the paducah evening sun. (paducah, ky) 1910-10-15 [p...

0 pR r = s r r v = t9 mrcr y r 4 erkiii m1icqrayr PlI fn THE PADUCAH EVENING SUN rUTtHDAY OCTOIlttH its + w J VIE PADUCAH EVENING SUN AFTERNOON AND WKCKIY amt DnusiiiNa COMPANY Incorporated F M FISHER Preild nU RJ PAXTON General Manager Entered at the postomce at raJucan I Kj a second cla i matter UBscnirrioN IIATGII TRill DAILY BCir By Carrier per week 10 By Matt per month In advance 25 By Mall per year In advance ISOO TUB WIJKIY SUN For year by mall pot ae paldnOO Addren TUB SUN Paducah Ky Offlee 111 South Third Phone IIS Editorial Itoomii Old Phone SS7 New Phone 158 Payne ATounsr Chicago and New Tork representative f K refC N LAB r SATURDAY OCTOBER is Dalljr Thought Where there Is no hope there can bono endeavor Johnson Whenever tho people of LexIng- ton ¬ complain that their police are Idle they go out and arrest two or three hundred gamblers to prove they havo their eyes openaid know what is going on 0 BRAINS AND THE TARIFF The New York Post Illustrates the iniquity of the tariff by enumerating pcparately the articles of apparel j upon the baby next door and telling what the tariff on each article is It finds that the flannel band Is taxed 33 cents A pound its bootees are taxed 44 cents a pound and so forth Of course it all sounds big but when one considers how many pounds ° ta each a child wears tho tax upon the parent is not so outrageously heavy after all amounting in the total per ¬ haps to a tow pennies It Js one of the favorite tricks of these apostles of protest to take a specific example and then instead of reducing the facte to the fraction represented b y the example loading tho whole bur- den ¬ of taxation upon one small baby That Js the tariff case as it applies to one citizen Now as It applies to all let us put the tariff defamers on tho defensive awhile How would they raise revenue to supportt the government Jf they should abol ¬ ish the tariff Would they add to the burden of our land and Personal property already heavily taxed for the support of city county and state Do they think a direct tax any less burdenronie than ono that Js Jaii upon Importations from foreign countries brought In horo to cora y x> with our own manufactures niJ distributed among all the people to evenly that it can tost them bu a few cents each Theres a deal of rot abo t this de ¬ humhug ¬ ¬ acteristics1 Even if they would as eomc say put the tariff on a revenue basis in ¬ toad of talking about what the are now why dont thejo experts fay what rate they would put ore the babys flannel Its rubber rattle its bootees Its knit jacket JU high chair etc Surely they must know What rate Is Just else they are pre sum tJous In saying tho present rate ri la unjust Let eomo of our criUca o the Payne tariff tell s what the rates of the Payne tariff are end then toll 1 us wherein they aro wrorrg what rat would bo right and why it would b- right o This is not asking too much n critic should havo a reason for his criticism If a man ehould toll you your house 10 constructed badly you I would expect him to tell you wherein tho fault in construction lies arid what must be done to rectify It You would scarcely permit him to rec the bouse and try to build it again without having some definite plan other than the wrecking of it Yet that Is just exactly what the critics Iat of the tariff would have us do unt t settle business and lay American in- dustry ¬ and the wage scata under thet hazard of competition from cheapt European labor whose products aret to be brought over here r govern ¬ mont subsidized ships and dumped on our markets Brains are just as valuable in thinking about the tariff as In think fag about anything else o A LESSON FROM TilE CENSUS Lots al get together and make Cadiz the town It ought to be sage the Cadiz Record- Whether that was a carefully thought out expression or only the hurried language of a twoline flier it speaks to the point The census returns bow some towns making gains of more than a hundred per cent In population and others al most standing sUllyet we doubt whether Investigation would show that thorn towns which grew tho most did any more wind boosting than those that stood still Of course tho most phenomenal gains wore mode in the new country that ten years ago had no population to rpeak of and In those cities which profiled by the opening of new tribu- tary sections wBut these exceptional conditions we op prebend that the towns grew most ed which were most ready for growth It Js much easier to find t eople ready to go forth and talk and write about fi- The advantages of a town than to ft > 4 J a I LAWRENCE ON DEFENSIVE r Editor George Landrara of the Smith land Banner not having tho nene to endorse tho action of Chris man Wells and Utley In their feeble senatyrlqldistrict I I lice seems to be In sympathy with their highhanded methods and spends his time and space abusing and misrepresenting the editor of RecordWe It understood that we are not squealing on account of Ifwhat wo cant go before tho people nnd get them to endorse what we are for then we are not entitled to their support and should not winI I nut Landratn yells long about the action of tho committee In calling a primary to renomlnato Judge Nunn last fall and says wo were the ringtailed lender In that movementIf been as anxious to tell tho truth as he had to misrepresent a man whoso friend he had pro tossed to be ho would have ascer- tained ¬ the facts before making this statement The truth is that wo ref- used to call that committee to- gether for an early primary until asked to do so by a majority of tho committee as provided by the party law notwithstanding the tact we were Judge Xunca friend It Is further true that when the proposI- tion 1 ¬ for an early primary was voted on we were one of the three who voted against It Dan Flscr of Mar- shall and W F Bradshaw Jr of McCracken being the other two Landram further says that wo plunged the bloody knife politically speaking Into Judge Reed and John Lovett This Is also maliciously un- true i We never did an injustice Judge Reed in our life and as to John Lovett we were his frIend ItI I time in his life when ho needed n friend and while he has always said he wanted the opportunity to repay that friendship his action toward us at the meeting that called Judge Nunns primary may bo taken as an Indication that his gratitude longer exists and tho fact that ho and Judge Reed both while not llv Ing in this district are now taking some hand In the fight in this dls I i trlct may bo for the purpose that they know we will not do the bid- ding of their friends It is further charged by Landry m that wo are trying to jut Johpl It llin Ii i drlck out of business nnd tuatJW are tors rich mans primary t nominate a state ticket In reply Induce people to create or develop 1 those Advantages Now peoplo are 1 attracted t to a city that Is healthful I has good streets and sewern good schools pretty homes well kept property and prosperous looking country about It All other thing- t being equal climate considered the wlP choose that sort of place in which to live they will aZvertlsb t with their compliments after a sail to 11 and the town will just natural- ly ¬ I grow The first thing for the urbanized citizen of a town to do Js to canvas- s and sum up its advantages and die ¬ advantages natural and acquired Then they must study the hem means to overcome or eradicate the disadvantages and improve the ad ¬ vantages What does the city need In the way of Improving its health condo- r ¬ tions moral conditions schools and appearance What Is the nature of loll and climate with relation to markets that can be utilized in de ¬ veloping the agricultural resources o t the section to its highest wealth pro ¬ ducing activity What are the com¬ mercial and industrial conditions with relation to the markets its river and harbor facilities and rail ¬ road connections and rates Whent can be done to mako these the t best nnectiok a the most advantageous Inviting peoplo to come to a town that Is not prepared for them lha a glance dlnproveg all that bas I been sid of it is only inviting 1JCOE pIe to come and carry away 1t them a bad opinion to bo advertise- throughout the country Wo know Is a widespread fad for wind boosting of towns over the country and professional windstorms are oven hIred at lanai prices to do the blow- Ing but we bettors tho census will show that population follows natural channels The lesson fo Paducah is obvious Now railroad protects promise t o open a bright future for what will become the chief crowing of the Ohio river but unless the city > Is ready C for the opportunity and she cannot IItake the harvest In wealth and population that is coming to her It isnt tho plzo of tho town that Ncounts Gof W taken precedence over quantity o V STATE PRESi or eS SSS SS 5 SS M I Variety In ciliherla Bayou has been quite dry for a whllo but had plenty rain last G Tho weather being fine last Sat- urday ¬ quite n lot of people attend the fair at Golconda J Mr W K Chlpps came to town Thursday evening with a fine cat F sh and said It had been rained but no one else It seems has been < s to this we will say that Colonel Hcndrlck has permitted n low false friends like Lnndrnm to put hint out of business already anti ns to tho s nto primary wo wont it under stood that wo are not for any plan that will place a property quallflca Upn upon any mans right to run tarn state office Then Lnndrnm takes a whack nt John Keys of Calloway county and does not like it because wo have lined up with him and his friends We want it understood that we are a friend to John Keys and ho Is ours and wo do not care two hur rahs whether it suits Land ram or any other of the crowd with whom ho Is now training Wo are nt n loss to understand why It Is that Landram will nets represent us as he has done during the last two issues of his paper after assuring us that ho was our friend Not that ho was for us for state senator Even a difference of that sort should not cause n man who has the right sort of heart in him to accuse us of everything from stealing to murder Wo hero been told that Conn Linn has repeatedly said that ho would see to It that we wore not his successor In the senate and It looks like he has Landram employed to assist in his efforts although Lan dram bitterly denounced tho action of Linn during tho last legislature and has pledged his friendship to us It all shows that when n man tries to be half way honest whether a private citizen or an aspirant for office there Is nothing too mean for his opponents to do whan they realize he will not servo them re gardless of right or justice to- yWe may not be elected to tho senate It may be that wo shall never be a candidate but wj will say that ever since we havo held official position In the party we love we havo never done anything w would not do again under the sans o circumstances If that falls to please George Landram and the gang o- no t political pirates with whom bo 1 is ganging at present we can not help it and do not Intend to try We shall continue to pursue tho even tenor of our way serving the people and their wishes as best we can and If we are to remain in pr- orate ¬ life because we will not suffer ourselves to be used by a band who rare nothing for the public good nor peoples rIghts we shall accept ofna our tat and will never tom plain at the result Cadiz Record o lucky Bayou Cod Livingston Echo Collowny Weather The Callowny county water carnl val opens today at MurrayIadu1 oneIy fospect for n people deep In sorrow and disappointment Nobody real- t Izes more fully than tits tho Gallo ¬ way folks last Wednesday morning that it was water water water everywhere nnd not a drop t to drink Murray Ledger- s ylmeghe lllcseednceN a 1lh- In n recent Issue of the Tribune Democrat wo chronicled olght wed dings In a week und thought Mar shall county was doing herfull re ¬ ligious duty along matrimonial lines when lo and behold tho I Interior Journal published an ac count of eleven weddings In Lincoln county last week Wo would kindly otter as a friendly suggestion to time editor of tho Interior Journal that l he man a marked copy of that lest to Cot Roosevelt and forever st at rest too colonels tear of taco sift clde especially In Lincoln county Ky Benton TribuneDemocrat Kentucj Kernels Gamblers raided at Lexington Boylet countySmlthland Echo again in financial bloodI ¬ houndsWades Infant at Pembroke choked to death by bandage R II DqTrevlllo and J B Gal breath charged with embezzlement at Hoptown Heard in the Lobby PALMER HOUSE Livingston Chicago J P Smith Cairo E Banta Atlanta M Dale Loulwlllo G Beale Evnnsvlllo C II Small Jackson Miss A W Lucas Wavorly Tenn J II Rice St LouisBELVEDERE T Hardnor York L Grimes Fulton J H re Memphis C PhllllpB Murray T Griffith Indianapolis J O Acklln Now York J W Williams Hazel W D HIne La Center O Farmer Fulton NEW RICHMOND Louis J Laird JXMilsvIIlo J B Jones Lyanvllle Dick Willis Brookport I Watson Infield Emory Crotchet SmUh Vary Oonkle Smlthland E O Henderson Brookport W D Smith loond 1 Mr and Mrs W J Babb and daughter Carruvlllo ST NICHOLAS C II Metcalfo Terre Haute M B Pace Benton A Lowry Clinton F P Far- mer ¬ Kevll Roy Jackson Mattoon W Show Dawson Springs W E Smith Mayfield W R Manock Springfield Mo at LR ± t a11 t L L M1 Vr I 1 I Every pair made to order in a factory devote- to fine shoemaking for women where it is never a question of how many but always a question of f how good A sole made from leather of special Solattic tanning process ai velvety springy and wear rciiiting a s teh sole of the foot Ask your dealer CUSTOM MADE D- YWERTHEIMERSWARTS SHOE CO- St Louis U SeA NOT SCORED ON- t TIi0 rSSIOMlm HH < xmi > s llla 7l TillS AITKHXOOX Pmlurnli anti MndlMinvllIc ugh eon ¬ tent on the Gridiron JY Tills aftprnoon tho High Hehool football teama of allumh and Mad tonvHlo are battling at Ixsiguo park In tho first game to decide the High school championship of Western Kentucky Neither team has boon scored upon this season and each 11 Is tho victor ot two games A good size crowd was out to wo tho padded warriors The Madlmnvlllo l players arrived last night aol will remain ln the dip until tomorrow at noon The team is a buky bunch and should make a hard game for tho loeat lads Coach C D Collate oceomimniixi MadlPonvJIUs I to Paducah Tlio team aCragotl 100 pounds In weight I The totems lluo up I Paducah Madlwnvillo Mitchell l lo Roes Elliott 1 tIt Ramsey Jones I Gold J Hart is 0 WIct King y rg Llt4ng ten I Browning rt Eastwood a Humphrey roo Hnloiimn fytlMmond YarbrotighorOgtlvle rh Hoffman Huffhoa v fba Scott This evenIng at the High school the RtudcntB and faculty will give an Informal reception In honor of the visitors Paducah Ky October 14 1910 This certifies that I have been sail ¬ ing Halls Texas Wonder for six years and I lie to bo the IotetnBdyntlatlAlaval and niiciimatlo ever hold Sixty days treatment for flOO J bL I Ochlschlaogor LA CENTER Vv e iit I The Tfz hor nsioolatlon will meet at Barlow Saturday Ortoter 33- be old joldlcrs reunion will take place Oct 2022 at Fish Lake Mr J C MoCracken of aroI IIIas hero Monday proiw lng FRuITI SPECIALS I SATUHDAV sal SrXDAV Fancy JinlnRii and Tokny < ruptM 2 HM oriciHG- G1T I STOCK IX TOWN New arrival of large red Ore- gon Apples fonry r fruit Pears and all other OranJosI I LOUIS CAPORAL 419 Broadway j 1 11 He wants to Install water work and electric Kadis In our town Protracted meeting began Uio second Sunday at the Oscar iMolho diet church conducted by the pantor Rev H B Term who II assisted by iBLv Cterles A Coleman of sow burn Tonii Six new membow haw been added to tho church The Rv Keener Rudolph Junior P C of Kovll circuit vanducUxl a iimecoMful revival 4ait week at New Liberty Methodlit I church alllttd- br Rev H B Terry of La Center IS conversions J II RdwardR and wits of vteltInJ newtay morning for thpr homo Tao Blandvillo school lass an ou ¬ rollment of TO The grading ofthe county recede has been completed for tho yen r M10 S T W<wt and wife left Saturday night for Unfontown whose they go- on a vtet to their ton who hat IK Tko meollng tit the ChrMlan chtiroh in Barlow dosed last weak with six acMlttang to lime church lire Morris pastor of the Curl s flan obwvli ot Blandville and Hid boldling n church In Hnwlvlllo A T Whltno spout n few > aif the pait week in Tonnenee at his old homo Ho returned Sunday night accompanied by hIs father D J Whltnvl Thaw wlU bo mOM at Settle Bros track near Oscar on Saturday October SO Mr W linrlan of Bowling Green Kfi was here Ionm4- kouso looking for a to rent Mr Hdriand wiLl prize toiiwco at Barlow Advanee- BROOKPORT NEWS Mr Jesse Steel lens returned to I Pndurah after a visit to relatives Mr henry Obormnrk has gono to Paducah on business Mr George hush line returned from I Pnducah where ho wont on business Mr Earl Mann baa returned from Metropolis whore ho wont on busl ¬ nose Contractor John Woodruff who is building the sidewalks hero went to Paducah Thursday- Mr and Mrs Johnson have re ¬ turned from Paducah Mr Henry McGee has returned from Paducah whoro he took a load of produce Mr and Mrs Frank Hllormnn have returned from a visit in Pddu cahMr Llge Lynn has returned from PaducahMr Lcopor wont to Padu- cah Thursday on business Dr Waters has returned from Paducah Miss Mabel Meyer lens returned from n shopping trip to Paducah Mr GIll Cnglo has returned from a trip to Paducah The Rev I D Natal of Rose bush Iopo county took dinner with the Rev I B Games hero last Ifr I D Garner havo gono to Hodgovlllo for n visit to Mr and Mrs Stephen Sticking plaster Is the kind that dos not tall from the colling IIKXT ItKDUCK To reliable parties Nlco cot ago four blocks from post office Apply B02 South Sixth street I < J RIVER NEWS 0 f0 River Stages Pittsburgh 42 02 fnll CfticJnnnlt 95 OC tall UtulsvlKti e 101 00 fall Evnnnvlllo 107 17 fall Ml Vornon 135 11 faN Mt Cannot 176 02 fall Nashville 92 05 fall Chattanooga 26 OI tall Florence 18 J5 rlllo JnhiKonvIllo 23 KO ld- Oilro 22C 14 laM St Louis 39 07 fall Paducah 1GO lC tall RuriwMo lS 03 tall CArthage 99 01 taM Itlvrr IorroiHl The Ohio hone will continue to fnll slowly for several days TixInyH Arrival DWc Fowler Cairo J Olio George L GowndlfI llobortioii Owens hunting Brookpo t and llvlnstfton Point TixlnyH I Iepnrturs Cairod Cowling Metropolisf I Ixiwry BvnnsvNIn t fKentucky Waterloo Aln Hoberteoni OWOHB kunHng Ilrookport and Ihiflg Point mlT IllppllngK After lying In the I hanks Next soy ¬ eral weeks for repair Uio l Kwumky U again qoadp for tho Tenneewo river buslnora and will leave Ion Wit for WnJterloo Ate In place of < he J U inkhardmn which hat been in tho trade Tho Kentucky was taken to the wharfboat yesterday after ¬ noon whn the Rlctmrdfon returned from llrookvort The Ulrbwrdiwn returned from Urookvort The Rich nrdiwn will Ho hine several days and may reenter the Paducah nad Nash rllo trade Monday In titace of the rah Dudley If there to sufficient water The Kentole will bate a big trip out of hero tantRht Gauge at 7 a m nmriMd1 1C fiwt Indicating a tall of lC feet since yoa tyrdny Woathw dear and wawnor With a tow cf Mons to bo use alon the Ullllllttpi for ifottrrnmeut rttwiri the towboat Fred Hnttw K t tied out of tho CumborUBdi slyer tale Iialmminy aftdrnoon on her way lo Cairo Ixut night was Ideal I I for an oxwr stop and the feroHiont RoIwrUon carried A largo tuowd to Metropotl returning at 11 ortooU Tho Dodo Kowtor retunicd nt 180 oofook tMa morning from Calm after eiHpylnga We buflnowi 9ho did lot getaway until noon ywt r day owing to roMlr Velng made to ono of hOt rudders Site toil fur Cairo at S oclock this laornlsg and will return early tonltjtit The John U IxiwrT whfcli was due In port yesterday did not arrtvod from Hvnn rtll until loony Slit will to the Bvansvllte boat Momlny- Tbe Cutawar I went to the Ton neswo river today after three pole runs for the A II Bnrftfi IItuer company Till Cutaway 11 lion boon beanhod on tho levee for an user hawing Trio tnwbart W 0 Walton paswrt Insomnia a I have been using CatcircU for In amictedfor an1Dtber certainly recommend them to my friends is being all that they are represented II Thos Glllard KlKin III- Meannl rIIble Potent Tact t Good cute ulo lrlpeOe l or > rmooerbut UutcuitMJto K4 I u 98c A L E f The Weather a j Korwa t for Imliirnli mill vicinity UYwrnlly fnlr tonight mill Hiindny Temperature today Illuliol sei low oM IIII V BUYING your winter Overcoat is an easy matter here Lots of models to select from bet sides the price is a big inducement r 10 and Up 1011it1f tWTrfY Ctr i41 41 I3NAADWAY lurJIIutIikHAHI13JY I tip for l4Mll Vllf > I JH Hllil I omptpfTne I l ugIa inoseco river reeds within a > hort lime Sirs bM boon iy1 u At limeh Curonilelet wags at St Lout I for Ie pairs The teftttintt IteaMr of the West KtfHliwky < Joal e mmninya fleet 1 getting ready to into a tow of coal south i TIll Ohio aid CowLing were In tort today ouch Joint a good bunt- seea f liratMriltt Courier ae John I ITile I one of the males on th steamer Dunb r whisk was rmlilly lakoi off Of the WrunjvHJoPadu li trade meted HM to Cumberland river for repair wrtaa In tko fiy iliac ay 01 1etaFlnefa lltitew sak ito i Dnuibar l 1i Itt JIMk to the Ih teak I IAt I root net Uito ftowwin Thwi wi I not ke oar other bout from thot t jCMtteftAml rivets to eke TKT place Tfco heads hate btmt nltandomd Yell IMIMT IIAVI3 TO WAIT Bvrry doe inakni ytiu reel batter Us Fa5 keeps ywur wltaU malt MKIH I Helil on the MunrylUek plan every- where Price foe- NIlcei Contractor The city W to take bids ou tho Im ¬ provement by grading and rulnc 0 of tile folloc 4 street In Oak o ov e- iretnaIrry nildHion The eels l fif h of Mlllir tlftt Font ntnrt from MJDer lo Koffliwi Foreman lr et- enrt OJ from herd 1 lo Mantim Ikinniii from l oretMao to Mllli i ltNfOt to In I opcnrd Monthly iileht OMnb r 2lih ItlA 731 Im H to IH edJrcs M d to The CVniCry t ComnilUt c rtt of CTty nrk MAUUICK JPINTYIIK City IK rrH ONt A iiin Why fornrllimira llwditrtic will riiro Inn OINkj j by Time nil druKIolei 1 levelling Sunifcii I ii SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILYo1 And For Every OccasionI The Fall Liter Is now complete and Its n beauty Thor I M an appropriate shoe for earh moocher of tho family and for ca h occasion Fine strong slices for rainy days for man woman nuJ 0 child and dross shoes which aro models of stylo and good taste COCK RAN SHOE COMPANY1 o325 BROADWAY S 0 M o Nt DY Articles selected from out stock ranging In price from I iO to 988peclal C 1 I

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amt DnusiiiNa COMPANYIncorporated

F M FISHER Preild nU

R J PAXTON General Manager

Entered at the postomce at raJucan I

Kj a second cla i matter


TRill DAILY BCirBy Carrier per week 10

By Matt per month In advance 25

By Mall per year In advance ISOO

TUB WIJKIY SUNFor year by mall pot ae paldnOO

Addren TUB SUN Paducah KyOfflee 111 South Third Phone IIS

Editorial ItoomiiOld Phone SS7 New Phone 158

Payne ATounsr Chicago and NewTork representative

f K refC



Dalljr ThoughtWhere there Is no hope there can

bono endeavor Johnson

Whenever tho people of LexIng-ton


complain that their police areIdle they go out and arrest two orthree hundred gamblers to provethey havo their eyes openaid knowwhat is going on


BRAINS AND THE TARIFFThe New York Post Illustrates the

iniquity of the tariff by enumeratingpcparately the articles of apparelj

upon the baby next door and tellingwhat the tariff on each article isIt finds that the flannel band Is taxed33 cents A pound its bootees aretaxed 44 cents a pound and so forthOf course it all sounds big but whenone considers how many pounds °taeach a child wears tho tax upon theparent is not so outrageously heavyafter all amounting in the total per¬

haps to a tow pennies It Js one ofthe favorite tricks of these apostlesof protest to take a specific exampleand then instead of reducing thefacte to the fraction represented by

the example loading tho whole bur-


of taxation upon one small babyThat Js the tariff case as it applies

to one citizen Now as It appliesto all let us put the tariff defamerson tho defensive awhile Howwould they raise revenue to supportt

the government Jf they should abol ¬

ish the tariff Would they add tothe burden of our land and Personalproperty already heavily taxed forthe support of city county and stateDo they think a direct tax any lessburdenronie than ono that Js Jaiiupon Importations from foreigncountries brought In horo to coray x> with our own manufactures

niJ distributed among all the peopleto evenly that it can tost them bua few cents each

Theres a deal of rot abo t this de ¬humhug ¬



Even if they would as eomc sayput the tariff on a revenue basis in¬

toad of talking about what theare now why dont thejo experts faywhat rate they would put ore thebabys flannel Its rubber rattle itsbootees Its knit jacket JU highchair etc Surely they must knowWhat rate Is Just else they are presum tJous In saying tho present raterila unjust Let eomo of our criUca othe Payne tariff tell s what the ratesof the Payne tariff are end then toll1us wherein they aro wrorrg what ratwould bo right and why it would b-


This is not asking too muchn critic should havo a reason for hiscriticism If a man ehould toll youyour house 10 constructed badly youI

would expect him to tell you whereintho fault in construction lies aridwhat must be done to rectify It Youwould scarcely permit him to recthe bouse and try to build it againwithout having some definite planother than the wrecking of it Yetthat Is just exactly what the critics Iatof the tariff would have us do untt

settle business and lay American in-


and the wage scata under thethazard of competition from cheaptEuropean labor whose products aretto be brought over here r govern ¬

mont subsidized ships and dumpedon our markets

Brains are just as valuable inthinking about the tariff as In thinkfag about anything else


Lots al get together and makeCadiz the town It ought to be sagethe Cadiz Record-

Whether that was a carefullythought out expression or only thehurried language of a twoline flierit speaks to the point The censusreturns bow some towns makinggains of more than a hundred percent In population and others almost standing sUllyet we doubtwhether Investigation would showthat thorn towns which grew thomost did any more wind boostingthan those that stood still Ofcourse tho most phenomenal gainswore mode in the new country thatten years ago had no population torpeak of and In those cities whichprofiled by the opening of new tribu-tary sectionswButthese exceptional conditions we opprebend that the towns grew most edwhich were most ready for growthIt Js much easier to find t eople readyto go forth and talk and write about fi-

The advantages of a town than to

ft > 4J a



Editor George Landrara of theSmith land Banner not having thonene to endorse tho action of Chrisman Wells and Utley In their feeble


lice seems to be In sympathy withtheir highhanded methods andspends his time and space abusingand misrepresenting the editor of

RecordWe It understood that weare not squealing on account ofIfwhatwo cant go before tho people nndget them to endorse what we arefor then we are not entitled totheir support and should not winII

nut Landratn yells longabout the action of tho committeeIn calling a primary to renomlnatoJudge Nunn last fall and says wowere the ringtailed lender In thatmovementIf been as anxious to telltho truth as he had to misrepresenta man whoso friend he had protossed to be ho would have ascer-tained


the facts before making thisstatement The truth is that wo ref-

used to call that committee to-gether for an early primary untilasked to do so by a majority of thocommittee as provided by the partylaw notwithstanding the tact w ewere Judge Xunca friend It Isfurther true that when the proposI-tion

1 ¬

for an early primary was votedon we were one of the three whovoted against It Dan Flscr of Mar-

shall and W F Bradshaw Jr ofMcCracken being the other two

Landram further says that woplunged the bloody knife politicallyspeaking Into Judge Reed and JohnLovett This Is also maliciously un-


We never did an injusticeJudge Reed in our life and as toJohn Lovett we were his frIend ItII

time in his life when ho needed nfriend and while he has always saidhe wanted the opportunity to repaythat friendship his action towardus at the meeting that called JudgeNunns primary may bo taken as anIndication that his gratitudelonger exists and tho fact that hoand Judge Reed both while not llvIng in this district are now takingsome hand In the fight in this dlsIitrlct may bo for the purpose thatthey know we will not do the bid-

ding of their friendsIt is further charged by Landry m

that wo are trying to jut JohplItllinIiidrlck out of business nnd tuatJWare tors rich mans primary tnominate a state ticket In reply

Induce people to create or develop 1

those Advantages Now peoplo are 1

attracted tto a city that Is healthful I

has good streets and sewern goodschools pretty homes well keptproperty and prosperous lookingcountry about It All other thing-

t being equal climate considered thewlP choose that sort of place inwhich to live they will aZvertlsb twith their compliments after a sailto 11 and the town will just natural-ly


I growThe first thing for the urbanized

citizen of a town to do Js to canvas-s and sum up its advantages and die¬

advantages natural and acquiredThen they must study the hemmeans to overcome or eradicate thedisadvantages and improve the ad ¬

vantagesWhat does the city need In the

way of Improving its health condo-r


tions moral conditions schools andappearance What Is the nature ofloll and climate with relation tomarkets that can be utilized in de¬

veloping the agricultural resources o tthe section to its highest wealth pro ¬

ducing activity What are the com¬

mercial and industrial conditionswith relation to the markets itsriver and harbor facilities and rail ¬

road connections and rates Whentcan be done to mako these the tbestnnectiok athe most advantageous

Inviting peoplo to come to a townthat Is not prepared for them lha

a glance dlnproveg all that basI

been sid of it is only inviting 1JCOEpIe to come and carry away 1tthem a bad opinion to bo advertise-throughout the country Wo know

Is a widespread fad for windboosting of towns over the countryand professional windstorms are ovenhIred at lanai prices to do the blow-Ing but we bettors tho census willshow that population follows naturalchannels

The lesson fo Paducah is obviousNow railroad protects promise toopen a bright future for what willbecome the chief crowing of the Ohioriver but unless the city >Is ready Cfor the opportunity and she cannotIItakethe harvest In wealth and populationthat is coming to her

It isnt tho plzo of tho town thatNcountsGofWtaken precedence over quantityo




Variety In ciliherlaBayou has been quite dry for awhllo but had plenty rain last G

Tho weather being fine last Sat-urday


quite n lot of people attendthe fair at Golconda J

Mr W K Chlpps came to townThursday evening with a fine cat F

sh and said It had been rainedbut no one else It seems has been


to this we will say that ColonelHcndrlck has permitted n low falsefriends like Lnndrnm to put hint outof business already anti ns to thos nto primary wo wont it understood that wo are not for any planthat will place a property quallflcaUpn upon any mans right to runtarn state officeThen Lnndrnm takes a whack nt

John Keys of Calloway county anddoes not like it because wo havelined up with him and his friendsWe want it understood that we area friend to John Keys and ho Isours and wo do not care two hurrahs whether it suits Land ram orany other of the crowd with whomho Is now training

Wo are nt n loss to understandwhy It Is that Landram will netsrepresent us as he has done duringthe last two issues of his paper afterassuring us that ho was our friendNot that ho was for us for statesenator Even a difference of thatsort should not cause n man whohas the right sort of heart in himto accuse us of everything fromstealing to murder

Wo hero been told that ConnLinn has repeatedly said that howould see to It that we wore not hissuccessor In the senate and It lookslike he has Landram employed toassist in his efforts although Landram bitterly denounced tho actionof Linn during tho last legislatureand has pledged his friendship to us

It all shows that when n mantries to be half way honest whethera private citizen or an aspirant foroffice there Is nothing too mean forhis opponents to do whan theyrealize he will not servo them regardless of right or justice

to- yWe may not be elected to thosenate It may be that wo shallnever be a candidate but wj willsay that ever since we havo heldofficial position In the party we lovewe havo never done anything w

would not do again under the sans o

circumstances If that falls to pleaseGeorge Landram and the gang o-


political pirates with whom bo 1isganging at present we can not helpit and do not Intend to try

We shall continue to pursue thoeven tenor of our way serving thepeople and their wishes as best wecan and If we are to remain in pr-orate


life because we will not sufferourselves to be used by a band whorare nothing for the public good nor

peoples rIghts we shall acceptofna our tat and will never tom

plain at the result Cadiz Record

o lucky Bayou Cod LivingstonEcho

Collowny WeatherThe Callowny county water carnl

val opens today at MurrayIadu1oneIyfospect for n people deep In sorrowand disappointment Nobody real-

t Izes more fully than tits tho Gallo ¬

way folks last Wednesday morningthat it was water water watereverywhere nnd not a drop ttodrink Murray Ledger-

sylmeghe lllcseednceN a 1lh-

In n recent Issue of the TribuneDemocrat wo chronicled olght weddings In a week und thought Marshall county was doing herfull re ¬

ligious duty along matrimonial lineswhen lo and behold tho I

Interior Journal published an account of eleven weddings In Lincolncounty last week Wo would kindlyotter as a friendly suggestion to time

editor of tho Interior Journal thatlhe man a marked copy of that lestto Cot Roosevelt and forever st atrest too colonels tear of taco siftclde especially In Lincoln countyKy Benton TribuneDemocrat

Kentucj KernelsGamblers raided at LexingtonBoyletcountySmlthland

Echo again in financial

bloodI ¬

houndsWadesInfant at Pembroke choked

to death by bandageR II DqTrevlllo and J B Gal

breath charged with embezzlementat Hoptown

Heard in the Lobby

PALMER HOUSE LivingstonChicago J P Smith Cairo EBanta Atlanta M Dale Loulwlllo

G Beale Evnnsvlllo C II SmallJackson Miss A W Lucas

Wavorly Tenn J II Rice St


York L Grimes Fulton J Hre Memphis C PhllllpB Murray

T Griffith Indianapolis J OAcklln Now York J W WilliamsHazel W D HIne La Center O

Farmer FultonNEW RICHMOND Louis J Laird

JXMilsvIIlo J B Jones LyanvllleDick Willis Brookport I Watson

Infield Emory Crotchet SmUhVary Oonkle Smlthland E O

Henderson Brookport W D Smithloond 1 Mr and Mrs W J Babb

and daughter CarruvllloST NICHOLAS C II Metcalfo

Terre Haute M B Pace BentonA Lowry Clinton F P Far-


Kevll Roy Jackson MattoonW Show Dawson Springs W E

Smith Mayfield W R ManockSpringfield Mo

at LR± t a11 tL L M1 Vr


1 I

Every pair made to order in a factory devote-

to fine shoemaking for women where it is nevera question of how many but always a question offhow good A sole made from leather of special Solattictanning process ai velvety springy and wear rciiiting a s

teh sole of the foot Ask your dealerCUSTOM MADE D-


St Louis U SeA



TIi0 rSSIOMlm HH<xmi >sllla 7l TillS AITKHXOOX

Pmlurnli anti MndlMinvllIc ugh eon ¬

tent on the Gridiron


Tills aftprnoon tho High Hehoolfootball teama of allumh and MadtonvHlo are battling at Ixsiguo parkIn tho first game to decide the Highschool championship of WesternKentucky Neither team has boonscored upon this season and each 11Is tho victor ot two games A goodsize crowd was out to wo tho paddedwarriors

The Madlmnvlllol players arrivedlast night aol will remain ln thedip until tomorrow at noon Theteam is a buky bunch and shouldmake a hard game for tho loeat ladsCoach C D Collate oceomimniixiMadlPonvJIUsI to Paducah Tlio teamaCragotl 100 pounds In weight


The totems lluo up I

Paducah MadlwnvilloMitchell llo RoesElliott 1 tIt RamseyJones I GoldJ Hart is 0 WIctKing y rg Llt4ng tenI Browning rt Eastwood aHumphrey roo Hnloiimn


rh HoffmanHuffhoa v fba Scott

This evenIng at the High schoolthe RtudcntB and faculty will give anInformal reception In honor of thevisitors

Paducah Ky October 14 1910This certifies that I have been sail ¬

ing Halls Texas Wonder for sixyears and


lie to bo the IotetnBdyntlatlAlavaland niiciimatloever hold Sixty days treatmentfor flOO J bLI Ochlschlaogor




The Tfz hor nsioolatlon willmeet at Barlow Saturday Ortoter33-

be old joldlcrs reunion will takeplace Oct 2022 at Fish Lake

Mr J C MoCracken of aroIIIIas hero Monday proiwlng




Fancy JinlnRii and Tokny< ruptM 2 HM oriciHG-



New arrival of large red Ore-gon Apples fonry r

fruitPears and all other OranJosI I


419 Broadway j


He wants to Install water work andelectric Kadis In our town

Protracted meeting began Uiosecond Sunday at the Oscar iMolhodiet church conducted by the pantorRev H B Term who II assisted byiBLv Cterles A Coleman of sowburn Tonii Six new membow hawbeen added to tho church

The Rv Keener Rudolph JuniorP C of Kovll circuit vanducUxl aiimecoMful revival 4ait week at NewLiberty MethodlitI church alllttd-br Rev H B Terry of La CenterIS conversions

J II RdwardR and wits ofvteltInJnewtay morning for thpr homoTao Blandvillo school lass an ou¬

rollment of TO

The grading ofthe county recedehas been completed for tho yen rM10

S T W<wt and wife left Saturdaynight for Unfontown whose they go-

on a vtet to their ton who hat IKTko meollng tit the ChrMlan

chtiroh in Barlow dosed last weakwith six acMlttang to lime church

lire Morris pastor of the Curlsflan obwvli ot Blandville and Hidboldlingnchurch In Hnwlvlllo

A T Whltno spout n few >aifthe pait week in Tonnenee at hisold homo Ho returned Sundaynight accompanied by hIs father DJ Whltnvl

Thaw wlU bo mOM at Settle Brostrack near Oscar on SaturdayOctober SO

Mr W linrlan of Bowling GreenKfi was here Ionm4-kouso

looking for ato rent Mr Hdriand wiLl prize

toiiwco at Barlow Advanee-


Mr Jesse Steel lens returned toIPndurah after a visit to relatives

Mr henry Obormnrk has gono toPaducah on business

Mr George hush line returnedfrom IPnducah where ho wont onbusiness

Mr Earl Mann baa returned fromMetropolis whore ho wont on busl ¬

noseContractor John Woodruff who is

building the sidewalks hero wentto Paducah Thursday-

Mr and Mrs Johnson have re ¬

turned from PaducahMr Henry McGee has returned

from Paducah whoro he took aload of produce

Mr and Mrs Frank Hllormnnhave returned from a visit in Pddu

cahMr Llge Lynn has returned from

PaducahMr Lcopor wont to Padu-cah Thursday on business

Dr Waters has returned fromPaducah

Miss Mabel Meyer lens returnedfrom n shopping trip to Paducah

Mr GIll Cnglo has returned froma trip to Paducah

The Rev I D Natal of Rosebush Iopo county took dinner withthe Rev I B Games hero last

Ifr I D Garner havogono to Hodgovlllo for n visit toMr and Mrs Stephen

Sticking plaster Is the kind thatdos not tall from the colling

IIKXT ItKDUCKTo reliable parties Nlco cotago four blocks from post

office Apply B02 South Sixthstreet I



0 f0River Stages

Pittsburgh 42 02 fnllCfticJnnnlt 95 OC tallUtulsvlKti e 101 00 fallEvnnnvlllo 107 17 fallMl Vornon 135 11 faNMt Cannot 176 02 fallNashville 92 05 fallChattanooga 26 OI tallFlorence 18 J5 rllloJnhiKonvIllo 23 KO ld-Oilro 22C 14 laMSt Louis 39 07 fallPaducah 1GO lC tallRuriwMo lS 03 tallCArthage 99 01 taM

Itlvrr IorroiHlThe Ohio hone will continue to fnll

slowly for several days

TixInyH ArrivalDWc Fowler Cairo



L GowndlfIllobortioii Owens hunting

Brookpo t and llvlnstfton Point

TixlnyH IIepnrturs

CairodCowling Metropolisf IIxiwry BvnnsvNIn tfKentucky Waterloo AlnHoberteoni OWOHB kunHng

Ilrookport and Ihiflg Point

mlT IllppllngKAfter lying In the Ihanks Next soy ¬

eral weeks for repair Uio lKwumkyU again qoadp for tho Tenneeworiver buslnora and will leave Ion Witfor WnJterloo Ate In place of < heJ U inkhardmn which hat been intho trade Tho Kentucky was takento the wharfboat yesterday after ¬

noon whn the Rlctmrdfon returnedfrom llrookvort The Ulrbwrdiwnreturned from Urookvort The Richnrdiwn will Ho hine several days andmay reenter the Paducah nad Nashrllo trade Monday In titace of therah Dudley If there to sufficientwater The Kentole will bate abig trip out of hero tantRht

Gauge at 7 a m nmriMd1 1C fiwtIndicating a tall of lC feet since yoatyrdny Woathw dear and wawnor

With a tow cf Mons to bo usealon the Ullllllttpi for ifottrrnmeutrttwiri the towboat Fred HnttwKttied out of tho CumborUBdi slyertale Iialmminy aftdrnoon on her waylo Cairo

Ixut night was IdealI I for an oxwrstop and the feroHiont RoIwrUoncarried A largo tuowd to Metropotlreturning at 11 ortooU

Tho Dodo Kowtor retunicd nt 180oofook tMa morning from Calmafter eiHpylnga We buflnowi 9hodid lot getaway until noon ywt rday owing to roMlr Velng made toono of hOt rudders Site toil furCairo at S oclock this laornlsg andwill return early tonltjtit

The John U IxiwrT whfcli was dueIn port yesterday did not arrtvodfrom Hvnn rtll until loony Slitwill to the Bvansvllte boat Momlny-

Tbe Cutawar I went to the Tonneswo river today after three poleruns for the A II Bnrftfi IItuercompany Till Cutaway 11 lion boonbeanhod on tho levee for an userhawing

Trio tnwbart W 0 Walton paswrt

Insomniaa I have been using CatcircU for In

amictedforan1Dtbercertainly recommend them to my friendsis being all that they are represented II

Thos Glllard KlKin III-

Meannl rIIble Potent Tactt Good


or>rmooerbut UutcuitMJto





fThe Weather

a jKorwa t for Imliirnli mill vicinity

UYwrnlly fnlr tonight mill HiindnyTemperature today Illuliol seilow oM IIII


BUYING your winterOvercoat is an easy

matter here Lots of

models to select from betsides the price is a biginducement r

10 and Up

1011it1ftWTrfY Ctr



tip for l4Mll Vllf > I JH Hllil I

omptpfTneI lugIainoseco river reeds within a > hortlime Sirs bM boon iy1 u At limehCuronilelet wags at St LoutI for Iepairs

The teftttintt IteaMr of the WestKtfHliwky <Joal e mmninya fleet 1getting ready to into a tow of coalsouth

i TIll Ohio aid CowLing were Intort today ouch Joint a good bunt-

seea fliratMriltt Courier ae John

IITileI one of the males on thsteamer Dunb r whisk was rmlillylakoi off Of the WrunjvHJoPadu litrade meted HM to Cumberland riverfor repair wrtaa In tko fiy iliac

ay 01 1etaFlnefa lltitew sak itoi


1i Itt JIMk to the Ih teakIIAt Iroot net Uito ftowwin Thwi wiInot ke oar other bout from thott

jCMtteftAml rivets to eke TKT placeTfco heads hate btmt nltandomd

Yell IMIMT IIAVI3 TO WAITBvrry doe inakni ytiu reel batter UsFa5 keeps ywur wltaU malt MKIHI

Helil on the MunrylUek plan every-where Price foe-

NIlcei ContractorThe city W to take bids ou tho Im ¬

provement by grading and rulnc 0

of tile folloc4 street In Oak o ov e-

iretnaIrry nildHion The eels l fif hof Mlllir tlftt Font ntnrt fromMJDer lo Koffliwi Foreman lr et-


from herd 1lo Mantim Ikinniiifrom l oretMao to Mlllii

ltNfOt to InI opcnrd Monthly iilehtOMnb r 2lih ItlA 731 Im H

to IH edJrcs M d to The CVniCryt

ComnilUt c rtt of CTty nrkMAUUICK JPINTYIIK


IK rrH ONt A iiinWhy fornrllimira llwditrticwill riiro Inn OINkjjby


nil druKIolei




SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILYo1And For Every OccasionIThe Fall Liter Is now complete and Its n beauty Thor I M an

appropriate shoe for earh moocher of tho family and for ca h

occasion Fine strong slices for rainy days for man woman nuJ 0child and dross shoes which aro models of stylo and good taste





Articles selected from out stock ranging In price from I iO to988peclal C
