the open door - immanuel evangelical lutheran...

The Open Door Publisher: Immanuel Lutheran Church Volume No.40 Issue No. 01 January 2016 Please join Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church as we celebrate The Installation of The Reverend Joanne E. Groman-Stewart Sunday, January 17, 2016 4:00 p.m. A reception will follow the worship. Clergy are invited to vest. The color is green. Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church 131 West Main Street Webster, New York 14580

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The Open Door

Publisher: Immanuel Lutheran Church Volume No.40 Issue No. 01 January 2016

Please join

Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church

as we celebrate

The Installation of

The Reverend Joanne E. Groman-Stewart

Sunday, January 17, 2016

4:00 p.m.

A reception will follow the worship.

Clergy are invited to vest. The color is green.

Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church

131 West Main Street

Webster, New York 14580


Dear Friends,

Angels we have heard on high sweetly singing o’er the plains; And the mountains in reply echoing their joyous strains: Gloria in excelsis deo! Gloria in excelsis deo!

This season of joy and wonder is soon drawing to a close. As December draws to a close, the ornaments all go back into boxes and are carried to the attic or basement. Pine needles litter our porches as trees are dragged to the curb. Mary and Joseph and the baby are wrapped in their tissue cocoons and carefully stored away until next Christmas when they will emerge again, placed in their wooden crèche, to silently attend our celebrations. It’s a letdown, isn’t it? All the preparations, all the planning, all the busy-ness is suddenly past. The house always feels so empty when we get back to normal.

I wonder if it was like that so long ago in the little town of Bethlehem – the shepherds went back to their sheep, the angels flew back into heaven, the magi returned to their far-off country. And Mary and Joseph were left with a newborn with his feeding schedule and diapers and sleepless nights. That star that appeared in the night sky – did it really change anything? Or did everything go back to normal? What is different for us because of that long-ago birth in a faraway land?

“Normal” for those living in ancient Judea was not easy. Roman soldiers stood on every corner reminding God’s people that they no longer possessed the land God promised to them long ago through Abraham. Caesar was not just any emperor, but saw himself as God. “Caesar is Lord,” the people were expected to shout. Lives were hard. Work was tedious and back-breaking. Poverty and hunger was everywhere you looked.

But a child was born in a tiny far-away place called Bethlehem.

Bethlehem was nothing special, a tiny town, not very important. Kings certainly didn’t grace their streets or their stables. Power didn’t rest there. But one night all of that changed. God chose this unimportant, powerless, out-of-the-way place to come to us. To become flesh. To become one of us.

And that changed everything.

Soldiers still stood in the streets and Caesar was still on the throne. Life was still hard and work was exhausting.

The poor and hungry still filled the towns. But everything was different. Now God’s Son walked the streets with the poor and hungry. He taught of God’s love and promises to those who before had no hope. He fed 5000 on an abandoned hillside. He healed those who had been cast out or forgotten. He brought hope and grace and mercy to a world that was crying out. And then he gave his life for that world.

We too live in a world that knows poverty and hunger. We see violence and hopelessness in so many places. We know disappointment and brokenness. Lives are still back-breaking and exhausting. But we too know that hope of that baby born so long ago. We too know the promise, the wonder, the joy, the love of God’s Son, Immanuel, God with us.

As we put away the things of Christmas, may Christmas joy continue with us throughout the year. May we see that the love, the grace, the hope of that long-ago birth remains with us in all things, wherever we are, whatever we do. And may that love and grace and hope continue to shine through us so that all may see the light of the Christ Child.

Blessings as you live out this Christmas hope throughout all your lives.

Pastor Joanne

Pastor Joanne’s Contact Information

In case of an emergency, you can reach Pastor Joanne at her home, 585-377-6802.

Pastor Joanne’s office hours will be Mondays,

Wednesdays, and Thursdays 9am to noon.

Pastoral Care and Visits

Back in the olden days, hospitals used to call your pastor if you designated a church affiliation. With the HIPPA privacy laws, that is no longer a possibility. If you are having surgery, please call the church office. If you wish to be put on the prayer list (or want a pastoral visit but not be on the prayer list!), let the church office know. If you have a specific request for the pastor, call the church office. And if you have a joy or concern to share with the pastor on Sunday mornings, jot it on a piece of paper with your name before handing it to her!!. Don't forget to wear your name tag on Sundays!!!


Bible Study in January

Happy New Year! Not just a January 1st celebration, but

our new church year began in Advent, which means

throughout the year most of the Gospel readings for

Sunday worship will be taken from the Gospel of Luke.

Join us as Pastor Joanne leads a study of the Gospel of

Luke for our mid-week Bible studies through the season

of Lent. We meet at Immanuel Monday evenings at

7:00, January 4th and 18th, and Thursday mornings at

11:00, January 7th and 21st. All are welcome and

encouraged to be a part of this opportunity to hear

about God’s amazing grace and love that surrounds all

we do! See Pastor Joanne if you have any questions.

Minute-to-Win-It Games Night

The Genesee-Finger Lakes Conference youth will be getting together for an evening of fun and games, fellowship and faith on Friday, January 8th. The event will be held at Reformation Lutheran Church at 7:30 pm and is open to everyone in grades 6 through 12.

We will meet at Immanuel and leave for Reformation at 7. If you’re interested in going or would like more information, please contact Dave Ekimoff.

“Anything Goes” on Saturday, January 23, 2016

Finally...EVERYONE is invited to Immanuel’s "Anything Goes” night of entertainment. Dinner will be served at 5:00PM; the show will follow! The evening will be filled with talents from all of YOU!! It can be a song, a dance, any “talent” you have and are willing to share. Don’t be the last to sign up!! There is a sign up sheet in the lower hallway. Good food, good fun, good fellowship - what more can there be???? If you have any questions please call Debbie Huehn 738-4840

EROI Concert Saturday, January 30th

On Sunday, January 30, at 3:00pm, our Director of Music, Amanda Mole, will perform at Immanuel in an organ concert with several Eastman organ students. The concert is given to help raise funds for the Eastman-Rochester Organ Initiative (EROI)- an organization which brings excellent organs and world-class organists to Rochester to give recitals and masterclasses at the Eastman School of Music. Please join us for a fantastic afternoon of organ music and help support Amanda, the organ students at Eastman, and their education.

Save the Date—January 31, 2016

Join us on January 31, 2016 at 12:30pm for Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church’s 2016 Annual Congregational meeting, following the 11:00 o’clock

worship service. Light snacks will be provided by Church Council Members. Your attendance is very important to the Immanuel’s mission “Celebrate – Grow – Serve”.

Red Cross Blood Drive Immanuel will host a Blood Drive on Thursday, January 7, 2016, from 1:00-6:30 pm.

Mittens, Hats, and Scarves Needed!!

Winter is barreling down from the North and hands, heads and bodies will need extra protection!! The Mitten, Hat and Scarf gathering will take place until January 10th. Instead of a tree in the upper hallway, donations can be left in the box across from the elevator. Either store-bought or hand-made items are welcome. They do not have to be wrapped – just warm!!! Thank you!


WELLNESS ON WEDNESDAYS – WOW! Join us for Wellness on Wednesdays at 10:00 AM! Come and enjoy fun, food and friendship, with a program, chair exercise, blood pressure check and delicious lunch. The program schedule:

Jan. 6 - 'Breast Cancer' - Kim Semru, a representative from the Elizabeth Wendy Breast Clinic, will give a presentation on preventative measures to follow in order to help avoid breast cancer.

Jan. 13 - 'Bedbugs and Mobs' - Come and hear Jeanne Gehart's presentation about Susan B. Anthony's upbringing and the social conditions of that time that prompted her reform. Her inspiring PowerPoint will include amazing photos of the 19th century.

Jan. 20 - 'OASIS' - This organization has so many offerings and possibilities. Director Ann Cunningham will join us to give an overview of the OASIS program and tell about upcoming events/classes.

Jan. 27 - ' Give it Color!' - These days, the simple art of coloring isn't quite what it used to be.... Come, see and try the new possibilities!!

Come and join the fun – and bring a friend to share it with! Transportation is available by calling the church office (872-5180) by Tuesday at 10:00AM. A $2 donation for lunch is requested. We look forward to seeing you

Christian Education Committee and Sunday Church School

Thank you to everyone who helped or donated for the care packages to our College Students and Military members. We packed 12 care packages! The Advent Workshop on November 29th was a great success with five fun crafts and a lovely meal. Thank you to all who shared their time, talents, and cooking! Our Sunday School Christmas Pageant on December 20th was a great time, we hope you enjoyed it! Thanks to our special volunteers a teachers for assisting with the pageant, and our cookie makers for the wonderful reception treats.

Men’s Breakfast Men’s Breakfast will meet the second & fourth Wednesday of the month at 8:00 AM at the Nutcracker Restaurant (Empire Blvd.)

Lifetree Café Schedule,

Thursdays 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Lifetree Café is an hour-long experience packed with interesting stories, fascinating people, and lively conversation that will feed your soul. The main entrée at Lifetree Café is food for thought. Come enjoy a comfortable, safe place. A place to meet old friends and make new ones. To share your thoughts about compelling topics and hear the thoughts of others. Come see what everyone’s talking about. For more details, go to:

Jan 7 - Follow your Dreams… Even when you think you can’t . Jan 14 - Tough on Crime, Too tough? Not tough enough? Jan 21 - Taking God to work, How to see the spiritual significance in what you do Jan 28 - Making Peace with your Past, A Vietnamese refugee’s journey. Feb 4 - Why are you so hard on yourself? Finding your true value. Would you like to be a host at Lifetree Café ? Contact Tom Lombardo through the church office at 872-5180. Presentation is easy with scripted materials to go with the video.

The beautiful Christmas tree in our sanctuary was again donated by Carol and Earl Dittberner from their farm. We

also thank the property committee under Ron Nohe’s leadership in addition to Jim Guderian and Earl Dittberner for their placing the tree and decorating it. We also thank Jacob and Grace Kachmaryk for their help in decorating the tree.


The January book club selection is…. The Lake House by Kate Morton Living on her family’s idyllic lakeside estate in Cornwall, England, Alice Edevane is a bright, inquisitive, innocent, and precociously talented sixteen-year-old who loves to write stories. But the

mysteries she pens are no match for the one her family is about to endure… One midsummer’s eve, after a beautiful party drawing hundreds of guests to the estate has ended, the Edevanes discover that their youngest child, eleven-month-old Theo, has vanished without a trace. What follows is a tragedy that tears the family apart in ways they never imagined. Decades later, Alice is living in London, having enjoyed a long successful career as an author. Theo’s case has never been solved. Sadie Sparrow, a young detective in the London police force, is staying at her grandfather’s house in Cornwall. While out walking one day, she stumbles upon the old estate—now crumbling and covered with vines, clearly abandoned long ago. Her curiosity is sparked, setting off a series of events that will bring her and Alice together and reveal shocking truths about a past long gone...yet more present than ever. Join us on Thursday the 21st at Bonnie Slack’s house to discuss this lush, atmospheric tale.

Souper Bowl of Caring

February 7th, millions of people will tune in to the Super Bowl football game. There will be parties with abundant food, friendship and fellowship. At the same time, there will be people worrying about staying warm, finding shelter and a meal. Please join young people around the US as they demonstrate God’s love by loving their neighbors through the Souper Bowl of Caring. It’s a simple yet significant act of caring for others. Drop $1 in the soup pot and donate a can soup as you worship Sunday, February 7th.

Hello! Thank you all for the care package that was sent to me at school! It has, and will be a great advantage over the strenuous college

experience. Especially with finals coming up soon! It is nice to know there are the great people of Emmanuel back home looking out for us college kids! Thanks again and best of wishes to all! -Joey Rieger Dear Immanuel Family, Thank you so much for my care package. Words can’t describe how much it brightened my day and made me feel loved. It was such a nice surprise among a week of stressful midterms, a 15-page lab report, and an English research paper (yikes!)

I truly appreciate it and can’t wait to eat the yummy treats you sent me! The chocolate chip cookies were delicious.

Thank you for reminding me of home and that my church family is still supporting me and thinking of me.

Love, Sarah Geckle P.S. Gabbie - I loved your card! It is hanging on my bulletin board.

To the Members of Immanuel: Thank you so much for the care package. That was so nice of everyone. It made my day with all the nice treats in there.

Thank you for thinking of me. Mareesa Boyatzies I’d like to thank everyone in our church family for their prayers, cards, calls and good wishes after my recent fall. It is a blessing to have everyone’s prayers for healing.

Ed Behrens


January Worship Assistant Schedule

Serving God and His Church If you would like to serve at worship (greeters, head usher, ushers, acolyte, crucifer, reader, nursery, communion assistant) - go to This sign up is protected by an access code. When prompted, enter the code Immanuel131 for access. This calendar is through June, so you can select monthly times if you would like. The office will receive an email, so you do not need to contact the office also. If you are unable to serve when you signed up, you can do so from the web site. If you have any problems logging on, please contact the church office. If you do not have internet access, please contact Barb about when you would like to serve and how. Thank you for sharing your time and talents to serve the Lord!

January 3, 2016 January 10 2016 January 17, 2016 January 24, 2016 January 31, 2016

8:15 AM 11:00 AM 8:15 AM 11:00 AM 8:15 AM 11:00 AM 8:15 AM 11:00 AM 8:15 AM 11:00 AM



Reader Benjamin Derleth

Karen Keymel



Heather Sponable



Joan Morris



Acolyte Julia


Greeters (2) Jon &

Priscilla Anderson

Laurie Bohm &

Amy VanWuyc


Helen &

Bill Ruoff

Head Usher Karen


Ushers (4) Ilene


Dave, Lori & Olivia Derleth

Altar Guild Marj

Bovenzi Janice Durand

Marj Bovenzi



Marj Bovenzi

Janice Durand

Marj Bovenzi


~ January 2016 ~

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 New Year's Day

Office Closed 2

3 Articles for The Open Door are due 7:30a Gathering Choir Rehearsal 8:15a & 11:00 Worship with Holy Communion 9:30a Sunday School

4 6:30p Property Committee 7p Bible Study 8p AA, Al-Anon, Alateen


6 10a Wellness on Wednesdays

7 10a Bible Study 10:30a Red Cross Blood Drive 7p Lifetree Café 7p Worship and Music Meeting

8 9a Office Help 9a Quilting group 10:30a Director of Music Office Hours 7p LYO Minute to Win It Night


10 8:15a & 11:00 Worship with Holy Communion 9:30a Sunday School

11 7p Church Council Meeting 8p AA, Al-Anon, Alateen

12 9:30a Conference Ministerium 6p Confirmation Dinner and Class 6:30p ImmanuBells Rehearsal

13 8a Men of Imman-uel Breakfast 10a Wellness on Wednesdays 10:30a Director of Music Office Hours 6:30p Stewardship Meeting 7p Senior Choir Rehearsal

14 11:15a MS Group 7p Church Council Meeting 7p Lifetree Café 7p Toastmaster's

15 9a Collating the Annual Report 9a Office Help 9a Quilting group

16 8a 30 Hour Famine

17 30 Hour Famine 7:30a Gathering Choir Rehearsal 8:15a & 11:00 Worship with Holy Communion 9:30a Sunday School 4p Installation Service

18 Martin Luther King Office Closed 7p Bible Study 8p AA, Al-Anon, Alateen

19 9:30a Communica-tions Meeting 6:30p ImmanuBells Rehearsal

20 10a Wellness on Wednesdays 10:30a Director of Music Office Hours 7p Senior Choir Rehearsal

21 10a Bible Study 10:30a MS Support Group 7p Book Club 7p Lifetree Café

22 9a Office Help 9a Quilting group

23 5p Dinner and Entertainment

24 8:15a & 11:00 Worship with Holy Communion 9:30a Sunday School

25 7p Christian Edu-cation Meeting 7p Social Ministry Meeting 8p AA, Al-Anon, Alateen

26 6p Confirmation Dinner and Class 6:30p ImmanuBells Rehearsal

27 8a Men of Imman-uel Breakfast 10a Wellness on Wednesdays 10:30a Director of Music Office Hours 7p Senior Choir Rehearsal

28 11:15a MS Group 7p Flower City Tinplate Trackers 7p Lifetree Café 7p Toastmaster's

29 9a Folding The Open Door 9a Office Help 9a Quilting group

30 3p Music at Im-manuel EROI Concert

31 8:15a & 11:00 Worship with Holy Communion 9:30a Sunday School 12:15p Congrega-tional Meeting



Christmas Memorials were received in

loving memory of:

Robert Geiwitz by Linda and Gary Nicholson

Charles Geiwitz, Jr.

by the Nicholson Family

Gary Nicholson, Jr. By the Nicholson Family

Martha Schutt

by Margaret Schutt Abbott

A gift to the Endowment Fund was received in loving memory of:

Robert Geiwitz by Edna Geiwitz

Marie Naukam

by Marcia Naukam

Bill and Hazel Busch by Marcia Naukam

Homer Krautwurst by Marcia Naukam

Dad Pappert

by Marcia Naukam

Bill and Hazel Busch by Shirley Pappert

Winter Weekend

The Lutheran Youth Organization of the Genesee Finger Lakes conference weekend retreat for youth in 6th-12th grades is being held at the Rotary Sunshine Camp in Rush, NY. This year’s retreat is February 26-28.

This “Winter Weekend” is a time when youth and adult volunteers come together in a camp/lodge type setting to explore the Christian spiritual life through a variety of experiences that range from serious to silly. We will wonder, pray and play together while we reflect on where we’ve been and consider where God may be leading us on the Journey of life.

Winter Weekend includes: inspirational large group sessions, small group discussions, creative worship experiences, high-energy games, quiet time, fun activities, outdoor events, and all youth live band, structured and free time and a Saturday night dance with a DJ.

LYO Events - Save the Dates! Conference LYO events for this upcoming year:

January 8th - Minute-to-Win-It games night at Reformation Lutheran Church

January 16th-17th - 30 Hour Famine

February 26th - 28th - Winter Weekend Retreat at Rotary Sunshine Camp in Rush

April 24th - GFL-LYO picnic

FRIDAY MORNING QUILTERS Friday Morning Quilters meet at 9:00am. It takes little

concentration to tie the quilt tops/batting/and backing together so we have plenty of time for talking as we work! And we also have the option of setting up a second quilt to tie if we use the upstairs conference room so there is plenty of space for lots of people! Do come and be a Friday Morning Quilter!!


Alex Bonacci 1/1 Marcia McNair 1/1 Kristin Maier 1/3 Nancy Haelen 1/4 Stephen Price 1/4 Virginia Zaso 1/4 Sarah Keymel 1/5 Bruce Kulp 1/5 Lisa Wicks 1/6 Marie DeFrees 1/7 Karen Dey-Thompson 1/9 Charles Klauck 1/9 Carol Burnett 1/10 Ronald Nohe 1/11 Charles Price 1/11 Barbara Stam 1/13 Gail Weaver 1/14 Joshua Hill 1/15 Erica Jonas 1/15 Alaine O’Connor 1/15 Janet Tuohy 1/15 Lorie Wandersee 1/16 Nolan Stephany 1/17 Zachary Opett 1/18 Jourdan Plaisted 1/20 Carol Dittberner 1/21 Sarah Geckle 1/21 Martha Styles 1/23 Cameron Hubbard 1/24 Maggie Thorpe 1/24 Elaine Kasiske 1/25 James Guderian 1/28 Paul Schutt 1/28 Scott Bartholomew 1/30 Thomas Toal 1/30 Jesse Gabriel 1/31 Colin Smith 1/31

Date Years Bill & Helen Ruoff 1/16 56 Christen & Wayne Lukash 1/18 19 Susan & Douglas Hughes 1/20 37 Dick & Sandy Washburn 1/21 50 Michael Ball & Janet Tuohy 1/30 13 Is the Open Door missing your anniversary or birthday? If so, please contact Barb at the office (872-5180). Thanks!

Arline Taber 100 Kidd Castle Way Apt. 47

Webster, NY 14580 585/670-7047

John (Bud) Johnston

200 Kidd Castle Way Apt. 211 Webster, NY 14580

585/230-5130 [email protected]

If you have moved, changed your phone number or email address, please contact the office at 872-5180 or email [email protected]. We would also like email address changes. Thanks!

SANCTUARY FLOWERS Flowers are a lovely way to remember someone or mark a special occasion. There are dates available for the month. If you

would like to offer sanctuary flowers for our Sunday morning services, please sign up on the sheet next to the choir room. Contact Sheri Williams (585-770-3733) if you have any questions! God's peace to you all.


Winter Weekend is February 28-March 2 Winter Weekend is February 26-28 at Sunshine Rotary Camp. The weekend is open to youth in 6th through 12th

grades. Meet new friends and reconnect with last year’s friends. Contact Dave Ekimoff if you would like more infor-mation.

Weekend Food

Backpack Program Thank you for supporting this ministry that Immanuel has been coordinating since 2011. We are currently providing 60

bags of food every weekend for students in State Road, Schlegel Rd, and DeWitt Elementary Schools. This is a valuable ministry which supports kids in Webster. We pack the bags each Sunday morning between services in the fellowship hall. If you would like to help stop in! We continue to collect food items in the blue box in the lower entrance to the church. The items that we are collecting are Mac and Cheese, plastic jars of jelly, peanut butter and pasta sauce, pasta. canned tuna, fruit, Spaghettios or ravioli, and soup. We also collect fruit roll ups, granola bars, boxes of cereal ( lower in sugar types ). If you prefer, you can support this minis-try with a check made out to Immanuel with a note for Weekend Food. There is hunger and food insecurity in Webster and this ministry is making a difference in chil-dren’s lives. We thank the other churches and individu-als who have collected food or money for this ministry. If you have any questions please call Debbie Huehn 738-4840.

Webster Community Chest needs list for the month: Jelly - Any flavor


By Dave Reville


Poinsettia plants are WARM climate plants and cannot tolerate cold temperatures. On Christmas Eve, follow-ing the services, when you pick up your plant, it needs to be wrapped in several plastic bags or placed in two paper grocery bags with the top closed. It would be advisable to bring bags with you to the church service in order to prevent the plants from freezing once they are exposed to the cold night air. If the plants are not protected, then plant damage is exhibited on the flow-ers very quickly due to freezing.


Once you have your plant at home, poke holes in the bottom of the foil, which will allow the plant to drain upon watering thereby preventing the roots from drowning.

LIGHT- Place the plant (or any other flowering plant) near a sunny window, where it will get the most availa-ble sunlight. A south, east or west-facing window is the best. Avoid a north-facing window and do not let any part of the Poinsettia touch a cold windowpane, as this will damage it. Also, please do not put the plant behind a drawn window curtain, as this will freeze the plant causing the flowers, which ARE the leaves, to drop.

TEMPERATURE-To maintain the plant in bloom, a tem-perature of 65 to 70 degrees F. is ideal during the day, in the evening, you can place it in a cooler spot. Since root rot damage is more prevalent with temperatures below 60, it is wise not to place the plant in areas cool-er than this or leaf drop will result.

WATER- Examine the soil in the pot daily, and when it feels dry to the touch, water the plant until the water runs out of the bottom drainage hole of the pot. If you use a jardinière to cover the pot, remove the water that collects in it. Avoid leaving the plant stand in wa-ter as this will cause root damage. A wilted plant may drop its flowers prematurely, so try to keep it watered.

REFLOWERING-I often receive questions about how to re-flower the Poinsettia. This is a real challenge and a headache! Our local florists can supply your plant needs yearly at a modest price, so why not let them do the growing?


For homebound members of Immanuel who do not have access to Webster Cable television we can provide you with a video cassette or DVD copy of the service for

viewing at home. If you would like a video copy of the Sunday Services, please contact the Church Office (872-5180) and arrangements will be made so you receive them on a regular basis. If you would like to receive the bulletin each week to follow along with the service, please contact the church office.

The Shepherd of the month is: Nancy Sponable

Please give her a call at 315/589-5181 if you know of someone in our church family who

has had a baby, recently been hospitalized or ill, surgery, death in the family, or could just use a helping hand. The shepherd can provide a simple meal, a warm thought, or locate a volunteer to help.

Articles for the February issue of

The Open Door are due on January 3, 2016

Open Door folding is Friday, January 29th at 9:00 AM.


Prayer is a central part of Christian life. Through prayer we connect with God and raise up joys and celebrations, concerns and sorrows. Through prayer we listen to God and open ourselves to God’s will in life. As Christians we pray not only for ourselves, we also pray for others and for the mission of the church. We all know the comfort that comes when we know someone has lifted us in prayer. When we lift up others, it brings us closer to each other and to God.

At Immanuel we have two prayer chains – one is via email; the other by telephone. If you would like to be a part of Immanuel Prays…, please contact the church office with either your email address or telephone number. We will add you to the prayer chain.

If you have a need or a joy to share, you can email the church ([email protected]) or call 585-872-5180 and this will be shared with those on the prayer chain.


Pastor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joanne Groman-Stewart Assoc. for Congregational Ministries. Dave Ekimoff Pastor Emeritus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .John F. Beeg Administrative Associate . . . . . . . . . .Barb Rafferty Director of Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amanda Mole Deacons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ed Huehn, Dave Reville Sexton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warren Jensen

Church Council Officers *Council Members

President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bruce Kulp* Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bonnie Webster* Recording Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rachel Collins* Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Witmer* Financial Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cheryl Davies*

Chairpersons~ and Council Liaisons*

Learning: Christian Education. . . . . . . . . . . . .Rachel Collins~* . . . . . . . Bonnie Webster* . . . . . . . .Karen Holroyd*

Service: Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Karen Holroyd~* Social Ministry . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Deb Huehn~ . . . . . . . . Sharon Diringer* Parish Nursing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Leslie Schwartz

Support: Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ron Nohe~, Barb Stam* Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .Eric Baller~ A. Memorial . . . . . Dave Derleth~*, Barb Stam * B. Endowment . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Marj Bovenzi~

Witness: Outreach/Evangelism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jim Dugan* Stewardship . . . . . . . . Mike Herrman~, Joan Frank~* . . . . . Tom Lombardo*

Worship: Worship and Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dave Reville~ . . . . . Toni Baller* A. Altar Guild & Flowers. . . . Sheri Williams B. Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .John Fedkew

Church Council Members: Class of 2016 - Rachel Collins, Dave Derleth, Sharon Diringer, Kate Nesbitt; Class of 2017 - Jim Dugan, Joan Frank, Karen Holroyd, Bruce Kulp; Class of 2018 - Toni Baller, Barb Stam, Bonnie Webster, Brianna Christensen, Tom Lombardo; Elected Officers - Cheryl Davies and Nancy Witmer.


Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church 131 W. Main Street Webster, New York 14580


Mailed on December 18, 2015

Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church 131 West Main Street Webster, N.Y. 14580

Office Hours: 8:00 a.m.-Noon Office Phone: (585) 872-5180

Pastor Joanne Groman-Stewart

Pastor’s E-mail: [email protected] Associate for Congregational Ministries E-mail:

[email protected] Office E-mail: [email protected]

Worship Services:

Sundays, 8:15AM & 11:00AM

Sunday Church School for All Ages 9:30AM

The Mission of Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church

Celebrate the excitement of God’s influence in life by being visible witnesses of Christ; and,

Minister to the spiritual and physical needs of our community and the world, through our God given talents.

The Upstate New York Synod: We are a resurrection people who

Pray First, Walk Together, and Change Lives.

Mission Statement of the E.L.C.A.:

Marked with the cross of Christ forever, we are claimed, gathered and sent

for the sake of the world.


P A I D Webster, New York

Permit No. 54