the pigeon market in straubing - aviculture · pdf filethe pigeon market in straubing . 6...

The Pigeon Market in Straubing 6 January 2012 By: Sytze de Bruine In December 2011, I already started to get excited about the upcoming pigeon market in Straubing, Germany. It is one of the largest pigeon markets in Europe. It has been held every year on January 6. As the date is approaching, you start to think about it more and more, and the time cannot go by fast enough. I can’t explain what it is; probably it is due to the anticipation there could be something to our liking this year, or perhaps there would be none of our pigeon breeds worth purchasing. Finally, on January 4; the day had arrived. After first having to work two early shifts – (which I have been doing for 39 years) I got in the car in the evening at seven o'clock and drove to Daan Admiraal. Daan is a pigeon judge and breeds Genuine Homer pigeons. Also in the racing pigeon sport he stands his ground and he is one of the best in Eindhoven for many years. You could say he is actually a little pigeon-crazy. We stayed there overnight and the next morning at 5 am we were on the way to Straubing. As my wife always says, “You must be a little crazy to want to do it all". Right: January 5th in the evening the birds are penned and since we are here, it is wise to have a look around.

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Page 1: The Pigeon Market in Straubing - Aviculture · PDF fileThe Pigeon Market in Straubing . 6 January 2012 . By: ... Homer pigeons. ... almost daybreak – an overwhelming num. ber of

The Pigeon Market in Straubing 6 January 2012

By: Sytze de Bruine In December 2011, I already started to get excited about the upcoming pigeon market in Straubing, Germany. It is one of the largest pigeon markets in Europe. It has been held every year on January 6. As the date is approaching, you start to think about it more and more, and the time cannot go by fast enough. I can’t explain what it is; probably it is due to the anticipation there could be something to our liking this year, or perhaps there would be none of our pigeon breeds worth purchasing. Finally, on January 4; the day had arrived. After first having to work two early shifts – (which I have been doing for 39 years) I got in the car in the evening at seven o'clock and drove to Daan Admiraal. Daan is a pigeon judge and breeds Genuine

Homer pigeons. Also in the racing pigeon sport he stands his ground and he is one of the best in Eindhoven for many years. You could say he is actually a little pigeon-crazy. We stayed there overnight and the next morning at 5 am we were on the way to Straubing. As my wife always says, “You must be a little crazy to want to do it all". Right: January 5th in the evening the birds are penned and since we are here, it is wise to have a look around.

Page 2: The Pigeon Market in Straubing - Aviculture · PDF fileThe Pigeon Market in Straubing . 6 January 2012 . By: ... Homer pigeons. ... almost daybreak – an overwhelming num. ber of

Daan Admiraal and me serve on the board of the Beauty Homer Breeders’ Club in the Netherlands - he as a board member and experienced pigeon judge and I, as secretary. Left: January 6th – almost daybreak – an overwhelming number of people are

aiting to get inside the halls.

ups of


Left: A young yellow Carrier cock.

ed just before four in traubing. It was already buzzing with the supply of imals and people who were taking a first look at the

more relaxed to walk past the

w About half past eight I arrived at Daan’s in Eindhoven. After a few cdecaffeinated coffee we went to bed at ten o'clock, as the alarm was set for half w hours of sleep I was glad it was time

to rise. A quick wash and shave, a cup of coffee and a slice of cake, we got on the road. Left: Daan Admiraal (L) and Sytze de Bruine (R), having breakfast.

past four. After much tossing and turning and a fe

There was not much traffic, and on some of the roads it looked mlike Sunday traffic. The weather was bad with lots of rain and thus driving was not as relaxing as on a sunny day and better road conditions. After the necessary stops and finally reaching Regensburg, we suddenly stopped in backed up traffic. It took two and a half hours and a lot of grumbling before we could drive on. Afterwards, we heard there had been a severe accident and you bless yourself you were not involved, and that assistance arrived there on time.

With a delay of 2.5 hours we arrivSanmerchandise. The day before the actual market many people are walking around hoping to make a deal to buy the best birds in advance and to pick them up the following morning. Officially animals may only be sold on the day of the market. Of course we also went inside the halls, if only that on the day before, it is much cages and have a good look at the merchandise. Many traders were already busy making deals. Also, from the Netherlands there were several dealers, who had already claimed a tremendous amount of pigeons for themselves.

Page 3: The Pigeon Market in Straubing - Aviculture · PDF fileThe Pigeon Market in Straubing . 6 January 2012 . By: ... Homer pigeons. ... almost daybreak – an overwhelming num. ber of

Right: Many poults, to be purchased individually or per dozen.

When we had finished our tour around the 6 enormous halls, we realized none of the breeds we were looking for (Exhibition Homer, Show Homer, Genuine Homer, Show Racer) was for sale, except a few bad Show Racers with too short heads, bad station and bad wing carriage. Thus we simply enjoyed looking at the many birds and everything else there. Meanwhile we bought some pigeons for trading later at home.

Left: Pair of Franconian Trumpeters, with richly feathered crest and beak crest, confirms the Standard. We always talk about the ‘Pigeon Market’ in Straubing, but recently you can also buy chickens, bantams and various species of ducks, pheasants and other small livestock. Rabbits are present in large numbers and especially the large breeds. The Flemish Giant, the Checkered Giant and the Belgian Hare were in the majority. Here and there we saw a merchant with guinea pigs in various hair types, colours, and markings. We noticed however that this year there were many colour pigeons in the cages. The Swiss breeds, such as the Lucerne Gold Collars were present in considerable numbers. Furthermore, numerous Croppers in all shape and sizes and not to forget the

King, which were the greatest in number. The East-European Tumbler breeds were present in large quantities. We noticed that these are the upcoming popular breeds, and that they might have driven some breeds, including ours, a bit off the market. Ultimately, it is still a matter of supply and demand and there is simply no demand for the breeds we keep and had hoped to see here. Right: Guinea Fowl in various colours. You need a large yard and neighbours that can stand some ‘noise’.

At about half past six we decided we had seen enough for the day and we drove to hotel "Bischofshof" in the Fraunhofer Strasse. The owner of the hotel is Croat Ivan Matic and it is an excellent hotel to stay. You can have a perfect meal at an affordable price and the excellent quality German beers served in large glasses.

Page 4: The Pigeon Market in Straubing - Aviculture · PDF fileThe Pigeon Market in Straubing . 6 January 2012 . By: ... Homer pigeons. ... almost daybreak – an overwhelming num. ber of

All of the tables were occupied but there was just enough room for us. Also there was a large group of pigeon fanciers from Turnhout (Belgium) and fanciers from Brabant (Netherlands), for a total of 18 men and women. We sat together with Theo van de Bogaard at a nice table. Theo is a known King Pigeon breeder and comes to Straubing every year, along with some King Pigeon Breeders from Germany. Of course, after a few beers, tall stories abound and we all had a great time. We went to bed at 10 o'clock because at half past four the alarm was set to wake us up, and off we would go again to the market. Left: Pomeranian Cropper, blue chequer. Again an early rise, we awoke even before the alarm. After a quick hot shower we were off to the market halls, which is a 10

minutes’ walk from the hotel. Arriving at the market we noticed the parking area was already crammed with cars and motor coaches. It had been a wise plan to park our car there the night before, close to the entrance. We wouldn’t have far to walk to put the birds in our car. Right: Maltese. In the back a red one and a blue black barred, in the front a yellow mottled head. There was already a crowd of people waiting at the entrance and it was quite a feat to get inside. It seemed like everyone was afraid to be late, and the closer you got to the entrance, the harder you were pushed. Eventually it took half an hour to get pressed into the halls. An entrance ticket for € 5, - we had already bought the previous day, so we did not have to spend time on that now. It was extremely crowded with


ft: Pair of dark barred silver

elow-next page: erg Lark. Their

alls were invariably filled with people from different European

LeFantails. BA pair of Nurembtypical shield marking is not called ‘chequered’ but ‘larked.’ Nickname of this breed is: the Nuremberg Scaredy. All the h

Page 5: The Pigeon Market in Straubing - Aviculture · PDF fileThe Pigeon Market in Straubing . 6 January 2012 . By: ... Homer pigeons. ... almost daybreak – an overwhelming num. ber of

countries. The Dutch and Belgians were well represented. In this regard, you often see the same faces every year. First we collected the birds that we had bought the previous day and bought some more to trade back home. After we had brought the birds to the car, we took another tour around the cages and viewed the whole area again, but in a more relaxed way. We saw all kinds of pigeons, but not the ones we were looking for. No Exhibition Homer, Show Homers nor Genuine Homers. However, there were Show Racers, but all in a lesser quality than in the Netherlands, so I didn’t purchase any. Eventually we were able to purchase a number of pied German Beauty Homers at a bargain price for trading back home. On a closer look I saw a good quality pair, which I decided to keep. Later, when I looked at the ring number, I noticed that the cock had a

Dutch leg ring. (How is it possible that so far from home you still encounter birds that were bred in the Netherlands?) I would try to figure out who bred this pigeon, when I returned home. At that moment Berend Beekhuis was the only breeder I could think of, as I do know that he breeds pied German Beauty Homers. Left: Trio Antwerp Bearded bantams.

t 8 o'clock we found that we seen enough

Right: Thuringian Monk, blue white b

Apigeons and decided to drive back to the hotel for breakfast and then return home. The breakfast tasted great - like every year

- and the fine sandwiches sure would keep us going for a few hours. Having paid the bill we got into the car and started the return journey. The weather was fairly good this time; some rain and snow, but alternated with larger periods of sun. After a 7 hour drive and the necessary stops, we arrived at four o'clock in the afternoon in Eindhoven at Daan’s. First we unloaded the birds and put them in cages and provided them with food and drink. Then we finally could sit down and relax with a cup of coffee.


Page 6: The Pigeon Market in Straubing - Aviculture · PDF fileThe Pigeon Market in Straubing . 6 January 2012 . By: ... Homer pigeons. ... almost daybreak – an overwhelming num. ber of

Left: Pair of pied Norwich Croppers.

Right: Saxon Shield, double crested, yellow white barred.

Left: A yellow German Magpie Cropper CL. Daan was home, but for me there was still a distance to go to my home town of Sas van Gent. Daan and Joke, his wife, invited me to stay for dinner. At half past eight and after more than 1700 km I returned home. I put my new German Beauty Homers in a cage and provided food and drink and then rested on the sofa. Below: View of Straubing.

fter enjoying a few glasses of red

ur show season is almost over and later this month the River Show in Dortmund. Then,

abies (white Exhibition Homers) have been

Awine together with my wife Corrie, fatigue suddenly swept over me and all I wished for was my bed. I went to sleep real quick and slept well all night. Maybe I even dreamed about pigeons. Next year perhaps I will go again, but for now I have had enough. Oand finally the Champion Show in Nieuwegein. During the writing of this report the first new bhatched, and I am awaiting how they will develop and how the head form will be.

Page 7: The Pigeon Market in Straubing - Aviculture · PDF fileThe Pigeon Market in Straubing . 6 January 2012 . By: ... Homer pigeons. ... almost daybreak – an overwhelming num. ber of

Left: All sort of small lifestock for sale. Here some chicken trios and ducks in the below cages.

Right: Thuringian Spot, red.

ft: White Turkey.

bove: Three tiers high, all Florentines – I

ight: And of course, in their

elow: Also several geese were for


Athink - and all in the breed specific gazzi colour, in red..

Rhomeland, German Beauty Homers were for sale. These are pied variety. Bsale here.

Page 8: The Pigeon Market in Straubing - Aviculture · PDF fileThe Pigeon Market in Straubing . 6 January 2012 . By: ... Homer pigeons. ... almost daybreak – an overwhelming num. ber of

Right: Various Duck breeds.

Left: A black Hungreed, which unfortunately is not commonly

The Straubing Market, traditionally on 6 January, Epiphany, since 1990. Now it has grown into a mega market at 6,500 m2 with 17,000 animals.

Copyright ©2012 Aviculture-Eu pe. All rights reserved by VBC.

arian; an impressive, large

bseen anymore.

Right: Checkered Giant rabbits, with the Standard description on the cage, so you can read and compare the quality. Below: A large collection of Dutch (rabbits) in their specific marking.
