minneapolis journal (minneapolis, minn. : 1888...

SATTJEDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 26, 1901. THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. Normannaheimen GREAT MAN COMING Bishop Yon Scheele Will Arrive Next Thursday Morning. A RECEPTION IN HIS HONOR la the Evening the Bishop Will Con- vey Kins Oscar's Greeting to Ilia People Here. Knut Hennlng Gezellus yon Scheele, bishop of the diocese of Visby, of the Church of Sweden, and special envoy of King Oscar to the Augustana Swedish Lu- theran synod of America, will arrive in Minneapolis next Thursday morning. He la making a tour of the United States, primarily to visit the Swedish Lutheran educational Institutions and the larger congregations. Mrs. yon Scheole accom- panies the bishop on his tour. Bishop yon Scheele is 63 years old. He \u25a0was a prominent figure in Upsala univer- sity for more than a quarter of a cen- tury and was afterward appointed bishop of Vlsby in 1885. (He is an author of note, some of his work having been translated Into several languages. The bishop is a Christian gentleman of ideal character, full of love for the church and for human- ity. He is progressive and up to date, without being a liberal and radical. This visit is looked upon as the highest possi- ble form of an official recognition of the Swedish Lutheran church, the Augustana synod, of this country, 'by the mother church, the Lutheran church of Sweden. The bishop was a member of the house of nobles in the Swedish parliament under the old regime, and Is now again a mem- ber of parliament by election. He has a \u25a0wonderful range of experience and an in- timate knowledge of state affairs, and of church politics es well. It would be difficult to find a person in all Sweden so well informed on everything as the bishop of Visby. He was president of the con- gress of religions at Stockholm during the exposition of 1897, and some Yon Scheele Is the name of a large and ancient family of nobility, well known both in Germany and Sweden. The great chemist, Yon Scheele, belonged to the wune family. The bishop in outward ap- pearance resembles his majesty King Oscar very much. They both walk with the same dignified and yet aesthetic step, both have the same pleasing voice, the same sincere handshake (frequently using both hands) and would easily be taken for brothers. The king Is a little taller and more rotund than the bishop, but each -wears a full cropped beard. Tourists have especially observed the sameness of their volca The bishop Is one of the nearest and closest advisers of the king. Bishop and Mrs. yon Scheele are ex- pected to arrive over the North-West era at 9:05 Thursday. They will be met by a reception committee consisting of Dr. J. B. Carlson, Dr. C. J. Petrl, President Wahlstrom of Gustavus Adolphus college, Dr. L. A. Johnston of St. Paul and 'Profes- eor C. G. Schultz of St. Paul. The guests will bo conducted to the West hotel and left to their own com- fort until 2 p. m., when a reception and a luncheon will be given in their honor. The bishop will be welcomed to the state by Dr. John Premling, president of the Minnnesota conference of the Augustana synod, and by Dr. J. S. Carlson and Pres- ident Wahlstrom in behalf of Gustavus Adolphus college. A brief reply will be made by the bishop. In the evening Bishop yon ScheHe will appear at the Augustana church. Seventh street and Eighth avenue S, where the pastor, Dr. Petri, will welcome the dis- tinguished guest on behalf of the con- gregation. In his response, the bishop will convoy the greetings of King Oscar to the Swedish people in this country and \u25a0will speak at some length of the rela- tions between the Church of Sweden and the Augustana synod. He Is expected to dispose of the claims of the Swedish Episcopalians in America to recognition by the Church of Sweden. BAZAAR OF THE TIRXERS Attracting; Blgr Crowd* to Nonuanla Large crowds gather nightly at the fair being held this week by the Norwegian Turners at Normanna hall. The pro- grams continue to be interesting and va- ried, and the original features are novel and entertaining. As a money maker the venture has proven a success. The fair closes next Monday evening with th© customary grand drawing and a ball. A special feature in the form of a cafe chantant will be held to-morrow aft- ernoon. The program for the cafe chantant and to-morrow evening are as follows: AFTERNOON. Overture Normanna Orchestra Song Quartet Spurven Violin solo with piano accompaniment. Misses Helga and Minnie Damm. Song St. Paul Nordmaendene's Singing Society's Ladles' Quartet. Song Society Fram, St. Paul Cakewalk (entirely new) Girls' Class Song C. S. Laird "Norske FJeldmelodler" Messrs. E. Oulte and O. Shlbley. Parallel bar with pyramids. Norwegian Turners. EVENING. Overture Normanna Orchestra Address James Peterson Fancy march and drill Girls' Class Song.Norm. Singing Society's Mixed Chorus Vaulting and somersaults Norw. Turners Song Viking Singing Society Cakewalk (entirely new) Girls' Class Illustrated songs Messrs. Colby and Brath Pantomime Plf-Paf-Puf and Miss A SPLENDID PROGRAM That of the M'ennerlmrK Memorial Concert Nov. 13. No better proof of Wennerberg's won- derful versatility as a musical composer could be furnished than th* program for the Wennerberg memorial concert to be held at the Swedish tabernacle, Wednes- day evening, Nov. 13. The range is great, each selection so well known that one is almost led to believe that Wennerberg composed all of Sweden's best music, did not the names of Bellman, Soderman and others prominently suggest themselves. From the gay merriment and light- hearted sentiment of Oluntarne to his martial patriotic songs and stately psalms Hall Thin Week. May I Send You A Book? I will mail you any book from the list below if you will send me your address. With it I will send an order on your nearest druggist for six bottles of Dr. Snoop's Restorative. If you think that you need It after reading this book, you are welcome to take It a month at my risk. If it cures, pay your druggist $5.50. If it fails; I will pay him myself. This remarkable offer is made after a lifetime's experience. I have learned how to strengthen the \u25a0. inside nerves—those nerves that alone operate every vital or- gan. I make each organ do its duty by bringing back Its nerve power. No case is too difficult. I take the risk in all. In five years 650,000 people have ac- cepted this offer; and thirty-nine in each forty paid. They paid because they were cured, for no druggist accepts a penny otherwise. The decision is left with you. Note that if my Restorative cures the cost is a trifle. If it fails, it is free. Can you neglect such an offer when thirty-nine out of forty who write me are cured? SSPjSf wan? «£ 5 S &flS£? gfjJHg"ft 53 ft S S KSKS RacTe W?s Book 5* sfor Men < sealed > •Kacu\> ,vv.ls-. I Book N_, ,on Rheumatism. Mild cases, not chronic, are often cured by one OX two bottles, j At all druggists. is a wide compass, but every composition is a gem, tuneful, inspiring and singable. There is not one vrhich would not have made iU author or composer famous. Tb« enthusiasm with which the choruses are rehearsing presages an excellent per- formance. Tiokets have been distributed among the members of the chorus and they should find a ready sale everywhere, prin- cipally on account of the general excel- lence of the entertainment, but also for the reason that the funds will be devoted to a worthy institution, the Swedish hos- pital. The complete program Is aa fol- lows: Peasant Wedding m. Soderman Orchestra. When Israel Went Out of Egypt. (Pb. 114) Wennerberg Lift Up Your Heads, O, To Gates. (Pa. 24) Wennerberg Grand Chorus. Solos by Messrs. J.F. Dahl and G. Holmqulst. Hear Us, Svea (Hor Os, Svea)... Wennerberg Male Chorus. Dust, Sunset (Solnedgang) Wennerberg Messrs. Dahl and Holmqulst. Concerto, op. 25, allegro moderato, adagio, allegro giocoso.. .Gustavus Johnson At the piano, Mrs. Frank Fayette Fletcher, accompanied by full orchestra, directed by the composer. O God, Who Guideth the Fates of Nations Wennerberg Male Chorus. Vocal solo Gustaf Holmqulst. DJupt i Hafvet Wennerberg Orpheus Singing Society. Hallelujah (Ps. 113) Wennerberg Grand Chorus. Solo Stand Firm, Ye Guardian Knights of Light (Sta Stark) Wennerberg Grand Male Chorus. Duet. The Castle Bell (Slotts- klockan) Wennerberg Messrs. Dahl and Holmqutst. Praise God in His Sanctuary (Ps. 150) Wennerberg Grand Chorus. THE DANISH HOC* la < rowtliiiK Into the Markets of Its American Comln. The American hog has a European rival. Denmark has come into the field as a pro- ducer and exporter of hogs and hog prod- ucts, with a growth at least interesting if not suggestive to American producers of a commodity whose export value grew from $84,908,698 In 1891 to $119,961,503 in 1901. The fact that hog products form the largest single item in the exportations of the United States, having exceeded last year by $2,000,000 those of the manufac- tures of iron and steel, whose exports have attracted so much attention, lends interest to some facts which have Just reached the treasury bureau of statistics regarding the remarkable development of the hog-packing industry of Denmark. This information is published in the "Danish Export Review," and show* that the number of head of swine in Denmark has increased from 301,000 in 1861 to 771,- --000 in 1881 and 1,168,000 in 1898, the latest year for which statistics are available. The prohibition of the importation of live hogs into Germany and the United King- dom, which countries were Denmark's principal customers in this line, resulted in the establishment of slaughter-houses in Denmark and the increase in the pro- duction of Danish bacon and hams in re- cent years has been phenomenal. The ex- ports of hams and bacon from Denmark have grown from 9,120,000 Danish pounds in 1878 to 129,700,000 Danish pounds in 1898; the value increasing from 4,110,000 kroner in 1878 to 47,800.000 kroner in 1898, the value of the crown being 26.8 c. As a consequence of the change from the export of live swine to that of slaugh- tered animals, the slaughter-houses have risen to the greatest importance in Den- mark during the last_f£n^r fifteen years. Whilst formerly the slaughter-houses be- longed to private individuals, a large number of Joint and co-operative slaugh- ter-houses have been esfablished during this period. Great Calamity In Sweden. One of Sweden's most popular institutions, the "smorgaas bord," or lunch table, ia threatened with extinction. It may not be generally knowu in America, but nevertheless all Swedish restaurants maintain a lunch table at dinner. It Is not a "free lunch," but it has one point of striking similarity In common. The "guectg" root around with their forks in everything on. to* tabla. la Sweeten, however, a charge of 60 ore (about 14 cents) Is charged for tW» privilege of the "emorgaas," but as It also Includes a pony of brandy, the institution, although popular, Is far from profitable. 1 The lunch 4* Intended simply as an appeti- ser to too regular dinner, but certain people manage to satisfy the Inner void at the lunch counter and forget consequently that there is a dining-room near by, A Swedish smorgaas bord Is quite as com- plete as the American free lunch, consisting of sandwiches, cheese, herring, warm fish and meats, more than enough to take the edge oS the appetite, even If one makes use of the dining-room. One course and dessert will suffice. The restaurateurs of Malmo have abolished the lunch feature, those In Stockholm threat- en to do so, and the ancient institution seams to bo doomed. I,eif Erikaon Recognized. Judging from the tone of the press in its utterances on the unveiling of the Leif Erik- son statue in Humboldt park, all Chicago is prepared to accept the old Norse version of the discovery of America by the vikings. The Chicago Chronicle in particular gives a com- prehensive account of the pre-Columbian voy- ages to America and speaks of the journeys of Lelf Erikson as a part of authentic his- tory. When it Is considered that the Norsemen had flourishing colonies on Iceland and Greenland as early as the ninth century, and America is no further from Greenland than Iceland from Norway, it Is inconceivable that the daring and hardy vikings did not continue their voyages further than Greenland. Dr. John Fiske, who made quite a study of the Norsemen, was convinced that they reached America, and even maintained a colony there for many years. Norway's Defenses. The Norwegian government estimates for the coming fiscal year show a probable in- come of 102,500,000 kroner and expenses 500.- --800,000. The ordinary military budget calls for 14,000,000 kroner and the extraordinary budget for 3,500,000, divided as follows: For the harbor defenses at Christlania, 1,180,000 kroner; rapid fire artillery, 1,400,000 kroner; continuation of th» fortifications at Chrls- tianssand, 800,000 kroner, and completion of mines in Bergen harbor, 120,000 kroner. " Many look upon the big military budget as a quiet preparation for war, and the sensa- tion mongers have not neglected the oppor- tunity to "get busy" with predictions. There need "be no fear. The best of understanding exists between Norway and Sweden. The for- mer enna-ity has given way to a brotherly re- spect and a sincere- desire to reach complete harmony. A recent number of the British Medical Journal contains a lengthy biographical sketch of Dr. G. H. A. Hanson, by Dr. H. P. Lee. Dr. Hanson has achieved a world- wide fame In the medical world by his atten- tion to leprosy and its contagious character. Since 1868, when he was appointed assistant physician at the Bergen leprosy hospital, he has devoted himself to the work. He has written many interesting and valuable treat- ises, beginning with one In 1869, when he was but 28 years old. His discovery of the^ bacil- lus of leprosy was made in 1878, or ten years before Dr. Koch discovered the bacillus of tuberculosis. Authority on Leprosy. From the statistical bureau at Christlania' 4t is learned that the taxable property of Nor- way placed at 1,097,800 739, considerably over half being found in the country. The richest city is, of course, Christlania, fol- lowed by Bergen, Throndhjem, Drammra and Stavanger In the order named. The richest province or county is Akershus and the poor- est is Finmarken. Minneapolis Items. The calico ball of the Danta Ladles will be held this evening, at Danla hall. Enigheden lodge, I. O. O. T., will hold a social reunion at Beven Corners hail, next Wednesday evening. Next Thursday evening, the sagas of Thorstein and Jokul Ingemunde Sons wilNbe read before the Ftam Literary Society. A lecture on "The Fourth Dimension" was delivered by Charles Berglund, before the Yggdrasll Theosophical Society, at its meet- ing last week. Rev. A. W. Benson will preach at the Crossley-Hunter Mission next Sunday after- noon. Misses Mary and Lena Heylander will sing a number of duets. Mrs. R. K. Davis, of New York, secretary of the Unttaran Ladies' National Society, will speak to-morrow morning at the Nazareth Unitarian church, Ninth street and Twelfth avenue S. Norway's Wealth. A bazaar la being held in the basement of St. Paul's Norwegian Lutheran church. Fourth street and Fifteenth avenue S, under the auspices of the ladles of the church. The bazaar will close next Tuesday evening. The new officers of the Young People's So- ciety of Trinity church are as follows: Wil- liam Mills, president: Miss Maud Amund- sen, vice-president: Miss Tina Johnson, sec- retary; Mies Amanda Eidsmoe, treasurer. An organ fund ha* been started by the Ebeneier Swedish. Lutheran church. Month- ly pledges will be . solicited from the mem- bers of the congregation, ! and In a year or bo It is hoped that a handsome pipe organ, may be purchased. ,-• \u25a0i,t.:: >.i -. > The Viking Singing Society la arranging for an -entertainment, to be held Nov. 9 at GaUmeler's hall, on Twentieth avenue N. The committee in charge consists of John Meland, Chr. Ertsgaard, Ole Anderson, \u25a0 Peter Robinson and J. Ness. . Jacob I* Hjort, the well-known tenor, will sure a song recital at th« First Unitarian Qhuroa. Eighth street and Mary place, Fri- day, Nov. 1. He will be assisted by Miss Varna Golden, violiniste. and Hamlln H. Hunt The program will include selections from Grieg, Kjerulf Gode, Binding and Lod- arman. . - Scandinavians. Scandinavians in Montreal and Ottawa are talking of organizing an association princi- ! pally for benevolent purposes. Rev. Andreas H. i,an«e, In charge of the Scandinavian Seamen's mission in San Fran- cisco, died there Oct. 7 from Inflammation of the lungs. ». r \u25a0 > The Danish cruiser Valkyrlen has sailed for ! Amerioa via Madeira and the Danish West Indies and will reach New York about the first of the year. Sivert Nielsen, former president of the Norwegian storthing, celebrated his seventy- eighth birthday Oct. 8. He is quite an in- valid and is confined to his rooms in the students' home. An attempt to export brick from Fredrik- stad, Norway, to Quebec, as ballast has proven a failure, as the first lot of 300,000 brick could not be sold cheaply enough to compete with the Canadian produot. Miss Anna Wahlberg, a graduate of the Naas sloyd school in Sweden, and Gustaf Larson's sloyd training school of Boston, has gone to Santiago, Cuba, under the auspices of the Cuban Orphan Society, to conduct classes in sloyd for Cuban teachers. Since the death of Maren Moller, who lived to be 106 years old, the oldest Inhabitant of Denmark is Karen Jensen, a widow who was ! born April 4. 1787. The only other resident of Denmark born in the eighteenth century is Widow Knudsen, an inmate of Odense hospital. \u25a0 UJ-"-\u25a0.'- ,it"-i:'-:\u25a0:>?'.•\u25a0." . The Swedish Glee club and the Svithlod club of Chicago opened the social season at their respective clubhouses last week. Both have been very successful, musioaly and in social affairs, and rank deservedly high in Chicago. Both will doubtless be very promi- nent at the Swedish sangerfest to be held In Minneapolis'in 1903. A permanent organization of the Wenner- berg memorial chorus of Chicago has been effected. Annual concerts will be held, and when the fund reaches $25,000 it will be dis- tributed equally among the Lutheran Mis- sion Friends, Methodist and Baptist churches, the four denominations most actively inter- ested in the chorus, and the American Union of Swedish Singers. Sabbath-School Lesson. NOVEMBER 8, 1001 Lesson s—Fourth5 —Fourth Quarter. . , NOTES BY JOHN R. WHITNEY. Death of Joseph.— I*. 15-26. Golden Text—So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wis- I dom. Psalm xc. 12. . Professor Tyndale, in his work on "Forms of Water," very truly says: "The happiness of a faith and the truth of a faith are totally different things." The child of God, how- ever, found that out long before the scientist did. It is very forcibly illustrated In the difference between Joseph's brothers as they stand before him in the incident of this les- son, and as they stood before him in the one considered last week. When he made himself known to them then, they were perfectly sat- isfied with the'truth of all that he said or did. Now, however, after the lapse of several years, they were troubled and anxious. The truth had not made them permanently hap- py. And yet neither he nor the truth he made known to them had changed in the least. The change was in them, and It brings before us a very common spiritual condition. The revelation of Joseph to his brothers which we considered last week, carried with it the entire blotting out of their sin. By that revelalton he said to them— as dis- tinctly as God Bays to all penitent and believ- ing sinners when he reveals himself to them "Their sins and iniquities -will I remember no more." (Heb., x., 17.) But Joseph's broth- ers could not comprehend this at first any more than the penitent sinner can. ' He had to urge them to accept ! the grace. he was so willingand glad to give. '\u25a0 "Come near to me, I pray you," ihe said. \u25a0 "I :am Joseph, your brother."- "And after that his brethren talked with him." (xlv.. 4-16.) ' . Thus ' they : learned to know him end the more they communed with him the more they learned, and the more they rejoiced. | For they saw that they were not looked upon as par- doned criminals, but as brothers beloved and restored. But many things took place between this conviction and the occasion which is now brought Ibefore us, and ' naturally' we ;. would suppose that * they .would all tend to confirm and strengthen their faith In him. Let us ex- amine them and see. Having learned themselves to know the per- son and the position of Joseph, his brothers were prepared and commissioned to take the good news to others. The great feature of their message was "Ye shall tell my father of all my glory in Egypt, and of all that ye have seen." (xlv., 13.) This they were to make prominent. They were not to speak so much of his goodness, of his wisdom, of his tender sympathy and compassion, as of the fact that God had made him "a father to Pharaoh and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt." (xlv., 8.) This position gave virtue and ef- flqlency to everything else. This was lust the message to awaken desire and aotion. Even the little children could understand it and rejoice. So it is with the gospel message. When the apostles went forth after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, they did not go preaching on the life of Jesus or the excellency of his teaching, or his compassion on the multitude, or his self- sacrificing spirit, but we read: "And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jeeus." (Acts iv., 33.) This was the great proof that he was indeed a divine savior, able to save to the uttermost all who would come unto him. At first Jacob could not receive the wonder- ful news. It was too good to be true, and unbelief filled his heart. As Rev. Dr. Wins- low says: "Faith always looks at the bright side of a dark picture; unbelief always looks at the dark side of a bright picture." ("Pa- triarchlal Shadows.") But when Jacob heard "all the words of Joseph," and "saw the wagons," he needed nothing more. Faith triumphed and he said: "It is enough; Jo- seph, my son, is still alive; I will go and see him before I die." (xlv., 28-28.) With his whole house he left Hebron and soon reached Beersheba, on the way to Egypt. There he stopped to offer sacrifices and to inquire of the Lord. When he and his family reached the borders of Egypt, "he sent Judah before him" (xlvi., 28) to announce their ar- rival. Joseph was evidently waiting for the news with glad expectation. At once he "made ready his chariot and went up to meet Israel, his father." (xlvi., 29.) The wel- come was like "the Joy In heaven," when the Lord receives the returning sinner, for then the soul of Jacob was satisfied when he was clasped in the arms of Joseph. But a warm, loving welcome la not all that the sinner receives. As soon as the greet- ing was over, "Joseph said unto his brethren, 1 will go up and show Pharaoh, and say unto him, My brethren and my father's house are come unto me." (xlvl., 31.) For now they \u25a0were to be presented to the king as his brothers. And when they stood before the king there was no reference made to their past history or conduct; no word of reproach or condemnation. It was only a time of Joy and thanksgiving. This Is the portion of every believer. He is presented by his adorable redeemer before the king of kings as "not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing." (Eph. 5: 27.) Tor thus saith the scripture, "You that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled In the body of his flesh, through death, to pre- sent you holy and unblamable and unreprov- able in his sight" (Col. 1: 21-22), "to pre- sent you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. (Jude 24.) Having thus been presented to the king, by his direction, the land of Goshen was given to Jacob and his children as their dwelling place. Being on a somewhat lower level than the rest of Egypt it received the largest and the most fertile deposits of the overflow of the Xlle and -was thus, for all agricultural purposes, the richest and best portion of the land. Moreover, here Jacob's family would be kept by themselves. In Canaan they had begun tc ally themselves with the heathen by inter- marriage. Thi6 must be broken up. So now, driven by the famine into Egypt, in a smaller area they were drawn closer to each other, and, by the prejudices of the Egyptians against shepherds (46: 34) they were kept from intermingling with them. Thus they became in Egypt a separate and "peculiar people." This is ever God's way of dealing with his accepted children. They must be in the world, but not of the world. Yet their portion is a very Goshen all the while. For seventeen years (47:28) Jacob and his family resided in Goshon. and were nourished by Joseph. But there Is no account of any Interchange of personal intercourse until near the time of Jacob's death. Then we have tho story of how Joseph presented his two sons to his father. (48: 1-22.) For the inspired writer declares spiritual things, and he must declare them in the divine order. And spirit- ually there must always be first the presenta- tion of the repentant sinner to God as a king, and then to him as a father. For every man stands primarily before God as a rebel against an offended sovereign. He has broken his law and denied his authority. When he is awakened to a full consciousness of his condition, and longs for deliverance, as the children of Jacob longed for bread, he has no idea of Qpd as a father. He can only look upon him as a ruler and a judge. He knows that he has offended against him, and he cannot believe that he loves any one whom his law condemns. But when, penitent and believing, he Is rs- celved by his Savior, then he finds that God can be just, and yet justify the ungodly. Then he can understand that God is not only bis king, but also his loving father. Thus the spiritual relation of the sinner to bit maker is beautifully illustrated In the historic order of narration in this 'itory of Joseph. This presentation by Joseph of his two sons to his father also sets forth another very gracious spiritual truth. For Jacob at once adopted them as his own children and made them partakers of all that was included in tho Abrabamic covenant. So he said, "As Reuben and Simeon they shall be mine. Let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers, Abraham and Isaac." (xlvii., 6, 16.) Being thus made children they became his legal heirs. So the aicepted sinner enters into "the household ot God." Having "re- ceived the spirit of adoption" he is a child of God, and if a child, then an heir: heir of God, and Joint heir with Christ. (Rom. vili., 15-]7.) If this were merely a fancy sketch it would' probably end here. The long separated family has been reunited They are rejoicing in the goodness of the exalted son and brother. They have no want unsatisfied. And as it sets forth spiritual truth it would seem as if the bound of grace ha<j been reached. For when the penitent sinner has learned to know his Savior; has received forgiveness; been presented faultless before the king; been adopted as a child, and become an heir of God, what more can he possibly desire or receive? Theoretically there is nothing. But experimentally there is much. The story of Joseph, therefore, would not be complete if it did not present still another phase of grace. Soon after Jacob had received and adopted Ephraim and Manesseh he gathered all of his .sons together and gave them his parting blessing. Then he died and was buried. After his death Joseph lived fifty-four years, and it is remarkable that during all that time nothing apparently occurred worthy of record until we come to the incident with which the history closes. It is this account of the fear which filled the hearts of Joseph's brothers (1., 15-21.) It is a very significant record. For then it appeared to them that they stood before him in an entirely new relation, and their sin in rejecting him loomed up be- fore them blacker than ever. Although It was so long ago it was the one thing: that now troubled them. They called It "»ln, and not "sins" (1., 17). for It Included all others, and appeared more than ever too gnat to be forgiven. To be sure Joseph had assured them of his forgiveness, and for nearly twenty years bad dealt with them as brothers be- loved, but it was easy for them to account for all that. Then their father was alive, and it would, they thought, have grieved him If their sins had been punished as It deserved. But now he waa dead, and' there was none to stand between them and Justice. The re- membrance of all the kindnesses they had received only aggravated their sense of guilt. They were not worthy, and now their aln overwhelmed them. So they came humbly before Joseph again, acknowledging their unworthineas, and crav- ing anew his forgiveness. It Is a very dif- ferent feeling which filled their minds now from that which had filled them when they first stood before him and acknowledged their guilt. Then they trembled for fear of judg- ment. Now they longed for renewed assur- ances of forgiveness. Then It was necessary for Joseph to lead them to love him. Now they thought that it was necessary to bring him to love them. But Joseph was only grieved and "wept when they spake unto him." if. 17.) So it is often with the child of God. The more perfectly he enters into the new rela- tionship which redemption has brought him to his King and Father in heaven, the- more deeply will he be apt to feel the sinful ness of sin, and the more will he long for the full assurance of forgiveness. For he cannot ob- tain peace by looking at any of his past ex- periences. Neither will his remembrance of God's grace and goodness give It. Nothing but a simple coming back again, with confes- sion and faith, to hia Savior, can give him comfort. For peace does not come through Hh //\ /\\ GgeßS BB»BMBBBSwa&£^^^,rliil!Tffirai™n E. 8. BARNABY & CO Halters and Haberdashers, 400 Xitollet Ay, Wimpou* 9 HELP MAN TO REFORM a SOBRIETY i';ii £-i i?*-l I'-'l 180 r-M kh 188 flffifftßtiiH ffflMfflS $;\u25a0 °'M Baa Hm9 KfiH Hoi BUS"" km™ Eraß BSh EKh cbH RfIHStVeSI 818 nifl HJH »wHi EH H BB^ißn Bht^m; k ' I nESt Says General Manager Hield of the Twin City Rapid Transit Co. // You Are Not Satisfied When Through Treatment We Refund Money. Twin City Rapid Transit Co. •& ttJb.JI.JI ik^T f^jvtLLrJl^ft JfL 1 CiIl4?I v . . OFFICE OF THE GENERAL MANAGER. =a r =========== . / t MINNEAPOLIS, July 20, 1899. [[111111 l TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ; The Murray Cure is not I take pleasure in bearing testimony to the good work done by the Murray The Price of the Mur- a gold cure and should Cure Institute in the complete and satisfactory cure of several men in the employ ray Cures is less than not be confounded with of the Twin City Rapid Transit Company during the past year. any other treatment. t any other treatment.... Among the hundreds of valuable men in the street car service, occasionally We court investigation. l|l|||||| : there is one whose only fault is drink. We have followed the policy that it is m—m ~"~ II better to help a man to reform and sobriety, thus saving him to his family and |j| ||| the community, than to discharge him without giving him a chance. Ibelieve the Murray Cure is doing more good than the public generally appreciates, and I am pleased to recommend this institute to all such as need a treatment for the drink habit. Signed: W. J. HIELD, General Manager. MURRAY CURE INSTITUTE For Liquor and Morphine Habits. 1819 Nicollet Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. Telephone 189 South. EDWIN MURRAY, Proprietor. experiences, or by growth; not by sanetiXca- tion, but by justification. For "being justi- Bed by faith we bave peace with God through Jesus Christ, our Lord" (Rom. v., 7), and iv go other way. These fearful, trembling brothers were dis- tressed because their eyes were fixed more upon themselves and their sin than upon them and his covenant. But coining back to him they at once received the gracious assur- ance: "Fear ye not; I will nourish you, and your little ones. And he comforted thea, *nd spake kifidly unto them." (v. 21.) This Is the fullness of the gospel, and the story of Joseph Is ended. Bryn Mawr, Pa- fiJoFFSi I GERMAN S LINIMENT Tnc I Short Cut I I Cure I I For Pain "I I Of ill I Any Name I lln As pare as It la sure. Abao- H|B llfil lutely white—dossnotsoil the Ijjf! HI I clothing. Cares Rheumatism i|l|l Hill and all weakness and pains of mM S|Efl Until and masolai. For 181 1111 l eprains, burns, outs It is an* (\u25a0 lull equaHad by any other remedy ;IB (\u25a0\u25a0 In the -world. Relieves neu- \u25a0 Igl ralgia and nervous headache ' |: M fm almost Instantly. Taken in- 'HI R9 ternally, Itcures colds, ooughi, tm pq croup, etc. The pain of warts, r< n corns and bunions is Imme- I I BPJ diately allayed and a quick m KB cure effected. |c;J BB Sold by all drniflits. »6<j »nd Me a I I Rfl bottle. If too oAiutot procure it. |>*i| |M write for booklet to \u25a0 : B*a KB GOODRICH A. JENNINGS H I^^ Anok.a, Minn* Wg& " We Did It! ~ Did What? Brought you greatly im- proved telephone lerrtoe. oourteous treatment, iuad much lower rates. "Turn About Is Fair Play" Do something for as Use Twin City 'Phones yourself and adylse your friends to do likewise. 'Twill be appreciated. $2.50 per m* Residence. $4.00 per rat* Business. \u25a0 , TwiilrCity Telephone Co. 414 Third Ay. S. * x

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Page 1: Minneapolis journal (Minneapolis, Minn. : 1888 ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045366/1901-10-26/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · King Oscar to the Augustana Swedish Lu- ... Cakewalk (entirely


NormannaheimenGREAT MAN COMINGBishop Yon Scheele Will Arrive

Next Thursday Morning.


la the Evening the Bishop Will Con-

vey Kins Oscar's Greeting toIlia People Here.

Knut Hennlng Gezellus yon Scheele,bishop of the diocese of Visby, of theChurch of Sweden, and special envoy ofKing Oscar to the Augustana Swedish Lu-theran synod of America, will arrive inMinneapolis next Thursday morning. Hela making a tour of the United States,primarily to visit the Swedish Lutheraneducational Institutions and the largercongregations. Mrs. yon Scheole accom-panies the bishop on his tour.

Bishop yon Scheele is 63 years old. He\u25a0was a prominent figure in Upsala univer-sity for more than a quarter of a cen-tury and was afterward appointed bishopof Vlsby in 1885. (He is an author of note,some of his work having been translatedInto several languages. The bishop is aChristian gentleman of ideal character,fullof love for the church and for human-ity. He is progressive and up to date,without being a liberal and radical. Thisvisit is looked upon as the highest possi-ble form of an official recognition of theSwedish Lutheran church, the Augustanasynod, of this country, 'by the motherchurch, the Lutheran church of Sweden.

The bishop was a member of the houseof nobles in the Swedish parliament underthe old regime, and Is now again a mem-ber of parliament by election. He has a\u25a0wonderful range of experience and an in-timate knowledge of state affairs, andof church politics es well. It would bedifficult to find a person in all Sweden sowell informed on everything as the bishopof Visby. He was president of the con-gress of religions at Stockholm during theexposition of 1897, and some

Yon Scheele Is the name of a large andancient family of nobility, well knownboth in Germany and Sweden. The greatchemist, Yon Scheele, belonged to thewune family. The bishop in outward ap-pearance resembles his majesty KingOscar very much. They both walk withthe same dignified and yet aesthetic step,both have the same pleasing voice, thesame sincere handshake (frequently usingboth hands) and would easily be taken forbrothers. The king Is a little taller andmore rotund than the bishop, but each-wears a full cropped beard. Tourists haveespecially observed the sameness of theirvolca The bishop Is one of the nearestand closest advisers of the king.

Bishop and Mrs. yon Scheele are ex-pected to arrive over the North-West eraat 9:05 Thursday. They will be met by areception committee consisting of Dr. J.B. Carlson, Dr. C. J. Petrl, PresidentWahlstrom of Gustavus Adolphus college,Dr. L. A. Johnston of St. Paul and 'Profes-eor C. G. Schultz of St. Paul.

The guests will bo conducted to theWest hotel and left to their own com-fort until 2 p. m., when a reception anda luncheon will be given in their honor.The bishop will be welcomed to the stateby Dr. John Premling, president of theMinnnesota conference of the Augustanasynod, and by Dr. J. S. Carlson and Pres-ident Wahlstrom in behalf of GustavusAdolphus college. A brief reply will bemade by the bishop.

In the evening Bishop yon ScheHe willappear at the Augustana church. Seventhstreet and Eighth avenue S, where thepastor, Dr. Petri, will welcome the dis-tinguished guest on behalf of the con-gregation. In his response, the bishopwill convoy the greetings of King Oscarto the Swedish people in this country and\u25a0will speak at some length of the rela-tions between the Church of Sweden andthe Augustana synod. He Is expected todispose of the claims of the SwedishEpiscopalians in America to recognitionby the Church of Sweden.


Attracting; Blgr Crowd* to Nonuanla

Large crowds gather nightly at the fairbeing held this week by the NorwegianTurners at Normanna hall. The pro-grams continue to be interesting and va-ried, and the original features are noveland entertaining. As a money maker theventure has proven a success.

The fair closes next Monday eveningwith th© customary grand drawing and aball. A special feature in the form of acafe chantant will be held to-morrow aft-ernoon. The program for the cafe chantantand to-morrow evening are as follows:

AFTERNOON.Overture Normanna OrchestraSong Quartet SpurvenViolin solo with piano accompaniment.

Misses Helga and Minnie Damm.SongSt. Paul Nordmaendene's Singing Society's

Ladles' Quartet.Song Society Fram, St. PaulCakewalk (entirely new) Girls' ClassSong C. S. Laird"Norske FJeldmelodler"

Messrs. E. Oulte and O. Shlbley.Parallel bar with pyramids.

Norwegian Turners.EVENING.

Overture Normanna OrchestraAddress James PetersonFancy march and drill Girls' ClassSong.Norm. Singing Society's Mixed ChorusVaulting and somersaults Norw. TurnersSong Viking Singing SocietyCakewalk (entirely new) Girls' ClassIllustrated songs Messrs. Colby and BrathPantomime Plf-Paf-Puf and Miss •


That of the M'ennerlmrK MemorialConcert Nov. 13.

No better proof of Wennerberg's won-derful versatility as a musical composercould be furnished than th* program forthe Wennerberg memorial concert to beheld at the Swedish tabernacle, Wednes-day evening, Nov. 13. The range is great,each selection so well known that one isalmost led to believe that Wennerbergcomposed all of Sweden's best music, didnot the names of Bellman, Soderman andothers prominently suggest themselves.From the gay merriment and light-hearted sentiment of Oluntarne to hismartial patriotic songs and stately psalms

Hall Thin Week.

May I Send YouA Book?

I will mail you any book from the listbelow if you will send me your address.

With it I will send an order on yournearest druggist for six bottles of Dr.Snoop's Restorative. If you think thatyou need It after reading this book, youare welcome to take It a month at my risk.If it cures, pay your druggist $5.50. If itfails; I will pay him myself.

This remarkable offer is made after alifetime's experience. I have learned howto strengthen the \u25a0. inside nerves—thosenerves that alone operate every vital or-gan. I make each organ do its duty bybringing back Its nerve power. No caseis too difficult. I take the risk in all.

In five years 650,000 people have ac-cepted this offer; and thirty-nine in eachforty paid. They paid because they werecured, for no druggist accepts a pennyotherwise. The decision is left with you.

Note that if my Restorative cures thecost is a trifle. If it fails, it is free. Canyou neglect such an offer when thirty-nineout of forty who write me are cured?

SSPjSf wan? «£ 5 S &flS£?gfjJHg"ft 53 ftS SKSKSRacTe W?s Book 5* sfor Men <sealed >•Kacu\> ,vv.ls-. • I Book N_, ,on Rheumatism.

Mildcases, not chronic, are often cured by oneOXtwobottles, jAt all druggists.

is a wide compass, but every compositionis a gem, tuneful, inspiring and singable.There is not one vrhich would not havemade iU author or composer famous. Tb«enthusiasm with which the choruses arerehearsing presages an excellent per-formance.

Tiokets have been distributed amongthe members of the chorus and theyshould find a ready sale everywhere, prin-cipally on account of the general excel-lence of the entertainment, but also forthe reason that the funds will be devotedto a worthy institution, the Swedish hos-pital. The complete program Is aa fol-lows:Peasant Wedding m. Soderman

Orchestra.When Israel Went Out of Egypt.

(Pb. 114) WennerbergLift Up Your Heads, O, To Gates.

(Pa. 24) WennerbergGrand Chorus.

Solos by Messrs. J.F. Dahl and G. Holmqulst.Hear Us, Svea (Hor Os, Svea)... Wennerberg

Male Chorus.Dust, Sunset (Solnedgang) Wennerberg

Messrs. Dahl and Holmqulst.Concerto, op. 25, allegro moderato,

adagio, allegro giocoso.. .Gustavus JohnsonAt the piano, Mrs. Frank Fayette Fletcher,

accompanied by full orchestra, directed bythe composer.

O God, Who Guideth the Fates ofNations Wennerberg

Male Chorus.Vocal solo

Gustaf Holmqulst.DJupt i Hafvet Wennerberg

Orpheus Singing Society.Hallelujah (Ps. 113) Wennerberg

Grand Chorus.SoloStand Firm, Ye Guardian Knights of

Light (Sta Stark) WennerbergGrand Male Chorus.

Duet. The Castle Bell (Slotts-klockan) Wennerberg

Messrs. Dahl and Holmqutst.Praise God in His Sanctuary (Ps.

150) WennerbergGrand Chorus.


la < rowtliiiK Into the Markets of ItsAmerican Comln.

The American hog has a European rival.Denmark has come into the field as a pro-ducer and exporter of hogs and hog prod-ucts, with a growth at least interestingif not suggestive to American producersof a commodity whose export value grewfrom $84,908,698 In 1891 to $119,961,503 in1901. The fact that hog products formthe largest single item in the exportationsof the United States, having exceeded lastyear by $2,000,000 those of the manufac-tures of iron and steel, whose exportshave attracted so much attention, lendsinterest to some facts which have Justreached the treasury bureau of statisticsregarding the remarkable development ofthe hog-packing industry of Denmark.This information is published in the"Danish Export Review," and show* thatthe number of head of swine in Denmarkhas increased from 301,000 in 1861 to 771,---000 in 1881 and 1,168,000 in 1898, the latestyear for which statistics are available.The prohibition of the importation of livehogs into Germany and the United King-dom, which countries were Denmark'sprincipal customers in this line, resultedin the establishment of slaughter-housesin Denmark and the increase in the pro-duction of Danish bacon and hams in re-cent years has been phenomenal. The ex-ports of hams and bacon from Denmarkhave grown from 9,120,000 Danish poundsin 1878 to 129,700,000 Danish pounds in1898; the value increasing from 4,110,000kroner in 1878 to 47,800.000 kroner in 1898,the value of the crown being 26.8 c.

As a consequence of the change fromthe export of live swine to that of slaugh-tered animals, the slaughter-houses haverisen to the greatest importance in Den-mark during the last_f£n^r fifteen years.Whilst formerly the slaughter-houses be-longed to private individuals, a largenumber of Joint and co-operative slaugh-ter-houses have been esfablished duringthis period.

Great Calamity In Sweden.One of Sweden's most popular institutions,

the "smorgaas bord," or lunch table, iathreatened with extinction. It may not begenerally knowu in America, but neverthelessall Swedish restaurants maintain a lunchtable at dinner. It Is not a "free lunch,"but it has one point of striking similarity Incommon. The "guectg" root around withtheir forks in everything on. to* tabla. la

Sweeten, however, a charge of 60 ore (about 14cents) Is charged for tW» privilege of the"emorgaas," but as It also Includes a ponyof brandy, the institution, although popular,Is far from profitable.

1 The lunch 4* Intended simply as an appeti-ser to too regular dinner, but certain peoplemanage to satisfy the Inner void at the lunchcounter and forget consequently that there isa dining-room near by,

A Swedish smorgaas bord Is quite as com-plete as the American free lunch, consistingof sandwiches, cheese, herring, warm fish andmeats, more than enough to take the edge oSthe appetite, even If one makes use of thedining-room. One course and dessert willsuffice.

The restaurateurs of Malmo have abolishedthe lunch feature, those In Stockholm threat-en to do so, and the ancient institution seamsto bo doomed.

I,eif Erikaon Recognized.Judging from the tone of the press in its

utterances on the unveiling of the Leif Erik-son statue in Humboldt park, all Chicago isprepared to accept the old Norse version ofthe discovery of America by the vikings. TheChicago Chronicle in particular gives a com-prehensive account of the pre-Columbian voy-ages to America and speaks of the journeysof Lelf Erikson as a part of authentic his-tory.

When it Is considered that the Norsemenhad flourishing colonies on Iceland andGreenland as early as the ninth century, andAmerica is no further from Greenland thanIceland from Norway, it Is inconceivable thatthe daring and hardy vikings did not continuetheir voyages further than Greenland. Dr.John Fiske, who made quite a study of theNorsemen, was convinced that they reachedAmerica, and even maintained a colony therefor many years.

Norway's Defenses.

The Norwegian government estimates forthe coming fiscal year show a probable in-come of 102,500,000 kroner and expenses 500.---800,000. The ordinary military budget callsfor 14,000,000 kroner and the extraordinarybudget for 3,500,000, divided as follows: Forthe harbor defenses at Christlania, 1,180,000kroner; rapid fire artillery, 1,400,000 kroner;continuation of th» fortifications at Chrls-tianssand, 800,000 kroner, and completion ofmines in Bergen harbor, 120,000 kroner. "

Many look upon the big military budget asa quiet preparation for war, and the sensa-tion mongers have not neglected the oppor-tunity to "get busy" with predictions. Thereneed "be no fear. The best of understandingexists between Norway and Sweden. The for-mer enna-ity has given way to a brotherly re-spect and a sincere- desire to reach completeharmony.

A recent number of the British MedicalJournal contains a lengthy biographicalsketch of Dr. G. H. A. Hanson, by Dr. H.P. Lee. Dr. Hanson has achieved a world-wide fame In the medical world by his atten-tion to leprosy and its contagious character.Since 1868, when he was appointed assistantphysician at the Bergen leprosy hospital, hehas devoted himself to the work. He haswritten many interesting and valuable treat-ises, beginning with one In 1869, when he wasbut 28 years old. His discovery of the^ bacil-lus of leprosy was made in 1878, or ten yearsbefore Dr. Koch discovered the bacillus oftuberculosis.

Authority on Leprosy.

From the statistical bureau at Christlania'4t is learned that the taxable property of Nor-way 1« placed at 1,097,800 739, considerablyover half being found in the country. Therichest city is, of course, Christlania, fol-lowed by Bergen, Throndhjem, Drammra andStavanger In the order named. The richestprovince or county is Akershus and the poor-est is Finmarken.

Minneapolis Items.

The calico ball of the Danta Ladles will beheld this evening, at Danla hall.

Enigheden lodge, I. O. O. T., will hold asocial reunion at Beven Corners hail, nextWednesday evening.

Next Thursday evening, the sagas ofThorstein and Jokul Ingemunde Sons wilNberead before the Ftam Literary Society.

A lecture on "The Fourth Dimension" wasdelivered by Charles Berglund, before theYggdrasll Theosophical Society, at its meet-ing last week.

Rev. A. W. Benson will preach at theCrossley-Hunter Mission next Sunday after-noon. Misses Mary and Lena Heylander willsing a number of duets.

Mrs. R. K. Davis, of New York, secretaryof the Unttaran Ladies' National Society, willspeak to-morrow morning at the NazarethUnitarian church, Ninth street and Twelfthavenue S.

Norway's Wealth.

A bazaar la being held in the basement ofSt. Paul's Norwegian Lutheran church.Fourth street and Fifteenth avenue S, underthe auspices of the ladles of the church. Thebazaar will close next Tuesday evening.

The new officers of the Young People's So-ciety of Trinitychurch are as follows: Wil-liam Mills, president: Miss Maud Amund-sen, vice-president: Miss Tina Johnson, sec-retary; Mies Amanda Eidsmoe, treasurer.

An organ fund ha* been started by theEbeneier Swedish. Lutheran church. Month-

ly pledges will be . solicited from the mem-bers of the congregation, ! and In a year orbo It is hoped that a handsome pipe organ,may be purchased. ,-• \u25a0i,t.:: >.i -. >

The Viking Singing Society la arrangingfor an -entertainment, to be held Nov. 9 atGaUmeler's hall, on Twentieth avenue N.The committee in charge consists of JohnMeland, Chr. Ertsgaard, Ole Anderson, \u25a0 PeterRobinson and J. Ness. .

Jacob I*Hjort, the well-known tenor, willsure a song recital at th« First UnitarianQhuroa. Eighth street and Mary place, Fri-day, Nov. 1. He will be assisted by MissVarna Golden, violiniste. and Hamlln H.Hunt The program will include selectionsfrom Grieg, Kjerulf Gode, Binding and Lod-arman. . -

Scandinavians.Scandinavians in Montreal and Ottawa aretalking of organizing an association princi- !pally for benevolent purposes.Rev. Andreas H. i,an«e, In charge of the

Scandinavian Seamen's mission in San Fran-cisco, died there Oct. 7 from Inflammation ofthe lungs. ».r \u25a0 >The Danish cruiser Valkyrlen has sailed for !Amerioa via Madeira and the Danish WestIndies and will reach New York about thefirst of the year.

Sivert Nielsen, former president of theNorwegian storthing, celebrated his seventy-eighth birthday Oct. 8. He is quite an in-valid and is confined to his rooms in thestudents' home.

An attempt to export brick from Fredrik-stad, Norway, to Quebec, as ballast hasproven a failure, as the first lot of 300,000brick could not be sold cheaply enough tocompete with the Canadian produot.

Miss Anna Wahlberg, a graduate of theNaas sloyd school in Sweden, and GustafLarson's sloyd training school of Boston, hasgone to Santiago, Cuba, under the auspicesof the Cuban Orphan Society, to conductclasses in sloyd for Cuban teachers.

Since the death of Maren Moller, who livedto be 106 years old, the oldest Inhabitant ofDenmark is Karen Jensen, a widow who was !born April 4. 1787. The only other residentof Denmark born in the eighteenth centuryis Widow Knudsen, an inmate of Odensehospital. \u25a0 UJ-"-\u25a0.'- ,it"-i:'-:\u25a0:>?'.•\u25a0."

. The Swedish Glee club and the Svithlodclub of Chicago opened the social season attheir respective clubhouses last week. Bothhave been very successful, musioaly and insocial affairs, and rank deservedly high inChicago. Both will doubtless be very promi-nent at the Swedish sangerfest to be held InMinneapolis'in 1903.

A permanent organization of the Wenner-berg memorial chorus of Chicago has beeneffected. Annual concerts will be held, andwhen the fund reaches $25,000 it will be dis-tributed equally among the Lutheran Mis-sion Friends, Methodist and Baptist churches,the four denominations most actively inter-ested in the chorus, and the American Unionof Swedish Singers.

Sabbath-School Lesson.NOVEMBER 8, 1001

Lesson s—Fourth5—Fourth Quarter. . ,NOTES BY JOHN R. WHITNEY.

Death of Joseph.— I*. 15-26.

Golden Text—So teach us to number ourdays that we may apply our hearts unto wis- I

dom.—Psalm xc. 12.. Professor Tyndale, in his work on "Formsof Water," very truly says: "The happinessof a faith and the truth of a faith are totallydifferent things." The child of God, how-ever, found that out long before the scientistdid. It is very forcibly illustrated In thedifference between Joseph's brothers as theystand before him in the incident of this les-son, and as they stood before him in the oneconsidered last week. When he made himselfknown to them then, they were perfectly sat-isfied with the'truth of all that he said ordid. Now, however, after the lapse of severalyears, they were troubled and anxious. Thetruth had not made them permanently hap-py. And yet neither he nor the truth hemade known to them had changed in the

least. The change was in them, and It bringsbefore us a very common spiritual condition.

The revelation of Joseph to his brotherswhich we considered last week, carried withit the entire blotting out of their sin. Bythat revelalton he said to them— as dis-tinctly as God Bays to all penitent and believ-ing sinners when he reveals himself to them

"Their sins and iniquities -will I rememberno more." (Heb., x., 17.) But Joseph's broth-ers could not comprehend this at first anymore than the penitent sinner can. ' He hadto urge them to accept ! the grace. he was sowillingand glad to give. '\u25a0 "Come near to me,I pray you," ihe said. \u25a0 "I:am Joseph, yourbrother."- "And after that his brethren talkedwith him." (xlv.. 4-16.) ' .

Thus ' they : learned to know him end themore they communed with him the more theylearned, and the more they rejoiced. | For theysaw that they were not looked upon as par-doned criminals, but as brothers • beloved andrestored. But many things took place betweenthis conviction and the occasion which is nowbrought Ibefore us, and 'naturally' we ;. wouldsuppose that *they .would all tend to confirm

and strengthen their faith In him. Let us ex-amine them and see.

Having learned themselves to know the per-son and the position of Joseph, his brotherswere prepared and commissioned to take thegood news to others. The great feature oftheir message was "Ye shall tell my fatherof all my glory in Egypt, and of all that yehave seen." (xlv., 13.) This they were tomake prominent. They were not to speakso much of his goodness, of his wisdom,of his tender sympathy and compassion, as ofthe fact that God had made him "a fatherto Pharaoh and lord of all his house, anda ruler throughout all the land of Egypt."(xlv., 8.) This position gave virtue and ef-flqlency to everything else. This was lust themessage to awaken desire and aotion. Eventhe little children could understand it andrejoice.

So it is with the gospel message. Whenthe apostles went forth after the outpouringof the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost,they did not go preaching on the life ofJesus or the excellency of his teaching, or hiscompassion on the multitude, or his self-sacrificing spirit, but we read: "And withgreat power gave the apostles witness of theresurrection of the Lord Jeeus." (Acts iv.,33.) This was the great proof that he wasindeed a divine savior, able to save to theuttermost all who would come unto him.

At first Jacob could not receive the wonder-ful news. It was too good to be true, andunbelief filled his heart. As Rev. Dr. Wins-low says: "Faith always looks at the brightside of a dark picture; unbelief always looksat the dark side of a bright picture." ("Pa-triarchlal Shadows.") But when Jacob heard"all the words of Joseph," and "saw thewagons," he needed nothing more. Faithtriumphed and he said: "It is enough; Jo-seph, my son, is still alive; I will go and seehim before I die." (xlv., 28-28.)

With his whole house he left Hebron andsoon reached Beersheba, on the way to Egypt.There he stopped to offer sacrifices and toinquire of the Lord. When he and his familyreached the borders of Egypt, "he sent Judahbefore him" (xlvi., 28) to announce their ar-rival. Joseph was evidently waiting for thenews with glad expectation. At once he"made ready his chariot and went up to meetIsrael, his father." (xlvi., 29.) The wel-come was like "the Joy In heaven," when theLord receives the returning sinner, for thenthe soul of Jacob was satisfied when he wasclasped in the arms of Joseph.

But a warm, loving welcome la not all thatthe sinner receives. As soon as the greet-ing was over, "Joseph said unto his brethren,1 will go up and show Pharaoh, and say untohim, My brethren and my father's house arecome unto me." (xlvl., 31.) For now they\u25a0were to be presented to the king as hisbrothers. And when they stood before theking there was no reference made to theirpast history or conduct; no word of reproachor condemnation. Itwas only a time of Joyand thanksgiving.

This Is the portion of every believer. He ispresented by his adorable redeemer beforethe king of kings as "not having spot, orwrinkle, or any such thing." (Eph. 5: 27.)Tor thus saith the scripture, "You that weresometime alienated and enemies in your mindby wicked works, yet now hath he reconciledIn the body of his flesh, through death, to pre-sent you holy and unblamable and unreprov-able in his sight" (Col. 1: 21-22), "to pre-sent you faultless before the presence of hisglory with exceeding joy. (Jude 24.)

Having thus been presented to the king, byhis direction, the land of Goshen was givento Jacob and his children as their dwellingplace. Being on a somewhat lower level thanthe rest of Egypt it received the largest andthe most fertile deposits of the overflow ofthe Xlle and -was thus, for all agriculturalpurposes, the richest and best portion of theland.

Moreover, here Jacob's family would be keptby themselves. In Canaan they had begun tcally themselves with the heathen by inter-marriage. Thi6 must be broken up. So now,driven by the famine into Egypt, in a smallerarea they were drawn closer to each other,and, by the prejudices of the Egyptiansagainst shepherds (46: 34) they were keptfrom intermingling with them. Thus theybecame in Egypt a separate and "peculiarpeople." This is ever God's way of dealingwith his accepted children. They must be inthe world, but not of the world. Yet theirportion is a very Goshen all the while.

For seventeen years (47:28) Jacob and hisfamily resided in Goshon. and were nourishedby Joseph. But there Is no account of anyInterchange of personal intercourse until nearthe time of Jacob's death. Then we have thostory of how Joseph presented his two sonsto his father. (48: 1-22.) For the inspiredwriter declares spiritual things, and he mustdeclare them in the divine order. And spirit-ually there must always be first the presenta-tion of the repentant sinner to God as a king,and then to him as a father.

For every man stands primarily before Godas a rebel against an offended sovereign. Hehas broken his law and denied his authority.When he is awakened to a full consciousnessof his condition, and longs for deliverance, asthe children of Jacob longed for bread, he has

no idea of Qpd as a father. He can only lookupon him as a ruler and a judge. He knowsthat he has offended against him, and hecannot believe that he loves any one whomhis law condemns.

But when, penitent and believing, he Is rs-celved by his Savior, then he finds that Godcan be just, and yet justify the ungodly.Then he can understand that God is notonly bis king, but also his loving father.Thus the spiritual relation of the sinner tobit maker is beautifully illustrated In the

historic order of narration in this 'itory ofJoseph.

This presentation by Joseph of his two sonsto his father also sets forth another verygracious spiritual truth. For Jacob at onceadopted them as his own children and madethem partakers of all that was included intho Abrabamic covenant. So he said, "AsReuben and Simeon they shall be mine. Letmy name be named on them, and the nameof my fathers, Abraham and Isaac." (xlvii.,6, 16.) Being thus made children they becamehis legal heirs. So the aicepted sinner entersinto "the household ot God." Having "re-ceived the spirit of adoption" he is a child ofGod, and if a child, then an heir: heir ofGod, and Joint heir with Christ. (Rom. vili.,15-]7.)

If this were merely a fancy sketch it would'probably end here. The long separated familyhas been reunited They are rejoicing in thegoodness of the exalted son and brother.They have no want unsatisfied. And as itsets forth spiritual truth it would seem as ifthe bound of grace ha<j been reached. Forwhen the penitent sinner has learned to knowhis Savior; has received forgiveness; beenpresented faultless before the king; beenadopted as a child, and become an heir ofGod, what more can he possibly desire orreceive? Theoretically there is nothing. Butexperimentally there is much. The story ofJoseph, therefore, would not be complete ifit did not present still another phase ofgrace.

Soon after Jacob had received and adoptedEphraim and Manesseh he gathered all of his.sons together and gave them his partingblessing. Then he died and was buried.After his death Joseph lived fifty-four years,and it is remarkable that during all thattime nothing apparently occurred worthy ofrecord until we come to the incident withwhich the history closes. It is this account ofthe fear which filled the hearts of Joseph'sbrothers (1., 15-21.) It is a very significantrecord.

For then it appeared to them that theystood before him in an entirely new relation,and their sin in rejecting him loomed up be-fore them blacker than ever. Although Itwas so long ago it was the one thing: thatnow troubled them. They called It "»ln, andnot "sins" (1., 17). for It Included all others,and appeared more than ever too gnat to beforgiven. To be sure Joseph had assuredthem of his forgiveness, and for nearly twentyyears bad dealt with them as brothers be-loved, but it was easy for them to accountfor all that. Then their father was alive, andit would, they thought, have grieved himIf their sins had been punished as It deserved.But now he waa dead, and' there was noneto stand between them and Justice. The re-membrance of all the kindnesses they hadreceived only aggravated their sense of guilt.They were not worthy, and now their alnoverwhelmed them.

So they came humbly before Joseph again,acknowledging their unworthineas, and crav-ing anew his forgiveness. It Is a very dif-ferent feeling which filled their minds nowfrom that which had filled them when theyfirst stood before him and acknowledged theirguilt. Then they trembled for fear of judg-ment. Now they longed for renewed assur-ances of forgiveness. Then It was necessaryfor Joseph to lead them to love him. Nowthey thought that it was necessary to bringhim to love them. But Joseph was onlygrieved and "wept when they spake untohim." if. 17.)

So it is often with the child of God. Themore perfectly he enters into the new rela-tionship which redemption has brought himto his King and Father in heaven, the- moredeeply will he be apt to feel the sinful ness ofsin, and the more will he long for the fullassurance of forgiveness. For he cannot ob-tain peace by looking at any of his past ex-periences. Neither will his remembrance ofGod's grace and goodness give It. Nothingbut a simple coming back again, with confes-sion and faith, to hia Savior, can give himcomfort. For peace does not come through

Hh //\ /\\ GgeßS


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MINNEAPOLIS, July 20, 1899.[[111111lTO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ;

The Murray Cure is not I take pleasure in bearing testimony to the good work done by the Murray The Price of the Mur-a gold cure and should Cure Institute in the complete and satisfactory cure of several men in the employ ray Cures is less thannot be confounded with of the Twin City Rapid Transit Company during the past year. any other treatment.

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experiences, or by growth; not by sanetiXca-tion, but by justification. For "being justi-Bed by faith we bave peace with God throughJesus Christ, our Lord" (Rom. v., 7), and ivgo other way.

These fearful, trembling brothers were dis-tressed because their eyes were fixed moreupon themselves and their sin than uponthem and his covenant. But coining back tohim they at once received the gracious assur-ance: "Fear ye not; I will nourish you, andyour little ones. And he comforted thea,*nd spake kifidly unto them." (v. 21.)

This Is the fullness of the gospel, and thestory of Joseph Is ended.Bryn Mawr, Pa-



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