the minneapolis journal (minneapolis, minn.) 1905-04-11 [p 7]. · a permanent feature of the school...

^mmm^muM&M^^smi, Evening^ Tf^i«iN*IEA20WS Jou^rlt. .*y Special Sale of Fine Muslin J * Underwear Wednesday. i*L PEARCE'S 403-405 Nicollet Ave. Three Hundred New- Jackets Received by Express From NewYork This Week Thirty Styles to Select From Special Sale Wednesday <g*7 C Q For Tan Covert worth $10.00. Jackets, silk lined, $9.98 V^ For extra fine grade tan Covert Jackets, lined with guaranteed satin, worth $12.50. 4* 1ft OR For P in stripe •PlV.XiJ Castor Covert Cloth Jackets, lined with guar- anteed satin, worth $14.00. fc 1 O CJft F( >r °est quality «pl.£«C?U Castor or Tan Covert Cloth Jackets, taffeta or satin lined, worth $15.00. Monday Journal, 14 Pages; 49 Columns Advertising. Nearest Competitor, 10 Pqges, 27 Colnmns Advertising. CITY NEWS TOWN TALE HIS FOUR TOES « fl SOUGHT PEflON THE MINNEAPOLIS WIDOW WINS ' AND THEN LOSES. V: After Mrs. A. Ck Bartley Had Been Granted Allowance, It Is Learned that a New Jersey Woman Has a Prior Bight—Bartley Had Been Prof- ligate with His Affections. .""'Apra^i^ijjoji; * SNEEZING VFFICERS «< W i (•',K'"<"'*'*f s 't - i TOWER RESTORED 8"" J* ?*•• <$>- EVENTS OF TONIGHT -<§> The Everett Piano | Metropolitan Theater—"Tess of the | D'Urbervilles." j Bijou Theater—"For Fame and For- | tune." | Orpheum Theater—Modern vaude- ! ville. j L<yceuni Theater—"Romeo and Ju- | liet." [ Unique Theater—Continuous, vau- | dcville. | Dewey Theater—"The Gay Modist." j St. Paul's Episcopal Church—-Leo- | ture-recital, "The Music of the Amer- | lean Indian," Miss Frances Dens- | more. j Johnson Hall—Piano recital, pupils | of Miss Lydla Burton. | First Baptist Church—Lecture, | Rev. TV. H. H. Boyle. < s > Do you know that Mr. John Anderson (formerly of the Anderson Piano, Min- neapolis) is the superintendent of the Everett piano factory, and his scales are in all new Everett pianos? For exquisite tone quality the Ever- ett has no equal. They are to be found in hundreds of our best homes. Don't fail to examine them before buying. Prices and terms reasonable. Brooks=Evans Piano Co 620& Nicollet Avenue. MINNESOTA MACARONI ffovrto cooitIt MACARONI AND CHICKEN Break half packaj;«* of Minnesota maca- roni In boiling water, boil about thirty minutes and drain, pave a chicken etewed down with bacon and onion chopped fine and well seasoned. Pour the sravy over the macaroni and sprin- kle with grated cheese. HINNESOTA MACARONI (P SpectaclesftEyoglasses KODAKS ft CAMERAS IMPROVED SYSTEM Bridge and Crown Work 621%. NIc, Dr. Sargent sg» Nick Eckes' large new hall at Osseo lighted with a "Colt'' generator. Easter flowers and plants. Order now at Murtfeldt's. 826 Nicollet, formerly with Mendenhall. We ship to any desired city. Lowry Hill Apartments. Hennepin and Douglas. New and elegant. 6, 6, 7 rooms. Inquire of Fifleld & Ingham, 923 Lumber Exchange. The women of Calvary Baptist church will hold their annual meeting and elec- tion of officers Wednesday at the church. Lunch at noon. Tan has replaced white in the uniform of the street sweepers. Where an espe- cially modish effeot is desired a white duck jacket will be added. Subscriptions to all magazines and pa- pers taken to the Century News Store, 6 Third street S, near Hennepin avenue, will receive prompt service. M. F. Donahue and J. A. Hanson have been elected by the Letter Carriers' asso- ciation to represent Minneapolis at the annual state convention, which will be held here in May. At trustee's sale the business of the Kenyon Rosing company was bid in by the Aultman Engine and Thresher com- pany of Cleveland. O. G. Rosing will manage the business for the new owners. Charles T. Sahly, who has been active- ly connected with the clothing business in Minneapolis for the past twenty years, has taken the management of the North Star Clothing company, 43-45 Washington avenue S. The Engineers' club last evening, in the county commissioners' room in the courthouse, passed a resolution appealing to the legislature to maintain the forest reserve. Dr. L. M. Crafts spoke of the threatened repeal of the Morris law and presented the resolution. R. H. Davis, Inspector in immigration, returned today after a visit to the lmmi» gration stations at New York and Bos- ton. While at Boston Mr. Davis saw about 2,000 immigrants landed from the Ivernia, the second largest steerage list in the history of the boat. ' Roy Peterson, 2620 Fifteenth avenue S, son of Lieutenant Carl Peterson of Engine company No. 17, was seriously injured by falling from a scaffold on an unfinished dwelling at 2614 Fifteenth avenue, Sunday afternoon. His injuries are serious but the physicians do not think they will re- sult fatally. Yesterday's largest building permit was for the Deerlng building at Fourth street and Second avenue S. F. B. & L. L. Long are the architects and C. F. Haglln the contractor. The building will be ten sto- ries high and cost $500,000. The frontages are 132 feet on Fourth street and 162 on Second avenue. Erick Sather, a plumber, living at 232? Quincy street NE, is at the city hospital with a fractured thigh, the result of a collision with a Como-Harriet car at Cen- tral avenue and Seventh street last even- ing. He was returning home from work and attempted, to cross the tracks in front of the can The St. Paul Commercial club appoint- ed a committee yesterday to learn what progress had been made by the North- western Telephone Exchange company in centralizing its tollboard system in Min- neapolis. The club protests against the removal of its toll central connection to the new exchange on the East Side. The Nicollet house management has' some changes in mind to be completed be- fore the agents' national convention in June. The association has made the Nic- ollet headquarters and sessions will be held in the main dlningroom, while the cafe on the main floor will be enlarged sufficiently to take care of the regular trade. Sheriff J. W. Dreger was host at the courthouse yesterday afternoon to about thirty Deutcher frauen. Favors of quar- ter-pound boxes of candy and pink car- nations were given the guests and they were taken on a tour of the entire build- ing. Sheriff Dreger was assisted in re- ceiving at the county jail by Jailor Nels Clausen, W. A. Collins, R. J. Wilson and Robert Somers. The spring term of the Y. M. C. A. night school opened last evening to con- tinue for eight weeks. There will be classes in the following branches: Eng- lish, grammar, reading and spelling, ste- nography, penmanship, algebra, book- keeping, German, Spanish, architectural drawing, mechanical drawing and English for Scandinavians. Classes are open to new as well as eld students. The char- acter of the work done is of a thoro and practical nature. The current number of the American institute of Bank Clerks' Bulletin has, a five-page Illustrated description of Min- neapolis. The annual convention is held in Minneapolis in July and the issue was designed to arouse interest in the convention city. The facts were fur- nished by Wallace G. Nye, secretary of the public affairs committee of the Com Lying on the desk of H. L. Roethe, special examiner of pensions, is a huge envelope filled with papers which tell of a family skeleton unearthed. These papers will be filed in the archives^ at Washington among thousands of similar documents. -They bear witness to the fact that danger lies in the application for a pension if there are any facts in the lives of the applicants which they ' might wish to conceal from the world. ' Armed with the resources of the United. States government, the special examin- j ers rarely fail to probe every effort at! fraud. I In the case upon which Mr. Roethe « has been working the woman who will suffer is innocent of trying to obtain money illegally. Mrs. A. G. Bartley,' formerly of Minneapolis, has been draw- ing a pension since he? husband died in i 1898. In filing her petition for a pen- sion after his death, she stated that she had no knowledge of his having pre- viously been married. There was no evidence to show that he had and a pension was granted. Not long after- wards papers were filed by a washer- woman in New Jersey, who insisted that she was the legal widow of A. G. Bartley. She said that he deserted her in the middle years of the civil war. She had had six children before the desertion. Before the inquiry was com- pleted a third widow appeared from Arkansas, and shortly afterwards an- other one from New York. The idea that there must have been two men in the same regiment devel- oped into the theory that there must have been four. This was obviously unlikely and it was found that the soldier had scattered his affections among four wives t every one of them ignorant of the existence of her rivals. As the Jersey woman seemed to have the prior claim, the pension went to her and it became the painful duty of the special examiners to inform the other wives of the impossibility of their " bhi H* & & Your Credit I* Good at the New England. ywvwww^w^». WEDNESDAY % Special Sale High Grade^^^ Sample Office Desks. }V&ai*&>k' Ji 2.v! THE "MODERNIZED" ROUND TOWER. The cement that last year was put on the old Fort Snelling round tower and thus rendered almost unrecognizable one of the oldest historic landmarks of Minnesota, will be removed if the rec- ommendations of officers in command of this department have any weight at Washington. General C. C. Garr, commander of the department of the Dakotas, and Colonel O. J. Sweet, ranking officer at the post, have written letters advising the res- toration of the old tower,-and last night at a meeting of the Minnesota Histori- cal society executive committee their action was received with great enthu- siasm. > The following members of the so- ciety were admitted to life member- ship: Senator S. W. Stone, Benson, and Fred A. Fogg, St. Paul. D. S. B. Johnson of St. Paul read a paper on "-Newspapers and Editors from the Beginning of Statehood Until the Civil War." Cash, or $5.00 down and $1.00 per week. On Wednesday we will sell just 13 "Per- by," "Cut- ler" and I'Qunn Gov- ernment' ' Sam- ple D e s k s, all in First Class Condition. The Savings Indi- cated may be depended upon as Actual. %M One Q u a r t e r Sawed Golden Oak Boll Top "Gunn Gov- ernment" Desk, 35 inches deep, 54 inches long; regular- ly $45.00, Wednesday =*» $29.75 *; ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••MaaaaMaaaMaMsaMMaaMaaiaai ST. PAUL IN THE DDMPS > THE FIRST CROP REPORT obtaining help from the government. Scarfs—"For Men Who Know"—$1, $2. Hats, $3, $4. Hoffman's Toggeries. MAKING CLAY BOWLS POPULAR WITH PUPILS Modeling and decorating clay bowls, an innovation in the sixth grade draw- ing departments of ten' Minneapolis schools, is proving popular with the pu- pils, and it is likely that it will become a permanent feature of the school work. Authorized by the board of education as an experiment in handwork, it has become the most popular feature with pupils, and the teachers who have hith- erto had trouble in interesting their pu- pils in drawing and designing, think that the handiwork problem has bee'n? solved. The pupils are left almost entirely to themselves in the modeling and paint- ing of the clay. Designs are suggested, but in the majority or cases, the pupils prefer to use their own originality. Tn filling in' the designs the students are given their choice of three colors of paint: red, blue and green. After dec- orating, the bowls are taken from the schools and baked. In many cases the results are remarkably pretty. The pupils take pride in thinking of original designs and in doing good work. The only objection raised against making clay work a permanent feature seems to be that it takes too much time, and this is met with the ar- gument that the pupils take so much in- terest in the work that they do their best with better results than has been possible in the other branches of hand training.' NOTHING THERE TO OFFSET THE NEW AUDITORIUM IN MINNE- APOLIS. / Nowhere is the new Minneapolis au- ditorium more fully appreciated: than in St. Paul. That it is not a thorqly cor- dial appreciation, however, is indicated by the following frpm yesterday's St. Paul Dispatch: Ben Greet's famous company of Shake- sperean players is coming soon to the new Auditorium at Minneapolis. Once more hundreds of St. Paul resi- dents will attend the performances, too good to be missed, that are- not to' be witnessed in St. Paul. The recent lesson of the Conreid grand opera'season will be repeated—that large sums of St. Paul money must continue to be spent in the sister city until St. Paul secures an auditorium of its own. The Greet company, presenting the ancient morality pjay, \'J3veryman," that succeeded so remarkably 'in other cities, will bring not only a noted medium, but an artistic prestige recognized equally in London and New York. The engagement will continue for one week. It will at- tract patrons from St, Paul and from all parts of the northwest—patrons who will build up a Minneapolis institution and in- crease the prosperity of Minneapolis hotels, MihneapolisVrestaurants, Minneap- olis liverymen, florists, Minneapolis busi- ness men of .various,,kinds. '. Were an, auditorium''now'open in St. Paul, the ; Gre,e^;c5n\pajv^,would doubtless spend half its northwestern engagement in this city... Not improbably, it would give one week to each twin; -Had a local auditorium existed a few weeks ago, the Conreid Opera company would have granted to St. Paul the opportunity awarded to Minneapolis of hearing fa- mous singers from Gotham's grand' opera stage. As It was, Mahomet went to the.mountain. St. Paul music-lovers flocked to Minneapolis; and the flout city reaped legitimately the rich reward of its own enterprise at ,the expense of the older city. ' T. S. OUTRAM TELLS (*F AGRICUL- TURAL CONDITIONS IN MINNE- SOTA—OUTLOOK BRIGHT. T. S. Outram, of the weather bureau, today issued the first report of the year of the general climate and crop condi- tions in Minnesota." It contains the de- tailed information sent by the corres- pondents of the department of agricul- ture in all counties and this informa- tion is the basis of Mr. Outram's sum- mary which is as follows: There were rains in nearly all parts of the state on April 1, 2 and 3, and a few scattering rains or snows on the morning of April 4; since then there has been little precipitation. The minimum tem- peratures were about 32 degrees on the mornings of April 1 and 4, and they were below 30 degrees on the Mornings of April 5, 6, 7, 8 and. 10. The winter's frost is generally well out of the ground, but the low temperatures in the middle and latter parts of the week froze the surface soil so that no field work was possible till toward noon. Wheat seeding has been begun on the higher lands of the northern third of the state; in central portions wheat seed- ing is. father advanced, and some oats are being seeded, while in the south cen- tral and southwestern portions wheat seeding is nearing completion, and oat seeding is well advanced, and In some places a little barley has been seeded. Some of the eai'ly seeded wheat is com- ing up. Only the fall plbwed lands is be- ing seeded up to this time. Much more attention' than usual is being paid to the quality of the seed used. Early po- tato planting and gardening are begun. Winter rye, winter wheat and clover seem to be doing well. One ditto, 35 inches deep, 72 inches long; regularly $69.50, Wednes- day $46.50 Cash, or $8.00 down and $2.00 per week. . One ditto, 38 inches deep, 66 inches long; regularly $110.00, Wednesday $74.50 Cash, or $12.00 down and $2.00 per week. One ditto, 38 inches deep, 72 inches long; regularly $125.00; Wednesday $84.00 Cash, or $16.00 down and $3.00 per week. One Solid Mahogany ditto, 38 inches deep, 72 inches long; regu- larly $175.00; Wednesday $J17 Cash, or $20.00 d»wa and $3.00 per week. One Quarter Sawed Golden Oak ''Derby* * Bookkeeper's 8-ft. Stand- ing Desk; regularly $73.00j Wednes- day $49.50 Cash, or $10.00 down and $2,00 per week. One Quarter Sawed Golden Oak "Derby" Roll Top Type-writer Desk, 30 inches deep, 50 inches long; regularly $55.00; Wednesday, $37 Cash, or $7.00 down and $2.00 per wek. One Mahogany Finish "Cutler" Type-writer Cabinet; regularly $21.50; Wednesday $14.25 Cash, or $3.00 down and $1.00 per week. One Solid Mahogany "Derby" Type-writer Desk, 30 inches deep, 40 inces ~ long; regularly $40.00; Wednesday $27.50 Cash, or $5.00 down and $1.00 per week. One Cherry Mahogany Finish "Cutler" Type-writer Desk, 25 inches deep, 35 inches long; regu- larly $30.00; Wednesday... $19.75 Cash, or $4.00 down and $1.00 per week. One Quarter Sawed Golden Oak Carved "Derby" Double Flat Top Desk, 54 inches deep, 66 inches long; regularly $205.00; Wednesday $137.00 .Cash, or $25.00 down and43.00 per week. One Solid Mahogany Carred "Derby" Flat Top Desk, 38 inches deep, 60 inches long; regularly $130; Wednesday $87.00 Cash, or $17.00 down and $3.00 per week. One Quarter Sawed Golden Oak "Derby" Flat Top Desk, 38 inches deep, 60 inches long; regularly $55.00; Wednesday $37.00 Cash, or $7.00 down and $2.00 per week. The above Desks will be found displayed in our First Avenue Show Windows, nearest Sixth Street. Mew England Ji y The One-Price Complete Kth C* d+U Furniture & Carpet Co. The Oae-Price Complete Housefurnlsbers, Sth St., 6th St. and 1st Av. S' Dyspepsia, Habitual Constipation and Liver Complaints. Quickly relieved and permanently cured, after all other methods have failed. The Lauritzen Swedish Move- ment Cure Institute, Fourth floor Cen- tury building. THE NEW AUDITORIUM HAS WIDE REPUTATION »COTT, Manager. AMUSEMENTS METRIPOLITAN FLOREMOE ROBERTS Tonight. Matinee tomorrow, 25c. 50c. "TESS OF THE D'URBERVIUES" Thur., Fri., Sat Eves, and Sat Matinee *'ZAZA" Next Sunday "Marta of the Lowlands" ONE, STRIKE ENDED Vests—"For Men Who Know," $1, $2, $3, $4. Hoffman's Toggery Shops. v, . . . . 1 • TWO ARE FAVORED "Just another bouquet for the audi- torium," said Franklin Johnson, ad-i vance manager of the '' Everyman'' company today. "I suppose that in the last six months I have visited near- ly every city between San FraWcisco and New York, that boasts of a theater or music hall, and Minneapolis bears the palm. "My opinion is shared by Herr Con- ried of the grand opera company. I met. him recently in Chicago, and he had nothing but praise for the audito- rium aWd the city." Mr. Johnson has had a wide experi- ence in managing dramatic companies. While an undergraduate he was instru- mental in launching the Yale Dramatic club, on'd managed the plays for three years. The club is now one of the most successful -college institutions in the country, and plays to full houses in New York and other eastern cities. UNDERSHIRTS 6c, Underdrawers 6c, Union Suits 12c. , The Palace Clothing House- Laundry. RECALL BOCAUE BATTLE Notice to Subscribers // the delivery of The, Journal to you in In any ' way unsatisfactory, drop * postal to THE CIRCULATION MANAGER and the matter will receive immediate attention. Board of Pardons Rejects Nearly All Applications. The state board of pardons extended clemency in just two out of thirty-five applications on the calendar, yesterday afternoon. Fred B,. Davia of St. Peter, sent to the state reformatory in 1901 for manslaughter, and now out on pa- role, was pardoned, at the urgent re- quest of Ezra R. Stone of St. Peter, who prosecuted him. John Pfiester, sent from Fillmore county in 1898 for fif- teen years, for assault, had his sentence commuted to ten years, which will per- mit him to be paroled. . A strong appeal for George S. Brain- erd, the Minneapolis lumberman who headed the defunct Montgomery bank, was made by A. W. Wright of Austin, who claimed that there was an over- sight by which a credit of $50,000 was omitted by the receiver when the bank was wound up, so that it was not really insolvent. However, the board.refused a pardon. Frank M. Nye appeared for Guy Aultman and C. A. Dalby for James Dermidy, but both cases were denied. The application of C. C. Norbeck was turned down, with all the other Henne- pin county applications, except that of W. A. Collins, which was taken.under advisement. SHIRTS 10c, COLLARS lc, Cuffs lc. Plaster Tenders Return to Work at the Old Scale. The plaster tenders who have been oh a" strike since April 1 for an in- crease of 40 cents a day, have decidea to go back to work at the old scale. The strikers reported for work yes- terday and, according to the agreement with the employers, were cared for. The settlement, which is practically a complete surrender on the part of the tenders, was arranged by officers of the building trades organizations, who secured from the employers the agreement to take back all old men at the old scale.. The tenders, in their strike, have been entirely alone, as other organizations felt that they had no case and, were getting fair wages. THE VARSITY BAND'S TOUR. Six Minnesota cities will be visited by the university band in its attnual tour which will start Monday, April 24. Included in the itinerary are Mankato, Northfield, Rochester, Faribault, Red Wing and Winona. A week will be given* to the trip. The band this year is under the leadership of B. A. Rose, aWd is managed by Harry Brady. About sixty men will be taken on the trip. Miss Alberta Fisher of Minneapolis will accompany the band as soloist. The Ferris Stock Co. and EVA TAYLOR -PRESENT— Romeo and Juliet Every Evening. Matinees Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. 10 and 25 cents. BEAUTIFUL SOUVENIRS (liven Away Tuesday Mat. and Tuesday Eve. One with every reserved seat coupon. Next week * 'DARKEST BUSSIA" AMUSEMENTS mEUE mm HTTGHEY McGOVE&K (Brother of Terrible - ;; , Terry), Premier Bantamweight of the « world, in tile Comedy Drama, . For Fame and Fortune? Matinee Wednesday at 2:30. i Next week "Dangers of Working Girla*^ Vests 15c. Laundry.. The Palace Clothing House CO. B PROGRESSIVE HAND TAILORED $50 suits to or- der $35. The Palace Clothing Houso. An Ideal Hat for Easter Time ttty'les S 2 i 5 0 The Little Store, 82614 Nicollet Auditorium SATURDAY EVENING, APR. IS VSAVE Greatest Living Violinist Seats now selling; at Metropolitan Music Co's. Store. Prices, 6 0 o . $ 1 . 0 0 . $ 1 . 6 0 . $ 2 . 0 0 . DEWEY 10 c 20c 3Q C UUI ie»l|UBI 9 N*J Next week KENTUCKY BELLES. Bowery Burlesquers Matinee Daily. Evenings at 8:15 Ladies' Day Friday Mat. -i 10© The Auditorium >ii Haydn's "Creation 1 Philharmonic Club Orchestra and Soloists FRIDAY EVENING Tickets now on sale at Metropolitan Music Store. Popular Prices - $1.00 75c 50o FAMILY THEATEB. Continuous rauderflle; (our performance* dally, at 2 and 3:30 and at 6 and 9:30 p.m. THIS x WEEIT MODEmN VAUDEVILLE Sreninr*, 15o, 85o, BOo. ffrloea never change. ttiTIMEE TODAY 25c MADAME SLAPOFSKX England's Greatest Prima Donna. DELMORE ft LEE KLEIN. OTT BEOS. & NICHOLSON HEELEY & MEELY ' WILLIAM TOMKINS APOLLO KINODEOME ' MAY YOKES & CO. ;3 Dealer in JOHN K. SAVIERS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ':-W- Purchases its Own Blfle Range Near -' ;Keegan's Lake. ,. -. 'j_ Companv B, M. N. G-, has purchased a rifle range of its own at Keegan s Vets of D Company of.the Thirteenth Celebrate Anniversary. ^ v Veterans of D Company, Thirteenth Minnesota volunteers, met last night at ., ~ „~ the home of Captain Charles E. Metz, lake and will soon begin outdoor range 3040 James avenue S, to celebrate the work. Captain Earl Luce said today sixth anniversary of the night engage- that $300 will be expended m improving ment at Bocaue, Island of Luzon, where the range and building a suitable meVclaT'clubTand theTrticTe was" written t£e company acquitted itself with honor, shelter. There will be ample room for by Francis R. Dooley of Pittsburtr. chair- The stirring days of '98 furnished rapid, longdistance and skirmish firing, man of the press committee of the insti- topics of discussion and an .enjoyable. The company has held the state banner evening was passedi Refreshments for range work for many yearsj ana will were served by Mrs. Metz. o 0 after its own record this year at Those present were/ L Captain Charles ; Lakeview and at Portland; E. Metz, Lieutenant H. W. Tenvoorde, A tute Brick for city sewer construction will cost the city 35 cents a thousand less than last year. The council sewer com- -mittee met yesterday afternoon and let contracts, subject to the ratification of the council, to Asa Paine of Minneapolis and the "Wisconsin Red Pressed Brick company of Menomonie, Wis. The cast- ing contracts covering: special work were let to the Standard Foundry company at $47.50 a ton. The Red Wing Sewer Pipe company secured the contract for tile sewer pipe. The open meeting of the Ralph Connor club will be held at 8 p.m.; Wednesday, at Grace Presbyterian church, Twenty- eight street and Humboldt avenue S. The subject will be "How to Beautify Our City." The principal paper will be given by J. E. Meyers, who has been president of the Shadyslde Improvement associated- several years. The members of this association and of similar organi- zations iri the city have been invited to at- tend, Short talks, will be given by sever-. al of their melfiblers'and by Ralph Whee-trive shortly. : The new coats are much lock, mayor's secretary; W. K. Hicks and more hanclsome and '.'dressy" than other prominent speaker*- &i'^S^-->&s-lfe those now in use. Two special company medals will be French, R. O. Glanville, A. W. Hen- schell, Robert Hamp, James Hartley, C. A. Iltner, John Johnson, W. B. Klein, Nick Klein, F. C. Keogh. George M. Landon, W. W. Lange. A. J. Matthews, John S. McCune, F. W. Pederson, Abe Sleeger. Fred M. Schutt, Carl A. Sie- bold, Milton A. Trenham, C. H. Velie. LADIES* WAISTS 15c up, Ladies' Skirts 25c up. Handkerchiefs 2c. The Palace Clothing House Laundry. NEW UNIFORMS HEBE. W„ H. Hatcher, ^military»storekeeper,' has received a complete outfit of dress coats to -be issued to the national guard of the state. There are 1,200 coats in the consignment, enough to. equip all the, and. the,new caps Dr. Benjamin Boasberg, Cut Rate Optician, 13 So. Seventh St. Near Orpheum Theatre Are you having trouble with your eyes? Examinations and medical treatment by •killed physicians cost you absolutely nothing. I charge for the glasses only. DR. BENJAMIN BOASBERG, V V- Spectacles and Eyeglasses. - 6o6 ^ Nicollet Ave.,-j,,-j I invite your special attention to my fine line of Imported Violins and Bows: Gibson. Stetson. Brino, Brandt, Washburn and Archer Mandolins and Lyon & Healy «*-i-» o .. « - prices are reasonable. Terms to suit. I solicit your patronage. ; "Own Make" Cornets. My JOHN K. SAV1BSS. W. Sapser, A. J. Demuth, Charles U p for competition during,the season, •ci v -o r\ /ii—.m- A TTT TT-_ Q ^ A go, the'company will leave for Portland and will enter competitive drill and range contests with othffr or- ganizations at the Lewis and Clark ex- position. WORK NKAR COMPLETION Associated Charities Pamphlet Distri- bution Is Showing Results.'-^•-% Distribution in the schools of the 35,000 pamphlets telling facts about y consumption will be completed today bv the Associated Charities. .Althq the distribution began only last Friday, several answers have been received. Correspondence with the antitubercu- losis committee is asked. One young boy came to the Charities and said he believed he had^4he symptoms, altho he had never thought, he was ill. Hfc was sent to a doctor and the report showed Btrong evidence of tuberculosis. *£** PRACTICAL : SHORTHAND .<i and kindrld branches successfully '*' taught. All graduates placed in pay- "- tag positions. Both phones 970. The Miinsoia Shorthand Institute, RJ Smith, President. 1823 Guaranty'Bldg., Minneapolis. Walter L. Badger REAL ESTATE, LOANS. RENTALS and INSURANCE 300 Onoitla Building FOB SALE—if odern house near Blaisdell section, 10 rooms, hardwood floors, - two mantels and grates, modern open plumbing, good basement, laun- ' "dry, vegetable cellar, servant's closet, combination heating plant, gas -fixtures, shades, etc., go with house. Good barn.. Large grounds, 80x -128 to an alley. East front. Has cost eastern client over $6,000.. . He \ s wants to sell and will consider an offer for it. Ldok it up at once and ^ s u b m i t me an offer. We want to sell now. - . - * LOTS—Four lots on Garfield av, near Franklin. $500 each. They are \ '/« , Examined Fro* ArtlflMa! Byes. BEST, ameuK 4«a luefiiefa $15.00 Plates, on rubber, now $12.00 $12.00 Plates, on rubber^now SI(3.00 $10.00 Plates, on rubber, now 88.0(r Why I can do this: I do a strictly cash busi- ness—no accounts run.'so nothing lost—and you get the benefit of low prices for strictly first-class work, guaranteed. " rt ^^ Dr. H? S. RMY, " •".^ B2B Mlo. Av. oor.+th St. Malce your appointments by N. W. Telephone. C00KIN8 VESSELS mm TOOLS FOR^ Hotel and Restaurant Kitchens JANNEY BROS. 250 Second Avenue Se. Office Furniture J. F. GAGE & CO., Cor. Henn. Ave. and Sth S t W^^^^^^^^M^^M'^^^i^M^u^^riii^kS'^&T^^^^^^'A^i ^Sy^feC^SJi^il}*^*^^ ^i^^^^S^W^^^^^^^^fe ; Defective Page

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Page 1: The Minneapolis journal (Minneapolis, Minn.) 1905-04-11 [p 7]. · a permanent feature of the school work. Authorized by the board of education as an experiment in handwork, it has


Evening^ Tf^i«iN*IEA20WS Jou^rlt. .*y

Special Sale of Fine Muslin J * Underwear Wednesday. i*L

PEARCE'S 403-405 Nicollet Ave.

Three Hundred New-Jackets Received by Express From

NewYork This Week

Thirty Styles to Select From

Special Sale Wednesday <g*7 C Q For Tan Covert

worth $10.00. Jackets, silk lined,


For extra fine grade tan Covert

Jackets, lined with guaranteed satin, worth $12.50.

4* 1ft O R F o r Pin stripe • P l V . X i J Castor Covert Cloth Jackets, lined with guar­anteed satin, worth $14.00.

fc 1 O CJft F(>r °est quality « p l . £ « C ? U Castor or Tan Covert Cloth Jackets, taffeta or satin lined, worth $15.00.

Monday Journal, 14 Pages;

49 Columns Advertising.

Nearest Competitor, 10 Pqges,

27 Colnmns Advertising.




After Mrs. A. Ck Bartley Had Been Granted Allowance, I t Is Learned that a New Jersey Woman Has a Prior Bight—Bartley Had Been Prof­ligate with His Affections.

.""'Apra^i^ijjoji; *


«< Wi (•',K'"<"'*'*fs't-i


J *




The Everett Piano

| Metropolitan Theater—"Tess of the | D'Urbervilles." j Bijou Theater—"For Fame and For-| tune." | Orpheum Theater—Modern vaude-! ville. j L<yceuni Theater—"Romeo and Ju-| liet." [ Unique Theater—Continuous, vau-| dcville. | Dewey Theater—"The Gay Modist." j St. Paul's Episcopal Church—-Leo-| ture-recital, "The Music of the Amer-| lean Indian," Miss Frances Dens-| more. j Johnson Hall—Piano recital, pupils | of Miss Lydla Burton. | First Baptist Church—Lecture, | Rev. TV. H. H. Boyle.

< s > —

Do you know that Mr. John Anderson (formerly of the Anderson Piano, Min­neapolis) is the superintendent of the Everett piano factory, and his scales are in all new Everett pianos?

For exquisite tone quality the Ever­ett has no equal. They are to be found in hundreds of our best homes.

Don't fail to examine them before buying. Prices and terms reasonable.

Brooks=Evans Piano Co 620& Nicollet Avenue.



CHICKEN Break half packaj;«* of Minnesota maca­roni In boiling water, boil about thirty minutes and drain, pave a chicken etewed down with bacon a n d onion chopped fine and well seasoned. Pour the sravy over the macaroni and sprin­kle with grated cheese.


Spectacles ft Eyoglasses



Bridge and

Crown Work

621%. NIc, Dr. Sargent sg»

Nick Eckes' large new hall a t Osseo lighted with a "Colt'' generator.

Easter flowers and plants. Order now at Murtfeldt's. 826 Nicollet, formerly with Mendenhall. We ship to any desired city.

Lowry Hill Apartments. Hennepin and Douglas. New and elegant. 6, 6, 7 rooms. Inquire of Fifleld & Ingham, 923 Lumber Exchange.

The women of Calvary Baptist church will hold their annual meeting and elec­tion of officers Wednesday a t the church. Lunch a t noon.

Tan has replaced white in the uniform of the street sweepers. Where an espe­cially modish effeot is desired a white duck jacket will be added.

Subscriptions to all magazines and pa­pers taken to the Century News Store, 6 Third street S, near Hennepin avenue, will receive prompt service.

M. F. Donahue and J. A. Hanson have been elected by the Letter Carriers' asso­ciation to represent Minneapolis a t the annual state convention, which will be held here in May.

At trustee's sale the business of the Kenyon Rosing company was bid in by the Aultman Engine and Thresher com­pany of Cleveland. O. G. Rosing will manage the business for the new owners.

Charles T. Sahly, who has been active­ly connected with the clothing business in Minneapolis for the past twenty years, has taken the management of the North Star Clothing company, 43-45 Washington avenue S.

The Engineers' club last evening, in the county commissioners' room in the courthouse, passed a resolution appealing to the legislature to maintain the forest reserve. Dr. L. M. Crafts spoke of the threatened repeal of the Morris law and presented the resolution.

R. H. Davis, Inspector in immigration, returned today after a visit to the lmmi» gration stations a t New York and Bos­ton. While at Boston Mr. Davis saw about 2,000 immigrants landed from the Ivernia, the second largest steerage list in the history of the boat. ' Roy Peterson, 2620 Fifteenth avenue S, son of Lieutenant Carl Peterson of Engine company No. 17, was seriously injured by falling from a scaffold on an unfinished dwelling a t 2614 Fifteenth avenue, Sunday afternoon. His injuries are serious but the physicians do not think they will re­sult fatally.

Yesterday's largest building permit was for the Deerlng building a t Fourth street and Second avenue S. F . B. & L. L. Long are the architects and C. F . Haglln the contractor. The building will be ten sto­ries high and cost $500,000. The frontages are 132 feet on Fourth street and 162 on Second avenue.

Erick Sather, a plumber, living a t 232? Quincy street NE, is a t the city hospital with a fractured thigh, the result of a collision with a Como-Harriet car a t Cen­tral avenue and Seventh street last even­ing. He was returning home from work and attempted, to cross the tracks in front of the can

The St. Paul Commercial club appoint­ed a committee yesterday to learn what progress had been made by the North­western Telephone Exchange company in centralizing its tollboard system in Min­neapolis. The club protests against the removal of its toll central connection to the new exchange on the East Side.

The Nicollet house management has ' some changes in mind to be completed be­fore the agents' national convention in June. The association has made the Nic­ollet headquarters and sessions will be held in the main dlningroom, while the cafe on the main floor will be enlarged sufficiently to take care of the regular trade.

Sheriff J. W. Dreger was host a t the courthouse yesterday afternoon to about thirty Deutcher frauen. Favors of quar­ter-pound boxes of candy and pink car­nations were given the guests and they were taken on a tour of the entire build­ing. Sheriff Dreger was assisted in re­ceiving a t the county jail by Jailor Nels Clausen, W. A. Collins, R. J. Wilson and Robert Somers.

The spring term of the Y. M. C. A. night school opened last evening to con­tinue for eight weeks. There will be classes in the following branches: Eng­lish, grammar, reading and spelling, ste­nography, penmanship, algebra, book­keeping, German, Spanish, architectural drawing, mechanical drawing and English for Scandinavians. Classes are open to new as well as eld students. The char­acter of the work done is of a thoro and practical nature.

The current number of the American institute of Bank Clerks' Bulletin has, a five-page Illustrated description of Min­neapolis. The annual convention is held in Minneapolis in July and the issue was designed to arouse interest in the convention city. The facts were fur­nished by Wallace G. Nye, secretary of the public affairs committee of the Com

Lying on the desk of H. L. Roethe, • special examiner of pensions, is a huge envelope filled with papers which tell of a family skeleton unearthed. These papers will be filed in the archives^ at Washington among thousands of similar documents. -They bear witness to the fact that danger lies in the application for a pension if there are any facts in the lives of the applicants which they ' might wish to conceal from the world. ' Armed with the resources of the United. States government, the special examin- j ers rarely fail to probe every effort a t ! fraud. I

In the case upon which Mr. Roethe « has been working the woman who will suffer is innocent of trying to obtain money illegally. Mrs. A. G. Bartley,' formerly of Minneapolis, has been draw­ing a pension since he? husband died in i 1898. In filing her petition for a pen­sion after his death, she stated that she had no knowledge of his having pre­viously been married. There was no evidence to show that he had and a pension was granted. Not long after­wards papers were filed by a washer­woman in New Jersey, who insisted that she was the legal widow of A. G. Bartley. She said that he deserted her in the middle years of the civil war. She had had six children before the desertion. Before the inquiry was com­pleted a third widow appeared from Arkansas, and shortly afterwards an­other one from New York.

The idea that there must have been two men in the same regiment devel­oped into the theory that there must have been four. This was obviously unlikely and it was found that the soldier had scattered his affections among four wivest every one of them ignorant of the existence of her rivals. As the Jersey woman seemed to have the prior claim, the pension went to her and it became the painful duty of the special examiners to inform the other wives of the impossibility of their

" bhi


& &

Your Credit I* Good at the New England. y w v w w w ^ w ^ » .


Special Sale High Grade^^^ Sample Office Desks.

}V&ai*&>k'J i2.v!


The cement that last year was put on the old Fort Snelling round tower and thus rendered almost unrecognizable one of the oldest historic landmarks of Minnesota, will be removed if the rec­ommendations of officers in command of this department have any weight at Washington.

General C. C. Garr, commander of the department of the Dakotas, and Colonel O. J. Sweet, ranking officer at the post, have written letters advising the res­

toration of the old tower,-and last night at a meeting of the Minnesota Histori­cal society executive committee their action was received with great enthu­siasm.

> The following members of the so­ciety were admitted to life member­ship: Senator S . W. Stone, Benson, and Fred A. Fogg, St. Paul.

D. S. B. Johnson of St. Paul read a paper on "-Newspapers and Editors from the Beginning of Statehood Until the Civil War ."

Cash, or $5.00 down and $1.00 per week.

On Wednesday we will s e l l just 13 "Per-b y , " " C u t ­l e r " a n d I ' Q u n n Gov­ernment' ' Sam­ple D e s k s, all in First Class Condition. The Savings Indi­cated may be depended upon as Actual. %M

One Q u a r t e r Sawed Golden Oak Boll Top " G u n n Gov­ernment" Desk, 35 inches deep, 54 inches long; regular­ly $45.00, Wednesday =*»



• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • M a a a a M a a a M a M s a M M a a M a a i a a i

ST. PAUL IN THE DDMPS • • • • • • • • > • • • • • • • • •


obtaining help from the government.

Scarfs—"For Men Who Know"—$1, $2. Hats, $3, $4. Hoffman's Toggeries.


Modeling and decorating clay bowls, an innovation in the sixth grade draw­ing departments of ten' Minneapolis schools, is proving popular with the pu­pils, and it is likely that it will become a permanent feature of the school work. Authorized by the board of education as an experiment in handwork, it has become the most popular feature with pupils, and the teachers who have hith­erto had trouble in interesting their pu­pils in drawing and designing, think that the handiwork problem has bee'n? solved.

The pupils are left almost entirely to themselves in the modeling and paint­ing of the clay. Designs are suggested, but in the majority or cases, the pupils prefer to use their own originality. Tn filling in' the designs the students are given their choice of three colors of paint: red, blue and green. After dec­orating, the bowls are taken from the schools and baked. In many cases the results are remarkably pretty.

The pupils take pride in thinking of original designs and in doing good work. The only objection raised against making clay work a permanent feature seems to be that it takes too much time, and this is met with the ar­gument that the pupils take so much in­terest in the work that they do their best with better results than has been possible in the other branches of hand training.'


/ Nowhere is the new Minneapolis au­

ditorium more fully appreciated: t han in St. Paul . That i t is not a thorqly cor­dial appreciation, however, is indicated by the following frpm yes te rday ' s St . Pau l Dispatch:

Ben Greet's famous company of Shake-sperean players is coming soon to the new Auditorium a t Minneapolis.

Once more hundreds of St. Paul resi­dents will attend the performances, too good to be missed, that are- not t o ' be witnessed in St. Paul.

The recent lesson of the Conreid grand opera'season will be repeated—that large sums of St. Paul money must continue to be spent in the sister city until St. Paul secures an auditorium of its own.

The Greet company, presenting the ancient morality pjay, \'J3veryman," that succeeded so remarkably 'in other cities, will bring not only a noted medium, but an artistic prestige recognized equally in London and New York. The engagement will continue for one week. I t will a t ­tract patrons from St, Paul and from all parts of the northwest—patrons who will build up a Minneapolis institution and in­crease the prosperity of Minneapolis hotels, MihneapolisVrestaurants, Minneap­olis liverymen, florists, Minneapolis busi­ness men of .various,,kinds. ' .

Were an, auditorium' 'now'open in St. Paul, the ;Gre,e^;c5n\pajv^,would doubtless spend half its northwestern engagement in this city... Not improbably, it would give one week to each twin; -Had a local auditorium existed a few weeks ago, the Conreid Opera company would have granted to St. Paul the opportunity awarded to Minneapolis of hearing fa­mous singers from Gotham's grand' opera stage. As It was, Mahomet went to the.mountain. St. Paul music-lovers flocked to Minneapolis; and the flout city reaped legitimately the rich reward of its own enterprise a t ,the expense of the older city. '


T. S. Outram, of the weather bureau, today issued the first report of the year of the general climate and crop condi­t ions in Minnesota." I t contains the de­tailed information sent by the corres­pondents of the department of agricul­ture in all counties and this informa­tion is the basis of Mr. Out ram's sum­mary which is as follows:

There were rains in nearly all parts of the state on April 1, 2 and 3, and a few scattering rains or snows on the morning of April 4; since then there has been little precipitation. The minimum tem­peratures were about 32 degrees on the mornings of April 1 and 4, and they were below 30 degrees on the Mornings of April 5, 6, 7, 8 and. 10. The winter's frost is generally well out of the ground, but the low temperatures in the middle and latter parts of the week froze the surface soil so that no field work was possible till toward noon.

Wheat seeding has been begun on the higher lands of the northern third of the state; in central portions wheat seed­ing is. father advanced, and some oats are being seeded, while in the south cen­tral and southwestern portions wheat seeding is nearing completion, and oat seeding is well advanced, and In some places a little barley has been seeded. Some of the eai'ly seeded wheat is com­ing up. Only the fall plbwed lands is be­ing seeded up to this time. Much more attention' than usual is being paid to the quality of the seed used. Early po­tato planting and gardening are begun. Winter rye, winter wheat and clover seem to be doing well.

One di t to, 35 inches deep, 72 inches long; regularly $69.50, Wednes­day $ 4 6 . 5 0

Cash, or $8.00 down and $2.00 per week. . One ditto, 38 inches deep, 66

inches long; regularly $110.00, Wednesday $ 7 4 . 5 0

Cash, or $12.00 down and $2.00 per week. One ditto, 38 inches deep, 72

inches long; regularly $125.00; Wednesday $84.00

Cash, or $16.00 down and $3.00 per week.

One Solid Mahogany ditto, 38 inches deep, 72 inches long; regu­larly $175.00; Wednesday $ J 1 7

Cash, or $20.00 d»wa and $3.00 per week.

One Quarter Sawed Golden Oak ''Derby* * Bookkeeper's 8-ft. Stand­ing Desk; regularly $73.00j Wednes­day $49.50

Cash, or $10.00 down and $2,00 per week. One Quarter Sawed Golden Oak

"Derby" Roll Top Type-writer Desk, 30 inches deep, 50 inches long; regularly $55.00; Wednesday, $ 3 7

Cash, or $7.00 down and $2.00 per wek.

One Mahogany Finish "Cut ler" Type-writer Cabinet; regularly $21.50; Wednesday $ 1 4 . 2 5

Cash, or $3.00 down and $1.00 per week.

One Solid Mahogany "Derby" Type-writer Desk, 30 inches deep, 40 inces ~ long; regularly $40.00; Wednesday $27.50

Cash, or $5.00 down and $1.00 per week.

One Cherry Mahogany Finish "Cut ler" Type-writer Desk, 25 inches deep, 35 inches long; regu­larly $30.00; Wednesday . . .$19 .75

Cash, or $4.00 down and $1.00 per week.

One Quarter Sawed Golden Oak Carved "Derby" Double Flat Top Desk, 54 inches deep, 66 inches long; regularly $205.00; Wednesday

$137.00 .Cash, or $25.00 down and43.00 per week. One Solid Mahogany Carred

"Derby" Flat Top Desk, 38 inches deep, 60 inches long; regularly $130; Wednesday $87.00

Cash, or $17.00 down and $3.00 per week. One Quarter Sawed Golden Oak

"Derby" Flat Top Desk, 38 inches deep, 60 inches long; regularly $55.00; Wednesday $37.00

Cash, or $7.00 down and $2.00 per week.

The above Desks will be found displayed in our First Avenue Show Windows, nearest Sixth Street.

Mew England Ji y The One-Price Complete Kth C* d+U

Furniture & Carpet Co.

The Oae-Price Complete Housefurnlsbers, Sth St., 6th St. and 1st Av. S'

Dyspepsia, Habitual Constipation and Liver Complaints.

Quickly relieved and permanently cured, after all other methods have failed. The Lauritzen Swedish Move­ment Cure Institute, Fourth floor Cen­tury building.


»COTT, Manager.



Tonight. Matinee tomorrow, 25c. 50c. "TESS OF THE D'URBERVIUES"

Thur., Fri., Sat Eves, and Sat Matinee

*'ZAZA" Next Sunday "Marta of the Lowlands"


Vests—"For Men Who Know," $1, $2, $3, $4. Hoffman's Toggery Shops.

v , . . . .1


" J u s t another bouquet for the audi­torium," said Franklin Johnson, ad-i vance manager of the '' Everyman'' company today. " I suppose that in the last six months I have visited near­ly every city between San FraWcisco and New York, that boasts of a theater or music hall, and Minneapolis bears the palm.

" M y opinion is shared by Herr Con-ried of the grand opera company. I met. him recently in Chicago, and he had nothing but praise for the audito­rium aWd the ci ty ."

Mr. Johnson has had a wide experi­ence in managing dramatic companies. While an undergraduate he was instru­mental in launching the Yale Dramatic club, on'd managed the plays for three years. The club is now one of the most successful -college institutions in the country, and plays to full houses in New York and other eastern cities.

UNDERSHIRTS 6c, Underdrawers 6c, Union Suits 12c. , The Palace Clothing House- Laundry.


Notice to Subscr ibers / / the delivery of The, Journal to you in In any ' way unsatisfactory, drop * postal to

THE CIRCULATION MANAGER and the matter will receive immediate attention.

Board of Pardons Rejects Nearly All Applications.

The state board of pardons extended clemency in just two out of thirty-five applications on the calendar, yesterday afternoon. Fred B,. Davia of St. Peter, sent to the state reformatory in 1901 for manslaughter, and now out on pa­role, was pardoned, at the urgent re­quest of Ezra R. Stone of St. Peter, who prosecuted him. John Pfiester, sent from Fillmore county in 1898 for fif­teen years, for assault, had his sentence commuted to ten years, which will per­mit him to be paroled. .

A strong appeal for George S. Brain-erd, the Minneapolis lumberman who headed the defunct Montgomery bank, was made by A. W. Wright of Austin, who claimed that there was an over­sight by which a credit of $50,000 was omitted by the receiver when the bank was wound up, so that it was not really insolvent. However, the board.refused a pardon. Frank M. Nye appeared for Guy Aultman and C. A. Dalby for James Dermidy, but both cases were denied. The application of C. C. Norbeck was turned down, with all the other Henne­pin county applications, except that of W. A. Collins, which was taken.under advisement.

SHIRTS 10c, COLLARS lc, Cuffs lc.

Plaster Tenders Return to Work at the Old Scale.

The plaster tenders who have been oh a" strike since April 1 for an in­crease of 40 cents a day, have decidea to go back to work at the old scale. The strikers reported for work yes­terday and, according to the agreement with the employers, were cared for.

The settlement, which is practically a complete surrender on the part of the tenders, was arranged by officers of the building trades organizations, who secured from the employers the agreement to take back all old men at the old scale.. The tenders, in their strike, have been entirely alone, as other organizations felt that they had no case and, were getting fair wages.

THE VARSITY BAND'S TOUR. Six Minnesota cities will be visited

by the university band in its attnual tour which will start Monday, April 24. Included in the itinerary are Mankato, Northfield, Rochester, Faribault, Red Wing and Winona. A week will be given* to the trip. The band this year is under the leadership of B. A. Rose, aWd is managed by Harry Brady. About sixty men will be taken on the trip. Miss Alberta Fisher of Minneapolis will accompany the band as soloist.

The Ferris

Stock Co.



Romeo and Juliet Every Evening. Matinees Tuesday. Thursday and

Saturday. 10 and 25 cents. BEAUTIFUL SOUVENIRS

(liven Away Tuesday Mat. and Tuesday Eve. One with every reserved seat coupon.

Next week * 'DARKEST BUSSIA"


mEUE mm HTTGHEY McGOVE&K (Brother of Terrible -;;,

Terry), Premier Bantamweight of the « world, in tile Comedy Drama, .

For F a m e and Fortune? Matinee Wednesday at 2:30. i

Next week "Dangers of Working Girla*^

Vests 15c. Laundry..

The Palace Clothing House


HAND TAILORED $50 suits to or­der $35. The Palace Clothing Houso.

An Ideal Hat for Easter Time

ttty'les S 2 i 5 0 The Little Store,

82614 Nicollet


VSAVE Greates t Living Violinist

Seats now selling; at Metropolitan Music Co's. Store. Prices, 60o . $ 1 . 0 0 . $ 1 . 6 0 . $ 2 . 0 0 .

DEWEY 10 c 20c 3 Q C UUI i e » l | U B I 9 N*J Next week KENTUCKY BELLES.

Bowery Burlesquers

Matinee Daily. Evenings at 8:15

Ladies' Day

Friday Mat. -i 10©

The Auditorium >ii Haydn ' s "Creat ion 1

Philharmonic Club Orchestra and Soloists FRIDAY EVENING

Tickets now on sale at Metropolitan Music Store. •

Popular Prices - $1.00 75c 50o

FAMILY THEATEB. Continuous rauderflle; (our performance* dally, at 2 and 3:30 and at 6 and 9:30 p.m.


MODEmN VAUDEVILLE Sreninr*, 15o, 85o, BOo. ffrloea never change.



MADAME SLAPOFSKX England's Greatest Prima Donna.






Dealer in




Purchases its Own Blfle Range Near -' ;Keegan's Lake. ,. - . 'j_

Companv B, M. N. G-, has purchased a rifle range of its own at Keegan s

Vets of D Company of.the Thirteenth Celebrate Anniversary. ^ v

Veterans of D Company, Thirteenth Minnesota volunteers, met last night at ., ~ „~ — the home of Captain Charles E. Metz, lake and will soon begin outdoor range 3040 James avenue S, to celebrate the work. Captain Earl Luce said today sixth anniversary of the night engage- that $300 will be expended m improving ment at Bocaue, Island of Luzon, where the range and building a suitable

meVclaT'clubTand theTrticTe was" written t£e company acquitted itself with honor, shelter. There will be ample room for by Francis R. Dooley of Pittsburtr. chair- The stirring days of '98 furnished rapid, longdistance and skirmish firing, man of the press committee of the insti- topics of discussion and an .enjoyable. The company has held the state banner

evening was passedi Refreshments for range work for many yearsj ana will were served by Mrs. Metz. o0 after its own record this year at

Those present were/L Captain Charles; Lakeview and at Portland; E. Metz, Lieutenant H. W. Tenvoorde, A

tute Brick for city sewer construction will

cost the city 35 cents a thousand less than last year. The council sewer com--mittee met yesterday afternoon and let contracts, subject to the ratification of the council, to Asa Paine of Minneapolis and the "Wisconsin Red Pressed Brick company of Menomonie, Wis. The cast­ing contracts covering: special work were let to the Standard Foundry company a t $47.50 a ton. The Red Wing Sewer Pipe company secured the contract for tile sewer pipe.

The open meeting of the Ralph Connor club will be held a t 8 p.m.; Wednesday, a t • Grace Presbyterian church, Twenty-eight street and Humboldt avenue S. The subject will be "How to Beautify Our City." The principal paper will be given by J. E. Meyers, who has been president of the Shadyslde Improvement associated- several years. The members of this association and of similar organi­zations iri the city have been invited to a t ­tend, Short talks, will be given by sever-. al of their melfiblers'and by Ralph W h e e - t r i v e shortly. : The new coats are much lock, mayor's secretary; W. K. Hicks and more hanclsome and ' . ' d r e s s y " t han other prominent speaker*- &i'^S^-->&s-lfe those now in use.

Two special company medals will be

French, R. O. Glanville, A. W. Hen-schell, Robert Hamp, James Hartley, C. A. Iltner, John Johnson, W. B. Klein, Nick Klein, F. C. Keogh. George M. Landon, W. W. Lange. A. J . Matthews, John S. McCune, F . W. Pederson, Abe Sleeger. Fred M. Schutt, Carl A. Sie-bold, Milton A. Trenham, C. H. Velie.

LADIES* WAISTS 15c up, Ladies' Skirts 25c up. Handkerchiefs 2c. The Palace Clothing House Laundry.

NEW UNIFORMS HEBE. W„ H. Hatcher, ^military»storekeeper,'

has received a complete outfit of dress coats to -be issued to the national guard of the state. There are 1,200 coats in the consignment, enough to. equip all the, and. the,new caps

Dr. Benjamin Boasberg, Cut Rate Optician,

13 So. Seventh St. Near Orpheum Theatre Are you having trouble with your eyes? Examinations and medical treatment by

•killed physicians cost you absolutely nothing. I charge for the glasses only.

DR. BENJAMIN BOASBERG, V V- Spectacles and Eyeglasses. -

6o6 ^ Nicollet


I invite your special attention to my fine line of Imported Violins and Bows: Gibson. Stetson. Brino, Brandt, Washburn and Archer Mandolins and Lyon & Healy — «*-i-» o .. « -prices are reasonable. Terms to suit. I solicit your patronage. ;

"Own Make" Cornets. My JOHN K. SAV1BSS.

W. Sapser, A. J. Demuth, Charles Up for competition during,the season, •ci v -o r\ / i i—.m- A TTT TT-_ Q ^ A go, the'company will leave for

Portland and will enter competitive drill and range contests with othffr or­ganizations at the Lewis and Clark ex­position.

WORK NKAR COMPLETION Associated Charities Pamphlet Distri­

bution Is Showing Results.'-^•-% Distribution in the schools of the

35,000 pamphlets telling facts about y consumption will be completed today bv the Associated Charities. .Althq the distribution began only last Friday, several answers have been received. Correspondence with the antitubercu­losis committee is asked. One young boy came to the Charities and said he believed he had^4he symptoms, altho he had never thought, he was ill. Hfc was sent to a doctor and the report showed Btrong evidence of tuberculosis.


PRACTICAL : - « SHORTHAND .<i and kindrld branches successfully '*' taught. All graduates placed in pay-

"- tag positions. Both phones 970.

The Miinsoia Shorthand Institute, RJ Smith, President.

1823 Guaranty'Bldg., Minneapolis.


INSURANCE 300 Onoitla Building

FOB SALE—if odern house near Blaisdell section, 10 rooms, hardwood floors, - two mantels and grates, modern open plumbing, good basement, laun-' "dry, vegetable cellar, servant's closet, combination heating plant, gas

-fixtures, shades, etc., go with house. Good barn.. Large grounds, 80x -128 to an alley. East front. Has cost eastern client over $6,000.. . He

\ swants to sell and will consider an offer for it. Ldok it up at once and ^ s u b m i t me an offer. We want to sell now. - . - * •

LOTS—Four lots on Garfield av, near Franklin. $500 each. They are \ '/« • ,

Examined Fro* ArtlflMa! Byes.

BEST, ameuK 4«a luefiiefa

$15.00 Plates, on rubber, now $ 1 2 . 0 0 $12.00 Plates, on rubber^now SI (3 .00 $10.00 Plates, on rubber, now 8 8 . 0 ( r Why I can do this: I do a strictly cash busi­ness—no accounts run.'so nothing lost—and you get the benefit of low prices for strictly first-class work, guaranteed. " r t ^ ^

Dr. H? S. RMY, " •".̂ B2B Mlo. Av. oor.+th St.

Malce your appointments by N. W. Telephone.


F O R ^ Hotel and

Restaurant Kitchens JANNEY BROS.

250 Second Avenue Se.

Office Furniture J. F. GAGE & CO., Cor. Henn. Ave. and Sth S t

W^^^^^^^^M^^M'^^^i^M^u^^riii^kS'^&T^^^^^^'A^i ^Sy^feC^SJi^il}*^*^^


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