the lamb of god chronicle - webs lamb of god... · 5. no giving up and no turning back on your walk...

The Lamb of God Chronicle February 2017 Issue The Lamb of God Community PO Box 35 054 Christchurch 8640 Phone [04] 232 2297 Mobile 021 0596 909 Email: [email protected] Website: INDEX TO CONTENTS Reflections Page 1-2 News and Articles Page 2-4 “Challenges” Page 5 Kairos NZ News Page 6 Web Sites Page 6 Members/Info/Records Page 7 Birthdays/Anniversaries Page 7-8 National Prayer Watch Page 8-10 REFLECTIONS - Great Starts To A New Year Happy New Year to you. The year has started off in the Lamb of God in a great way, with the Kairos event Summer Oasis Youth Camp and a wonderful celebration of Harry and Maureen Lowe’s Silver Wedding Anniversary. Summer Oasis is an annual 4-day youth conference for all participants and another day for leaders to complete some training held in Christchurch. One thing I found inspiring in my time at the conference (which was short) was the way that so many young people stepped up to serve the Lord in a range of capacities. In fact, it was the genuineness of people in embracing their faith that I was blessed by. Both the Single Men’s and Women’s 8-day households operated during the time. Households have a common schedule including morning and evening prayer and encourage participants in the sharing of their lives. I was part of the Men’s Household which included three brothers from Fiji (two from the Patmos Community in Suva and one from the Lamb of God Cornerstone in Nadi), two brothers from the Burwood Christian Centre (where the conference was held) and two each from Auckland and Christchurch. It was a rich multicultural and ecumenical time with good relationships forming amongst the brothers, a joy to behold (Psalm 133). While I did not participate in the Women’s household, I am sure they could witness to a similar experience. One last thing from the conference was the older teaching stream participants who visited a local shopping area and approached people with a survey. There were just a few questions, with a couple of the last ones leading towards the person talking about God, if they wished to. As you can imagine, the youth were relatively apprehensive in going out. However, they were blessed by the response that they received and found a joy in participating. Mark [right] with Anton Colella – May 2016

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Page 1: The Lamb of God Chronicle - Webs Lamb of God... · 5. No giving up and no turning back on your walk with God. No daydreaming in the ^what ifs _ of life. 6. Live by faith, not by sight

The Lamb of God Chronicle February 2017 Issue

The Lamb of God Community PO Box 35 054 Christchurch 8640 Phone [04] 232 2297 Mobile 021 0596 909 Email: [email protected] Website:

INDEX TO CONTENTS Reflections Page 1-2 News and Articles Page 2-4 “Challenges” Page 5 Kairos NZ News Page 6

Web Sites Page 6 Members/Info/Records Page 7 Birthdays/Anniversaries Page 7-8 National Prayer Watch Page 8-10

REFLECTIONS - Great Starts To A New Year

Happy New Year to you. The year has started off in the Lamb of God in a great way, with the Kairos event Summer Oasis Youth Camp and a wonderful celebration of Harry and Maureen Lowe’s Silver Wedding Anniversary. Summer Oasis is an annual 4-day youth conference for all participants and another day for leaders to complete some training held in Christchurch. One thing I found inspiring in my time at the conference (which was short) was the way that so many young people stepped up to serve the Lord in a range of capacities. In fact, it was the genuineness of people in embracing their faith that I was blessed by. Both the Single Men’s and Women’s 8-day households operated during the time. Households have a common schedule including morning and evening prayer and encourage participants in the sharing of their lives. I was part of the Men’s Household which included three brothers from Fiji (two from the Patmos Community in Suva and one from the Lamb of God Cornerstone in Nadi), two brothers from the Burwood Christian Centre (where the conference was held) and two each from Auckland and Christchurch. It was a rich multicultural and ecumenical time with good relationships forming amongst the brothers, a joy to behold (Psalm 133). While I did not participate in the Women’s household, I am sure they could witness to a similar experience. One last thing from the conference was the older teaching stream participants who visited a local shopping area and approached people with a survey. There were just a few questions, with a couple of the last ones leading towards the person talking about God, if they wished to. As you can imagine, the youth were relatively apprehensive in going out. However, they were blessed by the response that they received and found a joy in participating.

Mark [right] with Anton Colella – May 2016

Page 2: The Lamb of God Chronicle - Webs Lamb of God... · 5. No giving up and no turning back on your walk with God. No daydreaming in the ^what ifs _ of life. 6. Live by faith, not by sight


Harry and Maureen Lowe [Auckland] celebrated 25 years of marriage on 11th January in a wonderful way. The church service followed by a short time of honouring, then good food and finishing with dancing. What a very blessed occasion and what a great couple who have been faithful to the Lord and each other. As people spoke, I found myself having a greater appreciation for Harry, Maureen and Lukanne. I also found something special in the celebrating of 25 years of marriage. In today’s world where there is significant diversity in relationships, I found something quite powerful in the witness of the years of faithfulness. It was a personal encouragement to me in my marriage and a joy to recognise the value of the institution of marriage. Congratulations Harry and Maureen for a wonderful achievement and may God bless your future together. Well done for honouring your commitment in such a way, and in doing so, honouring the Lord. The New Year brings for many people resolutions of what they hope to achieve in the coming year. A new year is viewed as a new start. Some people have found these resolutions very helpful, while others may have experienced some sense of disappointment from good intentions not being able to be carried through. (Don’t worry even Paul found this could be an issue: Romans 17:18,19 - For I know that nothing good dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do.) Sometimes it is not the large goals or life changes that are important it is the small enhancements. Late last year, I decided to start reading the Bible cover to cover again, one chapter a day. At the moment I am starting to read about the plagues of Egypt. I sensed the Lord encouraging me to do this, and he has spoken through my reading on many of the days. I believe in the power of God to speak to us through Scripture: “Indeed, the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And before him no creature is hidden, but all are naked and laid bare to the eyes of the one to whom we must render an account.” (Heb 4: 12,13) Spending time in the Bible gives God more opportunity to work in us. I encourage you to be open to God’s Spirit prompting you in the small things, and deciding to follow His leadings. God bless!

Mark Challies


SUMMER OASIS 2017 YOUTH CAMP Around forty-five young people from Auckland, Wellington, Nelson, Christchurch, Fiji and [one from] Costa Rica assembled in Christchurch from 8 to 12 January to attend Summer Oasis 2017. Concurrently held with the youth camp are the single men’s and women’s households, which were attended by nine men and six women. As usual, the five-day camp included

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praise and worship, fellowship, teachings, workshops, night rallies, evening cafes, fun and games. Here are some of the feedback we received after the camp:

The talk materials were very challenging. They were great.

I loved the ministry times and was often touched by the Holy Spirit.

I loved getting prayed over and doing the service.

The Bible stream was really interesting. It was challenging but very enjoyable.

The morning sessions opened my eyes to the things I need to work on.

It was great to get to know people and do really challenging activities.

The Single Men’s Household was well organised. I enjoyed the time with the other men.

I like it all. It was very enjoyable. It was a touching experience.

Summer Oasis was a fun time, and I was encouraged to make new friends.

For me, the highlight was feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit and receiving the gift of tongues.

Thank you so much for all the time making this possible. Best first Oasis!

The highlights for the participants are [ranked based on the number of mentions]:

The Ministry time.

The Bible Stream.

Praise and Worship.

The talks.

The household[s].

Providing service to the community. [The participants were asked to perform a random act of kindness to whomever they chose to do; one group served in Windsor Care, a retirement facility in Christchurch.]

Night rallies.

Evangelising at the mall. [The older group were asked to do a ‘survey’ at a mall nearby about their faith. Some surveys ended up as opportunities for the participants to share their faith and to pray for the needs of those whom they met.]

The youth camp, which started around 1986 and referred to as “Blue Skies” then, has been held annually apart from the time earthquake struck Christchurch in 2012. Special thanks to the Christchurch branch who hosted the participants and the Summer Oasis service team who organised most of the planning. Great work, everyone!

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More Summer Oasis 2017 Photos

Having lunch together outside BCC

Roger giving a Bible Stream Talk

One of the Night Rallies

Look to the Right…

One of the evening Cafes

John Murray Presenting

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CHALLENGES IN LIVING TOGETHER AS A COMMUNITY Resource for House Group Discussion by Tom Caballes

Burning Your Boats – February 2017

But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. [Philippians 3:13-14 ESV]

Legend says that in 1519, an explorer, Hernando Cortes, led 11 ships with around 600 men and was headed for Mexico to take the world’s richest treasures known during that time. But there was one problem – a strong army had been guarding the treasure, and no one has ever defeated them, though many others tried. As they landed, Cortes commanded one thing – “Burn the boats!” His men obeyed. His men had only two choices: win the battle - or die. Because his men did not have any chance to retreat or escape, they fought the bravest combat of their lives – and they won. They were victors, and they had all the riches beyond what they can use in a lifetime. Our walk with God is very similar – sometimes we have second options or plans in life that are not in line with God’s will. Do we compromise our faith in God? What are the boats in your life that you need to burn so that you can be fully dead-set in following God? So How Do You Burn Your Boats in This Life? 1. You need to cut off your ties with your old sinful patterns. There should be no looking back. Live as a new creation [2 Corinthians 5:17]. Live with ‘no strings attached’ with our old way of thinking, relating, and behaving. So, if something causes temptation in you, do something to get rid of it. 2. Surrender your ambitions and plans to God – they should all come secondary to following and obeying God. Your primary goal is to do God’s will and please Him. Is God first in your life or just secondary? 3. Be willing to experience suffering and pain for the sake of following God – it may come through serving God, sharing the Gospel with others, standing up for what is right or in other ways and means. 4. You need to radically live your life for God – not with complacency, timidity or half-heartedness. You need to be on fire for God! Be single-hearted for God and His Kingdom. Like the man in Jesus’ parable, sell all you have in exchange for the greatest pearl of no equal. 5. No giving up and no turning back on your walk with God. No daydreaming in the “what ifs” of life. 6. Live by faith, not by sight. [2 Corinthians 5:7] See things by using your spiritual eyes, not just physical. 7. Fix your eyes on the reward - the truth is, if you give your all to God, you will be well-rewarded. What is there to compare living eternally with God? Think about it – often! OTHER SCRIPTURE PASSAGES: 1. Jesus said to him, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God." [Luke 9:62 ESV] 2. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. [Romans 8:18 ESV] 3. … I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ. [Philippians 3:8 ESV] 4. Other references: 2 Chronicles 15:7; Jeremiah 29:11; 1 Corinthians 9:24 and Galatians 6:9-10. FOR REFLECTION OR SHARING: 1. When life gets tough, do you have an ‘exit strategy’ or a fail-safe plan so you can save your own skin, name, comfort, or convenience? 2. Would you prefer to reach heaven with just barely doing so, or with ‘flying colours?’ 3. Are you giving your all to God or are you holding anything back? What is your ‘boat’ that you need to burn?

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Kairos New Zealand Schedule of Events for 2016/2017 April 28 to 30 2017 BLAST 2017 in Wellington July 9 to 11 2017 Winter Oasis 2017 in Auckland [for high schoolers]



KAIROS South Pacific Web Site – check it out at You can network and chat with other young people by going to this website: We designated every Friday night at 10 pm as a time to meet other young people.

Go and visit the International Kairos Media website:

We updated our Lamb of God website– We also have two new domain names which point to the same website: and Try them!

The Sword of the Spirit website is This website is where we can know more what is happening in our communities around the globe. The Lamb of

God is a community of the Sword of the Spirit.

Sign up [free] for Youth Culture Newsletter The most recent edition of the Youth Culture Newsletter is now available online. Please visit the website below:

This link is a recommended Sword of the Spirit publication for youth and parents.

Living Bulwark Sword of the Spirit – Highly Recommended! This Sword of the Spirit on-line publication has received more than 43,000 visits (an average of 135 visits each day) in its first year. All back issues for the past 12 months are available at To view the current issue of the online magazine, go to


Branches are encouraged to email news, photos, happenings and snippets to Tom Caballes at [email protected]. We close on the 20th of the previous month.

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IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT OUR RECORDS Membership Records and Data: Branch leaders are responsible for keeping updated records and then emailing all new attendee additions, deletions, address, phone changes, births, deaths, transfers, etc. to: Tom Caballes – email: [email protected]

BIRTHDAY INFORMATION [Day and month, but the year is optional.] Branch leaders are asked to keep updated records and email all new attendee additions to: Tom Caballes – email: [email protected]

GETTING CHRONICLE & OTHER NEWS BY EMAIL [1] If you are receiving The Chronicle as an electronic edition, we just need to hear if and when you change your email address. Notify [email protected]. [2] If you are receiving this by hard copy but you have an email address, please send your email address to [email protected]. [3] The Chronicle has a national and international mailing schedule. If you want to add an email address we can send the Chronicle, please notify [email protected].

Wedding Anniversaries - Happy Anniversary! NAMES DATE BRANCH

Clifton & Anora Loreno D'Costa 01/02 Auckland

Ivan & Sheila D'Souza 02/02 Auckland

Chris & Maureen Lyons 04/02 Christchurch

Kerry & Christine O'Neill 10/02 Blenheim

Paul & Christine Oliver 12/02 Central

Allan & Sharmila Carvalho 15/02 Auckland

Prasad & Jessie De Zoysa 16/02 Auckland

Martin & Hazel Patrao 23/02 Auckland

Andy & Carole Crocker 28/02 Nelson

Birthdays for This Month - Happy Birthday! NAMES BIRTHDAY BRANCH

Greg Hall 02/02 Auckland

Aidan Misquita 02/02 Auckland

Annette Fletcher 02/02 Ch/Ashburton

Cheryl Garrett 03/02 Blenheim

Carole Crocker 06/02 Nelson

Sherwin Menezes 08/02 Auckland

Maureen Lowe 12/02 Auckland

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Ivan D'Souza 13/02 Auckland

Florence Quigley 13/02 Southern

Maria Sequeira 15/02 Christchurch

Annette Carvalho 17/02 Auckland

Simone D'Mello 18/02 Auckland

Rachel D'Souza 19/02 Auckland

Prasad De Zoysa 19/02 Auckland

Joshua Garrett 20/02 Blenheim

Bernie Black 21/02 Christchurch

Peter Dalgado 23/02 Auckland

Bernadette Black 24/02 Christchurch

Barbara Ryan 25/02 Blenheim

Emily Homes 27/02 Southern

Cosmos Misquita 27/02 Auckland

Veena D'Souza 28/02 Auckland

Steven Homes 28/02 Southern

Bea Blanch 28/02 Central

Joan Lobo 29/02 Auckland

PRAYERWATCH SOLDIERS OF CHRIST, ARISE Fight the good fight. Reinforce the guard, station the watchmen, prepare an ambush! The Lord will carry out his purpose, Jeremiah 51: 12 NIV As we start a new year, it is good to look at what happened on the Prayerwatch last year. In 2016 we had 18 new listings [34 the previous year] on the Intercession Section with 59 coming off [29 the previous year], meaning we started the year with 134 on and ended with 93 on the list. Of the 18 new on the list, six went on the Healing section, three went in the Family section, seven families were affected by the death of a loved one going on the Bereavement Section and the other two over the other sections. At the end of 2016, of the 93 on the Intercession list, Auckland had 17 [20%], Central [Hawkes Bay, Wellington, Nelson] 14 [15%], Blenheim 16 [15%], Christchurch 33 [35%], Southern [Timaru and South] 11 [12%]. The 18 requests to go on the list last year came from Auckland 8 [45%], Central 2 [10%], Blenheim 0 [0%], Christchurch 5 [30%], Southern 2 [10%] Others 1 [5%]. The community has approximately 180 Covenant members and another 90 members in formation with Auckland [40%], Central [20%], Blenheim [10%], Christchurch [25%], Southern [5%]. God is calling us to take a stand as in the prophetic word given from January until June 2016, the theme of spiritual warfare was in 52 words out of 119 [45%] received. From July to December 2016 another 48 words out of 82 [60%] were received with encouragement to spiritual warfare. Note the percentage increase. I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one. Ezekiel 22: 30 (NIV)

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Thankfully we have at least 100 plus warriors who stand in the gap of the Prayerwatch which is the spiritual wall surrounding the Lamb of God Community. The Lamb of God community has around 180 Covenant members, and there are 168 hours in a week, and we are trying to cover 144 hours outside of the Lord’s Day, but we still struggle. With many Underway members taking an hour we need to ask ourselves, is God calling me to be a part of the Prayerwatch? Am I protecting the Lamb of God and my family by being involved or am I leaving it to somebody else to stand in the gap? If we are not taking our place on the Watch, we need to ask ourselves if we are fair to our fellow members by not standing in the gap. We are asking members to take time that suits when their branch is doing the Watch, not to take difficult times. Let 2017 be the year we have more people doing the Watch than there are hours in the week so contact your branch Prayerwatch leaders or talk with your pastoral group leader and take your place patrolling the wall surrounding the Lamb of God. With what is happening in New Zealand today and the advance of evil on many fronts we need to know our wall is strong and is a bulwark for all who need it. As part of the Prayerwatch a weekly update goes out by e-mail each Friday night, so if you do not get it and would like to receive it, please contact me at [email protected]. Soldiers of Christ, Arise, and put your armour on! If you have any comments or questions concerning the Prayerwatch, then please send them to me or give them to one of your branch leaders to send to me. God bless and watch over you all.

Alan McKenzie, National Coordinator - Prayerwatch


SPIRITUAL WARFARE Against strongholds of Apathy, Witchcraft, Confusion and other named spirits. INTERCESSORY PRAYER COMMUNITIES Protect and bless the life and mission of SWORD OF THE SPIRIT, Patmos & Cornerstone Lamb of God [Fiji], Families for Christ [Melbourne], Vanuatu Group, Light of Christ [Nelson], The Covenanted Community For Christ, [Penang & Taiping], FAMILY Auckland: Yvonne D'Souza, Central: Jun & Angie Briguera, Henri & Cutie Zalamea, Joel & Tiza Sison, Robert & Ethel Caballes, Tom & Mhel Caballes, Peter & Stephanie O’Connell, Blenheim: Mark & Mary Jackson, Mike & Cheryl Garrett, Christchurch: Roger & Veronica Foley, Robert & Karin Van Doorn, Darren & Julie Humphries, Tai & De Stirling, Niul & Coila Kay, Lyn Keane, Pauline Marsden, John & Monica Haughey, Annette Sargisson, Chris & Maureen Lyons, Ian & Pārbati Hamilton, Southern: John & Janet MacManus, Mike & Judy Prendeville,

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OTHER NEEDS Auckland: Clifton & Anora D'Costa, Southern: Florence & Susan Quigley, HEALING CANCER Auckland: Central: Ron Blackwell, Blenheim: Carol Cullimore, David Aberhart, Christchurch: Mary Anngow, Robin Corbett, Trevor Wall, Marie Fredericks, Southern: Christine May, HEALING HEART Auckland: Collin Sequeira, Central: Paul Oliver, Blenheim: Chris Fredericks, Philip Middlemiss, Christchurch: Dorelle Ham, Undine Cavanagh, Niul Kay, Andre’a Forster, HEALING Auckland: Winona D'Costa, Mira D'Souza, Peter D'Souza, Fr John Rea, Maria dos Anjos D'Souza, Thomas Hong, Vimath Sequeira, Alwin D’Souza, Joan Lobo, Alfred Saldanha, Shalini Saldanha, Allan D’Souza, Simone D'Mello, Central: Stephanie O’Connell, Jacob Muollo, Henri Zalamea, Aly Fernandes, Jojo and Ellamae Jalandoni, Cutie Zalamea, Blenheim: Peter Greig, Josiah Grieg, Grace Weston, Mike Garrett, Anita Fredericks, Judith Rodgers, Barbara Ryan, Jamie Rodgers, Micah Rodgers, Chris Fredericks, Christchurch: Lisa Borkus, Karin Van Doorn, Chris Aston Grieve, Veronica Foley, Siobhan Forster, Bernie Black, John Murray, Chris Lyons, Monica Haughey, Bronwyn Harborne, Pauline Marsden, Ian Hamilton, David Black, Coila Kay, Southern: Fr Merv McGettigan, Daniel MacManus, Steven & Judy Homes & Family, Rhoda Woodfield, Alan McKenzie, Judy Prendeville, Richard May, Others: Julianne Masilomani, BEREAVEMENT Auckland: Priscilla Martis & family, Fiji: Masilomani Family & Patmos Community, COVERING PRAYER National Council, Kairos Ministries, Branch Life, Lamb of God Centre, Branch Visits, Clustering in Auckland, Ministry of Fr John Rea, Employment of Members, Light of Christ Special Ministry, Wellington branch [sickness among extended family], and the Ashburton Group in Christchurch.

“I have made you a Watchman” Ezekiel 33: 7