the saint melany muse -€¦ · the saint melany muse april 2020 vol. i saint...

Exploring the spiritual benefits of Quaranne. Many of us reacted to the imposion of Quaranne as a disrupon of our usual Lenten (Great Fast) roune but in actuality quaranne, as a period of 40 days of isolaon to avoid the spread of disease, draws its inspiraon from the 40 days of Lent. In fact the word quaranne literally comes from the e Lan quadraginta meaning 40 days and just as Lent was a period of denial for the purificaon of the soul, so quaranne became the a period of isolaon for the purificaon of the body. Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, while sll a Protestant went from New York to Italy with her husband in 1799 to visit their good friends and business associates the Filicchi family. While in route her husband William (an unbeliever) fell ill and she and her husband were quaranned upon their arrival in Italy. Although Wil- liam did not survive his ordeal, he came to faith in Christ before his death and Eliz- abeth, a devout Protestant completed her faith journey by becoming Catholic. She went on to found the first American religious order of nuns and to found the Catholic school system in the United States. This year God has set the agenda for our season of penance. Let us embrace His Holy Wisdom this issue Spiritual Perspecves P.1 Property Stewardship Update P.2 End of the Year Financial Report P.3 Upcoming Events P.4 WHAT IS HAPPINING AT YOUR PARISH DURING QUARANTINE LIVE STREAMING OUR LITURGIES: Connect with us on line : Saturday 4pm Solemn Vespers and Sunday 10am Divine Liturgy CONFESSIONS at the Office Door by appointment or at the Office door at 12noon on Saturdays . ZOOM in on Religious Ed. Classes: Monday night Adult Ed starts at 7pm Wednesday night Byzan- Teens go from 6:30am – 8pm and soon Saturday morning 10am for sacramental prep and middle school The Saint Melany Muse APRIL 2020 Vol. I Saint Melany Byzanne Catholic Church / 1212 North Sahuara Ave. Tucson AZ 85712 SAINT ELIZABETH ANN SETON Patron of those quarantined

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Page 1: The Saint Melany Muse -€¦ · The Saint Melany Muse APRIL 2020 Vol. I Saint Melany yzantine atholic hurch / 1212 North Sahuara Ave. Tucson AZ 85712 SAINT ELIZABETH

Exploring the spiritual benefits of Quarantine.

Many of us reacted to the imposition of Quarantine as a disruption of our usual

Lenten (Great Fast) routine but in actuality quarantine, as a period of 40 days of

isolation to avoid the spread of disease, draws its inspiration from the 40 days of

Lent. In fact the word quarantine literally comes from the e Latin quadraginta

meaning 40 days and just as Lent was a period of denial for the purification of the

soul, so quarantine became the a period of isolation for the purification of the

body. Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, while still a Protestant went from New York to

Italy with her husband in 1799 to visit their good friends and business associates

the Filicchi family. While in route her husband William (an unbeliever) fell ill and

she and her husband were quarantined upon their arrival in Italy. Although Wil-

liam did not survive his ordeal, he came to faith in Christ before his death and Eliz-

abeth, a devout Protestant completed her faith journey by becoming Catholic.

She went on to found the first American religious order of nuns and to found the

Catholic school system in the United States. This year God has set the agenda for

our season of penance. Let us embrace His Holy Wisdom

this issue

Spiritual Perspectives P.1 Property Stewardship Update P.2

End of the Year Financial Report P.3 Upcoming Events P.4




LITURGIES: Connect with

us on line : Saturday 4pm

Solemn Vespers and

Sunday 10am Divine Liturgy

CONFESSIONS at the Office

Door by appointment or at

the Office door at 12noon

on Saturdays .

ZOOM in on Religious Ed.


Monday night Adult Ed

starts at 7pm

Wednesday night Byzan-

Teens go from 6:30am –

8pm and soon

Saturday morning 10am

for sacramental prep and

middle school

The Saint Melany Muse APRIL 2020 Vol. I Saint Melany Byzantine Catholic Church / 1212 North Sahuara Ave.

Tucson AZ 85712


Patron of those quarantined

Page 2: The Saint Melany Muse -€¦ · The Saint Melany Muse APRIL 2020 Vol. I Saint Melany yzantine atholic hurch / 1212 North Sahuara Ave. Tucson AZ 85712 SAINT ELIZABETH

Seemed like a good time to fix things

Every year, for the past few years,

the irrigation system in the front of

the Church seemed to break and

need repair. Last year those who

know about such things told me it

would continue to break and that

the better approach would be to

replace the whole system. I was

reluctant to do so but after another

break in early April of this year, I

decided to go ahead and not only

replace the system but give the

whole front of the church a facelift.

Since no one will be inconvenienced

by the construction during quaran-

tine it seemed like a good time to

tackle this project.

One unexpected road block, once

we started to excavate for the face

lift, was the discovery of a colony of

Africanized bees that had taken up

residence in the Church roof over

the front door. Here you see an

intrepid exterminator from AMERI-

CAN PEST CONTROL heading up the

ladder to do battle with the bees.

Since quarantine we have also fixed

a broken urinal and a mal-

functioning garage door.

Over the years, the wonderful front scape of the Church re-done in 2005 as an eagle scout

project has grown a little tired looking so it so when the irrigation system keep breaking it

seemed like quarantine might be a good time to give the front of our parish a facelift.



They love our Churches foun-

tains and flowers .

Page 3: The Saint Melany Muse -€¦ · The Saint Melany Muse APRIL 2020 Vol. I Saint Melany yzantine atholic hurch / 1212 North Sahuara Ave. Tucson AZ 85712 SAINT ELIZABETH

2019 END OF THE YEAR FINANCIAL REPORT. Repairs, maintenance and im-

provements keep us, as usual, at a

break even budget. Our annual

June insurance payment (appox.

$7,000.00 ) and the necessary bi-

annual servicing of our aging AC

units (approx. 2,000.00) per ser-

vice, which includes cleaning and

repair expenses alone constitute sa

big hit every year. These expenses

along with the landscaping and

cleaning services make it difficult

to get ahead in savings. Then

there are the unexpected expenses

like last years parking lot vandal-

ism and extensive electrical

repairs .

Some good news to report is that

one of our out of state donors has

graciously consented to assist in

replacing our social hall AC unit

which as you know has been

crutching along on one compres-

sor—something you don’t really

notice until the muggy days of

summer are upon us. The new unit

is estimated at about 12,000.00 as

the ducts need to be re-


This 2019 End of the Year Report

was audited by the Eparchy

Finance Office and reviewed by the

parish Council. on Sat. March 7.

Stewardship in general character-

izes the heart of discipleship.

Specifically, our grateful and just

return to the Lord for all he has

given us, is manifested in our tithes

and offerings. God Bless your


St Melany 2019 Income

4000 · Offerings & Tithes Income 4100 · Donation/Interest/Invstmt Inc

4200 · Miscellaneous Income 4400 · Exempt from Cath Tax Income

6200 · Parish Activities Net Revenue 8000 · OR Offerings & Tithes Income


4000 · Offerings & Tithes Income 118,303.40

4100 · Donation/Interest/Invstmt Inc 5,995.60

4200 · Miscellaneous Income 10,519.96

4400 · Exempt from Cath Tax Income 3,387.50

6200 · Parish Activities Net Revenue 1,542.16

8000 · OR Offerings & Tithes Income 28,050.50

Total Income 167,799.12

St Melany 2019 Expenses

5000 · Admin & General Expenses 5100 · Parish Personnel Expenses

5200 · Church Operating Expenses 62000 · Continuing Education


5000 · Admin & General Expenses 86,555.46

5100 · Parish Personnel Expenses 45,869.50

5200 · Church Operating Expenses 34,466.94

62000 · Continuing Education 2,121.81

Total Expense 169,013.71

Page 4: The Saint Melany Muse -€¦ · The Saint Melany Muse APRIL 2020 Vol. I Saint Melany yzantine atholic hurch / 1212 North Sahuara Ave. Tucson AZ 85712 SAINT ELIZABETH

Getting ready for Re-opening!

The good folks at “Maids for Trade” are cleaning

and sanitizing every nook and cranny of our cam-

pus getting ready to welcome you home.


Special thanks to all those who

have faithfully supported their

parish during the quarantine

especially, those who have thus far

contributed to this years Eparchy

Appeal, namely:

Hilda Marie CLINE


Beverly GONDA

Martin & Elizabeth HAIGHT

Patricia & Jeff HILL


Patrick & Janet HOMA

Joshua & Regina JOHNSON

Catherine & Eugene KINGHORN

Rev. Joseph & Patricia KUSHNER



Fred & Carolin PEIPELMAN

Rev. Robert RANKIN

James & Ursula SCHOELEN

Keith & Misti SMITH

Tell us if we should add your name

Our Goal: $17,955.63

Collected thus far: $7,135.00