the seagull

The Sea-gull by Anton Chekhov The Director’s Cut

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Post on 06-Dec-2014




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The Seagull Powerpoint presentation


  • 1. The Sea-gull by Anton Chekhov The Directors Cut

2. Some notes about The Sea-Gull Written by Anton Chekhov in 1895 and first produced in 1896 It is considered one of four of Checkovs popular playwrights The opening night in October 1896, in St. Petersburg, Russia, was a well documented failure It then went on to become very popular and tour the Russian providences It was first translated to English in 1909 and performed at The Royalty Theatre The playwright is considered a comedy and centers around the love interests of four characters 3. Role of the Director To choose the script It must be one the director is drawn towards and feels a connection with Find the spine of the play Identify the primary objective of the scenes in the play Pick the style of production Determining the way the play will be presented Develop a directorial concept Can be based on time period, central image, or theme of the script Cast the play Finding actors that fit the roles of the characters personalities 4. The Script In this case, the work is done. I have chosen The Seagull. I understand the play and have personal experience with unrequited love. Knowing what it is like to love someone and not have it reciprocated is painstaking. And sometimes, being on the other end is just as bad. This plays dynamics demonstrates unrequited love perfectlyeven with ones own family. 5. The spine The main action I would focus on in the production is unrequited love: characters longing for the love of another character, who is in love with a different character. The actors will be directed to develop their characters around wanting what they cannot have. 6. Style of Production The style this play would be shot in would have a realism approach. Everyone can relate to love and relationships; more specifically, most people know what it is like to love someone and fear they do not feel the same. It will be important for the performers to emotionally connect with their characters. In turn, the audience will connect with the characters on an emotional level. 7. Directorial Concept The intention of this production would be to stick to the well-written script. Set in the late 1800s, the set and costume design will coincide. The time period adds to the wrongness and excitement of infidelity and promiscuity. The central image of the production will be a seagull. In Act I, Nina says she is drawn to the lake as if she were a seagull. In Act II, after shooting a seagull and giving it to Nina, Treplov tells her he will be dead one day like the seagull in her honor. The exact meaning will be left unclear and up to the audience to decide what it symbolizes. 8. Casting Casting comes from the phrase casting a mold. Appropriate casting can make or break a production. It is important to find performers that can make a character believable. With an unlimited budget, this play would be fun to cast. 9. Konstantin Gavrilovich Treplev Treplev is Arkadinas son, and longs for her love and acceptance. Masha is in love with him, but he is madly in love with Nina. Nina does not share his feelings. Treplov is filled with self-doubt and insecurity. Jesse Eisenburg would be a good fit. He has proven he can play a dynamic character, who is constantly inside his head. This would be a good chance to show his range as an actor. Also, his age and appearance would fit the role. 10. Irina Nikolayevna Arkadina Arkadina is a well-known Russian actress on the backend of her career. She is a self-absorbed woman who puts her desires before others. She is Trigorins lover, but he has affair with younger Nina. Julia Roberts is an excellent actress and would fit this role well. 11. Nina Mikhailovna Zarechnaya Nina is the young neighbor of the Sorin estate. She is an aspiring actress and the lover of Treplev. She has an affair with Trigorin and becomes pregnant. Jennifer Lawrence is a young actress could play the idealistic, romantic, and smart character of Nina. 12. Boris Alexeyevich Trigorin Trigorin is a renown Russian writer and lover of Arkadina. He feels he missed out on his youth, due to his obsession with writing, and justifies his affair with Nina. Leonardo DiCaprio is a phenomenal actor and can play nearly any role. 13. Sorin Sorin is Arkadinas sixty-yearold brother and uncle to Treplev. He is wise and very fond of his family. Jeff Bridges is an award winning actor and would suite this role perfectly.