the major battles of the civil war part ii moi. learning objectives ► comprehend and compare the...

The Major Battles of the The Major Battles of the Civil War Part II Civil War Part II MOI MOI

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Page 1: The Major Battles of the Civil War Part II MOI. Learning Objectives ► Comprehend and compare the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and

The Major Battles of the Civil The Major Battles of the Civil War Part IIWar Part II


Page 2: The Major Battles of the Civil War Part II MOI. Learning Objectives ► Comprehend and compare the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and

Learning ObjectivesLearning Objectives

►Comprehend and compare the battles Comprehend and compare the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and the Wilderness Gettysburg, and the Wilderness Campaign Campaign

►Know and understand the significance Know and understand the significance of said battles and how they affected of said battles and how they affected the outcome of the warthe outcome of the war

►Comprehend the impact that the Civil Comprehend the impact that the Civil War had on future conflictsWar had on future conflicts

Page 3: The Major Battles of the Civil War Part II MOI. Learning Objectives ► Comprehend and compare the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and
Page 4: The Major Battles of the Civil War Part II MOI. Learning Objectives ► Comprehend and compare the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and

AntietamAntietam17 Sep 186217 Sep 1862

►VA cleared of Union troops after win at VA cleared of Union troops after win at Second Bull RunSecond Bull Run

►Lee attacks North with objectives:Lee attacks North with objectives: Convince Maryland to secedeConvince Maryland to secede Capitalize on Union’s wearinessCapitalize on Union’s weariness Indirectly threaten WashingtonIndirectly threaten Washington Gain international supportGain international support

Page 5: The Major Battles of the Civil War Part II MOI. Learning Objectives ► Comprehend and compare the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and


► Lee crosses PotomacLee crosses Potomac►McClellan (back in command) marches NW McClellan (back in command) marches NW

with 95,000with 95,000►Union lucks upon Lee’s battle planUnion lucks upon Lee’s battle plan

Still, McClellan moves too slowlyStill, McClellan moves too slowly Gives Lee time to fall back to SharpsburgGives Lee time to fall back to Sharpsburg

► Intercept Lee near Potomac with 70,000 vs. Intercept Lee near Potomac with 70,000 vs. Lee’s 39,000Lee’s 39,000

► Lee outnumbered but holds of chargeLee outnumbered but holds of charge Shorter interior lines of communicationShorter interior lines of communication By late afternoon in danger of collapseBy late afternoon in danger of collapse Timely arrival of Hill with reinforcements ends battleTimely arrival of Hill with reinforcements ends battle

Page 6: The Major Battles of the Civil War Part II MOI. Learning Objectives ► Comprehend and compare the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and
Page 7: The Major Battles of the Civil War Part II MOI. Learning Objectives ► Comprehend and compare the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and


►McClellan again removed from commandMcClellan again removed from command Waited too long to attackWaited too long to attack Hesitated before committing troops when Lee Hesitated before committing troops when Lee

was pressedwas pressed Allowed Confederates to escape back to VAAllowed Confederates to escape back to VA

►Antietam had two far-reaching effectsAntietam had two far-reaching effects Caused international support to be postponedCaused international support to be postponed Emancipation ProclamationEmancipation Proclamation

Page 8: The Major Battles of the Civil War Part II MOI. Learning Objectives ► Comprehend and compare the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and

Preparation at ChancellorsvillePreparation at ChancellorsvilleMay 1863May 1863

►Hooker – commander of Union forcesHooker – commander of Union forces► 134,000 Union vs. 60,000 Confederates134,000 Union vs. 60,000 Confederates►Hooker’s planHooker’s plan

Three corps move up riverThree corps move up river Two corps hold Lee’s attentionTwo corps hold Lee’s attention Cavalry corps maneuver to rear and destroy Cavalry corps maneuver to rear and destroy

comm and supplycomm and supply Double envelopmentDouble envelopment

► Lee’s planLee’s plan Keep Hooker under surveillanceKeep Hooker under surveillance Use offensive, maneuver, economy of force to Use offensive, maneuver, economy of force to

make up for inferior numbersmake up for inferior numbers

Page 9: The Major Battles of the Civil War Part II MOI. Learning Objectives ► Comprehend and compare the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and
Page 10: The Major Battles of the Civil War Part II MOI. Learning Objectives ► Comprehend and compare the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and

Battle of ChancellorsvilleBattle of Chancellorsville

►1 May: Hooker falls back to 1 May: Hooker falls back to Chancellorsville after skirmishChancellorsville after skirmish

►Lee informed of Hooker’s exposed flankLee informed of Hooker’s exposed flank►Lee “envelop the envelopers”Lee “envelop the envelopers”

17,000 hold Union attention17,000 hold Union attention Jackson’s 26,000 make 15 mile-wide swingJackson’s 26,000 make 15 mile-wide swing

►2 May, 1700: Jackson charges Union’s 2 May, 1700: Jackson charges Union’s flankflank Confederates weary after movementConfederates weary after movement Jackson wounded and Confederates pushed Jackson wounded and Confederates pushed

backback Hooker withdraws whole line next morningHooker withdraws whole line next morning

Page 11: The Major Battles of the Civil War Part II MOI. Learning Objectives ► Comprehend and compare the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and

Battle of ChancellorsvilleBattle of Chancellorsville

►3 May: Sedgewick (Union) assaults 3 May: Sedgewick (Union) assaults Marye’s HeightsMarye’s Heights Lee leaves Stuart (Jackson’s successor) Lee leaves Stuart (Jackson’s successor)

with 25,000 to guard Hookerwith 25,000 to guard Hooker Lee moves with 21,000 to meet Lee moves with 21,000 to meet

Sedgewick & repelsSedgewick & repels

►6 May: Lee prepares to repel Hooker6 May: Lee prepares to repel Hooker Hooker surprises him by withdrawingHooker surprises him by withdrawing

Page 12: The Major Battles of the Civil War Part II MOI. Learning Objectives ► Comprehend and compare the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and
Page 13: The Major Battles of the Civil War Part II MOI. Learning Objectives ► Comprehend and compare the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and


►Use of cavalryUse of cavalry Stuart’s recon contributes to Lee’s plansStuart’s recon contributes to Lee’s plans Hooker’s use as rear assault ineffectiveHooker’s use as rear assault ineffective

►Lee uses principle of movement wellLee uses principle of movement well Didn’t violate mass due to common Didn’t violate mass due to common

missionmission Hooker yielded the initiative when his Hooker yielded the initiative when his

stronger force could have divided Lee’s stronger force could have divided Lee’s forcesforces

Page 14: The Major Battles of the Civil War Part II MOI. Learning Objectives ► Comprehend and compare the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and


►Union loses 17,000 vs. CSA 13,000Union loses 17,000 vs. CSA 13,000 Remember … initially, 134,000 vs 60,000Remember … initially, 134,000 vs 60,000

►Lee loses critical general: JacksonLee loses critical general: Jackson►Chancellorsville shows peak of Lee’s Chancellorsville shows peak of Lee’s

brilliancebrilliance Lee’s moral superiority over HookerLee’s moral superiority over Hooker Napoleon: “The General is the head, the Napoleon: “The General is the head, the

whole of the army.”whole of the army.”

Page 15: The Major Battles of the Civil War Part II MOI. Learning Objectives ► Comprehend and compare the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and

Preparation for GettysburgPreparation for Gettysburg

►Lee wants to use his initiativeLee wants to use his initiative Morale high after ChancellorsvilleMorale high after Chancellorsville Attack on North would remove Feds from VAAttack on North would remove Feds from VA

►Lee’s favored defensive tactics would Lee’s favored defensive tactics would not worknot work Limited ammunition supplyLimited ammunition supply Confederates unfamiliar with territoryConfederates unfamiliar with territory Lee’s confidence in troopsLee’s confidence in troops Stuart’s lack of proper intelligenceStuart’s lack of proper intelligence

►Lincoln vetoes Hooker’s plan to counter Lincoln vetoes Hooker’s plan to counter in Richmond; replaced by Gen Meadein Richmond; replaced by Gen Meade

Page 16: The Major Battles of the Civil War Part II MOI. Learning Objectives ► Comprehend and compare the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and

Battle of GettysburgBattle of Gettysburg1 July 18631 July 1863

►Confederates outflank at Cemetery Hill Confederates outflank at Cemetery Hill and hold Gettysburgand hold Gettysburg

►Pickett to arrive with 15,000 fresh CSAPickett to arrive with 15,000 fresh CSA►Lee has no luck assaulting flanksLee has no luck assaulting flanks

3 July: Decides to try final, frontal assault3 July: Decides to try final, frontal assault Union troops expertly entrenchedUnion troops expertly entrenched ““Pickett’s charge” fails to break Union linesPickett’s charge” fails to break Union lines

►Both sides lose 20,000+Both sides lose 20,000+►Lee withdraws across PotomacLee withdraws across Potomac►Meade misses opportunity to overwhelm Meade misses opportunity to overwhelm


Page 17: The Major Battles of the Civil War Part II MOI. Learning Objectives ► Comprehend and compare the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and
Page 18: The Major Battles of the Civil War Part II MOI. Learning Objectives ► Comprehend and compare the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and


►Shows importance of communicationShows importance of communication►Lee relied too heavily on frontal assaultLee relied too heavily on frontal assault

After breaking lines, numbers to small to assaultAfter breaking lines, numbers to small to assault

►Stuart’s cavalry neutralized by CusterStuart’s cavalry neutralized by Custer►Lee still weakened by loss of JacksonLee still weakened by loss of Jackson

New leadership lacked proper commNew leadership lacked proper comm Also lacked experienceAlso lacked experience

►Lee overestimates his troopsLee overestimates his troops►Union victory which begins decline of CSAUnion victory which begins decline of CSA

Page 19: The Major Battles of the Civil War Part II MOI. Learning Objectives ► Comprehend and compare the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and

U. S. Grant U. S. Grant

► Feb 1864: Grant promoted to Lt. Gen.Feb 1864: Grant promoted to Lt. Gen. Considers big pictureConsiders big picture Meade to contain Lee while Sherman strikes Meade to contain Lee while Sherman strikes

from southfrom south

► Begins the Wilderness CampaignBegins the Wilderness Campaign Intensely bloody battles as Grant fights to Intensely bloody battles as Grant fights to

RichmondRichmond 50,000 Union vs 25,000 CSA losses50,000 Union vs 25,000 CSA losses

Page 20: The Major Battles of the Civil War Part II MOI. Learning Objectives ► Comprehend and compare the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and

Wilderness CampaignWilderness Campaign►Grant smashes into Lee’s linesGrant smashes into Lee’s lines

Grant repelledGrant repelled Grant would “slide down”Grant would “slide down” Lee would followLee would follow Grant would hit Lee’s line, repelled, etc.Grant would hit Lee’s line, repelled, etc.

► Both sides winBoth sides win Lee keeps Grant from reaching RichmondLee keeps Grant from reaching Richmond Grant weakened Confederate armyGrant weakened Confederate army Grant’s army – troops replenished; Lee’s – no Grant’s army – troops replenished; Lee’s – no


Page 21: The Major Battles of the Civil War Part II MOI. Learning Objectives ► Comprehend and compare the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and

PetersburgPetersburg►Grant attempts to flank LeeGrant attempts to flank Lee

Lee unawareLee unaware Union commanders too cautiousUnion commanders too cautious StalemateStalemate

► Apr 1865: Lee withdraws to west to resupplyApr 1865: Lee withdraws to west to resupply Find supply lines cutFind supply lines cut Retreat route blockedRetreat route blocked 9 Apr 1865: Appomattox Court House9 Apr 1865: Appomattox Court House

Page 22: The Major Battles of the Civil War Part II MOI. Learning Objectives ► Comprehend and compare the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and

Impact of Future ConflictsImpact of Future Conflicts

►Expanding battlefield due to new Expanding battlefield due to new technologytechnology

►Land and water mines see first useLand and water mines see first use►Trench warfare beginsTrench warfare begins►Breech-loading rifle appearsBreech-loading rifle appears►Trend toward dispersal and increased Trend toward dispersal and increased

“individual” combat“individual” combat

Page 23: The Major Battles of the Civil War Part II MOI. Learning Objectives ► Comprehend and compare the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and


►ChancellorsvilleChancellorsville Lee’s pinnacleLee’s pinnacle

►GettysburgGettysburg Turning point of Civil WarTurning point of Civil War

►Wilderness CampaignWilderness Campaign►Future of warfareFuture of warfare

Page 24: The Major Battles of the Civil War Part II MOI. Learning Objectives ► Comprehend and compare the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and
