st. paul daily globe (saint paul, minn.) 1893-07-10 [p 7] · the saint paul daily globe: monday...

THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE: MONDAY MORNING. JULY iv, icoa. I 1 SLUE IJAROIiSTTI R. Asti ll:e boy who sells Use papers Cud lie will tell yon more abont ••Iron ion tliau all the affidavit* tliat can fee published. .Jiisttryit and you will be convinced that (be Globo leads all. WANTS CAN RE L.KFT fit the Following Locations for Insertion in Daily and Sunday Globe. M. I). Merrfll,442 Broadway. S. 11. Reeves, druggist Moore block. Seven \u25a0 lorners. C. T. Heller, druggist. 528 St. Peter street Straight Bros., druggists-, corner of Rondo Hid Giotto. William K.Collier, druggist, I9'J East Sev- luth street. A. T. Guernsey, druggist 171 Dale street. V. A. Uirscher, druggist, 233 Rondo street. Parker & Westby, druggists, 670 East Third street. E. McCrudden. confectionery, 476 Rice street. W. A. Frost &Co., druggists, corner Selby end Western avenues. B. J. Wine, druggist 330 Market, comer Fifth. SITUATIONS <M"SZ:!SKI) " .^alis. BI.ACKs.VI ITU Wanted, a first-class general blacksmith for the country; steady work: good pay. Apply Herman Tniede. 1 .'1 Payne ay. BOY— Wanted, boy sixteen or eighteen years old. at United States Clothing Com] >\u25a0\u25a0•..\u25a0\u25a0; and Jackson. Ct.\NVA-»!.Ks Ludie* and gentlemen to J begin work ;it once: sood commission to active, energetic workers. Addr.-ss M.P. Walsh, General Delivery, city. COMiMTKXT BUSINESS MAN for any state in the Union on salary or com- mission: willneed some capital. Address C 18, Globe. pIGAKMAhEKS-One or twocicarmak- ers, male or female, towotk on own ac- count: swte how much capital you would invest Address I ) [9, Globe. " DRIVER— Wanted, a young man to drive \u25a0f laundry wagon; must be acquainted will! Hie city. 47.') Wal.asha st. DUIVEK— Man wanted Monday to drive rgnere wagon at Kent's Express, '14 Most Seventh si. PLtVATOK BO\ wanted at Meuopoli- -L< tan hotel. £.->il'«.oV3lKNT-A young man. Gennari Dreferred, be "Cafe Neumann,"' Wabasha tree l OLIO iliilK furniture of six-room 1 house up.cousisting of parlor, dining, .bedrooms and kitchen : all as good as new; a good opportunity to any oue wishing to fur- nish: house for rent cheap. Api .\u25a0.'": Mar- tin St. GKSEKAL A«ii >TS for the best and most liberal accident and sick benefit association in the United States: exclusive territory riven; it willpay you to investigate this opportunity. A. L. Hoffman, Braiuerd, 3Uinn. HAHDW AKE- Remarkable new tool: only experienced travelers. Address Levin Pruner, 37 !>«. v st . New York. HUK.-SK!SHOKK— Floorman; steady wort for first-class man. Loudon Bros., Moorht'fiu. Minn. PAJiTN Kit wanted to travel with illus- trated lecturer; must invest s.'. 1 which will be secured: salary, 575 per month, ex- pen -. \u25a0. Address Lecturer. Globe. POUTER— Wanted, a good por;er. Apply at Hotel Arlington, Seven Corners. SAI.KSMKX— A snarj for traveling men who vi>it many different towns and vii- lages: daily expenses easily wade infifteen minutes while waiting for a train, appointing agents; no sales to make, no Earnpies tocarry. For particulars address "liowins." Lock Bos el*. Chicaco. AI.AHV <)'. COMMISSION to agents O to handle the Patent Chemical [nk-Eras- inc Pencil : the most useful and novel inven- tion of she a^c-: erases ink thoroughly in two seconds; works like magic; 3 0 tosoo percent protit: agents making gSO per week; we also want a general a^ent to take charge of terri- tory, and appoint sub asrents; a rare chance to make money ; write for terms and speci- men of eiabiiig. MtDice Eraser Mfg.Ci X 4, La Crosse. Wis. SOLICITOUS—Wanted, men of energy O and tact to solicit for the Bankers' Life Association of St: Paul, Minn.:liberal con- tract and splendid territory canbe secured by addressing clarence E.becor, tt. Paul, Minn. ST AT1-; AGENCY to ra thorough business man on commission or salary; staple article and sold by all merchants: some cap- ital required. Address C Hi, Globe. STENOOBAPHKH-Wanted.experieneed male ste::o^rauher. S. p. Wells .lr . 405 Slbley st. '^XtNOtiKAl'lltlw— Coiupeient stenog- -0 raphersaud typewriter operators out of employment are invited to register their names and qualifications with our cmplov- meul acr>arirx:ent: r.o charge to eitherem- ployer or employed. Wyckufi', beamans & Benedict. 14 East Fourth st. TiNNKH a good tinner at once. See E. Bouquet at 1-arwell, Ozmun, Kirk&Co.'s, Monday ISAVKI.INt; MEN that have had two J- years' experience in selling proprietary medicines to druggists. The Dr.A'.-P. Sawyer Medicine Co.. 151 Colorado ,v.. Chicago, ill. AITI.KS wanted at o".^ Robert si., * » Furuiington Dairy Co. Call Monday Juiy 10. " ' ** \ \u25a0, " a v; .*\u25a0 a-, honest, intelligent men: -\u25a0 » steady work and good pay. Call Sun- lay afternoon, ."'<l Beaumont, near Burr. iyAN*Ti;D— Enegetic man for good pay- »» ingposition. References and bond re- 3'.:irod. Applyat S a. m., Room EOa, Chamber Df Commerce BuiUlin-g. \\! ATCiIMAKKK-wanted: competent *V workman. L. S. Weller, 110 East Sev- enth -;. 117 ANXKO Salesmen or agents: easy » V work: good pay selling pants to order £::. suits $15. Hunter Tailoring Company Cincinnati, Ohio. WASTED KKiHT AWAY— Reliable, men at home or to travel to keep our Fhow cards tacked up in towns, on trees and fences along public roads; steady work in your own county; $75 a month ard i-i a d::y expenses deposited in your bank when started. J. n. Schaaf & Co". Mi Wal- uui si., tiucmnati, O. SITUATIONS OIlKKtl). 1 | ALL LADIES } ) HOUSEMAIDS I > ~th\VlN(i GIRLS % < KITCHEN* GIULS f ; PANTRY GIKLS $ > DISH WASHERS a i) WASHWOMEN— if ,) COOKS % I —SUSSES | ,) Or any other kind cf HELP, can se- % C cure them by adrertisfas in the i Globe Want Columns | Females. A A A —GIRLS wanting the best -lS Jr\ places and wages in or out of the city call at once. Lttrpenteur's Em- ploymen Office, 51 West Exchange st. \ T MRS. SCHNKI.J.'S, 241 West Seventh \u25a0tV st.. wanted, cook?, and girls for house- work: best places, highest wages, situations free: office open eveninss. A OLD I. ADV. living alone, wants an elderly lady to live with her &nd work for board: good home to the right party; Catholic preferred. 0 17. Globe. OANVA-SKRS-Lndies to canvass: SlO to *\u25a0-' Sl-porweek. Mrs. N. L. Darby, G-"J Ohio st. CHOCOLATE DIPPKK wanted: must be experienced. Applvat i'erxa's candy factory, Seventh and Cedar. pt)OK wanted at i-ij St. Peter it. Cooks : ::]ii girls for general housework at :;j) Walnut st. pOOK wanted at 521 Grand ay. COOK An experienced cook and general housework servant at 21 South St. Al- bans st. OOOK—Girl that knows something about V-' cootiiiir, and one to do plain washing; good wages. 388 Nelson ay. COOK— Plain cook wanted at 25Q Day- ton ay. PAINING hOO.ll GIKL vain. 1. til East JL/ Sixth st. Di > -N i:«JO?.I (;|RI Good dining -*-' room girl; highest wages paid. »'54 East Tenth : DISHWASHER ana kitchen girl wanted at !' t Western ay. north. DH. SOLOMON'S BiTTi:';s is the best _ blood niiriaer in the world. EMPLOYMENT —Wanted - Two neat young Indies can findsteady work at 4:24 Wabas st., lioom 8. | IHLS for housework, laundry girls, I vJ kitchen girls, cooks, dishwashers. 4_'4 : VVabasha. corner Seventh. Room 4. HAiHO:iKSStK Wanted, first-class hairdresser, who thoroughly under- stands the business. Call room si Hann- heimer New Bnilding. 10:; E i>t Sixth. HOUSEWORK- good girl for general housework. 346 Dayton ay. HOUStTVOiiK Girl for general house- work in small family;good waged. Cw) ; Dayton nv. OCSKWOKK— Wanted, girl for house- ! work ati>-J2 East Miimehkha st. WORK—Wanted, a good com- petent girl for housework at "75 Dayton. HOUSEWORK— Giri wanted for general ho sework; family of four. USD Fair- mount ay. H< ! rsEWOKK— Wanted, girl for general housework at 72 Marshall ay. HOUSEWORK— a canahle girl for general housework in a family of two. Applyat No. '.) Farringtbn Flats. ri oi'SEWOKK— Wanted, a cirl for gen- O erul housework: no washing. 503 Mar- ! shall ay. Oi-.SK\V-.:RK— Wanted, good girl for general housework. Call at £63 Mar- shall ay. HOUSEWORK— Wanted. » girl for gen- eral housework; small family. £31 Laurel ay. H OCSKWOKK— for housework in a i II small family. Good wages to a capable ! girl. .*: 1 Summit ay. HOUSKWOKK- Wanted, a competent girl for general housework; family of two. 270 Kent st. BOUSE WORK— Wanted, a German girl at 35g East Tenth St.; go id wages. Housework-a girl for general house- work; familyof three. 311 Olmsted st. HOLSKWOKK— Girl wanted for general II housework. Apply at So. 474 Collins st. HOUSEWORK— Girl for general house- work. 317 South Franklin st. HOUSEWORK— A good girl for general hoiihework. Call at 442 Ashland ay. ; best of wages. ous-KWORK— GirI for general house- work; good washer and ironer. 0 5 Martin st. { H O Us WORK— wanted for general XX housework: German or Norwegian preferred. Apply at liti Kent st. HOLSKWO«K— Wanted, girl for light housework, family of two. Call at oiice. 171 East University. fIOLSEWORK— good girl for 11 general housework. Inquire 7.i^ Igle- hart st. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, good girl for ' general housework; good salary. 75G Ashland ay. HOUSEWORK— Girl wanted for general housework. I^7 Carroll st, Merriam Park. HOUSEWORK— Free room and board on St. Anthony hill to intelligent young lady willing to assist lady at light housework, Address A. J.. Globe. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, good giri for general housework. £tS9 West Fifthst. second flat. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a small girl at 519 Broadway. HOUSEWORK— Girl wanted for general housework. Applyat 1256 lieaney st. HOUSEWORK— Agood Swede girl want- ed at ."03 East Seventh st., that under- stands cooking: good wages; call in the i store. oUsJSWORK— Wanted, a girltodo Ken- eral housework ill small family at 460 Virginiaay. II OcSEWORK Wanted, respectable XJ young eirl for very light housework : no washing or ironing; family of two. Address 11S.I. Globe. HOUSEWORK— girl to workdays and- go home nights. Good pay to compe- tent girl. 1% Oakland ay. WORK— Wanted in a family of two. good girl for general housework. Apply 525 Ashland ay. TRONKRS— Wanted, several good irouers 1- tit State Steam Laundry, 2.2 West Sev- I enth. I WILL PAY a few ladies a salary i.fSio per week to work for me in their locality at home; light work; good pay for part time. Write, with stamp, Mrs. E. E". BaSsett, Suite I"'4. Marshall Field Building, Chicago. if ONE of the hundred girls thrown out of A employment wants a good home in the country, withgood wages, apply at Room 25,. Astoria, opposite postoffice. Applybetween i .and 1. or before Ha. m. F^ITCIIEN GIRL wanted. ."•.- Cedar. fcfcl" ADY MADE S4S last week selling -LJ 'Long's Solid Mucilage Pencils.' Why not you? Address C. A. Long, Manufact- urer. :y(4 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111." LADIES wishing to make $.0 to S*) weekly, by writing forme at home, reply with stamped envelope. Miss .Myra A. Gor- don. Juliet, Illinois. SITUATIONS OFFERED. Female*. POLISHER— Wanted, at once, one first; class lady polisher ana one starcher- none but first-class need apply. Address J. H. Ilockiiig A: Co.. Merritt. .Minn. LAODKV GlßL—Wanted, laundry girl at Capitol Restaurant, 343 Wabasha st. LAUNDRY GIRLS Wanted, laundry girls at the Windsor Hotel. I RSE GIKL to take care of child and I^l help with light housework; must be trustworthy; smail family; good wages. 226 Dale st., near Marshall. (VTURSE GlßL—Wanted, girlto take care 1* of child and help, in housework. C-ti Olive st. SECOND GIKL wanted at 15 Bast Tenth St.. opposite capitol; apply afternoons. SECOMJ GIRL Wanted, a competent second girl at 749 Summit ay. SHIUT FINISHER, lady cloth [toner and marker. Standard Laundry, luG North Third st.. Minneapolis. THI'KWKITEE wanted; furnish own JL machine; steady work; state salary. Address 11 22, Globe. WAN ED- At Scandinavian Office, 107 » V Sibley, competent nurses ana two girls for boarding boose. 7" ANTED— to write at home: en- »V close stamped envelope. Bertha Betiz, Sec. South Bend, lud. \T7ANT Girls to know that the best \u2666 V places and highest wages can be had at Mrs. Merryweather\s, 543 Wabasha. lUAM'EI) Forty-five girls for house- \u2666 i work; private families ; first-class; good wages; \u25a0;:\u25a0.' Selby ay. 11/'ASHWOMAJi wanted: take cloth's \u2666 home. Call 543 Wabasiia si. \ V ASH WOMAN—Wanted, a good wash- •\u2666' woman to call early Monday morning . at 7L:> East Third st. UfASHER AM) IKf»NKR— must be a ! good washer and wasted Mon- | days at Room li>, i;Vj West seventh St., third floor. WASHING— A woman wanted to wash p.nd iron. I*s West Te:;th st. WIT UMAX—Wanted." a woman by the day »V for a wee* or ten days: will pa quod wages. ApplyMonday morning at 22/ Igle- bart st. " KEALESTATK FOB S.U.K J. K. BACO.I, / set cessou TO I Karon <& roiemaa, ESEAI. ESTATE A3ti) LOA2IS, Cor. 4th and Minnesota Sts. ftli«tecllane«m*. | OBLIGED to sell four-room cottage and i seven-room house fur less ihan value of I I lot. Address o, :.\u25a0\u25a0;. i.lobe. ! \\, ? tat.l.l.iia nil .t *.;,. .ri.vic.-i.-iia: in »V bargains withthera Pioneer Press Bld» Q*-? r\[l( 'i— O> ;»•; of the most desirable *, r *J^J\J\J cottages in the city. Inquire KB Burr st. WOBLD'B FAIR A?COMSIO»A- TIWSS. : I ACCOMMODATIONS \ j % AT THE " % I I World's Fair! j^ Can be secured in advance if yon will \ i V read the offers in the Globe. "If they & j A are not satisfactory, advertise under x this Lead yourself, and when you \ : if reach the White City by the inland sea & I m you i:! find that you have saved & ; x money enough to see all the sights in \ I ! 5? Midway Plaisauce by the 0 gLiifle Ad Inserted in the Globe Wants% rpOWOKLD-SFAIR VISITORS— Large, J- handsomely furnished front rooms pri- vntefamily.most beautiful location; terms 50 cents to Si per day. each person ; US Fifty- fifthst. boulevard, Cfiicago, 111. For infor- | mation call at O. Poison's. 93 East Third su TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE for work horses, some good drivers. and one goou exiension- top two-seat carriage and some single Dug- gies. ISOEast Eighth st. '!>(> i-.XCHANGK— fine oak bookcase L or cupboard, one Garland stove, one cook stove, one solid gold watch fur horse and buggy orbicycle. Address T 23, Globe. To KXCHANGii— Parlor suit (six pieces) J. for good mare and harness. Address II | :.' . Globe. | r Pi> EXCHANGE— a Domestic sewing -L machine for a bicycle. Address T 15, Globe. W "ANTED— and buggy in trade tor \u2666 * piano; will trade even for good outfit. 11l East Seventh. I. M. Smith. \V7 A To buy or to exchange for a j »* solid gold watch, a good pony and saddle. Address M r.^, Globe. j ; I FOR SAI-i:. | An():i~t. buggy and harness, in good shape, for StiJ; hard times. Address C fi. Globe. BOILERS— For sale, tow boilers in use; 40x14; to make room fur larger ones; great bargain. J, T. McMillan or Franklin \u25a0Machine Works. Eighth and Minnesota sta. DOGS— For sale, six very fine dog pups; half St. Bernard and mastiff. Box (J, Hector. Minn. 3Ss£U FOR SALE—SOU ft. granite curbing. Ad- i *- dress. A. A. Pi.rker. St. Cloud. .Minn. I f"J.D!TAK sale, guitar, almost new j VJ cheap. Address M14. Globe. ARDWOOD LUMBER at a bargain; oak. bass and ash, common and better Tnllman Bros, 4 Co.. Mora, Minn. ! \|Al'l.t, AND 15IKCB t LOOKING at i IM. Jackson and 4th sts. Thompson & Co. npi i' WHIT is— For sale,- Remington -L No. 2 typewriter: also minis igrapb: boih in good order. Adiress S 10. >;i.-voe. WASTED TO BUY. \ SECOND-HAND LIIiHT-COLOKED X^ buckbOHrd, trap or road wagon to buy cheap for cash: also a single harness \d- dres-s E -0, (.lone. BUY AND sEI.L second-hand clothin^- cell at house. 136 East sixth, opposite Rvan hotel. ICE I.OX- Wanted, to buy a second-hand ice box in good condition. Call or ad- dress SSI Aurora ay. FFICKFLKNITURt-Wanted, to buy office furniture; standing desk, letter press, counter, etc. ; must be In -rood condi- ! tion and cheap. Address ¥ 17. Gl >ne. S~ JEWING MACH'Nt— Wuutrd. to buy ' good sewingmacLlie; must be cheap and i a bargain: also kitchen range: give i c crip-" j tioti and price. Address S22> Globe. rovis— Wanted, to buyaeasoline stove O cheap, at 41 West Exchange; call Sunday morning or 'Moaday. PROFESSIONAL.. Mits. BALDWIN permanently removes xTi superfluous hair, moles, etc., by elec- tricity; references given. 202 Merrill Building, Fifth and St. Peter st«. oyi: works. AHL2KT & BIINTEL Minnesota steam Dye Works. 244 East Seventh. P J. ROCHEN-N. W. Steam Dye Works J: . office. 416 Robert st.Bjran Block Works, j 55 and 57 Indiana ay. - SITUATIONS WANTED. \ '' , reinalc*. BOiiKKEKi'ix:- Ayoung lady, whoun- J-* derstiinds bookkeeping:, desires position ; in an office; experienced; references'. X 20, Globe. '- .- —Young lady would like a steady.' \u25a0J position as clerk in a dry goods, toy or confectionery store. Address L. S., 304 Hope street <"JUK.sbJJIAK.KR wants work; children's -L' clothes specialty: Rood reference: din- ingroom dresses 75cents: willgo to the bouse to tit. 350 North Exchange. |^KC:s.S3IAKKR with two years 1 experi- U ence wishes sewing to do either in shop or in families, or will take sewini; in. Call or address 103 North Victoria, st. DRKss.HAKKK— A dressmaker who uu- -L' dersthnds cutting: and tittinp: would lite sewing by the day in families. Call or ad- dress ls.'i Hondo. O.OVKUXKSS—Wanted, position as day governess by experienced teacher; refer- ences given. S 24, Glebe. ITODSEKEEPKR A lady would like •i. housekeeping: has got two- children; no objection to going to the country. Ad- dress T2U, Globe. " j HOI'SEKKKPKK— by yonns: | lady as nousekeeper lor a Catholic cler- ! gyman; will leave city. Mrs. 11. C. Eyan, [ U4t Broadway. ! HOUSEKKKPKH— Wanted, situation as ; housekeeper by a middle-aged lady with . gooa reference. Address 11 70. Globe. | LAI* IKS in need of reliable help, family | cooks, housekeepers and other help \u25a0 waiting. .Mrs. weather. ')»:< Wabasha st. . LADY wants situation: plain, rapid pen- man or some kind of work. Address V 1% Gioi.e. LAbNURKSS A (ir>t-cia.«s ! u.ndress ! wants day work. 4 i West Xintns t NUIt.SE wants to tend sick ladr. 483 fct I'eierst " i "M (L ItSK GIRL— A girl of fourteen would \u25a0L 1 like position as nurse girl with family at the lake. Address !j.v,:.i 7. 444 W:i basha st I FFICK WORK— Yoiin;; lady de-ires po- I siiiou to do general oSne worn or type- ! writing. Address L. P.. Glube. OFFICE WORK— A young lattv desires position in doctor's or dentist's office; Email salary. Address Pis. Globe. ; SECOND WORK— a place to do second work in Minneapolis, or any place not I far from St. Paul Address K. -Morrow, Gen- j era! Delivery. ! SECOND WORK— ova compel ! tent girl. second work, or light house- work. Address :titi East Coneress 1 . tEWING-^Bj good hand; can cut and fit i U Address M 2. Globe. \u25a0'- : \u25a0 SE\Vl>*G Wanted, sewing to t:ike home or j O go out by the day; can cut and fit 41 | West Exch:int;e. ! SIXUATi!>N wanted by Brst-ciuss -c»oks" I inprivate families. «^j permouth seiaa- | dinavirtn Office, ! t! Siblev. ! OTENOGKAPHEK— Wanted, positioj) as i '- 1 stenographer by younj lady; salary no i object. Address L.E.. tilbbe. * " j STK>OiiRAPIIfcK Lady stc>no«,';-af.hur I and typewrite! wants position; best of > references. Address P2». Glob*;. ; ; j QrJSNOORAPKR— a competent, mid ex- < \u25ba perienced young la iy stc:;o-rrni,cr~cnd " •• typewriter, who owns a lirst-ciass Remington muchine. desires a position; can give A No. ! city references. Address X 21. Globe. \u0084; . \ ; \UAS!)I.N« WANTI!)— Lady will ,i o -i » plain washing and ironiujr, :).'> cehls: ' per dozen. \u25a0 '..;.i .M;s>:->ipi-,i St. up stnirs. -- W'Asill>.(i_\\ants to go out washing by I » V the day \u25a0:.','. Front st. ___ W AS ING— to -.rash in private i » » families only. 1237 Burns ay., Mrs. T. i .Marlea n. \T7 ASHING wanted: family washing a V speciality; clothes washed and ironed i the old-fashioned way. 50 cents a dozen, sat- i action guaranteed. Mrs. Sorensen, 281 I U illiams st.. right basement. \T7ASHl>iG— Want to take washing at * home. 4:'.' Grotto st. WASHING Woman wants to go out washing, ironing and bouseeleautos 70 West Thirdst. WASHING wanted to do at home. Call i VT nt 7 1 Thomas st. I LV j TS."VA>«.IA?-. j I HONEY 1 1 % May bp ti_'iit and bard to get but \ \ you can set all you want by risking ?' j X for it throuirli the Globe" Fihan- C O cial Column?, to either buy or sell a STOCKS, BONDS, 6 $ MORTGAGES \ jk BANK STOCKS. % % GOVERNMENT BONDS X r < RAILWAY SECURITIES & J INVESTMENTS ' ~~' % V of any kind or character that the & 3 nnaiu'ial world ha? to offer or to £ ) get rid of. * A A LOAX.S on furniture, pianos, i >xa.« horses, diamonds; watches, all good collateral and commercial paper; par- I tiiil payments, lowest rates. Minnesota \u25a0 Mortgage Loan Company, Rooms i::-! 4. Firs; j National Bank Building; corner Fourth au4 Jackson sti. Mackey, Manager. i » A 'i'iJK >TA->l»AiiU I«AN ! »n.»X\» Co.. sa Robert, corner Fourth \ room ."•. will an you money on furniture ; pianos, diamonds, watches, etc., at less rates and belter terms than e:\n be had elsewhere. , I>ANKSTOCKS a specialty: bonds, com J.J rnp.rcial paper. mortgage?, securities bought and sold. George W. Jenks. Invest- ment Banker. Minnesota Loan Trust Building, Minneapolis. JVI O.VKV ON HAN to loan on city prop- "-1. erty and farms; lowest rules; no" delay. W. F. Moritz, ICI3 Pioneer Press. ; . . » : \u25a0 \1 ON -it i.i a> . l> on life insurance po -L'l- icies: or bought. L. P. Van Norman 11 Guaranty liuildinsr. >iinneapo!is.'- SEVERAL small sums to loan on real ! estnte. F. E. .Magraw. li<J Globe Building. -F-R-I-V-A-l 7 "^ Money loaned on diamonds, watches, pianos, furniture or cooda in storage at lowewratec and small monthly return payments: uoteJ i and mortgages bought; most private loan ' rooms in the city, onio Investment Com" pany, i:a Globe iiiiilding; lake elevator. . \V2 **- i-- >;. ain>\Vi-:LL.reaies»te:Hsf »» bnrgn ins with them. Pioneer Press Blda; Sl m\() Of 7 l'Eli CENT SCHOOL kJ*Ji\j\J\J bonds for sale. Address" Ira C. R:r-h:ird> \u25a0::. Thief River Falls. Minn. - .; > STOKES A3i» FIXTCJSE4. i ' j §B 9P^> ->\u25a0' I'UJaciurt.* o. I BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES AND BIL LIARO SUPPLIES; Wareroom 405 and 407- Office and Factory 411 and 413 Fifth avenue youth. jriinne.ipnlia. Minn. CHIROPODIST. OCKWOOD, THE CHIROPODIST— Alltroubles of the feet. Endicott Ar- ' cade Building, second floor, Rooms 233 and ?^4; established ten years. " ma Bna SITUATIONS WAJiTEIX females. I YOU WANT WORK. | r Find it by usine the Globk % a v*ant Columns, and you can be a A employed as TT % AGENT, CLERK % & BOOKKEEPER, f J STENOGRAPHER. J a SECRETARY, ? % Hostler, Gardener or Man-of-All- % ' Work. #| | ..DON'T BE IDLE.. | While the Globe is at your service, fi iHhlc- \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0:'. BOYS FOX PLACES, places for boys: employment bureau for poor boys, free. Newsboys' Club Hoom,:u.; Wabas&a it: open from II to l-'a. m.. and from 7 to'j p. m. BOUKKEtii'EK Experienced book- keeper and office man is open for posi- tion : ( -an furnish excellent city references. Address M 16, Globe. C'LKKK Wanted, position by a ynuna; •' man In railroad office: have had ex- perience as clerk ami stenographer in divis- ion superintendent's office; willso out of city. X IS, Globe. CLKi'K Position as clerk or steward in ' country hotel; five years' experience. Address J. F. Burns. St Paul. limn. pOLLECTOK-A chance for eolleotor; v-' sober young man. liii Ohio st., corner Ethel st. Wort St. Paul. COLLKC! OX- Wanted, bills to collect on commission. Address 3 i:t. Globe. COLLECTOR— A chance for collector; > sober yonns man. 134 Ohio, corner Ethel st. West St. P.anl. FAK3I WOKK-liaii and wife would lite, I- to go out on a farm: woman a good cook and first cinss laundress: man to m.-ike him- self generally useful, is a steady, sober, reli- able man. Address Charles Soreusen, 2SI William st, city. PAttM HAM) V younjr man would like i- work on farm: anyone desirinn a sood man please write at once to N. >>.. US Wells St.. St. Paul. pOAt'HMAX a youn^ married man. v-» sober and reliable, experienced coach- man, wants a place. Address C, Coachman, C; 0 Warren si. f kFFiCK U'Oijk—Wanted, situation In v-' railroad othce by yonns: man of good education and business abilits: small salary; best of references. Nli (^lobe. »" O. iit WDKK V-,iii.'ir man. twenty- one, stranger, experience in office work, desires position at moderate salary. Address 1) !•»\u25a0, Globe. PAINTER— good painter would like to pet work by the job. Address M 17, Globe. POSITION of some kind wanted by a -L capable and willingyoung man of 22; can fur': Mi references. Address l' pi. i. \u25a0\u25a0'. \u25a0\u25a0. AUCTION IS AII >. 0 Going Away | i$ Anddon't want to store your fur- 2j '. niture for the summer because you % ? expect to have new in (r O the fall? Good sales and princely 0 g prices can be obtained by advef- A * tisinjtyour *I & Household Furniture, Stores, $ 0 Kitchen Furniture, Rxnges, % Far/or Furniture, D:sbe3 x v! Dini.-g Rcom Furniture, and v Bed Room Furniture, Chars. & v Or anything el.=e you want to sell, by V $? letting thu public Know it rough the & £ Auction Columns of ti:e Globs. Ji-hh & >»lijhjcp, Aiictioneer.s. FUKSIXUKt AND CARPETS AT public auction at the residence No. 159 West Sixth st. Tuesday morning. July 11. Nt 10 o'clock: all the furniture of n ten-room house, consisting of bedroom s-ni'.s. jiarlor furniture, renter tables, Brussels and iuurain oiri ets, kitchen utensil* etc. Jebb & j Sfh:t!'er. aiiftinncers. 11! \\ -f-h:'. St. PF:«S<»!?A8-S- A UTAYS RELIABLE— Madame Teits- jTX worth, 1 clairvoyant; business test medi- um; thirty years' experience. C-.5D Wabasha I si., city. Akk V{)ll IX TKOUBLE? Consult Madam Ina Walter, "life reader. ' for faithful resume of your past present and future. Diseases of women diagnosed and suecessfi:ily trented: correspondence confi- dential; ladies,' ECc: gentlemen. $1. 515 Wa- basha st.. opposite the capitol. DH. SOLOMON'S BJTTKKS for sick headache, costiveness, etc. \] K.S. liAKWIS— ij, Wabasha Mag- -*t netic and massage treatment; alcohol, 011 and sea s;):t batn°. liouia - J;i. M:i<. KATE HOPKINS, psychometric reader and trance medium, _'J.i> West Seventh sl, i?t Paul. ii-. M. A. t:">si-:v. c,-u Wabashn St.— Magnetic and massage treatment for paralytic rheumatism and iiervous diseases. Clairvovani reader. Call 'J a m. to >p. us. ISOKSF.S AAI> CAKS:iAGES. I HAVE YOU A I % HOUSE. $ % CARRIAGE, «5S X ? PH.4ETOK. l^ 4 & VICTORIA. £ £ HARNESS, £ a ;h. jL ?35 PONY or f y irJ. jaunting |i & CART t & To Sell, or da you want to Buy one? S j 0 Try the columns of i | THE WANT PAGE. * DOR SALE—One extra fine driving horse. j L gentle and fast 887 Broadway. I L*OR SALE A fine team of horses, also ' X carriages and harness; cheap. Address T 12, Globe. <CVOr \ BUYS a fashionable standard and iSJ^yjyJ registered colt, coming two years. H. qimmelman. Jr.. Mnnkato. Minn. MISCEI.LA3IF.OL T S. J "|B. SOLOMON'S BITTERS is the most ~U popular medicine of the day. Dyspep- sia, loss of appetite, biliousness and all dis- orders of the alimentary canal ere speedily cured. POR ADOPTION Healthy boy two a months old. Call on Mrs. Hoofkins, 214 West Seventh st. third floor. KAVY-WEIGHT CHEVIOT SUIT to order, $16; will be worth 825 later on. M. Simon. 110 East Seventh. GREAT riAXO BARGAIH. ONE ELEGANT upright Decker Bros, piano, style 15. at about one-half its value; it has only been used a few months; must be sold soon. B. C. Muu?er, 107 East Third st -- " \u25a0\u25a0 ACCOUNTANTS. H.»i. 'l 'r-.Ui'i.r:, joGermauia Life lnsur a nee Building, expert and audit wort \u25a0 FOB REKT. WHITAIiER &FAKKEB, Renting Agency, Manhattan Building. v. J. %V. Siiepard, 91 East Fourth Street. T> EMS HOUSFS, STORES, OFFICES, \u25a0*-*- apartments and rooms, withand without steam heat, in all parts of the city; acts as owners' agent: collects rents. I You Can Rent I \ HOUSES, 5 r ROOMS, f 0 STORES, a A - OFFICES, i) % DESK ROOM, i 5 FLATS. f ATTICS, f d BARNS, £ h FARMS, £ S Or Even Tour Last Sum- \ X iner's Straw Hat, 5 P If you will advertise them m the # ft Rent Columns of the GLOBE a A WANTS. £ iiOKx-N. I COTTAGE— rent, four-room cottage. 496 Rice st.: ten minutes' walk from Great Northern shops. " COTTACit— Four-room cottage, ten mi \u25a0f utes' walk from Great Northern shop 3 Inquire at 4!)0 Rice st. COTTAGE For rent, a line seven-room cottage. "\u25a0•'J Spruce St., corner Canada, riOTTAOE- rent, nice six-room cot- V-/ tage: good location ten minutes' wait from business center. 133 Iglehart st. FOX KK.M- Furnished room; Ss per month: use of bath. 125 West Fifth st. GOOD HOUSES VERY CHEAP; ALL PRICES: ALL CONVENIENCES FOR ALLGOOD PEOPLE. TAYLOR'S REST- ING AGENCY. Hoi SK— For rent, five-room house neat Omaha shops. Inquire of G. 11. Mead, Metropolitan Opera House Building. HGUS.K— For rent, nice, comfortable little j II houee and place, shade trees. pl?uty I water. 309 Smith ay. HOISK For rent, eight-room house; all modern improvements: linished in hardwood: large bathroom, gas, furnace, electric bells and speaking tubes; barn. Call at 806 Holly ay. HOUSE— rent. No. 573 Carroll st. be- tween Kent and Dale. Inquire next door. Hot .\u25a0>>.-\u25a0:«.\u25a0) Fourteenth sl. seven-room bouse; modern convenience. Applyto T. E. B!a>e. a - East Fourth st.. Washington LifeInsurance Company. HUOSK— Seven-room house with water and bath. 202 Sherburne ay. Inquire at 41- Rice st H Oust— Near Corner Jackson and Tenth —Seven rooms; $15.00 per month. Frank A. Upham, Jeweler, 111 East Seventh st. HOL >!\u25a0.:- For rent, modern tweive-room house, facing Central park, $£>; new i ten-room house, all improvements. Selby ay., j at very low rent; eiylu-rooin house. 844. Ed- i mund st, city water mid in good repair, S6; j six-room house. Goodhue and West seventh, $H. John ft. Bicfcey. Germauia Life Build- ing. Minnesota and Fourth. HOIWK— Eight room house, hardwood finish. \u25a0:4 chart st, HOLSE— For lent, five-room house; No. -So«,i Congress st. Apply :.'s:j Congress str. c . HOUSE For rent, house. Uli>s John st., with all modern conveniences. In- quire 'i 7 Westminster. Hol'sk— For rent, house, ti ") Westmin- ster: all modern conveniences, includ- ingfurnace. Inquire Westminster st. / H»)i s.. For rent cheap, a nice nine-room i-i- house and burn nt 91 East Twelfth st PAPfcK CLEANING, painting, kalso- miuingand papernanging, reasonable. 1 IS West Seventh st., Seven corners. PLKAs.VNTAV.. lt?3-Eight rooms: fine J- condition; close yards; screens; finely shaded. Apply 230 West Third st. . rp.WI.OKa Ki.N : INt. A(ii4.NCV X (JLOISE BUILDING—WE RENT HOUSE!* STOKES, OFFICES. TAKE CHARGE OP RENTED PROPERTY AND MAKE COLLECTIONS. THE GLOIJi-; BAXBKK .SHi.P, TO A RESPONSIBLE WHITE MAM: ALL FURNISHED, CHEAP. TAYLOR'S RENT- ING AfiEiNCY. Flats. FLAT— Floor— Six rooms: Sift, 222 West Seventh st A. li. ileus, i:> East Fourth st. FLA of seven rooms, with bath &nd all 1 conveniences: first floor. Call at L7!> West seventh st, two blocks above Seven Corners. FLA for rent, of four rooms or two large rooms; rent low; bouse modern; call Monday. 57 Irvine park, foot of Walnut st, FLAT— Steam-heated flat, seven rooms, -I- hot and :_old water, gas range fixtures, shades, screens, etc.; references required. Frederick Knit. druggist 440 Wabash* st. FLAT— Nice three rooms on second floor in brick building, No. 20:j Norris st, corner bible y; rent, ST. C*LAT— Six room fiat, all modern conveni- J- ences, in brictc building. Jin Western aye., between Dtt>ton and Selby aye. En- quire 134 East Third St FLAT— apartment of three rooms; A bath, gas rauge. electric light,etc., at 128 West Sixth st. FLATS— For rent now six-room flats; steam-heated and all medern improve- ments: 706 Jackson st. Inquire Leon St. Pierre. Browning, King A Co, Koomv A— HOTEL BRUNSWICK, for gentle- xx. men only; fifty modern steam-heated roosm by day, week or month. AT COKNKR SEVENTH AND WA basha, over bank, furnished rooms sin gle or on suite, fronting on Wabasha or Sev enth. I> ROADWAY. 4L.;i- For rent, front room iJ new paper and furniture, alcove and bay window, hot aud cold water; SlO a month. BURR ST., «)J7— For rent, furnished room down stairs, facing east. pA!iKOLi.sT., ;;:.;;— corner Virginia Ay. v> —Furnished rooms fur rent P, Ii A S T- 6K-r3lieeis furnished room v>* for SB. pEUAK ST.. 57S Nicely furnished room v-> for rent suitable for two gentlemen with board. " ' EDAH -T., B*3— Furnished front parlor: v> folding bed: all modern conveniences. /JKDAK ST., 474— furnished rooms. COLLttiE AY.. 48. WEST-Three nicely V^ furnished rooms; all modern conven- iences: at reasonable rates. OLiEOE AY.. 19 east Pleasant inr- v^ nished room for rent; modern conven- iences. COLLEGE AY.. 4G WiSST— Cheerfui front room, suitable for two gentlemen all modern conveniences: private family. ' AYTON AY., 656 - For rent. cheap, nicely furnished . front room, suitable for two persons. . ' \u25a0 DAYTON AY., 248-Yery pleasant fur- nished single room for gentleman. ELOS, 146. EAST— Blocks From Street Cars— Pleasant front room \u25a0 fur- nished. IGHTH. 459-Nicely furnished rooms convenient location; bath, pieasaut lawn ana shade trees. ELKVENTH ST., <»(], EAST-One nicely furnished room; all conveniences; also roommate far younj XtuXs. FOX KE3T. Rooms. EIGHTH ST.. -.-75 Furnished rooms from So to $8 per month, with bath. FLAT New, second floor; seven rooms and alcove; hot water heating, bath and all otner modern improvements. 891 Igiehart st. - FLATS Furnished apartments for rent; also furnished and unfurnished rooms. Apply tS3 East Seventh St., Room I*. FIFTH ST., 234. WEST- Third Flit- Nicely furnished rooms for rent; all conveniences. I*'THST., -,-)5, WEST— front room, with or without board; also lady roommate; must be neat. C"IFTH ST.. 259 WEST— A nicely fur- i- nished front room with larse closet; lo- cation central; rent S3 per month. Fl H STREET. 143 W KST— Three large, airy, richly furnished rooms: modern conveniences; everything first-class. ITZKR -»CK—Filimore and South Robert. West Side— Four front rooms; central; good view; artesian well water; rent. 810. QOODBICH AY..-24C— Near High Bridge VX —Basement, two large, nicely papered rooms, summer kitchen, cellar; city and soft water; nice yard: $6. TGLKHART, 88—For rent, nicely fur- -1- nished rooms; all conveniences. TULKHAKT ST.. 23 Nicely furnished -I room; private family. I6LEHABT, 57— 800 m for rent, with bath -t and use of parlor: §\u25a0< single. SlO for two. JGLKHAUT, 65—Nicely furnished rooms with gas and bath. JACKSON ST., Three rooms for rent on first floor: city water and sewer. JOHN. ss2— For rent, large, nicely fur- nished front room, first floor; private family: S& \u25a0 MACK OBLN ST.? *>2— Furnished rooms for housekeeping ifdesired; one block and half from cable. I>TU ST.. 393 EAs !— Nicely furnished room with or without board. DIi.AS.vNT AY.,15(*—Pleasant furnished i- . front rooms; board ifdesired. PLEASANT AT., 724—Furnished- front room, excellent location, with gas light and bath room, cheap. Pleasant AY.,315—For rent, a neatly furnished room for single gentleman; strictly private family. ROO3I— For rent to a lady employed dur- ing the day a large/airy, cool, newly furnished room with two large closets; use of parlor and bath and privilege of light housekeeping in a private fiat on Pleasant ay.; this is a nice house for the right party; rent only$15 per mouth; must have refer- ences. Address S -3, Globe. ROOM— For rent, a nice front furnished room: ground floor;at 470 Fuller st.; j call Sunday. ROOM— Pleasant furnished room, withuse of bath; on Summit ay., near Rice st. car line, 10 minutes' walk, to postotlice; gentleman with references. Address X 10, Globe. ROOM— Large; pleasant furnished room in nicest residence part of city: ten minutes from court house; cheap. Address 22, Globe. ROOM— For rent, room completely fur- nished for dressmaking: some trade with the place. Call 22 East third st. ROOMS— To rent, nicely furnished rooms, with nil modern conveniences. Apply 358 East Tenth st. "^ ROOMS— Parties looking for fine fur- nished rooms; call at 22s East Seventh st. ROOMS Unfurnished rooms for rent suitable for housekeeping. Inquire A. Winter, 6 East Ninth st. D OOMMATK—Wanted, lady roommate; XV pleasant front room: board if desired. 255 West Fifth. ROOMS People looking for pleasant rooms, en suite or single, furnished or unfurnished, cnll 415 East Seventh; also rooms furnished for housekeeping. ROOM— For rent, with or without board, in a strictly private family, a very pleas- ant front room and alcove, with all modern conveniences. in a very u'ood neighborhood: ten minutes' 1 walk from postoflice; references exchanged. Address V 23, Globe. L> ICE ST., 251—Corner College ay.—Nicely i-V lurnisbed front room; suitable for two"; private family. SELBVAV., Nicely furnished, largo iront room with alcove; also bedroom with modern conveniences. SEL.BY AY., 2ittj— Furnished room, suitable O for two, on ruble line: private family. SKLBY AY..283—Two furnished rooms, U gas and bath. SKf.IiY AY., 2SU—Furnished front; room and closet cheap, to rii;ht party. EVENTH ST., l!«i! 2 WKST Second U Floor—Two nice furnished rooms for gentlemen. HERMAN ST-, ;ji'_Ttiree or sis rooms; cellar; tirst-class; private house: central. OiXTH. 128, WKST-Elegantly furnished kJ rooms; electric light, bath; excellent ventilation; fine view. V-HITH AY.. 135 Furnished rooms on sec- \u25baJ ond floor: modern conveniences; near ca- ble mid electric curs. SMITH AY.. 237—For rent, a small, nicely j furnished room; modem improvements- private family. SMITH AY.. Corner Sixth— Pleasant furnished front room: private family. SMI Til AY., 81—Two furnished rooms and one nufurulshed room; modern improvements. V'TINSON ST.. 295—Near Western Ay.— A-J For rent, five rooms with city water; pleasant location. ST. PETE itST., (573— For runt, furnished ana unfurnished rooms; gas and all modern conveniences. PETER ST., 529-For rent, two un- \u25baJ furnished front rooms, cheap. ST. PETER ST., 555—A front room, and also a side room, for rent. V^T. PETER ST., 515 Suite of three **-> looms, furnished, suitable for light housekeeping or two gentlemen. ST. PETER ST., 457— Five ucfuruished k-J rooms. THOMPSON AM) PLEASANT— Fur- I- nished or unfurnisned rooms on car line: single or en suite, with or without board, suitable for light housekeeping; pleas- ant location. 'PENTH ST., 31. EAST-Elegantly fur- -L nished front parlor and side room. TENTH. 52. WIiST-Horst Block, Third Floor Three pleasant unfurnished rooms. 'PHOHAS ST., 45:;— For rent, live rooms. IULTOX ST., ts2—One nicely furnished J- room in a private family. TTAN- SLYKE COURT. 312-Off Broad- v way—Large front room: also single room, furnished: all conveniences. -. 'ABASHA ST.. Over Bank-Fur- »» nished rooms by the week or month. WABASHA ST., 552—Furnished rooms »* t&rsnt: first-class; bath. WABiSUA ST.. 424— Over ilealey's Dry »» Goods Store— Nicely furnished front rooms for rent. /ABASH A ST.. 457-Nicely furnished V * front rooms for tent from $4, Si, ; 4 p. WABASHA ST.. t-40-Nicelv furnished »» front rooms, with or without board; ail modern conveniences and rea.-onable. "AUASHA.-KSU— Corner Tenth St.— Furnished rooms tor rent: pl;ice quiet. MKOi V CTiK<. dretaking. 314 CoP borne st. : reasonable terms. - '.'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 11OAKU ".WASTED. BOARD Wanted, board aud room with ,JJ _- Catholic family by young man. Address O is, uiobe. BUSINESS IH.4>'«!K>. I BUY or SELL * % HOUSES, ( ; A HOTELS, \ SHOPS, ( ' X FARMS. f & STOKES. ( 0 KESTAURANTS, \u0084 % BUILDINGS, f % BARNS, *' & Or anything else that you may i » have to sell or wish to buy, by «\u25a0 0 using the " 5 Business Columns of the Glebe. t * miscellaneous. A.srLKNim) OPPORTUNITY All established book, stationery and cigar store in an A 1 location for sale: doing i. good business: don't call unless you mean business. 134 East Fourth st. BLACKSMITH wanted in the villas -L> of Simpson. Minn., on Winona &South- western railroad: good shop and tools fix- sale or rent. Address S. li. Brown. Simpson. 31inn. pONTECTIoXEKY for sale on accour. v-> of poor health. 566 Broadway. FOR SALK-Dairy of (50 cows; pood cen- tral routes; horses, wagons, etc. Wit Globe. OK SALE CHEAP— Horseshoeing an wagon shop doing a good business reasons, party leaving towu. Call or addres- A. 8.. Globe. GOOD livery business for sale cheap. O. G. Mack, Stewartville. Minn. '"Plliigood will of lay business of twenty -L fiveyears' standing will be eiven awa without money or price; fixtures for sale cheap: to the right party I will take a smal. interest as special partner. H. P. Grant, No 2SS East sixth st. BOABD OFFERED. i Y ou C AN B OARD f $ RICH WAN. [ i POOR MAN", *' 5 BEGGAR or <\u25a0 £ THIEF, ( d AND THEY ( A CAN FIND \ ROOMS AND . * ? HOUSES THAT i t WILL GIVE ( d THEM RELIEF. 1 &^ BOARD— Front alcove room fot rent wit: board. 311 West Third st. BOARD— Front alcove room with board nil-conveniences. 522 Cedar st., Lyil Terrace, opposite Capitol. BOARI)-;m:i North Washington St.; pleas- i-> ant. nicely furnished and unfurnished rooms with board, opposite Rice park. BOARD Koom and board for gents i: private family. 27!» West Seventh st. BOARD— 'The Miner"—Pleasant rooms modern conveniences: in a central lo- cation; also day board. 162 College, corn- Sixth. BOARD— rooms with goo.: table board. 476 Cedar st. ' BOARD— Good board and rooms for ladle , and gentlemen at 220 Thirteenth st. BOARD— A quiet family of refinemen' having two connecting furnished room wish a plain gentleman and wife or two gen tlemen to room and board; best locality o- hill. Address V lit.Globe. EiOaku a private family on hill, Sum- ' nail are., will take gentleman toboaiv and room. Address V 25, Globe. BOA ill)— Furnished front rooms wit! board : use or gas and bath. 147 Pleas ant ay. ; also table board. BOARD— airy rooms with boaid $4.50 per week; rooms tor one or two 231 Spruce st. BOARD— Furnished rooms and table boa-. cheap. 4:tl St-lbv ay. ' BOARD— Large, airy rooms and bath for rent, with board; pleasant summer loca- tion. 13J1 Wabaaha. BOARD Nice furnished room with board : (i o'clock dinner, 52J Cedar st., come. Tenth. BOARD Furnished front room,~"w"iT! board, for one or two gentlemen, in pr vate family; no ether roomers. 2al Uni versity ay. west. BOARD rooms with board, i:; lanre modern house. 210 East Ninth*si. BOARD and rooms; good looation; large grounds and trees. 40;; Summit ay. BOARD and nicely furnished rooms, beautiful shaded lawn. ii::i!idinner; rei- erenceii. 151 Summit ay.. corner Sixth st. BOAKD— Afew gentlemen or ladies can rind home board in a private German family.544 Canada st. BOARD and nicely furnished front rooms with hot and cold bath; modem; prices: about five minutes walk from Third st. 110 South Robert st. BOARD— Pleasant furnished front room, with or without board. 131 Smith, cor- ner of Sixth st. BOAKD Nicely furnished front roon with alcove,, modern conveniences am: good table board near business center. 2 ; East Tenth st. BOARD A refined German private family wishes to take one or two gentle- men boarders; house modern, with all con- veniences, near Seven corners; tine rooms and A 1 table; references exchanged. Ad dress C 64. Globe. r YTLt Cedar— For rent. J-i one front room: also single rooms, with board: gn«. bfllh. etc. MUSICAE,. UKAXK STOLLWKKK, piano tuner, re- - r pairer of nil kinds of art instruments: first-class work guaranteed: music furnished for parties, receptions, etc. Office at Free Knits Drug Store. 440 vVabnsha St.; Tele phone li"J5-t: residence. 712 York st. LOST A3l> roil Si IX COW LOST— A small red cow on St. Peter s Monday night: ears punched. Return to 390 Coma »nd receive reward. OG LOST— St. Bernard female dog. Re- turn to TilSt. Peter st. and receive re ward. HOK»I6 tAi&T— mare. Finder . will please return to No. 10 Fil'more ay. UMBJUXLA- gentleman who left an umbrella in the Globe office can have the same by calling and proving prop- erty. \u25a0- IJISTKi CTIO3S. A LADY WILL GIVE PRIVATE LES- sons in English branches. Si a weeK (three lessons). Address N40, Globe. •\u25a0 ST. AGATHA'S ACADEMY OK Mlsit and Art. 26 East Exchange St.. St." Paul— Piano, violin, guitar, and mandolin' taught. Lemons given'in drawing and painting. Call or send for prospectus... WANTED- Lessons in German or Italian in exchange for lessons iv French language. H 10". < 'v be \u25a0 .' WAN! See if the Globe : 111 as a want mcdi- \u25a0 urn is not more popular than all ; : AHO other papers com - ' fiUdi ned * : >^ n

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Page 1: St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1893-07-10 [p 7] · THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE: MONDAY MORNING. JULY iv, icoa. I 1SLUE IJAROIiSTTI R. Astill:eboy who sells Use papers Cud



Asti ll:e boy who sells Use papersCud lie will tell yon more abont••Iron ion tliau all the affidavit*tliat can fee published. .Jiisttryit

and you willbe convinced that (be

Globo leads all.


fit the Following Locations forInsertion in Daily and SundayGlobe.M. I). Merrfll,442 Broadway.S. 11. Reeves, druggist Moore block. Seven

\u25a0 lorners.C. T. Heller, druggist. 528 St. Peter streetStraight Bros., druggists-, corner of Rondo

Hid Giotto.William K.Collier, druggist, I9'J East Sev-

luth street.A.T. Guernsey, druggist 171 Dale street.V.A. Uirscher, druggist, 233 Rondo street.Parker & Westby, druggists, 670 East Third


E. McCrudden. confectionery, 476 Ricestreet.

W. A. Frost &Co., druggists, corner Selbyend Western avenues.

B. J. Wine, druggist 330 Market, comerFifth.



BI.ACKs.VIITU— Wanted, a first-class

general blacksmith for the country;steady work: good pay. Apply HermanTniede. 1 .'1 Payne ay.

BOY— Wanted, boy sixteen or eighteenyears old. at United States Clothing

Com] >\u25a0\u25a0•..\u25a0\u25a0; and Jackson.


Ludie* and gentlemen toJ begin work ;itonce: sood commission to

active, energetic workers. Addr.-ss M.P.Walsh, General Delivery, city.

COMiMTKXT BUSINESS MAN forany state in the Union on salary or com-

mission: willneed some capital. Address C18, Globe.

pIGAKMAhEKS-One or twocicarmak-ers, male or female, towotk on own ac-

count: swte how much capital you wouldinvest Address I) [9, Globe.


DRIVER—Wanted, a young man to drive\u25a0f laundry wagon; must be acquaintedwill!Hie city. 47.') Wal.asha st.

DUIVEK—Man wanted Monday to drivergnere wagon at Kent's Express, '14

Most Seventh si.

PLtVATOKBO\ wanted at Meuopoli--L< tan hotel.

£.->il'«.oV3lKNT-A young man. GennariDreferred, be "Cafe Neumann,"' Wabashatree l


furniture of six-room1 house up.cousisting of parlor, dining,.bedrooms and kitchen : allas good as new; agood opportunity to any oue wishing to fur-nish: house for rent cheap. Api .\u25a0.'": Mar-tin St.

GKSEKAL A«ii>TS for the best andmost liberal accident and sick benefit

association in the United States: exclusiveterritory riven; it willpay you to investigatethis opportunity. A. L. Hoffman, Braiuerd,3Uinn.

HAHDWAKE-Remarkable new tool:only experienced travelers. Address

Levin Pruner, 37 !>«. v st. New York.

HUK.-SK!SHOKK—Floorman; steady wortfor first-class man. Loudon Bros.,

Moorht'fiu. Minn.

PAJiTNKitwanted to travel with illus-trated lecturer; must invest s.'.1 which

willbe secured: salary, 575 per month, ex-pen -. \u25a0. Address Lecturer. Globe.

POUTER— Wanted, a good por;er. Applyat Hotel Arlington, Seven Corners.

SAI.KSMKX—A snarj for traveling menwho vi>it many different towns and vii-

lages: daily expenses easily wade infifteenminutes while waiting fora train, appointingagents; no sales to make, no Earnpies tocarry.For particulars address "liowins." Lock Bosel*. Chicaco.

AI.AHV <)'. COMMISSION to agentsO tohandle the Patent Chemical [nk-Eras-inc Pencil :the most useful and novel inven-tionof she a^c-: erases ink thoroughly in twoseconds; works like magic; 3 0 tosoo percentprotit: agents making gSO per week; we alsowant a general a^ent to take charge of terri-tory, and appoint sub asrents; a rare chancetomake money ;write for terms and speci-men of eiabiiig. MtDice Eraser Mfg.Ci X4, La Crosse. Wis.

SOLICITOUS—Wanted, men of energyO and tact to solicit for the Bankers' LifeAssociation of St: Paul, Minn.:liberal con-tract and splendid territory canbe secured byaddressing clarence E.becor, tt. Paul, Minn.

ST AT1-; AGENCY tora thorough businessman on commission or salary; staplearticle and sold byall merchants: some cap-ital required. Address C Hi, Globe.

STENOOBAPHKH-Wanted.experieneedmale ste::o^rauher. S. p. Wells .lr. 405Slbley st.

'^XtNOtiKAl'lltlw—Coiupeient stenog--0 raphersaud typewriter operators out ofemployment are invited to register theirnames and qualifications with our cmplov-meul acr>arirx:ent: r.o charge to eitherem-ployer or employed. Wyckufi', beamans &Benedict. 14 East Fourth st.


agood tinner at once. See E.Bouquet at 1-arwell, Ozmun, Kirk&Co.'s,

MondayISAVKI.INt; MEN that have had two

J- years' experience in selling proprietarymedicines to druggists. The Dr.A'.-P. SawyerMedicine Co.. 151 Colorado ,v.. Chicago, ill.

AITI.KS wanted at o".^ Robert si.,* » Furuiington Dairy Co. Call MondayJuiy 10.

" ' **\ \u25a0,

"a v; .*\u25a0 a-, honest, intelligent men:-\u25a0 » steady work and good pay. Call Sun-lay afternoon, ."'<l Beaumont, near Burr.

iyAN*Ti;D—Enegetic man forgood pay-»» ingposition. References and bond re-3'.:irod. Applyat S a. m., Room EOa, ChamberDf Commerce BuiUlin-g.

\\!ATCiIMAKKK-wanted: competent*V workman. L. S. Weller, 110 East Sev-

enth -;.

117 ANXKO—

Salesmen or agents: easy» V work: good pay selling pants to order

£::. suits $15. Hunter Tailoring CompanyCincinnati, Ohio.

WASTED KKiHT AWAY—Reliable,men at home or to travel to keep our

Fhow cards tacked upin towns, on trees andfences along public roads; steady workin your own county; $75 a month ardi-i a d::y expenses deposited in your bankwhen started. J. n. Schaaf &Co". Mi Wal-uui si., tiucmnati, O.





— |,) Or any other kind cf HELP, can se- %C cure them byadrertisfas in the <£iGlobe Want Columns |


A A A —GIRLS wanting the best• -lS • Jr\ • places and wages in or outof the city call at once. Lttrpenteur's Em-ploymen Office, 51 West Exchange st.

\ T MRS. SCHNKI.J.'S, 241 West Seventh\u25a0tV st.. wanted, cook?, and girls for house-work: best places, highest wages, situationsfree: office open eveninss.

A OLD I.ADV. living alone, wants anelderly lady to live with her &nd work

forboard: good home to the right party;Catholic preferred. 0 17. Globe.

OANVA-SKRS-Lndies to canvass: SlO to*\u25a0-' Sl-porweek. Mrs. N. L. Darby, G-"JOhio st.

CHOCOLATE DIPPKK wanted: mustbe experienced. Applvat i'erxa's candy

factory, Seventh and Cedar.

pt)OK wanted at i-ijSt. Peter it.

Cooks :::]iigirlsfor general housework at:;j)Walnut st.

pOOK wanted at 521 Grand ay.


An experienced cook and generalhousework servant at 21 South St. Al-

bans st.

OOOK—Girl that knows something aboutV-' cootiiiir, and one to do plain washing;good wages. 388 Nelson ay.

COOK—Plain cook wanted at 25Q Day-ton ay.

PAINING hOO.llGIKLvain. 1. til EastJL/ Sixth st.

Di> -N i:«JO?.I (;|RI—

Good dining-*-' room girl; highest wages paid. »'54East Tenth:

DISHWASHER ana kitchen girl wantedat !' t Western ay. north.

DH. SOLOMON'S BiTTi:';sis the best_ blood niiriaer in the world.

EMPLOYMENT —Wanted -Two neat

young Indies can findsteady work at 4:24Wabas st., lioom 8.

| IHLS for housework, laundry girls,I vJ kitchen girls, cooks, dishwashers. 4_'4: VVabasha. corner Seventh. Room 4.


Wanted, first-classhairdresser, who thoroughly under-

stands the business. Call room si Hann-heimer New Bnilding.10:;E i>t Sixth.

HOUSEWORK- good girl forgeneral housework. 346 Dayton ay.


Girl for general house-workin small family;good waged. Cw)

; Dayton nv.OCSKWOKK— Wanted, girl for house- !

work ati>-J2 East Miimehkha st.

WORK—Wanted, a good com-petent girlfor housework at "75 Dayton.

HOUSEWORK— Giri wanted forgeneralho sework; family of four. USD Fair-

mount ay.

H<!rsEWOKK— Wanted, girl forgeneralhousework at 72 Marshall ay.

HOUSEWORK— a canahle girlforgeneral housework in a family of

two. Applyat No. '.) Farringtbn Flats.rioi'SEWOKK— Wanted, a cirl for gen-O erulhousework: no washing. 503 Mar-

! shall ay.

Oi-.SK\V-.:RK— Wanted, good girl forgeneral housework. Call at £63 Mar-shall ay.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted. » girl for gen-eral housework; small family. £31

Laurel ay.

HOCSKWOKK— for housework in ai IIsmall family. Good wages to a capable! girl. .*:1 Summit ay.

HOUSKWOKK- Wanted, a competentgirlfor general housework; family of

two. 270 Kent st.

BOUSE WORK— Wanted, a German girlat 35g East Tenth St.; go id wages.

Housework-a girl for general house-work; familyof three. 311 Olmsted st.

HOLSKWOKK—Girl wanted for generalIIhousework. Apply at So. 474 Collins st.

HOUSEWORK— Girl for general house-work. 317 South Franklin st.

HOUSEWORK— Agood girl for generalhoiihework. Call at 442 Ashland ay. ;

best of wages.

ous-KWORK— GirI for general house-work; good washer and ironer. 0 5

Martin st.

{ HOUs WORK— wanted forgeneralXX housework: German or Norwegianpreferred. Applyat litiKent st.

HOLSKWO«K— Wanted, girl for lighthousework, family of two. Call at

oiice. 171 East University.

fIOLSEWORK— good girl for11 general housework. Inquire 7.i^ Igle-hart st.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, good girl for 'general housework; good salary. 75G

Ashland ay.

HOUSEWORK— Girl wanted for generalhousework. I^7 Carroll st, Merriam


HOUSEWORK— Free room and board onSt. Anthony hill to intelligent young

lady willingto assist lady at lighthousework,Address A.J.. Globe.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, good giri forgeneral housework. £tS9 West Fifthst.second flat.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a small girl at519 Broadway.

HOUSEWORK— Girl wanted for generalhousework. Applyat 1256 lieaney st.

HOUSEWORK— Agood Swede girl want-ed at ."03 East Seventh st., that under-

stands cooking: good wages; call in thei store.

oUsJSWORK— Wanted, a girltodo Ken-eral housework ill small family at 460Virginiaay.

IIOcSEWORK— Wanted, respectable

XJ young eirl for very lighthousework :nowashing or ironing; family of two. Address11S.I. Globe.

HOUSEWORK— girlto workdays and-go home nights. Good pay to compe-

tent girl. 1%Oakland ay.

WORK— Wanted in a familyoftwo. good girl for general housework.Apply525 Ashland ay.

TRONKRS— Wanted, several good irouers1- tit State Steam Laundry, 2.2 West Sev-Ienth.

IWILL PAY a few ladies a salary i.fSioper week to work forme in their localityat home; light work; good pay for part time.Write, with stamp, Mrs. E. E". BaSsett, SuiteI"'4. Marshall Field Building,Chicago.

ifONE of the hundred girls thrown out ofA employment wants a good home in thecountry, withgood wages, apply at Room 25,.Astoria, opposite postoffice. Applybetweeni.and 1. or before Ha. m.

F^ITCIIEN GIRLwanted. ."•.-Cedar.

fcfcl" ADY MADE S4S last week selling-LJ 'Long's Solid Mucilage Pencils.' Why

not you? Address C. A. Long, Manufact-urer. :y(4 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111."

LADIES wishing to make $.0 to S*)weekly, by writingforme at home, reply

with stamped envelope. Miss .Myra A. Gor-don. Juliet, Illinois.


POLISHER— Wanted, at once, one first;class lady polisher ana one starcher-

none but first-class need apply. Address J.H.IlockiiigA:Co.. Merritt. .Minn.

LAODKVGlßL—Wanted, laundry girlat Capitol Restaurant, 343 Wabasha st.

LAUNDRY GIRLS— Wanted, laundry

girlsat the Windsor Hotel.

IRSE GIKL to take care of child andI^l help with light housework; must betrustworthy; smail family; good wages. 226Dale st., near Marshall.

(VTURSE GlßL—Wanted, girlto take care1* of child and help, in housework. C-tiOlive st.

SECOND GIKL wanted at 15 Bast TenthSt.. opposite capitol; apply afternoons.


Wanted, a competentsecond girlat 749 Summit ay.

SHIUT FINISHER, lady cloth [toner andmarker. Standard Laundry, luG North

Third st.. Minneapolis.

THI'KWKITEE wanted; furnish ownJL machine; steady work; state salary.Address 1122, Globe.

WAN ED-At Scandinavian Office, 107» V Sibley, competent nurses ana two

girls for boarding boose.

7"ANTED— to write at home: en-»V close stamped envelope. Bertha Betiz,

Sec. South Bend, lud.\T7ANT Girls to know that the best

\u2666 V places and highest wages can be hadat Mrs. Merryweather\s, 543 Wabasha.lUAM'EI)

—Forty-five girls for house-

\u2666 iwork;private families ;first-class; goodwages; \u25a0;:\u25a0.' Selby ay.

11/'ASHWOMAJi wanted: take cloth's\u2666•

home. Call 543 Wabasiia si.

\V ASH WOMAN—Wanted, a good wash-•\u2666' woman tocall early Monday morning

.at 7L:> East Third st.

UfASHER AM) IKf»NKR—must be a !good washer and

—wasted Mon- |

days at Room li>, i;VjWest seventh St., thirdfloor.

WASHING—A woman wanted to washp.nd iron. I*s West Te:;th st.

WITUMAX—Wanted." a woman by the day»V for a wee* or ten days: will pa quod

wages. ApplyMonday morning at 22/ Igle-bart st.



J. K. BACO.I,/ set cessou TO I

Karon <& roiemaa,

ESEAI. ESTATE A3ti) LOA2IS,Cor. 4th and Minnesota Sts.

ftli«tecllane«m*. |OBLIGED to sell four-room cottage and i

seven-room house fur less ihan value of II lot. Address o, :.\u25a0\u25a0;. i.lobe. !\\,? tat.l.l.iianil.t *.;,..ri.vic.-i.-iia:in»V bargains withthera Pioneer Press Bld»

Q*-? r\[l( 'i—O>;»•; of the most desirable*,r *J^J\J\J cottages in the city. InquireKB Burr st.



—% I

IWorld's Fair!j^ Can be secured in advance ifyon will \i V read the offers in the Globe. "Ifthey & jA are not satisfactory, advertise underx this Lead yourself, and when you \ :if reach the White Cityby the inland sea &Im you i:! find that you have saved & ;x money enough to see all the sights in \ I

! 5? MidwayPlaisauce by the 0

gLiifle AdInserted in the Globe Wants%rpOWOKLD-SFAIR VISITORS—Large,J- handsomely furnished front rooms pri-vntefamily.most beautiful location; terms 50cents to Si per day. each person ;US Fifty-fifthst. boulevard, Cfiicago, 111. For infor-

| mation call at O. Poison's. 93 East Third su


TO EXCHANGE for work horses, somegood drivers. and one goou exiension-

top two-seat carriage and some single Dug-gies. ISOEast Eighth st.

'!>(> i-.XCHANGK— fine oak bookcaseL or cupboard, one Garland stove, one

cook stove, one solid gold watch furhorseand buggy orbicycle. Address T 23, Globe.ToKXCHANGii—Parlor suit (six pieces)J. for good mare and harness. Address II

| :.' . Globe.| rPi> EXCHANGE—a Domestic sewing

-L machine for a bicycle. Address T 15,Globe.

W"ANTED— and buggy in trade tor\u2666 * piano; willtrade even for good outfit.

11l East Seventh. I. M. Smith.\V7 A

—To buy or to exchange for a

j »* solid gold watch, a good pony andsaddle. Address M r.^, Globe.

j ; I

FOR SAI-i:. |An():i~t. buggy and harness, in good

shape, forStiJ; hard times. Address Cfi.Globe.

BOILERS— For sale, tow boilers in use;40x14; to make room fur larger ones;

great bargain. J, T. McMillan or Franklin\u25a0Machine Works. Eighth and Minnesota sta.

DOGS— For sale, six very fine dog pups;half St. Bernard and mastiff. Box(J,

Hector. Minn. 3Ss£U

FOR SALE—SOU ft. granite curbing. Ad-i *- dress. A. A. Pi.rker. St. Cloud. .Minn.

I f"J.D!TAK—

sale, guitar, almost newj VJ cheap. Address M14. Globe.

ARDWOOD LUMBER at a bargain;oak. bass and ash, common and better

Tnllman Bros, 4 Co.. Mora, Minn.

! \|Al'l.t,AND 15IKCB t LOOKING ati IM. Jackson and 4th sts. Thompson &Co.npii' WHIT is—For sale,- Remington-L No. 2 typewriter: also minis igrapb:

boih ingood order. Adiress S 10. >;i.-voe.


X^ buckbOHrd, trap or road wagon to buycheap for cash: also a single harness \d-dres-s E -0, (.lone.

BUY AND sEI.L second-hand clothin^-cell at house. 136 East sixth, opposite

Rvan hotel.

ICE I.OX-Wanted, to buy a second-handice box in good condition. Call or ad-

dress SSI Aurora ay.

FFICKFLKNITURt-Wanted, to buyoffice furniture; standing desk, letterpress, counter, etc. ;must be In -rood condi-

! tion and cheap. Address ¥ 17. Gl >ne.

S~ JEWING MACH'Nt—Wuutrd. to buy'good sewingmacLlie; must be cheap andi a bargain: also kitchen range: give ic crip-"j tiotiand price. Address S22> Globe.

rovis— Wanted, to buyaeasoline stoveO cheap, at 41 West Exchange; call Sundaymorning or 'Moaday.


Mits.BALDWIN permanently removesxTi superfluous hair,moles, etc., by elec-tricity;references given. 202MerrillBuilding,Fifthand St. Peter st«.

oyi: works.AHL2KT & BIINTEL

—Minnesotasteam Dye Works. 244 East Seventh.

P J. ROCHEN-N. W. Steam Dye WorksJ:. office. 416 Robert st.Bjran Block Works,j 55 and 57 Indiana ay. -



BOiiKKEKi'ix:-Ayoung lady,whoun-J-* derstiinds bookkeeping:, desires position ;in an office; experienced; references'. X 20,Globe. '- .-

—Young lady would like a steady.'\u25a0J position as clerk in a dry goods, toy or

confectionery store. Address L.S., 304 Hopestreet

<"JUK.sbJJIAK.KR wants work; children's-L' clothes specialty: Rood reference: din-ingroom dresses 75cents: willgo to the bouseto tit. 350 North Exchange.

|^KC:s.S3IAKKR with two years1 experi-U ence wishes sewing to do either in shopor in families, or will take sewini; in. Callor address 103 North Victoria, st.

DRKss.HAKKK—Adressmaker who uu--L' dersthnds cutting: and tittinp: wouldlitesewing by the day in families. Call or ad-dress ls.'i Hondo.

O.OVKUXKSS—Wanted, position as daygoverness by experienced teacher; refer-

ences given. S 24, Glebe.ITODSEKEEPKR

—A lady would like

•i. housekeeping: has got two- children;no objection to going to the country. Ad-dress T2U, Globe.


HOI'SEKKKPKK— by yonns: |lady as nousekeeper lor a Catholic cler- !

gyman; will leave city. Mrs. 11. C. Eyan, [U4tBroadway. !

HOUSEKKKPKH— Wanted, situation as ;housekeeper by a middle-aged lady with .

gooa reference. Address 11 70. Globe. |

LAI*IKS inneed of reliable help, family |cooks, housekeepers and other help \u25a0

waiting. .Mrs. weather. ')»:< Wabasha st. .LADY wants situation: plain, rapid pen-

man or some kind of work. Address V1% Gioi.e.


A (ir>t-cia.«s !u.ndress !wants day work. 4 iWest Xintns t

NUIt.SE wants to tend sick ladr. 483 fctI'eierst

" i"M(L ItSK GIRL—Agirl of fourteen would

\u25a0L1 like position as nurse girlwith familyat the lake. Address !j.v,:.i7. 444 W:ibasha st I

FFICK WORK— Yoiin;;lady de-ires po- Isiiiou to do general oSne wornor type- !

writing. Address L. P.. Glube.

OFFICE WORK—A young lattv desiresposition in doctor's or dentist's office;

Email salary. Address Pis. Globe. ;

SECOND WORK—a place to do secondwork inMinneapolis, or any place not I

far from St. Paul Address K.-Morrow, Gen- jera! Delivery. !

SECOND WORK— ova compel !tent girl.second work, or light house-

work. Address :titiEast Coneress 1.tEWING-^Bjgood hand; can cutand fit iU Address M2. Globe. \u25a0'- : \u25a0

SE\Vl>*G—Wanted, sewing to t:ikehome or j

O go out by the day; can cutand fit 41 |West Exch:int;e. !

SIXUATi!>N wanted by Brst-ciuss -c»oks" Iinprivate families. «^jpermouth seiaa- |

dinavirtn Office, ! t! Siblev. !

OTENOGKAPHEK— Wanted, positioj) as i'-1 stenographer byyounj lady; salary no iobject. Address L.E.. tilbbe.* "



Lady stc>no«,';-af.hur Iand typewrite! wants position; best of >

references. Address P2». Glob*;. ;; • jQrJSNOORAPKR— a competent, mid ex- <\u25ba perienced young laiy stc:;o-rrni,cr~cnd "•• typewriter, who owns a lirst-ciass Remingtonmuchine. desires a position; can give A No. !city references. Address X 21. Globe.

\u0084;. \ ;\UAS!)I.N« WANTI!)—Lady will ,io-i• » plain washing and ironiujr, :).'> cehls:

'per dozen. \u25a0 '..;.i .M;s>:->ipi-,i St. up stnirs.

- -W'Asill>.(i_\\ants to go out washing by I» V the day \u25a0:.','. Front st. ___WAS ING— to -.rash in private i» » families only. 1237 Burns ay., Mrs. T. i


\T7 ASHING wanted: family washing a• V speciality; clothes washed and ironed ithe old-fashioned way. 50 cents a dozen, sat- i

action guaranteed. Mrs. Sorensen, 281 IUilliams st.. right basement.

\T7ASHl>iG—Want to take washing at• * home. 4:'.' Grotto st.•


Woman wants to go outwashing, ironing and bouseeleautos

70 West Thirdst.

WASHING wanted to do at home. Call iVT nt 7 1Thomas st. I

LV j

TS."VA>«.IA?-. j

I HONEY 11% May bp ti_'iit and bard to get but \\ you can set all you want by risking ?' jX for it throuirli the Globe" Fihan- CO cial Column?, to either buy or sell a

STOCKS, BONDS, 6$ MORTGAGES \jk BANK STOCKS. %% GOVERNMENT BONDS Xr< RAILWAY SECURITIES &J INVESTMENTS ' ~~' %V of any kind or character that the &3 nnaiu'ial world ha? to offer or to £) get rid of.


A A—

LOAX.S on furniture, pianos, i>xa.« horses, diamonds; watches, allgood collateral and commercial paper; par- Itiiil payments, lowest rates. Minnesota \u25a0

Mortgage Loan Company, Rooms i::-!4. Firs; jNational Bank Building;corner Fourth au4Jackson sti. Mackey, Manager. i

» A—

'i'iJK >TA->l»AiiUI«AN !»n.»X\» Co.. sa Robert, corner Fourth \room ."•. will an you money on furniture ;pianos, diamonds, watches, etc., at less ratesand belter terms than e:\n be had elsewhere. ,I>ANKSTOCKS a specialty: bonds, comJ.J rnp.rcial paper. mortgage?, securitiesbought and sold. George W.Jenks. Invest-ment Banker. Minnesota Loan TrustBuilding,Minneapolis.

JVI O.VKV ON HAN to loan on cityprop-"-1. erty and farms; lowest rules; no" delay.W. F.Moritz,ICI3 Pioneer Press. ;..» : \u25a0

\1ON -it i.ia>. l>on life insurance po-L'l- icies: or bought. L. P. Van Norman11 Guaranty liuildinsr. >iinneapo!is.'-

SEVERAL small sums to loan on real !estnte. F. E. .Magraw. li<J Globe Building.

-F-R-I-V-A-l7"^Money loaned ondiamonds, watches, pianos,furniture or cooda in storage at lowewratecand small monthly return payments: uoteJ iand mortgages bought; most private loan

'rooms in the city, onio Investment Com"pany, i:a Globe iiiiilding; lake elevator. .\V2**-i-->;. ain>\Vi-:LL.reaies»te:Hsf»» bnrgn ins with them. Pioneer Press Blda;

Slm\() Of 7 l'Eli CENT SCHOOLkJ*Ji\j\J\J bonds for sale. Address" IraC. R:r-h:ird> \u25a0::. Thief River Falls. Minn. -



'j§B 9P^> ->\u25a0' I'UJaciurt.* o.I

BILLIARDANDPOOL TABLES ANDBILLIARO SUPPLIES; Wareroom 405 and 407-Office and Factory 411 and 413 Fifth avenueyouth. jriinne.ipnlia.Minn.


Alltroubles of the feet. Endicott Ar-'

cade Building, second floor, Rooms 233 and?^4; established ten years."ma



IYOU WANT WORK.|r Find it by usine the Globk %a v*ant Columns, and you can be aA employed as TT

% AGENT, CLERK %& BOOKKEEPER, fJ STENOGRAPHER. Ja SECRETARY, ?% Hostler, Gardener or Man-of-All-%

'Work. #|

|..DON'T BE IDLE..|While the Globe is at your service, fi

iHhlc- \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0:'.

BOYS FOX PLACES, places for boys:employment bureau for poor boys, free.

Newsboys' Club Hoom,:u.; Wabas&a it:openfrom IIto l-'a. m.. and from7 to'jp. m.


Experienced book-keeper and office man is open forposi-

tion:(-an furnish excellent city references.Address M 16, Globe.

C'LKKK—Wanted, position by a ynuna;•' man In railroad office: have had ex-

perience as clerk ami stenographer in divis-ionsuperintendent's office; willso out ofcity. X IS, Globe.


Position as clerk or steward in'country hotel; five years' experience.

Address J. F. Burns. St Paul. limn.

pOLLECTOK-A chance for eolleotor;v-' sober young man. liiiOhio st., cornerEthel st. Wort St. Paul.

COLLKC!OX- Wanted, bills to collect oncommission. Address 3 i:t. Globe.

COLLECTOR— A chance for collector;> sober yonns man. 134 Ohio, corner Ethelst. West St. P.anl.

FAK3I WOKK-liaii and wife would lite,I- to go out on a farm: woman a good cookand first cinss laundress: man to m.-ike him-self generally useful, is a steady, sober, reli-able man. Address Charles Soreusen, 2SIWilliam st, city.


V younjr man would likei- work on farm: anyone desirinn a soodman please write at once to N. >>.. US WellsSt.. St. Paul.


a youn^ married man.v-» sober and reliable, experienced coach-man, wants a place. Address C, Coachman,C;0Warren si.

f kFFiCK U'Oijk—Wanted, situation Inv-' railroad othce by yonns: man of goodeducation and business abilits: small salary;best ofreferences. Nli(^lobe. »"

O. iit WDKK—V-,iii.'ir man. twenty-

one, stranger, experience in office work,desires position at moderate salary. Address1) !•»\u25a0, Globe.

PAINTER— good painter would like topet work by the job. Address M 17,


POSITION of some kind wanted by a-L capable and willingyoung man of 22;can fur':Mireferences. Address l'pi. i. \u25a0\u25a0'. \u25a0\u25a0.


0 Going Away |i$ Anddon't want to store your fur- 2j'. niture for the summer because you %? expect to have new in (rO the fall? Good sales and princely 0g prices can be obtained by advef- A*

tisinjtyour *I& Household Furniture, Stores, $0 Kitchen Furniture, Rxnges,% Far/or Furniture, D:sbe3 xv! Dini.-g Rcom Furniture, andv Bed Room Furniture, Chars. &v Oranything el.=e you want to sell, by V$? letting thu public Know it rough the &£ Auction Columns of ti:e Globs.

Ji-hh &>»lijhjcp,Aiictioneer.s.

FUKSIXUKt AND CARPETS ATpublic auction at the residence No. 159

West Sixthst. Tuesday morning. July 11. Nt10 o'clock: all the furniture of n ten-roomhouse, consisting of bedroom s-ni'.s. jiarlorfurniture, renter tables, Brussels and iuurainoiriets, kitchen utensil* etc. Jebb & jSfh:t!'er. aiiftinncers. 11! \\ -f-h:'. St.

PF:«S<»!?A8-S-A UTAYS RELIABLE—Madame Teits-

jTX worth,1clairvoyant; business test medi-um; thirty years' experience. C-.5D Wabasha Isi., city.


ConsultMadam Ina Walter, "life reader.


faithful resume of your past present andfuture. Diseases of women diagnosed andsuecessfi:ily trented: correspondence confi-dential; ladies,' ECc: gentlemen. $1. 515 Wa-basha st.. opposite the capitol.

DH. SOLOMON'S BJTTKKS for sickheadache, costiveness, etc.

\]K.S. liAKWIS—ij,Wabasha Mag--*t netic and massage treatment; alcohol,011 and sea s;):t batn°. liouia


M:i<. KATE HOPKINS, psychometricreader and trance medium, _'J.i> West

Seventh sl, i?t Paul.ii-.M.A. t:">si-:v. c,-u Wabashn St.—

Magnetic and massage treatment forparalytic rheumatism and iiervous diseases.Clairvovani reader. Call 'J a m. to >p. us.


IHAVE YOU AI% HOUSE. $% CARRIAGE, «5S X? PH.4ETOK. l^ 4& VICTORIA. ££ HARNESS, £a ;h.jL ?35 PONY or fy irJ. jaunting |i& CART t

& To Sell,or da you want to Buy one? S j0 Trythe columns of i


DORSALE—One extra fine drivinghorse. jL gentle and fast 887 Broadway. IL*ORSALE

—A fine team of horses, also

'X carriages and harness; cheap. AddressT 12, Globe.

<CVOr \ BUYS a fashionable standard andiSJ^yjyJ registered colt, coming two years.H. qimmelman. Jr.. Mnnkato. Minn.

MISCEI.LA3IF.OLTS.J "|B.SOLOMON'S BITTERS is the most~U popular medicine of the day. Dyspep-sia, loss of appetite, biliousness and all dis-orders of the alimentary canal ere speedilycured.


Healthy boy twoa months old. Call on Mrs. Hoofkins,214 West Seventh st. third floor.

KAVY-WEIGHT CHEVIOT SUIT toorder, $16; will be worth 825 later on.M.Simon. 110 East Seventh.


piano, style 15. at about one-half itsvalue; ithas only been used a few months;must be sold soon. B. C. Muu?er, 107 EastThirdst

- - "\u25a0\u25a0


H.»i.'l'r-.Ui'i.r:, joGermauia Life lnsur• anee Building,expert and audit wort


Renting Agency,Manhattan Building. v.

J. %V. Siiepard,91 East Fourth Street.

T>EMS HOUSFS, STORES, OFFICES,\u25a0*-*- apartments and rooms, withand withoutsteam heat, in allparts of the city; acts asowners' agent: collects rents.

IYou Can Rent I\ HOUSES, 5r ROOMS, f0 STORES, aA - OFFICES, i)% DESK ROOM, i5 FLATS. f<£ ATTICS, fd BARNS, £h FARMS, £S Or Even Tour Last Sum- \X iner's Straw Hat, 5P Ifyou willadvertise them m the #ft Rent Columns of the GLOBE aA WANTS. £


COTTAGE— rent, four-room cottage.496 Rice st.: ten minutes' walk from

Great Northern shops."

COTTACit— Four-room cottage, ten mi\u25a0f utes' walk from Great Northern shop 3

Inquire at 4!)0 Rice st.


For rent, a line seven-roomcottage. "\u25a0•'J Spruce St., corner Canada,

riOTTAOE- rent, nice six-room cot-V-/ tage: good location ten minutes' waitfrom business center. 133 Iglehart st.

FOX KK.M-Furnished room; Ss permonth: use of bath. 125 West Fifth st.



Hoi SK—For rent, five-room house neatOmaha shops. Inquire of G. 11. Mead,

Metropolitan Opera House Building.

HGUS.K—For rent, nice, comfortable littlej IIhouee and place, shade trees. pl?utyIwater. 309 Smith ay.


For rent, eight-room house; allmodern improvements: linished in

hardwood: large bathroom, gas, furnace,electric bells and speaking tubes; barn. Callat 806 Hollyay.

HOUSE— rent. No. 573 Carroll st. be-tween Kent and Dale. Inquire next


Hot .\u25a0>>.-\u25a0:«.\u25a0) Fourteenth sl. seven-roombouse; modern convenience. Applyto

T. E. B!a>e. a-

East Fourth st.. WashingtonLifeInsurance Company.

HUOSK— Seven-room house with waterand bath. 202 Sherburne ay. Inquire

at 41- Rice st

HOust— Near Corner Jackson and Tenth—Seven rooms; $15.00 per month. Frank

A. Upham, Jeweler, 111 East Seventh st.

HOL >!\u25a0.:-—

For rent, modern tweive-roomhouse, facing Central park, $£>; new

i ten-room house, all improvements. Selby ay.,j at very low rent; eiylu-rooin house. 844. Ed-i mund st, city water mid in good repair, S6;j six-room house. Goodhue and West seventh,

$H. John ft.Bicfcey. Germauia Life Build-ing. Minnesota and Fourth.

HOIWK—Eight room house, hardwoodfinish. \u25a0:4 chart st,

HOLSE— For lent, five-room house; No.-So«,i Congress st. Apply :.'s:jCongress

str. c .HOUSE

—For rent, house. Uli>s John st.,

with all modern conveniences. In-quire 'i7 Westminster.

Hol'sk—For rent, house, ti ") Westmin-ster: all modern conveniences, includ-

ingfurnace. Inquire Westminster st.

/H»)i s..—

For rent cheap, anice nine-roomi-i- house and burn nt91 East Twelfth st

PAPfcK CLEANING, painting, kalso-miuingand papernanging, reasonable.

1IS West Seventh st., Seven corners.

PLKAs.VNTAV.. lt?3-Eight rooms: fineJ- condition; close yards; screens; finelyshaded. Apply230 West Third st. .rp.WI.OKa Ki.N:INt. A(ii4.NCV





FLAT— Floor—Six rooms: Sift, 222West Seventh st A. li. ileus, i:>

East Fourth st.

FLA of seven rooms, with bath &nd all1 conveniences: first floor. Call at L7!>West seventh st, two blocks above SevenCorners.

FLA forrent, of four rooms or two largerooms; rent low; bouse modern; call

Monday. 57 Irvine park, foot of Walnut st,

FLAT—Steam-heated flat, seven rooms,-I- hot and :_old water, gas range fixtures,shades, screens, etc.; references required.Frederick Knit.druggist 440 Wabash* st.

FLAT—Nice three rooms on second floorin brick building, No. 20:j Norris st,

corner bible y; rent, ST.C*LAT—Six room fiat,all modern conveni-J- ences, in brictc building. Jin Westernaye., between Dtt>ton and Selby aye. En-quire 134 East Third St

FLAT— apartment of three rooms;A bath, gas rauge. electric light,etc., at

128 West Sixth st.

FLATS—For rent now six-room flats;steam-heated and all medern improve-

ments: 706 Jackson st. Inquire Leon St.Pierre. Browning,KingACo,


A—HOTEL BRUNSWICK, for gentle-xx. men only; fifty modern steam-heatedroosm by day, week or month.

ATCOKNKR SEVENTH AND WAbasha, over bank, furnished rooms single or on suite, frontingon Wabasha or Seventh.I>ROADWAY. 4L.;i-For rent, front roomiJ new paper and furniture, alcove andbay window, hot aud cold water; SlO amonth.

BURR ST., «)J7— For rent, furnished roomdown stairs, facing east.

pA!iKOLi.sT.,;;:.;;—corner Virginia Ay.v> —Furnished rooms fur rent

P,Ii A ST- 6K-r3lieeis furnished roomv>* forSB.pEUAK ST.. 57S Nicely furnished roomv-> forrent suitable for two gentlemenwith board.

" '

EDAH -T., B*3—Furnished front parlor:v> folding bed: all modern conveniences.

/JKDAK ST., 474— furnished rooms.

COLLttiE AY..48. WEST-Three nicelyV^ furnished rooms; all modern conven-iences: at reasonable rates.

OLiEOE AY..19 east—

Pleasant inr-v^ nished room for rent; modern conven-iences.

COLLEGE AY.. 4G WiSST—Cheerfuifront room, suitable for two gentlemen

all modern conveniences: private family.'

AYTONAY., 656-

For rent. cheap,nicely furnished .front room, suitablefor two persons. . '


DAYTON AY., 248-Yery pleasant fur-nished single room for gentleman.

ELOS, 146. EAST— Blocks FromStreet Cars— Pleasant front room \u25a0 fur-


IGHTH. 459-Nicely furnished roomsconvenient location; bath, pieasaut

lawn ana shade trees.

ELKVENTH ST., <»(], EAST-One nicelyfurnished room; all conveniences; also

roommate far younj XtuXs.

FOX KE3T.Rooms.

EIGHTH ST.. -.-75—

Furnished roomsfrom Soto $8 per month, with bath.


New, second floor; seven roomsand alcove; hot water heating, bath

and all otner modern improvements. 891Igiehart st.



Furnished apartments forrent;also furnished and unfurnished rooms.

Apply tS3 East Seventh St., Room I*.

FIFTH ST., 234. WEST- Third Flit-Nicely furnished rooms for rent; all

conveniences.I*'THST., -,-)5, WEST— front

room, with or without board; also ladyroommate; must be neat.

C"IFTH ST.. 259 WEST— A nicely fur-i- nished front room with larse closet; lo-cation central; rent S3 per month.

Fl HSTREET. 143 WKST—Three large,airy, richly furnished rooms: modern

conveniences; everything first-class.ITZKR -»CK—Filimore and South

Robert. West Side— Four front rooms;central; good view; artesian well water;rent. 810.QOODBICH AY..-24C—Near High BridgeVX —Basement, two large, nicely paperedrooms, summer kitchen, cellar; city and softwater; nice yard: $6.TGLKHART, 88—For rent, nicely fur--1- nished rooms; allconveniences.TULKHAKT ST.. 23

—Nicely furnished

-I room; private family.

I6LEHABT,57—800mfor rent, with bath-t and use ofparlor: §\u25a0< single. SlO for two.

JGLKHAUT, 65—Nicely furnished roomswith gas and bath.

JACKSON ST., Three rooms for renton first floor: city water and sewer.

JOHN. ss2— For rent, large, nicely fur-nished front room, first floor; private

family:S& \u25a0

MACKOBLNST.? *>2—Furnished roomsfor housekeeping ifdesired; one block

and half from cable.I>TUST.. 393 EAs !—Nicely furnished

room with or without board.DIi.AS.vNT AY.,15(*—Pleasant furnishedi-. front rooms; board ifdesired.

PLEASANT AT., 724—Furnished- frontroom, excellent location, with gas light

and bath room, cheap.

Pleasant AY.,315—For rent, a neatlyfurnished room for single gentleman;

strictlyprivate family.

ROO3I— For rent toa lady employed dur-ing the day a large/airy, cool, newly

furnished room with two large closets; useofparlor and bath and privilege of lighthousekeeping ina private fiat on Pleasantay.; this is a nice house for the right party;rent only$15 per mouth; must have refer-ences. Address S -3, Globe.

ROOM— For rent, a nice front furnishedroom: ground floor;at 470 Fuller st.;

j call Sunday.

ROOM—Pleasant furnished room, withuseof bath; on Summit ay., near Rice st.

car line, 10 minutes' walk, to postotlice;gentleman with references. Address X 10,Globe.

ROOM—Large; pleasant furnished roominnicest residence part of city: ten

minutes from court house; cheap. Address22, Globe.

ROOM—For rent, room completely fur-nished for dressmaking: some trade

with the place. Call 22 East thirdst.

ROOMS— To rent, nicely furnished rooms,with nil modern conveniences. Apply

358 East Tenth st."^

ROOMS— Parties looking for fine fur-nished rooms; call at 22s East Seventh st.


Unfurnished rooms for rentsuitable for housekeeping. Inquire A.

Winter, 6 East Ninth st.

DOOMMATK—Wanted, lady roommate;XV pleasant front room: board if desired.255 West Fifth.


People looking for pleasantrooms, en suite or single, furnished orunfurnished, cnll 415 East Seventh; alsorooms furnished forhousekeeping.

ROOM—For rent, with or without board,ina strictlyprivate family, a very pleas-

ant front room and alcove, with all modernconveniences. ina very u'ood neighborhood:ten minutes' 1walk frompostoflice; referencesexchanged. Address V23, Globe.L>ICEST., 251—Corner College ay.—Nicelyi-V lurnisbed front room; suitable for two";private family.

SELBVAV., Nicely furnished, largoiront room with alcove; also bedroom

with modern conveniences.

SEL.BY AY., 2ittj—Furnished room, suitableO for two, on ruble line: private family.

SKLBY AY..283—Two furnished rooms,U gas and bath.

SKf.IiY AY., 2SU—Furnished front; roomand closet cheap, to rii;ht party.

EVENTH ST., l!«i!2 WKST—

SecondU Floor—Two nice furnished rooms forgentlemen.

HERMAN ST-, ;ji'_Ttiree or sis rooms;cellar; tirst-class; private house: central.

OiXTH.128, WKST-Elegantly furnishedkJ rooms; electric light,bath; excellentventilation; fine view.

V-HITHAY.. 135—

Furnished rooms on sec-\u25baJ ond floor:modern conveniences; near ca-ble mid electric curs.

SMITHAY..237—For rent, a small, nicely jfurnished room; modem improvements-

private family.

SMITH AY.. Corner Sixth—Pleasantfurnished front room: private family.

SMITil AY., 81—Two furnished roomsand one nufurulshed room; modernimprovements.

V'TINSON ST.. 295—Near Western Ay.—A-J For rent, five rooms with city water;pleasant location.

ST. PETE itST., (573—For runt, furnishedana unfurnished rooms; gas and allmodern conveniences.

PETER ST., 529-For rent, two un-\u25baJ furnished front rooms, cheap.

ST. PETER ST., 555—A front room, and•also a side room, for rent.

V^T. PETER ST., 515—

Suite of three**-> looms, furnished, suitable for lighthousekeeping or two gentlemen.

ST. PETER ST., 457— Five ucfuruishedk-J rooms.THOMPSON AM) PLEASANT—Fur-I- nished or unfurnisned rooms on carline: single or en suite, with or withoutboard, suitable for lighthousekeeping; pleas-ant location.'PENTH ST., 31. EAST-Elegantly fur--L nished front parlor and side room.

TENTH. 52. WIiST-Horst Block, ThirdFloor

—Three pleasant unfurnishedrooms.

'PHOHAS ST., 45:;— For rent, live rooms.

IULTOX ST., ts2— One nicely furnishedJ- room ina private family.

TTAN- SLYKE COURT. 312-Off Broad-v way—Large front room: also singleroom, furnished: all conveniences. -.

'ABASHA ST.. Over Bank-Fur-»» nished rooms by the week or month.

WABASHA ST., 552—Furnished rooms»* t&rsnt: first-class; bath.

WABiSUAST.. 424—Over ilealey's Dry»» Goods Store— Nicely furnished frontrooms for rent.

/ABASHA ST.. 457-Nicely furnishedV* front rooms for tent from $4, Si,;4 p.

WABASHA ST.. t-40-Nicelv furnished»» front rooms, with or without board;ail modern conveniences and rea.-onable. •

"AUASHA.-KSU—Corner Tenth St.—Furnished rooms tor rent: pl;ice quiet.

MKOiVCTiK<. dretaking. 314 CoPborne st. :reasonable terms.-

'.'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 11OAKU".WASTED.BOARD

—Wanted, board aud room with,JJ _- Catholic family byyoung man. AddressO is, uiobe.






% BARNS, *'& Or anything else that you may i» have to sell or wish to buy, by «\u25a0

0 using the"

5 Business Columns of the Glebe. t*

miscellaneous.A.srLKNim) OPPORTUNITY


established book, stationery and cigarstore in an A 1 location for sale: doing i.good business: don't call unless you meanbusiness. 134 East Fourth st.

BLACKSMITH wanted in the villas-L> of Simpson. Minn.,on Winona &South-western railroad: good shop and tools fix-sale or rent. Address S. li.Brown. Simpson.31inn.

pONTECTIoXEKY for sale on accour.v-> of poor health. 566 Broadway.

FOR SALK-Dairy of (50 cows; pood cen-tral routes; horses, wagons, etc. Wit

Globe.OK SALE CHEAP— Horseshoeing an

wagon shop doing a good businessreasons, party leaving towu. Call or addres-A. 8.. Globe.

GOOD liverybusiness for sale cheap. O. G.Mack, Stewartville. Minn.

'"Plliigoodwillof lay business of twenty-L fiveyears' standing willbe eiven awawithout money or price; fixtures for salecheap: to the right party Iwilltake a smal.interest as special partner. H.P. Grant, No2SS East sixth st.



*'5 BEGGAR or <\u25a0£ THIEF, (d AND THEY (


BOARD—Front alcove room fot rent wit:board. 311 West Third st.

BOARD— Front alcove room with boardnil-conveniences. 522 Cedar st., Lyil

Terrace, opposite Capitol.

BOARI)-;m:i North Washington St.; pleas-i-> ant. nicely furnished and unfurnishedrooms with board, opposite Rice park.


Koom and board for gents i:private family. 27!» West Seventh st.

BOARD—'The Miner"—Pleasant roomsmodern conveniences: ina central lo-

cation; also day board. 162 College, corn-Sixth.

BOARD— rooms with goo.:table board. 476 Cedar st.


BOARD—Good board and rooms for ladle ,and gentlemen at 220 Thirteenth st.

BOARD—A quiet family of refinemen'having two connecting furnished roomwish a plain gentleman and wifeor two gentlemen to room and board; best locality o-hill. Address Vlit.Globe.


a private family on hill, Sum-'nailare., will take gentleman toboaiv

and room. Address V 25, Globe.

BOAill)—Furnished front rooms wit!board :use or gas and bath. 147 Pleas

ant ay. ;also table board.

BOARD— airy rooms with boaid$4.50 per week; rooms tor one or two

231 Spruce st.

BOARD—Furnished rooms and table 4:tl St-lbv ay.'

BOARD—Large, airy rooms and bath forrent, with board; pleasant summer loca-

tion. 13J1 Wabaaha.


Nice furnished room with board :(io'clock dinner, 52J Cedar st., come.



Furnished front room,~"w"iT!board, for one or two gentlemen, in pr

vate family; no ether roomers. 2al University ay. west.


rooms with board, i:;lanre modern house. 210 East Ninth*si.

BOARD and rooms; good looation; largegrounds and trees. 40;; Summit ay.

BOARD and nicely furnished rooms,beautiful shaded lawn. ii::i!idinner; rei-

erenceii. 151 Summit ay.. corner Sixth st.

BOAKD—Afew gentlemen or ladies canrindhome board in a private German

family.544 Canada st.

BOARD and nicely furnished front roomswith hot and cold bath; modem;

prices: about fiveminutes walk from Thirdst. 110 South Robert st.

BOARD—Pleasant furnished front room,with or without board. 131 Smith, cor-

ner of Sixth st.


Nicely furnished front roonwith alcove,, modern conveniences am:good table board near business center. 2;

East Tenth st.


A refined German privatefamily wishes to take one or two gentle-

men boarders; house modern, with allcon-veniences, near Seven corners; tine roomsand A 1 table; references exchanged. Address C 64. Globe.r YTLtTKKKACK-r.isCedar— For rent.J-i one front room: also single rooms, withboard: gn«. bfllh. etc.


UKAXKSTOLLWKKK,piano tuner, re--r pairer of nilkinds of art instruments:first-class work guaranteed: music furnishedfor parties, receptions, etc. Office at FreeKnitsDrug Store. 440 vVabnsha St.; Telephone li"J5-t: residence. 712 Yorkst.

LOST A3l> roilSiIX

COW LOST—Asmall red cow on St. Peters Monday night: ears punched. Returnto 390 Coma »nd receive reward.

OG LOST—St. Bernard female dog. Re-turn to TilSt. Peter st. and receive re


HOK»I6 tAi&T— mare. Finder . willplease return to No. 10 Fil'more ay.

UMBJUXLA- gentleman who leftan umbrella in the Globe office can

have the same by calling and proving prop-erty. \u25a0-


ALADYWILL GIVE PRIVATE LES-sons in English branches. Si a weeK(three lessons). Address N40, Globe. •\u25a0

ST. AGATHA'S ACADEMY OK Mlsitand Art.26 East Exchange St.. St." Paul—

Piano, violin,guitar,and mandolin' taught.Lemons given'indrawing and painting. Call •

or send forprospectus...

WANTED-Lessons in German or Italianin exchange for lessons iv French

language. H 10". < 'v be \u25a0 .'

WAN! See ifthe Globe :111 as a want mcdi- \u25a0

urn is not morepopular than all ;:

AHO other papers com - 'fiUdi ned *: >^
