the saint paul globe (saint paul, minn.) 1904-07-02 [p 2] · the safe of the money box, getting...

2 NEWS OF THE CITY Municipal Court Takes in $2,604 Municipal court receipts during June amounted to $2,604, of which $2,499 was collected in fines. Will Make Cheese at Wadena— The Blue Grass Cheese Factory of Waden,a filed articles of incorporation yester- day. The authorized capital stock of the company is $1,000. Accused of Illegal "Smoking"—War- rants charging a violation of the smoke nuisance ordinance were issued yes- terday against H. W. Costello, a Great Western fireman, and F. G. Ratlee, an Omaha fireman. Did Not Appear Against Him—Mag- gie White, the woman whom Al Reed, colored, was alleged to have attacked with a razor, failed to appear in the police court yesterday, and the case against Reed was dismissed. Insurance Company Sues Agents— Moriarty & Garlough have been sued for $338.69 by the A- ?hor Fire Insurance i-ompany, plaintiffs, alleging that the amount is due from the defendants as » gents. Over 50,000 Patronize Public Baths— The June report for the Harriet island public baths shows that 58,737 persons patronized the baths during the month, of which 50,667 were males and 8,070 females. The receipts from all sources were $2,637. Accused of Making Trouble on Car— George Williair.s, E. G. Summers and William Kgan, accused of having caus- ed a disturbance on an East Seventh street tar, were arraigned before Judge Hine in the police court yesterday and held for trial today. Thresher Company Held Blameless —A verdict for the defendants was yesterday ordered by Judge Morris in the United States cr irt in the $8,000 damage case of Charles O. Johnson against the Northwestern Thresher company, of Stillwater. Johnson lost an eye while operating an emery wheel. Pay City Employes Today—For the first time in some years the city em- ployes will today have a Saturday pay day, the policemen, teachers, firemen and other employes being given their money before the Fourth. Both sides of the city council met yesterday aft- \u2666•l noon and passed the pay roll to make this possible. Capt. Parmerter on Leave of Ab- sence Capt. Almon L. \u25a0 Parmerter, quartermaster of the Twenty-first in- fantry. Fort Snelling, left for New York yesterday, on a two-months' leave of absence. His duties at the fort, un- til he returns, win be -performed by Second Lieutenant A. J. Lindsay, quar- termaster of the Second battalion of the Twenty-first. Clark Property Sold to Foley for 155,000—The .-,. deed .transferring th«> Francis B.; Clark. property on Summit ave.nue--*to Thpm&s Foley was. iilgd at the office of the register of deeds yes- , terday. The transfer is of three lots, and.the purchase price named $55,- --000. The Clark property is on the south, side of Summit avenue, lying between the Wilder tind Hill prop- erties. '" -~-\f ~~~~. *~ "T "'• \u25a0..\u25a0;"•; ** ;_• " crusheolFdeath George Hilfritch Run Over In South St. Paul George Hilfritch, a dairyman, resld- /ng at Concord and Annapolis streets, was run over in the Chicago Great Western freight yards at South St. Paul yesterday morning by a freight oar and died soon after. He was brought to St. Paul on a switch engine but expired two minutes after reaching State street station at 10:30" o'clock. Hilfritch who was gathering screen- ings among the freight cars in the yards, is thought to have been under a. car when it started, crushing his l^gs. He was discovered by a member of the crew and was carried to the switch engine. John Cease, 198 Eaton street, the foreman, ordered the man taken immediately to St. Paul and re- moved to St. Josephs hospital The ambulance was called from South St Paul.- but the race with death was lost. 1 he body was removed to Hurley & Tierney's undertaiking rooms, South Robert street, after Coroner A. W ?n e K h^L viewed "• The funeral will be held Monday. Hilfritch was party-nine years old and was born in vrermany. He is survived by his wife St Pa" c daughter, Mrs. Prescott, of WATER BOARD WILL CONDEMN 70 ACRES Cannot Agree With Owners as to Price of Land Near Vadnais The board of water commissioners 'yesterday formally instructed the cor- poration attorney to bring condemna- tion proceedings against seventy acres of land m the vicinity of Vadnais lake The board has purchased about 250 acres of land in the same vicinity from the owners direct, but could not agree pany at $5.29 per hundred pounds a^d August Lundgren was given the con- n a, Ct Paint the fenSe around tEe Dale street reservoir for $124. ENTERTAIN THE LUND UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Reception and Banquet Tendered to' Singers a^ Commercial Club The Lund university students who Save a concert at the Peoples church last night were entertained at the Commercial club yesterday afternoon »>> the- Swedish citizens of St. Paul A reception was held in the club par- lors at 5 o'clock, following which a dinner was served in the big banquet hall. About 200 representative Swedish citizens were present. Speeches were made by Barndt An- derson,' editor of the Minnesota Stat .nlmnKT, Swedish Consul Hobe and Prof. Stubb, of Minneapolis. Cases Submitted on Briefs In the state supreme court yesterday two \u0084cases > were !; submitted £ on i; briefs^" estate of Ferdinand i Stellmacher, appel- lant,•. vs. : Charles Bruder as administrator, etc , respondent, and; Lawrence King, ap- SS3£,r COe CommiSßion Company, re- LETTERS MAY SOLVE MYSTERY Coroner's Inquest in Case of Ruth Teachout Takes Place This Morning Two letters now figure in the mystery which surrounds the death of Miss Ruth Teachout, the Minneapolis girl whose body was taken from the river last Tuesday night near the St. Paul boom. When the contents of these are known the cloud surrounding her mysterious trip to the spot below the falls and the scene which ensued may be partially lifted. The letter- which Ruth wrote at the business college the last morning she was seen alive was addressed some man in Battle Creek, .Mich. This much has been ascertained from statements made by Miss Cora A. Halverson, the girl who sat be- side Miss Teachout Saturday morning at the college, and who lives at Pleasant avenue. What the man's name was the girl does not know, but messages have been sent to two sisters and a brother of the dead girl in Battle Creek and the police are anxiously awaiting a reply from them. The police do not believe in the suicide theory, and think that the letter con- tained something about the picnic which she expected to enjoy on the reservation, and disclosed her escort's name. .- ' Letter; to Ruth's ; Parents , W.'\u25a0 ; The other letter may be of even greater importance' in unraveling the mystery. , It was addressee to the parents of : the ! dead ; girl and was received yesterday. Although all\u25a0: members of : the family, were closely questioned in regard to the letter, nothing definite . could be : learned 5 but from : a , re- ' mark dropped by Eva Teachout, the sis- ter of Ruth, it is believed that the letter came from Battle Creek and that its con-, tents bear on the case. _- "_: . - The .Teachout family continue to; main- tain ; reticence \u25a0 regarding .the case. •. Such statements as the. different members have already made differ. .. ':.- r :l Photographs of Ruth were taken to the reservation and Mtnnehaha" Falls park yes- terday by * the officers, but .further than : the man found in the park the day before and . the man Bergstrom, no one - has been found "who can \u25a0 remember seeing ? the v girl on Saturday afternoon." ; .~; •- -"\u25a0\u25a0?.".-'.'\u25a0\u25a0 . > i A few relatives attended the funeral of i the girl at Prescott. Wis., yesterday. Mem- bers 'of the family; returned last . night and will attend the inquest this morning.-. '. Ch^f of Police 'Conroyeaid he had been .tina^? •to find: any motive ' for murdering the girl. .. ',T y •".-. ;.r'.- •'---:•\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0..\u25a0.\u25a0,--.-.- '-£tj \u0084\u25a0- "If she was murdered.*' . said Mr. Con- roy, "it must have been by tramps; along the river. There is no apparent reason why- anyone * sTiouTd^wish Sto murder 9 her, but I can Understand how she might have " been the victim criminal; assault - and" :: her body,,thrown jto the river to hide the evidence agaihst the assailants." ,- "-/.; ':> oner.Mjller, will hold the inquest at ' the Ramsey county-morgue this morning -atj.'J/ 1 o'clock. -: Eight persons have been 1 subpoenaed by Deputy' Sheriff Hardick, but it is not likely that the investigatipn will be concluded,; and :ah 'adjournemnt Will .probably be taken after the .testimony-i is heard. . "'•'"••+:\u25a0>j^?'^ ;>-^r--i- ->•-'•' '\u25a0"?\u25a0-• V ' The witnesses called include H. N. Teaeliout, *i ; father: Thomas: ••'\u25a0: Teachout, grandfather, and; Era, sister of the : mur- dered » girl;-.-.'John.'Nordstroni^and'- Oscar Mo*tenson> the young men who found her and -handkerchief below Minne- halfe. Falls; John \Bergstr#m, who claims to have seen Miss" Teachout in the park; Detective Howard, of Minneapolis, and H. D. Davis, a Minneapolis newspaper man- LOQTS SALOON SAFE Thug Holds lip Bartender and Suspects Are Arrested Jim Abbotts, bartender at O. P. Clem- ents' saloon, Eighth and Sibley streets, was held up by a lone highwayman at 2 o'clock yesterday morning. The robber located a hidden cash^ drawer and looted the safe of the money box, getting away with $150. The police yesterday Arrested Charles McElway and Mike Adams, who, they de- clare, planned the holdup and employed the footpad to do the work. The police have learned the identity of the robber and are now searching for him. According to the police, McElway, a no- torious crook, and Mike Adams, a St. Paul bartender, visited Clements' saloon shortly after midnight, ostensibly to see whether the coast was; clear. Immedi- ately after they went out, leaving the bar- tender alone, the robber, with revolver in hand, appeared and ordered Abbotts to turn over the cash. Abbotts refused to do so and the thug then helped himself. He drew out the money box from the safe, emptying the contents in his pocket, and then went to a drawer in which $20 in change was usually kept. Abbotts had selected a dif- ferent drawer for that purpose yesterday morning, and after a little search the rob- ber found the cash in another drawer. The police suspected Adams, formerly employed af the saloon, ard McElway, who came to St. Paul last night to join him. Two women with whom they room over the saloon were also arrested. SNEAK THIEVES PLY VOCATION WITH SKILL Steal Money From Numerous Resi- dences on the German Road Persons residing on the German road have complained to the police that they have been robbed of sums of money, ranging from $3.50 to $40, during trie past week. It is supposed that sneak thieves have been operating in the vi- cinity. They have worked cleverly, en- tering the houses when no one was watching and taking nothing but cash. Complaints were made by Mrs. Carl Paul, Mrs. Nels Hanson, Mrs. Tillie Monthaler and Mrs. George Hyman. Acker Post to Attend Service A patriotic to be held at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening at the First Christian church, Nelson and Farrington avenues, will be attended by Acker post, G. A. R., on invitation of Rev. A: D. Harmon, pastor of the churclr. Members of both Acker and Garfle^d posts will as- semble at Dayton and Virginia avenues at 1:30 o clock and march to the church Cabinet Member Falls in Duel LOND9N, July I.—The Central News has received a dispatch from Athens SalV? that M- Stais- tne minister of public instruction, has been kUled in a duel by Hadji Petros, a member of the chamber of deputies. Peace Promised in Tibet GYANTSE, Tibet, July ].—The gen- eral impression here is that a satisfac- tory settlement will be reached between \u25a0the British and Tibetan governments without further military, operations. LIAU-YANG, July I.—Gen Kuropatkin with reinforcements, personally moved toward Dalin pass, whereupon the pass was evacuated by the Japanese and re- occupied by the Russian*. Evacuate Dalin Pass HOLDS COMBINATION IS NOT ILLEGAL Supreme Court Decides Gas Company Can Sell By-Prod- uctstoOnly One Concern According to a decision filed by the supreme court yesterday the St. Paul Gas Light company has a perfect right to sell its entire output of coke to the Youghiogheny & Lehigh Coal" com- pany, to the exclusion of all other would-be purchasers. The case came before the supreme court on the appeal of Charles J. Ber- ryhill, from the decision of the Ram- sey county district court in his ac- tion against the gas company and the coal company already mentioned. The ruling of the district court is affirmed. The supreme court decided that by- products of any concern are not sub- ject to the "unlawful combination" laws of Minnesota that might apply to the principal products of the same concern. The decision was written by Justice Brown and the syllabus is as follows: Defendant gag light company is a cor- poration engaged in the business of manu- facturing gas for use by the citizens of St. Paul. The gas is manufactured from soft coal, and one of the residual pro- ducts thereof is coke, which the company- accumulates in large quantities. It is not engaged in buying, selling or dealing in coke or other like fuel. It entered into a contract with defendant coal company by which it agreed to sell and deliver to that company all its accumulations of coke, and specially agreed not to sell or dispose of the same, or any part of it, to any other person or company. It is held that as the coke accumulated' by the gas light company is a mere inci- dent, a by-product, resulting from the conduct of its principal business, the agreement to sell its entire output to defendant coal company was not ah un- lawful combination nor a violation of any law of the state. Order affirmed. .'.-\u25a0 .That; the directors •: of'a ; mutual s in- surance I company | have "a right to ; limit -the payment ; of: dividends -to such pol -' icy holders -as have paid j' their ; annual premiums .t was ?. decided :i yesterday •"'\u25a0 by the Minnesota supreme court.. This decison, written by Justice Lewis; af- firmed : the order, of the H^nnepin county / district court denying- ""a.*: new trial : to the plaintiff. ' : \u25a0-;- ':l::'fl;<. < i : The question , came Up through ;an endeavor on the part of Mary J. Petrie; of - Minneapolis;vl to recover » from:: the Mutual Benefit fLife Insurance Com- pany .of : j New .. Jersey ~; $2,500 -as the amount of a policy which her husband had been carrying since March. 18, .: 1901,' he i failed Ito pay the annual premium *of ; $65 ;: due ; that {day. Five months j later: he dted, before the pre- mium had been paid. ..>;.u ./t; ; } ; '. His iwidow contended :' that his policy ' should haye -been credited ' with a. divi- dend : declared by the company dfrfect-;,. ors ; in January, 1 1901, and - that such : credit would have carried the policy beyond the *' date \u25a0 of \u25a0 his death. $fgs&S | Both courts t held, however, ; that this dividend was payable only to ; policy. ho.ld.ers that : had paid their anitual pre* miums; tfrat this limitation "waa within the authority of the directors, ami that, lacking cash ; surrender valufe^of «uf-| :ficient •; amount, the Petrie r policy" "had already lapsed when Mr. Petrie died. -;; "Eight-. other decision's '•\u25a0 were^announc-| ed, as follows:. ;' \u25a0 '" ..:" ' f Amy -M. - Brookhouse, " appellant, V* vs. Frances ;- J. :\u25a0: Pray et - al., respondents.' Judgment affirmed. - \u25a0 •;. •\u25a0•: —Douglas, J. ; Widow's Claim Not Allowed Another Widow Loses The appellant sued to recover $5,000; willed to her husband by his uncle,. Samuel F. Pray, of Minneapolis, in August, 1896, with the provision that, in case any of the devisees under the will died before payment was made to them, and did not leave children or grandchildren, the bequest should be paid to the testator's wife, Frances J. Pray. Mr. Brookhouse was dead when the will was made, although Mr. Pray was not aware of the fact. The two chil- dren of Mr. Brookhouse died later without leaving heirs. Held that, in accordance with the evident intent of the testator to leave his estate either to his wife or to his blood relatives, the bequest should be paid, not to his nephew's wife, the ap- pellant, but to Mrs. Pray. The judgment of the lower court in favor of Mrs. Pray was therefore af- firmed. Must Try This Case Again Bertha Steindorff, as administratrix of the estate of Albert E. Steindorff. de- ceased, appellant, vs. St. Paul Gas Light Co.. respondent. Order reversed and new trial granted. —Start, C. J. Steindorff. was killed by a shock from an insulated electric wire strung by the gas company close to the roof where he was working. The trial court, which directed a verdict for the de- fendant, held to have erred, inasmuch as the questions so decided by the court were questions of fact —contribu- tory negligence, etc. —and should have been decided by the jury. Louis Ellington, as administrator of the estate of Fred Nieman, deceased, vs. the Great Northern Railway Co., appel- lant. ' Order affirmed. —Start, C. J. Action to recover damages for death of Nieman, a fireman, killed by fall- ing from a preat Northern engine in Polk county. Locomotive held to be defective and contributory negligence not shown. The City of Winona. respondent, vs. M. S. Jackson et al.. defendants, Fidelity and Deposit Co., of Maryland, appellant. The City of Winona. appellant, vs. M. S. Jackson et al., defendants, Fidelity and Deposit Co.. of Maryland, respondent. Judgment affirmed in both cases. —Brown, J. Stephen Bull et al.. respondents, vs. Horace S. Rich, appellant, and Stephen Bull et al., respondents, vs. Silas B. Foot, appellant. Order affirmed. Stephen Bull, Henrietta C. Fuller et al., appellants, vs. Horace S. Rich, respond- ent and Stephen Bull, Henrietta C. Fuller et al.. appellants, vs. Silas B. Foot, re- spondent. Order affirmed. —Lewis. J. Mary Ann Hughes, appellant, vs. Ed- ward F. Mullaney and Mary Mullaney, his wife, respondents. Judgment modi- fied. . —Lewis, J. SAINTS ARE IN SHAPE TO MEET SHAMROCKS Local Lacrosse Team Expects to Push Western Champions to the Limit The premier exponents of lacrosse in Western Canada, the Shamrocks, of Win- nipeg, will cross sticks with the Saints at Lexington park tomorrow aft-ernoon. The Saints have been unflagging in their practice the last two weeks and are determined to give the Northerners the game of their lives. McMullen, who was a member of last year's Winnipegs, has" become a resident of, St. Paul and will be on the tiring line. 'He will prob- ably play inside home. Raymond will again be seen at point and President Mur- phy will be back on the defense. The balance of the team will be about as before. Oehme will again be played at center with Seller and Mossop on the defense side and Allen and Elliott on the home. Capt. Brown is hopeful of victory or at the least a very close game. The Shamrocks are bringing with them eighteen men out of which to select their twelve. SWEDISH STUDENTS HIVE FINE CONCERT Chorus From Lund University Delights Immense Audience at People's Church Not since it was "rebuilt has the Peo- ple's church held so large an audience as that which assembled in it fast night to greet the student chorus of the University of Lund, Sweden. Every seat was occu- pied and the many who -were enable to obtain seats sat on the stairs in the gal- lary or crowded about the different en- trances to the auditorium. The chorus more than deserved the greeting it received from this immense audience which was made up largely of the singers' countrymen. Vocally, it is splendidly equipped, and the superior training it revealed made it difficult to be- lieve that the members are college men and have been singing together only since their university course began. The reception they received last night appeared 19 inspire them, for they sang their beautiful Swedish songs with a pas-, sionate fervor that must have brought before the eyes of many forgotten scenes m the well beloved fatherland. Over the stage hung last night the American flag and on one side of it hung the flag of Norway, and on the other side the. flag of Sweden. An im- mense horseshoe of red and white flow- ers was a conspicuous ornament on the rostrum. > Chorus Is Most Expressive The student chorus of the Lund uni- versity is exceptionally well balanced, full volumed and very melodious, but its most noticeablecharm is its expressive- ness. It is able to voice the finest shades of expression. In pianissimo passages, the voices soften a*id i blend until a single voice, strong but indescribably tender, seems to carry the theme. And even when reveahng., its fullest strength the chorus never loses this ability to convey the message of, the song even while im- pressing with it's volume. One of the most beatutiful number it sang last night'•was a Swedish folk song arranged by Otto Lindblad. Like most folk songs this is in a minor key. The harmony is exquisite. The singers per- fectly interpreted the motif of the song. The Swedish national anthem and '•Hear Us. Svea." "contained a very spe- cial appeal for. tlj^majority of- people in the audience anfl jaVoused it to a high de- gree of enthiii|its£fl. Dr. Albert Berg, the leader, whose un- obtrusive but firm .conducting was a de- light to watch, wag forced to bow his appreciation again, and again. Herr- John FdrsfeH, the' only soloist with the chorus, is a great artist, superbly gifted vocally. His baritone has the clear- ness and the sweetness of a lyric tenor together with the dramatic depth and strength of a deeper voice. He sang the "Old Psalm," by Grieg, the chorus accom- panying, and the solos in "Sten Sture," by Karling. \u25a0 BOYS CAN'T REFRAIN Four Are Arrested for Prema- lure Celebration In spite of the warnings of Chief O'Con- nor, the enthusiasm of small boys await- ing the Fourth of Jsly became evident yesterday and fre.q.uent reports of flre- crackersand toy pistols were heard in all parts, of the city, . . The patrolmen hav^r 'been instructed to arrest all persons, young or old, who vio- late the ordinances by discharging fire- arms or exploding \u25a0 crackers before the Fourth, and several arrests will undoubt- edly be made before the holiday. Fout boys were arrested yesterday aft- ernoon and evening. They gave their names as Charles Ostrom, aged 17 years; Sam Wallman. aged 14; Sidney Ballinger, aged 11, and Paul Hessler, aged 14. They were all ordered to be in police court this morning. SAYS CONDUCTOR KICKED HIM OFF CAR Charles Boogreh ' Found Unconscious on Street and Seriously Injured Charles Boogrfen, 774 Fauquier street, is in a serious condition at Bethesda hos- pital as a result, according to his asser- tion, of being kicked _by a conductor of the Rondo and^M^risT street car line Thursday nigfnVKiHe was found lying unconscious oa,.the street at Sixth and Maria avenue yesterday morning at 2:30 o'clock by two men. Boogren was partially revived by the men who lifted'and carried him to Sev- enth street, where they were met by Pa- trolman Hickey. .Bpogren was then taken to- the Margaret street station and Dr. R. O. Earl was-called. After examining the man, Dr. Earl or- dered him removed to Bethesda hospital. Boogren was found to be seriously in- jured internally. According to Boogren's story he x had been at the union depot seeing a party of friends off on a train and took a Ron- do and Maria car by mistake for a Sev- enth street car on his return to his home. When the car turned on to Maria ave- nue he discovered his error and attempted to get off at the first corner. The con- ductor objected, and when the car stopped, Boogren says the conductor kicked him off the car. He staggered into the street and fell unconscious. Would Remain in Congress Representatives Halvor Steenerson, of Crookston, and James T. McCleary, of Mankato, filed yesterday with, the secretary of state affidavits as candi- dates upon the congressional ticket at the primary election to be held Sept. 20. When in doubt as to how your money should be invested, read "The Globe's Paying Wants." YOUR LAST CHANCE before the 4th to (get a case of Hamm's delicious Bock Beer. During the regular season, in April, we reserved some from our supply to use at this time for a Holiday Beer. This Bock Beer was brewed last winter and has been in storage since that time. You willfind it of especially fine fla- vor. Order to-day. Tel. 935 either 'phone HAM M ' S THE ST. PAUL GLOBE. SATURDAY. JULY 2, 1904 to the Taxpayers of Frank M. Nye FOURTH OF MV \u25a0 FiDJSASSIiBfJ) Lacks Only $131 of the Amount Needed and That Is Pledged Only $131.46 is now needed to bring the Commercial club's Fourth of July fund up to the $1,200 which the com- mittee estimates will be necessary for the children's celebration at Harriet island. The collections yesterday amounted to $135, bringing the total thus far sub- scribed up to $1,068.54.. There is now no doubt about the $1,200 being raised, as more than the $131 needed has al- ready been promised. The subscriptions reported yesterday are as follows: S. H. Reeves, Seven Corners Dis- trict— S. H. Reeves, $5; Holmes & Mac- Caughey Co., $2; Gardner S. Moore $2; D. A. Lebenzze, $2; Brimhall, |l; H. B. Fuller. $5; George William Carl- son, $1; w. H. Bromley, $1; L. M. Thomas, $1; St. Paul Furniture com- Pa"y. $2; C. W. Emmert, $1; Scribner- Libbey company, $2; J. M., $1; Louis Arbogast. $1; Economy Furniture Ex- change, $1; Orlando Reynolds, $1; S. A. Staberou, $1; H. E. Dreise, $1- H Bueger, $2; .William E. Nagel $2- G W. Emmert, $1. . ' ' B. H. Schriber and J. P. Jyle, Ger- man-American Bank District— Weyerhaeuser & Co., $5; J. E. Green- man, $1; F. A. Pike, $1; D. J. Hallihan, $1; Cash, $1. Ross Clarke, Globe Building Dis- trict Lapham Renting Agency, $2; Can- non & Cannon, $-1; Stone's School of Watchmaking, $1; Knuppe & Hart- sinck, $1; C. E. and J. E. Otis $1; A. Greve, $1; O. E. Hollman. $1; Fry & Jenkins, $1; F. P. Strong, $1; J. W. Taylor, $1. A. A. Dollittle, Endicott Arcade Dis- trict Dr. \~ittum, $2; Dr. Maclaren, $1; Dr. Arnold, $1; Dr. Ball, $1; Dr. Dun- ning, $1; Dr. Cameron, $1; Dr. Riggs, $1; Dr. C. H. Goodrich, $1; Dr. Donald, $1: Thomas Cochran, $1; Drs. Benepe and Allen, $1; Dr. Dadmun, $1; Hama"n & Co., $2; North Western Fuel Co., $2; C. T. Adams, $1; George M. Ken- yon, $1; John E. King, $1; C. P. Wake- field, $1; H. P. Keller, $1; Cash, $1. Balance, $933.54; received today, $135. Total, $1,068.54. POTTGIESER DOESN'T LIKE TORRENS SYSTEM County Solon Says It's Too Expensive Nicholas Pottgieser, county commis- sioner, announced at the meeting of the committee on claims of the county board yesterday that he would not sign the warrants to carry on the Tor- rens system of land titles if he did not fear that he would be in contempt o?. court. VJust look at this,". saia Pottgieser, as: he tossed over a bill from William P. Westfall, the attorney, for $200 for examining titles during June, the charge being $20 for each examination. "Westfall has never received less than $180 a month for such work during the present year, besides which the county pays him $50 a month as the attorney for the register of deeds. This means that Westfall has received from the county for the first six months at least $1,400, and that by the end of the year he will have secured about $3,000. Resides this, there are other expenses connected with the Torrens system that will bring the cost to the county for a year to the neighborhood of $5,000." At the end of his announcement Mr. Pottgieser signed the Westfall bill for $200, reiterating as he did so that the taxpayers are being mulcted for the benefit of others, and that the $5,000' a year is really being thrown away. COURT REFUSES TO DISMISS COMPLAINT Decides It States Cause of Action Against a Music Company Judge Brill yesterday overruled the demurrer of the defendants in the case of J. M. Anderson against W. J. Dyer & Bro., in which Anderson seeks to compel the defendants to pay a note that he holds against the Duluth Music company and also asks for a distribu- tion of the profits of the Duluth com- pany. It is found by Judge Brill that a ma- jority of the stock of the compaaiy is owned by Dyer & Bro. The capital stock of the company is $50,000, and plaintiff holds that it has earned $70,- --000 in profits, a" portion of which he would like to have on the stoclc that he holds. The demurrer of defendants was on the ground that the complaint failed to state a cause of action. The case will now be tried on its merits. REMOVED AS GUARDIAN OF HIS LITTLE SISTER Ingeborg Anderson Is Now in Custody DOG REPEATS BITE Fox Terrier Attacks 8-Year-Old Boy Second Time . George Anderson was yesterday re- moved as guardian of the person of Ingeborg Anderson, his eleven-year-old sister, but allowed to retain his posi- tion as administrator of the girl's es- tate. An action was brought by the father to have the son removed, al- leging that the girl had been spirited away from her home in Wisconsin, and guardianship established without the consent of the father. .Frank M. Nye was appointed guard- ian, and the father was given permis- sion to visit his daughter and to take her to Wisconsin occasionally. Boys Accused of Shoplifting Three boys, arrested while attempt- ing to dispose of tennis shoes in an East Seventh street second-hand store, were arraigned in police court yesterday, charged with shoplifting. The shoes were identified as having been stolen from a department store, and the police suspect that the boys have been operating for some time. Their cases were continued until next Tuesday. The boys gave their names as Al Sunday, aged sixteen years: Abraham Aronson, aged twelve, and Barney Rosenthal, aged fourteen. Hit Him With a Towel Anthony McGinley, when placed on trial in the police court yesterday, testified he -did not give Felix Warren the black eyes exhibited by the latter. McGinley admitted that he struck Warren with a towel. The affair oc- curred at 1175 West Seventh street. Judge Hine will decide the case today. Clayton Hamilton, 8-year-old son of F. T. Hamilton. 1028 Chatsworth street, was bitten yesterday for the second time in the same place by the same dog. The dog, owned by a neighbor, jumped at the boy and imbedded its teeth in his leg, the wound being exactly in the scar left by the first bite, which was inflicted three months ago. The boy was placing in the yard in the rear of his home with a few companions when the dog, a fox terrier, came among the children. Seeming to recognize Clay- ton Hamilton* it sniffed, jumped and snapped, the teeth penetrating the boy's flesh. The dog then released its grip and jumped at the boy again. The second time the boy's wrist was caught between the dog's jaws, and had the animal not been beaten off by Mrs. Hamilton, who ran to the yard on hearing her son's cries, the artery might have been severed. "When the dog bit my son the first time, I did not make a complaint." said Mr. Hamilton last night. "That time the boy was partly to blame, but this time the case is different, and I shall insist upon having the animal destroyed. When the dog bit my son the first time, about thiee months ago, he was playing with it among a number of small boys. The dog then bit hia leg, tearing his trousers and in- flicting a deep wound in the flesh. "Clayton was not playing with the dog or paying any attention to it this time, however. The terrier came into the back yard when a number of the neighbors' children entered through the gate. The dog immediately ran to my son and caught his leg between its teeth. The boy shook off the cur, which jumped again and caught his wrist." Mr. Hamilton •said he would demand that the dog be shot, and that if the owner refused to give it up he would swear out a warrant in police court. WILL CONSIDER PAY OF JANITORS TODAY Joint CoutftHouse and City Hall Com- mission Postpones Meeting The city hall and court house joint committee was to meet yesterday and consider the application of the em- ployes of the building for an increase of $5 a month in their salaries, but as there was "not a quorum in attendance the meeting was postponed until to- day. A letter from County Auditor Krah- mer conveyed the information that the money in the salary fund will not per- mit of an increase, the auditor taking occasion to assure the applicants for a raise that although the law of 190.'. has greatly increased the work of the clerks in his office it is found impossi- ble to grant them increased pay. The petition from, the employes states that as the expense of living has greatly^ increased since the salaries were fixed, it would be no more than just to them to increase their compen- sation $5 a month for each employe. It was signed by twenty-five, of the employes. Attention is called To notice of The State Savings Bank under "Announce- ments." Open until 6 p. m. today '. •'\u25a0'-'•. St. Paul's Silk Selling Store. \: •>.* 'V Field, Solicit & Co. .; Entrances Wabasha; Fourth. Fifth and St. Peter St '- 1 \_' :~'.'•.\u25a0'." ••':•?:•*">.."" ', ": -.' "••' '-' •• \u25a0"\u25a0:\u25a0. .-_ \u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0.-.•.:'\u25a0\u25a0 *::•\u25a0 ,_* ->.:» Wash skirts for "the 4th" I--: iit^'if!M- 500 will go on sale at 9 o'clock iji^l 500 will go on sale at 2 o'clock There are. a half dozen styles; all white duck: ' V: - ' each \u25a0• " : '. Wack °r Wue duck, dots and checks. All are f '\u25a0'• - \u25a0•.;;V' ! : :..^r?f. : v;; :^ tailor-made and strapped 2nd ptpsd'at seams in; unuleo-c.ookifwehavesk.rj^gh 1 l^MMt> "*""'\u25a0 Sale: wiU last;:.^ Sale summer corsets 35 dozen wQI go v j~~~ SO dozen wUI go ll^liliffillli^iii 255 XS'Jnin"? I^l^ Cl°th ' Sre ™» bOned ' ***** ™™ and 2,000 ' Another 300 dozen of the recent itn- I tl .x -/|A ' 'V ' white crush portation f ™mens \u25a0 white lawn , . v i \u25a0• wnixe lawn canvas belts Irish linen waists ' with black orgold - handkerchiefs ah '** \u25a0 finish buckles, -- =n«naKercnieis A»thi* j^?^? A i \u0084 \u25a0 ,V ,- - : - . . all new style, but . metal eyelets and - Will go on sale Saturday, not quite fresh patent hook fas- All linen and good size and and c i e ' n having - J tener. A perfect O^ 4 hemstitched. , - nd clean .™ " c . marvel at today's Each 15 dozen will go on sale at been considerably •"r! 'at to<»ays acw 9 o'clock, the balance will be handled; 1.00 and ; price, eaca,,;.'. placed on sale : at: 2 o'clock, thus giv- 1.25 values for 0 CebtS ms a wider opportunity for all. Main At% , - y v-cmi - 1 thoroughfare aisle, near ribbons. 60 Cents \u0084 f% for men's socks . This is the third day of this sale of men's fine Summer Socks, and it should . be, the beat day of the three. Either black or tan. made ' : of two-thread; yarn. A good 15c value, and will wear better than' many a 25c; sock. Six pairs the limit. On sale all day long. CHAFFEE HERETODAY Lieutenant General Arrives From Duluth This Morning L.ieut. Gen. A. R. Chaffee. chief of staff of the army, and Gen. C. F. Humphrey, quartermaster general, who are coming to inspect Northwestern military posts, did not reach St. Paul yesterday afternoon as was expected. They arrived at Duluth at 8 o'clock last night, ten hours late, having been delayed by a storm on the lakes. This delay, however, has brought about one welcome change in Gen. Chaf- fee's itinerary. He will remain in tho Twin Cities until tomorrow night instead of leaving tonight. A special car, placed at his disposal by the Northern Pacific road, was at- tached to the regular train leaving Du- luth at 11:10 last night. He will reach St. Paul at 6:30 o'clock this morning, ac- cording to the latest programme, and will be received at the union depot by Gen. C. C. C. Carr, commanding the depart- ment of Dakota, and Gen. Carr's staff. But Gens. Chaffee and Humphrey will not leave their car. It will be transferred to the Milwaukee road and conveyed to Fort Snelling, reaching there about 8:30 o'clock. The subsequent entertainment to be prepared for the eminent soldiers had not been determined last night. The nature of these courtesies will depend upon Gen. Chaffee's wishes. It is probable that, weather permitting, he will review the garrison "at Snelling this morning and be entertained by the St. Paul Commercial club on behalf of the city this afternoon.' A reception in honor of Gen. Chaffee and Gen. Humphrey will, no doubt, be given at the Hotel Aberdeen in the course of the day by Gen. Carr. The principal guests will be army officers, active and retired, who live in St. Paul and Minne- apolis. Tomorrow. presumably. Gens. Chaffee and Humphrey will be welcomed to the Flour City by the Minneapolis Commercial club. Had the generals arrived yesterday aft- ernoon, they would have been taken about town in automobiles by the city development cdhimittee of the Commercial club. A reception by Gen. Carr at the Hotel Aberdeen was to have followed between 5 and 6 o'clock p. m. CANDIDATES FOR YALE UNDERGO EXAMINATION Applicants Tested as to Qualifications for Entrance to University Examinations for young men desiring to enter Yale university this fall and the Sheffield Scientific school were held in St. Paul \u25a0 yesterday afternoon under the direction of H. T. Halbert. Preliminary examinations for entering the university were taken by Arthur G. Di'iscoll, Conrad Driscoll, Lawrence How- ard, Franklin D. Lightner, Milton C. Lightner, Theodore Schulze and William P. White. Final examinations were taken by Carl B. Drake, Jule M. Hannaford Jr., Samuel G. Ordway and Roger B. Shepard. Among the applicants for admission to the Sheffield school, Arthur A. Clapp, Mil- ton W. Griggs, Foster Hannaford and William W. Skinner took preliminary ex- aminations. John G. Ordway and Carl T. Schuneman, of St. Paul, and Walter D. Brewer andT John M. Peyton, of Duluth, took '"finals." O A. &XC «L2> £*. I A . Bears the -^^Ths Kind You Hays Always Boc^W Outing aggfcr 4th of July Lawn Tennis, Bathing Suits, Hammocks,"* 1 Lawn Base Ball, Bathing Caps, and Porch Chairs, Croquet, Bathing Sandals, Lawn Swings, Lacrosse, ..Bathing Slippers, Row Boats, Canoes, Quoits, Swimming Jackets, Fishing Tackle, Golf, SwiW mn"s WatCP Me9aphones, Tennis Rackets, Kodgks af)d JJ£^ Water Pistols 50c, 75c, Tennis and Outing Bicycles, Carts, $1.00, etc. Shoes—all sizes, Columbia Tennis Balls, 25c. Toy Sail Boats, Automobiles, Battledore, Bows and Arrows, Cyclone Wagons, Shuttlecock, Flags, Tents, Etc. KENNEDY BROTHERS °!^ZSZg™ Cor. Robert and Third Streets, St. Paul

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    NEWS OF THE CITYMunicipal Court Takes in $2,604 —Municipal court receipts during June

    amounted to $2,604, of which $2,499 wascollected in fines.

    Will Make Cheese at Wadena— TheBlue Grass Cheese Factory of Waden,afiled articles of incorporation yester-day. The authorized capital stock ofthe company is $1,000.

    Accused of Illegal "Smoking"—War-rants charging a violation of the smokenuisance ordinance were issued yes-terday against H. W. Costello, a GreatWestern fireman, and F. G. Ratlee, anOmaha fireman.

    Did Not Appear Against Him—Mag-gie White, the woman whom Al Reed,colored, was alleged to have attackedwith a razor, failed to appear in thepolice court yesterday, and the caseagainst Reed was dismissed.

    Insurance Company Sues Agents—Moriarty & Garlough have been sued for$338.69 by the A- ?hor Fire Insurancei-ompany, plaintiffs, alleging that theamount is due from the defendants as» gents.

    Over 50,000 Patronize Public Baths—The June report for the Harriet islandpublic baths shows that 58,737 personspatronized the baths during the month,of which 50,667 were males and 8,070females. The receipts from all sourceswere $2,637.

    Accused of Making Trouble on Car—George Williair.s, E. G. Summers andWilliam Kgan, accused of having caus-ed a disturbance on an East Seventhstreet tar, were arraigned before JudgeHine in the police court yesterday andheld for trial today.

    Thresher Company Held Blameless—A verdict for the defendants wasyesterday ordered by Judge Morris inthe United States cr irt in the $8,000damage case of Charles O. Johnsonagainst the Northwestern Threshercompany, of Stillwater. Johnson lostan eye while operating an emerywheel.

    Pay City Employes Today—For thefirst time in some years the city em-ployes will today have a Saturday payday, the policemen, teachers, firemenand other employes being given theirmoney before the Fourth. Both sidesof the city council met yesterday aft-\u2666•l noon and passed the pay roll to makethis possible.

    Capt. Parmerter on Leave of Ab-sence — Capt. Almon L. \u25a0 Parmerter,quartermaster of the Twenty-first in-fantry. Fort Snelling, left for NewYork yesterday, on a two-months' leaveof absence. His duties at the fort, un-til he returns, win be -performed bySecond Lieutenant A. J. Lindsay, quar-termaster of the Second battalion ofthe Twenty-first.

    Clark Property Sold to Foley for155,000—The .-,.deed .transferring th«>Francis B.;Clark. property on Summitave.nue--*to Thpm&s Foley was. iilgd atthe office of the register of deeds yes- ,terday. The transfer is of three lots,and.the purchase price named $55,---000. The Clark property is on thesouth, side of Summit avenue, lyingbetween the Wilder tind Hill prop-erties. '" -~-\f~~~~. *~ "T "'•\u25a0..\u25a0;"•; ** ;_• "

    crusheolFdeathGeorge Hilfritch Run Over In

    South St. Paul

    George Hilfritch, a dairyman, resld-/ng at Concord and Annapolis streets,was run over in the Chicago GreatWestern freight yards at South St.Paul yesterday morning by a freightoar and died soon after. He wasbrought to St. Paul on a switch enginebut expired two minutes after reachingState street station at 10:30" o'clock.

    Hilfritch who was gathering screen-ings among the freight cars in theyards, is thought to have been undera. car when it started, crushing hisl^gs. He was discovered by a memberof the crew and was carried to theswitch engine. John Cease, 198 Eatonstreet, the foreman, ordered the mantaken immediately to St. Paul and re-moved to St. Josephs hospital Theambulance was called from South StPaul.- but the race with death was lost.1 he body was removed to Hurley &Tierney's undertaiking rooms, SouthRobert street, after Coroner A. W?n e K h^L viewed "• The funeralwill be held Monday. Hilfritch wasparty-nine years old and was born invrermany. He is survived by his wifeSt Pa" c daughter, Mrs. Prescott, of


    Cannot Agree With Owners as to Priceof Land Near Vadnais

    The board of water commissioners'yesterday formally instructed the cor-poration attorney to bring condemna-tion proceedings against seventy acresof land m the vicinity of Vadnais lakeThe board has purchased about 250acres of land in the same vicinity fromthe owners direct, but could not agree

    pany at $5.29 per hundred pounds a^dAugust Lundgren was given the con-n a,Ct \° Paint the fenSe around tEeDale street reservoir for $124.ENTERTAIN THE LUND

    UNIVERSITY STUDENTSReception and Banquet Tendered to'

    Singers a^ Commercial Club

    The Lund university students whoSave a concert at the Peoples churchlast night were entertained at theCommercial club yesterday afternoon»>> the- Swedish citizens of St. Paul

    A reception was held in the club par-lors at 5 o'clock, following which adinner was served in the big banquethall. About 200 representative Swedishcitizens were present.

    Speeches were made by Barndt An-derson,' editor of the Minnesota Stat.nlmnKT, Swedish Consul Hobe and

    Prof. Stubb, of Minneapolis.

    Cases Submitted on BriefsIn the state • supreme court yesterdaytwo \u0084cases > were !; submitted £on i;briefs^"• estate of Ferdinand i Stellmacher, appel-lant,•. vs. : Charles Bruder as administrator,etc , respondent, and; Lawrence King, ap-

    SS3£,r COe CommiSßion Company, re-


    Coroner's Inquest in Case ofRuth Teachout Takes

    Place This Morning

    Two letters now figure in the mysterywhich surrounds the death of Miss RuthTeachout, the Minneapolis girl whose bodywas taken from the river last Tuesdaynight near the St. Paul boom. When thecontents of these are known the cloudsurrounding her mysterious trip to thespot below the falls and the scene whichensued may be partially lifted.

    The letter- which Ruth wrote at thebusiness college the last morning she wasseen alive was addressed t© some man inBattle Creek, .Mich. This much has beenascertained from statements made by MissCora A. Halverson, the girl who sat be-side Miss Teachout Saturday morning atthe college, and who lives at Pleasantavenue. What the man's name was thegirl does not know, but messages havebeen sent to two sisters and a brother ofthe dead girl in Battle Creek and thepolice are anxiously awaiting a reply fromthem.

    The police do not believe in the suicidetheory, and think that the letter con-tained something about the picnic whichshe expected to enjoy on the reservation,and disclosed her escort's name.

    .- ' Letter; to Ruth's ; Parents , W .'\u25a0 „ ;The other letter may be of even greater

    importance' in unraveling the mystery. , Itwas addressee to the parents of : the !dead ;girl and was received yesterday. Althoughall\u25a0: members of : the family, were • closelyquestioned in regard to the letter, nothingdefinite . could be : learned 5 but from : a ,re- 'mark dropped by Eva Teachout, the sis-ter of Ruth, it is believed that the lettercame from Battle Creek and that its con-,tents bear on the case. _- "_: . - •

    The .Teachout family continue to; main-tain ; reticence \u25a0 regarding .the case. •. Suchstatements as the. different members havealready made differ. .. ':.- r:l Photographs of Ruth were taken to thereservation and Mtnnehaha" Falls park yes-terday by*the • officers, • but .further than :the man found in the park the day beforeand . the man Bergstrom, no one -has beenfound "who can \u25a0 remember seeing ? the vgirlon Saturday afternoon." ;.~; •- -"\u25a0\u25a0?.".-'.'\u25a0\u25a0 . >i A few relatives attended the funeral of ithe girlat Prescott. Wis., yesterday. Mem-bers 'of the family; returned last . nightand will attend the inquest this morning.-. '.

    Ch^f of Police 'Conroyeaid he had been.tina^? •to find: any motive 'for murderingthe girl. .. ',Ty •".-. ;.r'.- •'---:•\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0..\u25a0.\u25a0,--.-.- '-£tj

    \u0084\u25a0- "If she was murdered.*' . said Mr. Con-roy, "it must have been by tramps; alongthe river. There is no apparent reasonwhy- anyone * sTiouTd^wish Sto murder 9her,but I can Understand how she might have

    "been the victim criminal; assault - and":: her body,,thrown jto the river to hide theevidence agaihst the assailants." ,- "-/.;

    ':> oner.Mjller, will hold the • inquest at 'the Ramsey county-morgue this morning-atj.'J/ 1 o'clock. -:Eight persons have been 1subpoenaed by Deputy' Sheriff Hardick, butit is not likely that the investigatipn willbe concluded,; and :ah 'adjournemnt Will.probably be taken after the .testimony-i isheard. . "'•'"••+:\u25a0>j^?'^ ;>-^r--i- ->•-'•' '\u25a0"?\u25a0-• V 'The witnesses called include H. N.Teaeliout, *i;father: Thomas: ••'\u25a0: Teachout,grandfather, and; Era, sister of the : mur-dered » girl;-.-.'John.'Nordstroni^and'- OscarMo*tenson> the young men who found her

    and -handkerchief below Minne-halfe. Falls; John \Bergstr#m, who claimsto have seen Miss" Teachout in the park;Detective Howard, of Minneapolis, and H.D. Davis, a Minneapolis newspaper man-

    LOQTS SALOON SAFEThug Holds lip Bartender and

    Suspects Are Arrested

    Jim Abbotts, bartender at O. P. Clem-ents' saloon, Eighth and Sibley streets,was held up by a lone highwayman at 2o'clock yesterday morning. The robberlocated a hidden cash^ drawer and lootedthe safe of the money box, getting awaywith $150.

    The police yesterday Arrested CharlesMcElway and Mike Adams, who, they de-clare, planned the holdup and employedthe footpad to do the work. The policehave learned the identity of the robberand are now searching for him.

    According to the police, McElway, a no-torious crook, and Mike Adams, a St.Paul bartender, visited Clements' saloonshortly after midnight, ostensibly to seewhether the coast was; clear. Immedi-ately after they went out, leaving the bar-tender alone, the robber, with revolver inhand, appeared and ordered Abbotts toturn over the cash.

    Abbotts refused to do so and the thugthen helped himself. He drew out themoney box from the safe, • emptying thecontents in his pocket, and then went toa drawer in which $20 in change wasusually kept. Abbotts had selected a dif-ferent drawer for that purpose yesterdaymorning, and after a little search the rob-ber found the cash in another drawer.

    The police suspected Adams, formerlyemployed af the saloon, ard McElway,who came to St. Paul last night to joinhim. Two women with whom they roomover the saloon were also arrested.


    Steal Money From Numerous Resi-dences on the German Road

    Persons residing on the German roadhave complained to the police that theyhave been robbed of sums of money,ranging from $3.50 to $40, during triepast week. It is supposed that sneakthieves have been operating in the vi-cinity. They have worked cleverly, en-tering the houses when no one waswatching and taking nothing but cash.Complaints were made by Mrs. CarlPaul, Mrs. Nels Hanson, Mrs. TillieMonthaler and Mrs. George Hyman.

    Acker Post to Attend ServiceA patriotic to be held at 8o'clock tomorrow evening at the FirstChristian church, Nelson and Farringtonavenues, will be attended by Acker post,

    G. A. R., on invitation of Rev. A: D.Harmon, pastor of the churclr. Membersof both Acker and Garfle^d posts will as-semble at Dayton and Virginia avenuesat 1:30 o clock and march to the church

    Cabinet Member Falls in DuelLOND9N, July I.—The Central Newshas received a dispatch from Athens

    SalV? S« that M- Stais- tne minister ofpublic instruction, has been kUled in aduel by Hadji Petros, a member of thechamber of deputies.

    Peace Promised in TibetGYANTSE, Tibet, July ].—The gen-

    eral impression here is that a satisfac-tory settlement will be reached between

    \u25a0the British and Tibetan governmentswithout further military, operations.

    LIAU-YANG, July I.—Gen Kuropatkinwith reinforcements, personally movedtoward Dalin pass, whereupon the passwas evacuated by the Japanese and re-occupied by the Russian*.

    Evacuate Dalin Pass


    Supreme Court Decides GasCompany Can Sell By-Prod-uctstoOnly One Concern

    According to a decision filed by thesupreme court yesterday the St. PaulGas Light company has a perfect rightto sell its entire output of coke to theYoughiogheny & Lehigh Coal" com-pany, to the exclusion of all otherwould-be purchasers.

    The case came before the supremecourt on the appeal of Charles J. Ber-ryhill, from the decision of the Ram-sey county district court in his ac-tion against the gas company and thecoal company already mentioned. Theruling of the district court is affirmed.

    The supreme court decided that by-products of any concern are not sub-ject to the "unlawful combination"laws of Minnesota that might apply tothe principal products of the sameconcern. The decision was written byJustice Brown and the syllabus is asfollows:

    Defendant gag light company is a cor-poration engaged in the business of manu-facturing gas for use by the citizens ofSt. Paul. The gas is manufactured fromsoft coal, and one of the residual pro-ducts thereof is coke, which the company-accumulates in large quantities. It is notengaged in buying, selling or dealing incoke or other like fuel. It entered intoa contract with defendant coal companyby which it agreed to sell and deliverto that company all its accumulations ofcoke, and specially agreed not to sell ordispose of the same, or any part of it,to any other person or company. It isheld that as the coke accumulated' bythe gas light company is a mere inci-dent, a by-product, resulting from theconduct of its principal business, theagreement to sell its entire output todefendant coal company was not ah un-lawful combination nor a violation ofany law of the state.

    Order affirmed.

    .'.-\u25a0 .That; the directors •: of'a ; mutual s in-surance I company | have "a right to ; limit-the payment ; of:dividends -to such pol -'icy holders -as have paid j' their ;annualpremiums .twas ?. decided :i yesterday •"'\u25a0 bythe Minnesota supreme court.. Thisdecison, written • by Justice Lewis; af-firmed : the order, of the H^nnepincounty / district court denying- ""a.*:newtrial : to the plaintiff. ':\u25a0-;- ':l::'fl;