the paducah evening sun. (paducah, ky) 1906-09 …...via rock island alli0 1low specialtotummtr...

r J I I1A iItxI 1m PXDUO t7 T rIOIiit arrtrSiurit SUPERSTITIOUS IS CZAR OF RUSSIA l Regards onions niul Portent- s s s v MostjSoritonsly 4 Sccs Vlsloiis I and Furtills CuCnstropli- iTlint rs May Occur In the v k + Empire vt i r r tY ij HI8> ANXIETY To HAVE HEm + V St Petersburg Sept 3 ICurio s anApecufarltlee d which would be amusing If they did not Involve tho happiness and wofanu of HOflftOOiOO oip opeJIie s a mystic all mysteries appeal to him 8 s sortOtoccult iJ hob lioves In chlrvoyancc amulet JI rti anj various other superstitions For cxamjjfcfho carries a coin In his pock et whkhhe believes Is necessaiyfo JmvprolecUon of his life and wtlt g3 idcntYof BernhardTutnaur lodg1ng from the Orient Iii tho morning the departing guest handed his hot two wereall entertainment but they had much + currencybecause protecting people who carry them from Unseen dangers Tho shoemaker put tho coins away with other trinklets and forgot all h agolbad e the late czar appeared at h > bedside and besought him to send the coins to r har protec¬ lion against the terrorists and other perils to which ho 1 Is exposed IUd autz Is nearer to Vienna than to St Petersburg Hence Tutnaursent the coins to tho Russian ambassador at tho Austrian capital with a detalVd occount of their history whtel l was written for him by the Jewish school ¬ master of the town The ambassador forwarded them to Count Lamsdprff then minister of foreign affairs tat St Petersburg and the latter after hay- ing them thoroughly washed and test ¬ ed at the Imperial laboratory In order toremove ¬ preRented latter received them with tho greatest M eagerness and sent a gift of several thousand roubles to the Austrian shoe maker Since then he has always carried them on hit person with other charms In a little bag that hangs around his neck Mujraty Dreams The terrible tumult which occurred a at Moscow on his coronation day when nearly ten thourand people were killed and wounded was foretold to his majesty In a dream several nights bee morningupon graphic language tho heaps of dead bOdies which he had seen on the com ¬ mons outside of the city whore a free feast was spread for tho people Tho eagerness of the multitudes to reach the tables caused a struggle and a stampede In which several thousand were trampled to death The superstition of the czar being well known In the empire naturally prophetsy andhe I Alt prophets are welcome provided their predictions are favorable but thosewho bring bad tidings r3 often punished Wanted an Heir The anxiety of his majesty to se- cure an heir caused him to do many ridiculous things Ono of hem was ijlr Incognito pilgrimage to tho tomb oahol priest called Sera phi me whcnf the peasant women who aro de Bloof5 motherhood go to pray The I Icza and the czarina made the pilgrim¬ to age by the advlco of Vladimir tho met Iropolltan patriarch of the Greek t church the highest ecclesiastical au ¬ thcmt wouldh wasr 1 brought up sensible and Is ro gafded ltd a very sensible woman couM have beta Induced to go through the performance Is difficult to explain Tno public were not aware of the facts at the time The Imperial tour pie were supposed to be resting In one of their country retreats while die guised In the garb of pllgrlm they d11 were actually making their way on foot to the shrine of the holy man a j distance of more than a Hundred miles Bitti of them remained there for a A week Or to praying for a boy baby I sl radd receiving the sacrament at mass o IiI every BWTBlng with pther pilgrims o Witt EQrtls In RecordHerald JI The bufFottag of Jute Sa nothfa tit ttl 1fe lltfpfR t tI YAt CHARGES OF n HAYES WILL BE TAKEN UP J Capitol ConunissiQU Called to Meet at Frankfort r tuldher Victory Wnn In Protest Against JtwHstrlctliig lUll In Kentucky CllKISTIAX CHUHCItjCONVENES Frankfort Ky Sept 3A meet Ing of tho board of capitol commis ¬ stoners was called b Qdv Bockham as chairman for next Tuesday Sep ¬ t tember Pat 11 oclock Secretary Henry II Warb toda sent out notices to tho members While nothing ofllcla1 has been given out as to just what will be the subject under discussion or the mat ¬ ter to which the board wll ton Its attention It Is currently rumored that Generalr H4ys has been making against tho durto pursed by the board In the se Iptlton of the capitol architect will como In for I share o attention It la said that every effort will be made to get Hays to attend tho meet Inofhe board of which he Is a member Ilnlislilrtliig Invalid Williamsburg Ky Sept IAno- ther ¬ vijtory has been won by the Ito publicans In testing the constitution ¬ ality of the redistricting measures passed by the legislature In all act- ion Instituted by Joseph Dosworth and others against Napier Adams chairman of this senatorial district which was tried In tho Whllley l coun- ty ¬ circuit court Judge M J Moss granted an Injunction restraining the defendant from holding a primary In the district created by tho legislatures of 1893 and 1890 Ho held that the legislature had violated suctions C and 33 of the constitution and that hn act was Invalid CIirlsMnn Convention Louisville iKy Sept 3The sato convention of the Christian church which Is to be held In Louisville Sep ¬ tember 2427 Is arousing unusual In ¬ terest This church has about ISO OOO nwmbers In the stato and Wily 20 <rO delegates Hfe expected to at ¬ tend the convention President B y Mullins of the Baptist Theologlca Soralnary Is to bo one of the speak¬ ers andap a union of the Baptist and Chrlstlanchurches being agitated Dr Mullins will be a welcome speaker J W Mcdarver of Lnclnu ton will glvo his famous Bible reading Daniel in the Critics Den and Marion Law ¬ renee tho greatest Sundayschool x pert In America Is also announced to be present AX ouxcu OK rnnviTiov- It worth a pound of cure There nr many podr sufferers conlumptlve who Ifthey thfoundation I coulthMra writesI lIorthollnrlSyrup chlldrn coughsSold TRACHEKS ELECTION Pupils May Now Select Their Own Tcnchcrs Mn John J Dorians private school will resume work Monday September 10 The course includes all the English branches alto Latin French Shorthand and Bookkeep ¬ ing For Information call at corner Fourth and Adams Old phone 1478 iiviiii iioiicitr H IKK worlnhas QuicklY I HempIIad hubeen yearand excellentLiniment never without it Sold by all druggist r If You Are interested In souve ¬ nir post cards taka Kodak On your vacation and procure views that arc entirely original We carry Kodaks in stock from 100 to 20 v Full stock of films and applies- McPlMrsMs yMUSlM eFtlwfw see ADVANCE FALL STYLES IN OUR SHOW WINDOWS The Best and Most Comfortable Shoes Made Our cleanup silo Is still on We have several lines of Mens Patent Kid Oxfords consolidated as one to enable us to give Oclosing t All the Tan Oxfords in the store without a single exception 3going 1 You cm went these until you get tired of them Then will dye black for ypu free of charge We have several lines of Womens White Canvas and Sea Island Duck Oxfords consolidated as one which gives us a 5goods 1 nowNo Goods on Approval Cash Only LENDLER LYDON 309 Broadway Phone 675 1 n Chances to Spend = = V S Chances to Save The first etc nlivajs with you The second ate with yon only walle you are earning good wages The chances to spend wile t no account to you later In life if you do not use your chances to save now Start an account at once with ftoo ani get4 per cent interest Mechanics and Farmers Savings Bank 221 Broadway EDGAR W WHETtBMORE I 7 Real Estate Agency FREE REAL ESTATE PRICE LIST Fraternity Building Both Phones 835 J A TIP See Bradley Bros About Your Winter Supply of COAL u Sole agents for the old reliable Cartcrsvillc 111 washed nut and egg coa- lTelephone 339 CITY TRANSFER CO Now located at Otauber s Stable We lire ready for all kinds of hauling TELEPHONE 499 4cl Lrw = I MOttSasSSBMiSEZ3CB3 PENNYROYAL PILL STney olo corcome IrregularIty wj al1 p r r r or and banish pain of menstruation They aro U LIFE SA VElliUtoglia e wow ullo ll aiding UcrClopmcnt of organs and body NI Inlnwn ranedy for tvome equal < lhom 4Cannotdo If bccoinca a nlcasnro fi I by t3 DK M i 1 BARGAINS N TICKETS VIA ROCK ISLAND 1low allI0 tummtr Special SpecialTO I CofonUrJdcett will be on sate September 15 to Otober 31 TO HOT SPRINGS ARK summaow round trlp rasa all llluslratcd Booklets and Full Inlontulion Regard- ing Rates Routes Etc on Request GE 3 H LEE P S WEEVER Gen Pass Agt lrav PASS Agt Little Rock Ark Nash vlllr Term Before Trading Your Oldcycle f wK In on a New One Se6 WILLIAMS BICYCLE CO North Fifth St Next Kentucky Theatre They can save you money and take your old wheel In ex ¬ change We want an un ¬ limited number of sec ¬ ond hand bicycles Remember this IE the cheap est house in town on bicycles and everything for bicycles farts furnished for any make of wheel Expert machinists in our repair shop All work guaranteed Shirt Bosoms Starched Right Ever have your shirts returned from the laundry with the bosom std rhed only in spots and with starch daubed all around the neckband and sides of the bosom t We have a machine which saves you from such annoyancesNo to daub starch all over the rest of the shirt with this machine Let us demonstrate its value to you t = = r x THE UPTODATE STAR LAUNDRY- Both Phones 200 120 North Fourth St TO LET Several superior offices on secondand third floors of our building providedwith heat water light electric elevator and modern sanitary arrangements Prices lowest in city for similar offices double offices especially adapted for dentists American German l National sank 227 Broadwayi 1r1 J r 41L Pans Pans See Us ForV CEILING AND BUZZ FANS Foreman Bros Novelty Co Incorporated 121123 Nl Pourth St Phonss 7 YOUR FIRST THOUGHT When dwelling on the Plumbing or Heating question Is Whos the best to see Ask your neighbor Oftener than not he will refer you to i ED HAINAN PlJfinfrile as Fitting 133 South Pof 2s Ker u

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Page 1: The Paducah evening sun. (Paducah, KY) 1906-09 …...VIA ROCK ISLAND allI0 1low SpecialTOtummtr Special I CofonUrJdcett will be on sate September 15 to Otober 31 TO HOT SPRINGS ARK



II1A iItxI 1m PXDUO t7 T rIOIiit arrtrSiurit



lRegards onions niul Portent-s

ss v MostjSoritonsly

4Sccs VlsloiisI and Furtills CuCnstropli-



May Occur In the v k+ Empire vt ir



V St Petersburg Sept 3ICurio s

anApecufarltlee d

which would be amusing If they didnot Involve tho happiness and wofanuof HOflftOOiOO oip opeJIie s amystic all mysteries appeal to him

8 ssortOtoccultiJhob lioves In chlrvoyancc amuletJIrtianj various other superstitions For

cxamjjfcfho carries a coin In his pocket whkhhe believes Is necessaiyfoJmvprolecUon of his life and wtlt g3


from the Orient Iii tho morning thedeparting guest handed his hot two

wereallentertainment but they had much+ currencybecause

protecting people who carry them fromUnseen dangers

Tho shoemaker put tho coins awaywith other trinklets and forgot all

h agolbad e

the late czar appeared at h> bedsideand besought him to send the coins to


lion against the terrorists and otherperils to which ho 1Is exposed IUdautz Is nearer to Vienna than to StPetersburg Hence Tutnaursent thecoins to tho Russian ambassador attho Austrian capital with a detalVdoccount of their history whtell waswritten for him by the Jewish school ¬

master of the town The ambassadorforwarded them to Count Lamsdprffthen minister of foreign affairs tat StPetersburg and the latter after hay-ing them thoroughly washed and test ¬

ed at the Imperial laboratory In ordertoremove ¬preRentedlatter received them with tho greatest

M eagerness and sent a gift of severalthousand roubles to the Austrian shoemaker Since then he has alwayscarried them on hit person with othercharms In a little bag that hangsaround his neck

Mujraty DreamsThe terrible tumult which occurred

a at Moscow on his coronation day whennearly ten thourand people were killedand wounded was foretold to hismajesty In a dream several nights bee

morningupongraphic language tho heaps of deadbOdies which he had seen on the com ¬

mons outside of the city whore a freefeast was spread for tho people Thoeagerness of the multitudes to reachthe tables caused a struggle and astampede In which several thousandwere trampled to death

The superstition of the czar beingwell known In the empire naturallyprophetsyandheI

Alt prophets are welcome providedtheir predictions are favorable butthosewho bring bad tidings r3 oftenpunished

Wanted an HeirThe anxiety of his majesty to se-

cure an heir caused him to do manyridiculous things Ono of hem wasijlr Incognito pilgrimage to tho tomboahol priest called Sera phi mewhcnf the peasant women who aro deBloof5 motherhood go to pray The

IIcza and the czarina made the pilgrim¬

toage by the advlco of Vladimir tho metIropolltan patriarch of the Greek

t church the highest ecclesiastical au ¬thcmtwouldhwasr1 brought up sensible and Is rogafded ltd a very sensible womancouM have beta Induced to go throughthe performance Is difficult to explainTno public were not aware of thefacts at the time The Imperial tourpie were supposed to be resting In oneof their country retreats while dieguised In the garb of pllgrlm they

d11 were actually making their way onfoot to the shrine of the holy man a

j distance of more than a Hundred miles

Bitti of them remained there for aA week Or to praying for a boy baby

I sl radd receiving the sacrament at masso IiI every BWTBlng with pther pilgrims

o Witt EQrtls In RecordHeraldJIThe bufFottag of Jute Sa nothfatit ttl 1fe lltfpfR ttIYAt



Capitol ConunissiQU Called to

Meet at Frankfortr

tuldher Victory Wnn In ProtestAgainst JtwHstrlctliig lUll In



Frankfort Ky Sept 3A meetIng of tho board of capitol commis ¬

stoners was called b Qdv Bockhamas chairman for next Tuesday Sep ¬

t tember Pat 11 oclock SecretaryHenry II Warb toda sent out notices

to tho membersWhile nothing ofllcla1 has been

given out as to just what will be thesubject under discussion or the mat¬

ter to which the board wll ton Itsattention It Is currently rumored thatGeneralrH4ys has been making against thodurto pursed by the board In the se

Iptlton of the capitol architect willcomo In for I share o attention

It la said that every effort will bemade to get Hays to attend tho meetInofhe board of which he Is amember

Ilnlislilrtliig InvalidWilliamsburg Ky Sept IAno-


vijtory has been won by the Itopublicans In testing the constitution ¬

ality of the redistricting measurespassed by the legislature In all act-

ion Instituted by Joseph Dosworthand others against Napier Adamschairman of this senatorial districtwhich was tried In tho Whllleyl coun-ty


circuit court Judge M J Mossgranted an Injunction restraining thedefendant from holding a primary Inthe district created by tho legislaturesof 1893 and 1890 Ho held that thelegislature had violated suctions C and33 of the constitution and that hnact was Invalid

CIirlsMnn ConventionLouisville iKy Sept 3The sato

convention of the Christian churchwhich Is to be held In Louisville Sep ¬

tember 2427 Is arousing unusual In ¬

terest This church has about ISOOOO nwmbers In the stato and Wily20<rO delegates Hfe expected to at ¬

tend the convention President B yMullins of the Baptist TheologlcaSoralnary Is to bo one of the speak¬

ers andap a union of the Baptist andChrlstlanchurches being agitated DrMullins will be a welcome speaker JW Mcdarver of Lnclnu ton will glvohis famous Bible reading Daniel inthe Critics Den and Marion Law ¬

renee tho greatest Sundayschool xpert In America Is also announced tobe present

AX ouxcu OK rnnviTiov-It worth a pound of cure There nrmany podr sufferers conlumptlve whoIftheythfoundationI

coulthMrawritesIlIorthollnrlSyrupchlldrncoughsSoldTRACHEKS ELECTION

Pupils May Now Select Their OwnTcnchcrs

Mn John J Dorians privateschool will resume work MondaySeptember 10 The course includesall the English branches alto LatinFrench Shorthand and Bookkeep ¬

ing For Information call at cornerFourth and Adams Old phone 1478

iiviiii iioiicitr H IKKworlnhasQuicklYIHempIIadhubeenyearandexcellentLinimentnever without itSold by all druggist


If YouAre interested In souve ¬

nir post cards taka

KodakOn your vacation andprocure views that arcentirely original Wecarry Kodaks in stockfrom

100 to 20 v

Full stock of films andapplies-

McPlMrsMs yMUSlMeFtlwfw


IN OUR SHOW WINDOWSThe Best and Most Comfortable

Shoes MadeOur cleanup silo Is still on We have several lines of MensPatent Kid Oxfords consolidated as one to enable us to giveOclosingt

All the Tan Oxfords in the store without a single exception3going1

You cm went these until you get tired of them Thenwill dye black for ypu free of charge

We have several lines of Womens White Canvas and SeaIsland Duck Oxfords consolidated as one which gives us a5goods1

nowNoGoods on Approval Cash Only

LENDLER LYDON309 Broadway Phone 675



Chances to Spend= =V S

Chances to SaveThe first etc nlivajs with you The second ate with yon onlywalle you are earning good wages The chances to spendwile t no account to you later In life if you do not use yourchances to save now Start an account at once with ftooani get4 per cent interest

Mechanics and

Farmers Savings Bank

221 Broadway



Fraternity Building Both Phones 835


A TIPSee Bradley Bros

About Your Winter Supply of


Sole agents for the old reliable Cartcrsvillc 111

washed nut and egg coa-

lTelephone 339

CITY TRANSFER CONow located at

Otauber s StableWe lire ready for all kinds of hauling

TELEPHONE 4994cl Lrw =


PENNYROYAL PILL STneyolocorcomeIrregularIty


pr r r or and banish painof menstruation They aro U LIFE SA VElliUtoglia ewow ullo ll aiding UcrClopmcnt of organs and body NIInlnwn ranedy for tvome equal < lhom 4Cannotdo Ifbccoinca a nlcasnro fi Iby t3 DK M



1lowallI0 tummtr Special


CofonUrJdcett will be on sate September 15 to Otober 31

TO HOT SPRINGS ARK summaow round trlp rasa all

llluslratcd Booklets and Full Inlontulion Regard-

ing Rates Routes Etc on Request

GE 3 H LEE P S WEEVERGen Pass Agt lrav PASS Agt

Little Rock Ark Nash vlllr Term

Before Trading Your Oldcyclef wK

In on a New One Se6

WILLIAMS BICYCLE CONorth Fifth St Next Kentucky Theatre

They can save you money andtake your old wheel In ex¬

change We want an un ¬

limited number of sec ¬

ond hand bicyclesRemember this IE the cheap

est house in town on bicyclesand everything for bicyclesfarts furnished for any make of

wheel Expert machinists inour repair shop All workguaranteed

Shirt Bosoms Starched Right

Ever have your shirts returned from the laundrywith the bosom std rhed only in spots and with starchdaubed all around the neckband and sides of thebosom t

We have a machine which saves you from such

annoyancesNoto daub starch all over the rest of the

shirt with this machineLet us demonstrate its value to you

t= =r x


Both Phones 200 120 North Fourth St

TO LETSeveral superior offices on secondand

third floors of our building providedwithheat water light electric elevator and modernsanitary arrangements

Prices lowest in city for similar officesdouble offices especially adapted for dentists

American German l National sank227 Broadwayi

1r1 J


Pans PansSee Us ForV


Foreman Bros Novelty CoIncorporated

121123 Nl Pourth St Phonss 7

YOUR FIRST THOUGHTWhen dwelling on the Plumbing or Heating question Is

Whos the best to see Ask your neighbor Oftener than nothe will refer you to i

ED HAINANPlJfinfrile as Fitting

133 South Pof 2s Ker u