the rudra remedies’s approach to...

The RUDRA REMEDIES’S Approach to Asthma Understanding the Root Causes of Asthma A Natural, Effective, Treatment Approach to Asthma Introduction The RUDRA REMEDIES’S asthma program is conducted under the supervision of an Ayurveda Health Consultant and draws on knowledge from Ayurveda, the world's oldest and most complete system of natural health care. Through its unique assessment of causal imbalances at the basis of a condition and its wide range of time-tested recommendations, Ayurveda provides the most comprehensive approach for asthma available in natural health care today. Understanding the Root Causes of Asthma Modern medicine understands the physiological changes involved in bronchial constriction and fluid retention in lung tissue that create asthma symptoms. Ayurveda expands this understanding by: 1. Describing the mental, physical and behavioral factors that contribute to bronchial constriction and fluid retention. 2. Providing natural methods to help prevent and reverse these changes. According to modern medicine the physiological changes at the basis of asthma are: 1. A hyperactive bronchial constrictor response to a stimulus that creates bronchospasm and constriction of airways. 2. An inflammatory reaction that leads to buildup of mucous and liquids in lung tissue. 3. Various material and structural changes in airway passages. AYURVEDA DESCRIBES THE FOLLOWING TYPES OF IMBALANCES THAT ARE MAJOR CONTRIBUTING FACTORS TO THE PHYSIOLOGY OF ASTHMA. 1) Poor digestion leading to the buildup of toxins and impurities in lung and airway tissues When impurities accumulate in tissues they contribute to many chronic conditions, including asthma. This is especially true of most types of allergic and hypersensitive responses in the physiology. Ayurveda has programs to reduce the most common sources of impurities in the body including those

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Page 1: The RUDRA REMEDIES’S Approach to… · In Ayurveda the leaf is widely used. Healing power and curative properties

The RUDRA REMEDIES’S Approach to Asthma

Understanding the Root Causes of Asthma A Natural, Effective, Treatment Approach to Asthma


The RUDRA REMEDIES’S asthma program is conducted under the supervision of an Ayurveda Health Consultant and draws on knowledge from Ayurveda, the world's oldest and most complete system of natural health care.

Through its unique assessment of causal imbalances at the basis of a condition and its wide range of time-tested recommendations, Ayurveda provides the most comprehensive approach for asthma available in natural health care today.

Understanding the Root Causes of Asthma

Modern medicine understands the physiological changes involved in bronchial constriction and fluid retention in lung tissue that create asthma symptoms. Ayurveda expands this understanding by:

1. Describing the mental, physical and behavioral factors that contribute to bronchial constriction and fluid retention.

2. Providing natural methods to help prevent and reverse these changes.

According to modern medicine the physiological changes at the basis of asthma are:

1. A hyperactive bronchial constrictor response to a stimulus that creates bronchospasm and constriction of airways.

2. An inflammatory reaction that leads to buildup of mucous and liquids in lung tissue. 3. Various material and structural changes in airway passages.


1) Poor digestion leading to the buildup of toxins and impurities in lung and airway tissues

When impurities accumulate in tissues they contribute to many chronic conditions, including asthma. This is especially true of most types of allergic and hypersensitive responses in the physiology. Ayurveda has programs to reduce the most common sources of impurities in the body including those

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1. Impure or toxic food sources 2. Poor digestion 3. Poor elimination 4. Improper metabolism 5. Mental and physical stress

According to Ayurveda, accumulation of impurities leads to the debilitating changes at the basis of asthma through the following mechanisms:

1. Ayurveda theory says the cause of asthma is in the stomach. It describes how toxins created by improperly digested food are carried through channels directly into the chest and lung area. The resulting toxin accumulation imbalances the lung and airway tissues through several mechanisms.

First, the toxins themselves can irritate the linings of airways and often trigger an inflammatory response to foreign bodies that also can harm the epithelial lining of airways. Secondly, modern medicine describes the damage of epithelial lining of airways as one of the major contributing factors to asthma as the epithelium creates chemicals that help inhibit broncho constriction. This inhibitory effect is lost when epithelial lining is destroyed by toxins and the body's reaction to them.

2. Impurities start to clog the channels of circulation to the tissues and the channels that take nutrients into cells and waste out of cells. The end result is that the cells are not nourished properly and waste starts to accumulate in them

3. When toxins accumulate in tissues, and circulation becomes blocked, often the body's natural defenses against foreign material become activated against the accumulating impurities.

4. When natural defense mechanisms become over-activated the result can create the conditions of asthma. For example, inflammation and excess fluid secretion is really a natural body defense mechanism to help dilute and wash away impurities in tissues. When impurity buildup becomes so great as to make this process hyperactive, then the lungs fill up with fluid, airwaves are constricted and asthma results.

Ayurveda contains many recommendations to improve digestion, eliminate the buildup of impurities and reduce blockage of circulation to tissues.

2) Imbalance and deterioration of nervous system strength and stability

The level of nervous system stability and level of activation play a major role in the asthma condition. Nervous system function becomes involved in the many neurochemical changes that lead to the heightened broncho constriction response at the basis of asthma.

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According to Ayurveda theory, the functioning mode in the physiology called Vata controls the overall level of balance and activation of the nervous system. From this perspective, Vata imbalance can play a major role in asthmatic symptoms and therefore needs to be addressed. Because Vata is the most easily disturbed physiological principle in the body, there are a wide variety of time-tested Ayurveda recommendations available to help balance Vata and remove the symptoms caused by its aggravation.

3) Decrease in the body's natural balancing and self-repair ability

Every health professional must ultimately depend on the body's natural healing, balancing and self-repair ability in order to cure disease. The main approach of Ayurveda is to enliven the natural healing ability of the body. Since the real problem in asthma is not the external allergen but the internal imbalance, any increase in the balancing ability of the body could potentially help alleviate symptoms of asthma.

A Natural Treatment Approach to Asthma

The following section describes the classic Ayurveda approaches used to eliminate toxin buildup, stabilize the nervous system, enliven the healing ability of the body and manage stress.

a) Diet, Nutrition and Digestion

Asthma can be aggravated through improper diet. For example, some foods can make Vata highly active or clog the physiology, thereby worsening many of the symptoms of asthma.

Consultations with The Ayurveda Health Consultants will help you understand which foods are the most clogging and obstructing to circulation and which are the hardest to digest. These foods have the potential to create toxins (undigested food not only clogs the channels in the body but actually becomes toxic). Foods that are easily digested create nutrients that are then assimilated into the tissues to rebuild their strength, will be recommended. Your Ayurveda Health Consultants will also provide programs to improve digestion, an important step in overcoming asthma.

In summary, improper nutrition can create and aggravate asthma, but proper nutrition can go a long way toward curing and preventing it.

b) Ayurveda Herbs and Reduction in Free Radicals

During your consultation, Your Ayurveda Health Consultants select the appropriate herbal formulas for aiding the healing process, strengthening digestion and helping the body purify itself.

c) Medicinal Treatment of Asthama

After the research of over a period of many decades Rudra Remedies have come down to a conclusive

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inference that Asthama as widely believed is not because of allergy only but Lung Malfunctioning and stomach disorders are the major contributing factors for asthma. In our research on 100 asthma patients, we found that 90% of them suffering from constipation. We all know and believe that the problem of constipation by anyway be drawn to the zones of allergy.

Based upon our large experience we have been able to develop SWAAS DROPS.



Swaas effectively treating the ‘Kapha Dosha’ takes care of constipation and other stomach disorders resultantly just only with two drops in warm water, & asthma patient will see the result within 20 minutes and making it a unique drug having the level of efficacy which the modern science could never develop so far.


Contents Quantity

Vasaka 15%

Kapoor 15%

Ajwayan 25%

Shora 25%

Pudina 10%

Dalchini 5%

Badam 5%

Medical Description:

Vasaka: - This dilutes cough and helps in expectoration of cough. It is widely used in productive cough as well as in chest congestion also. This herbal medicine also liquefies the cough and avoids drying it.

Kapoor: - lt penetrate deep inside the skin and muscle thereby helps to relieve stiffness of muscles.

Ajwayan: - It is a Vatnashak, digestive, good appetizer and increases enzyme in the body.

Shora: - It stops the mucus formation in body

Pudina: - It is a vatnashak, appetizer and gas releaser too.

Dalchini: - This herb eradicate cough from the throat i.e. from the channel of the body. It melts cough due to its “Ushna Virya “that is hot consistency.

Badam: - It is digestive as well as vayunashak.

Dosage: 2 Drops with Luke warm water twice a day.

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Details of the herbs used in SWAAS are given hereunder.

VASAKA(Botanical Name: Adhatoda vasica)

Plant part used:

Leaves, roots, flowers and stem bark. In Ayurveda the leaf is widely used.

Healing power and curative propertiesThe leaves, roots and the flower are extensively used in indigenous medicine as a remedy for cold, cough, bronchitis and asthma.

Bronchitis and asthma:In acute stages of bronchitis it gives unfailing relief, especially where the sputum is thick and sticky. It liquefies the sputum so that it is brought up more easily. For relief in asthma.

Tuberculosis:In Ayurveda a preparation made from Vasaka flowers is used to treat tuberculosis. A few fresh petals of Vasaka flowers should be bruised and put in a pot of china clay. Some sugar crystals are added and the jar kept in the sun .It should be stirred every morning and evening. The preserve is ready for use in about a month.

Cough: For cough leaves of the plant are boiled in water, strained and mixed with honey can be taken. This decoction provides relief. Similarly a confection of Vasaka flowers eaten twice daily relieves cough.

Intestinal worms: Its leaves bark the root bark; the fruit and flowers are useful in the removal of intestinal parasites. The decoction of its root and bark twice or thrice daily for 3 days can be given for this purpose .The juice of its fresh leaves can also be used in doses of a teaspoon thrice a day for 3 days.

Skin Diseases: A poultice of its leaves can be applied with beneficial results over fresh wounds, rheumatic joints and inflammatory swellings. A warm decoction of its leaves is useful in treating scabies and other skin diseases.

Methods for used and dosages:The drug Vasaka is often taken in the form of juice extracted from its leaves, mixed with ginger or honey. The leaves can be made in to a decoction or the dry leaves can be given in powder form. Both the decoction and powder are constituents of many preparations used in Ayurvedic medicine for various affections of the respiratory tract. The root and the bark have the same medicinal uses as the leaves.

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KAPOOR. ( Cinnamomum camphora .)

Latin name: Cinnamomum camphora Other name: Cemphire

Occurrence—A concrete volatile oil (stearopten), obtained from the Camphor Laurel, purified by sublimation, found in tough crystalline masses, white and translucent; easily powdered in alcohol or chloroform.

Physiological Action—In its influence there is something of a diversity of opinion concerning the method of action of this agent. It is certainly a sedative with power to increase the tone and improve the functional activity of the nervous system.

Therapy—It has long been used in hysteria to control the attacks and to relieve the nervous excitement, restlessness, nervous depression, melancholia and hypochondria. In sudden depression from exhaustion and the conditions of depression consequent upon neurasthenia, it serves a good purpose.

In all forms of nervousness in women and in children and in the feeble it has long been in common use. In the excitable mania of exhausting fevers, it serves a useful purpose. It allays nervous excitement and produces a general tranquility of feeling.

It is a sovereign remedy for acute coryza—"cold in the head," and may be inhaled or taken internally. In acute and chronic catarrh it has a tonic yet soothing effect upon the mucous membranes. It controls hyper secretion and restores normal functional action.

These facts are also true in catarrhal bronchitis, in asthma and in whooping cough. In these spasmodic coughs the antispasmodic influence of the agent is of prime importance.

It is of service when added to cough syrups as a stimulating sedative in the persistent coughs of capillary bronchitis.

It has a marked an aphrodisiac influence, and has been given freely in nymphomania, satyriasis and erotomania. Its influence in controlling sexual excitement is positive. It cures priapism, chordee, and in a general way reduces the power of erection and the sexual appetite. In sexual weakness and in nocturnal emissions accompanied with erotic excitement from over indulgence, with violent erections, it is of much use and may be combined with ergot to equalize the circulation of the organs.

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It is a stimulating diaphoretic in fevers, and in inflammatory disorders with inactivity of the sudoriferous glands. This is especially true in exanthematous fevers, and where there is mania in prostrating fevers. Its influence is marked in dynamic fevers where there is feeble, rapid heart action and irritable pulse, with dry skin and muttering delirium, with subsultus tendinum. It has a diffusive stimulating influence in these cases which is of value.


Botanical name Mentha piperita, Family name Lamiaceae , Commercial part Leaf

Medicinal and cosmetic uses

Mint was originally used as a medicinal herb to treat stomach ache and chest pains. During the middle ages, powdered mint leaves were used to whiten teeth. Mint tea is a strong diuretic. Mint also aids digestion as It is a vatnashak, appetizer and gas releaser too. Menthol is an ingredient of many cosmetics and perfumes. Menthol and mint essential oil are also much used in medicine as component of many drugs, and are very popular in aromatherapy. A common use is as an antipruritic, especially in insect bite treatments (often along with camphor).


Botanical name: Hyoscyamus niger PropertiesThe wishep's weed is "hot", "sharp", "light", helps in digestion, is an appetizer, destroys worms and germs in the body, etc.

Medicinal Uses

Anodyne; Anthelmintic; Antispasmodic; Antitumor; Diuretic; Febrifuge; Hallucinogenic; Hypnotic; Mydriatic; Narcotic; Sedative.

Ajwayan has a very long history of use as a medicinal herb, and has been widely cultivated to meet the demand for its use. It is used extensively as a sedative and pain killer and is specifically used for pain affecting the urinary tract, especially when due to kidney stones. Its sedative and antispasmodic effect makes it a valuable treatment for the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, relieving tremor and rigidity during the early stages of the disease. This species is the form generally considered best for external use, whilst the white ajwayan is considered the most appropriate for internal use. All parts of the plant, but especially the leaves and the seeds, can be used - they are anodyne, antispasmodic, mildly diuretic, hallucinogenic, hypnotic, mydriatic, narcotic and sedative. The plant is used internally in the treatment of asthma, whooping cough, motion sickness, Meniere's syndrome, tremor in senility or paralysis and as a pre-operative medication. Ajwayan reduces mucous secretions, as well as saliva and other digestive juices. Externally, it is used as an oil to relieve painful conditions such as neuralgia, dental and rheumatic pains. The leaves should be harvested when the plant is in full flower and they can then be dried for later use. There is an annual and a biennial form of this species, both can be used medicinally but the biennial form is considered to be superior. This is a very poisonous plant that should be used with great caution, and only under the supervision of a qualified practitioner. See the notes above on toxicity. The seed is used in the treatment of asthma, cough, epilepsy, myalgia and

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toothache. The seeds are used in Tibetan medicine, they are said to have a bitter, acrid taste with a neutral and poisonous potency. Anthelmintic, antitumor and febrifuge, they are used in the treatment of stomach/intestinal pain due to worm infestation, toothache, inflammation of the pulmonary region and tumours.

DALCHININame: Cinnamon

Biological Name: Cinnamomum cassia, Cinnamomum zeylanicum; Cinnamomum saigonicum; Cinnamomum aromaticum; Cinnamomum laurus

Other Names: Cinnamon, Tvak, Dalchini, Daruchini Karuva, Vazhana, tamalapatra

Parts Used: Bark

Medicinal Applications

Actions :- alterative, analgesic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, anti-rheumatic, antispasmodic, aromatic, astringent, carminative, demulcent, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, germicide, haemostatic, stimulant, stomachic

Uses :- Backaches, bronchitis, colds, congestion, diarrhea, dysentery, edema, flu, gas, headaches, hiccup, indigestion, liver problems, menorrhagia, menstrual pain, melancholy, muscle tension, nausea, pain of the waist and knees, palpitations, toothache, vomiting.

SHORA (Surakshaaram)

Names:- Latin Pottassium nitrate Tamil Vediuppu Telugu Surekaaram Canarese Surakhara Malayal Vediup pu Urdu Shora

Suraakshaaram (Potassium Nitrate) is pungent and bitter, acute and penetrating, heating and laxative. It improves the digestive power. It is subtle (Sookshma). It is Ksharam (caustic) and light. It causes burning sensation, and wasting (Sosa). It is a constrictor (Graahi). It checks vaata and excites Pitta. It is useful in the treatment of Pleeha, Moorcha (fainting), difficulty in passing urine, eye diseases, Vaata

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Rakta, deep Jaundice (Kumbha Kaamila), cough, inflammation in the nose, abscesses, inflammation in the head (sirah paakam), Colic and distention of the abdomen.

Action: - Diuretic, diaphoretic, cooling in small doses and irritant in large doses.Antispasmodic and combustive in Asthma inhalation powders.

Uses: - It is used in combination with other medicines for its diuretic properties. A pinch or two of the powder is given with lemon juice diluted with plenty of water, in certain stages of cholera, to excite the secretion of urine. It is used in the preparation of Sankhadraavakam. It is also used in the preparation of asthma cigars or powders for inhalation along with Vaasa, Datoora, guggulu, devadaru and neem leaf etc. A piece of blotting paper soaked in solution of Suraakshaaram and dried, is burnt and the fumes are inhaled by some for the relief of the fit of asthma.

BADAM Scientific Name: AlmondOther Names: Almond Oil, Mandel, Prunus amygdalus dulcis, Sweet Almond

Uses Almonds have long been used as food by humans, animals, and birds. They contain protein and minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Due to their relatively high fat content, however, most nuts, including almonds, are also high in calories. In general, nuts have not been recommended for general consumption as a regular part of the diet, However, several human and animal studies that were conducted in the last few years have found that replacing animal fat in the diet with either almonds or almond oil produced reductions in total cholesterol levels, low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and triglycerides. In addition, levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDL), the “good” cholesterol remained relatively constant. In 2003, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration allowed packages of almonds and other nuts to begin carrying a modified health claim – “Scientific evidence suggests but does not prove that eating 1.5 ounces per day of most nuts, such as almonds, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease.”

Sweet almond oil is used topically to moisturize dry skin, soothe chapped lips, and relieve itching due to dryness. Because sweet almond oil is not greasy, it is absorbed quickly. Especially mild oil, it generally does not irritate skin and it does not appear to cause sensitization that may lead to allergic reactions. Occasionally, sweet almond oil is taken by mouth for a mild laxative effect. It is digestive as well as vayunashak.

The disease bronchitis is characterized by the inflammation of the bronchi of the lungs which results in the discharge (coughing out) of a mucopurulent substance, commonly known as phlegm. It is of several types depending upon the nature of the discharge. Bronchitis can occur as a symptom of many other diseases like tuberculosis. In all such cases, one or the other type of germ is considered to be the causative factor.

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In Ayurveda, this disease is called kasa roga. Krimis or germs are known in Ayurveda to cause the disease. But they are not considered to be the primary causative factors. Ayurveda considers kasa roga to be caused primarily by the impairment of digestion. This is an infection of the bronchi in the lungs and the symptoms are more severe than a cold or a cough. Bronchitis involves inflammation of the bronchial tubes. These tubes carry oxygen to the lungs. Patients often experience severe coughing with phlegm, loss of appetite and breathlessness. Ayurvedic medicine focuses on trying to clear the phlegm from the lungs. For the treatment of bronchitis, therefore, drugs having properties to correct both the lungs and stomach are selected by ayurvedic physicians.


• Cough that produces mucus (sputum), may be blood streaked. • Shortness of breath aggravated by exertion or mild activity. • Frequent respiratory infections (such as colds). • Wheezing. • Fatigue. • Ankle, feet and leg swelling that affects both sides. • Reddish face, palms or mucous membranes. • Reddish cheeks. • Headaches. • Chest pain. • Sore throat. • Fever.

Root Causes :

Acute bronchitis generally follows a viral respiratory infection. The viral infection produces bronchitis and secondary bacterial infection. Chronic bronchitis is a long term condition of excessive bronchial mucus with a productive cough. Chronic bronchitis is also known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Cigarette smoking (active and passive exposure) is the chief cause of the disease. Factors that make it worse include air pollution, infection, family factors and allergies.

Early recognition and treatment of small airway disease in people, who smoke, combined with smoking cessation, may prevent the progression the disease.

The RUDRA’S Approach to Bronchitis

A quick review of the bronchitis condition shows how many imbalances could contribute to the condition. Therefore a true healing of bronchitis will usually require a multi factor natural approach as is offered by the Ayurveda.

Bronchitis usually starts with some upper respiratory infection or exposure to an irritating substance. Poor diet, digestion and elimination can create an internal environment in the bronchial area that allows infection to more easily occur. Stress, poor lifestyle, bad circulation and lack of rejuvenative regimens

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can deteriorate the body's immune response to invading organisms in the bronchial area. We quickly see how many variables can predispose individuals to upper respiratory infection and the complications of bronchitis that occur when the infection becomes chronic.

Since bronchitis can be influenced by many factors, such as diet, digestion, toxin accumulation, stress, exercise levels and daily routine, the Ayurveda approach to the condition is a comprehensive one that balances many physiological functions simultaneously.

The Root Causes of Bronchitis

Following are the general types of imbalances at the source of most chronic conditions, including bronchitis.

1. Toxins accumulating in tissues and blocking circulation. 2. Poor nutrition. 3. Poor digestion. 4. Imbalance of the nervous system. 5. Accumulation of physical and mental stress. 6. Lowering of natural resistance and immunity. 7. Disruption of natural biological rhythms.


Rudra’s Bronkair powder is designed to offer support to the respiratory system as well as digestive system.

Benefits: • Supports bronchial function.• Nourishes the lungs and bronchi.• Balancing formula to reduce irritation.

Rudra’s Bronkair powder neutralizes and rejects airborne particles such as microorganisms, pollutants, pollens and dust, and protects delicate body tissues. As a result, the lungs and bronchi can become irritated.

Symptoms of asthma and bronchitis may result from nutritional imbalances. This formula nourishes the lungs and bronchi and helps support the respiratory system and corrects the malfunction of digestive systems.

Rudra’s Bronkair powder is composed primarily of traditional herbs used in Ayurveda, the ancient

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health science of India.

It includes Banafshah, Vasaka, Karkat Shringi, Saunf, Gulab, Dalchini,Elachi, Mulethi, Peepali, Tankan, Pushkarmoola, Apanmarg & Kalimirch which nourishes the lungs and bronchi and helps support the respiratory system.


Also known as- Violaodorata, Banafshah, Garden Violet, Neelapushpa, Neelapuspha, Sweet Violet Herb,

English Violet, Violeta, Sweet Violet Root, Violae Odoratae Rhizoma, Herba, Violet.

Parts Used

Leaf and flowers

Antiinflammatory; Cancer; Demulcent; Diaphoretic; Diuretic; Emetic; Emollient; Expectorant; Homeopathy; Laxative; Purgative.

BANAFSHAH has a long and proven history of folk use, especially in the treatment of cancer and whooping cough. It also contains salicylic acid, which is used to make aspirin. It is therefore effective in the treatment of headaches, migraine and insomnia.

The whole plant is anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, diuretic, emollient, expectorant, and laxative. It is taken internally in the treatment of bronchitis, respiratory catarrh, coughs, asthma, and cancer of the breast, lungs or digestive tract. Externally, it is used to treat mouth and throat infections. The plant can either be used fresh, or harvested when it comes into flower and then be dried for later use.

The flowers are demulcent and emollient. They are used in the treatment of biliousness and lung troubles. The petals are made into syrup and used in the treatment of infantile disorders.

The roots are a much stronger expectorant than other parts of the plant but they also contain the alkaloid violin which at higher doses is strongly emetic and purgative. They are gathered in the autumn and dried for later use.

The seeds are diuretic and purgative. They have been used in the treatment of urinary complaints are considered to be a good remedy for gravel.

A homeopathic remedy is made from the whole fresh plant. It is considered useful in the treatment of spasmodic coughs and rheumatism of the wrist.

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An essential oil from the flowers is used in aromatherapy in the treatment of bronchial complaints, exhaustion and skin complaints.

Summary The whole plant is anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, diuretic, emollient, expectorant, and laxative. It is taken internally in the treatment of bronchitis, respiratory catarrh, coughs, and asthma. Externally, it is typically used to treat mouth and throat infections. The plant can either be used fresh, or dried, and some reports suggest the dried material is much stronger in regards to its laxative qualities. The flowers are demulcent and emollient and are used in the treatment of biliousness and lung troubles. The petals are made into syrup and used in the treatment of infantile disorders.

VASAKA (Adhatoda vasika):

In acute stages of bronchitis it gives unfailing relief, especially where the sputum is thick and sticky. It liquefies the sputum so that it is brought up more easily.

Healing power and curative propertiesThe leaves, roots and the flower are extensively used in indigenous medicine as a remedy for cold, cough, bronchitis and asthma.

Bronchitis and asthma:In acute stages of bronchitis it gives unfailing relief, especially where the sputum is thick and sticky. It liquefies the sputum so that it is brought up more easily. For relief in asthma.

Tuberculosis:In Ayurveda a preparation made from Vasaka flowers is used to treat tuberculosis. A few fresh petals of Vasaka flowers should be bruised and put in a pot of china clay. Some sugar crystals are added and the jar kept in the sun .It should be stirred every morning and evening. The preserve is ready for use in about a month.

Cough:For cough leaves of the plant are boiled in water, strained and mixed with honey can be taken. This decoction provides relief. Similarly a confection of Vasaka flowers eaten twice daily relieves cough.

Intestinal worms:Its leaves bark the root bark; the fruit and flowers are useful in the removal of intestinal parasites. The decoction of its root and bark twice or thrice daily for 3 days can be given for this purpose .The juice of its fresh leaves can also be used in doses of a teaspoon thrice a day for 3 days.

Skin Diseases: A poultice of its leaves can be applied with beneficial results over fresh wounds, rheumatic joints and


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inflammatory swellings. A warm decoction of its leaves is useful in treating scabies and other skin diseases.

Methods for used and dosages:

The drug Vasaka is often taken in the form of juice extracted from its leaves, mixed with ginger or honey. The leaves can be made in to a decoction or the dry leaves can be given in powder form. Both the decoction and powder are constituents of many preparations used in Ayurvedic medicine for various affections of the respiratory tract. The root and the bark have the same medicinal uses as the leaves.


The annual culinary herb, SAUNF (ANISEED) belongs to celery family. Ancient Egyptians cultivated anise and were very much aquatinted with it's medicinal & culinary uses. Early Greeks & Romans new the values of aniseed. It is now grown in Europe, Middle East Asia, India and Mexico. All through India and some other parts of the world aniseed are well known carminative to relieve excessive gas. It is also taken as an infusion along with other digestives like ginger, cumin, pepper etc. the famous gripe waters for infants contain aniseeds extract. Aniseed is considered one of the best herbs in medicine for its properties to relieve flatulence and to remove catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tube. Aniseed induces copious perspiration and increases the volume and discharge of urine.

1. Digestive Disorders: -

Aniseed is a very beneficial medicine for expelling wind from the stomach. It can also be taken, in combination with other digestive like ginger, cumin and pepper, in the form of infusion.

2. Asthma: -

Aniseed is considered beneficial in the treatment of asthma due To its expectorant properties.

GULAB (Rosa damascene). Family: RosaceaeLocal Name: GulabMedicinal Uses: - Used as purgative.- It heals ulcer. - Employed in the treatment of conjunctivitis, headache and fainting


Biological Name: Elettaria cardamomum, Elettaria repens ,

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Other Names: Bastard cardamom, cardamom seeds, cardamon, Malabar cardamom, cardamom, Ela, Elachi,M Yelam

Parts Used: Seed -capsule holding up to 18 seeds.

Active Compounds: The seeds and pods contain a volatile oil which is used in perfumes and as a stimulant.

Medicinal Uses


appetizer, carminative, diaphoretic, digestive stimulant, expectorant, stimulant, stomachic.


Asthma, ching,biliousness, bronchitis, colds, cough, diarrhea, headache, hoarseness, indigestion, involuntary urination, nausea, respiratory disorders, stomach complaints, to stimulate the mind, vomiting.

Cardamom seeds are useful for flatulence, but they are usually used as adjuvants with other remedies. They are also used as a spice in cooking and as a flavoring in other medicines.

The seeds and pods contain a volatile oil which is used in perfumes and as a stimulant. The aphrodisiac properties of cardamom are extolled in Arabian Nights- the people in Middle East still believe that cardamom possesses such properties. Cardamom is a stimulant, it cools the body in extreme heat and it aids digestion.

Remedy for Celiac Disease: Chinese use powdered cardamom sprinkled on cooked cereal to correct celiac disease (intolerance for the gluten commonly occurring in children, marked by frequent diarrhea and continual digestive problems.)

Black Cardamom, Elachi

The cardamom plant is a root with pods full of seeds, black cardamom being the longest and thus more productive and has many positives properties and usages. It is more commonly found in food and medicines in the modern world, however the Romans and Ancient Greeks crushed it down and fermented it into a particularly pungent perfume, whilst the Egyptians of the same era chewed and used it as a toothpick.

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But however you apply it is certain that black cardamom will provide the function you are prescribing for it.

Dual effects of Black cardamom

Though it has to be said that Black Cardamom serves more of an herbal supplement in cooking than it does for medicinal purposes, it is still prescribed as a medicine.

Again like its culinary presence it tends to be a background noise, acting as a compound or a key component in a concoction rather than be a prescribed medicine in its own right, it does still find itself being often used for medical purposes, especially as an aid to cleanse the stomach area of blockages and as a combat for flatuance and indigestion.

Whilst on a similar note ancient Indians believed it to be a cure for obesity when eaten raw.

Its most common solo act is as an ancient Arabian aphrodisiac and whilst nobody can absolutely vouch for its potency many have had at least fun trying to prove it!!


Biological Name: Glycyzrrhiza glabra

Other Names: Licorice, Yashtimadhu, Mithi-lakdi, Mulathi, Liquorice, sweetwood, licorice root Atimadhuram, Erattimadhuram, Liquorice

Description: This herb is found in many countries. It is believed to give contentment and harmony.

Parts Used: Dried root

History: Licorice is a traditional herbal remedy with an ancient history and world wide usage. Modern research has shown it to have effects upon, amongst other organs, the endocrine system and liver. The triterpenes of Glycyrrhiza are metabolized in the body to molecules that have a similar structure to the adrenal cortex hormones. This is possibly the basis of the herbs anti-inflammatory action.

Medicinal Applications


anti-inflammatory, anti-hepatotoxic, anti-spasmodic, demulcent, emetic, expectorant, laxative, rejuvenative, sedative, tonic.


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abdominal pain, bronchitis, colds, cough, debility (general), heart tonic, hyperacidity, inflammation, laryngitis, laxative, mucus membrane toner and soother, muscle spasms, sore throat, ulcers, painful urination.

As an anti-hepatotoxic licorice is effective in the treatment of chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis, for which it is been widely used in Japan. Much of the liver orientated research has focused upon the triterpene glycyrrhizin. This inhibits hepatocyte injury caused by carbon tetrachloride, benzene hexachloride and PCB. Antibody production is enhanced by glycyrrhizin, possibly through the production of interleukin.

Glycyrrhizin inhibits the growth of several DNA and RNA viruses, inactivating Herpes simplex virus particles irreversibly. It has a variety of uses in bronchial problems such as catarrh, bronchitis and coughs in general. Liquorice is used in allopathic medicine as a treatment for peptic ulceration, a similar use to its herbal use in gastritis and ulcers. It can be used in the relief of abdominal colic.

It nourishes the brain-increasing cranial and cerebrospinal fluid. Also improve complexion, hair, and vision.


Biological Name: Piper longum

Other Names: Long Pepper, Dried Catkins, Pippali, Pipal Tippli, Pihal Parts Used: Fruit Medicinal Applications


Analgesic, anathematic, aphrodisiac, carminative, expectorant.


Abdominal tumors, Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds, Coughs , Digestion, Epilepsy , Flatulence, Gout, Laryngitis, Paralysis, Rheumatic pain, Sciatica, Worms, Seed used in cough and throat pain. Root , used in paralysis, epilepsy, and stiff joints. Both seeds and root are used for cough, rheumatism, leprosy, and consumption. The herb is also believed to improve vitality.

PUSHKARMOOLA Biological Name: Inula racemosa

Other Names: Pushkarmoola, Inula

Parts Used: Root powder

Active Compounds:

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At least four sesquiterpene lactones have been isolated from Inula. These along with other ingredients account for the healing medicinal properties of this herb. AlantolactonIsoalantolactoneDihydroalantolactone DihydroisoalantolactoneBeta sitosterolDaucosterolInunolide

Remedies For:

Pushkarmoola is beneficial for:

cardiovascular systemangina dyspnea


Biological Name: Achyranthes aspera Family: Amarantaceae Other Names: Rough Chaff Tree, Prickly Chaff Flower, Apamarga, Apamara, Adharajhada, Aghada, Aghata, Antisha, Apamarga, Apamargamu, Apang, Atkumah, Chirchira, Duk.-Agari, Kadaladi, Katalati, Kharamanjari, Khare-vazhun, Kune-la- mon, Kutri, Latjira, Nayuruvi, Pan- dhara-aghada, Safed hedo, Shiru-kidaladi, Uttaraene, UttaraneeDescription: This small herb found all over India. It is one of the AyurvedicParts Used: Herb, leaves, seeds and root herbs. Constituents: The fruit contains a large percentage of alkaline ash containing potash


Astringent, alterative and antiperiodic, antibilious, diuretic, expectorant, purgative.

Uses and Dosage

For Renal Dropsies

Make a decoction by adding 2 oz. of the plant to 1.5 pints of water. Boil for 20 - 30 minutes. Strain. This is a good diuretic. Useful for renal dropsies.

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Dose: one to two ounces of the mixture two or three times daily.

For stomach ache and bowel complaints, piles, boils, skin eruptions etc.

Use the leaf juice.

For diarrhea and dysentery

A decoction of powdered leaves with honey or sugar candy is useful in the early stages of diarrhea and dysentery.

For Fevers

Grind fresh leaves into a paste. Mix it with jaggery or black pepper and garlic. Form it into pills. This is a good antiperiodic especially in quartan fevers.

For dropsies such as ascites, anasarca Mix the ashes from the roots of the herb with water and jaggery. This is said to cure dropsies such as ascites, anasarca etc.

For Cough

A pinch of the root-powder with a pinch of pepper powder and honey is a remedy for cough.

For bites of poisonous insects, wasps, bees etc

Rub the leaves into a paste with water. Apply this into the affected area.

Grind the flowering spikes of the seeds into a paste with water. Apply externally to the affected region for bites of poisonous snakes and reptiles.

For syphilitic sores

Extract fresh juice from the leaves. Thicken the juice by evaporating by exposing to the sun. Mix it with a little opium. Apply to primary syphilitic sores.

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Payasam or Kheer made of seeds in milk is a good remedy for brain diseases.

An Infusion of the root is a mild astringent useful in bowel complaints.

Seeds are used as an expectorant, or mixed with rice water for bleeding hemorrhoids.

Seed soaked in buttermilk during the night and ground into an emulsion the next morning is a cure for biliousness.


Leaf juice applied to skin for overexposure to the sun. Leaves or seeds are used for poisonous animal bites.

KALI MIRCH (PEPPER)Botanical Name :- Piper nigrum Indian name :- Kali mirch Pepper is one of the oldest and most important of all spices. It is known as the 'king of spices' .Black pepper is the whole dried fruit, while white is the fruit subjected to the treatment in water with the mesocrap removed. Both varieties are ground and used in a powdered form. Pepper is a native of Western Ghats of India

Properties :- Black pepper is stimulant, pungent, aromatic, digestive and nervine tonic. Black pepper is very useful in relieving flatulence. Pepper has a stimulating effect on the digestive organs and produces an increased flow of salvia and gastric juices. It is a good home remedy for digestive disorders. Powdered black pepper thoroughly mixed with malted jagerry may be taken in the treatment of such conditions. Pepper is beneficial in the treatment of cold and fever. A pinch of finely ground pepper mixed with honey taken twice day is effective in amnesia or dullness of intellect. Pepper is an effective remedy for cough caused due to throat irritation. Pepper is useful in pyorrhoea or pus in the gums. Powdered pepper and salt mixture when massaged over the gums relieves inflammation

TANKAN (Tankanam)

Names:- Latin Borax Tamil Vengaram Telugu Veligaaramu

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Canarese Beligara Malayal Pongaram Urdu Suhaga

Tankana is a Kshaara (Alkali-caustic), pungent, and heating. It checks Kapha and Vegetable poisons. It is useful in the treament of Kaasa and Swaasa. It is dry, it checks Vaata and Kapha. It vitiates Pitta. It improves appetite. It is acute(penetrating-teekshna)

Action: - Diuretic, urinary-antiseptic and astringent.

Uses:- This is not much used alone but in combination with other drugs. It is Mutravirajanam or purifier of urine by lessening the inflammation of the urinary passages. Internally, it is also used in fevers as in Aanandabhairava Rasa and as intestinal antiseptic and astringent in dysentery.Externally, it is used as an eye lotion and for washing wounds. It may also be used as cooling astringent lotion for swellings due to injury and as a mouth-wash or gargle in diseases of throat and tongue along with a little honey and water or along with honey and Yashtimadhu churnam for touching sore-throat.