the sanctuary candle will burn this week beginning june 7, in … · 2020-06-03 · the sanctuary...

The Sanctuary candle will burn this week beginning June 7, in memory of Elsbieta Zgorzelski , Thursday, June 11 8:20 am Mass † Beverly Willing req. Robert MarƟn 7:00 pm 12 Steps to Freedom: Gospel Room Friday, June 12 8:20 am Mass †Geraldine (Jeri) Kotz Doyle req. Doneth family 8:45 - 9:30 am Confessions 9:00 am-6:00 pm AdoraƟon –church Saturday, June 13 3:00 pm Confessions 5:00 pm Mass † Ray Anderson, 12th anniversary of death req. his family †/People of the Parish Sunday, June 14 8:30 am Mass † Barbara Grunewald req. Dan & Jeanne Fader 10:00 am Mass † Gerald AnƟor req. Dick and Judy Cramer 11:30 am Mass † Lee Johnson, req. Rob & Mary Guilbault Liturgy and Events Schedule for the Week IntenƟon for deceased / Special intenƟons Monday, June 8 8:20 am Mass † Brian Bigelow, 13th anniversary of death req. his family 8:45-9:30 am Confessions Tuesday, June 9 8:20 am Mass † Rudy Mora req. his daughters 8:45 am Novena: Church Wednesday, June 10 8:20 am Mass † AntoineƩe & Salvatore CosenƟno req. Rosalie Sciturro 6:00 pm Middle School Virtual Small Groups see youth ministry email for link 7:00 pm High School Virtual Small Groups see youth ministry email for link To get on the youth ministry email list, register at and click here to register.

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Page 1: The Sanctuary candle will burn this week beginning June 7, in … · 2020-06-03 · The Sanctuary candle will burn this week beginning June 7, ... Racism is always going to be an

The Sanctuary candle will burn this week beginning June 7, in memory of Elsbieta Zgorzelski 


Thursday, June 11 8:20 am Mass † Beverly Willing req. Robert

Mar n 7:00 pm 12 Steps to Freedom: Gospel Room

Friday, June 12 8:20 am Mass †Geraldine (Jeri) Kotz Doyle req.

Doneth family 8:45 - 9:30 am Confessions 9:00 am-6:00 pm Adora on –church

Saturday, June 13 3:00 pm Confessions 5:00 pm Mass † Ray Anderson, 12th anniversary

of death req. his family

†/◊ People of the Parish

Sunday, June 14 8:30 am Mass † Barbara Grunewald req. Dan &

Jeanne Fader

10:00 am Mass † Gerald An or req. Dick and Judy Cramer

11:30 am Mass † Lee Johnson, req. Rob & Mary Guilbault

Liturgy and Events Schedule for the Week

† Inten on for deceased / ◊ Special inten ons

Monday, June 8

8:20 am Mass † Brian Bigelow, 13th anniversary of death req. his family

8:45-9:30 am Confessions

Tuesday, June 9 8:20 am Mass † Rudy Mora req. his daughters 8:45 am Novena: Church

Wednesday, June 10 8:20 am Mass † Antoine e & Salvatore Cosen no

req. Rosalie Sciturro 6:00 pm Middle School Virtual Small Groups

see youth ministry email for link 7:00 pm High School Virtual Small Groups

see youth ministry email for link To get on the youth ministry email list, register at and click here to register.

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Whatever . . . from Fr. Robert

There is so much to talk about this week!

First, the death of George Floyd while in police custody, in such a horrific manner, can't help but make one sick. It reminds us that in all areas of life there are some who do not fulfill their responsibilities with honor and diligence. We know from the past decade that a very few priests and bishops have failed miserably. This is the same in the industrial, corporate, educational, law enforcement, military, political and all other segments of our society. Racism is always going to be an issue and it is not something we can ignore and pretend it will disappear. It is very natural to gravitate towards people who we identify with and you can bet the devil will find any weakness he can to drive us to sin. Just as some people are using this tragedy to Loot and Destroy (we know these are sinful actions), many more people are coming together to peacefully highlight this societal evil and individual evil, and demand changes. One way we do this is by thanking those who are honorable. There are many more law enforcement officers who strive for justice and serve with honor. Those few who don't have to be made to know that people won't put up with flagrant misuse of authority. I believe we are blest in our local community with honorable men and women doing their best to protect and serve.

Secondly, we began "public" Masses last weekend and we had an average of 50 people per Mass. I hope this number increases as people become more comfortable in weeks and months to come in venturing out. We are celebrating a lot of First Communions and Confirmations at Masses and it is uplifting to see the gratitude these fellow parishioners have for these sacraments. Thank you so much to our "Assembly Coordinators" for helping organize our efforts to bring people back to Mass (they are really committed to parishioner safety and access to the Sacred Mass!) Those who have resumed coming to Mass, thank you for your willingness to follow the rules on face masks and social distancing, to keep people safe and keep us from being shut down again. I believe if we take it seriously it will make more parishioners feel safe returning to Mass.

Lastly, our parish school staff is working hard on plans for the upcoming school year. There are so many rumors and reasonable uncertainty out there that I feel the need to tell you that it is my expectation that we will return to a somewhat normal 5 day school week. This may mean a number of accommodations to ensure health and safety of our school children. We will probably have to use more of our parish campus to allow for more "distancing" and more rigorous health and wellness screening (among many other adaptations) but we will do what we must. Our school staff wants this and most of our parents want this, so now we have to wait on our Diocesean Superintendent to tell us what we will be allowed to do.

Thank you all so much for holding me up in prayer over the past couple of weeks, most especially while I was in the hospital. I did not realize how sick I was until the ER doctors stressed their concern. I will admit that the first couple of days were scary knowing how low my oxygen saturation levels were and how badly I had pneumonia. I thank God that

I qualified for the Remdesivir drug. I am obviously no doctor or researcher but as they gave me a dose a day there was a progress in my health until I was well enough to be discharged. The doctors said it would likely reduce my hospital stay.

Many of you have reached out via text, email, phone call, and I have received so many cards. I cannot possibly respond to everyone but I want to assure you of my gratitude for thinking of me and praying for me. I am humbled by your graciousness and your outpouring of concern. Your prayers were certainly a source of strength for me. I hope to be praying with you at Masses sometime after June 2/3.

I do have one favor to ask of you. As sick as I was there were and are still so many sicker than me and so many have lost their lives. There was a young man in his late 20s on a ventilator while I was in the hospital. Please continue to pray for all those affected by this nasty virus - the patients, their families, their friends. Please also pray for our doctors, nurses, and caregivers whether or not they are working with Covid patients. I cannot praise my medical team at U of M enough for their knowledge, their kindness, their humor, and their compassion. Our caregivers deserve our prayers for all they do and all they have to put up with.

Thank you all again and know that I lift you all up in prayer as well. Our God is good all the time (even in the midst of suffering)! Stay Awesome and Be Loved!

Fr. Ryan (See page 8 for THE FAMILY FULLY ALIVE reflection)

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Focus on Ministry . . .

One of the Knights of Columbus fund-raisers that benefits our parish and school is the Nick French Memorial Golf Outing.

Nick was a graduate of St. John School, Powers High School and a member of St. John Church most of his life.

One thing most remembered about Nick is his height. By high school he stood at six foot five inches tall. The second thing would be his joyful smile and fun-loving nature that drew people to him.

The French family first arrived at St. John in 1988, when their three boys were mere youngsters. They recall that, during the early days, in order to help the kids remain focused at Mass, they sat on the aisle, near the front of the church, so all could see the altar. This was standard procedure every week at the 8:00 a.m. Mass for many years. Of course, the boys did not stay small, and during their adolescent growing spurts, Mom was embarrassed to hear whispers from the pew behind her “Oh, no, we’re behind ‘the wall’ again.” Realizing that at 5ft. 9 in. she was the shortest person in the family, the following week they began sitting further back.

Many of us long-timers here at St. John watched Nick and his two older brothers, Mike and Jon, grow from youngsters to young adults. Nick played basketball and football for the St. John Jets. He played soccer for Powers High School and worked, along with his brothers, at the family construction business. After graduation he continued to work for his dad and for Kerton Lumber Company in Holly, MI.

In 2010, Nick was working as a CNA at Genesys Hospital while attending school to become a respiratory therapist. It was during this time we were devastated to learn of his sudden death due to a motorcycle accident at the age of 26.

St. John Youth Group had previously held a fund-raiser, Golf Fore Faith, that Nick, his dad and other French family members, had previously golfed in to support their Summer Mission Trips. In 2011 the Frenches asked to

revive it. And so, “The Nick French Memorial Golf Outing” was born to honor the life and memory of an incredible young man.

A personal scripture verse, Proverbs 11:25, became Nick’s motto; “He who

refreshes others will be refreshed.” This inspired an essay contest for 6th, 7th and 8th grade St. John students. Each year the students are asked to write an essay based on their own choice of a scripture verse to apply to their lives. Proceeds from the golf outing provide the winning students scholarships to Nick’s Alma Maters. Funds are also designated for the St. John Youth Group.

Every year the Nick French Memorial Golf Outing has grown. Nick’s friends, family friends and relatives come from near, as well as across country, to

enjoy the competition, games, dinner and comradery. It has raised just under $40,000 over the past nine years, the funds divided between the scholarships and approximately $20,000 of it going toward Youth Group support.

Several years ago Bill joined the Knights of Columbus council here at St. John, serving as Grand Knight from 2016 to 2019. One of the focuses of the council is to offer support for our school. It seemed natural for the Knights to join forces with the French family to sponsor this event.

With the duration of Covid 19 restrictions uncertain, the possibility of the 2020 NFMGO was in question. Unfortunately, some local businesses who have faithfully sponsored the event are suffering financially due to closures. The golf course, Tyrone Hills, didn’t know if it would be open or not, and then, when open, what kind of restrictions would apply. Finally it was decided to reschedule the outing from June 19 to August 14.

In spite of the present situation, the Beat Goes On. Let’s keep the spirit and life of Nick strong and in our hearts.

We hope to see you on the course August 14th at the annual NFMGO to be refreshed!


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Welcome: Meghan Borgerding, Craig Hawley, Alecia Green, Pamela Matoska, Ashley Lark, Ryan Miller, Andrea

Mulligan, Leslie Reinke, Brent Morello, Tami Sizemore, Mary Jo Stilson, Sara Vazquez, Joshua Zygner

Vigil of Pentecost - Photo Credits go to: Marie Drewek and Ray Herpy Thank you!

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Coordinator Religious Education, Annie Kitching. . . . Youth & Young Adult Ministry, Alan Day



As we begin preparing for next year’s programming, with all of its new challenges and procedures, we are looking for outstanding people, such as yourself, to assist with planning and implementation.. If you enjoy working with people and/or mentoring others, your gifts and talents are needed here! Later this month we will be scheduling a strategic planning BBQ as an opportunity to reconnect, collaborate, and share the vision for youth and young adult ministry. If you are interested in attending this planning session and/or assisting in next year’s programming, even if you are not sure that you can commit, please reach out to me via email. My contact info in listed below. Pax Christi,

ALAN DAY (810) 373-0689

[email protected]

This weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity. In a sense this holy day is a kind of finale to all of the other celebrations we have had lately - East-er, the Ascension, Pentecost…. In the end it is God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit in whom we live and move and have our being.

Throughout time people have strained to articulate the Mystery of the Holy Trinity. But then, a mystery is something that can be understood….but never com-pletely understood. We grow in our ability to compre-hend. For the visual learners I have two illustrations that almost give me chills. One is beautiful and litur-gical and might be fitting at the beginning of a meal:

Have three candles (thee in one candelabra is even more perfect): light one candle and then, simultaneous-ly light the other two from the one, so that for a mo-ment all burn with one flame. What a beautiful image!

Here is my own image, homely and contemporary...but it gives me a thrill every time. Put an ice cube in a sealed plastic bag and place it in the microwave. As the ice cube melts it creates water, as the water begins to boil it creates steam and the bag will expand so you can see all three at once—ice, water and steam.


Please pray for these first Communicants and their families!

Noah and Jackson Bar-to Trey Earl Monica Kitching Mason Reinfelder Jacob Wojciechowski Harrison Carah Jemeson DeGaynor Genevieve Sutphen Gavin Kru lin Stephen O’Rourke John Tirrell Grace Hawley

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Social Ministries . . . .

In these difficult times, we forget that there are individuals and families that struggle everyday, all year, to provide for themselves and their families. The volunteers at St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry try to meet that need by providing nourishment to them and their children.

St. Vincent’s Pantry has been in operation for over 40 years and continues to provide food and personal items to approximately 65 families and individuals a month. However, because of the current situation, we are also providing groceries for anyone in our community that is in need; this is along with our regular clientele. In June and August, we have joined with area churches to help Fenton School District with their food program to feed 800 families. St. Vincent’s Pantry has offered to take 50 of these families.

Our volunteers have not waived in support of those in need and continue to perform their services. One of our disadvantages in dealing with Covid 19 is that we miss the one on one contact with families as we try to keep everyone safe through distancing. Our clients often need reassurance, someone to listen to them, or moral support, along with food provisions. There are times that tears are shed by both the clients and volunteers.

St. Vincent de Paul is able to provide assistance only because of the monetary and food donations of our parishioners. They make all we do possible.

We can get through these dark times if we remember Isaiah 58:10 “Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.”

“The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.”

Proverbs 22:9

St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry

“ God Winks”. . . .

Our Beautiful Church In our daily lives, we sometimes don't realize that a very small occurrence is really a little gift from God. We've seen many such loving messages from Him.

A worrisome eye condition turned out better than I anticipated, and I had to go to church immediately after. As I walked into the sanctuary, a brilliant light came through the large round stained glass window. It literally took my breath away.

Another time I was walking up the aisle, but I could not see the Tabernacle for the blinding white light shining on it. Was it an amazing sight or a play of lights?

One morning, I woke up at 5:00 a.m. to "How Great Thou Art" playing in my heart. It must have been sung by the angels I had read about the night before. Weeks later, it still plays in my heart.

On our daughter's dark, rainy wedding day, as she and her husband knelt in front of Mary's statue, rays of light suddenly shined directly on them through the stained glass windows. We were all in awe. What a special blessing from heaven on their marriage. Another time, God's whispered message came to us when our grandson shared a dream of angels who visited him when he was scared.

These are just little gifts, little miracles, from God that make my soul soar to be with Him in that instant.

Look for your little gifts from God, and know that He never leaves your side.

-a parishioner

I call this my “Holy Spirit Picture.” To me, it appears as if light is coming from beneath the tabernacle doors and shining on the altar like a dove.

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St. John School, An Education in Faith - Andrew Schmit, Principal

Now Enrolling

Preschool - 8th Grade for the 2020/2021

school year

Click on the Register Now button located on our

school website home page at:

FACEBOOK: @stjohnfenton

INSTAGRAM: @stjohnfenton

Why Choose St. John Catholic School? Ver cal alignment of math and language arts curricula.

Safe and secure campus.

A vibrant church and parent involved community.

Embedded community service/emphasis on social responsibility and growth mindset.

Data-driven instruc on u lizing NWEA MAP tes ng.

MNSAA Accredited with 100% cer fied staff mee ng ongoing professional development


Our Family


Your Family

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Nuts and Bolts . . . .

Our Parish Life Together . . . .

Tim Alger Jason Anderson David Barch Joann Bourdeau June Brancheau Amber Brundle Jennifer Cieleska John Cislo Pat Coscia Zoe Cossin Marlene Costello Bill Cowan Suzanne Davis Phyllis Davis Mary Dott Fr. Tim Dombrowski Lori Delecki

Judy Ewald Ed Farrell Lori Feamster-Ferguson Ken Gifford Lillian Green Aubrey Guilbault Patricia Hammar Ryan Hoffman Randal Hoover Rick Howd Katy Calabrese- Johnson Tom Jordan Peggy Keck Jackie Kepsel Judy Larzelere

Tom Lazar Larry Martin Kay Mattar Craig Morris Bill Nagy Robert Nowak Kathleen Page Adam Powell Deborah Prater Jerry Roberts Joyce Rolston Deborah Stroud Colette Turkowski Nina VanGilder Albert Vorachek Darlene Williams

Please Pray for our Sick and Homebound

Mission Statement: As disciples of Jesus Christ at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Parish, we are called to work for the salvation of all, sharing the Good News of God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness, while serving one another.

Monday: 1 Kgs 17:1-6; Ps 121:1bc-8; Mt 5:1-12

Tuesday: 1 Kgs 17:7-16; Ps 4:2-5, 7b-8; Mt 5:13-16

Wednesday: 1 Kgs 18:20-39; Ps 16:1b-2ab, 4, 5ab, 8, 11;

Mt 5:17-19

Thursday: Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Ps 65:10-13; Mt 5:20-26

Friday: 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16; Ps 27:7-9abc, 13-14;Mt 5:27-32

Saturday: 1 Kgs 19:19-21; Ps 16:1b-2a, 5, 7-10; Mt 5:33-37

Sunday: Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20;

1 Cor 10:16-17; Jn 6:51-58

We have had our second weekend of open masses this

weekend, it is so nice to see some of you back. Thank you

to everyone for following all the new procedures Fr. Robert

has had to put in place. Just to make everyone aware, the

doors to the church will be locked before mass, except on

Saturday. This is to ensure that all our assembly

coordinators are able to get things in place so we are

following all the proper guidelines. The doors on Sunday

will not open until the assembly coordinators prop open the

doors before the start of every mass. With confession taking

place on Saturday's before mass the automated door will be

open to use, but will lock at 5:00 pm when mass starts.

Thank you for your continued patience with all these new

procedures but most importantly..... WELCOME BACK!!!!

JUNE 7, 2020 GOSPEL: JOHN 3:16-18

God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him will not be condemned, but whoever does not believe has already been condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.


I was once listening to host Dean Hudson on the program

Church and Culture1. I could tell his guest was someone he

knew well because this guest mentioned how he enjoyed

seeing photos on social media of Dean and his son.

The conversation went something like this:

“I can tell you really love your son.”

“Oh, yes,” Dean responded.

His guest asked, “How do you love him? Would you say it is

a sacrificial love?”

“Oh, yes, I love him intensely. I would do anything for him.”

“Could you love everyone with that same intensity?”

(When he asked that question I felt myself freeze. I have

loved someone with my whole heart who was taken from

me, and that pain almost killed me. Dean’s response brought

tears to my eyes.)

Dean paused for a moment. Quietly, he said, “No. No, I

couldn’t. It would hurt too much.”

His guest responded, “Our God can. And He does.” –MMF

Scripture Alive . . .

This week I hope you can take a few moments to read together as a family John 15:13 and Romans 8:38-39.

1 Deal W. Hudson Host, Church & Culture, Ave Maria Radio Network

Readings for the Week . . . .

May 2020

Month to Date– May 3

Year to Date Year to Date - Last Year

Sunday/Holy Day - Actual $126,687.45 $1,452,707.57 $1,525,326.87

Budget $137,500.00 $1,512,500.00 $1,420,833.33

Difference ($10,812.55) ($59,792.43) $104,493.54

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the Domestic Church . . . . CCW- Council of Catholic Women News...

Hopefully we are now back to saying the

Rosary as a “masked” community before the

Saturday 5:00 p.m., 8:30 and 10:00 weekend

masses. If we are not able to reinstate our

weekend parish Rosary, please continue to pray the Glorious

Mysteries at home. Our intention will be for the sick and

homebound in our parish family, and for those affected by

covid 19: physically, economically, and emotionally. We’ll

pray that the Holy Spirit guide the scientific efforts for a

morally acceptable vaccine.

As always we include your personal intentions.

Weekend Rosary

I was able to attend Mass as we opened church again last

weekend. Fr. Robert worked hard with all the parish staff to

reopen Mass and keep us all safe. Some things are different

for a while, but nothing we all can't handle. Plenty of folks

on hand to help coordinate being safe. Our numbers were

small at 5:00 Saturday. Maybe 75 parishioners attended. It

was great to be back in church, celebrate Mass and

receive the Holy Eucharist. My thanks to all for making

this possible. "Be Not Afraid," to join us.

At this time we do not know when meetings, gatherings

and activities can begin again. No events are scheduled. I

know we are all anxious to get together and find out how we

all spent our time during lockdown for Covid. Make some

notes of your activities or routines and we can share them

when we get together. Take time to stay in touch with other

members, call a friend, check on a neighbor, say a prayer

for those suffering due the virus.

Please pray for a solution to the unrest and disorder so wide

spread in our country right now! All lives matter. Join me

in praying for a resolution to the Covid 19 virus and those

working hard to make a difference. Pray for our priests

working under difficult guidelines to reopen our churches.

Give thanks for the first responders, doctors, care gives and

soldiers all working for the common good and peace and

health for all. Don't forget to thank God for our faith and

the freedom to practice it, even if it means we watch Mass

instead of participating at church. When you are ready,

come back to church to celebrate together again. It just

takes time. Be safe! Blessings to all. Thank you Lord!

Sandy Tryles

Reprinted article from September 16, 2018:

At the heart of the Domestic Church is the sacrament of

Marriage. At a wedding I attended, one of the points the

priest discussed in his homily was the need to honor one

another. We vow to love and honor one another but we

really don’t talk about the “honor” part. He stated that

children will live the fourth commandment of Honor your

father and mother only when the parents honor each other.

They learn from us. Do we honor our spouse? How should

we honor him/her?

Let’s look at how we honor our Blessed Mother. Other

Christian denominations do not understand our devotion to

Blessed Mother. They think we idolize her. But we don’t

adore her, we honor her because of who she is. She is the

mother of God. We respect her, look to her for help, and

are grateful to her. That is how we honor her.

Blessed Mother is very deserving of this honor, so it is very

easy to begin each day looking to her with love and honor.

We, however, are not always so deserving. While we

cannot bear Christ into the world as Blessed Mother did,

we are called to bring Christ into our home and then out

into the world through our family. We bring Christ to light

within our home whenever we love and honor one another.

As the priest at the wedding said, it can be as easy as just

saying something kind to him/her every day.

We should honor our spouse because of who they are. They

are the one we have promised God that we will love and

honor forever ‘til death do us part. Perhaps if we would

have started from our first day of marriage to be intent on

respecting our partner (especially the fact that we are

different), asking for his/her help in becoming a better

person, and being grateful at the end of each day for this

sacred union which is the vocation we have chosen for our

path to holiness, honoring one another would seem the

natural thing to do. Congratulations to those couples who

have honored one another every day. For those of us who

have not, we can begin today. If we want a good marriage,

we must be intentional about it. It

must be our priority. Let’s start by

honoring our spouse today! Call upon

our Blessed Mother for help.

Linda Tedrick

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St. John the Evangelist Catholic Parish

600 North Adelaide Street Fenton, Michigan 48430

Phone: 810-629-2251 Fax: 810-629-2302


Clergy REV. ROBERT COPELAND, Pastor: 810-629-2251 ([email protected]) REV. RYAN RILEY, Associate Pastor: ([email protected]) DEACON DAN MEDICH JR, Director of Formation : 810-373-0685 ([email protected]) DEACON RICH STOOLMAKER, Permanent Deacon [email protected]

Parish Ministry Staff SISTER MARY ANN MCCARRON CSJ, Pastoral Associate: 810-373-0692 FREEMAN TUCKER, Director of Liturgy and Music Ministry: 810-373-0688 ([email protected]) SANDY SHAKER,Pastoral Associate/ Wedding Coordinator: 810-373-0711 ([email protected])

ALAN DAY, Young Adult & Youth Ministry: 810-373-0689 ([email protected]) ANNIE KITCHING, Religious Education Coordinator: ([email protected])

Parish Office Staff: 810-629-2251 SHAUNA MEYERS, Operations Manager: ([email protected]) MELANIE FRENCH, Parish Secretary, bulletin: ([email protected]) 810-373-0686 BECKY BROWN, Parish Secretary, cemetery: ([email protected]) CAROL BECK, Finance Assistant: ([email protected]) MANDY LUPU, Formation Secretary: ([email protected] )

St. John School: 810-629-6551 WWW.STJOHNFENTON.COM ANDREW SCHMIT, Principal ([email protected])

ANGIE HAISS, Office Manager: ([email protected])

CARLY STONEHOUSE, School Secretary: ([email protected])

Educational Foundation /Legacy: BARB WALSTROM/RACHEL PEABODY: 248-250-2036

Baptism Baptism Preparation classes are scheduled the last weekend of the month. Parents should call as soon as possible after their child is born to register for this class at 810-629-2251.

Marriage Please contact Sandy Shaker 810-373-0711 at least nine months prior to wedding date, if possible.

Anointing of the Sick This sacrament offers the Lord’s healing strength and peace to anyone who is seriously or chronically ill or hospitalized. Please call the parish office if you wish to have someone receive this sacrament.

Rite of Christian Initiation RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation) is for anyone interested in joining the Catholic Church or for any adult who has not received the Sacraments of Confirmation or Eucharist. Please call 810-629-2251.

Facilities PARISH OFFICE—810-629-2251 ST. JOHN SCHOOL—810-629-6551 RFP OFFICE—810-629-1850 OUTREACH OFFICE—810-629-1817 ACTIVITY CENTER—810-629-3560 ST. JOHN KNIGHTS HALL—810-373-0694


Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00 p.m.,

Sunday: 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 11:30 am., & 5:00 p.m.

Daily Mass

Monday-Friday: 8:20 am & Wed. 6:30 pm First Saturday of the month: 8:20 a.m.

Holy Days: See Parish Bulletin or website

Confession Saturdays: 3:00 p.m.— 4:30 p.m.

Monday & Friday following 8:20 a.m. Mass Wednesday 5:30 p.m.—6:20 p.m.

Adoration: each Friday 9:00 a.m.—8:00 p.m.

In the church cry-room

Temporary schedule while the “Shelter in Place”




SUNDAY: 10:00 am



8:45 am—9:30 am

SATURDAY: 3:00 pm—4:00 pm

Confessions are in the Cry Room

Public Masses resumed with limited seating beginning May 30

Sat.: 5pm, Sunday: 8:30am, 10 am & 11:30am

There will be NO Sunday 5pm Mass until further notice

Page 11: The Sanctuary candle will burn this week beginning June 7, in … · 2020-06-03 · The Sanctuary candle will burn this week beginning June 7, ... Racism is always going to be an

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Page 12: The Sanctuary candle will burn this week beginning June 7, in … · 2020-06-03 · The Sanctuary candle will burn this week beginning June 7, ... Racism is always going to be an

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