the modern world emerges which significant people, groups and ideas have influenced the world today?...

The Modern World Emerges Which significant people, groups and ideas have influenced the world today? Chloe Dawson

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The Modern World EmergesWhich significant people, groups and ideas have influenced the world today?

Chloe Dawson

The Renaissance


Renaissance means rebirth. The Renaissance was a time of discoveries and actions. People started to become interested in things such as the arts, literature and philosophy. They wanted to invent and discover new places and ideas. The Renaissance began in Florence in Italy around A.D. 1350 and continued until about A.D.1600.


Michelangelo is famous for his paintings, sculptures, architecture and poetry. Some of his famous work pieces include David, The Creation of Adam, Pietà and many others. But his most famous project was the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel; he worked on that from 1508 until 1512. He used the center of the ceiling to paint the history of the Old Testament, from the bible.

The way Christ is sitting (with his arms apart) symbolises stability, equality, and permanence

The depth and realism of the figures started to appear more and more through out the renaissance period.

This painting shows the reactions after Jesus announced that one of the people sitting at the table would betray him

The renaissance brought about more light and colour into the artists work and self expression was more evident. People started to express their beliefs and opinions in their work.

The Last Supper

Mona Lisa

The Mona Lisa is a famous piece of art, which was painted by a famous artist from the renaissance period.


The Reformation was a movement, which began in 1300 and continued until 1500. The Reformation began as a series of attempts to change the Roman Catholic Church but ended in the break up and creation of seven other Christian churches.

The Reformation

JOHN CALVIN 1509-1564

John Calvin and his followers believed that everything was controlled by god, the past, the present, and the future. He called this belief predestination. According to this theory, certain people were destined to heaven, while others were destined to hell. They believed that an individual couldn’t do anything to change their destiny. While others belief that peoples destiny's can be changed by their actions.


People that follow humanism put more importance on individual human actions, achievements, feelings, roles and responsibilities. They believe that people should think for themselves and make their own decisions.

The church taught you to follow the bible. The church and through use of the bible, gave people rules that were expected to be followed. This may been seen as opposite to humanist views which encourage independent decision making.

The S


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The Scientific revolution was a time when people started to rebel against things they didn’t believe in. New theories were proved and discoveries were unveiled.


The discoveries of Andreas Vesalius led to us knowing a lot more about the body then we had before. One of the many amazing things Andreas discovered was that a human breastbone is made of three segments when a physician Galen had said it is made up of seven. This discoveries along with others like this, helped scientists and other people improve and continue to develop knowledge on the human body.

A person is being dissected for research

This painting shows Vesalius dissecting a human for his research

All these people are standing around watching Vesalius, waiting to hear if he would discover anything new.

Andreas Vesalius

Isaac Newton thinking about his latest discoveries.

Isaac Newton experimenting and studying light

This painting is very realistic




The thermometer was one of the great inventions that were invented during the scientific revolution.

The first thermometer was completed in 1714. Although it looked a little different to this one.


The Enlightenment was a movement that happened in Europe in the 18th century. The followers believed that reason not beliefs should run societies. They also believe that authority should lead with tolerance not rule with dictation. Many of the people who supported the Enlightenment were philosophers.The



Nicolaus Copernicus was an astronomer; he developed the heliocentric theory of the solar system. The heliocentric theory shows that the Earth, moon and the other planets move around the Sun in a counter-clockwise movement.


In 1440, German inventor Johannes Gutenberg invented a printing press process. This invention let people print a large number of copies for the first time. This invention was a huge milestone in the development of the printing technology we have today. The printing press was also a big part of developing books, without it authors would not be able to publish their books.

The period of time from the middle age through to today, had a huge impact on the modern world. It greatly effected religion, art, literacy, philosophy and many other things we use today. Without these inventions the world we live in today would be very different and probably not as advanced.


BIBLIOGRAPHY "Introduction to the Renaissance." Renaissance. 30 Mar. 2009. Web. 06 Mar. 2012. <>.  "The Renaissance - World History For Kids - By" History For Kids. Web. 06 Mar. 2012. <>.   Robyn, and Chrystall. "MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI 1475 - 1564." MICHELANGELO. Web. 06 Mar. 2012. <>. Granata, Eric. "Man Knowledge: The Basics of Art-The Renaissance." Renaissance Art Basics: Everything You Need to Know to Sound Smart at a Cocktail Party. The Art of Manliness, 2010. Web. 07 Mar. 2012.

 Pioch, Nicolas. "Leonardo Da Vinci." WebMuseum: : La Joconde. 19 June 2006. Web. 10 Mar. 2012. <>. Saldais, Maggy, Richard Smith, Tony Taylor, and Carmel Young. History 8 Australian Curriculum. Vol. 8. South Melbourne, Vic.: Oxford UP, 2012. Print.

Robinson, Bruce. "An Overview of the Reformation." BBC News. BBC, 17 Feb. 2011. Web. 07 Mar. 2012. <>. Pettegree, Professor Andrew. "The English Reformation." BBC News. BBC, 17 Feb. 2011. Web. 08 Mar. 2012. <>. Iannuzzo, C.t. "The Reformation." Le Poulet Gauche. Web. 08 Mar. 2012. <>.  Miranda, S.M. "Church Teachings on Controversial Topics." St. Thomas Aquinas Forum. Web. 09 Mar. 2012. <>. "What Is Humanism?" What Is Humanism? Web. 10 Mar. 2012. <>. "Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564)." BBC News. BBC, 2012. Web. 10 Mar. 2012. <>.