the power of stories - sarah nichols

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  • 8/9/2019 The Power of Stories - Sarah Nichols


  • 8/9/2019 The Power of Stories - Sarah Nichols


    Once upon a time, in the kingdom of animals, where all lived together in one same place, but not quite in harmony. Each

    animal would stay with their own kind - the crocodile swam with other crocodiles, the elephant walked with other

    elephants, the antelope grazed with other antelopes, and the monkey climbed trees with other monkeys. And so it was

    in this wonderful kingdom.

  • 8/9/2019 The Power of Stories - Sarah Nichols


  • 8/9/2019 The Power of Stories - Sarah Nichols


    “No wait!” cried Fox running after her. “Don’t go! Please stay with me… I am so alone, and you seem like such a wonderful


    “But you’re a fox! You’ll just eat me!” protested Rabbit.“No, I would never! You’re too beautiful to eat…” smiled Fox.

    “Beautiful?” asked Rabbit, her toes and ears curling up with pleasure.

    “Oh yes!” said Fox. “Your eyes are like a starry night and your fur is like a velvet gown. Let us be together! I will treat you well,

    I promise!”

  • 8/9/2019 The Power of Stories - Sarah Nichols


    “Here”, cried Fox. “I give you this turtle as a token of my love”.

    “What ever shall I do with a turtle?” exclaimed Rabbit. “If you’re lonely, why don’t you find someone else?”

    “Oh but I have tried!” Fox insisted. “I have looked all over the kingdom! And you wouldn’t believe the things I have


    “Oh? Like what?” asked Rabbit, her curiosity aroused.

    “Well”, said Fox. “Let me tell you…”

  • 8/9/2019 The Power of Stories - Sarah Nichols


    “First, I went to see the chickens. They make me laugh so much with their little stick feet! I asked if they wanted to

    play with me. They must have thought that I wanted to race with them, because they started running as fast as they

    could! I suppose it was only fair that they get a head start. When I felt it appropriate, I started running as well. But

    by then, they had scattered in all directions! I’m not sure they understood the concept of a race…

    So I left them and went to look for someone else.”

  • 8/9/2019 The Power of Stories - Sarah Nichols


    “I went to see the cats and mice. They were going to play a game of tug of war! I love that game! I begged them to let

    me join… Alas, the chief cat hissed at me and proclaimed, “This is a war between cats and mice!”

    “Yeah!” squeaked the mice.

    And off they went, in their fearful battle, leaving me to wander on my own…”

  • 8/9/2019 The Power of Stories - Sarah Nichols


    “And that’s when I saw the most fascinating sight I have ever seen! A herd of elephants was dancing around in a circle,

    holding each other by the tail with their trunks! Round and round they were going to the rhythm of their feet. What a

    curious spectacle… I tried to join in, but I had no trunk. So I bit one elephant’s tails and stuck out my own tail for the

    other to grab. The elephants were furious! They stamped loudly, grunting and thrashing their horns in the air and

    stormed off, leaving a cloud of dust behind them.”

  • 8/9/2019 The Power of Stories - Sarah Nichols


    “How fascinating!” squealed Rabbit. “Have you got more stories like those?”

    “Oh yes!”, replied Fox, puffing up his chest. “Come and walk with me, and I will tell you lots of stories…”

    And off they went, side by side, telling each other many stories and sharing wonderful adventures.

  • 8/9/2019 The Power of Stories - Sarah Nichols


     The End

    Story by Sarah Nichols

  • 8/9/2019 The Power of Stories - Sarah Nichols



  • 8/9/2019 The Power of Stories - Sarah Nichols
