>ti« mat i»\*t?» ?«iult>t«*dwith ? ll«1ln* 'I«iti|>#r h*n«t

v trtinrn*! !? #QC OO#<I9<UUAlio In It ant) 19-In<h \u25a0!<?«


jj I I.. j

A Sale of Library TablesTha «>ak library Tatilaliluat rat*<l in th* fumad ordull *>>!d#n ttalai 51*4«-ln«h

; ; .r, $15.45Flna Quartered I\u25ba*K Library

. .

M Q C Af nl« »u> prt« ? V I OivU

Mailt! Oak Arta ami t'raf»«14hrtrr Table flnlahad

,op $10.50Quartered Oak Colonial Pat-tern IJbrtrv T.ihl# In a po'

MA C A40-i»'. t ?{» O ISfivU

Money-SavingSpecials in the

Rug Dept.Friday and Saturday "? nff*rr«(u:>r 111 Tapeatrr Bru**al*

Rum. »*IS I" at**. *»l*ndldjalltT with many pattern*

for iirlfftlon. fft O C\u25a0 \u25a0-« ?v'O*

»? I# All-wool Klb*r Rui« 9*»

i»» tomorrow * i.l (Csttur>lar *perlal #V* I »

IT O* All-wool Ftb*r Rhi*. «*»

?Ua. a»«cl»l (1,15tomorrow \u25a0 *»

ol SpecialQuality Prtnt Unolaum

In two different pattern*. In

tn? quantity you wlah. {ae-rially pr|. ed. per yard. 4$C

\u25a0 !*«» utrt chart* for laying?All work dona hy Kiperi«


IS "b Solid Oak Rnrfcer a* pictured. *adilir

\u25a0?at finl»hr<: In dull golden. MQCa a pedal at tffctUJ54.&0 Kitchen Quern, double f9 CCdrawer*, bin* and hoard* fviOJ$4 75 While Crib, with woven QCwire (prthn*. a apecial at ffciuvl11.Si lllih Chair, hardwood, with Qflntray. special at . 3Uw(3*l Knicllah Hreakfaat Table. PO QCfolding drop leaf ffc.UO


422-424 PIKE STREETTelephones?Private Exchange Elliott 3096

NEW YORK. Fob S.-Ttae Pa-cific rout la inrl>wte«l In the Itiner-

ary mapped oat for tx>rd and LadyDories on their Weaterti trip. Thoyare on their may to Denver In a

private car.

CATARRH VICTIMSBnr*!y m* Hyomet If* tho

right to-the-point remedy aot onlyfor catarrh, bat for head eolda.anirrea. bronchitis. larynaitla orcroup of children. Toa breath# It?no atomach doalng

Von will Ilka Hjroenal. It notonly glvea Instant and laatfog ro-ller. hut la entirely harmleaa. pleaa-aot to uao, and economical Moneypromptly rofur.dM If yoo are notb» r '\u25a0 fifed.

ta a combination of antl-a< t olla that mlzea with the air

an' 1 qiitekly r»ache« the Irritatedan'l Inflamed membrane of thedo*'- Ita aura and aafa healing he-»?!"« Immediately?you feel better

a' >nceIf <nifrerln« rrom watery «y»a,

\ ky rolca. dlacharge from thei one. or that ehoked-up fee'inp try

Uyomel now?today. All drugy *«I 1 It. A»k for the eoni!>lat)

? »' 00 »!*e

I SVvt. iRS II aad Krlftil. N:i<k »»*

t (MTONKK K.MTTISU (OI <:S t akoa at.. (nm#r Fifth A\

CITY NEWSIt la aaid Nlcholaa Nlckharzo

gilded nlrkela and then dlntribatedthem He waa nahlwd VV'etlneada)by federal authorltlea

? ? ?

Emit Hurja. a aophomor* of Ju-n»au. Alaska, baa teten appointedatudeat aeal'tant In the atate unl-v»r*lty printing office.

e ? eA concert will be given by the

Mth Infantry Band In the pout gymat Kort lji»ton Friday night.

? ? eCaot. W. H. Lalnaon. former firat

(.flier on the Atimtlc liner Kentand hero of the Wellman balloon

rrarue. 1* coming to Seattle aa comnander of the Hoyal Mall ateaniahlp Mrrlonethahlre

? ? a

The proafcutlng attorney'a officewill Investigate the rattenlnc andaale or hog* at the county atoekade

? ? ?

Cart Clapp, Ouvwamlah valleyrancher, wa* arretted VV<-dne«dn",<-liarg«»d with cruelty to animal*He didn't reed or *h»-lf<T hi* cow*orten enough.

HE IS SINKING\t rooo today th** condition of

fulaa RadelahMmar, th# merchantv. ho la In the ProflcJonrr honpltal.M«iff>»rlng from a ttrok* of paraly-aid. took a audden rhariK* for

I worao

The Hl|ipodrou>« >u crowded\V« dneadav night at the I're**club'* fifth annual hall JayThoiuaa copped the award for be-ing the p«mke*t <l*nnT on the floor

Money Savedby Making Your Cough

Syrup at Home

Takra Hnt a I>« Unrnvalß. aa«t"?«iw a Hurl « mifft* !\u25a0 a llwrrt

Cough tnadlclnaa. lift ft ruift rontalnit larg«- 'ju*rftty of plain » rup Ifyo'i tak* on# pint of iir«iiul«t^l?utar. and S l>int of wftrni w»tfami nilr about 2 mtnutaa you hav*aa g«*>d ayrup a* money rouW buy.

Ir you will than put 2 ?% ounraa ofPln#«* i T,O «#nl«» Worth t In a pintbolt la. and fill It up with thf HugnrHjrrup, you will hava aa much rough? vrnii Aft you could buy r#adv mad*f»r I: .?> Tak* a tca»p«»"of» avar*.on*, two or thrift hour* 11 kMp*parfactly

Vou will find It '»na of t»* b#»tavrtip* you avar uaad ivrn

tn whooping * '»«««h Ton . m faal itink« hold? uauallv ronqu#r« an or-dlnnry rough In 24 houra It In )uatlaifttlv* h*a ? arood tonl''? ff ? I. ft n.l ? e. fM«t« Ift pi»aaant

It Ift ft aplandld rtm*4y. too. forwhooping rough, rrou!>hoaraan#«a and bronchial aathma

Pln#X In a modi valuable # on« \u2666*

irati'<l compound if Norwaty.r.* attract. rich In gualiicol nt) Iothar hauling pin# «?!«?? nnta Nooti.rr pr»|iuriitlon **111 wo lie In fhlaformula

TlJn plan for niMkliigcough t**iad> with Pin** *ml Surar .«\u25a0». rup I*now ijhH In mnrt honcf than nnvo(htf COUffh rtUMdy Thla plan hafto(t#n l»#»n Imttatad. hut navar au<!i Mofully.

A ifuaranty of dhiftliit*jtlon. or niovtay promptly r#fun«l»»il,

I Knr* with fi? I* pr«p»rtllon Your

drugvlat haa Pin#* or *-111 *?»» nfor you If not. *rnd to Th# Pin***Co. Ft. Wnyn#, Ind.

*!000 Man a fnu* v

54.9511'» oo M n* a fflij*

» $1.50tZQ 00 M#n'a f»n<y

19.951iu 00 Man'a Mi|p on**

Raincoat a 14.95It.", oo Sllp-on» Hiik

if 7 icwaterproof IP I>HuI? Hwort Orr « ?? .

11.18I "0 Worn ~r n« _

It*"" Pant- (J C10# whit* l»#flI f i i)k > r Q 4 A*-hl#fa Of., r lUC76'- bin#- or RtH

OA,Mhlrta vdC

1&r HIark 1*I U

2ft r Wool Ho x.

\u25a0 I:<i 2, 25cif,.- Krmy Work C r

/,.>< 01 \ i"

BT: 12cK... one

PriceTfcf blark an\u2666«? «* n

39cti CtovtUcii. '

48 cI en v v F* I*« ? '? *1

I'filler- QQ/»w tftr v9l#I? fin .t*r ?a a Mhlria,wllli ?\u25a0lra r> i'ii'


ALL SELZ SHOES REDUCEDRemember, there are lote of other thlnge at thla atore for you tomorrow. Come

and aee for youreeft our Money-Savlug Bargalne.

Himelhoch Bros.625 First Avenue Foot of Cherry St.


TACOMA. Kelt t Mm BMII"Kowlay, who advertised her hah)

for miIt* when. »li<« alleged, her hu»

lirtiiil deacrteii her *om> tlino ago

mill wlin recently attempted\u25a0 td« at Hoqulum, I* in the city )»ll

on it charge of disturbing theI CUCO.

She was arrested on * warrant\u25a0worn t" ''y her husband.

Mr*. Hu» lev advertised nil®would sell her youngest child

Heverul persons offered to t«U«»the child, but when tt run" toparting with It, the woman de-clined

TRIES TO DIE;LANDS IN COURTlleaperate aft»r an enforced Idle

ne*a of tlyee month*, with a familyto cure for. Quit Loftqulst, 63, wn*

In police court thl* morning to »n*w«r to a charge of trjlng to killhlm»e|f

lie W*» found yenterdav afternoon at hi* home. Sl* Spruce *t .

nearly dead from asphyxiation lifter neighbor* broke In the bathroom window, where he had lockedhimself

\V (' Wlnalow, who rooms In the

attun hou*e, a*ld he wan asked h)IxiftqulKt'a wife to investigate, and,

with other men, found the man un-conscious

OURCOIDESTDAYThe weather man would promln*

uo let up of fold weather today

Continued cold I* predicted fotthe neat few da>*. with prospectsof the thermometer hitting a lower

mark.Today'a cold hroke all record*

for the preiM-nf winter, ihe mercury

dropping to 28 degree*


Pord and Herman rtuhr. convictedo( aecond d<T<i' murder In ronni i'

tlon with the riot lu the hop field*near Wheatland laal August. wereHcntenced to life Imprlaonuient Id

Pol nom prl»on today.


Hlmpson. *teeplejack, and MaudeParlor. I*. were married at the

anmmtt of the Kerry building cling

Ing to the flagpole, by the l(ev J

M Heady, on the topmoat corniceof the tower. Juat below them.

2,000 HEAR HIMIlefore in audience numbering

cloae to J.WO. I>r Onice GordonKlngaley. noted orgsnlat. and hi*aaalatant* grve a recital of Taralfal." In the auditorium of theFlrat Presbyterian church Wed tie*

day night

BUY YOURS YET?Com petition In the brick selling

campaign of the Y W <" A. to

raise fumls to furnish the newbuilding la growing *»rra<r Onlya very slight margiti separates thecontest an la. Charkilt" Kimball.Nln* t'hase and Vera Klndlay head(bp llal.


Willi* Ritchie *111 have lo be h

rnirh Ritchie before ha can whipMm

minr.i «iiii>»mI fnr RkH \u25a0


S»ra*a f Val Irlnd»


{he near J»fn.l» a

ar? now Inl lfth I l«w»r rnwfMn'a Hank Hldg

Veroail nl I*lke

BARGAINS »C>«lIn Used Machines J

N««r Ml'hlnH rentedWilli t M\t llivrrn

fl M Third (Nwr rib#> Mtlw 14*3

"DENNY-RENTON"All Clay Products1007 Hoge Bldg.


HIMELHOCH BROS.Mild, unaeaaonable weather and buaineaa condltlona combtnad hava made thla a dleaetroue yaar for marchanta In all line* of bu*i

neaa. After Invoicing, we find we are overatoeked with new heavy welghta. In Fall and Winter gooda. conalatlng of Men'e and Boy*'

Suite, Overcoat*, Bllpone, Furnlahlng Gooda, Hate and 8ho«*. Rather than carry them over until next aaa*on. we will aacrlflca the

whola atoftk to move the gooda. Coma and aee our many bargalne, where one dollar doea the work of two. Below we quote a few


C O Qil I?&ut nO A*I W «»?»I KMh l

1 CI KI inln wni r Vl>lII

II W«.ol Nll X«*d fiQ rU9 v

$ oO Mti# limwn hrid<?11%# run £4 OOrial Hlilrlp< * I?Uu12 00 lilai k and tnti

' ' 01 A9 11

| ltd i i ill h h ni.< ?<

hll k 11 ii (| I >J JI llali

l?row n and $1.39*i i "»

1...» h « r lullC»a#a alaal frantaa,




«| I |<llH| 11, |ll* ? »l *»IMillNf'4 parij fw la ~t Mi frl#«4«hfIHITH ill* ft Ml »M«,

\u25a0 nit n.Milil Ilk, in hmm m l**t §\u25a0!"«

Imilt! III* ||liiml »h4 «h»l fftiprt

IHHIU I mi,III wfip f hat »mtll N#Imilkmilip tHeuklna In*

111 I kA \ good game to enliven a

party la played like thl* Eachgueat I* given a pap* t bag containIng IS randy b<»its and lintrucledto aak three questions of eachliiembe** of the |iirt> ' If the oneque* tinned answer* hv Having

"Yon" or "No," he forfelta u h'artA prlie to th" otic having the moathearta at the end of 10 minute*

Another popular ami settsonehlegame la tho Progressive rro|Miaalparty Kvery man must proposeto every lady and her decisionreat i tt|io!i his iloqunnce If *e

cepted. ahe given him a heart Ifrefused. a aniHll mitten A al*Inch dleaned doll la given to thegentleman who wlna.

«lilliiii* or lobaf#»r «al»<t and rnfft*.

<| W» ara t«a |irti uf It, mm4m>o k»»!#?*»> i omiMnr Willi Iw* ml-?Il^r? >..« %tl»« W* KMild Ilk#In bn«« If II H rlflit |«» !? wllh aalillwi* «»um» folk« mi II !? *fHB| la|h allli illrui ja«t limb«m iNif lira

a*i<lt*r«Mf am botli rfipMlalilr, and r»-

? !»#-< Ir<| by nil frliwili .%? far ??

m 9 know Ik# !«)« arrHl I* h* llffllfi>hhl Uniting f«»r pnmr «a»aav, aa<JI liank lnfl >?»« »Hinrh

ik r r\ It In not the poult lon that

Diakrn tin- man. but the man theposition.

Aa long aa the hoys conductthemselves In a manly way, treatth- tit aa you would any other goodmen

A alii should slwaya he capableof protecting het»»lf, and. In herassociation with men ahoold never|tlm p heiHi-lf In a position of which»h« haa the leant doubt

There ar«' plenty of gt»od men Inall position*. and If a girl la notcapable of discerning, ahe ahouldnot accept their attention! out aWeher heme

You might t.erve heart-shapedsandwiches of pimento, cheene.

Successful EverywherePropir fVir)*h«r« are talking of

the ii V »nd fine reaulta *>«l«-\Kidney ruin give In backgcha,rhcum.'itUin kidney and bladdertr<> » Yuu cannot take themInto jimr \u25a0 ylitem without good r*

milt* Thai in tMfiimi*Kolay Kidnay Pill* Klve to tin* kldnev* and

hladdi'i Juat what nifure call* furto heal thc*e weakened and In-

active organa I l> Carroll Sacra-mento, Cat., * rlt»*i" It I* « pleaanr.- to recotnmend Mty Kidney

rilla. an they Juat worked wondersIn my cane" Tor ?»!« at KartellDrag store*

l*-ar Mine Orey Heading yourartlclia about the chicken* lu thecolumn this we<*k. I wlah to a*k:

Why Aoean'l the roonter *11 on theegg* while th>- chicken ifoea outfor a walk and food" I believethat If he doesn't do hi* duty Inthat l< Kpi-I t he ahould come underthe ls*y In liitttd law and he *entto the stockade JACK

t| | «ni j«i»t I? }*mrm old. umlh>atn irmlufipil from Vllfli wh*"l Ihut* nit iM»rrf«»«' prrnilMloii to gottllli tsova I hnta l»wi K«>lng *1111UN awful nW a h«f tnr Itsu month*MMdi llf hM takan in* In mnnr|»n Mlr? ? Bfl to (lIMiM

Th* ntlaa 4mj I M#l Ww nn «ha

?Irani \m I na« In ? hurry, I Juatt|M»li» lii tilm ll# thought | inaxntIt «\u25a0 a rurl nod and flint I IrwitMMm rmil Nut Im I* wrong for Imm In a great hnrrv nn«l thoughtlin nlno

OH. L. R. CLARK, 0. D. 8.


Who fear other ilenllal* ate aogently treated hare thev delight to

come again Our toothcraft l>e«u

tlflea the countenance. establishesgood maalicatlon and dlgeatlon. and

thu* enable* nature to overcome

nervous condition* a* well a* otherphralological condition*. andawarda u» the hearty recommenda-tion. not of one. but of all our pa-

tron* «»nr patl-ut* »re our frlendaWe are their friend* Our proof la.they all *ay *o iA*k them, they

will tell you I We poaltlvely guar

ante# perfect flta. i>erfect restora-

tion of nature* be*t work, fullvalue and *atl*factlon to ever) pa

(lent, or money cheerfully re-

i funded.Our price* are eiceptlonally low

for the high da** work which we

do. Juat think of getting an eitraIheiivy Oold Crown for »4. or one of

lour famoua Never HII p Plate* fori*r. *


my girl «tin in *h«ll I wfHr mil4|Miii«lfr or liMrphii«p him ami r«>

\u25a0?Uln. ?? ll*U I* my flml »*?»» frtandM«t>ir I d< n't kniin liiim In trmthim hi4|i itf# nnil ttl-Hif,


If you are aorry your MendI* hurt and not jealous of the other girl. auk him to call and eiplalnyour action to him or write a littlenote, eiplaltitng l>et htm knowyon are not doing *o In order totake him from your chum, hut Juatfor friendship* *ake

If he want* to drop the othergirl middenly and come hack toyou. tell him It l» not n'ccmary.

hut that you will accept an occatonal Invitation fmm him

g I am Mf hut U«.k only addliata alnatt Ittrd i« a «l»t I nnulla n hit nf pmpmrtf. nnd hntaKe#« on a farm two yanm.

I hnvo hnd A »rr? bnd rhnrftrtnrIn tha pnnt. and hntr Kaaaa mnrrlad.Iml hava mad# na warn of aty hav-ing laaan ittnrriad ar naj Uf*

I hnta galInn artrral IntHallMMf rami young tndlna to nlta«d thrlr

eanlM. Mrl»la. Miimalanifau, ft*.,ut hat* urtrr attraM I h«*»

always a?rUlrtl with ? <lff>f»oltlM* W -hW »on a4*U* mm In gn.or 4a n* I hat a hern doing*


A.?If you have honeatly putyour paat behind yon. and feel youcan treat your new aaaoclatea aayou ahould, I ace no reaaon whyyoti ahould not accept Invitations

Regal Denial OfficesOr. L. R- Clark, 0. D 8.. Manager,

1405 Third Av., N. W. Cor. UnionNote: Hrlnic thin ad with yon.

HOW YOU MAY THROWAWAY YOUR GLASSESThe statement t« made ? that

thousands wear eyeglasses who donot rettlv need thorn If you are

one of these unfortunatea, then

these glasses may be ruining your

eyea Instead of helping them. Thou

Hands alio wear these "windowsmay prove for thamaelves that they

ran dispense with glaasea If theywill get tha following prescriptionfilled at ouce Oo to any activedrug atore fnd get a liottle of Op

tona; fill a two-ounce bottle althwater and drop In one Optona tab

let With this harmless liquid soIntion bathe the e\es two or fourtimes dally and you are likely to heastonished nt the results right fromthe start Many who have been toldthat they have astigmatism, ey«»strain, cataract, sore eye lids. weaki" ? i. conjunctivitis and other eyedisorders, re[Mirt wonderful benefitsfrom the use of this fri ?? prescrip-tion. Oet this prescription fillednud nae It; yon may so strengthenyour eves that classes will not henecessary. Thousands who are blindor nearly bo, or who wear glasses

would never have required them Ifthey had cared for their eyes Intime Save your eyes before It Istoo late! Ho not become one ofthese victims of neglect. Eyeglasses are only like crutches andevery few years they must hechanged lo fit the ever-Increasingweakened condition, so better neeIf you can. like many others, getchar, healthy, strong, magneticeyes through the prescription heregiven.?Adv.

If yon are not frw from yourmarriage tb-a. you are not In a po-altlon lo encourage the love of anywoman, and will have to be carefulnot to can** sorroa- to any. Refrank with those who need It. butdo not continually hold your pastup At th<- aame time, do not loada double life In any way.

til yi*n ill#**# ?ufgMi ?

Rp|>r«i;irlslP nnnira far a Nnjs' «lnh*Tl»f mgf nt lb# In th» r+wh »rafmm M l« IT. The nl»Je«t jmf Ibfrub I* B4bIHW-« and work In litera-ture Thanking yau In ad«M»en. Irrmain JIM A.

A -You might combine the firsttwo syllable* of "literature" andthe last two of "athletlca," whichwill give you "l.lterletlc" or "Thal.lterletlc Club"

if?f want vn I" >>** rw# torn*

n i«i r mm fmm *r + Mplai Mlmvi\\ Itlrh d" I«*il think would b»al t«>

rfii. marry m man that rin flif mrm hnmr and ha* Manner. and «* h»tnI il<» not rare for at all «r mirrr I lose tali* I* pwr Mtl rant

fl»e me a home, nt pre«*nl, an« war*I hate half-way i»r«ml««l In ma erfthe pnar nne In n >aar ar m I?ritiild Mm he hupp* with the otherone If I mam ln«i for a hame Inm 31 J a«r« old l*le»ae print thla».H>n aa I am inin| aaai

?*l XXI.RIIA.?A* you My. J Oll eannof he

hap|»> In maritime a nun for whathe can give you. Why not haaeyour decision on that*

If you urn healthy ind *lroni. Ihp** no reason why you *houl<l nothelp the poor nutn the bom*There In no R9nnlbk rfinon why »

girl should wit buck an<l wait forth«» man to provide everything


Deputy Sheriff Tohn W Roberta! arrested two suspects today In ron-Inecllon with ihe robbery of the gro-cery store of II S. Raymond atTVRrlen, Wednesday r.lght. A manentered the s tore at fi 45, command«>d Raymond to put up hla bands atthe point of a gun. took $60 fromthe till and escaped


Complaints were filed aßiilnat theI». P. Swift nnd Kartell l>ruK com-plin Ips by It. IV Conner today, charg

liik the hhl« of adulterated drugs

The cases will lie heard In JusticeBrown's court on the afternoon ofFebruary 1.1.

Don't Fuss WithMustard Piasters!

Thero'ii no aenap In inlxlnK up nincHH of milliard, flour mid water

«nil kcHliik ??very-

thlnK nil inil*KP(l upwhen you can aoeaally rHlcvn iTuitjmln or aoreneaanltli h llllli" clean.white MI'HTKIIOI.K

from Sore Throat. flroncbltla.Toiinllltlf. Croup. Stiff Neck. Asthma. Neuralgia. Headache, Conge*lion. I'leurlay, Itlieumutl»tn, Lum-bago. I'alha nnd Ache* of the Puckanil Joints, Sprains. Sore Muscles,Ilrulseg, Chilblains, Fronted Pert,Colds of the Chest (It preventsI'licumoulii >

At your driisKlst'n,In 2.*>c unci fiOc |iirn.nml * special largehotpltal size for92.50.

Accept no hiilihl

MI'RTKKOIjKIn niiiilt' of purr oil

of niiiHtiiril iiml oilier h«-l|ifiil InKtvdlcnlK combined In tin- form of 11

while ointment 11 liiUi'htin' pliw t' of ihc out of ilnti l iniiHtiird|il;i(t<-f hnil will not hlioler!

ilL STKIU >I ,l\ Khi it lliutunt lelli-f

lute. If your driiKkImI cttiiniit hlll>\ \oil. hcikl 25c or.">()<? to tlio MI'STKROI.K Company.Cleveland, Ohio, and "wo will mallyou a Jar, pontage prepaid. (t>4)

Minn ?' *»»r. Numf, WanhinuInn. |'a . *h\« ' tflilfe 11»? ?? 1 Miiuttruit Oil

pfttUuU. and conata«i U Hut."



yHacm MMMIM with JAMFJ McCRIXRY 4B» CO, Hmt Tart

set-own a\ «?< nil nr ?"<"» »i>»n ? ? m

Third Day of Our Annual

4-Day Clearance

Tailored, Semi-Tailored and

Novelty Suits in a Sale

Special $ 13.75Values From $20.00 to $35.00

Suit* of French Serge, poplin, epingle,

ratine ami hairline -.tripe-* in the season's best styles.

In the larger sizes there are the semi-fitted coats, skirts

with inverted side, kick pleats and panel backs. In the

smaller sizes may he found coats with the straight front

and cutaway styles and are more on the straight lines.

The skirts are the two and three-piece models. \u2666lO TmYour choice in this -ale

Second Floor.

Walking Boots for WomenSpecial $2.85

Odd lots and broken sizes in patent colt buttonBoot*, medium toe.

Gunmetal«Calf Button or Lace Boots, Special $2.85

Round toe model, welted sole and medium Cubanheel.

. . .

High-cut Laced Boots of Box Calf, $2.85Heavy sole* and medium heel, regular $5.00 values.

Second Floor.

Young Men's SuitsSize* 33 to 36

Including the famou* Sampeck and Collegiate brandsin the semi-English modeU of all-wool materials.

$10.00 Suits for 66.65$12.50 Suits for 68.95$15.00 Suits f0r...610.85

$18.00 Suits for.. .913.50$20.00 Suits$22.50 Suits for. ..$16.50

Third Floor.

On the First FloorHosiery up to 35c values, special 19*.Imported Hosiery up to $1.25 values. 50*.Boys' and Girls' Hosiery, special 15*.Silk Hom in black and colors; all sizes; special 85*.Silk Plated Hosiery. 25*.In black, white and tan; will wear better than silk.

$3.00 Dr. Deimel's Linen Mesh Vests and Pants,special 91.50.

$6 00 Dr. Deimel's Union Suits, $4.50.* ,-

50c Union Suits, SO*. '*7High neck and lonp «leeve styles.

Up to $1.25 Children's Merino Pants, Special 39*.Up to $2.50 Part Wool Union Suits, $1.95.Pure Wool Vests and Pants for children, $1.00.Famous Dr. Jaeger's make, regular price up $2.45.I)r Jaeger's Children's Pure Wool Union Suits, $2.

Gloves, full 16-button length white Glace Gloves,

91.H5.I ltc»r are otir regular $2.50 quality.Up to $1 50 Glace. Suede, washable Doeskin and

Chamois Gloves, Oft*.I'p t<> SI 50 tilove* are included in this lot.Up to $1.25 regular length Gloves, 69f.Chamoisette and Wool Gloves, special 19*.

For MenUnderwear. Odd Garments

in Gray Wool. 65c

Mostly -i/ev Reg-ular SI 00 values, special65*.

StationeryChipj>endale Fabric, an

unusual value at, the box,16*.

ValentinesPost Cards in a large se-

lection, each, If.RibbonsFlowered Taffeta and

Moire Ribbons, the yard.25*.

New Faille Ribbons inall colors, the yard, 4!m*.

Imported Pari-ian Bou-tonniere*>. each, SI.SO.

NeckwearNew Neckwear? Collars,

Fichus, etc., at just 1 i.lMeatings, made of lace,

maline and net, tlie vard,2r>r.

Sample Neckwear, C lieni-i«ettes, Collars, etc . up to$2.1*1 values, each,

? ?

EmbroideriesHundreds of patterns, 18

inches wide, the vard,2r*.

45-inch Voile Flounc-ing*, regular $1.00 values,Gs<».

Notions\irlitc Collar Supports,

the card, 6<*.King's Spool Cotton,

white and black, the dozenS|MHl|s, If>«\

Hair Pin Cabinets, each,lOc.

First Floor.

MacOougall-Southwick Second Av. and Pikt St*