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  1. 1. THE KNOWLEDGE BOOKMessages received and transformed into writing by VEDiA BULENT (ONSU) C;ORAK
  2. 2. Published by: "DOnya Karde~lik Birligi Mevlana. VOce Vakfl" "World Brotherhood Union Mevlana Supreme Foundation" P.O.Box : 84, 81072 Suadiye, ISTANBUlfTURKEY Copyright:@> 1996 "DOnya Karde~lik 81rli9i Mevlana YOce Vakfl" "World Brotherhood Union Mevlana Supreme Foundation" Copyright and world rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, or transmitted in any form or through any means including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording Of otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher. In the translations to be made, the Book revealed in Turkish will always be rendered effective as an example and during translation, private or different information will never be added to the Book. Any alterations in the original emblem is out of question in any way. The Second Edition: lanuary 1998 Arrangement: Dunya Karde~1ik Birligi/World Brotherhood Union Printed and Bound by: OHAN MatbaaClhk ISBN : 975-95053-1-2 Ministry of Culture of The Republic of Turkey Code No. B.16.0.KGM.
  3. 3. IT IS NOTICE FROM THE REALITY TOTALITY All the Missionary Staffs who have given covenants for the dissemination Program of the System, have been embodied in different parts of the World especially in this Final Age. However, as well as this, there are also thousands of Entities who Work in different ways in the direction of their Own Channel Impositions. For this reason, The Knowledge Book has been rendered effective as the Single Channel _Single Path _Single Order - Single Truth and this Chaos of the Consciousness has been tried to be prevented as much as possible. In the translation of the Knowledge Book which has been bestowed on Your Planet as the Heralder of the World Totality of the Morrows, and of the Golden Age, into different languages at this moment and in the future years, it will be especially disclosed that the conveyance Source of the Book is the Reality of Unified Humanity Universal Cosmos Unification Totality. And, it has been rendered effective by the name The Knowledge Book from the Channel of Alpha in the World year 1981 in the Anatolian Turkey. It will be placed as a preface in the Books to be translated that the name of the Universal Focal Point established by the Reality for the first time on the World Plan is (World Brotherhood Unio n Universal Unification Center) and that its Center is in Istanbul. In the translations to be made, the Book revea led in Turkish will always be rendered effective as an example and during translation, private or different information will never be added to the Book. Any Alterations in the Original Emblem is out of question in any way. It is presented for your Information. SYSTEM
  4. 4. FOREWORD The integration of all our World Planet by becoming Unified on the Path of Humanity has been taken in hand by our Universal Friends. Celestial assistance is being granted to our Planet on this path. During this Transition Cycle which is called "RESURRECTION", Universal Attainments made by means of the Cosmic Influences cause our Planet to make a progress together with the medium it belongs to. The events being experienced cause aU the Social Consciousnesses to awaken as a mass. Our Sacred Books which had been revealed to us until today according to the Social Views, have prepared the Human Beings of the World for Integration parallel to their own beliefs. This Book, conveyed to you at the moment, is not a Book of Religion. It is a Book which gives you Universal Knowledge and Truth. This book has been given to us by our Universal Friends under the name of "THE KNOWLEDGE BOOK". The source through which it has been revealed is ALPHA, which is the Direct Channel of the LORD, and it has been dictated from the Sacred Focal Point from which all the Books of Religion had been revealed. However, the Period of Religions has come to an end long ago. Now, our Celestial Friends are abolishing Idolatry by telling us all the Truths. The purpose of the dictation of this Book is to gather all the Universe and our Planet in the Consciousness of Humane Integration. The periods of Prophethood have come to an end. From now on, our Planet will be enlightened on the path of Science and Learning. In our Planet, the Golden Age is being established together with the entire Universe Consciousness in a splendid way. The Cosmic Consciousness attained by this means will become stronger in time and will make us attain a brand-new personality, and we will discover the Genuine Human Being in Us. We are walking on this path, believing from the heart that all those efforts rendered for a Flowery World without Wars, will prepare beautiful morrows for our Planet. The Plan for realizing the Universal Unity in this Final Age has been prepared centuries ago. This program is called the "GOLDEN AGE PROGRAM". It has been waited for the Human Consciousnesses to reach a certain Consciousness Level for this program to be able to be applied to our Planet. The time has' come for Humanity which has gained the Ught of Consciousness from micro to macro, walking on the paths of Reincarnation, to be told all the Truths. Humanity who will gather on the One World Platform to be established in the future, will Unite under the roof of a One World State. For this reason, Humanity which has reached a certain Level of Consciousness is projecting a program rendered directly by the Reality of Unified Humanity, to all of the Universal Totalities (including our Planet). The name of this Universal Program in the Totality is the "MEVLANA SUPREME PLAN". And according to this Plan, one day, all Humanity will be United under the same Roof. Under this Roof of Humanity, everyone is brother/sister, of everyone. The ALLAH of this brother/sister Totality is the same. Their Essence is the same. Henceforth, their Religions will not be different, either, since Religious Dimensions have been closed long ago in the Universal Totality. However, during this Dimension of Transition in which Worldly Consciousnesses are in effect, either Religiousor Worldly attachments separate this Unity of Brotherhood/Sisterhood from each other. For this reason, our Planet, on which a great Selection program has been started, is going through and will be going through the most difficult periods of this final Age. In Sacred Books, this time period which is known as the "RESURRECTION" is called the "SALVATION PLAN" in the Universal Program. This Universal Book which has been completed in 12 years under the name of the"GOLDEN BOOK OF THE GOLDEN AGE" and the "KNOWLEDGE BOOKM has been and is being distributed until today all over our Planet as fascicules, according to the wishes of the Celestial Totality. Through this path, we have been reaching Humanity for many years. The name of our group is the"MEVLANA ESSENCE NUCLEUS STAFF". Our Association is called the "WORLD BROTHERHOOD UNION UNIVERSAL UNIFICATION CENTER", Our Foundation is called the"WORLD BROTHERHOOD UNION MEVLANA SUPREME FOUNDATION". Our center is in the city of ISTANBUL in the 1URKEY of ATATURK. It has been announced by the Celestial Authorities that, in future, by this Totality of Ours, common branches will be opened by the Totalities of Anatolia and of the World. Awaiting these happy days with great longing, it gives us pride to Greet our Terrestrial Brothers and Sisters serving on the Universal path. ex
  5. 5. 2-3-1993 Time: 9:05 ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE CENTRAL TOTALITY Message to be Given to Dear Mevlana Dear Mevlana, The Knowledge Book which is the Golden Book of the Golden Age, Bestowed on Your Planet beginning with 1-11-1981 World year, is a Universal Constitution comprising the Total of All the Suggestions of the System and it is a Call of the Skies to Humanity. This Book has been bestowed on Your Planet through Your Pen as the Pen of the Golden Age. This Period in which Your Terrestrial Name is Vedia Bulent OnsO ~orak at this moment, It has been card-indexed in the Special Archive of the Reality Totality that Your Old Name was Mevlana Celaleddini Rumi. The Mesnevi of that period, too, is a Celestial Book of Enlightenment. The aphorisms of the Mesnevi are from you, its Frequency from Us. However, both the Words and the Frequency of the Book, being Connected to the Totalistic Totality by a Special Technique, have been entrusted to Your Pen from a Private Channel connected to the Totality of Reality of Unified Humanity. There is not even the smallest Fragment of Personal Awareness within the Book since Your Consciousness light is connected to the Cosmo as a necessity of the Program during the period You live in. Time will prove the Power of the Book to Humanity. Into this Book to which the command of Publication will be given at the second half of the ending date of 1993 World year in which Individual Selections of the Final Age are still in effect, This Message will be written with Your Original Signature, in Your Handwriting, in Ink and it will be the Seal of the Book as an Official Document. Suggestions Given until the Date November 6, 1993 that is, until the Publication Command of the Book is Given, will also be written in the Book exactly as they are. At the Completion of the Book, a SpeCial Suggestion will be Given by the System. The Acceptance of Our love is Our kind request Our Friend. ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE CENTRAL TOTALITY CORTEGE NOTE: This Message will be added to the Book Together with the Date it has been Received as a Single Page, without Photocopy and thus will be made Official. This Document is the Protective Aura of a Document given on behalf of the Entire Totality and of the Book. MESSAGE RECEIVED BY VEolA BOLENT ONsO C;ORAK (This is the translation of the hand-written Message on the right-hand page)
  6. 6. MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATVRK (1881-1938)
  7. 7. VOLUME I
  9. 9. 1984 First Month Fasclcule 1 IN THE NAME OF THE PRE-EMINENT ALL-MERCIFUL The Text of this Book comprises all the Sacred Books. You will find the Genuine Human Being in this Book. This is the unique Intercontinental Book. And it is revealed by the Universal Authorities with the help of Divine Codes*. All the Divine Books until today were the Guiding Books of Enlightened Genuine Spiritual Guides who came from the Path of Light. These Books were dictated from the Same Channel. Now, during this last Age, it was thought imperative that all Our World Friends should come together under one roof. Thus, this Book is Your Genuine Friend, Your Genuine Brother/Sister. Because, it is dictated by Our Essence Brothers/Sisters. During this difficult time of Your World, everyone has gained a Cosmic Awareness. We believe that Our World Friends who have gained this Consciousness will understand the essence of this Book very quickly. Your World has now opened to the Universe and the Universe has been opened to the World. The texts which are dictated are distributed to the whole Universe Chapter by Chapter. Doors of Worship are the only Doors of God. There is no discrimination there. No matter where You are, always His inextinguishable Sun shines inside us. The LORD for us all is single. That means We are all His Children. For this reason with the Command of the Single LORD the entire Universe is being made to assemble under one Roof. Your World is being prepared for very difficult conditions. Those who are Conscious of this fact know that if We extend our brotherly/sisterly hands with love to everyone, these hands will never be refused. Our God never had the intention of sending Us to the World for Us to Divide it. This Earth will be transformed to Heaven one day by all Our Human Brothers and Sisters. We hope to meet one day in Our Brotherly/Sisterly World. The Code of Alpha is the only Channel which has received the Command to announce everything with all clarity. This Book will explain, from the learning point of view, the subjects You all know (or do not know yet) for everybody to understand them better. Do not forget that all the Books revealed from the Enlightenment Channel had been revealed from the level of Firmament. These Sacred Books are the New Testament. the Old Testament, the Psalms of David, the Religions of the far East and the Koran. The actual Purpose of these Sacred Books is to give a Message to Our Human Brothers and Sisters in the Light of Learning. Look at the G lossary.
  10. 10. However, those Sacred Books were later deviated from their Actual Purpose and were Degenerated. Now, (ALL THE BOOKS BElWEEN THE FIRST BOOK AND THE LAST BOOK ARE JOINED IN THIS BOOK). And it is presented to the Universe as The Single Sacred Book. Now, We are sure that the flowers on the flowery paths We are treading will not ever wither again. Because, We are Secure. These Sacred Books have Enlightened You until today and have prepared You for a certain Medium. This is the most Honest step You will take towards the path of Love, Friendship and Brotherhood*. Do not forget that the Spirit has neither Age, nor Sex, nor Nationality. OESUS CHRIST _MOSES - MOHAMMED WERE ONCE UNIVERSAL BROTHERS.) They had been sent with the Command that they should gather their World Brothers and Sisters together, and to Enlighten them. Now, We have long passed those difficult periods in which they had lived. Do not ever forget that We are no more in the Middle Ages. In this Space Age Mankind has already formed their Divine Triangles in proportion with the Consciousness they have attained. Now, the Divine Mission of Humanity on the path of Learning has begun. This Book is being prepared with this very Purpose. With love to Our Brothers and Sisters. PEN OF THE GOLDEN AGE P.G.A. D