the morristown gazette. (morristown, tenn.) 1882-12-20 [p ]. · "r.anka 4 39 pm ar b...

1 T HE MO II It 1ST 6 W N 6 AZ E 1 TE ; D E E M B E It 'io , i 88 l 'j'lij Ct '.V 170TS.i7? ! Kast 1 ennesscov Virsrlnla JN J.lUUIiUIUUKI O JiLrrES. bought utyiikfilioaU and hon onatoe' Local Notes and Other NeWS. TI,e residence of Mr. Tains, .pi Cheek's Cross Roads HaoiWeo county. i e tff ..? r P. IIOAVE . ' .jomnjf i9acoriiatbqr-wnat!ifMro- H.mou'tt 4t this, corruption was destroyed by fire oDedaytlast week.: ..We have no t"particulars f furthe- - t'iau t i :: ;v :- "; :o i : - - -- ! V ItLjJ To the Editor or Tie? MriletoTs - T. i m iA - ' t l. i ! : DR. CH. C.THOMPSON. OPriCE!': ' CORNER OF CHURCH OA.Y 8TS., t'p SLir, Sew - Talcc? Offlot Knoxville, -- Tenn. imperial Attention Gieen to th Treatment of OWE- - cl? and araal 'Whitettn, "irftf arrteAPWfiW- - P,M la mkiwt a Sanday; December the mi to Klfea Jment dfilctalioV ' i C UTLERY. Fanning Implements, Full Lin: of Carpsnters'Tosls and Builder's Material. COLE AOEHTS Oli caaTTaNoooa chiileo ;plow8&) repairs, Kvory Plow Fully CicaiUl. Agents for the ' FAMOUS " OLD HSGKORY WAGON," D M.. t CrMj-wiiJl- i U Ui fJl'wiog nJ.. bw!i an J abjra will war raatk-t?- r and saara cor .f ..-- t ol BUckiog; wanli your lluoia or tbir off one a month. ao4 rraa taaaa ULKS I:TH1JI OIU i . ' jaallJlS EXCttSiflB- - COOK STOVES! I . j Vv r .. : i C !:'.5 . . 1 v ' " iZA'-- n A. SHf PAHD & CO., BALTIMORE, MO r -- S FCTOE A POYCE. Morristown. Tfin. r iizr J. L. WITT, Agent, Morristown, Tenh and (orsia II a. 11 road 7IL1E TABLE. "'bjjycct Qrtobcr 22, 16S2. (LonsTiLL Time.) Katwa1id Pailt. To X' So. 4. Lntai Chattanooga. li 10 p in 7 55 p. m Arrive Oii-- i ...... 'ji 4i p ra, 8 '24 p. B ,. ClevalaiML n'. r i i . 8 7 p. m 44 Cberln. n.. Hi pa 9 2p.ffl . 'lUnut . . H J p m Ki p. m Sweetwater. 3 15 p ni 10 28 p. m 3 44 pm t 53 p. m Knoxvne... 4 47 pm 11 55 p. m r"i KaoTrtUe.. . 3 00 p IU..IJ 5 a. m ves Morristown. 4 J i ra I 1 t2 a. m MoawrwUa Jane , ' T ID f".' 1 01 a. m 8 5 p m 3 47 . m 9 X p m. J.ii wiji's. , ' V 45 p m-,1- IMt.m Iiriktul .... 60 p In . 4 47 k. ra Dailt. STATIO.xS. So. 3. I So. 1. Leva Bri-t- ol ... 10 SO p tn 54 S a tn . ArriTrs JosnnoQ' ..... 11 14 p ra 6 7 a m. Jm.tx r. .. .. 11 40 p TO 6 53 a ni. M ir'iievlle. U8Dim 7 4S a m. . 44 KorTriU Jnnc ! Mim 8 so a m.. . MwiwtiD 3 l0 IB 9 21 a m. Knomvillo .... .. S 30 a ta. 10 50 a m. Lm Knoirl io . . . . . S 40 a ro 11 (XTam. Arrlvra loudon . .. 1! 4 44 am 12 0J p m . 44 Hwptwter... i 11 tn. 12 80 p-- " ' AthTO s 43 a m. IMpm. " Cbvtet'iu.. . . i I 18 in. 1 33 pm. Cl. ... 6 43 am. a 05 pat. " fV .... .. I! 7 S3 a m 2 53 p m. ia a m. 3 tO pro. Ohio Division. Hea.1 FASSEXOEB dlWB. - - P 4 55 p ra Ie. ATT. 10 05 a . i 10 p ta. M HeiHiall'H, 45 p lii '' Clinton, 8 25 a. in IMpm j " C al CTffk, 7 45 a. m. I4&pn llArr. 6 00 a. m. Nirth Carolina Division. 8TATI0S. Pasnf-ug'T- . Mixed. Leam Blorrtiftoon.. .... 9 45 a m. 8 45 a m. irrlTn Warm Hpriujra.... 1 p in 11 25 p m. Iravr U'rnvP:iiii.... I! 2 15 p m.l2 83 p m. Arrives 3Kirnstoiu 6 0 pm j 4 Hi pm. AT CHATTANfKXIA wflh xaHroa-- line diverg- - In, inakiiic; direct, close counctiiu for all ' 7'vlut, f'irth-wt- . Went ami Sjut!-et.- t. AT r')LTr At' AND CLKVtLAND aitli Georgia IMrh-io- fnr .?llanta unci a'J pcluts South, Soutb- - et and s..n;li-- st KJ.. ILJ.k. will Olfc. Vih ton and Kboz- - vu.f aiul Auu.-!- railroad. ; AT M'!a;!S'It."N itb Nortli Crc.liua Division for Warm Hpruiga, X. C, and ail Western and Mtaldla NorUi Camliiia twin's AT KtKRrtrXi: XrxenOS with Kogera-- vtll and JffTtfraon railroad. AT Joil.NsOS 4 with tt Teuaeea aud WetU m .orn OartOiua railroad. t AT B1UBV0I w.tU Norfolk aad Wtem railroad, coLnctiax clelj for all Virsinia aud tantern Cititn. vin . Ljuciiburir aud all r Middle aud Nortbem Mate poluta, via. Uoanoka and Vallr-- lUnitr. AT V. AUM 6Pl;lNtiii with Western North Caro- - Uuaraalroaafur A'hevU , Monrantmi, KUtes--Ufc- -, aUilbur; and ail point-- i in Nortn Carolina. S LET PING-CA- R SERVICE. S. 1 and 2 Lava Leirfhtou slt'per, between iI.npUiLid Lynchburg u. 3 aud 4 have Pullman Palace Sleeping Can between Memphis and Sew York, via. bheitan-doa- h a.i. y route; a!M Pullman Sleeping ara between New trl-a- u aud Washington via. Atlan- ta, Cleveland and Lynchburg. A. Pv'l'E, U. P. & T. Agt. LTucuburt,', Va. F K Ht'tiF.n. Sup., Knoxville, Tenn Jfmr:i ii iI 1IA1;1, A l i. a , Knoivilla, Turn. . - decHl fi if Norfolk & Western : " Railroad. Time Table in effect Sow Zr J, 1S82 WF8T WARD DAILY Waahtngton Una So.l. So. 3 . So. 11. I !WoIk Suffolk l: up.m Ar Pet'eburg 3:i.ra Lv Pet"slur 3: Sop m 44 Uurkevilie 6:llp m 44 Parmviile 6:5ip m ArLyucbburg' 9:0np.m Lv Lynchburg :3')p.m 2 40 pm "Liberty ' S 12 pin "R.anka 4 39 pm Ar B f f 11 67. m 22 pm L lliiriA'a'w , 1:32a. to A M pm 44 Wythevulo 1:22a m 8 04 pm 44 Marion 4:2U.m 9 IH pm 44 Abii,s' iou &.:ila.m 10 14 piu Ar Bristol C. 10 43 pni CONNECTIONS. Al rETF-KSBfR- with R. P. EB. for Kich- - muuU and 4ruifr on l'. a . Ky , Frttderlrkabnrg, Wah:iiKtoo, Baltimore and the North and Fast. Turcuu l'ulltna Car from Petersburg to New York . S. lid P.'W'b'irtf to Wathington. At fcl'UKL ILLE 'nilii Kuhiuoud ii. IfauvUl Bit rr the c. At HBUJN. ith Virginia Midland Rail- way to an 1 froui the Soi-t- a and N"or;h, aud wita ltii'tifnoiid and Albjruany BK . for Cichanan, Clifton Fori; and C ( Iiy. points At BRISTOL with E. Te'in , Va. k ta. Railroat for Knoxville. Li:uu, t'liMkuMjoca and all points South, Vet N. 1 has Sle pcra froti Lynchburg to Sc. 3 has Pullman hleeporf rom Waatiination via Enuxvi!ie ai'd At'auta to Nev OtI-ar- connect-iO- f' tieii-- e with Sleeper to Houston an.1 San An-tw- ui, without elianpe, and from Sew Tork to Meirphia via 8. V. K K. and Roanoke. Only one charge froni Washington to San Antonio in Pullmar; cars. " ' ' j : EASTWABO IAILY ' t:rue. No: 2. So. 4 So. 10 L I 11 :V p. in I 5 22 ami 44 AbingUia ,11 07 ami 8 ti ami 44 Mar. ui 1 13 a m 7 03 a m 4t W yttfville. 2 17 44 S 17 a ia- - 4 . u ri M J g 4 '.) .7 a in. 44 hit prcg 4 41 10 :1 am) 44 Loaa-.t- 5 3- - ' 11 Maul 6 55 .4 1 a 32 p ni ; g i oo 1, i pm cclib- - 20 " 4 l armvilie ,10 It 44 44 Purkeville 11 IO 44 Ar Pe ntowtft 12 6J p ra Lv l er .b'j'g 1 44 44 Hun lit 3 24 44 Ar Norfolk . 4 13 44 i CONNiXJTION.- - - AthoAM) l,.S 4 wHh the S.CT.H : for Lnray, Hsr! wis Baltimore, Philailelphl and New York Tlimufh Hi e per trom Memphis to w 1'irt via Harriaburir Ll)!liton Sleeper oa So Memphis to Lynchburg 1'allman Hleaper on No. 4, w Orleans t Wafhincton, via Lynch-Aafr- f'; awd fpevn Knox-ii:ie- LyrelibarR i. At 1AX.UHU1U1 ltb Virrnla Midland Bail-w- y IHrrvl;le and NrirtaTarPllra jk.iuI, and fa4 Wa.titngtnn et:d Laate. n ritiea. At Bt h K t VI LI.K with Biuhmond k Danville H. It. for Kirhmord. Thronch rsr fm-- o I.rnrhbtirir to Kiclimond At l't al'.l R3 itb P. K. B. for Wrldoa, Raielnh, fioldat ro," VTilir:iiiS? u, and the bouta Kart. At NO!, FOLK, with Bay Li::e tiamers daily axe t pt tiin'le, f r UniUnjore tLenre rail to Phil adslpfiia and New y--- i k ; aitUOId lxuuinlon bteam era, n M.'Udave, '.v eilu-an- d haturdaya for Ji York, andii m 1 nilaj an 1 I rldaya with H. Mt Crt. for fcv4! an I Pri.lrnce Firat an1 S. i ": tirVrt.' aa low t the low-e- at I5i lb. I rjr free to each Hulf tui--v, O.H41 '.J 44M to each ticket. I1 le u. ie. (JU 0. r.T tiiiorie.ati'tn aa to ti Lets, rate' nscgnce rh'rl.1.. Vc. c:l on or ad ire-- a, fltSKV FINK, V. P. A Get1 Manager. A. POLE, t. I" it I. A., L actum ra.Va. 0mm J FT Remember that atanuna, viUu enerjry, th or whatevkr jou may choose ta call tha rtaibixnt power which battKs againat the caueea or disease and ' dcatn, U the prand aalegiard Of belth. It Is the warri.-o- of the human fortresa, and vaon-i- t wajces, the true policy U to throw In reinforcements. In other wards, when eunli an unerseiicv recara. roiiuiicoce a course ol 'a liiitrra. Fur aal bv ttruirrie U ami Dealers, r waom ' at'plj Igr llouieucr's Almanao for 1 1 stmt, n t 8. ". I W. T. Mlltfltf. 1 t . I 1 ? J 1 f 'TIEtL x ft4 , . ... : I ' .' m . .,4 , ...... a., ' . "' v ,,,.. ' . ..' ' I :HTS-.- : " fMS31y LITL'S,. BOQ-SHO- B -- 4 Jlorristown, Term. THEEST-IH-THE-H!AnKE- T. - rurton dtt-rc'- i.t air- - and L:n.J'. fi. Pins v iiu Kiiaiue!t J KiM-rvvIr- Ada;4ed U rr ) i.ccclU)HiiLifai pnraaa, L EAD IN C V E AT U RES: !, yl lt-- l IVtnt VY-'m- I Orate, Er.iiif.Vr, f - r.Vr.' f'sn:g1lear:a- Iatz Y.s I'iere. fTrrt - Ji rx, H'w r 4rrr. riun)i8'"4 Fir f I 'n ?: ir- - Kini!i. and Is 1 ... :.r. f ... . A . t . 1 m Neatness ami Dispatch. t w . l II rfSEMIlTAEY. V ' . i , . I r t . . I ., ! t. "'.' llij? H J !" i YoinfrJf ' 5 1 'i'iVni a.. fi1 ', ' . C3. . .. f I'll'! r I'.lli''.'. V. I.10SSY CREEK,1 TENH.'1 ii ; : ' L Ja'J i' vrlLL OPES' i t THURSDAY, AUiUST 24, ... . f r i f ' t the Bo.rd i.rf3 uae.Stl t CW Brilahia:, lVrrrneriytwrai-ts- by tiia tle scIk4 r- - TMw!Lu-jiDaergoina- ? 'I'lioi'ongli Repair. Boarditig facilities for 100 girls at $10 per month. Uah. at 74. t f 1 . 1 . Tuition, Half in advance, flO to $20 per term of months. jrusic and French, feht $20. ; f i M j Iatrnctii Tiaorotifc-- ar ra boal. t t Fur particulars apply to W. T. BCSBEIX, lYea., Or S. M. KRWUIF, 8ocy. Ju1112Tr The Cream f nil Itooks of Ad- it.; " ; - -- venture. Pioziccz Heroes -- A. MX? ' ' t Daring Deeds. : The thrilHca; adrriitwrea of all the hero axplorara an.1 frontier fighters with Indiana, outlaws and wild bea, over our whoie country, fp.tu ih earllt times te the eeut Lives aud fsoioua eiploit. of, LaSalle, Htaodlxh. Bo4Uia, Kenton, hradv, CriK-kett- , Powia. H ut.'i.Wm..i, cu.ter. Okitforrta im , l!d Pi'i. B irai4 Bill. tJus M'W. and Cf , frt Iivllaa Chi fs sad ""r ct t"K't.e.i:y iljutra:J th IIS eocrai'ie to h. l.fe Aetits Wattted Low i.?aa!i4 bem. auvthl0) to.ill. bTAS IAfci liOOH CO., , Lwim, Mo. - " M m. - O x:OtrTcr .be ktuMra Jn lKfeMt I . 1. . . . .... aocirty ... r 2 ! f. for anyTsonta ron- - iiuuiicjjjpaxupun. jiina, or vena out any simh fimet to-an- y section of the Hetl8rfaUlnlini6rik these "Sl iofa3ei tuidifembe'ri of Con- gress centei ally, An-th- e foreheaiJ, and make thenrrobk Will and underUiUfiel Then thtftVpte' n ill return to an honest 'ballot anti efect she men trf thef r enrJce. ':hia.cna-r4Htot- f onfl loijoir thgrcat rjjangeraift ti.s rovtupmeaI, .no if ptr-rnitt- cd t ruu, on Buntil4. corrupt iri.tri-ump- h over borif siy wft si 1)1 theti bo on the liistUaYtermiie --, V'- - T mtei i Llkt4thr fiUId pksif 'more sttingeot Jia-w- abeaU tbintte; of U-p- ass law that--v- yotor or.thvaState who , ..t , in their vtitfs,' eliail heiifraifchijed and ;fite(t ftiJe vbrtrr-- p nwr m r than rtwentyiollarira.nd qtprW fed Hh 'the diacxetlHt ?f the! C6art.'i Andvjadd "a.iibtlief aelcUot4atc aoyeittdidntA for any nuice wm inn iu giif. pj iua pwpia 4fiis Si-.ft- Vlib1 IhaJl urnishT 'nioney diractif,.'? ifnoney be used for the purpose of lnnucnclng- - lha vol er lya an vj frsoh ' er ntrsds&l Mich candidate it, cted ,shail heJa eUigible ' hold J. the "ViClce le- - which . b. was el.elev fin'" tben gfye th Grand ' jfury iaqulsiioriat'po'wer kni eit thfa does nn. Pftrve tko.'pariCjF l tlakti billot box in alixhsa..ndas fllie 1 AWiAl"nd the blcody , shit t Mf ill nt p ." waal4 mad 6 'clean 'ajfain'. JMan .other thlnes aho nhi said.4 nd then all kept.Con- - jstantly befom ibe o do, until tborobgh et.9rm;tkT,rjaj:f . man "ooxmon? " Cfe'tfriirsacrIawkiiasflO time RnceeiHed tfidd a signal 'Beyyice departnient ttt'lfts bureii.'addyith this end in vlewiis1$re'j for1 Volunteers n all the'cbunfiM !th'roiighoiit the J WU. 'VSJWVI U. X l vll 14 X DOUv UuvU for IIatoblen,s!rb?W Is Gfauam rfor CJiaiborHe.711, (?. ATnHitAs TofTTaw- - kins; Ephraim On'kf5r5Greche and Jobn-P- . Boxveu for1 frrairiiri.' ; ,lKyei 1.M.M.T KM IK tiOODJLAira t BUSINESS ' COL- - oLEflE. lkN0XTlLXE.l nji TifrttSJItl 914 t fni"3 Fronx Ooourn'sBujan (Meiiotaf, .J.,,; ix; M2olVgc ca'afueiabjatadeota po-sitio- ns Until They are tiffered, ami, then, thevTlon 'alwkriave'lUAt' what ihe mertfbabtEmavwant. -- ife Jiavetjiome- - tirflt-- a ioond it km inikible tie fill ,th. kill, at vthec timea Wfv.hf ve! U.'tsHT0oiTes- - pOtiiU wiyt,. JOXiner,, tiuuent, sultfedTivorably to many, thpugti some- - iimea uniavoraoiy. as was ine case mis caenih. A. Crone ACe wished aryouiig pers jn aa frttrkr We told them ox"L. D. Lo jje, a, atudee t Aur .pcptyiHe-- , i)ol-leg- e'j 'thi-- y requested us,, to ,wtlt or him to come at once ;" be yt$ at a small station 'knd dld bot'-artiv- e at Nashville in lime. 'j iwt viij.t: mj':i . T.ia emt4ovrxteat. of vouniTi mett- - de pends' 09 circunwlahcea .ovetf which no College ' principal,' "haa ' cpntrol . and. in recommending or genum yuuog iuu to fill k positioaf hit aiast be governed entSryihytirtumataaee, U Fttmi:doodnan4k3uainaas Iea.ebger. . ,w New Teat'rDa will soon be upon lis, and; many ar already ""fa timbering tbti pew leave Uiey are goinir t luTm tver on, that day.; fn.hi 3m'i ii Jui-nlr- ! , in all parts o( the, 'fSuuny South" there has be-,- abundant crops, the liko of which has not1 'been ttx years,, ami our people are indeed happy. V J " . The tir.t o( the year will find the ma jority of young uien arranging to lollow their present ,OQ:iipauwR ,ome now-eVer- ,1 are contemplating taking a n?w ep, and will be fotind knocking at the tionof ihe tJchool, College or Uni- - verBity,--- , , ome,naveroriyear-splte- d ;t with- -. tbe 1'rnfv'BMihfi. nthftrff the medlcaK Atltera the liferafVJand sbme'hkve lorig d to be ideBtifieifc jwIUl thef 4Ualns w-d- j new tLtt itbe.pew yejir is p- - .ITianV b fl VA- - ail At,4.ll liiak AA 'the date which . shall, markt-ielr- . nr itter' thWarA enarlbtr1 themselves Xt recitib1yvprf0rha the 'd titles tielr vCi.ea Brofe$siofK;:ij IU to eaif44i; ,To fieyeug prep iring themselvesf or business, .ud desire tq cnct 'our'Nks'h'V'llie or Knu.-vi- il COHi'ge.1 w would9 suggest ' that ,(ter thet;hritma festlvltle. sare J bVetr oraeclhht teyjmakTibii arraage- - s as-UKu- e onnartu an iuiy ij Seuts tb' Wo 'i k on Kbii6y morning, first 'day of thwtiek, an4oi.ihe aew:iyear;"8urf in-VIt- rt a ,detrrUMauoa not: to lo a sibgleday. (it ijcou"4 tude nt ea eoter el.aey time, audtlie ibove, oilly baljretereuc44 to those whe Ififend to' enter, soraeliip44 tdurlng' ae- - Brtt few',itlayai"of,Hh 'tiow year.i-- iw tif 4 i.j.v .4. - nttd nn . tinvA r flno Una Of Guns. Breech aud Mutzle Idading, SheHir,' Ftinxttn; Po'w-dera- nd SUb Powder ilornaad Flasks, Gatue.-lias- , LaUng Twi. &Ci-- . Slitrila loaded to order. ff T dT .7 9 ,i;a.sijWINO''MACIIINES.v ;' : 4t AVW have" thei' Ligbt-- r uhnlh W ii ite, Itatninirton Jilowe, D-Da- via and. other filraVclasa .tnacIuneB, . w W i sel .iTY mucli cheaper than jujy.JipyBe in Tennessee,. A Tull stock .01 Necdlw. rti Tat!a VAlVrsrnm4r.ra.J Sund Tor rtoai ia.NUELJENItlN,KTx- - ltml oblA him Gro1:; 'WMotsln'ltiibff-- e Additlo'a'dUnowd "of laH' week.'kbd moVtS, being fiegodated prieea -- kdrtuwa-- idJu t-- oeri4,-- rt; FVinr mile east Ol - )rrstown-r-1- 0 atter.1 hatt In 'culrl vkt did' timber-HSa- e dwelling Au 10; rooms, splendid l barn ;H)otit ) buildings l and ' iu fact everything first -- claa, Veil-watere-d, yprrjible, grUle B0idtchean,a j. a i OBf 75 atsrtWmllerf'roni ; Tat- - bott'a, Suacrea'tni cuitlvatioui-Daian- ce Jlpe tlojber good pring. ; bamisl ir: i , One of 220 acres. 150 in. , cultivation, UUC BtlCi. Unit !UU1L( 4 "V k uuu dwelling-- , ffeiij IWHl-'t- e sokt " cheap. Terras teasonable.' '" s-- 'lfc i .!i;4oiw.:h ,. svai flt.tamKdH 8 ,'.:: 1 M'dJ Fi4?Tn4n(l '51 n't l"'-- : Si'jUated.S mlei ftu of ilerrbjtpwo, containing1 110 acrea( dwelling, house, etableaoti spriog-lious- c 200 fruit trees, jgood-'fru- fartoWflf be" sold very cbeapt 1 Terms liberal, ivi -- Ten.' Fl'jr. rt.sK!t?uce,in western, part, of fownVtf foorhs.e Very thing first-clas- s- l t 23"creefJkiidi ,' hTm lroukel ta aternpif t6t tbw ti for; sal a heap. Aicrtwo, maJh hot; wa in southera iwtH of twn.,,LeU ia i va-iou- s parts of teaV-oot- h flor kusiDt a and dwe!llngoei.; 'vtU"?. , , , I -- 111! ff r v ir t X t Dr. RobVrtiuaJ ba.vlnr:detertilined to make aJU&rg4io,lil4 bwipess relations, nfT-r- a tor sale hia verv- - desirable, farm. situate in'te west eud "of town,, 'con. taining about 120 acres SO acre clear- -' fttU weH impreveti leotl' tlweninif, out? buildings, bart,orcharJ-- i Sa5d."i farm will he od eoUte,:erjCao tbejdividt d. Terirs liberal, :.'7 .,.. n.. , I ... i 'Address, ,. , 'aJofin Tolahd, 1 v. REAL ESTATE AGENT, Morristown, Ten a. Snow fell to the depth of several' inched here lasf Sunday. , , ; i? ! The abow-windo- wt f the stores wear i ...... . - ' a Ch rial mas appearance. ; IS, The trains are getting oot o( fix again;. a The passengers especially are more fre quently delayed..- - , ;;!(. The Cluon-id- e haa. aJ"Lran new" head;, a. and a tasty, and becoming char eau . f6f its first pag.' it Is. " -- - - - - 1,320 porkers have been; s'aughterd ' '.' at Major Folsom'a pickery Uius Jar,, ; nettinj in "he aggregale over- - 200,001) pOUDddr" "' The. Good Tftupiars have -- decid d ta have an oyster supper on Friday; 5th . prox.' No effort will be spared to make it enjoyable. A Very Interesting programme has been printed for a Sunday School enter- tainment at Liberty Hill Church CbrisK mas day. It begins at 10:30 a. ra. ' On the Cth inst. two illustrious names passed from the living to the dead; The one waa Anthony T.ollope, the other Louis Blane." The Sunday School scholars of the 3Iethodist and Baptist churches will be gladdened with Christmas trees on the anniversary of the birth, jf Christ .next Monday., ' . I : A proclamation, haa .been published for a grand ball and supper to come off a; McFarland's Opera Heuse Cbristrtaas night, to which all the elite of the secial circle (colored) Is invited. Mr. John Talbott's, jr., house two miles below Mossy Creek, waa burned the night ef the 9th. The origin of the fire is unknown at present. Loss sup- posed to be net very heavy. The blue-eye- d 'old inhabitant moves about, bow-logge- d, and says as usual that he hasu't "seed eich weather since 1812, when him and his grand-fathe- r drov' a four-hor- se team' 'crosa the ice ton the Holston." ' "I move." said a delegate iu a Vir- ginia convention, "that ourVbairnian take a dose of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, be is so boarse that I cannot understand - bim." That centlemer? had no doubt tried this wonderful medicine. The Reuchlin Femaje Seminary will dismiss school Friday for two weeks holiday vacation. The tfirls threaten to make Rome Tund during their short freedom. Who wenld care if the darling iMle dears should! A man at Chattanooga, last week, who was financially embarrassed, tried to pawn bis set of false teeth to a well known saloonist for $5, saying he would reJeem them before breakfast, as he would need them at that time. " ." We are glad to note the success which is crowning the efforts of Messrs. Good-so- n & Blair to win the popular favor. Sint-- e their opening day they have had a large and steadily increasing trade. They are enterprising and deserving gentlemen. The report of the Lynchburg market furnished by Messrs. Lee, Taylor & Co., may be relied on as correct. Farmers and others wishing to sell or buy can weekly post themselves in the price of such articles of produce, and we hope it will not be without benefit to them Sal a in is Harris is prepared to furnish the public with choice fresh Norfolk oysters, in large or small quantities, on short notice. His oyster parlor is open night and day, w here you can stop and get a plate of oysters prepared in any style called for. The Nashville American is clothed in a dress of new and handsome t pe. It is to all intents a first class paper, and in our opinion better adapted to the wants of Tennessee readers than any paper published. We cannot see bow an in- telligent reading man can do without it ' The Morrihtoww Qakrttb, Ham- blen county, Tennessee, is in every way a well edited and up ark jour nal." And this judgment. of The llvgbeian, the ably conducted organ of our Eng- lish cousins of Tom Hugheta? colony at Rugby. Morgan county, Tenn., is emi nently pleasing to us. Mrs. Kent Mason, who figured in thia place last summer aa ar temperance lec- turer, And wLe left a small mo mtuin of i unsatisluctory ' incideut,' unexplained when she ieit here, waa arrested at K okuk, HI , last Wedaesday, for. ebtain ing $137 worth ojfTdry gooda.iuder fafse pretenses. . Our esteemed and, venrrabl friends, Mr. and Mrs. W. n. Moffett, celebrated their Golden Wedding at their residence in N w Market, Montiay evening;, Dec. 18. We regret that presaicg engage- ments deprived us of the a.leasQre ef ac- cepting their kind invitation to tie pre- - 1 The Carrier of The Gazette, Willi Tyree, will make hi round Christinas day with his Carrier's Ore ting. Willie is as good aa the average boy, is father- less, a id what you give him will be charitably bestowed Open your purses and make your wmU glad that you have'f asfcijted a deserving printer boy. Whil- - the ticket agent of the East Tennessee and Norfolk and. Western railroad, at Bristol 00 the nigbt of the 12th, was counting his money at the window, an unknown party broke thro' the window glass with ids fist and grab- bed $129 and made his eicape. The rob- ber is suppoaed to have been a tramp. William Frazier, aged twenty-three- , of New Concord, .Ohio, and teaching school at Cumberland, od the 12th, got Into a scuffle with John Hayes, a-- eil nineteen, and Charles Lusk, aged six- teen, in echooJ. Biug thrown down by iiteiu, he drew a bowie-knif- e and faUUy Btabl'e i botlu Hay riled In And this In Ohio I 5 i '. v Talk about printer's Ink not paying l We wish the man whojs Ignorant as to entertain sucha belief ohl see the pila'of postal cardt and letter address- ed to thia office in quest of the gold A-l- ar offered by one af our advertising patrons for the first 'correct iateinrc-fa-Uo- of the letters Q. p.C. P. W. C. Out of scores ef centestanu not one haa ; yet fully elucidated the mystery. AH glye the correct meaning vf tclr letter i except me nrsc tj. j is the jumoo that aooe have yet captured. that the; resi'fetsel barn - artel. .outbuild ; t ipeg -- wi U tbtir eo tfe coutentsr were 1 . - - consumed," involvin serlOu ioas to Mr. Tam, who, with 'fys wife, waa on Visit to relatives ia an ailj.oinlBg'coun-t- y when the ca'amity occurred. The house was a largo old Jraie building. noted aUntlioxi rovrtU) d jUik-n- i en' of he. ear icj. days, and wajoj4 of the Jahdinaffe'f? ArthVftutltr5'T . : REA B&. TA TBA,2i$FJ2ltS.: Kep, kted by; john TOLAjrv"Bf;AL es- - I ' TATE AGEKT, MORRISTcVtVTf? C. MuHepdorej; John GraSam, 3 acres in district 5,- - $30 00.- - C - g'; Je.-s-e Baown andwIi to J.oha l4 Witt,' let in district 1, $97S8i. ? i,.T". C. Cain.and wife jo C.' S. HarrisV lot in dis sict 1, $3,500, '"t i ' - : ; .' Jt r.uffmastefAnd"3v"ne Mary Counts to John Toland, lot ja district J , J. C. Ivey and wife to .Alex Ray 1, I3f acres if. district 2,' $163 00. J0. Ivey and? wife to D W. C. Smith, 30 acres in .district 11; $100 OO. . Wm. Pacgle and wife to J. ' M.'Pangle, S2J acres in di trict 11,.$900 00. t Ja. P. Carriger to AliceJvirkpatrick, lot in district 6;$173.?5: ' : - ! .. J. W. Huffmaeter and , wife and M. Counts to John Toiand, lot in district 1, $35 00. . . i' .. . , v - Ma'ry Cpunta and . others' to Bettie Huffmaster, 13 acies in district 1, $456 Mary Counts and others to T.'- - Cain, lots in district 1, $200 00. . ! ; II F.Cain and wife to T. C- - Cain, lots iu district 1, $1000 00.. ' '.- j ' W B. Reese to Dan', ; Hazje wood 1 35 acres ia district 2, $278 33. Cowan, McClung & Co. to Wm. Wil-met- h, lot in district 1, $300 00. G. B. McCrary and wife to Alvina Wood orth, 53 acres in district 1, $300. Mary Counts and others to T. C. Cain, lot in district 1, $450 00. ! W- - II - Maze (Sheriff) to M, E. John, inst in district 1, $28 50. . A. M. Trollinger and wife o n. E, Lane, 33 acres in district 11, $325 00.! - Garrett Ltne to G. E. MarshalJ21 acres in district 9, $404 00. " ; ir Wm. Pangle and w'fe 1 ro "Wylie. White, 1 acre in district , $t0 00. L. B. More and wite nd others to 1 Peter Smith, 134i acres in district 11, ' $8,700.-- r r - t - Sidnev Witt to A. 31. C. Brewer and wife 49 acres jn district,, $450,-- - T.-'- Johnson and wife to William Chaney, 75 acres in district: 4, $22500. O. C, Kinjto O. K; iDonaldeon lot in district 0, fiiff .'' ' -- ; - -.-- John Wright to Jacob Wright, GG 3- -8 acres in district 5, $1,100 00. O. C Kin,r to O. K. J dees, lot in district 6, gift. r E J. Wells and others to C. P. Riggs', lot in district 1, $400 00. O. C. King to K. K' Park, lot in dis- trict 1, . , PERSONAL. . Hi-rac- Rice and -- wife arrived from Georgia Saturday evening to spend, the holidays with relatives. -' - f - Wm-McCrar- y, of Rome,'Qtt.,-isv1sit-ina- , his three daughters, who are attend- ing Reuchlin Female Seminary. Turner A. Helms, a 6tudent of Good- man's Knoxville Business College, has arrived to spend the holidays at home. Mr. R. A. Lowfy, of Knoxville, is spending a few days with his family in this place. He is nursing the fine?t j vaccine scab tha has been broughrtoj this place. No, it isn't where his boil ; was. James A. Ilaskins,' a competent and gentlemanly compositor of The Ga-ZET- office, leaves ow to visit his old home in Meckleiiburo- - county,' Virginia, asd epend the holidays with relatiye. May he enjoy the occasion. Rev. J. G. McFerrin, of Greene coun- ty, whs in our city severnl davs las-- t week, the utiest of his rela'ive, Mr. A. j H. Arno't, and gave us a pleasant cull ! He a clergyman of the Presbyterian ! church, and has been for, some limjene of the professors at Tusculum Ctillege. Wre are glad to learn that he will proba b!y soon beceoie a permanent citizen of our town. One day last week as Capt Wm. El- more whs pa-sin- g through his train he noticed a very officious lookiug young man who had seateil himself by a oung lady from Farmyille', Va., going to Mo- bile, Ala. The young popinjay boarded the tiain at Morristown and soon after he sat dewn he attracted Capt. Elmore's attention by taking from his pocket a r-1- of money which" he exhibited aud flourished around quite recklessly. This with oth r actions caused him to Be bus peeted.' The Captain asked the young iady if he was in the seat by her per .mission. She replied, that on. the con- trary, he wa3 a great annoyance and nuisance. .'Upon wbl h th Captain t k hint by the collar and gently asked him to find another seat. This is just such IreaUoeat-a- s this kind of ofiiciousncss merits, a d we pat "Billy Elmore" on tire back. JYibun& ,"', r. . And so do wi biit it la charAettrlslicJ cf ' Archie" to be watchful, of his pass- engers' interests while guarding thosfTof the company.. W witnessed not long ago I bout that Billy hd with a some- what eimilir specimen of the genus ho- mo. At Greeneville an old woman, a young man and a snaaltboy got aboard the train going west. They took seats i ear the door. The woman and boy "were poorly dressed, while the young man ; was fashionably' costumed, and sported tony whiskers.. Soon Billy presented 'himself to collect their tickets. The , old 'woman handed one for herself and pointing to the young man seated opposite Vaid, "tiat feller will pay for this little- - chap." But the handsomely attired young man emphat- ically declined to de so, under the plea M44411 Ie- - had. no money "He lie to you, mwter,"-exeite- dly exclaimed tbe o'd woifan, "he has plenty of money, but he is too mean and stingy to want to pay it out for his mother or brother." Tbe y.uiog man swore it was a lie, that he had no money. " la thi-- fellow your sonf" JnqvjjredArcbie, witli a fearful appiataneo ou hia countenance as be fixed his eyes on the young man. "Yes, he is," shouted the old woman junrping to her feet; " he is my own son. but he never was any account and since he ran away with that red-heade- d Kentucky woman he's b?en triflinger than ever. Oh, heV a mean, dirty V. Af- ter the applause had sufficiently subsid- ed" Billy said very mildly to the young MaovThali fie? impelled to put the bojP t'ft unK'ss biar-- fare ia paid, and if ly not payj1 ln soriry .to ay that 1 snail Deiieve ai; TPOI mower na3 Mini about you. .truer-thac- .' you are a mean, dirty -- fll- - paid the fare. ....... . , - ; e)n ; .ii. Mary Scruggs. :' Union.; City, Tenn ., isays:- - -- 'l have ued'Browp's Iron Bit ters for lossiuf appetite and "find it "an excellent toclec;,; . Pleasant Williams to Mary Turner. W. P.J one lo Nellie J. Davis. Elbert. Rollt-- r to Canaada Nr. h. .i Jarnei'aytr. to Harriet E. Noe. a George W Pratt to Cordelia Jones. Wiley P. Noe to Martha F, Gray. B.. Bart,iit her home; near . Winebeeter'. .Franklin; county, Ter" Onfl huntday, December the 7Ui, tjie Jriappyjpir Jantr ed here and were . convey ea, i shoridis-Mue- e to the brothlrKof the gtr5om,l!Mr. '.Ai' A.:Xlald tffcn, reeettiorifwa4 itiyen.them - Hi.;nanyfriendA.'in;EAst Tennessee iH..i?iame- in wishing them u l ie or prosperity . aTHvXPpmnsa,: j ; 1 . '. ,;;, ,i li u i ;:; 'A A A tiQl&.FJlOU RUTL,??S)G& To tha jditvr 6f Therrtowul3asMttt;t J , jSveialnrry iiiiportanti cbaoaree ht vo :d taken plicelwitfj us ifH-4- lnst:''ew5dayfiii . , rt- - is a" - n tt I a - I int- - nrm oi eoK cc reca iiavecnangea vt. loanother Pei k Rndwt re-sti- packing at r list M'cowjfts.'an' Uakl jchangc-car- j: ejcl ti e jemoyal of .Wie Po"straice ixack o, the corner of J'. M, Lqwe, ;'...,..' , " Wt af well- - bles.srd1wlth',.feiaf ailviS--' ers, ttier?' being nnljrTsik town and prospt'Cta.for mure.V'vi-f- " lif theiexqulsitepleasuKe ff,' wehj ming-ou- r youngfrientl, ,0, A. Mc Dahiet,' 'of The house .'of ' G.oodsdni & Blair, into our tirfci!jft'o&Klyhrt?itj' l being the first d rummer Mrristowa; to ever nt to oiir-pJaca- r aad ifjrb(ire is Any more, pleas.e.. brings tha-- to , tliflf iruui. . . v e Beii'-v- in .conipt iiion. Messrs Brown 'Wei la & Ho.vt1 come ltd' tbe' front: 'l,;s"" BlACkwateb, 'rerin.; Dcc13i. ?82 To the Editor .0 Th MorrirtQwn tSaeette'i A KbTABLE. DBPARTrBlS.' j ; Has the Jittractiveicomet -- 'lon its ttv! tractuin to other platwM, and xone into- - the aun- to feotl thar centrVtt 'fir Do4 we hear a gneraF ru'niblin'g, 'ahd clank- ing of becoming-together- 1 of.tlieeejn- ters, circunifererices, ' polftl, equators parallels-- . 4 meridians, tabceans ! isle and frozen poles ?'?a dacust,' JkHtyHjj Jul anil ..jarny time, na ibe-- . birds. Dies nnd gpfqrth making the wKiid ring vvth in'usi ? 'Are mother ShiDton'a nroDhe ciea a realitVl rfnd are wo 'witnessing kif fj: eral up f - evferythiiig t "idU Well, what then-- ? i.Why, it is; the eclio 1 ing and reverberating f, tin, pan." plow, I clevises, lid Hi 's, , banjoes,. Fieoch harps v firecrackers, torped.iea, 'muskets, ' CuSw bells and ctiin music: John Dttfvl8,"Es.f! of. Sneodvill is rnarried to Mis Hamie PercelU and this is the aerenad't.H It beats anything we've .heard of for Io, . . ... t 1 .1.' 1. 1 e iiifsii iiifiuy siui:c n, oattc pi. Waterloo. t rom cousin John 3 age and experience.and Buhyan-lik- e lisp(59ltkn, we predict for turn and happy futuri. . We wuh. hint and his I better- - half a cheerful jaunt .through, .this life. aiay xneir joys De many, ana increasing and'witlmut a eloud -- tti '.'fiuattvtbWtwt" their social sky ; af d We trost that they will syuipathizu with. qlditdeformed bachelors and crois-eyed- . maidens, havt , a while since, abandoned all Ideas of our being... lifted from " tKry rueful abiding place1 f ' Nrt,ody'6:;darling,, before ging into the! ''seah and yellow leaf" of life. . ;. (.. uy'.i.-- I ANOTHER MARRIACJE. ,.,nJ , We had ariotbei' noted weeding in the neighborhood of 'Bla'k water pobtofflce . J . i - I . . . . . S . . 1 on aanuay, tne ivui cisi.. - ivir; vrenerat Ampudia P. Bowlin wa& 'married to Mi33 Lucy NT Bell. This was a grand wedding, but like the melodies ofa pap.vw whit!i sweet and indescribable." We regret to give tlietleneral up,' butil gU' M we will have to; hand him i0ver4 A we shake the General's band an exit. the t ars stand ou nw cheeks - like , the beads hanging on a ladies cloak ,. 'Ts hard t say farewell, but General, adieu (Boo-ho- o !) .:" -- " A DANGEROUS, AFFLICTION: 'i ' The mumps are raging in tl,is county This is the ony disuise we know pf that will restore "skinny men" to the looks of a stalwart. 1 lie wiry-slmpene- st faced men will have f;icet as rundand plump .as lie Jace of a .jle.jit-ibfc- toeiebapV; filler owning the ipuAia fc. feW jday Wonder itj.'the're'is any d'seae,ih,,w,ill pure "rough On Tat? i ' " i t. - 1, ;A CHRIST'ilAB' TkEEl' We are goiUK )U hav;: ai.Olirijtmits-- i , . . . i t i i a a. v tree ai tiiacivwaier cvemiua.ry' ntu emmr-- , day, wineii is to ie,h;tuea wilu ioQeei beans, drie d ru'trsr&ins, eliaw bats, cad ' S ixi DO' it . ' ' 1 V! 1 ! It is a strange. thing how .'centrifugal L f and centnp tal. forces, act eAcn other and keep the earl h''-ueve- r rvplvS; ing around tfiesun Vut tn stiangvst thiDg We ever ftudied ftbotttis t)yf yb. can mil) lion sua: ha largeii good- - itind In tercstina weekly as Taa.AlAZE'r'rK.ftit one .dollar "and fiftv cent atVeac. ijwr r Hancock readers class-yoi- ir paper 'the oem weeKiy paper irr iu bi leunessec. . WHAT BEAT'BBWLEr: ' The reason Hawkins undnPettibone got suc'i majoii ies over Bate and flay lor in this ;c6unty was because the Democrats: did1 not' - poll : their ' faljl strength; and .thelreason Cant Titewiey didn't get a tetler yote here a because J tbe p ople nevgr saw lum,,aDa the Pftiy run him off the track in some places, and placed thfiiame of Ellis Cocke' on-th- tail of. the ticket tor ' Floater) - T!pe-- diet that, the Hon. Big Jw, will be'ia candidate for FJoatarial honors ; be sex. twtf 'jears, and if we, were .Iri'j'.Bewley'i place ' we would see 'what1 'goes' Vn'tt e lailof hit Mcket. ;'Lef 4i1s nime fi6at'lri youtfond remembrance; Captain J- - " 1 ,.r LOG8 ASD LOOOLN, !'.! '.4 t I Logging is being carried PR! briskly along the waters of Cliuch river. There will be enough logs rnrr to' inarket Jrouj this county thii winter 'and ipting' Io amount o three. hundred 'and fifty unil-- j lions of dolUrs," Thia , will put eaoUjrhi of money jntd circulation toJlnaktj easy to come at, and a man 'tbat,.'can,'tt iret monev to buy his licebsti then alnti -- worth 'tater ji W ksow' of one man that hasii;bt minions r of idoliarsC worth of logs p x uaua,.now,raad zieja still logging. ... ' 1 ' ''WttAT " JpSvS;. tnJ We want ;an school evstem.,. We havn'c.anytvgodd scnools ia tbiseounty-Sneedvillecon- kl afford a good school, If, it didn't, carry; cverything'into politics. , We will have! to lay political prejudices "aride befofe we can ever turn a' wheel in tbe eduea- - tiorj il cansQiit; :i i .vy.-j-- t 1 ... i44- - A COIjrLE OF RACAHES, , , A' difficulty . occurred, betweenr pick Fields and George Rogers u'.few days ago,-i- n w hicl Fields received knife cuts and Rogers waa struck ia thtf bead mad knecked 6eselese.'..The: recovery; rnrf both is thought tq be uncei;tain.;. Thia took place in the - upper, pnd.ot, this - - ,h cdunty: , ' Another sinal! difficulty 'djc'urreaT rs week: between.-- . Hap Cross n and Job a Comes, jut across the line, io Virginia. They were both fatally.; wounded, , and there was blood " spilt, and the' ground . .n.j.iu i: ;. ' i lr. ii lore np generany. , iviua., 'I J- - i:U .1'-- : FIRST CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT , ', j" i. ,;., i -- jf? iv-- i A COSTBA$T WITII TUK KoBTTJt AJVD SOCTH AND TUB OESERAt' COXbtl" OV'tfttn -- j. PEOPLE OF BOTH SiCCTIONS Z , iWd a f,il,-i-44-- ;'" a a To the Eclitor ot Tbe, Iorrietowj (MCfM-- yi'Jxt j. No, where u .he &)utb,.aince tbe4ate war, his a ,cild eitolen-- i fron( wealthy parent foe the iurpe:of et ting none., to-- its return. , Nor l there a casein the. South where; wealth J dead have been exhumed for the .fak4 f money for the return of the "body. No where! in the .South an; fraud been praclifled in.,tlft5li ;n astio: the city of .New Yf.rk by United State Marshals and ' Government , officials Where does the eorrilrVtion 'lund come from mostly? The- - No lh;-Thi- s has come nearer brcakieg urn this Govertvi ment since the war than anything eUe.. Itidefeated 1 ilden for President after he-wa- s elected; but the" people defeated that fund on thv 7tn or iNo-- r ember last, by unprecedented majorities showing tliat the 'people do not want to be . . . IHeaf$ of tit J KECTTJM, ; if'.' BLADDEH. J l KIDNEYS, ' AND FEMALE COMPLAINTS. . OFFICS HOCKS i ' t i 8 to lO A. M., 2 to 4 P. M., and 7 to 9 after supper. Jun21-ly- it CITY ITEMS. German BiaquH Statuary at Brown, Wells & Hoyfs. Have you seen those beautiful Christ mas Cards at Brown, W & Hoyl'ii? Elegant China Tea Sets just received at Brown, We'la v Iloyt'a. Fine Velvet, Plush, Gilt and Ebony Frames at Brown, Wells & LToyt's. Photographs of Actors and Actresses at Brown, Wells & Iloyt's. ' ' Fine hand painted Plaques at Browo, Wells & Iloyt's. ; ; Elegant Gold, Silver and Ebony Pho tograph Easels at Bra wn,Wellsfc Iloyt's. Santa Claus makes his Headquarters at Brown, Wells & Floyt'a this year. Don't fail to go to Brown, Wells & Iloyt's every day and you will alwaya 3 something new. The largest stock of Holiday Goods ever brought to Morristown at Brown, Wells & Hpyt'a. ' i r. s Call at Brown, Wells & Iloyt'a every time your are in town and ask the' boys to show you the new Holiday Goods which they are constantly receiving. Overheard Conversation During: the Transit of Venus. Sol. to Ike: "Have you seed de traa- - sum of de veenus?" , - . "Sha! Sol., dat aint no Veenus; dat jus' Mr. Geo. Williaroa, O. P. C, paint- - in' a 'tivement on de sun. I seed him start on de Estern-bouoc- de day befoY Toys! Toys! W. P. Carriger is the great toy man this year. Ho has bought an im- mense stock of toys of every descrip- tion, cheap and costly, which ha has now open for inspection. His estab- lishment has been headquarters for old Santa Claus for many Christmases, and this year be will entertain bin more royally han ever. An excellen line f plain and fancy candies, nuts, figs, etc Firo works in abundance. Go and see the many pretty things. Myers & Bird are continually receiv- ing new goods. Their-stoc- of dress goods, fancy Roods, notions, . boots, shoes, hats, caps, trunks, valises, urn-biel- hs, underwear, queenswara, tin- ware, grocerief1, etc., is full to evrflow ing, in great variety of price and quali- ty. Christmas goods are being receiv- ed daily, and special attractions $nd in- ducements can be found in this line. Don't fail to see them before malting your purchases. . Students of the Sun and Venus nave estimated the depths of the spots now visible on the pf the great "day lamp" at two to 'six miles, and also state that vast clouds of iron and oth'--r metals float over its surface (so ititcnse is the heat) in the form of vapor. Yet, according to Sir William. Uereckel, the sun is a "cool, inhaldtab'e world," which lia- - its tides and seasons like our own mundane sphere. . If this is the case, the inhabi tants would doubtless aptreciate the O. P. C.'s big low-pri- ce drives in Over coats, Suirs and Furnishing Goods. Come and bring the "little natives" to see the Xmas tree. Time Is Money, ' And the. way to save time and make money ia to buy yonr Dry Goods, Diess Goods, Notions, Boom, 8I104, Hats, Jeans, Groceries, etc., etc., from the loy-piic-e st re of Bewley & Rigga-Thei- r stock of men'i., boy's, women'e and children's shoes ia especially large and of the very best manufacture, and can be sold for much leas money than tlfe where; every 'pair warranted. Iu LMUi(.s'DxciS Good, CoratiU, - Hosiery, Notions, &c, they can't be beat io any market aa to quality of goods and price. All they ak is a call and an examina- tion of goods and price? to co yinee the most skeptical. , Iu adili Jon to their large fctock of other "goods, tbey keep alwava on hand a line of gro-'cri- s; esp ciallydc they keep a holce article of coffee and augar.twbich they retail at a very low price. Country ptople wlll find It decidedly to their interest to call on Bewlev & Rigge when tLey cme to tuwn t barter-- , they can get the hivhet price for their pro- duce and i. exchange secure the best bargains in their purchases. n39 2t A Ilolltlay Sugrsrestlou. At litis time of the year the old and young alike arc anticipa' ing the pleas- ures of the holiday season. All are con- templating the purtha-- e vf something, but very many are undecided what to buy that will carry pleasure to bcarta of intended recipients. For the past fewye there ha bee a growing tendency among our people to make-usefu- l and substantial gilt, and what embodies the useful and sub- stantial more than the goods to be found at the mammoth One 'ru Clothing Jlouae, where all the latest styles of men's, youth's and boy's and children'a suits arid overcoats from the lowest to highest grade, in endloaa variety and quantities. ' In the Furnl-ihln- g Goods department will be found the mt extensive line of ' silk handkerchiefs, neckwear, tuspend-- . era, Rloves, anil under wt t ever on sale in Morristown. I addresa myself to the ladies in par- ticular to favor me u lib a call before Purchasl.D.j, au J t a . "JitUe one" are lufited to come to4 we ht Chriitinan Tree. Remember this is tbe only One-Pri- ce - fJ.OtaU'2' ti :u.C la UI BtAtaj - t - ' '. i Gii C. WlitlAJtS. F A R'M '...lEavN'S, TT 1 T ' 1 ! TVl4 iiacxs, All Kinds of Carriages Made to Order.Uiil I!' l):tirins Attondpd ti with .'.it, rid PATENTS' o'xi ci J for He t&veattoat. arfor iw.avwewieu:s oa 1 tuct. f r j. .:.liyr4j4M B(iuunietrad mark, au-- t A-- l , Ci.aa. As!irniite, later ' fri:rji,.A,ji--aj- . mr--s twr Jut ruiirvaealr, sad a. I a'tta'. r.u uu4er lb PA 1 KXT L 1 H. vzr ,a" l)L' IL i'TLMi' 'tt ffl- - iy J4r.l VAjI rl).Mt.himtrae. be' tat- - 2teU by B. '.-p- the U M.Pllle- - partinriit. and ptmre.t la patent bot:ie. exria-- t trly, t ra make rimer ararrhea, sad aecura patents mure pro.ui t !y . and with brader tltmit, t ita til" L- - ore rem.xe trorn Waahiustou. 1 V r I? V 'PM I a" a iu4lrak h I a v i Vt t I ' lk "f yor device; wm nUtw i etantt '.. : an a l ie io pateu4btlit y, mil ori'iiit'tr.. K'.l n 1 net- - trtctly ca:l.l a- -. al I . - w, j,.,. Nil c:iAt:.ji; IM.1.SS TA! 1ST IS -- f. ;vit. s'v i ;.: 'iaUirtf I It .n. P '4at'r- - Cecrt U. 4 . . V t. Tje I..T- - nur-.- l nai a4k. I tuitrmm ia the- I . l"t- - "t ' an t to aud Krj rean tli- - i i 'rr-'- t.; at-- pel;J' to.our cL.Il 1 it etery -' ate ia !!. 0uiOU at J ia I'aaSda. C. A. SNOW at CO., "I rHf.l.rateeMimce, Waahlnirton, D. O. .if, nt IWtntetl to Silt V10RMOt.lSSV3;r'n UNVEILED The most emWie and expose of th. t'nte. and pratiee of'-miau- i lo.-l.- i lr the Lit. and CMf fct-vn- a of the ll irmuu UisU.-y- . JohB D. e and Itr'Uant til ' Htart'.mt a! 1 brt'lmg lievfiattcu. ! Prelate y IUus.ratvd. A Uvely tk tim'l. u r. wiiaco.,st. L.u., Mo. PIMPLES, I ;U nsai! (Pree 'be yec p. fur a t:ajdj Ve table ri!T t:at will re:nov. fan. Fre. o, 1 131 pea aud HMIim, leevinaj lh. .km m-t- l, cier a. i t bMnnful; ml for 1 nl'i-u- i a 1 jiur.a it r. th if hair 01 a w n.oM k fr. Urv. mcUir.s' stamp, Hi. Tvml 4k Co.. 12 lfr.ri.-la- y at , S. T. may 34 ly ERRORS. OF. YOUTH.. ... A ae.i'i t fTTt fr )'is ft' u Ni-- Vioa t' b..f. t'4 a n re t"-.y- , and mil the ef. I e.-- t .1 y. j hiul I wiil f .r t? sale ot sufl "t .ag b iB-- a Jt. f, eead free in all wo. ae.i It. tr- - rrni4 and .iircti.a for making the atmple r.c ty a iil.a he as cured. faSerers wll:ng t 1 rt by ti aJ 'ir's,-- a ra a do by al !r::-- ; u '- - frci run Sil.n'e. 4- Sia H, 'se;i, ii Cedar Se Yrk. mm 24- -1 yt. tW - ill. lrml 4J AGENTS Wanted Ut wkwi r arw- - fcc" A as. ..rrr 4(,x( -- T .S .4.'.. I

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Page 1: The Morristown gazette. (Morristown, Tenn.) 1882-12-20 [p ]. · "R.anka 4 39 pm Ar B f f 11 67.m 22 pm L lliiriA'a'w, 1:32a. to A M pm 44 Wythevulo 1:22a m 8 04 pm 44 Marion


T HE M O II It 1ST 6 W N 6 AZ E 1 TE ; D E E M B E It 'io , i 88 l 'j'lij Ct '.V 170TS.i7?

! Kast 1 ennesscov Virsrlnla JN J.lUUIiUIUUKI O JiLrrES. bought utyiikfilioaU and hon onatoe'Local Notes and Other NeWS. TI,e residence of Mr. Tains, .pi

Cheek's Cross Roads HaoiWeo county.i e tff ..? rP. IIOAVE . '

.jomnjf i9acoriiatbqr-wnat!ifMro-

H.mou'tt 4t this, corruptionwas destroyed by fire oDedaytlast week.:

..We have no t"particulars f furthe- - t'iau

ti :: ;v :- "; :o i

: - - -- ! V ItLjJTo the Editor or Tie? MriletoTs -

T. i m i A - ' t l. i ! :


CORNER OF CHURCH OA.Y 8TS.,t'p SLir, Sew - Talcc? Offlot

Knoxville, - - Tenn.imperial Attention Gieen to th Treatment of

OWE- - cl?and araal 'Whitettn, "irftf arrteAPWfiW- - P,M la mkiwt aSanday; December the mi to Klfea Jment dfilctalioV

' i

C UTLERY.Fanning Implements,

Full Lin: of Carpsnters'Tosls and Builder's Material.COLE AOEHTS Oli

caaTTaNoooa chiileo ;plow8&) repairs,Kvory Plow Fully CicaiUl. Agents for the '


D M..

t CrMj-wiiJl- i U Ui fJl'wiog nJ.. bw!i an J abjra will war raatk-t?- r and saaracor .f ..-- t ol BUckiog; wanli your lluoia or tbir off one a month. ao4 rraa ULKS I:TH1JI OIU i . ' jaallJlS





: i


!:'.5. . 1 v '


iZA'--n A. SHf PAHD & CO., BALTIMORE, MOr --

S FCTOE A POYCE. Morristown. Tfin.r iizr

J. L. WITT, Agent,Morristown, Tenh

and(orsia II a. 1 1 road

7IL1E TABLE."'bjjycct Qrtobcr 22, 16S2.

(LonsTiLL Time.)

Katwa1id Pailt.To X' So. 4.

Lntai Chattanooga. li 10 p in 7 55 p. mArrive Oii-- i ...... 'ji 4i p ra, 8 '24 p. B,. ClevalaiML n'. r i i . 8 7 p. m

44 Cberln. n.. Hi pa 9 2p.ffl. 'lUnut . . H J p m Ki p. m

Sweetwater. 3 15 p ni 10 28 p. m3 44 pm t 53 p. m

Knoxvne... 4 47 pm 11 55 p. mr"i KaoTrtUe.. . 3 00 p IU..IJ 5 a. mves Morristown. 4 J i ra I 1 t2 a. m

MoawrwUa Jane , ' T ID f".' 1 01 a. m8 5 p m 3 47 . m9 X p m.

J.ii wiji's. ,' V 45 p m-,1- IMt.m

Iiriktul .... 60 p In . 4 47 k. ra


So. 3. I So. 1.

Leva Bri-t- ol ... 10 SO p tn 5 4S a tn .

ArriTrs JosnnoQ' ..... 11 14 p ra 6 7 a m.Jm.tx r. .. .. 11 40 p TO 6 53 a ni.

M ir'iievlle. U8Dim 7 4S a m.. 44 KorTriU Jnnc ! Mim 8 so a m..

. MwiwtiD 3 l0 IB 9 21 a m.Knomvillo .... . . S 30 a ta. 10 50 a m.

Lm Knoirl io . . . . . S 40 a ro 11 (XTam.Arrlvra loudon . .. 1! 4 44 am 12 0J p m .

44 Hwptwter... i 11 tn. 12 80 p--

" ' AthTO s 43 a m. IMpm." Cbvtet'iu.. . . i I 18 in. 1 33 pm.

Cl. ... 6 43 am. a 05 pat." fV .... .. I! 7 S3 a m 2 53 p m.

ia a m. 3 tO pro.

Ohio Division.Hea.1FASSEXOEBdlWB. - - P

4 55 p ra Ie. ATT. 10 05 a . i

10 p ta. M HeiHiall'H,45 p lii ' ' Clinton, 8 25 a. in

IMpm j " C al CTffk, 7 45 a. m.I4&pn llArr. 6 00 a. m.

Nirth Carolina Division.8TATI0S. Pasnf-ug'T- . Mixed.

Leam Blorrtiftoon.. .... 9 45 a m. 8 45 a m.irrlTn Warm Hpriujra.... 1 p in 11 25 p m.Iravr U'rnvP:iiii.... I! 2 15 p m.l2 83 p m.Arrives 3Kirnstoiu 6 0 pm j 4 Hi pm.

AT CHATTANfKXIA wflh xaHroa-- line diverg--In, inakiiic; direct, close counctiiu for all

' 7'vlut, f'irth-wt- . Went ami Sjut!-et.- t.

AT r')LTr At' AND CLKVtLAND aitli GeorgiaIMrh-io- fnr .?llanta unci a'J pcluts South, Soutb- -

et and s..n;li-- stKJ.. ILJ.k. will Olfc. Vih ton and Kboz--

vu.f aiul Auu.-!- railroad. ;

AT M'!a;!S'It."N itb Nortli Crc.liua Divisionfor Warm Hpruiga, X. C, and ail Western andMtaldla NorUi Camliiia twin's

AT KtKRrtrXi: XrxenOS with Kogera--vtll and JffTtfraon railroad.

AT Joil.NsOS 4 with tt Teuaeea aud WetUm .orn OartOiua railroad. t

AT B1UBV0I w.tU Norfolk aad Wtem railroad,coLnctiax clelj for all Virsinia aud tanternCititn. vin . Ljuciiburir aud all r Middleaud Nortbem Mate poluta, via. Uoanoka and

Vallr-- lUnitr.AT V. AUM 6Pl;lNtiii with Western North Caro- -

Uuaraalroaafur A'hevU , Monrantmi, KUtes--Ufc- -,

aUilbur; and ail point-- i in Nortn Carolina.

S LET PING-CA- R SERVICE.S. 1 and 2 Lava Leirfhtou slt'per, between

iI.npUiLid Lynchburgu. 3 aud 4 have Pullman Palace Sleeping Can

between Memphis and Sew York, via. bheitan-doa- h

a.i. y route; a!M Pullman Sleeping arabetween New trl-a- u aud Washington via. Atlan-ta, Cleveland and Lynchburg.

A. Pv'l'E, U. P. & T. Agt.LTucuburt,', Va.

F K Ht'tiF.n. Sup., Knoxville, TennJfmr:i ii iI 1IA1;1, A l i. a , Knoivilla,

Turn. . - decHl fi if

Norfolk & Western: " Railroad.

Time Table in effect Sow ZrJ, 1S82


Una So.l. So. 3 . So. 11.

I !WoIkSuffolk l: up.m

Ar Pet'eburg 3:i.raLv Pet"slur 3: Sop m

44 Uurkevilie 6:llp m44 Parmviile 6:5ip m

ArLyucbburg' 9:0np.mLv Lynchburg :3')p.m 2 40 pm"Liberty ' S 12 pin"R.anka 4 39 pm

Ar B f f 11 67.m 22 pmL lliiriA'a'w , 1:32a. to A M pm

44 Wythevulo 1:22a m 8 04 pm44 Marion 4:2U.m 9 IH pm44 Abii,s' iou &.:ila.m 10 14 piu

Ar Bristol C. 10 43 pni

CONNECTIONS.Al rETF-KSBfR- with R. P. EB. for Kich- -

muuU and 4ruifr on l'. a . Ky , Frttderlrkabnrg,Wah:iiKtoo, Baltimore and the North and Fast.Turcuu l'ulltna Car from Petersburg to NewYork . S. lid P.'W'b'irtf to Wathington.

At fcl'UKL ILLE 'nilii Kuhiuoud ii. IfauvUlBit rr the c.

At HBUJN. ith Virginia Midland Rail-way to an 1 froui the Soi-t- a and N"or;h, aud witaltii'tifnoiid and Albjruany BK . for Cichanan,Clifton Fori; and C ( Iiy. points

At BRISTOL with E. Te'in , Va. k ta. Railroatfor Knoxville. Li:uu, t'liMkuMjoca and all pointsSouth, Vet

N. 1 has Sle pcra froti Lynchburgto

Sc. 3 has Pullman hleeporf rom Waatiination viaEnuxvi!ie ai'd At'auta to Nev OtI-ar- connect-iO- f'

tieii-- e with Sleeper to Houston an.1 San An-tw- ui,

without elianpe, and from Sew Tork toMeirphia via 8. V. K K. and Roanoke. Onlyone charge froni Washington to San Antonio inPullmar; cars. " ' ' j :

EASTWABO IAILY 't:rue. No: 2. So. 4 So. 10

L I 11 :V p. in I 5 22 ami44 AbingUia ,11 07 ami 8 ti ami44 Mar. ui 1 13 a m 7 03 a m

4t W yttfville. 2 17 44 S 17 a ia- -

4 . u ri M J g 4 '.) .7 a in.44 hit prcg 4 41 10 :1 am)44 Loaa-.t- 5 3- -

'11 Maul

6 55 .4 1 a 32 p ni ;

g i oo 1, i pmcclib- - 20 "

4 l armvilie ,10 It 44

44 Purkeville 11 IO 44

Ar Pe ntowtft 12 6J p raLv l er .b'j'g 1 44

44 Hun lit 3 24 44

Ar Norfolk . 4 13 44i

CONNiXJTION.-- -AthoAM) l,.S 4 wHh the S.CT.H : for

Lnray, Hsr! wis Baltimore, Philailelphl andNew York Tlimufh Hi e per trom Memphis to

w 1'irt via Harriaburir Ll)!liton Sleeper oaSo Memphis to Lynchburg 1'allman Hleaperon No. 4, w Orleans t Wafhincton, via Lynch-Aafr- f';

awd fpevn Knox-ii:ie- LyrelibarRi. At 1AX.UHU1U1 ltb Virrnla Midland Bail-w- y

IHrrvl;le and NrirtaTarPllra jk.iuI, andfa4 Wa.titngtnn et:d Laate. n ritiea.

At Bt h K tV I LI.K with Biuhmond kDanville H. It. for Kirhmord.

Thronch rsr fm-- o I.rnrhbtirir to KiclimondAt l't al'.l R3 itb P. K. B. for Wrldoa,

Raielnh, fioldat ro," VTilir:iiiS? u, and the boutaKart.

At NO!, FOLK, with Bay Li::e tiamers dailyaxe t pt tiin'le, f r UniUnjore tLenre rail to Philadslpfiia and New y--- i k ; aitUOId lxuuinlon bteamera, n M.'Udave, '.v eilu-an- d haturdaya forJi York, andii m 1 nilaj an 1 I rldaya with H.

Mt Crt. for fcv4! an I Pri.lrnceFirat an1 S. i ": tirVrt.' aa low t the low-e- at

I5i lb. I rjr free to eachHulf tui--v, O.H41 '.J 44M to each ticket. I1le u. ie. (JU 0.r.T tiiiorie.ati'tn aa to ti Lets, rate'

nscgnce rh'rl.1.. Vc. c:l on or ad ire--a,

fltSKV FINK, V. P. A Get1 Manager.A. POLE, t. I" it I. A., L actum ra.Va.



Remember that atanuna, viUu enerjry,th or whatevkr jou maychoose ta call tha rtaibixnt power whichbattKs againat the caueea or disease and

' dcatn, U the prand aalegiard Of belth.It Is the warri.-o- of the human fortresa,and vaon-i- t wajces, the true policyU to throw In reinforcements. In otherwards, when eunli an unerseiicv recara.roiiuiicoce a course ol 'a liiitrra.Fur aal bv ttruirrie U ami Dealers, r waom 'at'plj Igr llouieucr's Almanao for

1 1 stmt, n t 8.

".I W. T. Mlltfltf.

1 t . I 1 ? J 1 f


ft4, . ... : I

' .' m . .,4 , ...... a., ' .

"'v ,,,.. ' . ..' '

I :HTS-.-:





Jlorristown, Term.


rurton dtt-rc'- i.t air-- and L:n.J'. fi.Pins v iiu Kiiaiue!t J KiM-rvvIr- Ada;4ed U

rr ) i.ccclU)HiiLifai pnraaa,

L EAD IN C V EAT U RES:!, yl lt-- l IVtnt VY-'m- I Orate,

Er.iiif.Vr, f - r.Vr.' f'sn:g1lear:a-

Iatz Y.s I'iere. fTrrt-Ji rx, H'w r 4rrr. riun)i8'"4 Fir

f I 'n ?: ir-- Kini!i. and Is

1 ... :.r. f ... . A . t .1

mNeatness ami Dispatch.

t w . l


rfSEMIlTAEY.V ' . i , . I r t . . I

., ! t. "'.' llij? H J !" i


5 1 'i'iVnia..


' .C3. . .. fI'll'! r I'.lli''.'. V.

I.10SSY CREEK,1 TENH.'1i i ; : ' L Ja'J i'vrlLL OPES'

i t

THURSDAY, AUiUST 24,... . f r i f ' t

the Bo.rd i.rf3 uae.Stl t CW Brilahia:,

lVrrrneriytwrai-ts- by tiia tle scIk4

r-- TMw!Lu-jiDaergoina- ?

'I'lioi'ongli Repair.Boarditig facilities for 100 girls at $10 per month.

Uah. at 74.t f 1 . 1 .

Tuition, Half in advance, flO to $20 per term ofmonths.

jrusic and French, feht $20.; f i M j

Iatrnctii Tiaorotifc-- ar ra boal. t t

Fur particulars apply to

W. T. BCSBEIX, lYea.,

Or S. M. KRWUIF, 8ocy.Ju1112Tr

The Cream f nil Itooks of Ad-it.; " ; - --


Pioziccz Heroes--A. MX?

' 'tDaring Deeds. :

The thrilHca; adrriitwrea of all the hero axploraraan.1 frontier fighters with Indiana, outlaws andwild bea, over our whoie country, fp.tu ihearllt times te the eeut Lives aud fsoiouaeiploit. of, LaSalle, Htaodlxh. Bo4Uia,Kenton, hradv, CriK-kett- , Powia. H ut.'i.Wm..i,cu.ter. Okitforrta im , l!d Pi'i. B irai4 Bill.tJus M'W. and Cf , frt Iivllaa Chi fs sad""r ct t"K't.e.i:y iljutra:J th IIS

eocrai'ie to h. l.fe Aetits Wattted Lowi.?aa!i4 bem. auvthl0) to.ill.

bTAS IAfci liOOH CO., , Lwim, Mo.

- "M m. - O

x:OtrTcr .be ktuMra Jn lKfeMtI . 1. . . . ....aocirty... r 2 ! f.

for anyTsonta ron- -iiuuiicjjjpaxupun. jiina, or vena

out any simh fimet to-an- y section of theHetl8rfaUlnlini6rik these"Sl iofa3ei tuidifembe'ri of Con-

gress centei ally, An-th- e foreheaiJ, andmake thenrrobk Will and underUiUfielThen thtftVpte' n ill return to an honest

'ballot anti efect she men trf thef r enrJce.':hia.cna-r4Htot- fonfl loijoir thgrcatrjjangeraift ti.s rovtupmeaI, .no if ptr-rnitt- cd

t ruu, on Buntil4. corrupt iri.tri-ump- hover borif siy wft si 1)1 theti bo on

the liistUaYtermiie --, V'- -T

mtei i Llkt4thr fiUId pksif 'moresttingeot Jia-w- abeaU tbintte; of U-p- ass

law that--v- yotor or.thvaState who, ..t , intheir vtitfs,' eliail heiifraifchijed and

;fite(t ftiJe vbrtrr-- p nwr m r thanrtwentyiollarira.nd qtprW fed Hh 'thediacxetlHt ?f the! C6art.'i Andvjadd"a.iibtlief aelcUot4atc aoyeittdidntA forany nuice wm inn iu giif. pj iua pwpia

4fiis Si-.ft- Vlib1 IhaJl urnishT 'nioneydiractif,.'? ifnoney beused for the purpose of lnnucnclng- - lhavol er lya an vj frsoh ' er ntrsds&l Michcandidate it, cted ,shail heJaeUigible

' hold J. the "ViClce le- - which . b. wasel.elev fin'" tben gfye th Grand ' jfuryiaqulsiioriat'po'wer kni eit thfa doesnn. Pftrve tko.'pariCjF l tlakti billotbox in alixhsa..ndas fllie 1 AWiAl"ndthe blcody , shit t Mf ill nt p ." waal4mad 6 'clean 'ajfain'. JMan .other thlnesaho nhi said.4 nd then all kept.Con--jstantly befom ibe o do, until tborobgh

et.9rm;tkT,rjaj:f . man "ooxmon?

" Cfe'tfriirsacrIawkiiasflO timeRnceeiHed tfidd a signal 'Beyyicedepartnient ttt'lfts bureii.'addyiththis end in vlewiis1$re'j for1 Volunteersn all the'cbunfiM !th'roiighoiit the

J WU. 'VSJWVI U. X l vll 14 X DOUv UuvUfor IIatoblen,s!rb?W Is Gfauam rforCJiaiborHe.711, (?. ATnHitAs TofTTaw- -

kins; Ephraim On'kf5r5Greche andJobn-P- . Boxveu for1 frrairiiri.' ;

,lKyei 1.M.M.T KM IK


oLEflE. lkN0XTlLXE.l nji

TifrttSJItl 914 t fni"3Fronx Ooourn'sBujan (Meiiotaf, .J.,,; ix;

M2olVgc ca'afueiabjatadeota po-sitio- ns

Until They are tiffered, ami, then,thevTlon 'alwkriave'lUAt' what ihemertfbabtEmavwant. --ife Jiavetjiome- -

tirflt--a ioond it km inikible tie fill ,th. kill,at vthec timea Wfv.hf ve! U.'tsHT0oiTes- -pOtiiU wiyt,. JOXiner,, tiuuent,sultfedTivorably to many, thpugti some- -

iimea uniavoraoiy. as was ine case miscaenih. A. Crone ACe wished aryouiigpers jn aa frttrkr We told them ox"L. D.Lo jje, a, atudee t Aur .pcptyiHe-- , i)ol-leg- e'j

'thi-- y requested us,, to ,wtlt orhim to come at once ;" be yt$ at a smallstation 'knd dld bot'-artiv- e at Nashvillein lime. 'j iwt viij.t: mj':i. T.ia emt4ovrxteat. of vouniTi mett- - de

pends' 09 circunwlahcea .ovetf which noCollege ' principal,' "haa

' cpntrol . and. inrecommending or genum yuuog iuuto fill k positioaf hit aiast be governedentSryihytirtumataaee, U

Fttmi:doodnan4k3uainaas Iea.ebger. .

,w New Teat'rDa will soon be upon lis,and; many ar already ""fa timbering tbtipew leave Uiey are goinir t luTm tveron, that day.; fn.hi 3m'i ii Jui-nlr- !

, in all parts o( the, 'fSuuny South"there has be-,- abundant crops, the likoof which has not1 'been ttx years,, amiour people are indeed happy. V J "

. The tir.t o( the year will find the majority of young uien arranging to lollowtheir present ,OQ:iipauwR ,ome now-eVer- ,1

are contemplating taking a n?wep, and will be fotind knocking at the

tionof ihe tJchool, College or Uni- -verBity,--- ,

, ome,naveroriyear-splte- d ;twith- -. tbe

1'rnfv'BMihfi. nthftrff the medlcaKAtltera the liferafVJand sbme'hkve lorigd to be ideBtifieifc jwIUl thef 4Ualns

w-d- j new tLtt itbe.pew yejir is p- -.ITianV b fl VA- - ail At,4.ll liiak AA

'the date which . shall, markt-ielr- . nritter' thWarA enarlbtr1 themselves Xt

recitib1yvprf0rha the 'd titles tielrvCi.ea Brofe$siofK;:ij IU to eaif44i;

,To fieyeugprep iring themselvesf or business, .uddesire tq cnct 'our'Nks'h'V'llie or Knu.-vi- il

COHi'ge.1 w would9 suggest ' that,(ter thet;hritma festlvltle. sare J bVetr

oraeclhht teyjmakTibii arraage- -s as-UKu- e onnartu an iuiy ijSeutstb' Wo 'i k on Kbii6y morning,

first 'day of thwtiek,an4oi.ihe aew:iyear;"8urf in-VIt- rt a,detrrUMauoa not: to lo a sibgleday.

(it ijcou"4 tude nt ea eoter el.aeytime, audtlie ibove, oilly baljretereuc44to those whe Ififend to' enter, soraeliip44tdurlng' ae- - Brtt few',itlayai"of,Hh 'tiowyear.i-- iw tif 4 i.j.v .4. -

nttdnn .

tinvA r flno Una Of Guns. Breech audMutzle Idading, SheHir,' Ftinxttn; Po'w-dera- nd

SUb Powder ilornaad Flasks,Gatue.-lias- , LaUng Twi. &Ci-- . Slitrilaloaded to order. ff T dT .7 9,i;a.sijWINO''MACIIINES.v ;' :

4t AVW have" thei' Ligbt-- r uhnlh W ii ite,Itatninirton Jilowe, D-Da-

via and. otherfilraVclasa .tnacIuneB, . w W i sel .iTYmucli cheaper than jujy.JipyBe inTennessee,. A Tull stock .01 Necdlw.rti Tat!a VAlVrsrnm4r.ra.J Sund Tor

rtoai ia.NUELJENItlN,KTx- -

ltml oblA him Gro1:;'WMotsln'ltiibff-- e Additlo'a'dUnowd

"of laH' week.'kbd moVtS, being fiegodated

prieea --kdrtuwa-- idJu t-- oeri4,--


FVinr mile east Ol - )rrstown-r-1- 0

atter.1 hatt In 'culrl vktdid' timber-HSa- e dwelling Au 10; rooms,splendid l barn ;H)otit ) buildings l and ' iufact everything first --claa, Veil-watere-d,

yprrjible, grUle B0idtchean,a j.

a i OBf 75 atsrtWmllerf'roni ;Tat- -

bott'a, Suacrea'tni cuitlvatioui-Daian-ce

Jlpe tlojber good pring. ; bamisl ir:i , One of 220 acres. 150 in. , cultivation,UUC BtlCi. Unit !UU1L( 4 "V k uuudwelling--, ffeiij IWHl-'t- e sokt " cheap.Terras teasonable.' '" s-- 'lfc i

.!i;4oiw.:h ,. svai flt.tamKdH8 ,'.:: 1 M'dJ Fi4?Tn4n(l '51 n't l"'-- :

Si'jUated.S mlei ftu of ilerrbjtpwo,containing1 110 acrea( dwelling, house,etableaoti spriog-lious- c 200 fruit trees,jgood-'fru- fartoWflf be" sold verycbeapt 1 Terms liberal, ivi --Ten.'

Fl'jr. rt.sK!t?uce,in western, part, offownVtf foorhs.e Very thing first-clas- s-

l t23"creefJkiidi ,'hTm lroukel ta aternpif t6t tbw ti

for; sal a heap. Aicrtwo, maJh hot; wain southera iwtH of twn.,,LeU ia i va-iou- s

parts of teaV-oot- h flor kusiDt a

and dwe!llngoei.; 'vtU"?. ,, ,I --111! f f r v ir t


t Dr. RobVrtiuaJ ba.vlnr:detertilined tomake aJU&rg4io,lil4 bwipess relations,nfT-r- a tor sale hia verv- - desirable, farm.situate in'te west eud "of town,, 'con.taining about 120 acres SO acre clear- -'

fttU weH impreveti leotl' tlweninif, out?buildings, bart,orcharJ-- i Sa5d."i farmwill he od eoUte,:erjCao tbejdividt d.Terirs liberal, :.'7 .,.. n.. , I ... i

'Address, ,. ,

'aJofin Tolahd, 1


REAL ESTATE AGENT,Morristown, Ten a.

Snow fell to the depth of several'inched here lasf Sunday.

, , ; i? !

The abow-windo- wt f the stores wear i...... . - 'a Ch rialmas appearance. ;

IS,The trains are getting oot o( fix again;. a

The passengers especially are more frequently delayed..- - , ;;!(.

The Cluon-id- e haa. aJ"Lran new" head;, a.

and a tasty, and becoming char eau . f6fits first pag.' it Is. " -- - - - -

1,320 porkers have been; s'aughterd ' '.'

at Major Folsom'a pickery Uius Jar,, ;

nettinj in "he aggregale over- - 200,001)pOUDddr" "'

The. Good Tftupiars have --decid d tahave an oyster supper on Friday; 5th .

prox.' No effort will be spared to makeit enjoyable.

A Very Interesting programme hasbeen printed for a Sunday School enter-tainment at Liberty Hill Church CbrisKmas day. It begins at 10:30 a. ra. '

On the Cth inst. two illustrious namespassed from the living to the dead; Theone waa Anthony T.ollope, the otherLouis Blane."

The Sunday School scholars of the3Iethodist and Baptist churches will begladdened with Christmas trees on theanniversary of the birth, jf Christ .nextMonday., '

. I

: A proclamation, haa .been publishedfor a grand ball and supper to come offa; McFarland's Opera Heuse Cbristrtaasnight, to which all the elite of the secialcircle (colored) Is invited.

Mr. John Talbott's, jr., house twomiles below Mossy Creek, waa burnedthe night ef the 9th. The origin of thefire is unknown at present. Loss sup-posed to be net very heavy.

The blue-eye- d 'old inhabitant movesabout, bow-logge- d, and says as usualthat he hasu't "seed eich weather since1812, when him and his grand-fathe- r

drov' a four-hor- se team' 'crosa the iceton the Holston." '

"I move." said a delegate iu a Vir-ginia convention, "that ourVbairniantake a dose of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup,be is so boarse that I cannot understand -

bim." That centlemer? had no doubttried this wonderful medicine.

The Reuchlin Femaje Seminary willdismiss school Friday for two weeksholiday vacation. The tfirls threatento make Rome Tund during their shortfreedom. Who wenld care if thedarling iMle dears should!

A man at Chattanooga, last week,who was financially embarrassed, triedto pawn bis set of false teeth to a wellknown saloonist for $5, saying he wouldreJeem them before breakfast, as hewould need them at that time. " ."

We are glad to note the success whichis crowning the efforts of Messrs. Good-so- n

& Blair to win the popular favor.Sint-- e their opening day they have hada large and steadily increasing trade.They are enterprising and deservinggentlemen.

The report of the Lynchburg marketfurnished by Messrs. Lee, Taylor & Co.,may be relied on as correct. Farmersand others wishing to sell or buy canweekly post themselves in the price ofsuch articles of produce, and we hopeit will not be without benefit to them

Sal a in is Harris is prepared to furnishthe public with choice fresh Norfolkoysters, in large or small quantities, onshort notice. His oyster parlor is opennight and day, w here you can stop andget a plate of oysters prepared in anystyle called for.

The Nashville American is clothed ina dress of new and handsome t pe. Itis to all intents a first class paper, and inour opinion better adapted to the wantsof Tennessee readers than any paperpublished. We cannot see bow an in-

telligent reading man can do without it

' The Morrihtoww Qakrttb, Ham-blen county, Tennessee, is in every waya well edited and up ark journal."

And this judgment. of The llvgbeian,the ably conducted organ of our Eng-lish cousins of Tom Hugheta? colony atRugby. Morgan county, Tenn., is eminently pleasing to us.

Mrs. Kent Mason, who figured in thiaplace last summer aa ar temperance lec-

turer, And wLe left a small mo mtuin ofi unsatisluctory ' incideut,' unexplained

when she ieit here, waa arrested at Kokuk, HI , last Wedaesday, for. ebtaining $137 worth ojfTdry gooda.iuder fafsepretenses.

. Our esteemed and, venrrabl friends,Mr. and Mrs. W. n. Moffett, celebratedtheir Golden Wedding at their residencein N w Market, Montiay evening;, Dec.18. We regret that presaicg engage-ments deprived us of the a.leasQre ef ac-

cepting their kind invitation to tie pre- -


The Carrier of The Gazette, WilliTyree, will make hi round Christinasday with his Carrier's Ore ting. Willieis as good aa the average boy, is father-less, a id what you give him will becharitably bestowed Open your pursesand make your wmU glad that you have'fasfcijted a deserving printer boy.

Whil- - the ticket agent of the EastTennessee and Norfolk and. Westernrailroad, at Bristol 00 the nigbt of the12th, was counting his money at thewindow, an unknown party broke thro'the window glass with ids fist and grab-bed $129 and made his eicape. The rob-ber is suppoaed to have been a tramp.

William Frazier, aged twenty-three- ,

of New Concord, .Ohio, and teachingschool at Cumberland, od the 12th, gotInto a scuffle with John Hayes, a-- eil

nineteen, and Charles Lusk, aged six-teen, in echooJ. Biug thrown down byiiteiu, he drew a bowie-knif- e and faUUyBtabl'e i botlu Hay riled In

And this In Ohio I 5 i '. v

Talk about printer's Ink not paying lWe wish the man whojs Ignorant asto entertain sucha belief ohl see thepila'of postal cardt and letter address-ed to thia office in quest of the gold A-l- ar

offered by one af our advertisingpatrons for the first 'correct iateinrc-fa-Uo-

of the letters Q. p.C. P. W. C.Out of scores ef centestanu not one haa

; yet fully elucidated the mystery. AHglye the correct meaning vf tclr letter

i except me nrsc tj. j is the jumoo thataooe have yet captured.

that the; resi'fetsel barn - artel. .outbuild ; t

ipeg -- wi U tbtir eo tfe coutentsr were1 .- -

consumed," involvin serlOu ioas toMr. Tam, who, with 'fys wife, waa on

Visit to relatives ia an ailj.oinlBg'coun-t- y

when the ca'amity occurred. Thehouse was a largo old Jraie building.

noted aUntlioxi rovrtU) d jUik-n-i en'

of he. ear icj. days, and wajoj4 of theJahdinaffe'f? ArthVftutltr5'T

. :REA B&. TA TBA,2i$FJ2ltS.:Kep, kted by; john TOLAjrv"Bf;AL es- - I


C. MuHepdorej; John GraSam, 3acres in district 5,-- $30 00.- - C - g';

Je.-s-e Baown andwIi to J.oha l4 Witt,'let in district 1, $97S8i. ?i,.T". C. Cain.and wife jo C.' S. HarrisVlot in dis sict 1, $3,500, '"t i ' -


; .'Jt r.uffmastefAnd"3v"ne Mary

Counts to John Toland, lot ja district J ,

J. C. Ivey and wife to .Alex Ray 1, I3facres if. district 2,' $163 00.

J0. Ivey and? wife to D W. C.Smith, 30 acres in .district 11; $100 OO. .

Wm. Pacgle and wife to J. ' M.'Pangle,S2J acres in di trict 11,.$900 00. t

Ja. P. Carriger to AliceJvirkpatrick,lot in district 6;$173.?5:

' :-

! ..

J. W. Huffmaeter and , wife and M.Counts to John Toiand, lot in district 1,$35 00. . . i' .. . , v -

Ma'ry Cpunta and . others' to BettieHuffmaster, 13 acies in district 1, $456

Mary Counts and others to T.'- - Cain,lots in district 1, $200 00. .

! ;II F.Cain and wife to T. C- - Cain,

lots iu district 1, $1000 00..'

'.- j 'W B. Reese to Dan', ; Hazje wood 1 35

acres ia district 2, $278 33.Cowan, McClung & Co. to Wm. Wil-met- h,

lot in district 1, $300 00.G. B. McCrary and wife to Alvina

Wood orth, 53 acres in district 1, $300.Mary Counts and others to T. C. Cain,

lot in district 1, $450 00. !

W- - II - Maze (Sheriff) to M, E. John,inst in district 1, $28 50. .

A. M. Trollinger and wife o n. E,Lane, 33 acres in district 11, $325 00.! -

Garrett Ltne to G. E. MarshalJ21acres in district 9, $404 00. "


Wm. Pangle and w'fe 1 ro "Wylie.White, 1 acre in district , $t0 00.

L. B. More and wite nd others to 1

Peter Smith, 134i acres in district 11, '$8,700.-- r r - t -

Sidnev Witt to A. 31. C. Brewer andwife 49 acres jn district,, $450,-- -

T.-'- Johnson and wife to WilliamChaney, 75 acres in district: 4, $22500.

O. C, Kinjto O. K; iDonaldeon lotin district 0, fiiff .'' '

--; - -.--

John Wright to Jacob Wright, GG 3- -8

acres in district 5, $1,100 00.O. C Kin,r to O. K. J dees, lot in

district 6, gift. r

E J. Wells and others to C. P. Riggs',lot in district 1, $400 00.

O. C. King to K. K' Park, lot in dis-trict 1, .


Hi-rac- Rice and --wife arrived fromGeorgia Saturday evening to spend, theholidays with relatives. -' - f- Wm-McCrar- y, of Rome,'Qtt.,-isv1sit-ina- ,

his three daughters, who are attend-ing Reuchlin Female Seminary.

Turner A. Helms, a 6tudent of Good-man's Knoxville Business College, hasarrived to spend the holidays at home.

Mr. R. A. Lowfy, of Knoxville, isspending a few days with his family inthis place. He is nursing the fine?t j

vaccine scab tha has been broughrtojthis place. No, it isn't where his boil ;

was.James A. Ilaskins,' a competent and

gentlemanly compositor of The Ga-ZET-

office, leaves ow to visithis old home in Meckleiiburo- - county,'Virginia, asd epend the holidays withrelatiye. May he enjoy the occasion.

Rev. J. G. McFerrin, of Greene coun-ty, whs in our city severnl davs las-- t

week, the utiest of his rela'ive, Mr. A. j

H. Arno't, and gave us a pleasant cull !

He a clergyman of the Presbyterian !

church, and has been for, some limjeneof the professors at Tusculum Ctillege.Wre are glad to learn that he will probab!y soon beceoie a permanent citizen ofour town.

One day last week as Capt Wm. El-more whs pa-sin- g through his train henoticed a very officious lookiug youngman who had seateil himself by a ounglady from Farmyille', Va., going to Mo-bile, Ala. The young popinjay boardedthe tiain at Morristown and soon afterhe sat dewn he attracted Capt. Elmore'sattention by taking from his pocket ar-1- of money which" he exhibited audflourished around quite recklessly. Thiswith oth r actions caused him to Be buspeeted.' The Captain asked the youngiady if he was in the seat by her per.mission. She replied, that on. the con-trary, he wa3 a great annoyance andnuisance. .'Upon wbl h th Captain t khint by the collar and gently asked himto find another seat. This is just suchIreaUoeat-a- s this kind of ofiiciousncssmerits, a d we pat "Billy Elmore" ontire back. JYibun& ,"', r.

. And so do wi biit it la charAettrlslicJcf ' Archie" to be watchful, of his pass-engers' interests while guarding thosfTofthe company.. W witnessed not longago I bout that Billy hd with a some-

what eimilir specimen of the genus ho-

mo. At Greeneville an old woman, ayoung man and a snaaltboy got aboardthe train going west. They took seatsi ear the door. The woman and boy"were poorly dressed, while the youngman ; was fashionably' costumed, andsported tony whiskers.. SoonBilly presented 'himself to collect theirtickets. The ,old 'woman handed onefor herself and pointing to the youngman seated opposite Vaid, "tiat fellerwill pay for this little-- chap." But thehandsomely attired young man emphat-ically declined to de so, under the plea

M44411 Ie- - had. no money "He lie toyou, mwter,"-exeite- dly exclaimed tbeo'd woifan, "he has plenty of money,but he is too mean and stingy to wantto pay it out for his mother or brother."Tbe y.uiog man swore it was a lie, that hehad no money. " la thi-- fellow yoursonf" JnqvjjredArcbie, witli a fearfulappiataneo ou hia countenance as befixed his eyes on the young man. "Yes,he is," shouted the old woman junrpingto her feet; " he is my own son. but henever was any account and since he ranaway with that red-heade- d Kentuckywoman he's b?en triflinger than ever.Oh, heV a mean, dirty V. Af-

ter the applause had sufficiently subsid-ed" Billy said very mildly to the youngMaovThali fie? impelled to put thebojP t'ft unK'ss biar-- fare ia paid, and if

ly not payj1 ln soriry .to ay that1 snail Deiieve ai; TPOI mower na3 Miniabout you. .truer-thac- .' you are amean, dirty -- fll- - paid the fare.

....... . ,- ; e)n ; .ii.Mary Scruggs. :' Union.; City, Tenn .,

isays:- - -- 'l have ued'Browp's Iron Bitters for lossiuf appetite and "find it "anexcellent toclec;,; .

Pleasant Williams to Mary Turner.W. P.J one lo Nellie J. Davis.Elbert. Rollt-- r to Canaada Nr. h.

.i Jarnei'aytr. to Harriet E. Noe. aGeorge W Pratt to Cordelia Jones.Wiley P. Noe to Martha F, Gray.

B.. Bart,iit her home; near . Winebeeter'..Franklin; county, Ter" Onfl huntday,December the 7Ui, tjie JriappyjpirJantred here and were . convey ea, i shoridis-Mue- e

to the brothlrKof the gtr5om,l!Mr.'.Ai' A.:Xlald tffcn, reeettiorifwa4itiyen.them - Hi.;nanyfriendA.'in;EAstTennessee iH..i?iame- in wishing themu l ie or prosperity . aTHvXPpmnsa,: j ; 1

. '. ,;;, ,i li u i ;:;'A A A tiQl&.FJlOU RUTL,??S)G&To tha jditvr 6f Therrtowul3asMttt;t J

, jSveialnrry iiiiportanti cbaoaree ht vo :dtaken plicelwitfj us ifH-4- lnst:''ew5dayfiii

. ,rt-- is a" - n tt I a - I

int-- nrm oi eoK cc reca iiavecnangea vt.loanother Pei k Rndwt re-sti- packing at rlist M'cowjfts.'an' Uakl jchangc-car- j: ejcl

ti e jemoyal of .Wie Po"straice ixack o,the corner of J'. M, Lqwe, ;'...,..' ,

" Wt af well- - bles.srd1wlth',.feiaf ailviS--'

ers, ttier?' being nnljrTsiktown and prospt'Cta.for mure.V'vi-f- " lif

theiexqulsitepleasuKe ff,'wehj ming-ou- r youngfrientl, ,0, A. McDahiet,' 'of The house .'of ' G.oodsdni &Blair, into our tirfci!jft'o&Klyhrt?itj'l being the first d rummer Mrristowa; to

ever nt to oiir-pJaca- r aad ifjrb(ireis Any more, pleas.e.. brings tha-- to , tliflfiruui. .

.v e Beii'-v- in .conipt iiion.

Messrs Brown 'Wei la & Ho.vt1 come ltd'tbe' front: 'l,;s""

BlACkwateb, 'rerin.; Dcc13i. ?82

To the Editor .0 Th MorrirtQwn tSaeette'iA KbTABLE. DBPARTrBlS.' j

; Has the Jittractiveicomet --'lon its ttv!

tractuin to other platwM, and xone into- -

the aun- to feotl thar centrVtt 'fir Do4we hear a gneraF ru'niblin'g, 'ahd clank-ing of becoming-together- 1 of.tlieeejn-ters, circunifererices, ' polftl, equatorsparallels-- . 4 meridians, tabceans ! isleand frozen poles ?'?a dacust,' JkHtyHjjJul anil ..jarny time, na ibe--. birds. Diesnnd gpfqrth making the wKiid ring vvthin'usi ? 'Are mother ShiDton'a nroDheciea a realitVl rfnd are wo 'witnessing kiffj: eral up f - evferythiiig t "idUWell, what then-- ? i.Why, it is; the eclio 1

ing and reverberating f, tin, pan." plow, Iclevises, lid Hi 's, , banjoes,. Fieoch harps vfirecrackers, torped.iea, 'muskets, '


bells and ctiin music: John Dttfvl8,"Es.f!of. Sneodvill is rnarried to Mis HamiePercelU and this is the aerenad't.H Itbeats anything we've .heard of for Io,. . ...t 1 .1.' 1. 1 eiiifsii iiifiuy siui:c n, oattc pi.Waterloo. t rom cousin John 3 age andexperience.and Buhyan-lik- e lisp(59ltkn,we predict for turn and happyfuturi. . We wuh. hint and his I better- -half a cheerful jaunt .through, .this life.aiay xneir joys De many, ana increasingand'witlmut a eloud -- tti '.'fiuattvtbWtwt"their social sky ; af d We trost that theywill syuipathizu with. qlditdeformedbachelors and crois-eyed- . maidens,havt , a while since, abandoned all Ideasof our being... lifted from" tKry ruefulabiding place1 f ' Nrt,ody'6:;darling,,before ging into the! ''seah and yellowleaf" of life. . ;. (.. uy'.i.-- I


We had ariotbei' noted weeding in theneighborhood of 'Bla'k water pobtofflce

. J . i - I . . . . . S . . 1on aanuay, tne ivui cisi.. - ivir; vreneratAmpudia P. Bowlin wa& 'married toMi33 Lucy NT Bell. This was a grandwedding, but like the melodies ofapap.vw whit!i sweet and indescribable."We regret to give tlietleneral up,' butilgU' M we will have to; hand him i0ver4A we shake the General's band an exit.the t ars stand ou nw cheeks - like , thebeads hanging on a ladies cloak ,. 'Tshard t say farewell, but General, adieu

(Boo-ho- o !) .:" -- "A DANGEROUS, AFFLICTION: 'i '

The mumps are raging in tl,is countyThis is the ony disuise we know pf thatwill restore "skinny men" to the looksof a stalwart. 1 lie wiry-slmpene- st facedmen will have f;icet as rundand lie Jace of a .jle.jit-ibfc- toeiebapV;filler owning the ipuAia fc. feW jdayWonder itj.'the're'is any d'seae,ih,,w,illpure "rough On Tat? i ' " i

t.- 1, ;A CHRIST'ilAB' TkEEl'

We are goiUK )U hav;: ai.Olirijtmits--i ,. . .i t i i a a. v

tree ai tiiacivwaier cvemiua.ry' ntu emmr-- ,day, wineii is to ie,h;tuea wilu ioQeeibeans, drie d ru'trsr&ins, eliaw bats, cad

' S ixi DO' it . ' ' 1 V! 1 !

It is a strange. thing how .'centrifugal L

fand centnp tal. forces, act eAcnother and keep the earl h''-ueve-

r rvplvS;ing around tfiesun Vut tn stiangvstthiDg We ever ftudied ftbotttis t)yf yb.can mil) lion sua: ha largeii good- - itind Intercstina weekly as Taa.AlAZE'r'rK.ftitone .dollar "and fiftv cent atVeac. ijwr

r Hancock readers class-yoi- ir paper 'theoem weeKiy paper irr iu bi leunessec.


The reason Hawkins undnPettibonegot suc'i majoii ies over Bate and flaylor in this ;c6unty was because theDemocrats: did1 not' - poll : their ' faljlstrength; and .thelreason Cant Titewieydidn't get a tetler yote here a because Jtbe p ople nevgr saw lum,,aDa the Pftiyrun him off the track in some places, andplaced thfiiame of Ellis Cocke' on-th-

tail of. the ticket tor ' Floater) - T!pe--diet that, the Hon. Big Jw, will be'iacandidate for FJoatarial honors ; be sex.twtf 'jears, and if we, were .Iri'j'.Bewley'iplace ' we would see 'what1 'goes' Vn'tt elailof hit Mcket. ;'Lef 4i1s nime fi6at'lriyoutfond remembrance; Captain J- - " 1

,.r LOG8 ASD LOOOLN, !'.! '.4 tI

Logging is being carried PR! brisklyalong the waters of Cliuch river.Therewill be enough logs rnrr to' inarket Jroujthis county thii winter 'and ipting' Ioamount o three.hundred 'and fifty unil-- j

lions of dolUrs," Thia , will put eaoUjrhiof money jntd circulation toJlnaktjeasy to come at, and a man 'tbat,.'can,'ttiret monev to buy his licebsti then alnti

-- worth 'tater ji W ksow' of oneman that hasii;bt minions r of idoliarsCworth of logs p x uaua,.now,raad ziejastill logging. ... ' 1

' ''WttAT " JpSvS;. tnJWe want ;anschool evstem.,. We havn'c.anytvgoddscnools ia tbiseounty-Sneedvillecon- kl

afford a good school, If, it didn't, carry;cverything'into politics. , We will have!to lay political prejudices "aride befofewe can ever turn a' wheel in tbe eduea--tiorj il cansQiit; :i i .vy.-j-- t 1 ... i44-



A' difficulty . occurred, betweenr pickFields and George Rogers u'.few daysago,-i- n w hicl Fields received knife cutsand Rogers waa struck ia thtf bead madknecked 6eselese.'..The: recovery; rnrf

both is thought tq be uncei;tain.;. Thiatook place in the

-upper, pnd.ot, this

- - ,hcdunty: ,

' Another sinal! difficulty 'djc'urreaT rsweek: between.-- . Hap Cross n and Job aComes, jut across the line, io Virginia.They were both fatally.; wounded, , andthere was blood " spilt, and the' ground. .n.j.iu i: ;. ' i lr. iilore np generany. , iviua.,

'I J- - i:U .1'-- :

FIRST CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT, ', j" i. ,;., i --jf? iv-- i



f,il,-i-44-- ;'" a aTo the Eclitor ot Tbe, Iorrietowj (MCfM-- yi'Jxt

j. No, where u .he &)utb,.aince tbe4atewar, his a ,cild eitolen-- i fron(wealthy parent foe the iurpe:of etting none., to-- its return. , Nor l therea casein the. South where; wealth Jdead have been exhumed for the .fak4

f money for the return of the "body.No where! in the .South an;fraud been praclifled in.,tlft5li ;n astio:the city of .New Yf.rk by United StateMarshals and ' Government , officialsWhere does the eorrilrVtion 'lund comefrom mostly? The- - No lh;-Thi- s hascome nearer brcakieg urn this Govertviment since the war than anything eUe..Itidefeated 1 ilden for President afterhe-wa- s elected; but the" people defeatedthat fund on thv 7tn or iNo-- r ember last,by unprecedented majorities showingtliat the 'people do not want to be

. . . IHeaf$ of tit JKECTTJM, ; if'.'



. OFFICS HOCKS i ' t i8 to lO A. M., 2 to 4 P. M., and 7 to

9 after supper. Jun21-ly- it

CITY ITEMS.German BiaquH Statuary at Brown,

Wells & Hoyfs.

Have you seen those beautiful Christmas Cards at Brown, W & Hoyl'ii?

Elegant China Tea Sets just receivedat Brown, We'la v Iloyt'a.

Fine Velvet, Plush, Gilt and EbonyFrames at Brown, Wells & LToyt's.

Photographs of Actors and Actressesat Brown, Wells & Iloyt's. ' '

Fine hand painted Plaques at Browo,Wells & Iloyt's. ; ;

Elegant Gold, Silver and Ebony Photograph Easels at Bra wn,Wellsfc Iloyt's.

Santa Claus makes his Headquartersat Brown, Wells & Floyt'a this year.

Don't fail to go to Brown, Wells &Iloyt's every day and you will alwaya

3 something new.

The largest stock of Holiday Goodsever brought to Morristown at Brown,Wells & Hpyt'a.

' ir. s

Call at Brown, Wells & Iloyt'a everytime your are in town and ask the' boysto show you the new Holiday Goodswhich they are constantly receiving.

Overheard Conversation During:the Transit of Venus.

Sol. to Ike: "Have you seed de traa- -sum of de veenus?" , - .

"Sha! Sol., dat aint no Veenus; datjus' Mr. Geo. Williaroa, O. P. C, paint- -in' a 'tivement on de sun. I seed himstart on de Estern-bouoc- de day befoY

Toys! Toys!W. P. Carriger is the great toy man

this year. Ho has bought an im-

mense stock of toys of every descrip-tion, cheap and costly, which ha hasnow open for inspection. His estab-lishment has been headquarters for oldSanta Claus for many Christmases, andthis year be will entertain bin moreroyally han ever. An excellen line

f plain and fancy candies, nuts, figs,etc Firo works in abundance. Goand see the many pretty things.

Myers & Bird are continually receiv-ing new goods. Their-stoc- of dressgoods, fancy Roods, notions, . boots,shoes, hats, caps, trunks, valises, urn-biel- hs,

underwear, queenswara, tin-

ware, grocerief1, etc., is full to evrflowing, in great variety of price and quali-ty. Christmas goods are being receiv-ed daily, and special attractions $nd in-

ducements can be found in this line.Don't fail to see them before maltingyour purchases. .

Students of the Sun and Venusnave estimated the depths of the

spots now visible on the pf thegreat "day lamp" at two to 'six

miles, and also state that vast cloudsof iron and oth'--r metals float over itssurface (so ititcnse is the heat) in theform of vapor. Yet, according to SirWilliam. Uereckel, the sun is a "cool,inhaldtab'e world," which lia- - its tidesand seasons like our own mundanesphere. . If this is the case, the inhabitants would doubtless aptreciate the O.P. C.'s big low-pri- ce drives in Overcoats, Suirs and Furnishing Goods.Come and bring the "little natives" tosee the Xmas tree.

Time Is Money, '

And the. way to save time and makemoney ia to buy yonr Dry Goods,Diess Goods, Notions, Boom, 8I104,Hats, Jeans, Groceries, etc., etc., fromthe loy-piic-e st re of Bewley & Rigga-Thei- r

stock of men'i., boy's, women'eand children's shoes ia especially largeand of the very best manufacture, andcan be sold for much leas money thantlfe where; every 'pair warranted. IuLMUi(.s'DxciS Good, CoratiU, - Hosiery,Notions, &c, they can't be beat io anymarket aa to quality ofgoods and price.All they ak is a call and an examina-tion of goods and price? to co yinee themost skeptical. , Iu adili Jon to theirlarge fctock of other "goods, tbey keepalwava on hand a line of gro-'cri- s;

esp ciallydc they keep a holcearticle of coffee and augar.twbich theyretail at a very low price. Countryptople wlll find It decidedly to theirinterest to call on Bewlev & Riggewhen tLey cme to tuwn t barter-- , theycan get the hivhet price for their pro-

duce and i. exchange secure the bestbargains in their purchases. n39 2t

A Ilolltlay Sugrsrestlou.At litis time of the year the old and

young alike arc anticipa' ing the pleas-

ures of the holiday season. All are con-

templating the purtha-- e vf something,but very many are undecided what tobuy that will carry pleasure to bcartaof intended recipients.

For the past fewye there ha beea growing tendency among our peopleto make-usefu- l and substantial gilt,and what embodies the useful and sub-stantial more than the goods to be foundat the mammoth One 'ru ClothingJlouae, where all the latest styles ofmen's, youth's and boy's and children'asuits arid overcoats from the lowest tohighest grade, in endloaa variety andquantities. '

In the Furnl-ihln- g Goods departmentwill be found the mt extensive line of

' silk handkerchiefs, neckwear, tuspend-- .era, Rloves, anil under wt t ever on salein Morristown.

I addresa myself to the ladies in par-ticular to favor me u lib a call beforePurchasl.D.j, au J t a . "JitUe one" arelufited to come to4 we ht ChriitinanTree.

Remember this is tbe only One-Pri- ce

- fJ.OtaU'2' ti :u.C la UI BtAtaj - t -' '.

iGii C. WlitlAJtS.

F A R'M '...lEavN'S,TT 1 T ' 1 ! TVl4


All Kinds of Carriages Made to Order.UiilI!' l):tirins Attondpd ti with

.'.it, rid

PATENTS'o'xi ci J for He t&veattoat. arfor iw.avwewieu:soa 1 tuct. f r j. .:.liyr4j4M B(iuunietradmark, au-- t A-- l , Ci.aa. As!irniite, later 'fri:rji,.A,ji--aj- . mr--s twr Jut ruiirvaealr, sada. I a'tta'. r.u uu4er lb PA 1 KXT L 1 H.

vzr ,a"l)L' IL i'TLMi' 'tt ffl- - iyJ4r.l VAjI rl).Mt.himtrae. be' tat- -2teU by B. '.-p- the U M.Pllle- -

partinriit. and ptmre.t la patent bot:ie. exria-- ttrly, t ra make rimer ararrhea, sad aecura

patents mure pro.ui t !y . and with brader tltmit,t ita til" L- - ore rem.xe trorn Waahiustou.1 V r I? V 'PM I a" a iu4lrak h

I a v i Vt t I ' lk "f yor device; wm nUtw i

etantt '.. : an a l ie io pateu4btlit y, milori'iiit'tr.. K'.l n 1 net-- trtctly ca:l.l a- -.

al I . - w, j,.,. Nil c:iAt:.ji; IM.1.SSTA! 1ST IS -- f. ;vit.

s'v i ;.: 'iaUirtf I It .n. P '4at'r- -Cecrt U. 4 . . V t. Tje I..T--nur-.- l nai a4k. I tuitrmm ia the-I . l"t- - "t ' an t to aud Krj reantli- - i i 'rr-'- t.; at-- pel;J' to.our cL.Il 1

it etery -' ate ia !!. 0uiOU at J ia I'aaSda.

C. A. SNOW at CO.,"I rHf.l.rateeMimce, Waahlnirton, D. O.

.if, nt IWtntetl to SiltV10RMOt.lSSV3;r'n

UNVEILEDThe most emWie and expose of

th. t'nte. and pratiee of'-miau- i lo.-l.- i lrthe Lit. and CMf fct-vn- a of the ll irmuu UisU.-y- .

JohB D. e and Itr'Uant til ' Htart'.mt a!1 brt'lmg lievfiattcu. ! Prelate y IUus.ratvd. AUvely tk tim'l.u r. wiiaco.,st. L.u., Mo.

PIMPLES,I ;U nsai! (Pree 'be yec p. fur a t:ajdj Ve

table ri!T t:at will re:nov. fan. Fre. o, 1 131pea aud HMIim, leevinaj lh. .km m-t- l, cier a. i tbMnnful; ml for 1 nl'i-u- i a1 jiur.a it r. th if hair 01 a w n.oM k

fr. Urv. mcUir.s' stamp, Hi. Tvml4k Co.. 12 lfr.ri.-la- y at , S. T. may 34 ly

ERRORS. OF. YOUTH.. ...A ae.i'i t fTTt fr )'is ft' u Ni--

Vioa t' b..f. t'4 a n re t"-.y- , and mil the ef.I e.-- t .1 y. j hiul I wiil f .r t? saleot sufl "t .ag b iB-- a Jt. f, eead free in all wo. ae.iIt. tr- - rrni4 and .iircti.a for making the atmpler.c ty a iil.a he as cured. faSerers wll:ngt 1 rt by ti aJ 'ir's,-- a ra a doby al !r::-- ; u '- - frci run Sil.n'e.

4- Sia H, 'se;i, ii Cedar Se 24- -1 yt.

tW - ill. lrml 4JAGENTS Wanted Utwkwi r arw-- fcc"A as. ..rrr 4(,x( --T .S .4.'.. I