the rosie project supersummary study guide.pdf

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Chapters 1–4 4 

Chapters 5–8  

Chapters !–12 ! 

Chapters 1"–16 11 

Chapters 1–20 14 

Chapters 21–24 1 

Chapters 25–28 1! 

Chapters 2!–"2 22 

Chapters ""–"6 25 


#$% T&''(a% 2! 

R$s&e Jar(a% 2! 

Ge%e "0 

C'a)*&a +arr$, "1 





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The Rosie Project -. Grae(e S&(s&$% e/p'$res the r$(a%t& a%* $(e*& err$rs $ a(a% ,&th )%*&a%$se* Asperer3s S.%*r$(e #$% T&''s$% as he '$$s $r a ,&e As a

pr$ess$r $ e%et&s #$% '&7es a% $r*er'. pre*&ta-'e '&e &% a pr$tete* aa*e(&sett&% Tr$)-'e e%s)es ,he% he *e&*es that he &s rea*. t$ &%* h&s '&e3s part%er Set&% Me'-$)r%e A)stra'&a a%* e, Y$r C&t. the %$7e' &s t$'* &% the &rst pers$% r$(#$%3s perspet&7e

The Rosie Project s&ts ,&th&% the tra*&t&$% $ the &%&t&at&$% %$7e' th$)h thepr$ta$%&st &s "! .ears $'* #)r&% the $)rse $ the %$7e' #$% r$,s )p a%* has h&s&rst e/per&e%e ,&th r$(a%t& '$7e +ea)se $ h&s *&&)'t&es ,&th s$&a' &%terat&$%s,he% the %$7e' -e&%s #$% has %$t ha* a s&%&&a%t re'at&$%sh&p $r e7e% a se$%*


#$% *e&*es that &t &s t&(e $r h&( t$ et (arr&e* s$ he $ra%&9es the :&e Pr$;et He*e7e'$ps a str&%e%t a%* *eta&'e* 16<pae =)est&$%%a&re t$ ,ee* $)t a'' $ the&%appr$pr&ate a%* )%=)a'&&e* ,$(e% He h$pes th&s pr$ess ,&'' &*e%t&. a se'et p$$'$ peret a%*&*ates r$( ,h&h he a% h$$se a part%er

R$s&e e%ters the p&t)re ,he% #$% (&staes her $r a :&e Pr$;et app'&a%t Ara*)ate st)*e%t &% ps.h$'$. R$s&e &%tr&)es #$% r$( the ($(e%t the. (eet

*esp&te her 'ear 'a $ s)&ta-&'&t. She arees t$ a *ate ,&th #$% *)r&% ,h&h #$%arees t$ he'p her &%* her -&$'$&a' ather &% $r*er t$ eep the re'at&$%sh&p $&% 

Thr$)h the&r (a*ap a*7e%t)res $''et&% #A sa(p'es r$( ($re tha% 40 p$ss&-'eathers #$% a%* R$s&e a'' &% '$7e th$)h the. -$th re)se t$ a%$,'e*e the at#$% a&'s t$ re$%&9e h$, he ee's a-$)t R$s&e -ea)se she *$es %$t &t the)&*e'&%es $r h&s peret part%er She s($es has ,e&r* $$* &ss)es a%* &shr$%&a''. 'ate R$s&e *e%&es her ee'&%s $r #$% -ea)se he 'as s$&a' s&''sa*heres t$ a r&&* a%* $-sess&7e'. str)t)re* she*)'e &% a'' areas $ h&s '&e a%*

*resses '&e a -)(

O%e #$% rea'&9es h&s '$7e $r R$s&e he %$,s he ,&'' ha7e t$ ha%e $%s&*era-'. &he &s t$ ,&% her aet&$% :&th 7&$r h)($r a%* *eter(&%at&$% he sets $)t t$tra%s$r( h&(se' &%t$ a pers$% she a% '$7e R$s&e e7e%t)a''. arees t$ (arr. #$%a%* the. e(-ar )p$% the&r >happ&'. e7er ater? &% e, Y$r C&t. The Rosie Project 

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*e($%strates the ,a.s &% ,h&h pe$p'e %a7&ate the re=)&re(e%ts $ a (ea%&%)'re'at&$%sh&p ,&th a%$ther pers$% ,h&'e re(a&%&% tr)e t$ .$)rse' 


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Chap!"# $%4

Chap!" $ S&''a"(

#$% T&''(a% ,a%ts t$ et (arr&e* Th&rt.<%&%e a%* a% ass&sta%t e%et&s pr$ess$r #$%e/p'a&%s that he has tr&e* a %)(-er $ *&ere%t (eth$*s t$ (eet h&s )t)re ,&e@&%')*&% -e&% set )p -. r&e%*s@s$ ar ,&th$)t s)ess

#$% e/p'a&%s that he has t,$ r&e%*s Ge%e +arr$, hea* $ the )%&7ers&t.3sPs.h$'$. #epart(e%t a%* h&s ,&e C'a)*&a ,h$ &s a '&%&a' ps.h$'$&st Theser&e%*s ha7e tr&e* t$ he'p h&( ,&th the :&e Pr$-'e( -)t the tra*&t&$%a' *at&%

para*&( a&'s t$ he'p #$% &%* a ,&e

#$% rea'&9es that there &s s$(eth&% )%appea'&% a-$)t h&( *esp&te h&s $thera*7a%taes ,h&h &%')*e &%te''&e%e he&ht ph.s&a' &t%ess a%* a prest&&$)s ,e''<pa&* ;$- #$% h&ts )p$% a s$')t&$% t$ the :&e Pr$-'e( ,he% he arees t$ &7e a'et)re $% Asperer3s S.%*r$(e $r Ge%e

Ge%e -$,s $)t $ the 'et)re -ea)se he has a% $pp$rt)%&t. t$ ha7e se/ ,&th aCh&'ea% pr$ess$r ,h$ &s 7&s&t&% Me'-$)r%e Th$)h he &s (arr&e* t$ C'a)*&a Ge%e

'a&(s that he has a% $pe% (arr&ae a%* &s $%*)t&% >researh? -. ha7&% se/ ,&th,$(e% r$( as (a%. *&ere%t $)%tr&es as p$ss&-'e

Chap!" 2 S&''a"(

#$% *e'&7ers a 'et)re $% the )rre%t researh &%t$ the e%et& a)ses $r Asperer3sS.%*r$(e a% a)t&s( spetr)( *&s$r*er He &%*s Asperer3s t$ -e a %at)ra' e%et&7ar&a%t rather tha% a a)'t $r *&sa-&'&t. A$r*&% t$ #$% there are a*7a%taes t$ the,a. a% Asperer3s pers$% th&%s &%')*&% >$ra%&9at&$% $)s a%* rat&$%a'

*etah(e%t? B10

I% a**&t&$% t$ Ge%e a%* C'a)*&a #$% has ha* t,$ $ther r&e%*s &% h&s '&e h&s s&ster,h$ *&e* *)e t$ (e*&a' &%$(pete%eD a%* h&s e'*er'. %e&h-$r #aph%e He hasree%t'. st$ppe* 7&s&t&% #aph%e -ea)se she %$ '$%er re$%&9es h&( *)e t$ hera*7a%e* *e(e%t&a

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The s$')t&$% t$ the :&e Pr$-'e( #$% -e'&e7es &s a 16<pae =)est&$%%a&re that he a%)se t$ e'&(&%ate a'' )%s)&ta-'e p$te%t&a' ,&7es There$re he ,&'' $%&%e h&s r$(a%t&e$rts t$ the ,$(e% ,h$ (eet h&s sta%*ar*s Up )%t&' %$, *at&% has -ee%*&sastr$)s &%re*&-'. &%e&&e%t a%* a ,aste $ #$%3s t&(e #$% has str)t)re* h&s '&e

&%t$ a str&t she*)'e ,&th a t&(e a''$ate* $r &%')*&% sh$pp&%$$&% 'ea%&% a%* h&s 'e&s)re at&7&t&es H&s re&(e%te* '&est.'e 'ea7es %$ r$$( $r*e7&at&$% $r sp$%ta%e&t. H&s %e, $)s &s the :&e Pr$;et

Chap!" 3 S&''a"(

I% h&s e/&te(e%t t$ et the :&e Pr$;et starte* #$% atte(pts t$ tra *$,% h&sr&e%* Ge%e t$ *&s)ss &t #$% arr&7es at Ge%e a%* C'a)*&a3s h$)se at "0 a( C'a)*&aass #$% & the s.(pt$(s $ Asperer3s re(&%* h&( $ a%.$%e a%* #$% sa.s that the.

*$ as9'$ He7es& &% the Ph.s&s #epart(e%t He arra%es t$ $(e $r *&%%er $%Sat)r*a. %&ht #$% has a $$* re'at&$%sh&p ,&th -$th $ the +arr$,3s h&'*re%E)e%&e ae 8 a%* Car' ae 16

#$% &%*s h&(se' &% the #ea%3s $&e the %e/t *a. *&s)ss&% the aa*e(&*&sh$%est. $ $%e $ #$%3s ra*)ate st)*e%ts Fe7&% Y) Th&s &s the se$%* t&(e #$%has a)ht Fe7&% p'a&ar&9&% a%* he ,a%ts h&( t$ -e e/pe''e* The #ea% e/p'a&%sthat the ase &s %$t as 'ear<)t as #$% -e'&e7es The &%&t&a' &%sta%e $ p'a&ar&s( ,as a(&s)%*ersta%*&% *)e t$ Fe7&%3s p$$r E%'&sh s&''s ,h&'e the ($st ree%t e/a(p'e

$%s&sts $ a $%e<se%te%e repet&t&$% r$( a%$ther st)*e%t3s paper S&%e E%'&sh &s%$t h&s &rst 'a%)ae Fe7&% )ses a t)t$r t$ ass&st h&( ,&th h&s papers She e%$)raes#$% t$ &%* a% a'ter%at&7e s$')t&$% t$ the pr$-'e( rather tha% e/pe''&% Fe7&%$)tr&ht *)r&% h&s 'ast se(ester &% ra*)ate sh$$' #$% &s 'et a%r. a%* $%)se*-ea)se the #ea% see(s ($re pre$)p&e* ,&th perept&$% a%* &(ae tha% ,&th)ph$'*&% aa*e(& sta%*ar*s

#$% *e&*es that h&s =)est&$%%a&re ,&'' r)th'ess'. e'&(&%ate a%. ,$(e% $%er%e*,&th appeara%es

Chap!" 4 S&''a"(

C'a)*&a a%* Ge%e he'p #$% &%a'&9e h&s =)est&$%%a&re $% Sat)r*a. %&ht The. -$the%$)rae h&( t$ -r$a*e% h&s re=)&re(e%ts -ea)se he3s -e&% t$$ p&. He ;$&%s aae<t$<ae *&%%er *ate ser7&e a%* sets )p a pr$&'e

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#)r&% h&s &rst *&%%er *ate he e&&e%t'. e'&(&%ates a'' $)r ,$(e% prese%t *esp&tethe at that he '&es $%e $ the(@O'&7&a@a%* eas&'. arr&es $% a% &%terest&%$%7ersat&$% ,&th her thr$)h the e%t&re *&%%er He e'&(&%ates her r$( the p$te%t&a',&e p$$' -ea)se she &s a 7eetar&a% O% h&s ,a. h$(e he $%rat)'ates h&(se' $%

h&s e&&e%t )se $ the =)est&$%%a&re ,h&h sa7e* h&( t&(e a%* e$rt -. e'&(&%at&%a'' )%s)&ta-'e a%*&*ates

Chap!" $)4 A*a+(#,#

Th$)h #$% *$es %$t a%$,'e*e &t *&ret'. the rea*er %$,s r$( the &rst paes$ the %$7e' that #$% has Asperer3s s.%*r$(e M)h $ the %$7e'3s h)($r $(esr$( #$%3s (&srea*&% $ s$&a' )es a%* h&s e%)&%e $%)s&$% a-$)t the s$&a'($res that ($st rea*ers tae $r ra%te* He $ers rea*ers a%$ther ,a. t$ 7&e, the

$(p'e/&t. a%* *&&)'t&es $ s$&a' &%terat&$%s The ;)/tap$s&t&$% -et,ee% #$%3s7&e,p$&%t a%* $ther pe$p'e3s &s $te% )%%. H$,e7er the s$&a' (&s)%*ersta%*&%sare a's$ pa&%)' a%* sa* t$ ,&t%ess as the rea*er a% see the $%sta%t pr$-'e(s #$%e%$)%ters ,he% tr.&% t$ $(()%&ate ,&th $thers :h&'e he &s a,are that he *$es%$t a',a.s $rret'. &%terpret $ther pe$p'e3s $(()%&at&$% he a&'s t$ &*e%t&. thespe&& &%sta%es ,he% these (&staes happe% a%* ,h. I% a**&t&$% h&s (a%%ersspeeh a%* appeara%e a's$ a)se re=)e%t s$&a' -')%*ers

#$%3s =)est t$ &%* a '&e part%er &s &%te%s&&e* -. the '$ss $ t,$ $ h&s r&e%*s h&s

s&ster a%* #aph%e #aph%e t$'* h&( he ,$)'* -e a ,$%*er)' h)s-a%* a%* her '$%happ. (arr&ae 'ea*s #$% t$ tr)st her $p&%&$% H&s '$%e'&%ess *r&7es h&( t$ ,a%t t$ha%e h&s '&e -. &%*&% a part%er

I% h&s r$(a%t& p)rs)&t #$% &s $pe% t$ the s)est&$%s a%* r&t&&s(s $ h&s r&e%*s-ea)se he %$,s that he has (a%. s$&a' *e&&ts Th$)h he has e/per&e%e*repeate* re;et&$%s -. ,$(e% he &s %$t -&tter $r .%&a'D he e%)&%e'. ,a%ts a '&epart%er E%$)rae* -. h&s r&e%* #aph%e t$ -e'&e7e that he has the =)a'&t&es &t taest$ -e a $$* h)s-a%* #$% p)rs)es th&s %e, $a' ,&th *eter(&%at&$% Th$)h #$%

appears t$ -e r&&* arr$a%t a%* pe*a%t& he a's$ *e($%strates aet&$% $rh&'*re% thr$)h h&s &%terat&$%s ,&th E)e%&e a%* Car' &%*%ess &% h&s re'at&$%sh&p,&th #aph%e a%* h)(&'&t. thr$)h h&s &%s&hts &%t$ h&s $,% 'a,s

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Chap!"# -%.

Chap!" - S&''a"(

U%*eterre* -. h&s a&')re at the r$)p *&%%er *ate #$% -r&%s h&s =)est&$%%a&re t$ as&%'es $ta&' part. He &s appr$ahe* -. a re%h ,$(a% a-&e%%e ,h$ ass h&(*&ret'. & she a% -). h&( a *r&% e'se,here a%* a%%$)%es that she ,$)'* '&e t$ha7e se/ #$% &%*s her 7er. attrat&7e -)t he3s s$'e'. $)se* $% the res)'ts $ the=)est&$%%a&re #$% te''s her that s$(e$%e s)&ta-'e (a. sh$, )p & she ,a&ts '$%erDhe3s *&sapp$&%te* ,he% she a&'s t$ =)a'&. as a s)&ta-'e part%er a$r*&% t$ h&s=)est&$%%a&re

e/t #$% tr&es spee*<*at&% He e'&(&%ates a'' $ the ,$(e% =)&'. a%* e&&e%t'.

)s&% h&s =)est&$%%a&re He &s p)99'e* that %$%e $ the ,$(e% ,a%t t$ ta' t$ h&($%e he te''s the( that the. ha7e -ee% e'&(&%ate*

:he% #$% p$sts the =)est&$%%a&re $% the &%ter%et he ree&7es 2! resp$%ses-r&%&% h&s t$ta' t$ "04 Ge%e he'ps h&( t$ s$rt thr$)h the( &%s&st&% that #$% &s(&ss&% s$(e $$* p$te%t&a' (ates -ea)se he &s )%,&''&% t$ $(pr$(&se $% s$(e $h&s re=)&re(e%ts Ge%e $ers t$ '$$ thr$)h a'' $ the =)est&$%%a&res a%* &7e #$%the res)'ts #$% arees t$ as the ,$(e% that Ge%e &*e%t&&es as a%*&*ates $)t $r*&%%er

Chap!" 6 S&''a"(

A-$)t t,$ h$)rs 'ater a re*<ha&re* s'e%*er attrat&7e ,$(a% $ a-$)t "0 %$s$% #$%3s *$$r She te''s #$% that Pr$ess$r +arr$, Ge%e se%t her t$ see h&( #$%-e'&e7&% she &s a ,&e a%*&*ate ass her $)t t$ *&%%er She sarast&a''. %a(es a%e/pe%s&7e resta)ra%t th&%&% that he3s &**&% #$% (&sses the saras( a%* has&%t$ the resta)ra%t3s $(p)ter t$ (ae a 'ast<(&%)te reser7at&$% $r 8 p( that %&htHe a''s Ge%e ,h$ 'a)hs a%* te''s #$% her %a(e &s R$s&e

Arr&7&% at the resta)ra%t ;)st -e$re 8 p( #$% ar)es ,&th the (atre *3 $7er theresta)ra%t3s ;aet re=)&re(e%t +ea)se &t3s )%sa%&tar. he re)ses t$ ,ear a ;aetpr$7&*e* -. the resta)ra%t A% a&&*$ e/pert #$% *ee%*s h&(se' ,he% se)r&t.pers$%%e' atte(pt t$ re($7e h&( r$( the resta)ra%t R$s&e arr&7es &% the (&*st $th&s ha$s She %$,s the (atre *3 a%* the. are a''$,e* t$ 'ea7e

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R$s&e &s h)%r. a%* ta's #$% &%t$ (a&% *&%%er $r her at h&s p'ae #$% has a'rea*.*&s(&sse* R$s&e as a p$te%t&a' ,&eD she &s 'ate ,ears a '$t $ ;e,e'r. a%* she *$es%3t$$

Chap!" / S&''a"(

+ea)se she has -ee% e'&(&%ate* as a p$te%t&a' ,&e a%*&*ate #$% ee's $($rta-'e,&th R$s&e Th$)h he3s a'ar(e* -. her &%7as&$% $ h&s pers$%a' spae he *$es %$tpr$test ,he% she p)ts $% ()s& a%* rearra%es the )r%&t)re $% h&s -a'$%. ,&th$)tas&% per(&ss&$%

Chap!" . S&''a"(

#$% (aes a *e'&&$)s '$-ster sa'a* a%* the. ha7e a reat t&(e eat&% *r&%&% ,&%ea%* ta'&% $% h&s -a'$%. R$s&e )%*ersta%*s a%* 'a)hs at h&s ;$es #$% has %e7ereate% $)ts&*e $% h&s -a'$%. -e$re The &%a' -'$, t$ R$s&e3s a%*&*a. $r '&epart%er h$,e7er $(es ,he% she s($es a &arette

R$s&e te''s #$% that she &s '$$&% $r her -&$'$&a' ather Her ($ther *&e* &% a ara&*e%t ,he% R$s&e ,as 10 .ears $'* The (a% ,h$ ra&se* her Ph&' &s %$t her rea'ather Her ($ther a *$t$r ha* a% aa&r ,&th a%$ther (e*&a' st)*e%t ater ara*)at&$% part. ,h&'e she ,as a's$ see&% Ph&'

R$s&e 'ea7es at 2"0 a(

Chap!" 4). A*a+(#,#

I% these hapters at 'east three ,$(e% atte(pt t$ s&%a' the&r &%terest &% #$%@J)'&ar$( the Asperer3s 'et)re O'&7&a r$( the r$)p *&%%er a%* a-&e%%e r$( the$ta&' part.@-)t #$% &s )%a-'e t$ re$%&9e the&r &%terest &% h&( #$% *&s(&sses a''$ these ,$(e% as p$te%t&a' (ates -ea)se $ (&%$r *e7&at&$%s r$( h&s r&&*

re=)&re(e%ts These re;et&$%s (ae #$%3s attrat&$% t$ R$s&e *esp&te her 'ar&% a%*($re ser&$)s *e7&at&$%s r$( h&s re=)&re(e%ts e7e% ($re &r$%&

#$%3s (&stae &% th&%&% that R$s&e &s a ,&e a%*&*ate *r&7es th&s p$rt&$% $ the p'$tGe%e *$es %$t $rret #$%3s err$r perhaps -ea)se he ,a%ts t$ see h$, #$% $pes,&th th&s $)tsp$e% ,$(a% #$% &((e*&ate'. e'&(&%ates her r$( $%s&*erat&$% &% h&s(&%* -)t h&s ee'&%s -etra. h&(

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#$% &%*s R$s&e e/tre(e'. attrat&7e He e%;$.s her $(pa%. a%* a''$,s her t$rearra%e -$th h&s apart(e%t a%* h&s she*)'e R$s&e p$ses a threat t$ h&s $r*ere*e/&ste%e ,h&'e s&()'ta%e$)s'. $pe%&% )p h&s '&e t$ e/&t&% a%* p'eas)ra-'e

e/per&e%es Ir$%&a''. she &s a ar ,$rse (ath tha% the three ,$(e% he haspre7&$)s'. re;ete* H$,e7er ;)st as he -er&e%*e* #aph%e a%* he'pe* her $pe ,&thher h)s-a%*3s &''%ess a%* *eath #$% a%%$t res&st a ,$(a% ,h$ %ee*s h&( I%a**&t&$% she p$ses a =)est&$% that &s &%terest&% t$ h&( as a e%et&&st@,h$ &s R$s&e3s-&$'$&a' ather

Chap!"# 9%$2

Chap!" 9 S&''a"(

#$% has ')%h ,&th Ge%e the %e/t *a. Ge%e a*(&ts that he thre, R$s&e &%t$ the (&/,&th$)t reere%e t$ the =)est&$%%a&re He ass #$% & he ha* )% ,&th R$s&e I%&t&a''.#$% -e'&e7es that the e7e%&% ,as s&(p'. a ,aste $ t&(e -)t )p$% )rther re'et&$%he $%e*es that he sh$)'* see R$s&e aa&% t$ he'p her &%* her -&$'$&a' ather

#$% $es t$ the -ar ,here R$s&e ,$rs t$ re$%%et ,&th her a%* $er h&s ser7&es asa e%et&&st R$se ,$rs as a -arte%*er at the Mar=)ess $ )ee%s-)r.@a a. -arHe s)ests that the. ather the #A $ the p$te%t&a' athers a%* he $ers t$ test &t$r her She &7es h&( her ph$%e %)(-er

Chap!" $0 S&''a"(

#$% &s thr&''e* t$ ha7e $tte% R$s&e3s te'eph$%e %)(-er e7e% & &t &s $%'. $r -)s&%essrather tha% r$(a%t& p)rp$ses He &s &% %ee* $ t&(e t$ re'et s$ he ets -a &%t$ h&sr$)t&%e -. $&% $% h&s $(-&%e* r)% a%* sh$pp&% e/pe*&t&$% The sh$p eeper ateah sta'' &% the (aret %$,s ,hat he -).s s&%e he (aes the sa(e (ea's e7er.

,ee s$ eah $%e has h&s p)rhases rea*. t$ $ He $%'. %ee*s t$ pa)se &% h&s r)% t$pa. He *e&*es t$ a%e' the ather Pr$;et s$ he a''s R$s&e a%* 'ea7es a (essaeas&% her t$ a'' h&( -a

R$s&e a''s h&( t$ aept h&s $er $ he'p +ea)se he a%s,ers the ph$%e *)r&% a'ass &% r$%t $ h&s st)*e%ts he3s )%a-'e t$ te'' her that he ,a%ts t$ -a $)t :he%the. (eet $r $ee the %e/t *a. the. aree t$ $''et the #A sa(p'es t$etherShe has a '$a' a%*&*ate p&e* $)t ,h$ she -e'&e7es &s her ather

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The. $ t$ #r Ea($%% H)hes3 h$)se $% Sat)r*a. Ea($%% &s a a(&'. r&e%* a%* he3shapp. t$ see R$s&e ,h$ re7ea's that she $t a 7er. h&h s$re $% the (e*&a' sh$$'=)a'&.&% e/a( The. $(e )p ,&th a r)se a-$)t a e%$raph& st)*. $ *$t$rs3

#A a%* Ea($%% &7es the( a -'$$* sa(p'e :he% teste* $r #A the sa(p'epr$7es that Ea($%% &s %$t R$s&e3s ather

#$% a%* R$s&e $ $)t $r a *r&% t$ he'p R$s&e re$7er r$( her *&sapp$&%t(e%t #$%sees Ge%e ,&th O'&7&a@the ,$(a% he (et at the r$)p *&%%er *ate R$s&e a%* #$%e%* )p ha7&% *&%%er a%* aa&% ha7e a $$* t&(e R$s&e tr&es t$ e/p'a&% t$ #$% ,h.&t3s s$ &(p$rta%t $r her t$ &%* her >rea'? ather He *$es%3t )%*ersta%* -)t he%$,s that &t3s &(p$rta%t $r her happ&%ess #$% attr&-)tes th&s )%a)st$(e* s$&a's)ess a%* h&s happ. ee'&%s t$ the at that he3s a'rea*. e'&(&%ate* R$s&e r$(

$%s&*erat&$% as a part%er He ass R$s&e ,h$ the. are $&% t$ test %e/t

Chap!" $$ S&''a"(

R$s&e %$,s $ t,$ $ther a(&'. r&e%*s r$( her ($ther3s ra*)at&$% 'ass #r PeterE%t&$tt a%* #r A'a% MPhee #r E%t&$tt '&7es '$a''. -)t s&%e #r MPhee &s *ea*the. *e&*e t$ $''et a sa(p'e r$( h&s *a)hter ata'&e ,h$( R$s&e %$,ss$&a''.

#$% has a%$ther )%$($rta-'e *&s)ss&$% ,&th the #ea% -ea)se a (e*&a' st)*e%thas $(p'a&%e* that #$% tr&e* t$ h)(&'&ate h&( The st)*e%t =)est&$%e* #$% a-$)t>reat&$% s&e%e? a%* the at that e7$')t&$% &s a% )%pr$7e% the$r. #$% prese%te*the st)*e%t ,&th a '$)%*er@,h&h has t,$ $% $%e s&*e $ &ts hea* $%e $ ,h&hhas (&rate* r$( the $ther s&*e@t$ *e($%strate e7$')t&$% Th$)h #$% hasteh%&a''. %$t -r$e% a%. r)'es as )s)a' the #ea% te''s #$% that he ()st tr. har*ert$ >&t &%? #$% &s terr&&e* He %$,s that & he a%%$t &t &% s)ess)''. &% the s&e%ea)'t. at a )%&7ers&t. he a%%$t &t &% a%.,here

R$s&e *r&7es #$% t$ ata'&e3s h$)se ,here R$s&e e%*s )p stea'&% ata'&e3st$$th-r)sh t$ et a #A sa(p'e e/t the. 7&s&t Peter E%t&$tt $% the prete/t $ta'&% a-$)t R$s&e3s app'&at&$% t$ the (e*&a' sh$$' ,here he teahes The. stea'the )p he *r&%s r$( t$ et h&s sa(p'e

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Chap!" $2 S&''a"(

O% the ,a. h$(e R$s&e taes a *et$)r t$ the -eah s$ she a% 'ear her hea* #$%respets R$s&e3s ,a. $ *ea'&% ,&th her ee'&%s Ater ,a'&% $% the -eah the.

res)(e the&r *r&7e h$(e #$% aa&% e/per&e%es happ&%ess a%* $%te%t(e%t &%R$s&e3s $(pa%.

R$s&e ha''e%es #$%3s pre;)*&e* 7&e, $ her +ea)se she ,$rs as a -arte%*er he*&*%3t -e'&e7e her ear'&er ,he% she sa&* that she ,as a ra*)ate st)*e%t &% -eha7&$rs&e%e ,&th a h&h s$re $% the (e*&a' e%tra%e e/a(

:he% teste* %e&ther $ the #A sa(p'es (athes R$s&e She &s 7er. *&s$)rae* a%*sa* O7er a -$tt'e $ ,&%e the. *&s)ss &7&% )p the pr$;et &%*&% a%* test&% a'' $

the re(a&%&% (e% &% her ($ther3s ra*)at&% 'ass ,$)'* -e t$$ -& $ a tas #$%&%*s he *$es%3t ,a%t t$ &7e )p $% the ather Pr$;et th$)h he %$,s there &s '&tt'erat&$%a' -as&s $r h&s *e&s&$%

Chap!" 9)$2 A*a+(#,#

#esp&te her 'a $ s)&ta-&'&t. as a pr$spet&7e ,&e #$% p)rs)es R$s&e a%* $ers herass&sta%e &% &%*&% her ather #)r&% the $''et&$% $ the #A sa(p'e #$% &%*sthat he &s 7er. $%te%t a%* happ. &% R$s&e3s $(pa%. The at that he *$es %$t ,a%t

t$ &7e )p $% the pr$;et *esp&te the *&sr)pt&$%s t$ h&s she*)'e h&s '&e h&s r$)t&%ea%* the :&e Pr$;et sh$, that he &s -e&%%&% t$ ha7e ee'&%s $r R$s&e He ,a%ts t$spe%* as ()h t&(e as p$ss&-'e ,&th her th$)h he see(s t$ -e )%a,are $ h&see'&%s

It &s 'ess 'ear ,hether R$s&e ret)r%s h&s ee'&%s $r %$t

Chap!"# $3%$6

Chap!" $3 S&''a"(

#$% re)ses t$ &7e )p $% the ather Pr$;et He app'&es h&s s&e%t&& s&''s t$ thepr$-'e( est&(at&% the at)a' %)(-er $ (e% ,h$ re(a&% t$ -e teste* '$at&%the( a%* &)r&% $)t h$, t$ et #A sa(p'es He *&s$7ers that there &s a "0 .ear'ass re)%&$% &% $%'. three ,ees He *eter(&%es that the. a% ather #A r$( there'e7a%t (e% at the re)%&$%

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He a%* R$s&e are h&re* as -arte%*ers $r the re)%&$% #$% (e($r&9es a ,h$'e -$$$%ta&%&% (&/e* *r&% re&pes He rea'&9es that h&s '&e &s ett&% ha$t&D he a''sC'a)*&a $r a*7&e

#$% -e'&e7es that R$s&e app'&e* $r the :&e Pr$;et thr$)h Ge%e a%* he *$es%3t,a%t t$ h)rt her ee'&%s -. te''&% her that she3s -ee% e'&(&%ate* C'a)*&a e%$)raes#$% t$ spe%* t&(e ,&th R$s&e ,&th$)t te''&% her a-$)t the :&e Pr$;et-ea)se #$% a*(&ts that he3s e%;$.&% spe%*&% t&(e ,&th R$s&e

Ge%e ass t$ see #$% at ,$r the %e/t *a. He $%r$%ts #$% a-$)t see&% R$s&e,h&h #$% ha* pre7&$)s'. *e%&e* #$% a7$&*s te''&% Ge%e a-$)t the ather Pr$;etDhe3s $% *a%er$)s r$)%* $''et&% #A ,&th$)t pe$p'e3s per(&ss&$% a%* )s&% the

)%&7ers&t.3s 'a- $r pr&7ate #A test&%

Ge%e ass #$% h$, ()h he %$,s a-$)t R$s&e #$% ass Ge%e ,h. R$s&e ,a%ts t$-e part $ the :&e Pr$;et Ge%e *$es%3t a%s,er *&ret'. &%stea* he ,ar%s #$% %$tt$ et h&s h$pes )p ,&th R$s&e ,h$ Ge%e -e'&e7es has a '$t $ e($t&$%a' &ss)es

Chap!" $4 S&''a"(

#$% ets 7er. *r)% *)r&% h&s prat&e sess&$%s (a&% *r&%s $r h&s )p$(&% & as

a -arte%*er at the re)%&$%

He (eets )p ,&th R$s&e ;)st -e$re the re)%&$% -e&%s t$ e/ha%e &%$r(at&$% a-$)th$, t$ $''et the #A sa(p'es #$% has $(e prepare* ,&th s,a-s a%* -a&es'a-e'e* ,&th eah (a%3s %a(e He has (e($r&9e* a'' 41 $ the&r %a(es &% preparat&$%

R$s&e a%* #$% ,$r har* *e'&7er&% *r&%s a%* $''et&% sa(p'es :he% R$s&e-e$(es $7er,he'(e* ,&th the tas $ re(e(-er&% a'' the %a(es #$% taes $7er#$% &s a r$ star he re(e(-ers a'' the %a(es re(e(-ers ,h&h sa(p'es ha7e -ee%

$''ete* $r %$t a%* he'ps R$s&e $''et the sa(p'es r$( the 'asses He e7e% $erse/$t& $-s)re *r&%s t$ e%s)re that the. et a sa(p'e r$( e7er. (a% He a(a9esthe )ests a%* $ther -arte%*ers a'&e ,&th h&s %$,'e*e $ *r&%s a%* re&pes

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Chap!" $- S&''a"(

#$%3s per$r(a%e e%a-'es h&s -$ss t$ (ae a '$t $ ($%e. a%* the. r)% $)t $&%re*&e%ts The -$ss arr&7es t$ he'p $)t -r&%&% ($re s)pp'&es R$s&e #$% a%* the

-$ss sta. 'ate t$ pr$7&*e *r&%s $r the r$,* '$% ater *&%%er &s $7er R$s&e a%* #$%are a-'e t$ et sa(p'es $r a'' the (e% &% atte%*a%eD the. ha7e %$, $''ete*sa(p'es r$( a'' -)t 11 $ the&r p$$' $ p$te%t&a' athers

#)r&% the&r a%a'.s&s $ the sa(p'es #$% 'ears the a&r a-$)t the :&e Pr$;et He te''sR$s&e that he &s %$t &%tereste* &% her as a r$(a%t& part%er -ea)se she &s )%s)&ta-'eShe te''s h&( that she &%*s h&( )%s)&ta-'e t$$ #$% ass her ,h. she app'&e* $r the:&e Pr$;et the% She te''s h&( she3s %e7er hear* $ &t She e/p'a&%s that she ha* a -et,&th Ge%e a%* Ge%e se%t her t$ #$% t$ sett'e &t The -et ,as a-$)t the s&9e $ a (a%3s

test&'es -e&% re'ate* t$ ($%$a(.

#$% &s str) -. the &*ea that R$s&e &%&t&a''. ,e%t $% a *ate ,&th h&( ,&th$)t -e&%part $ the :&e Pr$;et He &s 7er. p'ease* -. th&s &*ea

R$s&e &s 'ess p'ease* ,&th #$% She te''s h&( that h&s :&e Pr$;et &s a% &%s)'t t$,$(e% a%* that he3s treat&% ,$(e% '&e $-;ets She ass h&( & he rea''. ,a%ts a,&e ,h$ ,$)'* 'et a (a% treat her '&e a% $-;et She re7ea's that she 'et h&( th&%that she3s $%'. a -arte%*er ,he% she &s at)a''. a Ph# st)*e%t st)*.&% ps.h$'$.

&% Ge%e3s *epart(e%t

#$% *$es%3t )%*ersta%* ,h. Ge%e *&*%3t te'' h&( the tr)th a-$)t R$s&eD R$s&e &%s&ststhat &t3s -ea)se Ge%e &s a ;er R$s&e 'ear'. *$es%3t '&e Ge%e R$s&e ass #$% ,h.he3s he'p&% her :he% he sa.s he *$es%3t %$, she st$r(s $)t 7er. )pset

The %e/t *a. she *r$ps -. #$%3s $&e t$ ap$'$&9e -)t she re)ses t$ $%t&%)e ,&ththe ather Pr$;et )%t&' she )%*ersta%*s ,h. #$% ,a%ts t$ *$ &t

#$% '$ates the &rst a%*&*ate $r the :&e Pr$;et

Chap!" $6 S&''a"(

+&a%a R&7era (eets a'' $ #$%3s re=)&re(e%ts H$,e7er #$% *$es%3t (eet a'' $ hersShe &s a% a$(p'&she* -a''r$$( *a%er a%* #$% has 10 *a.s -e$re the&r &rst *ate at

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the a)'t. -a'' t$ 'ear% h$, t$ *a%e #$% a$(p'&shes h&s tas ,&th the he'p $ a-$rr$,e* a%at$(. se'et$%

Ge%e tr&es t$ et h&( t$ tae R$s&e t$ the -a'' &%stea* $ +&a%a $r t$ at 'east $ -.

h&(se' #$% re)sesD he3s 7er. e/&te* a-$)t (eet&% +&a%a the peret *ateC'a)*&a e%$)raes #$% t$ -e h&(se' a%* t$ &%s&st that a%. *ate aept h&( $rh&(se' She ass & R$s&e aepts h&( $r h&(se' #$% th&%s she *$es

As the -a'' appr$ahes #$% &%*s h&(se' &%reas&%'. a(-&7a'e%t a-$)t (eet&%+&a%a He *$es%3t )%*ersta%* ,h. he ee's th&s ,a. He ,a%ts t$ p)rs)e the atherPr$;et &%stea* E7e% th$)h he3s $%)se* a%* %er7$)s a-$)t (eet&% +&a%a he &s*eter(&%e* t$ pr$ee* He $r*ers a $r(a' t)/ r$( the re%ta' sh$p

Chap!" $3)$6 A*a+(#,#

#$% &)res $)t h$, t$ he'p R$s&e &%* her ather -. $(&% )p ,&th the p'a% t$ ,$ras -arte%*ers at her ($ther3s 'ass re)%&$% At the re)%&$% #$% a%* R$s&e (ae a$$* tea( the. ,$r ,e'' t$ether a%* #$% steps )p ,he% R$s&e %ee*s h&( ($st

#$%3s e/p'a%at&$% a-$)t the :&e Pr$;et (&s)%*ersta%*&% at)a''. *$es %$th&% t$'ear the a&r -et,ee% h&( a%* R$s&e Th&s &s the st) $ tra*&t&$%a' sre,-a'' r$(a%t&$(e*. #$% *$es%3t %$, ,h. he3s he'p&% R$s&e -)t -$th R$s&e a%* the rea*er

%$, that &t3s -ea)se he '&es her #esp&te ,hat he sa.s a-$)t &%*&% R$s&e)%s)&ta-'e $r the :&e Pr$;et he &%*s he a%%$t thr$, h&(se' ,h$'e<hearte*'. &%t$h&s )p$(&% *ate ,&th the >peret? +&a%a

Chap!"# $/%20

Chap!" $/ S&''a"(

O% the %&ht $ the -a'' #$% *resses )p &% h&s $r(a' t)/e*$ ,&th ta&'s a%* a t$p hatHe arr&7es -. ta/& ;)st as +&a%a arr&7es She &s *resse* &% a speta)'ar -r&ht'.<$'$re* $r(a' $,% ,&th a sp'&t )p the s&*e The r$,* 'a)hs at #$%3s $st)(e-ea)se %$ $%e e'se &s *resse* &% ta&'s ,&th a hat #$% &s a '&tt'e a%%$.e* that he $tth&s ,r$% -)t he p'a.s )p h&s e%tra%e t$ $7er h&s e(-arrass(e%t

R$s&e sh$,s )p &% a s&(p'e ree% $,% #$% th&%s she &s the ($st -ea)t&)' ,$(a%he3s e7er see% R$s&e has a *ate Stea% r$( her ps.h$'$. pr$ra( #$% &%sta%t'.

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*&s'&es Stea% #$% *$es%3t )%*ersta%* ,h. he3s %$t attrate* t$ +&a%a The #ea%arr&7es a%* her *ate t)r%s $)t t$ -e a%$ther ,$(a% +&a%a &s a $r(er %at&$%a'*a%&% ha(p&$%sh&p &%a'&st s$ the. are ase* $)t $%t$ the '$$r t$ *e($%stratethe&r *a%&% &% r$%t $ e7er.$%e

#$% -'$,s &t a%* +&a%a &((e*&ate'. 'ea7es &% a% a%r. h) Ma%. pe$p'e are'a)h&% at #$% a%* he sa%s the a)*&e%e t$ see ,h$ h&s rea' r&e%*s are R$s&eGe%e the #ea% a%* her *ate are %$t 'a)h&% R$s&e ta's t$ the -a%*(aster Sheass #$% $)t $%t$ the *a%e '$$r Th&s t&(e the *a%&% &s (a& #$% ee's ;$.*a%&% ,&th R$s&e a%* the. are a -& h&t E7er.$%e $(p'&(e%ts the( $% the&rper$r(a%eD (a%. pe$p'e tae p&t)res $ the&r *a%&%

Ater the -a'' #$% a%* R$s&e share a ta/& r&*e h$(e The. 'a)h a-$)t +&a%aD #$%

ae* %$t -e&% a-'e t$ *a%e rather tha% te'' her he *&*%3t '&e her #$% $%&*es &%R$s&e a-$)t h&s r&e ater h&s s&ster3s *eath He te''s R$s&e that her %a(e ,as M&he''espea&% her %a(e $r the &rst t&(e s&%e her *eath M&he''e *&e* as a res)'t $ a%)%*&a%$se* et$p& pre%a%. R$s&e $%&*es her pr$-'e(s ,&th her atherDpr&(ar&'. that he has *&sapp$&%te* her R$s&e &%7&tes #$% )p t$ her p'aeO7er,he'(e* -. that has happe%e* #$% re)ses He %ee*s t$ -e a'$%e t$rehare a%* pr$ess a'' that has happe%e* :he% R$s&e ass h&( & he &%*s herattrat&7e he '&es a%* sa.s %$ th$)h rea''. he th&%s that she &s the >($st -ea)t&)',$(a% &% the ,$r'*? B150

Chap!" $. S&''a"(

Ge%e te''s #$% that he (a*e a (&stae -. %$t te''&% R$s&e he th&%s she &s -ea)t&)'#$% st&'' th&%s he (a*e the r&ht a'' #$% rea'&9es that R$s&e &%*&ate* that she,a%te* t$ ha7e se/ the %&ht -e$re +ea)se -$th $ the( ha7e aree* that the. are%$t r$(a%t&a''. &%tereste* &% eah $ther he see(s t$ -e &% a p$s&t&$% t$ ha7e >%$<str&%s<attahe*? se/ #$% has %e7er ha* se/ -ea)se he3s %e7er ha* a se$%* *ate

Ge%e as )s)a' $ahes h&( He te''s #$% t$ et a -$$

Ater $%s)'t&% a -$$ t$ prepare #$% sees $)t R$s&e &% the Ps.h$'$.#epart(e%t He ass t$ spea ,&th her pr&7ate'. -)t she &%s&sts that he a% sa.,hate7er he ,a%ts r&ht there He te''s her that he has re$%s&*ere* her $er $ se/Ater a '$% s&'e%e R$s&e te''s #$% that &t ,as a ;$e :he% he ass her a-$)t ,he%the. a% res)(e ,$r $% the $ther pr$;et she sa.s that there &s %$ $ther pr$;et

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Chap!" $9 S&''a"(

#$% res)(es h&s re)'ar she*)'e $r a ,ee He atte(pts t$ $%tat R$s&e a%* 'ea7es

a (essae $r her She *$es %$t resp$%* C'a)*&a a*7&ses h&( t$ ($7e $%

U%a-'e t$ 'et the ather Pr$;et $ #$% $%str)ts a ae researh pr$;et $% thee%et& (arers $ a)t&s( &% h&h<ah&e7&% pe$p'e He se%*s $ the ae researh=)est&$%%a&res a%* hee srapers t$ the re(a&%&% ather pr$spets Se7e% $ there(a&%&% 11 resp$%* $%e $ the( &s R$s&e3s ather

O%e $ the p$ss&-'e athers S&($% ee-7re &%s&sts )p$% ree&7&% a'' the paper,$r-e$re he ,&'' &7e a sa(p'e T,$ *$t$rs &% e, Y$r a&' t$ ret)r% sa(p'es #$%

*e&*es t$ ,r&te a )'' pr$p$sa' spe%*&% h)%*re*s $ h$)rs ,$r&% $% &t &% $r*er t$et S&($%3s sa(p'e

#aph%e *&es a%* #$% &s $%tate* -. her 'a,.er #aph%e 'et h&( a s(a'' 'ea. ,&ththe &%str)t&$% t$ )se the ($%e. $r s$(eth&% &rrat&$%a' #$% *e&*es t$ )se the($%e. t$ $ t$ e, Y$r t$ et the t,$ re(a&%&% sa(p'es

He ets a #A sa(p'e r$( S&($% ,he% he *e'&7ers the pr$p$sa' a%* S&($% 'a)hs)%t&' he r&es ,&p&% h&s ,&th a t&ss)e

Chap!" 20 S&''a"(

#$% ')rs $r se7era' *a.s &% the aeter&a ,here R$s&e )s)a''. eats her ')%h ,a&t&%$r h&s $pp$rt)%&t. t$ te'' her a-$)t h&s $%t&%)&% ,$r $% the ather Pr$;et a%* t$as her t$ $ t$ e, Y$r ,&th h&( At &rst she sa.s %$ -)t #$% re%e,s her &%terest&% the pr$;et ,he% he e/p'a&%s ,h$ the re(a&%&% three a%*&*ates are

Chap!" $/)20 A*a+(#,#

#$% &%*s that h&s >peret? *ate as se'ete* -. h&s =)est&$%%a&re &s %$t s$ peretater a'' I%stea* he &%*s that he ets a'$% ()h -etter ,&th the s)pp$se*'.&%$(pat&-'e R$s&e She ares e%$)h a-$)t h&( t$ he'p h&( s($$th $7er h&s &%&t&a'*a%&% ae a%* the. ha7e a ,$%*er)' t&(e at the -a'' :he% R$s&e &%7&tes #$% )pt$ her p'ae ater,ar*s she has %$ &*ea that #$% &s t$$ $7er,he'(e* a%*&%e/per&e%e* t$ aept her $er +. the t&(e he has pr$esse* ,hat happe%e* a%*

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*e&*e* t$ aept &t3s t$$ 'ate E(-arrasse* -. h&s assert&$% that he3s %$t attrate* t$her R$s&e ,&th*ra,s r$( h&( a%* e%*s the&r r&e%*sh&p

#$% tr&es he a% th&% $ t$ re&%*'e h&s r&e%*sh&p ,&th R$s&e #aph%e3s

'ea. &7es h&( the ree*$( t$ pa. $r the&r tr&p t$ e, Y$r t$ p)rs)e R$s&e3spr$;et

Chap!"# 2$%24

Chap!" 2$ S&''a"(

#$% re%ts a ar a%* *r&7es $r $7er 14 h$)rs t$ M$ree e, S$)th :a'es t$ $-ta&% a#A sa(p'e $r the ather Pr$;et +ea)se the a%*&*ate h&(se' has *&es #$% has t$$''et the sa(p'e r$( the (a%3s ($ther Mararet Case &s &% a %)rs&% h$(e a%* has'$st her (e($r. #$% s&ts -. her -e*s&*e ,ath&% her s'eep a%* *e&*es %$t t$$''et a sa(p'e r$( herD &t ;)st see(s ,r$% She ,aes )p a%* -e&%s t$ r. #$%,&pes a,a. her tears a%* ets her #A sa(p'e He *r&7es -a h$(e

O%'. the t,$ e, Y$r *$t$rs re(a&% t$ -e teste* Isaa Es'er a%* Ma/ re.-er

#$% (eets R$s&e at the a&rp$rt The. '. t$ e, Y$r O% the p'a%e the. arra%e t$sp'&t the resp$%s&-&'&t. $r p'a%%&% the *a.s &% -et,ee% the&r Sat)r*a. e7e%&% *&%%er,&th the Es'ers a%* the&r (eet&% ,&th re.-er $% :e*%es*a.

R$s&e taes $7er the she*)'e te''&% #$% that she ,&'' p'a% the&r at&7&t&es $r t,$*a.s a%* he ,&'' p'a% the $ther t,$ She &%s&sts that the. are $&% t$ et t$ %$,eah $ther $% th&s tr&pD the. are $&% t$ share the&r '&e st$r&es #$% $es a'$% ,&thher p'a%s

Chap!" 22 S&''a"(

O% the p'a%e t$ e, Y$r #$% te''s R$s&e h&s '&e st$r. H&s ather $,%s a har*,arest$reD h&s -r$ther '&7es at h$(e a%* ,&'' tae $7er the st$re ,he% h&s ather ret&res H&s($ther &s &%* -)t #$% &%*s her s($ther&% He &s %$t '$se t$ a%.$%e &% h&s a(&'.s&%e h&s s&ster *&e* H&s ($ther ,as *e7astate* -. M&he''e3s *eath #$% ,as a$(p)ter %er* )%t&' h&s )%'e r$ast&% h&( at h&s t,e%t.<&rst -&rth*a. part.h)(&'&ate* h&( -. *eta&'&% h$, ()h pa&% a%* e(-arrass(e%t he a)se* h&s a(&'.

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As a res)'t #$% ha%e* h&s (a;$r r$( $(p)ter s&e%e t$ e%et&s *eter(&%e*%$t t$ )'&'' the r$'e $ the stere$t.p&a' >$(p)ter ee?

:he% #$% atte(pts t$ as her =)est&$%s a-$)t her '&e R$s&e *e'ets a%* the% ass

$r s$(e spae She spe%*s the rest $ the tr&p t$ $s A%e'es s'eep&% $r ,ath&%($7&es

Chap!" 23 S&''a"(

The. arr&7e &% e, Y$r ater the '&ht r$( $s A%e'es The&r &rst st$p &s theHer(es sh$p ,here #$% -).s C'a)*&a a% e/pe%s&7e sar $r her )p$(&% -&rth*a.

The. arr&7e 45 (&%)tes 'ate $r *&%%er ,&th the Es'ers R$s&e a%* #$% ha7e aree* t$

prete%* that #$% &s a har*,are st$re $,%er %a(e* A)st&% Ater *&%%er Isaa ass>A)st&%? t$ he'p h&( repa&r a a)et As the. $ *$,%sta&rs the '&hts $ $)t a%*Isaa ass #$% & he3s OF :he% #$% a%s,ers t$ h&s rea' %a(e Isaa re7ea's that he%e, ,h$ #$% ,as the e%t&re t&(e He a's$ te''s #$% that he %$,s the a%s,er t$R$s&e3s =)est&$% -)t that he pr$(&se* %e7er re7ea' t$ the a%s,er t$ a%.$%e Hea''$,e* #$% a%* R$s&e3s *eept&$% t$ $%t&%)e -ea)se he ,a%te* t$ see R$s&e

Chap!" 24 S&''a"(

R$s&e taes $7er the&r she*)'e re)s&% t$ &7e &% t$ #$%3s >$'* (a%? B1!8-eha7&$rs &rst she &%s&sts that he p)t $% the sh&rt a%* ;ea%s that C'a)*&a a7e h&( $rthe tr&p -ea)se she ,$%3t -e see% ,&th h&( *resse* '&e a >-)(? B1!!

#$% $res h&(se' t$ $ a'$% ,&th ,hate7er R$s&e has p'a%%e* $r the %e/t t,$*a.s ater te''&% h&(se' that the -est t&(es $ h&s '&e ,&th the e/ept&$% $ h&s 7&s&tst$ the M)se)( $ at)ra' H&st$r. ha7e a'' -ee% ,&th R$s&e

#$% has a ,$%*er)' *a. ,&th R$s&e eat&% -reaast sh$pp&% a%* eat&% &e rea(

R$s&e (a%aes t$ *&spr$7e #$%3s the$r. that a'' &e rea( tastes a'&e He 'ets $ $h&s %ee* $r erta&%t. a%* &s re,ar*e* ,&th )%

That e7e%&% the. see Sp&*er<Ma% a%* eat *&%%er at Ma(a)$ F$ It3s the -est (ea'$ #$%3s '&e He te''s R$s&e th&s &s the -est *a. $ h&s a*)'t '&e

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Chap!" 2$)24 A*a+(#,#

#$% $es t$ reat 'e%ths t$ pr$7&*e R$s&e ,&th the a%s,er that she %ee*s He (aesa 28<h$)r r$)%*<tr&p t$ et $%e #A sa(p'e a%* spe%*s h&s 'ea. r$( #aph%e $% h&s

>&rrat&$%a'? tr&p t$ e, Y$r C&t.

R$s&e3s a%* #$%3s &rst *a. &% e, Y$r &s $%e $ the -est *a.s $ #$%3s '&e O%e ree*r$( the restr&t&$%s he has &(p$se* $% h&s '&e he &%*s he a% e%;$. a%* -e&%tereste* &% th&%s that he %e7er rea'&9e* ,$)'* &%terest h&( O%e aa&% R$s&eprese%ts #$% ,&th ,$%*er)' sp$%ta%e$)s e/per&e%es &%')*&% a theater sh$, a%**&%&% &% a t$p resta)ra%t

Chap!"# 2-%2.

Chap!" 2- S&''a"(

M$%*a. &% e, Y$r &s a's$ a ,h&r',&%* $ s&ht<see&% at&7&t&es ,h&h &%')*e the:$r'* Tra*e e%ter s&te M$MA the Met a%* a -ase-a'' a(e #$% &%*s the stat&st&s$ -ase-a'' as&%at&%D thr$)h that share* &%terest he (aes a %e, r&e%* #a7e atthe -ase-a'' a(e

R$s&e sa.s she e%;$.s ,ath&% #$% >&t &%? per$r(&% stere$t.p&a' >(a%?-eha7&$rs '&e ta'&% a-$)t -ase-a'' a%* *r&%&% -eer R$s&e &%a''. $%&*es &% #$%that ,hat she reers t$ as -e&% >)e* )p? B20! -. her ather -ea% ,he% Ph&',h$ she -e'&e7e* t$ -e her ather sat her *$,% at ae 12 a%* t$'* her that he ,as%3ther -&$'$&a' ather a%* that her ($ther ha* ha* a% aa&r ,&th a%$ther (a% S&%eher ($ther ha* *&e* t,$ .ears -e$re th&s -'$, t$$ a,a. R$s&e3s $%e re(a&%&%pare%t As a $%se=)e%e R$s&e *$es%3t tr)st (e% $r -e'&e7e that the. are ,h$ the. are She e/pets (e% t$ 'et her *$,% $r *&sapp$&%t her

#$% *$es%3t %$, ,hat t$ th&% $ a'' th&s a%* R$s&e $(p'&ates (atters -. &ss&%h&( $% the hee as the. part that %&ht Ta'&% t$ C'a)*&a -. #$% rea'&9es thatR$s&e h$se the&r at&7&t&es are)''. (a/&(&9&% the p$te%t&a' $r )% ,h&'e (a%a&%t$ (ae th&%s &%terest&% $r #$% C'a)*&a $ahes #$% t$ (ae h&s p'a%%e* 7&s&t t$the ()se)( a t$)r $r R$s&e rather tha% ;)st a tr&p t$ #$%3s a7$r&te e/h&-&ts

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Chap!" 26 S&''a"(

#$% tra7e's t$ C$')(-&a ,&th R$s&e $% T)es*a. He ha* pre7&$)s'. e(a&'e* a ,$ra=)a&%ta%e at C$')(-&a #a7&* +$re%ste&% R$s&e (eets ,&th Mar. Fe%ea''. t$

*&s)ss her *&ssertat&$% researh t$p& the e%7&r$%(e%ta' $r&&%s $ ear'.<$%set-&p$'ar *&s$r*er Mar. e%$)raes R$s&e t$ s,&th t$ (e*&a' sh$$' a%* &%tr$*)esher t$ the *ea% $ the sh$$' $ (e*&&%e #a7&* +$re%ste&% The. a'' ha7e ')%ht$ether a%* #a7&* te''s #$% that there &s a ;$- $r h&( at C$')(-&a a%. t&(e heh$$ses

That %&ht R$s&e te''s #$% that she *&* at)a''. et a 4@a% e/tre(e'. h&h s$re@$% her (e*&a' sh$$' e%tra%e e/a( #$% *$es%3t )%*ersta%* ,h. she *&*%3t h$$set$ $ t$ (e*&a' sh$$' R$s&e3s a%s,er *$es%3t (ae ()h se%se -)t #$% *$es%3t

ha''e%e her $% &t

O% :e*%es*a. #$% es$rts R$s&e thr$)h the M)se)( $ at)ra' H&st$r. e/p'a&%&%the e/h&-&ts a%* tr.&% t$ (ae the 7&s&t &%terest&% $r her R$s&e '$7es the e/h&-&tsa%* the. sta. )%t&' the ()se)( '$ses She taes h&s ha%* as the. 'ea7e a%* h$'*s &t a''the ,a. t$ the s)-,a.

Chap!" 2/ S&''a"(

#$% a%* R$s&e ha7e $%e 'ast tas &% e, Y$r $''et&% a #A sa(p'e r$( Ma/re.-er a p'ast& s)re$% The. are p$s&% as a ;$)r%a'&st BR$s&e a%* a ph$t$rapherB#$% ,h$ ,a%t t$ &%ter7&e, re.-er $r a ser&es $% s)ess)' ra*)ates $ the&r)%&7ers&t.

The &%ter7&e, $es ,r$% a%* re.-er s)spets that the. ha7e a% )'ter&$r ($t&7e#$% esapes t$ the -athr$$( ,here he &s a-'e t$ $''et a #A sa(p'e -ea)se $re.-er3s terr&-'e h.&e%e #$% te/ts R$s&e t$ et $)t ,h&'e he esapes -. '&(-&%$)t $ the ,&%*$, a%* )s&% h&s r$ '&(-&% s&''s t$ sa'e *$,% the s&*e $ the

-)&'*&% R$s&e &s ,a&t&% $r h&( at the -$tt$( re.-er th$)ht the. ,ere pr&7ate*etet&7es &%7est&at&% h&( $% -eha' $ *&sr)%t'e* pat&e%ts

+a at the h$te' #$% $es t$ R$s&e3s r$$( ,he% she taes t$$ '$% t$ et rea*. $r*&%%er She a%s,ers the *$$r ,ear&% $%'. a t$,e' #$% a%* R$s&e *&s)ss the 7a')e $appeara%es ,&th #$% sa.&% the. *$%3t (atter ,h&'e R$s&e th&%s that &t3s &(p$rta%tt$ the e$ t$ '$$ $$*

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R$s&e &sses #$% #$% ass)(es that she ,a%ts t$ ha7e se/ a%* he sa.s he3'' -e r&ht-a The. aree that the se/ ,&'' -e a $%e<t&(e th&% #$% sh$,ers a%* $%s)'ts the-$$ $ se/)a' p$s&t&$%s that Ge%e a7e h&( $r the tr&p Ret)r%&% t$ R$s&e3s r$$( 4"

(&%)tes 'ater he $%esses that she sh$)'* -e the $%e t$ h$$se the p$s&t&$% a%*ha%*s her the -$$ :he% #$% a*(&ts that Ge%e a7e h&( the -$$ R$s&e sa.s thatshe3s ha%e* her (&%* a-$)t ha7&% se/ #$% &s ,$rr&e* that he has *$%e s$(eth&%,r$%D R$s&e reass)res h&( that he has%3t He 'ea7es

Ker. $%)se* he a''s h&s -ase-a'' r&e%* #a7e a%* the. $ $)t $r p&99a

Chap!" 2. S&''a"(

The %e/t ($r%&% #$% (a%aes t$ et h&(se' $% the p'a%e t$ $s A%e'es He &s$(p'ete'. $7er,he'(e* e($t&$%a''. a%* %ee*s t&(e t$ th&% thr$)h a'' that hashappe%e* part&)'ar'. ,h. he sa-$tae* h&s $pp$rt)%&t. t$ ha7e se/ ,&th R$s&e O%the '$% '&ht he &)res $)t that he ,$)'* %$t -e a-'e t$ *ea' ,&th the e($t&$%a'$%se=)e%es $ ha7&% se/ ,&th R$s&e

Other tha% as&% h$, he &s R$s&e 'ea7es h&( a'$%e The. ha%e &% $s A%e'es $rthe '&ht t$ Me'-$)r%e R$s&e r&es at the e%* $ the ($7&e Bridges of Madison Countya%* she ass #$% & he r&es at ($7&es He sa.s he *$es%3t appear t$ -e ,&re* that


+a h$(e #$% $es t$ *&%%er at Ge%e a%* C'a)*&a3s $% S)%*a. The. r&'' h&( a-$)tR$s&e Ge%e re7ea's that he ,as the $%e ,h$ t$$ the ph$t$ $ R$s&e3s ($ther3sra*)at&% 'ass a%* th$)h he &*e%t&&es R$s&e3s ($ther -. %a(e@+er%a*etteO3C$%%$r@&% the ph$t$ he *$es %$t see( t$ rea'&9e that she &s R$s&e3s ($( He a's$te''s #$% that Ge$re. Case &''e* h&(se' a%* ha* -&p$'ar *&s$r*er #$% s,a-s Ge%e3s'ass ,he% he 'ea7es the ta-'e th&%&% that he (a. -e R$s&e3s ather

Chap!" 2-)2. A*a+(#,#

#$%3s ,$r $% the ather Pr$;et e/p$ses h&( t$ ,$%*er)' %e, th&%s -)t a's$threate%s h&s ;$- a%* areer He has %$t $tte% appr$7a' $r the $''et&$% $ the #Asa(p'es a%* &% at has $-ta&%e* the( )%*er a'se prete%ses Th$)h %$t e/at'.>&''ea'? s)h at&$%s are $%s&*ere* h&h'. )%eth&a' -. the s&e%t&& $(()%&t.

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The tr&p t$ e, Y$r C&t. -r&%s #$% a%* R$s&e '$ser t$ether ,h&'e &t a's$ e/p$sesthe&r *&ere%es #$% $)%* &t &(p$ss&-'e t$ eep R$s&e at a *&sta%e a%* he has(a*e a '$t $ pr$ress t$,ar*s -e&% a-'e t$ ha7e a re'at&$%sh&p Th$)h he*e'&-erate'. sa-$tae* h&s ha%e t$ ha7e se/ ,&th R$s&e he *&* &t $r a (at)re

reas$% He (aes a '$t $ s$&a' pr$ress &% e, Y$r $r&% a %e, r&e%*sh&p ,&th#a7e a%* ha%*'&% a '$t $ t&(e a%* &%rease* &%t&(a. ,&th R$s&e appr$pr&ate'.

Chap!"# 29%32

Chap!" 29 S&''a"(

R$s&e a%* #$% (eet t$ &%&sh the #A test&% Ater th&s the ather Pr$;et ,&'' -e$7er a%* #$% ,&'' ha7e %$ reas$% t$ see R$s&e The. test the &%a' sa(p'es :h&'e #$%&s prepar&% the sa(p'es he ass R$s&e ,hat she ,&'' *$ ,he% she &%*s $)t ,h$ herather &s She sa.s she ,&'' e/p$se h&( $r re7e%e #$% &s h$rr&&e* a%* t)r%s $ the(ah&%es He ,$%3t 'et her *$ s$(eth&% s$ &(($ra' The. &htD she sa.s that she3''%e7er spea t$ h&( aa&% & he *$es%3t $(p'ete the tests He sa.s he &)re* that she,$)'*%3t spea t$ h&( aa&% a%.,a. $%s&*er&% that the pr$;et &s $7er a%* she &s%3t&%tereste* &% h&( $ther,&se R$s&e st$r(s $)t

The #ea% e%ters She has $)%* $)t a-$)t #$%3s )%appr$7e* #A pr$;et She taes#$%3s 'a- e. a%* te''s h&( that & she *$es%3t et the paper,$r &%')*&% appr$7a'r$( the eth&s $((&ttee #$% &s &re*

Ge%e $(es t$ h&s $&e the %e/t *a. te''&% #$% that he ,&'' tr. t$ he'p h&( -.'a&(&% that the )%eth&a' #A pr$;et ,as $r the Ps.h$'$. #epart(e%tH$,e7er a'' #$% a% th&% a-$)t &s R$s&e a%* %$t the &(pe%*&% e%* $ h&s areer Hehas *e&*e* that the :&e Pr$;et &s $7er t$$D rear*'ess $ ,hat happe%s ,&th R$s&e#$% rea'&9es that he has %$ &*ea ,hat ,&'' (ae h&( happ. a%* that the =)est&$%%a&re&s a a&')re Ge%e he'ps #$% )%*ersta%* that he ()st -e &% '$7e ,&th R$s&e

#$%3s sp&r&ts &((e*&ate'. &(pr$7eD %$, that he %$,s he3s &% '$7e he ,&'' &/ ,hatR$s&e th&%s &s ,r$% ,&th h&( s$ she ,&'' aept h&( The a)'ts t$ -e $rrete*a*here%e t$ she*)'es a%* 7&$'at&$%s $ s$&a' pr$t$$'s

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Chap!" 30 S&''a"(

O%e he rea'&9es ,hat he &s ee'&% #$% &s $% $($rta-'e r$)%* aa&% ,&th a %e,pr$;et the Tra%s$r( #$% Pr$;et

#$% -e&%s -. ett&% he'p a%* &%str)t&$% r$( C'a)*&a She $(p'&(e%ts h&( $% thes)-t'e ha%es she re$%&9es &% h&( H&s 7&s&t t$ e, Y$r &%')*&% a'' the s$&a'prat&e a%* &%terat&$%s ,&th R$s&e has &(pr$7e* h&s s$&a' s&''s #$% r$'e<p'$&a' se%ar&$s ,&th C'a)*&a a%* athers &%$r(at&$% -. ,ath&% r$(a%t& ($7&es&%')*&% s$(e $ R$s&e3s a7$r&tes He rea'&9es that &*e'&t. &s )%*a(e%ta' t$ a''s)ess)' r$(a%t& re'at&$%sh&ps C$%se=)e%t'. he shares th&s &%$r(at&$% ,&th Ge%epart&)'ar'. ater spe%*&% t&(e *&s)ss&% re'at&$%sh&ps ,&th C'a)*&a He te''s Ge%ethat & he '$7es C'a)*&a he sh$)'* -e ,&''&% t$ (ae sar&&es t$ (ae her happ.

Ater ta'&% h&s s$&a' s&''s #$% a**resses h&s r&&* she*)'e a-a%*$%&% h&ssta%*ar*&9e* (ea's a%* sh$pp&% $r *&ere%t t.pes $ $$* Th&s &s %$t as *&&)'t ashe ha* eare* #$% ,a%ts t$ share h&s %e, *&s$7er&es ,&th R$s&e H$,e7er #$% &s%$t )%rea'&st&D he %$,s that he ,&'' ha7e t$ ,$r har* t$ &(pr$7e h&s s$&a' s&''s a%*that he (a. %$t -e s)ess)' &% $%7&%&% R$s&e t$ -e &% a re'at&$%sh&p ,&th h&(

Chap!" 3$ S&''a"(

As he $%te(p'ates the p$te%t&a' '$ss $ h&s ;$- #$% *e&*es t$ *ea' ,&th h&s$(p'a&%t aa&%st Fe7&% Y) He a''s Fe7&% &%t$ h&s $&e a%* ass h&( ,h. he *&*%3t,r&te the paper h&(se' Thr$)h )rther =)est&$%&% #$% rea'&9es that Fe7&% *$es)%*ersta%* the t$p& a%* Fe7&% e/p'a&%s that he &s %$t $%&*e%t ,r&t&% &% E%'&sh Hes&(p'. *&*%3t th&% &t thr$)h -e$re ha7&% h&s t)t$r re,r&te h&s paper

:&th h&s $,% ree%t e/per&e%es as a r)'e<-reaer &% (&%* #$% *e&*es t$ &7e Fe7&%a% a**&t&$%a' ass&%(e%t &%stea* $ e/pe''&% h&( $r the &rst t&(e he p)ts h&(se' &%the #ea%3s sh$es a%* rea'&9es h$, *&&)'t her ;$- rea''. &s

e/t #$% a**resses h&s appeara%e He rea'&9es that he ha* e%;$.e* pe$p'e th&%&%that he ,as )%$%er%e* ,&th s$&eta' %$r(s C'a)*&a he'ps h&( sh$p $r a %e,,ar*r$-e #$% $''$,s that )p -. ett&% %e, 'asses a%* a ha&r)t

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The #$% Pr$;et &s $(p'eteD %$, #$% e(-ars $% the R$s&e Pr$;et #resse* &% thest.'e $ Gre$r. Pe@the ,$r'*3s se/&est (a% a$r*&% t$ R$s&e@#$% $es t$R$s&e3s $&e a%* ass her t$ *&%%er

e/t he $es t$ Ge%e3s $&e He $%r$%ts h&s r&e%* a-$)t h&s %eat&7e -eha7&$rsGe%e -as&a''. te''s #$% that he3s $%e t$ ta' s&%e e7er.$%e th&%s he3s a >-)$$%?B255 That &s e/at'. #$%3s p$&%t e7er.$%e th&%s that Ge%e &s a -)$$% t$$ a%*)rther($re #$% te''s Ge%e that &t3s t&(e $r h&( t$ r$, )p a%* p)t h&s ,&e a%*a(&'. &rst

Chap!" 32 S&''a"(

#$% ha%es &%t$ a ;aet a%* pa%ts &% h&s $&e &% preparat&$% $r h&s app$&%t(e%t

,&th Ph&' Jar(a% R$s&e3s >ather? +e$re #$% has a ha%e t$ 'ea7e the #ea% $(es&% a%* est)res $r h&( t$ $''$, her t$ her $&e #$% -e'&e7es that he &s $&% t$ -e&re* H$,e7er S&($% ee-7re -ree9es &% arr.&% #$%3s ae pr$p$sa' a%*a%%$)%es that #$%3s pr$;et &s e/at'. the ;$&%t (e*&a' researh pr$;et he3s -ee%'$$&% $r S&($% p'e*es $)r (&''&$% *$''ars t$ the pr$;et sa7&% #$%3s ;$- #$%,&th h&s %e, s$&a' s&''s re$%&9es ,hat &s $&% $% a%* s&(p'. 'ea7es the $&e-e$re he a% r)&%

Ph&' &s a ph.s&a' tra&%er ,h$ $,%s h&s $,% -)s&%ess He re$%&9es #$% &((e*&ate'.

a%* *e(a%*s that the. $ thr$)h ,&th the ph.s&a' assess(e%t that ,as the prete/t$r #$%3s 7&s&t #$% p)ts $% -$/&% '$7es a%* Ph&' &%s&sts that #$% rea''. sh$)'* tr. t$h&t h&(

#$% atte(pts t$ ta' as the. sparD te''&% Ph&' that R$s&e &s )pset ,&th h&( $r %$t$''$,&% thr$)h $% h&s pr$(&se t$ tae her t$ #&s%e.'a%* #$% thr$,s a p)%h that-reas Ph&'3s %$se a%* %$s h&( *$,% Ph&' e/p'a&%s that he (a*e that pr$(&se $%'.$%e at R$s&e3s ($(3s )%era' +. the t&(e he $t $)t $ reha- e&ht ($%ths 'ater heth$)ht that she ha* $r$tte% a'' a-$)t the pr$(&se Ph&' asserts that he tr&e* t$ *$

h&s -est $r R$s&e

Chap!" 29)32 A*a+(#,#

The (&s)%*ersta%*&%s -et,ee% R$s&e a%* #$% ,h&h -e&% $% the&r 'ast %&ht &%e, Y$r ()'t&p'. ,he% the. ret)r% h$(e #)r&% the&r &ht &% the 'a- &t &s 'ear thatR$s&e ,a%ts t$ -e $%s&*ere* $r the :&e Pr$;et e7e% th$)h she 'a&(s $ther,&se

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#$% &s )%*ersta%*a-'. $%)se* I% e, Y$r she see(e* t$ ,a%t a $%e<%&ht<sta%*a p)re'. se/)a' re'at&$%sh&p +a &% Me'-$)r%e she see(s t$ rese%t the at that #$%has e'&(&%ate* her as a ,&e'. pr$spet #$% &s )%a-'e t$ pr$ess $r $pe ,&th th&s$%'&t&% &%$r(at&$% a%* he str)'es t$ (ae se%se $ h&s ee'&%s

O%e he rea'&9es that he e%)&%e'. '$7es R$s&e #$% r$,s )p He atte(pts t$ ha%ethe th&%s a-$)t h&(se' that she sa&* *&s=)a'&&e* h&( as a s)&ta-'e (ate Hea**resses her $%er%s $%e -. $%e &% the #$% Pr$;et &rst she -e'&e7es that hea%%$t '$7e her -)t he rea'&9es that he *$es Se$%* he &(pr$7es h&s s$&a' s&''s s$he ,&'' %$ '$%er e(-arrass her &% p)-'& a%* ,&'' ha7e the s&''s t$ -e a -etter part%er&%a''. he &(pr$7es h&s ,ar*r$-e a%* ets r&* $ h&s r&&* she*)'e &%')*&% therepet&t&7e (ea's Ater a'' th&s >%$r(a'&9&%? he ee's rea*. t$ a**ress $ther &ss)esthat h)rt R$s&e s)h as her stra&%e* re'at&$%sh&p ,&th Ph&'

H&s $%r$%tat&$% ,&th Ge%e a%* h&s $rret &%terpretat&$% $ h&s (eet&% ,&th the#ea% a%* S&($% ee-7re *e($%strate that #$%3s e$rts t$ &%rease h&s s$&a' Iha7e ,$re* He has -ra7e'. p)t h&s %e, %$,'e*e &%t$ prat&e +. $%r$%t&% Ph&'he atte(pts t$ -e R$s&e3s ha(p&$% a%* (ae her '&e -etter -. s$'7&% a pr$-'e(that she a%%$t Th$)h he a'rea*. )%*ersta%*s that re'at&$%sh&ps are $(p'&ate*he a&%s %e, respet $r th$se ,h$ *ea' ,&th pe$p'e3s pr$-'e(s a%* &ss)es e7er. * the #ea% *$es #$% %$ '$%er *&s(&sses h&s &(ae as %$t &(p$rta%t He has $(e t$)%*ersta%* that he a% -e h&s $,% pers$% a%* %$t ;)st a ;$ester $r '$,%

Chap!"# 33%36

Chap!" 33 S&''a"(

#$% -).s r$ses $% h&s ,a. t$ p& R$s&e )p $r *&%%er I% p&&% her )p &% a ta/& a%*ha%*'&% the&r arr&7a' at the resta)ra%t@the sa(e resta)ra%t ,here the. atte(pte* t$ha7e *&%%er $% the&r &rst *ate@he *e($%strates that he has (astere* the s$&a'

%&et&es a%* pr$t$$' that esape* h&( -e$re R$s&e %$t&es these ha%es -)t *$es%$t %$, h$, t$ reat She &s &(pat&e%t t$ %$, ,h. #$% has -r$)ht her t$ theresta)ra%t

#$% ass her t$ (arr. h&( R$s&e sa.s %$ -ea)se she *$es%3t -e'&e7e that #$% '$7esher He *$es%3t e/h&-&t h&s )%*ersta%*&% $ '$7e the sa(e ,a. that she *$es -.r.&% at r$(a%t& ($7&es $r e/a(p'e She te''s #$% that the. sh$)'*%3t see eah$ther a%.($re

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#$% ets )p a%* ass $r the -&'' (eet&% C'a)*&a a%* Ge%e as the. arr&7e t$ ;$&% thee'e-rat&$% #$% ha* p'a%%e* $r the e7e%&% It &s #$%3s 40th -&rth*a. Ge%e a%*C'a)*&a r&t&&9e R$s&e $r %$t appre&at&% h$, ()h #$% has ha%e* $% her $r*ers

R$s&e &s )pset a%* 'ea7es

Ge%e a%* C'a)*&a are 'ear'. 7er. ()h -a t$ether a%* Ge%e has $r&7e% #$% $r&7&% h&( a ta'&%<t$ #esp&te h&s re$%&t&$% $ th$se p$s&t&7e *e7e'$p(e%ts #$%'ea7es )pset a-$)t R$s&e He ee's that he a% %e7er $rret the a)'t &% h&s -ra&% that(aes h&( )%aepta-'e He *)(ps h&s $at a%* t&e &% a trasha% as he r)%s h$(eD ther)% he'ps h&( 'ear h&s hea*

Chap!" 34 S&''a"(

Th$)h he &s 7er. )pset #$% *$es %$t sh)t *$,% Ge%e a%* C'a)*&a $''$, h&( h$(ea%* tr. t$ et h&( t$ 'et the( $(e &% He re)ses He ret)r%s a happ. -&rth*a. a''r$( h&s a(&'. a%* $rrets the&r &(press&$% that he &s a. -. te''&% the( that there*hea*e* ,$(a% &% the p&t)re ,&th h&( $% ae-$$ &s the ,$(a% he ,as *at&%

#$% re$)%ts a'' he has 'ear%e* a-$)t h&(se' *)r&% the R$s&e Pr$;et a%* *e&*esthat rea'&st&a''. he a% ha7e a re'at&$%sh&p ,&th a ,$(a% e7e% & he a%%$t '$7eR$s&e the ,a. she ,a%ts t$ -e '$7e* He %$,s that he ()st *$ ($re ,$r $%

h&(se' a%* tha%s t$ the s)ess $ the #$% Pr$;et he %$,s that he has the t$$'st$ eep r$,&% a%* &(pr$7&%

Chap!" 3- S&''a"(

:he% #$% ,aes )p he has )rther &%s&hts :&th$)t $%s&$)s'. rea'&9&% &t he hasres$'7e* a% &ss)e that ,as -$ther&% h&( R$s&e3s &%s&%)at&$% that he 'as e(path.a%* the a-&'&t. t$ '$7e &s%3t tr)e He *$es ha7e a% a-&'&t. t$ e(path&9e -)t thes&t)at&$% has t$ &%7$'7e s$(e$%e he '$7es $r ares a-$)t %$t a &t&$%a' ($7&e

harater He re$)%ts (a%. &%sta%es $ h&s e(path. &%')*&% $as&$%s &% h&sre'at&$%sh&ps ,&th #aph%e C'a)*&a a%* R$s&e herse' E7e% a s$(e,hat $(pr$(&se*a-&'&t. t$ e(path&9e *$es %$t (ea% that #$% a%%$t '$7e -ea)se he %$,s he '$7esR$s&e

He r)%s -a t$ &%* h&s $at -ea)se he 'et h&s e'' ph$%e &% the p$et A h$(e'ess(a% has tae% h&s ;aet r$( the trash a% a%* #$% are)''. re($7es h&s e''ph$%e

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a%* a% e%7e'$pe r$( the p$et $ the $at A $)p'e ,athes h&( appare%t'.r$--&% a h$(e'ess (a% a%* a''s the p$'&e

#$% r&*es h&s -&e t$ a(p)s $%e step ahea* $ the p$'&e I% h&s $&e he &%*s that

h&s ather Pr$;et &'e has -ee% ra%sae* -. R$s&e ,h$ has 'et h&( a %$teap$'$&9&% Ara&* that she ,&'' $%r$%t Ge%e ,&th$)t #A pr$$ $ pater%&t. her)shes t$ '$ate Ge%e a%* hea* R$s&e $ He &%*s e7er.$%e at the U%&7ers&t. C')-@Ge%e a%* the #ea% at $%e ta-'e R$s&e a%* C'a)*&a at a%$ther

#$% r)shes )p t$ R$s&e a%* a%%$)%es that he %$,s he '$7es her -ea)se he '$7esher *esp&te her 'a,s a%* st&'' ,a%ts t$ (arr. her R$s&e prese%ts the r&% r$( thepre7&$)s %&ht3s pr$p$sa' She p)ts &t $% her &%er a%* arees t$ (arr. h&( #$%&sses R$s&e t$ the app'a)se $ the e%t&re *&%&% r$$( The p$'&e arr&7e t$ =)est&$%

#$% a-$)t ,hat he t$$ r$( the h$(e'ess (a%D he sh$,s the( that he has threet&ets t$ #&s%e.'a%* &% h&s p$et

Chap!" 36 S&''a"(

#$% Ph&' a%* R$s&e $ t$ #&s%e.'a%* #$% a%* R$s&e (arr. a%* ($7e t$ e, Y$rC&t. ,here #$% ,$rs &% the Ge%et&s #epart(e%t at C$')(-&a U%&7ers&t. a%* R$s&eatte%*s (e*&a' sh$$' The. *e&*e* t$ ($7e t$ (ae &t eas&er $r #$% t$ (a&%ta&% a''$ the p$s&t&7e ha%es that he has (a*e R$s&e a%* #$% ,$r t$ether three %&hts a

,ee &% a $ta&' -ar $r e/tra &%$(e The. are tr.&% t$ ha7e a -a-.

#$% taes the re(a&%&% #A sa(p'es r$( the ather Pr$;et p')s $%e a**&t&$%a'sa(p'e tae% r$( Ph&' a%* tests the( #$% te/ts R$s&e s$ that she a% -e there t$see the res)'ts Ph&' &s her rea' ather

#$% -'a(es Ge%e $r the e%t&re (&/<)p As the pr$ess$r $ the e%et&s 'ass the(e*&a' st)*e%ts t$$ at the t&(e Ge%e 7ast'. s&(p'&&e* h&s e/p'a%at&$% $ e.e $'$r&%her&ta%e R$s&e3s ($ther ha* %$ ,a. t$ %$, that her e*)at&$% ,as %$t $(p'ete

a%* that she -ase* the $%ess&$% $ her aa&r t$ Ph&' $% &%$rret &%$r(at&$%-e'&e7&% &t ,as &(p$ss&-'e $r t,$ -')e<e.e* pe$p'e t$ ha7e a h&'* ,&th -r$,%$% (ar7e's that ,&th$)t Ge%e3s (&stae he ,$)'* %e7er ha7e (et a%* (arr&e*R$s&e

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Chap!" 33)36 A*a+(#,#

I% tr)e r$(a%t& $(e*. ash&$% the &%a' hapters $ the %$7e' -r&% the her$ a%*her$&%e t$ether $r $$* a%* pr$7&*e res$')t&$% t$ a'' the (a;$r =)est&$%s ra&se* &%

the %$7e' R$s&e3s ather &s rea''. Ph&'D he (a. -e a -&t $ a ')e'ess $'*<ash&$%e*se/&st -)t he rea''. &s R$s&e3s *a* Ge%e st$ps ph&'a%*er&% a%* repa&rs h&s re'at&$%sh&p,&th C'a)*&a #$% a%* R$s&e ($7e $% t$ -etter '&7es &% e, Y$r ree r$( the-)r*e%s $ the past The. (ae %e, r&e%*s a%* a %e, '&e there The %$7e' e%*s $% a$(p'ete'. )p-eat happ. %$te

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D1* T,++'a*

#$% &s "! at the -e&%%&% $ the %$7e' a%* he e7$'7es a%* r$,s tre(e%*$)s'. H&s$r&&%a' &%te%t&$% ,&th the :&e Pr$;et =)est&$%%a&re &s t$ e'&(&%ate a'' &%$(pat&-'e,$(e% ,h$ ,$)'* $ther,&se ,aste h&s t&(e He &s e/tre(e'. $%&*e%t a-$)t ,hathe ,a%ts &% a part%er -)t he spe%*s '&tt'e t&(e th&%&% ser&$)s'. a-$)t ,hat he has t$$er &% a re'at&$%sh&p

:he% R$s&e re;ets h&( he rea'&9es that he has *e'&-erate'. )'t&7ate* the &*e%t&t. a%*(a%%er&s(s $ a% ee%tr& pers$% He $r&&%a''. a*$pte* a '$,%&sh pers$%a t$ hea*$ pe$p'e 'a)h&% at h&( $r th&%s that he $)'*%3t he'p $, that he3s r$,%

s$&a''. a%* (at)re* thr$)h h&s &%terat&$%s ,&th R$s&e a%* the ,$r'* she3s $pe%e*)p t$ h&( he )%*ersta%*s that he a% ha%e@the s$&a' (a%%er&s(s that $7er%pe$p'e3s reat&$%s t$ h&( are )%*er h&s $%tr$' He a% (a%&p)'ate h&s -eha7&$r t$ -e($re aepta-'e He *$es %$t ha7e t$ -e a $$' Th&s rea'&9at&$% &s the '&(a/ $ #$%3sharater *e7e'$p(e%t #$% r$,s )p at th&s ($(e%t th$)h &t t$$ h&( "! .ears

+. the e%* $ the %$7e' #$% &s $)se* $% ,hat he ,a%ts t$ &7e &% a re'at&$%sh&p&%stea* $ $% ,hat harater&st&s a%* =)a'&t&es h&s part%er ()st ha7e He*e($%strates th&s sh&t -. a'ter&% h&s appeara%e a%* (a%%er&s(s -. st)*.&%

e($t&$% thr$)h the ($7&es he -e'&e7es a% teah h&( a-$)t '$7e a%* re'at&$%sh&psa%* -. ($*&.&% h&s ,ar*r$-e a%* appeara%e t$ $%$r( ($re t$ ,hat ,$)'*p'ease h&s part%er He *$es %$t ,a%t t$ e(-arrass $r )pset R$s&e a%* he ,a%ts her t$'$7e h&( s$ he >re$r(s? B264 h&(se'

R1#,! Ja"'a*

R$s&e Jar(a% ae "0 &s a Ph# st)*e%t $ ps.h$'$. a%* a -arte%*er Her harater

$perates as a $&' $r #$%3s The. are $pp$s&tes &% %ear'. e7er. ,a.

R$s&e &%*s #$% )%%. &%terest&% a%* har(&% -ea)se she &s a% $pe%<hearte*stra&ht<ta'&% 'e/&-'e pers$% A's$ -r&''&a%t'. s(art a%* s$(e,hat ee%tr& herse'she &s ($re aept&% $ the ,e&r*%ess re=)e%t'. ass$&ate* ,&th &te* pe$p'e#$%3s >r)*e? -eha7&$rs *$ %$t &%&t&a''. -$ther her as ()h as the. -$ther $thers Asshe ets t$ %$, h&( she &s attrate* t$ h&( -)t she 'ear'. *$es %$t appre&ate

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#$%3s r&&* ,a.s $r the e($t&$%a' )es he (&sses $r (&s$%str)es She 7a')es #$%3se/tre(e &%*%ess &% he'p&% her ,&th the ather Pr$;et a'$% ,&th h&s a-&'&t. t$ -e a$$* $(pa%&$%

R$s&e e%;$.s ta&% #$% $)t $ h&s r$)t&%e She &s a sp$%ta%e$)s )% pers$% The 'a,&% the %$7e' (a. -e that R$s&e3s ($t&7at&$%s &% aept&% #$%3s pr$p$sa' see( 'ess*e7e'$pe* a%* %$t &% eep&% ,&th the ,h$'e $ her pers$%a'&t. Her harater *$es%$t *e7e'$p s&%&&a%t'. $7er the $)rse $ the %$7e' Her (a;$r rea'&9at&$% $)rs,he% she sees that her re;et&$% $ #$% &s r)e' a%* -ase* $% )%rea'&st& e/petat&$%s


Hea* $ the Ps.h$'$. #epart(e%t Ge%e +arr$, ae 56 &s a% a&% ,$(a%&9er)s&% h&s researh &%t$ h)(a% se/)a'&t. as a% e/)se $r h&s ph&'a%*er&% ,a.s Ge%e &sa's$ #$%3s -est r&e%* Thr$)h$)t the %$7e' Ge%e $ers #$% a*7&e $% h$, t$ha%*'e s$&a' s&t)at&$%s -$th at ,$r a%* &% h&s pers$%a' '&e Th$)h #$% a*(&resGe%e3s s)ess ,&th ,$(e% at the -e&%%&% $ the %$7e' as he (at)res he $(es t$see Ge%e *&ere%t'.

Ge%e3s ,$(a%&9&% $r&&%a''. sa%t&$%e* -. C'a)*&a &% a% atte(pt t$ sa7e the&r(arr&ae e7e%t)a''. *r&7es a ,e*e %$t $%'. -et,ee% Ge%e a%* h&s ,&e -)t a's$-et,ee% h&(se' a%* the ,$r'* He &s %$t respete* $r th&s -eha7&$r I% h&s $,% ,a.he &s as &((at)re as #$% #$%3s r&e%*sh&p ,&th Ge%e &s )phe'* a%* r$,s t$ a %e,'e7e' ,he% #$% &s a-'e t$ p$&%t th&s $)t t$ Ge%e $r ($st $ the %$7e' Ge%e )&*esa*7&ses a%* teahes #$% a-$)t h$, t$ s$&a'&9e a%* %a7&ate the ,$r'* +. the e%* $the %$7e' #$% has (at)re* e%$)h t$ $er Ge%e he'p &% ret)r%

#$%3s $%r$%tat&$% ,&th Ge%e ,he% #$% te''s h&( the tr)th a-$)t h$, h&s,$(a%&9&% aets pe$p'e3s 7&e, $ h&( (ars a t)r%&% p$&%t &% Ge%e a%* #$%3sre'at&$%sh&p Ge%e3s resp$%se t$ #$%3s r&t&=)e $ h&s -eha7&$r sh$,s that he tr)'. &s

r&e%*s ,&th #$% a%* has the (at)r&t. t$ &%ter%a'&9e #$%3s $((e%ts ree7a')ate h&s-eha7&$r a%* at t$ preser7e h&s (arr&ae a%* h&s r&e%*sh&p ,&th #$% :&th$)t #$%3s&%terere%e Ge%e (a. %$t ha7e ha%e* $)rse &% t&(e t$ sa7e h&s re'at&$%sh&p ,&thC'a)*&a

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C+a&,a Ba""1

C'a)*&a Ge%e3s ,&e &s a '&%&a' ps.h$'$&st a%* $%e $ #$%3s t,$ r&e%*s Sherepeate*'. pr$7&*es )&*a%e a%* e($t&$%a' s)pp$rt $r #$% as he %a7&ates h&s

searh $r '$7e F&%* a%* )%*ersta%*&% C'a)*&a &s )%*e(a%*&% $ her h)s-a%* asshe rea'&9es that .$) a%%$t ha%e $r a%$ther pers$% %$r a% .$) *e(a%* that the$ther pers$% ha%e $r .$) Cha%e has t$ $(e r$( ,&th&% She p$&%ts th&s $)t t$#$%

She he'ps #$% *e7e'$p h&s s$&a' s&''s a%* s)pp$rts h&s tra%s$r(at&$% )rther -.he'p&% h&( sh$p $r a %e, ,ar*r$-e She s)pp$rts #$% as he *e7e'$ps a ($re(at)re )%*ersta%*&% $ re'at&$%sh&ps She re$((e%*s ($7&es shares here($t&$%a' ,&s*$( ,&th #$% a%* $ers h&( the 'ess$%s $ her $,% (arr&ae

C'a)*&a see(s t$ e%*)re Ge%e3s ph&'a%*er&% -ea)se she $r&&%a''. aree* t$ &tth$)h she has 'ear'. ha%e* her (&%* She '$7es Ge%e a%* her e/a(p'e teahes#$% a '$t a-$)t ,hat (arr&ae a% -e '&e $r e/a(p'e he 'ear%s -. ,ath&%C'a)*&a3s s)er&% that ($%$a(. a%* &*e'&t. are e%tra' $(p$%e%ts $ a s)ess)'re'at&$%sh&p H$,e7er C'a)*&a3s pat&e%e a%* ,&s*$( a's$ teah #$% that %$ $%e a%$%tr$' a%$ther pers$%3s -eha7&$r She ()st e%*)re )%t&' Ge%e *e&*es he ,a%ts t$ha%e $% h&s $,%

#$% repa.s C'a)*&a3s r&e%*sh&p -. &%ter7e%&% ,&th Ge%e #$% -e'&e7es that he has aresp$%s&-&'&t. as -$th Ge%e3s a%* C'a)*&a3s r&e%* t$ tr. t$ he'p the( a%* he *$es %$t,a%t t$ see h&s r&e%*s -rea )p C'a)*&a3s pat&e%e ,&th Ge%e pa.s $ ,he%$%&'e at the e%* $ the %$7e'

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P1!" 1 Cha*5!

I% (a%. ,a.s th&s %$7e' speas t$ the p$,er $ the h)(a% sp&r&t t$ e%erate a%*reate ha%e S&(s&$% re%*ers a harater #$% ,h$ r$,s pr$$)%*'. -. (ea%s $h&s $,% *eter(&%at&$% a%* &%s&hts ,&th a '&tt'e a**&t&$%a' he'p r$( h&s r&e%*s At the-e&%%&% $ the %$7e' #$% st)*&es the -eha7&$r $ $thers ,&th reat atte%t&$% a%**eta&' H&s $-ser7at&$%s 'ea* h&( t$ &%s&hts a-$)t h)(a% %at)re a%* -eha7&$re7e%t)a''. e%a-'&% h&( t$ app'. that $-ser7at&$%a' %$,'e*e t$ h&s $,% '&e

The $%'. ,a. that h)(a% -e&%s a% ha%e &s thr$)h the&r a-&'&t. t$ -e se'<a,area%* )se the&r &%te''et $r se'<a%a'.s&s a%* re'et&$% A se$%*ar. the(e &% the %$7e'

re'ate* t$ the p$,er t$ ha%e &s e/presse* -. the %$t&$% that pe$p'e are e%era''.-'&%* ,he% &t $(es t$ the&r $,% -eha7&$r a%* s&t)at&$%s Ear'. &% the %$7e' #$% sa.s>H)(a%s $te% a&' t$ see ,hat &s '$se t$ the( a%* $-7&$)s t$ $thers? B82

At the t&(e #$% (aes that $((e%t &t &s &r$%&a' -ea)se he &s $(p'ete'. $-'&7&$)st$ (a%. $ h&s $,% 7&$'at&$%s $ s$&a' $%7e%t&$%s that res)'t &% pa&%)' s&t)at&$%s $rh&( ater th&s state(e%t taes $% a% a**&t&$%a' &r$%& t,&st -ea)se he a%%$t seeth$)h &t &s $-7&$)s t$ h&s r&e%*s a%* t$ the rea*er that he &s *e7e'$p&% ser&$)see'&%s $r R$s&e H$,e7er thr$)h the (at)r&t. that $(es thr$)h h&s

re'at&$%sh&ps@,&th #aph%e Ge%e C'a)*&a a%* R$s&e@he &s e7e%t)a''. a-'e t$ a&%the se'<a,are%ess re=)&re* $r h&( t$ ha%e $r the -etter #$%3s &%rease* (at)r&t.'ea*s h&( t$ *e7e'$p *eeper a%* ($re (ea%&%)' re'at&$%sh&ps

S!a"h 71" L18!

A s&%&&a%t the(e &% the %$7e' e/presse* thr$)h the '&7es $ se7era' haraters &sthe searh $r '$7e The ather Pr$;et a%* the :&e Pr$;et -$th $r&&%ate &% a searh$r '$7e R$s&e searhes $r a ather3s '$7e ,h&'e #$% searhes $r a ,&e3s '$7e

U%*er'.&% th&s searh &s the &*ea that &t &s &(p$rta%t t$ $ ater ,hat .$) ,a%t*esp&te reat ha''e%es S&(s&$% &(p'&es that the ;$)r%e. t$,ar* '$7e &s ,$rth thesar&&es (a*e a'$% the ,a. Thr$)h the tra*&t&$%a' r$(a%t& $(e*. p'$t@+$.Meets G&r' +$. $ses G&r' +$. Gets G&r' +a Aa&%@S&(s&$% te''s the '$7e st$r. $)%tra*&t&$%a' (a&% haraters re&%$r&% the )%&7ersa' %at)re $ the h)(a% *es&res$r '$7e a%* $%%et&$%

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I*!++! 8!"#&# E'1,1*#

#$% $%sta%t'. )ses h&s &%te''et t$ $%=)er a%* (a%ae h&s e($t&$%s ,h&h threate%t$ $7er,he'( h&( at se7era' p$&%ts &% the %$7e' #epress&$% h$7ers $7er #$% at three

p$&%ts &% h&s '&e $% h&s 21st

 -&rth*a. ,he% h&s )%'e )%spar&%'. a%* r)e''. re7ea'sh$, ()h pa&% a%* e(-arrass(e%t #$% has )%,&tt&%'. a)se* h&s a(&'. thr$)h h&s$** -eha7&$rD ,he% h&s s&ster *&esD a%* ,he% R$s&e re;ets h&( At eah $ these*&&)'t p$&%ts #$% ()st h$$se h$, t$ resp$%* #$% h$$ses t$ st)*. h&s e($t&$%s'&e the. are pr$-'e( t$ -e s$'7e* )s&% h&s &%te''et t$ )%*ersta%* a%* $pe ,&th h&see'&%s

H$,e7er ,$r&% thr$)h these r&s&s p$&%ts a's$ teahes #$% t$ (a%ae h&s ee'&%s,he% he3s %$t &% r&s&s Thr$)h prat&e he a&%s $%&*e%e &% h&s a-&'&t. t$ ha%*'e

h&(se' &% s$&a' &%terat&$%s a%* r&e%*sh&ps $% a *a&'. -as&s #$%3s r&e%*sh&p ,&th#aph%e &s part&)'ar'. he'p)' &% th&s ,a.

It &s part&)'ar'. *&stress&% $r h&( ,he% he rea'&9es that h&s &%te''et &s &% $%'&t ,&thh&s ee'&%s spe&&a''. $%er%&% R$s&e #$%3s &%te''et te''s h&( that she &s a'' ,r$%$r h&( -)t h&s ee'&%s $-7&$)s'. *$ %$t aree #esp&te h&s &%7est(e%t &% h&s=)est&$%%a&re a%* tr)st &% h&s s&e%t&& (eth$*s t$ &%* a sp$)se h&s ee'&%s e%* )ph$$s&% &%stea* A'ter%ate'. as #$% e/p'a&%s &t h&s &%st&%ts $r -&$'$. h$$se $rh&(

e&ther &%te''et a%* rat&$%a'&t. $r e($t&$% a%* &%st&%t tr&)(ph &% th&s %$7e' S&(s&$%see(s t$ s)est that -$th &%te''et a%* e($t&$% are re=)&re* $r a -a'a%e* a%*happ. '&e

$r e/a(p'e #$% )ses the p$,er $ h&s &%te''et t$ he'p h&( 'ear% t$ -e ($re$%%ete* a%* e($t&$%a''. a7a&'a-'e t$@a%* e(pathet& ,&th@the pe$p'e he '$7esThe &(pr$7e(e%t $ h&s a-&'&t. t$ *ea' ,&th e($t&$% a%* -r&% &t ($re &%t$ -a'a%e,&th h&s &%te''et)a' p$,ers e%a-'es h&( t$ ha7e happ&er a%* ($re )'&''&%

re'at&$%sh&ps He e7e% $pe%s )p ($re t$ h&s a(&'. -. the e%* $ the %$7e' ,here he$%e $)%* h&s ($ther e($t&$%a''. >st&'&%? -. the e%* $ the %$7e' he h$%$rs her*es&re $r a '$ser re'at&$%sh&p ,he% he re7ea's h&s re'at&$%sh&p ,&th R$s&e B182 The)se $ h&s &%te''et t$ )%*ersta%* h&s ee'&%s at)a''. a''$,s #$% t$ -e ($ree($t&$%a' a%* &%t&(ate ,&th $thers

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S&(s&$% )ses '$th&% t$ *esr&-e h&s haraters3 att&t)*es t$ the(se'7es a%* the&rr$'es &% s$&et. #$% $%sta%t'. *esr&-es -$th h&s $,% a%* $ther pe$p'e3s '$th&% &%reat *eta&' re=)e%t'. %$t&% %$t $%'. $'$rs a%* st.'es -)t te/t)re a%* aess$r&ess)h as hats sar7es $r ;e,e'r.

#$% *resses '&e a -)( $r a tee%aer &% h&s a7$r&te &tee% .ear $'* t<sh&rts a%*$%sta%t'. reers t$ pe$p'e3s '$th&% h$&es as >$st)(es? I% th&s ,a. he re7ea'sthat he &%*s a'' *ress&% t$ -e a $r( $ s$&a' p'a.<at&%@pe$p'e *ress a$r*&% t$the&r r$'es &% '&e3s p'a. Th&s att&t)*e h&h'&hts #$%3s $%te(pt $r s$&a' )st$( a%*

a's$ h&s %a&7et. a%* s$&a' &((at)r&t.

He sa.s that he pa.s '&tt'e atte%t&$% t$ h&s appeara%e ,h&h re'ets h&s e%era'*&s*a&% $r the re=)&re(e%ts $ s$&a' &%terat&$% -)t &% at)a'&t. h&s $%sta%treere%es t$ *ress a%* &ts s$&a' appr$pr&ate%ess $r 'a there$ re7ea' h&spre$)pat&$% ,&th s$&a' $rret%ess He &s prete%*&% t$ -e t$$ $$' t$ are-ea)se h&s &%&t&a' atte(pts t$ *ress appr$pr&ate'. ,ere s$ &%ept that the. -r$)hth&( $%'. r&*&)'e H$,e7er #$% *$es *es&re t$ &t &% -. ,ear&% the appr$pr&ate'$th&% As the %$7e' pr$resses he sees a*7&e t$ a&% the e/pert&se he 'as@h$,

t$ *ress appr$pr&ate'. $r h&s ae a%* r$'e &% '&e

I% $%trast ,&th #$% R$s&e has a% &%te%t&$%a''. )%&=)e '$$ Her 'asses ha&r $'$ra%* h$&e $ att&re@re=)e%t'. p)% $r G$th<&%')e%e*@(ae a *e'&-erate p$s&t&7estate(e%t R$s&e3s &%*epe%*e%t sp&r&t a%* e(&%&s( are re'ete* &% her '$th&% $re/a(p'e R$s&e $%s&$)s'. h$$ses t$ *ress &% a (a%%er that ,$)'* %$t attrat (a'eatte%t&$% She *$es%3t are ,hat ($st pe$p'e th&% a%* Ge%e -e'&e7es that she (a.-e a. -ea)se $ the ,a. she *resses H$,e7er she &s s)ess)' &% her =)est t$a7$&* )%,a%te* $-;et&&at&$% a%* se/)a' atte%t&$% r$( (e% '&e Ge%e

+$th #$% a%* R$s&e a'' atte%t&$% t$ the(se'7es thr$)h %$%<tra*&t&$%a' '$th&%h$&es R$s&e h$,e7er &s a-'e t$ $%$r( ,he% she ,a%ts t$ -ea)se she has a($re s$ph&st&ate* )%*ersta%*&% $ s$&a' ($res $r e/a(p'e she ,ears a prett.-a'' $,% t$ the a)'t. -a'' a%* she e%;$.s h$$s&% a $re$)s e/pe%s&7e sar $rC'a)*&a &% the Her(es sh$p &% e, Y$r

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#$%3s $)ter tra%s$r(at&$% &%t$ Gre$r. Pe &% $r*er t$ attrat R$s&e s.(-$'&9es h&s&%%er tra%s$r(at&$% a%* re'ets h&s %e, (at)r&t. E7er.$%e #$% %$,s %$t&es h&stra%s$r(at&$% &%t$ a ($re appr$pr&ate a*)'t 7ers&$% $ h&(se'

P"1!#:Th! W,7! P"1!;Th! Fah!" P"1!

I% $r*er t$ ha%*'e the *e(a%*s $ h&s '&e #$% $(part(e%ta'&9es h&s '&e &%t$>pr$;ets? The 7ar&$)s pr$;ets@the ather Pr$;et the :&e Pr$;et the R$s&ePr$;et a%* s$ $%@are a ($t& &% th&s %$7e' that represe%t #$%3s e($t&$%a' $p&%(eha%&s( a%* re'et h&s $r*er'. s&e%t&& ,$r'* 7&e,

#$% appr$ahes h&s '&e the sa(e ,a. he appr$ahes a s&e%t&& pr$-'e( Heatte(pts t$ &%* '$& a%* rat&$%a'&t. &% e7er. s&t)at&$% a%* ,here there &s %$ '$& he

&(p$ses &t $r e/a(p'e h&s '$7e $r R$s&e tra%s$r(s &%t$ the R$s&e Pr$;etD hereates a step -. step pr$ess t$ $pe ,&th the at that R$s&e has re;ete* h&(&(p$s&% '$& $% h&s h)rt a%* $7er,he'(e* ee'&%s as ,e'' as &%*&% a ,a. t$pr$ess th$se ee'&%s a%* ha%%e' the( &%t$ a $%str)t&7e p$s&t&7e *&ret&$%

See&% h&s '&e &% ter(s $ >pr$;ets? a''$,s #$% t$ e%erate a -e&%%&% a%* a%e%*&%@a str)t)re that '&e re=)e%t'. 'as I% th&s ,a. #$% $%r$%ts h&s pr$-'e(s$r $ther pe$p'e3s pr$-'e(s &% the ase $ the ather Pr$;et a%* reates $r*er $)t $'&e3s ha$s

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1  >Resta)ra%ts are (&%e&e'*s $r the s$&a''. &%eptL? BChapter 1 p 4

Here, Don explains that the social intricacies of going to a restaurant aredangerous ground for him. This is one of many clues in the opening chapter thatDon is not a typical protagonist. His insights, often refreshingly lunt, re!eal thecomplexity of human interactions. "ot e!eryone can perform socially #ithoutma$ing serious mista$es% Don&s self'deprecation and humor ma$e him relatale,e!en if the reader does not share his prolem.

2  >It see(s har*'. p$ss&-'e t$ a%a'.9e s)h a $(p'e/ s&t)at&$% &%7$'7&% *ee&ta%* s)pp$s&t&$% $ a%$ther pers$%3s e($t&$%a' resp$%se a%* the% prepare .$)r

$,% p'a)s&-'e '&e a'' ,h&'e s$(e$%e &s ,a&t&% $r .$) t$ rep'. t$ a =)est&$% Yetthat &s e/at'. ,hat pe$p'e e/pet .$) t$ -e a-'e t$ *$? BChapter 1 p 8

Here, Don explains one difficulty he has in social situations. His rain is not #iredthe same #ay as most people&s are, resulting in oth hilarious and painfulinteractions. Don&s insights offer a !ie# into thought processes that most peopleta$e for granted. Repeatedly, throughout the no!el, Don offers his criti(ue of thehypocrisies of typical adult social exchanges.

).  >‛Pr$ess$r T&''(a% M$st $ )s here are %$t s&e%t&sts s$ .$) (a. %ee* t$ -e a'&tt'e 'ess teh%&a'3 Th&s s$rt $ th&% &s &%re*&-'. a%%$.&% Pe$p'e a% te'' .$)the s)pp$se* harater&st&s $ a Ge(&%& $r a Ta)r)s a%* ,&'' spe%* &7e *a.s,ath&% a r&et (ath -)t a%%$t &%* the &%terest $r the t&(e t$ 'ear% the-as&s $ ,hat the. as h)(a%s are (a*e )p $? BChapter 2 p !

Don gi!es an example of his frustrations #ith *regular+ people, emphasiing hisdifference from many other people. Don has a rational and scientific approach toall aspects of life.

4  >‛a)'t Asperer3s &s%3t a a)'t It3s a 7ar&a%t It3s p$te%t&a''. a (a;$r a*7a%taeAsperer3s s.%*r$(e &s ass$&ate* ,&th $ra%&9at&$% $)s &%%$7at&7e th&%&%a%* rat&$%a' *etah(e%t3? BChapter 2 p 10

Don explains to a group of -sperger $ids& parents the current geneticunderstanding of -sperger&s yndrome, #hich is also referred to as an -utism

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pectrum Disorder. He defends the positi!e aspects and (ualities of people #ith -sperger&s.

5  >I ha7e hear* the ,$r* st)%%&% t$ *esr&-e ,$(e% -)t &t ,as the &rst t&(e I

ha* at)a''. -ee% st)%%e* -. $%e It ,as %$t ;)st the $st)(e $r the ;e,e'r. $ra%. &%*&7&*)a' harater&st& $ R$s&e herse' &t ,as the&r $(-&%e* eet I ,as%$t s)re & her appeara%e ,$)'* -e rear*e* as $%7e%t&$%a''. -ea)t&)' $re7e% aepta-'e t$ the resta)ra%t that ha* re;ete* (. ;aet St)%%&% ,as theperet ,$r* $r &t? BChapter 6 p 45

Don is o#led o!er y Rosie% he&s attracted to her. Her uncon!entional eha!iorand appearance do not put him off as they might a more con!entional man. -te!ery turn, she sho#s herself to e a force to e rec$oned #ith.

6  >She ,as *estr$.&% (. apart(e%t? BChapter 8 p 56

Rosie in!ades Don&s life and he lo!es it. Though he&s incredily uncomfortale atfirst #ith her eing in his apartment and loo$ing o!er e!erything, he does notprotest #hen she mo!es furniture on the alcony or puts on music. he just ta$eso!er, ut in a #ay that impro!es Don&s life. His comment is oth serious and

 jocular. Don ma$es a profound statement aout change/ in order to ring aoutsomething ne#, the old must e destroyed.

  >H)(a%s $te% a&' t$ see ,hat &s '$se t$ the( a%* $-7&$)s t$ $thers?BChapter 11 p 82

Don mar!els at humans& inaility to see themsel!es. This statement ta$es on anadditional irony ecause the reader $no#s that Don himself cannot see #hat isclose to him. He fails to see his o#n social lunders and misreads other people&semotions and statements. He also cannot see his true feelings for Rosie, though itis o!ious to Don&s friends0and the reader0that he cares for her.

8  >The% she p)t $% s$(e ()s&@7er. '$)* r$ ()s& $, she rea''. $)'*%3thear (e I ,as -e&% &*%appe* :e *r$7e $r %&%et.<$)r (&%)tes I $)'* %$tsee the spee*$(eter a%* ,as %$t a)st$(e* t$ tra7e'&% &% a% $pe% 7eh&'e-)t I est&(ate* that ,e ,ere $%s&ste%t'. e/ee*&% the spee* '&(&t

Discordant sound, #ind, ris$ of death01 tried to assume the mental state that 1

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used at the dentist+ 2Chapter 34, p. 5)6.

Don is amaed y Rosie&s aility to sha$e up his life. He doesn&t e!en protest. 7!enat this early point in the no!el, Rosie has the aility to get past Don&s defenses, and

he allo#s her to do things #ith him that he #ould ne!er allo# others to do.Though he is initially resistant to each change, he e!entually finds that he enjoyshimself.

!  >‛Y$) a%3t $ thr$)h '&e %$t '&ste%&% t$ ()s&3? BChapter 12 p !4

Rosie explains one of life&s asics to Don. This is one of the many times that Rosierings more excitement, connection, and experience into Don&s life. He learns thatthings are pleasurale that he had ne!er considered or that he simply did not $no#

ho# to ring into his o#n life. Rosie demonstrates here, as she does on many otheroccasions, ho# good a friend she can e for Don.

38. >H)rt'&% -a t$ t$,% &% a re* P$rshe *r&7e% -. a -ea)t&)' ,$(a% ,&th thes$% p'a.&% I ha* the se%se $ sta%*&% $% the -r&% $ a%$ther ,$r'* Ire$%&9e* the ee'&% ,h&h & -ea(e str$%er as the ra&% starte*a''&% a%* the $%7ert&-'e r$$ (a')%t&$%e* s$ ,e ,ere )%a-'e t$ ra&se &t It,as the sa(e ee'&% that I ha* e/per&e%e* '$$&% $7er the &t. ater the+a'$%. Mea' a%* aa&% ater R$s&e ha* ,r&tte% *$,% her ph$%e %)(-er

A%$ther ,$r'* a%$ther '&e pr$/&(ate -)t &%aess&-'e? BChapter 12 p !5

Don experiences contentment in the company of another person, Rosie. "ot usedto eing happy and relaxed in the company of others, Don mar!els at this ne#feeling, #hich results from his gro#ing intimacy and friendship #ith Rosie. Hisrelationship #ith Rosie simply ma$es him happy.

33. >Researh $%s&ste%t'. sh$,s that the r&ss t$ hea'th $)t,e&h the -e%e&ts $*r&%&% a'$h$' M. ar)(e%t &s that the -e%e&ts t$ (. mental  hea'th ;)st&.

the r&ss? BChapter 14 p110

Don pro!es that he doesn&t al#ays do the most rational, scientifically'pro!en thing.He drin$s alcohol. He finds that it helps reduce his social anxiety #hile ele!ating hismood.

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12 >+)t ,h. ,h. ,h. a%3t pe$p'e sa. ,hat the. (ea%? BChapter 15 p 122

Don once again laments the collo(uial sayings or opa(ue language that pre!entshim from understanding #hat people mean. Here, he is responding specifically to

his oss at the reunion as$ing him 9#hat&s your poison:& instead of as$ing #hatDon #ants to drin$. Don constantly has to chec$ #ith people #hat their intendedmeaning is.

3). >It (a. ha7e -ee% *)e t$ the eet $ the $r*$ -'a%$ $% (. $%&t&7e)%t&$%s -)t I ,as s)**e%'. $7er,he'(e* -. a% e/tra$r*&%ar. ee'&%@%$t $sat&sat&$% -)t $ a-s$')te ;$. It ,as the ee'&% I ha* &% the M)se)( $at)ra' H&st$r. a%* ,he% I ,as (a&% $ta&'s :e starte* *a%&% aa&% a%*th&s t&(e I a''$,e* (.se' t$ $)s $% the se%sat&$%s $ (. -$*. ($7&% t$ the

-eat $ the s$% r$( (. h&'*h$$* a%* $ R$s&e ($7&% t$ the sa(e 1 p 146

Don experiences joy, once again, #hile in Rosie&s company. he forces him to getout on the dance floor after his disastrous dance #ith Bianca. he #on&t let him ea laughing stoc$, and she helps him to replace that ad memory #ith a good one.

14 >‛Y$)3re )%-e'&e7a-'e3 sa&* R$s&e N$$ at (e ,he% I3( ta'&%3

I ept '$$&% $)t the ,&%*$, I ,as a'rea*. $7er<st&()'ate* NI %$, ,hat .$)'$$ '&e3? BChapter 1 p 14

;hen Don is emotionally o!er#helmed he loses the aility to e social. He cannotmaintain eye contact #hen he&s upset% it&s too stimulating for his ner!ous system.;hat others interpret as rudeness or dismissal of their ideas, as Rosie does here, isactually a coping mechanism so that Don can continue to function.

15 >Ge%e t$'* (e the %e/t *a. that I $t &t ,r$% +)t he ,as %$t &% a ta/& ater a%

e7e%&% $ t$ta' se%s$r. $7er'$a* ,&th the ($st -ea)t&)' ,$(a% &% the ,$r'*I -e'&e7e* I *&* ,e'' I *etete* the tr& =)est&$% I ,a%te* R$s&e t$ '&e (e a%*I re(e(-ere* her pass&$%ate state(e%t a-$)t (e% treat&% ,$(e% as $-;etsShe ,as test&% t$ see & I sa, her as a% $-;et $r as a pers$% O-7&$)s'. the$rret a%s,er ,as the 'atter

NI ha7e%3t rea''. %$t&e*3 I t$'* the ($st -ea)t&)' ,$(a% &% the ,$r'*?

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BChapter 1 p 150

Don elie!es that he is supporting Rosie&s need to e treated in a fair and non'sexist manner, ut ends up ma$ing a serious social, and romantic, error. 1n this

particular social situation, Don should ha!e supported Rosie&s romantic, notplatonic, needs. There is no indication at this point that Don recognies that he isma$ing a mista$e.

16 >‛+)t I3( %$t $$* at )%*ersta%*&% ,hat $ther pe$p'e ,a%t3

NTe'' (e s$(eth&% I *$%3t %$,3 sa&* R$s&e $r %$ $-7&$)s reas$%

I =)&'. searhe* (. (&%* $r a% &%terest&% at NAhhh L The test&'es $

*r$%e -ees a%* ,asp sp&*ers e/p'$*e *)r&% se/3? BChapter 20 p 11

Don demonstrates his literal interpretation of other people&s con!ersational gamits. He fre(uently does not recognie sarcasm, particularly #hen the otherperson indicates y tone of !oice something that is the opposite of #hat is said.

1 >I (et R$s&e at the a&rp$rt She re(a&%e* )%$($rta-'e a-$)t (e p)rhas&%her t&et s$ I t$'* her she $)'* pa. (e -a -. se'et&% s$(e :&e Pr$;etapp'&a%ts $r (e t$ *ate

) .$)3 she sa&* It see(e* ,e ,ere r&e%*s aa&%? BChapter 20 p 18

Don once again demonstrates his lac$ of social perception. He also hurts Rosie&sfeelings, ut he is una#are of this. he is eginning to li$e Don, ut he fails to pic$up on her cues. Here, he specifically misses the fact that she does not #ant to helpDon y pic$ing out someone else for him to date% she #ants to date him herself.

18 >3It ,$)'* -e )%reas$%a-'e t$ &7e .$) re*&t $r -e&% &%re*&-'. -ea)t&)'3?

BChapter 2 p 222

Don has troule maintaining his distance from Rosie in "e# <or$.

1! >A%* &t *a,%e* $% (e that I ha* %$t *es&%e* the =)est&$%%a&re t$ &%* a,$(a% I $)'* aept -)t t$ &%* s$(e$%e ,h$ (&ht aept (e? BChapter 2!p 240

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Don has an insightful realiation. The characteristics that he is loo$ing for in his(uestionnaire are actually the characteristics that he possesses already. -t theeginning of the ;ife Project, he did not $no# #hat he actually needed in a

partner, only #hat he thought he needed. He no# realies that he has eenloo$ing for lo!e and acceptance all along.

20 >I ha* t$ s$(e e/te%t -e$(e $($rta-'e ,&th -e&% s$&a''. $** At sh$$' Iha* -ee% the )%&%te%t&$%a' 'ass '$,% a%* e7e%t)a''. the &%te%t&$%a' $%e It,as t&(e t$ r$, )p? BChapter "0 p 24"

Don realies that he has not confronted his prolems #ith social interaction% hehas delierately hidden ehind a culti!ated oddness to a!oid ha!ing to deal #ith

his social s$ills. -s a result of his desire to please Rosie, he realies the !alue of good social s$ills in a!oiding emarrassing himself or people he cares aout, forthe first time. 7!en if Rosie does not accept him, Don $no#s that it is time for himto ma$e this change.

21 >‛I .$) rea''. '$7e s$(e$%e C'a)*&a $%t&%)e* .$) ha7e t$ -e prepare* t$aept the( as the. are Ma.-e .$) h$pe that $%e *a. the. et a ,ae<)p a''a%* (ae the ha%es $r the&r $,% reas$%s3? BChapter "0 p 246

Claudia tries to help Don understand that changing, as he is changing his eha!ior,in order to impress another person may not #or$ out #ell in the end. - person hasto ma$e changes on their o#n% other#ise that person might resent the changes hema$es to get or to $eep a relationship. Don realies that Claudia is also referring to=ene and his philandering here. Don is confident that he needs to ma$e thechanges he is ma$ing, so he doesn&t elie!e that this statement applies to him.

22 >NE/at'.3 I sa&* NY$) th&% pe$p'e see .$) as a Casa%$7a Y$) %$, ,hat I*$%3t are ,hat $ther pe$p'e th&% $ .$) -)t & .$) ,a%t t$ %$, the. th&%

.$)3re a ;er A%* the.3re r&ht Ge%e Y$)3re &t.<s&/ .ears $'* ,&th a ,&e a%*t,$ &*s th$)h $r h$, ()h '$%er I *$%3t %$, T&(e .$) re, )p I3(te''&% .$) that as a r&e%*3? BChapter "" p 255

Don&s attempts to impro!e his understanding of societal norms and acceptalesocial eha!ior lead him to the realiation that his est friend isn&t a good rolemodel. Don comes to understand the cost of =ene&s #omaniing #ays and he no

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longer admires =ene for his #ay #ith #omen. Part of this understanding comes asa result of tal$ing #ith Claudia% during these con!ersations, Don sees the pain that=ene&s eha!ior causes her. Don has ecome much more empathetic.


>NI %ee* a (&%)te t$ th&%3 she sa&* I a)t$(at&a''. starte* the t&(er $% (.,ath S)**e%'. R$s&e starte* 'a)h&% I '$$e* at her )%*ersta%*a-'. p)99'e*at th&s $)t-)rst &% the (&**'e $ a r&t&a' '&e *e&s&$%

NThe ,ath3 she sa&* NI sa. >I %ee* a (&%)te? a%* .$) start t&(&% #$% &s %$t*ea*3? BChapter "" p 268

Don as$s Rosie to marry him, after changing his appearance and mannerisms.Ho#e!er, he pro!es that his underlying personality remains unchanged.

24 >$th&% ,$)'* ha%e the a)'t &% (. -ra&% that (a*e (e )%aepta-'e?BChapter "" p 21

Don laments the #ay that his mind #or$s% #hich ma$es Rosie elie!e that he isincapale of lo!ing her. Don is de!astated that all of his hard #or$ has not madehim acceptale to Rosie. He says this after Rosie refuses his marriage proposal.  

4>. >I ha7e%3t ha%e* (. (&%* That3s the p$&%t I ,a%t t$ spe%* (. '&e ,&th .$)

e7e% th$)h &t3s t$ta''. &rrat&$%a' A%* .$) ha7e sh$rt ear'$-es S$&a''. a%*e%et&a''. there3s %$ reas$% $r (e t$ -e attrate* t$ .$) The $%'. '$&a'$%')s&$% &s that I ()st -e &% '$7e ,&th .$)? BChapter "5 p 28"

Don refuses to gi!e up. He insists upon telling Rosie again that he lo!es her and#ants to marry her. Typically, Don uses his intellect to analye and e!aluate hisfeelings. The reader finds it humorous that e!en lo!e comes under the microscopeof scientific in!estigation for Don.

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1  #$ .$) -e'&e7e that pe$p'e a% ha%e #$% te''s R$s&e that he3s ha%e* >$%'.h&sQ -eha7&$r? B268 H$, eas. $r *&&)'t &s &t $r a pers$% t$ ha%e the&r

-eha7&$r :hat ($t&7ates a pers$% t$ ,a%t t$ ha%e C'a)*&a sa.s thatha%&% t$ (eet >a%$ther pers$%3s e/petat&$%s? B246 'ea*s t$ rese%t(e%t#$ .$) aree $r *&saree E/p'a&% th&s %$t&$% &% ter(s $ three *&ere%tharaters &% the %$7e' Y$) (a. h$$se r$( a%. $ these haraters Ge%eC'a)*&a #$% Ph&' the #ea% R$s&e

2  #$es R$s&e3s aepta%e $ #$%3s pr$p$sa' (ae se%se #esr&-e her haratera%* ,h. .$) -e'&e7e she ,$)'* a'' &% '$7e ,&th a%* (arr. #$% +e s)re t$&%')*e eah stae $ the&r re'at&$%sh&p a%* e/p'$re the ($(e%t &% the %$7e'

,he% she -e&%s t$ see #$% as a p$te%t&a' part%er

"  H$, *$es e(path. re'ate t$ '$7e #$% e/p'a&%s h$, these $%epts are*&ere%t $r h&( #$ .$) aree that #$% &s apa-'e $ '$7e E/p'a&% +e s)re t$&%')*e a% e/p'a%at&$% $ h$, '$7e a%* e(path. &%tert,&%e Y$) ()st )see/a(p'es r$( #$%3s re'at&$%sh&ps ,&th #aph%e Ge%e C'a)*&a a%* R$s&e

4  A s&%&&a%t the(e $ th&s %$7e' &s the searh $r '$7e E/p'$re h$, Ge%e #$%a%* R$s&e are eah $% a searh $r '$7e Are the haraters s)ess)' &% &%*&%

the &%* $ '$7e the. ,a%t E/p'a&%

5  #$% sa.s that he >re$r(s? B264 h&(se' *)r&% the %$7e' H$, &s h&s &%%ertra%s$r(at&$% re'ete* $)t,ar*'. H$, *$es h&s tra%s$r(at&$% *eter(&%ethe $)t$(e $ h&s st$r. #esr&-e three &%sta%es ,here #$% *e($%stratesha%e* -eha7&$r as a res)'t $ h&s %e, &%s&hts Y$) ()st &%')*e at 'east $%ee/a(p'e that &%')*es a harater $ther tha% R$s&eD .$) (a. h$$se r$( the$''$,&% haraters Ge%e the #ea% Fe7&% Y) Ph&' a%* C'a)*&a

Th$)h #$% %e7er e/p'&&t'. states that he has Asperer3s S.%*r$(e@a $a)t&s(@he 'ear'. *e($%strates (a%. $ &ts harater&st&s I% ,hat spe&&,a.s *$es #$% e/h&-&t the harater&st&s $ a)t&s( #ra,&% $% .$)r $,%researh &%t$ A)t&s( Spetr)( #&s$r*erAsperer3s *&s)ss the ,a.s &% ,h&h#$% &s s)ess)' $r %$t &% $7er$(&% h&s a)t&st& harater&st&s +e s)re t$a$)%t $r #$%3s -e'&e that a)t&s( &s a% >a*7a%tae? B10

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  R$s&e esp$)ses (a%. tra*&t&$%a''. >e(&%&st? 7&e,s I% ,hat ,a.s &s herharater a e(&%&st I% ,hat ,a.s *$es #$% appear t$ -e ($re $r 'ess $ a>e(&%&st? tha% R$s&e :hat *$ .$) th&% S&(s&$% &s tr.&% t$ sa. a-$)te(&%&s( :hat are s$(e e(&%&st pr&%&p'es that are )phe'* &% th&s %$7e' & a%.

a%* -. ,h$( +e s)re t$ &%')*e #$%3s :&e Pr$;et =)est&$%%a&re &% .$)r*&s)ss&$%

8  At the -e&%%&% $ the %$7e' #$% has 7er. &/e*@-)t &*&$s.%rat&@7&e,s $eth&s r)'es a%* ($ra'&t. H$, *$ #$%3s 7&e,s $ ,hat &s r&ht $r ,r$% ha%ethr$)h$)t the %$7e' +e s)re t$ &%')*e -$th ,$rp'ae eth&s a%* r$(a%t&eth&s &% .$)r *&s)ss&$%

!  I% ,hat ,a. &s th&s %$7e' a% a*)'t &%&t&at&$% $r $(&%<$<ae %$7e' H$, *$es

#$% r$, )p *)r&% the %$7e' E/p'a&% #$%3s ;$)r%e. t$ a*)'th$$*

10 #$% sa.s >H)(a%s $te% a&' t$ see ,hat &s '$se t$ the( a%* $-7&$)s t$$thers? B82 H$, tr)e &s th&s state(e%t #&s)ss the re'e7a%e $ th&sstate(e%t t$ at 'east three s&%&&a%t haraters H$, *$es eah harater a&'t$ see s$(eth&% that $thers a% 'ear'. see E/p'a&%