the omaha daily bee. (omaha, nebraska) 1880-09-24 [p ]. · cheapest book store ix the world....

CHEAPEST BOOK STORE IX THE WORLD. CATALOGUE OF VALUABLE AND INTERESTING BOOKS All Mnr and rrtsu , Ju't arrived at ths ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSTORE 1116 Farnham Street. ( Opposite Dewcy & Etone'f , ) Omaha , - - Nebr.- In . consequence of the unprecedented racccs which the proprietor ol the Antiquarian Book f lore h-s met with , since he inaugurated the literart Beioluti'n , and In mum for th ra- raarLably IP-enl tatronacehe h < B received he takes pre t plcseure in announcing that he hu still made grcate'- reduction * hcrepO'lble tnd- rffershis irrmens JocV f Iftwand valuable Po k at prices thtt d < fy all competition. The Books re all prccured from the best irabI'hlDr ! [ * oti9e > ntheccrantrr , ar well bound prlntf d on thick paper and In nlo , clear type tuitable f o- the Ixrt library In the Und- .2rrnrcbastr8 . f'om thl > ert'logue amounting to < 3 00 or over , w 11 be sl'owrd ' an additional discount o! flveper cent : 16.00 or over , ten per- cent ; 8aoO or over, fifteen per ce t. NOTE Parties wrde'lrt : br mall trlU enclose lOc for 12mo , snd Oc Ior 6vo. books to cover History and Biography , Hume's Hi t jry nt En land. From the gkn t Ju 1-s Cscwr to the Abdlci- of - Janns II , 163S. 6 vols , larjro * * o4 00- if'o'y tf the Decl'no ' anl Full the Kmmn Irupire. 6 vols. large .Snm. ... . . . .. . . . . . .. < 00 * caul r's Iliftory of Englard. Fmtn the Ascentlon < f James , II. 5 xols. awe l"mo . . . . ... . .. . s 00- IVOI.STO rticep..i. . . 250 Knlfit Popu ar Hutorr ol Entlabd. 8- vo' < con llnsir . 850 M r-i can't n. tory of Enc' ' and 4 vole. . 850 GuIzo1.tHsoryot nnnland From the Evliestlimioto Vho K"ln o Quren VIctorU. 4 vol 1 m . coth : illustrate 1 4 60 Echmilz Ancient History. Cot pi eta la- ontYoInme. . 12m o. cloth. . .. . . 100 Taino'iHist rr t En llsh Literature. CompVte In 1 vrjame. 12mc cth . 1 2* Bancroft's HirtTT ol the United State * Centenary Edition. 6 vo'i. ISmo. CloUl extra . .. JQ 00 Rol lu'g Ancieut History. New Larr TjpeFdltiorg. * voKl2mo cloth. . . ... * W 2v ] 4-o cloth , . too PmUreh > MVW ollllartri mMen. With J I'e cf PJut rfch. S vols. 12mo. cloth gilt and . .ill t JTS . .. a 00 1 rol 2f 0 Joacnhus ; Complete VTor'.p , 8vo. cloth. . . 1 25 " " sheep. . . 2 68 uwTurkl'h Wir , 12mo dolh 100 Jj'Voleon and HU Camp-lens. 12mo cloth 1 00 ! tf the Cruiadei , With 160 UIus ra- tion' ¬ ; ISmo clnth 1 00 lira who Have Ulsen , 1 fimo. doth 100- Ufe Hittory of Livlna&tone. inclu Jin ? tht- Herald'tanly Expdi inn. Royal 12mo. cloth 100 Life ot Horace Orecley. Royal lima. cloth 100- Ooirpa Wail instor , 12mo. cloth * Atrxunder Hamilton. 12aj" . cloth Thnmat Jefferson , 12mo cloth. . . ... . .. . Benjam'n Tranklin , llmo. cloth. . . . . .. . lanl l Wotwor , llmo cloth Henry Clay , 12mo cloih. . Strpbtn A. Division , 12mo. cloth Abrahaa L'ncoln. 12mo cloth IVanid Boone , ISifio. cloth Dirld Crocket. 12nio. < Ioth- KltCmon. . ISmo. cloth. _ .. . . . Nldiolu lofRu'ssia , ISmo cloth. . . ... .. Cap' John Emlth , 12mo. cloth Francis Marlon , ISoio. cl th Andrew Ja k on, l mo cloth Kvm. HousUin. l mo doth Thu-c Mrs. Jiidwras , 12mo. cloth Kllnlia Kent Ktnc , ISmo clotn. .. . . Mm ilajor I'tuline Cu < , 12mo. cloth HerolcWcmen of Ilittorv , 12mo. clsth. . . Corf im and Early Life of Napoleon , 12mo. doth $1 00- Tmns Napoleon. 12aio. cloth.... 100- Ilistorr of the War In India 12mo. rloth 1 00 Red Line Poets.B- oulledre's . n"w and teautlful fditlon of Bel- T.ine. . Fach vol-ime con.aini a Memoir and H- Qlnttratcd wltli apnrtraltnf theauthorencravtd- on teel nl numerout full-pare tllutratlons oy eminent artis'B. Cro r 8vo cloth , llc sides and ortzet.The best edition in tl-e nwrket. EiohSl.OO- .Tennyjon. . . Co 'pr.- 1'yron. . . Milton- .SotU . niirt Conk- .llun . . Sliakespears.- Moore. . . Wnrdiwort'- Crabbe. . Omian- .Chaucer. . . Yoansr. Campbell and Southey. JColcridje.- LocLliard. . . He er. Mm. Ilcmins. IlciliorU- Ilond. JUckUy.- Guldamltn. . . . SUellay- .IoatiomcrT . > , James. I'ope, Johnson's LA es of PocK The Gliandos Classics.- A . Series of Standard works in Pottry , His- tory and General Litiraturo. Crown 8vo. cloth ; In ncu etjlo of blndiiip.perol. ... . 76c- ndcroon'ii FairTales. . Maot > V Poems. Arabian Klchts Milton.- i . i 3k of Authors. Montgomery's Poems- .Bunyau'g . 1 itfcrlms Pro- Moore- .Ocklcy . . & Ribbon's Hu- Sums ton * of the 8ararcniL- OVc' -23u ] rs * Huiibras. ford's FrenchSongs- Pcpy's Byron.- Campbell. . Diary- .PoiMa . . Illiai.- Pope's . Cljrc'o Uesains.- ColerlJce. . Odyeeev- .Popo'g . . Puerni- .Kpp'McnUtire . Co-ik. Klirx- Co AoVore : per. Hooiuson Crusoe.- Uomatica . Dante, by Cirv.- Uodd'H . f Histories.- prow. . Tcautlcs o ! EhiltcKrcltBd. . Franco.- iiwiro. . . ' 'Spain. India. Italy. V Don Quliote. Poett's Poeirs- Dr. . Bynax'ThreeTours.Bsotts Essajf on- KiitBrn Fairy Talrs. Chivalry. JEvelyn'uDiarv Scott's Live * Of the U2itlvc Po'try.- "Ocrmm . Unmtthts. Literature. Shaki ipcar . Oil Bias Bhclley Goldsmith' * Poea-s , Spen'ir's Fa rle Qu en. Onmm's Fairy Tales. Swiw r'amlly Eoblnion. Htber. Tennyon.- Tnomrwon. . Ilcmans.- Htrbcrt. . . . To'lisend's Manual ot Hood- .Humorons . Literature , Z vols | TpenM- .Johusou'B . Virgil liryden. Lives of Pocte.LocWi- Euats. SpanUh . Canada Knight's Half Hours , Mac .Ulaj'S Lays. Koran ( Complete ) . Legendary Eallads. Lamb's Essays andPocms Fiction.T- IinWAVERLT . HOVELS- .Cnlrerse . Edition , i& vols. ISmo. doth p r- T 1 75 Teoplo * Edition , 12 vols. Svo cloth psr- vol 5100 Peoples * Edition , 0 vols. tloih , per Tul 160- DICESM31 COMPLETE WOUUS- .'nd . Edition, 14 voli. ISmo. doth ,p r- vol Velvet e Edition , 14 voln. limo.- Olobe . Edi ; on"i5Vols"l2mo oV 'p''t'ro l 00- MEDIOAL , KECIPE. AN , COOK BOCK8- on for - __, n tnss n t fle g. cvcni a| fi-tini b.M motOookerv. " BjV A llender- o , - . .. . ICO- mocloth The American Uome Cimk liooV , Lv the Ladl'snf Oetniitandiithercitics , llmo. Bound i.i oilcloth . 100 000 Receipts , worth their In Go d, 12mo . 1 00 Tde Amencnu rructlo.1 Cookerr Book 12mo . ; . .. 1 00 The Fanii'y Doctor , By 11. S Tavlor , M. D. 12mo . 100 "Women and her DkeJtees , By K. H- .Dixon. . . 12mo . . . 100 Naphry'ePht seal Life of Woman 12mo. 160- N phey"gTran m'siipn of Life. I'ma . .. 1 60- Jaiihey ( Uand Book o ! Popular Medi- cines ¬ , 12mo . 1 6- 0Agricultural. . ot the American llorft , Uattl und Sheep , llv Uobt. McClure , M. 0. V.- B. . . l m cloth . 1 00 The Horse and his Dirciscs, By Rbt.- Jennlnqn . , V. 8. ISmo. cloth . 1 03 Cattle and their Diseves , By Kobt. Jen- lInsV.8. - ) . lm . ... .. . .. . 100- Hoise Training made lacy , By RobL Jen- infS.V.8. - ! | . 16mo doth. .. . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Sheep, Swine and Poultry, By Robt. Jen- nlnffl - , V. 8. 12mo. cloth . 1 09 Miscellaneous.Th- eCnolco . Works of Thomas Hood , Crown Eve . 1 60 The Chole * Works of Eean Bwltt , Crown The Complete Works of Chas Lamb , Crown QTO * * - * * * 1 fn) Buffon'i Ifatura' History , 2 rolj. In 1 , 12oio. . . .. . .. ... . * . * . * " .... . . 1 00 Chamber's Encj-c OJVD It , Latest BeriBod Edition in 10 > o's. sheep . to C- OIverybod' * Lawjer and Book of lomw. Thoroughly revised to date , I2mo , Law EMle. .. . .... . . . . .. ., . - * .. . . . .. 1 00 The "Science and Art of Etooutlon , By Frank H. Fenno , 12mo. doth . . 1 00- JCtap a Fables , 16ino Uuatrated . 100- Hinily Andy . . . . . . . . ... . 1 5- TCD Thomv.d YeAT- . . . .. .. . . .. - 1 25- Tnree Guanemen ? . ... . .. . . ... . .. * .. 1 S- 5CouitofiIontoChrito. . . . . - . 1 25 Tom Brown at Oxford . . 125- T .m Brown" * School D y . .. ... . .. .. . .. . . 1 25- Th Decameron of Boccaccio , Irmo cloth 1 15 The flctam-ronxo ! Margaret , Quosaof- MXavorre , 12mo cloth . ., ..... . .. 25- Dr. . H illieVs Mirtixze Guide , Cloth . 00- A Foul'4 Errand , dith . . . 0J- LJluommnir , Bj Zola , cloth . . . .. .. . 00- K na. KyZ li , cloth . M- Webster1 * Dnaoridged Dictionary, Law st Edition . ! . JO C- OHabdtts , Illa-tr. by Dore , doth . s 0- Janlus'ljtt' > r , c'oth . . . . .. . . .. .. . 100- A F n jus VI story , doth . 1 SJ- Amerioan Pooular Diellonarr , ooitiinin ; abj a vast amount of Infer ration upon Science. Mytholosy , History , Indians , L nd Titloi.Canstltu'Ioas , Law , Citiaa.- Collcfrw . , Army and .Navy. Debts , KaU- of M irUtltv. Growth of Clt C6 , Rates of Jntsrest. lotolvint ani Asslsnment L ws. etc , etc. , cloth , orer 600 pastes. . 75- Dr. . .Naobey * Physic l LUeof Woman. . . . 1 60- Dr. . haphcy'a Trinsmlssion of Life . . , 1 60 And thousands of other volumes , too numsr * 033 to mention , both new and fccondha- nd.LIBER . UL, PRICES rAJD TO- RSECONDHAND BOOKS , other ic cash or la xehar o- .Adddren . : H. SOHONFELO ) , 1116 Fsrnham street , OMAHA , ; - ; : NBP , A.T.CROSSLEY * A TTORNET AND COUKSELOR AT LAW JKo. . 314 Soath l th St , bet. Famham and Uamey. CHARLES POWELL , JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Comer JBth and Bts. , Omaha Xeb. _ WA. SIMERAL , A TTORSEY AT LAW Hoam 6. Crtlthton A Block. ISth St , OMAHA. NEB.- D. . . L THOMAS. * TTORNKT XT LAW Loans money , bnya- jti. . and sells real estate. Koom S, Creljhton Blcck. A. C. TROUP , A TTORNEr AT LAW Offioe In Hanscoms Block , with George E, Pritchett , 1606- St. . OHAHA.NSB. DEXTER L. THOMAS , A TTORSEY AT LAW-CralckBhanK B Build A. Inz. A. M. GHACWiCK , A TTOPJTEY AT LAW Office 160* Farnhaa &. Etr . et.A. . 8WASTZLANDE- A TTORNET AT LAW Cor. Uthand Farnham- A. . emit. payOtt- VILLIAM A. ? OKDA. * TTORNEY AND COUKHELOB AT LAW- .J . . Boom > To. S, Frcrter Bloot , oppodte Post 0 < TV3. OMAHA, W . L. PEASODY , AWYSB-omco la Ortichtca Block , naxt ta Port Oars. OSiiHA, 11CBHASKA- .JOTABY . PTJWUO. COLtrCTZOKB MADE E. D. KCLAUCKLIK- .i . TTtJRSFT AT LAW AND JUSTICE OF . 1 TnE PEACE Southeast corner Fifteenth Douglas St.- ffjTCollaetlnnB . Promptly Attended tO.TK- O'BRSEH > & 8ABT- IS7T.AttorneysatLaw . , OFTICE-Pnlon PJoek.fVurenth anc Famham- A. . L P.3BISCH.- A . TTOKrJEY AT Rccra Crelghton A. Block. OMAHA Xfch. 1uni-tl ATTORNEY AT LAW.K- MBACH . BLOCK , COR. DOUGIGTH STS. _ OMAHA. NEB W. d. Connell , Attorney-at-Law. Office : Front rooms , np Blairs , In Hansctm's nev brick building , N. W. corner Fifteenth and Farnliam Streets.- A . 1TORNEY-AT-LAW , A. 132 < Farnham St. , Omaha. Patents , Pensions and Claims. Refers , by permis-ion , to Gcnl C F. Mander.- on - . , lion. A. J. Poppleton , and T. L. Kimball , Fvi. tul'-lm . K 'jci. : CHAS. H- .REDICK . & REDICK, Attorneys-at-Law , Spedil attention will be given to all tnlts against corporations of every description ; will practice In al hhr Courts ct the State and the United SUtcg. Office , Farnkam St , , oppoilto Court nonne. EDWARD W. SiMERAL , i TTOKNET AT LAW Boom 6 CwIgtMn- X . Block , IFth md Dopclae rtreeta. nogdh- C. . F. MAKDERSON , A TTORSTT AT LAW S Farnham Btne- tJ , Omaha Xebranka. _ PARKE GODWIN , A TTORNEY AT LAW-Ulh and DonjUl A Btneta.wIthO. W.Doane- w, T. IUOTIRDS. Q. J. HUNT RICHARDS & HUNT , Attorneys-at-Law. Omen 215 South Fourteenth Street. EAST INDIA S Lil HER & 00.s SOLH MANUFACTURERS A new hitherto unknown remedy for'all- dl fa = c of tbo Kl JIIPs, Bladder, and Urinary Organs- .It . will positively cure Diabetes , U ravel , lirop- ty - , Rrlzht's Discis.Inatnlity to letain or expell the Urine , Catarrh ot lioBlidier, hlrb colored and scanty urine , Paintul Unnatmtr , LAMS BACrt , Ucncral Wunkucgs. ind all Female Com ¬ plaints- .It . avniiii m crnal meJiLi ei , Is certain In it effects and cure* v hen ! * can. For Mile y all Ucu ista or sent by mall free upon receipt of the price , 2.tO DAY KIDNEY PAD CO. . PROP'RS , Toledo , O.- 2TScnd . your address for our little book. How a Life was Saved. " MMKS K. ISH. Arnnt tnr Nebras- ka.PERF3AEEH7LY . CURES i KSDKEY DSSSASSSy- LSVER CG5f1FLAs 4Vo Constipation ord Piiss- .j . "in COM * of KxascT Tnorniis t. . acicJ lite n rfiarra. IthaieilrcJrjanj rcr- ucd lion > isrcr f-iIU-il t 3, offit-Albcnr , Vt , " ! tIftorrrlelct ) uT c. AJ.crwt t? ' ' ! rlar frrai Tile * *ni C - j tlrcncin 11 cuuiplctc'eurcJ ire. " C. S, 1IOGA.IiO > , crlicrl , . " Src , snyr, ! > r- j' j' j'plettlj curhy : a itvcrn Uvrr oua njCon- j CojaylaUt. " IT IT ACTS ON Tlin KOVm AX3 K13- NErS - . ! AT TIME. j Qcccusa Ic claancc. . tlo 6jstor. o' . tilsoascc , Ji- llojjnucs ! - , Jaundice , Conat'pa'Jcn.- Pllos . , or In niisuTiattom , fCoursiglu and Fcnialo clitort- ferc.Machine . . . | C - v * -l * J IV VVMf'W 3 pocnSsna caull siatbr =!all i ntkl .Urinnry . Works , j ,9 r , J. F. Hammond , Prop. & Manager The roe t thorocrh appointed and e rer > leU Machine Shops and Foundry In the state- .Castlnn . o! every description mannlactured.- Emrlnas. . . Pnmp and e> cry class o machinery made to oruer. Special attention circa to Well Ansnir l'iUojs * nanccrs , Shaftinir.Brldce Irons , Gcer Cutting , etc , Planal or sew KacMnerj-.Headiialcal Dranjht.- Ing.Koiels . , e * , noatlr czecatod- .St. . . , Bet. 14t and 15t& THE DAILr BEE. OMAHA PUBLISHING CO. , PROPRIETORS. 918 Parnhssi , btt. Stk and 10th Struts TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION , 1 Copy 1 yrar , In advance (postpaid ) J3.0- 0emontts " " 4.00- Smooths " " 2.00 THE ! TABLES- THE MAILS.- C . , 4K. W. ER630a. m. , ! : lp. m- .C.B.SQ5aOa.m. . . , 2:40 p. m.- C. . . B. I & P. R. R. . t30 a, m. , 2JOp. : m 0'St Jo 6SO : a. m- S.CItyP.5aOam. . U. P. B.B. , ll.Wa.rn.- O. . . 4 R. V. to Lincoln , 10 a. m.- B. . . ftMR.B8 : < Oa m- .O.&N. . . W. , 7SOam.- C. . . tN. W. B.R. , 11 a. m. , 11 p. ra.- C. . . B. 4 Q. , 11 a. m , 930 p. m.- C. . . R. I. 4 P. , 11 a. m. , 11 p. m.- O. . . B. & St, Joe. , 11 a.m,, 11 p. m.- U. . . P. R. R4 p m. 0. & R. V. from Lincoln , 12ao p. m, S City t P. , 11 a.m.- B. . . &M. lnKeb.4 p. m. Load mails for States Iowa Icare but once a day , vis : 4:30 a. m. Office open from 12 to 1 p. ra. Sundays.- T0OMAS . y. HALL. Postmaster. Arrival Ami Departure of Trains UNION PACIFIC.- UATB. . . ARltm* Dally Express. . . . 12:15 p. m. 3:25p.m.- do : . Mixed 6lop m. 426p.m.- do . FreUht 6:30 : a. m. 1:40 p. tf.- do . do 8:15a m, 1230am. THIS CARD OF THE BURLINUTON.L- SAVB . OV1B- A.Exprnts . iRRITI OMA- HA.Express..10:00a. . . . .SWp : m- .til . .m , 6X0 a. to. Mail 10:00 p. o.- Suni'ays . Sundays Ezcepted. Excepted- .CHICAGOtRO . K ISLAND & FACIUC. 6:00 a. m. I Mail 10:00 : p. m. Express S:40p.m. | Express.1000 : a. m. CHICAGO NORTHWEST- ERN.Hall..6 . : Oa.rn.IMdl 7:29p. m. xprea6B40pm. : | Exprefs1000a. : m. Sundays exceptcd.- KAKSAS . CrrY.ST. JOE & COUNCIL BLUFFS.I- K1VK . ARMVI- .ilall . 8:00 a. m. I Express 7:10 : ft. m. Express 60 p.m. | Mafl 7:25 J.m. The rn'y line running Pullman Sleeping Cars ont of Omaha to Union Depot- .OilAHA . is KORTHWE.-TERN AND IBIOUI CITY ft PACIFIC EAILROA- DS.Express..8 . " )0 a. m. | Fxprcs" 40 p m. Dally Except Bund y . G & M. B. B. in NEBRASKA.- WX . [ T] [KASr ] Omaha ( IT ) 9.0- 0riattsm'thar Kearney J'nc ( (1 v)6:60 : a m- BloorolnUinlv)5:10 10:25 : am- Cc&rnyJ'ncar)7:5S [ ( ) am ) p ra- ted Red Cloud m ) " : J5 a te- ar Cloud (arrt7:5Bpr- aloonfgtonarO ) * :20 p in > ( ) S p rh } . . .4 5 pm REPUBLICAN VALLEY RAILWAY- .m . | Uloom'jtonarl:30pmll- Mtnlnirton ( ) : 1:35 : p m I Hastuigs (ar) 6:55 : p in Orleans ( Iv) 7 0 a m | Indiincla ( tr ) Ir 0 p to Orleans (ar) 7:00 : p m | Indiasola (Iv ) 2.30 p m SIOUX CITY & Bt. PAUL R. R- .1M . 6:10am I Eipres ? . ... , . 10:00 am Express 8,40pm Wall 7'20 p m WABASH , ST. LOUIS & PACIFIC.L- IAVXS. . . ARMTU- .lail . 8am. I Mall. , ., . ll-M *. m Cxpresi.340 p. m. ( Eiprcsa 4:25 : p. m. BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. R, R- .iTe . > Omaha , daily. 8 a ra , 0 a. m. , 10 a m. , 11 a. m. , 1 p. m. , S p. ih. , Sp. m, S p. m , ,6 p.- m. . . , Leave Coundl Binds ; 8S5 a. m. , 8:25 : a. m , , L0 ; 3 &. m. , 11 5 a. m , 1:25 : p m , 2:25 : p. m. , S:25 : p. m, B:2S p. m. , 0:25 p. m. , Four trips on Bandar * , leaving Omaha at 9 attd 11- a.m. . , 2 and 6 p. m; Couniil Bluffs at 0:25 : , 11:25 a. m. , ar d Et& And 5ri5 p. m.- FAISEXOKR . TKACt- S.Uar . Omaha : 6 a. m. , 7 a, m. , 8:20 : a. m. , 1- p. . m. , 4:50 p. m. , 135 p. m. , Uave Council Bluffs : 6.1G n. m , , 9:40 : a. m. , 11.40 a, m. 5:25 p. m. , 7.00 p. ra. , 7 0 p. m. Dally except Sunday.- OMAAA . 4 REPUBLtCAN VALLEY R. . LSAVB , ARRIVE. Hull 10:45 a. m. , 4.S5 p. m. Dally except Sunda- ys.FEVfill . AND AGUE. THOUGH SHAKING LIKE AK-ASPJN LEAF With th chills and fever , ths vutlm ot- Uiy still recover t'y ' utlni; this ea ebratrd sped- Ic - , which not on ! ) breaks Up the most agjra ( > at- 1 - attatls , but prevents their recumenc" . It- B lEflji'.UU prtferable tu qnh.ino not only be- smcit - doe. the business far more thoroughly , jut ilso on account of its perf : t whoksomenegj- nd invigorating action upon the entire sj stem IRON TURBINE WIND ENGINE -ir f l--j7Jy s g ? ga MANUFACTURED BY Mast , FOJS & Co. , Springfield , 0.- The'Strongert . and Host Durable WIND ENGINE . In the World. Hundreds m use In Iowa and Nebraska Sold by Dealers in nearly every county- .Thii . cnt reprosenta oar Buckeye Force Pump which It particularly adapted to Wind Mill me , as It irorki easily and throws a constant stream , and does not freeze up in the cold ¬ est-weather. Bend foe price list W. H. RAYNER , Western Ac't , Omaha , Neb. SANTA OLATJS FOUND. Greatest Discovery of the Age.- Wonuerful . discoverosln ! the world have been made Among otbar thlnjrs where Santa Clauj BUjcd Children oft ask U he makes roods or not , If really he lives in a mountain of snow. Last year an excursion sailed clear to the Pole And suddenly dropped Into what scemedlike.hole Where wonder of wonders they found a new land <Tnlle falry-lik j beings appeared on each hand. There wore mountains like ours , with more beautiful treen , And far brighter skies than ever were seen. Birds with the hues of a rainbow were found , While flowers of exquisite fragrance were grow Injf around. Not long were they lett to wonder in doubt A beitic soon came bad heard much about , Twas Santa Clans' self and th Is they all gay, He Ivoked like tha picture r esee every day- .He . drov * up a team that looked verr queer , Twas a team * f erasahoppers instead of reindeer He rode in a shell instead ot a eleteh , But he took them on toord and drove them away.- He . showed them all over his wonderful realm , And factories making goods for women and men Furriers were working on haU great and Email , To Bunco's thcr (aid they were sending them all. Kris Kinclc , the Glove liaker , told them at once All our Gloves we are sending to Bonce , Santa chawed them suspenders and many things more. Saying I alge took these to triced Bonce's Eton- .Sinta . Clans then whispered a secret he'd te'I , As in Omaha every one knew Bcnee well , He therefore should send his goods to his can , Knowing his friends will get their lull share. Now remmber ye dwellers In Omaha town. All who want presents to Bunco's go round , For shirts, couars , or cloves great and snail , Bead ronr sister or aunt one and all- .Baao . *. Ohajcpioa Bitter ot tie Wert , mt , Omihi. A Famous Pie SUnd. The senate pio-stand , as it is called , was one of the stund * fnrcod out. Il was kept by s crippled l dy named Miry Burch. She has b en there for many years , and ha probably mtdt- money. . Daring th time Mary has kept It she has had as customers many of the leading men of the nation. Senator McCrary , of Kentucky , the moat humorous speaker that has been in the senate sine * the days of Nya , was a regular customer of Mary's stand ; BO also was Zaoh Chandler. David Davis could be seen there every day the Senate was in session , drink- ing ¬ his glass of milk and eatinz his piece of pie , for which lunch Mary charged 8 cents. Chandler was a great pie-eater ; Senator Vest , of Missouri , was also a frequent visitor but not reg- ular ¬ consumer of Mary's famous pies- .I . remember one day of hoarlng Sen- ator ¬ McCrary Invite Senator Ran- som ¬ , of North Carolina , np to- Mary's stand. Said McOrary , whose strongest point was his economy and saving he saved , it is said , §36,000- of the ?40,000 ho received as salary for the eijht ; years he was iu the sen- ate ¬ "Ransom , you have lunched me several times , now come and take a- lunsh with me. " Ransom accompa- nied ¬ him. expecting , of course , to be- led'dovrn to the restaurant , but Mc- Crary ¬ walked direct to Mary's pie- stand. - . "Mary , " said he , "give U3 two glasses of milk and five cents worth of ginger cakes. " Tnrnins 10 Ransom he a'kei innocently , "Rin- enm - , do you like ginge * cakes ? " Rns- nm - said he did , but he drank the milk only , while McCrary consumed the fiVa cakes Another day he met C nkling the Great , walking along the lull. Stopping him he said : "drnkling , have something V- 0Mikling said : "Certainly. " Mc- Crary ¬ went over to the stand , and , handing Msry two pennies , said : "Give ns thcSa two long sticks of can ¬ dy. " Taking the largest he banded Conklinp the other , and the pair walked off. One day Mary was asked f Senator Davis ate In proportion to- iis size ? She answered : "No , he doea not eit much , but he is good pay , which ia innre than some of them , " Senator Davis , besides his million- dollar farm , ha at leas a million dol- ars - lying around. Mary made a cake which was known as the two cant cake- .t . [ was made of better material than he ordinary penny cake. Chandler was noticed munching oh thorn one day by a friend , who sskedlf he could tand frucli food. ' Stand itl" he re- plied. ¬ . "No ; I don't stand it. My- iver is too active , and I eat these to- t a little. " [ Wash. Cor. Hartford Dimes.'j he boat ' 'FoesUm. few Crteahs Picayune. Nothing is more savory to a south- ern ¬ negro's palate than a roasted fat opoauni. Ona old negro hunter cap- ured - n fllie specimen the other day , and feeling hungry , stopped to cook it- in the woods. He built a fire and dressed and spitted his meat ; but , aeing very tired , as well to hungryjI- B fell asleep wliilS the pdssum wai- roasting. . As he.slept , a ' 'low trash" negro came upon the scene , doubtless attracted by the fire and the smell of roasting meat. Thh nbw comer ap- proached ¬ cautiously with one eye on- he 'possum and the other on Uncle Eph , who still slumbered. First , he shook the old man , who turned to an easier position , but would not wake. The stranger took in the eituatian , and then proceeded to take- n the 'possum. He , too , Was a ' 'pos ¬ sum eater , and lie made short work of- he dainty roast. He ate and at el till but the bones were left. Uncle Eph was still sleeping , and it occurred to the vandal that he would make Eph think that he had been to supper , so that whdn he awoke ho would not sus- pect ¬ the theft. Then the "lou.trash"l- egro proceeded to 'po--si cigrease- Sph's hands and face and mouti : , and- o pile in the old man's lop uio gnawed ) ones. Nights have morning * , nd sleeping must have its waking. Uncle Eph awoke and immediately thought of- iis possum. It was not on the fire ; t was not anywhere to be seen ; but there in his lap were the bones that lad been gnawed. On his hands , lips and beard was grease and the smell of- possum. . He was self-convicted. He concluded that ho had eaten the 'pos ¬ sum , yet he could not remember the pleasure the eating had given him. Weighing & 11 cironmstanoial evidence carefully , the old man slowly pro- nounced ¬ judgment : "Dat's a fac' . I'se been eatin1 dat- possum. . Must have done it when [ 're asleep. " But then his stomach ; why did It not stand out as a witness in the easel It felt empty, and yet it should be full."It's certain sho'r I'va done eat up that 'possum. Muat have done it when 1'ae asleep. But , " and the old man placed his hand sadly over his really empty stomach , "but it inter- feres ¬ lesa'n any 'possum I ebbsr did eat. " Value of an Improved Animal. The American Agriculturist thus re- fers to the value of an improved ani- inal : "In Mr. Bonner'a barn we no- tictd - a pcod short horn bull , two years old last spring , thoroughbred , regis- tered ¬ , thatci st $150 , we believe. He was kept for the double purpose oi improving the stock of the farm and ot the neighborhood as well , and for the latter purpose was let at the low rate of $2 per service. His progeny for tlin present year will number at least 60 , yielding $120 , though a con- siderable ¬ number of these will be in the home herdr A little figuring will show the value of a single such animal. The calves will te worth 88 to $10 each at one day old , while the ordi- nary ¬ 'natives' sell for only $1 bach when dropped an increase of | 7 to §9 each. Call the increased value only § 5 each , a very low estimate, anc the increased valne of the 60 calves will be $300 , or twice the coat of the bull. But look ahead & litth : The expenses of raising animals to three years old will be about the same for natives as good grades ; but at that ag ! the improved animals will sell for a least §25 more per head equivalent for the 60 animals of this one year's cet to at least 1500. Let it be kept in mind that this result will eurely come from keeping this one $150 an- itnal a single season , while his valne- a year hence will be quite as large as- now. . And this result may be depend- ed upon annually for half a dozen years. There is no doubt that the above figures will be fully realiied Query : Why are not more such breed- ing animals introduced into everj neighborhood where farm itock ii kept ? Similar figures apply to horses , swme , sheep , etc. A multitude in- deed ¬ the great mass of fanners do- do not hesitate to graft their native ap ¬ ple trees with Improved oions , yet they are satisfied to keep on raising , caring for, and using 'scrub' animals , when every dollar expended in Im- proved ¬ blood is speedily reinrned many fold. " Keep Your Poultry Healthy. National Stockman. All who have orchards or even clus ¬ ters of fruit trees should snrronnd them by a good picket fence , if they would have a firitrclass poultry yard. In the most convenient part of the inclosure erect a substantial hen house with numerous poles , so arrang ¬ ed that one row of poultry [ shall not roost directly over anoth'ttf.Thflso poles should , also , be so fkefeneid tht they raay lot Miily dttsclud fox cleaning , fumigating and whitewaah- iot - *. The nests should be so built as- to be mcrcd , aired , disinfected and cleansed at any season of the year. A large open fireplace that will take in rotten logs and large stomps will make an excellent place for tht hens to dnst themselves in warm weather , and to keep them warm during the winter- .Gire . the hens the run of the orchard , and plow np several open places where the sun shines longest , and make .the land mellow that the hens may have plenty" of room to scratch and dnit themselves at pleas ¬ ure. Hens are fond of picking at pumpkins , rquaah. melons , tomatoes , cabbage , etc. They ar seldom dls. eased when they have free access to variety of food. When they cannot find worms , grubs , flies , grasshoppers , and similar insects they should have small rations of liver , lights , and other cheap meats. But the increased quan- tity ¬ of fruit and its improvsd qnallty, of every variety, will amply pay for the labor acd expense of turning a portion of the orchard Into a poultry yard. The eggs nnd tha increase of fat chickens thus fed , housed and pro- tected ¬ fully reward these attentions. Poultry thus fed and protected will be found more profitable than pigs or White and XeiloW Cofa. There has been a greater proportion of yellow corn raised the pa t few years than formerly. It is cHmedL- hav it is ran re prolific and sw-eter than white. This , howeror , is yet a disputed que'tion , some contending as much white corn per" acre o .fa be raised as ygllotf. tiut the establishment of- so m ny glucose factories makes a- intvy demand for- white corn , which hey contend makes a ligbjgr and bet- er - glucose than yellow.'TS-thls de- nand continues , and It is probabla- t will be largely increased , it might > e well for farmers who expect to ell their corn to select white eed corn this fall. At the state fair ust closed , we saw eeveral specimens if very choice whit corn , and by a- ittle inquiry , juat at this time , any- one can obtain very desirable seed. White corn will ibll tU this time frdm- bree to five cents per bushel more ban mixed or yellow corn. And we would recomniend persons h gathering their corn this fall to- ceop their white and yellow onrn sepa- ate if they intend selling to the mills or glucose factories. If however , it is- ntendcd only for feeding at home , it- s a matter of indifference how it is- mixed. . Bat for sale in the market , it will richly pay to keep the white sopa- ate from all other shades. [Iowa Register. A Halrlwaa Horse- .tn . a recent issna of the Reno ( Nc : vada ) Gazette ) the editor tuys that one of the natural peculiarities of that ountry is an alkali grass which takes 11 the hair off an animal. It is found n some places on Steamboat creek , outh of Mrs. Gates' ranch. A horse T cow that rune there a month or to- oses sVery bit of its ooat. An old terse that has been running there has launted the Virginia road lil the vi- liriity - of Brown's station a week or Bt ) . le is not quite naked yet , but soon will be. A little hair sticks on the ide of his neck , & few stragglers around the root of his tail , half a- lozen in one ear and few other spots emain. His stumpy tail is as bare as a billiard ball , and looks like the utt end of a leather whip. The mane- s all gone , and the heavy skin stands up itl a corrugated ridge. The skin is- rown and looks like , that of an ele- hant. - ) . A hairless horse is a funny ooking beast. WHAT IS MORE TERRIBLE , Tore painful , more exasperating , discpur- ginp - and persistent than Piles , especially to oMicted mortals who have triad lotions , ointments , pills , electuaries and all manner of nostrums and doctors' stuff , internally and externally , without reliaf ? What wonder it is that half a million redeemed uCere'-s should about bosannas over the Uscoverr of "Anaktnt , " an ittfalKHe ewe JorPUttt This m dical miracle , BO simple ai to exclta wonder that wise doctors have not thought of it before , EO prompt and certain in its action aa to secure for itself he title of infallible , so s.'ientiflc and ra- ional - in its combination ofpovetice , insfru * ment ami medicine , as to render the ulti- mate ¬ curs of 95 per cent of average cam of piles sura , is not an accidental dicov.- ery . , but the solution of a problem by the study and experience of Dr. Siltbee , an accomplished and distinguished physician of 40 years' standing. It baa stood the test ol 2H years' ; over half a million of sufferers nar used it with suc- cess ¬ , and doctors of all schools now pre- scribe ¬ it in their practice , * nd it is pro- nounced ¬ to be the nearest to an Infallible remedy for piles yet discovered. "Anafc- em - , " Dr. S. Silsbe * External Pile Eeme- dy - , Is sold by druggists everywhere. Prioa- II.(10 ( per box. Samoles mailed free to all cuiTererit on application to P. N usta. dter 4 Co. , Box > M . New York.- CoTCmraTKKa . are ever on tba alert to nod [ reen fitldj to work , but they never Imitate R worthless article , Frof. Qullcnovte'i French Kidney Psdwabroushtutaboatten years ago , and since tnen a host ot ohaps without skill or conscience h ve f OUR t to 'mltato it by m-ny worthies i a&airs ; but a dfeirrrlnatlnx nblio will hold "fa tfo that wlloh Is good , " Bid th * Oullmette Pad more tban holfc tu own. It cures * H ki iper distaste and s co eds where medicine ofoon bus. Ash vour dnmiH It thl. Is net so. INFLAMED GUMS are instantly relieved , and will be permanently cured by the vise of- SOZODONT. . The wider it is known , the better it is liked. ' It history is one Ion ? , continuous record of success as a beneficial and most fragrant wash , Other preparations for the teeih have appeared and passed away , but SOZO- DONT - remains. Toys are easily mended , and strong ¬ ly , by SPALDIKO'B GOTK. It is always ready to be used , and may justly be termed "Semper paratus. " The liver is more irerjnently the seat of disease than is generally supposed , for up- on ¬ its regular action depends , in a great measure , the powers of the stomach , Dow- els ¬ , brain and th * whole nervous system. Regulate that important organ by taking Simmons' Liver Regulator , and you pre- vent ¬ most of the di saes that flesh Is heir to diw- A WONDERFUL DISCOVERT. For the speedy cure of Consump ¬ tion and all diseases that lead to It , such as stubborn coughs , neglected Colds , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Asth- ma ¬ , pain in the side and chest , dry hacking cough , tickling in the throat , Hoarseness , Sore Throat , and all chronic or lingering diseases of the throat and lungs , Dr. King's New Dis- covery ¬ has no equal and has established for itself a world-wide reputation. Many leading physicians recommend and use It in their practice. The form- ula ¬ from which it u prepared Is high- ly ¬ recommended by all medical jour ¬ nals. The clergy and the press have complimented it in the moat glowing terms. Go to your druggist and get a trial bottle free of cost , or a regular size for 100. For sale by d(5) ( ) J. K. ISH. Omaha.- BucKien'B . Arnica Salve The BXSTSALVK In the world for Cuts , Bruises, Sores , Ulcera , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp- ed ¬ Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve U guaranteed to give perfect satiafac- tlod - In every case or money re tended. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 8dly J. K. TSTT , Omaha.- To . the Voters of the Sixth iWardN- oUeel - U hereby tfvm that I will git atrnr office , 9lQ north leth street , (near Eedman's store ) lt e n this dit sad NoTembtr S, IgJO for thn pnrposj of refijterimr the qualified TO- t - rs of the 6th w rd , and aijrine any correct ¬ ions ir alterations to said list- .JAKES . N. MTJBPHr * THE OOIOEADO BUSINESS COLLEGE This Institution , located at Denrer , Co'orado the Educational and Commercial center of th- W st , Is preeminently the best and most prsctl- eal of Its Und for th- eMERCANTILE TRAINING OF Young Men and Ladies.- G. . . W. FOSTER , President , D. W. CADY , Secretary.- Ths . most extemdre , thorough and complete Institution of the kind la the world. Thousands of accountants and Business men , in the prin * elpal cities and towns of the United States , owe th lr success to our courie cf trainlnir. The Eisht Kind of Eduoition for Young Men and Ladie ?. Fine, n w brht block , at junction ot three ttrcet CAT Hc i E'e ' actly flttcl and furnished apartments forth a application of and carrying oat of our novel and systematic methods of BUSINESS TRAINING.Y- trSic . men who conferdpUto a builness life , and parents having sons to eduoate , ar particu- larly ¬ requtlUd to rend for our now Circular , wblchwIU give full Information as to terms , condition of entranc ;, etc. Address G W. FOSTER , President , sepe-Sm Denver Colorad- o.AYFR'S . ' SARSAPARlLLAT FOB THE BLOOD This compound o the vegetable alter *. Ssrsaparllla'- DocK, StlllmjtM nd Mandrake with tha Iodides cl Potash and j makes a moj effectual cure of a Aeries of corrplalnts- which - are very pre- valent ¬ and afflicting , It purifies the blood- __ purges out the lurk- ing humors In tha system , thatundennlne health aud settle into troubloaome disorders. Ernp lions otQ skin are the appearance on the snr- facoof humors , that should bo expelled from the blood. Internal derangements are the determin- ation ¬ ot these same humors to ioma internal orpin , or organs , who a action they derange , and nhos 8ub9taDC they dlsevo and destroy- .Ann's . SABSTAULU expels these humors from the blood. Whsn they ar gone , the disorders thfey product disappear , CUCh as Uletrations of- tht Liver, Stomach , Ktdneyi , bunas , Eniptimt and Eruptive Ditcata oftne SfrinSt. . .inihonif- iFirt , Roie or Jlrynpclat , fimpln , Puttula , Elotchei. Boil *, Tiimort.Tittir and Salt Rheu > n, Scald litad , Ring-worm , Vleen and Sum, Khettmatiim, tfeitralyia. Pain in the Bonti , Sidt and Utad, Ftmale Weakness , Sterility , Ltuconluta ariiing from internal ulctratien and titcrint aiiKUet Dropiy, Duspepiia , Ema- ctattott and amerat Dttnhty. With their de- pnrture health returns. ] PREPARED BY- DR.. J. . AYER & CO. , LOWELL , MASS. Practical and Ariniytlcal iChemls s SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE.- OF . A FAR HIGHER CLASS tlian any other proprietary medidna ot the day stands Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Apotlent And for this reason : It Is an exact counterpart of one of the most valuable latnral medicines In the world We rifer to the great Seltiur Spring of Germany , to whfth thousands of the dvspaotlc , the bilkuj , the rbeumat c, and the netting ot venal lUsouoa resort aninilly , and return to their homes conTiltsient or cured. The Aperient U one of the first and by far the nuetsutcesslnl ot all the eftoits mad to repro- du - o, in a portable turn , the moat popular uln- > waters of Europe- .Se . that you puixhaw only tba jsnulno nttlele. SOLD BY ALL DRUQGISTS THE UNIVBBSAL STEAM COOKER , ron OOOK- INOMeatsVegetables , FruitB , Pud- dingB - , Beans , Rice , Etc. , By Steam.- It . has stood the test of severe trails and re- ceived - the highest recommendations from hotel and rotanrant proprietor , boarding houie- "eepen , and lar e number of privily families- .ir . number of kittles mar be uied.coosinjt six , ighter mo e kind j of food 'at the eame time with- Ut - mixlnjt flavors- KhCOMMENDATIOJiS. - . DSAK Em : The Umrertal Steam Cooler Is bat I have bean , wantlnr tor a lone t'.mo ' It works splendidly. J. B. WRIGHT , Exchange Hotel , Sturgeon Bay.- W . , ths undenlgned , endorse the abe TB In lull. Richard Williams Fremont , Nan- .Leopold . Willing , SoutDSm Ilotel , Omaha.- Sam. . . Miller. Wiscucs'n House , Framont , Keb.- Dr. . . Burgtmm , Fremont , Neb. Sold by D. A. Pieroy , 1211 Fa nham St. , Omaha , Kab. And B. FRANBDEN.Mnln St. , Fremont , Nab- .seplieodSt . Ask the reoor- ered dvipeptlcj.bll- ons sufferers , Tic- 1ms - ot fever and opue , the mercurial dlmied patient , ho vr they recovered health , cheerful spirits and good nppotltej they will tell yon by tak ¬ ing 8inosa'LmR -S The Cheapest , Purest and Bst Family Msdl- the In tha World. ForDYSPEPSIA , CONSTIPATION , Janodlw BUUous Attacks , SICK HEADACHE. Colie , De- presiion of SplrlU , BOTJK STOMACH , Hear Burn , Etc. . Etc. This unrivalled Southern Remedy Is warranted not to contain a (Ingle partlda of MIKCBRT , or any Injurious mineral substance , but Is Purely Vegetable , tontalninz ; those Southern Roots and Herbs , which an Providence has placed In countries where Llrer Disease meet prevail. It will cme all DIstasea caused by Derangement of the Liver and Bowels. THE SYMPTOMS of Liter Complaint r a bitter or bad taste In the month ; Pain In the Back.SIdeaor Jolntg.oftea mistaken forRheuma- tlsm - ; flour Stomach ; LOOT of Appetite ; Bowfls alternately costive and lax ; Headache ; Loss of Memory , with a painful sensation ol hating fall ed to do something which ought to have been done ; Debility , Low Bplrlte. a thick yellow ap- pearance ¬ of the skin and Eyeo , a dry Cough of- ten ¬ mistaken fur Consumption. Sometimes many of these symptoms attend the disease , at others very fewbnt ; tbe Liver , the largest organ In tbe body , Is generally tha seat ot the dlsiaee , and If not regulated In tlme.great suffering , wretchedness ana death will ensno.- I . can recommend as an efficacious remedy for disease of tha Llrer , Heartburn and Dyspepsia , Simmons' Llvr Regulator. Lewis O. Wunder , 1626 Mister Street , Assistant P&at Master , fhlladelpnla.- "We . have tested its virtues , rertonally , and know that for Dyspopdi , Bllllonzncsa , and Throbbing Headache , it Is the best medicine tha world ever saw. We have tried forty othei remedies before Simmons'Liver Regulator , but none of them gave us more than temporary re- ef ; but the Regulator not only relieved , but cured ui. " Editor Telagraph and Messenger , Macon , Oa. OBIT ST- J.. H. ZEILIN St CO. , PHILADELPHIA. PA- .Prlot . , 11.00 Sold by all Draftrlsta- .septteodawly . . CHARLES RIEWE , UNDERTAKER ! Metallc Cases , Coffins , Caskets , Shrouds, etc- .Farnham . Street, E t. 10th and llth , Omaha , Neb Telegraphic Orders Promptly Attended To. VINEGAR WORKS ! Jones, Bit. Stk and 10th Sti. , OMAHA. . First qnallty distilled Wine and Cider Vlneja- ol any strenjrth below eastern prices , and wai mated Just u good fat wholesale snd ratal! B ed forprk * tick. XBKBT EBZB8 , Huagtf. GO VIA THE Chicago & Northwestern 2,389 MILES OF ROAD I I- It Is the SHORT , SURE and Safe Route Sstwesn COUNCIL BLUFF- SOHIOAGO.MILWATOEE and all points EAST and NORTH.- IT . OFFERS THE TRAVELING PUBLIC GREATER FACILITIES AND MORE ADVANTAGES THAN ANT OTHER ROAD IN THE WEST- .It . Is the ONLY ROAD between COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Upon which Is run PULLMAN HOTEL OAKS 1 In addition to these and to please all clasc of- travelers. . It rive* FIRST-CLASS MEALS at ls SATING STATIONS at SO cents each. ITS TRACK IS STIEI SAILS I ITS COACrttS ARE TKt ITS EQUIPMSH7 FI3ST CLASS If Ton wish the Best Trwltns- tbns von Hill buy vour ticket by thb Bent 43-AND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. All Ticket Aden's can s ll cu TbrorLth Tickets via this road and Check t nl Ba- "ree ? - ( of Cbarqa OMAHA TICi'E" OFPirE' 12 Farnbaa St , Cor Kth , nd at Unloo Pacific D pot OEX' ER OFFICE In Color ilo CeMra ! and Unlmi P cnc Ticket OiHc . SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE 2 .N w Montjom- .eryStreet. . . For Information , folder *, trips, etc. , not ob- tain ¬ tble at Home Ticket Office , aililre&J any e t t of thr Company of- HARVIR HUCHITT , W. K fTEHHITT , Ocn'I Mn r. Oenl Paea. Agent , cHinAoo. OIL- .JAKES . T. CLARK , fJen'l Ae't Omaha * Coancll Eluffs. THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars I I- TIECIEI CHICAGO JJURLINGTOH & | | UINGY With Smocth and Perfect Trtii , PJegrat Plj- seuger - Ccachu , and PULLMAN SLEEPIHC SlDIHiNC OARS t Is acknowledged by th Fra , sai xU wits travel uv r it , to bo tha Beat Appoints. ! ind- BKt Matiagcd ROM ! la the Country. PASSENGERS GOING EAST Should bear In mind that this Is tha BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Polnta East , North and Korthwut. Passengers by this Route have choice of FOUR DIETEEENT ROUTES , And the Advantage of Six Dully Lines of PiLice- Eleepliij Cars trora Chicago to Jew Tork City Without Change , ill Express Trains on this line are equipped with the Wcatinghouso Patent Air Brakes and Miller's Patent Safely Platform ami Couplers , the most Perfect fro * tectlon Ajnlnot Acci- dents ¬ in the wotld. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING AND DINING OARS Are run on th Burlington Route. Information concerning Routes , Rates , lima Connections , etc. , will b cheerfully given by applying at the office of the Burilugton Routa , 513 Fourteentn Street , Omaha , Nebraska.- C.E. . . PERKINS. D W.HITCHCOCK.- Gen'l . Manager. Gen. Wcct'n fits. Ag't.- J. . . O.PHILL1PPI , St. Joe. , Ifo. General Agent , Omaha.- U. . . P. DUEL , IcpE-dl llckctAcent Omaha. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AH- DSt , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Reliable Sioux City Route I 100 JULES SHORTEST ROUTE 1 From COUNCILBLUTFSto- ST. . PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK : , And all points In Northern Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. Thla Una b equipped with the Im- proved ¬ Westinithousa Automatic Air Brake * and Miller Platform Coupler and Buffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT Is unsurpassed. Elegant Drawin ? Room and Sloepiu ? Carp.ownoil and controlled by the com- pany ¬ , run Through Without Change between Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , and St. Paal. Trains leave the Union PaciQo Transfer Depot at Council Bluffs , at 6:16 : p m. . reachini ; Sioux C r at 10:20 p. m. , and St. Pant at 11:05 a. m , making HOURS IN ADVANCE or ANY OTHEB ROUTE- .Retumm . ? , leave St. Paul at 3:30 : p m. , ar- rlvtie - at Sioui Cltj at 4:45 : a. m. , and Union Paciflo Transfer Depot , Oi uncI ! Bluff ; , at 8:50- a.m. . Be euro that your tickets read via "S. C. & P. B. R. " P. C. HILLS , Superintendent , Missouri Valley , lows , P. E. KOBINSON , Ass't Osn'I Pin. Ajrent.- J. . . ft. O'BRYAN , Southwestern Freight and Pasnzer Azent.- mv2Qtf . Council Bluffl 183O. K. CST. JOE&C.B.R.R. , Is tha only Direct tin * to- ST. . LOUIS 4ND THE EAST From OMAHA and tbe WEST- .To . change ol cars between Omaha and 8t. Louli and but one between Omiha and New York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Eastern & Western Cities With loss chaixea and in advance ot other lines. This entire line Is equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars. Palace Day Coach- M.MUler's - Safaty Platform and Coupler and the celebrated Wdetmghouse Air-Brake. SEE THAT YOUR TICKET RCAD81 * OT"Vla Kansas City , St. Joseph and"B- 7ConndlBluff > < iK.R.vla ! SfEl- OMoa andStLoal3.64 Tickets for sale at all coupon stations In the West.- J. . . F. BARNARD , A. C. DAWE3 , Ocn'I Supt. , Gen'l Pats. & Ticket Ag't- Bt. . Joseph , Ifa St. Joseph. Mo.- W. . . C. SEACHRIST. Ticket ARCH. , 21 * Fifteenth Street , betwnen Farnham and Donzlas , Union Block , Omaha.- JOS. . . TEQON , A. B. BARNARD , Pass. Agent , Omaha. Qen'rl Acent , Omaha. CHICAGO SHOT TOWER CO.- Mannfactnrera . ol STANDARD SHOT Viiiirt fnHimiHTimniliTtiirtnv- BE SURE TO BUY IT- .THEBE3TIN . MARKET- .E. . . TV, BL.1TCHFORD & CO.- Mannfactnren . of Lead Pipecheet and Bar Lead , Block Tin , Pipe and Solder , Llrnxxl Oil and Oil Cake- .OBDERS . SOLICITED. 70 NORTH CLINTON ST. . CHICAGO epOeodt- lDR. . A. St PENDEKY , CONSULTING PHYSICIAN IiAS PERMANENTLY LOCATED HIS MED- ICAL OFFICE.- i93 . Tenth Street , - OMAHA , NEBRASKA Offering his services In all departments o medicine and surgery, both in general ai- i'pxdal practice , icnte and chronic disease * Ca bo consulted night sad day, and will visit a- prt o! tha city tad ccuaty on receipt ot It tto.. KIDMEGBN is highly recommended and unsurpassed for Weak- er Foul Kidneys , Dropsy, Bright's Disense , Losa of Energy , Nervous Debility , or any Obstructions Hrisinc from Kidney or Bladder Diseases. Also for YeHo-w Fever , Blood and Jb-idnay Poisoning , in infected malarial sections.- r3By . the dlniLVlon cf 'ORS3T LEAF -IthJCMl'ER BERRIES and BARLEY MALT wa tara dl-c veredK DXEQ'-UVvrfacT acts p c'a.UT .ni > ieKi'V' Ti ana UriDary Orjan' , r m f In. iHJiitun- ndtpoiu forruet lu ths t> adder ami pr Tent'nani * t nluy sirartinK scnutloi heit orirnia Ion In ths m mbranoac It Icir tt thj ducW ft Mt r p" a< U excltis a beltty icStcn in t ! * KMnoyi- givja h m tr ii <yi , viror und reswrinc the-e orpins to n ha Uhy omdition. showiusr it *ffoc- tonbt't' th c. I r * ud rt y floTf n' urna. It can no tv " ill ' . me'.la all c.limtesaud m derail circum-tanoeswi 'out nmryt th8 < tleni U IKe i y o'her pr n ra'ioi for KUney t ' eul'loa iin Ter i BOMR. . an a-res Mie . ' and Uivor ltJi. . < tci? . d.tBcoli tnma a pr | vtr tlon- containia ? po itiT* f.Iurs I prop rtle hlch will not nau *i' * , but t * icceptaMr tn tbt > - nvxch- .noforet.iV . in ; aay Ivtr nvdf tnu trva bot'Ie ol rCIDSfc.Oh.JJ' to CLANsi1. . the KlUNR'i- fun. . mttter vu uPIaw ! < yju tt it t mily rafiicina L uie * specially wll Il'io ' It and Genilcmon wllltl (IKIDVEOE-C theb st Kidner Time ever tu e I XO I 't ach hot la boars thsijnuuro of LA * REXCC & MARTIX. also * Proprletarj Covr nj.- m . nt Stamp. hlch permit * KIDMEOEX to be sold ( wiihou : license ) br DrjU's , ( rocars ai&- Othtr Persons ottrvwLero. Put up in Quart size Bottles for General and Family Use. 1 1 not foond at ionrDrug-4sU or Grocers , we will send a bottle prepaid to tha nearest expieed office to yon LAWRENCE & MARTIN Ills. , Proprietors , Chicago , Sold by DRUGGISTS , GEOCEES and DEALEES everywhere.W- holeaale . ajcnts la Omaha , STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , Will supply the irado at manufacture price i. CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PAC1FJC R. R, IS THE GREAT CONNECTER LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE lu main line runs from Chicago M Council ItluCs. paaitna through Jollet , Ottsira. La BtlU , Ge3f t oMollnc , llncic Iiland. Davenport. Wwt- LltKJrty Icwn Cttv.Marenco , Brooklyn , Orlnncll. Des Molnes ( tllo cop'tal of Iowa ) , Stuart. Atlau- tlc. - . and Avoca : with rmdcfais from Burita Junction to 1'eorta ; Wilton Junction tojfmcat- lr.0 - , Wasnlnnon. FalrHcId. Men. Belknap.- CentrovUIe. . . lrlncston. Trenton. aallatlU. Came- rnn. - . Leavonworth , Atchlson. and Kansas IMt ! Washlncton to Slgournor. Oskaloosa , and Knox- Ville - ; Kfloint to Fanalnirton. Bonaparto. Ben- tonsnort. - . Independent. KUlon. Ottumwa. Eddy- Tlllp.Ojhhloosa - , l9llttMonroo. and Dee Molnes : Newton toMonroa ; DeaMolnes toIndlanolaand- Wlntenet ; Atlantic to Lewis and Andubon ; and A'oca to Itarlan. Thu U poiltlvely the onlr- Hallrond , which owns , and operates a through Und from Chicago Into tha 3U19 of Kansas.- ThrouKti . Kipress Pa8 nRerTralnfwlth Pull- man ¬ * auce C re attftctieit. are run each way dally Utwesn CHICAGO and PEORIA. KA5BAS CITT , UOONCIL BLDrrS. liSATEJTrfORTH Rnd ATCnt3- OS. - . Throaxh cars arenliO run between Milnon- too find Kansas City , via th "illlnaukcft and Rock Uland fcho Line. " The "UreatUook Island" U macniacentlre- qclprvsl. . Hi rood bad U atmplr "XiiOct. and Its trocih laid with tteelraUs. What will plRuia yon moat will b tha pleasnn- of enloylns Tour meal ? , while poMlng ; over the beautiful pralr ! a * o * Illinois and lown. Inoneof.- nurmaKUUlcent Dining Con that accompany all Throueii Expre Trnlns. Yon net an entlra- maal. . m rood as la served In any Bret-cUt hotel , lorsevcnty-nve CCD- M.nprecUtlnf . the (act that a majority of tto- poocle prefer (eparatv aportmentR lorauTerent purpose ( and thelmmente passencer boalne- of this line warranting It ) , we ar pleated to an- nounce ¬ that this Company runs Pullman Paloa- Sltmna Ca'i for sleeping purposes , and Pitace OAKS laloud Ticket IJnltei ST. jle . CUBES CURES . CURES , CURES COLD3. CURES CURES MIFF CURES LAMfc , STIFF CURES * , CUTS CURES B RNS. CUTS BT . tot TJyes. For brightness * ar | d . .rj roreatlnspnrpnoesomy- itaro - of Palace Cars l a U .u. . . J * iier 7ou can jour "ill- at - of the . Iron llridaot spaa the Misut ana Mlisourl rivers at crossed era line transfersoro avoided CVnncU * Kansas City. Leaven-worth , and AtcniMB In union Depntn- .THK . PKINCIPAJ. IIIt. . OD THIS GREAT THROUGH LLNH AHJ M- AVc * > mcAOo.wlUi all * M East anil Sontn. At KNOLKWOOD. with the L. B. k M. . . W.AU.IC.IUS. At WASUIMQTPN Qsionrs , with r. . i L. R. K- .At . SALLC. wua 111. R. . r. H. * J. ; : i. SV111. . Mid. ; and T. P. * W. ltd*. At UotK IBLAMD with "Milwaukee & * t&ort " nnd Rock Isl'd & Vec- .At . , with the with the B. . C. > Central Iowa K. It- .AiDta . Mouifc 4. with n M. * r. u K. n- .AtCouxciI. . . BLCTrs.wltli Union PaclUC * V, At CMAHA. with D. * Mo. R. II. II. m No'- At . OTTUMWA. Central low"a . . ' if.- Bt. . 1 & Pao. and C. B. * Q. Bdi- .At . Tou Peo. * War. : Wan. tj- At , with ll'.et.J " with , &bautt tin Atcn. A Het >. nnd Ceo. Br. U. P. K. Itds- .At . With , Kan. Z - "" C at. IL ItJs.- At . KANSAS Crrr. with all for UK and Southwest. I AIjACE- KAJ - run through to PKOICUapES MOfJ V * K I ASI A TCUINOW , M < i woitTii. icUeU TlO tbU Unown a the "CJrfnt Itoclt mr ial tit all A cent * in tba * tind For Inforaatloa not obtatlauble at your borne ticket office. . . - , - , ( { . fcr B a* * ! siEC-A-piss. Everything pertaining to the Fnmitnre aid "Upholstery Trade.- A . COMPLETE ASSORTMEHT OF HEW GOODS JLCTWEST- p ucoas : 1208 and Farnliam Street u DOB th sit Improved Buckeye Combined Riding Corn Cultivator isso. _ * 7 * * MANUFACTURED P. PMASTGO.SPR1NCF1ELD0 also Buckeye Improved Iron tiwm Walking Cultivator , with or without Springs. New Force Feed Buckeye Drill , or two Horse St , Enquire ior st tha best dealers- .F , H. PUSH , Gen. Agent , Omaha , , RHEUMATISM. COUGHS ami- COLD3. RHEUMATISM COUOHS and SORE THROAT.CUBES DYFTHERIA. LAM BACK and JOINTS. BACK and JOINTS. Bt Of and nnd BRU1SLS. SOLD CT OMAHA ALT. DRUGGISTS.- Go to Yonr Druzzht Miss Freeman'iT- Henr National and dan bllltyof eojof thiy * oagqaaU oar enjoy all honrs dar.- MnuntrJcrnt all points nnd at belncmado CONttBCIIOlfifc atvergln llnwm S- .It. LA Cnnt. R- .AtPKuRlA.wlth PIJ.4E blnnd Una. UAvrxroKT Davenport Utr- At'WzaT UBIRTT. R.lT AtURUfiELlrlth w'ltn R. KKOKrjK.wtth CAMERON At ATCIII8OV. Atch. Topokn l.ELAVKSWOKTH. Pat. llaea CITT. jLlne. State Canada. addrcM.- Z3. JOHIC. BpermWnlen wftwH And AT THE BY They make The one them Neb BRUISES. Goloflto JH8- DOCtlonj NERVOUS DEBILITY T ' VUilWiknesa Pro- illinipJireyS tratKn rome rwor * and Been In ma 20 jear Specific No. the most c fnl remedy knownt Price 31 per vW or Tills and brice vial cf DowderforlS.xnt port-i ? frea on receipt of price. BUMPI1RKY4I- IOMEO. . MF.D CO , ' 09 Fulton Bt. . New York.- lUost. . . CaUBU * of Receipt * par day at home. Sample * wort- iS frev. Addrea SUnson & Co- .Portlan'l. . . " M ln ( . , . AN1J MISISO BJT- 01VIL.UECHAKICAI RenaclaerPolnicIinl * Initltnte. Troy, N. Y Th oldeat erul' 5erlny school in America. Next term btjlnt S "ptom- her 16th. Tha Rezistor for 1830 contain 11- of the gradnatei for tha past M jean , wit itl ih- rpcsltknsabo , eonrae of stndr , reinlreinenu- rzptnm.eto. . Addres DAVID M. ORKKTO- Director. . la w V. cm * ea Uy madepxsU

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Page 1: The Omaha Daily Bee. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1880-09-24 [p ]. · CHEAPEST BOOK STORE IX THE WORLD. CATALOGUE OF VALUABLE AND INTERESTING BOOKS All Mnr and rrtsu, Ju'tarrived at ths ANTIQUARIAN



VALUABLE AND INTERESTING BOOKSAll Mnr and rrtsu , Ju't arrived at ths


(Opposite Dewcy & Etone'f ,)Omaha , - - Nebr.-



consequence of the unprecedented racccswhich the proprietor ol the Antiquarian Bookf lore h-s met with , since he inaugurated theliterart Beioluti'n , and In mum for th ra-raarLably IP-enl tatronacehe h < B received hetakes pre t plcseure in announcing that he hustill made grcate'- reduction * hcrepO'lble tnd-rffershis irrmens JocV f Iftwand valuablePo k at prices thtt d < fy all competition.

The Books re all prccured from the bestirabI'hlDr! [ * oti9e >ntheccrantrr , ar well boundprlntf d on thick paper and In nlo , clear typetuitable f o- the Ixrt library In the Und-


f'om thl > ert'logue amountingto <3 00 or over , w 11 be sl'owrd' an additionaldiscount o ! flveper cent : 16.00 or over , ten per-cent ; 8aoO or over, fifteen per ce t.

NOTE Parties wrde'lrt : br mall trlU encloselOc for 12mo , snd Oc Ior 6vo. books to cover

History and Biography ,Hume's Hi t jry nt En land. From thegkn t Ju 1-s Cscwr to the Abdlci-


Janns II , 163S. 6 vols , larjro* * o 4 00-

if'o'y tf the Decl'no' anl Fullthe Kmmn Irupire. 6 vols. large

.Snm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < 00* caul r's Iliftory of Englard. Fmtn

the Ascentlon < f James , II. 5 xols.awe l"mo . . . . . . . . . .. s 00-

IVOI.STO rticep..i. .. 250Knlfit Popu ar Hutorr ol Entlabd. 8-

vo'< con llnsir . 850M r-i can't n. tory of Enc'' and 4 vole. . 850GuIzo1.tHsoryot nnnland From the

Evliestlimioto Vho K"ln o QurenVIctorU. 4 vol 1 m . coth : illustrate 1 4 60

Echmilz Ancient History. Cot pi eta la-ontYoInme. . 12m o. cloth. . . . .. 100

Taino'iHist rr t En llsh Literature.CompVte In 1 vrjame. 12mc cth. 1 2*

Bancroft's HirtTT ol the United State*Centenary Edition. 6 vo'i. ISmo. CloUlextra. . . JQ 00

Rol lu'g Ancieut History. New LarrTjpeFdltiorg. * voKl2mo cloth. . . . . . * W2 v ] 4-o cloth,. too

PmUreh > MVW ollllartri mMen. WithJ I'e cf PJut rfch. S vols. 12mo. cloth giltand ..ill t JTS. . . a 001 rol 2 f 0

Joacnhus ; Complete VTor'.p , 8vo. cloth. . . 1 25" " sheep. . . 2 68

uwTurkl'h Wir , 12mo dolh 100Jj'Voleon and HU Camp-lens. 12mo cloth 1 00

! tf the Cruiadei , With 160 UIus ra-


; ISmo clnth 1 00lira who Have Ulsen , 1 fimo. doth 100-Ufe Hittory of Livlna&tone. incluJin ? tht-

Herald'tanly Expdi inn. Royal 12mo.cloth 100

Life ot Horace Orecley. Royal lima.cloth 100-

Ooirpa Wail instor , 12mo. cloth *

Atrxunder Hamilton. 12aj" . clothThnmat Jefferson, 12mo cloth. . . . . . . . . .Benjam'n Tranklin , llmo. cloth. . . . . . . .lanl l Wotwor , llmo clothHenry Clay , 12mo cloih. .Strpbtn A. Division , 12mo. clothAbrahaa L'ncoln. 12mo clothIVanid Boone , ISifio. clothDirld Crocket. 12nio. < Ioth-KltCmon. . ISmo. cloth. _ . . . . .Nldiolu lofRu'ssia , ISmo cloth. . . . . . . .Cap' John Emlth , 12mo. clothFrancis Marlon , ISoio. cl thAndrew Ja k on , l mo clothKvm. HousUin. l mo dothThu-c Mrs. Jiidwras , 12mo. clothKllnlia Kent Ktnc , ISmo clotn. . . . .Mm ilajor I'tuline Cu < , 12mo. clothHerolcWcmen of Ilittorv , 12mo. clsth. . .

Corf im and Early Life of Napoleon , 12mo.doth $ 1 00-

Tmns Napoleon. 12aio. cloth. . . . 100-Ilistorr of the War In India 12mo. rloth 1 00

Red Line Poets.B-oulledre's

.n"w and teautlful fditlon of Bel-

T.ine. . Fach vol-ime con.aini a Memoir and H-

Qlnttratcd wltli apnrtraltnf theauthorencravtd-on teel n l numerout full-pare tllutratlons oyeminent artis'B. Cro r 8vo cloth , llc sides andortzet.The best edition in tl-e nwrket. EiohSl.OO-.Tennyjon.

.. Co 'pr.-


. Milton-.SotU

.niirt Conk-


. Sliakespears.-Moore.

.. Wnrdiwort'-

Crabbe. . Omian-.Chaucer.

.. Yoansr.

Campbell and Southey. JColcridje.-LocLliard.

.. He er.

Mm. Ilcmins. IlciliorU-Ilond.JUckUy.-

Guldamltn.. .

. SUellay-.IoatiomcrT

.> , James. I'ope,Johnson's LA es of PocK

The Gliandos Classics.-A

.Series of Standard works in Pottry , His-

tory and General Litiraturo. Crown 8vo.cloth ; In ncu etjlo of blndiiip.perol. . . . . 76c-

ndcroon'ii FairTales. . Maot > V Poems.Arabian Klchts Milton.-i

.i 3k of Authors. Montgomery's Poems-


1 itfcrlms Pro- Moore-.Ocklcy

.. & Ribbon's Hu-

Sums ton * of the 8ararcniL-OVc'-23u ] rs* Huiibras. ford's FrenchSongs-Pcpy'sByron.-

Campbell.. Diary-


. Illiai.-Pope's

.Cljrc'o Uesains.-ColerlJce.

. Odyeeev-.Popo'g

.. Puerni-


Co-ik. Klirx-Co

AoVore :per. Hooiuson Crusoe.-


Dante, by Cirv.-Uodd'H

. f Histories.-



Tcautlcs o ! EhiltcKrcltBd. . Franco.-


. ''Spain. India. Italy.

V Don Quliote. Poett's Poeirs-Dr. . Bynax'ThreeTours.Bsotts Essajf on-

KiitBrn Fairy Talrs. Chivalry.JEvelyn'uDiarv Scott's Live * Of the

U2itlvc Po'try.-"Ocrmm

. Unmtthts.Literature. Shaki ipcar .

Oil Bias BhclleyGoldsmith' * Poea-s , Spen'ir's Fa rle Qu en.Onmm's Fairy Tales. Swiw r'amlly Eoblnion.Htber. Tennyon.-



. .. To'lisend's Manual ot


. Literature , Z vols |TpenM-

.Johusou'B. Virgil liryden.

Lives of Pocte.LocWi-Euats.

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Edition , i& vols. ISmo. doth p r-

T 1 75Teoplo * Edition , 12 vols. Svo cloth psr-

vol 5100Peoples * Edition , 0 vols. tloih , per

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on for

-_ _ ,n tnss n t fle g. cvcni a | fi-tini

b.M motOookerv." BjV A llender-o , -. . .. ICO-


The American Uome Cimk liooV , Lv theLadl'snf Oetniitandiithercitics , llmo.Bound i.i oilcloth. 100

000 Receipts , worth their In Go d,12mo. 1 00

Tde Amencnu rructlo.1 Cookerr Book12mo . ;. . . 1 00

The Fanii'y Doctor , By 11. S Tavlor , M.D. 12mo. 100

"Women and her DkeJtees , By K. H-.Dixon.

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Naphry'ePht seal Life of Woman 12mo. 160-N phey"gTran m'siipn of Life. I'ma . . . 1 60-

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ot the American llorft , Uattlund Sheep , llv Uobt. McClure , M. 0. V.-


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Buffon'i Ifatura' History , 2 rolj. In 1 ,12oio. . . . . . . . . . . . * . * . * " . . . . . . 1 00

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OIverybod' * Lawjer and Book of lomw.Thoroughly revised to date , I2mo , LawEMle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . - * . . . . . . . 1 00

The "Science and Art of Etooutlon , ByFrank H. Fenno , 12mo. doth. . 1 00-

JCtap a Fables , 16ino Uuatrated. 100-Hinily Andy. . . . .. . . . . . . 1 5-

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Tnree Guanemen? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . 1 S-5CouitofiIontoChrito. . . . .-. 1 25Tom Brown at Oxford. . 125-T .m Brown"* School D y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25-

Th Decameron of Boccaccio , Irmo cloth 1 15The flctam-ronxo ! Margaret , Quosaof-MXavorre , 12mo cloth . . , . . . . . . . . 25-

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A Foul'4 Errand , dith. .. 0J-

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K na. KyZ li, cloth. M-

Webster1 * Dnaoridged Dictionary, LawstEdition.!. JO C-

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r , c'oth .. . . . . . . . . . . . 100-A F n jus VI story , doth. 1 SJ-

Amerioan Pooular Diellonarr , ooitiinin;abj a vast amount of Infer ration uponScience. Mytholosy , History , Indians ,L nd Titloi.Canstltu'Ioas , Law , Citiaa.-Collcfrw

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of M irUtltv. Growth of Clt C6 , Rates ofJntsrest. lotolvint ani AsslsnmentL ws. etc , etc. , cloth , orer 600 pastes. . 75-

Dr. . .Naobey * Physic l LUeof Woman. . . . 1 60-Dr. . haphcy'a Trinsmlssion of Life. . , 1 60

And thousands of other volumes , too numsr *

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RSECONDHAND BOOKS ,other ic cash or la xehar o-



H. SOHONFELO ) ,1116 Fsrnham street ,

OMAHA , ; - ; : NBP ,

A.T.CROSSLEY *A TTORNET AND COUKSELOR AT LAWJKo. . 314 Soath l th St , bet. Famham and



Bts. , Omaha Xeb._WA. SIMERAL ,

A TTORSEY AT LAW Hoam 6. CrtlthtonA Block. ISth St , OMAHA. NEB.-



. L THOMAS.* TTORNKT XT LAW Loans money , bnya-

jti.. and sells real estate. Koom S, CreljhtonBlcck.

A. C. TROUP ,A TTORNEr AT LAW Offioe In Hanscoms

Block , with George E, Pritchett , 1606-St. . OHAHA.NSB.


A. Inz.

A. M. GHACWiCK ,A TTOPJTEY AT LAW Office 160* Farnhaa&. Etr .



A. . emit. payOtt-



. Boom >To. S, Frcrter Bloot, oppodte Post0 <TV3. OMAHA,

W . L. PEASODY ,AWYSB-omco la Ortichtca Block , naxt ta

Port Oars. OSiiHA, 11CBHASKA-







. 1 TnE PEACE Southeast corner FifteenthDouglas St.-


Promptly Attended tO.TK-



& 8ABT-IS7T.AttorneysatLaw


,OFTICE-Pnlon PJoek.fVurenth anc Famham-

A. . L P.3BISCH.-A

.TTOKrJEY AT Rccra Crelghton

A. Block. OMAHA Xfch. 1uni-tl





W. d. Connell ,

Attorney-at-Law.Office : Front rooms , np Blairs , In Hansctm's

nev brick building , N. W. corner Fifteenth andFarnliam Streets.-



1TORNEY-AT-LAW ,A. 132 < Farnham St., Omaha.

Patents , Pensions and Claims.Refers , by permis-ion , to Gcnl C F. Mander.-


. , lion. A. J. Poppleton , and T. L. Kimball ,

Fvi. tul'-lm. K 'jci.: CHAS. H-



Attorneys-at-Law ,Spedil attention will be given to all tnlts

against corporations of every description ; willpractice In al hhr Courts ct the State and theUnited SUtcg. Office , Farnkam St, , oppoiltoCourt nonne.


X . Block , IFth md Dopclae rtreeta. nogdh-


tJ , Omaha Xebranka._

PARKE GODWIN ,A TTORNEY AT LAW-Ulh and DonjUlA Btneta.wIthO. W.Doane-


RICHARDS & HUNT ,Attorneys-at-Law.

Omen 215 South Fourteenth Street.


S LilHER & 00.s


A new hitherto unknown remedy for'all-dl fa= c of tbo Kl JIIPs, Bladder, and UrinaryOrgans-



will positively cure Diabetes , U ravel , lirop-ty


, Rrlzht's Discis.Inatnlity to letain or expellthe Urine , Catarrh ot lioBlidier, hlrb coloredand scanty urine , Paintul Unnatmtr , LAMSBACrt , Ucncral Wunkucgs. ind all Female Com ¬




avniiii m crnal meJiLi ei , Is certain In iteffects and cure* v hen! * can.

For Mile y all Ucu ista or sent by mall freeupon receipt of the price , 2.tODAY KIDNEY PAD CO. . PROP'RS ,

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your address for our little book.How a Life was Saved. "

MMKS K. ISH. Arnnt tnr Nebras-




LSVER CG5f1FLAs 4VoConstipation ord Piiss-



"in COM * of KxascT Tnorniis t. .acicJ lite n rfiarra. IthaieilrcJrjanj rcr-

ucd lion >isrcr f-iIU-il t

3, offit-Albcnr , Vt, " !tIftorrrlelct ) uT c. AJ.crwt t?'' !

rlar frrai Tile * *ni C -

j tlrcncin 11 cuuiplctc'eurcJ ire. "C. S, 1IOGA.IiO > , crlicrl ,." Src , snyr, !> r-

j'j'j'plettlj curhy : a itvcrn Uvrr oua njCon-jj CojaylaUt. "



NErS- .

! AT TIME. j

Qcccusa Ic claancc. . tlo 6jstor. o' .

tilsoascc , Ji-llojjnucs

! -, Jaundice , Conat'pa'Jcn.-


, or In niisuTiattom , fCoursigluand Fcnialo clitort-


.. .|C - v * -l * J IV VVMf'W3 pocnSsna caull siatbr =!all i ntkl



Works ,j ,9 r ,

J. F. Hammond , Prop. & ManagerThe roe t thorocrh appointed and e rer>leU

Machine Shops and Foundry In the state-.Castlnn

.o! every description mannlactured.-


. Pnmp and e> cry class o machinerymade to oruer.

Special attention circa to

Well Ansnir l'iUojs* nanccrs ,Shaftinir.Brldce Irons, Gcer

Cutting , etc,Planalor sew KacMnerj-.Headiialcal Dranjht.-


, e* , noatlr czecatod-.St.

.. , Bet. 14t and 15t&


918 Parnhssi , btt. Stk and 10th StrutsTERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ,

1 Copy 1 yrar , In advance (postpaid ) J3.0-0emontts " " 4.00-

Smooths " " 2.00





, 4K. W. ER630a. m. , ! : lp. m-


. , 2:40 p. m.-


.. B. I & P. R. R. . t30 a, m. , 2JOp.: m

0'St Jo 6SO: a. m-

S.CItyP.5aOam. .U. P. B.B. , ll.Wa.rn.-O.

.. 4 R. V. to Lincoln , 10 a. m.-


.. ftMR.B8 : <Oa m-


. W. , 7SOam.-



. tN. W. B.R. , 11 a. m. , 11 p. ra.-


.. B. 4 Q. , 11 a. m , 930 p. m.-


.. R. I. 4 P. , 11 a. m. , 11 p. m.-


.. B. & St , Joe. , 11 a.m , , 11 p. m.-


.. P. R. R4 p m.

0. & R. V. from Lincoln , 12ao p. m,S City t P. , 11 a.m.-B.

.. &M. lnKeb.4 p. m.

Load mails for States Iowa Icare but once aday , vis : 4:30 a. m.Office open from 12 to 1 p. ra. Sundays.-


y. HALL. Postmaster.

Arrival Ami Departure ofTrains




. ARltm*

Dally Express. . . . 12:15 p. m. 3:25p.m.-do

: .Mixed 6lop m. 426p.m.-


FreUht 6:30: a. m. 1:40 p. tf.-


do 8:15a m, 1230am.THIS CARD OF THE BURLINUTON.L-



A.Exprnts. iRRITI OMA-


. . .SWp: m-

.til. . m ,

6X0 a. to. Mail 10:00 p. o.-


Sundays Ezcepted. Excepted-



6:00 a. m. I Mail 10:00: p. m.Express S:40p.m. | Express.1000: a. m.


.: Oa.rn.IMdl 7:29p. m.

xprea6B40pm.: | Exprefs1000a.: m.Sundays exceptcd.-






.8:00 a. m. I Express 7:10: ft. m.

Express 60 p.m. | Mafl 7:25 J.m.The rn'y line running Pullman Sleeping Cars

ont of Omaha to Union Depot-




" ))0 a. m. | Fxprcs" 40 p m.Dally Except Bund y .

G & M. B. B. in NEBRASKA.-


.[ T] [KASr ]

Omaha ( IT ) 9.0-0riattsm'thar

Kearney J'nc ((1 v)6:60: a m-

BloorolnUinlv)5:1010:25: am-Cc&rnyJ'ncar)7:5S

[ ( ) am) p ra-

tedRed Cloud m ) " :J5 a te-

arCloud (arrt7:5Bpr-aloonfgtonarO

) * :20 p in> ( ) S p rh } . . .4 5 pm



| Uloom'jtonarl:30pmll-Mtnlnirton

( ) :

1:35: p m I Hastuigs (ar) 6:55: p inOrleans (Iv ) 7 0 a m | Indiincla (tr) Ir 0 p toOrleans (ar) 7:00: p m | Indiasola (Iv) 2.30 p m




6:10am I Eipres ? . . . . , . 10:00 amExpress 8,40pm Wall 7'20 p m




. ARMTU-.lail


8am. I Mall. , ., . ll-M *. mCxpresi.340 p. m. ( Eiprcsa 4:25: p. m.



.> Omaha , daily. 8 a ra , 0 a. m. , 10 a m. ,

11 a. m. , 1 p. m. , S p. ih. , Sp. m , S p. m , , 6 p.-


. ,Leave Coundl Binds ; 8S5 a. m. , 8:25: a. m , ,

L0 ; 3 &. m. , 11 5 a. m , 1:25: p m , 2:25: p. m. ,S:25: p. m , B:2S p. m. , 0:25 p. m. ,Four trips on Bandar* , leaving Omaha at 9 attd 11-

a.m. . , 2 and 6 p. m ; Couniil Bluffs at 0:25: ,11:25 a. m. , ar d Et& And 5ri5 p. m.-




.Omaha : 6 a. m. , 7 a, m. , 8:20: a. m. , 1-

p. . m., 4:50 p. m. , 135 p. m. ,Uave Council Bluffs : 6.1G n. m , , 9:40: a. m. ,11.40 a, m. 5:25 p. m. , 7.00 p. ra. , 7 0 p. m.Dally except Sunday.-



Hull 10:45 a. m. , 4.S5 p. m.Dally except Sunda-





With th chills and fever , ths vutlm ot-

Uiy still recover t'y' utlni; this ea ebratrd sped-Ic


, which not on ! ) breaks Up the most agjra( > at-1


attatls , but prevents their recumenc" . It-B lEflji'.UU prtferable tu qnh.ino not only be-


doe. the business far more thoroughly ,jut ilso on account of its perf :t whoksomenegj-nd invigorating action upon the entire sj stem



-ir f l--j7Jy s g? ga


Mast , FOJS & Co. , Springfield , 0.-



and Host Durable

WIND ENGINE. In the World.

Hundreds m use In Iowa and Nebraska Soldby Dealers in nearly every county-



cnt reprosenta oar

Buckeye Force Pumpwhich It particularlyadapted to Wind Mill

me , as It irorki easily

and throws a constantstream , and does notfreeze up in the cold ¬

est-weather. Bend foe

price list


Western Ac't, Omaha , Neb.

SANTA OLATJS FOUND.Greatest Discovery of the Age.-


discoverosln! the world have been madeAmong otbar thlnjrs where Santa Clauj BUjcdChildren oft ask U he makes roods or not ,If really he lives in a mountain of snow.Last year an excursion sailed clear to the PoleAnd suddenly dropped Into what scemedlike.holeWhere wonder of wonders they found a new land<Tnlle falry-lik j beings appeared on each hand.There wore mountains like ours , with more

beautiful treen ,And far brighter skies than ever were seen.Birds with the hues of a rainbow were found ,While flowers of exquisite fragrance were grow

Injf around.Not long were they lett to wonder in doubtA beitic soon came bad heard much about,Twas Santa Clans' self and th Is they all gay,He Ivoked like tha picture r esee every day-.He

.drov * up a team that looked verr queer ,

Twas a team * f erasahoppers instead of reindeerHe rode in a shell instead ot a eleteh ,But he took them on toord and drove them


.showed them all over his wonderful realm ,

And factories making goods for women and menFurriers were working on haU great and Email ,To Bunco's thcr (aid they were sending them all.Kris Kinclc , the Glove liaker , told them at onceAll our Gloves we are sending to Bonce ,Santa chawed them suspenders and many things

more.Saying I alge took these to triced Bonce's Eton-.Sinta

.Clans then whispered a secret he'd te'I ,

As in Omaha every one knew Bcnee well ,He therefore should send his goods to his can ,Knowing his friends will get their lull share.Now remmber ye dwellers In Omaha town.All who want presents to Bunco's go round ,For shirts, couars , or cloves great and snail ,Bead ronr sister or aunt one and all-


* . Ohajcpioa Bitter ot tie Wert ,mt, Omihi.

A Famous Pie SUnd.The senate pio-stand , as it is called ,

was one of the stund * fnrcod out. Ilwas kept by s crippled l dy namedMiry Burch. She has b en there formany years , and ha probably mtdt-money.. Daring th time Mary haskept It she has had as customers manyof the leading men of the nation.Senator McCrary , of Kentucky , themoat humorous speaker that has beenin the senate sine * the days of Nya ,was a regular customer of Mary'sstand ; BO also was Zaoh Chandler.David Davis could be seen there everyday the Senate was in session , drink-ing


his glass of milk and eatinz hispiece of pie , for which lunch Marycharged 8 cents. Chandler was a greatpie-eater ; Senator Vest , of Missouri ,was also a frequent visitor but not reg-ular


consumer of Mary's famous pies-.I

.remember one day of hoarlng Sen-


McCrary Invite Senator Ran-som


, of North Carolina , np to-

Mary's stand. Said McOrary , whosestrongest point was his economy andsaving he saved , it is said , §36,000-of the ?40,000 ho received as salaryfor the eijht; years he was iu the sen-ate


"Ransom , you have lunched meseveral times , now come and take a-

lunsh with me. " Ransom accompa-nied


him. expecting , of course , to be-led'dovrn to the restaurant , but Mc-


walked direct to Mary's pie-stand.


. "Mary ," said he , "give U3

two glasses of milk and five centsworth of ginger cakes. " Tnrnins 10Ransom he a'kei innocently , "Rin-enm

-, do you like ginge * cakes ? " Rns-


said he did , but he drank themilk only , while McCrary consumedthe fiVa cakes Another day he metC nkling the Great, walking along thelull. Stopping him he said :

"drnkling , have something V-0Mikling said : "Certainly. " Mc-Crary


went over to the stand ,and , handing Msry two pennies , said :

"Give ns thcSa two long sticks of can ¬

dy. " Taking the largest he bandedConklinp the other , and the pairwalked off. One day Mary was askedf Senator Davis ate In proportion to-

iis size? She answered : "No , he doeanot eit much , but he is good pay ,which ia innre than some of them , "

Senator Davis , besides his million-dollar farm , ha at leas a million dol-


lying around. Mary made a cakewhich was known as the two cant cake-


.[ was made of better material thanhe ordinary penny cake. Chandler

was noticed munching oh thorn oneday by a friend , who sskedlf he couldtand frucli food. ' Stand itl" he re-


. "No ; I don't stand it. My-

iver is too active , and I eat these to-

t a little. " [ Wash. Cor. Hartford

Dimes.'jhe boat ''FoesUm.

few Crteahs Picayune.

Nothing is more savory to a south-ern


negro's palate than a roasted fatopoauni. Ona old negro hunter cap-ured


n fllie specimen the other day ,and feeling hungry , stopped to cook it-

in the woods. He built a fire anddressed and spitted his meat ; but ,aeing very tired , as well to hungryjI-B fell asleep wliilS the pdssum wai-

roasting. . As he.slept , a ' 'low trash"negro came upon the scene , doubtlessattracted by the fire and the smell ofroasting meat. Thh nbw comer ap-proached


cautiously with one eye on-

he 'possum and the other on UncleEph , who still slumbered.

First , he shook the old man , whoturned to an easier position , but wouldnot wake. The stranger took in theeituatian , and then proceeded to take-n the 'possum. He , too , Was a ''pos ¬

sum eater , and lie made short work of-

he dainty roast. He ate and atel tillbut the bones were left. Uncle Ephwas still sleeping , and it occurred tothe vandal that he would make Ephthink that he had been to supper , sothat whdn he awoke ho would not sus-


the theft. Then the "lou.trash"l-egro proceeded to 'po--si cigrease-Sph's hands and face and mouti : , and-o pile in the old man's lop uio gnawed) ones.

Nights have morning* , nd sleepingmust have its waking. Uncle Ephawoke and immediately thought of-

iis possum. It was not on the fire ;t was not anywhere to be seen ; but

there in his lap were the bones thatlad been gnawed. On his hands , lipsand beard was grease and the smell of-

possum. . He was self-convicted. Heconcluded that ho had eaten the 'pos ¬

sum , yet he could not remember thepleasure the eating had given him.Weighing &11 cironmstanoial evidencecarefully , the old man slowly pro-nounced


judgment :

"Dat's a fac' . I'se been eatin1 dat-possum. . Must have done it when[ 're asleep. "

But then his stomach ; why did Itnot stand out as a witness in the easelIt felt empty, and yet it should be

full."It's certain sho'r I'va done eat upthat 'possum. Muat have done itwhen 1'ae asleep. But ," and the oldman placed his hand sadly over hisreally empty stomach , "but it inter-feres


lesa'n any 'possum I ebbsr dideat. "

Value of an Improved Animal.The American Agriculturist thus re-

fers to the value of an improved ani-

inal : "In Mr. Bonner'a barn we no-


a pcod short horn bull , two yearsold last spring , thoroughbred , regis-tered


, thatci st $150 , we believe. Hewas kept for the double purpose oiimproving the stock of the farm andot the neighborhood as well , and forthe latter purpose was let at the lowrate of $2 per service. His progenyfor tlin present year will number atleast 60 , yielding $120 , though a con-siderable


number of these will be inthe home herdr A little figuring willshow the value of a single such animal.The calves will te worth 88 to $10each at one day old , while the ordi-nary


'natives' sell for only $1 bachwhen dropped an increase of |7 to§9 each. Call the increased valueonly §5 each , a very low estimate, ancthe increased valne of the 60 calveswill be $300 , or twice the coat of thebull. But look ahead & litth : Theexpenses of raising animals to threeyears old will be about the same fornatives as good grades ; but at that ag !

the improved animals will sell for aleast §25 more per head equivalentfor the 60 animals of this one year'scet to at least 1500. Let it be keptin mind that this result will eurelycome from keeping this one $150 an-itnal a single season , while his valne-a year hence will be quite as large as-

now. . And this result may be depend-ed upon annually for half a dozenyears. There is no doubt that theabove figures will be fully realiiedQuery : Why are not more such breed-ing animals introduced into everjneighborhood where farm itock iikept ? Similar figures apply to horses ,swme , sheep , etc. A multitude in-


the great mass of fanners do-do not hesitate to graft their native ap¬

ple trees with Improved oions , yetthey are satisfied to keep on raising ,caring for, and using 'scrub' animals ,when every dollar expended in Im-proved


blood is speedily reinrnedmany fold. "

Keep Your Poultry Healthy.National Stockman.

All who have orchards or even clus ¬

ters of fruit trees should snrronndthem by a good picket fence , if theywould have a firitrclass poultry yard.In the most convenient part of theinclosure erect a substantial henhouse with numerous poles , so arrang ¬

ed that one row of poultry [shall notroost directly over anoth'ttf.Thflsopoles should , also , be so fkefeneidtht they raay lot Miily dttsclud fox

cleaning , fumigating and whitewaah-iot

-* . The nests should be so built as-

to be mcrcd , aired , disinfected andcleansed at any season of the year. Alarge open fireplace that will take inrotten logs and large stomps will makean excellent place for tht hens to dnstthemselves in warm weather , and tokeep them warm during the winter-



the hens the run of theorchard , and plow np several openplaces where the sun shines longest ,and make .the land mellow that thehens may have plenty" of room toscratch and dnit themselves at pleas ¬

ure. Hens are fond of picking atpumpkins , rquaah. melons , tomatoes ,cabbage , etc. They ar seldom dls.eased when they have free access tovariety of food. When they cannotfind worms , grubs , flies , grasshoppers ,and similar insects they should havesmall rations of liver , lights , and othercheap meats. But the increased quan-tity


of fruit and its improvsd qnallty,of every variety, will amply pay forthe labor acd expense of turning aportion of the orchard Into a poultryyard. The eggs nnd tha increase offat chickens thus fed , housed and pro-


fully reward these attentions.Poultry thus fed and protected will befound more profitable than pigs or

White and XeiloW Cofa.

There has been a greater proportionof yellow corn raised the pa t fewyears than formerly. It is cHmedL-

hav it is ran re prolific and sw-eterthan white. This , howeror , is yet adisputed que'tion , some contending asmuch white corn per" acre o .fa be raisedas ygllotf. tiut the establishment of-

so m ny glucose factories makes a-

intvy demand for- white corn , whichhey contend makes a ligbjgr and bet-er

-glucose than yellow.'TS-thls de-

nand continues , and It is probabla-t will be largely increased , it might>e well for farmers who expect toell their corn to select whiteeed corn this fall. At the state fairust closed , we saw eeveral specimensif very choice whit corn , and by a-

ittle inquiry , juat at this time , any-one can obtain very desirable seed.White corn will ibll tU this time frdm-bree to five cents per bushel moreban mixed or yellow corn.

And we would recomniend personsh gathering their corn this fall to-

ceop their white and yellow onrn sepa-ate if they intend selling to the mills

or glucose factories. If however , it is-

ntendcd only for feeding at home , it-

s a matter of indifference how it is-

mixed. . Bat for sale in the market , itwill richly pay to keep the white sopa-ate from all other shades. [IowaRegister.

A Halrlwaa


a recent issna of the Reno (Nc :vada ) Gazette ) the editor tuys that oneof the natural peculiarities of thatountry is an alkali grass which takes11 the hair off an animal. It is foundn some places on Steamboat creek ,outh of Mrs. Gates' ranch. A horseT cow that rune there a month or to-oses sVery bit of its ooat. An oldterse that has been running there haslaunted the Virginia road lil the vi-


of Brown's station a week or Bt ) .

le is not quite naked yet , but soonwill be. A little hair sticks on theide of his neck , & few stragglers

around the root of his tail , half a-

lozen in one ear and few other spotsemain. His stumpy tail is as bare

as a billiard ball , and looks like theutt end of a leather whip. The mane-

s all gone , and the heavy skin standsup itl a corrugated ridge. The skin is-

rown and looks like , that of an ele-


) . A hairless horse is a funnyooking beast.


Tore painful , more exasperating , discpur-ginp

-and persistent than Piles , especially

to oMicted mortals who have triad lotions ,ointments , pills , electuaries and all mannerof nostrums and doctors' stuff , internallyand externally , without reliaf ? Whatwonder it is that half a million redeemeduCere'-s should about bosannas over theUscoverr of "Anaktnt ," an ittfalKHe ewe

JorPUttt This m dical miracle , BO simpleai to exclta wonder that wise doctors havenot thought of it before , EO prompt andcertain in its action aa to secure for itselfhe title of infallible , so s.'ientiflc and ra-ional

-in its combination ofpovetice , insfru *

ment ami medicine , as to render the ulti-mate


curs of 95 per cent of average camof piles sura , is not an accidental dicov.-ery

., but the solution of a problem by the

study and experience of Dr. Siltbee , anaccomplished and distinguished physicianof 40 years' standing. It baa stood thetest ol 2H years' ; over half amillion of sufferers nar used it with suc-cess


, and doctors of all schools now pre-scribe


it in their practice , *nd it is pro-nounced


to be the nearest to an Infallibleremedy for piles yet discovered. "Anafc-em

-," Dr. S. Silsbe * External Pile Eeme-


, Is sold by druggists everywhere. Prioa-II.(10( per box. Samoles mailed free to allcuiTererit on application to P. N usta. dter4 Co. , Box > M . New York.-



are ever on tba alert to nod[reen fitldj to work , but they never Imitate Rworthless article , Frof. Qullcnovte'i FrenchKidney Psdwabroushtutaboatten years ago ,and since tnen a host ot ohaps without skill orconscience h ve f OUR t to 'mltato it by m-nyworthies i a&airs ; but a dfeirrrlnatlnx nbliowill hold "fa tfo that wlloh Is good ," Bid th *Oullmette Pad more tban holfc tu own. It cures* H ki iper distaste and s co eds where medicineofoon bus. Ash vour dnmiH It thl. Is net so.

INFLAMED GUMSare instantly relieved , and will bepermanently cured by the vise of-

SOZODONT. . The wider it is known ,the better it is liked. ' It history isone Ion?, continuous record of successas a beneficial and most fragrant wash ,

Other preparations for the teeih haveappeared and passed away , but SOZO-DONT


remains.Toys are easily mended , and strong ¬

ly , by SPALDIKO'B GOTK. It is alwaysready to be used , and may justly betermed "Semper paratus. "

The liver is more irerjnently the seat ofdisease than is generally supposed , for up-on


its regular action depends , in a greatmeasure , the powers of the stomach , Dow-els


, brain and th * whole nervous system.Regulate that important organ by takingSimmons' Liver Regulator, and you pre-vent


most of the di saes that flesh Is heirto diw-

A WONDERFUL DISCOVERT.For the speedy cure of Consump ¬

tion and all diseases that lead to It ,such as stubborn coughs , neglectedColds , Bronchitis, Hay Fever , Asth-ma


, pain in the side and chest , dryhacking cough , tickling in the throat ,Hoarseness , Sore Throat , and allchronic or lingering diseases of thethroat and lungs , Dr. King's New Dis-covery


has no equal and has establishedfor itself a world-wide reputation.Many leading physicians recommendand use It in their practice. The form-ula


from which it u prepared Is high-ly


recommended by all medical jour ¬

nals. The clergy and the press havecomplimented it in the moat glowingterms. Go to your druggist and get atrial bottle free of cost , or a regularsize for 100. For sale by

d(5)( ) J. K. ISH. Omaha.-



Arnica SalveThe BXSTSALVK In the world for

Cuts , Bruises, Sores , Ulcera , SaltRheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp-ed


Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and allkinds of Skin Eruptions. This SalveU guaranteed to give perfect satiafac-tlod

-In every case or money re tended.

Price 25 cents per box. For sale by8dly J. K. TSTT , Omaha.-



the Voters of the Sixth iWardN-


U hereby tfvm that I will git atrnroffice , 9lQ north leth street , (near Eedman'sstore) l t e n this dit sad NoTembtr S, IgJOfor thn pnrposj of refijterimr the qualified TO-t

-rs of the 6th w rd , and aijrine any correct ¬

ions ir alterations to said list-.JAKES





This Institution , located at Denrer, Co'oradothe Educational and Commercial center of th-W st , Is preeminently the best and most prsctl-eal of Its Und for th-


Young Men and Ladies.-



. W. FOSTER , President ,

D. W. CADY , Secretary.-



most extemdre , thorough and completeInstitution of the kind la the world. Thousandsof accountants and Business men , in the prin *

elpal cities and towns of the United States , oweth lr success to our courie cf trainlnir.

The Eisht Kind of Eduoition for

Young Men and Ladie ?.

Fine, n w brht block , at junction ot threettrcet CAT Hc i E'e' actly flttcl and furnishedapartments forth a application of and carryingoat of our novel and systematic methods of




men who conferdpUto a builness life ,and parents having sons to eduoate , ar particu-larly


requtlUd to rend for our now Circular ,

wblchwIU give full Information as to terms,condition of entranc ;, etc. Address

G W. FOSTER , President ,sepe-Sm Denver Colorad-




THE BLOODThis compound o

the vegetable alter*. Ssrsaparllla'-

DocK, StlllmjtM ndMandrake with thaIodides cl Potash and

j makes a mojeffectual cure of a

Aeries of corrplalnts-which- are very pre-valent


and afflicting ,It purifies the blood-

__ purges out the lurk-ing humors In tha system , thatundennlne healthaud settle into troubloaome disorders. Ernplions otQ skin are the appearance on the snr-facoof humors , that should bo expelled from theblood. Internal derangements are the determin-ation


ot these same humors to ioma internalorpin , or organs , who a action they derange ,

and nhos 8ub9taDC they dlsevo and destroy-.Ann's

.SABSTAULU expels these humors from

the blood. Whsn they ar gone , the disordersthfey product disappear , CUCh as Uletrations of-tht Liver, Stomach , Ktdneyi , bunas , Eniptimtand Eruptive Ditcata oftne SfrinSt. . .inihonif-iFirt , Roie or Jlrynpclat , fimpln , Puttula ,Elotchei. Boil*, Tiimort.Tittir and Salt Rheu >n,Scald litad , Ring-worm , Vleen and Sum,Khettmatiim , tfeitralyia. Pain in the Bonti ,Sidt and Utad, Ftmale Weakness , Sterility ,Ltuconluta ariiing from internal ulctratienand titcrint aiiKUet Dropiy, Duspepiia, Ema-ctattott and amerat Dttnhty. With their de-

pnrture health returns. ]



Practical and Ariniytlcal iChemls sSOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND




A FAR HIGHER CLASS tlian any otherproprietary medidna ot the day standsTarrant's Effervescent Seltzer ApotlentAnd for this reason : It Is an exact counterpartof one of the most valuable latnral medicinesIn the world We rifer to the great SeltiurSpring of Germany , to whfth thousands of thedvspaotlc , the bilkuj, the rbeumat c , and thenetting ot venal lUsouoa resort aninilly , andreturn to their homes conTiltsient or cured.The Aperient U one of the first and by far thenuetsutcesslnl ot all the eftoits mad to repro-du


o, in a portable turn , the moat popular


waters of Europe-.Se

.that you puixhaw only tba jsnulno nttlele.




INOMeatsVegetables , FruitB , Pud-dingB

-, Beans , Rice , Etc. ,By Steam.-


has stood the test of severe trails and re-


the highest recommendations from hoteland rotanrant proprietor , boarding houie-"eepen , and lar e number of privily families-


number of kittles mar be uied.coosinjt six ,ighter mo e kind j of food 'at the eame time with-Ut


mixlnjt flavors-KhCOMMENDATIOJiS.



DSAK Em : The Umrertal Steam Cooler Isbat I have bean , wantlnr tor a lone t'.mo' It

works splendidly. J. B. WRIGHT ,Exchange Hotel , Sturgeon Bay.-


, ths undenlgned , endorse the abe TB In lull.Richard Williams Fremont, Nan-.Leopold

.Willing , SoutDSm Ilotel , Omaha.-


. Miller. Wiscucs'n House , Framont , Keb.-


. Burgtmm , Fremont , Neb.

Sold by D. A. Pieroy ,1211 Fa nham St. , Omaha , Kab.

And B. FRANBDEN.Mnln St. , Fremont , Nab-


Ask the reoor-ered dvipeptlcj.bll-

ons sufferers , Tic-1ms


ot fever andopue , the mercurialdlmied patient ,ho vr they recoveredhealth , cheerfulspirits and goodnppotltej they willtell yon by tak ¬

ing 8inosa'LmR-S

The Cheapest , Purest and Bst Family Msdl-the In tha World.

ForDYSPEPSIA , CONSTIPATION , JanodlwBUUous Attacks , SICK HEADACHE. Colie , De-presiion of SplrlU , BOTJK STOMACH , HearBurn , Etc. . Etc.

This unrivalled Southern Remedy Is warrantednot to contain a (Ingle partlda of MIKCBRT , orany Injurious mineral substance , but Is

Purely Vegetable ,tontalninz; those Southern Roots and Herbs ,which an Providence has placed Incountries where Llrer Disease meet prevail. Itwill cme all DIstasea caused by Derangement ofthe Liver and Bowels.

THE SYMPTOMS of Liter Complaint r abitter or bad taste In the month ; Pain In theBack.SIdeaor Jolntg.oftea mistaken forRheuma-tlsm

-; flour Stomach ; LOOT of Appetite ; Bowfls

alternately costive and lax ; Headache ; Loss ofMemory , with a painful sensation ol hating falled to do something which ought to have beendone ; Debility , Low Bplrlte. a thick yellow ap-pearance


of the skin and Eyeo, a dry Cough of-ten


mistaken fur Consumption.Sometimes many of these symptoms attend

the disease , at others very fewbnt; tbe Liver , thelargest organ In tbe body , Is generally tha seatot the dlsiaee , and If not regulated In tlme.greatsuffering , wretchedness ana death will ensno.-


can recommend as an efficacious remedy fordisease of tha Llrer , Heartburn and Dyspepsia ,Simmons' Llvr Regulator. Lewis O. Wunder ,1626 Mister Street , Assistant P&at Master ,fhlladelpnla.-


have tested its virtues , rertonally , andknow that for Dyspopdi , Bllllonzncsa , andThrobbing Headache , it Is the best medicine thaworld ever saw. We have tried forty otheiremedies before Simmons'Liver Regulator , butnone of them gave us more than temporary re-

ef ; but the Regulator not only relieved , butcured ui. " Editor Telagraph and Messenger ,

Macon , Oa.OBIT ST-

J.. H. ZEILIN St CO. ,



, 11.00 Sold by all Draftrlsta-.septteodawly



UNDERTAKER !Metallc Cases , Coffins , Caskets , Shrouds, etc-


Street, E t. 10th and llth , Omaha , NebTelegraphic Orders Promptly Attended To.


Jones, Bit. Stk and 10th Sti. , OMAHA. .First qnallty distilled Wine and Cider Vlneja-

ol any strenjrth below eastern prices , and waimated Just u good fat wholesale snd ratal!B ed forprk* tick. XBKBT EBZB8 ,



Chicago & Northwestern

2,389 MILES OF ROAD II-It Is the SHORT , SURE and Safe Route Sstwesn











Upon which Is run


In addition to these and to please all clasc of-travelers. . It rive* FIRST-CLASS MEALS at lsSATING STATIONS at SO cents each.



If Ton wish the Best Trwltns-tbns von Hill buy vour ticket by thb Bent43-AND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER.

All Ticket Aden's can s ll cu TbrorLth Ticketsvia this road and Check t n l Ba-


( of Cbarqa

OMAHA TICi'E" OFPirE' 12 Farnbaa St ,Cor Kth , nd at Unloo Pacific D pot

OEX' ER OFFICE In Color ilo CeMra ! andUnlmi P cnc Ticket OiHc .

SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE 2 .N w Montjom-.eryStreet.


For Information , folder *, trips, etc. , not ob-


tble at Home Ticket Office , aililre&J anye t t of thr Company of-

HARVIR HUCHITT , W. K fTEHHITT ,Ocn'I Mn r. Oenl Paea. Agent ,



fJen'l Ae't Omaha * Coancll Eluffs.


Without Change of Cars II-



With Smocth and Perfect Trtii , PJegrat Plj-seuger



t Is acknowledged by th Fra , sai xU witstravel uv r it , to bo tha Beat Appoints. ! ind-

BKt Matiagcd ROM ! la the Country.

PASSENGERS GOING EASTShould bear In mind that this Is tha

BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO ,And Polnta East , North and Korthwut.

Passengers by this Route have choice of

FOUR DIETEEENT ROUTES ,And the Advantage of Six Dully Lines of PiLice-

Eleepliij Cars trora Chicago to

Jew Tork City Without Change ,

ill Express Trains on this line are equipped withthe Wcatinghouso Patent Air Brakes and

Miller's Patent Safely Platform amiCouplers , the most Perfect fro *

tectlon Ajnlnot Acci-dents



Are run on th Burlington Route.

Information concerning Routes , Rates , limaConnections , etc. , will b cheerfully given byapplying at the office of the Burilugton Routa ,513 Fourteentn Street , Omaha , Nebraska.-C.E.



Manager. Gen. Wcct'n fits. Ag't.-


. O.PHILL1PPI , St. Joe. , Ifo.General Agent , Omaha.-


. P. DUEL ,IcpE-dl llckctAcent Omaha.


DSt , Paul & Sioux CityRAILROADS.

The Old Reliable Sioux City Route I100 JULES SHORTEST ROUTE 1



And all points In Northern Iowa , Minnesota andDakota. Thla Una b equipped with the Im-


Westinithousa Automatic Air Brake * andMiller Platform Coupler and Buffer. And for

SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORTIs unsurpassed. Elegant Drawin ? Room andSloepiu ? Carp.ownoil and controlled by the com-pany


, run Through Without Change betweenUnion Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs ,and St. Paal. Trains leave the Union PaciQoTransfer Depot at Council Bluffs , at 6:16: p m. .reachini ; Sioux C r at 10:20 p. m. , and St. Pantat 11:05 a. m , making




? , leave St. Paul at 3:30: p m. , ar-


at Sioui Cltj at 4:45: a. m. , and UnionPaciflo Transfer Depot , Oi uncI! Bluff ; , at 8:50-a.m. . Be euro that your tickets read via "S. C.& P. B. R." P. C. HILLS ,

Superintendent , Missouri Valley , lows,P. E. KOBINSON , Ass't Osn'I Pin. Ajrent.-


. ft. O'BRYAN ,Southwestern Freight and Pasnzer Azent.-mv2Qtf

.Council Bluffl

183O.K. CST. JOE&C.B.R.R. ,

Is tha only Direct tin * to-



.change ol cars between Omaha and 8t. Louli

and but one between Omiha and New York.SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS

Eastern & Western CitiesWith loss chaixea and in advance ot other lines.

This entire line Is equipped with Pullman'sPalace Sleeping Cars. Palace Day Coach-


Safaty Platform andCoupler and the celebrated

Wdetmghouse Air-Brake.SEE THAT YOUR TICKET RCAD81 *OT"Vla Kansas City , St. Joseph and"B-


< iK.R.vla! SfEl-OMoa andStLoal3.64

Tickets for sale at all coupon stations In theWest.-J.

.. F. BARNARD , A. C. DAWE3 ,

Ocn'I Supt. , Gen'l Pats. & Ticket Ag't-Bt. . Joseph , Ifa St. Joseph. Mo.-


. C. SEACHRIST. Ticket ARCH. ,21 * Fifteenth Street, betwnen Farnham and

Donzlas , Union Block , Omaha.-JOS.


Pass. Agent , Omaha. Qen'rl Acent , Omaha.






Viiiirt fnHimiHTimniliTtiirtnv-BE SURE TO BUY IT-








of Lead Pipecheet and Bar Lead ,Block Tin , Pipe and Solder , Llrnxxl Oil

and Oil Cake-




lDR. . A. St PENDEKY ,




Tenth Street , - OMAHA , NEBRASKAOffering his services In all departments o

medicine and surgery, both in general ai-i'pxdal practice , icnte and chronic disease * Cabo consulted night sad day, and will visit a-

prt o! tha city tad ccuaty on receipt ot It tto..

KIDMEGBN is highly recommended and unsurpassed for Weak-er Foul Kidneys , Dropsy, Bright's Disense , Losa of Energy ,Nervous Debility , or any Obstructions Hrisinc from Kidney orBladder Diseases. Also for YeHo-w Fever , Blood and Jb-idnayPoisoning , in infected malarial sections.-



the dlniLVlon cf 'ORS3T LEAF -IthJCMl'ER BERRIES and BARLEY MALT wa taradl-c veredK DXEQ'-UVvrfacT acts p c'a.UT .ni >ieKi'V' Ti ana UriDary Orjan' , r m fIn. iHJiitun-ndtpoiu forruet lu ths t> adder ami pr Tent'nani *t nluy sirartinK scnutloi heit orirnia IonIn ths m mbranoac It Icir tt thj ducW ft Mt r p" a< U excltis a beltty icStcn in t ! * KMnoyi-givja h m tr ii<yi , viror und reswrinc the-e orpins to n ha Uhy omdition. showiusr it *ffoc-tonbt't' th c. I r *ud rt y floTf n' urna. It can no tv " ill '. me'.la all c.limtesaud m derailcircum-tanoeswi 'out nmryt th8 < tleni U IKe i y o'her pr n ra'ioi for KUney t ' eul'loaiin Ter i BOMR. . an a-res Mie . ' and Uivor ltJi. .< tci? . d.tBcoli tnma a pr |vtr tlon-containia? po itiT* f.Iurs I prop rtle hlch will not nau *i' * , but t * icceptaMr tn tbt > - nvxch-.noforet.iV

.in; aay Ivtr nvdf tnu trva bot'Ie ol rCIDSfc.Oh.JJ' to CLANsi1. . the KlUNR'i-

fun. . mttter v u uPIaw! <yju tt it t mily rafiicina L uie* specially wll Il'io' Itand Genilcmon wllltl (IKIDVEOE-C theb st Kidner Time ever tu e I

XO I 't ach hot la boars thsijnuuro of LA * REXCC & MARTIX. also * Proprletarj Covr nj.-


nt Stamp. hlch permit * KIDMEOEX to be sold (wiihou : license ) br DrjU's , ( rocars ai&-Othtr Persons ottrvwLero.

Put up in Quart size Bottles for General and Family Use.1 1 not foond at ionrDrug-4sU or Grocers , we will send a bottle prepaid to tha nearest expieed

office to yon

LAWRENCE & MARTIN Ills., Proprietors , Chicago ,

Sold by DRUGGISTS , GEOCEES and DEALEES everywhere.W-


ajcnts la Omaha , STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , Will supply the irado at manufactureprice i.


lu main line runs from Chicago M CouncilItluCs. paaitna through Jollet , Ottsira. La BtlU ,

Ge3f t oMollnc , llncic Iiland. Davenport. Wwt-LltKJrty Icwn Cttv.Marenco , Brooklyn , Orlnncll.Des Molnes ( tllo cop'tal of Iowa ) , Stuart. Atlau-tlc.

-. and Avoca : with rmdcfais from Burita

Junction to 1'eorta ; Wilton Junction tojfmcat-lr.0

-, Wasnlnnon. FalrHcId. Men. Belknap.-


. lrlncston. Trenton. aallatlU. Came-rnn.

-. Leavonworth, Atchlson. and Kansas IMt !

Washlncton to Slgournor. Oskaloosa , and Knox-Ville

-; Kfloint to Fanalnirton. Bonaparto. Ben-


. Independent. KUlon. Ottumwa. Eddy-Tlllp.Ojhhloosa

-, l9llttMonroo. and Dee Molnes :

Newton toMonroa ; DeaMolnes toIndlanolaand-Wlntenet ; Atlantic to Lewis and Andubon ; andA'oca to Itarlan. Thu U poiltlvely the onlr-Hallrond , which owns , and operates a throughUnd from Chicago Into tha 3U19 of Kansas.-


Kipress Pa8 nRerTralnfwlth Pull-man

¬*auce C re attftctieit. are run each way dally



. Throaxh cars arenliO run between Milnon-too find Kansas City , via th "illlnaukcft andRock Uland fcho Line. "

The "UreatUook Island" U macniacentlre-qclprvsl. . Hi rood bad U atmplr "XiiOct. and Itstrocih laid with tteelraUs.

What will plRuia yon moat will b tha pleasnn-of enloylns Tour meal ? , while poMlng; over thebeautiful pralr ! a * o * Illinois and lown. Inoneof.-nurmaKUUlcent Dining Con that accompany allThroueii Expre Trnlns. Yon net an entlra-maal. . m rood as la served In any Bret-cUt hotel ,lorsevcnty-nve CCD-


the (act that a majority of tto-poocle prefer (eparatv aportmentR lorauTerentpurpose ( and thelmmente passencer boalne-of this line warranting It ) , we ar pleated to an-


that this Company runs Pullman Paloa-Sltmna Ca'i for sleeping purposes, and Pitace


Ticket IJnlteiST.







BT .tot

TJyes. For brightness *ar | d

..rj roreatlnspnrpnoesomy-itaro

-of Palace Cars l a U .u.

. . J * iier 7ou can jour "ill-at

-of the .

Iron llridaot spaa the Misutana Mlisourl rivers at crossed eraline transfersoro avoided CVnncU *Kansas City. Leaven-worth , and AtcniMB

In union Depntn-.THK



mcAOo.wlUi all * MEast anil Sontn.

At KNOLKWOOD. with the L. B. k M. .. W.AU.IC.IUS.

At WASUIMQTPN Qsionrs , with r. . i

L. R. K-.At

.SALLC. wua 111. R. .

r. H. * J. ; : i.SV111. . Mid. ; and T. P. * W. ltd*.

At UotK IBLAMD with "Milwaukee & *t&ort " nnd Rock Isl'd & Vec-


, with thewith the B. . C. >

Central Iowa K. It-


Mouifc 4. with n M. * r. u K. n-


. BLCTrs.wltli Union PaclUC * V,At CMAHA. with D. * Mo. R. II. II. m No'-



OTTUMWA. Central low"a . . ' if.-Bt. . 1 & Pao. and C. B. * Q. Bdi-


Tou Peo. * War. : Wan. tj-

At , with ll'.et.J "

with , &bautt tinAtcn. A Het >. nnd Ceo. Br. U. P. K. Itds-


With , Kan. Z - ""C at. IL ItJs.-


KANSAS Crrr. with all for UKand Southwest.


- run through to PKOICUapES MOfJ V*

K I ASI A TCUINOW , M <i woitTii.icUeU TlO tbU Unown a the "CJrfnt Itoclt mr ial tit

all A cent * in tba * tindFor Inforaatloa not obtatlauble at your borne ticket office. .

.-, -, ( {.

fcr B a * * !siEC-A-piss.

Everything pertaining to the Fnmitnre aid"Upholstery Trade.-






ucoas :1208 and Farnliam Streetu DOB th sit

Improved BuckeyeCombined Riding Corn Cultivator


_* 7 * *

MANUFACTURED P. PMASTGO.SPR1NCF1ELD0also Buckeye Improved Iron tiwm Walking

Cultivator , with or without Springs.New Force Feed Buckeye Drill , or two Horse St ,Enquire ior st tha best dealers-

.F, H. PUSH , Gen. Agent , Omaha , ,





Bt Of andnnd BRU1SLS.

SOLD CT OMAHA ALT. DRUGGISTS.-Go to Yonr Druzzht Miss Freeman'iT-

Henr National and danbllltyof eojof thiy * oagqaaU


all honrs dar.-MnuntrJcrnt

all pointsnnd at


atvergln llnwmS-


LA Cnnt. R-

.AtPKuRlA.wlth PIJ.4E

blnnd Una.UAvrxroKT Davenport Utr-

At'WzaT UBIRTT. R.lTAtURUfiELlrlth




l.ELAVKSWOKTH. Pat.llaea

CITT.jLlne.State Canada.

addrcM.-Z3. JOHIC.






They make

The onethem






illinipJireyS tratKn rome rwor *


Been In ma 20 jearSpecific No.the mostc fnl remedy knownt Price 31 per vW orTills and brice vial cf DowderforlS.xnt port-i ?frea on receipt of price. BUMPI1RKY4I-IOMEO. . MF.D CO , '09 Fulton Bt. . New York.-


. CaUBU * of Receipt *

par day at home. Sample * wort-iS frev. Addrea SUnson & Co-



M ln ( .

,. AN1J MISISO BJT-01VIL.UECHAKICAI RenaclaerPolnicIinl *Initltnte. Troy, N. Y Th oldeat erul' 5erlnyschool in America. Next term btjlnt S "ptom-her 16th. Tha Rezistor for 1830 contain 11-

of the gradnatei for tha past M jean , wit itl ih-rpcsltknsabo , eonrae of stndr , reinlreinenu-rzptnm.eto. . Addres DAVID M. ORKKTO-

Director. .

la w V. cm * ea Uy madepxsU